View Full Version : Flaming shpere "ramming" a creature - where does it ends its movement?

2022-01-19, 12:36 PM
Flaming sphere question🔥when "you ram the sphere into a creature" does the sphere stays in that creature's space, or in the space it occupied just bejore it rammed the creature?

Any input would be much appreciated!

2022-01-19, 01:05 PM
Flaming sphere question🔥when "you ram the sphere into a creature" does the sphere stays in that creature's space, or in the space it occupied just bejore it rammed the creature?

Any input would be much appreciated!

The spell doesn't really say explicitly. With how the spell is set up and the creature taking damage at the end of its turn, my reading is the intention is that it would be it ends in the same square, allowing the creature the opportunity to avoid the damage.

2022-01-19, 02:20 PM
Supposition on my part, perhaps, but because Flaming Sphere has to be summoned in an unoccupied space I always assumed it...well, occupied its own space. I've always played it that ramming a creature makes it stop adjacent to that creature, rather than inside the creature's space.

2022-01-19, 03:17 PM
It is a spell with some really vague wording. I've treated it as "solid" since it can ram something, then stops. So... stops in the square next to the creature it rammed.

Can you just walk through it without taking damage? (damage only at end of turn) It's a weird spell. I tend not to use it unless details worked out with DM ahead of time.

2022-01-19, 03:39 PM
I've always treated Flaming sphere as occupying the square it's in. So when you ram something, it ends up next to it. And creatures have to go around or over it, they can't stand in it.

That's based on the requirement that it be summoned in an unoccupied square, and the damage being within 5ft of the sphere, not within or inside the sphere, and the idea that you're ramming implying some kind of solidity. Nothing is explicit that it's a solid that occupies its square or that it's not solid and anything can pass through it.

Edit: my view is probably also affected by it being described as having a "spongy surface" in 2e and 3e.

2022-01-19, 04:08 PM
Supposition on my part, perhaps, but because Flaming Sphere has to be summoned in an unoccupied space I always assumed it...well, occupied its own space. I've always played it that ramming a creature makes it stop adjacent to that creature, rather than inside the creature's space.

I've always treated Flaming sphere as occupying the square it's in. So when you ram something, it ends up next to it. And creatures have to go around or over it, they can't stand in it.

That's based on the requirement that it be summoned in an unoccupied square, and the damage being within 5ft of the sphere, not within or inside the sphere, and the idea that you're ramming implying some kind of solidity. Nothing is explicit that it's a solid that occupies its square or that it's not solid and anything can pass through it.

Edit: my view is probably also affected by it being described as having a "spongy surface" in 2e and 3e.

I've always treated it like this as well. Occupies own space, ramming stops it in adjacent space. No particular reason other than my mental model of what the spell is/does.

2022-01-19, 05:48 PM
Supposition on my part, perhaps, but because Flaming Sphere has to be summoned in an unoccupied space I always assumed it...well, occupied its own space. I've always played it that ramming a creature makes it stop adjacent to that creature, rather than inside the creature's space.

Exactly the same. This is one of those things that seemed so obvious I never stopped to question it. Or maybe I thought it obvious because I never stopped to question.

Maybe it wasn't as obcious as I always thought.

2022-01-19, 07:00 PM
I've always treated Flaming sphere as occupying the square it's in. So when you ram something, it ends up next to it. And creatures have to go around or over it, they can't stand in it.

That's based on the requirement that it be summoned in an unoccupied square, and the damage being within 5ft of the sphere, not within or inside the sphere, and the idea that you're ramming implying some kind of solidity. Nothing is explicit that it's a solid that occupies its square or that it's not solid and anything can pass through it.

Edit: my view is probably also affected by it being described as having a "spongy surface" in 2e and 3e.

Agreed. In 5e it does say its movement stops when you ram something, so if it hits something and stops in "front" of it, it can't possibly share a 5' space with it.

2022-01-20, 09:02 AM
It is a spell with some really vague wording. I've treated it as "solid" since it can ram something, then stops. So... stops in the square next to the creature it rammed.

Can you just walk through it without taking damage? (damage only at end of turn) It's a weird spell. I tend not to use it unless details worked out with DM ahead of time.

This, very much a spell that needs a reworking. I change this one to damage on the start of the turn. It makes ZERO since to have someone in a fire, but then NOT take damage because they moved.... ya ok, try that in real life and see how it works out for you...

2022-01-20, 09:28 AM
The spell says, if you ram it into a creature, it stops its movement. It doesn't say it can pass through a creature. So, it hits a creature and stops next to them. The creature takes damage from the ramming and again at the start of their turn for starting next to it.

2022-01-20, 09:29 AM
I've always treated it like this as well. Occupies own space, ramming stops it in adjacent space.

I third that.

2022-01-20, 10:43 AM
Edit: my view is probably also affected by it being described as having a "spongy surface" in 2e and 3e.

That's how you know it's fresh!

I agree with the side that has said the sphere stops adjacent to the target when the sphere rams.

The damage part at end of turn instead of beginning doesn't bother me much; it still does a good job of forcing movement and the sphere is pretty quick to keep up so it's still consistent damage versus nonflyers.