View Full Version : Optimization Is Flyby Breath and Strafing Breath worth it?

Max Caysey
2022-01-18, 02:45 PM
So, I was looking at building some dragon... I was looking at these two feats.

I was wondering if they are worth it? It would seem that the 3.5 version of Flyby Attack allows for use of breath weapon the same way flyby breath does... it would not look like that is worth it... what might I be missing?

What about strafing breath? It seems like a niche utility at best?


2022-01-18, 05:10 PM
Flyby Breath lets you take a double move, Flyby Attack only lets you do a normal move and still uses your regular standard to do the breath. Questionable utility there, but it is an improvement, and could be relevant if you're trying to do breath kiting/strafing run tactics where you want to end your movement as far away from your targets as you can to limit their ability to engage you or shoot back.

Strafing Breath is for replicating those movie scenes where a dragon torches an entire city street or the front line of an army in a single pass. It's not likely to be super useful in adventurer-scale encounters, although dragons with Line breaths might find it useful, because otherwise the default Line basically only hits one square when you aim down.. would probably be better off taking Shape Breath from Draconomicon and just switching to a cone for that case tho.