View Full Version : 2 immovable rods

2022-01-14, 06:28 PM
I'm a 7th level winged tiefling wizard. I just picked up a 2nd immovable rod. What are some things I can do now that I couldn't do before?

2022-01-14, 06:30 PM
Infinite ladder/monkey bars.

2022-01-14, 06:30 PM
Build ladders?

2022-01-14, 06:41 PM
You have a chair anywhere you go.

2022-01-14, 06:41 PM
Infinite ladder/monkey bars.
In case this needs explaining: You can lock one rod in place while you move the other rod somewhere else. This allows you to travel through the air by alternating the rods. For example, to use them as a ladder, you would alternating locking one rod in place and then passing the other rod above (or below, if descending) to become the next rung on the ladder. As you alternate, each rod becomes the next rung while the other rod holds you in place and keeps you suspended in the air. Monkey bars are the same concept, but for horizontal travel.

2022-01-14, 06:53 PM
Yeah the ladder/monkey bars is great but I can already fly so it's not super relevant to me. Though I could lend them to another party member so that they don't need me to carry them when we cross a gap or what have you. I already use the one immovable rod as a chair, sometimes just flying up to somewhere placing the rod and sitting on it. But I guess I could make a more comfortable chair or have a back.

Oh I can make a hammock now since I've 2. Yes, from now on every rest is happening in a hammock suspended in midair. Probably a little over 1000 ft so I have a couple rounds to get up in case something happens to make the rods deactivate.

Anyways good ideas so far, please keep em coming.

2022-01-14, 07:45 PM
Yeah, most of the things you can do with a rod can be achieved with just one rod. For two rods, the major difference is (a) you move one rod while keeping the other locked in place (e.g. ladder/monkey bars), and (b) you can secure two different points (e.g. hammock). I can't really think of anything else you would be able to do with two rods, but I'm sure if you keep your eyes open you might find opportunities to use them.

2022-01-14, 07:47 PM
Hold a set of Double doors shut
Anchor a rope across a chasm where there are no handy tie downs (you can fly to the other side)
Rig up a hinged ratchet set for a load bearing slow flying machine (monkey bar trick but over engineered!)
Climbing net can be anchored to both points to make for a rigging type thing instead of a rope
Zipline tours, or other cable transit things for moving loads over distances
Lock down a wagon by putting a bar on either end (or above and below)
Fulcrum and arm lock for a portable trebuchet (Put a bearing around one, put it in a long sturdy pole, put the other inside of stone chucking end as a locking mechanism)
Portable manacle anchors: Attach a set of chains to either one, position the bars such that the chains are too short for them to pull themselves up (because the bottom will go taught) and when they hang they can't reach the bottom. Or if you're not a monster you could go left and right instead of up and down.
Portable children's swingset

2022-01-14, 08:02 PM
Knock an enemy prone, put a rod on their chest and keep them down.

During rests, make a hammock for yourself anywhere.

Keep a door that doesn’t have a lock on it closed.

Set up a trip wire style trap at any height.

If you need a medicine check, ask the DM if you can use them to restrict blood flow.

Set up a fishing line for some extra food.

2022-01-15, 08:46 AM
Plus, of course, you can double the weight/force limit, for holding really big things. Or do the same things you can do with one, in two different places at once.

2022-01-16, 03:56 PM
Clothesline an ettin

Make a giant slingshot

2022-01-16, 04:23 PM
How about a nice big float scaffold, so the entire party can safely rest a few hundred feet in the air?