View Full Version : Flight From the Ruins of Earth IC

Dusk Raven
2022-01-18, 08:46 PM
It's the greatest fleet in human history. Hundreds of ships, composed of all types – gunboats, cruisers, battleships, carriers, and countless types of civilian vessel. But the most common type is the egg-shaped Ark Vessel, each as big as a carrier and each loaded with millions of cryo-pods, for safely transporting humanity through the stars without worrying about food, water, or oxygen supplies.

Yet, despite the number of Ark ships, there still aren't enough cryo pods for humanity, not yet. But at the center of the fleet, a shipyard built around an asteroid works tirelessly to fix that problem. Already one of the ship frames is nearing completion. It will be added to the fleet within 24 hours. Also under construction are the means to defend the Ark ships on their journey: warships of all sizes. Deeper inside, internal facilities work on the construction of new, advanced mecha.

When the fleet is finished, it will be a formidable sight – and yet, still a shadow of the Zanti fleet that razed Earth.

But what else is humanity to do, but to build as much as they can?

On this hour, one Ark ship breaks from the pack, accompanied by a single warship, and its cargo of a single squad of mecha. Though few in number, these mecha are part of the newly formed Phoenix Company. Once, mecha as advanced as theirs were elite, solitary units, deployed with larger forces to assist wherever they were needed. Now, there are enough of them to form entire squads, able to deploy entirely on their own – and with the strength of a whole company of lesser mecha.

And yet, as with numbers, the best that humanity can come with still can't hold a candle to what the Zanti technology can produce. But... as a Zantus ace once proclaimed across communication channels and battle lines, “It's not the mech that matters, but the pilot inside.”

Aboard the Defiant, in a small conference room, the ship's senior officers – and the mecha pilots it carries – watch a viewscreen. On the screen is Phoenix Company's commander, Commodore Trask – though, from the looks of him, he probably would barely have made Captain, before the razing of Earth and the deaths of so many senior officers. Despite his youthful appearance, seemingly no older than his early 30s, his voice is measured, even, and confident, even as he brushes his sharp red hair out of his face and adjusts his black hat.

“First of all,” he says, “Congratulations on becoming part of Phoenix Company, Delta Squad. The Defiant will be your base of operations for the foreseeable future. We've made sure that the Defiant has stores of everything your mechs might need, from repairs to ammunition.” He offers a slight smile before continuing.

“Your first mission may be uneventful, however. The Ark ship Detroit is heading to the frontier colony on Galvas II to persuade them to evacuate. The colony has around twenty thousand inhabitants and has minimal defenses, so it'll be up to you to defend them if a Zanti force shows up. It will only take a few days to evacuate the colony, however, so odds are slim that a Zanti force will show up in that time – assuming they even care about the colony at all.

“This will, however, give those of you with new technology a chance to test out your mechs.” He frowns as slightly as he smiled. “The techs say everything works, but in my experience, 'cutting-edge tech' means '****ty first version' so consider deploying even if the enemy hasn't shown up yet, just to make sure everything works as advertised.

“Otherwise, this mission will be a simple one. After negotiations, the Detroit will descend to the planet's surface to load up the colonists and whatever equipment they can't leave behind. If the Zanti show up, you'll likely have a choice of either battling them in space, or on the surface with the aid of the colony defenses... such as they are. According to colony records, they have only a few tanks and fighter craft – enough to provide support perhaps, but not enough to halt a determined attack.”

He adjusts his hat again, and smiles. “Now, any questions?”

Inspector Valin
2022-01-19, 05:32 AM
Sabir's been oddly quiet and intent for a while. These last few days the Zantus pilot's been all laughter, loud music playing through the hanger and celebrations but sitting in the briefing room has left Sab feeling somber. Worse, she's feeling responsible. She's used to just rushing in, not paying attention and figuring stuff out on the field. But when you're part of a squad, and the stakes are this high. She has to be one of the people thinking this stuff through now. As such she takes her shaded glasses off, and the green skinned ace looks up towards Commodore Trask. "Any chance of the negotiations going wrong?"

That... might be tactless. Is that tactless? Implying they can't stay together? Zanti wouldn't hold together too well like this, but these humans pride themselves on unity... This whole situation is weird. Sab shakes her head, trying to look respectful. "You're talking like they're pretty much done, Commie: I get that. But if something stupid does happen, and we're planetside, the locals will have us right there for target practice. 'Get off our world, we ain't movin' an' all. And while I'm down for a quick round or two, having to rough up our backup before Clan Whoever shows up to wipe 'em out is a problem."

Sure it'd be fun, and so would an actual round of fight testing with the Star's current outfit. But right now Sab's at least trying to be serious and respectful and think through the mission objectives, in a way she hasn't done since she was riding with her blood. She's still looking to Trask. "Ain't trying to talk bad on the Detroit: sure they're good at the table. Just trying to understand something I still ain't sure I get, if that makes sense. They just talking specifics, or are Galvas folk thinking they can weather the storm?"

2022-01-20, 07:02 AM
"Hey, you still with us?" Mizumi whispered quietly to Reya.

"Yes, I'm paying attention." Reya quickly whispered back without taking here eyes of he briefing room's large screen. "The alien actually made a good point, if this evacuation isn't a done deal yet, this mission could get off the rails fast." She added the observation to convince her worried friend that she hadn't been drifting off in bad memories again.

"So you did notice their presence? I wasn't quite sure." Mizumi observed quietly. Even without turning her head Reya knew that her comment had pushed back her friends worries, at least for now. In truth, she'd struggled to keep her focus outside the cockpit ever since losing the rest of throne squadron during the defence of earth. Reya knew she shouldn't blame herself for that, that it had been a miracle that she and Mizumi had even...

A jab in Reya's side brought her back to the present. A glance to the side revealed that Mizumi was looking at her with a worried cast to her eyes. "I'll be fine, Zumi." Reya whispered to her friend.

"Just need to focus on what's ahead..." she added, too quiet for anyone but herself to hear.

Dusk Raven
2022-01-20, 06:07 PM
As Mizumi and Reya spoke among themselves, Commodore Trask addressed Sabir. "You're asking if the colonists might go so far as to fire on you?" He shakes his head, smiling a little. "Unlikely. They might not be the type to give up their land easily, but I doubt they'd go so far as to fire on you first, and even if they did, they're no match for you. And they'll likely know it." His smile fades. "Even so, the Detroit will remain in orbit until negotiations are concluded, partly just to be safe, and partly because they'll want to make sure there's actually a point to going through re-entry. And there is a good chance the colonists - some of them, anyway - won't want to go. A lot of people went to the frontier colonies to get away from the central Earth governments, after all, and they won't be pleased to see ships coming to take them from their homes." He sighs. "Let's just hope they're rattled enough by what happened to Earth that they'll consider leaving rather than trying to go it alone."

Inspector Valin
2022-01-20, 06:32 PM
Sab nods, listening closely to Trask's words. She snorts at the point about the matchup, a brief smile gracing her face before the somber nature of the topic returns. "I get that. No one likes the big guy showing up, telling you what to do, and they damn well don't like leavin their home behind. Even if we get 'em to go, a buncha bitter folks waiting for pods ain't going to make the Ark project easier. Nowhere worse for an argument than a ship - you're locked up together, nowhere else to go, no way they're getting outta there either..."

Even given the subject matter, she's starting to get the feeling she should try and liven things up. After trailing off briefly Sabir stomps her feet upon the deck, a lock of resolve in her eyes. "Well, we'll do what we can, right squad?" She looks around the table at her new comrades, sharing a... perhaps too wide grin that shows pointed teeth. Reassurance isn't Sabir's strong suite, no matter how hard she tries. "Offer folks respect and what help we can, maybe we can smooth things over a bit. Humie, Zanthus - a little understanding, little bitta good manners does wonders."

2022-01-21, 12:47 AM
Mara is silent through the first part of this particular discussion, nursing the headache she seems to be getting frequently since the battle for Earth. When the conversation turns to colonists, she finally chimes in. "The Captain is right in my experience. Generally colonial types are very independent, but it is hard to get the guns and the testicular fortitude to fire on mecha with any hopes of success."

She laughs, and then winces in pain, at Sabir's mention of good manners. "Most of us 'humies' are career military, so you might be our best choice for smoothing things over. And I've seen your table manners, Sabir."

Inspector Valin
2022-01-21, 04:09 AM
Sab gets a loud booming laugh at the accusation, turning to Mara with a shake of the head. "Hey, I stand by that! All that mucking about, going slow - that's weird. You wanna respect the cook, you down it quick! Enthusiasm! You pull that sitting around, take it slow stuff with a Zanthus cook, he'll beam you over the head with his pot for letting his hard work go cold!"

The green skinned pilot chuckles heartily at that, before leaning back in her chair with a sigh. "'zoss, are you right though, Mar? Should I be the one talking? Or was that just a joke?"

2022-01-21, 06:04 AM
"It would be funny to let you take the lead on convincing the colonists, Sabir." Mizumi joined in on the light-hearted discussion. "But I've heard these colonists in particular have something against the color green, so I'm afraid we'll have to settle for someone without your undeniable charm."

"Sir, do we have any information on Zantus forces near the colony? If trouble does arise, what should we expect?" Reya addressed the commodore, ignoring the banter going on around her.

Inspector Valin
2022-01-21, 06:18 AM
"Aaand that's why I do my best talking from behind a console, Mizi! Loud as possible, and so no one can see my stupid face." Sab chuckles, enjoying the banter though she seems content to leave it at that - not seriously looking to pursue the negotiating idea unless asked. That really did seem awkward.

2022-01-21, 03:06 PM
"Speculation about the scenario we'll run into is fine and all, but let's not forget we're on clock people.
Simple escort mission, out and back, we've got the destination and the rendezvous. If there are no further questions we'll get started," Mattias says as he looks over the charts.

His face is turned enough to hide the smirk from Mara. Guess someone forgot this ship was almost entirely crewed by former raiders. It was quite the argument session what to do with them, but his opinion was that the Defiant and crew were useful enough to be worth the trouble. Didn't mean a few grudges didn't persist.

"And Sabir stills keeps pace with half my crew at the table," he says with a chuckle.

Dusk Raven
2022-01-21, 06:45 PM
"No word of Zanti forces in the immediate area of the colony -- and it's not directly on the border of Zanti territory." Trask waves a hand dismissively. "Of course, it's not like distance is much of a problem for the Zanti - they skipped over dozens of worlds on their way to Earth, after all. Keep on your guard." Warpspace technology, and the vastness of space, meant it was hard to intercept ships on their way to a destination. The group likely wouldn't be warned of approaching forces until they warped into orbit. "I'm no expert on Zanti psychology, but I doubt they'll assign a large force to destroying such a small colony. Nor will they be expecting an elite team there.

"In any event, as Captain Harlown said, you have your orders." He adjusts his hat one last time. "Follow the Detroit, and protect both them and the colony if the enemy shows up. Commodore Trask out."

And with that, the viewscreen went blank, leaving the crew and team to themselves.

I can skip ahead to your arrival in the target system, or you can continue to RP if you'd like.

Inspector Valin
2022-01-21, 07:39 PM
"Heh, what can I say, Matty! Y'lot are more my people than half the clanners I've run with."

Sab chuckles to the good Captain as an aside. As the group disperse to get ready for the jump, the zi Jhan ace pulls herself upright and starts making her way over to the bay to start diagnostics on proud Seventh Desert Star. Soon enough guitar chords fill the space nearby as the Zanthus flexes her mech's joints, making sure everything is ready to go. Iridescent light passes through the cables, shifting through blues, reds and yellows that tell of the full power it can unleash when pushed.

Hopefully this will just be a bottle run. Hopefully. But if it wasn't, and some knucklehead no-name clan do show up... well, she's a member of the Phoenix Squad now. Her new team can outdo whatever some bunch of minor Zanti can bring, and she'll be right there at the head of the charge.

We will fight. And we will grow. Kaitar ain't reserved for the clans. Or hell, it ain't even jus' for Zanti.

2022-01-22, 04:44 AM
"What can I say. The Captain ran one hell of a ship," Mattias declared before he signaled the helmsman to lay course.

It was true. The Defiant's crew were rough and unconventional, the ship itself was an older model, but they had lived rough and scrapped with both Humans and Zanti alike for years for everything they had.

He had personally vetted every person that was sent to the Defiant's crew, not wanting conflicts over petty past grievances to clog up the engines. It still threw him a bit of a loop to see the Zanti pilot aboard but it wasn't the first time he had met one face to face.

He just hoped they filled in the position of the former Ace Team. Humanity could use the morale boost.

"Alright people, we know where we're headed and we know the job," Mattias called out over the ship's intercom. "Easy milk run but let's not get complacent. Anyone goofing off too badly gets the privilege to spacewalk and clean the bridge windows."

2022-01-22, 05:55 AM
"The captain doesn't seem particularly superstitious." Mizumi and Reya where making a short tour of the hangar before seeing to their own preparations. "Captain Eizen would never have dared to say a mission was simple before the entire thing was done. I honestly don't know if this is a good or bad thing though." Mizumi mused.

"Unless he's lax in his preparations for contingencies, I'd say a more rational approach is definitely for the better." Reya responded. She had never really put much stock in the sailor's superstitions common on the vessels she'd served on before.

"Hmmm, I don't know. If this mission turns out far more complicated than expected I am definitely blaming him for jinxing us." Mizumi shot back with a smile. "So, what do you think?" She added in a more serious tone as they completed their little tour. "It's a mixed bunch of pilots, to say the least, but..."

"They seem..." Reya mused over her words for a moment. "'unique?' I'm not worried about any of them running, but getting everyone to work together as one unit will be a headache."

"Those jokes during the briefing didn't have that edge to them that you get when people are trying to mask nerves. That's good, they'll be steady under fire." Mizumi nodded, satisfied that her friend's assessment was comparable with her own. "You're not worried about Sabir either?"

"There are many things I can say about the Zanti, but they don't seem the type to use infiltration and sabotage. All fights against them so far have been fairly straightforward..." Reya's voice trailed off as memories of the one fight that definitely had been anything but rose unbidden. She managed to push those images back again and continued her thought. "Maybe she'll decide she doesn't like the fights we get into, but I expect her to just leave us then, rather than stab us in the back."

"Hmmm, I've got the feeling she's got a bit of a personal stake in all this, and it's not just that she's looking for interesting fights." Mizumi sounded thoughtful. "But it's good to hear she's not a worry to you."

Reya stopped in front of their Mech. The crimson form of Throne 1 towered over them, the mech bristling with weaponry. "Do I really seem that 'off' to you?" She asked her friend without meeting her eyes. "You've been giving me a lot of worried looks."

"Well...." Mizumi took a moment to choose her words carefully. "You seem distracted. In like, a different way than usual. Normally when you seem like you're not paying attention it's because you're planning something, or thinking about the future or something like that. But these last weeks..." Her voice trailed off as she stepped in front of her friend, catching her distant gaze with her own.

Reya managed to hold Mizumi's gaze for several moments before glancing away. She hated that she was worrying her friend so much, especially at a time when she should be standing strong in the face of all they where dealing with. "I'll be fine, I promise. You don't need to worry about me." She managed to force a brittle smile. "Really, I'll get over this."

Reya's friend sighed. "Just... promise to ask for help if you need it."

"I promise, Zumi." Reya answered, maybe a little too quickly. "Now, come on, we've still got a lot of pre-flight checks to complete." Reya started clambering up the mech's side to get to the cockpit as guitar music started drifting through the hangar, coming from Sabir's mech.

2022-01-22, 08:06 PM
For the entire briefing the android stood in the corner, seemingly deactivated. It was only when everyone left that the last member of the squad shifted ever so slightly and seemed to come to life. To itself he said "Good, a group of organics to serve. And a lively batch they are." The last to leave the conference room, the android started to head towards the hanger. It stayed out of the way of the crew, giving each of them a nod as he passed them, and paused in front of the smallest mecha in the hanger, barely two feet taller than the pilot was, and steeled himself for the coming task of keeping the squad alive long enough to get the job done and back to the ship.

2022-01-25, 12:00 AM
And with that, it was time to pilot again. Mara makes her way down to the hangar where Old Red Eyes is waiting, exchanging pleasantries with a few members of the medical staff she recognizes. The rest of the walk is spent in thoughtful silence as she considers her new team's makeup and how she fits in to it. Really only Reya has the marks of what Mara considers a real pilot, but she knows she'll have to get over that prejudice soon with how devastated the Earth's forces are. Frankly, just having Sabir around is hard enough when every muscle in her body is screaming to shoot her down for what the Zanti did.

Stewing solves nothing, Mara whispers as she stops in front of her mecha, balling her hands into fists. "And Sabir's been vetted enough times already. So stop that."

She looks around at the mechanics nearby and gestures for one of them. "Alright. Take me up."

Dusk Raven
2022-01-25, 05:55 PM
The team gets themselves to their mechs, ready to launch, just in case they finish the warp jump and find the colony under attack. Meanwhile, the Defiant and the Detroit prep their warp drives, preparing for the journey.

Warp drives were marvelous, if finicky devices. They allow a ship to traverse massive distances in only a few moments. The downside, of course, is that the further away the jump, the greater the distance they would arrive off-target. It wasn't a matter of "if" - it was "how far away." For that reason, every interstellar jump happened in stages. First, the biggest of the jumps, the interstellar jump. The actual target of this jump was somewhere beyond a system's Oort Cloud. The reason for this was that, if they tried to warp directly into a planet's orbit, not only would they not arrive there, but there was too great a risk of accidentally warping too close to the system's sun. So, the standard procedure was to go for a more distant destination.

Thus, after the first jump, the Defiant finds itself at around the same distance to the Galvas system's orange sun as Pluto would be to Earth. The Detroit is nowhere to be seen, but that's to be expected. Next is a jump aimed outside Galvas II's orbit, away from its two small moons. This too goes without a hitch. There, the Defiant waits for the Detroit to appear in a low orbit, the final jump is aimed not too close alongside it. And thus, the Defiant appears beside its partner ship on this mission, observing as the Detroit opens communications with the colony.

And then, the waiting begins.

Below, on the surface, a town hall meeting is convened, where the colony officials first speak with the Detroit's negotiators. A day passes, and the meeting is opened up to citizens. Arguments are heard, pros and cons are weighed. Some are in favor of evacuating, but there is a sizable contingent that wishes to say.

Another day passes -- and then, the Detroit's negotiators get a new bargaining chip, as a trio of Zanti light carriers warps into orbit, one after another, not far from where the Detroit and Defiant maintain their orbit. Out of weapons' range... but too close to be a coincidence. Zanti warp technology is more refined than humanity's, and they probably only needed two jumps in order to go right where they wanted.

The honorable thing to do, according to many clans' interpretation of Kaitar, would be to launch all the forces one intends to commit -- to let both sides see the forces they're fighting against. This clan, whichever it is, seems to hold to that interpretation, and even though they're not in engagement range yet, a trickle of mecha starts to emerge from each carrier's underside hanger. When the deployment is finished, the total force stands at 13 - four basic Rigels, (https://www.deviantart.com/xperimental00/art/Rigel-146590405) 4 more advanced Alphards, (https://www.deviantart.com/xperimental00/art/Alphard-156161751) 4 smaller Arcturi, (https://www.artstation.com/artwork/1rrmq) and a single advanced Betelgeuse (https://www.artstation.com/artwork/yaeRO) that dwarfs the other mecha.

Thus arrayed, they await their foe's response. One other important aspect of this show of force is to allow the enemy a chance to withdraw, once they see what they fight.

It doesn't take the Zanti long to realize that the Detroit isn't readying its warp drive.

Inspector Valin
2022-01-25, 07:47 PM
"Say hello to Clan Zukasai, Phoenix Squad." Sabir mutters into their closed channel, her eyes narrow as she looks over the deploying mechs. It's time to finally fight her kin for these aliens. This is a moment. But she has to try and keep her squad aware. "Low tier clan looking to make a name for themselves. Hence going for a target of opportunity. They've reasonable honour, but won't put Kaitar above common sense. Overwhelming firepower or dirty tricks, and they'll respond in kind."

Sab takes a second, scrunching her face. She has to do this properly, like her old forward in the clan might. Clenching her fist above the Star's controls, she opens a familiar comm channel to greet her blood from this new clan. "Hail kin of Zukasai! The roar of the Doz preceeds you." Any of her squad listening might be surprised at Sabir's tone - she's much more dignified and formal all of a sudden. She has the manner of a speaker, not the lacadasical smartmouth, though as she goes on a touch of her fire returns. "Sabir zi Jahn, once of Hojing, once of Xiao. Now of Earth, and the Phoenix Clan: serving in the Delta band. I welcome you to the Galvas system. Seventh Desert Star is ready to greet you with fire and passion, as are my companions!"

[roll0] Diplomacy! Sabir's trying to create a good impression with the Zukasai: specifically any commander willing to listen on the open comm. She's not trying to stop a fight, but figures being treated with honour will lessen the stakes a bit, make them more inclined to back off with a bloody nose rather than taking this too far

Dusk Raven
2022-01-25, 08:28 PM
There's a slight pause. Then, on the same comm line, a feminine voice answers. "A Zantus among humans? How unusual. I am Baegyl Divas, of clan Zukasai. It pleases us that there are more defenders than we expected here. Despite the Chosen's wishes, there is neither honor nor glory in attacking an undefended colony." The tone isn't quite as formal as Sabir's, though still polite. "Tell us, cousin, formerly of clans Hojing and Xiao. Do you still conduct battle according to Kaitar? Or, like the humans you have allied with, will you fight with every means at your disposal? You honor us with your address, will you honor us further with regulated combat?" The voice carries no expectation or hope in its tone.

2022-01-26, 04:34 AM
As soon as the enemy craft are shown Mattias already has the crew running threat assessments.

Everything from the count, to the size of the enemy carriers compared to the Defiant is considered, before he pulls Sabir up on the viewscreen.

This encounter alone tells him that their Chosen has decided to continue the hunt, he's fine allowing her to continue the talk for now.

"Find out if we defeat them in regulated combat, if they will withdraw."

Really, if they could manage that then he would be happy. If it comes to an all out fight then he'd be damned sure to leverage whatever he could to win.

Inspector Valin
2022-01-26, 05:09 AM
The question gets a warm, hearty laugh from Sabir. It's a friendlier reaction than she'd expected, and while 'do you still have enough honour for an even fight' was a little insulting, accepting Hojing as a clan made up for it. (and the circumstances made it a fair question) She nods to Mattias, barely looking to his picture on her viewscreen, her focus still on the newly deployed mecha. Her tone drifts a little into her more regular manner as she continues, going from reverent courtier to an outworlds drawl. "Well! My answer would be yes, and I'd give it at the top of my lungs. However I don't just speak for myself now. An alliance ain't worth much if I buck their wants first chance I get: the humans here'd have to agree. And whatever I might tell them of the honor of the Xanti and the respect of Kaitar, the... incident at Earth has left them not exactly happy to trust us at our word. Plus, you looking to take on on an undefended colony isn't going to help them buy in, even if you're doing it at the Chosen's say. They ain't Duoss' children after all."

After all, those same Chosen had ordered a world annihilated not too long ago. Sab hums, her formal manner starting to return as she transitions the conversation into practicalities. "What're you thinking for terms and stakes, worthy of Divas? One to one? A series of duels and we go by the final score? What've the Chosen charged you with here anyway? Who among our lord's own is concerned with a minor colony that can't put up a fight?"

While waiting on that, Sab switches quickly back to the squad channel, looking to give some perspective to Delta and the Defiant as quickly as she could before swapping back to the open channel. "Kiatar mandates as close to an even match-up as possible. It's a potential easier end to this, and means less risk of crossfire for the colony and Detroit. Nice quick and clean is tempting but I ain't putting my feelings and name above your people's needs. I don't think Baggy'd break the result unless we cheat, so I say it's worth a shot, but..." But that's asking the humans to bank on Xanti honour. And potentially to uphold the result if they lose. The others can practically hear Sabir's face turn grim as she accepts that this decision goes beyond her. "Like I said, I ain't bucking the pack. No point doing it if you ain't onboard anyway. You'd rather we keep formation, we keep formation."

2022-01-27, 11:27 AM
"Heh, so now we have Sabir doing diplomacy after all." Mizumi chuckled, remembering the little exchange during the briefing. "I don't know how I feel about fighting by Zanti rules though."

"It depends on the exact rules of engagement." Reya replied, both to her co-pilot and to Sabir. "Looking at their currently deployed forces I think the Throne could clear the chaff fairly quickly, so even in an all-out-fight they shouldn't have the numbers advantage for too long." Reya had cross-checked the profiles of the hostile mechs against their database as soon as they appeared to determine the best way to employ the Throne's arsenal. "But if fighting their way tilts the odds further in our favor, I won't say no to that. On the other hand, I'm not risking the colonists down there on a 'fair' fight if it places us at a disadvantage compared to going at this the usual way."

2022-01-28, 04:30 AM
Hazlik went over his pre-flight checklist one last time as Montgomery finished warming up. He said over comms "I'd appreciate the opportunity to do a team fight versus one on one. I'm mostly support. Even if Montgomery gets destroyed I'll have him back and working in under half a standard day." Once the tiger-sized mecha was up and active the android waited for confirmation, pacing away in the hanger bay while already planning on what factories and labs to set up during the evacuation.

Dusk Raven
2022-01-28, 07:08 PM
When Sabir switches channels again, Divas hails her. "Since the humans are less acquainted with Kaitar than we, perhaps a simple team fight would be best. Our Alphards and my Betelgeuse against four of your mecha. Both side's carriers are to remain out of this." This is typical for Zanti fights - their carriers, while armed, are largely meant as support and not direct combat. "From the scans we've conducted... your mecha aren't exactly standard issue for humans, and I expect they'll pose quite a challenge."

Inspector Valin
2022-01-29, 06:23 PM
Sabir laughs heartily at that understatement. "Oh, I'm down for that! Captain, you okay to sit this one out in the name of an even fight?"

It means this shakedown can't quite test the squad's full efficiency, but it'll be close. Plus, if things don't go well, that'll leave the Defiant at full capacity, vurses the Xanti retaining their less potent units. She's pretty sure their carrier has more than enough firepower to be a nasty surprise for their opponents if that becomes necessary.

2022-01-29, 09:06 PM
"Not a huge fan of the idea, but I'll allow it," Mattias acknowledged on the private line.

Honestly, he should probably get the colonist's input, but this was a bit time sensitive.

"Just make sure you don't lose," he challenged the pilots.

2022-01-30, 03:46 AM
"That offer definitely works out in our favor." Reya considered. "But that's assuming my estimate of their unit's strength is accurate. If it's not... Well, if it's not we're in for a nasty surprise however we decide to fight this." She muted her microphone and let out a sigh. She disliked the feeling of uncertainty. It is not that she doubted Mizumi's or her own abilities, or even those of the rest of the squad. A year ago she would have considered the fight pretty much a done deal already, but now...

"Seems like a pretty fair offer. Throne is in favor, how about everyone else?" Mizumi's voice announcing their collectives decision curt through the fog that was threatening to consume Reya's mind again. She frowned at her copilot making the call, but it was not like she disagreed.

"Sabir, my estimate is that this would heavily stack things in our favor. What reasons would our opponent have to think that this would be a fair fight?" Reya asked the Zanti pilot, wanting to make sure she wasn't overlooking anything.

Inspector Valin
2022-01-30, 12:50 PM
Sabir grimaces at that remark - 'zoss, if the Zanti had heard that... By the time she responds on the squad channel however, she's managed to regain a mostly composed manner. "Even numbers, and it's not like they're pitching in the Rigels and putting their rookies at risk. The best of theirs against the best of ours. Short of running a bunch of stats, it's the most even matchup that puts as many warriors in the ring as possible. It's what I'd suggest - even if they lose, a few good showings will take the sting off."

Simple analysis given, Sab takes a second... before twisting the knife a little. "Plus, you're assuming nothing in there has a Metazai core. That's dangerous. On that logic, the Star ain't equal to any of 'em. If that Baegyl-geuse is advanced enough, it could be a monster." And of course, that prospect seems to leave Sabir more excited than anything. She doesn't seriously suspect as much from minor clan Zukasai, but you never know.

2022-01-30, 07:35 PM
"Red Eyes is not in favor," Mara broadcasts on the squad frequency. "Fighting fair is a quick way to get dead. Or worse, get your whole squad dead."

She shakes her head, annoyed with herself that the joke she made wound up becoming reality. "I say we pretend to go along with Kaitar, have the Defiant drift into range, and then start blasting the mecha they held in reserve once they're distracted by the duels."

2022-01-31, 06:09 AM
The Good Doctor called out over squad frequency "Montgomery voting in favor. Less combatants means less patching up. If they have a core then perhaps we'll get lucky enough to grab it. It would help with future reinforcements when we get the opportunity to build them." There was no question in his statements, simply fact that at some point there'll be an opportunity to create something grand.

Inspector Valin
2022-01-31, 08:19 AM
Sabir grows ice-cold at that. She can understand the emotion from Mara, she might feel the same in her position, but all the same... her voice wavers as she responds, trying to sound as collected as she can. "Play it that way, you'll make an enemy of the Zukasai, and any Clan willing to listen to them. What happened at Earth split our people, but you start acting all ruthless and breaking deals, they're just gonna think wiping out humanity was the right call all along."

Sabir's voice grows cold as she gets into the second reason this was a bad idea. "The units they're not fielding will be their rookies and transports. A bunch of unbloodied new warriors, mechanics, cooks, comm officers. Are you sure they're the people you want to be killing with a sneak attack, Red Eyes?"

2022-02-01, 11:03 AM
"Red Eyes, what tactical advantage do you hope to gain with your proposed strategy?" Reya's voice was calm, dispassionate even. " The enemy proposes a fight in which they are sacrificing significantly more firepower than we do. I don't see how refusing to go along with this will work out in our favor. Or do you believe adding the Defiant into the fight, taking into account your proposed first strike, will outweigh the Zanti reserve forces and carriers which would otherwise be kept out of it? Because I'm not so certain."

2022-02-02, 07:59 PM
"Enough bickering," Mattias calls into the comm, unwilling to let the discussion go farther for the time being. "Current tactical plan is a duel, our forces against theirs. We may not know everything they can do, but you can be damned sure that Honor and Glory are lesser motivations than the survival of an entire race."

"As of now this is a war games scenario and the Defiant will sit back and monitor the situation. If I make the call to withdraw or regroup, do so. Don't play heroes, cover each other."

"Now Sabir, while we have a minute. What do these rules say about using the Defiant repair bays to rearm and resupply during this? Also on the recovery of disabled units."

Two paths to take both with many downsides either way. From shakedown run to the first serious decision since joining with the Fleet.

"Comms, get the Detroit on. I wanna know how those negotiations are going."

2022-02-03, 12:27 AM
Mara bites down a comment about dead Human non-coms when Mattias comes onto the comms. "If that's how you want to play it, fine. Commodore Trask put you and the Defiant in command of the squad and I respect that, so I'll follow orders," she says. "But after what I saw during the battle for Earth, after what they did to the Human race, I have no issues backstabbing, betraying, and ambushing the Zanti whenever necessary to get an edge over them."

2022-02-03, 04:32 AM
"I understand and I can respect that, but we have the ability to limit the forces deployed and have the focus solely on active combatants. I'd rather not bring this to the ground or get the Detroit caught in the skirmish." Mattias tries to explain. "There's a lot of faith being put on you all. We're buying the time those colonists need, and if I feel the need the Defiant WILL get involved," he finishes.

Inspector Valin
2022-02-03, 03:54 PM
And if you do, you're gonna prove the Chosen right.

Sabir looks grim but manages a response to Mattias. "It isn't that codified, but I don't think they'd have an issue with you retrieving a busted or damaged mech. If that mech rejoins the fight, that'd probably end any agreement and the fight terms, but the whole point of a match like this is to leave good fighters on both sides alive if possible."

Dusk Raven
2022-02-03, 05:41 PM
This isn't a situation that comes up often - generally, retreating for any reason is assumed to be an admission of defeat (at least in single duels), and often Zantus pilots will fight until their mecha are scrapped. What Sabir says is likely to be the case, although the Zanti might respond by trying to repair their own mecha mid-combat.

As the Defiant hails the Detroit, they find the other ship eager to speak. "Negotiations have... been interrupted, the Detroit's communications officer responds. "Actually, the colony leaders are demanding an update on the situation from you. Do you have the situation handled?"

Meanwhile, the Zanti force has been slowly approaching. They stop just outside the maximum weapons range of the Defiant, roughly 2000 mu. Meanwhile, Baegyl hails Sabir again. "Do we have an arrangement?"

2022-02-03, 07:34 PM
"For the love of..." Mattias grouses as his hand pulls across his face. "We're holding things up here, but there's no telling if this force is solitary or if another is going to show up. So please impress upon the colonists the urgency of their decision," he says with a near growl as his attention refocuses on the approaching force.

"My primary concern is the safety of the Detroit. I understand the plight of this colony but if their indecision continues and places the Detroit at further risk, we're going to have a problem," he states plainly.

"Prepare to Launch," he sends the order down the line to the pilots and mechanics.

2022-02-04, 12:40 AM
The topic of rearming and repairing doesn't seem to bother Hazlik as he sends over comms "Montgomery is designed to be easily repairable. Unless I link my wellbeing to it then I wouldn't worry too much about gathering the scrap one way or another. I could provide a buffer before the battle if we have about a week to recover as well, but I'll save that for emergencies." He double checked his trio of weapons and almost comically oversized syringe before activating stealth systems and leaving the ship.

For the low low price of -7 Max HP I can provide for an hour:
FH 4 and heal 7HP
35 Temp HP and Diehard.

I can also provide all you meatbags 7 Temp HP that refreshes every hour and slowly heals you.

Otherwise I've got Trust to heal y'all in the middle of battle.

"Stealth Systems" is just code for Mirage Colloid II's Invisibility.

Inspector Valin
2022-02-04, 07:55 AM
It takes Sabir a second to calm herself, seemingly considering something before writing it off and returning the broadcast to Baegyl. "Sorry, took a sec but we're in agreement. Four to four. Hope you're ready to take a beating from a Rigel!"

2022-02-04, 10:57 AM
"Well then, time to go." Reya's hands moved across the Throne's controls with practiced precision. "Disconnecting from shipboard systems." The liens feeding power and fuel from the Defiant to the Throne disconnected. "Mech standing under own power."

"Sensors online. Communications online and confirmed clear. Data-link with friendlies established.... now." Reya could hear the soft clicks as Mizumi wen through her own portion of the start-up sequence.

"Weapons online and slaved to my controls. Flight system online." Despite the imminent danger, Reya felt calm. It was always like this. She would worry and fret in the lead-up to battle, but when the time came to sortie, all nerves disappeared.

"All systems nominal." Reya and Mizumi confirmed simultaneously as their mech came to life, their voices perfectly in sync.

"Throne 1, launching." Reya guided the crimson and white mech out into the void, where the Zanti would be waiting for them.

2022-02-07, 01:01 PM
"There they are. Getting an in-depth scan of that large central mech and sending it to our allies." The distance between the Throne and the Zanti mechs was diminishing rapidly. "No obstructiosnd detected in the battle-space."

"Locking targets. Let's break up their formation." Reya pulled the trigger on the Throne's arsenal of split missiles as soon as she had a confirmed missile lock on the smaller mechs. The view outside immediately dimmed as the flash protection kicked in to make sure the stream of missiles emerging from the Throne didn't blind her.

"Welcome to the circus, lizards. Let's see some acrobatics." Reya could hear the grin in her friends voice as the Throne's massed ordnance streaked out at their targets.

Mizumi uses the analyze spirit on Baegyl (97/102 SP)
Reya uses the focus spirit (27/42 SP)

free actions:
target lock x3 (from lock on missiles stance), locking AL, A1 and A2, halving their dex and dodge bonus against attacks by my missiles, and removing all benefits from cover and concealment (105/120 energy)

move action:
Fly 50 MU directly forwards, to reference L17 on the sheet. (95/120 energy)

swift action: initiate multi-lock boost (75/120 energy)
standard action: initiate multi-target strike (60/120 energy)multi-target allows me to make a standard attack against every target within range , while multi-lock allows me to make an additional attack against a different target when I make a standard attack, plus an attack against every target I have locked. split missiles have a range increment of 55 MU and have the twin-linked (doubling the amount of attacks) and concussive (halving dex and dodge bonus after first hit. Al, A1 and B are all within the first range increment, everyone else is within the second.

I fire 5 pairs of missiles at each alphard and one pair of missiles at the big guy (just tot rigger an additional shot against everyone else), requiring one free action reload (2/3 charges left on cartridges) to get the last pair of missiles out.

attack and damage rolls (19-20 crit range, auto-hit on 14+ due to focus):
[roll0] / [roll1]
[roll2] / [roll3]
[roll4] / [roll5]
[roll6] / [roll7]
[roll8] / [roll9]
[roll10] / [roll11]
[roll12] / [roll13]
[roll14] / [roll15]
[roll16] / [roll17]
[roll18] / [roll19]
[roll20] / [roll21]

[roll22] / [roll23]
[roll24] / [roll25]
[roll26] / [roll27]
[roll28] / [roll29]
[roll30] / [roll31]
[roll32] / [roll33]
[roll34] / [roll35]
[roll36] / [roll37]
[roll38] / [roll39]
[roll40] / [roll41]
[roll42] / [roll43]

[roll44] / [roll45]
[roll46] / [roll47]

[roll48] / [roll49]
[roll50] / [roll51]
[roll52] / [roll53]
[roll54] / [roll55]
[roll56] / [roll57]
[roll58] / [roll59]
[roll60] / [roll61]
[roll62] / [roll63]
[roll64] / [roll65]
[roll66] / [roll67]
[roll68] / [roll69]

[roll70] / [roll71]
[roll72] / [roll73]
[roll74] / [roll75]
[roll76] / [roll77]
[roll78] / [roll79]
[roll80] / [roll81]
[roll82] / [roll83]
[roll84] / [roll85]
[roll86] / [roll87]
[roll88] / [roll89]
[roll90] / [roll91]

Dusk Raven
2022-02-08, 11:46 AM
"Very well. Let's begin!"

Despite their best efforts, the Alphards can't avoid the gigantic swarm of missiles coming from Throne One. One of them weathers the storm, while three others are blown apart by the onslaught - though not so badly that their ejection systems fail. Where once were three Alphards, now there are three escape pods - though the life signs from one of them are faint.

Almost as an afterthought, a pair of missiles strike Baegyl's Betelgeuse. One impacts on an armor plate and does no damage except to the mech's paint job, but the other strikes the mech dead-on. Yet when the flash clears, no discernible damage can be seen on the heavily-armored machine -- although a grunt of pain over the communication line suggests the same can't be said of the pilot.

Pilot HP 89/89, Mecha HP 180/180, Energy 94/100, Spirit 80/80
AC: 29, DR: 28, Speed: 30 mu
Feats: Defend, Counter x3, Spirit Up, Predict, Sustained Barrage
Equipped Weapons:
Beam Wristblade +24 3d6+5(S) 19-20x2 (Defensive, Power, Energy 10)
Energy Taker 60 mu +23 3d6+3 (B/P/S) x2 (Defensive, Special, Ammo 2)
Gatling Cannon 40 mu +19 3d6+3(P) x2 (3-Linked, Downfall, Ammo 12)
Lt Rail Cannon 40 mu +20 5d6+3 (B/P) x3 (Defensive, Ammo 13)
M25 Photon Gun x2 30 mu +23 5d6+3(P) 18-20x2 (Concussive, Defensive, Twin-Linked, Ammo 4)
MSZ-010 ΖΖ Beam Rifle x2 50 mu +17 2d12+1d6+3 19-20x3 (Disarming, Power, Twin-Linked, Volatile, Ammo 10)
Slash Ripper 20 mu +25 4d8+1d6+5(P/S) x3 (Area (Cone), Brutal, Disarming, Ammo 6)
Volcano Cannon 60 mu +23 5d12+10(B) + 5d12 Fire x2 (Area (Line), Brutal, Heavy, Power, Volatile, Energy 40)

Total damage to AL: 46. Damage dealt to pilot: 26.
Total damage to A1: 96. Damage dealt to pilot: 13
Total damage to Baegyl: 0.
I... more or less stopped counting after that. Suffice to say, you did enough damage to destroy A1, A2 and A3.

The Betelgeuse, shifts its position slightly. Then, it raises its right arm, and locks the various weapons on its torso onto Throne One. The Gatling Cannon on its right arm fires first, followed by the twin beam rifles mounted on its shoulders, then the nose-mounted light rail cannon, and finally... what appears to be a discus launcher of some sort. Most of the firepower sent Throne One's way misses, but a few shots still strike the fragile WeissWritter.

One hit from the Gatling Cannon, dealing 8 damage (all damages are after DR).
One hit from the twin-linked Beam Rifle, dealing 18 damage and making a free Disarm attempt, targeting the Oxtongue Missile Launcher. Attack Roll: 28
Hit from the Slash Ripper, dealing 22 damage and making another Disarm attempt, same target assuming it's still attached. Attack roll: 28. I assume Baegyl gets a penalty on these rolls due to distance.

2022-02-08, 01:47 PM
"The big one's coming for us!"

Reya's hands where already moving across her controls when Mizumi's warning came. With a flick of a switch she snapped off another pair of missiles at the big Zanti mech, these containing a slightly unusual fuel mixture, the smoke from their trails covering Throne 1 in an obscuring cloud.

Some bullets still made their way through, and warnings popped up on Reya's HUD. "We're still functional, but we can't take another pair of hits like that."

immediate action: missile shield counter (45/120 energy)

attack against B with split missiles:
[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

also, gain concealment (20% miss chance) and cover (+4 AC)

HP: 34/60

Dusk Raven
2022-02-08, 08:19 PM
The two missiles strike home, but once again fail to do any damage. Their distracting effect does, however, succeed in throwing Baegyl's shots a little more off-target.

Ignore the Slash Ripper attack and its disarm check.

2022-02-09, 08:10 PM
"Red Eyes can cover you, Throne."

Mara hits her jets and starts moving forward. While she floats, she fires off a shot from her heaviest gun at the Baegyl. The recoil rocks her arms up, but she forces it down with psionically assisted actuators fast enough to get a second shot off before her sight picture changes.

2022-02-10, 01:02 AM
"Montgomery coming in on your 7. Stay in the fight for a bit longer, getting in position for a counter attack."

Silently the invisible mecha flew to take up a position within range of the enemy and primed the Vulcan for future counter attacks.

Gonna double move to M16, I think. The Vulcans has a 25mu range and I'd like to keep the Baegyl in that range just for funsies.

Free Action to use Trust on Throne One to heal [roll0]
Spirit: 70/90

Dusk Raven
2022-02-10, 12:31 PM
The first strike from Red Eyes' impact cannon strikes true, but Baegyl shifts her Betelgeuse slightly, causing the shot to impact on one of the mech's tougher sections of armor. The second one is a glancing hit, not enough to cause damage.

Baegyl uses Defend to reduce the damage from the Impact Cannon hit by half, down to 25 damage. The second shot misses (her AC is currently 25 due to Scan + Concussive)

Next, the lone remaining Alphard moves forward. Rather than use any of the impressive array of weaponry in its hands, it decides to close into melee range with Throne One, stowing the beam rifle in its right hand and drawing a beam saber instead, before slashing away. It bats at the Throne One's missile systems and does its best to keep in close, too close to use ranged weapons effectively.

Screw it, I'll roll dice publicly this time. Mostly so I can actually have a record of what I rolled.

AL moves up to Throne One, and activates the Talk With Your Fists boost: "After initiating this boost, enemies struck by your melee attacks must make a will save with DC 10+1/2 your HD+Your Str or Dex modifier (whichever is higher), or be forced to attack you with a melee weapon for 1 round. If unable to reach you they must spend their turn trying to get as close as possible."

[roll0] vs. Power AC, [roll1] vs. Half DR
[roll2] vs. Power AC, [roll3] vs. Half DR

EDIT: It's also going to use the Yell spirit to add a +2 bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls and DR, and also advancing one round for its Predict feat. So add 2 to all those rolls. I also forgot to multiply STR bonus by 1.5, so another 1 point of damage. Bleh, so much to keep track of.

If either of those hit, Throne One must make a DC 16 Will save or be forced to attack AL in melee next round.

Inspector Valin
2022-02-11, 06:53 PM
Just as the remaining Alphard advances however, another figure comes barreling down from the human lines to meet it. While the Xanti attacker is distracted with its attack on Throne One, Sabir's Rigel ducks behind it with a quick burst on her thrusters. The first sign the pilot may have of their new enemy is a blinding burst of rainbow light emerging from the Rigel's fist. The Metazi-vent buffets the unfortunate pilot's craft, shifting rays engulfing the Alphard as Sabir closes with a flurry of rapid jabs - an assault of both energy and power, matched beat for beat.

Okay, sorry for the brief and kinda weird description, I wanted to not hold you guys up. Let's see if I've got this laundry list ready to go.

Running with the precedent we can have a stance up, I'm entering battle in Flowing Qi Form. (Eng -5) It gives me +3 to either AC or Reflex, chosen each round. This round I'm going with AC. It also gives me +15mu movement speed, bringing me up to 65. Being in a Chinese Star stance raises the effective size of my unarmed strikes by one category - granting them an additional 2d6 damage.

Move: Move to M19. 7DS should now be flanking the Alphard.
Swift: Activating Boost Piercing Red Strikes. (Eng -15) For this turn, my melee attacks ignore DR and Hardness.
Standard: Activating Fragrant Orb Strike. (Eng -5) Exempting Throne One from the burst, 7DS is immune, nothing else in range. (If Haz is, I have one more exemption - he gets it) The Alphard must make a DC 20 Reflex save, or take damage as per one unarmed strike. AKA the unarmed strike that ignores DR this round. ^^. There's no Evasion clause - beat the save, no damage.

[roll0] + [roll1] + 7 damage.

However/plus, thanks to Zero Swing, I also get to make a free Main Weapon against the target of a non-Attack based maneuver! And as I have thus made an attack with my Main Weapon this round, succeed or fail, Zero Weapon's defensive benefits come online - +4 AC, Saves, DR, Trip, Disarm, Bullrush, Grapple

[roll2] vs Power AC
[roll3] + [roll4] + 7 damage.

Dusk Raven
2022-02-12, 11:09 AM
The first strike causes enough damage to bring the Alphard to a stop. The escape pod has already launched by the time the second hit destroys the mech completely.

Over the comm like, Baegyl addresses Sabir once again. "Your team is quite capable. But I'm not out of the fight yet!"

2022-02-12, 11:39 AM
"That's the escorts all down." Mizumi commented with a grin. "Maintaining target lock on that big monster"

"Right, just need to outlast that one then." Reya quickly cycled through her available weapon payload, settling on a missile with a bit more kick to it. She fried it at the large Zanti mech as soon as she got a confirmed lock. "Let's see if this can crack its armor."

energy regen: +29 E (74/120 E)

Mizumi uses the analyze spirit on Baegyl (92/102 SP)
Mizumi uses the trust spirt on Throne 1: (72/102 SP) (60/60 HP)
Reya uses the focus spirit (12/42 SP)

Free action:
1x target lock on the Beagyl(from lock on missiles stance), halving their dex and dodge bonus against attacks by my missiles, and removing all benefits from cover and concealment (69/120 energy)

full-round action:
Mecha missile strike (64/120 Energy), using the Demolition Chain Missile
attack roll: [roll1] (+7 BaB, +6 focus, +4 dex, +1 miss missile, +9 weapon, -2 range increment)
damage roll:[roll]11d12+7d4+11
disarm roll(against slash ripper): [roll2]

Dusk Raven
2022-02-12, 12:39 PM
The demolition missile hits soundly, despite Baegyl's attempts to mitigate the damage. The Slash Ripper, though rattled, barely managed to hang on.

Scan results are same as before, but her HP is at 155.

Opposed attack roll for disarm: 42.

Baegyl uses Defend again to reduce the damage from 71 (after DR) to 35.

Next, Baegyl shifts her mech back and to her left, the wrist-mounted cannon on her left arm beginning to glow. After a moment, it launches a massive beam of bright orange plasma towards Seventh Desert Star and Throne One.

She uses the Assault spirit to be able to fire a Heavy weapon as a standard action. She moves 25 mu to the left and back, then fires her Volcano Cannon in Area (line) mode at Sabir and Reya/Miyumi. Baegyl rolls an attack of 25 versus their Power AC. If the Volcano Cannon hits, it deals 54 bludgeoning damage plus 38 fire damage.

2022-02-13, 03:00 PM
Mara scowls as the Baegyl weathers the first rounds of damage. "Funnels!" she yells as her psy-commu system starts glowing.

A cloud of miniature jets pour into space in front of Red Eyes, each armed with a laser projector. A thought sends them forwards and Old Red Eyes races after them. As they fly, a group turns in place and fires a coherent beam of light at the Baegyl.

Standard action to deploy Funnels, swift action to command them, move action to go to N14. Funnels are moving from O9:P14 to N15:O16 and attacking the Baegyl.

Save is Ref vs. 17 for half damage. Damage ignored half DR
115/120 energy

2022-02-14, 04:20 AM
There was a couple seconds of silence before Hazlik sent over comms ”That was too close for comfort. Providing Defense to Throne 1. Moving forward and preparing for counter attack.” True to his word he drifted forward a bit more and then waited to see if he’d have to rebuild Montgomery again.

Free: Regain 16 SP, spend 15 SP to use Foresee on Zero 1.

Move: Move to N22.

Standard: I’d honestly like to prepare Hazlik’s Long Beam Rifle on the off chance Montgomery gets destroyed because I don’t have anything else to really do.

Inspector Valin
2022-02-17, 02:39 PM
"Moving to close. Don't get careless, people."

Sabir jets straight forward in Seventh Desert Star, the smaller mech-of-the-line coming straight at Baegyl's far bigger machine. The spillover energy is now a pure, deep red as the Rigel closes with its opponent, going as close and as fast as it can with its punches, allowing little time to react.

Okay, trying to keep this quick. Activating Yell (20sp) Piercing Red Strikes to ignore DR (15e) into Iron Blow (5e) Basically a regular attack, but the target can take no Immediate or Free actions until it's resolved.

[roll0] Attack (Targeting Power AC)
[roll1]+[roll2]+9 damage, ignoring DR.

2022-02-19, 12:59 PM
Oh, wow. Desert star got a solid hit in! There's a crack in that monster's armor now! Mizumi highlighted the weakness she'd detected on Reya's screen. "Think you can hit that?"

"It's a difficult shot, but I'm going for it!" Reya switched to a light type of missiles as Throne 1 slowly drifted closer. If she could hammer that crack with a missile or two, the fight would be over. "Target locked... missiles away!"

energy regen: +29 E (93/120 E)

Mizumi uses the analyze spirit on Baegyl (67/102 SP)

Free actions:
1x target lock on the Beagyl(from lock on missiles stance), halving their dex and dodge bonus against attacks by my missiles, and removing all benefits from cover and concealment (88/120 energy)
reduce flight speed by 40 MU to gain +4 to AC, reflex and will saves (evasive maneuvers feat)
5-foot step directly forwards (to L18)

swift action:
initiate Careful Aim boost, untill the beginning of my next turn all weapons ignore all DR and Hardness (78/120 E)

full-round action:
Full-round attack with split missiles +
attack bonus: +11/+6 (+7 BaB, +1 miss missile, +4 dex, +5 weapon, -4 target in melee, -2 distance)
attack roll/ damage roll (attacks are concussive, halving dex and dodge bonuses on a succesful hit(doesn't stack) and ignore all DR and hardness due to boost)
[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]
[roll4] [roll5]
[roll6] [roll7]

Dusk Raven
2022-02-19, 01:36 PM
Sabir delivers a truly mighty punch to Baegyl's mech, the Betelgeuse's frame visibly cracking under the strain. The vacuum of space prevents the groan of damaged servos from being heard by anyone but Baegyl herself. Throne One follows this up with a missile barrage, but most of the shots deflect off Baegyl's armor. Despite the hefty damage to her mech, Baegyl manages to stabilize it enough to back off from Seventh Desert Star, and fire her weaponry at the target in front of her. Eschewing the use of her Volcano Cannon, she opens up with her Gatling Cannon, the shoulder-mounted Beam Rifles, a pair of Photon Guns mounted on either side of the head, and the Slash Ripper on the right wrist.

Baegyl uses the Alert spirit, so the next attack against her automatically fails.
She takes a 5 mu step back, then full attacks.
Attack rolls for Gatling Cannon, targeting Sabir (if any of these attacks actually downs Sabir, the next ones will target Throne One): 33, 30, 36 (Crit! Confirmation: 28)
Damage: 17, 9, 30 (15 x 2).

Attack rolls for twin-linked Photon Gun: 22, 26
Damage: 18, 20. SDS's Dex and Dodge bonuses are reduced by half.

Twin Beam Rifle attack rolls: 22, 12
Damage: 26

Slash Ripper attack roll: 21
Damage: 26

2022-02-22, 11:09 PM
"Sabir, stand by for psionics. I'm going to move it behind you." Mara jets forward, her funnels staying in a protective cloud in front of her. "Hell, if I'm lucky, maybe this will even wreck the mecha."

Swift action to command the funnels, move action, and then standard action to cast Dimension Twister.

Mara moves from N14 to M25. Funnels move from N15:O16 to M26:N27

Using Dimension Twister (5 pp) and augmented to affect large (2pp) for a total of 7 pp. Trying to move it to L27:M28
Dimension Twister resisted by Will vs. 19

Funnels attack and automatically miss because of Alert.

95/120 energy

2022-02-23, 11:23 PM
There was a barely perceptible shrug as Hazlik sent over comms ”Standing by, switching defenses to Seventh Desert Star. Awaiting the opportunity to gather up materials.” He then silently floated closer and closer to the enemy mech, taking the opportunity to scan for potential debris to grab.

Moving to O28, Free Action to Foresee on Seventh Desert Star, Standard to vibe.

Dusk Raven
2022-03-02, 11:14 AM
In a vortex of energy, the massive mech is shifted to Sabir's other side. If the combat was happening in atmosphere, they'd be able to hear its frame groan under the strain of all the damage it's taken.

Inspector Valin
2022-03-02, 07:48 PM
Sabir is grinning as her mech shudders against the assault. It'd be enough damage to shatter a regular Rigel, but hers is made of far sturdier stuff. She flicks the open line back on. "A good fight, Lady Baegyl. But not close to enough."

Something changes in the Zanti mecha at this point. Instead of continuing its assault it backs away. A quick scan would reveal the power building in its thrusters, the prior crimson energy shifting to a silver sheen that envelops the mech. Sabir continues to speak on the open line, words long rehearsed and delivered with intensity. "Pride of the wastes, born of struggle, champion of the field and heir to the Black Knight."

And with that, Sab hits her thrusters to full - plowing straight ahead into her opponent at maximum velocity, fists first as she cries out over the radio. "Seventh Desert Star!"

Because no one ever accused Sabir of being too humble to showboat. :smalltongue: Apologies for the second rate description, yet again me forgetting to post and wanting to get this done has left me trying to keep this focus.

Activating Piercing Red Strikes to ignore DR again, then activating Buster. This will move Sabir 100mu in a straight line right through the enemy. So if the fight does continue, this was sodding stupid. But it's a good finishing move, and worst case scenario she can do it again next turn going the other way! She's angling vertically to ensure this avoids the other Xanti units, though anyone watching will note that she had to make an adjustment to do that - she's serious about sticking to the rules.

Reflex save for Bergyral! DC18. [roll0]+5 Damage, halved by the save. If the save is failed, the mech is pushed 5ft per 5 points of damage taken, and this does trigger AoOs. (This is supposed to be an AoE, hense comparably lower damage)

And thanks to Zero Swing, I get a free attack in too!
[roll1] vs Power AC
[roll2] + [roll3] Damage

Dusk Raven
2022-03-03, 11:37 AM
Somehow, Baegyl manages to react in time to maneuver her mech out of the way - but the sudden motion proves too much for the Betelgeuse's systems to handle, and the mech begins to tear apart. Even the glancing blow from Sabir's finishing move is enough to smash the mecha into pieces, power feeds beginning to detonate and sending scrap and slag everywhere. Left behind is a small field of debris - and an escape pod.

"Damn," Baegyl says over the line - or at least, she says something in Zanti that translates as such. "Well done, Delta band of the Phoenix clan. We have been proven outmatched." A moment passed, before she adds, "Heir to the Black Knight? Ambitious, aren't you?"

2022-03-03, 12:22 PM
"That big monster's breaking apart. No more hostiles active in the operation area." Mizumi reported matter-of-factly on the squadron's channel. "Seventh, does this mean the colony won't have to worry about this band of Zanti, or is there more to a fight like this?"

Meanwhile, Reya moved Throne away from the glittering field of debris their fight had created, to give her mech's radar as clean a view of their surroundings as possible. Though the tension from the combat was slowly draining from her, she still kept her eyes on her instruments. If the Zanti where going to try something, now would be the time, while they where still recovering from this skirmish.

Inspector Valin
2022-03-03, 02:05 PM
"Heh. You'd rather claim you were beaten by some good for nothing Hojing brat and her human pals? Granted, I'd say that's an honour but I'm guessing Zukasai might find this version a better story for the logs, and for the Chosen, wouldn't you Divas?"

Seventh Desert Star remains amidst the debris field. Sabir had shot a cable tie towards the escape pod, granting her an encrypted line for the sake of her counterpart's dignity prior to identifying her birth family. They should be frank with one another. And as such... she sighs.

"Honestly? It's an aspiration. One day, I'll come up short and that day I'll no longer be worthy to say that. But if I'm going to be spending time with the humans..." Sabir sounds oddly quiet. The prior rush of battle is gone from her as she sits slumped in her chair, the wreckage of Zanti mecha all around her. Her words into the private are quiet, as though this were some whispered confession, "It felt fitting, you know? He went down with their world. I don't know what passes between the Chosen any more than you do, but I'd like to think he was their advocate that day."

She's silent briefly, thinking back to the dual. The order. The sight below. Solemnly, Sabir intones an old proverb. "Ka'lash ta por, gadiv va'sin."

A great hero may die, but they leave behind a path to walk.

Mizumi's voice on the squad channel brings Sabir back to reality - she chimes in with a satisfied chortle. "We're gold! We could beat anyone left and they know it: plus a fight at this point would just look like bitterness. They gave their best, so did we, we are done." Sabir leans back, relaxing a little and starting to feel content. This was the right result. No complications, no chance for things to get worse, at least in the short term. "If the Chosen want this place taken, they're going to have to send another Clan to do the deed. We can report back and plan for that going forward: evac, defensive lines, however command and the colony want to play it. The immediate danger's gone."

2022-03-08, 10:51 AM
"Well, let's hope these colonists hurry up and get ready to leave then, before anyone else shows up. Any word on that, captain Mattias?" Mizumi asked. At the same time she sent a short message in text directly to Sabir. 'Hey, if you're talking to this Zanti, I'd consider it a personal favor if you could ask them about a Zanti ace flying a silver mech and who favors speed and lightning fast strikes. Actually, if this description means anything to you, I'd love to hear what you know too. They where most recently seen on earth. Just don't let Reya know I was asking about this, okay?'

Dusk Raven
2022-03-10, 11:13 AM
Baegyl is silent for a long moment. But then finally, she replies with a quiet, "You've really taken a liking to those humans, haven't you?" Another moment passes. "Well... it's a path that'll give you a chance to show your valor, that's for certain. There's not a lot of it in attacking colonies like this. That's why I'm glad we met, even if this ended in defeat for us and our clan."

Meanwhile, a couple small craft launch from one of the Zanti carriers - they don't appear armed, and they're not hard to identify as salvage and rescue craft. The Rigels that the Zanti force still has take up escort positions alongside the craft, two to a scavenger - although, giving them an escort is just a formality, given the martial prowess Delta Squadron has displayed.

Even from the simple description, Sabir knows exactly who Mizumi likely means. Reka Azabor of clan Haubek (one of the bigger, more distinguished clans, known for their discipline and efficiency), a Zanti ace of some renown. Despite his penchant for lightning strikes, suggesting a guerilla approach to combat, he very much believes in the value of single duels, and once he's set his sights on a particular target, he tolerates no interference from either side. He's also a bit arrogant (though he backs it up with talent), and he's been known to designate enemy aces as his targets, regardless of how anyone else feels about the matchup. Finally, Sabir also knows that his mech is entirely a custom Super Robot, built from the start to accommodate a Metazai core.

2022-03-10, 03:30 PM
"Afraid I don't have any information on that front," Mattias responds via the comms. "Well done to each of you though. The crew awaits your return to issue repairs and possibly a drink for a successful first skirmish."

He was glad things worked out as they had so far. A good and honorable display from both sides made him hope their full mission wasn't just prolonged suicide. Also not having to damage his word so soon would be beneficial in the long run according to what little he knew of Zanti culture.

2022-03-10, 11:13 PM
The funnels surrounding Old Red Eyes fly silently back into their stowage compartments and Mara lets out a groan as she's finally able to relax her concentration. The rescue craft put her on edge, but all she does is keep an eye on them as she starts to fly back to the ship. "Good work, everyone. Sorry I couldn't do more to help," she radios on the squad frequency. "Now we just have to hope this display doesn't give the colonists the wrong idea about how much force we'll be able to spare if they refuse and get attacked again."

2022-03-11, 12:25 AM
For a second Montgomery decloaks and appears, drifting towards the debris. When the scavengers show up with their escort, though, Hazlik backs off and instead drifts back towards the ship. Over the comms he sends "A good first showing. Wish I could've prevented the hit that got through but I'm proud we all are in well enough shape. Shame we can't get some extra cores for future reinforcements as well." His voice is flat the entire time he speaks, hiding any joy at a job completed or disappointment at lost salvage.

Dusk Raven
2022-03-15, 01:49 PM
It doesn't take long for the scavengers to round up the escape pods, and as much of the wreckage as possible - with some help from the Rigels. Their duty completed, they return to their carriers, and the Zanti fleet soon warps away without another word.

The Detroit soon messages captain Mattias: "Things have calmed down a bit on the surface. The colonists are a bit rattled, but grateful to you for handling the threat. I think we can close negotiations in a few days or less - we'll tell them that we're not hanging around here indefinitely, and that there's likely to be another attack in the near future."

True to the Detroit's captain's predictions, negotiations are indeed concluded in the next day - the majority of the colonists elect to leave, with a tiny minority opting to remain behind and hide. With that, the Detroit begins a controlled re-entry, landing at the colony to aid in the evacuation, as well as the reclamation of any useful equipment, such as the colony's defense vehicles.

Thus, the waiting game begins again - but at least this time the squadron has an ETA for the Detroit's expected relaunch: Sixteen hours.

Time passes. Eight hours.



There's a slight delay - According to the Detroit, there's been a a bit of an argument over how many farm animals to take. But it's soon resolved.

Fifteen minutes.

And then, the Defiant's scopes pick up the telltale spheres of light that heralds a vessel coming out of warp. Then another, and then three more, scattered across the planet's high orbit. Delta Squadron has only a short time to prepare before the vessels warp again, to get within range of the Defiant - or the colony.

2022-03-17, 08:40 PM
Hazlik spends his time helping catalogue livestock and getting things set up. Since they weren't going to come back anyway the android opts to set up a quick factory for the colony to provide support for an hour before they can properly leave. He'd make it last longer if they were going to stick around longer but at least they'd be useful during the transition period when the colony packed up and left. The final steps were done at the 20 minute mark, leaving the encampments 40 minutes of power when the expected colony pack up was done.

Hastily constructing a Factory in a minute and at max level.

The Factory ends up producing 11 random special weapon arsenals, that all come from Tier 1 or 2, and act as encampments. Turns out there's 26 options so...

[10] Decoy Doll (I)
[11] Mega Outlaw Caster (I)
[12] Armor Breaker (II)
[13] Jammer Particles (II)
[13] Jammer Particles (II)
[15] Flare Charge (II)
[15] Flare Charge (II)
[16] Barrier Breaker (II)
[19] Breaker Smoke(II)
[22] Secura Dual Crest Pistol (II)
[23] Mara Detron Shotgun (II)

I'll place them around the former colony and let people camouflage them or whatever. They'll stop functioning 40 minutes past the expected leave time.

2022-03-18, 03:57 AM
Mattias grit his teeth at the timing of the attack. A few more hours and they would have e been set, but now they have e to deal with another battlegroup, and while the Detroit is in the most vulnerable position possible.

"Delta be advised on Zanti force inbound. Sensors count five vessels. Retreat is not an option while the Detroit is down there so pick your battleground Fast. Know that if this force is less friendly than the last then the Defiant will enter the fray. We cannot lose this battle."

2022-03-18, 10:50 AM
"Understood. Throne 1 preparing to launch." Reya had kept Throne 1 on standby as the final hours ticked by, and now Mizumi and she quickly worked through the final entries on their pre-launch checklist.

"Could be worse, we could have been fighting a holdout for the last couple days." Mizumi mentioned in her characteristically cheerful tone.

"Hmmm, true." Reya muttered noncommittally. "Defiant, Throne 1 is ready for launch. I assume we'll want to stop them in space?"

2022-03-21, 08:59 PM
Mara jerks awake in the cockpit when the radio chatter starts. "Huh? Whazzit?" She rubs the sleep out of her eyes, looking down at her screen owlishly. "Oh. ****."

She jams her Funnel controller onto her head, ignoring the few trickles of blood running down from where electrodes pierced her skin. "Red Eyes copies and is preparing to launch. Do we have reads on the vessel classes yet?"

2022-03-25, 06:10 AM
Hazlik entered Montgomery the moment that things went south, satisfied with what work he managed to complete. He started powering up the mecha and sent over the comms "Montgomery checking in from the surface. Powering up the Hyperdimensional System now." One last flip of a switch saw the quadruped robot activate it's stealth system as he prepared to teleport.

Activate Mirage Colloid to get invisibility going again.

I've got two ranks of Hyperdimensional Step so I could teleport 100mu as a full round action. I don't know if the rally point is within that distance or if I need to "run", although even that would be better on land than flying around.

Dusk Raven
2022-03-31, 11:22 AM
Four of the vessels are the same light carrier configuration the team saw previously. The final vessel, however, is a larger design, sure to carry even more Zanti mecha.

Well, if you're on the surface, that's quite a distance from orbit. I'll assume that, if you managed to get to the surface, you also brought along a rocket booster pack in order to get back into orbit. It's either that or hitch a ride with the Detroit.