View Full Version : Optimization Zinc Saucier XL: Our Little Loving Friends.

2022-01-21, 05:43 PM
Welcome one and all to the fortieth Zinc Saucier challenge, where Playgrounders come to test their skill in the art of beautiful and bizarre (and bizarrely beautiful) builds, summoning a savory dish of superb swordplay and sublime sorcery.

The challenge? To come up with a build that has the same abilities and feel as the Secret Ingredient WITHOUT actually using it!

For the fortieth challenge, we'll remember the unfairly obscured but important assistants and building us a Familiar (class feature from PHB).

Our challengers will have about 3 weeks to build a complete build up to Effective Character Level 20 using a 32 point buy and all official WOTC D&D 3.5 materials (excluding Dragon Magazine, but including any WOTC online enhancements) with the abilities and feel of a Familiar without actually being it.

Entries must be submitted by Monday Thursday, 21:00 (9:00 pm) GMT, February 14th 17, 2022. As usual, please submit your entries via private message to the chairman, so as not to influence the other sauciers. Extensions are available.

Judges will then have until Monday Thursday, 21:00 (9:00 pm) GMT, February 28th March 3, 2022 ASAP, to post scores for all dishes. Extensions are available.

Contestants will be judged and awarded a score of 1 through 5 in each of 4 categories:
Innovation (Uniqueness in character concept, race, class, etc)
Power (How powerful and versatile it is compared to the base class)
Elegance (What can only be described as how well the build "flows", i.e not using lots of 1-2lv dips, sacrificing flavour for power or using flaws)
Ingredient (How well the build captures the abilities and feel of the base class)

Presentation would be best in the style of how the iron chef does their presentations, however any style is allowed so long as it is clear on how the build was made.

To standardize Entries, please use this format when sending it in:

PM: loky1109
Subject: Zinc Saucier 40, Name of your Entry

For Revisions and disputes, do the same thing. It makes it easier for me finding the entries in my mail box.

If you have questions about the contest that feel inappropriate to ask in the main thread, please PM me with "Zinc Saucier 40 Questions". Keep in mind that I am not a judge, and so questions about how acceptable X or Y might be to judges will get (at best) a guess on my part due to my somewhat limited familiarity with the competitive community.

Recommended style is as the spoilers below. The end of the second post has a link to a Google Sheet that helps show the layout, if that will help you with planning out your build.


Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

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New Class Abilities

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New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

Code immediately below (spoiler).

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

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New Class Abilities

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New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

For entries with spellcasting, use the following table for Spells per day and Spells Known. (Spells Known only if necessary, i.e. Sorcerer or Bard, but not Wizard or Warmage)Spells per Day/Spells Known






















Code immediately below (spoiler)Spells per Day/Spells Known






















Please do not post details of your build on the board before it is ready, so as not to spoil the surprise for others. Similarly, please try to refrain from speculating on possible builds too much even if you don't intend to use them yourself.

Sauciers may submit up to two builds each, as we don't want to overfeed the judges.

Previous Challenges:
Paladin *
Ninja *
True Necromancer
Epic Infiltrator *
Master of Vipers
Ranger *
Flayerspawn Psychic
Walker in the Waste
Drunken Master
Psibond Agent
Argent Fist
Factorum no cooks submitted
Dragonfire Adept
Battle Dancer
Illithid Slayer one cook submitted
Dread Necromancer one cook submitted
Kensai one cook submitted
Dread Pirate

*: Classes marked with an asterisk have had their original posts updated to reflect the final results.

This competition is inspired by the Playground Iron Chef Competitions and uses mostly identical rules.

2022-01-21, 05:43 PM
Competitors will be free to use any official 3.5 rulebook in constructing their builds. Dragon magazine is disallowed, and Unearthed Arcana is allowed; but see Elegance below. Web-exclusive 3.0 or 3.5 materials by WotC are expressly allowed, but take care to verify that an updated version did not appear in print elsewhere, as this may cause an Elegance deduction at the judges' discretion. Alternate rule systems from UA such as gestalt and generic classes are not allowed, as they create a different playing field. Also, item familiars are forbidden because I hate 'em.

Power level is up to you. Cheese is acceptable, but should be kept to a sane level unless you're showcasing a new TO build you've discovered. In the words of one of my predecessors, a little cheddar can be nice, but avoid the mature Gruyere unless you're making a cheese fondue.

Elegance could bear a little elaboration. It basically measures how skillfully you put your build together, and whether you sacrificed flavor for power. We're cooking here - if your dish doesn't taste good, it doesn't matter how well-presented it is. Use of flaws is an automatic loss of one point per flaw in this category. Other things that will cause lost points here are excessive multiclassing, and classes that don't fit the concept - using Cloistered Cleric in a front-line melee fighter, for example, may lose you points. Please note the following: a legal source's relative obscurity should not be considered as penalizing Elegance, excepting the aforementioned issues with Unearthed Arcana. Using too many sources may be an Elegance deduction at the judges' discretion, but a book's relative obscurity may not.

Concerning Experience Requirements: Each build is allotted exactly 200,000 EXP. This is roughly 10,000 EXP more than necessary to get to 20th level. Please take note of this when planning your character for circumstances like LA Buyoff, Item Crafting, Magic Use, Multiclassing EXP Penalties, etc.

Definition of Power for scoring: Since this has been a point of contention, let me lay down this guideline. Since the goal is to emulate the Secret Ingredient, achieving much higher power than the Secret Ingredient is capable of is overkill and should be marked accordingly. Likewise if the build cannot match the power of the Secret Ingredient it should be marked accordingly. Individual judges can decide how much is too much for Power scoring, as each judge will have different tastes. The goal here is to prevent all entries being Wizard 20 because "they do it better."

What's the minimum score in a category? Assuming an entry is legal, the minimum score in any category is 1. If a judge is convinced that an entry is illegal by the RAW, the judge may give a 0 or decline to score a given entry. Because this contest focuses on Player Characters, an entry that is not technically allowed for a PC, but is viable as an NPC, counts as a legal entry, but may receive a minimum score at the judges' discretion.

Is Dragon Compendium Allowed? Yes, but individual issues of Dragon Magazine are not.

What about 3.0 materials? 3.0 materials, whether online or in printed form, are allowed unless they've been officially updated to a 3.5 edition.

Are Dragonlance, Ravenloft, Planescape, Dark Sun, or Kingdoms of Kalamar allowable sources? The Dragonlance Campaign Setting is allowed, but the subsequent books for Dragonlance are considered 3rd party, and are therefore not eligible, despite the "WotC approved" status of those books. The same holds for Oriental Adventures (1st party) and the subsequent Rokugan books (3rd party). Materials from Ravenloft, Planescape, Dark Sun, and Kingdoms of Kalamar are considered 3rd party for purposes of this contest, and are therefore not allowed.

What about online sources in general? If the online source is a) published by WotC, and b) not replaced by an updated version at a later time, it is eligible. Use it, link it.
I know in this moment WotC archive looks shut down. You can use archive copy currently accessible via the Wayback Machine (https://web.archive.org/web/20161031211045/http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/arch/dnd).

Where's the line drawn with "acceptable/unacceptable" for Unearthed Arcana? This will likely vary a bit from Chairman to Chairman. Variant class features and variant character classes are espressly permitted. Item Familiars and Gestalt have always been verboten; don't expect that to change. Flaws have similarly always been noted as warranting a deduction; even now that its me that is Chairing, its still extended to Traits, though they warrant 1/2 the penalty in Elegance that a Flaw would because they're roughly 1/2 as useful. Alternate spell systems, alternate skill systems and alternate crafting rules all create an uneven playing field, and as such, will be disallowed for as long as I am Chairman. Bloodlines are ripe for abuse, and will be discouraged as long as I am Chairman. Note that judges are allowed to look askance at any use of Unearthed Arcana not specifically mentioned above, at their discretion, and otherwise penalize Elegance according to their preference.

What, exactly, does the ban on Leadership mean? As folks have started to try to work around the edges of this one, I'm forced to spell it out more plainly. No Leadership, Draconic Cohort, or Feats that grant a similar ability are allowed EXCEPT Wild Cohort while I am chairman. Any PrC you choose with Leadership or a Leadership-analog has that ability entirely ignored for this contest, as it may neither be used nor traded away via any means whatsoever.

How the heck do I even do this? Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to select a combination of race, templates, classes, alternate class features, prestige classes, skills, and feats, meld them into a single character that progresses from ECL 1 to ECL 20, that is as close as possible to the secret ingredient as possible in look, feel, class features. How you do it is up to you, I recommend you read previous competitions if you are interested in seeing how others have done it before you. Capture the essence!

Links amusement/edification:
Handy Tips for the Iron Chef in the Playground Noob
GitP Blank Iron Chef Entry (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BG0-5sq4dL9Ooh7-QfXuyHzO4rXSz-CRcj29t6BeUVE/edit#gid=0) (credit to mattie_p)

2022-01-21, 05:44 PM

What do you mean "familiar"?
I mean creature who actually is class feature of wizard, sorcerer, hexblade or some other D&D classes. You can find description in PHB, p. 52-53.

Should we build character who has emulation of familiar class feature?
No, you should build character who is emulation of familiar class feature. To be a familiar from the familiar's perspective, so to speak.

Are we limited by regular familiars from PHB?
No, you can create any familiar. Improved familiar? Some specific familiar of any rare PrC? Some alternative familiar from ACF or substitution level? All are welcome! But, it should be familiar. Not special mount or animal companion.

Familiar, okay. How about familiar's masters?
You of course aren't force to build master for your character, but remember, familiar without master can look suspiciously or implausible.

2022-01-21, 05:46 PM
Time permitting, definitely down for this!

rest of this week is going on my VC entry, but then I should be free.

2022-01-21, 06:12 PM
Time permitting, definitely down for this!
rest of this week is going on my VC entry, but then I should be free.

I understand the importance of time and the amount of competitions are currently underway.
That's a reason for 3 weeks instead of regular 2.

2022-01-27, 08:28 AM
How is it going, folks?

2022-01-27, 08:35 AM
I didn't see that competition, but I will probably cook something. However, I have a few things IRL right now, so I will not start until at least next week.

2022-01-27, 02:56 PM
How is it going, folks?

Tweaking my build outline, getting ready to flesh out all the levels.

2022-01-27, 03:51 PM
I didn't see that competition, but I will probably cook something. However, I have a few things IRL right now, so I will not start until at least next week.

Oh! It was a good idea to up topic. )))

Tweaking my build outline, getting ready to flesh out all the levels.
Glad to hear read!

2022-02-01, 07:51 AM
So for the contest, we would need to be a creature that is normally a familiar (or some kind of juiced up familiar)? Or would we need to emulate a creature that is normally a familiar/better familiar?

Do we emulate familiar's special powers they get from bonding with their masters as well?

2022-02-01, 08:40 AM
So for the contest, we would need to be a creature that is normally a familiar (or some kind of juiced up familiar)? Or would we need to emulate a creature that is normally a familiar/better familiar?
Second, if I understand your question right. There are no race restrictions, if you talking about it.

Do we emulate familiar's special powers they get from bonding with their masters as well?
It is anticipated that this powers are some equivalent of class features, so yes.

2022-02-01, 02:49 PM
Hmm... this sounds interesting. I've been meaning to try one of these for awhile, might jump in on this one.

A couple questions-- are there any rulings around level adjustment for monsters that don't actually have an official level adjustment? (For instance, an awakened toad or something, if you wanted to go that route.)

Also, given the focus of the builds-- should Leadership and similar feats be allowed to create the "master" of the familiar? Or are we dependent on high diplomacy, domination, or something else to get a wizard or sorcerer to stick by us and pretend to be our master? :)

2022-02-01, 06:39 PM
Hmm... this sounds interesting. I've been meaning to try one of these for awhile, might jump in on this one.
Glad to hear that.

A couple questions-- are there any rulings around level adjustment for monsters that don't actually have an official level adjustment? (For instance, an awakened toad or something, if you wanted to go that route.)
Sorry, only creatures with listed LA.

Also, given the focus of the builds-- should Leadership and similar feats be allowed to create the "master" of the familiar? Or are we dependent on high diplomacy, domination, or something else to get a wizard or sorcerer to stick by us and pretend to be our master? :)
Creating the "master" is all up to you, but remember, Leadership is banned.
Quote from second post:

What, exactly, does the ban on Leadership mean? As folks have started to try to work around the edges of this one, I'm forced to spell it out more plainly. No Leadership, Draconic Cohort, or Feats that grant a similar ability are allowed EXCEPT Wild Cohort while I am chairman. Any PrC you choose with Leadership or a Leadership-analog has that ability entirely ignored for this contest, as it may neither be used nor traded away via any means whatsoever.

2022-02-01, 10:09 PM
Creating the "master" is all up to you, but remember, Leadership is banned.

Wasn't sure if that was just from copying the general rules of the various optimization threads, that's fine, just wanted to check. No issues with restricting to official LAs either.

2022-02-02, 03:26 AM
I should write starting posts better next time. )

2022-02-02, 10:04 AM
hmm I have an idea, but it’s a little… ruff.

But I’m sure I can make it legal!

(If I get around to formatting it properly tonight, this post will seem very funny. I am notoriously lazy though)

2022-02-07, 04:45 PM
Hey! We passing "one week remaining" line.
How are your writings?

2022-02-07, 08:23 PM
Hey! We passing "one week remaining" line.
How are your writings?

One build is kinda finished (just need to double-check for possible errors). And if I can find enough time, I have a 2nd build that still is waiting for write-up (but is otherwise almost finished).

I have the feeling that my builds are gonna end up over-optimized for these kind of contest, but both builds have clearly their focus on the familiar. Thus they should fit very well into the contest. I don't aim to win with either one, it's just as always me trying to have some fun while showcasing silly stuff for the audience.. ^^

I'm curious to see if anyone else has come up with really silly ideas.
I wish everybody good luck and I'm looking forward to the reveal next week.

2022-02-08, 06:33 AM
Hey! We passing "one week remaining" line.
How are your writings?

I have a build prepared, but nothing written yet.

2022-02-08, 09:49 AM
Honestly haven't gone much beyond a concept at this point; I have a rough backstory, now I need to finagle the build to fit it and the base requirements. :)

2022-02-09, 06:55 PM
Just a general reminder that formatting assistance can be found in the freely available document found in my signature. Good luck, sauciers!

2022-02-10, 12:36 AM
My first build died to a bug I found while checking it.. And it breaks the idea entirely.
Further I start to dislike my 2nd build idea.
So I ended up with a new idea and will try to build that now. Hopefully in time... :smallannoyed:

2022-02-11, 03:29 PM
My first build died to a bug I found while checking it.. And it breaks the idea entirely.

Sounds sucks. I know how it be, a such happened with me.

We are approaching 72-hours remaining line and my inbox folder is still too empty.
Somebody needs extension?

2022-02-12, 02:19 AM
Sounds sucks. I know how it be, a such happened with me.

We are approaching 72-hours remaining line and my inbox folder is still too empty.
Somebody needs extension?

A few days extension would not be superfluous to me.

2022-02-12, 02:59 AM
Sounds sucks. I know how it be, a such happened with me.

We are approaching 72-hours remaining line and my inbox folder is still too empty.
Somebody needs extension?

I still hope that I will have enough time this weekend to not rely on an extension for my (single) build.

2022-02-12, 06:55 AM
Okay. Three days more.

2022-02-13, 06:20 PM
In the end, I already finished and submitted my build. Is somebody still cooking? If not, then I believe the extension isn't necessary.

Malphagor, Balthanon, are you still in?

2022-02-14, 12:16 AM
I'm still writing my build. I hope I get it finished today.

2022-02-14, 12:55 AM
In the end, I already finished and submitted my build. Is somebody still cooking? If not, then I believe the extension isn't necessary.

Malphagor, Balthanon, are you still in?

I'm still in. The extension just reset my procrastination clock. ;) (Actually, I've been working on getting our exercise room repainted, so that's been distracting me. Just finished that up tonight though, so I should be able to focus on this tomorrow.)

2022-02-14, 09:10 AM
In the end, I already finished and submitted my build. Is somebody still cooking? If not, then I believe the extension isn't necessary.

Malphagor, Balthanon, are you still in?

I’m not any more got way too much on to do with jobhunting atm for a bit sadly. Mine was basically just riffing off the idea of ‘hengeyokai police dogs who grant magic power to allies near them is like a police version of a familiar’ with nothing much to it buildwise.

2022-02-14, 04:10 PM
I won't be submitting this time around, I may post a stub after the reveal (be interesting to see if anyone had the same general idea as me). Work has been insanely busy (busiest its been in years) and TBH, I wasn't that happy with my idea.

Time permitting, I'll try to judge.

2022-02-16, 02:37 PM
We are closing to 24-hours line, but I still have single mail. :smallfrown:
Gruftzwerg, Balthanon, how are your entries?
Is anybody else working on his build?

2022-02-16, 05:29 PM
I should be writing up my build tonight.

2022-02-16, 09:04 PM
We are closing to 24-hours line, but I still have single mail. :smallfrown:
Gruftzwerg, Balthanon, how are your entries?
Is anybody else working on his build?

I've finally finished it and send it in. Sorry for the delay. I hope that Balthanon also finishes his entry. We seem to be already short on builds.

2022-02-16, 09:39 PM
I think this was a really neat idea for a competition, but I couldn't put aside the time it deserved, and couldn't tweak the build to a point where I would have been happy to enter it.

2022-02-16, 09:47 PM
I think this was a really neat idea for a competition, but I couldn't put aside the time it deserved, and couldn't tweak the build to a point where I would have been happy to enter it.

Why not give us some cannon fodder? xD

Jokes aside. I know what you mean, my first 2 build went into the toilette after 2-3weeks of work put into em. One because of a rule "bug" I missed. The other because I wasn't happy with it. It's always sad when this happens.
GL next time and HF judging.

2022-02-17, 12:07 PM
I just finished writing up the background, which is... lengthy. I'm going to send it in in my standard build format for now and will look at updating that later today to the standard for the contest, but this should hopefully have all the details necessary to get the concept across. (Edit: And submitted.)

2022-02-17, 02:55 PM
I just finished writing up the background, which is... lengthy. I'm going to send it in in my standard build format for now and will look at updating that later today to the standard for the contest, but this should hopefully have all the details necessary to get the concept across. (Edit: And submitted.)

Please, told me if you'll need some extension to formatting or if you'll decide not to update your entry.

2022-02-17, 03:16 PM
Please, told me if you'll need some extension to formatting or if you'll decide not to update your entry.

Nah, I'd say go ahead and send it to the judges. No need for an extension. If I get dinged on formatting, I'm fine with that. I'd rather devote my time to working on a character I might be playing in an upcoming game for now and I think my format is fairly self explanatory for the build.

2022-02-17, 03:18 PM
Nah, I'd say go ahead and send it to the judges. No need for an extension. If I get dinged on formatting, I'm fine with that. I'd rather devote my time to working on a character I might be playing in an upcoming game for now and I think my format is fairly self explanatory for the build.

You anyway have at least 1 hour and 32 minutes. )))

2022-02-17, 05:00 PM
Well. I said 1 hour and 32 minutes...
Actually it was only 32 minutes, but my word is my word.

Pencils down. Builds are incoming!

2022-02-17, 05:05 PM
First entry.

Jose & Manuel

Twin fake pseudo (raven) Familiars & their fake immortal Warforged Alienist master

Jose and Manuel are Dvati twins. They grew up hearing all kind of epic tales & legends of adventurers, magic, monsters & more. Over the years the wish to be part of those epic tales manifests more and more in them. They are fascinated especially by Beholders and their powers and want to make those powers their own. But the twins also know that life is not always easy. They know how many have failed and died by following such big dreams. If you try to become powerful, others might become aware and pick you as target before you become a threat to them. As such, the twins try to be really careful on their way to pursue more power. One day, they come up with a terrific plan. They will fake to be the familiars of a puppet as fake master. This way, the puppet can draw the main attention in combat and increase the odds of the twins remaining unharmed (or at least not be the main target). They vow to each other to do whatever it takes to achieve their goal for obtaining ultimate powers and becoming Legends of their own..

Race: Dvati (+1LA)
Since we get some extra xp for stuff like LA buy-off, I did pick Dvati as race.
While Dvati ain't mandatory for the main-combo of the build to function, it greatly enhances the build.
Double the emulated familiars + double the power = double the fun ^^
I didn't reflect neither the LA or the buyoff in the tables to keep it simple. The buy-off happens early on at lvl 3. Nothing else in the build demands additional XP, so it is easily covered by the extra XP we get.

Ability Scores:
STR: 10
DEX: 10
CON: 14
INT: 16 (+ 5 from level + 5 Wish + 6 item = 32 endscore)
WIS: 10
CHA: 16
(Note: Cha & Con can be raised as secondary attributes via wish & items if possible // Wish scrolls can be shared over both twins and the urban companion)

Urban Druid 10 / Master of Many Forms 1 / Warshaper 1 / Beholder Mage 2 / Mystic Theurge 6

Class Features

Urban Druid (1)
Bluff: 4
Concentration: 4
Gather Information: 4
Knowledge (Local): 4
Perform (Acting): 4
Sense Motive: 4
Spellcraft: 4
City Sense

Favored City 1

Urban Companion: Raven

Urban Druid (2)
Bluff: 5
Concentration: 5
Gather Information: 5
Knowledge (Local): 5
Perform (Acting): 5
Sense Motive: 5
Spellcraft: 5


Urban Druid (3)
Bluff: 6
Concentration: 6
Gather Information: 6
Knowledge (Local): 6
Perform (Acting): 6
Sense Motive: 6
Spellcraft: 6
Alley Fighting

Urban Druid (4)
Bluff: 7
Concentration: 7
Gather Information: 7
Knowledge (Local): 7
Perform (Acting): 7
Sense Motive: 7
Spellcraft: 7

Disease Immunity

Favored City 2

Urban Companion: Animated Object (medium)

Urban Druid (5)
Bluff: 8
Concentration: 8
Gather Information: 8
Knowledge (Local): 8
Perform (Acting): 8
Sense Motive: 8
Spellcraft: 8

Urban Shape 1/day

Master of Many Forms (1)
Disguise: 7
Aberration Blood:
Bulging Eyes
(+2 Spot)
Improved Wild Shape: Humanoids
(Urban Shape 2/day)

Shifter's Speech

Urban Druid (6)
Bluff: 9
Concentration: 9
Gather Information: 9
Knowledge (Local): 9
Perform (Acting): 9
Sense Motive: 9
Spellcraft: 9

Urban Shape 3/day

Warshaper (1)
(INT: 18 now!)
Balance: 5 (+5)
Disguise: 8

Morphic Immunities

Morphic Weapons

Urban Druid (7)
Bluff: 10
Concentration: 11 (+2)
Gather Information: 10
Knowledge (Local): 10
Perform (Acting): 10
Sense Motive: 10
Spellcraft: 10
Aberration Wild Shape
Urban Shape 4/day

Urban Druid (8)
Bluff: 11
Concentration: 13 (+2)
Gather Information: 11
Knowledge (Local): 11
Perform (Acting): 11
Sense Motive: 11
Spellcraft: 11

Urban shape (Large)

Favored City 3

Urban Druid (9)
Bluff: 13 (+2)
Concentration: 14
Gather Information: 12
Knowledge (Local): 12
Perform (Acting): 12
Sense Motive: 12
Spellcraft: 12

Information Network

Urban Druid (10)
Bluff: 15 (+2)
Concentration: 15
Gather Information: 12
Knowledge (Local): 12
Perform (Acting): 12
Sense Motive: 12
Spellcraft: 12
Assume Supernatural Ability:
Antimagic Cone
Urban Shape 5/day

Beholder Mage (1)
Knowledge (Arcane): 6 (+6)

Arcane Hands

Spell-stalk 1st

Beholder Mage (2)
Knowledge (Religion): 6 (+6)

Spell-stalk 2nd

Mystic Theurge (1)
Use Magic Device: 3 (+6)
Companion Spellbound
Spell-stalk 3rd

Mystic Theurge (2)
(INT: 20)
Use Magic Device: 6.5 (+7)

Spell-stalk 4th

Mystic Theurge (3)
Use Magic Device: 10 (+7)

Spell-stalk 5th

Mystic Theurge (4)
Use Magic Device: 13.5 (+7)
Spell-stalk 6th

Mystic Theurge (5)
Use Magic Device: 17 (+7)

Spell-stalk 7th

Mystic Theurge (6)
Concentration: 16
Use Magic Device: 20 (+6)

Spell-stalk 8th

Urban Druid's Spells per Day







6th (no spell progression)


8th (no spell progression)






13-14th (no spell progression)







Beholder Mage's Spells per Day

Sacrificed Eye Ray*



Inflict Moderate Wounds


Flesh to Stone



Charm Person

Charm Monster

* Finger of Death & Disintegrate rays are remaining forever

Spells Known:
Urban Druid knows all spells from his limited spell list. Beholder Mage on the other hand can learn all spells, given the time and opportunity. I haven't listed any spells from lvlUp, since it doesn't affect the build in a special way (only exceptions, Tongues & (greater) Arcane Fusion). You can pick the spells that you normally would and make adjustments depending on your campaign.

The twins start out as regular Dvati Urban Druids with a raven animal companion. But they already pretend that it is a familiar (bluff skill) to get some experience as liar. We already pick up some skills to pretend to be someone/-thing else (Bluff & Perform: Acting to supplement Disguise later). Favored City sadly only gives a +2 sacred bonus to Will saves and doesn't give any bonuses on skills since we have a +0 WIS modifier (except when using Owl's Wisdom or any other WIS bonuses). Crowdwalk gives a +4 bonus on any attacks, skill or ability checks, when we attempt to move past squares with hostile creatures (Tumble, Overrun, Trample.. nice for some Urban Shape/Polymorph forms). Alley Fighting gives combat bonuses when fighting in tied corridors/streets (width of your size) and thus has again a synergy with Urban Shape (into larger forms). Disease Immunity is always nice to have.
At lvl 4 we can exchange our Urban Companion into an Animated Object (medium), which we simply call him "Master".
At lvl 5 we we can Urban Shape into small (sized) Ravens. These are familiar option for huge master in "Tome and Blood" (we can at later levels emulate a huge master with Alter Self on the companion to change it into a Large Animated Object + Enlarge Person to give it a huge size; this can be abused for large area fights if wanted). Finally, while the Urban Druids spell list is very limited, it is still fine. Most notable are the healing and repair spells to heal/repair back up between fights. Barkskin and Owl's Wisdom lets the build emulate (a familiar's) Natural Armor.

With "Master" the web of lies from the twins really starts. They pretend that he is superior alien construct race (kinda looks like an advanced adamantine warforged with some gadgets).

As Medium Animated Object (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/animatedObject.htm) we will add the following options to the base:
- roller under his feet for extra speed +10ft + 40ft = +50ft (totals 80ft land speed)
- bat/gargoyle like wings to count as sheet-like wings for flying speed (half land movement speed: 80ft/2= 40ft)
- Tentacles for a Constrict attack
- Adamantine for hardness 20

As Ubran Companion it gets up to:
+4 bonus HD
+4 bonus NA
+3 Bonus Tricks

Since an Animated Object already can follow basic commands (attack, follow, defend...) we use the bonus tricks to teach him some "Perform" tricks. These should help him pretend to be the master of the familiars (gestures to pretend to be casting; flexing to show his superiority and such things; giving short answers when he is later able to speak with the Tongues spell)

With Shifter's Speech we can now speak while Urban Shaped and thus pretend to be speaking raven familiars. Since "Master" can't speak (yet), we pretend that he is a higher being and that nobody deserves to speak directly to him. Thus the twin raven handle the communication while "Master" only does some gestures occasionally (to reflect his mood or to pretend to command the twins).
The twins discover that their desire for the power of beholders was inborn, since it seems that they are blood related to them (Aberration Blood +2 spot). This unlocks Aberration Wild Shape which itself unlocks some nice forms (for those interested here a link to the aberrations section (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LUJYY1XBEw0gqsdwhLjTzg33a_fHPaKqmMT36dQ1mfU/edit#heading=h.lmkwmpefo7wr)of a handbook. Note that this build sadly lacks "Enhance Wild Shape" and thus can't make use of most forms, but there are a few). But our main aim Beholder (11HD) is still out of reach.
With Morphic Weapons we can grow the "Eye Rays" of a Beholder. Those give the twins in their raven familiar form a pseudo-natural look (emulating a pseudonatural familiar of an alienist). The rays are fully functional and thus a free action to use. This gives us an enormous power boost for our current lvl. Morphic Immunities are the icing to increase the survivability of our HP lacking Dvati twins.

Our twins have set an Information Network in a few cities where they mostly spend time (equal to CHA modifier; standard 2). While in one of these cities, the Urban Druids can each attempt a Gather Information check in 1/2h and doesn't need to spend an entire day for the check. Further, if any event occurs in a city that would interest the twins (note: doesn't seem to be the chosen cities, but any city the Urban Druid is interested atm..^^), they may make a Gather Information check to learn of the event as a free action (roll separate for each twin).
Finally we can shape into a Beholder to get Assume Supernatural Ability: Antimagic Cone. A very powerful tool when Wild Shaping (or Polymorphing) into a Beholder (pretending to have received a Shapechange spell). Note that by RAW we don't get Eye Rays as natural weapon, but sole for vision. Since we don't have em as natural weapon, we can grow em legally via Morphic Weapons to have 20 Eye Rays (only 10 functional).
To enter Beholder Mage, we need a few scrolls (1-3) of Polymorph any Object (spell is on Urban Druid's list) to qualify for the race requirement. It is enough if one cast attempt is successful, since the Dvati can share the effect (to both qualify for BM).
As Beholder Mage (BM) we get double the spellcaster lvl per class lvl. One "Eye Ray" is sacrificed for each new spell lvl the BM gets. Note that this ability is tied to the spellcasting ability and thus scales with spell progression (via Mystic Theurge later on). Further, we have access to the Eye Rays/Spell Stalks in any shaped/polyed form via Morphic Weapons.
The Arcane Hands ability gives each twin permanent Mage Hands. These can also be used to activate magic items or to attack with unarmed strikes (with a STR score equal to BM lvls = STR:2 ...). If you want some fun, invest into a Monk's Tattoo ("roll UMD -20" to pretend to have monk lvls to get higher values in return). Note that due to the way Mage Hands works, we can now attack from other positions (where the Arcane Hand is atm). Thus we can easily avoid to provoke any AoO while using them for Unarmed Strikes. We now have a use for our otherwise barely used standard actions (due to free action casting from Eye Rays). While the attacks (STR: 2) are weak, the Tattoo can still be nice for the movementspeed bonus.
Companion Spellbound allows us to share spells with "Master" over a longer range (30ft) or to target touch spells at "close" range.
Once the build gets access to the "tongues" spell, we can let "Master" speak his first few words when someone really deserves this honor. Can be made Permanent later.
And finally, the twins can pretend to receive a Shapechange spell to turn into Beholders (via Aberration Wild Shape) if the situation really demands it. Since putting the central eye out is sole a requirement and not an ongoing effect, we once again have it (healed back) ready for abuse. Now each turn one twin can activate the cone (end of turn) while the other one disables it (start of turn). This allows to have the antimagic cone always up on enemies turn, while casting without restriction on the twins turn.

Since BM also has access to Sorcerer spells, we also get (greater) Arcane Fusion (AF). AF is a personal spell and can be shared with the companion and thus helps us to emulate "Master" casting any sorcerer spell himself (since AF can load spells that are not personal anymore). For this we try to learn the Sorcerer version of any spell we learn. Sharing AF over 3 targets is very spellslot efficient.
Multiattack is the last piece of emulation the build has to pretend to be full fledged familiar.

In the end Jose and Manuel have become some terrific fake familiars. Each twin can cast an arcane spell of each lvl (up to 8th lvl) as free action and possibly share it with his other twin and companion. Urban Druid spells up to 8th lvl are a nice backup for healing/repairing and other stuff that we can't cast as arcane spell. With permanent Arcane Hands we can make unarmed strike attacks from a distant position, thus negating any possible AoO due to the lack of Improved Unarmed Strike, since we stay out of enemies reach. And all that while annoying the enemies with an Antimagic Cone.
We try to fool our enemies (via disguise, perform: acting and bluff) to think that the twins are the pseudonatural raven familiars of a suprior immortal alien being. Because "Master" is an urban companion, he kinda is "immortal" since we can reconstruct him within 24h of downtime (Urban Companion). A truly legendary LIE! May the bards spread the LIE.

I also want to say a few words on Beholder Mage. I've seen many so called early entries, but most of em are just illegal. They ingore that "Assume Supernatural Ability" (ASA) requires you to have a polymorph-like ability (since it is a 3.0, wild shape works too) and that PaO from a scroll or as service from a npc caster doesn't qualify here. Further you need to have enough HD/caster level (11) to select Beholder as legal target form. Thus delaying ASA to the 12th lvl feat spot. So, imho this build showcases one of the few legal ways to enter BM as PC. And thx to warshaper's Morphic Weapons ability, the build has access to the Eye Rays in any changed form (Urban Shape or Polymorph) which is a nice bonus copared to other BM builds.

Final Words..

I hope you all enjoyed the build and I'm looking forward to see the other builds!
GL & HF everyone :smallsmile:

2022-02-17, 05:07 PM
Second here.

Character Name: Areyahaya, sometimes known as Array

Class Build Name: An Ordinary Magic Cat... Familiar... Thing.
- Preferred Race: Mineral Warrior Tressym
- Build: Warlock 12/Survivor 5/Mind Bender 2

Array essentially decided that she was going to be a familiar in order to live the good life, but she didn't actually want to be a familiar, because that would be dumb and she'd have to go on adventures and listen to what her pet says. To be fair, most of that stuff happens anyway, but despite her cunning, she isn't always the brightest cat in the world. It doesn't help that she has half a dozen different voices advising her on how to accomplish her plans ranging from the imp which granted her her warlock abilities to the vestiges that she binds (the most constant of which actually makes her mad) and other abberations, soul fragments, and extraplanar beings to boot.

If I weren't focusing quite so heavily on the familiar aspects of it the "extra voices in the head" would be my main focus in this build honestly and Survivor would probably be swapped out for binder and possibly an actual meldshaper class with some dual casting progression to make the build a bit more viable at higher levels. (Though I do quite like the roleplay fit of the class in terms of her main goal being, well, to survive. It's just that more offense is probably ultimately a better approach to survival than more defense in actual gameplay.)

(The "avoid dips since it isn't elegant" in the rules probably influenced this too, since I personally don't have an issue with dipping in builds so long as it is explained as part of the character's backstory. If I wasn't working on avoiding dips, I probably wouldn't continue Mindbender beyond the single level either if I'm being honest or would have bumped it up to 5 levels with 4 levels of Survivor instead of finishing that class off for eternal charm to make the "Master" slightly more integrated rather than being dependent upon the Warlock invocation. That loses some of the synergy between Array and Chaod though, since she wouldn't get Imbue Item so the single level dip is more likely.)


Alignment: Any nongood.
Skills: Bluff 4 ranks, Diplomacy 4 ranks, Intimidate 4 ranks, Sense Motive 4 ranks.
Spells: Able to cast charm person, use charm person as a spell-like ability, or use the charm invocation.
Spells or Spell-Like Abilities: Arcane caster level 5th.

Base Save Bonus: Highest base save bonus must be lower than character level.
Special: The path of the survivor requires a concentrated month of study to enter the prestige class.
During this month, the character must stay in one place and spend all his waking hours in study, practice,
and meditation.

Point It Out, Skill Trick
8 Ranks Spot

Complete Arcane, Tome of Magic, Savage Species, Magic of Incarnum, and Lords of Madness.

Build Highlights:

Familiar Abilities (Mimicked via this Ability)
- Spell Resistance (Spellward Shirt soul bind, gained via feat)
- Speak with Animals (Call of the Beast invocation, gained via class ability)
- Speak with Master (Telepathy, gained via class ability)
- Empathic Link, out to 1 mile (Warlock's Call invocation, gained via class ability)
- Deliver Touch Spells (Warlock invocations/Eldritch blast, gained via class ability)
- Share Spells (Invocations [See Invisibility] and Use Magic Device, gained via class abilities and skills)
- Improved Evasion (gained via Survivor class ability)
- Natural Armor +10 (Mineral Warrior Template + Dahler-nav vestige, gained via feat and template)
- Int 15 or higher (gained via assigned points, level adjustment, and racial bonuses)
- Grant Alertness Within Range ("Point It Out" Skill Trick, gained via skill points)
- "Master" (Charm Warlock invocation)

Familiar Disguise (alternately simple cat or earth elemental)
- Max ranks in Disguise and Bluff

Mineral Warrior primarily added to remove the flight in the build rather than hand-waiving it, plus it
probably does mean that Array can't just take the warlock flight invocation and call it a day.

Ability Scores:
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
10 12 16 14 8 16 (32 Point Buy)
2 6 10 4 0 10 ( - Points)
- - - - - - - - - - - -
2 3 (Leveling Adjustments)
6 6 (Enhancement Bonuses)
4 1 5 (Inherent Bonuses)
(Class Bonuses)
+ -6 4 4 (Racial Adjustments)
4 24 24 15 8 30 (Final Stats)

Class Build:
Level | Class | Feats/Abilities | BAB | HP
Level -: Mineral Warrior
Level 1: Warlock (CA) Bind Vestige (ToM)
Level 2: Warlock
Level 3: Warlock Improved Bind Vestige (ToM)
Level 4: Warlock
Level 5: Warlock
Level 6: Warlock Practiced Binder (ToM)
Level 7: Mindbender (CA)
Level 8: Survivor
Level 9: Survivor Shape Soulmeld (Spellward Shirt) (MoI)
Level 10: Survivor
Level 11: Survivor
Level 12: Warlock Bonus Essentia (MoI)
Level 13: Warlock
Level 14: Warlock
Level 15: Warlock Improved Essentia Capacity (MoI)
Level 16: Warlock
Level 17: Warlock
Level 18: Survivor Mindsight (LoM)
Level 19: Mindbender
----{ ECL 20 }-------------
Level 20: Mindbender
Class and Race Abilities:
Tr - Magical beast, 30 ft speed, 2 claws (1d2) and 1 bite (1d3), darkvision 60 ft, low-light vision,
immunity to poison, scent, ability score bonuses (-8 Str, +4 Dex, +2 Int, +2 Wis, +2 Cha),
+8 racial bonus to Balance, +4 racial bonus to Hide (+8 in tall grass or tree leaves),
+4 racial bonus to Move Silently, use Dexterity for Climb checks
MW - Earth subtype, lose fly speed, 25 ft. burrow speed, +3 natural armor, Earth Strike (+7 to hit),
damage reduction 8/adamantine, ability score changes (+2 Str, +4 Con, -2 Int, -2 Wis, -2 Cha)
1 - Eldritch blast 1d6, invocation (least), 1 invocation known (call of the beast)
2 - Detect magic, 2 invocations known
3 - Damage redution 1/cold iron, eldritch blast 2d6
4 - Deceive item, 3 invocations known
5 - Eldritch blast 3d6
6 - New invocation (least or lesser), 4 invocations known
7 - Telepathy
8 - Uncanny Dodge (Dex to AC)
9 - Evasion
10 - Uncanny Dodge (can't be flanked)
11 - Improved evasion
12 - Damage reduction 2/cold iron, eldritch blast 4d6
13 - Fiendish reslilience 1, 5 invocations known
14 - Eldritch blast 5d6
15 - Energy resistance 5 (acid, cold)
16 - Damage reduction 3/cold iron, eldritch blast 6d6, new invocation (least, lesser, or greater),
7 invocations known (warlock's call)
17 - Imbue item
18 - Damage reduction 5/-
19 - Push the weak mind 1/day, skill boost

"Master" Chaod
Class Build: Rogue 1/Artificer 4/Chameleon 10, focused upon
Level | Class | Feats/Abilities | BAB | HP
Level 1: Rogue Able Learner
Level 2: Artificer [Scribe Scroll]
Level 3: Artificer Negotiator, [Brew Potion]
Level 4: Artificer [Craft Wondrous Item]
Level 5: Artificer [Extraordinary Artisan]
Level 6: Chameleon Skill Focus (Profession (merchant))
Level 7: Chameleon [Swappable Bonus Feat]
Level 8: Chameleon [Craft Magic Arms and Armor]
Level 9: Chameleon Landlord
Level 10: Chameleon
Level 11: Chameleon
Level 12: Chameleon Business Savvy
Level 13: Chameleon
Level 14: Chameleon
Level 15: Chameleon Favored in Guild
Level 16: Merchant Prince
Level 17: Merchant Prince
Level 18: Merchant Prince Practiced Spellcaster
Level 19: Merchant Prince
Level 20: Merchant Prince
Class Abilities:
1 -
2 -
3 -

----------------------------- ----------------------------- --------------------
| Save Bonus | Fort Refl Will | | Attack Bonus | Melee Range | Armor |
----------------------------- ----------------------------- --------------------
| Base | | | Base | | Base | 10 |
| - Class 1 | | | Ability | | Ability | |
| - Class 2 | | | Enhancement | | Armor | |
| - Class 3 | | | Feat | | Shield | |
| - Class 4 | | | Spells | | Natural | |
| Ability | | | | | Deflection | |
| Resistance | | | | | [Other] | |
| [Other] | | | | | | |
----------------------------- ----------------------------- --------------------
| Total | | | Total | | |
----------------------------- ----------------------------- --------------------

Skills | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
Bluff | 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 17 19 20 22
Diplomacy | 2 3 4 5
Disguise | 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22
Intimidate | 4 5
K(the planes)|
Sense Motive | 4 5
Spot | 1 3 5 6 7 8
Use Magic D. | 2 3 4 6 10
Skill Tricks |
Point It Out | X

Class Abilities:

Invocations Known
Least (3) - Call of the Beast, See the Unseen, Swimming the Styx
Lesser (3) - Charm, Walk Unseen, Hellrime Blast
Greater (1) - Warlock's Call


Standard Equipment Array:
Head -
Face -
Neck -
Torso - Daazix's Vest (25,000 gold) (DMG2)
Body -
Waist -
Shoulders -
Arms -
Hands -
Ring1 -
Ring2 -
Feet -
Shield -
M. Weapon -
R. Weapon -
Quiver -

Non-Slot - Brainmate (2 Knowledge Skills) (10,000 gold) (LoM)
- Tome of Leadership and Influence +5 (137,500 gold)
- Tome of Clear Thought +2 (82,500 gold)
- Manual of Bodily Health +4 (110,000 gold)
- Heward's Hall Variant (Craft Magic Arms and Armor) (5,000 gold)

Wish List:
Magical items ultimately don't matter too much to the build, so they'd be fleshed out in actual play,
but for the most part Array's wealth goes to funding her lavish lifestyle.

Character Description/Personality:

Areyahaya, sometimes called Array by her human pets, has short, black fur with white socks on each foot and pure white wings that contrast nicely with her pitch coat; or at least she used to. Unfortunately, she ran into some poachers that caught her and clipped her wings literally when she was scarcely more than a kitten, leaving her with only a couple white patches on her back where her beautiful (and more importantly functional) wings used to be.

While this also technically left her as a living being made of stone, her fur was mostly unchanged by this and it is thus hard to tell that she is in fact anything more than an ordinary cat. At least until you pet her, or for the more aggressive, try to bite her.

That event had a rather substantial effect on the characteristically timid tressym. It is in large part why Array is a tried and true coward whose only real goal in life is to live a danger free life of luxury with easy access to food and a nice, warm place to sleep. She has a measure of the arrogance of any cat, tempered by the knowledge that she is a rather tiny and easily squashed animal who lacks the flight that sets her kind apart from other felines. Because she is not particularly wise, she hasn't realized that she could have easily regained that flight and more with the various abilities that she has bargained for over the years. (And for that matter, has more defenses than most of her kind and very little to fear from almost anything that is her size or even quite a bit larger.)

Character Biography:

Areyahaya had an unfortunate incident with poachers early in her life, where she was kidnapped and spirited away to a lab deep beneath the earth in the Underdark. Well, deep for Areyahaya. It was perhaps a flight or two of stairs down, but she did not like it in the least as she couldn't see the sky at all, which was entirely new to her. Unspeakable rites were performed upon her in that dank, horrible place which was, if she was being entirely truthful, rather well-lit and kept quite clean. And she mainly couldn't speak of them because she was put to sleep shortly after arriving and before even seeing her evil captor so she could complain about her treatment. You know, if she actually spoke human.

Areyahaya is at least sure he (or possibly she, she supposes) was evil, because when she awoke, her wings had been stripped from her and she had been cruelly tossed out like the detritus she sometimes scavenged from in cities. Often scavenged from if she was being honest, because hunting was quite a pain and required ever so much energy. Plus, things you hunted sometimes turned around and hunted you.

You never knew when a mouse was going to be a brass dragon playing around on a lark or some such.

At any rate, Areyahaya knew her days were numbered when she awoke lying in the grass, a horrible dog not far from her with a bloody muzzle and broken teeth, just about to eat her. The latter fact something she knew from the way the creature was growling under its breath.

Her attempt to fly away at that point revealed that her wings were gone, plunging her into despair with a wail until the dog let out a sharp bark and she decided that she would need to try and flee on foot.


Miraculously, she managed to escape the foul beast, finding herself in some odd broken down building, but her soul cried out in despair at her impending doom, for her chances of surviving such circumstances were surely nil and she would be lucky to survive the week. Rudely, something responded to her heart-rending wail by throwing a boot at her head, even though he didn't appear to wear any.

Indeed, the little man that had so rudely interrupted her appeared to be trapped by a small circle etched into the floor and spoke some odd language at her rather pompously when it saw it had her attention. This did nothing, because the stupid thing didn't appear to speak a proper language, until finally she was startled to hear a voice in her head. It explained that if she just scratched up the circle, it would grant her whatever she desired. Excited, she proceeded to run over and do just that, only taking a moment to solicit a promise that the creature would let her fly again.

Unfortunately, as soon as she released the ill-mannered thing, it promptly spat on her head and then vanished in a puff of foul smelling smoke. Stomping one of her feet, Areyahaya resolved not to let that happen with the _next_ weird thing she ran across that could heal her and promptly set out to find one. Looking through the rooms of the place, she shortly found herself lost and it was hours later that she stumbled upon an odd shrine studded with old, yucky teeth.

Needless to say, as she ran forward, this interaction went little better than the last, and she shortly found herself listening to odd noises and words that echoed in her head, which she realized, was something that had already been happening since the odd creature spat on her. Both were, she thought, were rather uncouth and vulgar and despite being able to understand them, she was fairly certain that only one was speaking proper Tressym. Unfortunately, that was the one that seemed slightly more paranoid and made quite a bit less sense.

Still, both promised her what she wanted, which was safety, food, and a comfy spot to sleep, so she resolved to follow their directions for now, since she didn't particularly know what to do without wings. For several weeks, if not months, Areyahaya followed the dictates of the weird beings, running around and learning how to blast things with weird energies, see stuff that wasn't there, and more. Unfortunately, none of this let her fly again and she was quite tired and cross when she decided to stop following the directions of the weird things and go to the cities.


Getting there was not as easy as she hoped, however, and it took her at least another month spent mostly running from the things that she could not avoid and trying not to die before she finally reached her destination. Once there, she was finally able to find something good to eat rather than the raw things that resulted regardless of how much she hit them with the weird energy the one voice in her head taught her how to use. And she found a warm place that, even if it was noisy, was nice to sleep.

Having decided that was going to be her new home, she promptly used one of the abilities she had picked up and asked one of the local wingless Tressym how to be safe here. While quite dim, they indicated that the dogs left the magic cats that occassionally visited completely alone, so Aleyhaya decided that is what she would be. It seemed fairly straight forward after all, and the first voice indicated it could instruct her in everything required, as it had been a little magic person for a bigger magic person once.

In point of fact, that was the first recommendation she got--find a magic person and just have them make her a magic cat, along with a list of people who would be good for that. Having gotten a little wiser to the voices tricks though, she found out that this would likely result in her having to follow the stupid person into more of the dumb dungeons and the like or even worse places. Plus she would need to follow their directions and that wouldn't do if she was going to have a pet person. It would be better to just pretend. It couldn't be that difficult after all.

Deciding that the person who owned the warm place she slept would be the best pet, she promptly walked up to it and demanded that it pretend to be a magic person so she could be a magic cat.

The stupid thing just looked at her blankly and then it's eyes widened and it ran away when she hissed in frustration and stamped a paw. Going back to the drawing board, she took her usual step of asking the voices what to do and was promptly informed it could teach her how to "win friends, and influence people". Unfortunately, this took even more running around and doing favors for the stupid things, but she finally had her way and was rewarded with her new pet giving her a dopey looking smile and petting her, which was a new thing, but she decided she quite approved of it.

She settled in to enjoy her new status as a magic cat until she was informed by several very large rats that scared her away from a choice meal that her pet wasn't a magic person, it was a metal banging person and didn't count. This, she acknowledged, was indeed a problem and she informed her pet he was to learn magics promptly. This just resulted in a blank stare again, and she realized that she still did not know the thing's language. Demanding to learn how the first voice spoke to her, she was again sent on errands around the city, but this time she decided to drag along her pet, even if it couldn't understand her.

Finally though, she had everything she needed and after informing her pet, who she learned was named Chaod, to learn the magics, she settled down again for a well deserved rest.


Another couple months passed like this, her pet working at how to use magics in his job with occassional pointers from her that she in turn learned from a magic person that the second voice instructed her in how to talk to in her head accidentally. This worked out well until a party of adventurers decided that they needed a magic person and as it happened, her pet was the only one available in the rather small city.

Refusing to take no for an answer, they dragged her poor pet out on an "adventure" and unfortunately, Array (as her pet had started to call her, since it could not pronounce her name properly), could not get them to go away without breaking her cover as a magic cat. As it turned out, the adventurers were not very good at their jobs and it was all Array could do to stay alive given that she needed to save them multiple times, pretending that it was her poor pet that actually was helping.

On the plus side, the first voice informed her that learning how to avoid massive explosions without being splattered was a critical piece of being a magic cat, so there was that.

Still, this was unfortunately a pattern that would repeat itself numerous times over the years and while Array learned more to help her with surviving the mess and pretending to be a magic cat, it never quite seemed to end. She found many more voices over the years and learned many new things, but she never did actually remember that her original goal in this was learning how to fly again. Still, her pet ended up having some of the comfiest places built for her to sleep, it was still warm, and she had the very best food with all the shiny minerals people gave him for the stuff he made with her help, so she supposed all was well that ended well. Particularly when she decreed that all dogs were forbidden from the city and they actually listened because she definitely a magic cat at this point.

2022-02-17, 05:09 PM
Third and last (but not least!).

Grill and Lirgl

Two twin brothers. One shapeshifter dragon, one young magic user. Linked beyond appearances. Seriously, go watch Wakfu, it’s really good.

Grill and Lirgl were born together in the mountains of Furitep in Mulhorand, each borne by one of their mother’s bodies. And from their birth, they knew they were one and the same. Your days go fast when you’re never alone, and with each game that they played against themselves, their mind expanded and their body became stronger, until they could break rocks with their fists and foresee the actions of other people. They lived together, and their teamwork warmed their heart in rainy days. Others may have sworn to never leave each other’s side, but they didn’t have to. It was simply obvious. In a word, they were happy.
But nothing lasts forever, and war broke between Mulhorand and the Imaskari Empire. Grill and Lirgl learned at that time that they were born under the sign of Nephtys, goddess of the underworld. As they were sent on the battlefield, they felt a power surging in them from a divine source. The souls of the dead protected them in the form of shining blue vestments, and they suddenly could change themselves in animals, or in other people. They were amazed by this gift, and quickly learned to use these powers. On the battlefield, they danced around each other, changing into whatever form befitted them, and protecting each other as much as they protected themselves. Typically, one of them would take the form of a hobgoblin and cover the other with spells, in the form of a powerful animal who teared through their enemies. Sometimes, they even took the form of defeated opponents to infiltrate the enemy ranks, and as their power grew ever higher, they could even use their powers against each other.
They rose through the ranks and quickly started leading armies on the battlefield, and their encouragement to each other could raise the morals of whole armies. They had no fear, because they still knew. Even in other forms, even if things went badly, even if they never made it back home, even if they changed so many times that they forgot who was Grill and was Lirgl, they’d always be together. Brothers always have each other’s back.

(Supposedly) NG Mulhorandi divine minion Dvati twins Monk 2 Incarnate 3 Master of Many Forms 10 Warblade 1 Warshaper 2

Abilities Initial Race / Template 4th 8th 12th 16th 20th
STR 8 4
DEX 8 4
CON 16 1 1
INT 16 1 1
WIS 14
CHA 14

Level Class Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Reflex Save Will Save Skills Feats Class Features
1st Monk 1 0 2 2 2 28: {+4} Hide: 4; {+4} Spot: 4; {+4} Balance: 4; {+4} Tumble: 4; {+4} Concentration: 4; {+4 CC} Psicraft: 2; {+4} Knowledge (Religion): 4; Hidden Talent (Synchronicity), Improved Unarmed Strike, Toughness Flurry of blows, unarmed strike
2nd Monk 2 1 3 3 3 7: {+1} Hide: 5; {+1} Spot: 5; {+1} Balance: 5; {+1} Tumble: 5; {+1} Concentration: 5; {+1 CC} Psicraft: 2.5; {+1} Knowledge (Religion): 5; Endurance Evasion
3rd Incarnate 1 1 5 3 5 5: Hide: 5; Spot: 5; Balance: 5; Tumble: 5; {+1} Concentration: 6; {+1 CC} Psicraft: 3; {+1} Knowledge (Religion): 6; {+2} Collector of Stories; Alertness Aura, detect opposition
4th Master of Many Forms 1 1 7 5 5 7: Hide: 5; Spot: 5; Balance: 5; Tumble: 5; {+6} Knowledge (Nature): 6; {+1} Concentration: 7; Psicraft: 3; Knowledge (Religion): 6; Collector of Stories; Shifter's speech, improved wild shape (humanoid)
5th Master of Many Forms 2 2 8 6 5 7: {+2} Hide: 7; Spot: 5; Balance: 5; Tumble: 5; {+2} Knowledge (Nature): 8; {+1} Concentration: 8; {+2 CC} Psicraft: 4; Knowledge (Religion): 6; Collector of Stories; Improved wild shape (giant; Large)
6th Master of Many Forms 3 3 8 6 6 6: {+2} Hide: 9; Spot: 5; Balance: 5; Tumble: 5; {+1} Knowledge (Nature): 9; {+1} Concentration: 9; Psicraft: 4; {+2 CC} Knowledge (Religion): 7; Collector of Stories; Practiced Manifester Fast wild shape, improved wild shape (monstrous humanoid)
7th Master of Many Forms 4 4 9 7 6 7: {+1} Hide: 10; Spot: 5; Balance: 5; Tumble: 5; {+1} Knowledge (Nature): 10; {+1} Concentration: 10; Psicraft: 4; {+4 CC} Knowledge (Religion): 9; Collector of Stories; Improved wild shape (fey; Tiny)
8th Master of Many Forms 5 4 9 7 6 7: {+1} Hide: 11; Spot: 5; Balance: 5; Tumble: 5; {+1} Knowledge (Nature): 11; {+1} Concentration: 11; Psicraft: 4; {+2 CC} Knowledge (Religion): 10; {+2} Disguise: 2; Collector of Stories; Improved wild shape (vermin)
9th Master of Many Forms 6 5 10 8 7 7: {+1} Hide: 12; Spot: 5; Balance: 5; Tumble: 5; {+1} Knowledge (Nature): 12; {+1} Concentration: 12; Psicraft: 4; {+2 CC} Knowledge (Religion): 11; {+2} Disguise: 4; Collector of Stories; Metamorphic Transfer Improved wild shape (aberration; Huge)
10th Master of Many Forms 7 6 10 8 7 7: {+1} Hide: 13; Spot: 5; Balance: 5; Tumble: 5; {+1} Knowledge (Nature): 13; {+1} Concentration: 13; Psicraft: 4; {+2 CC} Knowledge (Religion): 12; {+2} Disguise: 6; Collector of Stories; Extraordinary wild shape, improved wild shape (plant)
11th Warblade 1 7 12 8 7 7: Hide: 13; Spot: 5; Balance: 5; Tumble: 5; Knowledge (Nature): 13; {+1} Concentration: 14; Psicraft: 4; {+2 CC} Knowledge (Religion): 13; {+4 CC} Disguise: 8; Collector of Stories; Battle clarity (Reflex saves), weapon aptitude
12th Incarnate 2 8 13 8 8 5: Hide: 13; Spot: 5; Balance: 5; Tumble: 5; Knowledge (Nature): 13; {+1} Concentration: 15; Psicraft: 4; {+2} Knowledge (Religion): 15; {+2 CC} Disguise: 9; Collector of Stories; Bonus Essentia Chakra bind (crown)
13th Incarnate 3 8 13 9 8 5: Hide: 13; Spot: 5; Balance: 5; Tumble: 5; Knowledge (Nature): 13; {+1} Concentration: 16; Psicraft: 4; Knowledge (Religion): 15; {+2 CC} Disguise: 10; {+2} Twisted Charge, Collector of Stories; Expanded soulmeld capacity +1, incarnum radiance 1/day
14th Master of Many Forms 8 9 14 10 8 7: {+4} Hide: 17; Spot: 5; Balance: 5; Tumble: 5; {+2} Knowledge (Nature): 15; {+1} Concentration: 17; Psicraft: 4; Knowledge (Religion): 15; Disguise: 10; Twisted Charge, Collector of Stories; Improved wild shape (ooze; Diminutive)
15th Master of Many Forms 9 9 14 10 9 7: {+1} Hide: 18; Spot: 5; Balance: 5; Tumble: 5; {+3} Knowledge (Nature): 18; {+1} Concentration: 18; Psicraft: 4; {+2 CC} Knowledge (Religion): 16; Disguise: 10; Twisted Charge, Collector of Stories; Sudden Recovery Improved wild shape (elemental)
16th Master of Many Forms 10 10 15 11 9 7: {+1} Hide: 19; Spot: 5; Balance: 5; Tumble: 5; {+1} Knowledge (Nature): 19; {+1} Concentration: 19; Psicraft: 4; {+4 CC} Knowledge (Religion): 18; Disguise: 10; Twisted Charge, Collector of Stories; Evershifting form, improved wild shape (dragon; Gargantuan)
17th Warshaper 1 10 17 11 9 6: {+2 CC} Hide: 20; Spot: 5; Balance: 5; Tumble: 5; {+2 CC} Knowledge (Nature): 20; {+1} Concentration: 20; Psicraft: 4; {+1 CC} Knowledge (Religion): 18.5; Disguise: 10; Twisted Charge, Collector of Stories; Morphic immunities, morphic weapons
18th Warshaper 2 11 18 11 9 6: {+2 CC} Hide: 21; Spot: 5; Balance: 5; Tumble: 5; {+2 CC} Knowledge (Nature): 21; {+1} Concentration: 21; Psicraft: 4; {+1 CC} Knowledge (Religion): 19; Disguise: 10; Twisted Charge, Collector of Stories; Martial Study (Flanking Maneuver) Morphic body
19th LA 1 (Mulhorandi minion) 11 18 11 9 0: Hide: 21; Spot: 5; Balance: 5; Tumble: 5; Knowledge (Nature): 21; Concentration: 21; Psicraft: 4; Knowledge (Religion): 19; Disguise: 10; Twisted Charge, Collector of Stories; -
20th LA 2 (D'vati) 11 18 11 9 0: Hide: 21; Spot: 5; Balance: 5; Tumble: 5; Knowledge (Nature): 21; Concentration: 21; Psicraft: 4; Knowledge (Religion): 19; Disguise: 10; Twisted Charge, Collector of Stories; -

Grill and Lirgl are Dvati twins, one soul in two bodies, and are also Nephtys’s divine minions. Her status as goddess of the Underworld and pseudo-psychopomp makes sense with the Undying Way they chose for their monk training, which gives them Alertness at level 2. Their divine gift allows them to polymorph in animals, with no restriction on both of them being the same. Most of the time, they both change into crocodiles, using their monk abilities to attack two or three times per round. Dvati even make the most of the Undying Way’s monk’s bonus Toughness by having it be applied to both twins. Their soulmelds Fellmist Robe protect them against attacks from afar, Spellward Shirt give them SR 14 against magic attacks and the crocodile’s or snake’s natural armor protect them against melee attacks. The first two levels of Master of Many Forms allow them to take more varied forms at will to face any number of situations. One brother may be a troll hitting people with a club while the other may become a hawk perching on his brother’s shoulder and looking out for enemies.

Soulmelds : Fellmist, Spellward Shirt

Master of Many Forms dramatically increases how Many Forms… sorry, how many forms Grill and Lirgl can take. Notably, one of them will now mostly stay in a Monstrous Humanoid form. With Extraordinary Wild Shape and Metamorphic Transfer, they can get all (Ex) qualities and one (Su) ability of any form they take. This means a hobgoblin warsoul gives them the spellcasting of a wizard 9. Since dvati share all spell slots, that means the other can still cast spells (thanks to MoMF’s Shifter Speech) even though he isn’t in hobgoblin form and either in the form of a small animal or other animal-looking aberration. With this increased versatility, they can react to any opponent, even changing by a free action at the beginning of their turn for a more offensive form, then switching back at the end of their turn for a form fit to resist anything their opponent can throw at them. Now, normally, Dvati are quite limited when they want to cast spells. Both dvati need to spend a standard action to cast, and a dvati can only cast alone if their twin doesn’t use any action when they do so. However, Grill and Lirgl aren’t regular dvati twins. They are able to manifest a psi-like ability : Synchronicity. By spending a standard action, they can prepare an action for later that round. So, if they want to cast in a round, then one of the twins will spend their regular standard action attacking, or grappling, or whatever, and the other will use Synchronicity to prepare to cast a spell. When he actually casts the spell, his twin has already finished his turn, and is not using any action, allowing the twins to get their full two rounds while still casting the spell they wish. Practiced Manifester increases their manifester level to 5, which grants them 5 bonus power points due to their high charisma, allowing them to manifest Synchronicity 7 times per day in total. They could even cast two spells by each manifesting Synchronicity to trigger at different times. I honestly find it deliciously elegant that the power that allows the dvati twins to desync from each other is called Synchronicity. That’s typically what Dvati would call it, and I love it. Anyway. Metamorphic Transfer is really the cherry on top. This allows Grill and Lirgl to gain one (Su) ability of one of their form three times per day. And since they can keep a form indefinitely, they keep that supernatural ability for as long as they wish. The most important part of it is probably the Greater Doppelganger’s Consume Identity ability. Grill or Lirgl would change into a Doppelganger and eat the brain of a fallen powerful ally or threatening opponent (if possible, LN or CN). That’s how they can keep up with higher-level spellcasting later on, by simply eating a powerful wizard or sorcerer.

With elemental form, Grill or Lirgl is now a more ‘standard’ kind of familiar for his Monstrous Humanoid bro, but with still all the versatility and power of their various abilities. At this level, they are so used to war that they learned a few martial maneuver, along with increasing their ability to wield the souls of the dead. With Bonus Essentia and two more levels of Incarnate, they can increase their SR to 26 (10+4x4), and then to 30 at level 18. Their third soulmeld, Vitality Belt, along with Action Before Thought, makes their Reflex save almost unbeatable. With their Fortitude save already extremely high, and improved by their various forms’ Constitution, their only real weakness is their Will save, but not only are they immune to fear by being Nephtys’ minions, a spell would have to go through their SR first.
But the most important new addition at this level is White Raven Tactics and Douse the Flames. One of the twins (the one playing the ‘familiar’) can use Douse the Flames to prevent an enemy from using attacks of opportunity while his brother casts a spell (or manifests Synchronicity to cast a spell later), but White Raven Tactics mean that they can give the other another full round of actions by a swift action. Once a fight (or twice with Sudden Recovery), you effectively get three turns with your two characters.

Stance : Tactics of the Wolf
Maneuvers : Action Before Thought, Douse the Flames, White Raven Tactics
Soulmelds : Spellward Shirt, Fellmist Robe, Vitality Belt

And Grill and Lirgl can now become dragons, like vastly improved versions of the Wyrmlings you can get as familiars at high levels. Warshaper also improves their fighting capabilities by giving them one more natural weapon as well as some strength and dexterity.

An animal accompanying a spellcaster : Well, one twin does the caster by wild shaping into a hobgoblin warsoul or eating a spellcaster’s brain as a Greater Doppelganger.
Same number of hit dice as the main character, half the number of hit points : Each twin has the full number of hit dice, but litterally only half of the HP of what they would have as one. Both twins also obviously have the same number of skill ranks and saving throw bonuses.
Natural Armor bonus : Grill or Lirgl can change into strong forms with high natural armor, especially as dragons.
Share Spells, Empathic Link, Speak with Master : Dvati twins litterally have the first two abilities and can communicate telepathically.
Deliver Touch Spells : Since the Dvati share spell slots, the ‘familiar’ can simply cast the spell himself and deliver the touch spell. This also emulates the Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability spell and the Spell-Linked Familiar feat
Speak with Animals of Its Kind : MoMF 1st level ability.
Spell Resistance : Spellward Shirt
Scry on Familiar : Dvati twins can know each other’s status and health.
Alertness : 3rd level feat.
Improved Evasion: Evasion with Monk 2, and Action Before Thought improved by the Belt of Vitality to almost never fail the save.
Improved Familiar/Dragon Familiar : Any other form, notably elemental ones and draconic ones
Augment Familiar spell : Warshaper 2
Breaking action economy (What? Some people use familiars for something else than that?): White Raven Tactics, two bodies, two sets of action, and above all, Synchronicity.

Dragon Compendium : Dvati twins
Magic of Incarnum : Incarnate, all Soulmelds, Bonus Essentia
Tome of Battle : Warblade, all Stances and Maneuvers
Expanded Psionic Handbook : Hidden Talent
Complete Psionics : Synchronicity, Practiced Manifester
Complete Adventurer : Master of Many Forms
Complete Warrior : Warshaper

2022-02-17, 05:13 PM
And it's all for today!

Judges, now your work begins!

For clarity: LA Buyoff is on the game, as it mention in OP.
In future rounds it maybe will change, but in this it's fully legal.

And we have a table.

Name Alignment / Race Class Levels
Jose & Manuel (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25368609&postcount=42) ?? Dvati Urban Druid 10/Master of Many Forms 1/Warshaper 1/Beholder Mage 2/Mystic Theurge 6
An Ordinary Cat (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25368613&postcount=43) ?? Mineral Warrior Tressym Warlock 12/Survivor 5/Mindbender 2
Grill and Lirgl (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25368619&postcount=44) NG Mulhorandi Divine Minion Dvati Monk 2/Incarnate 3/Master of Many Forms 10/Warblade 1/Warshaper 2

2022-02-17, 05:27 PM
Congrats everyone!

My build stub was Cloistered Cleric 4/Human Paragon 3/Knight of the Raven 10/Contemplative 3: the KoTR Raven Harrier was to emulate a raven familiar, and the rest of the build was dedicated to emulating a Wizard (Illusion, Spell and Magic domains, UMD etc.).


I'll do my best to judge, but won't be able to start until early next week.

2022-02-17, 05:29 PM
If I should have write entry for this round, my first thought will be tibbit who try to impersonate herself as the familiar and the master concurrently (but not simultaneously).

2022-02-17, 06:39 PM
Well, well, well. I never thought I'd see a comp where Dvati twins/Master of Many Forms would be the obvious entry.

I'll do my best to judge, but won't be able to start until early next week.

Thank you Thurbane! Also, nice picture you found, very stylish.

2022-02-17, 06:43 PM
I'll do my best to judge, but won't be able to start until early next week.

I appreciate your judging volunteering. Thank you a lot!

2022-02-18, 03:45 PM
While judge (or maybe judges?) working I want ask all one question.
This is about Secret Ingredients. You see, this round SI is some unusual, not base or prestige class, but class ability.
How do you feel about it? Is this good? Or regular SIs are better? Or you even want more unusualness?
I see the following options:
1) Regular classes. Maybe from 3rd party books or Magazines.
2) Something non-class D&D options. Like in current round, or some creature, feat or feat chain.
3) Some non-D&D SI. Broad, I think. For example (only example, this SI will not in my option list, I'm not good at Naruto) I can ask you to build me any ninja from Naruto. Not specific ninja, because it means you'll be restricted in fluff too much.

2022-02-18, 04:29 PM
While judge (or maybe judges?) working I want ask all one question.
This is about Secret Ingredients. You see, this round SI is some unusual, not base or prestige class, but class ability.
How do you feel about it? Is this good? Or regular SIs are better? Or you even want more unusualness?
I see the following options:
1) Regular classes. Maybe from 3rd party books or Magazines.
2) Something non-class D&D options. Like in current round, or some creature, feat or feat chain.
3) Some non-D&D SI. Broad, I think. For example (only example, this SI will not in my option list, I'm not good at Naruto) I can ask you to build me any ninja from Naruto. Not specific ninja, because it means you'll be restricted in fluff too much.

1) regular classes and magazine is fine with me. 3rd party not so much
2) I'M enjoying the current round. I also had once the idea to make a competition for magic items, like Ring of Telekinesis.
3) While I definitively enjoy such topics I would be for "specific characters". You have to bear in mind that the builds need to be judgeable/comparable somehow to each other. The judge needs to become familiar with the SI too. If we end up with 5-10 different character adaptations, this will be a pain in *** to judge imho.

btw.. while we are at naruto: I'm still hoping for some feedback for my latest build: Sakon & Ukon ^^

2022-02-18, 06:47 PM
1) Regular classes. Maybe from 3rd party books or Magazines.
2) Something non-class D&D options. Like in current round, or some creature, feat or feat chain.
3) Some non-D&D SI. Broad, I think. For example (only example, this SI will not in my option list, I'm not good at Naruto) I can ask you to build me any ninja from Naruto. Not specific ninja, because it means you'll be restricted in fluff too much.
Regular classes are the meat of the competition‚ I believe at least half of the SI should be classes. They have lots of features to emulate and are generally pretty thematic.
I would absolutely love a few rounds where we have to emulate a creature. Let's reproduce a kyton‚ or a gelatinous cube‚ or a chronotyryn. That would make for some great SIs in my opinion. Choosing a feat chain or a class feature leads to a risk of having kind of a boring character‚ centered around one single ability. I wouldn't recommend it except for a feature or feat chain with a lot of different abilities (for example‚ emulate the void sight of the void disciple). Although you probably should simply put the class with such ability as the SI instead.
I don't think emulating a concept outside of D&D in the spirit of the competition. It's closer to the SIs of something like Villainous Comp. ZS is all about reproducing something with the retriction of not using the thing in question. Choosing something that you can't use anyway would be weird.

2022-02-22, 08:07 PM
Hey guys, work is kicking my @$$ at the moment, not sure when I'll get to judging, but I'll update you when I can.

2022-02-22, 08:12 PM
Hey guys, work is kicking my @$$ at the moment, not sure when I'll get to judging, but I'll update you when I can.

Take your time. There are things more important than forum/d&d in life ;)

2022-02-24, 09:16 PM
1) regular classes and magazine is fine with me. 3rd party not so much
2) I'M enjoying the current round. I also had once the idea to make a competition for magic items, like Ring of Telekinesis.
3) While I definitively enjoy such topics I would be for "specific characters". You have to bear in mind that the builds need to be judgeable/comparable somehow to each other. The judge needs to become familiar with the SI too. If we end up with 5-10 different character adaptations, this will be a pain in *** to judge imho.

1) I heard you.
2) I'm enjoying you're enjoying. )))
Don't understand how do you see "competition for magic items"
3) See your point and agree.

Regular classes are the meat of the competition‚ I believe at least half of the SI should be classes. They have lots of features to emulate and are generally pretty thematic.
I think the same way. I sure we have enough classes to emulate (have in mind at least three options for next round).

I would absolutely love a few rounds where we have to emulate a creature. Let's reproduce a kyton‚ or a gelatinous cube‚ or a chronotyryn. That would make for some great SIs in my opinion.

Choosing a feat chain or a class feature leads to a risk of having kind of a boring character‚ centered around one single ability. I wouldn't recommend it except for a feature or feat chain with a lot of different abilities (for example‚ emulate the void sight of the void disciple). Although you probably should simply put the class with such ability as the SI instead.

Yeah, I agree, I definitely shouldn't take Weapon Focus or Fighter's Bonus Feats as SI. )
And of course if I see some class feature what I think can be great SI I'll likely take class as SI if it's this class's exclusive feature. But, for example this round SI. I absolutely can't take Sorcerer instead. )))

I don't think emulating a concept outside of D&D in the spirit of the competition. It's closer to the SIs of something like Villainous Comp. ZS is all about reproducing something with the retriction of not using the thing in question. Choosing something that you can't use anyway would be weird.
Hm... Somehow it always was out of my view. I was focused on the emulating. Make sense.

2022-02-25, 12:58 AM
Don't understand how do you see "competition for magic items"

I mean a competition where you make a build that explicitly focuses on the use of a magic item.
E.g. "make the best lvl 20 build to use Ring of Telekinesis", something like that.
Sure the options of interesting magic items may be short, but a few could be used for these kind of competitions imho.

2022-02-25, 04:43 AM
I mean a competition where you make a build that explicitly focuses on the use of a magic item.
E.g. "make the best lvl 20 build to use Ring of Telekinesis", something like that.
Sure the options of interesting magic items may be short, but a few could be used for these kind of competitions imho.
Well, it definitely isn't Zinc Saucier format.

2022-03-01, 02:48 PM
I must apologise, things have been extremely busy and chaotic for me in the last week or so, unsure if I will get time to judge...

2022-03-01, 02:54 PM
I must apologise, things have been extremely busy and chaotic for me in the last week or so, unsure if I will get time to judge...

I understand. Things happen. My best wishes to you. Let all be better!

Does anybody volunteer?

2022-03-04, 01:05 PM
Well. We still don't have judges.

Anybody who can and want to judge this round, I ask you to step forward and to be our volunteer!

While we are waiting I suggest dish options for next round.
It can be about:
1) silverware;
2) eating itself;
3) accompaniment.

2022-03-10, 03:47 PM
Hey, folks!
I see, judges don't exists now on whole forum, but what about next round themes? Are all three so bad that you can’t choose? :smalleek:
Next page happens so I remind you:

While we are waiting I suggest dish options for next round.
It can be about:
1) silverware;
2) eating itself;
3) accompaniment.

And if anybody can judge - you are welcome. Here and in Junkyard Wars XXXVI (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?642413-Junkyard-Wars-XXXVI-Vestige-Binding-MWP-Binder), too.

2022-03-10, 05:13 PM
Hey, folks!
I see, judges don't exists now on whole forum, but what about next round themes? Are all three so bad that you can’t choose? :smalleek:
Next page happens so I remind you:

And if anybody can judge - you are welcome. Here and in Junkyard Wars XXXVI (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?642413-Junkyard-Wars-XXXVI-Vestige-Binding-MWP-Binder), too.

Imho the forum activity overall has dropped the last weeks. Dunno, either we wait or we skip the judging. I don't mind.

But I think we should maybe wait or set a longer cooking time, due to the low forum traffic atm.

And regarding the choices for next round:
I don't know what to expect from the keywords.
"Eating itself" sounds interesting. But I don't have any clue how that is gonna look like. Is something like that even possible?^^

2022-03-10, 05:32 PM
"Eating itself" sounds interesting. But I don't have any clue how that is gonna look like. Is something like that even possible?
Well, it's my bad. I don't mean that somebody or something eats itself. I mean "eating process itself". :smallsigh:

Imho the forum activity overall has dropped the last weeks. Dunno, either we wait or we skip the judging. I don't mind.
I tend to wait. Judging and placing are important part of all this. It's competition, after all.

2022-03-19, 02:06 PM
I tend to wait. Judging and placing are important part of all this. It's competition, after all.

"I'm waiting so long. I'm waiting so long. I'm waiting..." (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70GD2SBCq64)

*puts his glasses on* :smallcool:

We are still looking for any volunteers to bring judgement upon our 3 lil friends here. ^^

Anyone who does feel the divine call of duty shall step forward.

2022-03-19, 03:05 PM
Yes, Gruftzwerg is right. We are waiting, we are wanting.
Junkyard Wars found their judges. E6, too. Iron Chef is waiting mattie_p. Only Zinc Saucier's Familiars are lonely now.

2022-03-22, 03:08 PM
Up the thread. Repeat the request!
Judges, where are you? Anybody?

2022-03-22, 04:44 PM
Honestly, after so long, couldn't the chair judge? It doesn't really matter if they know who sent the entries.

2022-03-22, 04:59 PM
Honestly, after so long, couldn't the chair judge? It doesn't really matter if they know who sent the entries.
I can. But not today and even not day after.
If during two day nobody will volunteer, I'll do.

And yes, I almost forgot who is whose.

2022-03-24, 02:12 PM
I'm starting, but all entries are very interesting and complex, so it'll take time.


Start from 3, subjective view.
Start from 0. Not only about raw power, but versality, mobility, defense/offense and other aspects.
Start from 5. Any mistakes, any controversial rule reading will result with penalty. Something "What’s that doing here?" element may, too. Dips, multiclass penalty, dependence on items and/or support are bad sign, either. Something exceptionally good may give pluses, but this is unlikely.
Start from 0. How well you fit SI? Is it good for your character?
Important! As I think, exact emulating is better than better emulation. Example. Alertness. Gives +2 to Spot and Listen. Something gives you exact +2 to exact same skill is better than something gives you +5 to larger skill list.

2022-03-27, 03:54 PM
Status update.
If nothing happens judging will be done tomorrow.

2022-03-27, 04:02 PM
Status update.
If nothing happens judging will be done tomorrow.

Thx for your effort and time. And you don't need to hurry. We waited so long, we can wait a few days more if you should need more time. ;)

2022-03-28, 02:48 PM
Judging incoming!

Okay. Urban Druid is plus, Beholder Mage, too.
Master of Many Forms and Warshaper are opposite. Mystic Theurge neither first, nor second. Class's outcome is +0.5, I didn't expect Beholder Mage slightly more than MoMF and WS.
Dvati. Dvati was my second thing when I selected this theme. First was Tibbit. -1 But! You make emulation not via Dvati, but in a different way. Dvati is the only cherry on top here. +0.5
You have 8/8 casting. You have good different skills. You have many options with Aberration Wild Shape. I can't say anything about your AC, but you have some potential here, but your hp... It's a problem for you. Yes, you have double Con bonus, but this bonus is only +2, and actually to defeat your enemy enough kills only one twin who has about 80 hp. Even both together have ~160. I give you 4.
Well. You are item dependent (-0.25).
Warshaper cheese. I’m talking about Eye Rays Morphic Weapons. Using it in any real game is very unlikely (-0.5). Anyway... let's say, you grow Eye Rays. What can you do with this "natural weapon"? You can attack with ranged touches which do... nothing. Eye Rays is Su, so you can't take it without another Assume Supernatural Ability. This means you can't use your Beholder Mage spellcasting, because you have nothing to sacrifice and spell-stalks are the only way to cast for Beholder Mage (-0.5). And one more about Beholder Mage.

* Finger of Death & Disintegrate rays are remaining forever
No. You forget to sacrifice one eyestalk for 0-level spells. (-0.25)

Further, we have access to the Eye Rays/Spell Stalks in any shaped/polyed form via Morphic Weapons.
And again - No. Even with Assume Supernatural Ability (Eye Rays).

You learn to use a single supernatural ability of another kind of creature while assuming its form through a polymorph self spell or a similar effect.
You should be in the form of Beholder, in all other forms, even if you grow Eye Rays they will not work. No additional penalty.

Using Assume Supernatural Ability (Antimagic Cone) to qualify for Beholder Mage is a nice catch on another hand (+0.25).
Multiattack. Why did you take it? It looks like a waist feat for me. Assume Supernatural Ability (Eye Rays) should be better (-0.25).
You have 8th level Urban Druid's spell slots, but have only 16 Charisma. Why? (-0.25)

Once the build gets access to the "tongues" spell, we can let "Master" speak his first few words when someone really deserves this honor. Can be made Permanent later.
Tongues doesn't help much while the Master has only 1 Int. (0, more in Ingredient section).

At lvl 5 we we can Urban Shape into small (sized) Ravens.
In game I let you do this, but by RAW you can't. Raven is Tiny Animal (-0.25).
I don't like the Skills column in your table, it's not easy to read (-0.25).
What is your alignment? (-0.25)

Can you show familiar? I think yes, you do it in some way.
You can look like a small animal suitable for familiar. Not the best match in appearance - tiny animal will be better, but you have an appropriate master. And you have good skills to backup your sham (+0.75).
You have a Master... Well, anybody smart can easily understand that it is too dumb, but in general it can work, especially when it starts to "cast spells itself" (+0.25)
You don't emulate Alertness for your master (+0).
You very well fake Share spells and Deliver touch spells (+0.5).
Speak with master, well, you can't, but you can look like a Raven who doesn't need this (+0.25).
You have high Int (+0.25). You have no NatAC bonus (+0).
You don't have Improved evasion (0).
Empathic link, Speak with animals of its kind, Spell resistance, Scry on familiar - don't exist (+0) and you don't grant special abilities to your master (+0).
It is good for you here to be dvati and have half of hp. Your BAB and skills are appropriate (+0.25)

And... I look at your entry. It doesn't appear as Familiar-main-themed. It appears as a high power caster who has an additional non-essential trick "be like Familiar". Scratch this and Jose & Manuel will lose not much (+0).
After dispute I looked here and think you do some work to be familiar (+0.25)

Tressym? Mineral Warrior? Survivor? Non-Binder vestige user? Pretty unusual. Warlock... I didn't think about it, but it isn't a big surprise. Mindbender more than single level? Wow. Soulmeld via feats? Mindsight? Boring. Outcome is 4.75.
Well, you are not a powerhouse, you know this. Low BAB, low damage, your warlock magic... isn't impressive. You are good in social skills and have +20 UMD, it's something.
Your defense... Yes, you can protect yourself, DR, SR, saves, not bad at all.
You have some mobility options.
Total outcome 2.5
Begin in the beginning. Tressym has LA (cohort) - unplayable (-0.5). In another round it should be a bigger penalty.
You are item dependent (-0.25).
You have a will save +7 on 7 level. You can't enter Survivor (-1).
Different DR don't stack, so Survivor-5 doesn't do something valuable for you. (-0.25)
Your skills. You have some issues here. First level. You spend 20 skill points, while you have only 16 (-0.25).

The survivor can spend his skill points to purchase any skills that any of his previous classes (or his base monster race) have made available as a class skill
Tressym has a spot in class-skills list, so it should be class for survivor (-0.25).
Your master... Do you know what I see here? I see an attempt to have cohort without taking Leadership (-0.5) (-0.25).
Warlock's Charm is a language-dependent ability, so Tressym can't use it (-0.5) (-0.25).
Warlock's Call has a similar issue, but I'll not penalize you twice.
Where are your sources? (-0.25)
I don't know your alignment (-0.25).
You have +5 to stats due levels, but you have LA +1 and don't attain 20 HD (-0.25).
I like how you emulate Familiar. And I like your Build Highlights. Thanks!
You look like Familiar, and this is your natural appearance. (+0.75)
You have a master, but he isn't part of your abilities, but a separate character (+0.25).
Your BAB looks like Familiar's BAB. Your skills not so. Your hp no at all (+0).
Grant Alertness via "Point It Out" is good (+0.25)!
Improved evasion - check (+0.25)
Share spells... UMD - maybe, how See Invisibility helps here I don't know (+0).
Empathic link... Well if Warlock's Call works it counts. (+0.25)
Deliver touch spells. No, you don't make it. Warlock invocations and Eldritch blast aren't enough. (+0)
You can Speak with master (+0.25) and with animals of its kind (+0.25).
You have Spell resistance (+0.25)
Scry on familiar is missing (+0)
Natural Armor Adj. (+0.25) and high Int (+0.25) exist.
You are familiar. This is your main trick (+0.5)

You are Dvati (-1). Mulhorandi divine minion has been in my field of view for the last months, but not very broad exists in competitions (+0).
Incarnate totally not expected, Monk so so, MoMF, Warblade and Warshaper expected always (-0.5).

You have at least wizard-9 casting, maybe more with Greater Doppelganger. You have an interesting skill set. With Divine Minion, MoMF 10, Warshaper 2, and Warblade your offensive capability is undoubtedly, but your BAB is too low. Your defense... Well, I don't know your AC, but there are many good forms with high AC. Your saves are good. HP... you are dvati, but for dvati well enough. I give you 3.5 total.
Mulhorandi divine minion strictly RAW doesn't enter MoMF because its Wild shape isn't class feature (-0.5).
You don't qualify for Practiced Manifester. 4th level you have Psicraft: 3; 5th level - {+2 CC} Psicraft: 4. Should be 3.5 and this isn't enough for Practiced Manifester (-0.25).
Greater Doppelganger’s Consume Identity ability works only while you are in Greater Doppelganger form, so if you want keep victim’s abilities you should stay in this form, but as I can see your tactics base on another forms (-0.25).

Practiced Manifester increases their manifester level to 5, which grants them 5 bonus power points due to their high charisma, allowing them to manifest Synchronicity 7 times per day in total.
No, it doesn't.

This feat does not affect your powers per day or powers known. It only increases your manifester level, which helps you overcome power resistance and increases the duration and other effects of your powers.

Warshaper also improves their fighting capabilities by giving them one more natural weapon as well as some strength and dexterity.
Unless I missed errata, Warshaper's Morphic Body gives +4 to Strength and +4 to Constitution, not Dexterity. (-0.25)
On 6th level you spent only 6 skill points from 7 and on 16th only 7 from 8 (No penalty).
I would be happy if you gave me sources for used monsters (-0.25). It is a very important part of your entry.

I like your use of Synchronicity, I'll give you bonus +0.25.

Thank you for "How do they emulate a familiar" part!
You can look as familiar. As many different familiars, actually. And you have Disguise to support (+0.75).
Your Master is you yourself! This works perfectly! (+0.5)
You don't emulate a familiar's special ability (+0).
Your skills, BAB, saves... Well it all is as your master's. HP is equal, but you are dvati, your hp already almost divided by two. (+0.25)
You and your "Master" have Alertness (+0.25).
You have only regular evasion, but with Action Before Thought and about +31 Concentration you definitely can beat most of Reflex DC (+0.25)

Share Spells, Empathic Link, Speak with Master : Dvati twins literally have the first two abilities and can communicate telepathically.
Deliver Touch Spells : Since the Dvati share spell slots, the ‘familiar’ can simply cast the spell himself and deliver the touch spell. This also emulates the Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability spell and the Spell-Linked Familiar feat
Agree (+1).
Speak with animals of its kind - check (+0.25).
Spell resistance - check (+0.25).
Scry on familiar - actually you don't have it. "Know each other’s status and health" isn't enough. Scry on familiar is Scry (Sp), not Status. (+0)
You have High Int (+0.25).
Your Natural Armor is regular, not improved (+0).

You are familiar, yes. It is your theme and you have emulation for many out of familiar core abilities and options. Well done +0.5!

Name Alignment / Race Class Levels Chef loky1109 Total Place
Jose & Manuel (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25368609&postcount=42) ?? Dvati Urban Druid 10/Master of Many Forms 1/Warshaper 1/Beholder Mage 2/Mystic Theurge 6 12.5 12.5 2nd
An Ordinary Cat (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25368613&postcount=43) ?? Mineral Warrior Tressym Warlock 12/Survivor 5/Mindbender 2 12.25 12.25 3rd
Grill and Lirgl (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25368619&postcount=44) NG Mulhorandi Divine Minion Dvati Monk 2/Incarnate 3/Master of Many Forms 10/Warblade 1/Warshaper 2 13.00 13.00 1st
Please check my math. I hope it's ok, but I can miss something.

I'm ready for disputes.
I think you can skip the PM part and post your disputes right here by yourself.

2022-03-28, 02:54 PM
And another topic to talk about.

Is there interest in the next round? Or better not to waist time for trying?

2022-03-28, 03:53 PM
Begin in the beginning. Tressym has LA (cohort) - unplayable (-0.5). In another round it should be a bigger penalty.
You are item dependent (-0.25).
You have a will save +7 on 7 level. You can't enter Survivor (-1).
Different DR don't stack, so Survivor-5 doesn't do something valuable for you. (-0.25)
Your skills. You have some issues here. First level. You spend 20 skill points, while you have only 16 (-0.25).
The survivor can spend his skill points to purchase any skills that any of his previous classes (or his base monster race) have made available as a class skill
Tressym has a spot in class-skills list, so it should be class for survivor (-0.25).
Your master... Do you know what I see here? I see an attempt to have cohort without taking Leadership (-0.5).
Warlock's Charm is a language-dependent ability, so Tressym can't use it (-0.5).
Warlock's Call has a similar issue, but I'll not penalize you twice.
Where are your sources? (-0.25)
I don't know your alignment (-0.25).
You have +5 to stats due levels, but you have LA +1 and don't attain 20 HD (-0.25).


Share spells... UMD - maybe, how See Invisibility helps here I don't know (+0).

Fair enough on most of this-- a lot was due to last minute tweaking like the Survivor requirements, which were before Mindbender originally, and skills (which I think was a result of my dropping the Int to align more closely with the 20th level familiar).

Given that we're playing what amounts to cohorts, using a cohort LA seems appropriate. ;) No actual issues with this though; I knew these contests have issues with the cohort LAs going in, though I don't personally see an issue with it.
For Tressym skills-- it only has a single hit die normally, so it gets replaced by the class and thus loses the racial skills the same way that an orc or human loses their hit die.
The DR from Survivor doesn't stack with the adamantine from Mineral Warrior, but it is DR/-- rather than DR/adamantine, so it applies against adamantine attacks. So it does have some point, but yeah, I wouldn't have taken it without the admonitions against dipping. :) (As noted.)
Warlock's call is based on sending and sending isn't language dependent; even animals can understand it. Not to mention it's emulating an ability where you're just getting emotion across, not language, so it doesn't even matter if they can understand it completely. Can sending convey an angry tone? I suspect it hasn't been ruled on in the past, but it seems likely.
Likewise, Warlock's charm may be language dependent, but Array has telepathy and can talk to anyone if she's close enough regardless of language, so it still works.
Didn't think alignment really mattered, other than the fact that it was going to be non-good based on the requirements at the top of the build. If I join another contest I'll make sure to add that though.
As for the "trying to get a cohort without leadership"-- I mean, unless you actually pretend to be the wizard too, you were involving someone else somehow. I used a class ability to control someone else that wasn't forbidden in the rules and I didn't use any of their abilities to justify my familiar abilities (that I recall), so this seems like a stretch.
See invisibility is a personal spell that Array could pretend was cast upon her by her "wizard" via share spells; that's why it was mentioned. Same with the energy attacks; basically just pretending the wizard cast it and Array is delivering it.
BAB, skills, and hp, I'll admit I didn't really even attempt to mirror directly because those could actually be anything technically-- my master could have all of my skills potentially and my hp might be half of his; we're pretending to be a familiar and they're abstracts that could be almost anything.

As for other interest, not sure if I'll end up participating-- starting up two campaigns as DM and possibly a game or two as player, so I need to focus on those. If the subject grabs my attention I might though.

2022-03-28, 04:53 PM
Thanks Loky for judging!

I mostly agree with your judgement, I just have a few point about Elegance:

You don't qualify for Practiced Manifester. 4th level you have Psicraft: 3; 5th level - {+2 CC} Psicraft: 4. Should be 3.5 and this isn't enough for Practiced Manifester (-0.25).

I don't understand. I put two cross-class points, which equals to 1 rank, which is enough to go from 3 to 4 in Psicraft.

Greater Doppelganger’s Consume Identity ability works only while you are in Greater Doppelganger form, so if you want keep victim’s abilities you should stay in this form, but as I can see your tactics base on another forms
My abilities are not really based on another form. The "master" is always in humanoid form ("Notably, one of them will now mostly stay in a Monstrous Humanoid form."). Normally it's a hobgoblin warsoul, but if you can kill an enemy caster, then you change into a Greater Doppelganger to gain spellcasting. You don't need anything else, and you even share your spells with the "familiar".

Practiced Manifester doesn't give bonus power points

Why not? It doesn't give more powers known or more powers per day, but it doesn't say it doesn't give more power points per day. And the SRD states:

How To Determine Bonus Power Points
Your key ability score grants you additional power points equal to your key ability modifier × your manifester level ×½.

Since Practiced Manifester does increase your Manifester Level, it increases your amount of bonus power points.

About next round, I really can't say. Either the subject will intrigue me, or it won't. That's how I approach all optimization competitions, I'm not really devoted to one or the other to the point that I can say I will always participate.

2022-03-29, 02:58 AM
Broke my glasses, reread and answer disputes later.

Gruftzwerg do you have one?

2022-03-31, 11:19 PM
Broke my glasses, reread and answer disputes later.

Gruftzwerg do you have one?

Sorry, I was very busy the past days (a good friend moved within the city and I was helping him). I'll try to get my lil dispute out today hopefully. Sorry for the delay..

2022-04-01, 05:22 PM
Sorry, I was very busy the past days.
Neither do I.
You don't need harry.

Meanwhile, I'll answer another dispures.

Given that we're playing what amounts to cohorts, using a cohort LA seems appropriate. ;) No actual issues with this though; I knew these contests have issues with the cohort LAs going in, though I don't personally see an issue with it.
Yes, I see why you think so. What's why it's only -0.5.

For Tressym skills-- it only has a single hit die normally, so it gets replaced by the class and thus loses the racial skills the same way that an orc or human loses their hit die.
On reflection, I'm inclined to agree. Remove this -0.25 penalty

The DR from Survivor doesn't stack with the adamantine from Mineral Warrior, but it is DR/-- rather than DR/adamantine, so it applies against adamantine attacks. So it does have some point, but yeah, I wouldn't have taken it without the admonitions against dipping. :) (As noted.)
What do you mean "dipping"? 4 levels of Survivor isn't dip anyway. ) And you can take instead 5th level in Warlock or, better, Mindbender, not something new. So I can’t accept that argument.
Plus, anyway, 5/- DR against somebody with adamantine sword... isn't big deal on the 18th level.

Warlock's call is based on sending and sending isn't language dependent; even animals can understand it. Not to mention it's emulating an ability where you're just getting emotion across, not language, so it doesn't even matter if they can understand it completely. Can sending convey an angry tone? I suspect it hasn't been ruled on in the past, but it seems likely.
Yes, and I didn't penalty you for this, just pointed out the a little controversial issue.

Likewise, Warlock's charm may be language dependent, but Array has telepathy and can talk to anyone if she's close enough regardless of language, so it still works.
I see your point. It is gray zone in the RAW and can be interpreted both ways. I decrease penalty to -0.25 here.

Didn't think alignment really mattered, other than the fact that it was going to be non-good based on the requirements at the top of the build. If I join another contest I'll make sure to add that though.
Yes, I don't think, too, but... I very often do this mistake myself and this is reason to punish same mistakes with extreme prejudice.

As for the "trying to get a cohort without leadership"-- I mean, unless you actually pretend to be the wizard too, you were involving someone else somehow. I used a class ability to control someone else that wasn't forbidden in the rules and I didn't use any of their abilities to justify my familiar abilities (that I recall), so this seems like a stretch.
Look, yes, you used a class ability for this, but... 1st, your class ability has save. 2nd, DM can just not give you appropriate "master". 3rd, you make stats for him, like for cohort.
But... I see, I penalized you for this here and in Ingredient part, too. I decrease penalty to -0.25 here.

See invisibility is a personal spell that Array could pretend was cast upon her by her "wizard" via share spells; that's why it was mentioned. Same with the energy attacks; basically just pretending the wizard cast it and Array is delivering it.
I see. Doesn't change much.

BAB, skills, and hp, I'll admit I didn't really even attempt to mirror directly because those could actually be anything technically-- my master could have all of my skills potentially and my hp might be half of his; we're pretending to be a familiar and they're abstracts that could be almost anything.
Areyahaya has about 200 hp! Too much to be half of wizard's hp. )
Her skills... Well, arcane caster theoretically can have such skills, but this is very unlikely. Bluff and Disguise are main skills and both serve the purpose fake who she is, not emulate familiar's skills.

Total change: +0.5 in Elegance. Only +0.5, not +0.75 because your initial rating was below 1.

I don't understand. I put two cross-class points, which equals to 1 rank, which is enough to go from 3 to 4 in Psicraft.
I don't, too. It's brain lag. Remove penalty.

My abilities are not really based on another form. The "master" is always in humanoid form ("Notably, one of them will now mostly stay in a Monstrous Humanoid form."). Normally it's a hobgoblin warsoul, but if you can kill an enemy caster, then you change into a Greater Doppelganger to gain spellcasting. You don't need anything else, and you even share your spells with the "familiar".
Okay. I take it. Remove penalty, too.

Why not? It doesn't give more powers known or more powers per day, but it doesn't say it doesn't give more power points per day. And the SRD states:

How To Determine Bonus Power Points
Your key ability score grants you additional power points equal to your key ability modifier × your manifester level ×½.
Since Practiced Manifester does increase your Manifester Level, it increases your amount of bonus power points.
More power points actually is more powers per day. This feat is example of very bad copy-past. They just take Practiced Spellcaster and change "spells" for "powers", but forgot that psions don't have "powers per day" at all. Penalty stay.

Total change: +0.5 in Elegance.

Table updated.

2022-04-01, 10:40 PM
Anyway... let's say, you grow Eye Rays. What can you do with this "natural weapon"? You can attack with ranged touches which do... nothing. Eye Rays is Su, so you can't take it without another Assume Supernatural Ability. This means you can't use your Beholder Mage spellcasting, because you have nothing to sacrifice and spell-stalks are the only way to cast for Beholder Mage (-0.5).
Morphic Weapons lets you grow a Natural Weapon (NW). While most are Natural Abilities (NA), this is not a rule nor true for all NW. NW can also be EX, SLA, SU. Morphic Weapons has no limitation regarding the ability type (NA; EX; SLA; SU). The sole limitation is that it has to be Natural Weapon, nothing more nothing less.

The "Attack:"-line is defined that it is either a manufactured weapon or a "natural weapon". Since we can easily identify manufactured weapons, it's also easy to identify the remaining natural weapons.

When we now look at the "Attack:"-line of a Beholder, we can see that Eye Rays are listed there. Thus they are Natural Weapons and qualify as legal target for the Morphic Weapon ability. The fact that it is a SU ability at the same time doesn't bother the warshaper. He gets the entire Natural Weapon including any specific exceptions, since those are still part of that Natural Weapon. The rule text for Eye Rays is the extension of the Eye Rays mentioned in the Attack line and not a separate ability. Thus the warshaper gets the full extend of the Eye Rays.

You are implying restrictions to Morphic Weapons like other form-changing abilities like Alter Self, Poly, Wild Shape has, but Morphic Weapons doesn't have this kind of rule text to support your claim imho.

And again - No. Even with Assume Supernatural Ability (Eye Rays).

You should be in the form of Beholder, in all other forms, even if you grow Eye Rays they will not work. No additional penalty.
see above

Multiattack. Why did you take it? It looks like a waist feat for me. Assume Supernatural Ability (Eye Rays) should be better (-0.25).

Because Multiattack is one of the feats a familiar gets. I thought we are emulating familiars here?^^ So imho you should add a point here and not subtract^^
edit: sry just woke up and mixed this with animal companions getting multiattack..^^

The build can make use of it with the Arcane Hands ability of BM or when in any other form with natural weapons. Note that the Eye Rays are also natural weapons and thus can also profit from the feat. Imho a good and justified choice here.

You have 8th level Urban Druid's spell slots, but have only 16 Charisma. Why? (-0.25)

(Note: Cha & Con can be raised as secondary attributes via wish & items if possible // Wish scrolls can be shared over both twins and the urban companion)
Maybe not the most elegant solution, but the option is mentioned. Urban Druid casting (while being nice & strong) is not the main selling point so I did leave it optional.

Tongues doesn't help much while the Master has only 1 Int. (0, more in Ingredient section).
That's why I wasted the bonus skill tricks to teach him a few simple phrases. Sure, still limited, but imho should be enough to keep up the disguise.

In game I let you do this, but by RAW you can't. Raven is Tiny Animal (-0.25).
Why not? The Urban Shape gives me access to the animals mentioned in Urban Companion. It's not called out that sole tiny ravens qualify, thus any other size is also a legal target here. I have provided where to find the stats for a small sized raven familiar. Since an Urban Druid 5 is limited to minimum small size, this is the sole legal option to turn into a raven at this level. And it's still a familiar option (for large masters), thus fits the SI imho.

What is your alignment? (-0.25)
Forgot to mention it since it is not a SI requirement imho. But the sole alignment restriction the build has comes from Urban Druid: Neutral, Neutral Good, Neutral Evil, or Lawful Neutral
And yeah, "the master" shares the alignment of the wannabe "familiars" as supposed by the SI.

You have no NatAC bonus (+0).
While not permanent, Barkskin can at least temporary emulate NatAC.

And... I look at your entry. It doesn't appear as Familiar-main-themed. It appears as a high power caster who has an additional non-essential trick "be like Familiar". Scratch this and Jose & Manuel will lose not much (+0).
Well, I was hoping to get away with emulating pseudonatural familiars and pretending to have Extra Familiar (while from Dragon Magazine I'm just emulating it and not using it for the build. so I thing that this should be ok^^). But it seems that this wasn't impressing enough.

Thx for your effort to judge. I overall very happy with the contest and wish everyone a nice day.

2022-04-02, 10:54 AM
1 Morphic Weapons lets you grow a Natural Weapon (NW). While most are Natural Abilities (NA), this is not a rule nor true for all NW. NW can also be EX, SLA, SU. Morphic Weapons has no limitation regarding the ability type (NA; EX; SLA; SU). The sole limitation is that it has to be Natural Weapon, nothing more nothing less.

2: The "Attack:"-line is defined that it is either a manufactured weapon or a "natural weapon". Since we can easily identify manufactured weapons, it's also easy to identify the remaining natural weapons.

3: When we now look at the "Attack:"-line of a Beholder, we can see that Eye Rays are listed there. Thus they are Natural Weapons and qualify as legal target for the Morphic Weapon ability. The fact that it is a SU ability at the same time doesn't bother the warshaper. He gets the entire Natural Weapon including any specific exceptions, since those are still part of that Natural Weapon. The rule text for Eye Rays is the extension of the Eye Rays mentioned in the Attack line and not a separate ability. Thus the warshaper gets the full extend of the Eye Rays.

You are implying restrictions to Morphic Weapons like other form-changing abilities like Alter Self, Poly, Wild Shape has, but Morphic Weapons doesn't have this kind of rule text to support your claim imho.
I see your point, but I don't agree. Yes, it maybe is RAW, but at least debatable.
Warshaper's Morphic Weapons very very poor written and most loyal interpretation is not good for game.

NW can also be EX, SLA, SU.
I don't agree. Natural Weapon can't be either of Ex, Sp, Su, or Natural Ability. Natural Weapons aren't abilities at all, they are weapons - separate category.

Anyway, I like your trick and what's why here is only -0.5. You take very unlikely interpretation, but you almost make it really work. While I don't like Morphic Weapons' cheese, but Morphic Weapons for Eye Rays + Assume Supernatural Ability (Eye Rays)... I'll say it can work, yes.

Because Multiattack is one of the feats a familiar gets. I thought we are emulating familiars here?^^ So imho you should add a point here and not subtract^^
edit: sry just woke up and mixed this with animal companions getting multiattack..^^

The build can make use of it with the Arcane Hands ability of BM or when in any other form with natural weapons. Note that the Eye Rays are also natural weapons and thus can also profit from the feat. Imho a good and justified choice here.
I don't say it doesn't work, yeah, you have some secondary natural weapons, but it isn't significant for you.
I see why you take it, but it is mistake. Mistakes should been penalized.

Maybe not the most elegant solution, but the option is mentioned. Urban Druid casting (while being nice & strong) is not the main selling point so I did leave it optional.
Ok. I already penalized you for item dependence, so this looks like double penalty. Remove -0.25.

That's why I wasted the bonus skill tricks to teach him a few simple phrases. Sure, still limited, but imho should be enough to keep up the disguise.
Ok, I see. Good point. But I anyway didn't penalized you here and gave you +0.25 for master (from max +0.5).

Why not? The Urban Shape gives me access to the animals mentioned in Urban Companion. It's not called out that sole tiny ravens qualify, thus any other size is also a legal target here. I have provided where to find the stats for a small sized raven familiar. Since an Urban Druid 5 is limited to minimum small size, this is the sole legal option to turn into a raven at this level. And it's still a familiar option (for large masters), thus fits the SI imho.

The Urban Shape gives me access to the animals mentioned in Urban Companion.
This is limitation, not permission. As like as size limitation.
You definitely can't turn to, for example, cat, or rat, or bat. Or raven. Because there are not small cat/rat/bat/raven in the rulebooks. I'll remove penalty if you point place where I can find statblock for small raven.

While not permanent, Barkskin can at least temporary emulate NatAC.
I don't think it's enough.

Well, I was hoping to get away with emulating pseudonatural familiars and pretending to have Extra Familiar (while from Dragon Magazine I'm just emulating it and not using it for the build. so I thing that this should be ok^^). But it seems that this wasn't impressing enough.
Well. Maybe I was too harsh here. Yes, you aren't fully familiar, but you do some work in this direction. +0.25

Total change: +0.5.

Table updated.

2022-04-02, 11:57 AM
This is limitation, not permission. As like as size limitation.
You definitely can't turn to, for example, cat, or rat, or bat. Or raven. Because there are not small cat/rat/bat/raven in the rulebooks. I'll remove penalty if you point place where I can find statblock for small raven.

As said in the build:

These are familiar option for huge master in "Tome and Blood" (we can at later levels emulate a huge master with Alter Self on the companion to change it into a Large Animated Object + Enlarge Person to give it a huge size; this can be abused for large area fights if wanted).

Tome & Blood p14 bottom right you will find the stats for a "small Raven familiar" for "huge+" sized masters.

Thx again for your effort to judge. As said, I'm overall happy and enjoyed the round :)

2022-04-02, 04:25 PM
As said in the build:
Tome & Blood p14 bottom right you will find the stats for a "small Raven familiar" for "huge+" sized masters.
I take it. And I found one in DMG (p. 204) myself.
Remove -0.25 penalty.

But I should mention, strictly RAW it doesn't work. This statblocks are for small raven familiars (magical beasts), not for small ravens (animals). They are different creatures and aren't forms for Urban Shape.
Existents of non-familiar small ravens is a logical assumption, but just assumption.

Thx again for your effort to judge. As said, I'm overall happy and enjoyed the round :)
You are welcome!

Thanks to all competitors. Very different and very complex entries. I was glad to judge them!

2022-04-03, 05:48 PM
Final table!

Name Alignment / Race Class Levels Chef loky1109 Total Place
Jose & Manuel (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25368609&postcount=42) ?? Dvati Urban Druid 10/Master of Many Forms 1/Warshaper 1/Beholder Mage 2/Mystic Theurge 6 Gruftzwerg 12.50 12.50 2nd SILVER
An Ordinary Cat (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25368613&postcount=43) ?? Mineral Warrior Tressym Warlock 12/Survivor 5/Mindbender 2 Balthanon 12.25 12.25 3rd BRONZE
Grill and Lirgl (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25368619&postcount=44) NG Mulhorandi Divine Minion Dvati Monk 2/Incarnate 3/Master of Many Forms 10/Warblade 1/Warshaper 2 Beni-Kujaku 13.00 13.00 1st GOLD

My congratulations to all medallists and all participants simultaneously!
And especially to winner - Beni-Kujaku!

2022-04-03, 07:14 PM
Congrats all around!

2022-04-04, 03:59 AM
I anyway can't start next round next several day and I repeat my survey about theme for next round.

It can be about:
1) silverware;
2) eating;
3) accompaniment.

All three options are PrC (or PrC + something).

2022-04-04, 04:22 AM
I vote Eating.