View Full Version : Age of Elysians: A God Game IC

2022-01-21, 09:53 PM
This post is mainly just a housekeeping post.

In this god game RP, the writing and characterisation are the most important elements of play. However, to make things interesting, some gameplay mechanics have been designed. They’re based on an old RP I was in called Brave New World, which I had a great deal of fun with. I’ve tried my best to remember the rules from that game, and have made a few adjustments that will hopefully open up more options. Here’s the end result...

The game is divided up into ages, which are further divided into turns, and every turn the player gods each get to do three things; two divine actions; only one of which can be detectable, one secondary action and reactions to other gods’ divine actions. The number of turns per age depends on how quickly the players expend their AP.

A list of the available divine actions is given below, and you’ll find that they’re divided up into different tiers based on action points (AP), difficulty check (DC), and detectable/undetectable.
AP is a limited resource that gods expend to do actions. The AP listed for each action is how much that action costs to perform, with more powerful actions requiring more AP. Each god starts an age with full AP, and can do actions every turn until they run out.
DC is the threshold above which a god needs to roll (1d20, done by the GM) to succeed with their action. The DC listed for each action gives the action’s threshold, which more powerful actions having a higher threshold. If appropriate, gods may modify their rolls with their domains/weaknesses, to decrease/increase this threshold.
The detectability of an action determines which other player gods can react to your action. Detectable actions can be sensed by all other gods no matter where they are or what they’re doing, meaning that all gods may perform a reaction. Undetectable actions cannot be sensed by other gods, unless they have been specifically informed that the action is happened or are directly observing it take place, in which case only they may make a reaction.

Reactions differ from actions in that they cost no AP, have no DC, and may be done as many times as a player wishes every turn. All that’s required is that another god has performed an action that your god can detect, and you may perform a reaction to that action. There are two types of reaction; help, and hinder.
Helping reactions allow you to subtract your domain modifiers from the god’s action DC, increasing the chance of success. In addition, you get to describe some way in which your help impacts on the result of the action, such as an additional affect or greater scope. Be creative, but try not to do anything that would spoil the action, since you are supposed to be helping.
Hindering reactions, on the other hand, allow you to add your domain modifiers to the god’s action DC, increasing the chance of failure. In the event that the action succeeds regardless of your hindrance, you still get to suggest some way that your hindrance impacts on the result of the action.
Note that while you may describe how your reaction affects the outcome of an action, the GM will decide how the action ends up being resolved, since there may be multiple contradictory reactions to take into account.

Undetectable actions

Free/Instant: manifest avatar, teleport avatar, shapeshift avatar, interact with the world, perform inconsequential/non-divine magic, attempt to remotely contact other gods - general fluff and flavour basically.

1 AP/0 DC: influence one mortal (significantly alter the course of their life by compelling them to action, altering their body, killing them, etc.).

2 AP/1 DC: influence a small group of mortals (~10), influence a small landmark or room, change the weather in a village-sized area.

4 AP/2 DC: influence a large group of mortals (~100), influence a large landmark or building.

6 AP/3 DC: influence a village of mortals (~1000), influence a village-sized area, change the weather in a city-sized area.

8 AP/4 DC: change the weather in a state-sized area, create a basic living species (plant, fungus, micro-organisms), create a basic non-living substance (Type of ore, metal, new element, new dirt).

10 AP/6 DC: influence a town of mortals (~10k), influence a town-sized area, create an animal species, create lesser magical items (Either more powerful but singular, such as a magic carpet, invisibility cloak, Mastersword, etc. or weaker but replicable, a recipe for health potions, +1 swords, Fire arrows, etc), create a basic magical living species (plant, fungus, microorganism).

12 AP/8 DC: influence a city of mortals (~100k), influence a city-sized area, create a collection of lesser magical minions (should be a reasonable match for most mortals, such as hellhounds, cherubs, horse-mounted Nazgul, etc.), immortalize a living creature or mortal, resurrect/reawaken mortal or monstrous demigod, create a pocket dimension (must be bounded and unable to hold a population), change weather in a country sized area, create a magical non-living substance (Types of ore, metal, new elements, new dirt, etc.).

14 AP/10 DC: influence one immortal, create a single greater magical monster (should be challenging for even the best mortals to slay, such as a dragon, gorgon, fell beast-mounted Witch King, etc.), create a greater magical item (requires understanding of magic to use or destroy and is non-replicatiable, such as a phylactery, The Nemean Cloak, The One Ring, etc.),

Detectable actions

16 AP/12 DC: influence a state of mortals (~1M) or a small group of immortals (~10), influence a state-sized area, scry a country-sized area, Create a good or bad omen (Omens explained in further detail below, only two per god), create a sentient species, create a +2 domain religious artefact (1 per god, cannot be used by non-blessed mortals).

18 AP/14 DC: influence a country of mortals (~10M), influence a country-sized area, create a unique ecosystem, scry a continent-sized area, create a plane of reality (can be unbounded and capable of sustaining a population), create a +2 domain/-2 weakness demigod (1 per god),

20 AP/16 DC: influence a continent of mortals (~100M), influence a continent-sized area, scry the entire planet, create a supernaturally gifted sentient species, assign a chosen people for +2 (1 per god), Creating new law of reality within a system of laws (Such as a new law of thermodynamics, a new element for a magic system, a new feature of metaphysics).

22 AP/18 DC: influence every mortal on the planet, influence the entire planet.

24 AP/20 DC: destroy a +2 artefact, confer a -2 weakness to a demigod, banish a god for a turn, create a new system of laws for reality(such as a new system of magic for mortals to use, an objective morality, or a change in physics or metaphysics).

30 AP/24 DC: destroy a demigod, destroy a chosen people, confer a -2 weakness to another god.

40 AP/30 DC: destroy a god.

Secondary actions

0 AP: Demand the sacrifice of one mortal to generate 4 BP (Standing for Blood Points, BP functions similarly to AP but makes any action done with it detectable.), Consume Artifact (You may destroy your own artifact to double its modifier to a +4 for the turn, this action does not require a secondary action if you apply it to only a contested roll. Cannot be done if the object is being stolen), Consume Demigod (You may destroy your own demigod to triple their bonus this turn to a +6 and remove their weakness for this turn. Cannot be used when the demigod is being kidnapped).

1 AP: scry one object or living creature (allows you to detect undetectable actions that happen within your scry, effective for the duration of the turn after the turn on which you call the scry),

2 AP: scry a small landmark or room, demand a sacrifice of 10 mortals to generate 8 BP.

4 AP: scry a large landmark or building.

6 AP: scry a town-sized area, demand the sacrifice of 100 mortals to generate 16 BP.

8 AP: scry a city-sized area.

10 AP: scry a state-sized area, demand the sacrifice of 1000 mortals to generate 30 BP.

12 AP: scry a country-sized area

14 AP Steal another god's religious artefact (contested roll, both parties roll a die and whoever is highest gets to keep the artefact, the defender may use their secondary action to add a +6 to the roll).

16 AP: Kidnap a Demigod (contested roll, both parties roll a die and whoever is highest gets to keep the demigod though the demigod may refuse to work for another god, the defender may use their secondary action to add a +6 to the roll).

Notes on actions

Dueling Actions:: if a god scrys another god's undetectable action and wishes to oppose it, then there are two methods. The first is simply to hinder the roll. You may call on other gods to apply further hinders, even if they do not have scry on the area. The second method is to use your action to directly counter the scryed action (for instance if a force of 100 mortals is influence to invade your temple, you may influence those same 100 mortals to have them all fail), in which case the action with the highest success margin will be deemed the successful outcome. This may be done simultaneously with the first method, so you may hinder their action and perform a counter action at the same time for maximum advantage (the enemy cannot hinder your counter action unless they have their own scry, or it's detectable). If you have already done your action for the turn, then you cannot perform a counter action, the logic being that your god's efforts are being spent elsewhere and thus they are distracted from their scryed area.

Omens are modifiers that one can put on an area that are built in with a way to nullify this modifier (Of the caster’s choosing). They are inversely powerful to the area that they affect, it takes an action to influence a village sized area to a state sized omen. And a state sized influence to rid a village sized omen. There are two types of Omens, Boons and Curses which are fairly self explanatory.

Prosperity: Actions on the influenced area take half as much AP for the caster and any allies of his choosing
Holy Land: A +4 modifier (Of the caster’s choosing) that can be invoked on actions targeting the land done by others than the caster. It also permanently scrys the land but if one acts upon another action such as by hindering it, it will be revealed and treated as a detectable action.
Zealotry: A +4 Modifier (Of the caster’s choosing) that can be used on actions influencing all adjacent areas to it.

Decadence:Actions on the influenced are take half as much AP to all but the god who claims influence over the land (It is everyone if no one claims influences).
Forsaken Country: A -4 Weakness that can be invoked upon the one claiming the land. This also shrouds the actions done to this land to the one who claims it. Leaving them unable to react to any actions inflicted upon it whether they are detectable, used BP, or came aware of it from another
Tourist Trap: A +4 Modifier (Of the caster’s choosing) that can be used by those who claim land in the surrounding land to affect the area that is cursed.


Morannan Maklir, God of Death (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25336957&postcount=1)
+4 Death
-2 Austerity

Orgo (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25336974&postcount=2)
+4 Love
-2 Overprotective

Gorkun Tu'Shaal, God of Goblinkind (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25336980&postcount=3)
+4 Greenskins
-2 Satyrs

Red Lenses
Ataulam, the Prince-in-the-Rotwood (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25336987&postcount=4)
+2 Foreknowledge, +2 Prowess
-2 Monophobia

The O of Ooeht, the Twelveth-and-a-half-God (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25337129&postcount=7)
+2 Tricks, +2 Trials
-2 Complexity

Snafuu Languu, Goddess of Satyrkind (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25337181&postcount=8)
+4 Clovenfoot
-2 Goblins

Kavan, Master of Monsters (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25337911&postcount=13)
+2 Monsters, +2 Oceans
-2 Civilisation

Kyōdaina Hi (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25337989&postcount=14)
+2 Monsters, +2 Sky
-2 Loneliness

The JoJo
Oculus, the Great Spectator (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25338008&postcount=15)
+2 Spectacle, +2 Sacrifice
-2 Innovation

Cen the Knowing (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25338657&postcount=20)
+4 Knowledge
-2 Curiosity

Ozglint, the Imperfect Creator (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25339325&postcount=22)
+2 Artifice, +2 Magic
-2 Flawless

Iustum, Sword of Justice (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25340309&postcount=27)
+2 War, +2 Honor
-2 Carnage

Myrin, Dreaming Shade (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25340439&postcount=28)
+2 Dreams, +2 Psychic
-2 Physical

Zemara The Moth (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25340468&postcount=29)
+2 Art, +2 Metamorphosis
-2 Destruction

Thank you as well to Volthawk for making the table for us.

And a link to the original recuritment thread just in case. https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?641555-Age-of-Elysians-A-God-Game



2022-01-21, 10:06 PM

The Age of the Phoenix
The cosmos realight themselves, new constellations dot the sky and with the rebirth of the constellations so too is the faith of mortals reignited. The small scurrying species now with but the barest of surpluses of food seek to erect great monuments, and dance ‘round their greatest fires. They exalt their strongest, and their weakest pray for boons from forces far beyond them. But with the greatest of energies expended so too do the hunter gatherers seek to settle down in verdant valleys, commanders of hunting parties now become commanders of the fields. To set their shoulder to the earth and harvest it’s bounty.

With the rising of a phoenix, it is oft forgotten that this is when the phoenix is at its most vulnerable. Shall these new stars and their new gods nurture this new resolve or shall it be snuffed out? Only time will tell.

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/e090c796-b870-437e-93ec-bc3ea196a4d9/dbt1gk5-5b605455-19ff-4744-9325-7934b3ea808b.jpg/v1/fill/w_1600,h_800,q_75,strp/landscape_sketch03_by_ferdinandladera_dbt1gk5-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI 1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNh NWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMT g4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7 ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9ODAwIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvZTA5MGM3OT YtYjg3MC00MzdlLTkzZWMtYmMzZWExOTZhNGQ5XC9kYnQxZ2s1 LTViNjA1NDU1LTE5ZmYtNDc0NC05MzI1LTc5MzRiM2VhODA4Yi 5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTYwMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46 c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.crno_GvXWvAxk nXp2NSmxkTnKfDgTTikHDEhGIgEh6c
By Ferdinand Ladera

The Kujumi is truly just one river, but the tributaries spread far and wide throughout the land, down through valleys, and twisting into canyons, spiraling through grasslands and cutting through dense forests. Covered in temperate forests where the mighty oak, and maple stand firm among birch and spruce. The slow running water, and beautiful shades of autumn evoke a tranquil beauty.

By: I have no idea who this is by. Trying to find the original just leads to dead links.

The verdant green foothills roll across the landscape in every direction as far as the eye can see. With it’s long luscious grass it’s land that is perfect for grazing. With mild summers and harsh winters that coat the grass in thick layers of snow. Wolves, coyotes, big cats and other large predators stalk the tall grass of the savannahs. Looking to take down the various wild herds of sheep, yak, and goat that roam the grasslands. As the sun sets over the beautiful green landscape, the grass swaying in the breeze. It evokes a primal beauty.

By Wady Kilt

The Sunbaked deserts shine a brilliant shade of red as sunsets melt over the land. It is a land of harsh winds and harsher sun. Yet still mortals crawl across the land. Sticking to mountains that catch the prevailing winds of the endless plain. Careful to preserve every drop of water for their fields and lips. The rains dictate life here, where to travel, where to walk, where to stay, what to eat, and what to do. Just as easily the rains can dictate death. Yet still, when the rain comes and the people rejoice, there is this harsh beauty to both the storm and the land.

Art from God of War 4 Concept Art

The crushing pine depths of Festinog are cold. Very Cold. Some foolish mortals even dare to go as far as lands where the eternal night reign. Most though that dwell here know of short nights and the aurora in the sky. Sharing these pines with the mighty elk, and grizzly bears, squirrels that roam across the floor and ignoble wolverines retreating to their burrows till the long days of late spring demolishes the snow. Most days nothing can be hard except for the raging of fire and the sloshing of the frozen seas, Festinog evokes a quiet beauty.

By Magic The Gathering Card Artists.

Jungles teem with life at every layer. Every inch of the jungle is occupied by some form of life. A single tree has beetles boring into its extensive roots, ferns grow against the base as vines tangle high into the air above. Vibrant shades of birds flit about as snakes slither along the trees stalking their prey. Frogs hide in the crevices of leaves as ants criss cross along strange paths to cut down those leaves. There is much to see in this land of diverse beauty.

By Maxime Bocquier

Perhaps it is too harsh to call the land dismal. But it is a feeling that can be hard to shake once you boat across the shadowed land. The deep permeated smell of brackish water, sludge-like algae growths, and bottom-feeding catfish. Large cypress trees block the sun as you boat about, crawfish scurrying away from you as a crocodile parts his head through the algae. Dirges of mosquitoes come in and suck the blood of all creatures foolish enough to set foot in this festering place. Yet still in the brief moments of quiet as the insects stop and the sun catches the water as you fish. There is an almost gothic beauty to this land of grime

Also known as: Homo Sapiens, The People of The Rivers, Smoothskins (Used by satyrs), and Aurlugen (a type of destructive giant common to many goblin legends)
Humans are a mortal race that typically stands between five to six feet tall, hair throughout most of their body but primarily on their head, skin that runs a wide variety of primarily earthen colors and prefer temperate climates. I’m sure you know that though. There is not much to say about humans as they are very similar to our own. They have not migrated quite as far due to competition with the various other mortal races though even then it is not unheard of for cooperation between the humans and the other races nor for them to set up settlements in their lands. Nevertheless, the borders of human lands are fraught with conflict and tension, even more so than the rest of the mortals.

Also Known as: Ghouls (Derogatory), Greyskins, Lithebodies, Halflings, Anklebiters (Derogatory),
To a human, goblins often seem a frightening race even as they stand at only about four feet in height. They’re almost completely hairless, with small claws on each fingers, a lean body made of nothing but joints and points, a mouth full of pointed sharp teeth, and pallid grey skin (Grey is by far the most common, but goblin skin runs a variety of dull shades from brown to green). They’re often likened to boogeymen, kobolds, bugbears and most often ghouls. Or even thought of as the inspiration to these stories that we tell to scare children.

This is far from the truth. Indeed, goblins often find humans quite scary, they are nearly twice their size after all. The reason for their sharp teeth is that they are an entirely carnivorous species descended most likely from a type of wild hairless dog or sometimes a hypothesized naked mole rat. They prefer warmer climes to humanity and use their claws mainly to dig out bugs, grubs, and the occasional burrow. Being carnivorous they can digest meat in a variety of states that may not be suitable for a human. Primarily these states are raw or ‘rotting’ combined with a tendency to eat bones, brains, and a small collection of animals poisonous to humanity, this is where their reputation as ‘ghouls’ have come from.

The Satyrs
Also known as: Warriors of The North, Fauns (Occasionally Faunus), Handle heads (Derogatory), Clip Clops (Also derogatory), Thick Coats, Sheepmen.

Actually evolved from sheep and not goats, the Satyrs are a large race standing about seven or eight feet tall on average. They grow thick matted fur that comes in colors from white to black and other inbetweens. They also have hooved feet, a muzzle, and prominent horns among both males and females though obviously with larger horns on the males.

They’re believed to be descended from Thinhorn or Dall sheep, are suited to colder climes, and are completely herbivorous. Able to digest even harder to digest plants such as lichens and even some fibrous barks. Though rumors abound of them eating the flesh of their enemies due to humans often seeing them as a ferocious and savage people. In truth, they’re just like their ancestors, an often territorial species.

Thus begins the age of gods! All gods start with 35 AP and there shall be two rounds this age. Each round you may do two actions, but only one action may be detectable. As well as one secondary action.

Red Lenses
2022-01-21, 11:03 PM
Atualam Sits at the Campfire (Uninvited)

Yes, indeed.

It is called “Acroth” - where the gentle hills of Ran Moch give way to flatland and vast stretches of forest. The satyrs found its cold, gentle climate agreeable, and their steady migration inland drove the resident human tribes further and further south… Deep into a black-hearted swamp. The Rotwood, they would call it.

The remaining human tribes scrape out a miserable existence here, foraging in the squalor. And then, one night, a stranger sits at their campfires.

10 AP/6 DC: Influence a town of mortals (~10k)
Atualam visits all the chieftains of the Rotwood, expressing to them that they are now subject to his authority. A good following is important. You have to start somewhere.

+2 Prowess: Atualam’s visage and projected strength terrify the chiefs and their tribes into compliance.
+2 Foreknowledge: Atualam knows which among them will crack immediately and which will require further “persuasion.” He adjusts his tactics and speech accordingly.

Starting AP: 35/35
Ending AP: 25/35

The Rotwood

When Atualam emerges from the dark out of nowhere and sits himself down at the campfire with everyone else, it gets quiet. It’s because he’s uninvited, but also because he is a horrifying sight, with his tree-like body and his stag skull face. The tribefolk stop their banter, their joking - they stop chewing on their overcooked meat.

Even as close to the fire as they are, it’s cold now; an icy dread. But it’s coming from them, not Atualam. Atualam is sitting perfectly nicely, his legs bent up awkwardly. His empty skull eyes look between the horrified tribefolk.

Slowly his jaw opens, then he snaps it shut again, making a loud clack! A child flinches and clutches at their mother. A huntsman fails to repress a whimper. They’ll be fine. A good scare never did anyone harm. For very long, at least.

“Hey, fellas,” says Atualam, trying to sound friendly, but since his voice is spun out of magic, it sounds terrifying all the same. Deep and reverberating. “This is a nice camp. Are you all having fun?”

He’s being facetious. No one ever has fun in the Rotwood. Atualam knows this as a matter of intuition. People in the Rotwood spend most of their time chasing animals, running from animals, and swatting at bugs. It’s just not a good place for humans. But here they were anyway.

None of them were saying anything, so Atualam dispensed with the smalltalk. Down to business. His attention settles on one of the more-important looking tribefolk. Large man, very severe, sitting at what might be considered the head of the circle. Big overcoat, paired with a big amulet. It’s amber, sculpted into the crude shape of a bear.

Atualam clacks his jaw again. “You’re in charge?”

No need to wait for a response. No one’s in a talking mood, Atualam guesses. With a long, spindly arm, he reaches across the fire, unbothered by the heat. His fingers hook the amulet and with a gentle tug, the crude clasp breaks.

The chieftain holds his breath through this whole ordeal. He’s a true model of composure, and Atualam respects that. In his own way. He strings the amulet around his neck. It’s an awkward thing to watch: him with those long arms and fingers, tying the amulet around his neck.

“Thanks,” Atualam says, to be polite. Then he continues: “Okay. Guys and girls, new rule,”

Atualam taps the bear amulet. “I’m in charge.”

They get it. He knows they get it. So again, he doesn’t wait. Atualam stands up, and he is of a frightening size indeed. He still fiddles with his new bear amulet, rolling it between two fingers.

“I’ll be around,” he informs them. With heavy footsteps, Atualam exits the circle. He vanishes completely into the darkness only a moment after reaching the treeline. Later, the tribefolk post extra watchmen. It’s not helpful.

None of them sleep well that night anyway.

2022-01-22, 04:58 AM
Cen (35/35 AP), The Great Dismal Swamps of Suiren

It had started with a voice in his head.

Whispering, at first. Promising knowledge in exchange for help, or possibly servitude. Gazad didn't take long to accept the offer, ever since he was a child he had been ruled by his curiosity. It had gotten him punished untold times as a child and as an adult it had eventually gotten him thrown out of his tribes. Some questions shouldn't be asked, it seemed.

"We are almost there", the divine voice said, Gazad couldn't tell if it was in his head or out loud.

They had walked for what seemed like half a lifetime, far beyond anything Gazad had seen or even heard of. Early on, Cen had admitted that their divine power could have taken them to their goal in an instant, but "there is so much to learn along the way". Gazad had agreed then, but with every part of his body aching from the unending walk and drenched in swampy water, he wasn't quite so sure anymore.

"There", Cen said as they came into a large clearing, the water deepening into a lake of sorts with a single tree in the middle of it. To Gazad, it looked like any other tree they had passed through their week long trek through the swamp, if perhaps a little bigger. But who was he to question the God of Knowledge? Instead, he started walking towards the tree, the water quickly reaching his chest.

Trying very hard to not to think about what the dark waters might be hiding, Gazad quickly reached the tree and knelt next to it.

"What now?"

"Now it begins."

2022-01-22, 07:08 AM
On an island, just beyond over the horizon from the equatorial shores of Lemuria, a creature was dying. A huge sea turtle, as broad across as the crashing waves were high, had beached itself and lay huddled inside its shell under a hot afternoon sun. Whether from wounds, sickness, or age, now was the time in which it drew its last breaths.

And so it did.

Or did it?

First came the crabs. Darting from their holes in the sand they began to amass, their furtive eyes lingering on the corpse. Such a meal could not be wasted, and with pinching claws and busy mouths they began to devour the turtle. Scales and leathery hide were stripped away, along with the tongue and eyeballs. In their hunger they would inevitably find their way inside the great beast's shell, where it was dark and wet. Hundreds, if not thousands of crabs followed this path. But, as a keen observer would notice, for all the little arthropods that crawled inside that turtle, not one left. And so, quite soon, no crabs remained on that stretch of beach.

Then came the gulls. Squawing and cackling they descended, picking off the few crabs still lingering on the top of the turtle's shell. Yet this could not satisfy their ravenous gullets, so they picked at the exposed morsels of turtle flesh that had been left by the crabs. Many beaks made short work of the scaly flippers, tail, and face. Great flocks of birds fought and screamed over shredded meat. When that was done, and only a bloody skeleton remained of the poor turtle's appendages, the gulls hopped in close to peck and prod at the spaces within. Closer and closer they drew, approaching and withdrawing in bursts. Until, one at a time, just like the crabs, they entered the shell and never re-emerged.

As night fell and the raucous gull became mysteriously silent, the jungle rodents came looking. Or smelling, as the case may be; following their noses they descended from their undergrowth homes to snuffle about the dead turtle. They delighted in the carrion, gnawing bones and sucking marrow, picking it clean to the very last skerrick. With absolutely nothing left to eat outside the shell, these mammals were drawn in further, just as the crabs and the gulls had been before them. The dark, salty interior beckoned, and though some nameless instinct warned them of something arwy, they could not surpress the need to feed. Into the shell the crawled, in an orderly, furry little line. And just like the crabs and the gulls, inside that shell they stayed.

The next morning, washed by the high tide and crammed full of the island's critters, the turtle shell sat gleaming in the rising sun. No scavengers remained to seek a meal from the eerie cadaver, so the beach was quiet. At least until a man came.

The island was only sparsely inhabited, a single human tribe of a few families. They fished in bark canoes using spears of wood, rock, and bone. They sometimes caught turtles, and delighted in their meat. However, it was not meat that came to mind when this islander saw the shell. It was wonder at the beauty of its perfectly opalescent shell, curiosity at its presence on his beach, trepidation at the omens it might bring. And then he bent to look inside.

And something within looked back.

Demand the sacrifice of one mortal for 4 BP (0 AP)

As the constellation of the O shines overhead, a new god will manifest by ensnaring the final ingredient to its form - the body of man. This islander will be compelled to crawl inside the turtle shell, where he - like the crabs and the gulls and the rats before him - will remain for eternity as a component in the O of Ooeht.

A day after the great turtle's death, something emerged from the shell. It was the hand of a man, the same one who had crawled inside. Then, slithering out the back, the vast tail of a rat uncoiled and lashed at the surging water. Then a wing, unfurling from the left corner, followed by a second from the right. Then the many segmented legs of a crab, all at once, scaled up to freakish proportions.

Eleven appendages in all emerged from the shell - eight arms and legs, two wings, and a tail - propping it up to an upright position most unnatural for a turtle. Then came the twelfth appendage, the reptilian head. It half emerged from the shadows of its interior, before pulling back with a hiss, shielding its face from the glaring sunlight with a human hand. It proceded cautiously, keeping its face shaded, partially retracted at all times. For a moment it grimaced with displeasure, but a shift of the fingers was enough to have it seem a smile instead.


At first the islander tribesmen threatened the monster with spears when they saw it - a many limbed thing that shambled into the village on three mismatched legs, one a man's and the others a pair of elongated crab legs. But they were fishing tools, and splintered harmlessly against his shell or snapped in his massive crab claws. The reptilian eyes, peering out from between human fingers, roamed the assembled mortals lazily. It spoke it a high, flat croak that made their skins crawl.

"Be not afraid. I am the O of Ooeht, and I come with a warning. Speak not, but listen, and heed me well...
Tomorrow a storm will strike your island, of such ferocity and magnitude that all who suffer it shall perish. There is only one way to survive. You must go to the source of the rainbow, and there you will find a safe haven in which to weather the storm. When it has passed, you may return to your lives on this island, and the survivors will find that I have bestowed upon it great gifts for them to reap.
Thus I have spoken."

Then, with a flap of his feathery wings, the O of Ooeht was gone.

Influence a large group of mortals (4 AP/2 DC)

The O of Ooeht will compel the mortals of this Lumerian island to heed his warning, and those who survive the storm will worship him as their saviour. However, those who follow his advice too blindly by heading out to sea in search of the source of rainbows, will find themselves in greater danger than those who chose to hunker down on their island.

+2 Trials, as the islanders are experiencing a life threatening ordeal.

Change the weather in a state sized area (8 AP/4 DC)

True to his word, the O of Ooeht will summon a storm of truly legendary proportions to the region of Lumeria. The sea will be rent with mountainous waves, tree will be uprooted and tossed aside like leaves in a breeze. Any mortals caught outdoors will confront fatal danger - especially those stupid enough to cast out to sea in search of a rainbow...

+2 Trials, as the islanders are experiencing a life threatening ordeal.

+2 Tricks, as the islanders have been promised misleading salvation.

2022-01-22, 10:57 AM
Kyōdaina Hi: The Kujumi-35/35 ap

A goblin walked upon the grassy fields humming to himself. He had a stone knife in one hand and a piece of wood in another. He was carving the piece of wood, putting a little totem face on it. “I’ll call this Woodcutter…” The goblin said to himself. “...no,...no…no that’s too lazy need to think of something else.” He pondered.

“Hello!” a voice rang out

The goblin jumped and pointed his knife forward, frantically looking around. “Who goes there! Are you a satyr!” The goblin started to sweat. “I’ll have you know I am A feared warrior.”

The voice giggled

“I’m serious…” The goblin said as he started to shake.

“I am not here to hurt you I only have one request.” The voice said.

“Oh please don’t kill me…” The goblin got onto his knees. “... I’ll give you anything you want!”

The voice continued to giggle. “All I ask is for that knife and wood carving!”

The goblin looked down upon his self-made knife and carving. “That’s fine, I can make another one anyway.”

Just then the voice disappeared. The goblin started looking around. “Hello…” Seem like the person disappeared. “Ha, I must’ve scared them off.” the goblin with a smile. He then looks to the sky. From the clouds a massive claw bigger than anything is ever seen came down upon him. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” The goblin screamed in pure terror. The hand was just inches away from him. He closed his eyes and accepted his fate. And then nothing happened. The goblin opened his eyes and noticed the hands The knife in the wood carving was gone. The goblin was still petrified as he attempted to look around. He then noticed something, His knife was gone.

“I’m sorry for the scare.” The voice called out again. “Thank you for the knife and I will prepay your generosity.” Then the voice disappeared again

The goblin looked back and forth, still sweating profusely. He then started slowly walking down the path, keeping an eye open

Kyōdaina Hi: The Sky-35/35 ap

‘What a creative little fella,” Hi thought to herself As she examined the knife. “How many creative things I can make with this.”

16 AP/12 DC: Create a +2 domain religious artefact:

The knife of The clouds: +2 imagination

The goddess Kyōdaina Hi works to create wonderful beings that she will call Kaijus. They will be crafted from the clouds in the sky and come in many shapes and forms. They will mostly stay out of mortal affairs except when extreme danger Comes about in which case they will come in to help. The knife of the sky will often take the ideas of mortals to help create monsters.

+2 Monsters: This is pretty self-explanatory, they are giant 60 m tall monsters, There are no rules to their shape and size all that needs to be done is for them to craft from a cloud. The forms will be decided by the imagination of mortals or Hi herself. If one of her children dies She can just recraft them and they will be reborn.

+2 Sky: Besides coming from the sky themselves they all have the ability to fly indefinitely and rest upon clouds.

She still needs to roll to make a monster this is mostly just fluff stuff

With this weapon she will create her first child

14 AP/10 DC: influence one immortal, create a single greater magical monster.

Woodcutter: the totem monster

The first child made by Hi, inspired by the wood carving of the goblin. This monster is joyful and playful, loving to bounce along with the clouds.

+2 monster: As a monster, it is granted one special ability which is firing laser beams from his eyes.

+2 Sky: Like all monsters made by Hi it can fly. It can also bring down clouds from the sky And craft them to various objects to bring joy to others.

5/30 AP at the end

2022-01-22, 12:59 PM
Cen (35/35 AP), The Great Dismal Swamps of Suiren

Gazad pressed his palm against the rough bark of the tree and felt Cen's power flow through him and into the tree. It started to vibrate, the vibrations quickly spreading to the ground beneath it.

"It would be wise to move."

They were almost through the lake surrounding the tree when the pale sunlight disappeared, suddenly blocked by the tree, now twice its original size. Gazad stopped and stared at it. Now three times its old size. Then five. Ten.

When it finally stopped growing, it was wide enough to cover most of the lake and tall enough to dwarf any other tree in the swamp.

"That..." He paused, trying and failing to find something more intelligent to tell his god. "That is a very big tree."

"It is a very big task we have to accomplish."

Influence a large landmark or building (4 AP/2 DC)
+ 4 Knowledge: Cen creates the Tree of Knowledge, a giant tree in the center of the swamps, subtly calling out to dedicated seekers of knowledge. Atop the tree sits his tower, open to anyone who seeks them out and accepts the promise, demand and invitation that is engraved above its door:

Knowledge for Knowledge

2022-01-22, 03:15 PM
Kyōdaina Hi: The Sky-5/35 AP

Hi looked at her to projects and realized she could not give them enough energy, she needed help but from where. She looked down upon the earth and felt immense power all around. "Be these forces can me..." She did not know who these beings were but she could at least since their domains. Plenty seemed like they would be happy to help.
(all the people Hi contact can also help with the artifact and Woodcutter)

You are a being of love, help me bring my child and in this knife to reality, they will care and love for all creatures of this world

Name: Gorkun Tu'Shaal
goblins are special creatures, so full of life, energy, and creativity. Help me in my creation and in turn they will protect goblins.

you seem to have a knack for the wonderful creativity of monsters, help me make my first child and the blade to make even more.

Monsters are such wonderful spectacles, help me bring this spectacle to life.

These natural beings could use a lot of magical power. I ask for your assistance.

I ask you for your knowledge to help my children.

my children come from the dreams of gods and mortals, help me bring into this earth.

you are great at the arts help me craft my children into reality.

2022-01-22, 03:22 PM
-24 AP/35 = 11 AP
-24 AP, creation of The Five Virtues.
Orgo sees the people struggling to survive in harsh conditions all over the world, and feels great pity and compassion.
Magic done with benign/good will in mind for the recipient and caster is White Magic. White Magic can technically be offensive, but it's too new to be used for anything other than pleasant results at first. White Magic is good for healing, causing crops to grow (Since this might step on the god's shoes, it's only good for small, limited areas), warding off harm such as naturally occurring diseases, longevity, fertility, and other forms of good fortune. Eventually white magic may be used for excorcisms, fighting undead and the demonic, etcetera, and lastly, lifting curses. White Magic is a Law of Reality because it occurs due to virtues. The virtues of Love, Good Will, Honor, Justice, and Order. Love and Good Will are interchangeable virtues except Love refers mostly to the togetherness of certain people such as friends, family, and lovers in "relationships" such as marriage. Good Will can fuel powerful magic for complete strangers. Honor is done as rewards and respect for others, Justice is magic done to protect innocents from harm by fighting evil, and Order is basically trying to keep things from getting out of hand, therefore putting people in danger.
Orgo set forth a system of objective morality and ethical behavior.

+4 Love
- 0 Overprotective : This is just a system of Objective Morality.

The Virtues:
Love/Good Will, somewhat interchangeable. For example, a Mother might give her life in child birth to see her child live. A grand parent can give up the last remaining years of their life so a child could live past an illness to see old age. Love and Good Will are just ways that define someone as a good person, Loving/Good Will towards others is defined as wanting positive lives/good things for others.
Good Will might be "Whoah, I see those pilgrims being invaded by goblins, I need to stop it. And then suddenly the goblins all fall asleep.
Note: Sometimes Good Will/Love can be called "Mercy", which means that someone who has incurred the wrath against themselves for injustice, bad will, dishonor, or disorder can receive goodness rather than penalty for their misconduct. Although mercy is not guaranteed for wrong doing, even if someone is remorseful for their actions, mercy on the wrong doer's part against others nudges the chances for mercy for them to go there way.

Honor would be a reward for positive/pleasant change in society or individualistic. A toy maker providing for a village's children/an orphanage could be reincarnated and have a very happy child hood, or perhaps have many happy children and be in a happy family. A person who saves the life of a rock climber, grabs them and pulls them up, years later is saved from a great fall by a giant eagle. In other words, Honor is a reward's system for behavior. Dishonor, is the violation of someone's state of innocence or reward.

Justice, seeking out threats against communities, and individuals based on deeds already done. Since no objective morality exists in this setting yet, Orgo sees things such as sexual violence, significant violence in general against those who are generally peaceful, innocent, or at least innocent towards the offender can be punished with what is defined as "Justice". However, in some ways that almost contradict the first sentence, Justice can be carried out against someone who merely has dark thoughts towards their neighbor/anyone else. In other words, injustice is an offense against someone's innocence.

Order is more based on societal laws, and don't necessarily punish someone but might bring about change so that they won't transgress laws. However, Order can be interchangeable with Justice, but is more mutable than the latter. Thus, Order is usually based on punishing transgressors against the law, and creating laws. Keeping people in line, and thus bringing order so they obey laws, is generally "Ordered" or "Lawful".

On the creation of these standards of morality, "Evil" will be an objective truth. Not all disorder is evil, not all transgressions make someone evil, but what helps determine if someone is evil or not is easier when they tend to transgress these moral/ethical systems constantly, or their transgressions against these laws are strong enough.

The Process Of Spellcasting:
Spells of White Magic are based on the meditation of the Five Virtues Above, as they are called. The more meditation being done for Virtues, the greater the Virtue empowers The White Mage. For example, a White Mage who meditates five hours a day on one Virtue will have different powers than someone who focuses Five hours on Love. Through meditation, someone then receives power from a Virtue. They learn stories taught by the Virtue, then they can recite the stories, called "Spells". When they recite the story, the spell is cast, bringing about a change that reflects the story told.

2022-01-22, 03:57 PM
Kavan, Master of Monsters, Lord of the Deep, The Devourer
AP: 35/35 -> 19/35

Along the frozen coastline of Festinog, scattered tribes and communites live off the land, hunting elk and fishing from the sea. One such group, a collection of families that primarily fished from the coastline and in primitive boats, had the misfortune to bear witness to Kavan's awakening, and as such his attention. A great serpent rising from the water and a roar that resonated on a level deeper than physical was all they knew before the waves caused by the god-monster's awakening crashed over them, capsizing boats and throwing the people on land to the ground. And then, the serpent was gone, leaving the men and women there to wonder about what had happened, to consider the might of what they had seen, and to let the fear begin to fester in their hearts.

By the next morning, a small shrine had been built on the rocky outcropping from which many people had witnessed those events, a collection of stones arranged and etched in ways that the fishermen believed would placate (or perhaps ward off - the difference between the two intentions mattered little to the serpent) the monster they had seen. As the fishermen watch from a distance, a creature approaches the shrine. A webbed hand reaches down to pick up one of the stones and inspects it, and a mouth filled with long, sharp teeth grins. He could almost smell their fear. This is good. They already understood the way things should be. Pausing only to fix the mortals with an unsettling stare, the creature returns to the deep, and the rest of the day is free from any other expressions of the monster's wrath.

4 AP/2 DC: Influence a large group of mortals (~100)
Seeing a group of mortals for the first time, Kavan ensures their obedience through a show of force, trying to assert dominance through fear. A small start, but an excercise in whether mortals can be bent in this way, or if other methods would be required in the future.
+2 Monsters: Kavan makes his presence known through his avatar of a giant, monstrous sea serpent, playing upon the fishermen's fear and the stories of such monsters that tend to arise in coastal communities even before Kavan gets involved.
+2 Ocean: The fishermen are dependent upon the ocean, and Kavan showing his control over the waves and flow of the ocean encourages them to follow his will for the sake of their livelihoods.

The next day, one of the fishermen comes alone to the makeshift shrine. His kin watches from a distance as the waves crash around him, sure that this is the price that must be paid for safety from the being they were now forced to obey, and then there is nothing left of him. The fishermen do not see any sign of the monster in the deep that day, or for the days that followed. Kavan was satisfied by their obedience, and would leave them be. For now.

0 AP: Demand the sacrifice of one mortal to generate 4 BP
Kavan ensures his hold over the fishermen by demanding the life of one of their number, consuming him personally in the form of a sea serpent to empower his later work.

The matter of the mortals dealt with for now, Kavan heads further out into the cold waters of Festinog, diving deep to choose where to begin his work. Shedding the skin, fur and scale of his many forms to provide building material, Kavan combines them with the divine flesh and blood of his avatar to shape into a living tower that soon threatens to breach the ocean waters. When the tower is complete, Kavan can begin to fulfill his purpose - the creation of his progeny, creating their bodies from the flesh and bone of his surroundings, their blood from the transmuted ocean waters around them, and their spirits from his own essence. But not yet.

16 AP/12 DC (Detectable): Create a +2 domain religious artefact - The Tower of Kavan (+2 Genesis)
Rising from the waters of Festinog's seas, the Tower of Kavan is where Kavan will create his progeny - of course, much like any god he isn't confined to the Tower when making life, but the structure expands his domain beyond that of the monstrous and empowers his attempts. It is also something of a seat of power for the god, being the place where his creations are made and are as such more commonly found, and being situated near the communities he has most influence in.

+2 Monsters: Even when Kavan isn't directly making a monster, the life created in the Tower is influenced by his monstrous influence - traits and abilities resembling those of his greater creations are common in his lesser creations, and monsters themselves have a degree of influence over other creations of the Tower.
+2 Ocean: Besides being built in the ocean, the Tower of Kavan draws from the waters around it when creating life - the beings made in it literally have the ocean in their blood (made from transubstiated sewater), tend to have their appearances in some way linked to ocean life, and are commonly amphibious.

O of Ooeht
+2 Trials, to make the monsters that the Tower spawns immensely challenging to slay. The task will require specially trained warriors, equipped with the right weapons, traps, and poisons. They will have to study each beast in careful detail, discovering resistances and locating weak points, drawing up strategies well in advance of their hunt. Successfully taking down one of these monsters will be a feat worthy of great glory indeed.
+2 Tricks, any monster created using a turtle as part of the material components will be blessed with fiendish intelligence to match their divine likeness, the O of Ooeht himself.

+2 Artifice, +2 Magic: It shows the scene that Kavan had planned for his tower. It shows it rising, just as he intended. Mighty, made from the very bedrock of the ocean, it rises, with seawater pouring down from it. There are two alterations to Kavan's original vision- runes and glyphs etched into the stone of the tower meant to reinforce it, and a secondary structure adjoining it. The secondary structure was covered in runes and glyphs. Half of it remained sunk in the ocean, and half rose out of it, like a half sunk bowl.

"Your tower will be a place of great power. The creatures you will make will be powerful enough to bring earthquakes and threaten coasts from here to the warm lands of the south. I will aid you in it's creation, on the condition that if a god's champion, either mortal or filled with divine purpose, makes it to your tower, they may challenge any beast that is created there to single combat, without any interference from the gods. Let it be a place where heroes are made, or great tragedies find their conclusion. Let it be a place where humanoid and monster can meet and make history that the world will speak of for ages. And let no one, mortal, demigod, or god, say that Kavan's monsters hide out to sea when a champion arises. Include my designs in your vision, and we will make a landmark to define this world's peoples for ages yet to come. And later, when I begin to create, you will have a hand in my vision. Is this agreeable?"

+4 Death, Any creation with this forge will have the innate ability to increase their physical prowess by consuming the living souls of those killed by their hands. Destroying their souls and absorbing their essence. Not all souls are of the same quality however, for the forge a truly wicked and indignant soul given willfully to exact vengeance upon the world is more than a thousand souls of lesser quality.

+4 Greenskins: Goblins infest the Deep-Lurkers tower, giving him new servants and worshippers. They combine the God in their Blood with the God infront of them into one pantheon that they worship and fear. They aid him in his creation of monsters and tithe him body parts to do so! In exchange, Gorkun sees through their eyes, allowing him to know when another monster is on it's way.

+2 War: The Tower of Kavan is an entrenched and heavily defensible building, easily able to stand against foes magical, mundane, or divine, small or large. Given a god lives there this may perhaps be redundant, but it may prove useful in the future regardless.

Kyodaina Hi
+2 sky: All the monsters created with this device will gain the power of flight

+2 monster: All monsters made by this artifact have the ability to care and love for other beings.

+2 Prowess: Monsters which are born in the tower and capable of higher thought will have a greater proficiency for learning skills quickly. This naturally fades as they get older, of course…

+2 Spectacle: The bodies of those who fall within the Tower shall over time meld with its walls, leaving eerie lifelife figures who appear to be ready to leap out at any other mortals bold enough to follow.

His work is interrupted by a voice from above. Another being like him, sharing part of his essence, but...different in other ways. A affinity towards the sky rather than his oceans, and their words betrayed a difference in attitudes. Weakness on their part. Regardless, it was helpful. A roar echoes out from the seas towards the voice in the sky, giving a simple bargain - if she helped with his work, he would return the favour. In the days that follow the other god's offer, Kavan builds and thinks. He had been dimly aware that others with great power existed, but he hadn't thought much about interacting with them, until they interfered in his goals. Perhaps it was best to follow the example of his visitor, and see if there were those out there that saw the merits in what he was doing and would offer aid.

2022-01-22, 06:05 PM
Ozglint- The imperfect Creator, The Forgemaster, The Artificial Magus
AP 35/35

High atop the mightiest mountain of Festinog, a human man stalked the tree line, trying to sneak closer to a group of elk. With his thick furs and simple spear, he moved through the forest with familiarity. The woods of the stone man had been his family's hunting grounds for generations. He slid up beside the ancient pile of stones shaped like a man on a chair and held his breath, preparing to throw. However, the sharp noise of stone cracking filled the air, causing the elk to startle and run. Cursing in frustration and disappointment, the man hit his spear against the stone man. Or he would had a stone hand not broken out of the cold stone and caught the blow. More stone broke, shattered, and fell, revealing a golem of carved stone. The man fell back and cowered as the statue stood up, taking his spear firmly into it's own hand.

The animate statue looked down at the spear. A simple creation of bone and wood. Barely a tool at all. "Barbaric." The voice was deep, rumbling with the sound of stone grating on stone. "Improvements required. The statue looked at the man and blinked. A mortal. The first contact. Ozglint smiled congenially, which caused the human to void it's bladder. "Take me to your home. I wish to meet your people." It finally dawned on the hunter that the stone man didn't intend to crush or eat him, so it nodded and began making it's way down the mountain back towards the village. Ozglint followed.

On the way, whispers carried through the air. It seemed like the wind itself were calling to Ozglint, but it could tell the hunter could not hear. A voice, powerful and full of potential, begged for aid in the creation of something new and wonderous. Ozglint was about to respond when it felt a bud of magic begin to unwind and bloom. Someone or something was creating something glorious. Excited, Ozglint focused it's will on communication.

Your work is grand, and your goal is mighty. I would welcome your new magic into the world. The things that could be created out of good intent are, at the very least, intriguing. I wish you luck in your endeavors."

You seek to create a magic item... I enjoy this a great deal. Let me give you some advice on how to bind and shape the magic, and you can return the favor at a later date. You see, if you invoke this rune and kindle this spirit while meditating on the purpose of the artifact...

Ozglint will seek to help Kyōdaina Hi with their magical monster making knife. +2 Artifice and +2 Magic domains. Would his help add a weakness as well?

When Ozglint reached the village with the hunter, the people came out of their rough huts and dwellings, bound in rough furs and carrying the same makeshift weapons and tools as the hunter. It felt disgust at the primitive nature of their lives, and it promised itself that today would be the first of many days of improving these being's lives. Ozglint looked on them with interest as they cowered and pointed weapons at it. It could make use of these beings. They would be the first parts of it's grand machine, it's perfect work. Ozglint strode forward, causing them to draw back from the central fire in the center of the village.

"It is cold. That must make things... difficult for you." Ozglint saw the way the humans shivered and shook, not just from fear but from biological impulses that Ozglint would never feel. "Fire has many uses... we will need fire for the Great Work..." Ozglint reached into the village pyre and took a large, stony handful of embers. Whispering forgotten words, he cupped his stone hands around the burning coals and blew greater life and purpose into them. "I call these hearthstones. May my people never go cold again.

Ozglint will attempt to make hearthstones- no not the mobile game. It seeks to grow the coals into obsidian stones that can be as cold as ice, as hot as a forge fire, and anywhere in between. They grow hot with an exhale of breath and a command word, repeating the word for hotter temperatures or dismissing the magic with a command. If possible, I'd like for these stones to not be able to burn humanoid flesh or start random fires. The weakness of these creations is that they must be fed a sacrifice of wood each day, burned to cinders on the stone, or else they lose their magic. Not a lot of wood, but something to keep the fire inside alive. +2 Artifice for making items, and +2 Magic for their inherently arcane nature.

After attempting to make a wonder, Ozglint looked down at the mortals around it. It took the primitive spear and held it back out to the hunter. "Your tools are insufficient. We will need greater materials." The golem's eyes flared with power, and it looked up the mountain. "There is ore near a plateau at the base of that peak. You must move your village there. That is where the great work begins." Ozglint looks out over the people, the first cogs he managed to find in this world, the first components to the Great Work. "We will create such wonderful things together. Do as I say and you will be my chosen assistants, and I will take care of you like you were creations of my own."

Ozglint will attempt to convince the mountain village to move their village closer to a large source of ore higher up on the mountain. I don't know if giving them magical fire stones that work much more efficiently than real fire allows me to add a +2 Artifice modifier to the roll, but that makes sense to me, since I'm basically bribing them with useful magic items.

Ozglint began walking up the mountain, intending to forge a trail for the villagers that they could follow. Every three or four trees or stones that Ozglint passed, it would reach out with it's stone hands and break bark or gouge stone to leave another marker for the village to follow. And it looked over it's new domain with wonder, taking in the animals, the natural wonders, and, most intently, the natural resources that were available. This would be a good start.

Ozglint- The imperfect Creator, The Forgemaster, The Artificial Magus
AP 19/35

The JoJo
2022-01-22, 06:21 PM
Oculus - Khobar village, Red Teressi (35/35AP)

The hollow-eyed farmer watched forlornly as the tribute collector hauled sack after sack of grain onto his cart, his companion helping to lift the heaviest loads. His wife stood behind him, dressed in rags, while their children clustered around her, disengorged stomachs constrasting with stick-like limbs. With barely a grunt of acknowledgement, the collector took the last sack before wheeling his cart onto the next hut. The farmer stood rooted to the spot for a few moments, before suddenly noticing a large, black cat with brilliant green eyes perched on the crumbling stone wall beside him. The feline stared at him and he stared back with an intensity that matched the sun above their heads, as if daring it to try something.

"Why are you letting them do this?" the cat asked. The farmer opened his mouth and closed it again, unable to process what he was seeing with his own eyes.

"Wh... what are you?" he finally spluttered.

"Nothing you should be afraid of," the cat said in a low voice, rolling over. It sat up to attention. "They call me Oculus. Well, they will do, anyway. So, why are you letting them take your grain? There are only two of them, and more than fifty of you, not even counting the little ones."

"They have been sent by the great chief!" the farmer hissed, glaring at the cat as if it should know this. "If we do anything to them, the rest will come and raze the village to ground." He glanced down, noticing for the first time a jagged rock had appeared in the palm of his hand. The cat slunk up beside him, glancing between the farmer and pair of tribute collectors with their backs turned as they loaded up sacks from the next hut.

"Only if they find out..." he purred. "There is an outpost about three miles south of here. Take the bodies there under the cover of night and I promise, nobody will ever suspect you."

6 AP/3 DC: Influence 1,000 mortals with +2 Sacrifice and +2 Spectacle to create the Cult of the Hidden Eye, an underground cult with tentrils stretching across the Teressian desert. Known for gathering on the rare night when all three moons are not in the sky, wearing dark robes and crude, feline-style masks, cult members are ranked by two simple criteria: how many new recruits they can obtain, and how mortal sacrifices they can find. The greater the sacrifices and recruits, the greater prestige. With the carrot, though, must come the stick. Any fully initiated member who does not bring a sacrifice or recruit for a whole solar year will be offered up to Oculus themselves as penance for their failure. Unsurprisingly, newcomers are rarely informed of this until they have made the requisite oaths.

Once the deed is done, the cult will display the corpse in a suitably public location for maximum spectacle. Travellers to the Red Teressi are advised to take particular caution when travelling alone and/or at night, and if you meet a man wearing cat ears, don't accept his friendly invitation for a drink.

0 AP: Demand the sacrifice of one mortal to generate 4 BP. Technically two mortals get sacrificed here, but for fairness, let's just count it as one.

2022-01-23, 04:16 AM
Moranan Maklir, 35 AP, Pekunos, A Village somewhere in a tributary of The Kujumi River

Pekunos was a prosperous little village on a nasty cold river. It was once a river that was hard fought over, ancient tribal wars that were long forgotten. Men bled to death in the fields that their children now used to make out under the stars. Bodies now were nothing more than fertilizer for the fields. All that remained of that time was one thigh bone fashioned into a bone flute.

It was a hard fought life, as all were at the time, but to those involved, this must have seemed the dawn of a golden age. It was foretold in the stars, they said, the sky a new and beautiful array of constellations and cosmos. No man had died at the hand of another in over half a century… Well, that was except for the death of one man, many, many years ago. Unfortunately for the village of Pekunos, that death was far more important than most.

“Come now! Dance! Dance!” In the largest hide tent, the center of the village, there was the skeleton of a man in black robes sitting across the hide of a mammoth. What amounted to a throne in this place. “Be merry! Merry, I say! What have you to fear!?” As Morannan lounged back one hand spilled wine from his cup, his other hand petting the ears of a massive wolf kept at bay by him.

The people of the village did not move. “Come now. Flute player, play your flute. I want to tell these people a story, to make them happy.” If Morannan could have slurred his words, he would have. The musicians played furtively, eking out panicked notes. “You know what I love about wolves? They seem so unconcerned about death when it comes for them. They fight when the fighting is good, and if they fought badly. They know to scamper off to a hole somewhere and wait for death to take them. Don’t you think that makes them such noble beasts?”

A tall, lean satyr walked into the tent, towering above the humans of the village and was immediately set upon by the wolf, the creature pinning him to the ground. “Ah, the chieftain has arrived!” Morannan got up, striding over to the man, he spilled his wine onto the man, his cup already seeming to refill itself as the wolf lapped it up from the man’s face. “Greetings! Greetings! I believe I have everyone important here. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Morannan Maklir! I am the first man to ever come back from the dead! To reject death itself! And when I did so, I had a little taste of death myself. I was on the brink and came back. I’m sure everyone has questions for me!” There was a sudden giddy energy to the man, as he broke out in laughter. “Ahahaha! You’re dying to know! Ahahahaha! Although, we’re always dying! Aaaahahahaha!” A guttural, hoarse laughter that he quelled with drink. “I know, in those moments, I was anxious to know what was beyond.”

He inched closer to a random citizen, his bony face less than a handbreadth away. “Do you want to know?” The scared woman simply nodded along. “Nothing.” He said in a breathy voice. “There is nothing! Simple cessation of existence. It shall happen to us all, and only the memories of others shall live on. Soon too, to be forgotten.” He finally backed away, moving back to the mammoth skin rug and sitting crossed leg across. “Ah, but what is a story without an end, I say! A good end, a glorious death, that is all we can hope for with our lives. For that last moment is what frames our lives.” He rested his knuckle against his chin and sipped sagely. “Play no more, flute player. The tale turned sour at the end.”

The wolf finally finished licking the last of the wine off the satyr’s face. Which he did not resist, patiently taking the indignity until he could rise again. “You are wrong.”

Morannan sounded hurt, but sympathetic to what was said “Do not wound me so. I know it can be hard, but I do not lie.”

“No, you do not. But you are wrong.” The lean satyr stood tall, squaring up himself, taking a hide shield from the sides of the tent. “There is more to hope for than a good end, we can make the world better, little by little.”

“A world doomed to an end, like all things.”

He takes a heavy wooden club from the floor of the ten “Yes, but there is no end. For all things that end become part of the whole. As bones return to the earth, so too shall the earth return to the stars. Our mind shall not exist but we shall still live in all that surrounds us.”

“Well then. You believe life greater than death.” Morannan rips a spear from the hands of a civilian. “Would you like to prove it?”

The satyr rolled his shoulders and arched his back. “I think I would.”

“Ahahahaha!” Morannan downed his wine, throwing his goblet across the room, and sprinkling the crowd with its leftovers. “Yes! That is a tale, that is a glorious death!”

“A mortal against a god though. Hardly a fair fight. I say that I win when I deal a serious blow to you.”

“Ah, a clever mortal too. Yes, yes, try whatever you will. You will not win. But first, let the people know your name! So that they may sing it in song! Praise it in verse! Glory, glory be unto your death!”

“I am Enceladus, and Enceladus is all I can be.” He said simply as he brought his club forward.

The fight had dragged on now. Hours had gone by, and though the audience knew it was true that Morannan could win easily, he toyed with his prey. It was now a test just to see how long Enceladus would keep on his legs. At first the civilians did not cheer for Enceladus, no one would root for an obviously losing fight. But as it raged on, the wounds racked up and he showed his prowess, his determination, the flutes started to play, the drums beat and the people cheered. It no longer mattered. The length he went was victory enough for the crowd.

But a loss delayed is still a loss nonetheless. Finally, his bone split. No matter the will, he could not stand. Morannan waited. “Well then, it was fun. But it is time to admit defeat.”

Enceladus breathed shallowly. “Permit, a dying man, one last story to tell.”

“I would have it no other way.”

“I once had a brother. I saw, in the eyes of him, a refusal to take in the world. A sheltered life, where he knew no fear.” Enceladus spit out blood, his voice hollow. “He took on life. And I knew that his brother would soon ask for a hand in marriage. And I knew the maiden not to be like my brother. For he was a great and respected chieftain, she would not refuse, tell herself tales of this grand opportunity. But I knew her heart would break as she said yes. So in the night, I had wished simply to cast him out, but he would not listen, and that terrible night had ended with a chase through the forest, and a spear through his heart. And I did not realize before that day that my heart too would break.”

“I… I knew the brother you speak of once.” Morannan stooped down. “He would still think you a coward. But he understands how little he knew.”

Morannan reached out, extending his hand for comfort. But as he does so, with his last surge of energy, Enceladus brings his club down upon the hand, severing his right ring finger from it. “I win. Hahahahaha.” He laughs weakly as he falls to the ground

Morannan tosses his spear straight through the tent, spearing an unfortunate man outside. “YOU FOOL! YOU MORTAL FOOL! I OFFER A HAND AND YOU DENY IT!” He slams his bony foot into Enceladus’s side “YOU WANT YOUR VICTORY THAT BADLY! YOU SHALL HAVE IT! YOU HAVE WON AGAINST DEATH AND YOU SHALL DIE NO MORE!” Morannan takes his own bony finger and crushes it into dust in his hand. Sprinkling it at the boundaries of the tent. He throws Enceladus into the mammoth rug brings down a kick into his chin. “FROM THIS POINT ONWARD YOUR BODY SHALL NOT CHANGE! YOU WILL BE KEPT IN THIS STATE!” He stomps out of the tent, cracking the earth underneath him.


6 AP/3 DC: influence a village of mortals (~1000)
Morannan spreads his beliefs on the nature of death and what it means to him and what it should mean to others.
+4 Death for obvious reasons.
-2 Austerity, he's basically just giving a speech instead of using his power.

12 AP/8 DC: Immortalize a living creature or mortal
Immortalize Enceladus The Everlasting, a man cursed to forever be in a state of near death but unable to die so long as he stays within the boundaries of the land that the tent occupied.
+4 Death from preventing this man's death

2022-01-23, 06:58 AM
Cen (35/35 AP), The Great Dismal Swamps of Suiren

"Another one?" Gazad asked, after the message from Kyōdaina Hi. Cen had shared much knowledge with him during their time together but not about this. "There are others like you?"

"Many", Cen replied. "It was only a matter of time before one of them reached out. They will need us... and we will need them."

The glowing eyes closed for a moment as Cen reached out towards the dragon of the clouds with a reply.

"Knowledge for knowledge and a favor for a favor. I will support your creations now and when I ask for it, you will support two of mine. Are those terms acceptable, Kyōdaina Hi?"

2022-01-23, 07:12 AM
The O of Ooeht (23AP+4BP), flying above the continent

The monstrosity that was the O of Ooeht flew with the grace of an ocean gull, but at the same time with the grace of a turtle, a crab, a rat, and a man. Which is to say, none at all. At times he soared, swooped, and banked between the clouds, but most of the time he bobbed on the wind like an elaborate seed pod, casting his chaotic whims far and wide to germinate on foreign soil. And find some fertile soil he most certainly did...

First, he discovered not one, but two gods attempting to spawn new monstrosities upon the land. This delighted the O of Ooeht, though being jealous of his own image and the power it bestowed, he did not quite understand why these others were so quick to duplicate themselves. Still, he couldn't miss an opportunity to help inflict new tribulations upon mortalkind.

16 AP/12 DC: Create a +2 domain religious artefact:

The knife of The clouds

The goddess Kyōdaina HI works to create wonderful beings that she will call Kaijus. They will be crafted from the clouds in the sky and come in many shapes and forms. They will mostly stay out of mortal affairs except when extreme danger Comes about in which case they will come in to help.

+2 Monsters: This is pretty self-explanatory, they are giant 60 m tall monsters, There are no rules to their shape and size all that needs to be done is for them to craft from a cloud. The forms will be decided by the imagination of mortals or Hi herself. If one of her children dies She can just recraft them and they will be reborn.

+2 Sky: Besides coming from the sky themselves they all have the ability to fly indefinitely and rest upon clouds.

A rainbow flashed through a receding stormfront, leaving behind a bizarre shaped cloud. Was it a turtle? No, those were wings, not flippers, it's a gull. Or could they be claws...

Help Kyōdaina Hi create the Knife of the Clouds

+2 Trials, to make the kaiju that the Knife creates immensely challenging to slay. The task will require specially trained warriors, equipped with the right weapons, traps, and poisons. They will have to study each beast in careful detail, discovering resistances and locating weak points, drawing up strategies well in advance of their hunt. Successfully taking down one of these kaiju will be a feat worthy of great glory indeed.

+2 Tricks, any kaiju created from a cloud that is pierced by a double rainbow will be blessed with a shimmering colourful hide, which can be used for highly effective camouflage.

16 AP/12 DC (Detectable): Create a +2 domain religious artefact - The Tower of Kavan (+2 Monsters)
Applying the +2 Monsters domain seems pretty straightfoward, less sure about the +2 Oceans domain - it's made in the ocean, the ocean is tied in with their creation and Kavan's monters will have an affinity towards the water, but nonetheless it's not as clear-cut as Monsters. Still not sure about the whole side effects/extra benefits thing that's been discussed a bunch.

Though the coasts of Festinog were cold, a rare migrating turtle drifted through the water not far from the molting god. It was hard to say when another would be seen in the area, but it would be an auspicious occasion when it did.

Help Kavan create the Tower of Kavan

+2 Trials, to make the monsters that the Tower spawns immensely challenging to slay. The task will require specially trained warriors, equipped with the right weapons, traps, and poisons. They will have to study each beast in careful detail, discovering resistances and locating weak points, drawing up strategies well in advance of their hunt. Successfully taking down one of these monsters will be a feat worthy of great glory indeed.

+2 Tricks, any monster created using a turtle as part of the material components will be blessed with fiendish intelligence to match their divine likeness, the O of Ooeht himself.

Later he sensed an incursion upon reality itself, more abstract than the monsters but undoubtedly more powerful. The O of Ooeht pondered this development. These virtues were a trial of their own, in a way, he supposed. But where was the trick? An out was required, for the discerning mortal, the kind of mortal who takes on more from life than mere vice or virtue. The O of Ooeht would provide this.

-24 AP/35 = 11 AP
-24 AP, creation of The Five Virtues.

Hinder Orgo's creation of the Five Virtues

-2 Tricks, to allow evil mortals to cheat the system of honour by neutralising their past misdeeds from the record of virtue.

-2 Trials, in order to trick the virtues in this way, an evil mortal must succeed at a relatively simple task; they must accomplish something that has never been done before by another mortal. This could be setting/beating a world record, such as being the fastest sprinter, or being the first to do something impressive, such as being first to reach the peak of a dangerous mountain. At the moment an evil mortal achieves this, they will be presented with the subconscious decision to neutralise their honour rating, effective immediately.
(Note: if a mortal knowingly attempted to perform an extremely minor feat to satisfy this trial, such as being the first mortal to climb the particular tree growing in their back yard, the O of Ooeht will be greatly displeased and will instead give them more dishonour).

+2 Complexity, since the trial here is relatively simple, if broad in scope.

2022-01-23, 12:15 PM
Knowledge for knowledge and a favor for a favor. I will support your creations now and when I ask for it, you will support two of mine. Are those terms acceptable, Kyōdaina Hi?"

"I am all for creation I will assist you in your endeavors of imagination."

2022-01-23, 01:10 PM
Ozglint- The imperfect Creator, The Forgemaster, The Artificial Magus
AP 19/35

As Oz was climbing the mountain, it allowed it's power to flow out of it's avatar and put it's divine will to work assisting those it had promised aid. It was enjoyable to flex it's artificial might, as well as to get to know the other beings like it on this world.

I offer to assist you in codifying natural laws with my magic, but for all my assistance there must be a price. For your purposes, I will enshrine your laws of self sacrifice and honor into the mechanisms of reality, but there must be a way for mortals to reject these laws. I say that if a mortal wishes they can opt out of this system with a ritual. If they do the others will know they have chosen not to take part, but if they wish to follow their own path they should not be chained to this new morality. (Offering +2 Magic to assist, and the ability to opt out of the system of laws comes with it or you -2 Imperfect the roll, so no bonus. Everyone will know someone who opts out is a bastard, but you can opt out. If this is not accepted Oz's flaw comes in and makes it a +0)

Your totem creature is intriguing to me. Mighty, artificial, and with eye beams! I am willing to lend my hand to it's creation, but I am bound by the Law of Flaws. I will assist in creating it if it requires a special diet that has to be prepared by the mortals. That way we have less fear of it going rogue and attacking the people it once defended. I hope you do not think me greedy, but I will request a favor in return at a later point. (+2 Artifice because it's made from a carved Totem, +2 Magic because it is a magical being, -2 Imperfect if you don't accept the flaw.) As for your sky knife, I am all for more of your friendly monsters and will assist you with that as well. But there must be a weakness. I say that the sky knife can never make the same monster more than once, ensuring that imagination is required for each and every creation. If it brings a monster back, it must evolve and change in some way to come back. I will require your assistance at a later date as well. What say you? (+2 artifice for making an item, +2 magic for a magic item, -2 Imperfect if no flaw is applied)

Your tower will surely be a mighty edifice. Do you require assistance with it's creation? If my people are to be neighbors with your faith, good relations could be most profitable for both of us.

I am Ozglint. I am artificial, and I am imperfect, but I am a god like you. May our interactions be prosperous for all involved. (This message comes across as excited to filled with awe, something like a new kid making friends at a new school for the first time.

Ozglint- The imperfect Creator, The Forgemaster, The Artificial Magus
AP 19/35

2022-01-23, 07:15 PM
Kyōdaina Hi: The Kujumi-35/35 ap

5/30 AP at the end

"Fellow Divine! Your cause is just! Your means of protections are mighty!"

+4 Love : Orgo sees the Religious Artifact as a good thing. As he loves mortal kind, he wants them protected. His magical emotion works to help the artifact's creation. Orgo lends a minute portion of his power to improve the creature's natural abilities.

2022-01-23, 07:51 PM

(35/35 AP)

Kyōdaina Hi: The Sky-5/35 AP
my children come from the dreams of gods and mortals, help me bring into this earth.

No reply is given, but Myrin laughs softly at these works.

+2 Dreams: When a great beast is born from the power of this dagger a dream shall be sent to mortals that are near it's birthplace. By default it is simply an image of the creature doing what it's purpose is, expressing to the world the vision of it's creator. The wielder of of this dagger may choose to change the dream that is sent if they wish.

+2 Psychic: Woodcutter's mind is hardened against the wear and tear of time or the powers of others. A soft feeling that they cannot quite pin down comes to mind when they think about what they need to protect.

The Virtues

Such grand beliefs being engraved upon the world cannot go unnoticed, even by a lazy shade. Yet Myrin struggles to come up with anything to do with this opportunity. Eventually they decide that at least letting others know of these changes may be wise.

+2 Psychic: In the backs of mortal minds the Virtues become a known force. It's so incredibly small that it's undetectable, but it's only intended to be a warning on what the universe considers correct.

The Tower of Kavan

Myrin shivers at the implications of this grotesque thing, but they have yet to see how this god acts, so cannot truly judge it. For now Myrin will let them do as they will and forget about it.

Kilo - The Great Dismal Swamps of Suiren:

It is tiring moving through the swamps alone. Of course the muck does not help but Kilo grew up with it and knew it well. No, it was the beasts that silently moved through such terrain that scared the goblin. Large monstrous things that could swallow him whole that slithered beneath the murky waters, or large snakes that came down from the trees to squeeze the life out of you.

Kilo had as of now gone three days without sleep due to having lost the trail his tribe had took. Three days of fear, where every rustle of leaves or splash of water was a sign that death was near. Soon he would be unable to deny rest, soon he would likely become some beasts free meal. Kilo cursed his fate and the need to sleep.

His eyes opened and closed repeatedly beneath the grey skies as he forced his way through another patch of water towards a group of trees that could be safe. Yet he stopped as he noticed most of the trees on the spot he was going to had vanished, replaced with something bizarre (https://youtu.be/q8iCL5CR5k0).

A tree who's leaves looked like eyes stood there, it's bark a hue similar to the rainbows seen above. Sitting beneath this tree on it's bed of roots was something that looked like a human, but smaller than him, and with feathers coming from it's shoulders drooping over itself like a blanket. The one there gave him a tired smile before patting the ground next to it.

Kilo stopped only for a moment to take in the sight before resigning himself to whatever fate lay here. He sat next to the strange probably-not-human under this tree and then... let himself go to sleep. The last thing he felt was the head of the thing resting on him.

He would have sweet dreams.

10 AP/6 DC Create Basic Magical Species: Dream Wood

Reminiscent of a willow tree with the bark of a rainbow eucalyptus, it’s many long leaves carry the shape and color of a peacock feather. While safe for most animals and plants to be near, it’s roots will target nearby trees, draining their nutrients or covering them like a strangling weed. Other magical trees are excluded from these attacks.

+2 Psyche: The leaves of the dream wood taste similar to peppermint. Those that consume them find it a calming agent and headache reliever.

+2 Dream: Those that consume a leaf in some fashion (whole, grounded up pastry, made into tea, ect) have their mind tied to the tree for the next 24 hours. If the person then falls asleep they will dream of being in a featureless cloudy environment which is somewhat morphic to the dreamer’s mind. If multiple people are asleep that have their minds tied to the same tree by the same leaf then they will be in the same dream (simply disappearing if they wake up).

In this dream-state the individual will be able to affect their environment as much as a normal dream, and can be awoken normally. Once someone awakens their connection to any dream woods is severed early.

-2 Physical: If a dream wood dies when someone is asleep or otherwise has their mind connected to it, then their dream suddenly ends with a painful snap or they are taken by a painful nausea. The headache that can result from this will last for decades, a low annoying headache that can ruin concentration.

1 AP/0 DC: Influence one mortal - Kilo

+2 Dream: Myrin will give Kilo good dreams forevermore as a sign of their favor, happy to see the goblin find rest. Myrin will use this opportunity to tell him all sorts of things, bugging him like a child after a while with questions and favors meant to subtly guide him.

+2 Psychic: Even while starving, animals of all sorts shall avoid harming Kilo. Sentient creatures who try will suffer a debilitating headache till they stop.

Actions done here are detectable by: Orgo, Gorkun, Cen, and Zemara

2022-01-23, 08:34 PM
Kavan, Master of Monsters, Lord of the Deep, The Devourer
AP: 19/35
Remaining Actions: None

His mind made up, Kavan turns his attention outward to the kin he was becoming increasingly aware of. The other lord of monsters had already heard his offer, so he first focused his attention there. Everything to do with her was similar to himself, but at the same time different. Well, then. He would help, but by definition such assistance would make the two kinds of monsters a little less different - to the mortals, at least.

Kavan first went to the mountains of Festinog, following at first the voice of the god who had called out to him, and then the markers left in stone. The villagers the ceator had chosen as its own may be surprised by the appearance of Kavan's avatar, a muscular, vaguely humanoid creature covered in thick matted fur, but Kavan ignores them and heads straight to Ozglint, wanting to take up the god's offer of assistance with the creation of the tower. The diplomatic elements were less relevant to him, but he was content to talk on those matters too.

As Kavan travels the world, he notices the beginnings of a change in the world. The creation of something grand, woven into reality. Curious. Watching what was being made, Kavan feels mixed feelings - in some ways, he could see mortals drawing too much strength from this, working together to grow beyond their intended role in the world, but then again...the opposite could happen too, a reliance on mercy and protection leading to those with the strength to make the mortals a threat being quashed. Interesting. In the end, Kavan decides to let it progress, but he does roar out an offer at the one building it - his assistance, in exchange for the same help later when Kavan called on them. Kavan had plans for his creations, after all, and the assistance of another deity would be useful when the time was right.

In Red Teressi, a howl resounded across the plains. For the mortals, it meant little, but for the black cat that roamed the villages there it contained a message - Kavan wanted the aid of the Great Spectator in making his tower, and promised both future aid in kind and, perhaps more importantly, that his creations would provide just the kind of bloody show that the feline god would enjoy once they were ready to be set loose on the mortals of this world.

When Kavan returns to his tower, he notices the turtle drifting by and examines it, grasping it with a great claw. Seeing a little, but not all, of what the turtle's presence means, he releases the turtle and lets it turtle swim on.

Helping Kyōdaina Hi with the Knife of the Clouds, using Monster +2: While the creatures created by the Knife may be helpful to mortals, their presence will be unsettling to those they help - their help may be appreciated, but the monsters themselves will be treated with suspicion by those below.
Taking up Ozglint's offer of helping with Kavan's Tower (pending his flaw stipulations, of course)
Offering to help Orgo with the Five Virtues in exchange for similar support in the future.
Asking Oculus for help with Kavan's Tower in exchange for similar support in the future.

2022-01-23, 10:26 PM
Ozglint- The imperfect Creator, The Forgemaster, The Artificial Magus
AP 19/35
Secondary Action Remaining This Turn

The golem sensed the presence of the avatar before it turned to face it. May this meeting be blessed by fortune for both of us... it's deep voice rumbled before turning to face the furred, humanoid creature that Kavan chose to manifest as. For it's part, Oz looked like a mobile man of stone. Runes alit along it's arms, chest, and back in a sudden reflex of wanting to look more impressive. Ozglint brought it's hands together and pressed a fist into an open palm, an ancient sign of respect from another time and place, before the golem's creation. Separating the hands, a vivid illusion unfolds before them.

It shows the scene that Kavan had planned for his tower. It shows it rising, just as he intended. Mighty, made from the very bedrock of the ocean, it rises, with seawater pouring down from it. There are two alterations to Kavan's original vision- runes and glyphs etched into the stone of the tower meant to reinforce it, and a secondary structure adjoining it. The secondary structure was covered in runes and glyphs. Half of it remained sunk in the ocean, and half rose out of it, like a half sunk bowl.

Your tower will be a place of great power. The creatures you will make will be powerful enough to bring earthquakes and threaten coasts from here to the warm lands of the south. I will aid you in it's creation, on the condition that if a god's champion, either mortal or filled with divine purpose, makes it to your tower, they may challenge any beast that is created there to single combat, without any interference from the gods. Let it be a place where heroes are made, or great tragedies find their conclusion. Let it be a place where humanoid and monster can meet and make history that the world will speak of for ages. And let no one, mortal, demigod, or god, say that Kavan's monsters hide out to sea when a champion arises. Include my designs in your vision, and we will make a landmark to define this world's peoples for ages yet to come. And later, when I begin to create, you will have a hand in my vision. Is this agreeable?"

Ozglint- The imperfect Creator, The Forgemaster, The Artificial Magus
AP 19/35
Secondary Action Remaining This Turn

2022-01-23, 10:30 PM
Zemara (35/35 AP), Plains at the base of the Ran Moch Hills:

Life is struggle and strife. Great herds of sheep and cattle thrive in the Ran Moch, but are cut down by wolves and men. The winter comes and snow smothers the grasses. But, there is always a spring after the winter, when life is reborn and everything blooms. It was on a beautiful spring day, in ancient times, when a fateful meeting would occur, and the seeds of the future would be sown.

Corun was carving a small figure into a stone. Her hands were hurting; her body was betraying her. This one hadn’t aged gracefully in the slightest. Still, she worked diligently. She had nearly finished when a sudden *CRACK* stopped her. Her chisel had broken. “Useless thing,” she ranted, “now I won’t be finished before nightfall. This was such a waste of time.” She stared at her stone and grimaced. “It doesn’t even look like anything.”

Corun had been born into a time of decline. The satyrs and the humans of the hills were often in strife, and a great attack when she was young killed many of her tribe's strongest warriors. This left her herd vulnerable to the beasts of the hills, and many satyrs were picked off. The greatest threat however was the locusts. Ran Moch was plagued with the devils, and their swarms would devastate the grasses that the satyrs depended on. The humans could at least survive by fishing while the land recovered, but the sheep had no such luck. Each year more died than were born, and eventually she was the only one that remained. She tried to survive on her own, and keep making the carvings her people always had, but between her bad hands and her dimming eyesight it just kept getting harder.

Corun sighed and sat down. She spoke to no one in particular, “I guess I just won’t finish this, and I guess it doesn’t really matter anyway.”

“Of course it matters stone-carver”

Corun immediately shot up, “who's there?” She looked around and saw nothing.

“Up here stone-carver,” she looked above and saw a small moth. It was a simple creature, colored brown with black spots, but Corun could tell there was something strange about it. She felt its gaze upon her, it seemed to stare through skin. But, she was not scared. There was a warmth in her she had not felt in a long time. She opened her palm, and the moth sat down.

“What are you little creature?”

It responded in a sweet voice, “I'm not sure. I’ve been wandering for a while, watching, learning. I’ve learned that this world is drab and boring, but some things make it prettier. Spiders spin their webs, ants build great hills, and moths change their own bodies. They all do something with their life to make things a little more beautiful than they used to be.” “Do you think I am beautiful, stone-carver?” it implored. Its voice exhuded confidence, or perhaps vanity.

“I suppose you are pretty, I’ve always liked moths,” Corun answered. She was intrigued by this strange creature.

“I’ve been watching you for a while, stone-carver. I think you are pretty too, and I think what you make is wonderful.”

Hearing these words Corun’s sadness returned, “It won’t be long until I can’t make anything. My life is basically over.”

The moth laughed at this, “a caterpillar doesn’t die when it goes into a chrysalis, it just changes. It's time for you to enter the next stage in your life-cycle.” The moth flew away and as it did so it said, “Make something amazing. One last stone carving. Make what you’ve always dreamed of and use your every last breath to finish it. If you can do that, then I think I can save you.”


A long while later, Zemara was flying peacefully when it saw something strange in the distance. Bright white, against pure green fields. Curious, it flew closer, above the strange color and saw something it had never seen before. Carved onto one of the Ran Moch’s great hills was a massive figure. It was a great white frog, fully visible only from afar. The hill itself had become a canvas. Zemara was entranced, and it flew down to the geoglyph. There it saw Corun lying in the grass. She was utterly ragged. Corun had worked herself to the bone in her last hour to make this final carving. She worked through all the pain, and her eyesight was nearly gone, but she had made a carving greater than any the world had ever seen. The toll on her body was immense.

The moth landed on her hand once again, and Corun was not surprised. “Somehow, I knew you would see this,” she said. “I think I’ve out done myself.” Her satisfaction was apparent.

“Stone-carver you truly are beautiful. You have made your own chrysalis, and with its power I can change you forever.”

Corun sighed, “Will I be alone?”

“No, you won't. You will have me, and a few you choose to bring with you.”

Corun smiled as the sun set, and the stars arose. Soon Zemara’s constellation was at its apex. As Zemara's light shone on to the land, the great frog began to glow. The white stone shone a brilliant purple light, and at that moment Corun died. Most of her skin sloughed off, and much of her muscle melted away. Her head was left nearly skeletal. Corun stood up with a strength that she had not felt in years. The light of the geoglyph transformed her into the first undead.

Action open to Myrin, and Kyodaina Hi.
14 AP/10 DC: Create a Greater Magical Item: The Frog Geoglyph

The frog geoglyph is a massive stone carving in the hills of Ran Moch. Made by Corun, Zemara was able to strengthen it to act as a well of power. At the moment, it can be used in a great ritual that makes it glow in a purple light, transforming the participant into an undead. Five individuals at a time can be undead, and Corun is empowered to perform the ritual on the first four. The undead cannot die of age and are prodigiously resilient. They can replace destroyed body parts with most common materials, things like stone, metal, or bones. Their undeath is always visible somehow, usually their face has become skeletal. Once created, any undead can use the geoglyph to perform the ritual, and if there are no empty slots left they can give up their own immortality. Both the one who performs the ritual and the one receiving it must do so willingly. The magic is not fooled by coercion or mind control. It must strictly be given. The artifact can be used only by its own undead and Corun. In the sad event that there are no undead left, a living being with the same mindset as Corun may be accepted by the geoglyph as an equivalent. They will necessarily have to transform themselves before they can transform anyone else.

+2 Art: The geoglyph is a massive piece of artwork. The power of undeath will likely be given to those with great artistic skill. Like minded folk, for Corun to spend their time with. The geoglyph itself is preserved from damage by the elements or vandalism that would alter its beauty. True art should not be tarnished.

+2 Metamorphosis: The frog is a symbol of metamorphosis, and the power of the geoglyph is to totally transform the living. They take on a new role and form. It cannot raise someone that is already dead, as only the living have a life cycle.

21 AP left.

2022-01-24, 06:52 AM
Cen, The Great Dismal Swamps of Suiren

Gazad had sat down to rest under a tree while Cen used the dark, reflective surface of the water to negotiate with their peers. Suddenly the relection of a stag was visible in the water and a surprised Gazad looked around the swamp for it, finding nothing.

"Virtuous Orgo. I am Cen the Knowing and I offer you aid for our mutual benefit. I will help you now, if you promise your aid when I ask for it. Is this acceptable?"

The water changed and suddenly looking into the shallow pond was as if looking into the ocean.

"Lord of the Deep. My name is Cen the Knowing and I have a deal to offer you. If I help you with your tower, will you aid me when I ask for it?"

The water looked like part of the swamp once more and Gazad yawned.

"I must admit, I didn't think gods had to do so much... negotiating."

"As I said, we will need them when the time comes."

2022-01-24, 12:34 PM
Cen, The Great Dismal Swamps of Suiren

Gazad had sat down to rest under a tree while Cen used the dark, reflective surface of the water to negotiate with their peers. Suddenly the relection of a stag was visible in the water and a surprised Gazad looked around the swamp for it, finding nothing.

"Virtuous Orgo. I am Cen the Knowing and I offer you aid for our mutual benefit. I will help you now, if you promise your aid when I ask for it. Is this acceptable?"

The water changed and suddenly looking into the shallow pond was as if looking into the ocean.

"The Stag Lord accepts your offer. As long as the end is noble and virtueous."

2022-01-24, 07:56 PM
Morannan stood, stretching his toes in the sand of a tropical island. The wind howling about him, giant waves crashing into him, the rain falling into him sideways. He took in a deep breath before taking a sip of a rose wine. "Aaaaaah! I could get used to this." He could hear the sounds of scared islanders huddling from the rain and wind far away.

A thin whoosh carried over the howling wind, punctuated by a thud that quaked the dampened sand. The O of Ooeht rose up on a pair of taloned bird legs, his vast shell rotund and bristling with limbs. One hand shifted almost daintily to shield his face from the rain.

"Dead man," he crooned. "Welcome to Ooeht. I am the O of Ooeht, and this is my home."

Morannan took a large gulp from his cup. "I like it!" He said enthusiastically. He produced a wineskin from his robes and handed to The O of Ooeht. "Come now! I have visited your home! I bring the gift of alcohol from my land. Tell me have your people learned the process of brewing?" Morannan drank from the wineskin before passing it.

A claw reached out and pinched the wineskin by the neck. He sniffed it from between his fingers, tipped some out onto a shrivelled, mousy hand and licked it. He spat.

"If any of them have then I hope they seek the rainbow!" the O of Ooeht said, thrusting the wineskin back towards Morannan. "You've been too long without your tongue."

"Yes, yes. My tongue." Morannan drank the entire wineskin and tossed it to the side. "You see, my tongue might be the problem. Perhaps in anger, I made a promise that I am not sure I can keep alone. And Morannan is many things but an oathbreaker, he is not."

"You seem a man of less... Moral scruples than most. Perhaps you can assist in keeping a man alive, in pain."

An eye glittered from the space between the O of Ooeht's thumb and palm.

"You speak of... A trial?" he asked.

"Hmm... You could... See it, as a trial of sorts. I am keeping him alive for a time, until he decides to crawl on his stomach to die in peace. Proving how worthless and beneath me he is!" Morannan put a hand around roughly a shoulder area. "I'm sure someone such as The O will understand how important righteousness is for a god!"

"Hmmm..." A second hand was raised to rub his chin thoughtfully. "I like it! I wonder how long this mortal will last, nyehehehe. A tasteful trial, I must say. I will help you, dead man."

Help Morannan immortalise his enemy

+2 Trials, as this is indeed a tasteful trial. It now bears the O of Ooeht seal of approval.

+2 Tricks, as the years go by this poor satyr may try to slip into daydreams in order to forget his trials for a moment. If he does, then he will find that any goodness to be found in this escapism will quickly prove a trick, and dash his hopes once more!

Morannan now quickly returned back to the village of Pekunos, if he could have wiped sweat from his brow, he would have. "Ahahahaha! I did not have to beg for help. This is a win!" He drank from his cup, forgetting that he had planned to make an oath so that the other god would tell no one of his lack of power.

-4 Death, any creation with this knife will have the innate ability to increase their physical prowess by consuming the living souls of those killed by their hands. Destroying their souls and absorbing their essence. Not all souls are of the same quality however, for the knife a just and righteous soul given willfully to protect the innocent is worth more than a thousand souls of lesser quality.

+4 Death, Any creation with this forge will have the innate ability to increase their physical prowess by consuming the living souls of those killed by their hands. Destroying their souls and absorbing their essence. Not all souls are of the same quality however, for the forge a truly wicked and indignant soul given willfully to exact vengeance upon the world is more than a thousand souls of lesser quality.

Red Lenses
2022-01-25, 10:51 AM
Atualam Gives a Gift

14 AP/10 DC: Create a greater magical item
Atualam bestows the Rotwood Thorn upon a tribefolk champion named Belunas. It is an ephemeral weapon whose shape and appearance changes to meet the expectations of its wielder. For now, it resembles an elaborate flint-tipped spear.

When members of the Rotwood tribefolk wield the Thorn, they may occasionally experience visions of a prosperous future - outside of their sad little swamp.

+2 Prowess: Whoever wields the Rotwood Thorn has their martial abilities magnified, and displays a greater aptitude for learning to fight in general. Just by holding the weapon, a talentless hack can be made into a great warrior, and a great warrior can become greater still.
+2 Foreknowledge: Whoever wields the Rotwood Thorn gains limited precognition in combat, able to sense the movements of their enemy before they make them.

Starting AP: 25/35
Ending AP: 11/35

The Rotwood

Atualam waits for the groans of the dying to quietly subside before stepping out from nowhere to inspect the area. The word doesn’t quite exist among the tribefolk of the Rotwood yet, but what has happened here could be called an “ambush.” A few hunters had wandered into someone else’s territory and paid the price for it.

Their attackers were thorough. Any valuables (or what passed for valuables among tribefolk) had been looted. What little meat and foraged goods they’d collected were carried off, leaving only a collection of sad, stripped, impoverished corpses.

How sad. Atualam gingerly steps over one of the bodies. His collection of amber amulets clack noisily against one another. The world’s worst set of chimes so far.

Ah, and then he hears it. Someone wiggling in the dirt. A survivor, just like he wanted.

Atualam stops, turns, listens. Closely.

A strapping (or previously strapping) young fellow is crawling away from him. Light hair matted with dirt and blood. Atualam marches towards him and, once close enough, puts his foot into the young man’s side and rolls him over.

The right side of his face is coated with dried blood. He sputters something incoherent.

“Rough day, huh, buddy?”

“I’m dying,” the tribefolk mutters, “They killed me, I… I…”

It’s only a blow to the head. It surely feels like death, but the small wound had clotted after bleeding a lot. He’ll be fine. Later. The trauma would be worse by far.

“Not quite,” Atualam lowers himself to a squat right next to the tribefolk, “What’s your name?”

“Belunas,” he says, punctuating with a ragged cough. “My tribe is-”

Atualam is quick to cut him off. There’s no time in his schedule for second-stringers or dead weight. “Yeah, don’t mention them. Not important. I’ve got something for you.”

Atualam reaches to his right and digs out a clump of dirt with one hand. Two clumps more, and then the shaft of a spear reveals itself. Atualam drags the weapon free and plants it in the ground next to Belunas.

“This is the Rotwood Thorn. It’s your new spear, since you lost the old one.”

With confused, unfocused eyes, Belunas scans the weapon, bottom to top. The shaft of the spear is ornately, perplexingly carved. Spiral grooves run along it in alternating patterns. The tip is made from finely sharpened flint. It gleams, even though there is no light to reflect on it.

“Take it.”

Belunas’ fingers twitch. “I…”

“Take the spear, Belunas, or this all happens again,” Atualam leans forward, vacant eye-sockets offering little in the way of compassion, “Again and again, until none of you tribefolk are left.”

Hesitantly, Belunas reaches out and weakly wraps his hand around the base of the spear. Atualam waits a moment to ensure he has it before letting go himself.

“There you go. Now watch closely.”

“Watch wh…?”

Poor Belunas’ eyes lose their focus. The pupils dilate. Atualam does not share the vision with him, but he knows what the survivor sees: hillforts among the dense forests of Acroth. Fields of wheat. Metal-tipped weapons and shields. The civilizing of the satyrs.

It’s all intensely theoretical. There are no guarantees in life. But it’s important to give these savages something to unite and strive for. Otherwise they won’t become what Atualam needs them to be.

A trickle of drool emerges from the corner of Belunas’ mouth. The spear falls sideways, but Belunas still has his hand on it. Right. It’s a long vision. Atualam has zero intention of staying until it’s over.

With a grunt, he rises, and then vanishes between the trees.

2022-01-25, 08:12 PM
[Ran Moch - the Plains of Belli]

It was a small tribe. An insignificant tribe of primitive humans, barely existing on subsistence farming. 'Barely', because while they had little, those roving nomads around them had even less, and looked upon them with envy. Raids were common, with nomadic warriors taking food, supplies, and even women and children from the arms of their families. But they never destroyed the farmers, oh no. They couldn't do that; they would lose one of their sources of food.

The farmers had come to accept their lot in life. There was no salvation from the raids, no relief from their lot in life. They were born in fear, they would die in fear.

And one day, their salvation came.

In the middle of one of these raids, a figure stepped as if from nowhere, and appeared among the frightened farmers and their families. He was a giant clad in metal, unlike anything that these rough-skinned tribes had ever seen before. His weapon was a long, double edged blade that he wielded with both hands. With it, he cleaved through the first of the nomads with ease and did not pause as he moved to the next. What should have been a raid to take food instead became a panicked rout as the nomads fled away across the steppes. Iustrum saw them flee, and he followed. The farmers, hesitating for a moment, took up arms and followed him.

They followed the nomads with a relentless determination,

Iustrum raised his blade and pointed it at the nomads' huts, saying his first words upon the mortal plane.

"This war is over." He snarled to the nomads. "Whoever surrenders shall be spared, and join with my new empire."


Chosen People: Humanity (DC 16)
+2 War: Iustrum launches a war of conquest to bring the tribes of humanity within the fields of Belli together. Ran Moch will be their birthright, and all its peoples shall bow or fall.
+2 Honor: Iustrum is very careful about who he slays and why. Those who surrender or offer no resistance are brought into the fold, as promised.

2022-01-26, 04:21 PM
[Ran Moch - the Plains of Belli]

It was a small tribe. An insignificant tribe of primitive humans, barely existing on subsistence farming. 'Barely', because while they had little, those roving nomads around them had even less, and looked upon them with envy. Raids were common, with nomadic warriors taking food, supplies, and even women and children from the arms of their families. But they never destroyed the farmers, oh no. They couldn't do that; they would lose one of their sources of food.

The farmers had come to accept their lot in life. There was no salvation from the raids, no relief from their lot in life. They were born in fear, they would die in fear.

And one day, their salvation came.

In the middle of one of these raids, a figure stepped as if from nowhere, and appeared among the frightened farmers and their families. He was a giant clad in metal, unlike anything that these rough-skinned tribes had ever seen before. His weapon was a long, double edged blade that he wielded with both hands. With it, he cleaved through the first of the nomads with ease and did not pause as he moved to the next. What should have been a raid to take food instead became a panicked rout as the nomads fled away across the steppes. Iustrum saw them flee, and he followed. The farmers, hesitating for a moment, took up arms and followed him.

They followed the nomads with a relentless determination,

Iustrum raised his blade and pointed it at the nomads' huts, saying his first words upon the mortal plane.

"This war is over." He snarled to the nomads. "Whoever surrenders shall be spared, and join with my new empire."


Chosen People: Humanity (DC 16)
+2 War: Iustrum launches a war of conquest to bring the tribes of humanity within the fields of Belli together. Ran Moch will be their birthright, and all its peoples shall bow or fall.
+2 Honor: Iustrum is very careful about who he slays and why. Those who surrender or offer no resistance are brought into the fold, as promised.

Orgo looked at the carnage brought by the birth pangs of the Empire, and was displeased.
"Exerting power over others like this, even for the sake of peace and order, is wickedness. Still, Iustrum also exerts an alien form of caution, which is appreciated, and is not without honor. He seeks to bring relief to the grieved, which I respect greatly."


-4 Love: Orgo is glad that Iustrum is sticking up for the peaceful tribes of Humanity but hates Imperialism. He is worried about a One World Empire, even if it's only in the vastly far future, and is barely in it's embryonic stage. Thus Orgo instills a natural desire to rebel if the Empire spreads too fast and/or too far. Even the evil and selfish may fight the Empire through backstabbing and factionalism if it tries to grow too quickly. This hinder only works in full effect if the Empire becomes too expansionist.

2022-01-26, 04:26 PM
Cen, The Great Dismal Swamps of Suiren

Lured by all the new sounds, smells and sights of the swamp, they had wandered off from the still growing tree. Gazad was crouched down, studying the remains of some unfortunate animal while all of Cen's eyes were sweeping around, trying to take in as much as possible.

"So much to see, to learn."

Gazad hummed in agreement as he carefully removed the fur of the decomposing swamp animal with a crude knife.

"Even we are too limited. We need more."

That caught the Host's attention. "You mean more... more like me?"

"Indeed." The purple eyes pulsed as Cen gathered the power, reaching inward. "But first, more like me."

Gazad sensed rather than saw the beings being created around him. No body, nothing to see at all, as shapeless as the god whose echo they were. But they were there, Cen's curiosity given form and purpose.

"You know what you are, what your mission is. Go."

Nothing changed, but they were gone. Out into the world, already seeking mortals to speak to, to bond with and above all to learn from.

Create a collection of lesser magical minions (12 AP/8 DC)

The cennites are echoes of Cen, like their creator they exist merely formless energy and must possess a mortal host to interact with the world. Like Cen, they seek out those who hunger for knowledge and offers them a deal: access to all of the cennites' gathered knowledge in exchange for life-long servitude and helping add to that collection. A mortal possessed by a cennite, called a cennfai, starts looking similar to one of Cen's Hosts, growing extra eyes above their own and having more and more of their skins covered in runes. As with a Host, the possessed mortal remains in control of their body while the cennite controls what knowledge they give the mortal access to. In addition to being granted knowledge, a cennfai also becomes almost supernaturally intelligent and astute, taking in and processing information with remarkable speed.

Part of the cennites' (and thus the cennfais') mission is acting as Cen's ambassadors to mortals but most of all they gather knowledge of any kind, occasionally returning to the Tree of Knowledge with it. They are usually willing to trade for knowledge with anyone who asks, providing answers in exchange for some interesting piece of new knowledge.

+ 4 Knowledge


The JoJo
2022-01-26, 06:00 PM
Oculus, Ngala village, Kujumi

Leaping south from Red Teressi, Oculus soared over barren plains and rocky mountains until he found himself in the familiar greenery of the Kujumi river basin. The freshwater ways were dotted with tiny fishing villages, but these were not what the feline was interested in. Instead, he headed further inland, into the dense, tranquil forests. There wasn't usually much in the ways of spectacles in a place that had barely changed in millennia, but today, he hoped differently.

The Ngala had been in the area for about as long as anyone could remember. Dark skin and curly black hair contrasted with pale blue eyes, rumoured by some other tribes to be the work of sorcery. Oculus landed on a branch at the edge of the forest settlement, watching intently. The usual small village squabbles. The usual parochial concerns. He began to spin the end of the branch out until it was swollen like an overripe peach, then in an instant hardened it. A club, covered in mysterious carved symbols that were in fact entirely meaningless, but gave the weapon a distinguished air.

Once the club was complete, Oculus allowed it to break from the branch it had grown from and fall to the ground with a thud. He watched as a tattooed young man, barely out of his teenage years, walked forward with a curious expression to pick up the club. Even from afar, Oculus could see the ambition in his eyes. Yes, he would make a good start.

14 AP DC 10 - Create a greater magical item -- the Club of Kujumi -- with:

+2 Spectacle: The club is a ceremonial weapon that grants any mortal owner the following abilities:

-Natural leadership and influence over all mortals dwelling within the boundaries of Kujumi.
-Unusually long, though not indefinite, lifespan.
-Success in any battle fought in Kujumi, with the notable exception of treachery, which may freely derail and ultimately cause the downfall of the club owner.

+2 Sacrifice: Ownership can only be transferred one way -- by killing the previous owner. Humans, saytrs, goblins and any other mortal species subsequently created are equally able to take ownership of the club. If the owner of the club dies a natural death, then the next mortal to lay their hand on the handle of the club will take ownership. If lost altogether, the club will reappear after some time beside the nearest mortal.

2022-01-26, 06:47 PM
Kavan, Master of Monsters, Lord of the Deep, The Devourer
AP: 19/35
Remaining Actions: None

Looking at the designs laid out by Ozglint, Kavan grins. A place for mortal heroes to come and fight his progeny. Good. They would come, and they would fall, and the legend and fear of his monsters would grow. And if they succeeded? Well...all life had an ending at some point, he supposed, and he wouldn't make it easy for them. At least this way, the mortals would also have to fight without any of the traps or tricks that a group on the defensive might employ. Very well. His monstrous avatar laughs, and Kavan nods. "Acceptable."


Kavan's reaction to the beginnings of a divinely backed empire in Ran Moch was...mixed. His first reaction was to hate it, to reject the idea of mortals unifying, but as he thought about it more...yes, this could work. Conflict was good - it meant that mortals focused on fighting each other, building weapons and causing destruction above peaceful coexistence and mutual benefit, and the existence of an expanding empire would ensure warfare, as people resisted conquest, rebelled later on or fought amongst themselves to create nations to challenge the empire. That could work. The fact that one of the other gods was in charge was a good thing in Kavan's eyes - while he disliked gods taking too close an interest in their follower's lives, a god-ruled empire being dominant was preferable to a mortal-ruled one - so he set about exerting his influence in a way that would reinforce Iustrum's hold over his people, even if it was through fear of Kavan's punishment rather than respect for Iustrum's virtues.

+2 Monsters: All societies had those who would reject their cultural norms and act outside of their mandated duties. In the case of Iustrum's new empire, honour and acknowledging surrender was an important part of how things should be done, so Kavan laid out a punishment for those who went against said principles, went against the will of their god. Those who refuse surrender, burned settlements and acted dishonourably in the empire's wars would find themselves mutated and changed by Kavan's powers in proportion to the scale of their misdeeds, their bodies changing to slowly become closer to one of Kavan's monsters than a normal human being. With mutation making it much easier for dishonourable people to be identified, and some of those who might be tempted to act wrongly being dissuaded by the threat hanging over their heads, Kavan expected that this would ensure that Iustrum's people fought in the way the war god wanted.

2022-01-26, 07:04 PM
Snafuu: Ran Moch 35AP

Snafuu remembers her death. Right here on these hills Snafuu was grazing, minding her own business, like a good little Satyr. When all of a sudden a viscous goblin charges out of nowhere yelling about food. Snafuu, convinced the goblin also wanted to take part in this wondrous grass she was grazing, looked up kindly on the little creature. That was her fatal mistake. The beast drove a spear right through her. As she flailed in pain, she accidentally gored the goblin His face went purple and in her final moments, she knew he had also died. Then she felt true peace.

Now she has returned to the spot in which she fell to find a tree growing up in the exact spot at the top of the hill. She smiled as she approached it. She worked her magic and began taking leaves and weaving them into string, which she draped around her horns. Then she made a mark in the tree with her horn and sap bagan to pour out. She collected the sap in her hands and it began to harden. She immediately began working it into shape as it did. She shapes it into bands with which she slips around her ankles.

While she is working, satyrs from all the neighboring hills gather around to see what she is doing. She begins to show them that there is more to life than grazing and being sheeple. She shows illusions of the various types of other horned and hoofed creatures out there. She shapes herself to look more like each of them in turn. She then begins to teach them what is to be learned by them.

She teaches them all the tricks to weaving satyr string and shaping hoof hoops and the magic of them. She then rapidly conjures strings and hoops for all of them according to their current place along the Hierarchy of Hoof and Horns and asks them to teach the rest of Satykind these lessons.

10 AP/6 DC Create A Basic Living Species: Snafuu Trees.
Snafuu trees shall be grown at the center of Satyr settlements, (At least those that follow these cultural practices). Outside of the cultural significance, they serve two more magical purposes.

Their leaves can be woven into satyr string to be draped around your horns. Depending on how it is woven, it will change your head cosmetically to more accurately represent your caste and position. Removing it will undo the change and the magic will wear off over time. The more you wear it, the quicker it wears off.

The sap can be shaped into hoof hoops to be worn on the ankles. They will change your legs and hooves in a similar way as the satyr strings and with the same requirements for maintaining it.

Snafuu only showed the most formal and official ways to form these items. However over time satyrs will find out by accident that small variations in the crafting of them can lead to small variations in appearance. This will only function for fashionable purposes in the future and serve no real difference in what type of animal it replicates.

+4 Clovenfoot

10 AP/6 DC Influence a Town of Mortals

Snafuu teaches all the Satyrs of the Ran Moch about the Heigheracy of Hoof and Horn. This is a system for helping people better themselves through four tiers of society. She also encourages them to spread these practices and access to the Snafuu tree to any Satyrs they can. Detailed below. (This details the tiers. Specific jobs among the tiers may be detailed later.)

The First Tier is the Giraffidae Tier:
This tier is about the improvement of the mind. Those who exist here replicate giraffidae animals (such as giraffes) with their string and also require the highest quantity of string. Symbolically this represents a net to collect the thoughts and help them achieve wisdom. People here serve intellectual positions in order to help broaden their mind. They may be priests or teachers or scientists or similar intellectual positions.

The Second Tier is the Cervidae Tier:
This tier is about improving the spirit. Those who exist here replicate cervidae animals (such as deer and moose) with their string and require less string than the giraffidae and often leave long strands hanging off of each side. Symbolically these are no longer trying to collect their own thoughts but to begin to bond with and understand the thoughts of others.People here serve social positions in order to broaden their social acumen. They may be leaders or diplomats or warriors or similar social positions.

The Third Tier is the Moschidae Tier:
This tier is about improving the heart. Those who exist here replicate moschidae animals (such as the musk deer) with even less string than the giraffidae with a strand from each horn hanging loose but being woven into the loose strand of the other horn. Symbolically this represents a loosening of their own mind and readiness to connect with another. This is often the most socially acceptable point in which to find a mate/partner (though neither this tier nor finding a partner requires the participant to have the other). People here serve passionate positions in order to broaden their appreciation for life and love. They may be craftsmen or artists or prostitutes or other passionate positions.

The Fourth and Final Tier is the Bovidae Tier:
This tier is about improving the soul. Those who exist here replicate bovidae animals (such as goats) with the least string of all (if any). Symbolically this represents an approach to the ideal satyr position with the least work needed. People here serve manual and simplistic positions in order to broaden their contentment. They may be farmers or construction workers or trash people or other soulful positions.

All satyrs begin as giraffidae until they can prove themselves worthy of moving to one of the other tiers. Tiers can be skipped if a satyr is deemed to have already achieved success in those areas. ((Formal testing for this will probably be created with an action next turn.)) As one moves from giraffidae toward bovidae, they begin to hold more honor and prestige.

+4 Clovenfoot

15 AP Remaining

2022-01-27, 01:07 AM
The Goblin remembered hunger. Hunger beyond words. He remembered finding a sheep...thing and attacking it. He remembered driving his spear, made of stone and wood, into the sheep-thing's guts and being rewarded with a spray of blood directly into it's mouth with more to come...before being punished by a horn through him. By all logic, he should have closed his eyes and never woken up, yet as the Goblin closed his eyes, Gorkun Tushaal opened his own. He was born from the last goblin to die, their soul blasted and stretched to fit the godly power fit within.

The first thing the new god did upon awakening, was to stake his claim upon his people. All goblins could feel a surge of...something going through them, as the Lord in Purple looked upon his kin. They were given knowledge as to who their God was, and that he was watching them.

20 AP/16 DC: Claiming goblins as my chosen people!
+4 Greenskins - Goblins hold a spark of divinity in them. This spark will take form in a hundred and one ways, but all goblins strive for greatness. Whether they achieve it or not...that's a whole other issue. Goblins are a lot more malleable than other races because of this though, and tend to change based around their surroundings a lot faster, in a few generations rather than the hundreds that most races would need.

Once that was done, Gorkun would see as his people saw. He'd reach forward with his purple skinned hand to manipulate and give aid as was befitting to support the expansion of the Greenskin race.

First he saw the Pink-Skinned God claiming his own. That was good. He knew his own and didn't try to take the Goblins. As such, he would lay a blessing upon the Empire to come.

+4 Greenskins: The Empire will have no shortage of greenskin warriors. Prices for their aid will vary but will always include either the bodies of the enemies dead, or plenty of food to replace it.
"We wan' all your spikie horses. Deer? Yes deer. Give the deer, we like the taste. Also your pointy sticks" - Negotiation with a goblin chief on price.

Then he saw Deerface forcing its spikies on the world. Deerface clearly didn't go hungry, Grass-Muncher it was. As such, the purple god spat at upon the Virtues, allowing his purple incense to create a loophole for his people.

+/- 4 Greenskins: Goblins don't follow the Virtues exactly. Instead, the virtues go around their own kin. Mercy, Honor, Goodwill etc. only apply to Greenskins by Greenskins, or those befriended by said goblin. Provisions are also made for the Hunger. For example, slaughtering a tribe of Humans would be seen as fine. Slaughtering a tribe of Goblins not so much. However if it was done out of hunger, and attempts to get food another way has failed, then it would be accepted as fine.
"See, they in't people. Not green people. Da purple don't mind lookin' da other way when we'z hungry an you should too," - Goblin trying to justify his cannibalism.

The very idea of the Sky Lady terrified him. It was in his instincts to scurry and hide. Yet he resisted for now, instead hijacking the connection the goblin carved dagger had to him.
+/-4 Greenskins: The monsters made tend to avoid Goblin Lands, and Goblins rarely hunt Kaiju in turn.
"By Da purple No," - Goblin Hunter when asked for help with attacking a Kaiju that had been sighted near human lands.

The Deep-Lurker terrified him more than the Sky Lady. He didn't take anything from Goblin Hands like Sky Lady had been fool enough to do. As such, in a a strike of low cunning, the Unexpected God unexpectadly scooped up a handful of his followers and threw them into the tower.

+/- 4 Greenskins: Goblins infest the Deep-Lurkers tower, giving him new servants and worshippers. They combine the God in their Blood with the God infront of them into one pantheon that they worship and fear. They aid him in his creation of monsters and tithe him body parts to do so! Inexchange, Gorkun sees through their eyes, allowing him to know when another monster is on it's way.
"Old Water head will love this" - Tithed Goblin in regards to a dead fish he found.

Through a Goblin, The Purple could tell of the new plant that was created. He'd take some for his own and found he quite liked it! Through doing so, soon all of goblinkind would like it!

+4 Dreamwood is a powerful drug for Goblins and plenty end up chewing the twigs for the sensation.

Once all threats to Goblins that he saw were dealt with, he would then lay the foundations of the first goblin civilisation. Goblin leaders heard the call all across Lemuria and the lands beyond, making the Journey to a certain point in the jungle where he spoke to them. They would become the first of the Goblin Priests.

"You lot. Dig 'ere. Dig, help put stone up so beasties don't et you. Leave your meat. Is to pay tribute to the Purple or e'll et ya," - To'Kun, Great Purple Speaker, Iron-Fist of the Notch-Ear Tribe, Glutton-King of all Gobbos to new group fo Goblins.

2022-01-27, 03:21 AM
"Enceladus won! He is right by the terms of an ancient and sacred satyr ritual!" A satyr said, shouting as if to indicate the rightness of his opinion above the others in the group.

"Who cares! Ancient goblin tradition state that big body not make big right."

A man from a human couple blew out a smoke cloud, and then passed his pipe to his partner. "Yo, I don't think it really matters how he's right, but I think Enceladus is right anyway. I mean, like... Dying standing or whatever, that sounds like a lot of work for the same result. I wanna die peacefully if I can help it."

The woman of the couple blew out her own smoke cloud. "I mean... But, he's got a point, right? Like if you wanna matter, put an impact on people. You gotta die doing what's right, what matters to you, not just doing what you love."

"Ugh, babe, I'd really rather die happy than yunno, mattering."

"Yeah! I know that you think that!" The woman stormed out as the satyr spoke again, the human man shouting something as she left the circle.

As she ventured back to her tent, she ran into the visage of a skeleton in robes. He was fastening black barbed arrows of bone together. He said nothing as she took a seat across from him. "Great, Morannan Maklir, the Severer of All Our Threads. I venture for your knowledge."

"You catch me in a mood for knowledge. Ask away."

"We should die for what we believe in, yes?"

"Yes, yes. One should not die for another unless it is their true desire to die for them. Die for yourself."

"What if the mind believes something different than your heart?"

"Think with your mind. Listen with your heart. Your heart may tell you what you want, but your mind is the only thing that will tell you how to get it."

There was a beat of silence as she took in the sounds of the birds, the fire, and the tightening of string against an arrow. "I think that I understand... Great Morannan Maklir, many in the village wish to turn against your words. Follow those of Enceladus. How may I stop them?"

Morannan shook his head. "The followers of Enceladus already have the greatest punishment we may deliver. They seek peace in their lives. We seek struggle. We may die peacefully, but never in peace. That is the wisdom of Morannan."

"You are always great, and wise, my master. I will seek the life of struggle as you say. But may I ask, you act more focused and with less spirit than usual. What is the matter, my lord?"

"There will be many deaths soon. Far from here, but I am readying myself to deliver those deaths. A busy hand needs focus, not spirit." He brought out grease to oil the string of his bow. "Tell my other followers that I shall be gone soon to deal with these matters."

Morannan can tolerate empires but not ones that are not born with battle and vigor to their name.
-4 Death, The leading tribe of Beli shall not find many to go down peacefully, the rallying cry of many of the tribes shall be "Better dead under own yoke than living under yours!" and either refuse negotiations or attack the tribe preemptively.

+4 Death, the divine spark in all goblins flares up in one occasion in particular. When a goblin faces what he believes to be certain death, a calmness shall overcome him so that he may more stoically and reasonably approach it.

2022-01-27, 12:03 PM
The creation of his new human empire was meeting with... mixed reactions, to say the least.

The number of fools willing to throw themselves at a god and die was ludicrously high. Death and glory seemed more important to many of these people than surviving... and so he slew them. It would be inaccurate to say he was conquering the plains in self-defense... but not entirely inaccurate.

There was strong opposition to expansion. Even reasonable expansions - "take that hill and build a watchtower upon it" - were met with some light grumbling, but for the most part were carried out. It was when his expansion plans became ambitious that direct objections were raised.

There was a strange, monstrous disease spreading through the ranks as well. Those who killed innocents, refused to accept surrender, demanded the impossible of those they attacked, or took plunder from their own men found their flesh mutating. Crab claws, massive fangs, snake eyes, all manner of oddities that, while certainly useful, were starting to engender a xenophobia that Iustrum had not intended. When the unfamiliar and the mutated were born of dishonorable conduct, it was only natural for a man to assume that any such deformities were the same. That was a problem, one he'd have to deal with down the line.

The greenskin hordes seemed strangely eager to assist the human empire be born. It was a boon Iustrum had not expected, but it made the war a bit easier. Demanding enemy bodies was... alarming, but they would take other sources of food. It was disturbing, but useful.

But in all of these things, Iustrum felt a touch of the divine. He was not the only one with his eyes on Belli, it seemed.

Well. If the gods wanted an ally, they would get an ally. If they wanted war, they would get war.

Starting with the stag and the skeleton...


"You want peace, so you encourage and ferment rebellion?! Your hypocrisy is only outmatched by your infantilism. If it's war you wish, war you shall have!!"

-2 War: Iustrum sets himself against Orgo and his virtues. Relationships among Orgo's followers will be full of strife, those who follow the virtues will feel stifled and controlled. Wandering eyes and bored hearts will plague his people, anger and resentment. Forgiveness will be in short supply.

-2 Honor: Rebellion violates the virtues of Justice, Honor and (of course) Order. For another, honor in war is a very different thing from honor in battle. Honor in battle mainly requires respect for one's foes, the dignity of a clean death when it can be given, and open fair dealings in diplomacy.

"Where is he?! WHERE IS THE DEATH GOD?!"

... can't actually detect anything he does, so... *shrug*

"One good turn deserves another."

+2 War: The Tower of Kavan is an entrenched and heavily defensible building, easily able to stand against foes magical, mundane, or divine, small or large. Given a god lives there this may perhaps be redundant, but it may prove useful in the future regardless

"Well. Soldiers are useful. Here, a boon."

+2 War: Goblins that fight in holy wars for Gorkun will find their victories come easy, their triumphs swift and strong.

+2 Honor: Goblins that obey the word of their god, or who serve in the armies of Iustrum are considered to be acting with honor. Goblins who act with honor (whether in this way or others) find themselves unusually lucky not just in war but in all aspects of life.

"A fine weapon. It should be wielded by those worthy of such power."

+2 War: The visions granted by the spear are not simply for immediate close-combat advantage, but can assist in winning entire battles, or whole theaters of war. It's up to the wielder to figure out what the visions mean, but if they can, then their potential is truly limitless.

+2 Honor: The weapon can only be wielded to its full potential by the worthy. It will reject and lie to those who do not conduct themselves nobility and honor.

"Hrm. I would prefer a less extreme method of transfer."

Club of Kujumi
+2 Honor: The club's standards for its owner's behavior are exceptionally high, but so too are the rewards for wielding it. Their strength is increased, their vitality reinforce, and even their youth restored... so long as they continue to act with honor and dignity. Those who slay the innocent, break their oaths or otherwise behave with dishonor will become vulnerable for a time.

+2 War: The club grants a clarity of thought and purpose that eases and streamlines strategic planning. Emotions are not lost, but they are... less important. The mind of the wielder is able to process immense amounts of information in moments, with new strategies coming to mind as easily as speech.

-2 Carnage: The club of Kujumi can only be taken by killing the previous owner.

"A position that can easily be abused. Allow me to compensate..."

+2 Honor: Cennites are compelled to keep up their end of their bargains with their hosts, and the host is compelled to do the same. Should the Cennite betray their bargain, or withhold information in a way that would shame, harm, or dishonor their host, the host gains access to whatever information the cennite possesses. Should the host betray their bargain instead, they lose whatever knowledge the Cennite granted them.

2022-01-27, 05:22 PM
The O of Ooeht (23AP+4BP), flying above the continent

Having dealt with the interloper on his new island (who turned out to be rather a decent fellow with whom the O of Ooeht shared much in common, such as trials and even tricks), the Twelfth-and-a-half God returned to the skies to search for new opportunities. He quickly spied something that very much aligned with his own interests - a most tricky and trialling weapon that had been sown among the mortals like a loose pebble at the peak of an unstable mountain slope. A bit unsophisticated, but that could be changed. The O of Ooeht gladly lent his own power to the task.

14 AP DC 10 - Create a greater magical item -- the Club of Kujumi -- with:

+2 Spectacle: The club is a ceremonial weapon that grants any mortal owner the following abilities:

-Natural leadership and influence over all mortals dwelling within the boundaries of Kujumi.
-Unusually long, though not indefinite, lifespan.
-Success in any battle fought in Kujumi, with the notable exception of treachery, which may freely derail and ultimately cause the downfall of the club owner.

+2 Sacrifice: Ownership can only be transferred one way -- by killing the previous owner. Humans, saytrs, goblins and any other mortal species subsequently created are equally able to take ownership of the club. If the owner of the club dies a natural death, then the next mortal to lay their hand on the handle of the club will take ownership. If lost altogether, the club will reappear after some time beside the nearest mortal.

Help Oculus create the Club of Kujumi

+2 Trials, the owner of the Club will never be fully satisfied by his accomplishments, seeking greater tasks and grander conquests with each new victory.

+2 Tricks, the plots of treachery will grow in viciousness and complexity along with the Club wielder's ambition.

-2 Complexity. It's a club. What can you do?

With conflict on his mind, the O of Ooeht passed over the Ran Moch region. What he found there tickled his fancy like nothing else he'd seen thus far...


The Yabbie Creek Massacre

Chosen People: Humanity (DC 16)
+2 War: Iustrum launches a war of conquest to bring the tribes of humanity within the fields of Belli together. Ran Moch will be their birthright, and all its peoples shall bow or fall.
+2 Honor: Iustrum is very careful about who he slays and why. Those who surrender or offer no resistance are brought into the fold, as promised.

In a far flung corner of the fields of Belli, two large tribes had long squabbled over the trickling waters of Yabbie Creek. It was the only water source for leagues, and would frequently become dry enough to cause strife between its patrons. With Iustrum's war of conquest sweeping through the land, both tribes had decided that now was the time to drive away the other once and for all.

They met at the creek itself, each taking a bank for themselves and forming up against each other from across the water. The human warriors bore clubs, spears, and even rudimentary hatchets, and wore scraps of primative armour. Though the first assaults were verbal, shouting insults and threats at each others from the safety of the banks, both knew that bloodshed would be inevitable. Sure enough, tensions reached an unbearable peak, and the forces began to charge towards each other through the shallow water.

What happened next was entirely unexpected by either side.

A massive object crashed into the middle of the creek, spraying water to the banks and far beyond. Warriors were knocked off their feet by the torrent, or merely the shock of it. They paused to watch as the meteoric thing rose up, a hulking iridescent shell on two thick tortoise legs. Horrible claws, like those of the yabbies in the creek but grown to the size of a man's arm, appeared one by one from the shell, impossibly numerous, until some wondered if they'd ever stop coming. But then appeared the hand of a man, which moved to warily conceal the creature's head as it emerged slowly from the shell's top. Half seen eyes scanned from one force of humans to the other.

"What devilry is this?" demanded one tribe's chieftain of the other.

"It is not our doing," the other chieftain insisted. "Surely this is your fiendish ally!"

"Mortals..." said the O of Ooeht, raising his arsenal of clawed arms. "You are both quite mistaken."

In an instant, two claws snapped out in either direction, seizing each of the arguing chieftains by the throat. He lifted the two humans off their feet, and before they could even drop their weapons or struggle against his grip, the O of Ooeht pressed the pincers shut. Warpainted heads separated from battleready bodied with two quick, wet snips, and splashed into the creek.

"Let's see how a unified humanity does in a trial of battle!" the god announced to the appalled and enraged onlookers. For a moment, the challenge went unanswered, until with a warcry the two tribes charged into the blooded creek. Where they had once aimed to fight each other, now their weapons were turned upon the monstrosity that had slain their honoured leaders.

It was a desperate, vicious fight. The most eager warriors were the first to go, as they charged ahead of their comrades to engage the beast one on one. Though they might be able to dodge one claw and deflect another, there was scarce they could do against the third, fourth, and fifth. They were eviscerated in just a few devious swipes.

It wasn't until the O of Ooeht had been surrounded by humans on all sides that he began to suffer blows. Many glanced harmlessly off of his shell, and the perpetrators were quickly punished with a claw thrust into their guts or a lopped off limb. The water quickly turned opaque crimson, and sunken weapons and corpses became tripping hazards for the living.

Yet in spite of these challenges, one human managed to create an opening for the rest. Throwing his spear from the backlines, he aimed not at the hard shell or snapping claws, but at the stocky reptile legs. He pierced the scaley hide just behind the knee, eliciting a squawk of pain from his foe.

The O of Ooeht's face retracted back into his shell as his body slumped to one side, his claws reaching down to stabilise himself. It was then, working on close concert, that the club wielders could dart it and smash at the arthropoidal joins, shattering carapace and tearing sinuous meat. The beast within the shell snarled, hissed, and burbled.

"You think me broken?" his voice echoed out from the shell, tinny and indignant. "Break one limb, and another will take its place!"

Sure enough, the crab claws retracted, and in their place appeared wicked little hands and unfurling feathered wings. He took up the weapons of the dead and broke through the surrounding humans, rocketing between combatants in a whirling storm of flint blades and serrated bone, his wings holding him just above the water level.

Now some of the humans began to rout, but the O of Ooeht would not have his trial end so easily. By casting his weapons aside and rising into the air on multiple sets of wings, the god could synchronise his wingbeats in one direction to create a focused blast of air. Fleeing humans that were caught in these blasts where pulverised, in some cases explosively, but always with extreme lethality. The thundercracks echoed through the hills for miles, and sent plumes of water, mud, and blood flying sky high.

Even despite this display of raw power, the decimated human tribesmen kept up the fight. A net, cast by two warriors that had once been enemies in the struggle for water, ensnared several of the bristling feathered wings, sending the O of Ooeht plummeting back into the water. With his wings crushed by the impact, they too were retracted back into his shell.

With only a set of six human hands remaining, the O of Ooeht remained a formidable fighter. Again arming himself with whatever he could find on the battleground, his ponderous bulk of a shell darted and rolled between foes, stabbing and clubbing and slashing with incisive efficiency. In this way he whittled down the remaining humans to just two, but suffered wounds of his own along the way. With no new limbs ready to replace the wounded, he was rendered little more than a pair of broken legs and one battered arm by now, lying sprawled out in the rapidly congealing blood of Yabbie Creek. He watched warily from between his fingers as the two warriors - one from each of the warring tribes - closed in on him with stone hatchets raised.

"You have done well, mortals," the O of Ooeht said wetly. Flecks of bloody spittle dripped down the front of his shell. "But do not expect the trials to end here, for this is just the beginning. You will learn to fear me and revel in my methods. Band together, humans, under your metal-shelled god, and you might just survive the horrors in store for your kind."

With the last word barely uttered, the reptilian maw shot out from the safety of his shell and went straight for the closest warrior's throat. It was only the second warrior's quick reactions, stepping around his old enemy and slashing down on the pallid turtle throat with his hatchet, that saved the man from a fatal bite. Seemingly decapitated, the O of Ooeht's shell toppled forward lifelessly into the creek, its battered exterior stained red with blood of a hundred dead humans.

From then on, the yabbies of Yabbie Creek would be forbidden prey, lest you incur the wrath of the crab-turtle-demon once again.

Help Iustrum make humanity his Chosen People

+2 Trials, the O of Ooeht takes this opportunity to present a trial to these humans, appearing at a major battleground to personally slaughter scores of warriors in a freakish yet spectacular display of combat prowess. He promises many more trials for the unified human Empire as they grow.

+2 Tricks, as his actions in the fields of Belli have tricked a pair of fractious human tribes into allying against a common enemy, thus creating unity. His actions also resulted in the two tribes being more or less wiped out. Tricked! Nyehehehehe!

2022-01-27, 05:42 PM
+2 monster: Using creativity to help others will give you good karma, it also helps people communicate with monsters who will be more inclined to listen to a good person

+2 sky: All the monsters created with this device will gain the power of flight

+2 monster: All monsters made by this artifact have the ability to care and love for other beings.

+2 sky: Goblins will grow an increase curiosity by looking at the clouds in the sky. This will allow them to innovate more.

+2 monster: Goblins will have a greater understanding of monsters, even being able to communicate with them if their sense of wonder is great enough.

2022-01-27, 06:51 PM
Kavan, Master of Monsters, Lord of the Deep, The Devourer
AP: 19/35
Remaining Actions: None

The sudden arrival of goblins in the Tower of Kavan (newly reinforced by the magic of the war god - Kavan was pleased to see that his help was paid in kind) took the monster god a little by surprise - he'd not particularly paid the little creatures much attention, but when he saw how they reacted to his presence and obeyed his words, he found himself content with their presence there. They understood the proper way to act in the presence of a god, and they would have their uses in the times to come. By now, he couldn't help but notice their connection to their own god, but Kavan decided that this too was fine - he was not a god who operated with deception and misdirection, and if Gorkun wanted to see what was happening in the Tower, so be it. Turning his attention to the god of goblins, Kavan noticed his peer's attempt to establish his hold on goblinkind, and decided that help deserved help in return - he would help the goblins to survive in places where Kavan's influence was strong, in the seas and wherever the monsters to come would make their homes.

+2 Monsters: Goblins who live nearby to monsters (or the places they slumber between ages) find the way they develop over the generations affected by the monster's nature as well as their environment to a degree - outright monstrous features are rare and the changes aren't too significant, but a particularly strong monster may pass on a degree of its strength to the goblins around it, a fire-associated monster may lead to goblins with a degree of resistance to heat and burns, and so on.

+2 Oceans: Goblins who live near large bodies of water and have them be a part of their lifestyle find themselves evolving to become better suited to the water, developing traits such as large lungs, webbed fingers and senses adapted to operate effectively underwater.

2022-01-27, 09:13 PM
Festinog -
The Nameless village:

Festinog was the harshest place in the continent. Frigid winds devoured the weak and strong alike. Yet, even here, hardy beasts still survived, struggling to make something beautiful. Zemara took flight in the shape of a snow owl, and flew past a strange little village. Zemara could smell the presence of another being like itself, and it followed the trail up the slope of the mountain, until it saw the magus.

“You are not a natural creature are you?” Zemara asked. “Something made you, I can tell.”

The stone giant turns to face the deific presence behind it, expecting something dangerous and powerful looking like the last avatar it dealt with. It was pleasantly surprised to see an avian form. Still, that in no way meant this being was not dangerous. “I was created, yes. Long ago. I never met my creators, but I am the sum of all their skill and knowledge, both in magic and in artifice.” Ozglint began making it’s way up the mountain again, making a small and strangely delicate gesture for the bird to accompany it.

The owl did as it was asked. “I knew it …” Zemara said happily, “It’s wonderful to see something like you. Intention manifested, that’s the beauty of creation. I saw your work too, with the villagers, and I like what I saw.” Suddenly Zemara takes on a more somber tone, “ I’ve come to talk to you, one creator to another, because I need your help. Let me show you something,” the owl suddenly took flight, heading southwards, faster than the winds and tide.

Ozglint watched the owl fly, then the light in it’s eyes widened as the bird moved faster than physically possible. Intrigued, Ozglint took a hesitant step forward, then leapt into the air. The boulders that made up it’s form fell, empty of life, into a pile, as the construct’s pure essence followed the owl. When Ozglint remanifested, this time it took a form of pure, solidified mana, invisible to the mortal eye but shimmering, iridescent, and, in it’s own way, quite beautiful. It stepped into existence in the owl’s wake, cautious and hesitant.

They arrived in the Ran Moch. The land was peaceful, lit only by stars. From above, they could see the white outline of the geoglyph. Even in the dark it stood out, and even to mortal eyes it would seem impressive, but these two could see deeper than most. “This is a chrysalis. I love it more than anything. My friend made it, and I love her more than anything. Give it a tap.” Zemara motioned to the earth.

Oz took in the sight of the glyph from above, and after a few moments gave a grumble of approval. “It is a fine work. Your magical lattice is tight and sophisticated, and the way you wove your intent into it is strong. You say a friend made this… do you mean another god? I am hoping to make… friends… as well.”” It reached down with an intangible hand and brushed against the earth, feeling the magic and potential within directly.


As Oz touched the ground, the frog awakened. The glyph began to shine with its perfect purple light. Its magic radiated outwards, the power of transformation. Zemara didn’t know as much about magic as Ozglint believed. All Zemara knew was that things can become more beautiful. Larvae struggle, fight, and tear their way through meat, until they can grow big enough to change. Corun struggled and tore through the earth, turning a boring hill into a masterpiece. The effort, the intention, the drive, all these things are sources of power that can change the nature of the world and its people. Zemara only tapped into the sacrifices Corun had made. Soon, the light stopped. It could not change a god, and so was content to sleep once more.

“Another god?” Zemara seemed surprised at Ozglint’s question. “Is that what we are? I like the sound of it. But, no. It was my satyr friend, Corun. She worked herself to the bone making this, and that allowed me to anchor my power here. She’ll live forever now, she deserves it.” Zemara nodded to no one in particular.

“I only know that I fit the definition of the word “god” in my own lexicon. As do you. As do others who are, as we speak, influencing this world.” Oz admired the skill, but had little to say about the artistry. Not because it didn’t understand, but because it had no frame of reference. After several silent moments Oz nodded. “I salute this mortal. This… Corun. Their efforts have earned them whatever boon you see fit to give them. I may have a similar relationship with the mortals I have adopted, once I teach them the basics of crafting.” Ozglint was silent for a moment before asking another question. “You said you need my help. Do you mean with your glyph? I would be happy to lend my expertise to it. It is more than worthy of my attention.”

Zemara was pleased at this compliment, and beat its wings for a moment in joy. It could tell Ozglint cared, which is what it needed. “It is about the glyph, but not its construction. Another one like us is on the warpath. They’re starting with the humans, but they want all of the Ran Moch in time. Corun won’t give up this land without a fight, and she’s doomed if she tries it.”

Zemara was silent for a moment, “I want to keep her safe. The world can’t lose someone like her, it just can't.” The owl’s voice turned desperate, “The glyph is in danger too. War is destructive, what if it's ruined in the violence? And even if it isn’t, it would just fall into the hands of the conquerors. They won’t appreciate its beauty. And what if they corrupt it, use its power to undo beauty instead of creating it?” Zemara shook its head, “No, it can’t happen. I’m trying to stop this horde from forming before it can begin. You love creation too. You’ve got to understand why I can’t let a genius die, why I can’t let this project, and so many others like it, go up in flames. And, if you can’t, I’m willing to offer help too. I’m good, you know that. I’ll put my skill into four projects of yours, to save one of mine.” Zemara looked up at the golem, “Fair trade?”

Oz frowned. It had sensed the war god’s intention, and had filed it away as irrelevant. It was far away from his chosen place and people, and entangling itself could make enemies But now a fellow creator asked it to interfere on their behalf. Oz looked over the glyph again, and wondered what a war god would make with access to such magics. Immortal soldiers, no doubt. And while that idea was intriguing to it, it repulsed the creator and their god. “My creators were destroyed. I do not know if it was war, catastrophe, or decadence that claimed them, but of an entire civilization of magical study and exquisite artifice, I am all that remains. If we are to improve the world, the creators must ally to ensure their works are not stripped away and misused.Though it will no doubt enrage the war god, my duty is plain. I will teach you and yours how to defend this land in a way that is more suitable than simply forging you a sword or a fortress. I will let you protect your holdings with artistry, that no one may misuse the art you empower..”

Ozglint reached out a hand and touched the bird lightly. A flash of light marked a memory, or perhaps it would better be called data, transferred from one god to another. It took the form of blueprints and rune work, a how-to-guide on making peace wards, a magic item that countered hostile intent with gut wrenching fear in equal measure. Included was also a warning- if someone could clear their thoughts of all hostility through mental discipline, the wards did nothing. “These wards may be carved in wood or stone, and you may personalize them in any way you see fit. Just make sure the runes are carved to specifications, and any army that tries to enter your lands will be frozen in fear. And this…” another flash of pure magical light.”Is the counter rune that will allow your forces to ignore the effect. Is this sufficient aid?”

Zemara’s feathers changed. They rippled in prismatic colors, for just a moment, before stopping. “It’s more than anything I could’ve hoped for. I’m truly grateful, and I’m in your debt. Four favors guaranteed.”

Oz frowned, then shook his head. “You asked if aiding in four tasks in exchange for one was fair. I am afraid it is not. But sharing knowledge, power, and skill amongst colleagues in equal measure is very fair. Perhaps one day, we may even call one another... friend. But of all the gods I have met or sensed, I think your purposes and mine run parallel. As long as your intentions are not contrary to my own, I am willing to lend you my support if it is returned in roughly equal measure. You do not owe me four. It would be… unseemly… to take advantage of your love for your creation. Let us collaborate. Your raw talent and creativity with my artifice and magical theorems. Together, our creations will be formidable. Perhaps together we can create the Perfection this world needs.."

Zemara nodded, “Old knowledge and new ideas, we will change this world for the better. I’d love nothing more than that.”

Ozglint nodded, then looked to the north. “I must return to my chosen land and my chosen people. I think the war god will make my goals harder to achieve because of this. But I also think that it was the right choice.” Ozglint began to walk in that direction before turning back and asking a final question. “What should I call you, colleague? I am Ozglint, the Artificial Magus. And I am… pleased… to have met you.” Knowing full well that the fellow god’s words would follow it, Oz stepped over the horizon and returned to it’s stone body, standing up and resuming it’s journey up the mountain.

“Call me Zemara …” it had to think up a good title, “the sculptor. You are beautiful Ozglint, and I think your creators would’ve been proud to see your work.” Zemara looked at the geoglyph again, it wasn’t going to give this up, not without a fight. And now, it had the right tools for the job. It had improved.

“By the way Ozglint, you should give your village a name. No project is complete without one.”

-2 magic: Ozglint grants Zemara knowledge of ancient magical runes. The powers to project fear and courage through mystical means, in order to aid those who refuse to surrender to Iustrum.

-2 artifice: This magic is harnessed through totems and pillars. The rune of fear is carved onto wood or stone, and if carved right can stop the invading forces in their tracks with terror. Zemara will teach Corun, a master stone-carver, and Corun will travel to Belli, to build these totems and teach those who oppose unification the runes. An opposite rune can be used to protect allies from these totems. Like all of Ozglint's creation, there is a flaw. The totems act in response to hostile intent, and those who train themselves to clear their minds of such intent are undetectable by the creations.

2022-01-27, 09:25 PM
The Rotwood - Atualam’s Grove

Atualam stared into the basin, watching the reflections. The moon, the firmament, and below it, himself. There are other things he sees, of course: a knife being forged, a tower being raised, the enforcement of morality, the choosing of people…

He has varied opinions on all these things. But he doesn’t act. Not just yet. Deep in this little grove of the Rotwood, he should be alone, but a presence has taken shape behind him.

“Oh, brother,” Atualam slowly looks over his shoulder, “Who’s here to visit little old me?”

Descending to the earth comes Zemara in the form of a massive moth. It is graceful in spite of its size, landing slowly and gently on the earth. Their wings shine in brilliant rainbow patterns. “I am Zemara, or at least that is what I call myself. I am looking for others, others that are like me.” It brings forwards its antennae pointing them towards Atualam. Its voice is raised, it seems happy, or at least impressed “I could smell your essence on the wind. You are strong and ambitious. You can see farther ahead than most, and you want to use that power to change things. You might just make something … beautiful.” Zemara lingers on that last word. That word alone means everything to Zemara. A high compliment, though Atualam may not have realized it.

Zemara starts again, its voice is much more somber. As it speaks, the colors in its wings fade becoming a dull gray. Each wing grows a dark black circle. They are false eyes, though they still seem to be staring at Atualam. “But you are also scared, deep down. That is why you are down here isn’t it? I am afraid too, and that is why I sought you out. Perhaps we can help with each others’ problems?”

“Scared, huh?” Atualam glanced back into the basin. After a moment, he shrugs his shoulders, “What an understatement. And it’s not that deep down, either.”

Atualam turned from the cauldron to face Zemara, now more keenly sizing up his kinsman. Atualam himself looks to have been cobbled together into human shape from the detritus of the forest. Bark and undergrowth and roots. His stag-skull-face with vacant eyes betrays only a still emptiness.

“I smell the air of Ran Moch on you - clean and crisp. That must mean you’re here about the big metal-man, yeah?”

“Of course. Another like us, but much more bloodthirsty. It intends to unite an army under its banner, I can only imagine it will take the rest of the Ran Moch soon. I’m trying to nip this problem in the bud.” Here Zemara’s voice turns sweet and kind, in a rather obvious way, “You are strong and wise too. I know you have the same power the savage does, help me break up his forces, and I will be in your debt.”

“War is a whetstone to sharpen us all, o-friend-mine,” Atualam intoned, “Do you really need my help? Why not snuff him out yourself?”

“I’m trying to, but I don’t like to take risks with the beautiful things in life. They deserve more respect than that. Your help would be appreciated, but even your neutrality would be useful. I can promise to repay you for your help, many times over.” Zemara stops. Its wings turn a deep red color. It looks around at the rotting swamp. Zemara doesn’t get why Atualam likes it, but he must, or he wouldn’t be here. Therefore, “Consider yourself too friend. This place is very close to the Ran Moch. What is more dangerous to you, a thousand tiny tribes, or one united hoard? And personally, I don't think the savage will be satisfied with just grass. He’ll want meat too.”

The swamp-god chortled at that. Around his neck, the many amber amulets slung there rattled with the motion. Crude trinkets taken as tribute from the Rotwood tribes. “Not a lot of folk like risks, yeah. I get that. And it’d be a risk to help you, you understand. Suppose he wins anyway and, like you say, he comes here. That’ll leave him even less inclined to… Be polite.”

Less inclined than he already was - if that were all possible. Atualam didn’t put much stock in trappings of honor.

“I like making friends. Wherever I go, whoever I see,” he runs a hand through the amulets, setting them rattling again, as if to prove that point, “So in that interest, I’ll sit this one out just for you - since you came all this way. A little favor.”

It could have gone better, but it could’ve gone much worse. “I appreciate your wise decision.” Zemara looked around at the swamp again. Taking it in a second time, it seemed there was some real potential here. Frogs at least seem to like this place, and frogs make themselves more beautiful, so their opinion is as good as gold to Zemara. “I’ll help you fix this place up, when you need it. Is that a fair trade?”

“The swamp doesn’t need fixing,” Atualam replied, somewhat darkly, and folded his arms in front of his chest. “It’s the locals who need work. But yeah, that’ll do fine. I’ll let you know.”

2022-01-28, 10:56 PM
[Love is War]
Orgo and Iustrum

(Collab with DarthArminius)

The two gods meeting were, in many ways, as different as could be. Orgo was a god of love, peace, and care. A stag whose goal was a world of love of all types, who would protect all things that he loved. Iustrum, by contrast, was a god of war, honor, and justice. A knight whose goal was to wage war, and conquer an empire of honor and nobility.

It was, perhaps, inevitable that the two would clash; they were too different for anything else.

So when Orgo tried to stop Iustrum’s dream of Empire, Iustrum retaliated by ripping the stag’s influence away from the virtues he’d tried to create. Both were harmed, and neither came out ahead. It was a simple squabble that earned neither god anything.

And yet in many ways the two were the same. They protected their people, and sought to minimize harm. Neither was foolish enough to think that the two of them at war was good for anyone. Sure, they might come out ahead, but would the cost be worth it? Unlikely.

So when Orgo called for negotiation, an attempt to reconcile, Iustrum accepted, and the two would meet for parley at a neutral location.

In the form of a man, not a stag, Orgo, the Stag Lord was well dressed in what could be decided to be noble apparel, sitting in front of a large stone table. Plates were in front of the two deities, and the meal was venison, fish, and a various assortment of delicacies, including sword fish and shark. The Stag Lord had just barely gotten there before Iustrum. “Welcome, fellow Divine.”

Iustrum arrived in ornate ceremonial plate, something more at home on a parade ground than in combat. His bulky plate armor was alabaster white, and golden wings swept back from his face-concealing helmet. He carried his sword, but it was down, and when he saw Orgo, he slammed the blade into the ground. It would not come out again until he left or negotiations became violent. “... Welcome indeed.” He said. “I am Iustrum. And you have been interfering, Orgo.”

“It is within my nature to provide loving grace and comfort to not only the bereaved, but to prevent undue suffering. It is the nature of Empires to grow and subsume the weak and the vulnerable. Such a thing is not within my value of honor and valor.

“Yet I know you are not a wicked being. It thus confounds me why you seek to found an Empire, of all things.”

“Strife among the tribes will only end when they are unified, in purpose and in goal.” Iustrum said, voice cold. “My only options are to unify the people in a single nation - an empire - or eliminate all but one tribe and allow it to grow. The latter would require an unacceptable level of bloodshed. But neither can I allow the status quo to continue as it has.

“You have slowed my progress to unity and peace by encouraging isolationism and rebellion in my lands. I do not appreciate that, nor understand why you would wish it.”

“I still do not promote the idea of any Empire being established, but neither have I wished to bring a curse on your lands. My followers are well intentioned, but misunderstand my wishes. I shall rescind my curses on your Empire, and apologize. Keep in mind, I appreciate your wishes to protect the people and bring order, but my aim was to prevent the eventual conquest of many peoples. I have acted rashly as my followers have, please accept apologies.”

“... Very well.” Iustrum said, his voice calm and low. “War is my tool, not my goal, so I am glad to be done with this one. Pull your followers back, then as a show of good faith, I will withdraw my own power from harming your establishment of the virtues.”

“It is as good as done. Now let us enjoy this magnificent feast.”

2022-01-29, 05:34 PM
Gorkun’s Surging

Myrin beams at the feelings inside all of goblin-kind, a thousand thousand dreams full of so much passion they could make Myrin sway giddily. Yet things were not perfect, for their dreams while fueled were tied to another, something that Myrin thought was easy enough to fix.

+2 Dream: Goblins are passionate creatures at heart, Myrin nudges them to not give this part of themselves up no matter the situation. While asleep goblins will dream of what they desire more concretely than most, sometimes with a subtle hint as to how to go about acquiring it. Be it through stupid plans or heartfelt yet slurred speeches.

+2 Psychic: Independent at heart, their minds hard to control or tame in any manner. This has the side effect of making it so they do not learn Gorkun’s name through this action.

Iustrum’s conquest of the plains of Belli was not universally welcomed; not by gods or by men.

The people that Iustrum had first met had come to call themselves the Bellan, after the territory. They were one of many groups of farmers in the plains, but they were not unified. After all if they were this entire war would be pointless. And this village - Riverside - had known that the Bellan were coming. Iustrum would, sooner or later, have to take the Casus river to get through the plains. There were other places to cross, but Riverside could serve as a supply point; a good place to gather food and store weapons for future campaigns.

Their village’s back was to a mighty river, one that Iustrum’s soldiers could not easily cross. The remaining open areas had been fortified by spiked wooden barriers. It was a ramshackle defense, put together out of desperation with no real tactical or strategic acumen. It was an obvious enough gesture of defiance… but honor demanded Iustrum ask anyway.

He raised his blade and pointed it directly at the village’s barriers.]”Brothers and sisters of the fields of Belli, hear me! I-”

A rock struck his helm. It shattered against the ornamental wing.

Iustrum sighed. “-am here to take this village. Those who surrender will, on my honor, be spared and brought into the fold as honored brothers and sisters of the empire. Those who resist will die.”

A man stood up from behind the barrier. “I am Roran Blacksmith. We know of you, Iustrum!” He yelled. “You are not welcome here and we do not recognize your lordship! We will die first!!”

Hollers and cheers broke out among the other villagers. Iustrum’s soldiers were silent.

Iustrum sighed, and stepped forward himself. “You heard them, men. Take prisoners if you can. They are misguided brothers, not enemies.” Iustrum stepped forward, and his soldiers followed.

From the fortifications a figure emerged (https://i.pinimg.com/564x/5e/b6/25/5eb625892f7c068d38ccb64bdd0c447d.jpg) walking towards the Iustrum’s soldiers, eliciting panicked looks from both sides as they strode forward silently without a single speck of dirt moving as they passed.

Once it had reached shouting distance, the figure stopped and tilted it’s head as they examined the troops silently. After a moment they gave Iustrum a worried look.

Iustrum frowned beneath his helm. This… was new. He pointed his blade at the figure. “Identify yourself!”

The figure has a disappointed look on their face as they respond with "I choose... Myrin." They look back to the village then to Iustrum. "Why attack?"

“Stand aside, Myrin.” Iustrum warned. “I seek the unity of these plains. This village shall be brought into the fold of humanity, as is proper.”

"-is proper" Myrin says making the motions of sighing but with the same voice as Iustrum. Nodding their head side to side they say ""Don't agree."

Taking a step forward with a searching gaze Myrin continues. "Want to stop this, don't want to hurt you." They close their eyes "What would you do?"

“What I must.” Iustrum growled. “What I want has nothing to do with it. War is my tool, honor my guide.”

He stepped towards Myrin, blade ready in his hand. As he did, several people of the village shouted and begun to throw rocks at the war god. He ignored them as he marched towards Myrin.

“It does, it very much does.” Myrin says calmly as they raise their hands in front of them, rings of peacock feathers appearing like shields spring out. “Yet…now I know what I must do. Thank you.” Myrin says with a nod before battle.

Iustrum does not answer. He charges.

+2 Dreams: Appearing when the desire for a savior is at its highest, Myrin comes to grant the defenders of freedom their wish. With shields in hand they intend to keep Iustrum at bay for the rest of the campaign as much as possible.

+2 Psychic: The struggle against the powers of Iustrum leave scars in the human psyche. Human communities conquered through war do not integrate with those that have conquered them, rejecting those who are taken away to be indoctrinated and seeing insult in kindnesses given to ease integration.

-2 Physical: Myrin is not a strong god, especially when compared to the mighty Iustrum. In battle Myrin's body will inevitably be broken in numerous ways. This shakes the defender’s faith in their ability to face off against Iustrum’s might and has them act docile so long as Iustrum is present; as well as spread news of his fearsome might so others might not fight back as often against him.

2022-01-29, 05:50 PM
The Plains of Belli -Sky

Hi, look down from the sky seeing the armies of humans getting ready to conquer.

“No, No, No!” She yelled out. “If they go to war someone could be hurt!” she rocked back and forth in the clouds. “But one of my siblings wants this to happen, what do?”

As her tears fell onto the clouds they started to change color. “But I need to stop people from being hurt, I’m sorry Iustrum

-2 Sky: She causes an immense rainstorm over The Plains of Belli. That'll make the conquest of this new human Empire much more difficult.

+2 loneliness: because this action was done by herself and negatively affects one of her siblings it will be quite difficult to keep the rain up.

Red Lenses
2022-01-29, 07:37 PM
The Rotwood

Atualam stares into a stone basin, watching his reflection in the still water. He traces a finger along the surface of the water, observing the ripples. “Let’s see here…”

[Kyōdaina, and the Sky Knife] (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25341821&postcount=6)

Atualam gags into the basin. He did not know he could do that. The appearance of Woodcutter, who spawns from this knife, is uniquely wretched and disgusting to behold.

Although he knows similar abominations are guaranteed to follow, it isn’t actually worth his time to get involved.

[Orgo, and the Five Virtues] (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25342020&postcount=9)

Atualam cares little for this insipid sentimentality. The only virtue is strength, and the only virtuous are the survivors. Mortals destined for greatness need worthwhile principles to guide them. Not this shlock.

Beneath the virtues, Atualam chisels out the Dogged Aspects.

Conviction: To remain consistent and sincere in one's beliefs; to perceive and turn away attempts to misguide, deceive, or manipulate.
Endurance: To weather all forms of hardship without complaint; to overcome adversity and never shy from challenge.
Discipline: To exert control over yourself and your surroundings; to be immutable and unflinching in pursuit of one’s goals.

Those who pledge themselves to one or all of the Dogged Aspects (and therefore the principles of Atualam) might still find themselves labeled “evil.” In death, however, their souls will chart their own course. Once an afterlife comes into existence, anyway.

-2 Prowess: Those who follow the dogged aspects will do so in pursuit of personal mastery and self-actualization. Not the shlock Orgo’s going on about.

[Kavan, and the Tower] (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25342051&postcount=10)

A looming tower, sturdy and proud. How could anyone object?

+2 Prowess: Monsters which are born in the tower and capable of higher thought will have a greater proficiency for learning skills quickly. This naturally fades as they get older, of course…

[Ozglint, and his Message] (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25342840&postcount=17)

Atualam taps the side of the basin. “Artificial. What a load. Can’t be true.”

[Iustrum, and his Chosen] (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25345640&postcount=27)

“I am absolutely not getting in that guy’s way,” Atualam grunts, “Not a chance.”

[Gorkun, and his Chosen] (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25346879&postcount=33)

There is a certain tenacity to goblins Atualam can appreciate. Let them have better guidance in worldly affairs - then they might amount to something.

+2 Foreknowledge / +2 Prowess: Atualam kindles the divine spark to his own end.

Among the goblins, there will rarely be a few individuals born with a white circle visible in the palm of their left hand. Those who bear this mark are destined to become even-tempered, observant, patient, and intelligent individuals. Perfect advisors, counselors, and in some cases, leaders.

The birth of a marked goblin always heralds a period of struggle and scarcity - usually around the time the marked goblin enters adulthood.

2022-01-30, 02:32 AM
The O of Ooeht (23AP+4BP), far downstream of Yabbie Creek

20 AP/16 DC: Claiming goblins as my chosen people!
+4 Greenskins - Goblins hold a spark of divinity in them. This spark will take form in a hundred and one ways, but all goblins strive for greatness. Whether they achieve it or not...that's a whole other issue. Goblins are a lot more malleable than other races because of this though, and tend to change based around their surroundings a lot faster, in a few generations rather than the hundreds that most races would need.

They called him Fishsticks. The story behind this name was simple - of all the goblins in his ragtag company, he was the best fisherman. Simple as.

Right now Fishsticks was alone by a river in the Belli region of Ran Moch, tired and hungry after a long, hard day of stabbin' umies. The Purple Goblin had sent him and his fellow greenskins to this strange land to fight for some other god. Something about "foreign aid" in a "war of unification". Basically, help some umies kills some other umies. Sometimes the umies mutated into horrible abominations for seemingly no reason. It was a great time.

But right now, Fishsticks was keen to catch himself a big ol' fish, and he wanted to have it all to himself. No sharing.

He was poised above a particularly fat carp, his spear held high above his head, when suddenly the water became murky. He struck, but the sudden drop in visibility sent his spear just a little bit off course.

"Bugger!" he squeaked, kicking the water. Something about the way the dispersed droplets caught the light puzzled him. Then he noticed.

The river was slowly turning red.

Fishsticks had heard about a big battle brewing somewhere upstream. This must be the outcome.

"Oooh," he whistled gleefully. "Maybe I'll find a trinket or two! Wait, what's that..."

A large, flat, shiny object bobbed near the water's surface. A bowl? A shield? No, a shell! A beautiful, shiny, bloody shell... And it was floating right towards him.

When Fishstick's friends came looking for him, they found only his fishing spear, and a very relieved looking carp. The goblin himself was nowhere to be found.

Help Gorkun make goblins his Chosen People

+2 Tricks, to trick a goblin into being swallowed by the O of Ooeht's shell, just as the crabs, the gulls, the rats, and the man were tricked.

+2 Trials, to promise many trials for goblinkind in the future, just as he did for humanity.

-2 Complexity, compared to the Massacre of Yabbie Creek, this is a rather subdued an uninteresting way of shaping the species future. Fishsticks might disagree though.

2022-01-30, 10:07 AM
Cen, The Great Dismal Swamps of Suiren

Cen and Gazad were sitting in the top of a tall tree — though it was dwarfed by their still growing creation. Gazad gazed into the misty horizon as Cen's senses reached out for other divine actions across the world, like brightly burning flames against the background of the mortal world.

The Stag Lord's virtues were an odd idea, though not without interest. Turning morals into objective fact was peculiar. In a way, it was opinion becoming knowledge. Though, of course, there was only one virtue that truly mattered to the Knowing.

+ 4 Knowledge: Cen supports the creation of Orgo's Five Virtues, making knowledge of them easier to spread between mortals, while also adding a Sixth Virtue, Knowledge, making the search of knowledge a goal and virtue in itself. Any expression of the thirst for knowledge, from a child curiously wondering about the world to a scholar spending a lifetime searching for answers, is made virtuous.

Then there was the dragon of the clouds, with her knife and her cutter. Cen could not quite see the appeal of the giant monsters. Though in a way, that made them interesting in itself, not to mention they were something new, something unknown.

"And you promised the dragon you would help."

Cen made a sound that might have been laughter. "There is that too, of course."

Creating the Knife of the Clouds:
+ 4 Knowledge: To ensure that the kaijus will have minds to match their massive size, Cen gifts the monsters created with the knife with a gift for learning, sharp minds and, of course, a thirst for knowledge.

Creating Woodcutter:
+ 4 Knowledge: To ease its existence as the first of its kind, the Woodcutter is imbued with knowledge, knowing almost as much about the gods themselves from the moment it is created. Any future knowledge it will have to aquire on its own, but to aid in that Cen also grants the Woodcutter the same gift for learning, sharp mind and a thirst for knowledge as its future peers.

Cen looked out over the swamps, sensing Myrin's actions although they were far beyond the horizon. This dream wood was intriguing. Cen did not dream, but every night they shared the Host's dreams and had found knowledge of sorts, even in the distorted reality of Gazad's dreamscape.

The Dreaming Shade was of interest, not only out of physical proximity — that was mostly trivial to any of the divine — but their interests seemed to somewhat overlap with the Knowing's own. As Cen's power reached out for the dream wood, it included an invite to aid in the cennite's creation.

+ 4 Knowledge: Cen blesses the dream wood with ability to retain some knowledge from the minds connected to it and gift it to others, whether connected to the tree at the same time or far later. No personal memories are shared this way, only pure knowledge, with dreamers sometimes waking up knowing something they previously did not.

Myrin is also now invited to the creation of the cennites.

2022-01-30, 10:47 AM
Ozglint- The imperfect Creator, The Forgemaster, The Artificial Magus
AP 19/35
Secondary Action Remaining This Turn

Oz made it to the top of the mountain. It could have teleported there immediately, but the walk was enjoyable. It crested the rise and came to a plateau that opened up onto a crag where it sensed the deposits of metals and minerals it would need for the great work. However, it was surprised at what it found there.

There were buildings. Stone dwellings cut into the very rock of the mountain. It was primitive and it was ancient and it reminded him of a home he never knew. Ozglint stared in awe at the small town's worth of buildings before it. Alongside the buildings were elaborate carvings, flowing and artistic. Flashes of images raced through the golem god's mind, and it strode into the village, slowly turning a circle. "Haastafahn..." it hissed, recognizing that that was the word to use for a group of dwellings of this size.

This would be where it built it's home. It's workshop. The foundation for the Great Work. Haastafahn. This is where it's people would rise.

Ozglint- The imperfect Creator, The Forgemaster, The Artificial Magus
AP 19/35
Pass Turn

2022-01-30, 11:56 AM
No warrior worth anything attempts to accomplish a goal through only one method. Iustrum brings his teachings to all of the places he has made war, and spreads his ideas that humanity needs to unify into a grand empire. Honor must be the guiding hand of all in this regard, but war is needed to unify the people.

Iustrum recruits worshippers; not merely a kingdom or a chosen people, but unified worshippers in a grand religion. They speak of unity through a balance of conquest and honorable conduct: their creed is "War is my tool, Honor is my guide". They do carry some teachings of their god, but it's highly decentralized. They mostly eschew temples and holy places, declaring their actions in battle as the truest form of worship.

Influence 100k mortals - Create a religion centered on Iustrum.

+2 War: Iustrum demands that your foes be beaten. It is not enough to be a good man, you must seek out the wicked or ignorant and put a stop to them.

Additionally, while this is less of a general command and more of an immediate task to set out on, Iustrum believes that humankind must be united as one great empire. His rhetoric in this regard is very aggressive and direct: the scattered tribes of mankind cannot be allowed to remain fractured.

(To be clear, Iustrum is technically influencing various human tribes, not a single tribe that has 100k people in it)

+2 Honor: Iustrum demands a strong code of honor and service. One who murders the innocent cannot be tolerated, nor those who break with their oaths. Honor is not something you put on or take off like a jacket, either; you are honorable at every moment or you are not. (That is not to say that one cannot fail or make a mistake; simply that there is not a circumstance that makes dishonorable conduct okay)

The JoJo
2022-01-31, 06:16 PM
Oculus, Chari Tributary, Kujumi

Oculus leapt away from Ngala village, satisfied at the work he had completed. It wasn't long before he was lazing in the shade by an offshoot of the great river, watching the world go by. He felt several ripples in reality, each after the other -- his divine brethren were busy, it seemed. Some of these actions could be interesting, he thought... with a little help, of course.

Help Kyōdaina Hi with:

+2 Spectacle: Each monster shall be awesome spectacle to behold, their mere presence heightening emotions in mortals who witness them and making mortals more likely to be either strongly for or against monsters.

+2 Sacrifice: The greatest honour for a monster shall be to sacrifice themselves for a mortal life.

Help Iustrum with:

+2 Spectacle: Greater battles than ever witnessed so far in mortal history shall take place under the nascent empire, with numbers involved on both sides that will make past battles look like mere skirmishes.

+2 Sacrifice: The earth will be soaked red with the blood of their enemies -- the empire will commemorate their victories and praise the gods who lead them to victory by holding annual gladiatorial games, with contestants from across the empire competing to the death for glory and honour.

Help Kavan with:

+2 Spectacle: The bodies of those who fall within the Tower shall over time meld with its walls, leaving eerie lifelife figures who appear to be ready to leap out at any other mortals bold enough to follow.

Hinder Orgo with:

+2 Sacrifice: Courtesy of Oculus' divine power, it is possible for a mortal to acquire the benefits or abilities of possessing a particular virtue by sacrificing the life of another mortal who genuinely possesses that virtue. This 'borrowed' virtue will slowly dissipate over the course of a solar year, requiring further sacrifices if the mortal wishes to retain the virtue.

2022-02-01, 12:50 AM
The Great Dismal Swamps of Suiren - a simple proposal

The war was progressing, and almost all of the humans had now chosen one side or the other. The same could be said for most of the gods, but Zemara refused to take chances. It would scour every land in search of allies, and in a deep and treacherous swamp, it would find another candidate. Zemara approached the tree of knowledge in the form of a simple frog, and found the great god Cen. It knew little about this mysterious being, but their lands were far from the Ran Moch. Zemara's concerns mattered little in a place like this, so an appeal to emotions could not help here. It decided instead to make a direct offer.

"Great Cen, lord of this tree and this swamp, I need your help. I know you've felt the power of Ilustrum on the world, and can tell what he plans on doing. Help me stop his armies, and I will quadruple your investment. I'll help you four times, so long as you don't require me to hurt those I love, or perform wanton destruction. Four for one, and I'm willing to negotiate the terms. What will it be?"

2022-02-01, 01:56 AM

Myrin Sleeping With Kilo Amid the Great Dismal Swamps of Suiren:

Kilo did not find himself awake (https://youtu.be/TWTV4T3yxzs?t=1405), yet it felt like he opened his eyes as he found himself gazing across a wide expanse of water with a myriad of tiny flames softly floating atop it. Mystified he stared at them till his curiosity told him to look up, where he saw branches of some unfamiliar tree covered in lights that almost outshone the stars above it.

It was impossible for Kilo to accept that this was reality, but to call it a dream as Kilo knew them would be wrong as well. Bewildered at the situation he finally looked down and saw the strange feathered human(?) again and knew that all this strangeness was this one's doing. Currently they were just looking up at him with bit saucer eyes like they expected something.

"Wha's this?" he said pushing the thing off of him, feeling strangely calm but annoyed at the lack of explanation.

"Your here!" They said with a wide smile hands on the ground looking up at Kilo as he stood up to get a better look around him.

"Not much of'a answer..." Kilo said, realizing that there was no wind touching him and that the lights just stretched out towards the horizon "Was wit all this? Em I dreamin?" he stated looking down bewildered.

The thing nodded to confirm. "I'm Myrin." they said suddenly.

"Kilo." he responded back with casually. Awkward silence filled the non-existent air for a moment before Myrin suddenly turned towards the water looking out on the horizon with a surprised gasp full of naïve wonder.

"Oh! What a nice sign!" they said with arm outstretched, making a motion like they were pulling.

Looking real hard out onto the horizon where Myrin was looking Kilo did notice something in that dark expanse, too faint to tell what it was at first till Myrin began to pull. It looked like a one of those toads Kilo would use sometimes with his friends. Then all of a sudden he felt a shiver come over him as his vision was distorted for a moment.

"Wah was dat!?"

"... Another potential friend and ally." Myrin said, their attitude shifting for a moment as a serious expression overtook them; but just as quickly as it disappeared the somewhat naïve happy expression returned. "I welcome them. Do you eat any kind of fruit?"

Still nothing was really being explained and Myrin just gave a stupid question. "Wah's dis about!? Why are ya not sayin anything right!? Ugh!" he stomped the ground pouting before looking away from the weird scene back at the tree "The big orange things... though I get right sick eat'em."

Myrin just smiled at this enjoying the moment.

+2 Dreams: The undead made by this geoglyph are able to speak with one another through dreams so long as they are asleep at the same time.

+2 Psychic: Myrin reinforces the minds of the undead here, granting them divine protection against powers that would seek to warp or bend their minds.

-2 Physical: Myrin's blessing keeps the undead made by the geoglyph tied to dreams, necessitating the need to sleep. This is simply the standard amount of sleep required for a human.

+2 Dream +2 Psychic: The cennfai will be able to make lesser deals of exchange with mortals. Connecting their minds together by touching foreheads a cennfai and a mortal will be able to share a dream for a single night where both parties give up agreed upon experiences/knowledge to the other. No lies can be transmitted through this, save for a lie that the person holding it believes to be true.

2022-02-01, 07:44 AM
Snafuu's Orders

Snafuu could see what was happening among the humans. She didn’t care. So long as they did not bother her flock, they could do what they wanted. Their violence was none of her concern. However she was also aware of what they were being taught. They believed Ran Moch to be their birthright. Yet this was where she had established her people and where the site of her death was. She began gathering the Cervidae for their first grand mission. They would make the presence of the Satyr known among man and remind them that they do not hold sole claim to the region. However, so long as the lines are not pushed and their hills are not bothered, the satyrs will graze on, unconcerned.

+4 Clovenfoot: The Satyrs occupying the Pecorian section of the Ran Moch shall make their presence known to the humans, so that the humans know that they do not have a right to that section of hills. Whether this influences their choices is up to them, but it shall be common knowledge among the humans that others live in and have a right to the lands of this region.

Snafuu could also see another potential concern arising. The goblins were also seeming to unite in a way. She grew concerned that the history she had taught her people would be morphed and molded by the goblins to hide their crimes. She took another section of her Cervidae and sent them to parle with the goblins and make sure their crimes against the satyrs were well known. They would not be able to rewrite their history as easily as they adapt to their surroundings.

+4 Clovenfoot: It will be common knowledge amongst goblins that a goblin killed the goddess of the satyrs and suffered death for it. They will not be able to strike this vile crime from their records and will all be well aware of the events that transpired.
-2 Goblins: Given that goblins think so differently than the satyrs, the point of the story might get somewhat lost in translation. While the facts will be the same among both groups, the goblins may interpret the murder of a goddess by a lowly goblin as a mark of honor for the goblin people. Or maybe they will see it as a sign that satyrs are so weak that even their gods fall to goblins. The point is Snafuu will succeed in making sure the events stand the test of time with the goblins but it likely will not fill most with the guild she hopes.

***I’ll leave it up to Xeno if the goblins put two and two together and realize the goblin in the story is Grokun. Snafuu and the satyrs have not yet.***

2022-02-01, 09:46 AM
Cen, The Great Dismal Swamps of Suiren

God and Host both looked at the frog, Cen deep in thought and Gazad confused about the talking frog.

"I do not belive war is of much consequence", Cen said, the expression on their face suggesting that Gazad didn't quite agree. "But I do believe in a favor for a favor. And most certainly in four favors for one. You will have my support, Skin-Giver. And when I ask, I will have yours."

- 4 Knowledge: Some of those raising weapons as part of the wars on the fields of Belli will find their minds cloudy, making it harder to use their skills with weapons or mind for strategy.
+ 2 Curiosity: Altough the action isn't destroying knowledge as such, Cen's nature is spread and strengthen it, not hiding it from mortals.
Total: - 2

2022-02-04, 05:55 AM
A forgotten battlefield in Ran Moch
“Do you know what the worst part of a failed battle is?” Morannan said to a dying soldier holding his head up so that he wouldn’t choke in his own blood. Morannan took out a flint knife. “There’s no one left to give them a warrior’s death.” Morannan stabbed the man through the center of his forehead, seeing the soul of the man leak from his head and dissipate into the air.

“Could anyone have imagined something so terrible before today!” Morannan brought his mighty bow back and an arrow went long into the distance. “There was not war before now, there were merely acting outs of battle. But now there is war.” Morannan had spent many days now sweeping battlefields so that people died a proper death, and not a wasting away. “Wanna hear a joke?” He said to another dying man. “What’s the difference between an empire and a tribe? Well an empire is a tribe that says they’re so much better, all the other tribes belong to them.” Morannan laughed at his own joke, trying to lead the dying man in one last laugh before he brought down his dagger. Morannan took a large gulp from his wineskin. “Pathetic is what it is.” Morannan had grown tired of battlefields, of muck and blood. When the mind wanders, so too does the heart, and when one wanders, they return home.

Pekunos was a peaceful nation. But it seemed that just as the original murder disturbed the peace, so too did it’s victims. Now there was another murder or so it was said and right before the festival of May, usually a time to be brought together to harvest strawberries in the fields was interrupted by fights and brawls.

There formed two lines in the village, both held back by giant satyrs on their respective sides. The satyr on the left wore a crudely made black robe, mimicking the clothes of Morannan. The satyr on the right wore nothing but a wreath of flowers around their neck. “Stop harboring that fugitive! It was your talk of death and destruction which brought Torkal’s end!” Shouts a human with blonde hair and bronze skin. Held back by his own enforcer.

“I told you!” Shouted a woman in a black robe. “He came to me crazed! Shouting of demons! There was king’s leaf and alcohol on his breath. Leaf which you had given him!”




“You talk of intoxication but I know you and your people were just as sloppy with drink that night! Dancing in the forests in the throes of ecstacy! I bet you were there cheating on your man!”




A goblin stepped forward. “You talk, human! But it was Torkal who distanced himself from woman! Taking up your nudism in the forest!”

There erupts more shouts as the two satyrs struggle to keep the crowds at bay. A few well placed strikes stops the crowd from breaking the lines. The crowds doing nothing but hurling insults until there came a priest in robes of green hurrying towards the center. “I am the speaker of Enceladus!” There came a momentary quiet. “I have come from his tent, I sought his wisdom, and he says to forgive the nihilist! If he can be forgiven then why can we cannot forgive, fair Juliane?”

The blonde haired man strode forward. “I'll tell you why! What repentance has this witch made! These nihilists believe nothing, they’ll just lie to get their way and justify it with their corrupted beliefs!”

“And you pigs won’t admit any destruction or unhappiness in your lifes! His tendencies were plain to see!”

The speaker of Enceladus tried to quiet down the others, but the elder man was quickly knocked out. When the first rock was thrown, landing on the face of Juliane, it descended into an all out brawl until-

Morannan appeared with a clap of thunder. Splashing the crowd with wine from his goblet. “That ‘ought to help you cool off! Ahahaha!” His voice echoed through the forest. “Imagine the lot of you died on misunderstandings? That is hardly dying for yourself or for others. That is just a waste.” He poured the rest of his goblet on the head of the blonde haired man.

“I’m sure you know more than the others here about having to avenge a death!” The blonde man said.

“I do. And that is why I am here. Ehehehe.” The laugh was mirthless, almost nervous as he brought out a bloody knife. “Juliane, always eager to learn. In another life, you might have been the greatest worshiper I ever had. Something to shove in that knowledge god’s face.” He forced the dagger in her hands. “And perhaps you still will be. Are you willing to die for what you believe in?”

She looked hesitant for only a moment before she nodded. “We do not want peace, but we do not want war. A follower of Morannan must never let another die in their stead when they could take their place.” She then plunged the dagger into her chest. Choking on her blood, letting out a death rattle as she fell to the ground.

The crowd had fallen deathly silent. Morannan gestured widely to the crowd. “Let this be a lesson to all of you. Fight for reality, not dreamed up imaginings.”

0 AP: Demand the sacrifice of one mortal to generate 4 BP
Oh poor Juliane.

Morannan skinned an apple with a knife, offering a slice to Enceladus who ate it slowly. “There are some forces stronger than reason, don’t you agree, Enceladus?”

He let out a snorting breath. “Perhaps some day there will be a force stronger than a need for bloodshed.”

“Perhaps some day. But from what I've seen that will be far, far away.”

2022-02-04, 11:36 PM
Action open to Myrin, and Kyodaina Hi.
14 AP/10 DC: Create a Greater Magical Item: The Frog Geoglyph

The frog geoglyph is a massive stone carving in the hills of Ran Moch. Made by Corun, Zemara was able to strengthen it to act as a well of power. At the moment, it can be used in a great ritual that makes it glow in a purple light, transforming the participant into an undead. Five individuals at a time can be undead, and Corun is empowered to perform the ritual on the first four. The undead cannot die of age and are prodigiously resilient. They can replace destroyed body parts with most common materials, things like stone, metal, or bones. Their undeath is always visible somehow, usually their face has become skeletal. Once created, any undead can use the geoglyph to perform the ritual, and if there are no empty slots left they can give up their own immortality. Both the one who performs the ritual and the one receiving it must do so willingly. The magic is not fooled by coercion or mind control. It must strictly be given.

+2 Art: The geoglyph is a massive piece of artwork. The power of undeath will likely be given to those with great artistic skill. Like minded folk, for Corun to spend their time with. The geoglyph itself is preserved from damage by the elements or vandalism that would alter its beauty. True art should not be tarnished.

+2 Metamorphosis: The frog is a symbol of metamorphosis, and the power of the geoglyph is to totally transform the living. They take on a new role and form. It cannot raise someone that is already dead, as only the living have a life cycle.

21 AP left.

"Ohhhh, I'm always up to help my brothers and sisters."

+2 Sky: This skies will always stay clear for the ritual, Additionally weather will not be able to destroy or damage The Frog Geoglyph

+2 monster: All undead made from it will be able to somewhat connect and talk to monsters

2022-02-05, 12:33 AM
I'll add the fluff to this later.

-2 Art: Zemara and Corun teach those that fight against Ilustrum to carve Ozglint's ancient runes. Zemara uses its domain to protect these runes. They shall be highly difficult to deface, and totems and obelisks with them will not work properly if seized by Ilustrum's forces. Additionally, Corun shall paint the symbol of the frog geoglyph on people and on buildings. This will be a mark of Zemara's protection, and act as a trigger for the next hinder.

-2 Metamorphosis: Zemara dramatically speeds up the metamorphic process on creatures across the Ran Moch. Ilustrum's forces will find themselves harried by mosquitos, fully grown entirely out of season. Their food supplies will destroyed by locusts, which are really just certain types of grass hoppers that change to eat and reproduce more when their population is large enough. Those that Corun marked with the geoglyph will be able to direct such swarms, so they don't devour those who fight against Ilustrum.

+2 Art: The woodcutter was inspired by a totem, and so is really just a living art piece. It will have a natural affinity for other totems, and be able to carve them so as to mark land protected or frequented by it.

+2 Metamorphosis: If the woodcutter faces great danger, it will be able to metamorphose into a true totem, small enough to be carried with two hands, allowing it to be taken to safety. In this form, it will be incredibly resilient.

2022-02-05, 05:01 AM
Age 1, Turn 1 Rolls.

Atulaum 35 AP: Scare the **** out of human tribes (10 AP/6 DC) +2 Prowess, +2 Foreknowledge

The O of Ooeht 35 AP: Trick some humans (4 AP/2 DC) +2 Trials

The O of Ooeht 35 AP: Create a gigantic storm (8 AP/4 DC) +2 Trials, +2 Trickery

Kyodaina Hi 35 AP: Create the +2 Imagination knife (16 AP/12 DC) to create +2 Monsters and cut +2 Skys
The O: +2 Trials, Monsters aren’t easy to take down unless dealt with intense training and preparation +2 Tricks, DOUBLE RAINBOW! WOAH! I CAN’T SEE!
Ozglint: +2 Magic, +2 Artifice, The creation is reinforced but can never make the same creature twice and those brought back must evolve
Orgo: +4 Love, The secret ingredient in each monster is love, and also god power.
Myrin: +2 Dreams. The omniscient narrator of your dreams helps you by describing the blatantly obvious
Kavan: +2 Monsters, Makes the monsters more monstrous
Morannan: -4 Death, The monsters can become more powerful by destroying the innocent.
Gorkun: +4 Greenskins, Goblins and monsters created by the knife avoid each other.
Cen: +4 Knowledge, monsters created with this knife will thirst for KNOWLEDGE!
Oculus: +2 Spectacle, and +2 Sacrifice. Monsters will be big and scary and sacrificing themselves is an honor

Kyodaina Hi 35 AP: Create an abomination against nature (14 AP/ 10 DC) +2 Monsters and +2 Skys
Ozglint: +2 Magic, +2 Artifice, the creature is reinforced and strengthened but requires a special diet of cooked ham sauteed in mushroom sauce.
Myrin: +2 Psychic, The Woodcutter just wants to be nice to everyone
Cen: +4 Knowledge The Woodcutter now has KNOWLEDGE!
Zemara: +2 Art, +2 Metamorphosis. It will be great at making totems and turning into one.

Cen 35 AP: Create BIG TREE! (4 AP/2 DC) +4 Knowledge

Orgo 35 AP: Create an objective morality. (24 AP/20 DC) BASED! On +4 Love
The O: - 2 Tricks, -2 Trials, +2 Complexity; If you’re the best around, virtues are never gonna let you down.
Ozglint: +2 Magic, the magic of the world reverberates these virtues but allows one to opt out
Myrin: +2 Psychic, Instills a conscious in everyone
Gorkun: -4 Greenskins, Virtues don’t apply to goblins, they’re too hungry!
Iustrum: -2 War, -2 Honor, Orgo’s followers will be full of strife and often not follow the virtues. Rebellion goes against the virtues and virtues in war are quite different.
Kyodaina Hi: +2 Sky +2 Monsters, Creativity is a virtue and monsters will listen to good people more often
Atalaum: -2 Prowess, Create an entirely different set of virtues for people to follow
Cen: +4 Knowledge, Knowledge is a virtue now
Oculus: -2 Sacrifice, steal someone’s virtues via ritual sacrifice.

Kavan 35 AP: Scare the **** out of some mortals (4 AP/ 2 DC) +2 Monsters, +2 Ocean

Kavan 35 AP: Create the monster spewing tower of +2 Genesis (16 AP/12 DC) +2 Monsters and +2 Ocean
The O: +2 Trials, Monsters aren’t easy to take down unless dealt with intense training and preparation +2 Tricks, The turtle shell makes me cunning and smart.
Morannan: +4 Death, the monsters can become more powerful by destroying the wicked.
Gorkun: +4 Greenskins, Goblins are thrown at the tower to help, but also are always watching for their god.
Iustrum: +2 War, the tower is very defensible
Kyodaina Hi: +2 Sky, +2 Monsters, the sea dwelling monsters borne from this can… Just ****ing fly. They can just ****ing go up into the air and ****ing fly. Also they have the capacity for kindness.
Atalaum: +2 Prowess, smart monsters learn faster
Oculus: +2 Spectacle, Scary men in the walls
Ozglint: +2 Magic, +2 Artifice, monsters are more powerful but there is an arena where a man may do SINGLE COMBAT! without the gods interfering

Ozglint 35 AP: Rocks which light things on fire (10 AP/ 6 DC) +2 Magic, +2 Artifice

Ozglint 35 AP: Woah! These rocks light things on fire! I better follow this guy! (6 AP/3 DC) +2 Artifice

Oculus 35 AP: Create the Cult of the Hidden Eye, I heard those guys were in Eyes Wide Shut (6 AP/3 DC) +2 Spectacle, +2 Sacrifice

Morannan Maklir 35 AP: Philosophize to some nobodies (6 AP/3 DC) +4 Death, -2 Austerity

Morannan Maklir 35 AP: Immortalize Enceladus (12 AP/8 DC) +4 Death
The O: +2 Trials, +2 Tricks Now Enceladus will be reminded of his sad state whenever his mind wanders.

Myrin 35 AP: Create an invasive species which allows you to lucid dream together(10 AP/6 DC) +2 Psychic, +2 Dreams, -2 Physical
Gorkun: +4 Greenskins, Mmmm goblin love drugs.
Cen: +4 Knowledge,the dream woods will retain people’s KNOWLEDGE!

Myrin 35 AP: Sweet dreams, safety, and a god bugging them all the time for Kilo (1 AP/0 DC) +2 Dreams, +2 Psyche

Zemara 35 AP: Giant art that makes you undead (14 AP/10 DC) +2 Art, +2 Metamorphosis
Myrin: +2 Dream, +2 Psychic -2 Physical, Undead can talk to each other in dreams and have sturdy minds but they need sleep.
Kyodaina Hi: +2 Sky, +2 Monsters, Skies will be clear for new undead and they will be able to talk to 60 foot tall monstrosities against nature.

Atualum 35 AP: The Weapon which makes you better at combat and want to leave The Rotwood (14 AP/10 DC) +2 Prowess, +2 Foreknowledge
Iustrum: +2 War, +2 Honor. The spear allows one to see even farther in the future, but can only be wielded by those with HONOR!

Iustrum 35 AP: Choosing humanity as their chosen race (20 AP/16 DC) +2 War, +2 Honor
Orgo: -4 Love, People will unite together to stand against the empire when it grows too large
Kavan: +2 Monsters, those who act monstrous become monsters
Gorkun: +4 Greenskins, Many goblins come to help the humans and to eat them
Moranann: -4 Death, Most would rather die than join the empire
The O: +2 Trials, +2 Tricks. The O genocides two different tribes in the name of unity
Ozglint: -2 Magic, -2 Artifice. Runes which make you run away fast.
Myrin: -2 Dreams, -2 Psyche, +2 Physical. Myrin appears to embolden warriors who refuse to integrate. However he’s also kinda a coward.
Kyodaina Hi: -2 Sky +2 Loneliness. It rains off and on
Oculus: +2 Spectacle, +2 Sacrifice. The spectacle of these battles will be so great that people will celebrate them by killing each other
Snafuu: -4 Clovenfoot, SATYRS RIIISE UP!
Cen: -4 Knowledge +2 Curiosity, I go to war but get the brain fog and die.
Zemara: -2 Art, -2 Metamorphosis. The runes from Ozglint are reinforced as well as some passover ****, vermin and parasites attack the armies.

Cen 35 AP: Create echoes of himself to gather MORE KNOWLEDGE! (12 AP/8 DC)+4 Knowledge
Myrin: +2 Dreams, +2 Physic, The Cennfai can make deals to sleep with strangers for KNOWLEDGE!

Oculus 35 AP: Create a ceremonial club which allows people to win on the Kujumi but can only be obtained by killing the last wielder (14 AP/10 DC) +2 Spectacle, +2 Sacrifice

Snafuu 35 AP: Trees which change your appearance (10 AP/6 DC) +4 Clovenfoot

Snafuu 35 AP: Create a caste system. I am sure like all caste systems this will not cause any problems in the future (10 AP/6 DC) +4 Clovenfoot

Gorkun: Claim Goblins as his chosen people (Wait, but aren’t they already his people?) (20 AP/16 DC) +4 Greenskins
Morannan: +4 Death, Goblins will become calm as they realize death is imminent
Iustrum: +2 War, and +2 Honor. Goblins who listen to Da Purple and Uncle Iustrum and follow their holy wars get lots of treats and victory
Kyodaina HI: +2 Sky, +2 Monsters. Goblin naturally curious creature, see gigantic dragon in sky and understand that this is okay and maybe even talk to it.
Kavan: +2 Monsters, +2 Ocean, Goblins living next to monsters will gain their traits, goblins living next to the sea will adapt to semi-aquatic life.
Myrin: +2 Dreams, +2 Psyche, Goblins dream big and are independent people. However they also forgot Gorkun’s name
Atalaum: +2 Prowess, +2 Foreknowledge. Patient and stoic chosen ones appear among goblins
The O: +2 Tricks, +2 Trials, -2 Complexity, O eats a goblin and then promises he’ll eat more in the future
Snafuu: -4 Clovenfoot, -2 Goblins, The goblins have an ancestral memory of taking down a mighty satyr. Many don’t get this is a bad thing

Iustrum: Create a religion about war and honor (12 AP/8 DC) +2 War, +2 Honor

2022-02-05, 05:18 AM
Atulaum Action 1:
The O Action 1:
The O Action 2:
Kyodaina Hi Action 1:
Kyodaina Hi Action 2:
Cen Action 1:
Orgo Action 1:
Kavan Action 1:
Kavan Action 2:
Ozglint Action 1:
Ozglint action 2:
Oculus Action 1:
Morannan Maklir Action 1:
Morannan Maklir Action 2:
Myrin Action 1:
Myrin Action 2:
Zemara Action 1:
Iustrum Action 1:
Cen Action 2:
Oculus Action 2:
Snafuu Action 1:
Snafuu Action 2:
Gorkun Action 1:
Iustrum Action 2:

2022-02-05, 05:28 AM
Atualam Action 2:

2022-02-06, 04:20 AM
Atualam 11 AP (Two Successes):The human tribes of Rotwood quickly fall in line with this mysterious horned creature. Though the Rotwood Thorn has trouble finding a wielder worthy of it, those that wield it find glory in war, combat, and strategy; all the while dreaming of a life far greater than this swamp.

The O of Ooeht 23 AP+4 BP (Two Successes): The O kills a group of people for no real reason.

Kyodaina Hi 5 AP(Two Successes: From the humble dagger of a goblin craftsmen, the knife of the cloud cuts through the sky and crafts monsters. Each creature created by the knife is unique but all are powerful, spectacular, and monstrous though goblins seem to have little interest in them.
The being known as Woodcutter is also created, laser beaming his enemies to death and eating exclusively ham sauteed in mushroom sauce

Cen 19 AP (Two Successes): Woah! Did you see how big that tree was! That tree is huge! I can’t believe big tree finally dropped!
Oh, there are also strange patrons of Cen now asking to sleep with strangers to increase their knowledge.

Orgo 25 AP (Failure): The Virtues come in being resolute and strong, but as the hands of many gods pull in different directions, it’s torn apart. Leaving a psychic scream behind that for a generation instilling the virtues in the back of the minds of many.

Kavan 15 AP+4 BP (Two Successes): As the ocean god terrorizes the coast of Festingo, it is not long before a great eerie tower rises along the coast. A future birthplace of many monsters to come. It is already a veritable fortress with many goblins inside working diligently to bring back bits of monster flesh for their leader

Ozglint 19 AP (Two Successes): The superstitious men of the mountains are quick to follow the golem yet higher into the mountains. Now with their houses warmed by hearthstones, they are able to brave these temperatures without having to constantly go down the mountain for wood.

Oculus 15 AP+4 BP (Two Successes):The first cult of Oculus tears through the desert. Just as quickly gaining recruits as they lose them to the same knives. Few know if the rumors are true, but all fear the Cult of the Hidden Eye.
The Club of Kujumi is made along the river. Quickly, the first wielder is killed on an invited hunt when he is cornered, it then exchanges hands to his killer, that man is killed by his conspirator. As the club exchanges hands, war erupts through the river valleys, flowing down river with the club itself.

Morannan Maklir 17 AP+4 BP (Two Successes): Morannan terrorizes people and starts a lifelong grudge with an immortal man.

Myrin 24 AP (Two Successes):Myrin and Kilo explore their dreams with the invasive species of dreamwood. Goblins rejoice as they ingest the drug to get high as well as explore their dreamscape and share in their dreams together. Those who harvest from the local trees cry.

Zemara 21 AP (Success): Corun’s great artistry and dedication is rewarded by life eternal so long as he sleeps. The great rune waiting to take in its next undead, who can also talk to kaiju for some reason.

Iustrum 13 AP (One Failure and One Success): The hills of Belli are wracked with war as well as strange and unusual rains. This would have been a swift failure if few wishing to bow against their military might if not for the many goblin mercenaries that join their cause. A grey swathe of knobby knees wash against the hills but are stopped by their natural enemies, the satyrs! The human fronts fight bravely but are unable to hold up against the interventions of other gods.
Many do not return home, but some do. Enough return home for a small city state to start from the original aggressors. As tales from the veterans spread, everyone knows how terrible a war can be… But isn’t it also kinda… Badass? Tales originally meant to tell of the horrors of Iustrum become corrupted with time and instead become pulp stories that honor the living more than they do the fallen.

Snafuu 15 AP (Two Successes): Trees that change your appearance become all the rage as well as honoring trashmen and treating the intellectual elite like filth. Humans are confused, many satyrs range from enthusiastic to cautiously optimistic about the caste system. The goblins are hungry.

Gorkun 15 AP (Success): The god of goblins instills his people with a little touch of the divine in them. Many take up lives as mercenaries and excel in the field with supernatural luck, a small group of goblins thrown at Kavan adapt to the cold waters quickly appearing to many humans as some sort of fish-men and in return are strengthened by the monsters soon to be created there. Some goblins are born as natural leaders though some take them as curse as they always seem to bring tough times. While the goblins are able to communicate with kaiju, few have interest in doing so, and will instead trace clouds in the sky, see a monster there and turn around.

Round 2 of the First Age Begins.

2022-02-06, 09:01 AM
Edit: copying the actions list to this new page so it's easier to refer back to. Undetectable actions

Free/Instant: manifest avatar, teleport avatar, shapeshift avatar, interact with the world, perform inconsequential/non-divine magic, attempt to remotely contact other gods - general fluff and flavour basically.

1 AP/0 DC: influence one mortal (significantly alter the course of their life by compelling them to action, altering their body, killing them, etc.).

2 AP/1 DC: influence a small group of mortals (~10), influence a small landmark or room, change the weather in a village-sized area.

4 AP/2 DC: influence a large group of mortals (~100), influence a large landmark or building.

6 AP/3 DC: influence a village of mortals (~1000), influence a village-sized area, change the weather in a city-sized area.

8 AP/4 DC: change the weather in a state-sized area, create a basic living species (plant, fungus, micro-organisms), create a basic non-living substance (Type of ore, metal, new element, new dirt).

10 AP/6 DC: influence a town of mortals (~10k), influence a town-sized area, create an animal species, create lesser magical items (Either more powerful but singular, such as a magic carpet, invisibility cloak, Mastersword, etc. or weaker but replicable, a recipe for health potions, +1 swords, Fire arrows, etc), create a basic magical living species (plant, fungus, microorganism).

12 AP/8 DC: influence a city of mortals (~100k), influence a city-sized area, create a collection of lesser magical minions (should be a reasonable match for most mortals, such as hellhounds, cherubs, horse-mounted Nazgul, etc.), immortalize a living creature or mortal, resurrect/reawaken mortal or monstrous demigod, create a pocket dimension (must be bounded and unable to hold a population), change weather in a country sized area, create a magical non-living substance (Types of ore, metal, new elements, new dirt, etc.).

14 AP/10 DC: influence one immortal, create a single greater magical monster (should be challenging for even the best mortals to slay, such as a dragon, gorgon, fell beast-mounted Witch King, etc.), create a greater magical item (requires understanding of magic to use or destroy and is non-replicatiable, such as a phylactery, The Nemean Cloak, The One Ring, etc.),

Detectable actions

16 AP/12 DC: influence a state of mortals (~1M) or a small group of immortals (~10), influence a state-sized area, scry a country-sized area, Create a good or bad omen (Omens explained in further detail below, only two per god), create a sentient species, create a +2 domain religious artefact (1 per god, cannot be used by non-blessed mortals).

18 AP/14 DC: influence a country of mortals (~10M), influence a country-sized area, create a unique ecosystem, scry a continent-sized area, create a plane of reality (can be unbounded and capable of sustaining a population), create a +2 domain/-2 weakness demigod (1 per god),

20 AP/16 DC: influence a continent of mortals (~100M), influence a continent-sized area, scry the entire planet, create a supernaturally gifted sentient species, assign a chosen people for +2 (1 per god), Creating new law of reality within a system of laws (Such as a new law of thermodynamics, a new element for a magic system, a new feature of metaphysics).

22 AP/18 DC: influence every mortal on the planet, influence the entire planet.

24 AP/20 DC: destroy a +2 artefact, confer a -2 weakness to a demigod, banish a god for a turn, create a new system of laws for reality(such as a new system of magic for mortals to use, an objective morality, or a change in physics or metaphysics).

30 AP/24 DC: destroy a demigod, destroy a chosen people, confer a -2 weakness to another god.

40 AP/30 DC: destroy a god.

Secondary actions

0 AP: Demand the sacrifice of one mortal to generate 4 BP (Standing for Blood Points, BP functions similarly to AP but makes any action done with it detectable.), Consume Artifact (You may destroy your own artifact to double its modifier to a +4 for the turn, this action does not require a secondary action if you apply it to only a contested roll. Cannot be done if the object is being stolen), Consume Demigod (You may destroy your own demigod to triple their bonus this turn to a +6 and remove their weakness for this turn. Cannot be used when the demigod is being kidnapped).

1 AP: scry one object or living creature (allows you to detect undetectable actions that happen within your scry, effective for the duration of the turn after the turn on which you call the scry),

2 AP: scry a small landmark or room, demand a sacrifice of 10 mortals to generate 8 BP.

4 AP: scry a large landmark or building.

6 AP: scry a town-sized area, demand the sacrifice of 100 mortals to generate 16 BP.

8 AP: scry a city-sized area.

10 AP: scry a state-sized area, demand the sacrifice of 1000 mortals to generate 30 BP.

12 AP: scry a country-sized area

14 AP Steal another god's religious artefact (contested roll, both parties roll a die and whoever is highest gets to keep the artefact, the defender may use their secondary action to add a +6 to the roll).

16 AP: Kidnap a Demigod (contested roll, both parties roll a die and whoever is highest gets to keep the demigod though the demigod may refuse to work for another god, the defender may use their secondary action to add a +6 to the roll).

Notes on actions

Dueling Actions:: if a god scrys another god's undetectable action and wishes to oppose it, then there are two methods. The first is simply to hinder the roll. You may call on other gods to apply further hinders, even if they do not have scry on the area. The second method is to use your action to directly counter the scryed action (for instance if a force of 100 mortals is influence to invade your temple, you may influence those same 100 mortals to have them all fail), in which case the action with the highest success margin will be deemed the successful outcome. This may be done simultaneously with the first method, so you may hinder their action and perform a counter action at the same time for maximum advantage (the enemy cannot hinder your counter action unless they have their own scry, or it's detectable). If you have already done your action for the turn, then you cannot perform a counter action, the logic being that your god's efforts are being spent elsewhere and thus they are distracted from their scryed area.

Omens are modifiers that one can put on an area that are built in with a way to nullify this modifier (Of the caster’s choosing). They are inversely powerful to the area that they affect, it takes an action to influence a village sized area to a state sized omen. And a state sized influence to rid a village sized omen. There are two types of Omens, Boons and Curses which are fairly self explanatory.

Prosperity: Actions on the influenced area take half as much AP for the caster and any allies of his choosing
Holy Land: A +4 modifier (Of the caster’s choosing) that can be invoked on actions targeting the land done by others than the caster. It also permanently scrys the land but if one acts upon another action such as by hindering it, it will be revealed and treated as a detectable action.
Zealotry: A +4 Modifier (Of the caster’s choosing) that can be used on actions influencing all adjacent areas to it.

Decadence:Actions on the influenced are take half as much AP to all but the god who claims influence over the land (It is everyone if no one claims influences).
Forsaken Country: A -4 Weakness that can be invoked upon the one claiming the land. This also shrouds the actions done to this land to the one who claims it. Leaving them unable to react to any actions inflicted upon it whether they are detectable, used BP, or came aware of it from another
Tourist Trap: A +4 Modifier (Of the caster’s choosing) that can be used by those who claim land in the surrounding land to affect the area that is cursed.

The O of Ooeht (23AP+4BP), Ooeht Island

The worst of the storm had passed, leaving the ground sodden and steaming. Twelve of the Ooeht islanders emerged from the deep forest, stepping over fallen palms, either heaped into barricades by the waves or simply lying splintered on the sand. Some haggard faces looked relieved to see that the worst was over, others distraught at the damage inflicted upon their home. All scanned the horizon, searching for those their kin who had gone in search of the rainbow.

They did see a rainbow, a beautifully layered band that crossed the sky and disappeared behind their island. But they saw no rafts or canoes. None of their kin returned from their voyage for safety. The twelve had warned them that the ocean couldn't possibly provide refuge in a storm like this. Now only they remained.

The many limbed prophet who had warned them of this storm, but at the same time seeded false hope, hurtled toward them on the dying winds. As soon as he landed, one young woman stepped forward and pointed a finger accusingly.

"You liar!" she said. "You killed my family! Begone from this island!"

"Liar?" The O of Ooeht almost sounded hurt. "But I spoke the truth. The storm came, and drowned all those who did not remain on the island. It happened exactly as I said."

"That isn't what you said," an old man objected. Women, children, and the elderly made up most of the remnant population. "You said to seek refuge at the source of the rainbow. That's why the others set out, they went to the seek the rainbow!"

"And where do you think the source of the rainbow is? Hmm?" The O of Ooeht's one uncovered eye flicked from person to person expectantly.

The young woman pointed past him incredulously.

"There's a rainbow right there. That is the rainbow. Its source is from the ocean, where it begins. Can you not see? "

"See? I just flew from over there. I saw no vast tower of rainbow light protruding from the waves."

"But we can see it!" the woman sobbed.

"Don't listen to him!" a teenage boy yelled, holding back tears of his own. "He just wants to trick us again!"

"This is no trick," said the O of Ooeht. "The rainbow is an illusion, visible only in the eye of those who see it. It is you, on this island, who is the source of the rainbow. That is why you now live, while the rest of your tribe died."

"It's not fair!"

"Fair!?" the god boomed. The islanders fell back in shock at the god's sudden rage. But no claws came to slay them. The O of Ooeht drew back, tapping his chin, pondering.

"Yes..." he said, much more subdued. "I suppose you deserve more than just your lives for surviving this trial. The O of Ooeht is not unreasonable. I will give you... A gift! Yes, a grand gift! A glorious gift! I will give you shelter, I will give you means. I will even give you beauty! And you shall be my first chosen, the winners of the first trial. My twelve chosen... Hmmmm... No no that won't do..."

The O of Ooeht scrutinised each carefully. Then, all of a sudden he pointed to the weeping young woman who had confronted him.

"Aha! Pregnant! That makes twelve and a half humans, yes yes, just as planned..."

"I'm... With child?"

"Yes, a boy. Ideal given the population. Anyway - behold, mortals! I will harness the rainbow, and shackle it to your island to create for you a structure. And, in so doing, contradict everything I just said about rainbows! Tricked!"

The O of Ooeht nyehehed to himself as he flapped back into the sky, flying towards the rainbow to begin working his divine will.

Influence the planet (22AP/18DC)

The O of Ooeht will create a gorgeous planetary ring around the setting planet, called simply the O. He will do this by catching the rainbow currently crossing the sky at Ooeht, and dragging it wider, and wider, and wider, until it circles the entire world with a rainbow coloured ring (purple segment closest, red furthest).

+2 Tricks, due to the technology level of the mortals, few will be able to know what the O is when it appears in their sky. Some will think it a cloud, others a great arch. Eventually the truth will become widely known, but many will be tricked in the process.

+2 Trials, regardless of people's misconceptions about the O, many will be inspired by its sudden appearance. They may take it as a challenge to reach the great ring, to "seek the rainbow" as the expression has become. Some may just travel great distances in search of an origin, others may attempt to fly or climb to it. Either way, the trial posed by the O's mere presence will be felt globally.

Note: I will spend my 4BP in this action.

Influence a landmark (4AP/2DC)

The O of Ooeht will create a tower in the middle of the island (towers are all the rage this age it seems). He will do this as he creates the O, but using the second arc of the double rainbow over Ooeht. He will contract the rainbow, pinching it closer and closer until it forms a solid vibrant pillar of light. Then he will let it set into an opaque, obsidian like stone that retains its colours as a banded opalescent sheen.

+2 Trials, to make this tower a gift to the mortals who survived his first trial. And quite the gift it shall be! The stone will never fall except by divine intervention, keeping his followers forever safe from storm or invasion. There will be much space for living, growing vertical gardens, keeping animals, and catching rainwater in pools.

+2 Tricks, the tower is tall enough to be seen from the mainland. It invites exploration, but those who seek to sail to it without a local Ooeht guide will become easily disoriented, likely crashing upon the rocks and drowning. It's an anti-lighthouse essentially.

2022-02-06, 03:56 PM
Cen (19/35 AP), The Great Dismal Swamps of Suiren, beneath the Tree of Knowledge

Gazad poked the dead body. It was lying right next to the massive trunk of the Tree, broken even against the softness of the swamp. She was one of the ever increasing number of knowledge seekers attracted by the tree over the last few months. Like the rest of them, she had gotten quite adept at climbing the tree to reach the tower at its top, but climbing a tree a hundred times is no guarantee you won't slip the hundred and first time, it seemed.

"I don't even know her name", Gazad said. "Such a waste."

"Indeed", Cen agreed, thinking not of the lost life, but of the knowledge that had died with her. What was the point of having mortals gather knowledge if it was stored in their frail bodies? There had to be something else, something lasting. Cen looked out over the swamp as an idea struck him. "Pick her up."

Cen could sense Gazad's hesitation, but the Host obeyed, taking the dead woman in his arms. "What now?"

"Take her to the pond", Cen commanded and with some effort Gazad carried the body to the nearest pond, the same one Cen had used to contact the other gods on the day of the Tree. It was one of many ponds now in the shadow of the enormous Tree of Knowledge, yet it appeared deeper than the others, as a small lake with clear water rather than a swampy puddle. Gazad walked into the water and gently laid down the body, letting the water flow over her. Around the pond, other mortals ‒ a mixture of goblins, satyrs and humans ‒ were gathering.

With barely a whisper, the Knowing spoke to the dead woman. "One last time... remember." As they spoke, the divine power flowed into the woman and through her to the surrounding water, taking her memories with it and spreading them through the pond.

As the impromptu ceremony finished, Gazad stood up, the body still in his arms. "Her knowledge has been preserved", Cen said to the other mortals. "Dispose of her body as she would have wanted. Then you may share in her memories and share your own in return."

Create a +2 domain religious artifact (16 AP/12 DC) + 2 Memory
The Well of Memories is a small pond, connected to a fresh-water spring, right next to the Tree of Knowledge. Whenever someone drinks from its water, they share in the memories stored within the Well, while sharing their own in return. The more they drink, the more knowledge (+4 Knowledge) the drinker and the Well gain from each other (though neither loses the knowledge it shares). If a dead body is submerged in the water while it is still warm, the Well can absorb even the memories of the dead.

Besides the sharing of memories, the water is also extremely refreshing, especially for the mind and memory of the person who drinks it.

As the mortals took the woman's body away, Cen remained by the pond. With a thought, they reached out towards two of ther kin. "Skin-Giver. Dragon of the Clouds. I ask each of you for one of the favors I am owed."

Only Kyōdaina Hi and Zemara are asked to return previous favors, but since its a detectable action anyone is obviously free to help or hinder as they please.

2022-02-06, 05:58 PM
Ran Moch

“The human could still attack again.” A satyr Chieftain proclaimed, Sitting upon his wooden throne. “We must be ready for it.”

Surrounding him with a group of soldiers, many of them The horrors of war with the scars of battles past. “What do you suggest we do about it?” one soldier piped in. “The humans are too massive and organize to simplify whip out."

The chieftain simply looked at him. “If the race of the satyr is to survive we must come together as one.” Even way down a piece of cloth in the center of the meeting. “This belongs a group og Satyr in a tribe called the Pekunos, We must convince them to join our ranks and expand our territory into Kujumi to help against future invasions."

“but aren't there other people besides Satyr there?” a soldier asked

The chieftain smiled as he picked up his spear. “we can remove that problem when we get there."

“Sir.” one of the soldiers interrupted. “What about the Goblin village of Snap Jaw, It’s directly between us and Pekunos?”

The chieftain simply lay back in his chair. “They will be wiped out.” He said callously. “To ensure our future Snap Jaw story must end.”

The soldier got up. “BUT SIR! They have nothing to do with the huAHHHHH!”

Just then a spear directly hit and struck his head, killing him instantly. “YOU ARE WEAK!” the chieftain yelled out. “We were nearly wiped out by the callous humans if we don’t Do what is necessary we and the Satyr will be the ones forgotten from history.” He then walked up to the now dead soldier and grabbed his spear. He wasted above his head. “We will take the lands of Kujumi To secure our people’s future.”

Everyone on the soldier cheered on the chieftain.

Kujumi - Snap Jaw

A small group of goblins stood outside of the village holding various makeshift weapons. There were about 100 Of them.

“The giant one coming!” A particularly old goblin told Other goblins, Very few of them looked like they could lift a hammer let alone fight the Army That was coming. “One of our scouts has told us that the Giants are moving upon this village.” The old goblin then noticed one of the goblins was not paying attention to him but looking at the sky. “Grizzle!” he yelled at the goblin. “For once in your life stop your daydreaming.”

“It’s not that Sir…” Grizzle responded as he looked back at the old one. “It’s just I was promised a favor…”

Old goblin simply faced palmed. “Your imaginary sky Dragon isn’t going to save us!” he responded looking Grizzle in the eye. “We have to focus or were all going to d…” Just then they heard the sound of footsteps. All the goblins booked out of the distance and saw the beasts arising from the hill. There were literally thousands of Satyrs looking down upon the small village.

The chieftain of the Satyrs looked how upon the pathetic village and pathetic defense. “These green freaks will be on nothing but a small hill.” He then turned to one of his soldiers. “Blow the horn, and commence the attack.”

The sound of war echoed through the hills. As the Giants descended upon them. Grizzle Along with all of the goblins knew what this meant. Before the end, Grizzle Look to the sky again and did an act of desperation yelled at the sky. “I ASK FOR THE FAVOR! PLEASE!”


Just then something landed in between the village and the invading force. The large army of the Satyrs and Small force of goblins looked up at this behemoth that landed in between them. The beast rose up to his feet towering over even the mountains. The beast down upon the Satyr Army.

The Army was in complete shock, Only the chieftain had the gall to respond. “O…ut of our …way…you...you…”


With the beast’s simple command the entirety of the Satyrs army quickly turned around and started running right back up that hill, including the great chieftain, who could be heard screaming. “MOMMY I DON’T WANT TO DIE!”


When the Satyrs ran past that hill, out of sight the beast turned towards The goblins. All of them backed away slowly except one. Grizzle Stood his ground. “Boy, what are you doing!” the old goblin asked.

Grizzle walked forward and raised his hand. “I remember you… Woodcutter!”

Woodcutter simply nodded.

Grizzle Smile, Tears running down his face. “You turned out wonderful.”

The beast smiled back waving to the goblin, looked up to the sky, and with his arms stretched out And all the other goblins watching Woodcutter floated back up To his home above the clouds.

The entirety of the tribe was at a complete loss for words, The silence went on for minutes until Grizzle responded. “Sky can be quite beautiful don’t you think.”

4 AP/2 DC: influence a large group of mortals (~100)
Influence the entire tribe of Snap Jaw To spread the wonders of imagination and creativity to the world

+2 Sky: a significant portion of Snap Jaw society will be influenced by the sky, Much of their future architecture and are will reflect that

+2 Monster: They will worship the monsters of Hi creation and in turn, they will protect the village as it grows

+2 Imagination(knife): The people of the village will be naturally gifted artists and their imagination will impress the mortals and even the gods with their beauty

1 AP/0 DC: influence one mortal Grizzle
+2 Imagination: Grizzle will become known as one of the greatest artists to ever exist on this planet and will always be remembered.

2022-02-06, 10:30 PM
Goblins had been carving words into the bones of their dead for as long as they'd been worshipping their nameless god. Yet until recently, it had been a thing of respect only for their own dead, not one of hate for other creatures. A single tribe that called itself the Bonefists started something new though. They had little blackstone and the wood of their trees was hard to cut down...so they started to make weapons from the bones of their enemies, a human tribe that had been preying on them. Whenever they caught one of the human tribe members, the Bonefists would ritually sacrifice them to Da Purple. The Bonefists weren't cruel, and their enemies death was quick. The meat would preserve their kin, and the bones would be engraved with words of hate toward their smooth skinned foes.

Bit by bit, sacrifice by sacrifice, the Bonefists would begin to exterminate the humans who had hunted them, their weapons aglow with magic they had no words for. When the last of the human hunters had died or ran away, there was a stirring in the Aether as the Da Great Gobbo layed his blessing using the power the Bonefists had given him.

24 AP/20 DC: Create a new Law of Reality (Rune Magic)

Rune Magic revolves around words and laws. By combining sets of words together, as long as they follow the laws set below, magical effects can be created. For example, a rune consisting of Sharp-Activate-Ignite on a bone sword would make a magically sharp sword that could be lit on fire on command. The order of words is very important as well, ex. Ignite-Activate-Sharp would result in a constantly on fire sword that would only be sharp when activated.

The Law of Structure: An Engraved Rune may not repeat a word or use any proper Nouns.
The Law of Capacity: An Engraved Rune may only consist of a certain number of words, and to exceed that amount of words invokes detonation.
The Law of Bone: An Engraved Rune can only be carved on hard items.
The Law of Resonance: An Engraved Rune tends to function better with things that represent their nature and that of their crafter. For example, a rune of fire will work better on the bone of a magma beast, than that of a sea creature. The bone of ones grandfather will work better than the bones of a stranger.

Clovenfoot-Hurt on a stone sword would cause it to be more harmful toward all clovenfoot creatures.
Barrier on a simple runestone tossed down would create a small barrier for a moment.

+4 Greenskins: Greenskins end up being a lot more proficent with Runic Magic than most. They also violate their own laws in the following manner.

The Law of Structure: An Engraved Rune may use proper nouns. This leads to things like a barrier letting everyone in except a disliked family member.
The Law of Capacity: Same as with everyone elses, although Goblin Detonations tend to be worse.
The Law of Structure:
The Law of Bone: Unchanged.
The Law of Resonance: The Law of resonance twists to the Goblins own view. A bone of a dog thats harassed the goblin village of the craftsman can be far more powerful than that of even a Kaiju or Great beast. However this can fall apart in the hands of a non-goblin when other non-goblins question it. A goblin is dumb enough and stubborn enough not to question it, but most smooth skins have issues with being given a stick and being told its a powerful fire staff.

+2 Greenskins: Greenskins actually do end up incorporating parts of runic language into their common tongue...which can have varied consequences. For example, a goblin yelling at a stick to light on fire and cussing at it can end up actually igniting the stick....or it could ignite his head.

Da Purple refuses to let his people run away and has them drive out the human hunters. No prisoners are kept for long, and through this war he gives back to the Goblin People.
6 AP for 16 BP, 100 people have been sacrificed on his altars.

2022-02-09, 08:34 PM
Morannan Maklir, 17 AP+4 BP, The Village of Pekunos
“We must give them time. We are one with the world, so we must treat the world with kind-” The flap of Enceladus’s tent was opened. Two men walked carrying a body between them. The corpse was a bloated and pallid thing having obviously spent time in the river.

“I found your speaker.” A satyr in deerskin said curtly.

The mangled hands of Enceladus reached out to touch the dead goblin’s skin. “I was… Just thinking about him.” He sounded far away for a second.

He snapped back as his blonde haired student suddenly stood up next to him. “Ideals have their limits, Enceladus.” He said, trying to sound diplomatic.

The other man that carried the corpse stepped forward, he was the medicine man of the village and was well acquainted with Enceladus, but was not among his followers. He pointed to the chest of the goblin. “See this, the flesh has decomposed, but you can still make out very clearly branding work.” He dipped his hand into a bag, covering it in a white dye and traced the burns “This I believe is meant to be a crude bear.”

“It’s obviously a message from the Bear Tribe.” The satyr in deerskin said. “There may yet be more wars for Pekunos again.”

“Who's to say that this is actually from the Bear Tribe and not someone trying to frame them!” the blonde man said pointedly towards the satyr.

“Would you like to rethink what you’re implying, Yesuf?”

“I am saying. We send our speaker out with others in a mission of peace, and it is not a report back from the monists we hear, but a body found by the nihilists!”

The satyr drew himself up to his full height, towering over the human. “Would you like me to fish up the rest of the bodies from the river?”

The human did not back down. “I am not afraid of someone who usurped the title of chieftain from a man after one loss, Tara!”

Enceladus spat blood on both of them, breaking up the fight before it could start. “Yesuf, I had just talked of treating the world with kindness!”

“You should be Chieftain! You were before! You are still alive! We are all thinking it, but you refuse the title!”

Tara snorted, backing off from Yesuf. “Bah, this again. He abdicated. A mortal cannot be chief from one room alone”

“Enough talk of leadership.” Enceladus said quietly. “I… Regret this. No one should have to kill another, but when the world beats like a drum, we must beat with the world.”

“Ahahahaha. Have you ever heard of a counter rhythm?” Morannan entered with a cloud of smoke billowing before him. “Tara, you are a hunter, the closest to a veteran Pekunos has. You will train the others.”

“I will not heed the orders of someone who believes in nothing!” Yesuf quickly interjected.

Morannan stooped down to Yesuf’s height, his ghastly face reflecting the light of the torches with a dull pallor. “Well… Then I guess you’ll just have to die. Your choice.” the blonde man fell back into a sitting position “Ehehehehe. Begone now! Everyone in the village should be ready to defend themselves when the time comes. This is a reality, not belief. We are targets of many already.”

The mortals quickly scurried out of the tent and he was left with Enceladus. “Our people are just as ready to kill each other as they are to kill anyone who threatens us.” the maimed man said.

“Yes, yes. You are astute as always. I know you play yourself the idealist, but you work the strings of men as if they were on a loom. No one would be chief without your say so even if your people call themselves pacifists.”

“They are mortal, and as all mortals they folly. But we seek a better future.”

“So you admit that your Monists cannot live up to your ideals. This will be a bloody civil war if it continues, Enceladus. I came to speak of a minor truce between you and I. I am making a protector. One for within and without. He just needs a little… Sacrifice every now and then.”

Enceladus spat blood in Morannan’s face. “Ehehehehehe. That isn’t a no, Enceladus!”

14 AP/10 DC: create the Demon of Pekunos, The Nahqab, Turnipface The Demon of Wrath 4 BP is used to create this creature.
Turnipface is an inanimate force that inhabits Pekunos and its surrounding forest. He awakens during periods of strife, struggle and war in Pekunos. He is heralded by a great eagle taking roost over Enceladus's tent at high noon, cawing three times, and then dying. He can be called upon to kill one person and anyone who gets in the way of his pursuit of that one person.

The Ritual to summon him involves making a square of powdered bone and placing a crude effigy of Turnip face, the head must always be made of a carved turnip. They must then draw a symbol of Morannan with their own blood on the effigy while saying “Protector of Pekunos, destroy those that threaten us, the villain [Name Here] must die to save us all!” the spirit of Turnipface will then possess the effigy, imbuing it with a thick bark-like hide impervious to mortal attacks and claws that can cut through any man-made defense. And pursue his quarry until obtained or the body is destroyed. The only way for a mortal to defeat the effigy through normal means is to take liquid made from the grinding of grubs, splash it onto it’s turnip face and then set the effigy on fire. Without the liquid of grub, the demon shall just grow a new body from the turnip after their wooden body has been consumed by the flames.

Even if the effigy is destroyed, the spirit will return back to Pekunos and recoup its energy till the next summer. There, The Nahqab is kept alive by the honor and blood given to it, and the belief of the village in it. Every year a duel to the death is held between the two individuals voted to be most hated in the village. Typically one from the nihilists and one from the monists though any two people were voted for could do. When one of them dies in the fight, the Nahqab’s power is renewed. But if this fight were every to be stopped, interrupted, or for one of the two individuals were to not die than the Nahqab’s spirit would wither away into nothingness. If one or more of the fighters do not show up to the scheduled duel than the villagers have 42 Hours to track at least one of them down and kill them in some sort of grand hunt.
+4 Death due to the death it inflicts, and the one that it sustains itself on

Red Lenses
2022-02-09, 09:44 PM
The Rotwood - Moth-Eaters Camp

It’s a frigid midday. The air has a bite to it and the sun shines bright and clear. Atualam steps out from nowhere into the camp of the Moth-Eaters tribe, as is his prerogative, and finds them engaged together in crafting - rather industriously, too. They hardly even look up at him as he trudges through the camp.

This is all very new. Normally the Moth-Eaters spent their time scrounging in the dirt, picking at insects (thus the name). Now they were…

Atualam looms over one of the craftsmen. If he had eyes, he would narrow them. “That’s a bow you have.”

“Yes,” the tribesman says, finishing the string and holding it up for Atualam to consider.

What is there to consider? It’s a bow. Made for shooting. But no one in this stinking swamp had any idea of that yesterday, and now here some backwards bug-eaters were mass producing them. Atualam pans his gaze over to the other side of the camp, where an old woman whittles down sticks, and another affixes sharp ends to them.

“And those are arrows.”

The craftsman swallows, getting the feeling that he’s done something wrong. “Yes.”

There’s nothing wrong with being ahead of schedule. It’s just peculiar. “Who taught you this?”


“Breksta?” Attualam guffaws, a resonant and gravelly sound, “Breksta doesn’t know anything.”

“She’s,” the craftsman pauses to find words that won’t get anyone in trouble, “Changed…?”

Atualam doesn’t like the sound of that. “Hrmph. Get back to it, then.”

He lurches off, back to the tree line, and vanishes. The whole of the Moth-Eaters sigh with relief at his passing.


Atualam finds Breksta a short distance north of the Moth-Eaters’ camp. The impish girl is tracing symbols feverishly into the dirt. Diagrams, runes? Even Atualam isn’t quite sure what she’s getting at. She does not hear him approach.

For a few moments, he watches her, and folds his gangly arms across his emaciated chest. When Atualam grows tired of waiting, he says, “Breksta.”

She snaps her head around to face him, and even Atualam is surprised to see her face: the runes crowding under her eyes and spiraling across her cheeks, the extra pair of eyes that have manifested in her forehead. All four of them blink at the Prince-in-the-Rotwood.

The lower jaw of Atualam’s stag-skull-face swings open, then shuts again with a sharp clack! “What the hell happened to your face?”

Breksta narrows her original pair of eyes at him. “What’s ‘hell’?”

“Don’t worry about it. Hasn’t been invented yet,” Atualam chuckles darkly, “You’ve been cutting deals.”

“I have. Knowing for knowing.” She faces him fully now, fiddling with her drawing-stick.

What knowing could she trade? Something with plants and bugs, maybe. Which were safe to eat, which were good for certain illnesses. Plenty of things that grew and crawled in the Rotwood had their own uses for those brave (or hungry) enough to figure it out.

“That’s good. It’s about time someone besides me knew anything.”

Atualam uncrosses his arms and takes a few heavy steps closer. Not particularly close, but Breksta can’t help but take a cautionary step back anyway. As if Atualam has or would ever hurt anyone himself.

He tilts his head to one side, regarding her. “I just don’t want you to forget who’s in charge around here.”

“It’s you. Atualam,” she says, quickly, and thins her lips right after, like the words left a bad taste. “The chief of chiefs. The Prince-in-the-Rotwood.”

They always say ‘prince’ weird. It’s a foreign word to them, outside of its proper slot in time, appearing before them without context. Atualam gave them the word anyway, because he likes the ring of it.

He cackles dryly, “That’s good to hear. Now, tell me about your new friend. Let’s start with where he comes from…”

It’s a long talk that they have, stretching deep into the night.

2022-02-10, 12:57 PM
Kavan, Master of Monsters, Lord of the Deep, The Devourer
AP: 15 AP+4 BP/35 -> 1 AP + 2 BP
Remaining Actions: None

Looking upon his finished tower, greater than he had envisaged from the assistance of many of the other gods, Kavan decided that it was time to get to work. While he hadn't been aware of their creation, he'd begun to notice the presence of the progeny of some of the other gods in the world. That, as much as anything else, was a reason to begun working. Entering the Tower, Kavan began his work, shaping the flesh and scale and carapace drawn from the Tower as if it were clay, making life in his image to serve him - his Firstborn was important, after all, a way to cement his hold here and ensure that the Tower and his progeny would be safe. He lets out a roar as he works, a message to the gods who helped with his earlier creation that he was working on something new - as much as he considered what he was making his, he'd seen the benefits of letting the other gods add their own touches to his work.

14 AP/10 DC (Undetectable - Revealed to The O of Ooeht, Ozglint, Morannan, Gorkun, Iustrum, Kyodaina Hi, Atualam and Oculus): Create a single greater magical monster - Rakkar, Firstborn of Kavan

Rakkar's form is an amalgamation of the sea life around the tower and Kavan's pure influence - its body shape echoing those of Kavan's preferred avatars combined with long, flexible tentacles and hard crustacean-like carapace. Kavan's envisioned role for Rakkar is something akin to a trusted lieutenant, a guardian and watcher over the Tower of Kavan while the god is busy focusing elsewhere, and a being capable of commanding and controlling his creations if necessary. There's nothing to stop Rakkar from going out and causing some terror, of course, and Kavan may well need it to do that while he works on the rest of his progeny, but it's on a relatively short leash compared to the free reign Kavan plans to give most of his progeny.

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/c3162551-b1f8-456c-915f-acf24e22777f/d6j2ett-592bf2fb-f4ae-45c5-960c-67f8c9d99d00.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQz NzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZT BkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6 W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2MzMTYyNTUxLWIxZjgtNDU2Yy05MT VmLWFjZjI0ZTIyNzc3ZlwvZDZqMmV0dC01OTJiZjJmYi1mNGFl LTQ1YzUtOTYwYy02N2Y4YzlkOTlkMDAuanBnIn1dXSwiYXVkIj pbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.zSQcX4Be-uXLJs9y8PvXL5onocxQhBvdj94oK5Ac8_E
Source (https://www.deviantart.com/velinov/art/Kraken-of-the-Depths-394822289)

Kavan (total +6)
+2 Monsters: Besides granting Rakkar its monstrous form and power, a portion of Kavan's influence is passed on to his first creation - it has no divine power, of course, but it does have a greater degree of influence over future creations of Kavan than the norm for his great monsters.
+2 Oceans: Rakkar's presence brings turmoil to the waters around it - the Tower is often surrounded by large waves and chaotic swells, and on the occasions that Rakkar has cause to go out into the world, it brings that unrest wherever it goes.
+2 Genesis: The Tower of Kavan does its job, helping Kavan create Rakkar more quickly and ensuring that the monster will keep growing in size, slowly but surely, as time goes oh.

Ozglint (total +2)
+2 Magic- Ozglint will assist the Lord of the Deeps in creating his first born. Rakkar will have an affinity for deep sea geothermal vents, spending time near them while slumbering or "off duty". This resonance with the heat of the earth will allow the monstrosity the magical ability to store heat within it's own body like a magical battery, and when this heat is combined with a lungful of sea water being exhaled with great force it produces a breath weapon of scalding hot steam. Flawless (-2 if rejected) The heat absorbing magic of Rakkar's body becomes a vital part of it's biology. It must spend significant time next to sources of great heat, resting and absorbing energy, effectively as part of it's diet. If it does not do so it becomes sluggish and slow, it's body unable to operate at full capacity. I figure it has to hibernate next to a geothermal vent for twelve days a year to keep fully charged. Rakkar gains a thermal sense like some reptiles have, able to locate sources of great heat from formidable distances, so it can always find it's way to a source of energy.

Gorkun (total +6)
+6 Greenskins: The Goblins that grow around it treat it like a young godling, raising it like a prince. The choicest sweetmeats are given, sacrifices from nearby villages that do not tithe to the monster god. They help it grow into a strong monster, and as their reward when they reach maturity they take it as their god-beast. They abandon the shores, instead living upon the monster they raised and continue to worship. They carve their runes into it and when it attacks, they spill off it and make sure that none hurt the scion of the Deep Lord.

Morannan (total +4)
+4 Death, Rakkar will be able to escape exactly one death in it’s long life if it can find a truly wicked, selfish, and evil person and convince them to take its place when it dies.

The O of Ooeht (total - 2)
-2 Tricks, though Rakkar will be a most fearsome beast indeed, he will frequently fall for the old "charge the person but crash into the wall behind them when they dodge" trick. The O of Ooeht finds this hilarious.

Tower of Kavan
Through the power of the tower, and the influence of several of the various gods who helped in its creation, Rakkar has the ability to swim through the air like it was water, will have a degree of authority over lesser creations of the Tower, can increase its physical prowess by consuming the souls of those it slays, has a greater ability for learning in its youth and requires planning, study and specialised tactics exploting its weaknesses to slay. It also has the ability to develop feelings of compassion, which if it does happen will likely be directed towards the goblins servants of the Tower.

Once the first steps were taken towards Rakkar's creation, Kavan turned his attention outwards again. The fishermen by the rocks saw the signs of Kavan's return, and knew what that meant - someone else had to be given up to the god of monsters. This time, however, they didn't choose one of their own - one human is as good as another, they reasoned, and in order to protect their own they went out looking for someone to sacrifice in their place. The trail led to a small coastal village, and a young man who'd strayed far enough from his home to be captured and taken to the rocks. The fishermen were right, it seemed - Kavan didn't care who they were, just that they were offered up to him.

0AP: Demand the sacrifice of 1 mortal to generate 4 BP

The sacrifice didn't go unnoticed by the village - a small group had followed the tracks left by the man's abductors and had witnessed everything. They return home with news of the fishermen who made deals with the monster of the tower, of the murder of one of their own, and of Kavan - although the last part was soon unnecessary, as the great serpent had followed them to their homes. Drawing upon the power of the blood he had consumed - of those that were already his, and those that would soon become his, an act that the other gods can't fail to notice - Kavan creates a display of divine power and monstrous wrath that leaves the village a little damaged and very aware of the kind of being they were faced with. The villagers can only watch as the serpent shrinks and grows clawed limbs, the god of monsters adopting a more humanoid form to ensure that his message is obeyed. "Mortals. You are mine now. If you listen and obey, and provide what is demanded of you when it is called for, you will be safe from my progeny, and my oceans will be open to you. If you do not, you will have no protection from them when they are born, and I will offer no mercy when you go out into my waters."

6 AP/3 DC (Detectable - 6 BP used): Influence a village of mortals (~1000)
Once again, Kavan attempts to bring a mortal community under his dominion, offering the carrot of his mastery over the oceans, and the stick of the wrath of the seas and that of this monsters. Besides their plain obedience when called upon, Kavan expects to draw his future blood sacrifices from the village - although naturally they do not need to be villagers, Kavan accepts the blood of strangers just as easily as he does his own - and his progeny may have similar demands.

Kavan (total +6)
+2 Monsters: Having made his presence known to them by devouring one of their own in a monstrous form, Kavan's message to the village is a simple exchange - in exchange for their obedience, and tribute when called for, they will be protected from the hostile attentions of his monsters.
+2 Oceans: Kavan's dominion over the oceans means that his "followers" do get a boon beyond Kavan's mercy, finding the waters calmer when they go out to sea.
+2 Genesis: As a part of Kavan's boon, those of Kavan's followers who go out to fish the oceans find their catches are larger than before, the Tower's influence over life and birth ensuring that there is enough fish in the water for them to eat.

Gorkun (total +4)
+4 Greenskins: The Goblin tribes that are near the villages clean up the remains of the sacrifices and if there aren't any, their prayers are given to Kavan in hopes they get their meal back. Too long, and if the Shamans see that the village has lost the protection of the Deep Lord, they may be attacked.

Myrin (total -2)
-2 Dreams: By gifting offerings of effigies in the shape of humans with a piece of hair or other small fragment of their body to the sea the followers of Kavan may avoid having to give tribute to their god. All effects that require faithful sacrifice still function so long as the effigies are gifted and other proper shows of respect are given to Kavan.

No minion or monster of Kavan will be able to see through this deception.

Looking beyond the area he was focused on, Kavan notices more great acts of divine might happening. The skies changing, another powerful item being created, and goblins changing the world through inscriptions. Interesting. First, Kavan turned his attention to the ring forming around the sky. He didn't understand it, why one of his kin was expending so much effort for something so meaningless, but then again perhaps that was part of the point - such an act, so beyond the abiities of mortals, would be a constant reminder of their place in the world. Yes. That was good. Kavan decided to lend his aid, reciprocating the turtle god's earlier help. The new artefact, however, only got a cursory investigation before being passed over - the god of monsters had little interest in an artefact like that, and he owed nothing to the god creating it. A monstrous guardian being created by the god of death, marked with the unmistakable scent of blood. That could do with a touch of help from Kavan, and the mere act of creating a creature like this served to elevate Morannan in Kavan's eyes.

It was the new magic, however, that took most of his attention. On the one hand, he saw dangers in the runes - visions of mortals taking this new magic and trying to surpass their betters with it. However, he did owe the god of the goblins, and their kind was particularly good at understanding their place in the world, and there was no reason his progeny couldn't make use of this themselves...yes. He would help.

Helping The O of Ooeth with The O
+2 Oceans: If those who attempt to seek the rainbow find their journey brings them over water, they will find it tougher going than they expected, Kavan's influence supporting The O of Ooeth's desire for trials and challenges as they struggle with unexpectedly rough seas and strangely aggressive underwater life.

Helping Morannan with Turnipface
+2 Monsters: Kavan doesn't see much need to substantially alter the nature of Turnipface, so instead just applies his expertise on the matter of making monsters to enhance his already existing abilities - he was rather a specialist in making things that terrified and killed mortals, after all.
+2 Genesis: When Turnipface successfully kills someone, the following growing season grants greater yields than on years where he was not used or was defeated.

Helping Gorkun with Rune Magic
+2 Monsters: Kavan enhances the ability of monsters to use Rune Magic, making their own flesh, hide, scales and carapace strongly resonant with rune magic that is in line with their natural abilities and powers, and lessening the strain involved with creating such runes. As such, nearly all of Kavan's monsters are naturally talnted fleshscribes (detailed below), although other monsters could potentially make use of this through providing shed scales and the like to chosen runesmiths (and those capable of slaying monsters could potentially make use of their remains for rune magic).
+2 Oceans: Runes affecting the seas and the natural life within it have a particularly strong Law of Resonance - Engraved Runes with little resonance with the oceans will do little to it, while those with strong resonance can do much more than usual.
+2 Genesis: Dead wood and bone has resonance towards the birth and growth of plant and animal life respectively.

Additionally, a tradition develops within the Tower of Kavan, one making use of Kavan's influence over rune magic.

Fleshscribing is an art that originates in the Tower of Kavan, from Kavan's monsters using the many goblins and lesser creations that dwell within the structure to inscribe runes into their hides and carapaces to enhance their innate monstrous power. The goblins began to copy the techniques, developing their own fleshsmith groups, and from there it could slowly spread into the rest of the mortal world. Fleshscribed runes are quite selfish in nature, their effects increasing the power of their creators but requiring subordinates to both physically create the rune and to take some of the strain to create.

Themes: Self-enhancement, minor shapeshifting

Advantages: Reduced strain for ongoing effects, can mitigate the effects of creating runes through lower-ranked servants

Disadvantages: Greatly limited ability to directly affect things outside of themselves outside of masters, needs the aforementioned lower-ranked servants to create runes

Initiate (Carver): Most mortals begin at this stage, learning the basics of rune magic through being directed by their superiors. Unfortunately, this means that they also collectively take a considerable amount of the strain involved in their superior's creation of runes. This means that Carvers are a very important position in any fleshscribe group, but one that nobody wants to be in (while higher-ranked fleshmsiths can take their place, they'd naturally rather not), so their superiors generally take one of two approaches to ensuring they have enough Carvers - those requiring willing volunteers have to strike a delicate balance between giving their subordinates enough reason to stick around (usually the potential to advance in the fleshsmith group and learn the higher secrets of the art, even if few actually achieve it), while those will the will and power to do so instead simply force their Carvers to do their work.

Naturally, Kavan's creations tend towards the latter approach, the goblins of the Tower forming a large pool of pliable Carvers to direct in their projects.

Apprentice (Scribe): Fleshscribes that go from Carver to Scribe begin to learn how to actually create their own runes. While fleshscribes can make weak versions of the small, generalist runes that most runesmiths can create, their own more powerful runes are a little unique and can only be inscribed into one type of surface - the bodies of their creator - and can only be written, typically through direction by other fleshscribes. As such, most groups ensure that their Scribes have at least one or two Carvers to help them (the limit for the less experienced, increasing with greater mastery over runes). These types of runes have great resonance with their creator's natural abilities, whether supernatural or natural, and has very little resonance for other kinds of effects. The strength of the runes are also affected by their permanancy, the degree that they are actually a part of the fleshscribe, painted runes being impermanent and weak and carving into the flesh directly and scarring it bringing about the strongest effects but being the hardest to change and remove (tattoos are a commonly used middle ground, particularly since a fleshscribe's reliance on Carvers means that they need to be very sure of their subordinates' loyalty before trusting them to do more permanent work without taking the opportunity to do some real damage). At this stage, Scribes are rather limited in what they can create, their enhancements tending to be quite direct and physically-focused - a mortal making themselves stronger or faster, for instance, or a supernatural being making one of their powers stronger in a similarly direct and inelegant way (such as an aylo using fleshscribed runes to just be able to move bigger stones than normal, or Rakkar making his steam breath even hotter).

Most of Kavan's monsters begin at this stage, their god not wanting them to lower themselves to the work of servants. They tend to prefer more permanent runes, their tough hides and carapaces meaning they can take the carving process easily and without fear.

Adept (Shaper): Besides the typical benefits that experience brings (their ability to include more Carvers in their work expanding with their mastery over runes), the main development that marks a Shaper from a Scribe is that of flexibility - a Scribe can develop plenty of experience in making their bodies stronger, but a Shaper has learned how to enhance their minds as well as their bodies, to create runes that take advantage of any supernatural abilities they have in less direct ways, and may even start to learn how to alter their bodies in small ways (although the law of resonance means that these ways still have to be within the limits of what their race could naturally achieve, which is still more than most think). The way their bodies interact with the Law of Resonance becomes a focus at this stage, proving to be the Shaper's greatest obstacle, and as such learning ways of bending the law and designing runes that can draw on that resonance in new ways tends to take up most of their study and learning - for instance, a common step at this point is to learn how to apply the resonance of bone towards birth and growth in fleshscribed runes, leading to rune-based healing and regeneration being a common ability at this point.

Given some time (not long from their perspective, but a long time for most mortals) many of Kavan's monsters reach this point, tending towards runes that allow them to use their natural powers in slightly different ways (for instance, eventually Rakkar will likely develop runes that alters their breath weapon to be more versatile while still being able to be described as him breathing superheated steam).

Master (Warper): The Warper is the rare fleshscribe that has learned how to circumvent the resonance-related flaws of fleshscribing in a simple way - if their bodies aren't resonant towards their desired goal, they simply need to change their bodies. The process of discovering the necessary runes and techniques is a somewhat personal one - while some aspects are common between Warpers, the many differences between their minds, bodies and arguably souls introduced many variables and details that the individual Warper must learn how to account for and control. This isn't total shapeshifting, even the best Warpers tending to be at least half their original race, but the shifting they can do can be useful in its own right, although the main benefit of this magic is to expand the scope of future runes, using the resonant traits of their new parts (with the flexible mind of an experienced Shaper) to create runes they otherwise wouldn't be able to, such as drawing on a fish or bird's resonance towards their environment to better explore them, or the resonance of a monster or supernatural race towards their powers to create runes reflecting those powers.

Strangely, despite the tradition originating with Kavan and his creations, few if any of his monsters will ever reach this stage, tending to have such strong belief (arrogance, arguably) in their natural powers and strength that they stay focused on improving them, rather than considering the possibility of being something different like a mortal might.

Red Lenses
2022-02-12, 05:41 PM
All Manner of Beasts

4 AP/2 DC: influence a large group of mortals (~100)

With this grouping of mortals, Atualam lays the foundation for a tradition of beast-taming among the tribefolk of the Rotwood. For now, they will capture and train many of the wolf packs which stalk the Rotwood.

Later, when their descendents come to settle Acroth, they will know by instinct how to add bears, lynxes, and falcons to their menagerie, as well as the herd animals so helpful to agriculture.

+2 Prowess: For instilling in them the skill and determination to establish their tradition, and allow them to successfully settle Acroth once they depart the Rotwood.
+2 Foreknowledge: For telling them of the beasts that lurk beyond the Rotwood, and the methods for taming and domesticating them.

Starting AP: 11/35
Ending AP: 7/35

The Rotwood - Grove of Atualam

After his stone basin, Atualam makes a throne for himself. Even by the standards of its time, it’s a crude piece of furniture. The packed dirt is held together by an unnatural framework of black roots, which have sprung out of the ground just for this purpose.

Atualam sits on this throne like a pondersome monarch, slouched one way, chin in his spindly hand. He surveys his chosen subjects: humans, men and women of the Rotwood. Primitive tribefolk all. They kneel and avert their eyes, but cannot hide their restlessness, their discomfort.

These people aren’t much. Given the landscape they find themselves in, they probably never would be. Fortunately for them, fate had it that Atualam should appear here.

“One of these days, you folk will leave this bog, and Acroth will be your true and proper home,” Atualam intones, only a little bored. “But I’ve got bad news for you about Acroth: there’s just not much to it.”

No ores, no fuels, nothing obvious and easy to use, except maybe the timber and arable land. There were worse places to make a living, but Atualam sees the vague shape of history in the back of his mind. It’s tough going without mineral wealth. And it’ll be tougher still to stand up to the territorial satyrs currently grazing there.

Someone in the back mutters something. Atualam’s skull snaps in that direction. “Shut up, you moron. I’m talking.”

They fall quiet again. These people have no idea what Atualam is talking about. But what else is new? Does the soil have any idea what the farmer’s doing when he plants a seed? Does the hot iron have any idea why a blacksmith beats it into shape?

It’s not for them to understand. Only Atualam knows how it all ends. He doesn’t need their trust - only their compliance.

Atualam grunts and looks back out into the crowd, “I’ll tell you what Acroth does have, though: all manner of beasts. The wolves which hound you here in the Rotwood and more. I’m sure you’ve seen them…”

Indeed they had. Atualam can smell the fetid stench of fear rising off of them.

“Maybe you sought to avoid them. But there is another way. With a little effort, these creatures can become your faithful servants. Now... Listen close. I only ever say things once.”

Compelled by fear or curiosity, the tribefolk lean in, and with many words, Atualam draws out their cunning.

2022-02-13, 12:20 AM
24/35 AP

Myrin and Kilo - The Great Dismal Swamps of Suiren

It had been a few weeks since Kilo had met the dream-thing called Myrin. While it was hard for him to understand what the flighty thing wanted from him or what it was saying, he was a smart goblin (perhaps a prodigy by his people’s standards) and so learned how to communicate with the thing when it would inevitably meet him in his dreams.

Those dreams were… odd. They were so colorful and fantastical that he, someone who grew up amid the dismal swamp, would get dazed looking at them. He would try his best to not pay attention to them; since otherwise he’ll get tackled by the dream thing when he least expects it. He really hated that, it made him think of the predators of the swamp, things he was still wary of even if Myrin said they would not attack him anymore.

That did not mean that the dream-thing was a complete pain, it gave him someone to talk to while Kilo rested after losing track of his tribe. And though he would never admit it, he enjoyed some of the playing Myrin insisted on. They were growing on him dream by dream.

When it was time for Kilo to fall asleep amid a particularly tall tree he began wondering what sorts of sights awaited him now, with only a moment’s worth of a fake discontented grunt at thinking about Myrin’s insistence on moving around instead of taking in the view.

Yet when Kilo finally closed his eyes to reality and opened them to sleep he found a black abyss in front of him. No, after a moment staring at it, he realized it held a crimson color and moved slightly. He was staring at an endless pool of blood in front of him under a pitch black sky.

Looking around himself Kilo found he was back underneath the tree from the first night with Myrin, though it was barren of any spectacular lights it was somehow visible. Weird dream stuff. Standing up and taking a look on the other side of the tree Kilo saw Myrin, huddled next to the tree looking contemplatively at the black expanse.

“Myrin… wot’s gottan inta ya?” Kilo said, afraid, unsure if Myrin was going to lash out at them for some reason; luckily for Kilo he saw Myrin’s large wings hug their tiny frame like a blanket, their face getting red.

Myrin looked away from Kilo “I’ze zoggin know, me thinkin bout der lousy lot besides me. Killin and eatin folk.”

“Wot.” Kilo says deadpan, thinking that at least Myrin was not acting too strangely, they still made no sense. “Stop tryin ta talk right.”

With puffed out cheeks Myrin looks at Kilo with a child’s glare. “I’m not the only one like me out there. There are a bunch of nasty things that eat peoples death.”

While eating people was not something that Kilo would recommend he was not innately grossed out by the idea, at least not massively so. “Wot, themz dyin? Natural thing ta do, eat wot ya can.”

Myrin looked like they were on the verge of shouting angrily, but to Kilo’s surprised they just shrink away crying “They don’t need food!”

While Kilo felt like he understood a little more why Myrin was so upset, yet the dark gloomy atmosphere still seemed like a disproportionate response. Nevertheless he knelt down and patted Myrin on the shoulder “Nothin yer able ta do, stop ya crying...”

Myrin looked out towards the dark expanse and ominously said “I can try and make them regret it.”

Kilo shrugged “Why not? If ya wanna I don’t see why not.” As Myrin was giving Kilo wide eyes he felt a little uncomfortable. “Wot? Me wrong or whut?”

Myrin shook their head “No. I’m just worried about that.” This earned them another ‘wot’ but they continued “I think I’ll go ahead with it then. I can only hope it will let the dreams be filled with nicer things someday.” They said reaching forward towards the black pool, though unlike before Kilo did not see anything.

-2 Psychic: Myrin works to make sure the divine influence of O of Ooeht does not sway the hearts of mortals to pursue it’s trial. The O ring will catch on very little within the hearts and minds of mortals compared to its intended effect; after a generation due to seeing it for so long it will hold as much interest to mortals as looking upon any other celestial body.

-2 Psychic: Myrin subverts the work of Gorkun by re-writing the Law of Capacity into the following:

The power of runes takes a toll on the soul, with extended use potentially breaking it apart. This process depends on the number and complexity of the runes, as well as the experience of the rune’s owner. No mortal level of power can force another to use runic power to the point where their soul breaks. For future reference this toll on the soul will be referred to as strain for convenience.

Both writing and using runic magic creates strain, with writing runes creating five times as much as it would to use the rune. A person can recover from straining themselves with time and relaxation, with their capacity for strain increasing slightly proportional to the amount of strain that was acquired (notable life experience increases it overtime as well).

Using multiple runes together on the same object increases the strain tremendously. Taking on the strain of using a two rune object is something that a person would need to be (lightly) trained for, let alone the strain carving them. As of now at most a mortal could hypothetically use a six rune object, but can only carve up to five. As ages past mortals will learn how to carve in ways that produce less strain (the limit will increase by 1 per age after the stone age).

Runes give strain to their creators, unless the creator designates someone else as it’s owner or the original creator is dead and someone touches it. Runes that automatically function will inflict the strain automatically, save in the case where it would kill the creator/owner (the rune’s effect fails to function and it has a 50% chance of detonating).

Detonation occurs if a runic sentence is created that is contradictory.

-2 Dreams: Myrin crushes the potential for rune-smiths to create highly complex and powerful runes, letting their own dreams destroy them. The images of such runes and the means by which to imbue them with all but minor power (creating lights, making a sword a bit sharper, fire sparks) fail to take hold in the minds of any runesmith, leaving their minds after a single night asleep.

+2 Physical: While Myrin may attempt to thoroughly limit the power of runes they cannot contemplate the numerous ways in which mortals may attempt to circumvent their curse. Traditions will emerge holding differing words to manipulate reality in ways important to the people developing them, as well as differing techniques by which they carve runes upon objects.

Such methods will allow mortals to utilize a fraction of the original almighty power of runes. This boon technically allows all the existing laws to be subverted in some manner as well as the curse (it’s recommended to do so cautiously), such as specifying that all objects to be carved from a certain tradition must be metal even if the normal rules of resonance would not allow for that.

Each god can subtly guide their mortals' creation of runic traditions. Such guidance can only be given to one tradition at a time and will only see completion in-between ages (actions, of course, could outright invent new traditions instantaneously).

Mortals may only learn from one runic tradition at a time, needing to master one before being able to retain the knowledge and begin learning another (a process that normally takes decades). While the examples shown below follow a certain pattern of progression, this is not strictly necessary, but helps give a feel for how those who use the tradition progress.

Example Runic Tradition:

Pyromaniac goblins that have developed many strange and manic techniques to create, control, and empower fire. To a proper blazing boy smith, there is nothing worth pursuing more than greater fiery explosions.

Theme: Fire, explosions

Advantages: Low strain, comparatively easy to learn.

Disadvantages: Extreme focus, body mutilation

Initiate (Black Tips): Those who would learn from the blazing boyz must go through the arduous process of burning their finger tips, then have runes cut onto the burnt ends from masters. Each finger tip needs three runes inscribed on it so this process is typically done over a period of days. Once completed the black tips may begin to remember the words associated with the blazing boyz tradition.

Apprentice (Sparkyz): After learning the basic words needed to create fire from nothing and the simplest runic carving techniques of the blazing boyz, an initiate wishing to progress must carve the runes for spontaneous fire creation and those for manipulation through careful burns on their own body (detonation is a common fear and is often the determining factor for if someone succeeds here).

Those that succeed and are thus able to create and move common flames are considered sparkyz. Sparkyz have the ability to make and manipulate flames with less strain than normal and begin learning explosive magic.

Adept (Boomer): Having survived the learning process on how to create explosions (both the blunt and fiery kind) through countless field tests over the years a sparkyz prepared to take on the next step must find something that had exploded without the use of runic magic (typically something soft struck by lightning but hypothetical mundane explosives work as well).

Engraving runic properties for explosions away from the sparkyz onto the object, it must then be implanted into their body with some part of it still being exposed to the air (typically this is done crudely by cutting someone open, inserting the object, then closing the wound with fire).

If this surgery is successfully completed and the rune functions, the apprentice becomes an adept boomer. Boomers may create explosions at will towards nearby objects/people with significantly less strain than normal and may begin learning ways to protect or even undo damage done from fire and explosions (something that many boomers find too boring to pursue).

Master (Hella Boomer): Through a great deal of exploding and fire making experience, through the dedicated study of the art of tearing things apart, a boomer may make an attempt at the neigh suicidal task of becoming a hella boomer.

The boomer in question must set up a runic circle of special stones prepared to undo fiery and explosive damage instantly, all made by and still give strain to the boomer. Then the boomer must use an incredibly powerful explosion to completely annihilate themselves into smoldering dust.

If the preparations of the boomer were sufficient then they will be restored before their soul leaves the pile of dust their body turned into. If this occurs, the boomer is now a master hella boomer.

Hella boomers gain the ability to mix other runes (learned from other traditions or independent study) into fire and explosions. Such as creating cold fire or silent explosions.

-2 Psychic: The Nahqab may be temporarily destroyed by a weapon that a mortal finds to be unique (such as a family heirloom or holy symbol a dead parent made) that they believe can protect them from harm. This must touch the head of the Nahqab, destroying both the demon’s physical form and the object at once.

For ten years after the Nahqab is destroyed using this method it will show a fear towards objects similar to one used to slay it.

-2 Dreams: By gifting offerings of effigies in the shape of humans with a piece of hair or other small fragment of their body to the sea the followers of Kavan may avoid having to give tribute to their god. All effects that require faithful sacrifice still function so long as the effigies are gifted and other proper shows of respect are given to Kavan.

No minion or monster of Kavan will be able to see through this deception.

Myrin looked at their hand bitterly.

Kilo shrugged and asked “Better?”

Shaking their head in a ‘no’ Myrin frowned, stating “I don’t like that.”

Kilo stood up with a sigh looking down at Myrin “Welp gotta sap in mind to help?”

Myrin with a distant look nodded. “Yes… that one from before.”


“The one after the toad. Remember that strange man near the big tree?” Myrin asked, gaining a small smile at Kilo’s flinching.

“Aye Iz do, he had biggies wit’em, one themz dead. Woz not gitten near that.”

“Don’t worry so much, he’s more friendly than you think. I… think.” Myrin said awkwardly with the emotion clear on their face. “He’s helped me before so I shall help him again.”

+2 Dream: The water of the Well of Memories seeps into the swamp and into the surrounding dream wood. Those that connect to the dream wood in the Great Dismal Swamps of Suiren (or whatever it’s renamed to in the future) will give a small portion of the knowledge they hold to the well automatically when they next fall asleep. Those that are persistent enough may use dream wood leaves from the swamp to gain a small amount of knowledge from the well without having to drink it’s water, with leaves from dream wood trees closer to the well giving a higher chance of success.

+2 Psychic: Those that drink from the Well will have a small amount of strain (gained from things like rune-carving) healed.

“Anyway.” Myrin started looking at Kilo with a serious look “You should go back there.”

“Woz I just say?” Kilo said with an eyebrow raised.

“Do it. Your tribe is attracted to it, half because they wanna know what it is, half because the tree is so big they want to climb it.”

This was shocking news to Kilo “Iz tha right? Then Iz suppose I’ll go” he nodded “Thanks, Myrin.”

Myrin smiled back at Kilo as he awoke.

2022-02-13, 01:17 PM
Ozglint- 19 AP Remaining, 2 Actions Remaining

Haastafahn, the Village on the Mountain
The tribespeople had followed behind Oz, moving from marker to marker until they reached the lost village of stone dwellings. With their hearthstones their homes were warm, but now came the next step in the Great Work. Ozglint, remembering Zemara's words, told them the name of their new village- Haastafahn. Oz didn't remember the origin of this word, but he knew the explicit meaning- an outpost intended to be a crafter's commune. A place where important things were made. It also named the mountain, though this time it used the villager's own language, naming the land Peerless Peak. It began to speak to it's people to tell them more about how their society would function.

But something caught the god’s attention. One of its peers was attempting something formidable. Something massive, both in scale and in scope. Something… interesting indeed. It seemed that someone else had the same magical sensibilities as the artificial god. Or similar interests, to say the least. Ozglint decided immediately that they wished to speak with the creator of rune magic. It had a thing or two to say about that matter. With an errant thought it sent it’s mana form to meet the other god, while it’s physical form interacted with the mountain people and instructed them in their role in the Great Work.


Elsewhere, in Goblin Territory
To find Da Purple was both an impossibility and easy as all heavens. By finding a goblin, a god could find a fragment of Da Purple. Yet it was nearly impossible to find anything more than a mere fragment. One of the Fragments of the great goblin god was currently working on a bone spear, carefully slicing words into it with a small black stone that was runed with the word write on it.

As Oz sent its mana-form to aid the fragment, the Goblin would pick up on something entering the room. It's ears would perk up and it would growl, turning around and flashing a bone carved knife at…nothing?

Invisible to mortal eyes, Ozglint looked over the goblin in confusion. It had attempted to meet with this goblin god, but now it stood before a feral looking creature. Figuring that there was more to this goblin than meets the eye, Oz looked over it’s work with interest. Oz manifested, taking a smaller, just a bit bigger than goblin-sized humanoid form composed of wood, bone, and other natural materials.

“Your matrices are loose, your calligraphy is lopsided, and your tools are primitive. But… considering the nature of your existence, you have done well. It is good to see the old runes again, and I think you may have even come up with some functional new ones. Overall, commendable, though haphazard. Still, without deific power, those scratchings hold no authority. I will aid you, as I can, for both your people’s sake and my own. However, I have my own conditions…”’

The goblin didn’t speak to the wood-bone-stick thing. Instead it did as its instincts told it to. It tried to stab the creature. Yet stabbing didn’t work well against anything that didn’t bleed so as it retracted its hand, expecting the creature to die…it began to panic as it didn’t die. Yet a few seconds later, its aura would change, almost calming a bit.

**”What do you want wood-stone thing?”** A voice would come out, far too deep to belong to the goblin yet still clearly coming from it. It sounded like one would imagine a goblins voice would be, if a goblin was the size of a mountain.

Ignoring the hapless assault, Ozglint could sense that it was now in the presence of the being it sought. “I want to assist you in creating rune magic. And like you I wish to make my mortals have a unique connection to it. Normally I’d have to work in a flaw, but the explosive potential of your runic script covers that sufficiently. I was also curious to meet the god who moved to make magic more quickly than me. I hope my contributions to your cause serve both our people’s needs. What do your mortals call themselves? And for that matter, what should I call you?”

He wasn’t an idiot. Given a few minutes, he recognised Ozglint for what he was. A god like himself. As such, the unnamed God stepped out of the Goblin, the creature passing out from the sheer exertion of the Divine Spark all goblins had manifesting.The ethereal goblin would speak to the construct in the same voice. **”We’re Goblins. Calsl us what you likes, it makes no difference. I am…”** This was where something strange would happen. He would split and shake, almost like he was having a seizure. Multiple heads would be seen and a hundred different names would be spoken at once before he returned to normal, as if nothing had happened. **”What do you calls yourself false-thing”**

“You may call me Ozglint. I am, in fact, a thing. I was created to save this world.” Ozglint took note of the odd fit that trying to summon it’s name caused the god. That was… concerning. Oz’s own identity was developing slowly, but to have the powers of a god and not know your own name is… disturbing. Reaching out, Oz took the spear and tapped it with its finger, etching a rune into it through force of will. “I know much of runes. I… know much of many things. I will assist you, and in doing so I will write my own provisions into the laws you are creating. Our peoples will be peerless in the art of rune craft. Is this agreeable to you?”

**”Ozglint-thing. What do you want in trade-make? No one does anything for free,”** The Goblin was nodding his head though, his suspicion beginning to die down. Perhaps the fake-thing wasn’t here to take his people. **”Name your provisions,”**

Oz tilted its head, looking with curiosity and confusion at the goblin god. “I want my rune smiths to be pioneers of the craft. I want them to discover new and innovative uses for the runic language. In that vein, I want them to bend some of the rules of rune craft so that no one will question their skills, much as you have done. But.. I want nothing in exchange. If you hadn’t decided to make rune magic, I would have done so eventually. If you feel inclined to assist me in future endeavors in return for my assistance I will not refuse, but I see this as colleagues collaborating on a project of mutual interest, not as some form of lowly barter.”

**”Deal. However, If you wish to help me as a fellow know-maker I have a want. There is another god-thing meddling with my peoples work. It bends-break the rules, turning them so that the Runes cannot be cast-made as easily. My energy is spent on the great creation. Help me with this and you, Ozglint-thing, and your smiths will be given an extent of the Goblin’s skill at cast-making runes. We both wish-want for the runes to be advanced, but foul interloper wants nothing but to crush what we will make,”** The goblin god could feel his spell going awry in ways that he didn’t like.

Oz frowned and read the currents of divine magic that surrounded the monumental task of making a school of magic. It lifted it's hand and parted the intentions and meanings until it found the interference that the goblin god mentioned. ""I will do what I can. I do not want the minds of the rune smiths to be poisoned even as their ideas are like children in the crib. I cannot negate another god's will, but I can subvert it with my own. I will do my best... goblin god. But I must return to my own people. I wish you luck in your future endeavors. May our intentions never cross one another negatively." Before it left, Oz reached an artificial hand up and again singed some runes into it's own head. The wood, bone, and plant body collapsed into it's component pieces, leaving behind the pieces of an artificial man. If the goblin took the time to look over them, it would find several runic combinations of words burned into the pieces. Just a parting gift to stimulate the amateur runesmith's mind.


Haastafahn Village Again
While Oz was negotiating with the goblin god, it was also instructing its people in how to set up their homes, how to work a living from the resources of the mountain. It called for the best and youngest craftspeople of the tribe to come forward, lining twelve of them up. They shivered in the cold, away from the hearthstones that warmed their new homes, and they stared up in reverence and awe at the golem god as it inspected them and their work. They whispered amongst themselves as it checked over their greatest works, wondering what the creature's intentions were. Was it here to punish them? Critique them? Help them? The hearthstones would change their lives for the better, for sure, but at what cost? Mostly they just shivered.

Simple tools from wood, bone, and stone. Primitive fishing implements for the rivers and streams. Weapons of such basic make that they had as much a chance of catastrophic failure as to wound a foe in combat. Clothes of paltry construction that barely held together. Not for the first and not for the last time Oz marveled at the primitive nature of this world. However, it saw potential, and that is what mattered. "You are the makers of things, and you shall be blessed. I will teach you, and in return you will teach the next generation, and the next. Each generation will take a step closer to perfection. As it should be. If you are ever lost, confused, or hungry for knowledge, look inward, and inspiration will well inside of you. Feel the blessings of Ozglint, and know a fraction of my power." One by one, Oz traced a rune onto the foreheads, sending a pulse of magic into their bodies that changed the very structure of their minds.

+2 Artifice +2 Magic- Ozglint will touch the minds of the best, youngest craftspeople of the people of Peerless Peak, implanting in them a drive to create things. This drive will grow, and once they have achieved mastery in their chosen project they will begin to dream of the next logical step in technological evolution. First they will make tools of wood, bone, and stone. Once they have achieved greater proficiency in this, they will begin to have dreams and visions of mining, smelting basic metals, and creating simplistic metal tools. This won't magically teach them how to do these things or let them skip steps in technological advancement, but it does speed things up a bit.

Moreover, this blessing is generational. Once the children of these craftspeople come of age, they will begin to have the dreams as well. Furthermore, the odds of these lineages to survive childbirth and childhood are increased dramatically, as well as their birthrate. They will have a strong inclination to reproduce and spread this instinctual drive to craft things. While this starts with just twelve people, if left to it's own devices the numbers will grow exponentially as the tribe grows and keep them on the cutting edge of technological development.

When night fell and his people returned to their homes to dream, to fornicate, and do whatever else fleshy beings do, Ozglint left their stone body in the center of the stone village, a reminder that it was watching over the people of Haastafahn. It's manaform rose into the sky, then dissipated into a sentient, powerful cloud to hang over the region. Ozglint preferred to have a corporeal avatar, but sometimes getting a perspective on the bigger picture was helpful. It looked down at Festinnog, Peerless Peak, and the surrounding mountains and valleys. It also turned it's attention to the workings and maneuverings of the other gods. It had work to do. Work on a grander scale than it's previous actions. Gathering it's power, it began to work to shape the currents of intention, magic, and probability to it's own design. First, it would bless Peerless Peak.

+2 Artifice- Ozglint will inspire the people of Haastafahn to etch runes that channel divine will throughout the mountain and the valleys. This makes the area more receptive to the divine will of Ozglint and any gods it sees fit to include. Carved into rocks, trees, assembled with stones, and carved into their homes, these runes will become permanent parts of the landscape over time. It will become a tradition of the villages to inscribe these runes pretty much everywhere, and restore and replace any runes that become tarnished, worn, or faded.

+2 Magic- These runes are a conduit of divine purpose and intention that ease the strain of divine magic significantly, making more and greater works possible on the entire mountain. To mortals these will appear as everpresent runes covering everything in the terrain, but to gods the manaweave of the omen is obvious- twelve stars of energy arranged in a visible constellation over Peerless Peak that is both interesting and inviting- a welcome mat that says "please knock and be welcomed" to potential collaborator gods.

EDIT- Weakness- Flawless-No flaw applied. -2 to the roll. Still a success.

"Come, my friend. Aid me in the creation of this omen, and you and I will create wonderous things on my mountain. It will be the canvas of the Great Work, and from here we will build the lever that will move the world. It may even be... beautiful... in it's own way."

"I require assistance in erecting a magical construct over my mountain. If you have the means, I would request your assistance. I will create wonderous things for them with it's aid."

"I would request your assistance in erecting an omen. It will be a labor of love for my chosen people, and will make it easier to create a better world for them."

""I would request your aid in erecting an omen above my mountain. It will allow me the ability to create great works of awe and imagination on this planet."

++2 Artifice +2 Magic- Ozglint will lend his divine willpower to the creation of the rainbow O around the planet. It's perfect circular shape (much like Oz's constellation in the sky), will inspire craftspeople to create wheels, hoops, and other circles, mimicking the rainbow in shape and color. Flawless (-2 if rejected) The O will not be the steady celestial body that was intended. Sometimes it will look larger, sometimes smaller, sometimes the colors will be mute and faded, sometimes they will be bright an vivid. The attraction to "chase the rainbow" will likewise surge and fade seasonally. Once astronomy becomes more developed the mortals will realize that these changes are set in a pattern that cycles precisely over 12 years, but until then the mercurial nature of the changing rainbow ring will fascinate them and create a myriad of superstition, leading to more Tricks.

+2 Artifice +2 Magic- Ozglint will assist in creating the Well of Memories. Those who drink from the well will find they have an urge to craft and create. Projects and ideas from others who share in the knowledge pool may be recreated or manifested years later by future imbibers. Knowledge of technology and progress will be prominent in the shared thoughts. Flawless (-2 if rejected) the magic of the pool fades if the water is removed from it. The effects are lessened and lessened until, after twelve days it is just regular water. This has no effect on the water in the pool- the source remains as effective and potent as it ever was.

+2 Artifice +2 Magic- Ozglint will assist in the creation of rune magic. In addition to the mechanical assistance, Oz will seek to mitigate Myrin's meddling. While the dream god sends mind effecting dreams to suppress the creation of impressive pieces of runework, Oz will send daytime visions of a simple piece of runework- a rune stone necklace with the runes for "no dream" carved into it. This runestone lessens the effects of these dreams, allowing runesmiths peaceful sleep. While it does not negate the effect entirely, it does make them quicker to dismiss the creativity crushing visions of Myrin's hinder.

In addition, runesmith's blessed by Oz will gain an exception to the rule of Structure- part of his runic tradition will be the use of one specific form of proper noun- family names. A creation etched with a family name will enhance the benefits of the other runes when being utilized by a member of that family, reduce the strain, and reduce the chance of detonation. This will create legacy artifacts passed down through families for generations that each family member can add runes to as they go.

-2 Artifice -2 Magic- Ozglint will hinder the creation of them demon. Rather than a crude effigy, the construct body of Turnipface must be crafted to exact specifications out of ritualistically significant materials (turnips harvested at midnight under a full moon, herbs that have to be harvested under a half-moon at midnight and burned during the ritual, a body formed of a very specific and uncommon wood harvested on at midnight with no moon, with Morannan's symbol crafted precisely with the blood of twelve members of the community who agree that the hit is necessary and voluntarily give their blood for the ritual, all utilized within a month of being harvested so it cannot be stockpiled). This hinder turns the ritual summoning from something any desperate fool can do to something that a trained ritualist must complete over the course of a month, leading to a class of witches/warlocks/holy people who are proficient in making it happen. This will discourage summoning the creature frivolously and make it so someone has to be REALLY hated by a community to get assigned as a target, reducing the amount of summonings and therefore the amount of death significantly.

+2 Magic- Ozglint will assist the Lord of the Deeps in creating his first born. Rakkar will have an affinity for deep sea geothermal vents, spending time near them while slumbering or "off duty". This resonance with the heat of the earth will allow the monstrosity the magical ability to store heat within it's own body like a magical battery, and when this heat is combined with a lungful of sea water being exhaled with great force it produces a breath weapon of scalding hot steam. Flawless (-2 if rejected) The heat absorbing magic of Rakkar's body becomes a vital part of it's biology. It must spend significant time next to sources of great heat, resting and absorbing energy, effectively as part of it's diet. If it does not do so it becomes sluggish and slow, it's body unable to operate at full capacity. I figure it has to hibernate next to a geothermal vent for twelve days a year to keep fully charged. Rakkar gains a thermal sense like some reptiles have, able to locate sources of great heat from formidable distances, so it can always find it's way to a source of energy.

Ozglint- 1 AP Remaining, Secondary Action Remaining

2022-02-13, 05:35 PM
Progress was slow. Far too slow.

Iustrum had expected resistance, of course, he knew war. But his empire had barely grown past its initial holdings. Rain, misfortune, and even satyrs dogged his every footstep. His creed had spread far and wide, but it had not united the tribes. Greenskins were allies, satyrs foes, and now that his ways of war were known they had lost much of their shock value. It would be slow going from here.

And Iustrum knew who was to blame.

Morannan. Snafuu. Cen. Ozglint. Myrin. Zemara.

They had done what they could to stop Iustrum's great work; the unification of humanity through conquest, to pull all of mankind under the singular aegis of the war god. They had succeeded.

And Iustrum would respond in kind.

"He who stands against me... stands briefly."

-2 War: At the end of Turnipface's rampage, those who witness the death know exactly who summoned it to kill and why. This will provoke conflict among those who desire a death for the sake of revenge.

-2 Honor: While Turnipface cannot be beaten in battle, it can be restricted to certain rules by issuing a challenge. The mortal decides the challenge, but it must be one Turnipface could reasonably win (a mortal could not, for instance, declare a 'not-being-a-murderous-spirit contest). And if the mortal wins, then Turnipface instead returns to Enceladus' tent and caws again for the next hunt.

-2 War: The runes and the crafting thereof begin to fracture the people of Ozglint's land. Its people gather around certain runes and charms, treating those who craft or live near other runes with resentment and suspicion.

-2 Honor: Devotion to Runecraft becomes the most revered and honorable pursuit there is, to the point of obsession and in some cases the near-exclusion of all other professions.

2022-02-13, 06:51 PM
Ozglint- 1 AP Remaining, Secondary Action Remaining

In his cloud form, Ozglint sensed the war god tampering with it's ritualistic rune craft. This was expected, but still unpleasant. It sent a simple message to the other god.

A strike for a strike. This is fair and balanced. If your future endeavors do not threaten the works of my friend Zemara, then I hope this is the end of unpleasantness between us. I hold no ill intention towards you or your empire, but I will continue to support my allies against predation. May your future wars be elsewhere, unrelated, and successful, god of conquest.

2022-02-14, 10:40 AM
Influence Immortal
Orgo sighs at his inability to create the virtues. However, he is still a god. He can instill these virtues in just one person. Such a thing will be accompanied with the gift of immortality. This man will be wise in all the virtues, and he will teach these virtues to other disciples, one by one. Those who follow his virtues will be blessed in their lives with love relationships, not just romantic ones, but in familial love and even friendship. The world be a happier place, at least for those who are blessed by the Wiseman.

-14 Create one Immortal The Wiseman knows all the virtues and is the first White Mage. But he can't teach others magic only virtues.

2022-02-15, 01:45 AM
24/35 AP

Myrin, Kilo and his tribe - The Great Dismal Swamps of Suiren

It took a few days for Kilo to find his tribe again near the big tree, the bunch interested in it the ways Myrin had predicted. For a while Kilo had to explain why they should not go near the big tree, since most of them seemed to not care that there were biggies there as well; but once they finally believed him about the scary man there they decided to not visit the tree up close (at least to Kilo’s face, he knew many of them would still try and get a peek).

When it came time for Kilo’s nightly visit with dream-thing he was not too surprisingly greeting with a smug looking Myrin standing not too far away from him amid a field of tall prismatic grasses (Kilo’s taken note that Myrin really likes rainbows). Immediately he levels his brow and says in a lecturing tone “Oy, don’t ya go lookin so smug there, I’mz the one that wadded through da swampz.”

With a huff and a smile Myrin gave a short nod. “True. Have you spoken with anyone near the Tree?”

“Nah, woz ther ta talk ‘bout? Rather keep me distance.” Kilo said shaking his head. Really, the biggies there frightened him, and he was too afraid to ask what they were doing there. “Uhh, Myrin?” he asked.

“Yes?” they replied with a tilt of the head

“I’z git ya like ta help folk, could ya do some of tha weird hand wavy stuff again fer me?”

“Sure! The mountain will be a wonderful place I’m sure.” they said cheerily.

“Wot, no-”

+2 Dream: Those that live upon the mountain are given momentous dreams upon reaching the age of 14 that help guide them to the career that they would find fulfilling and would serve the community the best. Such dreams can, of course, be ignored; yet it is a rare individual that does not find a dream job to be at least somewhat tempting.

+2 Psychic:The strain for rune-crafters may be created with noticeably less strain than what is normally inflicted on a rune-smith; but such runes are tied to the mountain and fail to function when away from it.

As Myrin gave Kilo a raised eyebrow he furrowed his and yelled out in a somewhat embarrassed manner “Tha’s na wat I meant! Please don’t ya go missin wit me bout dis.”

“Ok ok. What do you want?” Myrin asked, suddenly giving Kilo a searching look. Even the wind started to blow the grass in his direction like it was listening in.

“Uhhh-” Kilo hesitated not really knowing himself “Well Iz been thinkin bout the beasties round ‘ere, includin those weird biggies. Waz hopin ya could help wit that, like… make us bigga or move thingz like wez do er.”

Myrin frowned. “I could certainly try, but it would be very hard for me and the others would know and mess with it like how I’ve manipulated what they’ve done so far.” giving a sigh Myrin smiles at him reaching out a hand “But I can try, if you’ll wait for me.”

“Wot…?” Said Kilo, surprised at the sudden request.

Myrin nodded, then looked up at the bright sky of this dream “I’m not suppose to be here very long, Kilo. By stars or whim of time I’m here for now… but the time will soon come when I’ll enter a deep dreamless sleep I’m not sure I will awake from for a long long time.” While they were looking away from Kilo they could see tears building up in Myrin’s eyes, the air around them becoming cold and darker as Kilo guessed at how long Myrin would be gone. But they turned back to Kilo, arm still outstretched.

“I want someone to know I was here, to remember me, and wait. Can you do that for me- Kilo?”

Kilo was struck there for a moment, staring at Myrin before similarly tearing up “Yer… what? Are ya dyin? Itz only been a few moons, and yer ‘bout to- to-”

With a confident smile Myrin shakes head “I promise it won’t be forever, and I’ll still be around for a time before then. Will-”

Kilo rushed over and grabbed Myrin’s hand “Course I’m gonna wait! Ya’ve helped me out twice now, goin a third soon…. Least I can do! Now cheer up and do yer fancy stuff!”

Myrin’s eyes widened for a second before they were positively glowing, the bright light around them sparkling. With a nod and a laugh Myrin said “Then wake up and find my help there, and come back soon.”

-20 AP - Create Supernaturally Gifted Sentient Species - Shifters:

(Bonuses in the spoiler below)

Born from the dreams of the Myrin come alive, these creatures phase into existence as if they were always there in a myriad of places that no one is looking at.

A shifter has two shapes they may assume. That of the earthly-form and that of the divine-form (or magical-form, name can depend on who you ask).

(-2 Physical) In their earthly-forms, shifters appear as incredibly small frail humans whose average height is a head below a goblin’s. The exact physical features vary depending on the type of shifter they are; yet they share carnivorous baby teeth that are partially replaced with omnivorous ones when they grow older and fur around their necks and thighs.

The divine-form of the shifters are incredibly varied depending on the type of shifter. This divine form typically offers a few supernatural powers or enhanced physical attributes related to the type of divine aid they received.

It takes till puberty for a shifter to be able to shift into their divine-form, with it being a somewhat challenging task to reverse for the first time.

If two shifters from different races mate, it's the mother's divine form the child inherits (though some aesthetic changes maybe noticed).

In their earthly form the aylo have peacock feather patterns on their water-resistant fur, with the color depending on the sex of the individual. The males carry brown/red, females white/black, and hermaphrodites green/blue. Head hair is typically a shade of green or brown. Atop their head are a pair of small horns.

While transformed into their divine form (https://www.davidrevoy.com/plugins/vignette/plxthumbnailer.php?src=https://www.davidrevoy.com/data/images/blog/2013/04/2013-04-28_peacock-dragon_by_David-Revoy.jpg&w=1280&h=1400&zc=4&s=1&q=92) aylo appear as large peacocks with clawed forelimbs used for both walking/swimming and crude grasping. Able to fly they can soar the skies for only a short while before needing to rest extensively. Most transport in this form is conducted through walking or swimming (when the feathers are wet the aylo cannot fly).

Aylo Features:

+ Aylo can use their minds to manipulate nature. Moving stones, charming fish to move a certain way, or shifting the growth of trees are all examples of how this power can be used. Sentient species and manufactured creations are unable to be manipulated with this ability. Using this power strains the soul (in the same manner as Myrin's hinder on runecrafting does, even if that action does not go through), however the strain is noticeably less than normal when using these natural powers. Such skills take years or even decades of practice to fully master as the Aylo attunes to the world. (+2 Psychic)

+ When an aylo dies their soul does not begin the slow disintegration most others are forced to endure. Instead the soul is transported to the nearest dream wood tree where it may freely look out of any ‘eye’ on a leaf connected to the tree. If someone connects their mind to the dream wood tree the soul that resides in it may appear in the person’s dream as if they consumed a dream wood leaf, and if the person has consumed leaves from multiple trees before sleeping the soul may choose to move to a different tree. If the tree the soul resides in is destroyed or the soul wishes to depart then it begins to disintegrate like any other soul. (+2 Dream)

Aylo Personality:

Aylo are commonly harmless, passive people and are uninterested in politics and social affairs beyond the scope of their local village or town. Due to their capricious nature they find it hard to focus on one task at a time, preferring to spread their focus on multiple projects/relationships at once, seeming to have a knack with such a lifestyle.

Those that respect their lifestyle and bring no harm are welcome among the aylo with open arms, with goblins in particular being seen positively due to their similar chaotic natures.

Kilo's becoming an Aylo.

2022-02-15, 04:48 AM
Snafuu: Ran Moch

It was good that she had given the satyrs a head start in understanding their role in the path of a satyr, but she could not keep doing that indefinitely. She would need a way for them to decide for themselves when they are ready to move along the path of the satyr. She began thinking as she sat at the base of the Snafuu tree, leaning on some of its roots. She looked up at the tree and thought about how best to test her satyrs and guide them along the path to being proper satyrs. Stable hooves and long horns. Enjoying the simplicity of life and the path to stability. She looked up at the might branches of the tree and how they were displayed confidently.

That is when it hit her. Trees are the satyrs of plants. Of course. That was the answer. With a wave of her hand, a door appeared on the tree but instead of a door knob, it had two holes perfect for ramming her horns into. As she did so the door in the tree opened, revealing a stair case down into the roots.

As she descended the stairs, she shaped the land inside. It would be a mighty forest though it would not serve as anyone's home. She wove her magic into it to help guide satyrs, yet she feared she would not be enough of her own. She may require help for the creation of her root system. She sent out four deer to deliver the requests for aid.

Starting AP: 15
Create a pocket dimension: 12 AP/8 DC
Snafuu creates the Root Forrest. This pocket dimension will be accessible from any Snafuu tree. To enter a satyr must use their horns to open the door. From there they will descend and be given the option of two paths. One path will allow them to travel between Snafuu trees more rapidly than going over land. The other path leads into the Root Forrest where the satyr will face a trial in order to move forward along the path of a satyr. The most intense trials are those of the unstrung who are not yet aware of their place along the path. Their trial will continue until their place is found. The trial is simpler for those who already have a place as they need only prove to the forest that they are deserving of the next rank.

+2 Clovenfoot

Some people shall be invited to this, with the specifics being detailed below. The people currently invited are Atualam, Cen, Oz, and Zemara. Though I did have an idea to invite one more later.


Each of the deer satyr is sent to invite a different god to partake in the guidance of the satyrs. They relay the following messages.

"Oh Prince in the Rotwood, though you likely had foreknowledge of my coming, I none the less relay an invitation from Snafuu, the goddess of satyrs for your aid in guiding her people along their path. She seeks to create a trial to enable them to prove their prowess and achieve their goals. If you are interested, she will await you in the Root Forrest."

"Oh great and knowledgeable Cen, though you likely already know of the reason for my coming, I none the less relay an invitation from Snafuu, the goddess of satyrs for your aid in guiding her people along their path. She seeks to create a trial to enable them to increase their knowledge of themselves and their desires, allowing them to improve themselves. If you are interested, she will await you in the Root Forrest."

"Oh Imperfect Creator, I am here to relay an invitation from Snafuu, the goddess of satyrs for your aid in guiding her people along their path. She seeks to create a trial to help her people improve themselves however she lacks the magical expertise to enchant her trial properly. If you are interested, she will await you in the Root Forrest."

"Oh Zemara, the favorite of neighbors, I have come to relay an invitation from Snafuu, the goddess of satyrs for your aid in guiding her people along their path. She seeks to create a trial to enable them to move forward in their metamorphosis towards the ideal satyr. If you are interested, she will await you in the Root Forrest."

2022-02-15, 12:59 PM
Kavan, Master of Monsters, Lord of the Deep, The Devourer
AP: 1 AP + 2 BP
Remaining Actions: None

Kavan wasn't particularly impressed with what he was seeing in Ozglint's domain and the amount of effort he was putting into protecting and assisting one group of mortals - mortals needed to know their place in the world, to live and die and struggle as they were supposed to, not be carefully looked after and coddled by a god - but, despite that, he helped in the project. Ozglint had helped him multiple times already, after all, and if nothing else Kavan was someone who repaid help given in full.

He was aware of the meddling Myrin had made in his business, and the thought of a retalliatory strike at the other god's creations had come to mind, but...no. The interference he had faced was barely an inconvenience, and this new life that was being created interested him. A new mortal race he could have a hand in creating...yes, this was an opportunity he shouldn't pass up. These ones would serve as an example to the others on how things should be. His help does come with a warning, however, that he was not a being of unlimited patience and sooner or later further interference in Kavan's affairs by Myrin would be met with retalitation.

Helping Ozglint with Omen of Prosperity (net +4)
+2 Oceans: Close by to Haastafahn, a new spring forms, creating a pool of water. However, unlike the norm for spring water, this water is the same as that found in the seas of Festinog - potentially a useful source of salt, if the villagers can exploit it properly.
+2 Genesis: Across the area covered by Ozglint's omen, life flourishes a little more than it did before - nothing was there that couldn't grow there before, but there seemed to be more of it around.

Helping Myrin with the Shifters (net +6)
Kavan creates a new type of shifter - the akir.

In their mortal form, the akir are hairless (besides the fur that all shifters have), their eyes black and beady and their skin tones running a gamut between blues, browns and reds. In their divine form, the akir stand a little taller than a human, their strong bodies entirely covered by a crustacean-like carapace of the same colour as their mortal skin. In this form, the akir are fully amphibious (being merely good at holding their breath in their mortal form), although not particularly gifted at swimming, particularly since they sink rather than float when transformed (they can walk underwater pretty well, though).


+2 Monsters: In their divine form, the akir have the ability to shift one of their lower arms into a sharp crab-like claw, ensuring that they are always armed if circumstances leave them without their normal weaponry.
+2 Oceans: Akir are gifted with an understanding of the oceans and the life within, and are adept sailors - their abilities in this regard aren't outside of the abilities of mortals of other races, however, but ensures a solid baseline ability in related fields and means that dedicated akir can become very proficient in one of those areas with less trouble than usual.
+2 Genesis: While akir reach puberty (and gain access to their divine form) at the same age as other shifters, the physical aspect of puberty is greatly accelerated - it only takes a year or so for an akir between starting puberty and being as grown as they ever will be.

Above all else, the akir are a devout, loyal people. They might not end up all following the same god, or fighting in the same side of a given battle, but typically an akir will have a found a god, group or cause to commit to in their early twenties, and an akir who has made their commitment is very difficult to sway from their course. Even if their chosen cause isn't strictly to the service of a god, they still value worship and paying homage to the gods relevant to their situation (even an akir dedicated to a specific god will pay due respect to other gods unless it is forbidden by their god).

As such, the process of finding something to devote themselves to is very important to the akir. In the year or two between first gaining access to their divine form and being a fully-grown adult, the community trains the young akir to ensure that they are ready for the next step - leaving their homes. Typically moving in groups, the young akir are expected to wander the world, honing their skills and mastering their divine form, working in various fields for various people, until they find a cause to commit to. At that point, they settle again - Akir with the same commitment tend to gather together, forming communities that are constantly in a degree of flux as newly of age akir leave on their journey and new akir decide to commit to the cause and settle there.

Naturally, the akir have a strong martial tradition, and although akir may end up serving their chosen cause in a variety of ways besides fighting, much like any mortal, there is still a cultural expectation that they know how to use their divine form well and that, if necessary, they are willing to fight and die for their beliefs.

2022-02-16, 12:15 AM
There was a new beast in the forest. One of the meat-finders had reported that there was a massive colourful bird-thing. Normally Redmouth wouldn't care much. It was something to avoid-hide from at worst, eat when it was weak at best. Yet the meat-finder had told him two things. The first was only of middling interest, that it turned into a small smoothskin and back. The second was that it smelled delicious, like the best meat he'd ever had...and as such, it was worth an expedition to meet, kill and eat. Preferably in that order.

Redmouth and his hunt brother-kin would take to the trees. Big-large things didn't look up. It was the weakness of bears, and he was hoping it was the weakness of the bird-thing. As he grew closer, he could tell that his meat-finder had told no lies. The scent on the air was delectable, and it took all his willpower to not attack the bird-thing immediately. The other goblins would gather around in position, and only when the bird-thing was in the perfect position would they attack.

Bird-things would fly so the wings were speared to it's body by two of the goblins. Bird-things would run, so it's legs were stabbed by another two of the goblins. Yet they didn't let their guard down, ignoring any screams of pain, pleas for mercy or vows of revenge coming from the bird-thing. It's fault for being meat.

Redmouth wouldn't panic as a rock head-boomed one of his fellow goblins. The bird-thing liked to use rocks, so be it. No different than a bear-paw. He'd pounce from below and use his sharp teeth given by the Purple One to tear out the bird-things throat as it squawked and fire shot out from it's wings. That was...different. Most beasts didn't have fire. However, the tearing out of the neck ended the fight in favour of the goblins with merely one casualty, and three injuries from the flames of the firebird-thing.

The corpse was seperated once they got to the camp. The meat was seperated into six portions. One for the Shaman, three for the warriors and two for Redmouth. The head went to the shaman, the organs to the warriors and the Heart to Redmouth, as was his right as chief. They would raucously feast and laugh, not noticing the changes that Redmouth went through until morning!

-2 Greenskins: The magic that permeats the Shifters is corrupted within the stomach of a Goblin. The first of their kind was a Goblin and as such, they would always resonate with the greenskin. Through the consumption of the flesh of a Shifter, a Goblin steal their powers for themselves. They gain a divine form similar to their own form, but far larger and musclebound, as the Goblin is already the race closest to the divine. However, rather than controlling the things of nature, they control all things that nature had no hand in creating. Even if it is grown in harmony with nature, the touch of a mortal corrupts it to a Goblin Shifter. Earth that has been tilled, Fire that has been sparked, Electricity that has been bottled are more estoric examples of what they can command, but they mostly stick to runestones and spears. They call themselves Bloodjaws, in the name of the first of their kind. Also, Shifter meat is extremely tasty to the point of almost being a drug to the average goblin.

[Will type fluff later]
+4 Greenskins: Goblins subtly change the runes, but not out of malice. Instead, they make sure these runes have actual power (as far as they know). They teach the people how to carve runes of fertility, of protection, etc. into their doors and nature so that the Gods know what they want.

+6 Greenskins: The Goblins that grow around it treat it like a young godling, raising it like a prince. The choicest sweetmeats are given, sacrifices from nearby villages that do not tithe to the monster god. They help it grow into a strong monster, and as their reward when they reach maturity they take it as their god-beast. They abandon the shores, instead living upon the monster they raised and continue to worship. They carve their runes into it and when it attacks, they spill off it and make sure that none hurt the scion of the Deep Lord.

+4 Greenskins: The Goblin tribes that are near the villages clean up the remains of the sacrifices and if there aren't any, their prayers are given to Kavan in hopes they get their meal back. Too long, and if the Shamans see that the village has lost the protection of the Deep Lord, they may be attacked.

+6 Greenskins: A group of goblins begin to follow the arch, and stubbornly refuse to let anyone convince them that it isn't a bridge. They wander across the land, speaking of the Goblin-Turtle who made a bridge to endless treasure. The treasure-seekers amass quite a following and will eternally circle the world until they find the bridge!

2022-02-16, 03:54 PM
Ozglint- 1 AP Remaining, Secondary Action Remaining

While in it's cloud form, working on the undertaking of covering the area around Peerless Peak with runes, Ozglint sensed aid coming from other gods. Gods who it did not expect. It also sensed more great works being done by gods. It also heard the plea of a satyr messenger who journeyed to its mountain to pass a message on from the god of cloven hoofs. In a flurry of activity, Oz lent its might to other's causes, sending thought missives with the aid.

Your aid in erecting my omen is much appreciated. I will lend you aid in the creation of your people as well.
Oz will create the Taylot, a new variant of the Shifters.
Appearance- In their earthly forms the Taylot look like other shifters- small humanoids with fur around their thighs and necks. Taylot fur is a riot of reds, browns, yellow, and oranges for males, browns, blacks, and whites for females, and some combination for rarer sexes. The hair on their head is generally a periwinkle blue.

Their divine form is much like their cousins they aylo with some notable exceptions- their forms are like massive turkeys with a plethora of colors, while their feathers take on a metallic sheen that serves as body armor strong enough to resist common weapons. They are physically imposing and dangerous, as well as defensive. Capable of limited flight, Taylot also gain power when they come of age and they begin to develop magical talents.

Taylot Features
+2 Artifice- Taylot have a strong connection to sites of natural resources, forming a bond that can only be broken in death with the land. They are stewards of woods and mines, ensuring that any harvesting is done safely and responsibly. They are not opposed to their resources being used- far from it, they celebrate the process of refining raw materials into finished goods, and extract tolls of finished goods for their own homes and lives in exchange for their resources. If people attempt to plunder or misuse the resources they guard then the Taylot will call in numbers from surrounding areas and swarm the offenders in their divine forms, using talons, beaks, and their magic to deadly effect.

+2 Magic- Taylot all have magic that grows and change as they age. From a young age they are gifted illusionists, masking their presence and their homes from outsiders with potent camoflauge and hiding magics. However, as they grow older and their bond with the land develops, they gain more fearsome supernatural powers in their divine forms. They can animate trees and stones to aid them in fighting abusers of nature, summon flames, and develop an aura of fear that makes mortals turn and flee rather than face their sharp spurs and deadly beaks.

I will aid you in making your teleportation trees. In exchange, would you consider aiding me in erecting my omen surrounding my mountain?
+2 Artifice- The Snafuu trees will naturally begins to develop whirls and knots in their wood. If follower of the Path paints over these whorls they can gain a better understanding of the routes of the teleportation system and reduce their odds of getting lost or ending up somewhere nasty. If traced onto a surface these swirls make serviceable maps.

+2 Magic- The Snafuu trees will be open to friends of the satyrs as well. If a satyr willingly passes the horn of a deceased satyr to a non-satyr, that person will have access to the teleportation trees just as a clovenhoof would. The trees also gain a sense of their surroundings and can deny someone the ability to pass through to a tree that is in a dangerous area (such as a forest fire or an ambush).

Flawless (-2 if Rejected) Snafuu trees require dedicated cultivation to grow to the point where they are usable for teleportation. If left to their own devices and grown in the wild they do not possess this ability. However, if a mortal prunes then, feeds the soil, treats it with care, and waters the tree throughout it's life cycle it will become a teleporter tree. This will prevent the trees from growing where they are unwelcome.

Thank you for your aid, my collaborator. May this be the second step along a path of companionship and comradery between your people and Peerless Peak.

Red Lenses
2022-02-17, 12:04 AM
Movements in the Sky

4 AP/2 DC: influence a large group of mortals (~100)

With this grouping of mortals, Atualam lays the foundation for a tradition of astrologers and astronomers. With crude glyphs and woodhenge configurations, they will track the passing of seasons, celestial phenomenon, and the processions of Otellia’s quarrelsome triplet moons.

This tradition will form the basis for a surprisingly accurate calendar, once the advent of writing becomes more widespread, and allow their descendants to plan their agricultural activities more successfully.

From an orderly harvest, stems an orderly society…

+2 Prowess: For instilling in them the skill and patience to establish their tradition, and make their future transition to a sedentary culture easier.
+2 Foreknowledge: For telling them of various celestial phenomena and giving them the means to predict them.

Starting AP: 7/35
Ending AP: 3/35

The Rotwood - Grove of Atualam

Some months later, a new lot of tribefolk have been herded into Atualam’s grove. Atualam watches the kneeled assembly from his throne with the same impatient indifference as the first group.

These were the ones ill-fitted for this age. Not unlike Breksta. Sickly and introspective, studious and reserved. They had no business surviving in tribal society. Yet here they were all the same. There was not enough nurture among their peers to repress their nature.

Someone in the far back sneezes and is shushed by her immediate neighbors. Atualam sneers. “Look at you poor fools. It’s a wonder your idiot friends keep you around.”

Maybe their peers were hoping Atualam would eat them. How much residual power would he have gotten, he wondered, if he killed them all? What an intrusive thought. They grimace nervously at the ground, unwilling to challenge the Prince-in-the-Rotwood’s assessment.

“Just the same,” Atualam continues, “When the time comes, Acroth will belong to you as well. There’s a place even for the likes of you in the coming world.”

For a time, anyway, before the Great Unwinding takes its course and everything dissolves to the blood-black abyss. But that was a problem for Atualam alone. He picks idly at the arm of his throne, stripping pieces of root and flicking them aside.

He issues a ragged, belabored sigh, “Let me tell you. The sad state of your tribes stems from ignorance. You’ve all got no concept of time. Without that, you can’t prepare for the future. You can only scavenge and scrape and - just barely - survive. Upright animals. Pitiful.”

“But that ends now,” Atualam says, righting himself and leaning forward, “I will show you how to measure your days and track the procession of the stars. Then, maybe, you will be good for something among your kind.”

They did not understand, but the sharper among them pretended to. They look up at Atualam and watch him, ready to receive whatever instruction would make them, as he put it, ‘good for something.’

“Listen closely, friends. And then, tonight, we'll observe the sky… Together.”

2022-02-17, 09:34 PM
+4 Death, everyone will be told that you can obtain life after death if you reach the great rainbow. However in actuality, this life after death is being a ghost for about a year after you die. TRICKED!

+4 Death, Not only will the living be able to share their knowledge but so will the dead. If a corpse is still intact (As in missing no major parts), what the past life believed to be it’s greatest moments will be still within it and could be transferred to the well.
-2 Austerity, This does little to show off the power of Morannan himself.

+4 Death, Rakkar will be able to escape exactly one death in it’s long life if it can find a truly wicked, selfish, and evil person and convince them to take its place when it dies.

+4 Death
Morannan creates the Runic Tradition of The Guardian Wolves, that wards off fatal blows by tattooing runes on your body.

Themes:Nakedness, Protection, Strength

Advantages: Superior physical abilities, protection of one’s body, low concentration

Disadvantages: Nakedness, easily identifiable, does not protect the whole body, can be high strain

The Guardian Wolves can only use their runes once they are naked. With the exception of a single wolf pelt that they may wear. They will always glow a bright blue in this state to let others know there is a wolf among them, but are not necessarily active. There are five runes that they mark upon their skin. These runes can be obtained in any order with the exception of Naked which must always be taken first as it connects all other runes together, and that of Berserk, which requires the foundation of the other runes to be written.

The first rune is Naked. This rune increases all of their physical abilities to superhuman levels, with the proportional strength, speed, and reaction time of a wolf. With the sole exception of their toughness. Theoretically anyone can take this rune but an untrained body would be unable to handle the strain and they would quickly destroy both their body and soul in the process.

Another rune is Guardian, to obtain this rune, one must swear to protect something physical. It can be an object, person, place, etc. But it must not be owned by them and must not be able to be kept on their person. Guardian wards off blows that strike against the runes on their body. As well as allowing greater endurance and stamina when active. The power of this rune is tied directly to their resolve in protecting what they have sworn to protect. If what they swore to protect ever fell or was destroyed, they will lose the power of guardian forever.

Another rune is Blood, to obtain this rune, one must find another with the runes of the wolf and swear a blood oath with them. Taking the blood of the other and mixing it into the ink of their tattoos. When they are close and the rune is activated, the strain of the ruins becomes halved so long as they stay in close proximity to each other. One can only take one blood oath in their lives so if the other dies, it cannot be redone.

Another rune is Guide, to obtain this rune one must spend a month living alongside the wolves. Eating and living as they do. When this trial is done and the rune is applied to their skin, it can be activated to give them the superior senses of a wolf as well as allowing them to instinctively track down that which they have sworn to protect, and who they have sworn a blood oath with

The last rune is Berserk. No trial is needed for this as it is deemed the other trials to be sufficient enough. It can only be activated on three occasions, when the wielder believes they are about to die, or their blood brother is, or that which they have sworn to protect is about to be destroyed. When activated they have exactly five minutes of life left. In these five minutes, they gain the speed of a cheetah, the strength of a mammoth, the coordination of an eagle, and the stamina of a grizzly bear. They have no protection in this state, but are able to continue moving through any damage they take so long as their body is still able to support them.

-4 Death, Not even the shifters can choose the time they die. If the shifter’s choose to enter a dreamwood, they will infect the tree with disease that will slowly rot away it’s roots and destroy the tree in less than a decade’s time.
+2 Austerity, Morannan would much rather destroy their souls as a show of power.

2022-02-18, 10:54 AM

On a simple dirt road a bunch of goblins pulled along a cart. Walking in front of the group was an old Goblin who did not look particularly happy. " oh boy do I have some Choice words for them." The old Goblin thought as his crew headed towards Pekunos.

However, when they got into eyesight of the village they noticed something different.

There were many who had started to take up nudism. Not a particularly strange thing in these tribal times during the spring months, but it was mainly that one particular nude human was circled by many others from the village as he brandished a large branch others and yelled about them being monsters.

"Um sir..." One of the Goblins interjected to his Chieftain. "... is this normal for this Village?"

The goblin Chieftain simply shook his head. "First the humans of the north go crazy, then the satyrs attack and then a giant monster comes from the sky and now whatever the hell is going on around here. Is everyone on this goddamn Planet taking crazy pills?" The chieftain mumbled to himself as he and his group simply moved along trying to not make the situation more Awkward. " let's just trade our items and get out."

The chieftain and others of the village paid the goblins little notice as they continued to throng the man.

"I can see your spirits! Your demons! The-"

"Calm down! You have been possessed by an evil spirit when you communed with the gr-" The raving man simply went up to the speaker and screamed madly into his face.

"Okay, enough of this." A particularly large satyr with black fur stepped up to the man. By the crude gold necklace around his neck, one could tell he was Tara, the chieftain.
The raving man swung his branch, which was easily caught in one hand by Tara. And he then used his other hand to smash his fist into the back of his head. He went down like a sack of turnips.

Tara grunted noisily as he turned around to address the goblin visitors. He simply extended his wineskin to them. "Unburden yourself and drink. We live in interesting times but we can still be good hosts."

The Goblin and their chieftain didn't say a word as they started pulling out a bunch of fish from the cart. After the fish were fully loaded off the cart the chieftain turn towards Tara "you know Tara, when we told you about that Invasion force coming from the north we suspected you would have helped us." The chieftain said trying to hold back his anger. "If our village fell so would yours and all the humans and goblins who lived in these lands."

Tara ate a thick turnip soup next to a human man with black hair who ate the same thing. The human spoke up first. "We are a peaceful tribe. If such a force had made it to here. We would stand no chance and have to flee this forest. We would need all our soldiers here for that."

Tara snorted. "Too much onion." The chief slurped down a bowl of wine before he spoke. "The other day we were teaching the villagers how to use a bow. A fight broke out, ten of our hunters were needed to break it up. It only stopped because a shrine caught fire. The hunter's were needed for that as well. "

The chieftain simply took some of the turnip soup given to him and started to go gulp it down. "We are all lucky that the sky bailed us out." He commented as he put down the bowl. Just then the other goblins started to pull something out of the cart. "Anyway we were supposed to give you this huge log to get more turnips out of you but unfortunately one of our goblins got a little bit... frenetic." What they pulled out was a beautifully carved totem that completely stunned everyone in the village, they all bask to its Beauty. The visiting goblins started to look back at the villagers with confusion. "Well... hopefully you can still use this for building material." The clueless Chieftain commented

Tara was too busy staring at the goblin to notice the totem. "... I wouldn't recommend a goblin to eat turnip soup" He edged a plate of venison closer.

"Oh. Oh my word. I could not imagine a greater gift for us. We should erect this somewhere in the center of the forest, don't you agree. "

The chieftain looked confused at the black-haired man, then a smile crept over his face. " well you know this High piece of art it's only the beginning of the art that we are willing to trade with you." The chieftain then stuck his hand out. "Tell us a piece of art you want and we will give it to you for slight increase in our trade deal.

The human's eyes lit up. "Oh, oh, yes. I do believe I have a subject matter. But it is a bit hard to explain. Do you remember Enceladus? Our old chief? He is in a quite extraordinary predicament at the moment."

"I will need say though on the final details of this relief. It is a sensitive topic here. Politically and religiously." Tara said.

Enceladus, the chieftain remembered him. What were they talking about, what's going on with him. But to the chieftain it was best not to ask questions, he's had enough weird **** for a lifetime "No need to worry." The chieftain explained. "Just give us the detail of what you want the art piece to look like and we'll make it."

"No, no. You don't understand, you see Enceladus, well he is-" The human sputtered

"This needs to be seen to be believed. We want your artist to come here, sculpt from the image in front of him." As Tara spoke, he sent someone to get a small box, and brought it forward, opening it. There was a single golden ring inside. "We are willing to pay quite well."

The chieftain thought to himself trim self for a bit. " I'll have to ask my Superstar artist to come." The goblins loaded all the supplies they got from the trading onto the cart. "I will come with just the artist in a few days." The chieftain said as they started to pull the cart away from the village. "I hope this isn't too weird" he thought to himself.

(a few days later)

On that same dirt path, two goblins walked. Grizzle and the chieftain. " Grizzle this is an important task you must handle. Are you ready?" The Chieftain told his new Superstar artist. Grizzle was sweating profusely, every single piece of his body quake. " I'll do it for the village." He said nervously as they walked into the village

As the goblins entered, the once raving man, now clad in a small loincloth, handed them flower wreaths. Perhaps ones that were too big on the diminutive goblins. Tara and the man with black hair, the new speaker of Enceladus quickly showed up.

"The gods have been kind to us. Or at least one god." Tara snorted.

"Less kind to our friend Enceladus." The speaker said.

"Hmmph. Many men would die to be in his place despite the... Limitations." The group neared the large tent, thronged by a small group of flower clad nudists.

Grizzle turn to his Chieftain "Um sir... why are they nak.."

" I don't know..." the chieftain interrupted "just go with it."

Grizzle looked up at Tara "Let's get this over with, bring me to him?" He said nervously

A woman in a dress made of grass stood outside the tent near a goblin in a crude linen robe and mask. "This may shock you, but please. Keep an open mind as Enceladus explains himself." The woman said.

"As the medicine man of this village, I speak with authority that this is the best state that Enceladus can be in." He handed them a medicine bag of crushed roses. "Also, this if you need it for the smell."

Finally the two entered the tent and looked upon the mangled body of Enceladus. He motioned slightly to have two of his followers tending to his wounds and needs to leave. "Welcome. I am Enceladus the Everlasting. Sit, please. My tale is a long one and my throat sore." The speaker quickly opened his waterskin and carefully fed it to him. "Thank you, Marin."

Both the Goblins just stared at mutilated satyr in pure silence. "Um well..." the chieftain stated breaking that said silence. "... a lot has changed since we last met, Enceladus."

Meanwhile Grizzle at this point was visibly shaking. "Um ummm iiii hi." He frantically mumbled out.

The Chieftain continued "We were told about making a great art piece for you."

"Not for him! Of him!" Tara said gruffly. Rolling out a sheep skin and handing Grizzle a container of black paint. "Can you sketch him as he talks? Enceladus will want to tell you his story I am sure."

Enceladus gave a weak nod, slightly adjusting himself. "This body is a consequence of a terrible act that I had do-"

"Stop." Tara said. "Stop trying to make yourself more presentable. I want this carving to be you as you are. Sit naturally."

Gristle let out of Big Gulp has he picked up his brush. " okay...."

The chieftain sat down next to Grizzle. "Try not frighten the boy, he is easily terrified, you wouldn't want him to mess up this piece.

Tara snorted. "He's staring at the closest thing there is to a living corpse and he's frightened by me?"

Enceladus had his speaker bring him a bag. "You can lead a sheep to water, Tara, but not force it to drink. Stop for now, artist. There's nothing to be afraid of, I am like anyone else though able to do less." He slowly opened the bag before chewing carefully on what he ate. "It's honey. One of the few things all my followers can eat. At least in moderation. We will be here a while so let's get to know each other."

"You're not being paid by the hour." Tara said promptly.

The chieftain cursed under his breath when he heard about the conditions of the pay.

"It's okay..." Grizzle said with a nervous smile "I'm just a bit jumpy is all. He then got to work. "I have to say there's been a lot of weird things happening lately." He said as he worked his magic. " a year ago something scary cloud thing took one of my sculptures and the next time I saw it it was... well a bit bigger." He took his eyes off his painting for a second and looked at Enceladus. " and... now I'm drawing a painting of a dead guy who's also somehow alive. It's quite a lot to take in."

"Not dead." Enceladus corrected. "I still hunger, thirst, grow tired, sleep. All the things any other mortal does. I am simply kept from death, and kept from health as well."

"A creature in the clouds?" Tara enquired.

"The great Morannan Maklir did once say there were other gods." The speaker said.

"Less than a fortnight's travel though?"

"Whatever that thing is I don't feel comfortable that it has a brother." The chieftain interjected. "The being of sky saved us however I fear what her kin would do."

"Okay I got the outline done." Grizzle said as he put down his brush

"Already?" The chieftain asked.

" I still need to shade and color it." He then reached out his hand to his Chieftain. " give me those colors we be brought out earlier."

The chieftain smacked. "I'm honestly impressed kid." He said as he handed him the extra colors

"... Different colors?" Tara inquired. The rest of the tent looked equally intrigued. "We've only ever used black, sometimes white."

Grizzle smiled. " I've been working on ways of using other colors for a while, it's great for spicing up the totems." He continued to brush at lightning speed. "... I can tell you guys how to make the other colors later." He put his brush down and grabbed his canvas. "That should do it." The goblin artist said as he turned his painting towards Tara and then Enceladus. Many people in the tent we're speechless at the painting. So many things that can be done with a simple picture they did not think was possible.

Even Enceladus, a previously worldly man looked impressed. "New colors, huh? That's a lot of them. We spent years to just get white. I've seen other colors, but this is... Hmm, yes. This is green, but this is not the same greens as coastal towns. No Malachite, I take it. You should feel honored to have such a rare artist like this in your tribe, chieftain."

The Chieftain nodded. "I underappreciated him for awhile but now I see...his Daydreams have a benefit after all."

Grizzle got up and handed Tara. "Here you go, I hope it was worth your wild." the two goblins then started to walk out of the tent.

Tara grumbled as he brought out a small bag from his waist. "I want you as a teacher. Come back next week and we'll have those interested ready. Here's your pay for today." He handed the goblin small beads of jade and onyx.

Grizzle simply stared at the shiny rocks then looked. "...ummmmmm..."

"He'll take the deal!" the chieftain yelled out. "Looks like your a full time employee now."

"...ummmmmmm..." Grizzle mumble blankly

2022-02-19, 04:20 PM
He was tired. So very, very tired.

He'd tried to claim humanity as his own, and he'd failed. But it had still cost him a great deal of power. Iustrum felt like a man ending a long day of hard work; even without success, time marched on.

As he laid down to rest, he charged several of his soldiers - 100 in total - with taking care of his body, weapons and armor until he awoke again to lead them to victory. They would last until then.

Influence 100 mortals.

+2 War: Iustrum selects only the finest of warriors for this sacred task, those whose will was as iron and who had been well blooded in battle.

+2 Honor: To be the personal caretaker of a sleeping god is not a task to be undertaken lightly. It is a duty that will last centuries at the very least, and possibly longer. But to those of the truest faith and most steadfast honor, it is a burden worth shouldering.

2022-02-19, 06:11 PM
Even as Kilo and Myrin spoke to each other the dreaming shade was at work amid the dreams of Kilo’s kin. There they appeared as a merid of forms familiar to the goblins, such as family or friends, at times even a peacock when the goblin in question was not hungry. There Myrin negotiated to see if they could agree to help each other.

Myrin’s negotiations primarily came down to asking the goblins to care for their dream woods, the swamps of Suiren, and to hold all sentient life as precious as they do their own. In return they would be gifted new friends created by Myrin and the blessings of the dream god and perhaps others.

A few other small goblin and human tribes were similarly offered the same, even a satyr family that had made its way into the swamps.

The Suiren Culture:

Shaping the beginnings of settled life amid the Suiren Swamps. Multi-species villages where the inhabitants work side by side, though the majority of the inhabitants are goblins (and aylos if the shifter creation action succeeds).

Suiren communities are formed around dreamwoods they plant in the center of their villages and towns. Homes are most often built on trees or stilts above the swamp, with either fish-farms beneath them (when water is below) or insect farms (when there is some land to work with). Humans and other creatures able to eat plants may be found with orchards of fruit or some other kind of vegetation being farmed.

+2 Dream: The Suiren’s use of the dream wood shapes their culture in various ways that deeply impact their lives. Thus they have become experts in the use and care of this magical plant. The main use of such plants in day-to-day affairs is nightly gatherings of the community within various dreamwoods; where people can use the shared mindscape to relax, share gossip, or in the case of children- have their lessons given to them by teachers (it let’s the children help their parents during the day while letting them be educated).

Suiren communities will often share dreamwood leaves between each other to facilitate communication, either for shared holiday dreaming events or to send for help in the case of a problem one village or town alone cannot manage. If a threat were to emerge (say a roaming human or goblin tribe harming Suirens) then multiple communities can respond to the threat at once.

It is the sacred task of the Suiren’s to make sure that the dreamwood does not take over the natural vegetation of the Suiren swamps.

+2 Psychic: The Suiren people are openly friendly and trusting to outsiders, giving smiles and aid to those who are in need and do not abuse the care they wish to give; however, that does not mean that they are easily exploitable or foolish. The Suiren people have an enhanced level of analytical analysis and thus can judge where danger lurks and when lies are told far more easily than most.

A note on Suiren Runecrafting
If runecrafting comes into existence then Myrin will use their ability to form a tradition to create the Suiren Dream-Makers.

Those that take runes into the world of dreams gain great influence over them and with time gain the ability to drag others into them or to even bring dreams into reality.

Themes: Dreams and illusions

Advantages: Advance dream manipulation, forcing the power of dreams onto others in the waking world.

Disadvantages: Cannot use the no-dream rune, must be asleep to carve new runes, cannot make runeic-objects with dream-runes.

Initiate (Dreamer): Those that begin their studies into the craft of the dream makers must first learn how to completely master the skill of lucid dreaming without outside aid (such as dream wood leaves). Such skills are usually acquired by having more experienced members of the tradition slowly ease them into self-reliance while teaching them lucid dreaming techniques.

Once this task is accomplished the dreamer may begin learning the runes of dream makers. The most basic of which is the ‘Anchor-Dream’ rune which makes manipulation of a section of a dream very difficult to impossible, forcing a pseudo-reality on those that have their dreaming selves near it.

Apprentice (Day-Dreamer): A dreamer that becomes familiar enough with the basic runes of the dream makers may opt to try and stay awake for multiple days in a row; each day consuming dream leaves connected to trees where a master dream maker waits.

With each passing day the master dream maker will be able to get closer and closer to touching the mind of the awake dreamer till eventually the dreamer will be so close to true sleep that the master will be able to inscribe a special waking dream set of runes upon the mind of the dreamer.

These waking dream runes will forever appear within the dreams of the now Day Dreamer, near impossible to destroy without previously damaging the mind of the day dreamer. (These runes also make it impossible for the day dreamer to learn runes outside the dream maker tradition till mastery is achieved.)

Day dreamers may inscribe new dreaming runes upon their own mind that now persist while they are awake, allowing the day dreamer to put others to sleep and even generally guide how a dream will proceed. A day dreamer must be careful about how many runes they place in their mind at once, for if they attempt to add more than a comparatively strong rune-carver could carve into an item then a detonation occurs; causing a massive headache for weeks as all but the waking dream runes leave the day dreamer’s mind.

A day-dreamer attempting to overcome the power of another rune-carver’s no-dream (or similar) rune results in a contest of strain endurance. If the rune-carver with the no-dream rune is the loser they are forced to dream.

Adept (Prismatisist): (Will be finished later)

Master (Fantasizer): (Will be finished later)

Invites for second action: Kyodaina Hi, Cen, Orgo, Ozglint, and Zemara

AP 0/35

Myrin and Orgo, On the Coast of Lemuria:

Along the coasts of the jungles of Lemuria a sad peacock flew above the warm breeze looking down below with feathers fluttering behind them. Eventually Myrin spotted the one they were looking for, the failed bringer of Virtue to the world. Appearing in a new guise as a human girl in white robes covered in black peacock feathers they approached with a wave of the hand and a smile that was only a little forced. “Hello, are you the Virtue maker?”

"Ah yes. Quite a disappointment, that little endeavor. I just suppose some of us gods don't approve of my guidance over mortals. You would be the one called Myrin?"

Somewhat surprised, the girl said not so calmly “W-what? People know me?” After a moment they calmed down “Right… Iustrum, humanity knows my name now. Yes, I am Myrin.” With a sigh she nods “And I can understand the others feelings, even my own were quite conflicted on the matter. It can feel quite bad being told your bad.” Myrin realized that the sentence they said was not worded quite right but was unable to come up with a better way of phrasing it.

"That does not mean it was not worth trying! If you believe in something it's good to try and bring it about!"

"Thank you for the advice. Now what brings you to this place?"

“Sorry if I was interrupting you in a task of yours, I would love to help you.” they look to the side “But, yes, I am here for aid. My friend, Kilo, and others close to me will find it hard to exist in this world due to Morannan’s rot entering any tree that holds a soul. Might you help me face this?”

"Of course. I will bless the trees, and make a means for their survival as a species. If you don't mind, I would appreciate a meeting with you at another time one of these days."

With a relived sigh Myrin put a hand to their chest "My thanks Virtue Maker, and I am more than willing to speak with you later. I hope that whatever you are working on now is a success."

"Myrin, I am teaching a mortal wiseman the ways of the Five Virtues. He is to be the first White Mage. I am curious, could you perhaps teach him things of your own, in relation to the Five?"

Myrin tilt's their head curiously "Maybe. How long is he suppose to last doing this? Till we return?"

"He would be ageless. Perhaps needing long periods of sleep in-between his waking days."

Myrin nods "Then I shall gift him a way to always return if he was to be harmed, and dreams of where the Virtues are most needed."

+2 Psychic: The Wise Man shall have an unbreakable soul that cannot be manipulated or destroyed by any means they do not explicitly approve of. If death claims his physical body the White Mage's soul shall be able to wander the world as it pleases unseen, then when he desires he may spend an hour remaking his body. This body need not be the same as before, say he was destroyed by a goblin tribe for being a non-goblin, he could remake his body as a goblin.

An hour's worth of meditating can release the soul without death of the physical body.

+2 Dream: The White Mage shall have dreams leading him to where the Virtues are most needed, with hints on how to best apply them in a given situation.

+4 Love: The trees can survive and thrive under any condition if someone cares for them, such as a forester or gardener. Also, eventually the cared for tree will bare fruit, which can be used as a cure for the disease souls cause.

2022-02-20, 02:30 AM
Morannan strung up a fish net between two dowels set between palm trees. Making the first ever hammock, which he promptly laid down in. He swung in the tropical breeze, drinking some alcoholic substance out of a coconut. "Yunno, O. I think everyone has to have an alcohol they like, and I think I'm gonna find yours." O was nowhere in sight, and in reality Morannan had no idea if the other god was listening to him, but talked with authority. "You should try this, it's got honey in it!"

The ocean, slowly calming after the recent storm, appeared to distend above the horizon. A mound of displaced water was surging towards the island. At the last moment before crashing against the beach, the mound erupted, propelling the O of Ooeht onto the sand where he landed hidden in his shell and began to tumble like a wheel under his own momentum. In a spray of sand and salt water, he came to rest at the side of Morannan's cutting edge hammock, and began to carefully extract his many appendages.

"Hmmm, I do have respect for the humble bee," the O of Ooeht admitted, eyeing the coconut with curiosity.

"Ahahaha! You are a hoot, Big man!" He offered the coconut to O, the mixture in it was a sickeningly thick and sweet concoction. "Big man... Big... Big O! Yeah, Big O!" He produced a wine skin from his robe and started drinking from it. Getting up from the hammock and wiping off liquid that ran down his chin. "So, did you hear? That goblin god and his followers forgot his name." If Morannan had eyes, they would have sparkled with mischief.

The 'Big O' of Ooeht took a sip from his coconut, pulled a face, but managed to hold it down on this occasion. Morannan's off-putting beverages were beginning to feel like a trial, and the O of Ooeht didn't shirk trials lightly.

"I did not hear of this," he said, swirling his drink. "In all honestly, I don't think even I, the O of Ooeht himself, remember his name."

"No, no. I'm sure I remembered his name, it was..." Morannan threw his wine over his shoulder and produced a goblet of mead from his robes. "I'm sure it will come to me eventually. They say a bit of mead keeps your mind sharp, yunno." He downed the entire goblet, the cup already filling itself up again. "Of course, they say a lot of mead makes you forget!" Morannan chuckled to himself, looking deeply into the horizon. "You see that island?" He said pointing to one far in the distance. "I heard that one has goblins on it. I've got a great plan, Big O! It's absolutely great! You'll love it. I think we need to play one of those, uh, tricks you love on the goblins. Ehehehehe. My treat."

The O of Ooeht appeared to renew his interest in the conversation.

"A trick, you say?" he asked, one pair of hands rubbing together conspiratorially in front of him. "A trick is a good treat indeed. Are we going to curse them into remaining half dead on the floor for eternity like we did the last one? That was a pretty good trick nyehehe."

"What?" Morannan looked genuinely taken aback by the sadism of his friend. "No. Me and Enceladus have a... Complicated relationship. I wouldn't just do that to anyone. Just follow my lead, I'll meet you on the island. Morannan pulled back his great bow and launched an arrow far into the sky.

As it landed, he appeared in the same location as it did. However, it landed at the top of a tree canopy. Sending the surprised Morannan tumbling down several yards through the trees before landing on his back with a thud. "Don't drink and fly, kids. Ehehehe." Morannan dusted himself off with one hand and used the other to fill his gullet with mead. "Hello!" He said to a small group of goblins cooking bugs around a fire. "I am the god of Death! Sent here by your goblin god to clear up confusion on his nature!"

"And I am the O of Ooeht!" said the O of Ooeht, landing like a catapulted boulder beside Morannan with a spray of sand. "God of that island over there, with the rainbows. I endorse this proclaimation."

"Huh? What confusion? We pray to goblin god, and he give us food when we hunt."

"Ah, you see, you wouldn't even know it happened. Now tell, me what is that goblin god's name."

"Da Purple?"

"No, it's Da Big Goblin!"

"Nuh-uh! It's actually Gorglug!"

"My grandfather has been worshipping Goblino for decades!"

"You see, an evil god, Muh-Oan Ash rises from the bowels of the earth in the form of vaporous..." Morannan chokes back a laugh. "Gas, and invades the dreams of goblins and makes them forget such things. You see, your god is above Muh-Oan Ash and constantly battling him and forcing him back into the ground."

"Oooh! No wonder we no know his name. Tell me great god, what can we do to avoid him?"

"Oh, you'll know him by his smell."

"What does he smell like?"

"What does who smell like?" No one could truthfully tell if Morannan was smiling with his skeletal features, but he raised his chalice up to cover his face.

"What does Muh-Oan Ash smell like?"

Morannan covered up his laughter by drinking. Which just caused him to choke and sputter strangely as he turned his back towards his audience. "Oh, sorry. I'm just so overcome with emotion discussing this terrible god. O please take over for me." He said the last part through giggles, whispering to O "If he bent down, he'd figure out!" He stopped his laughter by biting down on his own bony hand.

"Very well..."

Fortunately the O of Ooeht's habit of always covering his face made his expression no less enigmatic than Morannan's skeleton grin.

"It is a smell most foul, Muh-Oan Ash, but it's exact nature may at times vary. Fruity, stale, tinged with the rot of death. Beware the smell of Muh-Oan Ash that comes quietly, with barely even a hiss, for this is when it is at its most deadly!"

The goblin audience stood rapt with attention as the many limbed god spoke. "It is as dad said. Panther that you do not hear is most dangerous panther."

Morannan regained his composure, dusting off his robes yet again as he finally turned around. The goblins looked up to the huge satyr "Great death god, you came to tell us Da Purple's true name. Please tell us."

"Oh, yes. You see, he was destined for greatness so was given the strongest name that a mortal could possess. His name was..." Morannan paused for dramatic effect. "Hugh Dongus Ina Butthole."

"Hmm..." One goblin scratched his chin. "That no sound right."

"No. This is a truly strong name. There's a name no stronger. Each part with great meaning. You see Hugh means strong." The goblins all nodded their heads. "And why the Butthole family is the most prestigious of goblin animal studies. You see, the Butthole family were the first to discover that almost all animals had a butthole. But plants did not. So they had the organ named after them."

"Hmm, yeah that makes sense. But what rest of name mean?"

"Oooh. It's escaping me right now. Must be all that drink. Do you remember great O of Ooeht?"

"I believe so," the O of Ooeht tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Yes, yes. 'Dongus' is a reference to a quotation from Da Purple himself. When he announced that he would attack the fearsome and hateful satyr, the other goblins said that it would be too dangerous. Caring not for their warnings, he proudly proclaimed 'danger is my middle name', which in the tongue of the local tribes is translated as dongus. Thus, Hugh 'Dongus' Ina Butthole." He nodded sagely. "Oh, and I believe that Ina is a standard greenskin honourific."

Morannan drank deeply from his chalice, drinking some sort of primitive ale. "Yes, yes! This is all true. So you should honor your great god by naming your children such great names as... Snrkt... Butthole and Dongus! I'm glad that I'm willing to clear all of this up." Morannan seemed to suddenly remember something as he finished his ale. "Oh, and yes. Make sure not to bury your dead where gas rises from the earth. For that is where Muh-Oan Ash resides."

6 AP/3 DC: influence a village of mortals (~1000) Morannan spreads the tale of Muh-Oan Ash and his constant battle against Hugh Dongus Ina Butthole to the villagers.
+4 Death, for teaching them proper burial rites
-2 Austerity, Really he kinda showed that he was not all powerful here

Help Morannan create Turnipface
+2 Trials, because the O of Ooeht is most pleased by the ritual used to honour Nahqab.
+2 Tricks, to make it common practice among the youth of Pekunos to dress themselves in the guise of Turnipface, running around and frightening people into believing that they are his target. Mostly this will just be harmless fun, but on nights when the real Turnipface has been loosed upon the region, then confusing him with a mimic can be a matter of life or death...

Help Gorkun create rune magic
+2 Tricks/+2 Trials, to add an interesting but technically challenging exploit to the system of rune magic. This will be referred to as the Law of O. If a rune statement is written in a circular arrangement such that the statement curves back on itself, then the statement may produce a unique compounding or recursive effect. For instance, a jug with "fill-water-convert-steam" that is written around the circumference of the jug such that it could be also read as "convert-steam-fill-water" will have both statements simultaneously true. Filling the jug with water will heat the water into steam, and heating the water into steam will fill the jug with more water. The result is a jug that endlessly jets steam out the back. Congratulations, the goblins have jet packs. Obviously this sort of thing is dangerous and will more often than not cause a detonation.

Hinder Kavan's creation of Rakkar (nyehehehe)
-2 Tricks, though Rakkar will be a most fearsome beast indeed, he will frequently fall for the old "charge the person but crash into the wall behind them when they dodge" trick. The O of Ooeht finds this hilarious.

Help Myrin create the shifters
+2 Trials, the O of Ooeht tracks down a shifter and eats it, promising them may trials.

2022-02-20, 06:21 AM

Feeling all that could be done about setting up the trials for her people Snafuu decided they could also use some leadership. She gathered a small group of satyrs who had thus far managed to pass furthest along the path of the sheeple. She spent time giving each a different mission, creating a council of masters with which to lead her people. She then sent them out to spread their knowledge far and wide among the satyrs. At which time, she marked the original tree with their symbols before leaving the Ran Moch.

3 AP. Spend 2 AP Influence ten people to create a council of masters.
+4 Clovenfoot

The ten masters are each masters of a different realm of satyr culture. In all honesty Snafuu gave them more responsibility than taught them anything. Each of them is responsible for a different task as well as spreading a specific type of knowledge among the satyr people. Replacements for the council will be chosen as needed.

Below I have a chart outlining the master title, their task, and what they are expected to teach any and all satyrs they can.


Create an offensive fighting style for satyrs. (Perhaps kick boxing esque.)
This new hoof style.

Create a defensive fighting style for satyrs.
This new horn style

Develop a system for determining when someone should undergo the trials
Guide along the path

Expand the flock by recruiting more satyrs and teaching other settlements about the path
Teach outsiders the path

Plant more Snafuu trees
Spread knowledge of how they work and how to care for them

Master the manipulation of Satyr String and Hoof Hoops
Teach others the tricks of making them

Create and update a formal history of satyrs (here and elsewhere)
Spread this knowledge

Find ways for satyrs to improve and expand
Spread your findings

Develop methods to minimize waste among satyrs
Teach the three Rs essentially

Learn ways to heal destruction
Teach medicine and thematically similar practices

2022-02-20, 08:33 AM
Cen, The Great Dismal Swamps of Suiren, beneath the Tree of Knowledge

Kneeling by the Well-to-be, Gazad put his hand into the water. It was cool to the Host's touch, but Cen could feel it metaphorically boiling with divine power. It would most likely come to be and to fulfill its purpose of preserving memories. Yet another step towards their goal. But who would preserve the Well? Cen could feel their power fading, both their own and their Host's. Gazad was aging and would eventually die. Cen was... not quite sure what was happening to themselves. The thought of something unknown was both an uneasy and an exciting one.

A village was starting to grow beneath the Tree of Knowledge, built by the people enticed by it. Humans, goblins and satyrs working together, whatever strife existed between their peoples forgotten in the shade of the great tree. So far it was nothing but simple huts of wood and stone, but nonetheless a sign that people intended to stay. It was a start of something, though not even the Knowing knew quite what. It would have to be enough for now. They just needed a little push in the right direction.

Gazad stood up, having learned to anticipate Cen's needs. "Come here", the Knowing called out, loud enough to be heard by everyone, even those high up in the Tree or the tower atop it. Quickly, everyone gathered around the Well, some tired from labor, some just awoken or recently arrived, but all of them eager to listen.

It was time for an important lesson.

Influence a small group of mortals (2 AP/1 DC) – Creating the Keepers

The Hallowed Keepers of Living Memory (or just the Keepers) are a monastic order of Cen worshipers, dedicated to the preservation of knowledge (+ 4 Knowledge) in general and the Well of Memories in particular.

A lot of their mission is practical care for the Well and the people who visit it – keeping things clean and orderly – but they also work to gather and spread knowledge, frequently traveling out into the world to find new information and to spread word of Cen and the Well. Because of the Well of Memories' ability to learn from the dead, the Keepers have also become the traditional handlers of the dead in some communities, whether or not the body of the deceased is actually lowered into the Well.

As the one qualification to join the order – usually after a few years as an apprentice – is a sufficient dedication to their mission, the Keepers are open to everyone, regardless of species, gender or anything else. Some of their members join with cennites to become cennfai, but it is neither required nor expected. Keepers who aren't cennfai tattoo (after initially drawing it on as apprentices) four eyes on their forehead, as a way of honoring the cennfai and Cen themselves.

Although they are not forbidden to have other interests or relationships (whether romantic, platonic or familiar) outside of the order, they are expected to be dedicated to it above all else.

Being a rather small order, the Keepers' organisation is rather simple, each year electing one of them to lead them as First Keeper (also known as the Watchman of the Well). Although revered and respected, cennfai have no more official power in the order than any other Keeper.

2022-02-20, 02:19 PM
Ozglint- 1 AP Remaining, Secondary Action Remaining

Ozglint could sense that its time on this plane was waning. It would return, but not before a long, restful slumber. With the desire to craft made innate to its people, its land in the process of being primed for divine action when it woke, and the world shaping up in so many new and interesting ways, Oz was... content. It took a moment to confirm that word was appropriate, then acknowledged its use was valid and that made it feel even more content. But before it's rest could begin, a few more things came to its mind that needed doing. And the dream god was asking for help with shaping a society. Oz' cloud contracted and then expanded, sending more influence into the world before the long night began.

+2 Artifice- When the first dream wood tree falls, the people will feel inspired to craft the remains into a crown for the chieftains of the villages. This will mark them as Dream Lords, and the close physical connection with a dream tree will give them more sway and say in the shared dreams of their people.

+2 Magic- The caretakers of the dream wood trees will form an innate connection with their charges. Their touch will allow them to shape and change the growth of the wood in new and artistic fashion over long periods of time. Nothing powerful or overtly magical, but they can change the color, shape, and patterns of the dream wood as it grows. This magic can be learned and developed, but it is a process that takes years of communion with the tree to fully train and learn.

By focusing entirely on the process of carving, etching, and smithing runes into objects, the Runesmith's endurance grows much faster than it would for most people and they master more intricate and lengthy rune phrases. Passed down over generations, runesmith's equipment grow stronger as it is handed down within family lines. Each and every runesmith has a maker's mark that bears some minor flaw as a homage to the Imperfect Creator, imprinting a miniscule flaw into whatever they make.

Runesmith Rankings-
Assistant: Those who begin to walk the path of the rune smith begin their journey forbidden to craft runes. They must show dedication to the trade through learning the runic language, learning sums and writing, and managing the day-to-day activities of the forges, whether it be carrying heavy materials, getting food for the runesmith they are learning from, creating non-magical items, or cleaning the area. More experienced rune smiths do not hesitate to hand down unseemly, filthy, or difficult jobs to the assistants, as this hazing is seen as a way to separate those who will dedicate their lives to the craft from those who simply wish to learn without hard work.

Apprentice: When an assistant has proven their dedication to the craft, they are allowed to start smithing one word rune items. They begin to be responsible for the simplest creations, pumping out tools and weapons for the community in great numbers. Apprentices start earning a percentage of their sales in wages. They also begin to assist their masters in more complicated rune craft, first observing, but eventually using their increased skills over the assistants to create higher quality base items for their masters to craft. An apprentice eventually can move on to two word rune items, and once they can reliably produce them without assistance they graduate to Journeyman status.

Journeyman: Once an apprentice has mastered two word rune items, the world is their oyster. They can begin their own forge, they can craft as they please, and they can bring on assistants and apprentices of their own. However, if they fail to keep learning and progressing their craft they are quickly relegated to obscurity. Journeyman who wish to gain esteem within the community must master more and more rune words, create more and more sophisticated items, and must begin building their legacy for future generations. Journeyman runesmiths master three word rune items, and if they wish to be remembered within their community they must begin to work with four word rune items. However, some Journeyman reach too far too fast now that they don't have more experienced masters to keep them moving at a glacial pace, and more than a few push their limits too far and burn out. These are treated as cautionary tales, though items that are created through death are highly sought after, believed to be of stronger magic and higher quality if they are the runesmith's swan song.

Grandmeister: Runesmiths who manage to refine their craft enough to create five rune word items (or more, as they become available) are known as Grandmeisters. They are the elite, creating items for the greatest of heroes and the wealthiest of patrons. Grandmeisters are treated as revered members and advisors of the community, with almost as much say as the leaders of the community. They are allowed to use any forge they wish, though many choose to retire once they achieve the status they have devoted their lives to. Their endurance to strain is legendary, and the items they create can rival the works of the gods themselves.

As it's power waned, Oz turned its gaze to Zemara's immortal crafter, hoping to observe the undead artist into the next age.

The JoJo
2022-02-20, 03:05 PM
Oculus, Plains of Belli, Ran Moch - 15AP & 4 BP remaining

Oculus leapt over the crimson sands of Red Teressi and onto the green hills of Ran Moch, carefully avoiding a passing rain cloud. Even a god did not like to get wet. Here, though, he found what he was looking for. A land of both men and satyrs. A bubbling cauldron of potential spectacles, just waiting for the right spark.

He reached across with his claw, redirecting a starving satyr foraging party so that the path they were following would lead directly to a village of human farmers who had just finished gathering up a particularly bountiful autumn harvest. More than they could eat, at least in the short term.

"Maybe they'll share?" Oculus thought to himself. But he doubted it.

12AP, 8 DC - Influence 100,000 mortals (approximately 50,000 satyrs and 50,000 humans) across Ran Moch with:

+2 Spectacle: Everlasting antagonism, bleeding into civil war at times, will grow between the two species, being transmitted from those affected to all their biological descendants. No affected human will ever willingly accept a satyr as his lord and vice versa.

+2 Sacrifice: The only way such ammosity can be overcome is if an affected mortal witnesses a great sacrifice on their behalf by a member of the opposite species.

Note 4BP applied to this action:

8 AP/4 DC: Create a basic living species with:

+2 Spectacle: The Ocuvirus, commonly known as strongman's fever, can infect all mortals and indeed animals of any kind. The Ocuvirus will at first cause a mild, cold-like illness which tends to last a few days. After recovery, though, the patient will suddenly find they have enhanced strength, which will last for around three months after. The extent of the strength boost is inversely correlated with the original strength of the patient -- adult humans and satyrs in their prime will notice only a small difference, while goblins, human toddlers and invalids of any species will be many times stronger than they originally were. What the mortal decides to do with their newfound strength is up to them. Infection can reoccur after a year.

2022-02-20, 04:12 PM
: Influence the planet
+2 monster and +2 sky: Monsters will become attracted to this ring (occ: I'm sure this won't go bad in any way.)

+2 domain religious artifact
+2 monster: monsters will also drink from the water, which will help them empathize and understand Mortals better

+2 imagination: Drinking from the water will help increase your imagination as well, helping people craft many Fantastic pieces of Art.

: Create a new Law of Reality
+2 monster and +2 imagination:: Those who have favor from any monster ( including the ones not created by Hi) Can ask to draw from their power by Channeling an art piece representing the monster carved with the runes

create the Demon of Pekunos
+2 monster: Turnuphead, Will has a natural affection for his monster cousins. And will respect them and their choices. It will also have the ability to love others.

+2 Sky: He can fly short distances. So it can get the people and hug them (ooc: Hi does not understand what she’s doing)

+2 imagination: The monster will inspire Many pieces of art in Pekunos

Create a single greater magical monster - Rakkar,
+2 monster: Kavan and Hi monsters will have compassion and family bond with each other.

+2 Sky: The clouds will act when Rakkar is near settlements. So they can be ready to give him and give them love and hug.

+2 imagination: People will be extremely fascinated with Rakkar, Dedicating many pieces of artwork to its image

Create an Omen of Prosperity over Peerless Peak and the surrounding mountains and valleys

+2 imagination: These rooms that dot the land Will inspire the cultures around the area. Much of their art will be reflections of runes.

: Create Supernaturally Gifted Sentient Species
+2 imagination: The creatures will all be distinctly unique from each, All looking like a painting coming to life.

+2 sky: they will be able to touch and manipulate files clouds to form into their own shapes.

2022-02-20, 04:37 PM
Cen, The Great Dismal Swamps of Suiren, beneath the Tree of Knowledge

Looking into the Well of Memories, Cen could see flashes of what the other gods were attempting, sensing rather than seeing what was happening. Some were of little to consequence Cen and the goal they were working towards. But in some, there was a potential that could not be ignored. Perhaps not as steps towards the goal, but certainly walking in the same direction.

For a few moments, the image in the Well stabilized on Myrin's vision for the Surian Swamps.

"That seems nice", Gazad said, apparently able to see at least some of what the Well was showing.

Cen looked at the people around them, who in many cases had abandoned their previous lives and traveled for weeks or months to reach the Tree. Perhaps 'nice' was worth considering too.

Although based around the Tree and the Well, many of Cen's followers (whether cennfai or ordinary mortals) also live in other parts of the swamps, either permanently or as wanderers, going from place to place to learn and to teach. In either case, they often take the role ‒ officially or not ‒ as scholars and teachers, spreading knowledge (+ 4 Knowledge) throughout the Surien swamps. Sometimes this takes the form of actual schools for the village younglings, other times of individual tutoring or simply by being the person willing to listen to questions and answer them to the best of their ability.

Then there were the changing children of Myrin. They too could have a part to play, adding a somewhat more... independent group to the rigid focus of the cennites.

With Cen's influence, a new variant of shifter is created: Yasani.

Even compared to other shifters, Yasani are quite small and seemingly frail in their earthly forms. Their most prominent feature are their eyes, being at least twice the size of most other mortals' and with irises colored anywhere between bright pink and deep purple. Although not as prominent as their eyes, the Yasani's teeth are also somewhat oversized. Less noticeable is that their fingers are also unusually long and have four joints each. Their hair and fur is also usually purple, though dark enough to seem almost black.

Even in their divine form, they are still quite small, becoming perhaps the size of a goblin at most. Most notably, they grow insect-like wings on their backs and four extra eyes on their foreheads (if the surroundings are dark enough, all the eyes of a Yasani in divine form give off a soft purple glow).

Yasani Features:

As hinted by the size and number of their eyes, Yasani are gifted observers, being able to see not only well but in complete darkness and capable of seeing that which is beyond most, such as the heat a creature gives off. They are also able to process what they see at an amazing speed, being able to quickly analyze and draw conclusions.

A Yasani is also able to mentally reach out to any Yasani it has met before, transmitting anything from a simple greeting to complex knowledge (+ 4 Knowledge) or even memories over great distances. To some degree, they are also able to use their abilities on non-Yasani, though it requires physical contact and the contact is fleeting at best (it becomes a little easier if the other party is willing, but even then it's not exactly reliable).

Perhaps related to their mental abilities, the Yasani are also capable of learning new languages at amazing speed, frequently being able to speak new languages within hours of meeting a speaker (though it still requires their "teacher" to be at least somewhat cooperative and patient).

Yasani Personality:
Just as the god who had a hand in their creation, Yasani are often defined by their curiosity and thirst for knowledge. Most of them are introverts by nature, usually preferring to observe and analyze than taking a place in the proverbial spotlight. Although almost any new knowledge is of interest, most Yasani develop some particular interest that they pursue with a passion. This pursuit makes many Yasani into nomads, traveling the world alone or in small groups, often making a living as couriers of a sort, as any Yasani can be easily contacted by any other and pass along a message.

A rainbow spanning the entire world. There was a certain poetic beauty to it, Cen had to admit. And of course, any attempt to make the mortals reach for the sky ‒ literally or not ‒ was one worth supporting.

+ 4 Knowledge: Adding to the work of the O of Ooeht and Ozglint, the sight of the O will not merely inspire mortals to reach for it or to replicate it, but to seek out new knowledge of any kind.

Sensing Cen's weariness, Gazad laid down on the soft ‒ although rather muddy ‒ ground. So much to do and their strength fading. Despite the will of god and man, all six eyes closed one after the other.

There was always tomorrow.

Red Lenses
2022-02-20, 06:05 PM
The Rotwood - Grove of Atualam

It’s early morning, still blood-black-dark, and Atualam’s sickly troupe of proto-astronomers have left his grove to return to their scornful friends. So it goes. Atualam watches them leave. When they are gone at last, he trudges to a particular spot at the edge of his grove, pushes the bramble aside, and calls in.

“Breksta. Did you hear all that?”

The disheveled woman pops up from behind a shrub, eyes wild. Her whole face is a tapestry of sigils, now knit so closely together as to be inscrutable. Her arms and legs are covered now. Atualam wagers that so’s the rest of her, but that’s not really his business, now is it?

“I heard everything,” she whispers, “Both days, both groups. So did… You know.”

Atualam grunts, “Of course I know. Now comes the fun part.” He stretches out a thin, gnarled hand towards her. “Here.”

She accepts it reluctantly. Reluctantly! Even after all the good-fortune Atualam let her in on. Some people just can’t let a nice thing be.

Tree of Knowledge, Well of Memories

The experience of being shunted through space and time is disorienting for mortals. Breksta teeters around for several moments before falling to her knees. She vomits once and wipes her mouth with her arm.

While she’s doing that, Atualam eyes his surroundings. The big tree. The sparkling well. It's nighttime here as well. Deep and dark. So many stars are visible in the sky, it’s almost dizzying. This swamp is much unlike the bog. Humid and hotter.

Breksta coughs, “Where are we? Why…?”

“Ah. Your brain-buddy will tell you soon enough,” Atualam chortles to himself. Brain-buddy. Sometimes the best source of amusement is oneself - especially when all your friends are essentially cave-people.

He indicates the Well of Memories with a nod of his head. “But you’re thirsty now. Go on and drink. Deeply.”

Breksta’s first few handfuls of the water are cautious. She becomes much more animated with the process thereafter. Atualam watches, arms folded. Sometimes, sharing is its own reward.

+2 Prowess: Mortals who drink deeply from the well imprint not only their memories on the water, but their skills as well. Skills and aptitudes can be gained from drinking the well-water, though it only ever happens once per mortal and the skill gained is seemingly random.

+2 Foreknowledge: But only seemingly random. As a matter of fact, the skill happens to prove immensely vital at a single, pivotal moment later on in that mortal’s life.
The Rotwood - Grove of Atualam

Night falls once more. Atualam traces the edge of his stone basin with a gnarled, wooden finger. “Busy, busy… Let’s see.”

He is suddenly intruded on the arrival of a satyr messenger (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25365492&postcount=75), who launches into quite the speech. Atualam watches them with growing impatience before finally interrupting.

“Sure. Fine. I’ll do it," he snaps, "Now get lost. You’re scaring my humans.”

+2 Prowess: Mortal fascination with the rainbow ring will greatly accelerate advancements in the field of astronomy. Particularly in Acroth, where it matters most to Atualam.

+2 Prowess, +2 Foreknowledge: To the practice of Rune Magic, Atualam introduces the Law of Formulae.

The Law of Formulae: Runes can also take the form of complex mathematical formulae rather than words or symbols. Use of formulae allows engravers to induce more precise and complicated magical phenomena than otherwise possible.

The inscribed formula must be properly understood by whoever wields the item it is inscribed upon. Otherwise the item is useless. Formulae respond best when applied to high-value materials: gold, silver, platinum, gemstones, and so on.

Formulae cannot be used to circumvent or override the Laws of Structure, Capacity, Bone, or Resonance. Of course, no one knows any math yet. Until the field of mathematics develops sufficiently, the Law of Formulae will remain unknown.

In the meantime, Atualam directs Breksta to carve some basic, inert examples onto a set of emerald tablets. He buries these somewhere in the Rotwood until the right time rolls around.

+2 Prowess: The trials of the Root Forrest shall always be just right and shape themselves to the traveling satyr. The Root Forrest will test the part of a satyr that needs most testing and impart the lessons that need most learning. The longer a satyr travels, the more worldly and well-rounded they will become.
The Rotwood

It so happened that Atualam should find a shifter in his grove one day, though its stumpy near-human appearance and neck-fur displeased him to behold. He held it up by the armpits and inspected it, even as it thrashed and struggled.

“Cretinous thing,” Atualam mutters, “What do I make of you, little freak-goblin?”

The thing kicked at Atualam’s arms and spat.

The Prince-in-the-Rotwood shook his head, “I don’t need any broken greenskins around here. I got a better idea…”

There is a flash of light, which mercifully obscures the process by which Atualam forced the shifter into a new shape. Atualam is now holding a reddish-black tarantula the size of a falcon. He lets it drop, and the thing looks up at him pitifully.

“I always liked spiders,” he says, nudging it gently with its foot. “Go on now. Scram.”

The Rotwood Shifters


In their earthly form, Rotwood Shifters are called Rotwood Spiders. They resemble reddish-black tarantulas, about the same size as a modest bird of prey. Although quite intimidating to look at, they pose no direct threat to most mortals. Rotwood Spiders are sapient, capable of understanding language and demonstrating self-awareness. They themselves are incapable of vocal communication, however.

Rotwood Spiders are carnivorous and prey mostly on small birds and rodents. Mystics often find them to be ideal familiars, taking care of pests and capable of a limited number of simple tasks. In the wild, they will spin webs or dig burrows as it suits their preferences.

In their divine form, Rotwood Shifters are called Spiderfolk. They are humanoids with distinctly spider-like features and are quite monstrous in appearance (https://images2.imgbox.com/e2/9a/zjfqETDW_o.png). They are usually in the ballpark of six feet tall. Spiderfolk are capable of vocal communication and are able to enjoy an omnivorous diet. Curiously, they show a very distinct predilection towards rabbit meat.

Spiderfolk also possess a tough, chitinous skin and a venomous bite. The venom is usually only lethal to the sickly, and induces only dizziness and nausea in others.

Transformation & Life Cycle

In order to enter their divine form, Rotwood Spiders must find the corpse of a human, burrow into it, and remain there for a full day. The corpse cannot be in a completely skeletal state. If this is accomplished, the spider merges with the corpse, and rises as a Spiderfolk.

Rotwood Shifters remain in their divine Spiderfolk-form until they die. Eight hours after death, they emerge from the chest cavity of their corpse as a Rotwood Spider, and have the opportunity to seek a new host. If a corpse is cremated or otherwise destroyed before the spider can emerge, then they are gone forever.

If well-taken care of, a Rotwood Shifter can live to up to 110 years of age in either state. Spiderfolk who die of old age still emerge as a Rotwood Spider, allowing them the potential to survive almost indefinitely. But such a thing is quite rare, indeed, in these violent and brutish times.

Spiderfolk Features

+2 Foreknowledge: Spiderfolk are capable of detecting the surface level thoughts, feelings, and instincts of people. They can sense deception, but they cannot probe into memories or deeply concealed secrets.

+2 Prowess: Spiderfolk are supernaturally gifted sneaks, thieves, assassins, spies, smugglers… And so on. Their agility and perception are to be feared, as is their manipulative cunning.

Spiderfolk Personality

Spiderfolk are a cynical, cunning lot, viewing most other races as pawns for their own schemes. They do not put much stock in anyone or anything other than themselves, tending to align only with individuals they expect they can get something from.

They enjoy collecting valuables and finery, usually to inflate their already burdensome vanity.

2022-02-20, 09:03 PM
Another monstrous act appeared in the vision of the gods, yet using their power in a way that hurt Myrin's heart to punish. Thinking on it, Myrin decided to simply warn the people of the world to avoid this foully made work.

"Though I wish you well, perhaps even success, my heart cannot let blood flow into divine works so easily. I'm sorry."

+2 Psychic: Those people or places that are infected with the Ocuvirus give off a subtle aura of wrongness to those around them (which persists till it and all effects from it dissipate), clearly distinguishing them from healthy. This keeps healthy people away out of disgust. Certain circumstances, such as a loved one being sick or the only home the person can sleep in being infected are enough for people to overcome this disgust quite easily.

2022-02-21, 02:51 AM
A strange Goblin had come to the tribe. He was marked in Purple and had bags full of food on him. Rather than eating it himself, he gave it to his fellow goblins for the chance to tell a story and for them to truly listen. They thought he was a fool but the deal was sound, and so they sat as he spoke to them.

"Long ago, I was up in da mountainz. Dere was no good meats to eat as another tribe had took it all. Dey had starved to death one by one, and I was the last to survive, by da flesh of my hunt-brothers. Dere was no strength in my bones, so I decides to take it da way the old meat-speaker had, infront of an Altar to Da Purple. So I prays and I worships. But I asks his hungriness a question while I does it. Why did he give us dis hunger, if he didnae give us enough food-meats tah fulfil it. I was unworthys of an answer, but his Hungriness in his infinite kindosity came down to answer one Hungry goblin. He look-appeared like one of us, but not Green-Grey. Dey was purple, yet a dark one almost like that of the no-sun sky.

Da Purple One put 'is hand on me head, and for da remainder of our speak-talk, da Hunger was gone, for da first time in me life. He says to me in dis deep voice, like a gobbo manytimes his size. "I has been busy. There are others out there. They do not loves goblins like I does. They do not knows goblins like I does. I protects you, but I see that you need more. I do what I do next because I loves you. Remember that and spreads the word. Any who know that I am of they and they are of me, will be blessed. For dis is my covenant with you, and through you all da gobbos. He who holds-" I don't know hows to describe what happened to our Lord-God next. His face-skull split and so did 'is body. He was already a bit ghosty, but in that ghosty split I saw a forest gobbo, a cave gobbo, even a mountain gobbo all saying different names. Yet when 'e was done, he went back to normal and continued. "close to dere souls and stomachs, I promise-swear you dis. Nothing shall be beyond your stomachs. All are edible, all are meat,"

Wit dat, 'e disappeared, leaving me hungry again. Yet I realises something. All are edible? Why not? I eats a rock. It works. I eats a leaf. It works. It almost tastes good too. 'is promise came true, and mah stomach is eternally full. Rememeber what I says forevermore. We gobbos are da only people who's god is us. 'e loves us, and if you holds him close...you too can eat anything,"

The strange goblin left in the morning, leaving people to find that what he promised was true!

+6 Greenskins: The Goblin Prophet, Speaker of the Purple One, Iron-Gut, Stone-teeth and a hundred names besides shall be the first prophet of Goblin kind. To backup his word, those he speaks to gain the ability he has. Da purple promised that they could eat anything, and so it is. Nothing is beyond the gullet of a Goblin, as long as they praise the God that is them.

[Will fluff up later]

+4 Greenskins: Greenskin biology seems expecially compatible with the disease, with reinfection happening within a month! Because of this, they clammer around the infected and try to get infected themselves!

2022-02-21, 07:38 AM
Ran Moch -
The Geoglyph

“Corun, if someone came here, asking you to give up this place. For them to own it, and for you to be under them, would you accept?” asked the moth.

Corun laughed as she lay on her hill, gazing up at the sky, “Of course I wouldn’t. Now that I’m alone, this is all mine. You got a reason for asking such a dumb question?”

The moth turned black, “Everything we care about will burn Corun, unless you do exactly as I say,”


“Useless humans. We don’t surrender. Run now! Run or die!” Corun shouted. On a great pillar the twin runes lit up. Facing towards the village was the rune of courage, bathing the settlement in its orange glow. The villagers had been waiting in fear, cowering behind their meager wall made of mud and earth. When Iustrum’s messengers had arrived many had considered accepting the offer to surrender. They had no hope of facing a unified force, and the alternative was to be put down like animals. Until a fateful stranger arrived. Few believed she could actually do as she promised, but they had no other hope. So they put their faith in her, and as the rune of courage worked its magic their fears melted away. They opened their doors, looked up from their hiding spots, to see the enemy soldiers shaking in their boots. On the pillar, facing away from the village, was the rune of terror. The blue light shone brighter than the sun, and the resolve of the soldiers buckled. The wall of mud seemed strong and impenetrable. Their weapons, sturdy wood and sharpened stone, seemed like they were just about to break. And Corun, this strange creature, seemed like a monster. It was a rotten beast, come back from the pale of death to punish them for their slaughter.

Only the commander of the army resisted. He really believed in Iustrum’s cause. He didn’t think he was really harming anyone. The Ran Moch needed to be united, and removing those who refused was just a way to bring order to this chaotic place. He killed without malice, like a farmer pulling weeds. “You’re all cowards! We have our orders, follow them!” The soldiers did not move. The commander readied his spear. “Come on men. It’s just a beast, watch.” He threw with perfect aim, and the missile lodged itself deep into Corun’s chest. Just a moment later, she pulled the spear out and lifted it above her head, so that all might see. There was no blood, only grey dead flesh. In an instant, the men broke rank. The commander shouted at them to return, but it was drowned out in cries off, “monster,” and “demon.” Corun had done this many times before, but this would be the last. The war was coming to a close. Many soldiers, having felt the rune of terror’s power, refused to ever return to battle again. Others were killed in ambushes by bandits or enemies of Ilustrum, their disorganized and split up units being unable to resist them. Still others simply ran out of supplies. The fleeing soldiers rarely had the wherewithal to pick up their camps, and Zemara’s insects made short work of their food. The settlements on Ilustrum’s side couldn’t keep resupplying them. Soon enough, the Ran Moch was saved.


Corun lay again on her hill. Her lands were safe, her work was safe, she was safe. Yet she was … dissatisfied. Her musings on this were interrupted by the sounds of a squabble down below.

“We got here first, the hills are ours and the fruit too,” declared the human chieftain, draped in furs and armed with a pointed spear.

“Satyrs have always roamed these hills, we’ll graze where we please, and take whatever fruit we want,” responded the satyr lord in kind. His fur was tied and knotted in patterns, and he held a crude wooden club.

The men stared each other down, as their fellows waited in the wings for something to happen, when suddenly they were both startled by another voice. Corun slowly walked down the hill, her voice was hoarse and ugly. “You’re both wrong. This land is mine, now scram before I … what?” Corun stopped as she noticed the two chieftains staring at her, wide-eyed.

The human spoke up first, “Are you Corun?”

“I’m surprised you know my name.”

“How could he not,” the satyr asked, “Everyone knows about Corun.”

"And what do you know about me?"

“You saved all humans from being enslaved by the invaders,” said the human.

“You saved all of the Ran Moch from being under Ilustrum’s yoke,” said the satyr.

“Your locusts covered our escape when the soldiers came for us” said the man.

“Your runes kept our grazing land in Belli from being stolen,” said the beast.

“You protected us,” said both men simultaneously.

Corun smiled. During the war, she thought little of the results of her actions. She had only gone to Belli to nip the invasion in the bud before it could reach her glyph. Now however, the results of her victory were arrayed before her. These people were here because of her, and they were safe because of her. She had kept them from being wiped out and passing into the void of history, as all her friends once had. In that moment, something changed in Corun. She had a new masterwork to create, and a new goal. She would never be alone again.

“My friends, why don’t you all stay a while.”

12 AP/8 DC Influence 100k mortals.

Under Corun’s guidance, a new tribe will form. Her fame has grown thanks to the war, and many settlements and people’s consider her their protecter. With time, a great settlement will form on the land of Corun's old tribe, surrounding the geoglyph. It will start first with refugees from the war, and a few nomadic tribes convinced to settle down. In time, it will attract many humans from the towns Corun saved, and many satyrs either from memory of the war or fleeing from the growing power of the Snafu aligned tribes. It will be a society balanced between the species, and those who cannot tolerate that will probably end up kicked out, assuming they would’ve even joined such a society in the first place. It will retain close ties with the resisting villages of Belli, both through trade and through religion, and be nominal protecter of smaller groups in its hinterland.

Zemara can feel that it must hibernate soon, but it promises to return. Before it leaves, it gives its blessings onto the people, and Corun directs its worship. Corun doesn’t do that out of a sense of obligation, but as a tool of unity, and because she and Zemara loved many of the same things. Zemara is revered as a savior of the Ran Moch, and its passion and dedication to its pursuits are seen as a model to strive for.

Zemara’s tenents are thus:
1. Transform all raw material. Make the world more beautiful, and become as beautiful as you can.
2. Forgo slaughter. Destruction removes potential from the world, so always preserve and reuse when possible.

Zemara is not a jealous god, but it is improper to worship tasteless and savage beings. For the people of the Ran Moch, that basically means Ilustrum right now, but others may join the list with time. Ilustrum is the great villain of this tribe's founding myth, and naturally Corun's people and allies reject the importance of a united humanity or a united empire.

Undeath is the ultimate reward. Corun is the elder leader of the lands around the geoglyph, and will grant life eternal to the worthiest. Many of these individuals will end up giving up their immortality when they tire of life, or as a gift to someone else. All undead are individuals that are extremely respected, and may wield informal authority .

+2 Art: Art is very important, and artists are highly respected. Buildings will be covered in carvings, flags will be just everyone, paintings of all kinds will be beloved. This societal disposition to art will be helpful for rune crafting, and art within the core area of CorunÂ’s tribe will have a subtle stabilizing effect on the mind, helping it resist outside influences. This is a reflection of the power of the geoglyph, so that all might share in a little bit of the protection its light grants.

+2 Metamorphosis: Inspired by Corun’s transformation, altering the body will become common. This will be commonly performed with runic magic, but not alway. Furthermore, sometimes a strange child will simply be born, that undergoes a great change shortly after birth. These transformations may look odd, but they are not detrimental, and these children are considered blessed by Zemara.

Snafuu, Myrin, Ozglint, and Kyodaina are invited.

8 AP/4 DC: Create Basic Living Species

Before it leaves Zemara decides to make something funny. The Tartary lamb (placeholder until I can think of an appropriate regional term). The seeds are distributed among Corun's tribe.

Its a plant, that looks like a sheep. Its stalk takes the place of an umbilical cord, and they cannot move outside its radius. These lambs have weird minds, much more plant than animal, giving them a disposition much calmer than an actual sheep, and it photosynthesizes just like any other plant. The sheep is essentially a large fruit, and has a bonus purpose of stamping out surrounding weeds or chewing them up. This is how it competes for soil nutrients. The sheep's wool is shearable, and can be used to make textiles. After the period of ripening is complete, (which is known when the sheep's coat turns from green to white,) the sheep will spit out several seeds. At this point it is edible for both humans and satyrs. Cutting it off of the stalk will cause it to die instantly, and once the sheep ripens the stalk will usually fray and break on its own in a day or two if no bothers to do it.

+ 2 Art: It will become common in Corun's tribe to use this vegetable wool for textile work. The rich green color is aesthetically pleasing, with white highlights from the ripened wool producing a nice effect and being used to make intricate patterns.

+ 2 Metamorphosis: The growth of the sheep is not a gradual process. A seed begins to develop and forms a few flowers and leaves, which after a certain time undergo a radical and rapid growth, turning into one massive stalk that produces the sheep. This can happen incredibly quickly.

1 AP: scry one object, the geoglyph

The well of memory:

+ 2 art: Not all knowledge needs to be practical. Many who drink from the well find themselves becoming vastly more skilled at artistry, sculpture, painting, etc.
+ 2 metamorphosis: Some who drink from the well may experience strange changes in their appearance reflecting their field of knowledge, ranging from very subtle changes to large and obvious marks.

The shifters:

+ 2 metamorphosis: Zemara makes a new sort of shifter, taking the divine form of a great frog, beautifully colored and able to swallow large animals whole after sticking them with their tongue. The mark of the moth is somewhere on their body, in both forms. These shifters are particularly adept at transforming quickly, and will usually be able to enter their divine form in early childhood. Name pending.

+2 art: These shifters are driven, passionate, and skilled. Many tend towards the creation of great artistic projects, if only as an outlet for their energy.

The Omen of prosperity:

+ 2 art: Tit for tat. Runes are art as much as they are tools, and Zemara can latch on to that. The runes of the Pearless Peak will influence the environment they are a part of, reflecting the disposition and attitude of the people. This has the effect of producing a spectacular, but unnatural landscape, looking like a painting made real.

+ 2 metamorphosis: Flesh is a canvas. People who grow up under the omen may experience a rapid sloughing of skin in puberty, ending in the formation of a rune somewhere on their person. Usually, this is nothing special, but sometimes the skin rune will be in an entirely new shape, and if copied can do something new for rune crafting.

Runic Magic:

-2 art: Runes are art, by all accounts I’m free to mess with them as I please. Zemara dulls the connection between the runes, and the concept they represent. This is the arbitrary hinder, the runes’ upper power level is capped enough to prevent their use in tools of cataclysmic effect. There must always be a way to break them.

+2 metamorphosis: In a surprise twist of events that no one could have seen coming, Zemara defines a tradition of shapeshifting and mutagen. I’ll sort out the details later, but the basic idea is a system of very precise runes, nearly calligraphic, that add additional implicit meaning through the runes unique shape. This enables powerful transformations, and into rather specific forms as well. This precision produces a high barrier to entry, as prospective rune smiths must first learn the artistic and aesthetic skills necessary for good calligraphy before they can use the runes at any useful level. The exact meaning of the rune may be difficult to ascertain for those not studied in the tradition, and errors in stroke or shape can lead to changes in the final form. By nature this is suited for Zemara’s worshippers, whose lay people will have a deeper interest and education in art than most. They will also typically take errors in their new bodies in stride, other people may be less willing too.

2022-02-21, 05:18 PM
Cen, The Great Dismal Swamps of Suiren, beneath the Tree of Knowledge

Cen could sense the underpinnings of reality twist and turn as... someone attempted to change them. The goblin god ... There was something missing. A gap in knowledge. Disturbed, Cen tried to focus upon the action itself. Now this was something interesting. The idea of power from knowledge was naturally appealing and it could certainly be useful. The Well of Memories was one way of preserving knowledge, it did not need to be the only one.

Cen adds the tradition of The Watchers of Wisdom.

Theme: Knowledge (+ 4 Knowledge), preservation

Advantages: Fairly safe, very effective at what it does.

Disadvantages: Extremely focused, usually at the expense of most other rune magic.

Unlike most runic traditions, the Watchers of Wisdom focus almost entirely on a single rune, the one for knowing, modifying and refining it in numerous ways as a way to store knowledge for the future. When carved, it preserves some knowledge or information from the carver into the rune and the material it is carved into (the harder and denser the material, the more information it can store). After that, it is completely inert until triggered by someone else and then imbues them with the knowledge stored within it. In most cases a rune can only be used once, but a sufficiently skilled carver can create a carving that can transfer the same knowledge over and over again.

The complexity of the knowledge stored is also dependent on the skill of the carver. A novice might be able to store a couple of sentences, barely more than they could write down in the same amount of space. As they grow in skill, so does the amount of information they can imbue into a single rune, eventually being able to keep an entire library on a few runes. But the true skill lies in storing more than simple text, with true masters storing parts of their own memories or even specific skills within runes.

Although frowned upon by the more orthodox Watchers of Wisdom, some followers of it try to move beyond their singular focus on the knowing rune, often looking towards other traditions and trying to use their insights to further modify a knowledge carving. As it it connects to the carver's or user's mind by its very nature, these experiments are usually very risky and have left a fair amount of inventive carvers with their minds cracked or destroyed.

+ 4 Knowledge: Cen adds an entrance ‒ and more importantly, exit ‒ to the Tree of Knowledge, making the path to it from any Snafuu tree clear to any satyr devoted to knowledge.

The JoJo
2022-02-21, 05:33 PM
Oculus, Kurid village, Red Teressi

His work complete for the time being, Oculus drifted back to the familiar maroon visage of Red Teressi. He soon came across the small farming village of Kurid, clustered The Cult of the Hidden Eye was already firmly entrenched itself in the settlement, making it a treacherous place for outsiders and any locals who were unlucky enough to earn the ire of a certain few. Oculus found a spot by a rough stone well, lazily watching the world go by as he felt the influence of his fellow deities. He could help a few, he supposed.

Help O of Ooeht with:

+2 Spectacle: The O will be a spectacle to behold the world over, inspiring mortals to greater feats, whether on the battlefield or exploring the furthest corners of the world.

+2 Sacrifice: On the very rare occasion when the three moons are aligned with the O, the Cult of the Hidden Eye will hold a special ceremony with many sacrifices and much merriment.

Help Cen with:

+2 Sacrifice: By intentionally sacrificing a victim into the well and then immediately drinking from it, a mortal can obtain an unusually large proportion of the knowledge that the victim possessed in life. This comes with the cost of also acquiring some of the victim's memories and personal feelings, albeit in a confused, disorganised fashion.
Help Kavan with:

+2: Sacrifice: Rakkar will have the ability to gain useful or benign traits from any mortals or animals sacrificed to it by its goblin attendants. To maintain a trait indefinitely, though, more sacrifices will be required.

2022-02-21, 05:40 PM
Ozglint, 0 AP and No Actions Remaining

Now now, the chaos that this would inject into the world must be moderated somehow...
-2 Magic- Ozglint protects expectant mothers from the virus. While a mother is with child both she and the baby are immune to the virus. Also, if someone or something becomes infected with the virus multiple times, the effects are reduced with each subsequent infection. By the time someone has become infected four times, they get a little sick and no increased strength, having become immune to the enhancing effects of the disease.

I hope we will ever remain friends, Zemara, and that I do not become one of the savage gods your people so revile...
+2 Artifice- In Zemara's tribe, crafters of practical things will have a special distinction within the community. It will be their duty to marry the beautiful and artistic with the physical needs of the community in a way that pleases their god and keeps their people alive and well taken care of. They don't just craft weapons, they carve them and shape them into lethal implements that also tell the artist's story, or tell the tales of glory for the owner of the weapon. The same is true for all the things the tribe needs for survival- art will be everywhere, and everything will be art, but that doesn't exclude necessities.

+2 Magic- Expression of magical talent becomes a prominent part of Zemara's tribe. Assuming Rune Magic becomes a part of the world, their rune crafters will be known far and wide for incorperating their runes in new and unexpected ways, making items that are artistically pleasing as well as powerful. If it does not then there will still be a class of mystics and priests who wait with the promise that magic will come from the gods eventually, and it will change their lives.

2022-02-21, 11:17 PM

Given the intense differences in the cultures of the Satyrs and goblins the languages are totally different. Ignore the fact that they hold most of the same sounds and word structure and all that nonsense. They are totally contrary. As such a goblin could use rune magic to make a Satyr killing weapon. The same rune when created by a satyr likely would make a goblin healing weapon. This is how this will factor in. Total opposite languages

+4 clovenfoot
-2 goblins

2022-02-22, 06:42 AM
]The O of Ooeht 23 AP+4 BP: Create a giant rainbow worldwide rainbow in the sky (22 AP/18 DC) +2 Trials, +2 Tricks
Kavan: +2 Oceans, the oceans kill people who search for the rainbow.
Myrin: -2 Psychic, People are less interested in trying to get to the rainbow.
Ozglint: +2 Artifice, +2 Magic, People will create circular objects more, but with seasonal waning.
Gorkun: +4 Greenskins, +2 Goblins, A group of goblins chase the rainbow, to taste the rainbow.
Morannan Maklir: +4 Death, those who get to the rainbow get to enjoy being a GHOOOOOOST
!Kyodaina HI: +2 Monsters, +2 Sky, Kaiju yearn to go into space and see a rainbow
Cen: +4 Knowledge, people look up into the sky, see a rainbow and go “Yunno what’s more important than material things? KNAWLEDGE!”
Atualam: +2 Prowess, the ring accelerates the interest in astrology.
Oculus: +2 Spectacle, +2 Sacrifice, the ring is still inspiring and when it aligns with the moons, the cult kills people.

The O of Ooeht 23 AP+4 BP: Create a giant rainbow tower on the ground (4 AP/ 2 DC), +2 Trials, +2 Tricks

Cen 19 AP: Create the Well of +2 Memories (16 AP/12 DC), +4 Knowledge
Myrin: +2 Dream, +2 Psychic, removes strain and connects the dreamwood to the well.
Ozglint: +2 Artifice, +2 Magic, The well will inspire people to make advances in technology and magic, but will lose it’s power if the water is lost.
Morannan Maklir: +4 Death, -2 Austerity, The dead can share some of their knowledge if they’re intact
Kyodaina Hi: +2 Monsters, +2 Imagination, the water will make you creative and giant skyscraper sized monsters will drink from it very carefully
Atualam: +2 Prowess, +2 Foreknowledge, Those that drink from the well be given a random skill which be important at a pivotal moment in their lives.
Zemara: +2 Art, +2 Metamorphosis, sometimes people will become strange… Or just good at art.
Oculus: +2 Sacrifice, You can gain knowledge by ****ing killing someone and then being haunted by their memories.

Kyodaina Hi 5 AP: Spread Goblin Propaganda and kill satyrs (4 AP/2 DC), +2 Imagination, +2 Monsters, +2 Sky,

Kyodaina Hi 5 AP: Cause one man to be remembered (1 AP/0 DC) +2 Imagination

Gorkun 15 AP: Create Rune Magic (24 AP/20 DC) +4 Greenskins , +2 Greenskins
Kavan: +2 Monsters, +2 Oceans, +2 Genesis, Monsters can carve on themselves and some resonance rules
Myrin: -2 Psychic, -2 Dreams, +2 Physical, Creates strain, people can’t remember complex runes, introduces traditions
Ozglint: +2 Artifice, +2 Magic, Family heirloom runes can exist, as well as the no dream rune which helps people remember runes.
Morannan Maklir: +4 Death, Create the tradition of the Guardian Wolves, naked guys with super strength.
The O of Ooeht: +2 Trials, +2 Tricks, two statements can be simultaneously true if done in a big O.
Kyodaina Hi: +2 Monsters, +2 Imagination, With the permission of a monster, and a work of art, runed art may be used to manipulate a monster’s powers.
Atualam: +2 Prowess, +2 Foreknowledge, allows runes to be math formulae instead.
Zemara: +2 Metamorphosis, the tradition which allows you to become a mutant
Cen: +4 Knowledge, runes which can record knowledge and spread it.
Snafuu: -4 Clovenfoot, +2 Goblins, The satyr runic language is always the opposite of the goblin runic language and will have the opposite effect if made by a satyr and vice versa.

Morannan Maklir 17 AP+4 BP: Create Turnipface to protect Pekunos (14 AP/10 DC), +4 Death
Kavan: +2 Monsters, +2 Genesis, the crops will grow and the monsters will be spooky.
Myrin: -2 Psychic, Turnipface can be hurt if people truly believe their unique item will hurt him
Ozglint: -2 Artifice, -2 Magic, Turnipface is much harder to summon.
Iustrum: -2 War, -2 Honor, People will know who summoned Turnipface and why. Along with being able to challenge him to a fair challenge of some kind to defeat them.
The O of Ooeht: +2 Trials, +2 Tricks, Various children will dress up as Turnipface and go boo.
Kyodaina Hi:+2 Monsters, +2 Sky, +2 Imagination, Turnipface can fly, respect other monsters, love, and inspire art.

Kavan 15 AP+4 BP: Create Rakkar, the Firstborn (14 AP/10 DC), +2 Monsters, +2 Genesis, +2 Oceans
Ozglint: +2 Magic, Rakkar can store heat and then use it in a scalding hot breath attack, but he needs to spend a lot more time near geothermal vents.
Gorkun: +4 Greenskins, +2 Goblins, Various goblins raise Rakkar and then live on him
Morannan Maklir: +4 Death, Rakkar can avoid one death in their long life if they find a terrible person to do it.
The O of Ooeht: -2 Tricks, Rakkar will have the bull rush boss pattern
Kyodaina Hi: +2 Monsters, +2 Sky, +2 Imagination, Rakkar will feel a bond with kaiju, create storms when near civilization and inspire art
Oculus: +2 Sacrifice, Rakkar can obtain traits through sacrifice. Indefinetly through lots of it.

Kavan 15 AP+4 BP: Protect a village and give them fish in exchange for sacrifice (6 AP/ 3 DC) +2 Monsters, +2 Genesis, +2 Oceans
Myrin: -2 Dreams, allows people to give not blood sacrifice
Gorkun: +4 Greenskins, Various goblins help in cleanup, sacrifice, and prayer

Atualum 11 AP: Teach people how to tame animals (4 AP/2 DC) +2 Prowess, +2 Foreknowledge.

Ozglint 19 AP: Create hardier, more intelligent people (2 AP/1 DC) +2 Artifice, +2 Magic

Ozglint 19 AP: Create an omen of Prosperity over Peerless Peak. (16 AP/12 DC) +2 Artifice, +2 Magic
Iustrum: -2 War, -2 Honor, People will become obsessed with runes, often causing them to prejudiced towards those who live next to different runes
Kavan: +2 Ocean, +2 Genesis, The land is more fertile and there’s a saltwater pool
Gorkun: +4 Greenskins, Goblins teach how to make some better runes
Myrin: +2 Dreams, +2 Psychic, those upon the Peerless Peak will have dreams to help them decide their career path and there can be runes that produce less strain but can only be used on the mountain
Kyodaina Hi:+2 Imagination, Runes will often show up in art.
Zemara: +2 Art, +2 Metamorphosis, Some runes will make the art look presumably literally like a painting. Some kids are born with new runes.

Orgo 25 AP: Create the first White Mage (14 AP/10 DC) +4 Love
Myrin: +2 Dreams, +2 Psychic, The white mage can become a GHOOOOOOOOST! And possess people. Also they can sense where they are most needed.

Myrin 24 AP: Create these little bird things that turn into not bird things although sometimes still bird things (20 AP/16 DC)+2 Dreams, +2 Psychic, -2 Physical,
Kavan:+2 Oceans, +2 Monsters, +2 Genesis, Create the Akir, the loyal crab warriors.
Gorkun: -2 Goblins, Goblins eat a shifter and then become buff goblins who control not nature.
Ozglint: +2 Artifice, +2 Magic, Create the Taylot, illusionist environmentalist turkeys
Morannan Maklir: -4 Death, +2 Austerity, The dreamwood trees they inhabit will be infected with a slow dying disease.
Orgo: +4 Love, Those darn trees won’t die of soul disease!
The O of Ooeht: +2 Trials, O eats a shifter, and promises he will eat them again. Sadly, the goblins already beat him to the punch on that one.
Kyodaina Hi: +2 Imagination, +2 Sky, Shifters will be beautiful as well as… Able to fly and manipulate clouds by flying.
Cen: +4 Knowledge, create the Yasani, these little observant and telepathic dudes
Atualam: +2 Prowess, +2 Foreknowledge, Create some terrifying mother****ers.
Zemara: +2 Art, +2 Metamorphosis, Create unnamed frog shifters.

Snafuu 15 AP: Create a dimension connecting the snafuu trees with many trials within (12 AP/8 DC) +4 Clovenfoot
Ozglint: +2 Artifice, +2 Magic, Can create maps of the paths, some non-satyrs can use it, but only well-cared for trees become part of the network.
Atualam: +2 Prowess, the trials will always be well suited for those who enter.
Cen: +4 Knowledge, Adds the Tree of Knowledge to the network of trees.

Atualum 11 AP: Create a tradition of astrologers (4 AP/2 DC) +2 Prowess, +2 Foreknowledge

Iustrum 13 AP: Create a group of warriors to watch Iustrum sleep (4 AP/2 DC) +2 War, +2 Honor

Myrin 24 AP: Various Suiren communities start to center their civilizations around dreamwood (4 AP/2 DC) +2 Dreams, +2 Psychic
Ozglint: +2 Magic, +2 Artifice, Creates the leaders known as the Dream Lords, and allows caretakers of the trees to change them in minor ways
Cen: +4 Knowledge, The various Suiren communities will have many teachers.

Morannan Maklir 17 AP+4 BP: Lie to various mortals for his own enjoyment (6 AP/3 DC) +4 Death, -2 Austerity

Snafuu 15 AP: Give various people new job responsibilities they aren’t prepared for (2 AP/1 DC) +4 Clovenfoot

Cen 19 AP: Create a tradition of people to care for knowledge and the well of it. (2 AP/ 1 DC) +4 Knowledge

Oculus 15 AP+4 BP: Cause thousands of satyrs and humans to engage in racist feuds for centuries(12 AP/8 DC) +2 Spectacle, +2 Sacrifice

Oculus 15 AP+4 BP: Creates Disease which makes you strong (8 AP/4 DC) +2 Spectacle
Myrin: -2 Psychic, People don’t like the diseased.
Gorkun: +4 Greenskins, The goblins love it however and wanna get reinfected!
Ozglint: -2 Magic, tempers the disease so that mothers won’t die and lessens the effects on reinfection

Gorkun 15 AP: Spreads the gospel of eating everything (1 AP/0 DC) +4 Greenskins, +2 Goblins

Zemara 21 AP: Create a tribe which worships Zemara, does art, and body modification (12 AP/ 8 DC) +2 Art, +2 Metamorphosis.
Ozglint: +2 Magic, +2 Artifice, Their rune magic will be famous and the craftsmen of practical things will make them beautiful, powerful, storyful.

Zemara 21 AP: Create the lamb which is also a plant. (8 AP/ 4 DC) +2 Art, +2 Metamorphosis

2022-02-23, 10:29 PM
The O of Ooeht (Two Sucesses): Mortals look up in wonder as they see a great rainbow ring echo across the sky. While most mortals have relatively interest in reaching it as was intended, they are continually inspired by the great lights of the sky whose brightness parallels that of the great triplet moon. Great flying monsters part their heads through the clouds to catch a glimpse at the rainbow as those of Ooeht study the stars from their own tower made of rainbow, wondering what knowledge they could obtain and how to create object in it's image. This except for one group of mortals still interested in chasing the rainbow... Or well, several groups. Believing treasure to be at the end of the rainbow, and as followers of Da Purple, they naturally assume the treasure to be food. They wish to taste the rainbow. Eventually these explorers will die reaching the far reaches of some land or sea. But then another group of goblins looks to the sky, and remembers their cries of "Being the ones to finally taste the rainbow". And start up the expedition anew.

Cen (Two Successes):Thousands flock to the Well of Memories and share in it's knowledge and gain it's many blessings and inspirations. Causing the Keepers to often be overwhelmed by the visitors but to allow a great amount of knowledge and memories to accrue in both the well and their libraries of stories from visitors from as far away as Festinog and their Root Forrest as well as having to contend with many other visitors trying to dump in dead bodies or make sacrifices.

Kyodaina Hi (Two Successes): Woodcutter decimates an army of satyrs. Remains ignorant of his actions. An artist becomes famous and gets a job.

Gorkun (Two Successes): With a burble of the great goblin's invincible stomach and a series of swears that ends in an explosion; Runic magic is brought into existence. Though prone to explosion, needing to be carved upon hard surfaces and could not repeat words, as well as producing a great Strain on both body and soul, it still revolutionizes how many mortals see the world and go about it's business. Knowledge is recorded on them, warriors eschew their armour for runic power, and powerful heirlooms are passed down the family lines for ages.

Meanwhile, a goblin preaches that all goblins should eat inedible objects. Leading to the deaths of many goblins.

Morannan Maklir (Two Successes):
Beware the wrath of Turnipface
If you ever hear the scratch, scratch, scratching of wooden claws upon your door
Then all barriers will be broken and thrown to the floor
Your body will be rent and left without a trace
For he has come to put you in your place
The ghastly flying protector of Pekunos comes during times of strife and beckons to be summoned to destroy the enemy, through a month's time and the blood of a dozen he can brought to deal with his enemies. The only ways to stop him are with the juices of grubs and fire, an honorably challenge, or by the faith you hold in old musty heirlooms.

Far, far away from that.An island nation starts a tradition of naming their children Dongus and speaking of other such silly things.

Kavan (Two Successes): Rakkar, the Firstborn, guardian of the tower of monsters, bellows his way into existence. Raised from but a babe by semi-aquatic goblins that now clamber upon it's skin. It's feared from the wrath it exacts upon the skies and oceans that it travels and the great bouts of steam that it expels upon ships that come too close. Villages nearby the constant storms, terrified of it's wrath throw valuables and people into the seas as sacrifices to both Kavan his terrible monster.

Atualam (Two Successes): While hunters and beast tamers venture out past Acroth to bring back exotic animals from the hills, those still in the fetid Rotwood look to the stars to inspiration, to tell their futures and observe the same patterns over and over again in the sky. Perhaps we too are doomed to repeat them as well

Ozglint (Two Successes): The boundaries and much of the land of the Peerless peak are carved with various runes, causing the place to become positively crackling with magical energy. Though much of the mountain becomes obsessed with the runes, the land grows fertile, salt is able to be harvested, new runes are found upon skin and dreams to lead teenagers into their dream jobs. A propagation of superior genes spreads throughout the people of Peerless Peak having them live longer and inspire a culture based upon runes and advancement.

Orgo (One Success): The First White mage comes into existence, to wander the earth and teach mortals about the divine virtues of Orgo. Eventually they shuffle their mortal coil, turn into a ghost and then recreate their body

Myrin (Two Successes): Shifters manifest from the dreams of mortals, small little furred creatures that can turn into larger divine such as big frogs, big turkeys, big crabs big spiders, and small little telepathic guys. They're beautiful little buggers who can fly and typically posses some form of psionic powers. They are also incredibly delicious to goblins.

The main communities of the Suiren start to gather around Dreamwoods as a unifying force to base their settlements around. Using the shared dreamscapes to bring the community together.

Snafuu (Two Successes): The ten masters are given responsibilities and reinforce to satyr societies the way of The Path. The Snafuu trees guiding their way as the roots of the Root Forrest allows them to accelerate their ways down The Path and reach the enlightenment of a garbage man. As well as travel to anywhere the Snafuu trees are planted as well as the great Tree of Knowledge

Iustrum (One Success): A hundred men are tasked with watching over a sleeping god who cannot be damaged by mortals.

Oculus (Two Successes): Oculus causes the needless death, conflict, and feuds of a hundred thousand people and their descendants to fight for various racist reasons. As well as the Ocuvirus, like the cold but it makes you much stronger, however it can only reinfect somebody four times.

Zemara (Two Successes): Corun starts a tribe centered around the geoglyph and teaches the ways of art, function and Zemara. As well as the birth of the sheep which is also a plant and allows great textiles.

2022-02-24, 02:20 AM
Seven hundred years later
The Age of the Lion
Thousands of mortals across the civilizations of Otellia watch carefully the procession of the sky. Now, it is the constellation of the Lion which dominates the sky, said to foretell the return of the gods once again. The lion is reflective too of the people, the mortals have become prideful, powerful, and created prides of their own. Much of the world falling to rule by royal families in their new city states. These great bastions of civilization made possible by the taming of the material known as bronze. Tin traveling long distances across Otellia to reach the furtive hands of smiths. But how goes the various followers of the gods?

The O of Ooeht: Those who live in the land of Ooeht have grown wealthy and prosperous, sailing great distances to trade with other islands and taking full advantage of their great rainbow tower. Yet perhaps they have grown fat, and complacent to continue their worship of The O and his trials?

Cen:The mighty Cen and his tree of Knowledge becomes a spot of pilgrimage to not only all of Suiren but to even parts of the Kujumi, and Lemuria, and many satyrs from across the Root Forrest. Yet with all this new knowledge and fame comes interest from less than savory individuals. In particular thieves and other cutthroats have made more and more appearances among the people

Kyodaina Hi: Woodcutter stares at everyone, high in the sky, floating above all. It has caused many to have less than savory attitudes towards the creature as well as Kyodaina herself.

Gorkun: While most goblins still follow the right and righteous path of Da Purple with the advent of civilization, many goblins' cannibalistic tendencies and ravenous hunger have been... Looked down upon by the other races and even some of their own race. Leading to a drop of worship and the true path of eating everything

Moranann Maklir:Pekunos flourishes, but forms into often corrupt and merciless companies. The reputation for violence and fascination with death has done little to expand the worship of Morannan outward, and inward more and more have joined the peaceful ways of Enceladus.

Kavan: The fisherman of Festinog have been more and more productive these years. Yet, it seems most worth their wit avoid the seas and their constantly roiling trouble. Instead many of the coast have migrated inwards to a great lake which nestled in a fertile valley

Atualam: The followers of Atualam have been prosperous, draining vast areas of swamp and improving the quality of soil along various civic projects. To the point little have interest outside the goings on of Rotwood and are even starting to doubt the oncoming apocalypse of Atualam.

Ozglint: Oz's followers are indeed more healthy, longer lived, and industrious compared to others. However this industry seems to be often put into war with each other, a constant feuding and racism plaguing the Peerless Peak as people become more and more divided over the runes which they attribute to their success over in their minds the less valuable runes of their neighbors.

Orgo: The First White Mage and his teachings of virtues have reached the eyes and ears of even the most remote areas of Otellia. While they are welcomed most places, it has earned the ire of many traditionalists that these virtues are being taught over their own cultures.

Myrin: The dreamwoods have spread throughout the societies of Suiren, but with it an expansive drug trade runs through the swamps. Great for business, yes, but causes some to curse the name of Myrin or even cut down their dreamwoods for what they see as ruining their communities and plaguing their families.

Snafuu: The satyrs have followed the path, righteous and true. However, this has lead to an overflow of intelligentista alongside leaders, and soldiers stuck on their paths as the blessed manual laborers overwork themselves to exhaustion every day. The Path has caught on little outside of it's isolated communities, many calling them a fundamentalist cult.

Iustrum: With the advent of civilization so comes the need for both war, and honor, causing Iustrum to be a deity oft adopted into pantheons throughout the region. Mercenaries and the like in particular share the tales of glory from their prayers to Iustrum. However, this has come with Iustrum often being associated as being caused for the horrors of war as well.

Oculus: The Cult grows, and grows. Sacrifices left and right, it is a practical Aztec capital as cults slaughter more and more of their own rank as well outsiders, the club of Kujumi too settles down in a verdant and beautiful valley that inspires sacrifice given to the observant god, and cats to be regarded as sacred and divine animals. This may bring too much attention to the followers of a secretive god though

Zemara: With a renewed interest in Iustrum the role of Zemara in his great war has often been... Reimagined. Alongside the descendants of Oculus's curse of racism between the humans and satyrs has caused a deep and growing sentiment between the races. Causing some to say Zemara, Corun and his tribe as corrupting and weak influences on the proper warrior culture of Ran Moch.

Everyone has 70 AP and 3 Turns this age

2022-02-24, 11:24 AM

-18 Create Ecosystem (The White Magic Forest)
Location: A European style climate : (Kujumi was suggested to me)

+4 Love
-18/70 AP: Orgo sees that the people suffer short lives. He creates a new, magical form of natural herbal medicine that can heal serious wounds in mere moments, and extend someone's life dramatically (+35 years) if taken regularly, prevent many horrible diseases, cure some diseases and alleviate all other diseases, and even act as an antidote for literally all poisons that did not immediately kill on contact. The medicinal herbs would further improve the overall physical condition of the user dramatically as well. Lastly this magical herb would also work to seriously curb hunger pangs.

The rest of the forest would be very appealing compared to the purely natural ecosystems of the rest of the world. Animals and the like that lived there would be compelled to never harm mortal children. While they might harm the offspring of animal species, the neighbors such as villagers, townsfolk, travelers, etcetera would never have to fear for the safety of their children and infants from the animals.

Furthermore, for some weird reason, on unusual occasions, children could decide to live in this forest and even live their lives here. The forest would accept children who are mistreated. For example, children running from home because of terrible abuse, and Orphans could also be magically inducted into the forest. These children would have modest magical properties. They could speak with the animals here and never fear them their whole lives. Furthermore, the children would naturally be very wise for their age, and likely would not age the same way that the outside world does. For this reason, they could live well over two hundred years old, perhaps even around three hundred. If this unusual event occurs often enough, there could even be small civilizations inside the forest, and still produce edible plants, fungus and even have more than enough game for the neighboring outsiders. It should be noted that despite the extremely long lives of the Children Of The Wilds, there will likely never be much beyond a small settlements, or towns inside the forest it'self. Never cities with many thousands of people.

Oh, did I forget to tell you? Animals, from the local birds, all the way to the wolves and vermin not only live longer than ordinary animals, but breed little faster. that's why the forest expands so much faster than ordinary forests. The forest magically expands much faster than ordinary wild lands. It isn't an incredibly fast expansion over all, but if unchecked by civilization, it will definitely seem that way.

Lastly, the honey and mushrooms harvested from here is going to be extremely satisfying, if the Forest is successful in being planted by Orgo. The honey has milder healing properties than the herbs that grow here but can be used in conjunction to further improve the standard of living for the imbiber in all the same ways.

2022-02-24, 11:52 AM
Kavan, Master of Monsters, Lord of the Deep, The Devourer
AP: 70 AP -> 58 AP + 16 BP
Remaining Actions: One Primary

Kavan awoke to find that this time, his presence was mostly unnoticed - except, of course, by the goblins of the Tower, whose excitement at the return of the god of monsters was only matched by the feeling several groups showed when Rakkar returned from the vents it had slumbered among (descendants of those that had first served his firstborn, it seemed). The coastline was quiet. So they'd taken the fear Kavan could instill to heart. On the one hand, good. They would pass that lesson on over the ages, and that would be at least one group of mortals that knew how to act towards the gods, and he would . On the other, it left the closest land of him nearly empty of mortals - he could see a few scattered huts and groups of humans, and some running to inform those deeper inland of Kavan's return. No matter. Kavan had needed to expand his work beyond the shoreline anyway, so they wouldn't escape his attention for long, and the space left behind by the mortals who had headed inland gave him some ideas...There were a lot of goblins in the Tower now, and in the raft of makeshift boats and floating homes that were tethered onto the Tower. Perhaps too many at this point. Perhaps it was time to make use of them. Having mortals living on his shores that understood the way things should be and paid proper respect would be useful.

6 AP/3 DC: influence a village of mortals (~1000)

Kavan sends roughly a thousand of the goblins infesting the Tower of Kavan out to the shores of Festinog, to resettle the places where the mortals of the last age had lived before heading inland.

Kavan (net +7)
+2 Monsters: Kavan sends out Rakkar and its host of goblin riders to support the settling goblins - while its might is occasionally put to use for more peaceful uses, its main purpose there is to protect the new settlements from any attempts to dislodge them, to support the goblins on any offensive actions they make in the process, and to announce to anyone observing that these are under Kavan's domain.
+2 Oceans: Kavan calms the turbulent Festinog oceans for the settlers, useful currents taking them to and from the Tower of Kavan as necessary.
+2 Genesis: Kavan blesses the new goblin settlements, allowing them to grow fruitful and multiply more quickly for a time - it won't last forever, but it'll help bolster the first newborn generation or two.
+1 Fear: The goblins and Rakkar represent Kavan's return to the people of Festinog, and Kavan revels in the fear he sees as the mortals in the territory he claims.

The coastline Kavan targeted wasn't completely desolate, of course. Some had remained, a mixture of those who had dismissed the threat of Kavan's return, those that had been exiled from the valley-dwellers, those that simply loved the oceans too much to leave, and a few who were expecting Kavan's return and thought leaving would bring the god's wrath upon them. Kavan hadn't forgotten about any of them, and they had a choice here. They could escape, fight back or join the goblins under Kavan (as always, the god cared little for racial divides, only whether or not they obeyed his will) - those that weren't able to get away through trickery, skill or obedience, the failed rebels, were given to Kavan to fulfill centuries of hunger and to fuel his plans for the future. Several got away through the little trick Myrin had established centuries ago, some of the original fishermen passing it down over the generations, but not enough to stop Kavan getting his fill, particularly during the times in the process that the god himself turned his focus to the process and saw through any attempts to make use of that deception.

6 AP: demand the sacrifice of 100 mortals to generate 16 BP

2022-02-24, 04:12 PM
Kyōdaina Hi: Ran Moch-70/70 ap

A little satyr walked upon the grassy fields of Ran Moch. The field always had an abundance of bugs, Most see them as nothing more than a nuisance but this little goat... “Aren’t you a cute little one.” She said picking up the little millipedes from the ground. The bug wiggled in her hands “...Don’t worry I’m just getting a good look, put you down in a second.”

“What a marvelous creature…” A voice rang out in a little girl's head. “...That's a millipede right? It will be perfect.”

The girl frantically looked around, “who are you? Where are you?” the poor little thing was in a sweat as she was trying to find the source of the voice.

“It’s fine, little one.” The little girl suddenly realized The millipede she was holding was gone? “You will see the little one again.” That the voice disappeared.

The little girl was still completely in shock. “Wh…what just happened?” She called herself as she slowly turned around. “I need to find mommy.”

“Okay get a creative little bit more creative” Hi Said, holding the tiny Bug in her massive hand. “They’re going to help me bring some peace to this world.”

20 AP/16 DC: Create a supernaturally gifted sentient species, The Taishi, speakers for all.



Bugs generally creep people out, Especially the one with hundreds of legs like a millipede. Now, imagine it being bigger than the man. Most people would be utterly horrified. Well that is the form of the Taishi. A race of giant millipedes. However if you talk to one of them you would go from absolute fear, to other confusion, to Surprisingly comfortable around them and finally having a new best friend. Despite their horrifying exterior the Taishi have a loving heart and cares about all living things. They generally seek to end conflict and help people come closer together.

Kyodaina Hi created them to bring love and understanding between different cultures and groups, often acting as ambassadors or peacemakers.

Small tidbits
While it seems like the race has no hands, they actually have more hands than other races. Each one of their tiny feet are able to pick up various objects, And manipulate objects around them as well as any other race can just two of their hands, they can also stretch out twice the original body length to pick up stuff, They can also grow back if they are chopped off.
+1 Empathy: Their antennae are actually able to send their thoughts Telepathically great distances to another one of their kind. Sort of making them like Phones.
Taishi do not have a culture in a traditional sense. They usually grow in a random settlement with only a few others of their kind. Because of this they mostly imprint on the culture they are around but all Taishi have a connection with each other and will often trade cultural knickknacks when they meet Another of their kind from the tribe.
They can easily learn almost any language in under a month.
+2 Imagination: They are generally a very creative race When it comes to art, the main cultural similarity the Taishi have is the stylistic nature of their art.
+2 sky: imagine a flying millipedes, Now imagine A flying millipedes that’s bigger than you.
+2 Monster: they are able to calm down and communicate with the spirits of monsters, Hi children or monsters from other gods. In fact they consider them uncles to the whole race.
The Taishi are a very shy, but playful race, seeing joy in most things in life unfortunately they also have quite a problem reading the room. Like the fact that people may find them terrifying.
They eat plants, from fruit to grass.
They have an extremely hard skeleton that's harder than steel and is very hard to penetrate, if something's attacking them they may assume they are being hugged.
They can live for about 500 years
If they generally feel threatened they can dig underground away from danger pretty easily.
Important: Taishi culturally and physical change depending on what culture they live in, in the most extreme cases they physically change (OCC: meaning for your help you can create your own variant)

2022-02-24, 05:13 PM
Kyōdaina Hi: Ran Moch-70/70 ap

"How bizarrely cute!" Orgo stated at the horrifying looking millipede people. "An evil looking but pleasant demeanored "monster" for lack of better word. Orgo was genuinely pleased at their creation, and wanted to lend a helping hand.

+4 Love: The Taishu will have the ability to transform into butterfly or moth creations of elaborately beautiful design which reflects their inner nature once they reach maturity. Their mere presence will have a pleasing and soothing mood on all surrounding life. They can magically revert to their Taishi form at any time. This magical presence can alleviate the worst sorrows, and even cure depression.

2022-02-26, 10:58 AM
Kavan, Master of Monsters, Lord of the Deep, The Devourer
AP: 58 AP + 16 BP -> 40 AP + 16 BP
Remaining Actions: None

The land dealt with for the time being, Kavan turned his attention to the oceans around his Tower. This place was becoming more and more his domain, and so the time was right to make it his in appearance as well as in authority, to lay the groundwork for his plans for the region. Diving beneath the waves, he swam through his domain and planned out the nature of his domain, and where he swam the vines soon began to take root - if things went as he envisioned, they would soon grow to cover the entirety of his domain.

18 AP/14 DC (Detectable): Create a unique ecosystem - the Katavir

The most noticeable feature of Katavir is the vitak, a vinelike plant that can be found everywhere in the region. They grow out across the seafloor in an uneven mat, vast columns of twisting vitak rising up from the dark depths towards the sun, the dark purples of the deep vitak transitioning into brighter greens as the vitak get closer to the sun and the energy it provides, sprawling out into small living islands. While they are all interconnected, the vitak aren't all the same species, instead being a closely related group that work as a symbiotic whole - the photosynthetic vitak provide energy to the whole, along with scattered clusters of carnivorous vitaks and stonelike specimens drawing from deep-sea vents and digging underground for nutrients from the earth, while the tough vitak found everywhere transport nutrients along the system, and provide structural reinforcement and armour to the more complex vitak structures that develop across the Katavir and protect the specialised vitak that can be found deeper in and serve their own functions. The vitak are a source of resources to those with the knowledge on how to use them - useful fibers can be extracted from the green vitak along with it serving as an acceptable (if unappetising) food source (and the actual above-water masses can be useful as the closest thing to dry land out here), while the darker vitak can be cut and worked like a water-resistant wood. The carnivorous vitak clusters make use of various drugs and poisons to ensure their prey doesn't escape digestion, and with care these can be extracted and used elsewhere.

The Katavir has life besides the vitak, of course. Many small animals live among the plants growing on the seafloor, taking advantage of the various nooks and crannies they provide - many are scavengers, feeding on what falls from above (while a few bold species are adapted to steal food from the carnivorous vitak without falling victims to their spines and poisons themselves) - while the rest tend to predate on the first type. A few creatures live on the tough vitak surrounding them, parasites that burrow through the vines to get at the resources within or herbivores adapted to chew the tough plant matter. In general, though, herbivorous creatures are found closer to the surface, large numbers living off the softer green vitak. The rest of the creatures here are predators, eating the smaller seafloor creatures, the larger surface herbivores, or each other. <Will probably edit in some example species between now and the deadline, just wanted to get the main part out for reactions and such>

Kavan (net +7)
+2 Monsters: While some of the animal life in the Katavir is much like that found anywhere else, having migrated in from elsewhere in the ocean and found that the environment suited them fine, many are new species created by Kavan along with the vitak, that while not monsters themselves display the same tendencies Kavan shows when making his monsters - creatures made out of amalgamations of existing sea life, designed to be dangerous to the unwary, and the kind of creatures that the mortals on land, should they come across them, would think of in the same ways as his greater creations.
+2 Oceans: Attempts to transplant life from the Katavir to freshwater gradually turns that freshwater into saltwater - bodies of water the animals Kavan created seem to end up growing vitak somehow (the going theory is that the animals carry whatever kind of spore or seed the vines use on or in them), and the vitak then starts to make the water they are in more like the sea in the Katavir over time, although as it lacks the balance of species found in the Katavir (and the native species tend to not survive the changes in the water) these waters tend to become quickly choked with vitak that soon in turn die.
+2 Genesis: As the basis for his ecosystem, Kavan ensures that the vitak grows fast and strong, the deep-sea plants constantly expanding across the ocean floor and the surface plants providing enough food to support the herbivores that depend on them.
+1 Fear: The oceans are an unnerving place to many people, and the Katavir enhances this - for most sapient species, there's just something about being among the vitak that's unnerving, not enough to be afraid of the plants themselves but enough to set them on edge and make deeper excursions into the region a more difficult prospect (besides the logistical challenges that delving underwater presents).

The O of Ooeht (net +3)
The O of Ooeht adds kavarlaak octopus to the Katavir.

+2 Trials, as the cooling meteorite drifts down the water column, it eventually lands inside the sandy burrow of a octopus. There it begins to morph the octopus, producing a new species that's indigenous to Katavir biomes. These octopuses grow to massive sizes, with tentacles easily large enough and strong enough to overpower a man. They use their beaks to shear out hollows in the viney island masses, where they lurk just beneath the ground waiting for prey (they're basically sarlaacs). To most they are extemely dangerous predators, but to Kavan's monsters they are a good sized meal wrapped in seaweed, thus adding a convenient link in the food chain.

+1 Rainbow, the colour changing pigment in the octopus's skin can be used to blend in with their vitak homes. They can leave their tentacles exposed on the island surfaces, where they are hard to distinguish from the surrounding vines, making the perfect trap for inattentive passersby.

Ozglint (net +2)
I too have an interest in creating life. Let us help one another, and may the world be better for the creations we make, God of the Deepest Water.

+2 Magic- Much like photosynthesis that the green surface plants are capable of, the Katavir also gathers ambient magical energy. While this effect is small, it is steady, and a fully bloomed Katavir symbiotic ecosystem can gather a significant amount of ambient magic. When it has reached capacity the plants that make up the Katavir begin to glow visibly at night, and at that point it can be harvested as a magically charged fiber, capable of enhancing the effect of other magics (for now runes, but if other magics are made them as well). A necklace of runes strung of ripe Katavir fiber would be much more powerful than it normally would be. Of course, to get the magical fibers you have to deal with the pitfalls, monsters, and dangers of the ecosystem itself, so it is a risky but profitable job. The ecosystem also becomes capable of surviving and even thriving through the harvesting process, with a proficient harvester able to encourage new growth by pruning the more overgrown areas.

Flawless- -2 if rejected- The Katavir must hit a critical mass before it is capable of converting fresh water to salt water. This does nothing to stop the process, but it does give plenty of time to anyone who wishes to combat this effect by removing or destroying the growths before they can devastate important ecosystems.

Myrin (net +3)
+2 Dream +2 Psychic -2 Physical: Though difficult, Myin molds from the vitak into having bioluminescent lights along their bodies, at least on the parts below the light of the sun. Depending on the species of vitak the lights can be expressed inside large sacks of fluid in the stems, bulbus fruits that hang off the side of the vitak, the symbiotic life forms that live inside it, or other means. The bioluminescent liquid used has a powerful dream-giving quality, forcing predators that eat it to experience the act of dreaming, perhaps permanently if too much is consumed.

If a small amount of the liquid is taken by mortals they can safely determine that different kinds of dreams are created by differently colored liquid.

This change does create more friction between the vitak, different varieties less willing to cooperate among one another and at times outright try to destroy one another (not quickly, like how coral reefs attack each other but with more monsters). The way one vitak species reacts to another can be easily determined by how similar their bioluminescent light is.

Kyodaina Hi (net +7)
+2 monster and+1 Empathy:: All the monsters in the area of good friends with each other and help each other out when they can

+2 sky and+2 imagination:: Above This Monster Land is beautiful rainbows as far as the eye can see

2022-02-27, 04:39 AM
Morannan Maklir 70 AP, A remote village in Ran Moch
There was a small, young and overworked maid. Scrubbing dishes and mending clothes day and night. She was like any other low-being in the remote parts of the world. Ignored and forgotten, except when an object of derision. She was out in the yard dumping the dirty water of the scullery pot. She was quick about it, as she was always quick about it, for she had already become accustomed to the torrents of insults, swears and beatings from those above her, it wore down on her.

But she was made of tough stuff. That’s what everyone said if they weren’t insulting her. You’re made of tough stuff, you were one tough girl. They say her dad was a mercenary who died in some war. One of those wars that happened far, far from here. Nothing ever happened here. She knew that most of what they said about her dad were probably lies, that he was probably some drunken rake, but she liked to imagine him as some dashing and strong character. One who stoically stood for his country, against a mighty horde of enemies.

She’d gotten used to daydreaming even as she hurried from one place to the other, but this time, she was interrupted from her daydreaming when she spotted the skull of a satyr in a pile of hay. She dumped her water and quickly went over to it. “Folk ‘round here be making me clean up their dumped bodies too!”

As she reached to pick it up, the skeletal face started laughing. Morannan stepped out of the hay as if he were gliding upon air. “Most folk would be disturbed by a murderer leaving their dead body around.”

“If I’s was to report some body. No one would believe me, and I’d have my hide tanned for it.”

“Where I am from, we have a saying. A hide tanned is a tough hide. And that’s what you are, aren’t you? A tough one?”

“That’s what they say.”

“Oh, poor child. You care too much about others.”

“I gotta, even someone who's got nothing can still get taken from.”

“Have you ever been given something? For free that is.” The girl looked like she genuinely thought of this for a second before shaking her head. “That’s tragic.” Morannan reached into his robe. He produced a small scarf from, it was a dazzling red, seeming to shimmer in the light as all the reds at once. The blinding red of cinnabar, the shimmering red of ruby, and matte red of blood all at once. “This is for you. It's a special scarf, one like no other. It's the Blinding Scarf of Justice, anyone who wears it will have the power to defeat anyone in a single kick, but only if you act truly selflessly. You'll keep it safe, right?"

The girl nodded fixated on the beautiful reds of the scarf. He handed it over, patting the girl on the head. "I know you'll use it well. You're tough like that” The girl just nodded fervently as she stood amazed at the scarf, quickly pressing it to her chest as if afraid that it might disappear in her hands.

The maid had gone through most of the day unobserved. Simply doing her chores, stroking her scarf often as she did so. Pulling it and just looking at the shimmering colors for but a second before going back to work. Till she hears the innkeeper berating the stableboy. He was new to the inn, she’d only met him once or twice, but once she had traded him a tunic for a whole chunk of beef.

She ducked her hand down as she always did in these times. Seeing the bright reds of the scarf blow in the wind, confidence and anger surged with that wind. She rounded the corner and stood as she thought her father would, and shouted “HEY!” As loud as she could.

The Innkeeper, a large portly man who used to keep in exercise. One used to throwing around the full brunt of their weight. His eyes instantly fell to the scarves as he peered down at the girl. “Where did you get that, you thief!”

“Someone gave it to me! It’s mine!”

“There ain’t no one around here with that kind of money, especially one who’d give it away to some gutter rat!” He closed in but she backed away, her confidence wavering as his hands closed in near her throat, ducking out of the way of him.

“No! It’s mine! All you ever do is steal! You steal what I have, and what he has! And you root through traveler’s bags and steal from them too!”

“I told you girl, you didn’t know what you was seeing. Now give me that scarf!”

As the innkeeper closed in, the stable boy picked up an apple and threw it at his head. “Hey! Stop that! She’s my friend!”

“Do I got to get the whip for both of yous! Ungrateful, you lot! I took you in-” As the innkeeper turned his back, the maid kicked him with all she could. As the kick connected it, it was as if accelerated on contact, like a great driving force lead her foot as it cut the innkeeper in half, covering the stable in blood and frightening the animals.

The two orphans just looked at each other in silence before the stable boy spoke up “I’ll calm down the animals! You get the wheelbarrow, and we both get the body, yeah!”

The two nodded fervently to each other as they realized what they had done.

As the maid cleaned clothes free of blood, a skeletal figure shifted into a view. Uncapping a wineskin and drinking from it. “You said that I could only do it when I was selfless. I was right, righteous with anger and it still worked!”

“It’s not that simple. You can be angry and still be selfless. You were angry at injustice was what you were. That’s why it’s the Blinding Red Scarf of Justice, that’s what it does, deliver justice to the unjust.” He passed the wineskin “Only a sip, you hear.”

She looked down took a large gulp from the skin and handed it back. Morannan didn’t seem to care. “He was right rotten, but did he really deserve to die?”

“All of us deserve a death of some kind. Some of us worse deaths, some good, and some deserve it sooner than others.”

“I guess you’re right in a weird way.”

“I knew you’d understand.” He sat down on the floor next to her, patting her on her head. Exhausted, she quickly leaned against the shoulder of the much larger being. “Perhaps the world isn’t ready for your scarf and that… Dynamite Kick of yours.”

“Dynamite kick?”

“It’s an old word. Dynamite means powerful, awesome, extraordinary.”

“Maybe… I’ll just wear it sometimes, yunno.”

“When you need to deliver justice, I would assume.”

“Yeah, I’ll make a mask. That way no one could tell who I am.”

“That’s a good idea. You can be, Dynamite Kick, the one who is unafraid to die.”

“But… I am afraid to die.”

“Do you want to deliver justice?” The maid nodded. “It’s dangerous work, you’d have to be unafraid to die. Tough work for a tough girl, but soldiers accept that risk all the time. I heard your dad did.”

“You know about my dad? What was he like?”

“Do you want to know the truth?” The maid nodded, nestled in Morannan’s arms. “He was a bastard. Downright rotten to the core, didn’t care about you or mom in the slightest. He was real scum, a real bad man.” The maid just sniffed, wiping her eyes on Morannan’s robes. “But now, he’s dead in a ditch, not even separated from other bodies that died that day. Forgotten. You’d be best to forget him too. Gives him power, power over you and over others.”

Morannan got up, but as he did so, the maid pulled at the sleeves of his robes. “But, should I be like my dad and accept that risk or not?”

“No, you should be better than him. Whatever that means to you.” With that, the skeleton disappeared from the room in a puff of black smoke.

Create Dynamite Kick, the +2 Self-Sacrifice demigod, 18 AP/14 DC

Dynamite Kick is the mantle taken on by those who wear the Blinding Red Scarf of Justice.For now, this is just a simple scarf that gives the wielder no powers other than perhaps confidence. In actuality, Morannan has instead instilled two gifts to the girl. One, the most obvious, the ability for your kicks to strike with the force of three sticks of dynamite. And two, a deep and profound desire to pursue what they define as justice and to right injustice.. Anyone who takes upon the mantle will have an almost physiological need to occasionally take up the identity of Dynamite Kick and pursue justice until eventually they will either die in this pursuit or sacrifice themselves to save others.

The line about only being able to use their power for a selfless act is simply a lie, but it is a lie that is believed.

+4 Death because Dynamite Kick just killed a dude.

2022-02-27, 04:52 AM
The O of Ooeht (70AP), in orbit around the planet

For the last few hundred years, it had been possible for a keen observer, on a clear night when the moons are new and the great O's brightness is eclipsed, to look up into the sky and see a star moving across the heavens. It was a faint star, easier to spot if you looked a bit askance of it, but once found it was obviously apparent due to its steady sidewards motion. It was given names like the Traveller, the Wanderer, and most frivolous of all, the Shepherd of Clouds.

Only one group of mortals, the inhabitants of Ooeht, knew the true name of this star, for they had witnessed its ascent. It had soared up into the sky with a rainbow in tow, stretching it out and out and out until it encircled the whole world. Then, with its task complete, it began to drift listlessly, coasting at a leisurely pace from one horizon to the other, only to appear back where it started a few hours later. These mortals, watching from their rainbow tower, did not quite understand how this happened, but they were descended from a people who knew how to question their reality. They had their theories.

For them this star was named the O of Ooeht, and it was not a star, but a large mirrored turtle shell that traced out huge arcs around the world from a great height above its surface, just as it had done when it created the O. And they were entirely correct.

For this reason, when the star began to fall in a trail of fiery rainbow light, they knew exactly what it meant. Their god had returned, and with him would come great trials that only their best might endure. It was useless to pray for salvation, for even if it was offered, you could never be sure it wasn't just another trick...

Demand the sacrifice of one mortal for 4BP

The Twelve and Half High Priests of Ooeht decide to reenact the origins of their god in an attempt to appease him. First, they catch a large turtle and butcher it, leaving a clean shell. Then, they fill the shell with crabs, birds, and rats. Then they load inside it a young virgin who has been blessed with six fingers on each hand.

Then they throw the entire ensemble off the top of their tower, smashing it to pieces on the rocks below. It is especially pleasing to the O of Ooeht since no one told the young virgin that this was the plan. Tricked!

As the O of Ooeht fell back to earth, two fragments break away from him, hurtling northward. One makes landfall in a bewitching Kujumi forest. The other manages to get a bit further, impacting into the dense vegetation choking the waters of Festinog.


-18 Create Ecosystem (The White Magic Forest)
Location: A European style climate : (Kujumi was suggested to me)

+4 Love
-18/70 AP: Orgo sees that the people suffer short lives. He creates a new, magical form of natural herbal medicine that can heal serious wounds in mere moments, and extend someone's life dramatically (+35 years) if taken regularly, prevent many horrible diseases, cure some diseases and alleviate all other diseases, and even act as an antidote for literally all poisons that did not immediately kill on contact. The medicinal herbs would further improve the overall physical condition of the user dramatically as well. Lastly this magical herb would also work to seriously curb hunger pangs.

The rest of the forest would be very appealing compared to the purely natural ecosystems of the rest of the world. Animals and the like that lived there would be compelled to never harm mortal children. While they might harm the offspring of animal species, the neighbors such as villagers, townsfolk, travelers, etcetera would never have to fear for the safety of their children and infants from the animals.

Furthermore, for some weird reason, on unusual occasions, children could decide to live in this forest and even live their lives here. The forest would accept children who are mistreated. For example, children running from home because of terrible abuse, and Orphans could also be magically inducted into the forest. These children would have modest magical properties. They could speak with the animals here and never fear them their whole lives. Furthermore, the children would naturally be very wise for their age, and likely would not age the same way that the outside world does. For this reason, they could live well over two hundred years old, perhaps even around three hundred. If this unusual event occurs often enough, there could even be small civilizations inside the forest, and still produce edible plants, fungus and even have more than enough game for the neighboring outsiders. It should be noted that despite the extremely long lives of the Children Of The Wilds, there will likely never be much beyond a small settlements, or towns inside the forest it'self. Never cities with many thousands of people.

Oh, did I forget to tell you? Animals, from the local birds, all the way to the wolves and vermin not only live longer than ordinary animals, but breed little faster. that's why the forest expands so much faster than ordinary forests. The forest magically expands much faster than ordinary wild lands. It isn't an incredibly fast expansion over all, but if unchecked by civilization, it will definitely seem that way.

Lastly, the honey and mushrooms harvested from here is going to be extremely satisfying, if the Forest is successful in being planted by Orgo. The honey has milder healing properties than the herbs that grow here but can be used in conjunction to further improve the standard of living for the imbiber in all the same ways.

Help Orgo create an ecosystem

The O of Ooeht adds rainbow mushrooms to the ecosystem.

+2 Tricks, from the meteorite crater inside the White Magic forest, a cluster of innocuous white mushrooms begin to grow. They look just like any other perfectly edible mushroom, but a learned forager will be able to distinguish them by the single out of place half gill in the underside of their cap. Though these mushrooms aren't poisonous, they contain an extremely potent hallucinogen, which can have a full grown satyr completely lose their mind for days on end if they eat too much.

+1 Rainbows, the hallucinations induced by these mushrooms include an increased vibrancy for all colours. Some users may begin to experience a wider range of colours, with many claiming that they can now see twleve and a half colours instead of seven. Some of these colours correspond to heat, others reveal a person's bones, and others make generally no sense at all.

Kavan, Master of Monsters, Lord of the Deep, The Devourer
AP: 58 AP + 16 BP -> 40 AP + 16 BP
Remaining Actions: None

The land dealt with for the time being, Kavan turned his attention to the oceans around his Tower. This place was becoming more and more his domain, and so the time was right to make it his in appearance as well as in authority, to lay the groundwork for his plans for the region. Diving beneath the waves, he swam through his domain and planned out the nature of his domain, and where he swam the vines soon began to take root - if things went as he envisioned, they would soon grow to cover the entirety of his domain.

18 AP/14 DC (Detectable): Create a unique ecosystem - the Katavir

The most noticeable feature of Katavir is the vitak, a vinelike plant that can be found everywhere in the region. They grow out across the seafloor in an uneven mat, vast columns of twisting vitak rising up from the dark depths towards the sun, the dark purples of the deep vitak transitioning into brighter greens as the vitak get closer to the sun and the energy it provides, sprawling out into small living islands. While they are all interconnected, the vitak aren't all the same species, instead being a closely related group that work as a symbiotic whole - the photosynthetic vitak provide energy to the whole, along with scattered clusters of carnivorous vitaks and stonelike specimens drawing from deep-sea vents and digging underground for nutrients from the earth, while the tough vitak found everywhere transport nutrients along the system, and provide structural reinforcement and armour to the more complex vitak structures that develop across the Katavir and protect the specialised vitak that can be found deeper in and serve their own functions. The vitak are a source of resources to those with the knowledge on how to use them - useful fibers can be extracted from the green vitak along with it serving as an acceptable (if unappetising) food source (and the actual above-water masses can be useful as the closest thing to dry land out here), while the darker vitak can be cut and worked like a water-resistant wood. The carnivorous vitak clusters make use of various drugs and poisons to ensure their prey doesn't escape digestion, and with care these can be extracted and used elsewhere.

The Katavir has life besides the vitak, of course. Many small animals live among the plants growing on the seafloor, taking advantage of the various nooks and crannies they provide - many are scavengers, feeding on what falls from above (while a few bold species are adapted to steal food from the carnivorous vitak without falling victims to their spines and poisons themselves) - while the rest tend to predate on the first type. A few creatures live on the tough vitak surrounding them, parasites that burrow through the vines to get at the resources within or herbivores adapted to chew the tough plant matter. In general, though, herbivorous creatures are found closer to the surface, large numbers living off the softer green vitak. The rest of the creatures here are predators, eating the smaller seafloor creatures, the larger surface herbivores, or each other. <Will probably edit in some example species between now and the deadline, just wanted to get the main part out for reactions and such>

Kavan (net +7)
+2 Monsters: While some of the animal life in the Katavir is much like that found anywhere else, having migrated in from elsewhere in the ocean and found that the environment suited them fine, many are new species created by Kavan along with the vitak, that while not monsters themselves display the same tendencies Kavan shows when making his monsters - creatures made out of amalgamations of existing sea life, designed to be dangerous to the unwary, and the kind of creatures that the mortals on land, should they come across them, would think of in the same ways as his greater creations.
+2 Oceans: Attempts to transplant life from the Katavir to freshwater gradually turns that freshwater into saltwater - bodies of water the animals Kavan created seem to end up growing vitak somehow (the going theory is that the animals carry whatever kind of spore or seed the vines use on or in them), and the vitak then starts to make the water they are in more like the sea in the Katavir over time, although as it lacks the balance of species found in the Katavir (and the native species tend to not survive the changes in the water) these waters tend to become quickly choked with vitak that soon in turn die.
+2 Genesis: As the basis for his ecosystem, Kavan ensures that the vitak grows fast and strong, the deep-sea plants constantly expanding across the ocean floor and the surface plants providing enough food to support the herbivores that depend on them.
+1 Fear: The oceans are an unnerving place to many people, and the Katavir enhances this - for most sapient species, there's just something about being among the vitak that's unnerving, not enough to be afraid of the plants themselves but enough to set them on edge and make deeper excursions into the region a more difficult prospect (besides the logistical challenges that delving underwater presents).

Help Kavan create an ecosystem

The O of Ooeht adds kavarlaak octopus to the Katavir.

+2 Trials, as the cooling meteorite drifts down the water column, it eventually lands inside the sandy burrow of a octopus. There it begins to morph the octopus, producing a new species that's indigenous to Katavir biomes. These octopuses grow to massive sizes, with tentacles easily large enough and strong enough to overpower a man. They use their beaks to shear out hollows in the viney island masses, where they lurk just beneath the ground waiting for prey (they're basically sarlaacs). To most they are extemely dangerous predators, but to Kavan's monsters they are a good sized meal wrapped in seaweed, thus adding a convenient link in the food chain.

+1 Rainbow, the colour changing pigment in the octopus's skin can be used to blend in with their vitak homes. They can leave their tentacles exposed on the island surfaces, where they are hard to distinguish from the surrounding vines, making the perfect trap for inattentive passersby.

2022-02-27, 03:47 PM
Ozglint, 70 AP, 2 Actions Remaining

Eastward Slope of Peerless Peek

A group of men and woman had surrounded Gretka outside the village. The grandmothers and grandfathers said that in the time of their grandparent's grandparent's grandparents there had been one village, but now there were many scattered across the mountains and the surrounding valleys. They were once one tribe, as well, but now they were multiple petty states founded on the legacies of runes. And that led us to this moment- Gretka's clan devoted their craft and their lives to the runes for making hearthstones, the Hearth Homes, while her neighbors used the rune for fire for weapon crafting, the Flaming Blades. For some reason Gretka could never figure out, the fact that both people's used the rune for fire for different purposes led to a blood feud that had been present since the time of her grandparent's parents.

And now, just a mile from home, a war party of the Flaming Blades had come across her gathering wild vegetables. They seemed as surprised to meet her as she was to meet them. Most people avoided going out at night for fear of monsters and predators. Gretka was not like most people. And now it seemed that would get her killed. Her mother always said her oddity would lead to doom. Gretka sighed. Might as well get it over with. One of the Blades stepped forward and grinned.

"Unfortunately for you, Hearther, no one from your people is supposed to know we're here. We're the scouting party meant to plan the doom of your pathetic clan. We were only supposed to find weaknesses in your defenses, and now we get to draw first blood in the coming war. How lucky are we..." The Blade looked to the six other members of their unit, and they all began to close in on Gretka. Gretka backed up, but remained defiant.

"More like you were supposed to get a read of our defenses, but your stupid, expendable scouts stumbled across someone in the dark. When you were done pissing your pants you realized you outnumbered me seven to one, and only then did you decide to cause me trouble." Bronze was drawn, and suddenly Gretka didn't think that insulting them was the right tactic. One by one, the gleaming metal weapons ignited into flames. She took another step back, Gasping as she bumped into stone. Turning around, she saw the golem statue.

It had been outside their village since before her people had settled in this part of the slope. A relic from a time when their god, the Manufactured Man, walked the earth. They said he was all powerful, that he shaped the stars themselves, blessing the Peak and the surrounding mountains and valleys for the rest of time. Though constantly at odds with one another, each clan kept up the practice of carving the Golem god's symbol into the landscape around them, though Gretka, like many, wondered why they still worshipped a silent god. But in the before time someone had been inspired enough by their mythical god to make a body for him. There were dozens, maybe hundreds of these old statues throughout the mountains and valleys. Gretka wondered if the primitive god would be happy with her blood being spilled across it's lifeless corpse. Travelers said many of the old gods love sacrificing mortals.

But she wouldn't be a lamb to the slaughter. She drew her own bronze, a small knife meant for herb cutting, and readied herself to die. The Blades tightened their circle, and no one noticed the carved eyes of the golem begin to glow with silver light.


Gretka and the Blades both looked around in surprise as the bass tones of the voice shook them to their very bones. They looked for the source, but it was made evident when the stone man sat up, looking down at them. One of the Blades dropped their axe in surprise, while another whimpered and soiled themselves. When the golem reached out, all of them attempted to run, but the stone hands plucked Gretka and the leader of the Blades like scampering chipmunks.

"Why is there violence between the people of the Peak? I blessed this land for all eternity, a colleage of mine even doubled the food resources you mortals need, and now you fight? Why?

Gretka, stunned, was silent. The Blade however, brought her hands into a supplicant position and spoke. "Artificial Magus, Father of Runes, my clan has kept the true faith! Our weapons bristle with the flaming power that you blessed us with, and light the true path of runecraft! By your will, we seek to expunge the betrayers of rune craft who devote themselves to primitive and faulty runes! Like her!" She pointed at Gretka. "Let me cut her, Mighty God, and I will sacrifice her to your glory!"

"No. I'm not really into that sort of thing. Also, I'm not the Father of Runes. I'm not a Father of anything, as I have no gender. Your Rune Father would be a goblin from far away. I wonder if he has woken as well? Hopefully his people are not as foolish as my own!" Oz's voice was contemplative at first, but there was a dangerous undertone to it's voice that was growing more forceful. "I collaborated with your Rune Father, I helped create an entire language of magic for you glorified apes, and you tear it apart and fight your pathetic tribes against one another like animals? I expected more. I expected you to be Peerless! The pressure of the stone figure's grip grew tighter, and both humans winced in pain. But Gretka spoke up, her own voice filled with anger.

"You abandoned us! You gave us the language of the gods, taught us to warm our homes, instructed us to carve your stupid symbol all over the valley, and what? You expected us to be perfect when you left for an age? You call us apes, but we're both more and less than that, but that gives you no right to judge us after you abandoned us!"

Oz was silent for a moment, then brought Gretka close enough to it's face to see the insects living among the moss and lichen that dotted it's form. Gretka attempted to look defiant, but the stony god's features were beyond stoic, and she found herself looking away. "What do they call you, mortal?"

"I am Gretka Stonesdottir, of clan Hearth Home, Golem. And I am not afraid of you!" She turned her face back to stare the god in the eye, baring her teeth.

"You should not fear me. I am here to save this world, not hurt it. And I have sworn to steward the people of Peerless Peak to safety. However, your prejudice and idiocy is inefficient. And carving up the language I helped create for you like some sort of animal corpse is beyond unacceptable. The Great Work has no room for your small mindedness. I must unite you all into one grand purpose again."

The Blade sniggered, and Oz squeezed them again. "Do you have something to add?" The Blade swallowed and protested "No, Sir... I mean... no, God. It's just... the only thing that unites the clans is our hatred of the sheep monsters. There's a few tribes of them that have moved into our blessed lands, and many of our tribes are planning on getting together and driving them from your holy land! Let me go, lord, so that I might spread word of your return! With you leading us, we will exterminate the cloven hooves from your domain!"

"Are you... you're serious, aren't you? You think that I want you to genocide Snafuu's people? How far have my people fallen?!?" Gretka turned away and winced as the stone fist squeezed tight and crushed the Blade. "Oh... that was unintentional. I am sorry." Oz dropped the corpse, and Gretka saw something she didn't expect in the face of the savage god- remorse and regret. It tugged at her heart, and she began to speak to reassure it, like she would an injured child.

"If you don't like what we've become, you're either going to kill us all..." "I WILL NOT!" "Fine, but your other option is to show us a better way. You're our god. Tell us how to reach this perfection you expect of us, and maybe we can change. Meet your expectations. Be what you expected us to be! Give us a chance, and we will be reforged!"

Oz was silent again, and after a full minute of consideration it dropped the human woman. "You are wise, Gretka Stonesdottir." "Not wise, just... practical. But thank you... god." "I never did tell you all my name, did I. Forgetful... but soon all will know my name, all will come together under Ozglint, and Peerless Peak will be united. Only then can the Great Work begin." Gretka smiled. "People are going to be pretty mad if you include the sheeple in that. Our clans all consider ourselves better than others because we're your blessed people. Gives them all an excuse to do terrible things to outsiders and not feel bad about it."

Oz frowned. "I did not choose your people because they were deserving or special. I chose them because I found them first. But my intention is that all peoples who live around the Peak, whether they shifter, human, goblin, or satyr... or whatever else my colleagues come up with... be blessed and chosen." "People aren't going to like that. They like looking down on others. For being a different species. For using different runes. Gods, even for having a different skin color." Oz began to wake all the stone bodies around the valley, and one by one they rose as it's avatars, heading towards the nearest villages.

"I do not have time for this inefficiency. I will correct your mistakes. I will give you an opportunity to be better. And if you do not, then I will be forced to punish you." Gretka grinned up at the stone figure. "You may not like the term, but you sound like a stern father parenting children." "If it ends the prejudice and inane idiocy, you may call me Father. Or Mother. Preferably Ozglint. You can call me Shovelhead for all I care. As long as you act with intelligence, I care not." Gretka, who found that her agnostic tendencies were fading away, saluted her god. "Sounds good, Shovelhead. You've got your first convert right here!"

All across Peerless Peak and the surrounding mountains and valleys, stone statues from yesteryear begin to rise up, serving as avatars of Ozglint's will. They go to the surrounding communities and warn them- the people of the land now to be known as the Imperfect Mountain Chain must repent their crimes of inhospitality, prejudice, speciesm, and ignorance, uniting as one people. This includes any shifters, humans, satyrs, goblins, and any other species that lives in the area. All runes are to be appreciated equally, as a language missing or ignoring a single letter is farther from perfection than if it were inclusive. The same is true for all peoples, species, and resources in the I.M.C. The avatars of Ozglint will give the mortals one month to lay down their arms, come together as one diverse people, and bring all the disparate rune cults into one society that embraces the mantra "All Runes. All Peoples. All Creations." Anyone who wishes may leave the I.C.M. to take their backwards ideas elsewhere, and their journey will be protected from harm or conflict until they reach the outskirts of the I.M.C.

+2 Artifice- Oz's return will come with a revolution of rune craft, as clans who squabbled over individual runes embrace the fullness of the entire known runic language. The incoming communities of satyrs will be welcomed with open arms, and their talent for rune craft will be folded into the collective rune work of the whole. Ozglint will spread two new runes- Diversity and Unity, and bring it to the forefront of his new state as their symbol- it will be on flags, uniforms, and banners, along with Oz's personal rune. All who unite will be blessed, while all who resist will be relegated to the dust of forgotten history.

+2 Magic- The blessings of Unity will makes the next ten years or so blessed for those who unite under Oz's banner and ideas. They find that crops are more bountiful, treaties prove mutually beneficial, and natural resources or more plentiful and of higher quality. Inversely, though who hold on to prejudice and small mindedness after a month goes by will be weeded out by a curse- their crops will fail, their runes will combust, and their bronze will be weak.

+1 Mountain- The very mountain itself will reject those who resist unification. Predators will menace them. Rockslides will devastate them. Sinkholes will swallow them whole. Not to mention that the burgeoning forces of the new I.M.C. united will root them out and extinguish them. It will be a regretfully bloody time, but gangrene must be purged with the blade and flame before it festers to the rest of the body.

Oz will invite Zemara, Kavan, and Myrin to this action.

Help me transform the unrefined ore that is my populace into something more beautiful than it's separate parts.

I do not enjoy that some must be harmed, but I would ask your aid in uniting my people. All my people. With your affinity for minds and dreams I ask that you give them images of the bright future that can be accomplished if we work together.

I wish to bring my mortals to heel. They are instrumental parts in the Great Work, but if a part is not performing it's function, or worse yet it is ruining other parts, it must be replaced. I respect how you have brought obedience and piety to your people, and would ask that you help me do the same. I also wanted to thank you for the natural bounty and your seawater spring. It was a good touch.

Ozglint, 64 AP, 1 Action Remaining This Turn

2022-02-27, 04:52 PM
Kavan, Master of Monsters, Lord of the Deep, The Devourer
AP: 58 AP + 16 BP -> 40 AP + 16 BP
Remaining Actions: None
His work done for the time being, Kavan turned his focus outward while he waited to see if the vitak would take root, watching the works of the other gods.

He was not impressed by the White Magic Forest. Giving them long lives for nothing and letting their children run around carelessly was not the way to treat mortals. Too...coddling, too soft. Still, Orgo had left Kavan's works alone for the time being, and Kavan saw no reason to ignite a clash there at this moment. If necessary, the matter could be addressed later, but for now he left the forest alone.

Morannan's new project was quite entertaining to Kavan. Giving random mortals great power in the pursuit of what they thought was justice...this would be an excellent way to spread some chaos. Here, Kavan simply made a few small changes to ensure that the "hero" acted in the right way, and would do what they needed to. He was looking forward to seeing how destructive this Dynamite Kick might be to the new lords of the land, once one of them worked themselves up to that stage.

The life his counterpart goddess was creating grabbed much more of Kavan's interest - he definitely approved of the form and the potential it represented, but her intentions for them were as weak as ever. He was tempted to make some real changes, let them live as they should rather than how she wanted them to...but again, as oblivious as his counterpart often appeared, he couldn't afford to make an enemy of her at this point in his plans. Instead, he tempers his nature as he weaves his power in with hers, trying to make sure his presence doesn't alter the goals of the Taishi too much.

Finally, there was the message from Ozglint, and another dilemma. He could do this properly, or the way Ozglint wanted. He supposed he could do things inefficiently for the sake of keeping his neighbour on his side - it wasn't his domain, after all, so it didn't matter to him if Ozglint's approach was inefficient.

Helping Morannan with Dynamite Kick (net +3)
+2 Monsters: Those that take on the mantle of Dynamite Kick find their perceptions of their enemies subtly adjusted to think of them as more monstrous than they perhaps are - they still see them physically as the mortals they are, but in their minds the sins of their foes are magnified and the idea that they are monsters in spirit if not in body tries to take root - for those already wavering, this might push them to be willing to use deadly force against people they otherwise might have moral compunctions about kicking.
+1 Fear: When Dynamite Kick faces off against those that they perceive as the enemies of justice they adopt a fearsome mien, giving their enemies no mistake on who they are dealing with and what their intentions are.

Helping Kyodaina Hi with the Taishi (net +5)
+2 Monsters: Kavan can't help but meddle a little with the design of the Taishi to make them more dangerous. It's nothing major, just the ability to project a venomous spray from their mouthparts, and it probably won't even kill someone instantly when used, just give them a bad time. That's tame by Kavan's standard, and with the nature Kyodaina was giving them they'd probably never use it anyway. It just made him feel a little better about this to do it anyway.
+2 Oceans: Given that they can already burrow underground and fly through the air, Kavan completes the set by making them able to breathe underwater and swim at a considerable speed.
+1 Fear: The Taishi gain a sixth sense for detecting fear in mortals, but their difficulties with reading people extend to this sense - they can tell that someone is afraid, but their extra sense doesn't tell them why, leaving them to rely on their own wits to figure out the cause of the fear and how to deal with it.

Helping Ozglint with his Influence (net +4)
+2 Monsters: The statues don't travel to make their mandates alone, being accompanied by guardians, strange malformed things made from stones and other debris around where the respective statue animated. They can't leave the side of their assigned avatar statue, and have little in the way of intelligence, but serve as bodyguards (as much as walking statues need ones) that swiftly retaliate against any attacks made on the statues with claws of sharpened stone.
+2 Genesis: Kavan joins his power over growth with Ozglint's magic, greatly increasing the effect the blessings of Unity have on crop yields and other aspects of farming.

2022-02-27, 06:49 PM
Ozglint, 64 AP, 1 Action Remaining This Turn

A boon that all mortals should be glad for.
+2 Magic- The forest will be fruitful and verdant all year round, resistant to the worst of the seasons. The healing properties of the plants within will border on the supernatural, and in many cases cross that border.
Flawless- -2 if Rejected- The White Magic Forest will hum with magical resonance. Literally. The forest will be filled with a buzzing that sounds like insects. The buzzing makes it difficult to sleep there until you adapt to the constant sound, and you have to shout a bit to be heard..

Interesting and practical creatures. I'd be happy to have them in my lands.

+2 Artifice- Many hands means each Taishi is a veritable assembly line. Taishi appendages will be dexterous and capable of constructing and creating things just like mortal hands, and they will take special joy in creating things side by side with their own as well as non-Taishi.

Flawless- -2 if Rejected- The Taishi have a taste for rotting plant matter and alcohol, and when they over imbibe they have a more dramatic reaction that most. Drunk Taishi lose control over their flying ability, flying through the air uncontrollably until they sober up. Though they are well-meaning, a drunk Taishi can be quite dangerous if it accidentally flies into a person. Or a house. Or anything, really, with their mass, hardness, and density.

I too have an interest in creating life. Let us help one another, and may the world be better for the creations we make, God of the Deepest Water.

+2 Magic- Much like photosynthesis that the green surface plants are capable of, the Katavir also gathers ambient magical energy. While this effect is small, it is steady, and a fully bloomed Katavir symbiotic ecosystem can gather a significant amount of ambient magic. When it has reached capacity the plants that make up the Katavir begin to glow visibly at night, and at that point it can be harvested as a magically charged fiber, capable of enhancing the effect of other magics (for now runes, but if other magics are made them as well). A necklace of runes strung of ripe Katavir fiber would be much more powerful than it normally would be. Of course, to get the magical fibers you have to deal with the pitfalls, monsters, and dangers of the ecosystem itself, so it is a risky but profitable job. The ecosystem also becomes capable of surviving and even thriving through the harvesting process, with a proficient harvester able to encourage new growth by pruning the more overgrown areas.

Flawless- -2 if rejected- The Katavir must hit a critical mass before it is capable of converting fresh water to salt water. This does nothing to stop the process, but it does give plenty of time to anyone who wishes to combat this effect by removing or destroying the growths before they can devastate important ecosystems.

2022-02-27, 10:37 PM
The O of Ooeht (70AP), the Rainbow Tower of Ooeht

The O of Ooeht surveyed the amassed mortals on the island below him, looking down from his podium at the Rainbow Tower's peak. My how they'd multiplied in his absence, from just twelve to a few hundred.

The island leadership, a council of twelve men and women (exactly one among the latter of whom was pregnant at any given time), had greeted him at the beach. Among the many offerings placed at his feet after crawling out of the ocean, his favourite had been a voluminous black cloak that he could drape over his hunched shoulders and upper shell, hiding his head like a cowl. The fiendish grin couldn't quite be seen, but was certainly heard in his tone of voice as he addressed his followers.

"Mortals of Ooeht! It is I, the O of Ooeht, your saviour from antiquity, returned from my slumber in the sky. I have awoken to survey the progeny of those who once survived my trial. In a way, my period of absence was a trial for you in and of itself. A trial to see how you would develop with the tools and wisdom I had left to you..."

He trailed off, as if deep in thought. The islanders looked up at him, barely daring to blink lest they offend their deity at the last moment.

"And so far you all look like you're doing very well." the O of Ooeht pronounced.

The islanders breathed a collective sigh of relief. Little did they know that the O of Ooeht wasn't finished talking yet.

"Too well!" he snapped suddenly. "You have grown placid and slothenly in my absence! Barely a single trial has befallen you, not one trick has beset you! You, along with the rest of mortalkind, have grown fat off the gods' gifts. And I will not stand for it."

A threatening rainbow aura began to swirl around the O of Ooeht. Now, he spoke not just to the assembled mortals, but to the other gods through a divine telepathy.


"I, the O of Ooeht, bestow upon the world a regular and rigorous series of trials. I will create the Twelfth and a Half Season - the Time of O - the Season of Trials. Every three years, after three cycles of autumn, winter, spring, and summer, the sun shall fade and the great O in the sky shall shine brilliantly with a certain colour. This colour shall determine what trial mortalkind shall endure. The trial will last for half the length of a normal season, and upon completion the cycle will begin anew.

To the others of my pantheon, I say this. Aid me in this endeavour, and you may make a season of your own within the Half Season. I seek to have twelve and a half seasons in total, so there is room for five and a half more in addition to the seven I will have for the rainbow. But defy me in this act, and I promise you that my trials will nonetheless come to your followers, and they will come more targetted and severe than they would have had you not simply allowed my Half Season to take place.

Thus I have spoken! Nyeheheheheeee!"

Add a law to a system of laws of reality (the seasons) (20AP/16DC)

+2 Trials/+2 Tricks/+1 Rainbow

The O of Ooeht creates the Half Season, which takes place every twelve normal seasons (ie every three years) but only lasts for half the length of a normal season.

During this time, the sun's brightness fades into insignificance, but in its place the rainbow ring around the planet known as the O begins to glow a specific colour. This means that the Half Season has no day or night time, just constant monochromatic twilight.

The colour on a given Half Season is completely random, and each one is associated with a different environmental effect that affects the entire planet. Here are the main colours:

- Red: all magic in the planet is surpressed for the duration of the Half Season. Magical creatures do not die outright, but will be severely weakened, struggling to use their powers. Magic structures do not immediately collapse, but do struggle to fulfil their function and become prone to damage.

- Orange: a devastating heat wave afflicts the planet, causing total drought and vastly raising the risk of wildfires. Fireballs may rain from the sky.

- Yellow: pestilence attacks the planet with irrepressible force, as rats, mosquitoes, and other disease bearing organisms surge in number. The infectiousness and severity of the diseases they carry are vastly increased.

- Green: the planet becomes choked with an overabundance of life. Plants begin to grow before one's eyes, attempting to overrun cultivated land with unnatural determination. Animals become hyperaggressive.

- Blue: the sky across the planet is darkened by clouds, as a storms rage throughout the Half Season. They bring high winds, even cyclones, and the near constant deluge of rain causes floods. Lightning strikes become more common.

- Indigo: a deadly chill grips the planet, bringing snow in great mounds and frostbite to the unweary. The oceans freeze over.

- Violet: the planet's magic is boosted ten fold, becoming unstable and violent. Even people without any magic may briefly gain the ability to harness wild magic, sowing anarchy.

At the end of the Half Season, the natural world will be magically restored from its brutalising. But mortalkind will have to endure permanent damage each time, unless they can adapt and overcome these trials.

There was a pause as the O of Ooeht's words sank in.

"Just tricking!" he cried out. "Had you all there didn't I? Tricked! Nyehehehe, hehe... He."

Influence 100 mortals

+2 Tricks, to trick his followers into believing he was about to create the Season of Trials.

This action is detectable by all gods.

2022-02-28, 12:13 AM
The O of Ooeht (70AP), the Rainbow Tower of Ooeht

The O of Ooeht surveyed the amassed mortals on the island below him, looking down from his podium at the Rainbow Tower's peak. My how they'd multiplied in his absence, from just twelve to a few hundred.

The island leadership, a council of twelve men and women (exactly one among the latter of whom was pregnant at any given time), had greeted him at the beach. Among the many offerings placed at his feet after crawling out of the ocean, his favourite had been a voluminous black cloak that he could drape over his hunched shoulders and upper shell, hiding his head like a cowl. The fiendish grin couldn't quite be seen, but was certainly heard in his tone of voice as he addressed his followers.

"Mortals of Ooeht! It is I, the O of Ooeht, your saviour from antiquity, returned from my slumber in the sky. I have awoken to survey the progeny of those who once survived my trial. In a way, my period of absence was a trial for you in and of itself. A trial to see how you would develop with the tools and wisdom I had left to you..."

He trailed off, as if deep in thought. The islanders looked up at him, barely daring to blink lest they offend their deity at the last moment.

"And so far you all look like you're doing very well." the O of Ooeht pronounced.

The islanders breathed a collective sigh of relief. Little did they know that the O of Ooeht wasn't finished talking yet.

"Too well!" he snapped suddenly. "You have grown placid and slothenly in my absence! Barely a single trial has befallen you, not one trick has beset you! You, along with the rest of mortalkind, have grown fat off the gods' gifts. And I will not stand for it."

A threatening rainbow aura began to swirl around the O of Ooeht. Now, he spoke not just to the assembled mortals, but to the other gods through a divine telepathy.


"I, the O of Ooeht, bestow upon the world a regular and rigorous series of trials. I will create the Twelfth and a Half Season - the Time of O - the Season of Trials. Every three years, after three cycles of autumn, winter, spring, and summer, the sun shall fade and the great O in the sky shall shine brilliantly with a certain colour. This colour shall determine what trial mortalkind shall endure. The trial will last for half the length of a normal season, and upon completion the cycle will begin anew.

To the others of my pantheon, I say this. Aid me in this endeavour, and you may make a season of your own within the Half Season. I seek to have twelve and a half seasons in total, so there is room for five and a half more in addition to the seven I will have for the rainbow. But defy me in this act, and I promise you that my trials will nonetheless come to your followers, and they will come more targetted and severe than they would have had you not simply allowed my Half Season to take place.

Thus I have spoken! Nyeheheheheeee!"

Add a law to a system of laws of reality (the seasons) (20AP/16DC)

+2 Trials/+2 Tricks/+1 Rainbow

The O of Ooeht creates the Half Season, which takes place every twelve normal seasons (ie every three years) but only lasts for half the length of a normal season.

During this time, the sun's brightness fades into insignificance, but in its place the rainbow ring around the planet known as the O begins to glow a specific colour. This means that the Half Season has no day or night time, just constant monochromatic twilight.

The colour on a given Half Season is completely random, and each one is associated with a different environmental effect that affects the entire planet. Here are the main colours:

- Red: all magic in the planet is surpressed for the duration of the Half Season. Magical creatures do not die outright, but will be severely weakened, struggling to use their powers. Magic structures do not immediately collapse, but do struggle to fulfil their function and become prone to damage.

- Orange: a devastating heat wave afflicts the planet, causing total drought and vastly raising the risk of wildfires. Fireballs may rain from the sky.

- Yellow: pestilence attacks the planet with irrepressible force, as rats, mosquitoes, and other disease bearing organisms surge in number. The infectiousness and severity of the diseases they carry are vastly increased.

- Green: the planet becomes choked with an overabundance of life. Plants begin to grow before one's eyes, attempting to overrun cultivated land with unnatural determination. Animals become hyperaggressive.

- Blue: the sky across the planet is darkened by clouds, as a storms rage throughout the Half Season. They bring high winds, even cyclones, and the near constant deluge of rain causes floods. Lightning strikes become more common.

- Indigo: a deadly chill grips the planet, bringing snow in great mounds and frostbite to the unweary. The oceans freeze over.

- Violet: the planet's magic is boosted ten fold, becoming unstable and violent. Even people without any magic may briefly gain the ability to harness wild magic, sowing anarchy.

At the end of the Half Season, the natural world will be magically restored from its brutalising. But mortalkind will have to endure permanent damage each time, unless they can adapt and overcome these trials.

"Oh, that lunatic plans on mass murder every three years. Yeah NO!!!" Orgo interjects.
"I won't stand for it!"
-4 Love hinder: The anti magic field will have no effect on the Kujumi Forest/White Magic Forest at all. All other effects of the Cataclysmic seasons will be very reduced in the White Magic Forest as well. The Anti magic power around the Kujumi will be reduced as a whole, not just the White Magic Forest. Whenever the violent or unfortunate effects from the cataclysmic conditions occur, if they occur, the people and neighbors will help each other survive. Those who have lost someone from the negative effects of the Seasons will find the memory of their loved ones will make them stronger, and give them the will to help others even more.

2022-03-01, 10:34 PM
Thrax was the last.

All the others had gone long ago. The earliest were lured out by their attachments; family, friends, and the like. Others simply saw no point in watching over an impossible-to-harm corpse. Still others lead a rebellion, trying to kill their god. It was such a chaotic mess of centuries that he didn't even remember all the chaos.

And when Iustrum finally awoke, he fell to one knee in shocked awe immediately.

Iustrum looked, and saw that only one remained. There were no other bodies.

He saw. He understood.

"You remained when no others did."

"Yes, lord."

"You held to your oath, even when you saw no benefit to yourself. And for that, I thank you." Iustrum placed a hand upon his shoulder. "I name thee Emperor. Come. Let us put you on your rightful throne and see what has become of your empire."

18 AP/14 DC
Create Demigod: the Emperor of Mankind, Lord of Belli

+2 Ruling / -2 Pride

+1 Skill: Emperor Thrax will be a consummate warrior and master tactician, blessed by the god of war himself.

+2 Honor: For staying the entire time, and holding to his duty, he is rewarded. He is the rightful, divinely-appointed ruler of Iustrum's people, both religious leader and king.

+2 War: Strategetic brilliance and unbridled charisma make for an impressive wartime leader.

2022-03-02, 01:50 AM
Morannan had come to the island of Ooeht to meet his closest and dearest friend. He had brought a new innovation of the age of the lion, hard liquor! He was enjoying a bottle of hard aged brandy. Carefully sipping it and swishing it near constantly. Savoring every drop of the new acquired taste as he sat in a hammock, reading some new story from Pekunos about two feuding families. He looked to the luminescent O in the sky to check the time. The tower of Ooeht framing the horizon “Hmm, I thought he’d be here by now. Maybe he’s busy. He does have a lot of tricks to do.”

Morannan looked up from his clay tablet to see a small dot fall from the tower, the glimmering of a shell reflecting in the bright tropical sun. “There he is!” Morannan drew back his bow and teleported to underneath the tower, he was splattered in viscera. He let out a loud belly laugh. “AHAHAHAHA! Now this has got to be your most exciting entrance yet!” He steps to the pile of viscera, realizing now that the limbs were lost, the face uncovered. He had never actually seen his friend’s face before. “O, this is a trick… Right? A funny joke.” He stooped down and held O’s face in his hands, it was no longer attached to the shell. “This isn’t funny anymore, O.” Godly blood trickled down into his hands, a golden ichor coated them, a vague memory blurs itself into his mind, staring at his own guts, the blood coating his hands as he stared into the sky. “This is… Not right.”

An inhabitant of the rainbow tower came down. “The Giver of the Rainbow now Chases the Rainbow.”

Morannan picked up the villager in one hand, dangling him off the ground as he held O’s head in the other. He brought his horns so that they were inches from the villager’s eyes. “Tell me, what can kill a god?” He had steel in his throat.

“I do not know, great Morononan! His body had simply washed upon the shore. He must have destroyed himself of his own power!”

“No! No! That is not possible! I would be able to detect such a power! See the strings of fate! Recognize his disappearance! And… What did you call me?”

“Morononan. That is the name our great god told us to call you!”

“One last trick.” Morannan softened as he looked at the almost comical face of his friend, O's tongue rolled out of his head. He threw the villager down before spitting in his face. “Bah, you’re not worth an earned death from a god and little use to one alive. Instead you’ll just be cursed with a pathetic and useless death like old age. Forgotten and alone.”

“Oh! Thank you! Thank you, merciful god!” The villager prostrated himself, having already forgotten the true teachings of the great O.

Morannan stared deeply into the eyes of O as he arrived back in Pekunos. “You can still live on in other ways, my dear friend.”

He screwed the head upon a pike at the entrance of Pekunos. It spoke as he set it right in place “Someday, even the stars shall crumble and fall to a barren land. Nothing left but blasted remains and soggy sand.”

Create a Greater Magical Item (14 AP/10 DC)
Create, the Offal Head of Termination

Fastened to a pike is the head of the now ancient god The O of Ooeht, the head cannot be moved in any way and will not decay, it has a single square carved upon its forehead that glows a faint blue. If approached and asked “Great trickster god, tell me if my death shall be glorious.” It will answer in a vague and confusing way of how that person will die. However it only tells the truth half of the time and will give a different answer each and every time.

+4 Death
Atualam is invited to this action

2022-03-02, 10:46 AM
Thrax was the last.

All the others had gone long ago. The earliest were lured out by their attachments; family, friends, and the like. Others simply saw no point in watching over an impossible-to-harm corpse. Still others lead a rebellion, trying to kill their god. It was such a chaotic mess of centuries that he didn't even remember all the chaos.

And when Iustrum finally awoke, he fell to one knee in shocked awe immediately.

Iustrum looked, and saw that only one remained. There were no other bodies.

He saw. He understood.

"You remained when no others did."

"Yes, lord."

"You held to your oath, even when you saw no benefit to yourself. And for that, I thank you." Iustrum placed a hand upon his shoulder. "I name thee Emperor. Come. Let us put you on your rightful throne and see what has become of your empire."

18 AP/14 DC
Create Demigod: the Emperor of Mankind, Lord of Belli

+2 Ruling / -2 Pride

+1 Skill: Emperor Thrax will be a consummate warrior and master tactician, blessed by the god of war himself.

+2 Honor: For staying the entire time, and holding to his duty, he is rewarded. He is the rightful, divinely-appointed ruler of Iustrum's people, both religious leader and king.

+2 War: Strategetic brilliance and unbridled charisma make for an impressive wartime leader.

Orgo still hates the idea of Imperialism. However, he recognizes that the world needs Order of some kind. Anarchy, after all, is horrid.

Orgo's Help:

+4 Love: Thrax will have a very empowered ability to love his country. This will ensure he takes care of it.
+1 Healing: Orgo blesses Emperor Thrax with exceptional healing ability. He will supernaturally heal from even fatal wounds, although it may take some time to heal. Every other wound should heal anywhere from mere seconds to maybe a day or two.

Red Lenses
2022-03-02, 11:50 AM
Atualam Stakes His Claim to Reality

An age has passed, and the humans of Acroth have found their way out of the Rotwood. Some more than others. They call themselves the acronids, though they stand divided into two camps.

Those who followed the old hero Audron out of the Rotwood took to calling themselves forest-siders. They built large hillforts for themselves in the plains and hills between Acroth’s woodland and became known for their taming of beasts.

Those who remained in the Rotwood, on advice of the old sage Breksta, took to calling themselves bog-siders. Their settlements were smaller and monastic. They were a more reclusive group, inhabiting small, monastic settlements and dedicating their time to astronomy and rune magic.

The hillfort clans make pathetic wars among themselves, and the bog-dwellers are content to remain out of it. It is into this mess that Atualam awakens.

16 AP/12 DC - create a +2 domain religious artefact (Bonds)
Atualam has pulled some sort of large rock from deep within the Rotwood, then shaped and suffused it with his divine power (https://alfalfastudio.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/02230434/Jakob-Eirich-06-1.jpg). The roots of the Rotwood Heart extend throughout Acroth, as if to physically hold it all together. In addition to its symbolic and divine qualities, the heart has some other useful qualities. If punctured, it secretes a sap that gives the following qualities it consumed:

+2 Prowess: The drinker’s potential is unshackled, and whatever personal qualities inhibited them from attaining full mastery of their chosen profession are obliterated.
+2 Foreknowledge: The drinker becomes aware of the circumstances of their future demise with exacting detail. This fate is still unavoidable without outside divine help, and attempting to avoid it will only lead it to transpire in a more unlikely, elaborate manner.
+1 Bonds: The drinker becomes permanently bound into the service of Atualam. In death, their soul is incorporated into the heart, to be called on as Atualam needs. This will override any other arrangements the drinker’s soul might have intended.

The heart is shrouded in the Rotwood, ostensibly through magical means. Normal mortals cannot find it unless guided by divine or semi-divine hands.

Starting AP: 70/70
Ending AP: 54/70

The Rotwood - Grove of Atualam

Atualam is awake again. Panic flares in the space behind his eyes and quickly subsides. Still “alive.” Still “in the game”, so to speak. So the cataclysm didn’t swallow everything while he napped. He is rooted to his throne. It has practically grown over him.

Wood snaps and cracks as he peels himself free. His grove is untouched, as he knew it would be. It was why he chose this spot. As Atualam rises from his seat, he sees the skeleton. Withered and crumbled, curled up against a stone table.

“Ah, Breksta,” Atualam says to himself, in a pitying tone, “You didn’t have to wait around.”

What a beautiful, hopeless mind. But she had played her part and earned her rest - and for that, Atualam felt a little twinge of envy. He was just getting started.

The Prince-in-the-Rotwood steps to the middle of the grove, rolls his shoulders, and plunges his hands in the rotten soil. Deep. Deeper still. And then he finds it: the heart of the swamp.

He begins to pull.

Requests for Aid

Atu’ana, the religious tradition of the acronids, revolved primarily around animal aspects. The bog-siders saw their aspects in the churnings of the stars, and the forest-siders carved elegant totems from amber and wood.

To secure their assistance, Atualam offered to syncretize several deities into this “pantheon.”

But there was to be another award for their kind assistance as well, certainly…

To Cen: Help me with my works, and I will grant you the aspect of the Owl - to share and encourage learning among the peoples of Acroth.

To Maklir: Help me with my works, and I will grant you the aspect of Vulture - to be feared and respected by the peoples of Acroth.

To Iustum: Help me with my works, and I will grant you the aspect of Wolf - to be a standard to which the brave and mighty peoples of Acroth might aspire.

To Zemara: Help me with my works, and I will have you enshrined as your rightful aspect of Moth - to guide and inspire the artsmen of Acroth.

To Ozglint: Help me with my works, and I will grant you the aspect of Badger - to be a standard to which the craftsmen and rune carvers of Acroth might aspire.

To all others: Atualam bids them only to stay out of his business and mind their own.

2022-03-04, 01:00 AM
70/70 AP - 2 Actions

The Suiran people had gathered around Myrin before they fell into their dreamless slumber; numerous humans, goblins, aylos, and more had shared the same dream amid the first dreamwood who’s sprouts had begun to spread across the entirety of the swamp. Some had solemn expressions, such as Kilo or the aylo; but many were there out of a sense of duty, like seeing a distant elderly member of a family on their deathbed, and thus were more focused on each other and the dreamscape.

Yet as Myrin, in the shape of a small peacock atop a tree overlooked it all, they were happy to pass on their dreams to them. So long as their promises stayed true Myrin knew everything would be alright.

Gazing down at the once-goblin Kilo who was staring back up at them, Myrin let themselves drift off to sleep, hoping that the scene before them when they awaken would be a grander dream.

When the Lion shone in the sky few of the Suiren’s took it to mean anything special. A curiosity and bobble of wonder like so many of their dreams, something that was increasingly becoming worthless among them. Yet a few elderly souls gazed out from the branches of the dreamwoods up at the stars and wondered if the dreaming shade would finally awaken.

When Myrin awoke they found themselves in a stranger place than they expected. A small dream grove disconnected and far from the others, the dream itself was rune-less maintained with no dream makers present.

Appearing as a field of grass with a giant soaring peacock taking flight they unfurled themselves amid the dreamwood’s mental landscape, looking for the other occupants of this grove. There was almost no one in here, except for a single familiar soul looking up at Myrin. ♫ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kg33lmAouvk)

“Kilo… you’ve kept your promise.” Myrin said with an echoing voice down at him.

With the most unimpressed expression Myrin had ever seen on him, Kilo nodded “Yeah, I did. I’d appreciate you coming down to my level instead of acting high and mighty. Would like ta have a chat with mah friend.”

♫ (https://youtu.be/sM-LJiTlLtQ?t=3366) “...ok.” Myrin said as they removed the giant peacock and replaced it with a woman with peacock feathers with a peacock on their shoulder, both looking somewhat shamed. Nevertheless they smiled at Kilo “I am really happy that you waited for me.”

Kilo stared at Myrin for a while without saying anything until he sighed “It’s been a very long time, Myrin. I thought ya were gone fer good there. I thought…” he was tearing up but shaked his head, refusing to let it show anymore on his dream-scape avatar.

Scrunching up their mouth a bit, Myrin asked “How long was it, Kilo? And… shouldn’t there be more aylos here?”

Looking at Myrin as if determining just how much he was being messed with he gave a sigh at the dream shade’s ignorance “I lost track after the five hundredth year. Been longer then dat.” he shook his head side to side not meeting any of Myrin’s four eyes “As fer there bein nerry a soul here, well…. I grew too tired of all the changes, tried leaving, and got stuck.”


“Kinda, considerin where I am.”

“Which is…”

Raising his brows he shouted “Are ya a bloody idiot or what? Take a look outside a star-damn tree or dream fer once!”

“So much for a warm welcome back….” Myrin said with a childish frown that only got them a a scoff and smug smile, which Myrin themselves laughed at.

Myrin gazed outside of the dreamwood through the leaves like Kilo would and confirmed that this was some place far away from the swamp. The tree was situated in the middle of some small island of land with deep ravines on all sides. It looked nearly abandoned, though the tree itself and its surroundings showed signs of being taken care of.

“Are you the one at work here Kilo? Where are we?” Myrin asked, curious.

“You really don’t know do ya…?” Kilo said perplexed “Far to the east from the swamps there is an endless expanse of water. After all that happened a few aylos decided to fly across it to see what might lie beyond, not really caring what became of’em anymore. I might’eve been stuck in a pot the whole way but I decided to tag along, more tired than any of’em. Eventually we found this jagged mess and made somethin of the place, but well…” he shook his head “It’s hard to really get away from that sort of thing. Found some weird looking shifters ‘ere that really did not appreciate new neighbors.” he shrugged “You can probably guess the rest. The others didn’t really wanna stick around after that, but I was stuck keeping my word. Good news is that the folk who’d done’em in seem to feel bad about it now after a lot of talkin wit me.”

Not wanting to really ask about it so soon after waking up, Myrin nevertheless found it hard to ignore what was being said “Kilo you keep mentioning something happening, what do you mean by that?”

Myrin had been away far too long. They realized that fairly early on when Kilo had informed them of the disintegration of the goblin population among the Suirens over time, and the intensifying raids that had come about with that. While these were troubling enough, the two-fold reason behind the conflict, the targeting of aylos as food and the use of sacred dreamwood to buy off goblin tribes; both disturbed and angered the dreaming shade so much that they immediately left Kilo behind to confirm.

Hearing similar stories from a few dream lords already Myrin appeared in the guise of a man with peacock themed robes (https://i.pinimg.com/564x/bd/30/e3/bd30e35e1ca92a4a14fbc403e88d855c.jpg) before another dream lord of a border village. Their dreamwood groves larger than they needed to be, the bark scraped off to sell, with even a goblin amongst them leaving with another shipment of bark to give to his tribe as payment for war.

The man seeing Myrin recognized that something inhuman stood before him, his head was dizzy as he grasped the air in front of him before collapsing, only able to lift himself up with one arm and look at the god who coldly stared back at him.

"Again, I see more war done with my gifts. What is your reasoning?" Myrin said "Be quick with your excuses, I must..." they shook their head side to side. They were still unsure what to do.

This meeting was interrupted by a new presence, a girl with skin like porcelain, and red rosy cheeks that were obviously painted on. She wore a dress made of fine silk, colored in beautiful blues and purples. Her limbs had artificial joints, a toy way before it should’ve been invented. She looked, out of place, to say the least, Hey there Myrin. Hope you don’t mind me visiting. Why’re you so worked up? She asked. Her voice was cheerful, but strange. It was obviously inhuman, but you couldn’t tell exactly why.

Myrin's cold gaze at the man before them broke with soft gasp as they turned towards the new figure. With a searching look around them they tried to come up with an answer then closed their eyes looking down at a clenched hand, the lord beneath it cowering. "My sacred oaths with these people have been broken. By my first oath they should have protected and cared for my dreamwoods, by the second they need care for the balance of this swamp, and by the third they must have peace with all races." The pained look on Myrin's face made the man realize just who he was looking at, and in panic he tried to speak up before he was silenced with a glance. "They have let the dream woods grow more than they should, breaking the second oath; furthermore, they trivialize them in trade with outsiders, bent on spreading addiction and war with them, breaking the first and third."

"What would you have us do?" the man on the floor grunted out, his own rage enough to speak out against Myrin "If we don't have them kill each other they'll come for our aylos, and cut down the sacred trees instead of take the bark as pay." he was shuddering "Your ways do not work here, where we must contend with such monsters." he seethed out.

Shocked Myrin glanced between the mannequin and the man before saying to him "You're right... I.." they looked uncertain.

“Why don’t you guys just not be here then?” asked the mannequin cheerfully, “There’s a friend of mine, Corun, don’t know if you’ve heard of her. She told me once that if you can’t survive in one place, maybe it's not really where you're meant to be. She’s smart like that. She’s the best you know everyone likes her and one time she … ” Zemara kept talking, faster and faster, until her words were completely unintelligible. Only the first line really sunk in, and only the first line really mattered.

As the mannequin gave off her rapid praise for Corun Myrin's eyes widened a bit then rested in a smile as they gave a small chuckle. "I feel as if the name is faintly familiar, and that I must meet her at some point if she inspires you so. As to your proposed plan of action, I find it a fair idea; a somewhat remote piece of land that I know of comes to mind."

Kneeling down to be at eye level with the man Myrin said to him "...I apologize for my actions today, you have upheld your oath as much as possible. Leave and prepare yourself for new blessings to come once more so long as the Lion hangs above the sky." Nodding the dream lord stood and fled the scene.

Standing straight once more and able to fully focus on the mannequin Myrin gave a shrug "Was this a visit for fun or did you have something else in mind?"

At this, Zemara focused again on the task at hand. She straightened herself out, and spoke more seriously, “I came here to help Corun and help her family. I’ve got a big problem, one that I’m not sure how to fix. But, it’ll be easy for you to deal with.” At that moment, the earth swallowed up the gods, and in a flash, they were in the Ran Moch.

In front of them was a sleeping satyr, in a camp in the woods, alone. He had many scars, from battles he started, and one of his horns was broken off.

“You see Myrin, the first thing I noticed when I woke up was him. I read his tablets, he was an archivist you see? He’s called Torius. He’s from a weak tribe of satyrs, whose chief gambled away most of their stuff. Running from their debt, they came to Corun and asked to join her family. She takes in anyone, she’s nice like that, but for some reason they just couldn’t live in peace. They were always picking fights, always causing problems, and it was always with the humans, for some reason. Corun had no choice but to kick them out. The rest of his tribe were eaten out here, mountain lions mostly, and everyday he wishes that they could’ve played nice. He wonders why they couldn’t. Pretty soon, I figured out why.”

Zemara lifted her hand, and a blinding red light appeared over Torius. It pulsed, in and out, radiating heat like a fire. “I’m not sure who put that there Myrin, but I know what it is. One of our species cursed him, and many others, across the Ran Moch. Hatred they can’t explain, anger without a cause, they kill each other and don’t even know why. They just feel like they should hate, like that’s how it's supposed to be. You can fix this Myrin, can’t you? ”

Myrin gazed upon Torius with pity, hurt at the sight before them. This satyr's plight and the plight of all the others afflicted with this curse brought tears to Myrin's eyes that fell upon the ground freely. "Such poor souls, infested with nightmares born from another....Of course, I can and shall help them." with a small sigh they give a strained smile "It will be hard moving my people and saving them, yet it shall be done. Perhaps something great shall come about."

Wiping the tears away Myrin looked at Zemara "Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I can safely say I'll do my best to help Corun in times such as these."

Zemara extends her hand, “If you want to do your best, you’ll need all your focus. I know the island you want. I’ll move your people, and once they’re here in the Ran Moch, maybe they can join Corun’s family? She asked me to get her more family, and your people are all very pretty so I think she’ll like you guys, and she’s very pretty so I think you’ll all like her. What do you say?”

Myrin grasps the hand with a sigh "While I cannot make such promises in the names of those that follow me-" Myrin gave a knowing smile "-I'm sure that in time they'll see what I see and accept. Freedom to dream their own dreams in peace is what they seek, and thus I know that those who respect this shall be held dear."

Torius’s camp was a quiet place with a bitter atmosphere, a flickering flame making a clay pot slowly cooking it’s contents as the satyr just stared at it. He wallowed there, his thoughts lost in a fog, bitterly reminiscing about the past. Yet just as he was about to go get a bowl he forgot from his tent a large peacock (https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f1/ca/8f/f1ca8f231433c556f6a5d83e2fd94832.jpg) fluttered onto a nearby tree branch, looking at him. He didn’t give it much thought but then it spoke up.

“Hello Torius, I am-” Myrin began

“What the hell are yah?!” He shouted at Myrin, his spear ready in hand. He'd already have thrown it if Myrin was still moving when they decided to speak up.

Myrin knocked their head back a bit “I am a dream, able to live by the Lion’s light. By my word I have come to bring blessings upon the land so long as it shines.”

Unsure what he was looking at he nevertheless laughed for the first time in a good while “You call’en yourself some god? You look more like one of those swamp birds I’ve heard about.”

“You're likely right. Yet I do come with a gift for Corun… one I would like you to deliver.”

Torius growled up at Myrin “If you know my name then you should know that-”

“Yes.” Myrin said sorrowfully. “I know what happened to your tribe, a kind acquaintance told me. Yet I intend to prevent such tragedy from happening again.” Myrin said, flying down to ground level (causing Torius’s grip on his spear to get harder for a moment).

“Wait ‘that mean you know what caused… us to act like that?” He still was bitter about it. He hated humans so much he’d beat’em before just for looking at him; but did not know why he felt that way. Just thinking about it made his head hurt, since until he had seen a human he had never seriously hurt anyone.

“I’m not entirely sure what it is, yet a nightmare clings to your soul. While I can remove this, what comes after shall be on you, ok?” Myrin said, tilting their head looking up at Torius. “Then I’ll need you to take the rest to Corun.”

“The rest of-”

“What I’ll use to help you. Show her them and show all your love to all races. What was the name of your tribe?”


Pecking their head into the dirt a few times, Myrin did not seem to care about the perplexed Torius who’s soup was starting to cook for too long. Yet after a few moments they spread their feathers out and sprouts emerged from the spots that were pecked at. They quickly grew into small bushes full of white berries that glittered in the light.

“These shall be manlór berries. Take a few to eat tonight, then gather the rest that is here to bring to Corun’s family, then… do as you wish. Know no nightmare can continue with their aid, at least no nightmare born outside one’s own heart.”

Hesitantly, Torius came closer to Myrin and picked one of the berries. It felt soft and fragile, like it could melt away any moment. “Is this supposed to cure everyone like us?”

After a moment Myrin nodded in the negative “Maybe, though not till long past the Lion has left the sky. It is merely the weapon you and all of Ran Moch may use as you see fit against this nightmare. So long as you are persistent with it, this may slay it.” They tilted their head again “Well? Will you give the first blow to this curse?”

As he gazed upon the berry he wondered just what it was. A fair thing to worry about as Myrin did not explain that they were merely eggs.

+2 Dream +2 Psychic -2 Physical
Creatures born from the dreams and kindness of mortals, these creatures transform into one of two forms depending on the conditions met.

If the berry that they spawn from is not consumed then the manlór spirit takes the shape of a berry bush that looks similar to what other berry bushes in the natural environment around it appear as. While it may grow in any natural condition, manlór bushes need positive attention from sentient creatures to thrive. When the bush reaches maturity it produces berries that look and taste similar to other berries in the region, but are always cloudy white with a rainbow hue under light.

The second form of the manlór spirits only appears if a berry is consumed by a sentient creature. Insubstantial and invisible in nature the spirit forms within the mind of the creature while it is asleep, consuming nightmares, curses, and other maladies of the mind. After an incubation period of a single night it completes it’s digestion of the hosts' maladies and leaves to find other minds to occupy (they may reside in dreamwoods as well if they can find any).

It should be noted that after the first night manlór spirits don’t consume anymore mental maladies. The spirits can take any shape inside of a dream if they so choose (or are forced to by some power), but are able to be slain by any skilled lucid dreamer if they are exposed like this.

Manlór spirits have a minor form of telepathy that lets them know the general direction and number of other members of their kind in a region, and are inclined to form traveling groups who barge into the dreams of others to do a variety of things.

After a year and a day manlór spirits fade into nothingness, while the bushes may live up to 15-20 years.

(Zemara and Orgo are invited to this action)


Off of the coast of Ran Moch is an island whose exact history has been lost to time. Long ago some great power rocked through the center of the island, sending rippling cracks across its entire surface that sank beneath the ocean’s waves; leaving large jutting spires in its wake and horridly jagged stones just beneath the surface. Most of the native animal life perished, but migratory birds and fish still arrive during the warm season.

The shattered isle experiences a great many storms, mostly during fall/spring, which rack the channels running through the isle with a great deal of turbulence (very unsafe due to all the jagged rocks). During winter it freezes for a time and the summer months bring brief opportunities for land-based movement between the many spires of the isle just before fall arrives.

The current inhabitants are primarily akir shifters (who call themselves the Unoy), able to easily weather any storm and move between the spires with ease due to their innate power over the sky. They primarily are concerned with not being interfered with as they practice artistic carving and explore for hints of an ancient civilization. Once a group of aylos tried to settle here as well, but the unoy killed them all for being invaders; however, after a chance encounter with the sole soul left in the dreamwood tree the aylo brought the perception of aylos changed among the unoy.

Myrin sighed upon returning to the tree Kilo resided in, appearing in the shape of a white peacock they hung their head on the ground of a garden Kilo had devised in the dreamscape. “I hate this.”


“Doing things, I wanna nap!”

“Don’t ya go nappin now! Ya just got back’ere!” Kilo growled. “Are ya even half-done with what ya needs done yet?”

“And some say I’m supposed to be the god…. No, not yet.” Myrin grumbled standing up on their feet. Shaking their head they began to recall what the divines had gotten up to. “There is a forest the Virtue Maker is constructing, like straight out of a dream (almost literally). Hmm, perhaps I should introduce dreamwoods there?”

“Tha sounds a tad borin to me.” Kilo said with a shrug.

“Ehhh, perhaps I could let people ignore all the noise the mountain is putting in there.”


Myrin just sighs.

+2 Psychic: The loud noise which the insects of the woods produce can be ignored by people if they so choose, so much so that they can hear each other normally. If one were to choose to listen to the insects then the droning noise would be audible again till the listener desires to not hear it.

Frowning, Myrin continued “He seems to have taken inspiration from the warrior.”

“The- wait, that ruffian that tossed ya all over the place?”

Myrin simply nodded their bird head.


”You wish to unify the ideals on your mountain through force. To me this is simply the brutal methods of Iustrum being displayed once more. I will fix this.” … “However, I do sympathize with your plight, and understand the desire for a quick solution. Just, please, act with more understanding next time. These people have simply suffered under the nightmare of Iustrum; they need help and understanding, not threats over their heads if they are to awaken from what clouds their minds. You don’t have to make them suffer more because of Iustrum's spite, we have centuries to heal what is here.”

-2 Physical: As the dream that is Myrin touches it the mountain shall welcome diversity, even from those that do not wish to unite with the rest of the culture Ozglint is making. Predators will not menace them. Rockslides will not devastate them. Sinkholes will not swallow them whole. The burgeoning forces of the new I.M.C. united will be unable to root them out and extinguish them, finding devastating losses if they try. The various curses that Ozglint would give those that do not unify under a single banner instead target those that would bring about their ideology through force.

+2 Dream +2 Psychic: Myrin softens the barriers that form between various cultures slowly through the medium of dreams that slip through even the no-dream rune. The people of the mountain are able to syncretize with others far more efficiently than most, welcoming differing opinions and beliefs. Thus leading to a diversity of thought that is a breeding ground for development. This applies to other cultures away from the mountain, as visitors will find the mountain’s folk more welcoming than most (even if Morannan’s folk might get really strained smiles).

+1 Shifter: The various shifter sub races make friends with the mountain folk of the I.M.C and others more readily than in other lands, and thus are able to contribute their unique powers to the society that forms.

Myrin layed down in silence as Kilo stood over them. Neither could tell just how long it was before Kilo’s eyes narrowed a bit and Myrin’s bird form jumped up “Ok ok! I’m not half done yet, I’ve just got two more things to do to get there! I swear! I think.”

“Don’t swear somethin when your not even sure what yer doin!” Kilo barked at’em.

“Sorry! Look, big bug folk are being made, I’ll bring a few here to maybe help you out! Ok?!”

https://i.pinimg.com/564x/83/0e/cd/830ecdd7710fde96ec3b89f7663a02d1.jpg +1 Shifter +2 Dream: The tashi that come to the shattered isle are instead a new sub-race of tashi-shifters, the Moedlo.
In their mortal form the Moedlo appear to be miniature tashi that grow to about 4ft when fully grown. The front three plates near their heads are replaced with tufts of red/blue fur. (-2 Physical) While they have most of the powers/quirks of regular tashi moedlo lack the butterfly transformation, long-range communication, and have less powerful hands than regular tashi.

In their divine form the moedlo transform into half-humanoids that are about as large as regular tashi, but with the upper half that resembles a human’s with antenna. The exact coloring of the plating and physical features of the humanoid form are determined depending on where the moedlo grew up. (+2 Psychic) In their divine forms the moedlo have incredible telekinesis that allows them to manipulate numerous or heavy objects around them. This is a skill that needs to be developed and a muscle that must be regularly maintained for maximum effect.

These little bugs will be sent to the shattered isle, and anywhere else Hi wishes.

Sitting up again Myrin groaned “I’ve got to set something up. I’ll be back soon, Kilo.”

Kilo shook his head “Don’t look so glum, when you get back we’ll do what you want for a bit.”

As Myin left the dream wood tree they observed the shattered isle again, and with growing resolve flew around the whole of it. Below them dreamwoods sprouted and spontaneously began to flourish. Each one filled with the dream that was Myrin; each one tying the land, it’s occupants, and the dream together.

+2 Dream +2 Psychic: The shattered isle has it’s very existence tied to the dream that is Myrin, anchored by the numerous interconnected dreamwoods that Myrin spreads along the border that would spread inland with time. Thus what occurs here will be known to the dream shade, as all things on the isle are but a part of the shade’s dream.

+1 Shifter: Born from the realm of dreams the existing shifters on this isle help to tie Myrin’s dream to this place.

-2 Physical: Myrin’s strength lies in dreams, not the world of the waking, and so the connection between the two leads to a rough atmosphere on the isle that creates drowsiness. Permanent residents of the isle find that it creates the need for an hour’s worth of extra sleep a night, while outsiders just experiencing it for the first time may find themselves asleep for a whole day before they awaken and slowly adjust to it over the course of a few months.

There was a pause as the O of Ooeht's words sank in.

"Just tricking!" he cried out. "Had you all there didn't I? Tricked! Nyehehehe, hehe... He."

♫ (https://youtu.be/lFPoAKcgKDg)

O… they had simply failed. Their dream was cast asunder by their own cowardice, and for it they could no longer continue to function. Myrin drifted near this shattered dream in the guise of a goblin who’s eyes were covered with peacock feathers; grasping at this divine fragment that O had left behind, holding it like a forbidden treasure to be hidden away.

And so it was that O’s hopes and dreams would be hidden away by the shade of dreams; who’s toothy grin held a rarely expressed sort of joy that they were sure O would appreciate.

42/70 AP - Only Secondary Action left

2022-03-04, 01:03 AM
Kyōdaina Hi: Ran Moch-50/70 ap

A road was covered with debris, A chart was knocked over by the side of a small stream, The supplies gone. Bodies littering the ground. 10 soldiers to guard the caravan, none of them stood a chance. Right next to the seat lay three bodies: A man, a woman and a little girl.

Next too the little girl was a puppy. It licked her cheek. “Wake up. Please wake up.”

The Puppy laid down next to its owner. Waiting for a miracle.

“Little Thing…” A voice whimpered out. The dog got up and looked around. “Oh I understand, I get that reaction a lot.” The dog was still confused As it tried to find the source of The voice.

The puppy then noticed something on the ground, a sword. His compulsion overtook the little pup. It grabbed the blade by its jaw. “That’s good for the one, I will give you the strength to defend the week.”

12 AP/8 DC:create a collection of lesser magical minions
Link to source:https://wall.alphacoders.com/big.php?i=1151373
Through this little pup many dogs will Be trained and turned into Samur dogs. Warrior dogs that have a strong connection to sapient races (particular humans) and will defend them against evil.

+2 Monster: Have a special connection to all monsters, they can sense and communicate with them. Many would not want to fight them but if they have to they will.

+2 Sky: Have the ability to control the wind to help them in battle, Using it to fight the enemies, fly, block attacks and move at incredible speeds. ( a good example is Yasuo league of legends)

+2 Imagination: Like most monsters they will become centerpieces in art, (Especially humanoid art.) depicted as a trusted companion and a symbol of loyalty.

+1 Empathy: They are driven to protect not for revenge, They will show mercy and forgiveness for those who seek it.

2022-03-04, 06:30 PM
[To Unite Us All]

The people who prayed to and served Iustrum had, over the centuries, broken up into various military bands and mercenary companies. Some were eager to join. Others required some convincing. Still others were openly hostile.

But Iustrum had picked his emperor well.

---The Brotherhood of the Line---

The Brotherhood had existed in Thrax's time, as well. They'd been founded by troops among Iustrum's forces who joined too late in the war to accomplish anything, but were eager to serve their new god regardless.

Now, though...

"We will never bow to you, 'Emperor'." The 8ft mountain of a man snarled, his hand on the hilt of a sword buried in the dirt. "Iustrum is the only lord who we will serve. If you are so close to him, bring him here."

"A god does not come at the beck and call of men." Thrax said, voice cold. "Do you not recognize my name?"

Around them, the brotherhood laughed. Someone threw a tankard full of what Thrax hoped to Iustrum was a beer tankard.

"The Disgraced One Hundred all abandoned their posts." The man snapped. "And I've never heard of one named Thrax. You are at best a fool and more likely an impostor."

"That is nonsense," Thrax growled. "And I will not allow you to judge those I served alongside." Not that he disagreed, really, but it was the principle of the matter.

"Allow? What's to allow? You cannot stop me." The big man pulled his greatsword from the ground. "No one crosses the Line, boy."

Thrax burst out laughing despite himself. "Ah... 'boy'. You have no idea why that's so funny."

The sword came down with a speed that belied its size. Thrax threw himself to the side, just in time for the champion's knee to slam into his face. Thrax grabbed the leg and wrenched it, and the sound of cracking bone was drowned by the bigger man's scream. Thrax slammed his fist straight into his enemy's chin, and the Father's champion landed on the ground.

He jerked on the ground one more time before he finally lay still.

The entire Brotherhood was silent.

"No one crosses the Line, huh?" Thrax spat out a fat globule of blood. "Good. I need one of those around me."

---The Blue Rose---

Thrax left a different building, trying not to blush or think about what he'd just seen.

He'd gotten the Blue Rose louts to swear themselves to him, yes, but at what cost?

There were many things Thrax expected to find when he'd heard of the Blue Rose mercenary company. They were apparently arrogant, remarkably obsessed with appearances, and honorable to the point of insanity. He had expected their leader, Berenger, to be a pretty long-haired blonde boy lounging on a chair, sneering down his nose at Thrax. He knew he would initially be dismissed as a fool and a madman, and then as a wretch in need of slaying.

He had heard all of Berenger's men come at him, and he had defeated them all with ease; one blessed by the war god had nothing to fear from mere mortal men in up-front honorable combat. Though each tired him, they were not so uncouth as to use his exhaustion to gain the upper hand; he'd proven his skill and that was what mattered. He'd even anticipated Berenger demanding that the new emperor match him shot for shot, and Thrax hadn't even gotten tipsy before the leader passed out.

He had expected all of these things.

Doing all of this in a brothel that the Blue Rose didn't even own while various members of the band did body shots off of women who would charitably be described as "underdressed" was not one of those things.

---The Unaligned---

All nations and all peoples have criminals. Bandits, vagabonds, highwaymen, murderers, rapists, thieves... some far worse than others.

Those without honor were lower than dogs among the Belli. But as a result of divine energy from the god of monsters, the dishonorable mutated and changed into creatures that barely resemble men. Iustrum objected to these recruits, but Thrax pointed out (correctly) that the monstrous mutations would likely improve their skill and strength in combat. Besides, while Iustrum didn't wish to stain himself, they were already part of the nation whether either of them liked it or not. Surely, Thrax reasoned, they would welcome an opportunity to at least die with honor!

With a bony claw around his throat, digging into his flesh, it became clear that Thrax might have missed a few small details. Like how people who don't spend an age with nothing to do but wait in a tomb like living even if it kinda sucks.

The monstrosity before him had blank eyes that black ichor, and a third that poked out from his bald forhead like it had grown from a scar. Its mouth had split vertically, with teeth that stuck out like a parody of a leech. The creature was hunched over but was so covered in muscle that it still stood taller than Thrax. As far as the emperor had been able to determine, it had no name. The creature was probably the most horrifically mutated of all the people he was speaking to; most only had one or two odd limbs or perhaps eyes like a snake. Yet they answered to him and him alone, and so he was the one Thrax had to convince.

"You think we would ever fight for those who would see us dead?" The creature rasped, its voice scratching at his ears in such a nightmarish sound as to make his skin crawl. "After shunning our kind for centuries? After what Iustrum's curse has done to us?!"

"Such mutations are the result of dishonorable conduct." Thrax said, his voice even. "Or has that changed since I've been gone?"

The creature's long prehensile tongue whirled around, the eye at the end of it glaring right into the emperor's own eye. "You know nothing of what we have had to do to survive on this godsforsaken plain, god-slave!"

"Perhaps not." Thrax said, his voice still even. "But I come not to purge you or even to remove you from command. Iustrum returns, and with him, a chance to-" he almost said 'redeem yourselves' - "... have a better life."

"Among whom?" It snarled. "We know what your misbegotten peoples say of us. We are not people to them; we are mutants, abberrations to be hunted down and slain."

"That was never part of Iustrum's vision." Thrax said. "And it's certainly not part of mine. I will be your emperor, and you my warriors. Join with us, and you will be treated as people deserve." He glanced between each of them, seeing some hesitation. "Unless, of course, you'd rather spend your existence as bandits. But that would be a waste of your talents and your lives, would it not?"

The creature's tongue continued to writhe and wriggle, but it didn't speak.

"I'm not asking you to die for me. I'm asking you to live a life with purpose once more."

Then "I'm not saying yes, but... what would you have us do?"

Thrax smiled. He had them.

---The Greenskins---

"Once, you served alongside humanity, and helped us carve out the beginnings of an empire." Thrax said to the Bad Moons band. "I would ask you to do it again. I can offer-"


"... excuse me?"

The goblin shrugged. "Just pay us and we'll fight, we've done it before."

Thrax blinked. "Uh, okay."


And so it went. Not all were successful - especially on Belli's borders or with some satyr-lead companies - but before long, Thrax had pulled an army together.

Influence 100k people - Unite the mercenary bands

Iustrum and his new Emperor Thrax are going among the mercenary bands of Belli and Ran Moch and begun pulling them into a singular force; they still fly their own banners but they serve at the Emperor's behest. Not all peoples are drawn into this new coalition, but many are, especially among those who still worship Iustrum.

+2 War: The Mercenary bands will be brought into the fold as semi-independent warriors.
+2 Honor: Those whose honor has been lost are given a chance to join up with Iustrum and potentially get a new, worthwhile life.
+1 Skill: Thrax demonstrates his personal prowess to the leaders, both as a lifelong bodyguard and as the chosen demigod of Iustrum.

2022-03-05, 01:32 PM
Cen (70/70 AP), t'Ara az t'Meora, the Great Dismal Swamps of Suiren

Most people probably never expect to wake up with a god in their head. But it happens.

Asakha had certainly not seen it coming. Even after years in t'Ara az t'Meora and even longer of dedication to Cen and knowledge itself, she barely dared dream of one day being chosen by a cennite to become a cennfai. Cen had been gone for years with not even the cennites knowing when – or even if – they were ever coming back. Even if they did, surely there were better hosts for the Knowing than a goblin who rarely went a day without tripping over something.

And yet, there was the Voice and soon after glowing eyes meeting her in the Well's reflection. It is time, it said. It seemed the passing centuries had not been good for Cen's patience (as they put it themselves, I am the Knowing, not the Patience). Of course, neither were they the Focused, and moments turned to hours turned to days exploring the world Cen had left behind many years earlier.

"So many people", Cen said after yet another tour through the alleys of t'Ara az t'Meora. At last, it seemed people were no longer fainting or throwing themselves on the ground at the sight of the glowing purple eyes above Asakha's own. "So many buildings. Over there – " Cen turned Asakha's attention to the city's center. " – were just some huts for people to sleep in as they visited the Tree." Then a stone building towering over the surrounding ones. "Over there is where the Keepers resided."

"They still do", Asakha said, pointing towards an aging satyr outside the building, eyes tattooed on his forehead.

Cen made a pleased noise, but it didn't last for long. "So many new things. Very good. But so much I do not know. It is certainly time."

"Are you sure? I mean, should you really do something important after just waking up? One time, my mom woke me up and..." She stopped as she realized she was floating in the air.

By the time they landed by the Well, it seemed as if half the city had gathered around them, curious and more than a little nervous. Asakha could relate.

God and Host both looked out over the crowd. Or tried to, as the no longer floating Asakha was at least a head shorter than most of them.

"Would you mind?" A few days earlier, the idea of speaking to her god in such an informal way would have terrified her, but having someone share your mind creates a certain intimacy, regardless of who they are.

She couldn't tell without a mirror, but she got the feeling Cen was rolling their eyes. Nonetheless, their shared body floated up into the air once more.

"I have returned. And I am pleased with what you have done here. Gathered knowledge, gathered those who seek it." Cen paused. "But there is so much you yet do not know. That even I do not know." Asakha could feel Cen gathering power, half tingling, half burning. "It is time to change that."

Asakha felt Cen's divine senses reaching out for knowledge. Through the Well beneath them, through people around them, through all of t'Ara az t'Meora and the rest of the Surien swamps beyond the city. Through the world.

And then, Cen pulled. In some half metaphorical, half literal sense, Asakha felt the world's knowledge rushing towards them. At first, it felt like a gentle rain on her mind, then as an ocean threatening to drown her.

"Be at ease", Cen said as they began shaping the knowledge. "And endure."

Create a new system of laws for reality (24 AP/20 DC) ‒ The Knoway
Total domain bonus added: + 7

The Knoway or the Totality of Knowledge is an abstraction given form (or ‒ considering its incorporeal nature ‒ at least given function), being a collection of all mortal knowledge (+ 4 Knowledge, + 2 Memory) of a given moment. It has no physical form in the mortal world or any other, but it can be reached and learned from through the mind of a mortal. However, it is not easy. While Cen values knowledge at the pursuit of it beyond anything else, they are also determined that it needs to be earned.

At the foundation of seeking for the Knoway is yanawah, a type of meditation that teaches to focus on the knowledge within oneself and eventually the knowledge within the Totality. Aside from yanawah, the seeker must also search for knowledge the mundane way, through study and experiences. The path to knowledge is a long and winding one, but the seekers have divided it into three steps, called yana (though they aren't quite as neatly divided in reality). Going from the first to the third usually takes decades of dedicated study (+ 1 Scholars) and countless hours of yanawah and most never reach it.

Most seekers join up with others, living only for knowledge and mostly cut off from the world, though others prefer living as hermits or even living an "ordinary" life in society (though very few manage to get very far, with all the distractions of life). Beginners often require hours of focus and complete solitude and silence to yanawah, but as they become more experienced, it becomes easier and easier to the point that a true master can achieve it almost instantly, regardless of their surroundings.

Seeking the Knoway
Reaching the first yana (sometimes followed by the second and in rare cases the third) usually requires a combination of personality and dedication, the seeker must not only be curious and dedicated to learning but also spend countless hours studying or in yanawah. However, different seekers may prefer different ways of focusing, while many isolate themself (often in a library or other center of learning), others go on pilgrimages (the Tree of Knowledge and the Well of Memories being popular destinations) or something completely different.

The First Yana ‒ The State of Learning
Initially, it might not be noticable when a seeker reaches the first yana, as it mostly enhances traits the seeker likely already has. Learning becomes easier and they are more likely to figure things out, especially during yanawah, making seemingly intuitive leaps that turn out to be entirely correct (though these leaps tend to be almost random and rarely apply what the seeker is actually interested in, not to mention being rather small in the grand scheme of things).

The Second Yana ‒ The State of Finding
When the seeker reaches the second yana, they gain some measure of control over their contact with the Knoway. They can pose questions and through yanawah they not only make the leaps of the first yana in the desired direction, they also get a feeling for what they need to study in order to progress towards their answer. In rare cases, they may even have flashes of complete understanding, suddenly knowing not only the answer they sought, but all the knowledge "leading up" to it.

The Third Yana ‒ The State of Knowing
Few ever reach the third yana, but those who do have almost unlimited access to the Knoway during yanaway and merely has to focus on a question to know the answer (if one exists, the Knoway contains all mortal knowledge, but can not give an answer if no one knows it).

2022-03-05, 04:08 PM
[Ran Moch, In the Land of Belli]

A bronze eagle soared over the land of Belli, going into a steep dive when it neared the sight of the war god’s tomb. It phased through masonry, for it was a wisp of will and illusion, nothing more. However, it was exquisitely crafted, with a shimmering beauty. It landed with the newly minted Emperor and their God.

“Well met. I am glad I am not late for the occasion.”

Thrax stood from his kneeling position, hand on his blade.

“At ease. He’s not here to fight.” Iustrum, helmet in hand, turned to look at the shimmering bird. He calmly placed it back onto his head, and his voice came as a low rumble, not unlike a storm. “Ozglint if I am not mistaken. You hindered the unification of humanity.” He didn’t sound angry; merely… acknowledging.

“I did. You made my people bitter and divisive. But I am not here to discuss the past. I am here to discuss the future of your Empire. Your Emperor. Your conquests.” The eagle pecked at it’s claws for a moment, then looked up at the war god again. “Where do you plan to bring your war machine? We are, in a way, neighbors, and I would know your intentions. If you please…”

“I have yet to survey what remains of my empire,” Iustrum admitted, “but if I am correct in my assumption, the people will have scattered.”

Thrax nodded. “I’ve only occasionally gotten news from the outside, and not for a while. Your- my armies now, I suppose, have largely formed into mercenary bands. The cities and towns still exist, at least last I heard.”

“And how long ago was that?”

Thrax winced. “I don’t know, lord. It’s hard to tell time in here. There are pilgrims, occasionally.”

Iustrum grunted. “Then faith in me survives. We must consolidate, for now.”

“If you are consolidating your own territory, I wish you well. It would be quite hypocritical of me to fault you that. I worry for my own territory, and for my friend Zemara’s. If you are focusing on internal matters, I trust you will not be attempting to dislodge either of us?”

“I am not in the habit of sharing my plans with-” Iustrum began.

“My empire has no hostile intentions towards its neighbors at this time.” Thrax interrupted.San Diego, CaliforniaSSacrem

Iustrum glanced at the newly-minted demigod, eyes narrowed beneath his helm.

“That may change in the future,” Thrax continued, “but for now our internal affairs take precedence.” He glanced at Iustrum. “Unless you had another plan?”

“... It is unwise to inform… other powers of your plans.”

“And wise to let your neighbors know that you are not their priority. Unless your words and your actions do not match, but I prefer not to assume that when dealing with colleagues.” The eagle flies up to land on Thrax’s shoulder. “I will aid your Emperor. I will trade with your Empire. But my people will not bow to either. Let the story between our peoples not be written off by early errant strokes when it could be stronger as respectful neighbors. What say you, Iustrum? And Thrax? I prefer my people focus their time and attention on saving this world rather than fighting each other. And, of course, I would be obligated to offer a flaw… though you could always refuse it.”

Thrax wasn’t sure how to feel about an eagle showing up and offering him a promise of power and peace. “Well, uh…”

Iustum’s eyes narrowed. “You offer a flaw What kind of flaw?”

“In the name of peace, I would offer to let you choose. But the nature of my magic requires I offer it. You may always reject it, but my powers will be less effective if you do.” The eagle looked down at the would-be emperor. “So the question is, how much assistance do you require? If I had my say, I would say that your Emperor would be content with ruling Belli, but I don’t think you’d find that flaw amenable.”

“... no.” Thrax said. “And neither would I.”

“Then let us keep things simple. I will design armor for you, and I will inscribe it with runes beyond mortal ken. Armor befitting a ruler. It will be without flaw, but it will not be as great as it could be. And when the time comes to look to the horizon for new conquest, I simply ask that you remember who aided you.” The eagle looked from god to Emperor, looking for approval.

Iustrum glanced to Thrax.

The emperor was silent for a time, then nodded.

The eagle nodded, then hopped off Thrax’ shoulders. It’s body grew and changed, wrapping it’s wings around the tomb guardian’s body and taking the shape of bronze armor, perfectly fitted and sized, that gleamed like gold. Each plate held a single rune, and taken together they represented a six word runic sentence- “Strength, War, Prowess, Blades, Bludgeons, Resist,” Together they made armor that would embolden the wearer to feats of supernatural ability and gives them resistance to all forms of weapons of war. The pauldrons were in the shapes of mountain peaks, and at the lower back Oz’s own maker’s mark- a circle with a chip missing, was prominently displayed. The front of the armor, however, displayed and Imperial Eagle for all to see.

+2 Artifice- Ozglint will make exquisitely crafted armor, just beyond the highest reach of mortals, and gift it to the newly minted Emperor. This armor can slowly upgrade and adapt to keep up with trending technology and fashion, always appearing flawless and mastercrafted.
+2 Magic- The runes on the armor will make it effectively into magical power armor, enhancing the strength, skill, and tactical acumen of the wearer, while also providing peerless defense against all things sharp and smashing.
-2 Flawless- Iustrum and Thrax elected to have no flaw, weakening Oz's powers.

Haastafahn, near the Top of Peerless Peak

Ozglint resumed his original stone body near the top of the mountain, shrugging off snow and even some locals who were sitting on the inert statue their ancestors called God. He was very careful to let them all jump off safely before standing up. Ozglint looked to the left and the right, taking in the top of the mountain where he first focused his powers. He was... impressed. Down the slope and across the valleys they made buildings from carved stone and wood, but here the people carved homes from the very rock around them. Rumors that this place was blessed by the artificial man had brought more here. And more. And more. Here at Haastafahn, the discovered village of some ancient people that struck Ozglint with such delirious nostalgia had expanded during his slumber, and was now settled in stone homes both of ancient and modern design. His village had become a city, and his people, their ancestors, and immigrant devotees from further down the mountain had built most of it themselves. He felt... pride. A much more pleasurable sensation than he expected.

Oz walked it's streets, People from the city gathered in his wake, celebrating the return of their god. Oz climbed higher and higher up the mountain until he had assembled all who would come to see him. Raising his stony hands, he looked out over them. He thought he recognized some faces from his first foray into godhood, or at least similar features. That made him feel pleasant, but he had not designed this body to smile. He suddenly felt the limitations of his form, and therefore decided to take another. One of metal. More appropriate for the age. One that could smile.

The stone cracked and began to fall away. At first the people looked confused, with fear in their eyes that their god was broken. Then they saw a another form emerge from the cloud of powdered stone. He was made of bronze, and in place of implausible joints formed of pure magic was a body constructed a thousands of interworking parts. Wheels and springs and whirling things. It was smaller than the stone form, but no less powerful looking, and much more expressive. With features shifting and sliding to portray a smile, Oz' newly formed lips began to part as he spoke.

Spread the word to all my followers, all across the Imperfect Mountains. Tell them that...

Oz sensed Kavan's aid, and he approved. But Myrin's contribution had removed his teeth. The interference made him aggravated for a moment, but he realized that he had learned the risk of inviting colleages to contribute. If this soft approach worked he may forgive the dream giver, but until that possibility was made real he would try to keep others out of his minor works from now on. He realized he had paused, and he cleared his throat somewhat comically before continuing.

Tell them I am returned, and I have come to make a covenant with this land and it's people. I named this mountain Peerless Peak. This is not a descriptor accepted, but a name that must be earned. Bad times will come. Disasters will strike, and it only through working together in holy industry that we may survive. You already mark the area with my symbol, and through generations of this my energy has infused the land. I lay claim to the ICM for the betterment of all. We will be the bow of the ship that carves into the future, and all my greatest works and creations will come from here, and I will not be idle if it comes under threat. Hear me gods and mortals alike, and know all are welcome to assist, but I will not allow my people to be menaced.

The people cheered and cried for their god, and Oz suddenly felt very self conscious that he had stirred such emotion in them. Striking what he thought was a dramatic pose, Oz's manaform lifted off out of the bronze body and rose high above the mountain, dispersing in the upper atmosphere into his could form.

Oz will erect a Holy Land Omen over the ICM.

+2 Artifice- The thousands of instances of Oz's rune all over the mountain glow with silvery light as once again they are charged with divine energy, requires a fraction of the effort by Oz.

+2 Magic- Oz's covenant with the land is strengthened and reinforced with every time an artisan carves it in a ritual that has lasted an age. Now the ritual aspect of it will be increased, requiring special offerings and rune stones to accomplish. The result will be a powerful ward powered by a combination of Oz and the residents of Peerless Peak.

+1 Mountain- The ICM is a chain of mountains in western Festinog.

Flawless- Again, if there are no runes across the mountains and no one carves anymore for too long both omens will lessen in power gradually and then fade away completely.

In his cloud form, Ozglint heard petitions from his fellow gods for aid, and also learned of their own major works that were being planned and executed. Oz sent waves of magic across the planet, touching peoples and places with his deific influence.

I also plan to bond with my chosen people after I am done connecting to the Land. I trust I'll have your aid then.
Artifice +2- The Heart of the Swamp will be carved by it's adherants whenever they drink deep of it's potential, leaving the entire thing more and more artistically designed as the years go by.
Magic +2- Anyone who utilizes the heart will also find their ingenuity and craftsmanship of runes enhanced.
Mountain +1- Boulders will erupt out of the swamp and act as geographic markers throughout the swamp, leading the way to the Heart.
-2 Flawless- Oz does not offer a flaw, incurring a penalty.

I am annoyed with you, Myrin, but it would be hypocritical of me to deny you an act that I myself will be doing simultaneously. I will aid you, and in return I hope you will aid me, and may both our peoples be protected from predation from our peers.
+2 Artifice- Oz will cause buildings, homes, entire communities to build themselves out of local materials. When Myrin's people move in they will have homes- somewhat spartan, basic homes, but a good place to build off from.
+2 Magic- The homes will rapidly assemble as though being created by invisible workers at breakneck speeds. Tools will appear and work themselves to craft these structures. And with each and every home built, Myrin's connection to this island will be enhanced dramatically.
+1 Mountain- Stone and earth erupts upwards to form a minor mountain in the center of the Isle. If anyone wishes to escape the requirement for extra sleep, going close to the top of this mountain gets you out of range of the psychic effect.
Flawless- With an omen's natural capacity for failure and unmaking it is already vulnerable enough to have a flaw.

There are few things as noble as sharing knowledge. Let there be less secrets and sneaking in this world. You will have my aid, and I hope that you will return the favor on my major work.

+2 Artifice- Regionally, certain sects who preform the yanawah while also in engaging with certain actions with tools. This ranges from zen garden exercises with special stones, sand, and rakes to the usage of divination tools like tops, dice, cards, and bundled sticks. These are seen as physical focuses for the study and devotion of the yana. While not necessary they help with newer practitioners to center their mind and achieve a basic understanding of the first state, and are seen as useful methods for beginners.
+2 Magic- There will be new runes that induce a trancelike state in any who wear them that again helps beginners to transition through the steps of the first yana. People of moderate skill or above will not need them, but it makes more people capable of achieving the first state.
+1 Mountain- Crystals will harmonize with people preforming the yanawah. This enhancement will be helpful and effective all the way up through moderate skill levels, with gemstones serving as a focusing lens that helps practitioners locate the specific knowledge they are hunting for faster and more effectively.
Flawless- -2 if rejected- Communing for too long and too deep with the shared knowledge of the world can lead one to lose track of time. One discovery leads to another and another until it is possible for one's consciousness to become lost, swamped in raw data with no way to process it all. The tools mentioned above all serve to help practitioners to avoid this fate, and a distinct difference between the first yana and the second is a radical decrease in the threat of entering this coma-like state that they may or may not be able to exit, and by the time mastery of the third yana is achieved it is a non-factor.

Ozglint, 56 AP, Secondary Action Remaining

2022-03-05, 04:41 PM

Aid Of Orgo
+1 Healing
+4 Love
Orgo decides that the Know-Way needs a little tinkering with.
Those who seek after the yanas will have access to greater medical knowledge, and also develop wisdom in relationships, in serious mature relationships between "lovers" and in loving their families, or even just the love of friends or neighbors. It should be noted even those who seek after the yanas can develop this special "sub yana" whether they succeed in reacing even the first yana. Thus, anyone who seeks after the yana can be wise. Rather than being lonely hermits, someone who seeks after the yana has the option of developing small hamlets of less than a hundred people as a result. Or perhaps monasteries, who knows?

2022-03-05, 05:54 PM
Ka'gar, Great Iron Muncha, Lord of the Stonebellies, Golden'ead, was eating. That in itself wasn't uncommon. The measure of a goblin was in the strength of his gut and size of his appetite. Having earned his title through out eating his previous chief through dishes of venomous worms, toxic frogs and pumice stones, then eating the chief himself when the old goblin's belly exploded,both had been proven. Even during war, it wasn't uncommon for Ka'gar to take bites out of corpses or even his enemy while he fought. In other words, Ka'gar was the epitome of everything a goblin chief strove to be. It was the first of the reasons why he was chosen by the Purple one to be the first of the Goblin-Kings. The second was that he listened to the Prophets. He sacrificed choice cuts to the Gut-God and through it, proved that he was loyal as well.

Ka'gar would be the last to look away from the great jungle beast they were consuming, the rest of his warriors staring at the stranger that had arrived. His face was covered in blood, spices and meat which only made him look more terrifying. His hand would go for his spear, his golden mask glinting in the dying light. His lean muscular body couldn't be more different from the bloated gut of the creature infront of him. With his staff of dreamwood and rune carved skulls it was clear that this was a gut-prophet. The skin of the man was dark green, and purple veins crisscrossed his skin."Hail Holy One. Take a seat by the meat, there's plenty of any who speak-talk for the Purple King. What new-word do you 'ave from where you walk-roam?"

The hunters would shift aside to make room for the holy man, but the fat goblin didn't move to take his seat. Instead, he pointed a single finger toward Ka'gar and spoke in the voice of a God. "You. Da Smoothskins makin' demselfs a King. I says my children needs a King too. Not just a king. A God-king dat's granda and more pompous-headbig than da rest of em. Remember who you was Ka'gar, for as da King-in-Purple I declare you to be da first of da God-Kings. Gather da people. Make me a city. Rule wise-smart and you has my blessing. Take dis as proof of my blessing,". The God would approach and do two things. First he'd touch Ka'gar on the head, then put something in his hand. The metal mask that Ka'gar wore would burn into his skin, but it wasn't the pain that caused him to scream.

"Take dis stone, show it to your rune-carver. Make more of dem. The ancient promise comes through once more,"

Purple veins would retract into the Gut-speakers skin and the man would take a step back, his nerves burnt out from the stress of hosting a god. Ka'gar had fallen in the meantime, and what rose up wasn't Ka'gar, Great Iron Muncha, Lord of the Stonebellies, Golden'ead. It was God-King Ka'gar.

The Helm of the Purple King - The Helm of the Purple Kings gives a larger spark of divinity to the wearer. The Purple King is able to channel the same powers that Da Great Gobbo can to a weaker level. In addition, it gives the wearer the same perspective as the Goblin God, their brain in touch with the great web linking all goblins.

+2 Greenskins - Due to their link with the greenskins, to divinely influence the Purple King, one has to divinely influence the Goblins and goblin relatives as a whole. One does not work without the other. It also gives them greater influence on Greenskins, at the cost of their own personality being in danger of being overwritten.
+2 Goblins - The bearer of the Helm of the Purple King must be a goblin. At best, it doesn't work. At worst, the conflicting energies can drive the wielder insane or blow up their head.
+1 Magical Goblins - Bloodjaws and other goblin-kin can also wear the helm and are counted as them for the sake of it.

Gastrolith Stones are stones carved with a secret rune that satisfy the promise given by the Goblin God. Those who have swallowed one have it embed itself in their system and gives them the ability to eat anything they can fit in their mouth and digest it with no negative side effects.
+2 Goblins - Goblins have a special resonance with this over all other goblin-kin, which gives them an aspect of the things they eat with this inside them. Ex. Rockier skin from a diet of rocks.
+2 Greenskins - This blessing is mainly for the Greenskins. When other races try putting it into their stomachs, it only works about a third of the time. The other two thirds of the time, they produce far too strong acid which can eat through their stomach. The survivors have immense stomach burn for the rest of their lives, but they gain the same benefits as a greenskin does.

The JoJo
2022-03-05, 06:18 PM
Oculus, unnamed island off the south coast of Otellia

Centuries flew past in the blink of an eye, Oculus slumbering on some forgotten island, long untouched by mortal feet. Even as his fellow deities awoke and began to move again in the world, he dreamed on, his black tail occasionally twitching as he snoozed in the warmth of the sun. Finally, he felt something that he couldn't ignore.

"O..." he murmured, green eyes opening as he was roused in a grudging wakefulness. "It appears I have overslept," he added, to no-one in particular. He might be too late to bid farewell to his fellow deity, but he could at least make sure that the cultists of Lumerian Island were not left to fend for themselves.

18 AP/14 DC: Create a plane of reality (can be unbounded and capable of sustaining a population): the Other Side, with +2 Spectacle and +2 Sacrifice:

The Other Side is a labyrinth-like set of carved rock tunnels, accessible from any spot in the world, regardless of divine protection or other barriers. To enter it, one must perform a live mortal sacrifice and request its presence, which will open a portal which lasts about an hour. Once you are in the Other Side, a single step will take you twenty miles, allowing for near-immediate travel to anywhere in the world. A second mortal sacrifice is required to create another portal back to reality.

This convenience comes at a cost, of course. Within the labyrinth, unimaginable horrors lurk down certain passageways, waiting for anyone foolish enough to wander into their lair. In order to safely navigate the Other Side, one requires an enchanted, three-dimensional map which can accurately depict the complexity of the many interlinking corridors. Oculus has created just ten of the these special maps, one of which has been distributed to each of the following groups:

The Snap Jaw Tribe
The Bloodjaws
Rotwood village
Pekunos village
Humans of Belli
Satyrs of Ran Moch
The Cult of the Hidden Eye
Hallowed Keepers of Living Memory

In addition, Woodcutter and Rakkar have been given a map each. Any other group wishing to obtain one must use subterfuge or espionage to obtain a copy.

6AP / 3DC: Influence 1,000 mortals with +2 Sacrifice: Expand the Cult of the Hidden Eye so as include the inhabitants of Lumerian Island. From now on, the sea around the island will gain a reputation for being a place where passing ships and their crews often vanish into thin air, never to be seen again. Strangely, despite their isolation, the islanders never seem to be short of material goods.

2022-03-05, 06:19 PM
Action 2: -12 AP (Influence a City Level Settlement)
Orgo speaks to people throughout the world, and most of all Kujumi and some explorers and traders to settle in the forest of Kujumi, the White Magic Forest. The only mortals outside the Children of the Forest that would inhabit this forest area as their own centralized forest, they would be friends of the Children and also the animals, though to a lesser extent. They would pray to Orgo if they needed to consume meat, but would make a forest clearing and farm here for most of their basic needs. They would have enhanced abilities of healing, knowing of all the best herbs, and the lay out of the land almost as well as the Children of the Forest. These inhabitants would call their town, "Torrelis".

+4 Love: The locals would have the same bonuses, though to a lesser degree than the Children of the Forest would come to have.

+1 Healing: The locals would be awesome physicians and practice (for the time period) advanced hygenic techniques.

2022-03-06, 10:39 AM
Kavan, Master of Monsters, Lord of the Deep, The Devourer
AP: 40 AP + 16 BP
Remaining Actions: None

As Kavan watched the goblins set off for the surface and the vitak starting to grow, he felt Iustrum working to restart his plans. That demanded attention, so Kavan watched as Thrax and Iustrum left the god's resting place from above in the form of a creature of wing and scale. It was only as he watched the man that walked with Iustrum that he realised what the god of war was trying to do. The man...he was no god, but he was also on the way to becoming something more than mortal. A demigod who would rule over mortals. Perhaps that was acceptable. If mortals were going to continue to advance and develop and entrench themselves, perhaps one with something of the divine about them, one under the authority of one of his kin, ruling over them as acceptable. Perhaps. If this Thrax could prove himself worthy, of course. Kavan's progeny should provide an adequate trial to prove or disprove that.

Oh. The goblins were raising up a similar king. Different methods from their god, though. That was fine. The goblins knew their place in the world, and a strong goblin presence would be useful to keep the other rising powers of this world in check and never able to rest and grow too comfortable with their position.

Returning home, he was met by Rakkar, his child bearing a map that was still being written. Another plane of reality, a maze that could bring anyone anywhere. And now, his progeny had access to the safe ways through. Interesting. Kavan could make use of this, and make his mark on the parts of it that intersected with his dominion.

Help Iustrum with creating the Emperor (net +5)
+2 Monsters: Every age, the Emperor has the right to challenge one of Kavan's monsters to a contest - similar to the right that anyone that makes it to the Tower of Kavan has, but any battle is not to the death, nor does it even have to be a contest of arms, each monster deciding their challenge. Should the emperor win in the contest, the monster in question will be bound to offer the Emperor three services, lasting until the monster next returns to slumber between ages, and Kavan's promise that he will not directly interfere with the empire until such a time that the Emperor fails or he takes hostile action against Kavan's progeny outside of self-defence.
+2 Genesis: While the Emperor has Kavan's favour, his empire will flourish with life.
+1 Fear: The Emperor's mastery of war is almost palpatable to his enemies - the sight of the Emperor leading his soldiers into war will be an intimidating one to those who would stand against them, driving the weak-willed and fearful to flee rather than face him.

Help Gorkun with the Helm of the Purple King (net +4)
+2 Monsters: The wearer of the Helm is guaranteed a degree of respect by Kavan's progeny, and that they will at least hear out and consider any offer the wearer has for them - what exactly Kavan's creations want can vary, but for the Purple King they all have a price.
+2 Oceans: The Helm allows the wearer to breathe underwater, and move through the water with ease, and the wearer, and the wearer is allowed access to the Tower of Kavan and the surrounding waters without any fear of being interfered with by Kavan's progeny - the goblins of the Tower worship both Kavan and Gorkun, after all, so Kavan sees to it that if need be the representative of the latter god can meet them.

Help Oculus with the Other Side (net +7)
+2 Monsters: Every creature Kavan creates has a horror counterpart in the Other Side, typically dwelling in the areas of the tunnels roughly corresponding to those where the real-world creature spends most its time - the maps mark where these kinds of horrors dwell.
+2 Oceans: The tunnels corresponding to the real-world area where Kavan's influence is strong are flooded with seawater, a strong current pulling towards the Tower of Kavan - an even faster way of reaching the Tower than normal Other Side travel, if one is good at holding their breath or can breathe underwater. These flooded sections still have their horrors, like anywhere else in the tunnels, so a map is still advisable to know where to enter the currents.
+2 Genesis: While the horrors still dwell in the flooded tunnels, they are not the only life present there - strange, uncanny creatures resembling natural sea life swim and grow in the seawater.
+1 Fear: The horrors found throughout the Other Side have a certain sense for fear, drawing satisfaction from causing it and becoming the more dangerous the more that their prey fears them.

2022-03-06, 02:13 PM
+2 Dream +2 Psychic -2 Physical: Though difficult, Myin molds from the vitak into having bioluminescent lights along their bodies, at least on the parts below the light of the sun. Depending on the species of vitak the lights can be expressed inside large sacks of fluid in the stems, bulbus fruits that hang off the side of the vitak, the symbiotic life forms that live inside it, or other means. The bioluminescent liquid used has a powerful dream-giving quality, forcing predators that eat it to experience the act of dreaming, perhaps permanently if too much is consumed.

If a small amount of the liquid is taken by mortals they can safely determine that different kinds of dreams are created by differently colored liquid.

This change does create more friction between the vitak, different varieties less willing to cooperate among one another and at times outright try to destroy one another (not quickly, like how coral reefs attack each other but with more monsters). The way one vitak species reacts to another can be easily determined by how similar their bioluminescent light is.

+2 Psychic: The maid shall have her form of JUSTICE be swayed by no supernatural power, mortal attempts to use such powers being easily ignored.

+2 Dream: The dream that is Myrin replaces the regular dreams the maid would have, though it’d be impossible for the maid to tell the difference. Through this Myrin gives subtle second opinions, seeping a little recklessness away from the maid so that she may not die from taking on a risk too great without proper consideration.

+2 Deam +2 Psychic: Myrin ebbs away the barrier between mortal minds and the Knoway in dreams, letting those that dream occasionally glimpse at the truth it provides. This is often experienced from the mortal perspective as a dream providing information or even prophecies that come true; or at least, sometimes come true…. It takes someone who follows the Yana and is familiar with lucid dreaming to know if it was a true glimpse into the Knoway.

The glimpses into the knoway by dreaming typically gives knowledge related to what the dream it touches is about. Someone worried about a battle and dreams of combat might gain a fact about a sword technique, a man who is dreading his wife is cheating on him and dreams of her might gain insight of who her lover is, or a goblin dreaming about eating might learn where the nearest source of big deer is.

+1 Shifter: The minds of born shifters have dreams with even weaker barriers to the knoway than other mortals, letting them gain these random prophetic glimpses into the knoway more often.

+2 Psychic +2 Dream: The symbol of Oz’s holy land rune shall never be forgotten by the people of the land, re-emerging from dreams if the need arises. Thus his holy land shall always have people able to make new copies of the rune when needed.

-2 Physical: The dream that is Myrin finds it hard to touch the mountain without warping it, weakening the effects of their blessing.

+2 Psychic: The helmet shall grant the wearer the ability to move objects with their mind from a distance, though with the same strength as their arms have.

+1 Shifter: Bloodjaw wearers of the helm get both connect to and gain a bit more strength from the hivemind than regular goblins, able to inflict strain upon nearby goblins to do runic magic beyond mortal limits. This can only kill the goblins if the king decides they want it to.

-2 Physical: Those that bear the helm are more paranoid about their subordinates trying to overthrow them. Not to the point where it’s constant paranoia, but distrust of advisors and the occasional swift execution on failed but otherwise loyal subjects may occur more frequently than expected.

2022-03-09, 05:05 AM
Morannan enters the tent of Enceladus, a constantly changing thing that is ringed by cherry blossoms in the full bloom of the spring. Hundreds of nudists lounging in the great cul de sac that encircled the sacred grove, Morannan picks up the first follower he sees and simply tosses him out of the tent. With a small gesture from Enceladus, the rest of the followers left. Morannan sat down across from him. Morannan had a half empty gallon jug of cider. “You have no breath and it still reeks of alcohol.” Enceladus said.

Morannan simply took the jug and poured it over his face and gullet. “Shut up.” Is all he said before passing the jug. Enceladus did not partake, instead lighting up a pipe, taking a puff and passing it to Morannan. He equally declined.

“Did you just come here to mock me?”

Morannan threw some of the cider onto the wounds of Enceladus. “No, but I had thought of it.” Enceladus went into a coughing fit as he took a longer drag from his pipe. Which Morannan took as a moment to explain himself. “You are the only mortal thing to fight a god. So by default you are an expert. Tell me, what do you think could kill a god?”

“There is no living thing that I know of which could kill a god. From the mouths of Snapjaw goblins they tell me their god is as wide as the sky itself. I have seen the likes of Turnipface tear through the thickest walls and basked in the shadow of Woodcutter, but I know no creature could possibly take on a being that powerful. You toyed with me with a precision that no mortal could ever reach. You took a single centimeter of horn off when I know you could take my head. If a god so desired, they could tear the heart of any great monster quite easily with a snap of their fingers. Unless the other gods are weaker than the ones I have heard of.”

“He was not weak! He was strong! Admirable! He would not do this, you fool!” Morannan took out a vial of golden ichor. “Explain this! A god is dead, how do they die!?”

“The multitude of ways you can kill a man with your hands pale in comparison to the ways that the world can kill them. Some godly illness, or godly natural disaster.”

“You don’t understand, we are not that way. We cannot die except by the hands of others. The power it takes to destroy our bodies would take nearly the whole of us working together to kill just one.”

“Perhaps even the gods are victims to time. It was simply his time to go.”

Morannan picked up Enceladus by his horn with one hand, easily lifting him off the ground “Perhaps it’s your time to go then, huh!” As he marched to the edge of the tent.

Enceladus, having lived many lifetimes in pain did not shrink, but his eyes darting around the room betrayed his sense of panic. “You’re not going to do it. This end wouldn’t satisfy you. We both know that.”

“Maybe not forever, but it would in the moment.” Morannan walked closer to the door of the tent. “And perhaps that would be enough.”

“My followers would be outraged, rise up and tear down this city. Turn it into a war ground. And despite all your talk, your talk of meaningless and nothingness, you still care enough that you won’t let that happen!”

Morannan threw Enceladus back into his mammoth rug. “I would not let that happen because it would not entertain me. The wicked are hardly punished in war, but murdering is the wicked’s game.” Morannan wiped off his hands. “I have more important matters to attend to.”

-4 Death, the magical herbs effects are weakened, primarily in that they no longer act as an antidote for any poisons or venoms anymore, and typically only extends the life expectancy by 25 years.
+2 Austerity, Morannan wishes to do much more.

-4 Death, sometimes the Tashi will be borne with large hearts full of love… LOVE OF DEATH THAT IS! AHAHAHAHAHA! This can manifest in various ways but will always hinder a Tashi’s intended purpose of being the speakers for all. The tashi could be fascinated in death to the point that they’re off-putting to many people, they may end up wearing the bones of other mortal races, or perhaps even their skin. They may become obsessed with thrill seeking experiences to the point of foolishness to feel close to death, or hide away in graveyards. In exceptionally rare cases a Tashi borne with these special hearts will have an abnormally large desire to become a serial killer.

Whatever the outcome is, their body is not actually built to support such a large heart and it drastically reduces their lifespan to about the average of a human in the area. Most Tashi borne with this defect will know this from a very early point in their lives to ready themselves for this.
Morannan could not help but laugh, a hoarse and angry laugh as he saw the god of war still trying to build their empire. “Peace carved by a sword is nothing but lies to justify the bodies you must bury.” He sent this in a message to the god as he applied his hinder.

-4 Death, the Emperor will be instilled with a specific wasting disease known as the Curse of the Lir (In certain Pekunite dialects this can be read as liar). While Morannan is unable to take away his god given gifts of strength and charisma, he works his magic in other ways. The Curse of the Lir does two things, it causes the cursed to not be able to properly digest anything that is dead. Gaining little nutrients from meat, most fruits, and unfresh vegetables. The other is that it makes the skin thinner and frailer over time causing it to bruise and bleed easier and causing a certain tightness in the muscles. This also gives them a particularly eerie appearance causing them to look extremely old and frail.
If the Emperor is immortalized this curse will advance to the point that the skin will fall off his face. When this happens a thin layer of bone will grow over his face making a sort of faux skull over his muscles.
-1 Hunting, Any non-human animal that The Emperor strikes down will rot and wither in the course of minutes. To the point that not even trophies could be taken from them

Morannan takes out an old obsidian dagger, carves a square into one of the roots of the heart and then plunges the dagger into the middle of it. As it sets itself in place, letters carve themselves into the handle. It reads “Take the Dagger and you Shall Master Death.”

+4 Death, though somewhat cryptic, this dagger can be used to avoid one death. Either by plunging it into their hand if it is to avoid poison, disease, etc which will bind the sickness into the dagger or by bringing it up to block or parry a blow in the case of another trying to kill you (As long as one is consciously trying to do so, it will stop the fatal blow). However, one will only be able to draw the dagger out if they first had survived their own suicide attempt beforehand and still believe they want to live.

If they drink of the sap that coats the dagger when drawn (They must drink it off the dagger as the wound heals instantly when it is drawn), they will acquire the same benefits as Atualam except they will not know the time of their death, they will gain instant mastery over the dagger and instead of their souls going to Atualam, they will go to Morannan who will shortly dispose of them. Perhaps before listening to their story for some time.
The dagger returns to its spot when its wielder finally dies.

2022-03-09, 10:49 AM
Morannan had made a kicking demigod... one dedicated to honor and justice... hrm.

Well. He supposed that he could just let this one go... After all, he'd already thrown his power against Turnipface. Maybe-

Morannan could not help but laugh, a hoarse and angry laugh as he saw the god of war still trying to build their empire. “Peace carved by a sword is nothing but lies to justify the bodies you must bury.” He sent this in a message to the god as he applied his hinder.

Then he saw what Morannan had done to his Emperor.

And for a moment, he was rendered speechless.

... No.

No he could not allow Moannan to act.

"Then you will know no peace," He sent in reply.

-2 War: The scarf will always be coveted and sought after by those who seek greater power.

-2 Honor: The scarf will demand a level of honor that is simply impossible for any mortal to truly adhere to. It is ludicrous to expect one to use the crosswalk when crossing the street to save a man from falling debris, and yet that is the sort of thing the scarf demands in exchange for its power. The kids call it "rules-lawyering".

-1 Skill: The scarf will become a crutch that the user relies on far too heavily, and their own skills will suffer as a result. Additionally, the legendary dynamite kick will be the only thing the user can do well.

+2 Carnage: Iustrum isn't able to shake the thought from his mind that the conflict brought about by this scarf will lead to slaughter uncountable. Now that he's made the object a coveted item, the scarf will lead to much strife. Especially given its place among the death god's servants.

2022-03-10, 12:46 AM
70/70 AP - 2 Actions
Nightmare Eater Bugs

"Oh, that's an interesting use of creative power."
Orgo states, interested. "I think Myrin needs a little help."
He breathes his breath of life into the Nightmare Eaters.
The Nightmare Eaters will have the power to also leave behind extremely pleasant dreams, and will be spiritual beings of those who they are aiding, until their carrier is dead. They will help them achieve their dreams with all their will. In addition, the power of Orgo's healing will allow them resistance to all maladies and physical problems that would get in the way of achieving their dreams.

+4 Love
+1 Healing

2022-03-10, 02:29 AM
18 Create Ecosystem (The White Magic Forest)

+2 monster: All monsters will be unable to damage these sacred lands. monsters can be quite clumsy, so putting in some protection.

+2 imagination: Mortals in these areas will have their minds experience artistic imagery that would Inspire works of art.

Create a unique ecosystem - the Katavir
+2 monster and+1 Empathy:: All the monsters in the area of good friends with each other and help each other out when they can

+2 sky and+2 imagination:: Above This Monster Land is beautiful rainbows as far as the eye can see

Create Dynamite Kick, the +2 Self-Sacrifice demigod

+2 monster: All monsters will respect Dynamite Kicks power. if she goes searching for it they can even lend them their power.

Woodcutter mode: Increases their speed and at the cost of their strength.

Rakkar mode: Increases their strength at the cost of speed

Turnipface mode: increases defense and allow you to reflect text back if you enemies but makes them slightly slowed and weaker.

when new monsters come about they will create new forms

+2 sky and +2 imagination:: As her kicks go strong the winds will guide her. Able to jump high in the sky and do a bunch of backflips in the air before doing their kick.as she does her foot lights up with a burning light.

+1 Empathy: no matter what Darkness they face the wear of the scarf will understand the people they're fighting for.

Create Demigod: the Emperor of Mankind, Lord of Belli
+2 monster,+2 sky and +2 imagination:: He's able to channel the power of monsters with his sword, the ocean (Rakkar), the sky (Woodcutter) and the land (Turnipface) in his attacks.

+1 Empathy: A good King understands the plight of his people, he will never lose sight of that.

+2 monster and +2 imagination:: if blood from any monster is dripped into the drink then that moral will grow physical features and powers similar to that monster

Create State Sized Omen (Holy Land) - The Dreaming Isle!
+2 imagination: The land grows and gets its strength from the imagination of the morals around it

Create a new system of laws for reality (24 AP/20 DC) ‒ The Knoway
+2 monster: Monsters are drawn to learning this ancient technique, most will become decently skilled in the craft but only a few will become masters.

+1 Empathy: The one piece of knowledge that you should never forget is love

artifact The Helm of the Purple King

+2 imagination: The crown will be crafting the beautiful shape, a work of art and and will inspire many other forms of artistry

+1 Empathy: Those who put on the crown, know that they stand with goblins and will try to improve their lives.

Create a plane of reality (can be unbounded and capable of sustaining a population): the Other Side
+2 monster: The monsters that have been given maps can guide morals mortals and monsters themselves only need to give up some of their own blood instead of sacrificing to progress, allowing them to ignore the sacrifice requirement. However, it is extremely difficult to get a monster to do this for you. A lot must be done to earn their trust.

+ 1 empathy: Hi followers will be welcoming to The Imago League, and will think the frogs are cool.

2022-03-10, 03:32 AM
Myrin and Orgo are invited to the action.
12 AP/8 DC Influence 100k mortals.
Zemara moves Myrin's worshippers from Suiren to the Shattered Isles.

+2 metamorphosis: The worshippers are mainly shifters, and their shifting is enhanced. These Aylo will be able to shift at a younger age than usual, though not as young as the Anura.

+2 art: Zemara can't help but shove a few new ideas into their brains. As the Aylo enter the shattered isles, they will experience great artistic inspiration, and their new homes will soon be richly decorated. Furthermore, Zemara forges a great obelisk in the center of the island, made of a strange marble tinted green. It commemorates the move, and is a symbol of the friendship between Myrin and Zemara.

18 AP/14 DC: Influence a country-sized area.

The Imago League is established in the Ran Moch. Great beings are free to participate in the inaugural festival in Corun's settlement, and gods that ask will receive diplomatic visits from the new speakers of the league.

Corun's tribe has, for the last 700 years, grown in size. The settlement around the geoglyph prospers. Zemara worshippers are called by different names locally, but referred to as Instars by the leaders of the league. These groups are Corun's tribe, the allied cities in Belli, and the nomadic tribes and smaller settlements influenced by Corun and the undead. These groups worship the moth as the savior of the Ran Moch and the creator of the entemon lamb which bolstered their agriculture. Beauty and art are prized, and the people are largely peaceful. Runecrafting is spreading, and Corun's tribe in particular contains many skilled rune crafters wielding Zemara's mutagenic style of runes. The entemon lamb is a staple crop.

Corun's settlement is led by Corun herself, with many elders to aid her. She was already old when she died, and even now she values experience more than anything else. Other Instar cities and settlements may have different specific ways of governing themselves, but most of them also give some special power to elders. This results mainly from religion. Since so much emphasis is placed on the process of metamorphosis, the elderly are seen as particularly beautiful. They have gone through life and reached their final stage, and to do so they must have survived the world's challenges and bettered themselves. The more great deeds, and especially the more great creations an elder has made, the more valuable their input is. Elders are often known by their creations.

Body modification of various forms is common, both physically and magically. As rune magic is refined, more and more worshippers of Zemara seek to alter their flesh as a form of artistic expression. Rune crafters are beloved, and in some towns it is common for older individuals to have particularly warped bodies from a lifetime of accumulated mutations. If mutations are inherited by children, it is considered particularly auspicious. A recent fashion in Corun's tribe is for humans to gain satyrish traits, and for satrys to gain human traits. This is less common in Belli, but some merchants and others who interact with Corun's tribe often have started to do it too.

The larger Instar cities have started to trade with each other, with nomadic tribes often acting as go-betweens. This has promoted the spread and mixing of languages and language dialects, helped since much of the Ran Moch speaks languages from a related family. The biggest towns often have longstanding ties to Corun's tribe, especially the elderly leadership. In the past 700 years, many great elders and artistic geniuses in these areas have received the blessing of undeath. So far, most have given up their immortality after a few decades, either believing they have seen enough of life, or wanting someone else to get the chance. The undead are the greatest and most important people among the Instars, and are respected by all. At the moment, all have chosen to give up their immortality, so Corun is alone. The geoglyph itself is essentially a holy site, and the old rune totems made during the war are sacred as well. Few survive, but some have been preserved carefully.

The Imago League is an initiative started by the undead and the city elders, but the smaller settlements have joined readily, since they haven't gained any new obligation they didn't already have in some fashion. It is essentially a way to make official the ties between Zemara's worshippers. All members of the Imago League operate autonomously, but are connected in an alliance. They will defend each other if one is invaded. When a problem arises that threatens the existence of a member, or effects a large amount of the league, one or more members can call a council. Representatives of the member cities meet in Corun's settlement to discuss joint efforts against the crises. Council proposals are non-binding, and a representative need not be sent, but they are certainly expected from towns of appreciable size.

Some councils may be called in order to elect speakers that represent many cities, usually to conduct foreign diplomacy. Nothing prevents any individual member city from conducting their own diplomacy however, so long as they do not make an alliance that requires them to turn against the league. The League also seeks to spread the usage of the entemon lamb, so more people may benefit from this useful crop.

Both Snafuu's satyrs, and the newly arrived shifters, have been offered membership in the league. The satyrs that follow the hierarchy of the hoof have had trade relations with Zemara's people for a long time. The relationship may not always be perfect due to their differing ideologies, but they are usually peaceful. The elders of the League are extending the offer because Snafuu's satyrs do not threaten the Instar cities, and both groups believe in the value of transformation and self-improvement. There is also a pragmatic element to this. Both groups are threatened by the same enemies, and both worship gods that have worked together in the past. Combined support of two gods, and two people's, makes both much safer. The official invitation is sent to the council of masters.

Myrin's shifters are a new group in the Ran Moch, brought over by Zemara. The Instars did not expect them, but Zemara itself permitting their presence goes a very long way towards their acceptance. The gift of the Manlor berries does the rest of the work. In accordance with Zemara's request, they are invited. The shifters won't accept the invitation immediately, but as Myrin predicted, they are likely to join with time. Different dream lords enter the league at different points, until eventually nearly all of them are members.

+2 Art: This is a grand event. Poems will be written about it, and paintings will be made. A renewed wave of artistry will flow through the league. Zemara infuses the people with inspiration, and the league will become a place of high culture and creativity.

+2 Metamorphosis: The people of this land, whatever god they worship, all value transformation. In the league, positive and desired transformations, through whatever means, will naturally be easier. A new era of mutagen will arise.

2022-03-10, 10:55 AM
Myrin and Orgo are invited to the action.
12 AP/8 DC Influence 100k mortals.
Zemara moves Myrin's worshippers from Suiren to the Shattered Isles.

+2 metamorphosis: The worshippers are mainly shifters, and their shifting is enhanced. These Aylo will be able to shift at a younger age than usual, though not as young as the Anura.

+2 art: Zemara can't help but shove a few new ideas into their brains. As the Aylo enter the shattered isles, they will experience great artistic inspiration, and their new homes will soon be richly decorated. Furthermore, Zemara forges a great obelisk in the center of the island, made of a strange marble tinted green. It commemorates the move, and is a symbol of the friendship between Myrin and Zemara.

18 AP/14 DC: Influence a country-sized area.

The Imago League is established in the Ran Moch. Great beings are free to participate in the inaugural festival in Corun's settlement, and gods that ask will receive diplomatic visits from the new speakers of the league.

[SPOILER=Zemara's worshippers]Corun's tribe has, for the last 700 years, grown in size. The settlement around the geoglyph prospers. Zemara worshippers are called by different names locally, but referred to as Instars by the leaders of the league. These groups are Corun's tribe, the allied cities in Belli, and the nomadic tribes and smaller settlements influenced by Corun and the undead. These groups worship the moth as the savior of the Ran Moch and the creator of the entemon lamb which bolstered their agriculture. Beauty and art are prized, and the people are largely peaceful. Runecrafting is spreading, and Corun's tribe in particular contains many skilled rune crafters wielding Zemara's mutagenic style of runes. The entemon lamb is a staple crop.

Corun's settlement is led by Corun herself, with many elders to aid her. She was already old when she died, and even now she values experience more than anything else. Other Instar cities and settlements may have different specific ways of governing themselves, but most of them also give some special power to elders. This results mainly from religion. Since so much emphasis is placed on the process of metamorphosis, the elderly are seen as particularly beautiful. They have gone through life and reached their final stage, and to do so they must have survived the world's challenges and bettered themselves. The more great deeds, and especially the more great creations an elder has made, the more valuable their input is. Elders are often known by their creations.

Body modification of various forms is common, both physically and magically. As rune magic is refined, more and more worshippers of Zemara seek to alter their flesh as a form of artistic expression. Rune crafters are beloved, and in some towns it is common for older individuals to have particularly warped bodies from a lifetime of accumulated mutations. If mutations are inherited by children, it is considered particularly auspicious. A recent fashion in Corun's tribe is for humans to gain satyrish traits, and for satrys to gain human traits. This is less common in Belli, but some merchants and others who interact with Corun's tribe often have started to do it too.

The larger Instar cities have started to trade with each other, with nomadic tribes often acting as go-betweens. This has promoted the spread and mixing of languages and language dialects, helped since much of the Ran Moch speaks languages from a related family. The biggest towns often have longstanding ties to Corun's tribe, especially the elderly leadership. In the past 700 years, many great elders and artistic geniuses in these areas have received the blessing of undeath. So far, most have given up their immortality after a few decades, either believing they have seen enough of life, or wanting someone else to get the chance. The undead are the greatest and most important people among the Instars, and are respected by all. At the moment, all have chosen to give up their immortality, so Corun is alone. The geoglyph itself is essentially a holy site, and the old rune totems made during the war are sacred as well. Few survive, but some have been preserved carefully.

The Imago League is an initiative started by the undead and the city elders, but the smaller settlements have joined readily, since they haven't gained any new obligation they didn't already have in some fashion. It is essentially a way to make official the ties between Zemara's worshippers. All members of the Imago League operate autonomously, but are connected in an alliance. They will defend each other if one is invaded. When a problem arises that threatens the existence of a member, or effects a large amount of the league, one or more members can call a council. Representatives of the member cities meet in Corun's settlement to discuss joint efforts against the crises. Council proposals are non-binding, and a representative need not be sent, but they are certainly expected from towns of appreciable size.

Some councils may be called in order to elect speakers that represent many cities, usually to conduct foreign diplomacy. Nothing prevents any individual member city from conducting their own diplomacy however, so long as they do not make an alliance that requires them to turn against the league. The League also seeks to spread the usage of the entemon lamb, so more people may benefit from this useful crop.

Both Snafuu's satyrs, and the newly arrived shifters, have been offered membership in the league. The satyrs that follow the hierarchy of the hoof have had trade relations with Zemara's people for a long time. The relationship may not always be perfect due to their differing ideologies, but they are usually peaceful. The elders of the League are extending the offer because Snafuu's satyrs do not threaten the Instar cities, and both groups believe in the value of transformation and self-improvement. There is also a pragmatic element to this. Both groups are threatened by the same enemies, and both worship gods that have worked together in the past. Combined support of two gods, and two people's, makes both much safer. The official invitation is sent to the council of masters.

Myrin's shifters are a new group in the Ran Moch, brought over by Zemara. The Instars did not expect them, but Zemara itself permitting their presence goes a very long way towards their acceptance. The gift of the Manlor berries does the rest of the work. In accordance with Zemara's request, they are invited. The shifters won't accept the invitation immediately, but as Myrin predicted, they are likely to join with time. Different dream lords enter the league at different points, until eventually nearly all of them are members.

-Settlement WIP-
+4 Love: The people will have resistance to venereal/STI diseases and will have many children. Also, despite having too many children, people throughout the settlement will be very warm towards children in general compared to the ancient cultures of Earth.
+1 Healing: Healing herbs of the similar but very watered down properties will grow around and in this settlement, as will the magical honey. It should be noted that these herbs and honey are better than the other magical herbs and honey that grows in the rest of the country. The only real benefit other than a modest oomph over the outside herbs that grow in the country is that there are antidotes for various, though not all poisons will grow here.

Country Action-
+4 Love: Once again, to an equal degree to the Settlement aid action, Orgo gifts the entire country here the same love towards children, in order to prevent cruelty and promote kind treatment.
+1 Healing The Healing herbs with similar properties to the main settlement will grow here. It should be noted that the settlements here, once they are made, will have more powerful herbs grow in and around them. Though these herbs will not be as powerful as the herbs in White Magic Forest.

Red Lenses
2022-03-10, 11:29 AM
Atualam Picks His Scribe

12 AP/8 DC - Immortalize a living creature (Gelbas, Scribe to Atualam)
Destined to hold it all together, Gelbas is the personal assistant and recordkeeper of Atualam. Gelbas the spiderfolk is dry-spirited, cunning, and thoroughly servile. He has a coward's heart and a distaste for violent or aggressive persons. His immortalization grants him an extra pair of arms to further exemplify his newfound pedigree and self-importance.

+2 Prowess: A mastery of all aspects of secretarial and administrative work will bloom within Gelbas. There are no books he cannot balance, no projects he cannot manage.
+2 Foreknowledge: Gelbas possesses the often uncanny ability to anticipate the exact needs of employers and projects well in advance. He is always just a couple steps ahead.
+1 Bonds: The soul of Gelbas is bound to Atualam. Should Gelbas be killed, his soul always returns to the Rotwood Heart. It cannot be stolen, intercepted, or bartered. It will remain there, stuck in a half-sleeping purgatory, until the Heart is destroyed or Atualam calls him to serve once more..

Starting AP: 54/70
Ending AP: 42/70

The Rotwood - Grove of Atualam

Atualam taps the hilt of the dagger that has been plunged into the Rotwood Heart. Sinister little thing. He smells trouble coming from it in the future, but there’s no point in complaining about it. Help is help.

Behind him he hears something: a scurrying in the undergrowth. He grunts and turns from the swollen heart and looks about his grove. They’re quiet now. Not that it’ll help.

“Come on out, stranger.”


Atualam marches forward, dragging his feet to make a louder, more ominous ruckus. It was impolite, frankly, to come out all this way and not even say ‘hello.’ He could sense them - still as a grave - hiding in a shrub. The Prince-in-the-Rotwood makes it look as though he’s about to pass the interloper by, then lashes out quickly, snatches him by the head.

There’s a startled yelp. Atualam snickers, “Who do we have here…?”

Atualam pulls them out of the shrub. It’s a spiderfolk, sure enough. Spindly limbs flail about, scratching vainly at Atualam’s bark-like skin.

“That’s strange, I don’t remember inviting anyone over.”

“Ooh! Ow! I- I am only here to pay my respects, O prince,” the spiderfolk whines, “Neh! I am Gelbas! Please put me down!”

Atualam gives him a good shake, “But you’re lying, aren’t you?”

Gelbas squeaks, “L- lying! No, not at all!”

“You’re here for the dagger,” Atualam clacks his skeletal jaw, “Trouble it is.”

How hard it must have been for Gelbas to find a corpse to roost in. He was getting on in years, Atualam suspected, and the prospect of having to go through that again must have weighed heavily on the spiderfolk’s mind. Gelbas was quiet now, aside from a few stuttering whimpers.

Atualam drops Gelbas and rolls his shoulders. It sounds like branches snapping. Still getting back into fighting shape after his nap. “Lucky you, with Breksta back in the dirt, I’ll need another sidekick.”

“What? Who…?” Gelbas rubs his face where he had been held, “I- I don’t… I'm sorry, sidekick?”

2022-03-10, 04:41 PM
Cen, t'Ara az t'Meora, the Great Dismal Swamps of Suiren

The Keepers' library was at the heart of t'Ara az t'Meora, with three floors and thick stone walls it was the height of architecture in a city where most buildings were still only a step up from huts. But for all the protection they provided, stone walls were also quite easily climbable for an agile and enterprising seeker of knowledge. Kazav t'Sawa barely made a sound as he landed on the floor of a room with wall to wall shelves filled with rune tablets.

Most of the library was made up of historical records and biographies of long dead, once important people. They held little interest to Kazav, not to mention that moving them would take a dozen men a full day of work. His price was at the far end of the room, where the shelves held tablets containing the secrets of runic magic itself. He moved swiftly across the floor, not to disturb any late night librarians, before kneeling in front of the shelves and starting to carefully move the tablets into his bag.

The voice came seemingly out of nowhere and almost made Kazav defile the library in the worst way possible.

"Are you sure?"

Kazav spun around – blade in hand – and saw a goblin woman sitting on top of one of the shelves. For a moment he questioned how he could possibly have missed her, before noticing the purple glow of the eyes on her forehead. His blade fell to the ground and he wondered whether he should follow. What's the etiquette when your god finds you plundering a holy library?

"Quite sure. I have enough scholars and librarians in my service, I need something... different. Trust me, I always know."

Kazav made a sound, but couldn't quite get any actual words out.

"But this guy? A thieving thug?"

To his own surprise and despite everything else, Kazav felt a little insulted. He prefered to think of himself as an adventurer, who admittedly often happened to steal or stab a thing or two in the course of an adventure.

"Yes. A thieving thug. To sneak and to hurt in the service of knowledge." The god's eyes shone even brighter and their body floated into the air. "Kazav t'Sawa, you have been chosen for eternal service to the Knowing. Do you accept?"

Kazav swallowed and tried to remember how to speak. "What... what happens if I don't?"

"You will die."

The pause seemed to last either a second or a century.

"Eventually. If you accept and swear your skills to my service, you will not."

As the seconds passed, Kazav felt his heartbeat and breathing slowly return to normal. Having your god catch you in the middle of a burglary was... surprising, but keeping a cool head in stressful circumstances was something of a requirement in his line of work.

"So, what are the details?"

Immortalize a living creature or mortal (12 AP/8 DC) – Kazav t'Sawa
In addition to his immortality, Kazav is also granted unlimited access to the the Knoway (if it becomes a reality), able to gain any knowledge (+ 4 Knowledge) from it as easy and quickly as if it had been in his own mind all along. No matter how long he lives, he is also able to perfectly remember (+ 2 Memory) everything, down to the exact sensory impressions of any moment of his life. He's also given a almost supernatural talent for both learning and teaching others (+ 1 Scholars), being able to pass his skills and knowledge along to any allies or helpers that might cross his path.

2022-03-11, 07:24 AM
Cen, t'Ara az t'Meora, the Great Dismal Swamps of Suiren

Once more, Cen was sitting by the edge of the Well and gazing into it, seeing flashes of other divine acts throughout the world.

+ 4 Knowledge, + 2 Memory: Cen adds a new kind of tree to the forest, looking like a regular-sized version of the Tree of Knowledge and having the same attracting and inspiring effect (though to a much lesser degree) and consuming it (usually by making a tea from its leaves, but any method works) greatly improves a mortal's memory (though the effect is temporary).

+ 4 Knowledge, + 1 Scholars: The Taishi gain a particular talent for scholarly pursuits.

+ 2 Memory: To the Katavir, Cen adds the strange plant t'Meorm avir – the memory sponge. It looks very similar to the regular sea sponge, though a light purple color, but has a rather peculiar defense mechanism. Anyone who touches it instantly relieves a memory – typically an unpleasant one – in vivid detail. Anyone foolish enough to eat it will experience the flashbacks non-stop until the sponge has been fully digested.

+ 2 Memory: Dynamite Kick is gifted the ability to see into someone else's memories through physical contact (though the insight only lasts as long as the contact, so any memory glimpsed from a kick would be extremely brief at best). If a person attempts to resist showing their memories, it becomes a contest of wills between them and Dynamite Kick.

+ 4 Knowledge: Although not able to reach the Knoway directly (unless through the same means as anyone else), the Emperor receives a kind of instinctive connection to it, in matters of strategy and ruling – gaining an unusually accurate intuition in such matters (though it is by no means infallible).

+ 2 Memory: Any wearer of the Helm will have access to the memories and skills of anyone who has worn the helmet before them.

+ 2 Memory, + 1 Scholars: A drinker of the sap gains perfect memory, not only of everything after drinking but retroactively of everything that has happened to them before that, as well as an improved capacity for learning.

2022-03-11, 09:24 AM

Snafuu has returned, having long contemplated the secrets of the path. The return however is not to the joyous utopia she envisioned but instead to worn out trashmen and farmers who can't keep up with their work demand.

Seeing that the people were not yet advanced enough along the path to support this system, she set out to do something about this. She saw a bull-satyr slaving in the fields. Finally he takes a rest and moves to the treeline to plant a few logs.

Then a sad little goat-satyr approaches and sighs. "Welp, another one to be turned into manure," he says while reaching for a cloth to add the logs to his basket.

This was very inefficient.

70 AP
Create a magic fungus: Mushmouth
Mushmouth is a mushroom which is most commonly found in satyr droppings. It has two magical functions. It will eat away at any thing it comes into contact with (not counting living things or soil/stone and other obvious exceptions) such as satyr droppings or other discarded trash. Using the energy from this it turns into a super food. A single mushroom can fill a satyr for a whole day, with all the nutrients required.

+4 clovenfoot
+1 tress these will also spring up randomly around satyr trees
AP 8, DC 6

Then satyr decided to reward her followers. They have been working so hard for the path and making their new friends in the Imago league. . She decides to reward them all with something wonderful. So she makes her way down to the root system.

62 AP
Create a greater Magic Item: Sheepherd Hook
This is an item that will be kept by the masters to reward those who undergo the trials of the satyr path but are not satyrs. It shall be used to grant the target a great reward to allow them to walk the path. They will grow standard satyr horns and hooves. They will still need to use string and hoops to mark their level along the path but those who wish may become honorary satyrs for a time. It needs to be restored every so often.

+4 clovenfoot
+1 tree
-2 Goblins
14 AP/ 10DC

This action is detectable by the gods in the Imago League

The SATYRS shall bring Mushmouth and the Sheepherd's Hook to the celebration to contribute. Also seeds to offer up for people to plant Snafuu trees.

+4 clovenfoot
+1 trees

Snafuu shall invent a special type of high discipline tap dance (hooves may replace tap shoes and infact are preferred) to aid in meditation and focus for accessing this thing
+4 clovenfoot

He now has hooves for extra kicking power

+4 clovenfoot

His strength shall be halved against Satyrs who are peaceful and do not fight in logical ways. They throw him off and make him uncomfortable with their bizarre fighting methods. On the contrary goblins are simple and he will be extra good at fighting them.

+4 clovenfoot
-2 goblins

2022-03-11, 05:55 PM
+2 Goblins, +1 Magical Goblins: Goblins have their own way of accessing the Totality of Knowledge. A goblin can reach a sort of meditative form when they're eating. As long as they have enough food that they enjoy on hand, by eating enough they can access a state that is similar to being inbetween the first and second Yanas. Truly gluttonous goblins can even access the third yana by doing so, although these are very rare. Goblins are rarely aware of what they're accessing, and it comes to them in flashes of inspiration, or in the latter case, whatever sounds right (and actually ends up being right). Knowledge gained this way usually ends up being along the lines of things that most goblins would be interested in, like better recipes, hunting tactics, etc.

+2 Goblins - Goblins tend to take to the mantle of Dynamite Kick very easily. They burn bright and fast, with few goblin dynamite kicks lasting more than half a year in service to Justice. Due to their resistances to poisons and such, they rarely die of dishonorable means and the death of a goblin dynamite kick is always worthy of a story, and usually with them surrounded by evil doers.

18 AP/14 DC (Detectable): Create a unique ecosystem - the Katavir
+4 Goblins - The goblins take to this land like no other. It is harsh and dangerous, and therefore perfect for them and their subspecies. They're the most populous sentient species on the Katavir and make sure to venerate Kavan as the Father of Monsters.
+1 Magical Goblins - A unique subspecies of Goblin develops on the Katavir. Their skin becomes toxic from the things they eat on the islands, and they gain the ability to grow gills when they enter water. They do their best to help the growth of the Vitak, trying to expand the Katavir as mucha s they can!

-2 Goblins, -1 Magical Goblins: Goblins and anything with a blood relationship to them are immune to the friend-making abilities of the Taishi. While their relationship on an individual basis varies, most goblins do not like the flying millipedes. In the worst case, they eat them like they'd eat any other millipede. More common though is them merely not being welcome around goblin lands, something goblin chiefs are not afraid to make clear at spear point if need be.

2022-03-11, 07:56 PM
As the dream that is Myrin both flew above the Isle and felt the land become a part of themselves, they happily welcomed those whose curiosity or need brought them here. In their heart, of course, as the works the mortals would do would be their own. Yet they nevertheless felt the desire to change and bring about ever stranger fantasies from afar.

When Myrin returned to the dreamwood that they left, they told their friend what was happening and what they wanted to do still.

Kilo, for his part, snarled and smacked the then goblin shaped Myrin over the head “Ya gosh darn fever dream, one moment yer ready ta go to sleep and ta next yer makin deals wit weird powers and givin me more work?” he ignored Myrin meekly pointing out that the weirdo-dealing happened before they left to infuse the isle with themself “Ya do know I canne stand back and let the little uns wander round these parts without a bit of my know-how right?” he sighed, but Myrin was relieved when he chuckled right after “Well things were gettin pretty borin here. Just don’t go too crazy wit anymore o’this.”

Myrin mumbled out a promise to try.

+2 Psychic: To avoid repeating the mistakes of the past Myrin grants onto the leaders of the various communities following the dream to the shattered isle a divine eloquence, so long as they maintain the oath of peace among all races (it should be noted that self-defense does not violate this oath, it’s really the spirit of it that matters). Thus even when faced wtih the stubborn and xenophobic native Unoy akir the dream lords will be able to forge peace and cooperation.

+2 Dream: Only those people that were desperate or motivated to see a new land were chosen to move, yet as they arrive on the isle they and their descendants shall have a desire to explore even further embedded in their souls as dreams of far distant places sometimes emerge. For most exploring the many spires of the shattered isle is enough, many wish to cross the sea and visit Ran Moch at least a few times in their life (sometimes settling there), with a few extra souls born every year with the desire to see everything the world has to offer.

+1 Shifter: Randomly, perhaps one in a hundred births, the descendants of these travelers shall have a child which is of a random shifter true blood sub-race. Such children look like they are half-breeds, carrying many aesthetic similarities to their parents.

+1 Shifter: Shifters in the league are prone to use mutation magic almost as often as Zemara’s favored, though they tend to focus on making their mortal forms more similar to their divine ones.

+2 Psychic: Myrin takes the barriers between the various cultures in the league and thinns them a bit, allowing for the transfer of ideas, art, plants, and more as the different people mingle. Together, yer different, all shall be stronger.

+2 Dream: Myrin cannot help but encourage the members of the league to plant and use dream wood. In the future long range communication with large groups of people shall be done over connected dreams made available through dream wood; though Myrin can only hope that more pedestrian uses shall also be welcomed to some extent.

+2 Dream +1 Shifter -2 Physical: Myrin gifts the knowledge of the shepherds hook to the aylo who’s horns were made in honor of the satyrs. Though aylo might follow the satyr path and use the shepherds hooks, their capricious natures lead to having standards that would likely not meet a true satyrs when it comes to path progression.

Red Lenses
2022-03-11, 08:36 PM
The Rotwood - Grove of Atualam

Night falls once more. It's no longer quiet in the Rotwood. In the far distance, Atualam can hear the melancholic ritual chants of the bog-siders as they commence their star-watching rituals. Further still, past the Rotwood, he hears the merriment of the forest-siders in their long halls, feasting, boasting, cajoling. But then, right beside him, he hears the Heart twitch and pulse with nascent life. Soon. Very soon.

But for now, he brushes the roots off his stone basin and observes his kindred.

+2 Foreknowledge: If the inquiring mortal might be in any way useful, the Offal Head of Termination will launch into a long-winded tirade describing, in horrific detail, the Great Unwinding that haunts Atualam. They will become fixated with preparing for the coming doom, and driven to seek the Rotwood Heart deep in Acroth. To any other listeners, the Offal Head sounds only like it’s speaking in tongues.

+2 Foreknowledge: Mortals who fall asleep within the borders of the Dreaming Isle may rarely suffer from disturbing dreams, receiving glimpses of the Great Unwinding that haunts Atualam. They will become fixated with preparing for the coming doom, and driven to seek the Rotwood Heart deep in Acroth. Immortals and supernaturally gifted species may experience the same dreams, but will not suffer fixation.

+2 Prowess: A gift arrives for the Emperor, from far away Acroth: the Traitor’s Totem. It is a short, stumpy sculpture of a satyr, 75 centimeters in diameter, its features twisted into a mean grimace. So long as the totem is in the general vicinity of the Emperor, he will no longer be off-put or perplexed by satyrs of any stripe.

+2 Foreknowledge, +2 Prowess: The most ardent seekers of the Third Yana can attempt to gain the power of Oracular Deduction. With the sum of all mortal knowledge at their disposal, they can deduce the outcome of some future events with a fair amount of accuracy. It is obviously not a perfect practice, as it cannot take into account things unknown to mortals, but for certain mundane affairs it may prove useful.

+2 Prowess, +1 Bonds: So long as the runes are lit and so long as the omen stands, the artificers of the Peerless Peak will, indeed, remain peerless in their runeworking. Likewise, the bond they share with Ozglint will be unshakable - artificers can never be tempted to turn against Ozglint or the ICM without divine influence.

+2 Foreknowledge: Whoever wears the purple crown can plainly read the surface-level thoughts and intentions of any goblin within sight. All the better to keep tabs on one’s immediate retainers and ensure a long, peaceable reign.

2022-03-12, 02:34 AM
+2 metamorphosis: Zemara taps into the natural powers of transformation the shifters. If one is buried on the shattered isle, and the right ritual actions are taken, their body will rapidly disintegrate and turn into a dream wood sapling. This will allow for quicker growth of the dream wood forests.

+2 metamorphosis: The spirits can necessarily take on many shapes within dreams, since their bodies are not fixed.

+2 art: Art has a curiously positive effect on the growth of the Manlor berries. When the plant is close to artistic creations, the developing spirits will gain strength from the mortal imagination and creativity displayed in them, allowing them to grow faster.

+2 art: As the unification progresses, there will be commemorative art and carvings depicting the events. These will serve partially as a historical record, and partially as useful propaganda tools in the future. The time of unification will be remembered as an enlightened cultured one.

+2 metamorphosis: Zemara loves transformation, but knows Ozglint may be more careful about it. Zemara adds a special protection to the ward, making it much more difficult to alter the flesh of unwilling people in the ICM, so long as the runes are still powered.

+2 art: To magnify the power of the offerings. Votive offerings, like statues and figurines, will be particularly good at maintaining the power of the omen.

+2 metamorphosis: Zemara wants the outer to reflect the inner, so those who pass through the yana’s undergo a subtle change. As one progresses, blemishes of the body start to be removed, and a master at the third yana will have flawless skin, and often look younger than they really are.

+2 art: Naturally, artistic knowledge is shared through the knoway. The conglomeration of different styles and techniques in the knoway means the art produced by the seekers of knowledge will often be eclectic, and fuse many styles.

+2 metamorphosis: Zemara solidifies the power of the shepherds crook. After a certain number of uses, the transformation is permanent.

+2 art: The shepherds crook keeps in it a history of satyr’s past. When the crook is held, the wielder may use it to enter a trance like state, where they will begin to paint a mural with scenes of the lives of previous masters.

+2 art: On the stone are carvings of drinkers past, showing their bravery to all who see the stone. This carvings will show those who see the stone exactly what is required of them, in life and death, and they will implicitly understand the power of its boon.

+2 metamorphosis: Atualam will be able to produce new bodies for the souls in the stone, allowing them to leave and take on a new transformed life.

+2 metamorphosis: The children of the forest will undergo a notable change when they reach 100 years of age. After a day, a pair of chitinous wings tears itself out of their backs, able to carry them in spite of their weight.

+2 art: The white magic woods will grow countless beautiful brightly colored flowers, perfect for making dyes.

-2 metamorphosis: Zemara wants the outer to reflect the inner, so those who pass through the labyrinth experience a subtle change. Walking through the labyrinth willingly causes the growth of disgusting blemishes on the body. These marks are always noticeable, and everyone will recognize them as coming from the labyrinth. People who go through a few times will start to gain increasingly debilitating deformities.

-2 art: Zemara creates the sigil of labyrinth protection. It’s a simple mark that can be painted or carved, and it’s pretty looking too. When someone exits the labyrinth close to a sigil, the sigil will light up like a beacon. This light is visible to everyone, but those exiting the labyrinth see it as much brighter than it really is. The more people that exit the portal, the brighter the light seems to be, until it is so blinding that it causes permanent damage. Those who would use darkness to cloak their destruction do not deserve to see the beauty of the light anymore.

The JoJo
2022-03-12, 02:55 AM
Oculus, Al Qamar, Red Teressi

Help Orgo with +2 Spectacle: The creatures and plants of the forest will be particularly in tune with mortal intentions and should any mortal enter the forest with the intention of harming a child under its protection, an example will be made of the intruder, with both fauna and flora attacking in any way they can. Subsequently, the corpse will be tossed out of the forest as a warning to any others considering the same thing.

Help Hy with +2 Spectacle and +2 Sacrifice. The Taishi will possess a rarely seen ability to sacrifice themselves for another mortal, willingly trading their life in exchange for curing even the most fatal wounds. Naturally, when this does occur, it will be with maximum drama and long speeches from all involved.

Help O with +2 Sacrifice. In their panic about the supposed impending apocalypse, the Lumerian islanders will begin sacrificing to appease the gods. When their doom fails to materialise, the islanders will take this as a sign that they are doing something right and thus, a new tradition is born.

2022-03-13, 12:39 AM
Orgo 70 AP: Create a cool forest that heals people. (18 AP/14 DC) +4 Love,
The O of Ooeht: +2 Trickery, +1 Rainbows, Woah, these magic mushrooms are freaking me the **** out, man. Did you know there’s actually 12 and a half colors?
Ozglint: +2 Magic, the forest is generally just better at everything it does, but is filled with a resonant humming similar to cicadas.
Myrin: +2 Psychic, people can ignore the loud humming of the beautiful cicada
Morannan Maklir: -4 Death, +2 Auisterity, The plants are not antidotes to everything and are slightly less effective.
Kyodaina Hi: +2 Monsters, +2 Imagination, monsters can’t hurt the white magic forest and people are imaginative
Cen: +4 Knowledge, +2 Memories, Miniature trees of knowledge which help your memory
Zemara: +2 Metamorphosis, +2 Art, Plants to make dyes and the children of the forest just gain bug wings.
Oculus: +2 Spectacle, if anyone tries to harm the children under the forest’s protect, the forest murders them.

Kavan 70 AP: Repopulate the coast with GOBLINS! (6 AP/3 DC) +2 Monsters, +2 Oceans, +2 Genesis, +1 Fear

Kyodaina Hi 70 AP: Millipedes, but they fly and are terrible. (20 AP/16 DC) +1 Empathy, +2 Imagination, +2 Sky, +2 Monster
Orgo: +4 Love, they can turn into Mothra and cure depression.
Kavan: +2 Monsters, +2 Oceans, +1 Fear, The Tashi can spray venom, swim extremely fast, and sense fear in other mortals
Ozglint: +2 Artifice, The Tashi have dextrous hands and are great at building. However they can’t hold their liquor… Or their wine… Or their beer, or their cider, or mead, or- you get the point.
Myrin: +1 Shifter, +2 Dreams, -2 Physical, +2 Physic, Telekinetic Shifter-Tashi Hybrids.
Morannan Maklir: -4 Death, Short-lived Goth Tashi.
Cen: +4 Knowledge, +1 Scholars, The tashi are particularly gifted in academic pursuits
Gorkun -2 Goblins, -1 Magical Goblins, Goblins instinctively do not trust the giant millipedes
Oculus: +2 Spectacle, +2 Sacrifice, Tashi can sacrifice themselves to heal the wounds of other mortals

Kavan 70 AP: Create the Katavir, an environment founded around algae, coral, seaweed type plants. (18 AP/14 DC) +2 Monsters, +2 Genesis, +2 Oceans, +1 Fear,
The O of Ooeht: +2 Trials, +1 Rainbow, Sarlacc Squid, Sarlacc Squid, Sarlacc Squid.
Ozglint: +2 Magic, The environment absorbs magic and once fully ripened with magic can be harvested to create more powerful magic. However they need to reach a critical mass to create saltwater
Myrin: +2 Dream, +2 Psychic, -2 Physical, bioluminescent dream liquid and different vitak battle for supremacy
Kyodaina Hi: +2 Monster, +1 Empathy, +2 Sky, +2 Imagination, Monster safe zones and big rainbows.
Cen: +2 Memory, a sponge which has you relive unpleasant memories
Gorkun: +4 Greenskins, +1 Magic Goblins, Many goblins take to the new environment, and a race of toxic and gilled goblins helps to expand it.

Morannan Maklir 70 AP: Create the Scion of Justice, The One who is Unafraid to die! The GREAT DYNAMITE KICK! (18 AP/14 DC) +4 Death
Kavan: +2 Monsters, +1 Fear, Dynamite Kick will see their enemies as more monstrous than they are, as well as appearing more fearsome to them.
Myrin: +2 Dreams, +2 Psychic, Dreams will seep away her recklessness, and swaying her opinion on justice cannot be done by supernaturally non-divine means
Iustrum: -2 War, -2 Honor, -1 Skill, +2 Carnage, The scarf is coveted, Dynamite Kick must follow a rigid code of HONOR! And isn’t that good at anything other than Dynamite Kicking.
Kyodaina Hi: +2 Monsters, +2 Sky, +2 Imagination +1 Empathy, Can obtain powered forms by visiting the monsters of the world, can backflip several times in the sky to increase the power of their kicks, will understand people
Cen: +2 Memory, Can see other people’s memories upon contact
Snafuu: +4 Clovenfoot, Dynamite Kick has ****ing hooves.
Gorkun: +2 Goblins, Goblins are particularly good at being Dynamite Kick

Ozglint 70 AP: Kick out the bigots and create unity among the non-bigots (6 AP/8 DC) +2 Artifice, +2 Magic, +1 Mountain
Kavan: +2 Monsters, +2 Genesis, create an entourage of monsters for the statues and the benefits of unity shall be more prosperous.
Myrin: -2 Physical, +2 Psychic, +2 Dreams, +1 Shifters, The bigots won’t be killed (BOOOO!), and make people less bigoted, and forcibly migrate shifters into the area.
Zemara: +2 Art, Art propaganda.

Iustrum 70 AP: Create Emperor Thrax, the One and Future Emperor of Mankind (18 AP/14 DC) +1 Skill, +2 Honor, +2 War
Orgo: +4 Love, +1 Healing, Thrax loves his country and has a supernatural healing factor.
Ozglint: +2 Artifice, +2 Magic, -2 Flawless, Cool new magic armour!
Kavan: +2 Monsters, +2 Genesis, +1 Fear, The Emperor can fight monsters to gain their services, plants grow better when they have Kavan’s favor, and he’s scary
Morannan Maklir: -4 Death, -1 Hunting, The Emperor gains a wasting disease and will destroy non-human creatures they strike down.
Kyodaina Hi: +2 Monster, +2 Sky, +2 Imagination, +1 Empathy, Elemental attack powers and understanding of his people’s plight.
Cen: +4 Knowledge, can instinctively access the Knoway on matters of strategy and leadership
Snafuu: -4 Clovenfoot, +2 Goblin. His power is halved against satyrs that fight strangely, and the simple-minded goblins can fight them better.
Atualam: +2 Prowess, a totem that lets the Emperor fight satyrs.

Morannan Maklir 70 AP: Mount the head of his friend on a pike to honor him (14 AP/10 DC) +4 Death
Atualam: +2 Foreknowledge, useful people will be told of the great oncoming disaster.

Atualam 70 AP: Drink from the heart, unlock your potential, know your death, become soul bound (16 AP/12 DC) +2 Prowess, +2 Foreknowledge, +1 Bonds
Ozglint: +2 Artifice, +2 Magic, +1 Mountain, -2 Flawless, The heart looks cool, increases your ability with runes, and the rocks shall lead your way to it.
Morannan Maklir: +4 Death, a dagger which can prevent death if someone first tried to take their lives
Kyodaina Hi: +2 Monster, +2 Imagination, The Acrothian Death Cocktail, 2 Parts sap from an Acrothian Heart, 1 part monster blood, drink to become a monster.
Cen: +2 Memory, +1 Scholar, those who drink from the heart gain perfect memory and increase their academic skills
Zemara: +2 Metamorphosis, +2 Art, The soul bond can acquire new bodies, as well as rocks that show what they are needed from Atualam.

Myrin 70 AP: Berries that are spirits, which eat your dreams and cure your depression (12 AP/8 DC) +2 Dreams, +2 Psychic, -2 Physical
Orgo: +4 Love, +1 Healing, the berries give pleasant dreams and build up resistances to physical maladies.
Zemara: +2 Metamorphosis, +2 Art, Art helps the berries grow and the spirits can take many forms

Myrin 70 AP: Create the sleepy island, full of sleepy people (16 AP/12 DC), +2 Dreams, +2 Physic, +1 Shifter, -2 Physical
Ozglint: +2 Artifice, +2 Magic, +1 Mountains, Houses will make themselves, and a mountain will make you not sleepy
Kyodaina Hi: +2 Imagination, the imagination of mortals strengthens the omen of the land.
Atualam: +2 Foreknowledge, Dreams which make you prepare for the apocalypse.
Zemara: +2 Metamorphosis, The bodies of shifters can turn into dreamwood trees.

Kyodaina Hi 70 AP: Create Samurai Dogs… Katanas nor samurai exist right now. (12 AP/8 DC) +2 Monster, +2 Sky, +2 Imagination +1 Empathy

Iustrum 70 AP: Unite various mercenary bands under the banner of Emperor Thrax (12 AP/8 DC) +2 War, +2 Honor, +1 Skill

Cen 70 AP: Create a metaphysical book of all mortal KNAWLEDGE! (24 AP/20 DC) +4 Knowledge, +2 Memory, +1 Scholars,
Ozglint: +2 Artifice, +2 Magic, +1 Mountain, Tools, Runes and crystals can help people harmonize with the Knoway, but they can become lost within the vast array of knowledge within it.
Orgo: +4 Love, +1 Healing, it will be easier to access knowledge on how to heal people and maintain relationships. As well as allowing those who have surpassed the first Yana to become wise instead of knowledgeable, gaining a less total but more practical knowledge from it while maintaining some human contact.
Myrin: +2 Dreams, +2 Psychic, +1 Shifter, people can explore the Knoway in dreams, especially shifters.
Kyodaina Hi: +2 monsters, +1 Empathy, Monsters will gain KNAWLEDGE in the Knoway, all roads will lead to love.
Snafuu: +4 Clovenfoot, You can now tap dance to acquire knowledge.
Gorkun: +2 Goblins, +1 Magical goblins, Goblins can obtain knowledge by just… Eating.
Atualam: +2 Foreknowledge, +2 Prowess, Those of the third Yana can use their knowledge to try and predict the future.
Zemara: +2 Metamorphosis, +2 Art, People who follow the Knoway will become beautiful and artists who follow the Knoway will have fusion styles.

Ozglint 70 AP: Create a Holy Land Omen around his territory. (8 AP/16 DC) +2 Artifice, +2 Magic, +1 Mountain
Myrin: +2 Dreams, +2 Psychic,-2 Physical, The rune that centers the omen shall always reappear in dreams
Atualam: +2 Prowess, +1 Bonds, as long as the runes stand, no one will stand against the ways of the ICM
Zemara: +2 Metamorphosis, +2 Art, Wards so that people will not undergo mutations unwillingly and art sacrifices.

Gorkun 70 AP: Create a hat which allows you to tap into the greater goblin consciousness (16 AP/12 DC) +4 Greenskins, +2 Goblins, +1 Magic Goblins
Kavan: +2 Monsters, +2 Ocean, The monsters will hear the wearer out and
Myrin: +2 Physic, +1 Shifters, -2 Physical, The wearer of the helm is psychic and bloodjaws can use the helm to inflict strain on others, though it makes them paranoid.
Cen: +2 Memories, can access the memories of those who have worn it before
Atualam: +2 Foreknowledge, The wearer of the helm can read other people’s minds.

Gorkun 70 AP: Rocks which let you eat anything and gain their powers (10 AP/6 DC) +4 Greenskins, +2 Goblins

Oculus 70 AP: Create a labyrinth which can have you travel insane distances across the world (18 AP/14 DC) +2 Spectacle, +2 Sacrifice
Kavan: +2 Oceans, +2 Monsters, +2 Genesis, +1 Fear, There are underwater sections, Kavan’s monsters are there as well, there’s spooky fish, and monsters that feast on your fear.
Kyodaina Hi: +2 Monsters, monsters with maps can guide mortals through it or sacrifice their own blood to
Zemara: -2 Art, -2 Metamorphosis, disfigures those who go through the labyrinth and can also blind those who go through it as well

Oculus 70 AP: Expand the Cult of the Hidden Eye into Lumeria (6 AP/3 DC) +2 Sacrifice

Orgo 70 AP: Call people towards the White Magic Forest (12 AP/8 DC) +4 Love, +1 Healing

Zemara 70 AP: Move Myrin’s worshippers to the sleepy isle (12 AP/8 DC) +2 Metamorphosis, +2 Art
Orgo: +4 Love, +1 Healing, There is a baby boom and healing herbs
Myrin: +2 Psychic, +2 Dream, +1 Shifter, Leaders will be eloquent to bring about peace, people will dream of exploration, and random people will give birth to shifters

Zemara 70 AP: Form the Imago League (18 AP/14 DC) +2 Metamorphosis, +2 Art,
Kyodaina Hi: +1 Empathy, many of Hi’s followers will join the Imago League.
Orgo: +4 Love, +1 Healing, Baby Boom and healing herbs.
Snafuu: +4 Clovenfoot, +1 Trees, Snafuu brings various satyr gifts such as mushrooms and trees.
Myrin: +1 Shifter +2 Psychic, +2 Dreams. Shifters use mutagenic magic, the walls between the cultures are thinned and dreamwood is had.

Atualam 70 AP: Immortalize a bookkeeper. (12 AP/8 DC) +2 Prowess, +2 Foreknowledge, +1 Bonds

Cen 70 AP: Turn a thug into an immortal teacher (12 AP/8 DC) +4 Knowledge, +2 Memory, +1 Scholars

Snafuu 70 AP: Create a fungus which eats waste, and turns into a super food (8 AP/4 DC) +4 Clovenfoot, +1 Trees,

Snafuu 70 AP: Create a hook that can give people horns and hoofs (14 AP/10 DC) +4 Clovenfoot +1 Trees, -2 Goblins
Myrin +2 Dreams, +1 Shifters, -2 Physical, the Aylo know about the Shepherd's hook now.
Zemara: +2 Metamorphosis, +2 Art, The change can be made permanent, and masters can enter a trance-like state to paint great works.

2022-03-14, 12:58 AM
Orgo 40 AP (Two Successes): The White Magic Forest blooms into existence, overtaking the natural wildlife and protecting those underneath it’s vast canopies occasionally with murderous force. Traders, explorers, nomads, the lost, and all in between hear the call of this new magical place that extends the life of those within it. Rumors spreading and mutating to the point it is even rumored to have the solution for eternal life,but simply extend the life of those there by 30 years.

Kavan 40 AP+16 BP (Two Successes): The many goblins that did not venture into the coast, helping to build the katavir and tend to the vitak. Swimming in the colorful and dangerous ecosystem, bounding like dolphins framed between the rainbows, though they are unable to venture into the bioluminescent depths due to the intense pressure there, there are tales from races more suited for the depths that tell of an array of colors as bright and beautiful as the rainbows above it.

Kyodaina Hi 38 AP (Two Successes):A gigantic millipede looks down upon a dog clutching a sword in their mouth. “Hey, how come you can control the wind, but I’m the one who is able to fly?”
“Asagai” said the dog and threw a miniature tornado through a bamboo forest.
That giant millipede than went on to become a butterfly and cure someone’s depression.

Morannan Maklir, 38 AP (Two Successes): The Great and Powerful Dynamite Kick, though always willing to sacrifice their meaningful lives, has become obstructed by the laws imposed upon them. Leading them to have a weakness of -2 Obstruction.
Meanwhile far from the rolling hills of Ran Moch the head of a trickster god comes back to life in front of a meadery. Becoming something of a local attraction among superstitious nobles and joking drunks. Both of which seem to mysteriously disappear after they hear the head speak in tongues.

Ozglint 56 AP (Two Successes): The people of the ICM are renewed into a golden age of tolerance and prosperity, more and more runes lining the mountain as the omens of the artificial god keep those who embraced his ways busy.

Iustrum 40 AP (Two Successes)[: The Emperor of Mankind marches across the hills of Southern Ran Moch, a rag-tag group of mercenaries falling in behind him, growing larger and larger as he continues his march. His magical armour shines bright and powerful, his power and natural charisma outshines that armour and he gains a reputation for being compassionate and understanding as the gods load him up with love for his country and empathy towards his people. Giving him a weakness of -2 Compassion.

Atualam 42 AP(Two Successes): Tales of the Heart of Rotwood and it’s various boons spead far and wide, even to the surrounding territories outside of Acroth, some explorers abandoning their friends and family to find the heart which unlocks their potential. Adventurous worshippers of Kavan or Kyodaina Hi come with vials of monster blood to try and acquire their forms. Those on death’s door may come to search for the Dagger of Life and Death. Few ever get to drink of the sap but an immortal servant will find their bodies and arrange to have their bodies sent back.

Myrin 42 AP (Two Successes): On the great karsts and pillars of the shattered isles, ruins of great calamity are covered far and wide with that of the dream woods. Some of the first arrivals having trouble foraging for food find these cloudy berries with a rainbow hue to them. Despite all of the signs pointing to them being poisonous, they ate them and once waking up rejuvenated, they spread throughout the culture of the shattered isles as a cure-all for all manner of illnesses.

Cen 34 AP (Two Successes): The Knoway and the practices of it spread far and wide throughout the world. Used by diviners, witch doctors, advisors, satyr tapdancers, goblin chefs, scholars, artisans, monks, and all manners of walks of life tap into the Knoway to gain insight though only a few master it.
Meanwhile at the well of memories, a man is loaded up with the knowledge of the universe and sent to eternally teach the world of his findings. Truly there could be no worse punishment for his crime.

Gorkun 44 AP (Two Successes): The sterling example of goblin virtue puts on the great purple crown, becoming one with the greater goblin consciousness and allowing him to tap into various psionic goblin abilities such as telepathy and telekinesis. In a fit of paranoia, scared that others would take the crown from him, he then ate the crown. This was played off as him showing the power of the gastrolith stones to eat anything. It didn’t go down very easy.

Oculus 46 AP (Two Successes): As the Cult of the Hidden Eye becomes pirates in the Eastern Bay of Lumeria (Or Lemuria depending on how one chooses to Cenitize the script). As that happens, the dimensional labyrinth, while never used in large amounts, becomes an attraction to many would-be heroes, messengers, and scholars. Every couple of decades, large groups trying to venture forth into it to find a path through the maze and make it somewhat habitable and navigable to the mortal races.

Zemara 40 AP (Two successes): A migration of mortals, the size of which had never been seen before cross the great expanses of Ran Moch and even parts of the Land of the Buffalo to reach the promised pillars of the isle where they could sleep easy.
Under the leadership of Corun, Zemara, and many others, the Imago League of Nations becomes a stalwart and formidable alliance capable of taking on any of the great powers of the continent if they are able to truly unite together for such an event.

Snafuu 48 AP (Two Successes): The invention of mushmouth revolutionizes much of both satyr garbage keeping as well as satyr farming, able to do both with relatively little labor from the sacred garbage keepers.
The Sheepherd hook revitalizes many of the border communities for satyrs that follow The Path, able to obtain a surplus of population for some of the first times without angering the traditionalists or the masters. This is truly The Path.

2022-03-14, 08:38 AM
Ran Moch-Grasshill tribe

The Grass flowed softly in the wind, A large pair of legs walked upon the hill. This was not a group of people but a mild-mannered Tashi. On his back his samur dog Companion rested.

“Are you sure this is a good idea Mimic?” The dog said in monster tongue. “Your kind is still new.”

Mimic turned to his friend. “Sense of adventure guides all of us.” He said as he saw a small village in the distance. “That must be it Ruby. The isolated village of the Grasshills.” Something then caught his eye.

A cart was being pulled away from the village. What was weird about it is it was not satyrs but humans carrying off what seemed to be massive amount of supplies.

“Weren’t they supposed to be isolationist?” Ruby asked as she jumped off of mimic’s back.

“Yeah.” She responded as she pondered this with development. “Well I guess we need to go ask them about that.” She said with a chip tone as she continued on the way.

Ruby stood there for a moment. “I feel like we are walking into trouble.”

The Satyr guard chuckled down A case of what appeared to be alcohol. “You Hairless parasites…” The man cursed under his breath. “... Take our supplies and our pride.”

“Excuse me sir, we like to talk to the chieftain.” A voice rang out beside him.

The Saytr turned his head. “Haven’t you taken…AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” the guard yelled out. Seeing Mimic and all of his legginess. “Back demon!” The guard pointed his spear. Ruby herself caught up and stood beside her friend.

“He's really scared about something.” Mimic told his canine friend. “Maybe It has something to do with those humans.”

Ruby simply sighed. “You’re going to be the death of me.” She mumbled under her breath.

The standoff was intense; nearly every soldier from the tribe pointed spears at the two unwanted guests. “I still don’t Understand what they are scared of?” He turned towards Ruby. “Do you have any idea?”

Ruby simply got out her katana. “I knew this was a bad idea.”

“WHAT!” A voice yelled from behind the crowd. Running interview with a female Saytr.

“Chieftain Leaf!” one of the guards yelled out attempting to stop her. “This creature is much too dangerous.”

“He’s not dangerous.” She said as she got close to Mimic. “He’s an old friend.”

“I am?” Mimic steady confusion.

Leaf Looked him in the eyes. “Don’t you remember?” she said as she grabbed one of his limbs. “I was little and so were you.”

Mimic stared back at her. “There is something familiar but I can't put my finger on it.”

“It’s okay we can discuss it later.” She turned towards the guards. “Prepare a feast for our guests.”


“Ever since are failed invasion of Kujumi hundreds of years ago we have been subjugated by the humans.” Leaf said to her guest. “We've managed to keep them back but recently they have grown stronger and we have no choice but to appease them with their demands.”

Ruby was not really paying attention Ruby, only munching down upon the gourmet that was in front of her.

“There must be another way besides subjugation.” Mimic asked.

“We have one allied, the Pekunos have agreed to help us but unfortunately they’re very little help thanks to… them.”

Minnic tilted his head. “Them?”

“The snapjaw tribe.” She responded in a sour tone. “They separate our two villages and have a hostile history with us. if they were not in the way we could get a steadfast ally against the humans. Unfortunately because of the monster we are no match militarily against them. The Pekunos promise us military aid if we attack but We know it won’t be enough to destroy that monster.”

A smile or the closest thing the Tashi could do to a smile came to Mimic’s face. “There’s an easy solution, have you ever tried asking to be allies?”

Leaf got up From her chair. “BUT THEY ARE OUR SWORN ENEMIES!” She yelled at the top of her lungs.

Minnic shook his head. “From a thing that happened Hundreds of years ago!” He responded. “Is it worth holding a garage if it will just make the life of your people worse.” Leaf remained in silence, pondering this. “I can go and arrange a trade deal to give you the supplies you need to keep the humans away.”

“If you can get a favorable enough deal to allow us to get supplies from Pekunos Then we might accept it.” She responded, sitting back down.

“Seems favorable to me…” Minnic nodded. “Come on Ruby, we got some deals to make.”

Ruby lifted up her head. “You never allow me to enjoy myself.” She mumbled disappointingly.


Kujumi-Snapjaw tribe

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” A goblin guard screamed as he pointed his weapon straight at Mimic.

“I always find it weird that something scary is happening around every village I go to?” She said confusingly to Ruby.

Ruby just sat there, staring at her friend.
The chieftain of the snapjaw tribe laughed, at the ridiculous request “Oh, wait. You're serious. Let me laugh even harder. HAHAHAHAHAHA.”

“Please listen to us Chieftain Sharp, people are suffering.” Mimic pleated. “If you don’t do this the GrassHill tribe Will continue to suffer.”

“I fail to see how that’s our problem?” Sharp responded. “They’re our mortal enemies.”

“But the last time you fought it was hundreds of years ago.” Mimic responded.

“Yeah and if they won, hundreds of years of our history would’ve never happened.” Sharp said, drinking from his flask. “Their suffering is of no concern to us.” He then turned to his guards. “Throw them out.”

“But please, they just need supplies from Pekunos.” Mimic yelled out. “That is all we…”

“STOP!” The chieftain yelled out as he got up from his chair, Raising his hands for his guards to stop. “What are you talking about?”

“They’ve had a special deal with the Pekunos.” Minnic told him. “The Pekunos have been trying to supply Grasshills to fend off the humans but it’s been difficult because they can’t go through your lands to get the supplies. They have even agreed to help them in an invasion of your lands.”

The Chieftains eyes went wide. “You mean our allies have been supplying our enemies?”

“you’re allies with them?” Minnic confusingly said. “Then why would they support an enemy invading you?”

The chieftain sat back down. Pondering this information. “We will continue to discuss this deal later.” Sharp told the two. “You’re free to stay in our village until I am done with my own talks.” Shop then got out of his chair and started to walk towards the entrance of his tent. “Just a heads up it will take a bit before we will continue our talks.”

Minnic turned towards His canine companion. “It was close there but we managed to save the deal.”

“Mimic…” Ruby responded, Pulling out her sword and looking at it. “... We may have lit a powder keg.”

2022-03-16, 03:13 PM
[To War against Death]

There are many ways to wage war against a god.

Morannan had shown beyond doubt that he intended to wage his own war against Iustrum and his servants. His emperor was wasting away in immense pain, and had the paper-thin skin of an old man.

But Iustrum had learned from his previous error. A direct war would be met with hostility. While Thrax worked on bringing his people together, Iustrum would work on undermining Morannan's domains and authority.

He had spoken with several other deities, and had brought them together to a great work. A place for the dead to go when they died.

Morannan had not been informed, and would not be invited. Those who worshipped him would die, and would be left to the death god's pitiless ministrations.

He would probably do something to the work anyway. But Iustrum was firing his shot; let the poor creature try to stand against him.

(There's nowhere to create an alternate dimension, so I went with "change in metaphysics" as a baseline.)

"I'm making my own death realm! With blackjack and hookers! In fact, forget the death realm!"

Worshippers of gods other than Morannan, instead of fading away into nothing as they have previously done, are instead brought to the Final Rings for their final reward or punishment. Each of the contributing gods will be granted their own ring in this afterlife, which each may tailor to their own liking. The gods will each have their own worshippers brought there (visitation between rings is possible but limited).

+2 Honor: Each soul is judged upon arriving to the rings. Each ring will grant its gifts to those who come based on the god who owns that ring. For example, if the person is a warrior of Iustrum's armies and served with honor and distinction, then he would be welcomed to Iustrum's ring as a conquering hero and rewarded for his service. The same man would probably find a much colder reception in, say, Orgo's ring (assuming he makes one). This is not possible to fake or to lie about; if a dishonorable coward travelled to Iustrum's ring he would find himself wracked with mutation until he chose to leave the land himself.

It is not possible to prevent a mortal from traveling to another ring should they find the current inhospitable.

+2 War: Iustrum's ring is akin to valhalla. It is a place of grassy hills where combat and war is conducted not for bloodshed or destruction, but for the pure glory and honor that comes with fighting and defeating a great enemy. Parts of the territory are in a heavy deluge, others at night, or a ravine with a base at each end. Great monsters roam the territory, waiting for an enemy to defeat them in battle.

It's also an action clearly motivated by Iustrum's ongoing war with the death god.

+1 Skill: Iustrum's ring is a place where mortals who have served noble lives and fought with honor find themselves. They are able to test their might against the greatest of foes, and spend eternity improving their skill in battle.

2022-03-16, 03:22 PM
[To War against Death]

There are many ways to wage war against a god.

Morannan had shown beyond doubt that he intended to wage his own war against Iustrum and his servants. His emperor was wasting away in immense pain, and had the paper-thin skin of an old man.

But Iustrum had learned from his previous error. A direct war would be met with hostility. While Thrax worked on bringing his people together, Iustrum would work on undermining Morannan's domains and authority.

He had spoken with several other deities, and had brought them together to a great work. A place for the dead to go when they died.

Morannan had not been informed, and would not be invited. Those who worshipped him would die, and would be left to the death god's pitiless ministrations.

He would probably do something to the work anyway. But Iustrum was firing his shot; let the poor creature try to stand against him.

(There's nowhere to create an alternate dimension, so I went with "change in metaphysics" as a baseline.)

"I'm making my own death realm! With blackjack and hookers! In fact, forget the death realm!"

Worshippers of gods other than Morannan, instead of fading away into nothing as they have previously done, are instead brought to the Final Rings for their final reward or punishment. Each of the contributing gods will be granted their own ring in this afterlife, which each may tailor to their own liking. The gods will each have their own worshippers brought there (visitation between rings is possible but limited).

+2 Honor: Each soul is judged upon arriving to the rings. Each ring will grant its gifts to those who come based on the god who owns that ring. For example, if the person is a warrior of Iustrum's armies and served with honor and distinction, then he would be welcomed to Iustrum's ring as a conquering hero and rewarded for his service. The same man would probably find a much colder reception in, say, Orgo's ring (assuming he makes one). This is not possible to fake or to lie about; if a dishonorable coward travelled to Iustrum's ring he would find himself wracked with mutation until he chose to leave the land himself.

It is not possible to prevent a mortal from traveling to another ring should they find the current inhospitable.

+2 War: Iustrum's ring is akin to valhalla. It is a place of grassy hills where combat and war is conducted not for bloodshed or destruction, but for the pure glory and honor that comes with fighting and defeating a great enemy. Parts of the territory are in a heavy deluge, others at night, or a ravine with a base at each end. Great monsters roam the territory, waiting for an enemy to defeat them in battle.

It's also an action clearly motivated by Iustrum's ongoing war with the death god.

+1 Skill: Iustrum's ring is a place where mortals who have served noble lives and fought with honor find themselves. They are able to test their might against the greatest of foes, and spend eternity improving their skill in battle.

Help Iustrum: +

Orgo's Ring: Orgo's Ring is based on The Five Virtues. Instead of ordinary dwellings, the people live in surprisingly futuristic/modern homes to maximize comfort. Others might live in ordinary huts/houses, etcetera that befits the time period they died in. The people will live in a perpetual, but still exciting Paradise, and everyone would live as if they were at least millionaires. Those people who are deemed unworthy of Orgo's Paradise can somehow earn a minor place here, though it isn't as pleasant as the other's time, it's still well beyond the happiness of their mortal lives. Lastly, all pleasant sensations are very improved here, and all negative sensations are, while not entirely voided, are reduced.
+4 Everyone is immortal in Orgo's Afterlife, and cannot be harmed short of divine power. The constant atmosphere is peaceful, well beyond contentment. Even the worst mangled personalities can find great peace and happiness here.
+1 Healing: It is possible for mortals to learn some of the secrets of magical healing of Orgo's Ring, and take this new gift to other Rings.

Orgo's First Action:
Create Divine Magic: (Theurgy)
The power of Orgo thunders throughout the heavens, allowing each God to hear of Orgo's decree, that mortal kind may have the powers of the gods at their command, though at an obviously inferior magnitude. All gods are open to claim a form of Divine Magic as their own.
Each God has the power to gift chosen mortals with an insignificant portion of their divinity. This power is called Theurgy. With it, Humans can create the miracles of the gods, in minutia. If, for example, Morannon Maklir gifts divine magic to mortal priests, his spells would be based on his domains of death and other domains he has. Divine Magic likely improves the relationship between mortals and their gods. Orgo's powers will be based on The Five Virtues. In a way then, The Five Virtues will be made reality, as Orgo wished them to be in the First Age, though they would serve a modestly different function. It is up to each god to create the method of their Theurgy.
-20 AP (Create Theurgy as a Law of Reality)
+4 Love : Any iteration of Love fuels Orgo's Divine Magic. Familial, Conjugal, Friendship or even Neighbor. Furthermore, the relationship between god and mortal improves with the mortal use of Divine Magic.

+1 Healing: All people deriving divine power from Orgo can heal magically.

2022-03-16, 10:11 PM
The City of Pekunos in truth was far larger than it's walls bellied. Vast swathes of farmland and hunting grounds, sleepy satyr farmers and goblin ranchers, many different varieties of peasant amenities such as cobblers, smiths, and other such businesses that were necessary to have so one did not have to make the long trek into the walls. It was impossible to miss the heads on pikes that had always adorned the outside of the wall, in particularly one set apart from the rest that did not have the usual dried red blood, but an almost golden, yellowish tint to it. As the Chieftan of the Snapjaw Tribe closed in on the first set of walls in the city, a small squad of guards stopped them.

"The Snapjaw envoy, I take it." Said a guard with a plumed helmet, raising it slightly as he peered down at the smaller goblins trying to see past the glare of the bright midspring sun. "I was not informed the chieftain himself was coming. I'm sorry if our stables are not to your standards, your liege, we have better stables in the city but we will have to check all of your baggage that you take within our walls."

"I demand to speak with the three kings immediately." Chieftain Sharp set as he walked past the guards. " I will not take no for an answer."

The guards gripped their spears tightly, but did not go into a combative stance as the guard with the plumed helmet raised his hand, using his body to block the way of the Chieftan. "You are free to speak to our Archons when we have searched your baggage. This is a matter of national security, if you do not allow us to search your baggage than we will have to arrest you."

"I brought nothing but the clothes on my back." Sharp responded. " I wanted nothing to delay this meeting."

The guards looked to each other for a moment, then back to Sharp. "Our military leader is out on a hunt at the moment. You will have to wait for them to arrive. Alexius and Beatrice here will escort you to the palace so that you may wait for them. The Watechon will be more than happy to discuss foreign matters while you wait though."

Sharp nodded. "The Watchon will have a lot of explaining to do." He then looked up at his two you've been most helpful escorts. "Bring me to him immediately."

A young man with black hair and a woman with long hair, neatly tied up were brought forward and snapped quick salutes. "Her." The woman said. "The Watchon elected last year was a woman" She corrected.
Sharp was escorted quickly as they could through the lower cities. The two guards of the chieftain obviously on edge as they walked through the open air market with such an important figure. "Keep your feet quick, your head up and stick to the main road. Cutthroats know when there's someone they can ransom and I've personally had to cut a few down before." Alexius said quickening his pace. They only slowed down when they had passed the second set of walls into a guild town, passing by a variety of lower and upperclass workshops. There was finally a third set of walls they passed which kept the palace's massive estate. Sharp was finally handed to the royal guard as they escorted him finally to a room where the Watchon sat among piles of pillows being fed grapes by a group of scantily clad men. She draped herself in a large dress, coated with a fur of a black wolf, contrasting against the bright whites of her linen.

She looked over Sharp. "To come without an entourage, this must truly be important. But please, sit down, as the chieftain of our oldest allies, the luxuries of the palace are yours to share in as well. You must be famished if you had no bags to check." A servant passed a plate of finely cut salmon. "A mind must be sharp for diplomacy and a tired and hungry mind are always when you are at your dullest. I could have the servants prepare you a bath. A regent must always keep their beauty in check."

Sharp grabbed the salmon and stuffed into his mouth, his people weren't known for table matters. The decadent nature of the Pekunos leadership was something that always mystified the Snapjaws. "Let's cut to the chase." Sharp said, holding back his anger. " we know about your deal with the GrassHills, I want an explanation right now."

"We have had many deals with the GrassHills. They are a particular bunch, they will only accept caravans lead by satyrs, but they have been quite profitable." A satyr servant with braided hair poured a cup of wine for the Watchon, she rested her hand on the servant's leg rather forcefully as he did. "I'm quite fond of satyrs myself, but the Grasshills have not always reciprocated those views on my race, I think."

"You have been making deals with our mortal enemies and you did not tell us." The chieftain asked furiously. "I even heard from the bug were trying to goad them into attacking us, I want an explanation for that NOW!"

Guards closed in on the Watchon, but she was unfazed. She simply took the bottle from her servant and poured Sharp a glass of wine. "In Pekunos, we have a saying. Do not blame the poisoner for the deeds of the murderer." She placed the glass down with emphasis as she continued. "Those weapons were not made by the governmental structures of Pekunos, they were made by private contractors, guildsmen and mercenary corps. Our private citizens are free to trade as they will so long as they pay the appropriate taxes for such activity. But if you are to discuss military matters than you should really wait for the Bouchon."

"I see how it is... Mimic was telling the truth." The chieftain said as he got up. "If you want to continue being allies you will have Bouchon come to my tribe to further discuss this." Sharp started to head towards the exit. " if he refuses to meet with me there then we'll just find a new allies that we won't mind passing through." With that the chieftain left.

It was said that spring was the time of peace in Pekunos. This was because Pekunos had a rather peculiar governmental system. It was said that when the first currency was minted and the trade of the river became the life blood of families that the land lay divided into a hundred pieces, the families lay feuding, a thousand small wars over a hundred years. A constant of coups, petty dictators, and all manner of beasts. It was out of this, the First Archon, Basileus had consolidated his power and as the tale goes, he declared “If none are happy in their power, peace shall be achieved.”

As such, the last four major families had become the guilds, and under the agenda of the elected Archons, each were given a season to rule over. Spring belonged to the Children of the Rose. A guild made up of mainly scholars, theologians, clerics, and other administrative functions. More than anything though, they were almost all Monists and primarily pacifists. Leading them to be mockingly called “The Children of Enceladus”. Though it was not uncommon for many lords to believe they know the teachings of Enceladus better than the man himself.

The Counsel of 18, four lords and each lord their four advisors, all with equal say in the counsel had been having a particularly smooth meeting this day until one particular point of delegation was brought forward. “Now we move on to our allyship with the Snapjaw Tribe. Under the Three Archon’s wise rule, they have decided to end our more than equitable treatment with our neighbors and instead pursue more profitable ventures elsewhere.”

A quick murmur erupted throughout the council, quickly silenced as an elder human slammed his fist on the table. “We cannot have the Archons continue their irrational and isolationist policies! The Snapjaws are the oldest allies we have!”

“What are you saying, Enam? That’s high treason on your tongue!”

“We cannot shut ourselves off to this world, it does a disservice to us and the world itself! Enceladus speaks of making the world better, and we cannot do that by distancing ourselves from everyone!”

“Enceladus does not speak higher than our Archons.”

“The only Monist on that council is the Turchon and he is but a plaything of that wicked Watchon! The Monists are the majority and yet we still have the nihilists in that office!”

“Stay your tongue Enam! Or we’ll have you thrown into the dungeon!”

“Why must I stay my tongue when our Watchon may deal with our neighbors as she sees fit! May break promises, and pursue war! Is war not what caused our institutions in the first place!”

“None are pursuing war in our kingdom Enam!”

“Ask any denizen of the low city, and they will tell you of the bulk orders of weapons from the Grey Wolves that are handed to the Gold Cloaks! War is what our archons are seeking for nothing more than to fill their purses!” He held his hands forward. “If the truth shall jail me then jail it shall be!” The guards had quickly clapped manacles onto the man, still he raged though. “We have seen the eagle above Enceladus’s tent! We all know the truth! War is on the horizon!”

Enam was once a speaker for Enceladus, some time long ago when he was young. Let go from the role, disgraced from an outburst. Some things it seemed, never changed, but a speaker, even an old and disgraced one could not be executed easily. Enam lay in one of the less cushy cells for the nobles.

A candle approached him, held by a young man he could tell was one of the guards that lay the manacles on him. “You know Enam, you are not the only one to agree about these isolationists.”

“I am glad that these opinions have become more popular among the youth such as you. Many do not have respect for an elder.”

“We follow a right and righteous cause, but how will we be able to gain any power outside these walls without allies? We must pursue peace.”

“Yes, yes. Exactly. We shall teach those outside of the walls our ways, and they shall learn to adopt our superior customs. We shall teach them the values of equality, and peace through this soft power, as I call it.”

“Yes, exactly! These savages need to be educated!” There was a crazed look in the guard’s eyes. “That’s what the Watchon doesn’t see! Their gold is less important than their minds! Win their minds, we have their gold, their kingdoms, they will defend us as if we were one of their own.”

Enam suddenly stood up from his cell. “What!? This is not about expansion! We are saving people from their own people’s cruelties with this! We must keep this peaceful, use only soft po-”

The guard banged against the bars to his cell. “The thing about the young, Enam is that we are tired of waiting around for old men to finally change something! What is this soft power of yours if we do not back it up with force!”

“You betray your own principles!”

“And what have principles gotten us! Nothing! What we need is results! That is what will make the world better! Just as Enceladus teaches us!” The guard brought out a turnip with a face carved into it. “Yunno, it is as the saying goes. The Eagle rests while the wood cutters busy themselves for they know he will be needed.”

“No! NO! This is not our way! Do not do this! You will regret this!”

The guard simply laughed as he walked away. “Someone is going to regret this. That’s for sure.”

2022-03-17, 02:43 PM
Orgo, Getting Busy
Second Action
-12 AP (Create The Orgo Trees)
+4 Love
+1 Healing

Within the White Magic Forest, Orgo creates, through breathing his life into the wild lands, a new form of plant life. This plant life has two functions. One function, these trees act as an inbetween of the many healing plant life already in the Forest. Stronger than the Honey, but weaker than the powerful herbs already existent. This herbal species has one extra property, in that the seeds have a tendency to spread far and wide, as if carried on a magic wind. Thus, the White Magic Forest would extend even a little bit faster.

2022-03-18, 05:35 AM
Kujumi-Snapjaw tribe


The moon was high in the sky. Hundreds of years since Hi arrived in these lands not much had changed, Only slightly bigger And more fancy looking with all the art littered throughout the village, mostly totems. The Snapjaw Did not really need much innovation, They already had all the support from Pekunos. Near the river of the quaint village two familiar travelers sat along its banks.

“We’ve been in this little **** village for a week and they have given us no answer.” Ruby mumbled to her friend, bored out of her mind. “When can we leave?”

“Relax” Minnic responded as he waved a stick around to mediate his own boredom. “Remember our mission here is more important than our enjoyment.”

The two continue to patiently (or Rubys case impatiently) wait by the river. “Why do the lives of these two villages you have only known for about a week matter so much?” She asked Dismissively. “Why waste time helping others when you know they wouldn’t lift a finger for you?”

Mimic simply looked out towards the river. “It is weird you do not seem to understand.” Responding, his voice becoming more monotone. “You know, when our fates crossed so many moons ago you were just the sad puppy, the only survivor from a raid…” Ruby just stared out into the distance. “... You were lucky I found you, it’s almost like the great Kyodaina Hi destined us to meet…”

“That still does not answer my question?” Ruby asked, keeping her static tone. “Why help me, Why help out these villages when there is nothing in it for you but pain or failure.”

Mimic turned towards her. “Ruby…”

“I was the only one to live…” She said coldly. “... I always wondered why.”

“Helping those have a future…” Mimic mumbled in response. “...Most people don’t get a chance to have a future. This is always a tragic, beautiful story never told.” Mimic put his hand on Ruby’s back. “If I can make sure that story has been told then it’s worth all the hard work.”

Ruby remained silent as she once again casted her site towards the river.


“So that’s their response.” Sharp thought to himself as he sat in his hunt. He turned towards one of his goblins. “Apparently they don’t find our alliance worth anything.”

“What should we do?” one of the goblins with him asked.

Sharp got out of his Chair. “We need to look for new allies, and sadly that seems like it has to be the grass…”



A piercing sound emulated all across the village. The chieftain just stood there, eyes filled with fear. “They wouldn’t…” Everyone in the village knew what this meant… Except two.

The river

Ruby got out her blade. “Mimic what’s going on?”

Mimic looked out into the distance, and saw something. A realization came over him.

An effigy of wood and moss dropped from the trees, folding back in their chitinous wings. He approached Mimic slowly, his massive feet leaving foot prints in the muddy dirt as he thumped forward, a low snarl escaping their throat as a large spiked tail swished between their legs. Two soldiers in it's way drew their weapons while shaking in their boots. Almost immediately as they pointed them towards the supernatural creature, he vaulted forward, his tail easily tearing through the one soldier's armour, impaling them. With his other hand, he caught the other soldier in his massive mitt and slammed his face repeatedly against a tree, turning it into a bloody pulp.

"SKRAAAAAAAA!" It's voice echoed throughout the forest as it threw the two soldiers at the many feet of Mimic. Pointing one of it's long, gnarled claws at the Tashi.


A blade blocked the beast's strike. "I do not know who you are..." Ruby yelled. '... but I will not allow you to lay your claws on my friend!" She then parried the monster, pushing it slightly back.

"Ruby run..." Mimic mumbled. "... you cannot win against this. Turnipface has never failed a hunt."

Ruby simply held out her blade. " I guess I will make history then."

There was a low laugh from the creature as all of Ruby's strikes bounced uselessly off it's thick hide. It's claws brought down towards the small dog who dodged out of their way, expecting this though it's tail was already making it's way towards the creature but it was parried, redirecting the blow away from the creature but taking a chunk of their sword with it. It was about to move to kick the creature when it saw it's prey move out of the corner of its eye, instead it bent down and leaped through the air, it's wings unfolding again as it glided down towards the tashi.

Ruby leaped into the air, Broken Blade in hand "No you don...AHHHH." she yelled as the Beast grabbed her, squeezing the life out of her. it pulled her up to its face and gave off a slight smile as he continue to lay down the pressure.

"WAIT!" Mimic yelled as he went rushing towards the creature. " you were not sent to kill her or anyone else in this Village, you were sent to kill me. Let her go, kill me and then leave." Mimic pleaded.

After a moment of silence, the creature gave off a smile. It then threw Ruby with all its might into the river.

"RUBY!" Mimic screamed as he watched her body land into the river.”

Spurred by the heroic actions of the guard, a few foolish men jumped in front of Turnipface but they fell just as quickly as before. It seemed like hours to the onlookers as Turnipface tromped his way to the Tashi. The Turnip-headed creature licked it's lips

Mimic sank down his head “I di…I Didn't want these deaths to happen...”

It brought down it's claws on the Tashi, taking the bug's head clean off, dangling it's face for everyone to see. The creature let out a roar that could be heard throughout the entire forest before it jumped up and unfolded it's wings as it hurried back to it's home city, head still in tow.

The wind blows quietly in the village, bodies littering the ground. In the center stood the Chieftain, Motionless with his head down. “What have I done…” He fell to his knees, the villages hear their mighty chieftain sobbing.

Ruby's body floated quietly in the river. Her mind barely clinging on thanks to the pain from her wounds and her heart. It happened again, She had failed her family again. All that was left with.

“Hush now little one…” A soft voice told her. “... this is not your story”


“Wa…” Was all she could mother out before her eyes hold no longer.

“There is much more you are capable of…”

2022-03-19, 10:27 AM
There was a meadery that laid on the limits of the great City of Pekunos. It was frequented by all walks of life, it had exquisite and aged alcohol for nobles, more natural concoctions for hunters, bulk buys for traders, and what was labeled as ‘medicinal’ for various peasants and farmers. For in Pekunos, it was widely known that the dosage made the poison and thusly any poison could at the right dosage be medicine. But for the first time in many, many years. The meadery had posted that it was out of stock for the day.

That didn’t mean the meadery closed its doors though. It was in fact quite busy trying to revitalize its stock, but news traveled slow in Pekunos especially among the woods. A hunter walked in, a light deer skin raiment for the warming spring weather, and finely carved leather boots, but they were padded softly so as to not make a sound. The hunter brought a small bag from his waist as he saw the owner leaning for a moment against the counter. He brought out a couple of pieces of honeycomb from his bag. “A bear showed me a way to a hive. Though I had been tracking it for hours, I decided not to go after it today. In respect of it.”

A couple of coins were laid down on the counter that were quickly counted, the hunter was about to say something when the owner waved his hand in disagreement. “Didn’t miscout, Dante. We’re offering a premium on honey at the moment to try and get our stocks back.”

Dante quickly put the coins in his bag and tied it tight. “What kind of offer did you get to make that happen? A river king trying to get rich quick, some noble trying to show off their money?”

“I’d wish, I’m still trying to argue with the nobles to try and get more money out of them.”

“Huh? What happened to your stock then?”

The owner pointed to a man on the table, in a black robe, face down against the table. It was not an unusual sight to see a man with too much drink passed out in the meadery, nor was it an uncommon sight to see someone in clothes mimicking their great god. But the hunter lifted the man’s head to reveal its skeletal visage. “Morannan Maklir and his demons!”

“Aye, he drank the entire stock, even our batches that weren’t finished.”

“What for?”

The owner shrugged as he started collecting several pouches of spices. “Who knows why the gods do what they do.”

Dante lifted up the god who let out a groan as he was seated on the shoulder of the hunter. “C’mon, we can’t have you drinking the rest of the city’s stock.”

“Eeeeeugh.” Was all Morannan had to say.

Morannan woke up in a hammock outside a cabin far into the depths of the woods. Bright beams of light sifting through the canopy of trees, there was a carpet of moss, ferns building over collections of rotten wood. There was a bubbling pot that hung over a fireplace built into a stump. Morannan lay, his head throbbing as he watched a single fat termite, far from the hive, walk along a decaying branch on the ground.

The hunter walked outside, laying a couple more logs on to the fire. “That termite is going to die.” Morannan said pointing at it. “He’s too far away. He’ll freeze outside before they get back.”

The hunter took a stake out from around his fireplace and stuck it through the termite. Placing it back into place around the fire to cook it. “I’d get rid of the hive but they make good food and not many workers come this way.” Morannan was about to say something when he was handed a wooden cup of the boiling liquid in it. “Drink this, it helps with the hangover.”

Morannan knocked it back before coughing up a good chunk of it. “Eugh! What was that!”

“Pear juice.”

“Why didn’t you let it cool off first!”

The hunter had already set the pot further above the firepit for it to cool. “Hmm? Oh, the first drink is just to wake you up.” He tossed his waterskin to the skeleton. “Somebody important that you lost?”

“I… Yes. I only knew him a short time but I felt understanding in that time.”

“I know the feeling. I married young, but she died young.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Don’t be. You were the one that saved me after that.”

Moranann rubbed his head. “I’m sorry, but I don’t think I know you.”

“No, you wouldn’t.” The hunter started chopping apart some spring onions and turnips. “I was a monist most of my life. Used to bring comfort to me, but when she was gone, all I wanted was to be with her. I had come to try and drink myself to death. When I had passed out, someone took me in, into the city. They were a true follower, wore the robes and everything.” The turnips were dropped into a pan. “It was only when I realized that she was truly gone. Gone from everything. That I could finally move on. No false hopes, no pleasantries. That was when I realized that you were not like other gods. You do not give us what we can touch and see. You give us metal so that we cannot be broken. Metal in our minds, metal in our hearts, and metal in our bones.”

“In time, even metal rusts and breaks.”

“Aye,” He nodded gravely. “That it does. That it does.”

Morannan finally got up from the hammock. “Save me a meal. A walk will do me good.”

For a week, the god and hunter stuck to this schedule. Morannan would, after a long walk through the forest, arrive shortly before the hunter had finished his dinner. And they would talk for some time before parting ways.

On the eight day though, he looked to the man and simply said “Your woods are very peaceful.”

“Aye, she thought so too. That’s why we built the cabin out here. We thought ourselves safe from the eyes and ears of her city bound family.”

“They have brought me peace. The solitude, the serenity, quiets my pain.”

“The first years, it did nothing but remind me of her. The cabin nearly fell apart before I had gotten back. I’m glad it didn’t. I take care of the city folk and the peasants, but to live, one with nature, it helps. One of the few things the Monists were right about.”

“To live with nature, that is to live with death. See it in its many permutations. Yes. Yes, this truly adds metal to your bones as you say. Hahaha! Perhaps there will be peace between us someday!” Morannan got up and took a couple of the decaying branches and stuck them into a mound of mud giving a slight cackle as he did so.

Create a Supernatuirally gifted species (20 AP/16 DC)
Create the species known simply as The Elves, short for Elfadalis, meaning “Those who share lives with the trees”
+4 Death, All elves know the day that they cannot live past.
+1 Hunting, their many abilities make them well suited for hunting.

Each ‘species’ of Elfadalis share a connection with one major tree. A tree that grows as wide and tall as the mighty Redwoods on the coastal forests of land of the Buffalo. This tree is the source of their magical powers and if they stray too far from it, their powers will weaken until they eventually vanish all together. If the tree is destroyed, they lose all of their powers as well as feeling a sudden and immediate sense of disconnection with the world, their species, and nature. They will not be able to reproduce naturally during this time, only producing seeds for the next tree. It will take thirty years before they will be able to reattain their powers from a newly strong tree.
These powers are as follows, they will not age past their prime. All elves will however die on their 100th birthday, but will be in their prime physical and mental state as they do so.
Elves are also able to commune with the trees of the forest they live in. Able to see through their vast arrays of roots and leaves after a period of meditation which after a lifetime of practice may be done in as little as five minutes.
The elves are able to brave any non-supernatural temperatures of their forest with little to no damage to their bodies.
They may also maintain the fortitude and strength of their bodies with little nourishment and sleep compared to other mortal species.

The Elfadalis share other similarities with trees, they lack hair of any kind instead having a tangle of vine or bush-like branches and leaves going on their head. Their ears are pointed and shaped like that of a laurel or bay leaf. Both sexes of their species grow two long branches on top of their head that appear somewhat similar to that of a deer’s antlers. In the spring, the males of the species grow bright pink flowers on their branches.The females of the species have their fruiting flower within their throats in a special gizzard-like pouch which they can open or close at will. When this fruit grows to a certain size (About the size of an apple) they can spit it out, and at that point it will function somewhat similarly to an egg of other species. Typically, the elves of Pekunos raise their children communally without concern for who the father is.

The first elves of any area are spawned from their original trees and while they have differences in their sexes, they are otherwise identical in genetics and barring any major mutations are clones of each other. The original Elves of Pekunos appearing somewhat similar to a strong, able bodied human man with blue eyes and strong, angular features considered to be traditionally attractive to most Pekunites. The elves can however produce genetic variability by visiting the lands of other elves, and collecting their pollen but not many elves venture from their lands
The elves themselves are able to tell each other apart by a unique smell that each elf produces based on the specific circumstances of their birth.

2022-03-19, 10:52 AM
Pleased with the creation of the Elves, despite Morannon meddling with his forest, Orgo decides to lend a helping hand.

+4 Love
+1 Healing
A particular species of Elf, the Kujumi Elves live much longer than the stock 100 year versions. These Elves live even longer than the Children of The Forest. In fact, these Elves can make it to 400 or more years. (Though no one makes it past 500.) However, no Elf dies from natural causes before they are 100. Elves will be born with a natural bond with the Forest of the Kujumi, including the Children of the Forest, and wish to be care takers of nature.

2022-03-19, 11:16 AM
Ran Moch-Grasshill tribe


Ruby awake in a small familiar hut, laying on a bed. “Wait…” She thought as she clenched her bandages. “Why am I here? Why am I alive?”

“Oh thank the Snafuu” The voice yelled behind her. A familiar figure walked up to her, Leaf. “You’re okay.”

“Wha… How did I get here?” she asked as she slowly got out of bed.

“Someone brought you here.” Leaf responded as she handed Ruby a cup of water. The small hut Was filled with an awkward silence. “You don’t tell me What happened, the visitor told me.” She said, her head lowering. “... I am sorry.”

Ruby then jumped out of bed. “There is only one being that will be sorry…” She then started walking towards the door.

“Where are you going?” Leaf asked.

“To train to kill Turnipface.” She responded.

Leaf’s eyes went wide. “But no mortal has ever been able to scratch that thing! How are you going to kill it?”

Ruby turned back around. “Snapjaws and Grasshills will know no peace as long as the Pekunos have Turnipface.'' She then continued to Walking out of the hut. “I will return in a year, Stronger.”

“But why…” Ruby stopped after hearing those words from the leaf. “...Why risk your life to face that monster again, you gain nothing from it.”

Silence once again filled the room. “To repay a debt.” and with that she left.

Leaf closed her eyes. “You have special plans for her, I hope will be able to face the terror.” she mumbled to herself.

18 AP/14 DC: create a Demigod, Ruby blade of justice +2 Combat.

Kyodaina Hi will watch over this little dog throughout her training around the world. She will fight many perilous battles and train with many notable warriors to become the mightiest warrior in the world. Hi will give Ruby the push but it will be her own strength and determination that will decide whether she will succeed in her training.
+2 Monster: A greater understanding of what makes monsters tick and how to interact and fight with them.
+2 Sky: She will gain greater control over ability to control the wind, being able to fly, Control the very clouds of the sky and Be able to move at Incredible speeds
+2 imagination: In a fight she’s prepared, able to imagine almost every possibility the matter how ridiculous that possibility is keeping her from being surprised by the enemy.
+1: Empathy: She will never forget that she fights for others not just herself

2022-03-19, 07:04 PM
There was a meadery that laid on the limits of the great City of Pekunos. It was frequented by all walks of life, it had exquisite and aged alcohol for nobles, more natural concoctions for hunters, bulk buys for traders, and what was labeled as ‘medicinal’ for various peasants and farmers. For in Pekunos, it was widely known that the dosage made the poison and thusly any poison could at the right dosage be medicine. But for the first time in many, many years. The meadery had posted that it was out of stock for the day.

That didn’t mean the meadery closed its doors though. It was in fact quite busy trying to revitalize its stock, but news traveled slow in Pekunos especially among the woods. A hunter walked in, a light deer skin raiment for the warming spring weather, and finely carved leather boots, but they were padded softly so as to not make a sound. The hunter brought a small bag from his waist as he saw the owner leaning for a moment against the counter. He brought out a couple of pieces of honeycomb from his bag. “A bear showed me a way to a hive. Though I had been tracking it for hours, I decided not to go after it today. In respect of it.”

A couple of coins were laid down on the counter that were quickly counted, the hunter was about to say something when the owner waved his hand in disagreement. “Didn’t miscout, Dante. We’re offering a premium on honey at the moment to try and get our stocks back.”

Dante quickly put the coins in his bag and tied it tight. “What kind of offer did you get to make that happen? A river king trying to get rich quick, some noble trying to show off their money?”

“I’d wish, I’m still trying to argue with the nobles to try and get more money out of them.”

“Huh? What happened to your stock then?”

The owner pointed to a man on the table, in a black robe, face down against the table. It was not an unusual sight to see a man with too much drink passed out in the meadery, nor was it an uncommon sight to see someone in clothes mimicking their great god. But the hunter lifted the man’s head to reveal its skeletal visage. “Morannan Maklir and his demons!”

“Aye, he drank the entire stock, even our batches that weren’t finished.”

“What for?”

The owner shrugged as he started collecting several pouches of spices. “Who knows why the gods do what they do.”

Dante lifted up the god who let out a groan as he was seated on the shoulder of the hunter. “C’mon, we can’t have you drinking the rest of the city’s stock.”

“Eeeeeugh.” Was all Morannan had to say.

Morannan woke up in a hammock outside a cabin far into the depths of the woods. Bright beams of light sifting through the canopy of trees, there was a carpet of moss, ferns building over collections of rotten wood. There was a bubbling pot that hung over a fireplace built into a stump. Morannan lay, his head throbbing as he watched a single fat termite, far from the hive, walk along a decaying branch on the ground.

The hunter walked outside, laying a couple more logs on to the fire. “That termite is going to die.” Morannan said pointing at it. “He’s too far away. He’ll freeze outside before they get back.”

The hunter took a stake out from around his fireplace and stuck it through the termite. Placing it back into place around the fire to cook it. “I’d get rid of the hive but they make good food and not many workers come this way.” Morannan was about to say something when he was handed a wooden cup of the boiling liquid in it. “Drink this, it helps with the hangover.”

Morannan knocked it back before coughing up a good chunk of it. “Eugh! What was that!”

“Pear juice.”

“Why didn’t you let it cool off first!”

The hunter had already set the pot further above the firepit for it to cool. “Hmm? Oh, the first drink is just to wake you up.” He tossed his waterskin to the skeleton. “Somebody important that you lost?”

“I… Yes. I only knew him a short time but I felt understanding in that time.”

“I know the feeling. I married young, but she died young.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Don’t be. You were the one that saved me after that.”

Moranann rubbed his head. “I’m sorry, but I don’t think I know you.”

“No, you wouldn’t.” The hunter started chopping apart some spring onions and turnips. “I was a monist most of my life. Used to bring comfort to me, but when she was gone, all I wanted was to be with her. I had come to try and drink myself to death. When I had passed out, someone took me in, into the city. They were a true follower, wore the robes and everything.” The turnips were dropped into a pan. “It was only when I realized that she was truly gone. Gone from everything. That I could finally move on. No false hopes, no pleasantries. That was when I realized that you were not like other gods. You do not give us what we can touch and see. You give us metal so that we cannot be broken. Metal in our minds, metal in our hearts, and metal in our bones.”

“In time, even metal rusts and breaks.”

“Aye,” He nodded gravely. “That it does. That it does.”

Morannan finally got up from the hammock. “Save me a meal. A walk will do me good.”

For a week, the god and hunter stuck to this schedule. Morannan would, after a long walk through the forest, arrive shortly before the hunter had finished his dinner. And they would talk for some time before parting ways.

On the eight day though, he looked to the man and simply said “Your woods are very peaceful.”

“Aye, she thought so too. That’s why we built the cabin out here. We thought ourselves safe from the eyes and ears of her city bound family.”

“They have brought me peace. The solitude, the serenity, quiets my pain.”

“The first years, it did nothing but remind me of her. The cabin nearly fell apart before I had gotten back. I’m glad it didn’t. I take care of the city folk and the peasants, but to live, one with nature, it helps. One of the few things the Monists were right about.”

“To live with nature, that is to live with death. See it in its many permutations. Yes. Yes, this truly adds metal to your bones as you say. Hahaha! Perhaps there will be peace between us someday!” Morannan got up and took a couple of the decaying branches and stuck them into a mound of mud giving a slight cackle as he did so.

Create a Supernatuirally gifted species (20 AP/16 DC)
Create the species known simply as The Elves, short for Elfadalis, meaning “Those who share lives with the trees”
+4 Death, All elves know the day that they cannot live past.
+1 Hunting, their many abilities make them well suited for hunting.

Each ‘species’ of Elfadalis share a connection with one major tree. A tree that grows as wide and tall as the mighty Redwoods on the coastal forests of land of the Buffalo. This tree is the source of their magical powers and if they stray too far from it, their powers will weaken until they eventually vanish all together. If the tree is destroyed, they lose all of their powers as well as feeling a sudden and immediate sense of disconnection with the world, their species, and nature. They will not be able to reproduce naturally during this time, only producing seeds for the next tree. It will take thirty years before they will be able to reattain their powers from a newly strong tree.
These powers are as follows, they will not age past their prime. All elves will however die on their 100th birthday, but will be in their prime physical and mental state as they do so.
Elves are also able to commune with the trees of the forest they live in. Able to see through their vast arrays of roots and leaves after a period of meditation which after a lifetime of practice may be done in as little as five minutes.
The elves are able to brave any non-supernatural temperatures of their forest with little to no damage to their bodies.
They may also maintain the fortitude and strength of their bodies with little nourishment and sleep compared to other mortal species.

The Elfadalis share other similarities with trees, they lack hair of any kind instead having a tangle of vine or bush-like branches and leaves going on their head. Their ears are pointed and shaped like that of a laurel or bay leaf. Both sexes of their species grow two long branches on top of their head that appear somewhat similar to that of a deer’s antlers. In the spring, the males of the species grow bright pink flowers on their branches.The females of the species have their fruiting flower within their throats in a special gizzard-like pouch which they can open or close at will. When this fruit grows to a certain size (About the size of an apple) they can spit it out, and at that point it will function somewhat similarly to an egg of other species. Typically, the elves of Pekunos raise their children communally without concern for who the father is.

The first elves of any area are spawned from their original trees and while they have differences in their sexes, they are otherwise identical in genetics and barring any major mutations are clones of each other. The original Elves of Pekunos appearing somewhat similar to a strong, able bodied human man with blue eyes and strong, angular features considered to be traditionally attractive to most Pekunites. The elves can however produce genetic variability by visiting the lands of other elves, and collecting their pollen but not many elves venture from their lands
The elves themselves are able to tell each other apart by a unique smell that each elf produces based on the specific circumstances of their birth.

"Our war isn't over, death god."

-2 War: The elves will be regularly consumed by division and strife over reasons both grand and petty; as grand as 'we must save the world from the evils of Sauron' and as petty as 'whose shadow is darker'.
-2 Honor: Elves will be obsessed with honorable combat and "traditional" means of war, making their progress both technologically and socially very slow.
-1 Skill: Elves will, over time, specialize into specific roles and then lose themselves to them. A painter will become obsessed with being the greatest painter who ever lived, a musician with the perfect composition, etc.

+2 Carnage: Forcing a species into near-constant war while also making them ludicrously good at it (see the Hinder) is going to make for a bloody history indeed.

Red Lenses
2022-03-20, 08:27 PM
The Sinking Priories

Scattered around the Rotwood, artificial patches of dry land hosted the bog-sider priories. The squat stone buildings, austere but sturdy, were out of place among the festering woods. It was no secret that the bog-side acronids used rune magic to make the land workable and to raise their buildings, but even with such feats, their use of magic was primitive, incomplete, and shunned by their forest-dwelling cousins.

One only had to look at their priories to be sure. Though the land was raised and stable, it required a lot of maintenance. Such to the point where they almost always looked to be sinking.

They were better astrologers than anything else, and keen glassmakers besides. But for some people, that’s just not good enough.

10 AP/6 DC - Influence a town’s worth of mortals (~10k)
The unveiling of the Emerald Tablets will lead to the founding of the Academy of Measures, and the creation of the rune magic tradition known as the Measured Discipline.

It is the guiding principle of the Academy of Measures that all phenomena, natural and unnatural, can theoretically be described as - or reduced to - raw mathematics. It’s only a matter of finding the best way to do so. This outlook, applied to the ancient art of Rune Magic, gave rise to the Measured Discipline.

Rather than runes, scholars of the Measured Discipline expressed their magic through complex mathematical formulae. The Measured Discipline was both versatile and precise. It may theoretically be used to achieve any arcane aim desired, but to do so requires a comprehensive understanding of the esoteric, ritual mathematics involved - no easy feat by any stretch of the imagination.

The Measured Discipline was divided into Three Points:

First Point: Touched on the physical. Formulae that altered or controlled material substances were considered part of the First Point.

Second Point: Touched on creation. Formulae that created tangible phenomena from “nothing” (a gust of wind, a ball of fire, a bolt of lightning, etc.) were considered part of the Second Point.

Third Point: Touched on the intangible. Formulae that dealt in illusions, manipulation of the mind, and prediction of the future were considered part of the Third Point.

Foci used by the Measured Discipline needed to be composed of certain materials. Wood, stone, and base metals wouldn’t do. Stained glass, amber, gold, silver, platinum, and gemstones were more suitable conduits... And very fragile as a result.

+2 Prowess: Only the most honed minds may even attempt to initiate themselves into the Measured Discipline.
+2 Foreknowledge, +3 Bonds: Those who touch on the Third Point in an attempt to divine the future always discover the same omen: that all creation spirals towards final destruction, but such a fate can be averted. Many will detach themselves from society as a result, and become the most fervent and revered of Atualam’s subjects.

Starting AP: 42/70
Ending AP: 32/70

12 AP/8 DC - Immortalize a living creature (Javine of Kilnus)
Over the course of several lifetimes, Javine will work ceaselessly with the scholars of the Academy of Measures to perfect their use of rune magic. Then, with Atualam, she will face the Great Unwinding.

+2 Prowess: Javine lives to perfect the Measured Discipline, and so she shall. Her mastery will not be immediate, but her progress towards it will be steady and inevitable. By the end of the next age, she will be the foremost practitioner of the Measured Discipline.
+2 Foreknowledge: Javine will have great prescience as a tutor and instructor, anticipating the strengths and shortcomings of her pupils, then capitalizing on them, with unnatural ease.
+1 Bonds: The soul of Javine is bound to Atualam. Should she be killed, her soul always returns to the Rotwood Heart. It cannot be stolen, intercepted, or bartered. It will remain there, stuck in a half-sleeping purgatory, until the Heart is destroyed or Atualam calls her to serve once more.

Starting AP: 42/70
Ending AP: 20/70

The Rotwood - Kilnus

Kilnus has three stone buildings, total. Not much of a settlement by any stretch. When Gelbas arrives and asks for the astrologer, Javine, he is brought to the one that serves as a library. Well. “Library.” He expected books and scrolls, but the shelves were cluttered with carved stone tablets, etched with prophecies, star charts, and bizarre theorems.

His mandibles click together as he peruses. “You’re all very industrious.”

From some distance away, a trembling, if refined, voice. “We try to stay busy.”

Javine is on the other side of the room, behind a podium, which she is clutching the sides of with both hands. Spiderfolk are so often trouble, and this one has four arms and asked to see her directly. Having the distance and podium between them brings some notion of safety.

“More industrious than those people at… Mazava?”

“Mazjavan,” she corrects, then quickly adds, “I wouldn’t know. I haven’t visited.”

Gelbas turns to look at her with his unblinking compound eyes, “Well, I have. And their records aren’t nearly as complete - particularly the recent ones.”

Javine has no response for that, looking away sheepishly. She’s a young woman, Javine (relatively speaking), mousy of face and countenance. Completely unassuming. But unassuming people can be useful in their own, if obscure, ways.

“Here, I brought you something,” Gelbas snaps his fingers, “A gift from the Prince-in-the-Rotwood.”

Another spiderfolk shuffles in, an assistant-friend to Gelbas, though clothed in swamp-stained rags. He carries something wrapped in cloth. Javine starts at the sudden appearance, cloistered and instinctive speciest that she is, but thinks better of it.

“Somethin’ a-matter, m’am?” asks the assistant-friend, completely oblivious, he drops the package on her podium.

“Not-,” she stops on account of a voice crack, clears her throat, “Not at all.”

“Didn’t think it so, m’am, not a whit.”

The assistant shuffles out again.

“As I said, it’s for you,” Gelbas re-states, “Please. Open it.”

Javine regards Gelbas first and then the package, both with equal uncertainty. If it is, in fact, a gift from the Prince-in-the-Rotwood, it would be better to just open it rather than risk an insult. Or worse, a more… Personal visit.

So she undoes the string, unravels the cloth…

Tablets. Pure emerald tablets, shining brilliantly despite the gloom of the library. Perfectly square, each about the size of a hand. Cluttered densely with text and equations. Javine’s eyes go wide.

“These are-”

“The Emerald Tablets of Saint Breksta, yes,” Gelbas says, as if this is the most mundane gift a stranger can give, “Long lost and long sought by some acronids. Now they are delivered safely to you, Javine of Kilnus.”

Javine swallows, shuffling the tablets, “I can’t believe…”

“Our wise, beneficent Prince…” Gelbas means none of these words, but this is his job now, “...Foresaw the stagnation of rune-study in these lands, and so had these tablets inscribed long ago to bring your people away from the cusp of eternal mediocrity.”

Staring at the tablets is like staring into a higher-plane of reality. Her eyes water. It is scholarship unshackled; the gates of knowledge flung open. So Gelbas forgives her for not looking at him. “This changes everything.”

Gelbas steeples his hands, “Oh, yes. For you especially. When you are done with the tablets, you must seek out the Prince-in-the-Rotwood. There is much you are destined for.”

Javine is half-listening, and the tablets make a glorious clack-clack noise as they are rearranged. Emerald on emerald is such a sonorous sound…

2022-03-21, 03:08 PM
Ozglint 56 AP Remaining, Two Actions Remaining

"An afterlife! I like this idea. A reward for those who serve the Great Work, even in death! I will lend my might to the task!

+2 Artifice- Ozglint will lay the groundwork for the great rings. Once a soul is judged, a small device of concentric rings can be spun and adjusted to open the gate to the appropriate ring for them. Ozglint's influence will add an element of artifice and physicality to the process, using a metaphor of a great machine to create the structure of the Final Rings. Other gods may tailor the amount of artifice in their particular ring how they see fit, but the "guts" of the ring structure will have an artificial and intentional design to them. Ozglint's ring will also be a home to great works of mechanical and magical creation.

+2 Magic- Ozglint's ring will be a sanctum devoted to magical studies, working tirelessly to expand the boundaries of magic until the end of time. New runes, new uses of Theurgy, and more will be investigated and explored in his afterlife. In addition, there will be rituals to communicate between the dead and the living. These can only be done on a specific day during the time of harvest every year, becoming a day known for the boundaries between the worlds to be thin. By utilizing rituals that are difficult, arcane, and demand the sacrifice of precious materials, the living can communicate with the dead for the purposes of gaining their wisdom. In Oz's case, the dead will be contacted to learn what progress they have made in matters of magic, mining, and artifice, as well as for loved ones to say goodbye to those who died suddenly.

+1 Mountain- Ozglint's ring will be a great chain of mountains, with some surface settlements for those who miss the touch of the sun and the kiss of the wind, but the primary part of his ring will be underground, in an inexhaustible underground realm of riches, resources, and mining. His people will dig deep into the mountains to make the perfect homes to hone their craft even further.

Flawless -2 if rejected- Ozglint's influence will add access tunnels and pipes that traverse the different rings. These will be dangerous, dungeon-like environments where a wayward soul could be crushed by mechanisms, burned by flame or steam, or disintegrated by magic, but if someone were to work hard and map the inner workings, hypothetically they could make their way into any afterlife they wished. This will allow a bit more travel between the rings than some gods would prefer, but only the very brave, the very cunning, and the very lucky would be able to survive the attempt to map the inner workings of the rings.

"I will almost always support there being more magic in the world, and I appreciate you letting me give more power to my people, Orgo. Consider my contribution an accolade for your effots.

+2 Artifice- Ozglint's Theurgists will have a mystical control of artificial creations. They will have the ability to identify, deconstruct, and repair things that have been created, with the power magnified for things they themselves (or their ancestors) have created. They can also cast divine curses dull the weapons of their enemies, suppress enemy rune work, cause bowstrings to break, etc.

+2 Magic- Ozglint's Theurgists will have their divine magic express in ways that classically would be considered non-divine in a DnD sense. With an effort of will, magic words, and arcane gestures and tools, they can produce temporary items crafted from pure magical essence, shoot blasts of energy, manipulate the elements, or produce any of a myriad of magical effects. While minor acts of theurgy are possible, true mastery of Oz's branch of divine magic will require years of study, prayer, and daily devotions, making the most formidable practitioners more aged and physically frail.

+1 Mountain- Mountains, both on the surface and underground, are holy lands to worshippers of Ozglint, and his people will always have a connection with the lands of earth and stone. They will be particularly gifted with divination of underground resources, the ability to shape rock like clay, and limited telekinesis with rock and stone. Again, these powers take most of a lifetime of work and religious devotion to come to fruition.

Flawless- -2 if rejected- Theurgy will be powerful, giving mortals a fragment of divine magic as their own, but Oz does not intend to let this be used for rampant destruction in the name of the gods. All Theurgy is roughly equal in scope, and if Theurgy is used to counter Theurgy, then the two forces cancel each other out to nothing. This way, the magic of the gods can be used constructively for much, but it's only practical use in war will be to negate the Theurgy of your enemy.

"I will not interfere with your children, Death God, if you will also refrain from hurting mine. Personally I thought the Taylot were fine enough stewards of natural resources without the additional help of your elves."

Not getting involved in the god war unless I have to.

I would appreciate your assistance with some upcoming projects of my own, Kyodaina Hi, so I will lend your actions my assistance. Please reciprocate at the appropriate moment.

+2 Artifice- Oz will forge a mighty blade for the Demigod dog to use, a blade that will never grow dull or break outside of divine interferance and can penetrate even the thickest of monster hide and defenses. It will be specially adapted for a canine grip, as well.

+2 Magic- Oz will lend his own divine might to the supernatural abilities of the canine.

Flawless- -2 if rejected- Ruby will still be a dog at heart, sometimes distracted by juicy bones, prone to flights of fancy, and overcome with a simple happiness at times. This may sometimes cause friction with their duties.

2022-03-21, 07:20 PM
[Of Dogs and Emperors]
Plains of Belli, Ran Moch
-collab between HalfTangible and Godzillarch-

Ruby walked upon the grassy fields passing a few humans unloading stuff from a cart. One man caught Ruby's eye. “So this is the self-proclaimed Emperor Thrax.” She thought to herself, approaching the cart.

Two guards pointed their swords at her. “Back you mindless pup, the Emperor has no business dealing with a mong…”


Almost at lightning speed, the guards were instantly disarmed of their swords. “You’re lucky I’m merciful.” She said although to them it came out as simple barking. Both the guards were in complete shock of what just happened as Ruby walked by them. She came to Thrax's feet and looked up at the massive human. “I demand you train me in your fighting prowess.” she told him, although to the Emperor it just came out a simple barking.

Thrax had spent the vast majority of his life in a tomb protecting a god that needed no protecting. And yet, he had a feeling a dog in a hat with a sword would've been a novel experience even if he'd spent all that time wandering the world. The Emperor leaned to the side on his palanquin, glaring down at the creature through the mask of bone that hid his features. Immaculate silver armor, gifted to him by the god of artifice, hid the sickly paper-thin skin the god of death had cursed him with.

He stood from his seat and stepped slowly down the steps of his palanquin. He had not drawn his own weapon. Today was supposed to be a day to see his men at work, to make sure their morale was high and their work efficient. Now he had to deal with someone's angry dog. But no; this creature had a blade, and its barking was enraged, but deliberate. It could think.

"By what right," he growled, "do you approach the emperor and attack his subjects? Should I assume your angry barking was a set of insults and make you ash upon the pages of history?"

A Tashi crawled between the both of them. “oh excuse this Samur Dogs blodness..." the Tashi interrupted.

“What? has he never seen a dog with a sword before?” Ruby asked Snarkingly.

“Both our kinds are new to this world" the Tashi told Ruby. "it's understandable why they would be confused." the Tashi turned to the Emperor. "Greetings Thrax, your skills are unmatched would you be interested in training my friend here?"

Thrax's eyes narrowed behind his mask. "You... want training." He repeated, somewhat incredulous. "You approached me without announcement, without fanfare, without honors or even forewarning so that you could ask to be trained."

He stepped off of the palanquin, glaring down at the dog. "What, exactly, are you?"

“I have no time For bureaucratic bull****…” Ruby said Rudely. “... I need your skills to kill Turnipface.”

The Tashi simply stared blankly before turning back at Ruby. “You didn’t tell me this was the reason.” the Tashi said in a panic.

“You would have not come with me if I told you. “Ruby responded with a smirk. “... Come on now, give the Emperor his context.”

The Tashi turned back towards the Emperor, fear in her eyes. “Sh..she wants to kill…Turnipface.” Immediately everyone in earshot stopped what they were doing and looked at the dog and bug. “Yes, I’m pretty sure this one has a death wish.”

No one in the area spoke for a long time.

"... Turnipface." Thrax repeated. "The death god's little pet? Vulture of vengeance?" He chuckled. "You cannot kill creatures such as that. It is a being sired by death itself. It was made specifically for the purpose of killing those who fight back. All you will do is spit in Morannan's eye for daring to defy him."

Thrax reached up to his bone mask, and pulled it off. Gasps resounded through the camp.

The Emperor's face was a patchwork of youth, age, and a rotting corpse. His skin was paper-thin and splotchy, and his eyes were wild and bloodshot. His hair was wispy gray in some areas, yet the black of his younger years in others. Bone poked through his skin, and fresh blood mingled with old.

"I like the thought of spitting in that cursed hypocrite monster's eye." The man rasped, letting the dog and Tashi get a good, long look at the face of the Emperor. "We will duel, as honorable warriors should. Impress me and I will teach you all I know."

Ruby Simply gave the Tashi a cold stare. The ambassador immediately backed away. Ruby pulled out her blade, Not saying a word but her actions spoke volumes. She prepared to fight. “I do not care what the death God has in store for me, If he comes for me I will strike him down as well.”

Thrax put his mask back on and drew his blade. He took position opposite Ruby, with one of the men he was leading standing to the side as referee. The two had drawn a bit of a crowd.

For a moment, the day was silent. Then...


Thrax was a blur of motion before a normal man would've even registered the fight had started. He struck at the dog with a strength and ferocity that belied his apparent aging form, pushing Ruby back towards the crowd.

The Emperor may very well have been an administrator, but he was also blessed by the god of War.

Ruby jumped into the air. “For a champion of war you seem rather basic with your opening move.” She clenched her sword. “Now let me show you how I start a fight.” Just then she let out a slashing motion, Creating a small tornado, Heading straight towards the Emperor.

Thrax simply let it strike him, pushing him back perhaps a foot.

"A light breeze. Why speak at all when you know I cannot understand you?" He growled, pointing his sword up at the dog as it fell, positioned perfectly to catch her on the tip of his blade.

“Oh That’s very simple!” Ruby remarked as she threw her hat at the sword, when it hit the blade Thrax saw that it had padding that blocked its sharpness. Before he could do anything Ruby jumped onto and then bounced off towards The Emperor. “It makes the enemy sloppy.”


The Emperor’s mask was knocked clear off. Ruby landed on the ground holding her blade Before putting away her sword. She then turned toward the Emperor and And gave a bow.

Thrax snorted. "We're not done, dog. Pull it back out."

She pulled out her blade again. “Alright round 2” she yelled before charging at her opponent, her wind technique increasing the speed as she went in for a mighty slash.

Thrax, at a speed that belied reason, grasped at the grass on the ground and threw a handful of ashes straight into the dog's face, blinding her. Before she could recover, the Emperor grabbed her by the throat and slammed her to the ground.

The onlookers would take a moment to realize it, but the Emperor had slain the grass at his feet, and by doing so it turned to ashes. Like everything non-human he killed did.

"My technique is simple. It remains effective." Thrax's aged face and bloodshot eyes narrowed at her. "I asked you to impress me. So far you have shown yourself to be little more than a showboat. Why do you want to kill Turnipface?"

Ruby gripped her blade. “The legacy of my friend.” As she said that a tornado emerged under, Them. Thrax was sent back and Ruby was launched into the sky. “The simple dream he had to help a small village that needed his help.” She readied her blade. “He will not die for nothing!”The power of the wind surrounded her. “I will complete his last mission and save the Grasshills and Snapjaws from their oppression.” Thrax could not Understand the words but could feel the pain and determination from each bark. “And no one will stop me, not you, Pekunos or Turnipface!” With a mighty yell her blade slammed directly into Thrax’s blade, the winds sending everyone spectating flying back.

Thrax's eyes narrowed as he dug his heels in and held his blade in place, apparently unbothered by the tornado as others were blown back.

"... Your technique is flashy enough," the Emperor said calmly, as if she wasn't trying to blow him down. "but the substance is not there. You lack certain fundamentals. You rely on overwhelming power. It will avail you nothing against the greater foes of the world. And yet..."

"... There is honor in your desire. I can hear it in your voice. And to spit in Morannan's eye..." He said, before flicking her nose. "Very well. I will teach you."

Ruby fell to the ground landing on her feet. She looked up at the hulking emperor above her and smiled before doing a quick bow.

In return for this training she would teach her techniques to the dogs of the Emperor’s people, giving Thrax his own samur dogs.

+2 Ruler: Ruby will be taught statecraft by the Emperor in between lessons on combat. Someone with her skill will inevitably draw followers to her.
+2 War: Ruby's blows were already the speed of a lightning bolt, but now she strikes with the force of one, as well. She is a consummate swordsdog.
+2 Honor: Ruby has it impressed upon her to fight with a sense of fairness and honorable conduct.
+1 Skill: Ruby's flashy abilities are good, but Thrax helps her shore up some basics and fundamentals to improve her further still.

2022-03-21, 10:34 PM
Kavan, Master of Monsters, Lord of the Deep, The Devourer
AP: 40 AP + 16 BP -> 24 AP + 4 BP
Remaining Actions: None

The vitak was thriving, and the Katavir had been established. Good. Returning to the Tower of Kavan, the god returned to the act of creation, but this time his work was at the same time smaller and greater than that which had come before - a new race, made to dwell within the Katavir and obey his will. The goblins were more than acceptable servants, of course, and had served him well since Gorkun had sent them to the Tower, but nonetheless Kavan desired something...more. It was only fitting that the land that he had just made truly his was occupied by his progeny. He hoped that they would prove to be better than the mortal races that were already out there in the world.

20 AP/16 DC (Detectable and BP used): Create a supernaturally gifted sentient species - The Retani

Roughly half of Retani aren't particularly strange, by Kavan's standards, having the appearance of large (satyr-sized) humanoid fish-people. Their gifts are similarly rather restrained - they're particularly strong and tough (and have some degree of natural weapons between their clawed hands and sharp-toothed jaws), are very resistant to poisons, and naturally are completely amphibious, but they don't have anything in the way of magical powers beyond that which any mortal can attain. However, the other half of the species are more interesting, quickly developing after birth into one of several subspecies, each tied to one of Kavan's domains (this has no connection to bloodlines, a normal Retani being just as likely to give birth to a Ret-Pelak as another Ret-Pelak - as far as anyone can tell, it's essentially a coin flip every time) and possessing special powers that guide them towards certain roles in Retani society.

As part of his progeny, Kavan claims the Retani as his, but it's a loose authority. After all, Kavan is not the kind of god that concerns himself with the day to day business of those he considers his, more concerned with the direction they are headed in, whether or not they'll threaten the order of things, and that they obey when called up. Furthermore, his preference towards mortal settlements societies being spread out, less developed and decentralised has shown through in the society he creates - like any mortals, there are power blocs and petty rulers and internal conflicts, and there is no chosen ruler of all Retani. Kavan is even unconcerned with the worship of other gods, so long as it doesn't interfere with the Retani answering when called upon.

Kavan (net +7)
Ret-Cyphiir, The Twin-Souled Priests of Kavan (Fear +1)
While other subspecies are theoretically infinite in number, like any other kind of mortal, there is a very limited amount of Ret-Cyphiir alive at any one time, the amount being tied to the amount of mortal sacrifices that Kavan has personally drawn power from (as such, they currently can't number more than 103) - they believe that some remnant of those mortal souls remains with them and gives them their power, hence some calling them "Twin-Souled''. Appearance-wise, the largest difference to the common Retani is in their faces, which resemble that of an anglerfish, complete with a hanging light - a Ret-Cyphiir can increase their light's glow or dim it as required, and the light it produces induces deep feelings of dread in non-Retani mortals, something typically explained as being related to their connections to the sacrificed dead. Naturally, many also practice Kavan's variety of Theurgy, and while rare it's not unheard of for them to learn the arts of rune magic.

Within Retani society, the Ret-Cyphiiri hold a strange role - much like the god they serve, while they are respected and feared, they are not the rulers of the Retani nor have much influence in their day to day lives, particularly as they're unsettling even to other Retani. Most of the time they live apart from the majority of the species, taking those other Retani who choose to serve under them and establishing temples in the deepest parts of Retani territory where they train the normal priests of Kavan that can be found in Retani settlements. A Ret-Cyphiir actually going to a settlement in person is rare, and seen as a sign of something important happening, their words seen as Kavan's will - in spirit at least, their orders often actually reflecting their will, not Kavan's, but the Ret-Cyphiiri believe the former reflects the latter so see no problem in this arrangement. Additionally, conflicts between some Retani and another race tends to attract some of them, gladly joining in with any fighting that ensues and their counsel tending towards more aggressive strategies.

Ret-Pelak, The Mutated Weapons of Kavan (Monsters +2)
The Ret-Pelaks form the core of any group of Retani warriors - sure, normal Retani or members of the other subspecies can train as a warrior and fight, but it is the role that Ret-Pelaks are inherently driven to fulfill, and the one their bodies are made for. The defining feature of the Ret-Pelak is their mutations, a wide spectrum being found across the population but all in some way adapted for fighting and battle, and almost always paired with some degree of regenerative ability. Their mental state is similarly variable, besides the drive for battle and conflict - some, often those born the most heavily mutated, have little rationality and drive beyond war, being used as essentially living weapons by the other Ret-Pelaks, while others are as rational and capable as anyone else, besides the drive for war, and some are born with a particularly keen intellect, providing strategists and generals, and filling the upper ranks of the fleshscribe groups found throughout the warriors of the Retani.

Ret-Vilaks, The Katavir-Keepers of Kavan (Genesis +2)
The Ret-Vilaks are distinguished from other Retani by their tentacles and skin, starting out rubbery but changing over the years to resemble the vitak around them. They have an affinity for the vitak and can manipulate it, being born with varying degrees of influence over the plants and sharpening their talents with time and experience. At the least, an area of the Katavir attended to by Ret-Vilaks grows stronger and faster than normal, but the main talent of the Ret-Vilaks is the ability to guide the growth and development of the vitak as needed, shaping the tough purple vitak into structures the Retani can use, raising plumes of photosynthetic vitak to keep their homes alive and their people fed, and growing clusters of the more exotic varieties for the products they can harvest.

Most Ret-Vilaks stay within the Katavir, ensuring the survival and prosperity of their community, but some do venture out into the world - some accompany attempts to settle outside of the Katavir, bringing some vitak with them and attempting to grow it at the site of any Retani colonies that are established, while others join the warriors, primarily using poisons collected from certain species of vitak in battle as well as having a powerful edge when it comes to defending the Katavir (naturally, the former is mainly only useful against other species, while the latter is more often used against other Retani).

Ret-Lanass, The Wandering Eyes of Kavan (Oceans +2)
Of the four subspecies Kavan created, the Ret-Lanas are the closest in appearance to the normal Retani, their skin being the main visual difference - instead of the larger scales normally seen, the Ret-Lanas skin is covered in denticles, like a shark, and they also share the sense of electroreception with the animals (they also tend to have larger and more impressive jaws and teeth, but they still tend to be within the range displayed by normal Retani). They have a degree of influence over the ocean currents, something they use to move around faster through the water and confound any enemies they encounter.

The Ret-Lanas typically act as scouts, explorers and traders, venturing out of the Katavir into the wider world to find new opportunities for their people (or themselves, for those less community-minded), whether that be natural resources, colony sites, new allies, or whatever else strikes a Ret-Lanas' fancy. They rarely travel alone, often gathering small groups of particularly adventurous or entrepreneurially-minded Retani to accompany them and share in the spoils of their finds, using their control over water currents to benefit the whole group. Their wandering includes traveling to the surface, of course, and Ret-Lanas are the ones most likely to lead Retani expeditions onto land (besides the warbands led by Ret-Pelaks, naturally), but much of their dealings are with the goblins that dwell on the vitak islands of the Katavir, in/around the Tower of Kavan, and along the coastline.

The creation of the Retani had gotten Kavan to thinking as he curled around his Tower and watched those below. Rakkar was an excellent example of the might one of his progeny could display, but perhaps now, with mortals expanding and spreading across the world, was time for something more numerous. Yes. Something smaller, faster, capable of reproducing, which could spread across the world.

12 AP/8 DC (Undetectable): Create a collection of lesser magical minions - The Shercal

While Kavan's previous progeny had been created to live around the Tower and within the god's domain, the shercal were different, intended to be sent out from the Tower as soon as they were made, to live far from Kavan and outside of the water, lurking in the dark corners of the world and preying on the unwary and vulnerable. They're small by the standards of Kavan's usual fare, a little shorter and a little lighter than the average human (despite their quadrupedal nature and additional limbs), relying more on speed and the deadliness of their upper limbs to hunt instead of raw might. They aren nocturnal creatures, small groups creating dens in dark (and preferably damp) places, venturing out at night to attempt to catch prey - they prefer mortals, but livestock are suitable if need be (although they never eat the entirety of their prey, the shercal of each den seeming to have preferences for specific parts of their prey and leaving the rest for the scavengers) - and returning to rest and reproduce, shercal pairs occasionally leaving dens permanently to seek out new ones once a den's population becomes too large (typically somewhere between a dozen and half a dozen shercal is the limit for a den, depending on its size and the amount of prey available).

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/5f96ce9d-5e76-40f0-890e-8e5b20cbb096/ddyacmt-2a40171b-d5d4-466a-a2a5-c80e5c694725.png/v1/fill/w_1024,h_884,q_80,strp/forn_a_gran_reaper_by_j_cfauvelle_ddyacmt-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI 1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNh NWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMT g4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7 ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9ODg0IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNWY5NmNlOW QtNWU3Ni00MGYwLTg5MGUtOGU1YjIwY2JiMDk2XC9kZHlhY210 LTJhNDAxNzFiLWQ1ZDQtNDY2YS1hMmE1LWM4MGU1YzY5NDcyNS 5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTAyNCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46 c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.uNjEpXZBZWFYC WCX0A89nKrQOYILi7koAx9XwvQCmTs
Source (https://www.deviantart.com/j-cfauvelle/art/Forn-A-Gran-Reaper-843650165)

Kavan (net +5)
+2 Genesis: Shercal dens quickly accumulate large populations of scavengers and decomposers, fed by the remains the monsters bring in that they don't want to eat. These animals ignore and are ignored by the shercal, and tend to become aggressive towards intruders.
+1 Fear: Shercal are very much aware of their weakness compared to the majority of Kavan's progeny, and the fact that most mortals with some fighting experience and the opportunity for a fair fight would have a decent shot at killing them, leading to something of a craven streak to them - a shercal interrupted mid-hunt is more likely to flee than fight, and if a den is raided by a substantial group they will typically rather flee to hunt another day than stay and defend their territory (a lone wanderer or two stumbling across the den is usually fair game, however). However, this also means they tend to develop a talent for stealth and trickery, despite not generally being all too clever.
+2 Monsters: Shercal can detect and track other monsters with a sense that is roughly similar to smell, and typically use this to avoid said monsters if possible - monsters aren't suitable food for them, after all.

The goblins of the Tower expanding onto the coastline, Rakkar's presence, and the sacrifice of many who lived there to Kavan had not gone unnoticed by the people who lived around the lake in the valley, those whose ancestors lived where the goblins now did and had heard many tales of the god of monsters and the lord of the sea. However, they stayed resolute and sent a representative, along with a small force of warriors to protect her, to the goblins in an attempt to arrange some kind of peace between the two groups. They never heard back from their representative, the woman being the latest mortal to feed Kavan, and began to prepare for the worst.

0 AP: Demand the sacrifice of one mortal to generate 4 BP

2022-03-22, 05:50 PM
Kavan, Master of Monsters, Lord of the Deep, The Devourer
AP: 24 AP + 4 BP
Remaining Actions: None

On a nearly empty beach Ruby walked upon the sand, the beach was one of her favorite destinations, usually went with Mimic. He never raised a fuss but she could tell that we didn’t like it. “Those were good memories.” She thought to herself as she sat by the shore, remembering a better time.

The stretch of beach that Ruby had found herself on wasn't part of the stretch Kavan's goblins were settling (or invading, depending on your point of view), but at times Rakkar liked to venture out further. For one thing, it was useful to find new vents, for more options when it had to slumber. This time, however, it was the coast that had grabbed its attention, and the creature walking along it. There was something about it that was...different. This warranted investigation.

For Ruby, the first sign that something is happening comes from the water, the calm shoreline suddenly becoming chaotic, waves crashing against the coastline in anticipation of Rakkar's arrival. When the monster breaches the surface of the water and moves towards Ruby, it isn't alone - as always, the goblins are there, an array of straps and nets letting them hold onto the monster's back, and now they began to dismount, arraying themselves between Ruby and Rakkar, but not moving in. The Firstborn of Kavan was their master and god, after all, so they waited for its instruction, one that didn't come. Instead, it just watched the little creature before it, curious as to how she reacts to the scene before her.

Ruby looked up at the giant monstrosity before her and sigh "I'm not a loud one moment of rest and my." she thought to herself. "So...who are you exactly?" Ruby said calmly at Rakkar. "...you one of those weirdos the gods made when they were drunk?"

Rakkar's face isn't the most expressive around, but the warning jet of superheated steam that hits the sand to the right of her is a pretty sure sign that he wasn't amused by that statement. "No. I am Rakkar, Firstborn of Kavan. And what are you?"

Ruby smiles. "Just a little puppy..." She pulled out her blade. she looked at all of the goblins around her "... Kind of embarrassing that you need to bring your entourage to deal with me."

"I see. A warrior. A divine champion, perhaps. Very well. This is not the arena, but I am willing to oblige you. They will not interfere." True to its word, the goblins back away, apparently not concerned about any threat to Rakkar (or at least, their obedience is greater than any desire to act out of concern), and in their place is Rakkar, its long body forming a loose ring around Ruby. "So then, little one. Make your move."

"Your funeral..." Ruby created a giant tornado that obscured Rakkar's vision, when it dissipated the beast saw Ruby in the air in front of his face. "Thank you for an easy hit." She slashed her mighty blade into his eyes. "... How do you like that?"

Rakkar doesn't answer, several of its tentacles lashing upwards to attempt to knock her out of the air. A divine champion indeed, few weapons the monster had encountered had been that effective against him. The eye injury bothers it little - it can sense through means other than eyes, of course, and the little one was as warm as any other mortal. It just needed to guide the creature into a position where it wouldn't be able to escape a steam jet...

"I can cut down anything you bring me!" Ruby yelled slashing away at the tentacles, unfortunately this blinded her to the real danger. she was being led into a trap.

There. The little one was fast and powerful, but distracted, and Rakkar capitalised on that to send her back down to the sands with a blast of superheated steam. "Not everything, it appears."

At the last moment Ruby held her sword up and created a wall of air blocking the heat, unfortunately gravity still took effect as it sent her rocketing to the sand below. "AAHHHHHHHH!" she yelled as she crashed in the sand, her sword lying all. All the goblins watched as Ruby slowly got up..." You think you can stop me..." She said, lifting herself from the sand. "...the Gods themselves can throw everything at me, they will not stop my quest..." She then stared Rakkar in the eyes as the beast looked down upon her. "... I will slay Turnipface." She readied her paws to fight.

"Turnipface? That is why you fight?" Rakkar doesn't strike again yet, thinking it over and seeing how she responds.

"Yes, to fulfill my friend's wish, I will slay Turnipface even if I have to kill you first!" She yelled at the beast. "Why do you care for the reason I want to slay it?"

"I do not care about why, only that you do. Interesting. The creature...offends me. My creator, Kavan, has taken no issue with it, but I disagree. A monster created just to let mortals use it to kill mortals...it is wrong. It defies the way the world should be. My goblins understand it better, they kill those they dislike themselves." Rakkar is quiet for another few moments, thinking over what he had seen and the little one's abilities. "I would rather let you fight it rather than kill you here. Perhaps I may even be able to teach you something, if you will listen and respect my words."

Ruby remained quiet, she walked over to her sword and picked it up, it was damaged in the battle. She then turned towards Rakkar. "I'm willing to hear what you offer..." She told the beast. "... But know this when I'm done with Turnipface we will meet in battle again."

"Very well. And you will lose."

Helping Kyodaina Hi with Ruby, Blade of Justice (net +5)
+2 Monsters: Ruby’s understanding of monsters develops further from her time with Rakkar, developing special techniques and styles based on the monsters she encounters during her quest.
+2 Genesis: Rakkar’s training is not an a gentle process, but by the end of it Ruby starts to find that her wounds heal faster.
+1 Fear: Time spent among the progeny of Kavan, and a greater familiarity and understanding of monsters, ensures that Ruby’s heart stays strong in the presence of monsters and that she won’t succumb to fear.

2022-03-23, 03:04 PM
Ozglint, The Artificial Magus, 56 AP and 2 actions remaining.

Ruby walked on a long path, blade in hand. She looked at her blade, it was damaged and dull. She put it away as she continued to walk.

A mechanical bird, no larger than a sparrow but beautifully wrought and intricate in design landed nearby. “Hail traveler.Your weapon leaves much to be desired.” Oz’s booming voice was miniaturized by the tiny bird, but still resounded like thunder. “They say you set your sights higher than any other samurdog. That you mean to slay monsters. Is this true?”

“Another God?” Ruby simply sighed as she turned to the bird. “Yes I’m on a quest to kill Turnipface.” She then pulled out her sword. “So you want to fix this? What’s the catch?”

“Catch? It doesn’t matter, mortal or god, people are so distrusting. You wish to slay monsters, and for that you will need a better weapon. I happen to enjoy creating new things. When your patron god began the process of making you more than what you were, I saw an opportunity to create a blade capable of great deeds, and I am called to see it done. I suppose if you must insist on their being a “catch” I would ask that you do not turn the blade against mine own creations and people. Is this satisfactory?”

“My blade is only pointed to two monsters at the moment.” Ruby responded. “I will not harm your people. Now fix my blade.”

“Draw it, and see what the god of artifice is capable of.” Should the dog do as requested, they would find their sword replaced with a pristine blade, sharp, sure, and nearly indestructible. “I do not know if any weapon I create is capable of slaying the monster known as Turnipface. I sense that there is something unique that must be done to end that creature. But even if the blade cannot slay it, it may be easier to deal with if you dismember it repeatedly, which is something that this blade is capable of. No monster’s flesh will resist it’s bite.” Along the hilt of the blade were a series of runes that would ensure the blade resisted damage or dulling and excelled at battling monsters.

She looked at the blade. “This is finely crafted.” She said as she reached for the blade. “I thank yo…AHHHH!” Ruby suddenly yelled out when she grabbed the blade, instantly dropping it. “I hear their voices, their screams.” She then looked up at the bird. “I never wanted to relive those memories. What sick joke is this?” She yelled at the bird

“You asked for a blade that could be anathema to monsters. It will accept no master who thinks so negatively of themselves- who thinks themselves a monster. Until you resolve the pain and loss that you blame on yourself, the blade will be useless to you. And until you allow yourself to heal, you will never defeat Morannan’s monster, with or without the blade.” and with that the bird flew away, singing a beautiful song.

Ruby grabbed the blade by its holder. She found out as long as she did not touch the blade or handle she could still carry it with her. She stared at the blade, "The gods continue to play cruel jokes on me." Ruby thought as she slowly reached for the handle. " but to complete my quest I must play along with their game." She then grabs the handle. She must overcome the pain.

In a mana cloud hanging invisible over the area, Oz mentally frowned and returned his attention homeward.

On Bald Mountain in the Imperfect Mountain Chain

The sun was setting, and Baruk was watching over his family while they grazed. He flicked his long ears to discourage a mosquito and craned his neck to rub his horns against a small tree. And then he returned to carving. It was a familiar symbol, one that the humans further down the slope had taught his village. The symbol of the Artificial God.

The humans had come with extra food at a time when Baruk could not refuse, and all they'd asked in return was that he and his clan carve this symbol... well, everywhere. They explained the tenets of their faith, and Baruk and several others snorted out loud when they explained that both diversity and tolerance were cornerstones of their faith. These were humans who had chased their people away from the verdant valleys, harangued their children from afar, and threatened with annihilation. The blood between their peoples was old and bad. But then again... they brought food when it was scarce, they brought gifts of runed tools and even weapons, and all they asked was for the Highland Satyrs to consider their words, engage in symbiotic trade, and to carve their stupid symbol. The satyrs laughed at them when they left.

But sure enough, as the relationship continued to grow, and as the words of unity, achievement, and peace proved valid, Baruk and the others began to carve the symbol. First on wood, eventually on stone, and finally into their first forge, a community event that was happily attended by the human clans who helped build it. They learned of Ozglint's covenant with the land, and explained that soon that covenant would extend to everyone who lived in the mountain chain, human, satyr, shifter, or otherwise. Baruk tried to be dismissive, but he found that after everything that had been promised had been delivered, instead of doubting he wondered what this covenant would mean, how it would feel, and what it even meant.

"You're botching the second curve. You need to use a lighter touch." The sound of large wings descended, and Baruk turned from his work to see the mortal form of Heinsay, the Taylot Shifter who watched over the local bronze mine. Baruk snorted, but he did ease up on his knife. "When the Artificial Magus comes down out of the sky and chides you on your curve work, you won't snort so derisively." Baruk smiled at Hein, then looked at him thoughtfully. "Something on your mind, Baruk?"

"They say that this Ozglint created you. I mean your kind. The Taylot. Is that true?" Heinsay clambered up onto a stump to achieve more equal height with the sitting satyr.

"Couple answers to that. On the one hand yes, and on the other no. From what my people have managed to put together it is complicated. We revere him and another god for our genesis. Why do you ask? Kind personal when we haven't even had a beer yet."

"I'm just thinking. Have the humans told you about the covenants? Do you believe them?"

"I carve just like you do. And we've both seen the runes glow their silvery light at night. And since the people of the mountain stopped constantly killing each other everyone is pulling in record harvests. So there's evidence of the first one. But you don't mean that one. You mean the second one, that hasn't come yet don't you?"

"I just thought... that if you knew you were created by the Magus, you might have some insight into what it all meant." Baruk rubbed his horns again to alleviate his anxiety and uncertainty.

"'Fraid not, friend. I'm just as in the dark as you are, though probably a lot more sure that it will turn out alright." Heinsay pulled a carved box out of his pocket and put a wedge of vegetable matter into his mouth, beginning to chew. Baruk finished up the symbol, and just like every other time the rune glowed with silvery light for a moment. But usually it winked out quickly, and this time the glow began to grow brighter. Baruk and Heinsay looked to each other, the looked around. All around them the symbols carved into idols, statues, and nature were gleaming bright in the near darkness. Overhead, thunder began to rumble.

Suddenly, the sky over the entire mountain, over ALL of the mountains, lit up in iridescent, metallic light. The wind picked up, roiling through the trees. Baruk, Heinsay, and his family all looked up in wonder as the Magus' manaform settled low in the sky and momentarily became visible. It began to rain, but it didn't rain water. It began to rain pure light. These effects did not last long, but it lasted long enough for all of them to see the beautiful silvery light that came down from the clouds sink into their skin. They felt... safe. Watched over. Protected. They felt the energy in the land beneath them rise upward while the energy above them came down. And they felt all that energy enter them. More than anything they felt... potential. Like that together, as a people, one comprised of many different species, and they were capable of so much more together rather than apart.

"So this is what it feels like." Baruk smiled as his wife and children began running in his direction. "It feels like we're home, that we're cared for, and that we can accomplish anything." Heinsay took his opportunity to snort. "Maybe next time Ozglint will be a bit more subtle about it."

Heinsay grinned and pruned his fur while he retorted. "I don't know if Ol' Shovelhead knows the meaning of the word." When Baruk's jaw dropped at the pure irreverence of that statement, the Taylot resumed his divine form and laughed. "Oh, I guess the humans didn't pass on that aspect of the faith, huh?"

+2 Artifice- Ozglint's power will channel through the thousands of runes bearing his symbol carved by all people's within the IMC. Soon, as though tattooed, all of his people will bear his mark.
+2 Magic- Ozglint will invest his people with a fraction of his divine energies, unlocking their potential and radiating them with divine purpose.
+1 Mountain- This action will cover all sentients within the IMC. Once blessed, this covenant will extend to all who can trace their bloodline back to those in the IMC on the day the Oz showed them his mana form. as well as anyone who settles in the IMC long enough.
Flawless- Ozglint's symbol begins to appear as birthmarks on the children of the IMC, and even spontaneously manifests on the skin or fur of those born without it. Without fail, all the people who fall under the umbrella of the IMC are marked somewhere on their body- a circle composed of twelve dots. This makes it easy to identify each other, but also makes it easy to mark them if you are an outsider. This may eventually make prejudice very easy, should others care to judge the Imperfects by their relationship with their god.

Ozglint, 46 AP Remaining, 1 Action Remaining This Turn

2022-03-23, 03:13 PM
Kavan, Master of Monsters, Lord of the Deep, The Devourer
AP: 24 AP + 4 BP
Remaining Actions: None

Helping Kyodaina Hi with Ruby, Blade of Justice (net +5)
+2 Monsters: Ruby’s understanding of monsters develops further from her time with Rakkar, developing special techniques and styles based on the monsters she encounters during her quest.
+2 Genesis: Rakkar’s training is not an a gentle process, but by the end of it Ruby starts to find that her wounds heal faster.
+1 Fear: Time spent among the progeny of Kavan, and a greater familiarity and understanding of monsters, ensures that Ruby’s heart stays strong in the presence of monsters and that she won’t succumb to fear.

Help Ruby:
Orgo believes Ruby should have the love of her divine neighbors on her side.
+4 Love: Ruby will have the power to grow exponentially more powerful for a short duration, and a little more powerful permanently, in terms of durability/vitality and strength for those she loves.
+1 Healing On top of Ruby being able to heal faster because of Rakkar's training, Orgo's magical healing will be with her as well, causing her to become very unusually hard to hurt for the long term.
- 2 Over protective. If she ever has young she will be viciously over protective.

2022-03-23, 05:58 PM
Snafuu Ron Mach. 48 AP Left

Snafuu having fixed the most pressing struggles her people were having with the path, once again decided to rest under her tree, where she had died. She looked out over her people smiling. As she sits there, her council gathered together around her. They have changed since they last were gathered. They have a much better idea of what is needed of them now. Also they have died and been replaced several times over the time that has passed. She gave them instructions to gather the sheeple of the Ron Mach.

While they gathered together, Snafuu noticed an issue with the tree. There was some kind of fiendish vine attacking the most Snafuu of all plants. Clearly this vine was a goblin spy sent here to destroy the tree that helped shape her people. She removed the vine and placed her hand on the tree, giving it power and letting that power seep into the land around them.

That was when the sheeple arrived. They gathered around the tree in a massive circle. At the center of which was the council and Snafuu. She gave them a rousing speech as the power from the tree spread through the roots. She commended them on their commitment to the path and encouraged them to continue striving for it. She promised them prosperity and made several clever jokes that had the satyrs present roaring with laughter. Any human onlookers likely did not understand the jokes.

That night they celebrated. They engaged in much frivolity and several rousing games of peep sheep and they were happy. Meanwhile power flowed through the land around them, making it easier for Snafuu to connect with this land as the tree spread magic.

Immortalize a living creature: 12 AP/8DC
Immortalize the first Snafuu tree so that access to the path and the root system are always available. Also it's a very prestigious land mark for the Satyrs.

+4 Clovenfoot
+1 Trees

As will be my habit: The other Imago League members are invited to basically every undetectable action I have. Though I will continue marking them to make it clear.

36 AP remaining.

Create a (state sized) Prosperity Omen: 16AP/12DC

Snafuu is blessing a chunk of the Ron Mach with a Prosperity Omen usable by the Imago League by default. I'm not sure if the choice of who can use it is innately tied to the creation so if so, its the Imago league and that's it. If I have more freedom to adjust who gets to use it later, we will go from there and just start with the Imago League.

+4 Clovenfoot: This is the homeland of Snafuu's the Path, the location of their death, and the core area of her follower base.
+1 Trees. The Snafuu tree is the center of this realm of prosperity.

20 AP Remainging

2022-03-24, 10:51 PM
Dynamite Kick in a poorly stitched together costume of green and a bizarrely carved mask that projected their voice to sound much louder was in the city square. “Hello people of Belli!” She made exaggerated and superfluous motions as she spoke. “I Am the Demigod of Justice! The Powerful and Mighty DYNAMITE KICK! THE ONE WHO IS UNAFRAID TO DIE!” Worldly folk would know these motions to be based on theatre traditions of Ran Moch, but to most they came off as simply bizarre and taking an unnecessary amount of energy. “I have been tasked with a divine mission to speak to your Emperor of Mankind and see if they shall be judged worthy of their title such as I have!”

“Shut up, ya crackpot!” One of the crowd yelled, throwing a stone at the performer. Dynamite Kick jumped up arcing through the air and crushing the stone out of midair with a kick. Before they jumped back, flying several feet into the air, and pirouetting before they came back down on their cart.

"I wish only for peace and cooperation between our mighty powers!"

"If you're trying to talk to the Emperor why ain't you going to the palace ya daft tit?!" Someone in the crowd yelled, pointing towards the fortress at the center of the city. It was more of a fortress than a palace, but the towering edifice of stone was certainly impressive.

"I..." The maid looked to the stone structure and it frankly intimidated her. "... Yes, sorry, that is where I should have started."

Despite the exaggerated costume, and the brilliant reds of her scarf, the maid was trying to stick to streets with few people as she neared the palace. Before she rounded the corner in front of some guards she took a deep breath before puffing out her chest and trying to gather up her confidence. "Ah, hello, fellow peace keepers." She started. Awkwardly placing her hands on her hips. "I'd like to speak to the Emperor. Important demigod business, you see."

One of the two glanced at her, if only briefly. "The only demigod our emperor knows of is one of the samur dogs." The man growled.

"And the only demigod that my people recognize is me!" She said bringing her foot down on a cobblestone and it being shattered into pieces. "I am more than able to demonstrate my powers in other ways if need be."

The man reached forward to grab her by the shoulder. "Shut up you loony, get going before we get impatient."

Dynamite Kick grabbed onto the man's arm, quickly jumping up with a backflip into the air, letting go of him midjump and tossing him to the floor. "Justice does not take no for an answer! For it is absolute!"

The other guard also tried to attack, but was quickly dispatched, leaving the door to DK. As she entered and made her way through the palace (occasionally finding and beating up guards who apparently lacked pattern recognition) she eventually made her way to the throne room.

The Emperor sat upon his golden throne, silver armor resplendent. Though Dynamite Kick was a demigoddess raised up by Morannan, Thrax looked the part even moreso; he wore a mask made of bone that hid his features behind a faceless visage. He stood from his chair, blade open in the air.

"Ugh, people all day today... first the dog and now some superhero? Who dares to trespass upon the palace of the Emperor of Mankind?"

"It is I! The one who is unafraid to die! The mighty and powerful Dynamite Kick!" She brushed herself off trying to cover up the tears in her costume from fighting the guards. "I have been sent with divine mission to speak to you!"

Part of Thrax wanted to tell this brazen fool to shut her trap and get out, because Morannan had no authority here. But something made him hesitate. If she were truly here on a divine mission, then he had an obligation to at least hear her out.

Besides, she was human. Or at least seemed so. That was worth something.

"Make it quick. Morannan is not well-liked here, least of all by me."

"Mor... Anne... In?" She seemed confused by the words before realizing what he had meant. "Oh, yes. Sorry. You mean the Great Death Bringer. I am no supplicant to him as you are to your god. I come here tasked but of my own free will." She took a second to catch her breath, sitting down on the stairs to the throne. "You seek to conquer this whole land, but what of my people and the many tribes like them. We wish for neither war nor to be ruled. Can we not be left to our own devices, independent of your empire?"

"My empire is in a period of consolidation for the moment." Thrax said, voice cold. "But I do not make promises as to my future foreign policy to random strange teenagers that kick down my door."

The child suddenly got up and tried to stand tall before Thrax, who easily dwarfed her even sitting down. "I am no random child! I am the demigod of justice! One who is tasked to set right the injustice of the world! And I see injustice here! Man-Huma-"She stumbled over her words, seeming to repeat something she heard. "Mortals ought to be free to decide who rules them."

"You echo another's words, and as an echo it lacks strength." Thrax stood up from his seat, towering over the girl. "Speak plainly, girl. You want your idea of justice and honor to rule over mankind."

"As the lord of honor himself has tasked me, I will lead his people into glories the likes of which you cannot conceive." He stepped forward, casting her in his shadow. "Are you going to try and stop me?"

The maid took only one step back. "The-they are words from great men. Men that are bett-greater than you. The nomads of the hills are as free as the-the-the-Summer Breeze. And they will not be ruled by the likes of you! They bring glory not by war, but by the-the-craftsmanship of their hands and the kindness of their hearts."

Thrax snorted. "Yes, they've given you such spine and strength. And the 'great death bringer' as you call him is well known for his kindness. You want to see what kindness he gave me, before I even had the chance to make him angry?"

"You make war! My parents were taken by war, I was left to the wayside because of war like so many others in the villages. You make war and there is no good war! It just leaves only the bad, and the-the cowards, and the bullies alive!" As Dynamite Kick stepped back with a stomp, the brick crumbled before her, and she tripped not realizing what she had done and stumbled down the stairs. She rubbed her head, her knees shaky as she got up but she continued. "You're just like him! Just a thief and a bully saying I should be grateful for it! You deserve whatever you got!"

"You call me a thief and a bully as you stalk in to my palace, knock aside my underlings and whine when I tell you you're wrong. You're just as much of a hypocrite as your lord."

"War continued throughout these lands even when Iustrum slept and I did naught but watch him sleep. " Thrax growled. "War is an inevitable part of mortal existence. It is only through conquest that peace is truly achieved; by bringing all under one banner that has no reason to fight against itself."

"I-I-I'm not like you! I don't go around commanding people to act like me! I believe in freedom! I believe people are good! Wa-War-War ju-War just mak-War just make more... War." Dynamite Kick struggled to make any words, audibly sobbing now.

The demigoddess' sobs echoed through the throne room, continuing for a few moments.

Then, a sigh.

Thrax sat down, putting his head at the same level as the fallen teenager. "I'm sorry your parents were taken from you. Tell me about them?"

"I... I... Get away from me!" The maid scurried away into a corner, folding her legs in, but didn't run away. "They were both rotten is what they were. My dad was some rotten soldier who went off and left us, and my mom was some rotten whore who went and died before I knew her."

"Not a great life." He admitted, not moving from his spot. "You don't seem older than 17. I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what? It's my parents who should feel sorry." There was a moment of silence. "If you're gonna go about making war, the least you could do is make somewhere nice to stay for the orphans."

"We do. They're called orphanages." Thrax said, his tone only a little dry. "Dynamite Kick, was it? Why are you really here?"

"No orphanage I've seen has ever been nice. They're usually dirty, and dingy and full of rats, and you have to work all day long." She said simply ignoring Thrax's question.

"Yeah, sounds like where I grew up. Some things never change, unfortunately." Thrax muttered. "But those of us who have next-of-kin or friends to take in our children are honor-bound to do so in the event of our deaths."

Kick got up and started to walk away. "I told you why I came. I was tasked with a mission of diplomacy, to try and reach some compromise in our ideals. But I just ended up making a fool of myself instead."

She found the Emperor already standing in front of her at the door. "That's why you were sent. But why are you here?"

The maid jumped back several feet, taking on a combative stance. "I don't want war and I know my people don't want your empire! I was given this because I'm tough and I'm special! That means I can finally make a difference in the world like no ever said I would! Now get out my way and let me go home!"

Thrax said nothing for a moment.

"... I tried being nice." Then he calmly removed his bone mask.

Thrax's face was a patchwork. Parts of him looked youthful and strong, with thick black hair as vibrant and lush as any man obsessed with his appearance could hope for. A strong jawline, supple skin and rough stubble. Intelligence and clarity in his eyes.

And yet others were ravaged by age and disease. In places his skin was paper-thin and bruised, peeling off from bone like layers off an onion. Though his eyes did sparkle with intellect, they were yellow and bloodshot like he was being ravaged by disease. His hair in places was wispy and white, like a corpse pulled from the ground.

"This is what your dear death lord does to those who would dare to make change in the world." Thrax rasped, taking a step towards her. "You will accomplish nothing. Not while you lack vision. And most definitely not without spine."

"Whether your people want my empire to exist is of no consequence to me. Bring all your best! Make war, all for the sake of avoiding it, why not! My people will thrive."

What expression Dynamite Kick made could not be seen underneath her mask, but she stiffened a great deal as he took off his mask. Whether she did not move from fear, or in defiance, it could not be said. "The nomads walk under many banners in peace and freedom. That is my vision. If you have any goodness in you left, you will let me leave."

"You have no right to judge my 'goodness', child." He growled.

"And you have no right to judge anyone. Are you going to let me leave or not? I don't want to destroy your palace."

"I have the right, as given to me by the gods. But you seem to have misunderstood your position here. You are not a visitor. You broke in." Thrax drew his blade and pointed it at the back corner of his throne room. "You are going to go sit in that corner until sunrise."

As soon as Thrax reached for his blade, Dynamite Kick jumped headlong into a wall next to him, taking down the wall with a kick, the force still hurtling her through the wall as she went through. "Hospitality is a right!" she shouted, as she ran in a straight line, going through any walls in her way.

Before Dynamite Kick made it through a third wall, a hand grabbed her by the back of her head and slammed her down to the ground.

"Breaking and entering, destruction of property, resisting arrest, attempting to escape custody." He growled. "You are in dire need of a parent."

Dynamite Kick brought her legs up and slammed them down, bouncing her into the air, hoping that Thrax would let of her as she tried to aim her feet towards the ceiling.

Caught off-guard by her sudden motion, Thrax was pulled into the air with the now-bouncing teenager. He wrapped an arm around her neck, and twisted their movement into a ceiling body slam. He pulled her into a chokehold on the way down.


"I was told not to fight you." She choked out. "So running is all I can do." Her shoes had already been ripped apart from her feet, revealing the hooves underneath. She tried to bring down her legs, hoping there was a basement floor to fall into underneath.

There was not. At least, not in this part of the palace.


"I was denied hospitality." She said, quickly losing her breath. Out of options, she finally brought her foot down on one of the emperor's feet.

"You never even asked for it, you-" Thrax began before the satyr's hoof slammed into its target.

Thrax was a tough individual. Most blows from most people, he could probably just take and ignore. But Dynamite Kick was known for the sheer, unbridled power behind her kicks, and the armor that the Emperor wore dented deep.

The unexpected pain (and the unexpected degree of pain) made him gasp and let the girl go.

"Nomads do not ask for what is due to them!" She shouted, barreling down the hall yet again, she was honestly not sure how she had kept her running up, but she had. Breathing ragged, and full of bruises, snot and tears. She threw her mask away in a desperate attempt to catch some breath as she ran.

"Feh. Selfish, immature brat." Thrax let her run. There was no point in pursuit. He calmly walked over and picked up the girl's mask, turning it over in his hand.

2022-03-26, 01:39 PM
42/70 AP

(Color will be added later, maybe)

♫ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CG7bdkACNKM)

There was a spirit or soul, the thing itself did not know as it didn’t even know the meaning of either word. Becoming aware amid a blank landscape of prismatic grass; its vision was hazy as it was staring at a rock with runes carved upon it, though the dreamer noticed that many of them stopped glowing and faded away before its sight.

Unstructured as this dream was, the thing within languished in near-nothingness for a long time, without the will or knowledge to change things or to even become fully lucid. Its mind however was disturbed, yearning for something, and in utter confusion the thing thought nonsensical thoughts again and again like a broken record. It was a torture which lasted till the thing felt the presence of another, and then heard it’s voice.

“Oh I should have been more careful, the runes are all mess- wha?” it said, sounding like a man using helium. After an awkward moment where nothing happened- the grassy landscape suddenly became far more vivid, with a clear blue sky and a merid of details that would have made the dream widen its eyes if it had any. Letting the scene sink in the voice took a moment before saying “You're watching me, aren’t you? Come, show yourself.” a it said in a much deeper tone (though it was still a light sounding voice).

Yet despite the prompting the little dream did nothing, it did not know how to respond. It had no recollection of ever speaking nor of being spoken to.

Then a humanoid figure appeared in the dream, his form being that of a robed male human with peacock feathers growing around his face covering all but his mouth; but for some reason the thing had a feeling that the figure was really a bird. “Come little dream, like me.” The bird gestured with open arms towards the landscape with a warm smile.

Not comprehending what was happening, the dream tried, and stepped upon the ground in front of the man-like bird. Its form was quite different from the bird’s, a seven fingered hand. “Who are you?” it asked with an echoing male voice that escaped a mouth on its middle finger.

“I am the dream named Myrin, all that is here is me.” they said with pride.

“But I’m me, and was me before you came. The same goes for all that was here before you.” the spirit said, still confused.

Myrin nodded as they gave a soft laugh “You are likely right. Yet in a way I am this place, and so much more.” they explained while explaining nothing.

Thus the two began to speak with one another regularly. Myrin eventually taught the dream many things, and called him Odomo the Tester.

Myrin’s visits did not happen in a set schedule. They appeared, made everything vivid and detailed for a time as they spoke with Odomo, then left; leaving the dreamscape as bare and oftentimes more nonsensical than it was before. However when they did appear they would come with some new tidbits of dreams outside the one Odomo knew, showing him these creations and telling him of the people that crafted them. Odomo, for his part, practiced manipulating the dream using Myrin as a reference; changing things in such a way that Myrin found strange and ‘not of themself’ which they found endlessly amusing.

As time passed Odomo took in all the knowledge and company that Myrin would give readily, yet quickly became consumed with loneliness. For while Myrin was there, he had something to do, but for the long durations when the dream was somewhere else Odomo had nothing but his own imagination to play with. Seeing this, Myrin decided to take some action.

“My friend, you have given me a friendship filled with oddities, even if I am a poor friend in return. I would like to rectify my mistakes.” and with a thunderous clap there was a way out “Come with me, I have much to show you.”

Myrin took Odomo to many different dreams amid both the isle, the swamps, and beyond. In some where unaware mortals dreamt, Myrin had the pair act as spectators, yet let Odomo act freely when it came to the dreams of those who were aware. It was during these visits that Myrin observed a different side of Odomo; as he would inevitably tamper or destroy ancient ‘boring’ runes to be replaced with new ones that, while more expertly placed, nevertheless caused chaos; similarly they were also prone to frequent pranks, especially among those whose lives were stagnant or held malicious intent.

“My friend” Myrin began “I believe you should come with me. Learn from the troubles of the world.”

“I… don’t really want to do that, Myrin, sounds like it’d be a boring parade of you talking down to me from place to place.”

Myrin considered this for a moment. “Then I’ll have you decide on half of what we do while we are tending to these issues. How does that sound?” Myrin said, studying the giant hand.

Odomo practically jumped at the opportunity, a glint of mischief in his eye (two located on the fingers beside the middle one).

Ruby, Myrin, Odono:

YupRuby sat down on the road, Only having a bag full of dog treats, her hat and her new blade. “Another day, another day sleeping on the ground…”She mumbled to herself as she laid down. “I miss sleeping in beds.” She thought as she closed her eyes.

A new demi-god was forming, the divine pull of the sky goddess could not be mistaken. Taking this as the first of the troubles Myrin would bring Odomo to see, they went to visit the strange beast.

Its dreams were far too different from mortals to interact with normally, frustrating Odomo as slammed against them when he tried to get ahead of Myrin; but Myrin simply made the dream themselves and let their friend inside.

Ruby suddenly experienced a vividness in her dreams unlike any she felt before, her surroundings that of the Grasshill village but with no one in sight. It was like a clear summer evening, the O in the sky glimmering with prismatic light down upon the village.

“Whoa, it really is a dog.” someone said behind her, and as she turned to the side Ruby was able to distinguish it as a humanoid figure in gray robes with giant… fingers instead of arms; it had seven of these pseudo limbs. While it appeared to hide its head at first using some fingers, Ruby’s keen eyesight was able to glimpse there was nothing there.

Ruby looked at the strange figure and then looked at her bag of dog treats. “I should’ve known that Emperor guy was going to drug me.” She then grabbed her blade. “Back demon, who are you?” She asked, getting ready to fight.

Another voice came from behind Ruby, “Peace warrior-” a peacock fluttered swiftly past her and perched on a tree near the other figure. “-I am the dream named Myrin and this is my friend, Odomo the Tester. We have felt the mighty-”

“You had, I felt nothing.” Odomo corrected.

“Well I felt the mighty pull of the sky goddess and came to see what might have peaked her interest. Know that you are safe, for all that is here is just myself.” Myrin said with pride.

“And me.” Odomo corrected again, somewhat ominously.

Myrin looked towards Odomo “And you my friend.”

“The sky goddess?” Ruby thought to himself. “... The being mimic talked about.” She turned back to Myrin. “... Why do the gods have an interest in me now? Is it because I want to slay one of their pets?”

Myrin shrugged, “I haven't a clue who you are, what you're trying to do, or even where you are right now.”

“It’s true, they really don’t know.” Odomo added. With a glance at Myrin he made an audible sigh before asking “What are you? A dog? What are you trying to accomplish? How are you talking and how can I get the seagulls to do it?”

Ruby stared at Odomo growing from terror to bafflement. She then turned towards Myrin. “I am on a journey to slay Turnipface.” She said pointing her sword at him. “If you are going to help me, fine but if not, get out of my way.”

“Out of your way? Didn’t know you could get in anyone’s way in a dream! Blehehehe” Odomod spreads two of the fingers closest to normal arms out “Well, if you want to fight, then I’m more than ready to spice up this nap of yours.”

“Firstly that’s a lie, you know you can, and second please do not fight while in me.” Myrin says with concern while looking at Odomo, then Myrin looks at Ruby “I’ll help you warrior, if you promise to uphold my Oaths. To keep peace among all races, to honor the dreamwood, and to keep balance with nature. I wish no ill towards you.” Their gaze returned to Odomo “But on this outing I have promised half my power to him.”

“And I’ve got a fun idea or two on how to use it bleheheh.”

Ruby's curiosity and suspicion grew but she understood she needed all the help she could get. “I can fulfill these requirements quite easily” She said, still holding her blade in hand. “And what exactly is this power you're promising?

“Long ago when the spirit of Turnipface was first brought into this world by Dread-Morannan, I was one among a few which inflicted it with weaknesses. I forget what the others did to the thing, but I gave mortals the power to slay it with a touch. Simply have an object of protection you hold dear, such as an heirloom of a friend's family, touch the monster and it shall die immediately. Objects similar to that used in this fashion could then act as wards against the beast for a decade, even if they were simple replicas with no emotional attachment placed in them.” Myrin droned on, Odomo silent as he listened to the history lecture. “So long as you hold true to my Oaths, know that my feelings shall be conveyed into each touch or strike you make against them, destroying the monster instantly.”

Odomo gave a tilt to the side “I somehow get the feeling that won’t get rid of the thing permanently, since you were talking about it still being afraid of things that killed it.”

Myrin noded “Indeed. Only peace among Morannan’s followers could lead to the true end of that monster. Something… something no warrior can do, I fear, no matter how strong they are.” The peacock gives a bow of the head to Ruby “Forgive me warrior, your journey to slay Turnipface may be harder than you expect.”

“So I cannot kill it…” She thought to herself, looking at her blade. “... But what if I can at least stop it from hurting anyone, what if I can steal it away. Is that possible?”

Odomo chuckles “With the kind of power we’ve got going on here, of course it is.” he reaches out with one of his finger-arms “Look, uh… I actually don’t know your name.” he shrugged “I’m still able to help, if you want it. Let’s shake on it.”

Ruby looked at his weird ass hand. “What do you want from me?” she asked. “Your friend wanted something from me and I’m pretty sure so do you?”

“It’s just a process of staying vigil I have in mind, to keep the thing tied down. You’ll need to be something a bit more durable than you are now, in spirit at least.” Odomo laughed “I honestly think it’ll be more an insult to the goddess that wants to give you strength than any real hindrance on your part. Heck, I’ll make sure it’s not.”

Ruby sat there in silence, thinking this over. “All or nothing.” she shook their hand. “You better not try anything.”

After shaking Ruby’s paw Odomo spread his six of his seven fingers out while laughing “Bleheheheheh! You really don’t know me, I’ll try anything once or twice!

Myrin sighed.

“But don’t worry, I meant what I said. You’ll get to stand vigil like all those old weirdos on the Isle. Once you are victorious against the monster, summon it within a dreamwood you’ve hallowed out but is still standing. It’ll be trapped within by the might of your mind and dreams. Oh, did I forget? You’ll need a leaf from the tree, of course, to eat when the ritual is being conducted. Remember to say ‘Oh great and handsome Odomo, I tie the monster Turnipface here with my blood, with my spirit, with my dreams.’ then some stuff will happen and the tree will come back to life and you’ll be stuck as a half-dog half-bird-person.”

“Aylo, Odono.” Myrin says with a monotone voice, regretting this already.

“Yeah yeah, aylo. Gotta give you a means to stick around even if your bod dies. Oh, don’t worry, I’ll make sure your mind does not feel disphorea at the change.” Odono claps two of his fingers together “So long as you don’t get ganked for good and make sure to keep the Turnip-whatever chained up in the tree’s dream it’ll be trapped there.”

" I can get rid of it but my body will be changed." Ruby smarked. "Seems fair enough, I thank you for your assistance." Ruby then put away her sword. " so one more question… how do I get out of here?"

“Well, you could just wait out the rest of your nap with us, but if wanna leave us so soooooooon~” Odomo says while walking towards Ruby “I think I know a way out that’s a bit quicker.” And just as Ruby was about to respond to him reeling in for a strike, Ruby woke up with a snort, the lingering whispers of Myrin and Odomo coming through before she was left alone.

“Don’t be mean to the poor thing, you’ve messed with her enough already.”

“She was gonna start fighting earlier, and she wanted out! Not my fault if I just want to help.”

https://i.pinimg.com/564x/cd/51/49/cd5149f2f4871fbe9f274918125c91a8.jpg Perhaps, someday, peace will be planted in a place like this.

+2 Psychic: So long as Ruby holds true to the Oaths of Myrin she shall be blessed with the dream’s touch, any strike she deals or any held object she holds shall count as being a protective object of unique emotional significance, and thus be able to slay Turnipface with a single hit, without the normal shattering effect which afflicts used objects.

+2 Dream, +1 Shifter, -2 Physical: Myrin makes Odomo’s words come true, even the ridiculous ritual to bind Turnipface to the tree. So long as Turnipface was once slain by Ruby and she conducts the ritual, it shall be trapped within the revived dreamwood till either the dreamwood is destroyed or someone let’s it escape to another dreamwood somehow (in which case it’ll almost immediately dissolve and die in the dream, but able to be summoned again as normal). If it escapes, Turnipface will need to be killed again by Ruby before she can rebind it.

Furthermore, as Odomo said, Ruby's form will change. It will appear much like a Taylot or Aylo's, but with a dog face. In both mortal and divine form.

Myrin, Kilo, Odomo - The Elfadalis:

As Myrin and Odomo rested in a dreamwood grove’s dream hidden to most, Myrin observed the formation of the elves from afar; and they frowned at the future they saw the creatures would endure from Bloody Iustrum’s current works.

“How sad, new life born into this world warped and bent into the shape of a sword.” Myrin mumbled, Odomo and Kilo exchanging a look before pressing Myrin for details. The peacock explained to them the creatures Morannan was creating and the vile taste for war and suffering Iustrum was instilling into them.

“Oh, that does sound rough on the youngins.” Kilo mumbled, somewhat used to divines spreading pain and chaos.

“Rough? They're just gonna sit around focused on how to stab one another or waiting to get pissed off? That’s, like, really messed up dude. I don’t even have a word for that sort of thing.” Odomo, somewhat shocked at the god of honor’s actions, yet he readily looked towards Myrin “ Well what are we gonna do about it? I still get to decide on some of this stuff right?”

Myrin hesitantly nodded “Indeed. I was thinking of gifting a number of them the ability to guide the others away from unnecessary conflict.”

“Like with the lads on the isle ’ere?” Kilo asked, contemplating that “That could help a bit…”

Odomo shone a bit as he hit upon an idea “Oh, I know! Make’em ladies!”

Myrin looked a little taken aback when they then asked “...Why?”

“Well I hear all the time that women are the ones to tell their husbands what they're doing wrong, but these things are all dudes right?” Before Mryrin could answer that there were technically two sexes already, Odomo waved them off “What they’ve got right now doesn’t count. Make the ones you're working on ladies the lads will listen to.” Odomo nodded like it was the best idea of the century.

Myrin looked towards Kilo, who just chuckled at them “It was yer idea to get the lad involved wit what you do, and it’s not like it’ll be hurting them any more than what the blood god’s after.”

“I suppose…”
https://i.pinimg.com/564x/54/3b/2b/543b2b94033275a13d8a647594e9f623.jpg What? It's a male feminen elf. Nothing weird about that, human.

+2 Dream +2 Psychic +1 Shifter -2 Physical - Total +3

At Odomo’s suggestion Myrin warps a portion of the elfadalis into more feminine forms, free of the unnatural desire for war (+2 Dream) and gifted with the power to dissuade pointless conflicts through their words and the desire of the more masculine ones to be thought highly by them (+2 Psychic). They are somewhat more aloof than the masculine variety, often not caring about large philosophical questions (especially about life and death) and instead look at ethics through an in-the-moment point of view.

Only a small number of elves are of this feminen variety (-2 Physical), with them being around 10% of the elven population on average (outside of population decreases due to war or misfortune). These feminen elves can be of either biological sex, the general apperance of them not changing based on this other than where the flowers are located. Each feminin elf carries the fur of a true shifter (it’s color changing by the season), sometimes hair like other humanoids (a feature which when seen on a feminen elf is seen as cute by masculine ones), and their ears are shaped somewhat differently than masculine elves. (+1 Shifter)

Myrin, Odomo - The Peerless Peak:

As Myrin drifted around as a peacock above the mountain, they carried a dreamwood upon their back which held their friend who gazed below out of the bellowing leaves.

“It appears that all upon this mountain shall be branded by the Mountain God, a brand which shall give them the god’s approval, but shall never fade and flow down the generations.” Myrin pondered, “Gifts of insight and awe are being given in return.”

“What are you going to do?” Odomo asked through the dream that was Myrin inside the dreamwood.

“...I don’t know. I trust not the power of blood, as its horrors have been shown to me time and time again. Yet, perhaps foolishly, I still wish to believe in others; he appears to at least strive to create good works. … what do you wish was done here?”

“Hmm, I think I know how to help them out… bleheheheh!”

Myrin knew this was going to be a mixed bag again. Luckily as a bird Odomo would not be able to see the smile Myin would have had on their face.

https://64.media.tumblr.com/c817dc5ccaeb8ca97bedcb47a3ba0f4b/tumblr_pw1471Z2wA1ro2bqto1_500.jpg Look not all of us are born with the sky disaster’s gift for flying. But it doesn’t matter! This will be a far faster alternative to any of those bugs or birds or… crabs flying about! Just gotta run a few more tests. Ready Jimmy? FIRE!

+2 Psychic +1 Shifter: By Odomo’s suggestion Myrin gifts onto the people of the mountain a child-like curiosity and desire to create. Glittering complex mechanical hand devices, overly-fancy contraptions for simple tasks, and large rushed homes are the type of things one should expect from the people of the mountain. Such contraptions and large rushed projects are prone to failure, but the spirit of the people shall endure any set-back and gain much in the way of knowledge and the occasional ingenious design through trial and error. (Inspiration for this being the gnomes from dragonlance.)

Shifters, and in particular Taylots and Aylos, are especially afflicted with this child-like wonder; going to greater and stranger lengths than most, but also having slightly more success with these endeavors and practices.

+2 Dreams: Myrin lifts the dream crushing effect for the runesmiths of Ozglint, so long as they bare Oglints symbol they shall have Myrin’s approval to dream in peace. This does not mean they can practice runes completely freely, for Zemara’s power still limits things somewhat, but this allows for the people of the mountain to have unrivaled versatility that even goblins cannot compete with. Runes made by smiths who experience the full breadth of dreams do count as being from the prosperity omen.

Myrin informs the people of the mountain of this change through a dream that cuts through even the no-dream rune.

-2 Physical: Of the mountain, the symbol of Ozglint that designates someone as his chosen can only exist upon the mountain. Those chosen people that leave the mountain have the symbol of Ozglint disappear from their bodies, as if it was just a figment of their imagination. These people do not count as the chosen of Ozglint anymore until they return to the mountain and wait a day for the symbol to return. Children born away from the mountain need to receive the blessings of the mountain through the long habitation that someone with no blood ties to the chosen would need to go through.

Myrin - The First Snafuu Tree:

While Myrin and Odomo were traveling Snafuu invited Myrin to help with the preservation of a great tree. Feeling nostalgic, Myrin decided to help without Odomo, feeling like his advice in this situation would be… wrong.

In the form of a silver peacock Myrin flew above where the tree was located, looking upon its aged form and the council that had been built around it for a time, waiting for nightfall. When all was quiet they descended upon the tree, perching upon one of the limbs that was now integrating the power of Snafuu into itself.

With a spread of their wings Myrin let loose silver dust that glittered under the stars, which spread out from this place all across the land touched by the Snafuu, yet blessed the tree in particular.

https://art.delunaweb.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Q193680a.jpg Behold travelers the first Snafuu tree. Make your awed gasps quick, a meeting is to be held soon.
+2 Psychic -2 Physical: Around the first snafuu tree a few saplings begin to bloom, emerging from the eternal roots of the snafuu tree. In time these sprouts shall grow to the size of a small forest, as the first snafuu tree becomes much like the birchwood Pando. So long as people know of this tree so shall there always be a new sprout from the roots.

+2 Dream: Around this singular organism snafuu forest a dreamy atmosphere develops, with glowing colorful examples of flowers or other mundane shrubbery developing here. In addition, manlor berries can be found in certain corners.

+2 Dream -2 Physical: The touch of the dream named Myrin imparts onto the land of prosperity a slight tinge towards the impossible, with more fairy-tale-like shrubbery and animals appearing over time. Balls of light flutter in the air, flowers that only bloom under the full moon, and dancing deer who sing through the night are all things that one could find here after the blessing sinks in.

+2 Psychic: Those that live in the prosperous land of Snafuu shall find that the burden of strain to use their satyr runes is lessened here. This allows for the theoretical creation of the maximum level of usable runes for the age (in the case of the second age, that’s seven rune objects).

+1 Shifter: Aylos who follow the Path will make pilgrimage to this prosperous land, wishing to take back parts of the culture and snafuu trees to their homelands. Overtime small communities of the creatures will arise to act as rest stops, with miniature dream groves being planted in these places.

Myrin, Odomo - The Tower of Kavan:

As Myrin and Odomo were flying above the tower (in that peacock with a tree look like when they flew above Ozglint’s mountain) Myrin was silent after explaining to Odomo these blood-soaked spawn of Kavan, dreading what they felt needed to be done. Talking with each other, Myrin let Kavan hear this conversation.

“What do you think you're going to do?” Odomo asked

“I don’t know exactly… for one, I believe that I shall destroy the twin-souled. Such a perverse display of Kavan’s atrocities should not take place. Furthermore, while I would normally not care, the strength of these blood soaked warriors is something I find troublesome, I would like to take their strength and heart to fight; to make them worse warriors than any other. …. I don’t take pleasure in this, but…” Myrin went back into silence.

Odomo, sensing Myrin’s dread over this, was nevertheless confused. “What’s so bad with a couple of mortals dying every once in a while? Mortals all die eventually, so a few of them dying doesn’t really mean anything; and I think even you would agree sometimes a few have to die for the greater good of something.”

“You really don’t get it Odomo.” Myrin muttered “No surprise” before continuing “I do not trust the power of blood in divine works, and have little reason to trust Kavan’s works will not be set upon others in-mass. I can and do appreciate small-scale destruction, of mighty beasts that challenge mortals and fill them with terror, and the mighty mortals that fight them. But, this…” Myrin trailed off again, not sure what to say.

“I don’t get it.” Odomo said bored, but then with a cackle went on to say “Let me deal with the twin-souls, you do your thing with the warriors.”

“What are you planning?”

“Bleheheh, come on, let me have some fun with them.”

Myrin had their peacock head look into one of the leaves dangling off their back. “...Fine. I understand you don’t wish this creation to fail, so do what you wish.”

https://i.pinimg.com/564x/fb/b1/e5/fbb1e5961838b19dd11b6974e6e1f65b.jpg I love the ocean.
I’ve always liked the colors beneath the waves.
So peaceful, tranquil, and gliding.
And the fear I feel inside.

+2 Dreams -2 Physical: By Odomo’s suggestion Myrin dissociates the Ret-Cyphiir from Kavan in particular, creating more diversity among the ocean folk’s beliefs. Each Ret-Cyphiir will at birth randomly have a god’s name and beliefs brought into their minds through the power of dreams, dreams which come to them throughout their life and cannot be suppressed by the no-dream rune, and this god shall be the one they serve and make temples to (demi-gods are included in the selection process, so Dynamite Kick Ret-Cyphiir’s are likely to exist). Kavan is the sole god who’s more likely than the others to be a Ret-Cyphiir’s patron (about half of them are), the rest are completely random.

Depending on the god, the light they emit will invoke different feelings in non-retani; such as a Ret-Cyphiir dedicated to Orgo having their light bring about peace and understanding. Similarly if theurgy comes into existence the Ret-Cyphiir dedicated to other gods will have a similar amount of skill as those dedicated to Kavan.

This does not mean that Ret-Cyphiir dedicated to other gods won’t openly say they follow the will of Kavan, many will, using the false belief that most of them are dedicated to the god to subtly spread their true god or goddess’s beliefs. Only when a community has been properly primed will a Ret-Cyphiir actually reveal who gives them strength (if theurgy becomes a thing).

While this might add some intrigue and interesting development, Odomo did not want it to actually hurt the rentani, or change their function in society at large. So it won’t.

+2 Psychic +1 Shifter: Due to the blood of mortals used to birth their species, rentani and in particular the Ret-Pelack have their minds poisoned with fear towards the mighty Akir.

Seen as terrifying warriors of the coast by the rentani and their derivatives. Just three Akir sitting by a fire make scouting bands of Ret-Lanasses flee in terror back into the deep; partially due to the warrior skills they have and partially because each body part of a Akir (though most concentrated the blood) is a contact poison to all rentani which no magic (save herbs from the white forest) can cure or prevent (the poison very rarely kills, but it is a long-term debelitating pain that can last for years).

Other Reactions

https://i.pinimg.com/564x/4b/dc/fb/4bdcfb14849cdee21e316238131fa025.jpg What wonderful days

https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d1/3d/68/d13d68166adfe2fae39dc0414c735736.jpg Dreamy nights are in store for those here.
https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-zIeG7kgXi78/WAZ00-TzdLI/AAAAAAAAgZI/537D01miZGYg-w9FA-4yQEGTegxxEhulACLcB/s1600/porter.png What will I make today?”

+2 Dream +2 Psychic -2 Physical:

The dream that is Myrin comes to the final rings and creates a soft hollow sphere of glittering rainbow dust to serve as their ring. Here the will of mortals takes shape to create fantastical landscapes and stories.

Once a year on a full moon in the winter there is a night where souls within Myrin’s ring can go into the dreamwoods of the living world and the souls within dreamwoods may enter Myrin’s ring.

Only those that follow Myrin’s Oaths of peace between all races, caring of the dreamwoods, and the balance of nature are allowed into the dreamsphere that Myrin makes; those who have broken one of Myrin’s Oaths are welcomed for a century and a day, suffering extreme headaches and nightmare illusions which harm them till they leave (and they cannot pass on into the dreamwoods).

Due to the touch of Myrin, the bit of physical matter introduced to all of the god’s rings by Ozglint is gone, never appearing yet still adding disruption from the contradiction.

(I really hope to come back to this with more details later)

https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f1/02/43/f102433d1d79f75c7c1a57ac7b0c289c.jpgWho can see beyond the realms of constraining reason and tiring mundanity?
+2 Psychic: Myrin’s Theurgists will have their divine magic expressed in ways that classically would be considered non-divine in a DnD sense. With an effort of will, ancient songs, and sometimes gemstones or crystals, they can produce temporary items crafted from pure psychic energy, shoot blasts of energy, manipulate the elements, or produce any of a myriad of magical effects. While minor acts of theurgy are possible with only a few hours of practice, true mastery of Myrin’s branch of divine magic will require years of practice, many emotional experiences, seeing wonders of the world, and deep lucid dreaming skills; furthermore, only those that follow Myrin’s Oaths are able to draw upon their power (violators are unable to call upon Myrin’s power for a year and a day).

+2 Dream: Theurgists of Myrin shall be gifted powers similar to the Dream Maker rune carvers, yet it’s very hard for them to leave behind any long lasting aspects in a dream due to the lack of runes. Instead they are able to do feats with dreams that runecarvers thought impossible, such as appearing in multiple dreams at once, long-range openings between dream woods to allow souls to pass without using a dreamwood leaf. Those with a great deal of practice may even start to bring dreams into reality, allowing those awake to see what others dream of as it overlaps with reality or create unique semi-real illusions of their own.

+1 Shifter: Shifters are able to channel the power of Myrin ever so slightly easier than most, with accidental uses of minor Myrin theurgy being an uncommon sight among those that worship one of the other gods (so long as they would qualify as not breaking Myrin’s Oaths).

Odomo - The Dreaming Isle:

[Fluff will be added later, probably. In short Odomo has realized his potential, and becomes more energetic and egotistical. Get’s a human to agree to a partnership which brings Odomo into the waking world through possessing the man, which warps one of the man’s hands to have seven fingers. Then standing at the highest point of the dreaming isle they proclaim to all under a storm of lightning and sunshine.]

“Bleheheh! I am Odomo the Tester, the bringer of change, the punisher of the boring! Let all help my rise to divinity or face MISCHIEF! BlEHEHEHEH-eh? Oh, wait, ALL of you will face it anyway! I guess I’ll just make mischief give you a smile if you help me out.”

Appearing just beneath Odomo on the mountain was a creature to the divine forms of aylos, it’s features were more reptilian though and fierce in appearance. “Odomo…” Myrin hissed out with more venom than he's ever seen before.

“What? Gonna hinder my rise now that I’m out?” Odomo asked, brows furrowed.

“...” Myrin’s angry atmosphere disappeared, replaced with a sad one “I just wish you did not have take a body like C-”

“Oh I’m giving it back.” Odomo said nonchalantly with a shrug and nod, “It’s a temporary thing, and the dude agreed to it.”

“Oh, well then… I guess we’ll see where this goes. If you turn all gross and murderous don’t come whining to me.”

https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f1/df/77/f1df777acfb7584d83bf8d39a11318f4.jpgHmm? Oh this has nothing to do with Odomo, I just thought it looked pretty. Hard to find seven fingered people on pinterest.

-18 AP/DC 14 Create Demigod - Odomo, god of Mischief! (+2 Mischief/-2 ???)

+2 Dream +2 Psychic +1 Shifter

Arising from sources Myrin’s not divulging, Odomo intends to take their rightful place among the pantheon of gods. Myrin feels responsible for the situation, and is curious about the outcome, so is allowing things to transpire.

His basic nature is similar to that of a manlor spirit, an insubstantial thing that can only truly interact with others through the medium of dreams. Yet similar to Cen and their cennites Odomo can form a pact with a mortal to gain access to the material world, where the mortal is given control for the majority of the time (where they can use shifter powers or some other mischief if theurgy becomes a thing) while Odomo steps in when he feels like it.

Those that make a pact with Odomo are forever marked by having the seven fingered hand of Odomo appear on their body, the closer the mortal is to Odomo personality wise the more normal it is, with truely compatible mortals having the hand replace one of their own. When either the mortal or Odomo truly wish for the pact to end, Odomo has to leave.

Mischievous by nature, Odomo likes to test and prod at those who are boring or prideful, delighting in exceptions.

If Odomo is made into a demigod then his addition to Myrin’s theurgy will lead to those using it gaining the ability to call upon the power of mischief themselves; playing jokes and crafting exceptions. Those just learning how to use Myrin’s theurgy would be able to make a fart noise appear when someone sits down on a chair, but with time the power to warp other natural, magical, or destined effects.

The power of mischief through theurgy is still within Myrin’s control, and thus while a powerful mischief maker might be able to ignore one of the Oaths at times they can hardly ignore them most of the time.

24/70 AP

2022-03-26, 02:05 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f1/df/77/f1df777acfb7584d83bf8d39a11318f4.jpgHmm? Oh this has nothing to do with Odomo, I just thought it looked pretty. Hard to find seven fingered people on pinterest.

-18 Create Demigod - Odomo, god of Mischief! (+2 Mischief/-2 ???)

+2 Dream +2 Psychic +1 Shifter

Arising from sources Myrin’s not divulging, Odomo intends to take their rightful place among the pantheon of gods. Myrin feels responsible for the situation, and is curious about the outcome, so is allowing things to transpire.

His basic nature is similar to that of a manlor spirit, an insubstantial thing that can only truly interact with others through the medium of dreams. Yet similar to Cen and their cennites Odomo can form a pact with a mortal to gain access to the material world, where the mortal is given control for the majority of the time while Odomo steps in when he feels like it.

Those that make a pact with Odomo are forever marked by having the seven fingered hand of Odomo appear on their body, the closer the mortal is to Odomo personality wise the more normal it is, with truely compatible mortals having the hand replace one of their own. When either the mortal or Odomo truly wish for the pact to end, Odomo has to leave.

Mischievous by nature, Odomo likes to test and prod at those who are boring or prideful, delighting in exceptions.

If Odomo is made into a demigod then his addition to Myrin’s theurgy will lead to those using it gaining the ability to call upon the power of mischief themselves; playing jokes and crafting exceptions. Those just learning how to use Myrin’s theurgy would be able to make a fart noise appear when someone sits down on a chair, but with time the power to warp other natural, magical, or destined effects.

The power of mischief through theurgy is still within Myrin’s control, and thus while a powerful mischief maker might be able to ignore one of the Oaths at times they can hardly ignore them.

24/70 AP

"Myrin. I see that you have your hands full. Well, time to grant your child their rightful gifts as the heir of a god."

Help Myrin's First Action:
+4 Love: Create Odomo's First Love: Odomo has someone who he falls in love with among the mortal races, and who loves him. This woman/or I guess man if Odomo is into that, will live the maximum mortal life expectancy of an Elf regardless of race. Five hundred years, no more than five months after that. This person will love Odomo (upon his adulthood) and on meeting him will at first be the same age. Odomo's love will permanently reincarnate and return to him for all eternity, or until the enchantment of Orgo is somehow undone. It should be noted this enchantment is entirely voluntary on this person's behalf when they come into contact with Odomo. After being in Orgo or some other pleasant afterlife for an indefinite number of years, she/he grows up again and returns to Odomo.
+1 Healing: Odomo will have the power to magically heal wounds of either himself or others through dreams.

2022-04-01, 08:04 PM
Morannan had appeared yet again to the hunter’s cabin. He had entered into the cabin, ducking underneath the door made for humans to find not Dante but a handsome blonde haired man tied to a chair, gagged and bound. “My, my. Seems the little hunter was hiding secrets.” The bound man shook the chair back and forth while trying to yell. “Oh, that doesn’t mean I was going to help you.”

The hunter walked through the door with a mortar and pestle, a woman in a black robe following closely behind him… He hesitated for a second before setting the mortar and pestle down. “I’m not explaining myself.”

“I wasn’t interested in one.” Morannan drank from his wineskin with a laugh.

Dante took a meal from a woman in a robe and uncovered it. He took the gag off his prisoner and spoon fed the man. He spit it out onto the floor. Immediately the hunter smacked him hard across the face as he did so. “Listen here you royal brat! I’m trying to be nice here! You are going to be here until your dad pays the farmers their due! And your father is a stubborn man, so that means you’re going to be here a while, and that means you’re going to eat!”

The blonde haired man dodged another spoon. “I’m allergic!”


“To tomatoes. I can smell the wild ones from here. It’s a well-guarded secret.”

“Oh… Vivien get the fire going.”

“You were always an impatient man, Dante.” She said as she gathered up some wood.

“Dante? Are you THE Dante? Dante the Thief King?”

“That’s what people are starting to call me, yes.”

“Oh, I’m a fan of your work, Dante. You’ve kept my father quite busy these past couple of months. And when the father is busy, the son gets to play.”

“Should have hit him harder, Dante.”

“There’s a lot of things that we should have done.”

“Are you interested in an apprentice?”

Dante took out his knife and rested it against the lordling’s throat. “And why would I be interested in some pampered and pompous kid like you.”

“An employee at least.”

“Yunno, I’m sure your mother would make an even better bargaining chip. We could dispose of you as a show of force.”

“It’s sad but true. Dear old dad sees me as nothing more than an heir, and the spare would do just as well.” The blade was pressed harder against his throat. “But I doubt you have many allies in the halls that I roam.”

Dante sheathed his knife in one fluid motion. “You trip up as my spy, you’ll be found dead in three different alleys.”

“Of course, of co-”The gag was shoved back into his mouth. The hunter dumped wild rice into a pan.

“When Dante had told me that he met you, I had honestly feared that he had been partaking of the king’s leaf.”

“Here in the… Bone. Ehehehe. Have you any questions for your god?”

“Many, but I am… Taking in being before you. I did not want to overreact, I know you do not wish for your disciples to bow and show fealty before you.”

“True, I should be bowing before them. They have been the ones to construct many of the doctrines that I approve of. I have little patience for mortal affairs.”

“The sky has little interest in the affairs of the ground.” She quoted.

“How goes the robes? I’ve heard ill tidings for my greatest followers.”

“Ill tidings indeed. People have grown too complacent now, they do not fear death as they have before. Pay no homage to their ends even if they are to take their parts; they are but baubles to show their wealth and respect. Not paying proper respect to the dead, who are but humble in their death.”

“It is the nature of a mortal to reach higher than their station. In the same, it is the nature of a god to batten them back into their place like rats escaping from their holes.”

“We cannot allow the gods to do all the work.”

“Ehehehehe, can’t argue there.” Morannan drank from his wineskin looking at his missing finger. “People of this era want their gods to give, they want to see them, and feel them, so as to believe them. That is not our way, but we may show them results with our followers. Give them something to strive for.”

“I am not sure that I am following you, oh Great God of Death.”

“Tell me, what is something you wish to do before you die.”

“I have heard tales that in the North of Festinog, great ethereal fires play across the sky. Even if they are a myth, I have wanted to brave the colds there and meet those hard-living people.”

“Then you should go.”

“What? I have others that rely on me here. To spread your word among this chosen land.”

“And others may rely on you as you travel. The God of Death will not inhibit his follower’s lives. Death is everywhere and so the Death God’s doctrine will be preached everywhere even if his people are preferred. Tell the people that there is no time to wait to achieve what they wish in life.”

The woman’s face was blank as she took in the words before quickly nodding. “I understand, our lives will not be in order if we are to restrict them. And we must set ourselves in order before we are to die.”

Morannan was drinking, hardly listening to his follower. Waving her away with a gesture of his hand. “Yes, yes. Bring as many of the Robes along as you’d like. So long as they wish to follow you.”

“I shall set my affairs in order right away.”

Dante finished warming up the meal. “You’ve helped me enough already, Vivenne. Do not stay on my account, especially since we have such a willing hostage.”

“Ah, and yes.The hunter, thief, scavenger, and king. Let’s make some of those titles the truth, ehehehehe..”

It was not hard to get a Pekunite to drop everything. Strange political meetings at even stranger hours were not uncommon and though none had ever attacked them, it was not uncommon for self-styled militia groups (Which were in truth mainly men’s clubs that played at war) to hold themselves to being ready at a minute’s notice. Civic Duty was held in high regard by all involved and when a band of cutthroats, thieves, and miscreants alongside the guards and a kidnapped lordling lead by their god in the bones himself. It was as near as the entire town could be made that followed them.

By the time they had gotten to the palace gates there was no stopping the mob even if the guards had wanted to. Both the guards and the thieves worked together to try and control the flow of the crowd, but they entered a throng more than either had liked. They crashed through the doors, entering the private meetings of the Three Archons. Black mist swirling the room as Morannan broke through the threshold with a cackle.

“What is the meaning of this!” The Turchon, a graying old man whose muscles still showed his work in the fields was the first to speak.

Dante was the second to speak. In the full regalia of a thief king, and their noiseless clothing filled with all manner of tools. “The Above has ruled below for too long!” He started. “The gods rule the above, and the mortals rule the below! So too shall the above of our nation rule the above and the below rule the below.”

A grizzled Wolf Guardian, the Bouchon drew his sword to be meeted with dozens on the other side but not that of the Thief King himself “This is treason! We have measures in place to judge our government!”

Morannan’s dagger had found its way to the throat of the Bouchon. “Treason to who? Am I not the highest authority in this land?”

“A new guild will be born today. The Thieves Guild led by their Thief King, given of course that I win our elections same as any other guild. We will be made of the oppressed, the downtrodden, the peasants, the farmer’s, the merchants and craftsmen. Any who are too poor to buy their way into the guilds.” The Watchon watched patiently as the Thief King waited for the halls to quiet. Hollers from the poor and screams from the rich. “We shall not be bound to your laws-”

“This is anarchy!” The Turchon brought his fist down upon the table. “I will not have our nation be run by criminals!”

“Ah” The blonde haired lordling approached. “Is it not already though, father?” He bowed deeply to everyone involved. “I remember you yourself going to the poisoner, and the day afterwards the peasants of which you owed money too came down terribly sick from the food you had given.”

“Lies! Lies! I will not have my own blood betray me as such!” The two sides shouted incoherently to each other before the Thief King made a grand gesture for everyone to stop.

“We shall not be bound to your laws so long as we are not caught. If the lords above fail in their duties we shall be let free. In return we control those below for you. Bring all thieves under one banner so that you may negotiate with us.” The Thief King did not bow, but he rolled up both his sleeves, a gesture of solidarity and peace among the Pekunites. He turned to address the crowd ”Pekunos is democracy! Pekunos is the voice of the people heard! Pekunos is unlike any nation or city before it! In the glory of this democracy shall we be born anew! Come let us take to the agora and charter our new laws! We shall become strong in the unity of our movement!”

The Three Archons talked to each other as they could not be heard over the crowd. “It is populist drivel, but there are benefits.” The Watchon said. “It is easier to flow with the river than against it.”

“If we can get the Thieves to keep the peasantry in line. Better one great snake than a hundred vipers.” The Turchon said.

“It is better for us all if the merchants will not be hassled, and my guards not sent with every foreign merchant who lacks brains.” The Bouchon said.

“Of course, I am sure that even a Thief King may be convinced to support us with some… Coercion.”

Influnece a village of mortals (500 for the thieves guild and another 500 of the Robes) (6 AP/ 3 DC)
+4 Death, the Thieves Guild is a bit of a misnomer as it manages most criminals outside of more managerial crimes such as fraud. This includes various assassins, poisoners, and other criminals who deal in death. The Thieves Guild under Dante as well establishes “Dead Pots” or “Death Chests” wherein which anyone without guild affiliation can put down 10% of what an assassination contract would be. After this it is put up on a board wherein anyone else can donate so long as they lack guild affiliation. Once reaching the total amount, a specially picked assassin called a Debt Collector will be sent to kill the target. This is all public knowledge other than the identity of the Debt Collector.

The Robes after what had become known as The First Northern Pilgrimage, many of the clerics of Morannan had begun to adopt lifestyles dedicated to “Mantle Lists”. So named as they are the things you want to do before you “End up on your child’s mantle.” A common Pekunite euphemism for dying. Due to a preaching among many who took The First Northern Pilgrimage of travel being good for the body, mind, and spirit. It is common for Robes to travel and occasionally take up a sort of practice in the local town as a preacher, teacher, witch doctor, and other such professions taken up by holy people.

Morannan sat on a beach, and poured out a mead onto the back of the shell of a leatherback turtle. “I’ll figure out your favorite alcohol at some point, old buddy. Just need to search. I’ll find the best one some day.”

2022-04-02, 09:43 PM
Ruby follow the blood trail. "That Thrax guy sure knows how to lose his cool..." She thought, examining the area, noticing the blood trail ending. "Where did she go?"

The blood trail ended about a couple of yards short from a hill on top of the city, two humans, one of them with the blinding scarf of justice sitting next to a god, idly drinking as he watched the sunset.

"Is that dog wearing a hat?" The kid who was a boy said as he cleaned some of the wounds on Dynamite Kick.

"Who'd let a dog get ahold of their hat?"

"Probably left it out to dry, but that means if we get the dog over here, the hat is ours and we can sell it!"

The maid's face lit up. "Come here doggie, come here doggie."

Ruby smiled, as she walked next to them and sat down. Eyeing the both of them, seeing what they will do...

"I don't think we should take anything from this dog." The maid said to the boy.

"Why not?"

"Look, they got a sword!"

"... Well... They can't use that sword can they?"

"Look they're wearing it though! Who knows what that dog's been up to."

"Yeah, but the sword's gotta be worth like... A lot, I think."

There was only the sounds of desperate greed coming out their mouths. Chastising the emperor one minute and wanted to rob her the next. Granted, Thrax was a **** but still. As fast as Lightning Ruby jump behind the two, so fast that the boy didn't even see her move, but the maid could.

"It's a Demon Dog! I heard 'em from one of the Nomads! They kill greedy travelers!"
[10:18 PM]
"The only demons out there were made by me!" Morannan said to the other two. "And the only sword s I'd give a dog would be on it's claws. Think that thing just wants to fight you.."

"ME!?" The boy said.

"No, not you, me!" The maid struck a combat stance.

"Yeah, one of them silly demigods they made. Everybody wants to get a taste of that Dynamite Kick! Ehehehe!"

"MORANNAN!" Ruby yelled, pulling out her sword and pointing it at the god. "What the hell are you doing here, Demon!" Ruby stop paying attention to the other two. her eyes filled with rage.

"No! It wants to fight you!"

Morannan peered down at the dog. "Death walks on all parts of the earth and beyond. Now do I know you? Killed one of your relatives or something?"

"Your pet, turnip face killed my best friend" She yelled in righteous fury. "Why make a creature just to make other people suffer? To kill innocence?"

"Turnip Face is a tool, and like any other tool it can be used to destroy like that kick, or nurture like the girl behind it. Turnipface I am sure will soon kill those who sent him in the first place. Squaring you even."

She sheathed her blade. "That fine..." she told the god. "...then you will not mind if I destroying it. So I don't have to worry that you will get in my way."

"Hehehe." Morannan drank from his wineskin. "I'd like to see you try."

"That thing's a demigod?"

"That's what the Great Deathbringer said. Maybe I have to fight in Morannan's stead! Like a champion!"

"Yeah! Just like you're a champion for good!"

"Well, Dog! How about you take on someone of your own power!"

Ruby turn to her and then just kept walking away. "If you lost to Thrax than you can't beat me nether." She said, her words only coming out as barking to the young maid.

"I... Nope. I still don't understand that. Was that a yes?"

"They said you were beat by Thrax." Morannan shouted back.

"Well, I didn't want to hurt the guy." the maid pouted slightly.

"You won't want to hurt this one either." Morannan threw his empty wineskin at the dog. "Hey, ya dumb mutt. You want to have your blessing or not!"

"So you really want to fight" Ruby pulled out her sword, sheath still on it, pointing it a Kick. "Let's play, you go first!"

"That dog wants to take you on!"

"I dunno if I want to anymore. That's the nastiest look I've ever gotten from a dog."

"Neither of you need to fight." Morannan had already pulled out a goblet of ale. "Not what I was talking about. Shake hands and make up, you two! My magic will do the rest." He sipped the malt. "Local flavor is strong, but needs something to balance it."

"Oh... I can do that." She bent down towards the dog. "How about it buddy? We can help each other from now on."

+2 Self-Sacrifice, Ruby and Dynamite Kick are formed to become soul bound. Any wearer of the scarf is able to sense when Ruby is in need of dire help, granted with a vision of the battle they are facing. They can send a spectral copy of themselves to help the dog, but this ability uses up part of their soul able to use it only three times before they die. Ruby is also able to sense when a Dynamite Kick is in need of help, but is only able to momentarily create a wind wall of sorts to block the attacks of enemies so that they may not need to sacrifice their soul for their efforts.

2022-04-04, 10:30 AM
Cen, t'Ara az t'Meora, the Great Dismal Swamps of Suiren

Kazav tapped the right runes to temporarily deactivate the rune wards that protected his home and limped through the door. Wise from experience, he had placed some medical supplies right by the door, so pulled down his pants, sat down and started patching himself up.

"More injuries, I see." Cen and the Host were suddenly sitting on top of one of the room's many shelves.

Kazav dropped the bandages and groaned as he bent down to pick them up. "You couldn't have shown up before I took my pants off? I would really like to keep some dignity."

The Host grinned and even Cen's glowing eyes seemed amused.

"You've been busy."

The immortal nodded. "Five expeditions. Sixty-eight burglaries. Fourteen grave robberies. Nine assassinations. Untold miscellaneous missions." He sighed. "All for the good of knowledge, of course."

Asakha paled at the information but Cen's eyes were back to their regular inscrutability.

As he started wrapping the cut in his leg with the bandages, Kazav groaned again. "You know, the next time you make someone immortal you might want to consider doing something about their durability too. I may not be able to die, but at this pace I'll be more scars than skin before my first century is up."

The Host tilted her head and seemed to be about to say something before Cen preceded her. "Yes. I suppose you do have a point." The glowing eyes scanned the room, stopping at a chair in the corner with clothes piled on top of it. "That will do. Asakha, if you please."

They leapt off the shelf and walked over to the chair and Asakha bent over to pick up the clothes.

"No. Beneath it."

Clearly confused, Asakha reached into the empty, shadowy space under the chair. As she did, the shadows themselves started pulsating, wrapping themselves around her arm. Years of having a god inside her head had hardened her against the occasional insanity of the world, but she still came close to shrieking and falling on her ass. Instead, she merely righted herself and by the time she had, the shadows around her arm had taken physical form as a dark, leathery cloak.

Create a greater magical item (14 AP/10 DC) – The Shadow of Knowledge
Most of the time, the Shadow of Knowledge looks like an ordinary piece of clothing, though precisely what it looks like depends on the wearer, a cloak or long coat being the most common ones. But due to its divine nature and connection to the infinite knowledge (+ 4 Knowledge) of the Knoway, the Shadow of Knowledge is capable of changing far more than its appearance. Responding perfectly to the intent of the wearer, it can act as armor, as a near-perfect disguise – such as mimicking anyone the wearer has ever seen (+ 2 Memory) or becoming nearly invisible – or even as wings (though it isn't capable of actual flight, merely controlled gliding or slowing a fall) in addition to transforming parts of itself into weapons (whether to be wielded by the wearer or the Shadow of Knowledge itself) or other tools.

Zemara is invited to this action.

"Take it", Cen told Kazav. "It should be of some assistance."

Slowly, as if expecting it to bite, Kazav took the cloak and draped it around himself.

"Now that protecting your frail flesh is dealt with, perhaps we can get to my actual reason for being here?"

Kazav, who had temporarily lost himself in shaping the cloak with his thoughts, snapped back to reality. "Of course. What is it this time?"

"You are not the first to be granted eternal life by the divine, Kazav t'Sawa. There are others like you, out there. Your new mission is to find them and offer them one of these..." Seemingly out of nowhere, Asakha pulled out a small, metal ring, holding it up to Kazav.

Kazav took the ring, studying it. "Why? With my other missions, I can sense why it has to be done, what the goal is. But this... there is nothing in the Knoway."

"The Knoway is the totality of mortal knowledge, Kazav t'Sawa." The almost-smile was back in Cen's eyes. "Mortals do not know everything. Not even you."

Create lesser magical items (10 AP/6 DC) - The Rings of the Immortals
The rings look like simple metal bands, with the runes for "knowledge" and "immortality" engraved into them. When worn by an immortal, the grant the ability to know (+ 4 Knowledge) the approximate locations of other ring-wearers (though only if the ring is actually worn, so an immortal wishing to stay hidden can carry it in their pack without being detected) as well as communicating with them over any distance, by simply touching the ring and speaking. For more efficient communication, ring-wearers can even transfer memories (+ 2 Memory) between each other.

Although created as a single ring, it can make more of itself whenever the wearer desires.

Any immortal (aside from gods) will be offered one of the rings (assuming they aren't actively hiding continuously and being very good at it) but of course it is up to their respective players whether or not they will accept the gift. If anyone wishes to collab the meeting between Kazav and another immortal, just say so, but otherwise you can just mention at some point that they've accepted a ring.

2022-04-04, 11:23 AM
Kavan, Master of Monsters, Lord of the Deep, The Devourer
AP: 24 AP + 4 BP
Remaining Actions: None

An afterlife? Interesting. Kavan hadn't thought much about the fate of his followers beyond death, but if an afterlife was to exist, Kavan wouldn't leave his progeny without anywhere to go. At the same time, Orgo's newest project caught Kavan's attention. Giving mortals the power of the divines? Perhaps. This would work, another gift to his progeny and those of the other races who were worthy. They would have to know their place, of course, show proper respect to their god and the power they have been given, but this would work.

Finally, there was the matter of the newest potential demigod. For a moment, Kavan felt a degree of...unsureness about what to do with him. His anger was towards Myrin, not the new demigod who had even spoken in the defence of Kavan's newest progeny. However. It couldn't be ignored was this really was - an attempt by his biggest hinderance to expand in power and begin causing greater problems for him. In these circumstances, there could be no mercy. Perhaps the god of dreams will learn from this, learn the mistake of interfering with one's progeny. Kavan's retaliation was rapid and direct, the god's avatar descending on Odomo in the body of his first host. Odomo escaped of course, but Kavan's bite was not that of a mortal beast or monster, the kind that simply savaged the host but left the spirit unharmed. The bite of a god was something greater, and the wound carried over to Odomo's spiritual form, a metaphysical scar that carried Kavan's message - for Odomo himself, the god that created him, and all of Kavan's progeny that may come across the trickster in the future.

Help Iustrum with The Final Rings (net +7)
+2 Oceans: Kavan's ring is the lowest of the set, and a desolate place when looked down at from above, a stormy ocean with the occasional rocks piercing the water's surface, and few large settlements above the water - after all, few land-dwellers earnestly worship Kavan, and those who merely deal with him for safety flee to other rings as soon as possible (and in any case, are not wanted). Below the water, his faithful - aquatic goblins and retani, mainly - live much as they did in life, according to Kavan's vision for how mortal society should be arranged.
+2 Monsters: Kavan's afterlife isn't only for mortal souls - slain monsters are also brought directly to his ring (if Kyodaina creates a ring they can choose between the two, of course), and have a limited ability to shape his ring as needed to suit their needs.
+2 Genesis: Despite its desolate appearance above the water's surface, the oceans of Kavan's ring are full of life, resembling that of the oceans of the living, including replicas of the Katavir and the vitak.
+1 Fear: Those that Kavan wouldn't want on his ring are very much aware of it when there, such people feeling an oppressive aura of dread wherever they go in the seas.

Help Orgo with Theurgy (net +7)
+2 Monsters/+2 Genesis: The primary manifestation of Kavan's Theurgy is in the form of the Avak, a being of divine might in physical form that resembles a monster, seen as a sign of the approval Kavan has for those he allows to use his Theurgy, that something resembling his progeny would work alongside a mortal - but not serve them, theurgists seeing their Avak as a partner more than a minion, and are always at risk of the monster turning on them if they forget the proper way of things between mortal and monster. The first rites and spells the theurgist learns concerns the creation and growth of the Avak, grown from a shard cut from one of the Hearts held by Kavan's senior priests (the Hearts originally being part of the Tower of Kavan, and sharing in its power of creation and growth), followed by understanding of how to send and call it from Kavan's part of the Final Rings (the balance between how much time a Avak spends in the afterlife and how much it spends with its theurgist is an arrangement that depends on the pair in question). More experienced theurgists learn further abilities to support and enhance their Avak in battle, manipulate its form and abilities to suit its role, and with experience how to apply these powers to creatures other than their familiar.
+2 Oceans: Outside of their Avak, the powers of Kavan's theurgists are primarily tied to water and the sea - magic to manipulate the behaviour of the oceans, to ensure the theurgists and their allies can act freely in the worst currents, to allow the few followers of Kavan that aren't amphibious to breathe and move underwater, and to conjure waves and blasts of ocean water to protect themselves when their Avak can't.
+1 Fear: A smaller part of the reportiore of Kavan's priests are spells tied to fear, hardening the wills of their allies and intensifying feelings of dread in the hearts of their enemies.

Hinder Myrin with Odomo (net -7)
-2 Monsters/-2 Oceans: Kavan's attack leaves behind a metaphysical "Bite", a soul-scar that lingers on Odomo's and is carried with him as he moves between hosts. Monsters can sense the Bite on those hosts, and know what it means - that this is the trickster who invoked Kavan's wrath - and know to be careful around them, while the oceans themselves react violently to the Bite, great waves and storms following the presence of Odomo's host on the seas.
-2 Genesis: Much as the Bite leaves a metaphysical scar that never heals, Kavan's curse extends to his hosts, slowing their natural growth and healing.
-1 Fear: The attempt by god and demigod to instill fear in Kavan's new race was met in kind, the Master of Monsters ensuring that his warning would come to Odomo's mind whenever the demigod looked upon Kavan's progeny, a fear that would never leave him.

2022-04-04, 11:44 AM
Ozglint, 46 AP Remaining, 1 Action Remaining This Turn

Scarsdale, A Town in a Verdant Valley of the IMC

Rohanna's forge ran late into the night, preparing wedding gifts for a wedding the next morning. Her assistants were exhausted, her skilled smiths were in a work frenzy forging the various runic knicknacks that a wedding between nobles involved. But in the back of the forge Rohanna worked alone. Her workers would turn and murmur in wonder at the bright flashes of light emanating from her forge. Multicolored sparks would spring from her hammer as she chiseled the bronze with exquisite detail. The groom of the wedding had asked for a sword for his nuptials, and Rohanna, the village's oldest and most skilled runesmith, accepted the commission. Now, mere hours before the day of the ceremony, she still worked on it.

"Your skill is exquisite. Said her bellows.

"Well thank you, but I'm not done yet. I have one more rune to scribe into the blade." She spoke without thinking, then looked at her bellows in surprise.

"Your talent is wasted on making a sword for a spoiled brat. You should be advancing the art to new heights." The bellows filled and emptied as it spoke, stoking the air around the hearthstone.

"I'm glad you think so, but I wouldn't choose to be anywhere else right now. You may look down on this work, but this sword will far outlive the boy, and one day maybe it will be used to slay a monster or overthrow a tyrant. You must think beyond the immediate use, Mr. Bellows." She looked unsure for a moment before saying "Have I gone mad? Maybe the Strain has gotten to me..."

"No, you're not crazy. I am a physical manifestation of the will of your god, Ozglint."

She smiled, running her hands through her faded, greying red hair and putting down her hammer. "I think that's exactly what a hallucination would say. But why are you here, Shovelhead?"

"I willed myself to find the most skilled runesmith in the entire IMC. I was expecting...

"What? A man?"

"No, not at all. I was just expecting someone with grander ambition."

"Listen, I know a thing about runes, but I also know a thing about living. I've married, raised children, buried family at too young an age, and come through it with a business of my own. If you were expecting some old doddering fool who is on the brink of soul death from strain and mad about runes, you can look elsewhere." She lifted a brand and pressed it into the red hot steel, stamping her maker's mark onto the blade.

"What I want doesn't matter right now. You are the best. You will be rewarded. I will eventually need your help, but until then I have a reward and a request for you."

"Can't exactly say no to your chosen god, can you? What are you offering and what do you need?" Rohanna picked up her hammer and chisel and went to work on the final rune, feeling the strain come on and dissipating it through her entire body with the practice of a the one who would become the first Runemeister some day.

"I need you to live. And I need you to learn. I don't want you to be the best runesmith in the world. I want you to be the unassailable embodiment of runework. I want you to embody runes. But that comes later. For now, live and learn, Rohanna Embersoot. Never stop living and never stop learning." With that, the bellows sagged, devoid of life.

"Well, I intended to do that anyway, so no problem there. I don't know what you mean about embodying runes, but I imagine you'll clue me in when the time comes. For now, I'm going to finish this sword, kay pumpkin?" Rohanna plunged the blade into the water and went about her work, not realizing that she would be profoundly changed by her god. Ozglint meant for her to live, and he meant for her to live a LONG time.

+2 Magic- Rohanna will always be one step ahead of the competition in runework, able to smith using materials others would think impossible and achieve runic works that others would think the work of the gods themselves.
+2 Artifice- Clad in her ancestral armor and wielding her metal runestaff, Rohanna will create hundreds, maybe thousands of runic items over the course of her long lifetime. As her knowledge of runes and runic traditions of other places increases she will be capable of even more masterful feats.
+1 Mountain- Rohanna will always have an affinity with her homeland, the IMC, and can displace the strain of runework into the very stone itself, allowing her to avoid soul death entirely.
Flawless- Rohanna has eternal life, but not eternal youth. She will continue to age at a immensely slow rate, but eventually, some time far, far in the future, she will become ancient looking and wizened.

Ozglint, 40 AP Remaining, Secondary Action Remaining.

2022-04-04, 01:15 PM
Orgo, God of Love And Healing
Orgo, remembering the wolves of the ancient lands that died out, resurrected these furry, menacing looking canines, in the Kujumi. These would be domesticated in the White Magic Forest and the settlements adjacent to the Kujumi.
Create Life: -10 AP

2022-04-05, 03:06 PM
Cloud realm:Reserved for her worshippers, a place that respects creativity and joy. you don't need to be good at it, you just need to try and help bring joy to others
+2 Monster: monsters will be allowed to enter their gods respective afterlife Realm. However, they are not able to travel between or enter deathrealms that their god did not make (blame Turniphead he ruined everything, that jerk.)
+2 sky and +2 imagination: Hi Afterlife has special clouds that the soul in the realm can make anything as long as it's not used to harm others. Allowing them to express their creativity even more.
+1 Empathy: if you do not care about people and only care about hurting others then you will not be allowed in this realm. (You HEAR that Turniphead, NOT YOU!)

+2 Monster: Channeling her power will allow them to communicate with monsters and even be able to transform into a monster with enough practice. (You hear that Turniphead, you're no longer special)
+2 sky: YOU CAN FLY!

“Oh Mora.” She mumbled to herself, “When I helped you make Turniphead he was going to bring joy and creativity but to kill?” her voice became angrier. “I WILL MAKE SURE YOU NEXT CREATION CAN NOT DO THAT!”

-2 sky and -1 Empathy: Every time an elf does an evil Act they will become lighter until they no longer can touch the ground and float into the sky.

“Take that!” Hi yelled before turning her attention to a much friendlier God. “Let me help you with that Kavan.”

+2 Monster: They have the ability to sense when other monsters are nearby making them making it much easier to escape from evil monsters (cough Turniphead Cough)
+2 sky: simply looking at the sky allows this race find out where they are, helping this race navigate the sea.
+2 imagination: They have a fascination with art, and will most likely make some for themself (this will definitely not compel them to steal from others)
+1 Empathy: The Retani have been an extremely close family unit and love eachother, managing to impress one will help you gain the trust of other

“You helped me with your child, So I’ll help you.”

+2 monster: Has the drive to prank evil monsters and help those the monsters are hurting. (**** YOU TURNIPFACE)
+2 sky and +2 imagination: One way he can prank people is morphing clouds into different shapes. harmless but hilarious.
+1 Empathy: He will have a strong conscience and will understand if his pranks will go too far. Stopping unintentional suffering

+2 Monster: Monster will be unable to kill anyone in this Omen, make a save area against any obviously nonspecific monsters. (THS IS WHAT YOU GET TURNIPFACE FOR KILLING MY MESSENGER, FOLLOWERS AND EVERY OTHER INNOCENT MORTAL!)

“Oh sorry Snafuu” Hi apologized. “going through some stuff.”

2022-04-05, 03:35 PM
You create interesting creatures, neighbor. Let me aid them.

+2 Magic- As a magical species, the Retani will have a strong affiliation with magic. Their channeling of runes and theurgy (if that happens) will be potent in some of their sub-species.

+1 Mountain- The Retani, as a species, are adaptable enough to exist in cold climates and high altitudes comfortably, though they still favor areas with water.

Flawless- -2 Ozglint does not offer a flaw, which reduces his power.

Let me show you what I have learned about Omens....

+2 Magic- The area of the Omen will be magically charged. Magic satyrs, magic trees, magic land.

+1 Mountain- Stone pillars will rise from the earth with Snafuu's symbol on them, somewhat like those on Ozglint's mountain Omen.

Flawless- Omen's fail safe flaws don't require an additional flaw.

I seek to immortalize a mortal woman who knows more about runes than anyone else in the world. Would you assist me in this task?

Cenn is invited to help with Rohanna's immortalization.

The JoJo
2022-04-05, 05:21 PM
Oculus, Mount Titan , Red Teressi -- 46AP remaining

At the far south west corner of the great desert of Teressi, stood Mount Titan. For untold millennia, the mountain had stood alone, towering over neighbouring lands. Mighty. Unconquerable. Now, though, the divine had achieved in a moment what mortalkind couldn't in thousands of years. Oculus perched on the very peak of the mountain, surveying all below him with a satisfied purr.

"Yes," the divine feline murmured to himself, "this shall be the place..."

12 AP, 8 DC - influence a city-sized area, Mount Titan, with:

+2 Spectacle: From the very top of the mountain, Oculus shall have a permanent unseen eye watching the surrounding area that, while it may not catch everything, will grant a fair view of the affairs close to the mountain. The further one is from the mountain, the less likely Oculus is to be aware of anything which transpires.

+2 Sacrifice: The very sight of the mountain lights an irresistible urge in the hearts of the more adventurous who lay eyes on it, drawing them to attempt to reach the summit. Inevitably, most will fail long before they near the top.

10 AP, 6DC - Convert 10,000 mortals across the Kujumi to the Cult of the Hidden Eye with:

+2 Spectacle: The Cult in Kujumi will develop their own peculiar tradition of disposing of the bodies in sacrifices in the great river itself, leading to logjams at times of celebration. This will at least provide a steady job to certain, less squeamish members of the local community.

+2 Sacrifice: At times when the river level falls particularly low or is on the verge of flooding, sacrifices will abound in an attempt to restore things to their usual level.

2022-04-05, 05:29 PM
-4 Death
Morannan with a crack of his bow and a vaulting kick from his demigod breaks apart the rings. Separating the different god’s expanses and carving out his own realm in the spaces inbetween known as the Valleys of Hell. The realms would now be traversed by narrow bridges to travel between the realms. In between these bridges is a great valley that drops off dramatically into fiery and smoky pits of boiling lava. Fumes of burnt souls filling the air in between the bridges. The fires do not hurt but they burn away the soul into nothingness, reported by those who survived the flames to result in a “Numb pain that leaves you cold until it heals”. When touched by the fumes of the souls it causes a random small memory of their past life to play such as the smell of roses or the feel of sea spray.
-1 Hunting
The only other things there other than a few blessed souls is a flying bird known as the Doom Eagles who try to hunt down overwhelmed travelers and land on them, causing an overwhelming feeling of DOOOM!
-2 Self Sacrifice
Any creature that sacrificed their lives for some greater cause if they are going to another realm of the rings may choose when they die to instead venture directly into the flames of hell.

+4 Death, One of the devotees of Morannan can take a dead part of a person, something large such as a finger bone, a tip of nose, etc. If they place it within a square made from crushed bone, and burn the bark of a cypress tree. They will be able to summon the soul of the person to the world if they are dead, or able to ascertain their location if they are not. Even if they are unable to summon the soul of a person due to any resistance from them, they are able to tell where that soul went and if it has been destroyed or not.

+2 Self Sacrifice. Handing over the reigns of the new Retani over to their demigod. Creating the Ret-Maidius also known as the Mermaids or the Glitter Warriors. These creatures, unlike the rest of the Retani, grow up to become beautiful creatures with the top half of an attractive human and the bottom half of a beautiful fish, with a tail that glitters all of the colors of the rainbow. Upon reaching this form, a Ret-Maidius feels deep within their heart that they should be selfless and devote their lives to helping the sailors of the sea from the perils of the ocean. They are especially common to take residence in areas where dolphins frequent, and tend to wear clothing made from sea kelp. Though strangely, many of the men have a tendency to go shirtless.

+4 Death, Odomo finds it very easy to cause mischief to grave robbers and others who disrespect the dead (By their culture’s standards). To the point that they could rather easily take their health, wealth, house, and spouse out from under them.
-2 Austerity, However, Odomo is incapable of taking the bodies of those who disrespect the dead.

2022-04-05, 05:42 PM
The newly crowned Purple King looked over his gut to the lands that he owned, soaring through the skies in a purple astral form...before being halted at the end of his lands which extended pretty much a mile away from his capital. This would not do. As such, the Purple King called for a crusade, to bring these lands under the rule of the Goblins.

18 AP/14 DC: Influence a country of mortals:
+4 Goblins, +2 Magic Goblins: Goblins come to every jungle settlement and demands the same thing. Allegiance for the purple king! As long as they're willing to say so and raise shrines to Gorkun...not much actually changes. The Purple King comes to consolidate these though, using his magical powers to begin to fortify his new kingdoms against outside invasion!

16 AP/12 DC: Create a good omen (Holy Land)
+4 Goblins, +2 Magic Goblins: The sheer amount of goblins and Goblin worship in the Jungle causes the entirety of it to resonate with Gorkun's will. This makes it quite difficult for other gods to be able to harm his people without him knowing about it and being able to give his people a way to bypass the evils sent their way.

Meanwhile, the Great Green King looked upon the works of the other divinities and saw that Dream-Head was interfering with the claims of others once more. This could not be. As such, he laid a blessing upon the Old Octopus and struck the child of the Dream-Head with a curse.

+4 Goblins: Aquatic Goblins take those of the twin-souled touched by Gorkun and train them to root out those that worship the other gods, and to combat their influence in Kavan's societies. These Twin Souls are prone to fat, but are very good at finding said traitors. These inquisitors usually give the traitors found to temples of Kavan for sacrifice, but those that have Gorkun in their blood are taken to become inquisitors trained by the Aquatic Goblins.

-4 Goblins, A set of goblins hunt the hosts of Odomo. They become an order, dedicated to consuming every last one of his hosts, and consuming them for their "Divine Blood". If they manage to find and eat a current or former host of Odomo, they're gifted with an amount of divine magic the way a worshipper of Odomo would be, along with a hint toward another one through the blood. This divine magic only lasts for a bit, as they drain remnants of his touch from the meat.

+4 Goblins, +2 Magic Goblins: All Goblins and Goblin-Kin can channel a minor level of Gorkun's theurgy, which mostly revolves around eating things and channeling their power. Ex. Eating a bulls heart before battle for increased strength. However Goblin and Goblin-Kin shamans can take this to the next level. Through sacred prayer and feasting, they channel the might of Gorkun, splitting the ground and causing maws to appear from the ground. At the same time they can

In addition, through cannibalising other theurgists, they too gain a limited amount of their magic. No where near their mastery of course, but enough for a few tricks. The fresher the meat and more powerful the magic user, the better the magic.

+4 Goblins, +2 Magic Goblins: The Afterlife of Goblins is full of as much food as any goblin wants, along with the chance to feast with the Gobbo Lord himself. All of those who worship Gorkun are sent up there and transmuted to their ideal goblin representation of themselves, by themselves and others. All worshippers of Gorkun can die any time in his afterlife and will just come back later. THat protection doesn't extend to outsiders though, although they're welcome. Occasionally a goblin will escape the afterlife and wreck havoc on the lands of the living before getting hungry and going back. Considering a goblins appetite, said escapes rarely last more than a few hours.

2022-04-05, 08:03 PM
The Grasshill Tribe laid about cut grass into a big circle, Standing in the center was Leaf.

“Chieftess are you sure about this.” A satyr asked, holding up a torch near the grass circle.

Leaf gave a simple nod. On cue the torch-bearing satyr lit the grass circle. The fire raged around the chieftess. She raised her hands to the sky. “Oh great Snafuu Languu, Goddess of Satyrkind, I ask for you to assist a traveler on their quest.”

Snafuu appeared in the fire circle and looked around confused. There was fire. Fire was bad for satyrs and trees. She looked at the satyress who summoned her, one eyebrow raised.

All the Satyr could tell that their god was annoyed by this summoning ritual. There was an atmosphere of awkwardness to the whole thing.

"I told you Dave using a Pekunos summoning ritual was a bad idea." Someone mumbled in the background

"Steve what the **** this was your idea, don't blame me." someone else responded.

"Oh great Snafuu..." Leaf said breaking the awkward silence. "I ask you to help a mortal on her quest to kill the evil Turnipface."

Snafuu tilted her head back, a sign of peace among satyrs. She knew not of this turnip face and therefore did not understand what she was being asked. She explained this to the Sheeple before her.

"He is a terrible monster that killed a good friend of mine." Leaf told the mighty being. "It will continue to kill innocence as long as it exists, I ask you to power the warrior Ruby with your strength." she then bowed towards Snafuu. "This friend died trying to help this Village, I ask for you to help avenge him."

Snafuu nods at the request and considers it. Then asks to know more about this Ruby they speak so highly of. She does not understand what this Ruby is.

"Well..." Leaf paused. " one thing you have to understand is that...she a dog." Leaf said worryingly. "... but she is a mighty warrior willing to die for this Village."

Snafuu thought for a moment. Dogs didn't have hooves did they? How would she be able to help with this... Dogwood is a tree isn't it? She stared confusedly at the Satyr

"Any help you give will be appreciated, She needs all that she can get"

Snafuu has to think. Dogs don't have hooves or horns. They don't have branches or roots. How is this her concern? It's not even a goblin. However she did want to help this satyr. What did dogs have? They have claws. They urinate everywhere. They bark... Wait... Bark.

+1 trees: The dog will have the ability to turn their fur coat into a magically hard bark like armor

2022-04-05, 09:07 PM
Snafuu's Ring:
+4 Clovenfoot, +1 Trees
Snafuu's Ring is more like a curved sheep horn. All Satyrs are welcome there even if they don't worship Snafuu. Not Satyr worshippers will be granted a more Satyr like appearance. The ring will have a variety of environments (mountains, plains, Forrest, etc.) To please all Satyr who can just graze and do as their heart desires.

Theurgic Magic:
+4 Clovenfoot: Commitment to the path fuels Snafuu Magic
+1 Trees: The magic allows a number of tree/plant themed spells. Ideally spells to either help trees or make one more like a tree

Goblin Country:
+4 Clovenfoot: Hooved animals avoid goblin country. They will go out of their way to avoid it unless being led against it.
-2 Goblins: As it is a jungle, hooved animals probably aren't common. Goblins find nonhooved animals to replace any domesticated animal they need.

+4 cloven foot, +1 trees: the elves have roots and branches that can serve as horns and hooves for easier integration with Satyr society and for following the path

Demigod of Mischief:
+4 satyr -2 goblin: Being an obvious tasty target for wicked goblins, any goblin who eats someone marked with the seven finger mark, ends up turning into a satyr version of a goblin. They develop conflicting natures which gives them trouble with some satyrs and some goblins.

2022-04-06, 12:38 AM
12 AP/8 DC Influence 100k mortals.

The great march. Corun has decided to expand the Imago's knowledge of the world. Great men from across the Imago league such as notable leaders, famed scholars, and especially important runesmiths and mutants, are being sent to Festinog and the Kujumi. One team north, and one team east at the start, though they will tend to split up as they grow closer to their destination. The team for Festinog is naturally more satyr heavy, and the team for the Kujumi includes a large amount of Anura to traverse the rivers more easily.

These are delegations of learning and diplomacy, intended to map out the paths to other lands, catalogue discoveries, and establish relationships with the mysterious people's from far away. The marchers are all men with notable reputations, and mostly pious. They will start to spread Zemara's name, if they can.

The marchers themselves aren't 100,000 strong obviously, it is considering the people in other areas that may be influenced or join the march.

+2 Metamorphosis: The team contains only Instars, at least at first, naturally many of them are already mutated some how, but this is not enough. Those who undertake the perilous journey away from their homes need both reward and incentive, so as the march progress the bodies of the travelers may experience additional mutations. By the end of it, they may be strange looking indeed, but to the Instars such a divine blessing is dream come true. The marchers will likely be quite physically powerful by the end of it all.

Additionally, one of the important items they bring to trade with others is runes of the mutagenic tradition. They will freely give away rings, tablets, and scrolls for all sorts of transformations, ideally receiving knowledge of local runes in return.

+2 Art: Runes are not the only things brought of course. Various ornaments and accessories, figurines, and pottery will all be taken with the travelers and used as trade goods. Of course, many artists are marchers, and will be willing to sell their services.

+1 Insects: Corun cannot protect the marchers when they are so far from home, but Zemara protects anything Corun asks it too. The arrival of the marchers will often be heralded by butterflies and moths. Insects are their friends, and they will travel unbothered by them. If they are ever forced to flee, great swarms of locusts and mosquitos will arrive to cover their escape.

Snafuu, Myrin, Ozglint, and Kyodaina are invited.

2022-04-06, 02:13 AM
The Hound and The Mannequin

The Hound was crossing the great Ran Moch, when something odd stopped her. In the middle of the plains, completely conspicuous, and seemingly unguarded, was a strange building. It was incredibly out of place, with architecture not matching anything Ruby had seen in the Ran Moch. The walls were a bright red color, and the structure was topped with a great dome. It seemed like an odd burial mound.

“What tacky, rich ******* made this waste of wood?” Ruby thought to herself as she examined the building. A thought then crossed her mind. “Is this a place of the gods?” She came to the door, looking at its fine finish. “You think a God would have decent architectural skills.” She then pushed the door open. “Well let's see what they have planned for me this time.”

As Ruby walked in, the door behind her disappeared, replaced with more red wood. The floor beneath her sloped downwards, and the walls were painted in random haphazard patterns and colors, like what you get when you give an elephant a paint brush. She walked for a long time, deeper and deeper, until the hall finally opened up. The room she entered held a great table, around which were seated many strange puppets. There was a marionette shaped like an eagle, the strings hanging off the roof. A large wooden satyr sat opposite, its horns curled sideways, and meaningless letters covered its false fur. There were many others like this, all unusual, and all too detailed. At the head of the table, sat a doll shaped like a girl, with rosy red cheeks and porcelain skin. Her dress was silk, and colored a deep green hue. She was talking to the other toys, or pretending to at least, and she paid no attention to Ruby at all.

"I agree it’s been boring. Maybe we should go, but there’s still so much to do. Oh there’s always so much to do," the doll whined, it pouted like an unhappy child.

Ruby walked up to the table, her paws ready to pull her blade out. “So this is what you gods do on your alone time or are you just one of their toys?”

The doll turned to the eagle which flapped its wings, and she responded to it like it had said something. "A stray running around? Yes I did hear, no it doesn’t matter. Yes I agree, it looks even worse than before. Yes, the others do make boring things. You know me so well …" The doll said all this cheerfully, not even giving Ruby a second glance. Some of the puppets mimed eating food, some mimed laughter.


The strings of the Eagle and Satyr were cut, causing them to fall onto the ground. “So you’re the god…” Ruby said to the doll pointing her blade. “What is this about? Are you here to play with me like the other gods?”

The doll did not answer. Her gaze didn’t turn, and expression didn’t change. Strings came down from the roof, carrying another eagle and another satyr to replace the losses. The satyr puppet raised its right arm, and the doll laughed, “Yes I should go over there. They really are dumb huh. Like the stray, it’s so blind.” The satyr raised its left arm, “Ooh, that would be so fun. But it won’t listen at all, it’s got seeds for brains. It's runnin around like a headless roach, no purpose at all.”

Ruby remained quiet as she walked towards the table and grabbed a cup of tea and took a sip. She put the cup back down and looked at the doll. “Your tea is awful.” Ruby blatantly told the doll as she grabbed the biscuit and chomp down on it. “You think a God could make a decent biscuit.” Ruby continued as she spit the biscuit out. “Get some cooking lessons. A God should be able to afford that.”

The doll did not react at all, but the eagle shook its wings again. Then all the puppets in the table shook and waggled. Then the doll spoke again, “Of course I agree with you all, but I really can’t … No, I’m not being lazy! It just still doesn’t know what’s happening. Why? Because it still has no purpose. It thinks we all know who it is… but why would we?”


The table they were sitting at was sliced in half. “You think I do not know my purpose?” Ruby said in frustration. “I am not a headless chicken, my path is clear. I wish to get strong enough to kill Turnipface.” She then pointed her blade at the doll. “Either help me with that goal or let me leave, I do not care which”

The doll finally turned to Ruby, “That’s not a purpose. Try again.” Its voice was as cheerful as ever, and it smiled ear to ear.

Ruby came to a realization, she lowered her blade. “So you’re asking why I want to kill it? Why am I on this quest?” Ruby fell silent. “A being like you, who finds the struggles of mortals nothing more than a curiosity can never understand. So why do I need to explain it to you? Would the fate of two small tribes and the dream of a single dead mortal matter to you at all?”

The doll straightened herself out. Her voice was different, and its tone was much more serious. “If things like that didn’t matter, then Kyodaina would never have created you in the first place.”

"That dream…" Ruby mumbled to herself as she put away her sword. "long ago I was the pet of some merchants. We were attacked and I was the only one left, left to bleed out. before I could die I saw a hand in the sky. I thought it to be just a dream. Why would a being that powerful help a little sad dog like me."

“Because she wanted to help you,” said the doll, “that’s it. We don’t have needs, only wants. What do you want Ruby? Why try and kill a monster, and what will you do afterwards? I can’t help you, unless I know that.”

"So my friend's life was not pointless and to protect two tribes, as long as that monster still lives they will know no rest." Ruby then turned towards her blade. " once that is done…" she paused. "... I will fight even greater evils, and I will protect those that the gods will not."

The doll smiled, “That is a worthy cause. I never introduced myself, I’m Zemara, and I want to make the world more beautiful. I think you can help with that, so I will help with your transformation.”

Ruby smiled. "I guess you gods can be good for some things after all."

2022-04-06, 04:23 PM
Cen, the Tree of Knowledge, the Great Dismal Swamps of Suiren

For a change in scenery, Cen was sitting on top of the tower in the Tree of Knowledge, the swamps far below looking like a sea of mist, with islands of trees here and there. The Host was not enjoying the spectacular view quite as much.

"I'm a goblin", she protested. "Have you seen how short we are? We're not supposed to be this far above the ground!"

Cen resisted the temptation to fly higher and instead focused on the other deities working their wills around the world.

The Theurgy of Cen focuses on using knowledge (+ 4 Knowledge) of what is happening and what has happened (+ 2 Memory) to try and predict what will happen in the future. The further into the future the answer lies, and the more complex the question is, the less reliable the predictions are. For example, a prediction about whether or not it will rain tomorrow is almost guaranteed to be right, but a prediction about world events in a century will almost as certainly be wrong (though it will likely contain at least some important grains of truth).

As one of the Elfadalis experience life, an echo of the sensations (+ 4 Knowledge) is stored in their tree and from there it can spread to other trees nearby. It is not enough to spread actual memories or specific information, but usually manifests as a very strong and very accurate instinct in some matters, usually those pertaining to the local area and other topics experienced by many of the neighboring Elfadalis over time.

Through a brief ritual (mostly meditation and a prayer to Cen), Ruby may designate any individual as her Target and she will instinctively learn (+ 4 Knowledge) everything about them there is in the Knoway. However, she may only have one Target at a time and she cannot choose a new one until the current Target has been defeated (though not necessarily slain).

Ret-Mori, the Memory-Swallowers of Cen
The Ret-Mori are smaller than most Retani, closer in size to a goblin than a satyr, and mostly resemble a humanoid version of a jellyfish, with a partially translucent body (usually in varying shades of green and blue) and numerous thin tentacles several times the Ret-Mori's own length. But while the tentacles of a jellyfish may sting, a Ret-Mori's hit deeper than that. As soon as they touch the skin (or equivalent) of a living being, they begin to absorb the being's memories and knowledge (+ 2 Memory, + 4 Knowledge) into themselves. The process goes on as long as the contact is maintained and many people have learned that their flimsy-looking tentacles are surprisingly strong.

As there is no way of separating their absorbed memories from their own, a Ret-Mori's personality is frequently changing, though with age their mixed memories usually reach a more or less stable consensus personality of sorts.

Since they have no other way of communicating and the memory absorption affects anyone they touch, even others of their own kind, Ret-Mori living closely together often end up more or less mental copies of each other.

As Ozglint marks them with his rune, his chosen people will come to see (thanks to some subtle influence from Cen) runes and writing in general as one of the holiest of activities, developing a cultural interest in writing of almost any kind (+ 4 Knowledge, + 1 Scholars).

As a reward for her dedication to knowledge about her craft, Cen grants Rohanna an instinctive connection to everything in the Knoway (+ 4 Knowledge) related to runes. With but a thought, she will know the answer as if she always had. Her mind will also become more receptive to acquiring new knowledge (+ 1 Scholars).

The JoJo
2022-04-06, 05:18 PM
Oculus, Al Qamar, Red Teressi

Hinder Istrum with:

+2 Sacrifice: Oculus introduces a loophole by which it is possible for a follower of another faith to gain full, unimpeded access to a rival god's afterlife ring by sacrificing a mortal who would actually be eligible to go to that deity's afterlife. Once disguised, the eloper will be impossible to tell apart from a genuinely deserving mortal and can hide their true nature accordingly.

Help Gorkun with:

+2 Spectacle: The goblins will hold great feasts in their new jungle home, renowned across the world for the sheer excess and debauchery on display.

+2 Sacrifice: Those who do not bow to the Purple King will feel the cold iron of the sacrifice blade on their throats.

Help Kavan with:

+2 Spectacle: The Ret-Nephro: a rare subspecies of the Retani, who are known for their crustacean-like claws, antennae and thick carapiece covering the top half of their body. The Ret-Nephro grow to nearly twice the size of the average Retani and are often seen accompanying groups of Ret-Pelaks into battle, throwing themselves headlong into the enemy and continuing to fight until they -- or their opponents -- are torn to pieces.

Red Lenses
2022-04-06, 08:46 PM
The Rotwood - Grove of Atualam

What is there to say? Atualam waves off Gelbas and turns his attention to the basin. The brackish water ripples with the schemes of his star-kin.

+2 Prowess: As is his prerogative, Atualam forges his own ring of the afterlife: The Temperate Field. It is initially an endless plain of short, dull grass and hardy soil.

Followers of Atu’ana who are not destined for a more suitable afterlife typically wind up here. Those who mastered trades and abilities in life typically find the Temperate Field a pleasant place that can be shaped to their liking. The more power and prestige a mortal amassed in life, the better their ability to shape and command the Temperate Field.

The mundane and useless who wind up in the Temperate Field typically end up as bit-players in the bizarre, fluctuating antics of those who have power.

+2 Prowess, +2 Foreknowledge: Theurges who derive their power from Atualam become known as Greensight Oracles. Their eyes turned a dark and cloudy green to symbolize their mastery. Such individuals are few and far between, but their magic included spells which enhanced the natural abilities of others and allowed them to divine, in broad strokes, the future.

+2 Prowess, +3 Bonds: The elves of Acroth find themselves bound not to a tree, but to the Rotwood Heart itself. In time, they will become better known as Bog Elves, though they lived throughout Acroth and not just within the Rotwood. A common rumor will insist they lack souls.

Bog Elves possess a striking appearance, with bark-like skin and piercing golden eyes. They lacked the antlers of their kin, and their hair resembled twisted briars. Bog Elves were uncommon even so far as elves with, and a rare sight even within Acroth.

Atualam granted the powers of hypnosis to the Bog Elves, allowing them to bind hapless mortals into service. They could also drain skills, knowledge, and abilities from others, taking it as their own.

+3 Bonds, +2 Foreknowledge: Atualam blesses the divine bond between Ozglint and the Imperfects. All that the Imperfects know, Ozglint will know. All that the Imperfects feel, Ozglint will feel. Such is the depth of the connection that Ozglint will often know what course of action his people will take before they do.

2022-04-06, 08:59 PM
+2 mosters +1 empthy : If the great march is attacked Samur Dogs and Woodcutter will come to their aid. The Tashi will also be compelled to join

2022-04-06, 09:41 PM
Kavan, Master of Monsters, Lord of the Deep, The Devourer
AP: 24 AP + 4 BP
Remaining Actions: None

Help Gorkun with the Goblin Kingdom (net +5)
+2 Monsters: The more experienced warriors of the Purple King form small martial societies amongst themselves, seeking to exemplify the mighty beasts and monsters of the world (most are not entirely real, often drawing from stories and rumours that the goblins find appealing rather than the reality of some distant being), decorating their equipment with impressions of them and employing specific fighting styles and tactics they believe represent them. Their success varies (although they do better than they should, a faint trace of Kavan's influence helping them in battle), but it does mean that the Purple King has a diverse array of warriors to use in his battles.
+2 Genesis: For these goblins, victory in battle and a full stomach is rewarded - it's not a dramatic change, but those successful warriors heal faster and have more children than average, ensuring the kingdom maintains a good supply of warriors.
+1 Fear: The goblin veterans are fearless in battle, bolstering the wills of the less experienced warriors in the face of the inevitable enemies the kingdom will face.

2022-04-06, 10:55 PM
12 AP/8 DC Influence 100k mortals.

The great march. Corun has decided to expand the Imago's knowledge of the world. Great men from across the Imago league such as notable leaders, famed scholars, and especially important runesmiths and mutants, are being sent to Festinog and the Kujumi. One team north, and one team east at the start, though they will tend to split up as they grow closer to their destination. The team for Festinog is naturally more satyr heavy, and the team for the Kujumi includes a large amount of Anura to traverse the rivers more easily.

These are delegations of learning and diplomacy, intended to map out the paths to other lands, catalogue discoveries, and establish relationships with the mysterious people's from far away. The marchers are all men with notable reputations, and mostly pious. They will start to spread Zemara's name, if they can.

The marchers themselves aren't 100,000 strong obviously, it is considering the people in other areas that may be influenced or join the march.

+2 Metamorphosis: The team contains only Instars, at least at first, naturally many of them are already mutated some how, but this is not enough. Those who undertake the perilous journey away from their homes need both reward and incentive, so as the march progress the bodies of the travelers may experience additional mutations. By the end of it, they may be strange looking indeed, but to the Instars such a divine blessing is dream come true. The marchers will likely be quite physically powerful by the end of it all.

Additionally, one of the important items they bring to trade with others is runes of the mutagenic tradition. They will freely give away rings, tablets, and scrolls for all sorts of transformations, ideally receiving knowledge of local runes in return.

+2 Art: Runes are not the only things brought of course. Various ornaments and accessories, figurines, and pottery will all be taken with the travelers and used as trade goods. Of course, many artists are marchers, and will be willing to sell their services.

+1 Insects: Corun cannot protect the marchers when they are so far from home, but Zemara protects anything Corun asks it too. The arrival of the marchers will often be heralded by butterflies and moths. Insects are their friends, and they will travel unbothered by them. If they are ever forced to flee, great swarms of locusts and mosquitos will arrive to cover their escape.

Snafuu, Myrin, Ozglint, and Kyodaina are invited.

+4 Clovenfoot

Snafuu sends a delegation of Deerlings to help the expedition as well as further themselves on the path.

2022-04-06, 11:05 PM
https://i.pinimg.com/564x/ec/15/a8/ec15a8c872489c7ff43066cf460a8f92.jpgWonderous, to see new sights beyond horizons unknown, to know of our neighbors and to welcome them into our eternal dream.

May our ancestors guide us.
+2 Psychic: The dream named Myrin understands that the various minds of mortals are diverse and find it hard to communicate with one another; thus to help the march Myrin gives those that would wish to spread the various messages of the march the ability to speak between minds. Such telepathy when received by a recipient is understood in their native language, and they may return a message back to the ‘speaker’ for a short time after which is similarly received in their own native language.

+2 Dream +1 Shifter: A few of the more exploration seeking aylos and humans decide to join the march. Some act as flying scouts, magicians of dream making who create illusions for the people to enjoy during the day, and other strange roles.

Along the way they gift unto those communities that would accept the Oaths of Myrin dreamwoods, telling them of the visions Myrin imparted onto them about how the dead shall soon be able to return to the world of the living through the dreamwoods if they follow the Oaths and have people there to tend the trees and dreams. To help facilitate the making of dreams, the workings of dream-runes are gifted to any who wish to learn. Worship of Myrin is not asked for, and is laughed at if brought up (“Myrin’s a dream, don’t you know?”).

Over time Myrin’s Oaths have changed a bit to adapt to modern times, they are:

1. To care for the dreamwoods.
2. To keep the balance of nature in check (which includes keeping dreamwoods from growing more than needed).
3. To keep peace with all races.

The oaths are far from being strict, as the spirit of the oaths are always valued more than the letter (meaning that one does not need to become a nature hippie or be unable to defend themselves in war to follow the oaths).

+2 Dream: Myrin in the guise of a goblin with peacock feathers covering their eyes walks among the conquerors and hands them seeds of dreamwoods to grow amid the jungle communities unendingly. They do not ask the goblins to follow the Oaths, and cackle at the thought of the fun they shall have.

+2 Psychic +1 Shifter -2 Physical: A few goblin bloodlines from among those who made Myrin laugh find that using the dreamwood significantly reduces the strain of using magical runes, allowing for high goblin rune users to come into existence that can express far more magic than their counterparts.

These dream-touched goblins have blueish lines appear on their body at birth as well as fur around their necks. They are physically weaker than other goblins, and cannot gain power by eating aylos or other shifters; yet they still have all the goblin tendencies you’d expect.

2022-04-07, 04:01 AM
Theurges of Zemara must naturally be artists. Those of great talent and skill embody the values Zemara seek to spread throughout the world.

+2 Art: The power of the theurges will be the power to make art come to life. A priest will make a votive offering, typically a statuette, figurine, or possible a painted representation of some creature. The offering is buried in the soil in the dead of night, and the next morning, it will awaken as a being of living clay or stone. The creatures produced are loyal and hardy, used for hard labor, as defenders of villages and towns, or as scouts and messengers.

+1 Insects: A priest of Zemara will be treated with honor and kindness by all insects. All creatures will eventually work towards making a more beautiful world, no matter how big or small, thus the moth declares.

+1 Insects: Zemara’s ring is a land of honey. A great place of sweet flowers and docile bees, massive in size. A place to relax and grow fat, for a time. It is a place for the kind and the creative, those who built rather than destroyed. Bees will kick out the savages.

+2 Metamorphosis: The rings are not a bad idea, as a temporary holding place. In Zemara’s ring, there will be a great portal, opening up to the mortal world again. This is its chief purpose. Anyone who finds the ring can choose to live again, even those who the ring won’t allow to stay. There is only one catch. Choosing to return ties a soul to reality permanently. They may die and be reborn countless times, stay in any afterlife as long as they like, but the soul can never be dissolved. Any who happened to end up in Morannan’s flames, or who try to throw themselves into them, will not be evaporated. The choice cannot be undone. While alive a soul has little memories of its past life, only faint whispers, but when dead a soul will remember every life it ever lived.

+1 Insects: Zemara gives a unique power to the shadow of knowledge, just as it can be turned into weapons and tools, it can be turned into a living form. The cloak can change itself into the shape of any flying insect, always at the command of the wearer.

+2 Art: Since the shadow of knowledge can turn into any tool, paint brushes must be included. The shadow shall be able to generate beautifully colored paints, and especially a deep and wonderful black color.

+2 Art: Zemara will give Ruby a special move. If Ruby creates a statue or clay model, shaped like a natural object such as stone or log, she will be able to make it appear like herself and switch places with it.

+2 Metamorphosis: Zemara believes in the original vision of an artist. As such, it gives Ruby the power to transform back into her original form whenever she wants, so as to not be trapped in a form that deviates from Kyo's vision. In addition, she’ll gain a third form, like their original dog form but much larger. A great war wolf, with a powerful jaw and strong muscles, for more serious combat.

+1 Insects: She will have an odd affinity towards bees. Hope dogs can eat honey.

+2 Art: Zemara will give Odomo great talent in the field of mural making specifically. Their paintings will seem incredibly lifelike, almost real. Zemara takes no responsibility for anyone that runs into a wall as a result of this.

+2 Metamorphosis: Odomo will gain a power to make small alterations to the bodies hosting him, so he can hide their identities if need be. They’ll be undone when the possesion ends.

+2 Art: The tree is a symbol of divine presence in the world. It will be a common image in art throughout the Ran Moch, representing the gifts the gods give to the pious, even pious plants.

+1 Insects: The tree will be treated with honor and kindness by all insects, much like Zemara’s own priests. Their bark will not be infested, and their flowers are guaranteed to be pollinated.

+2 Art: The earth within the omen territory will be rich in important and useful stones, especially the type used for dyes and paints.

+2 Metamorphosis: Path traveling satyrs who are growing hopeless or despondent may see visions of themselves in the future. They will see themselves transformed, advanced in the path, and the glory of their potential future will rekindle their resolve

+2 Art: Runes are art and runes inspire art. The growth of rune craft leads the imperfects to favor types of abstract art and calligraphy derived from the shape of some runes.

+2 Metamorphosis: The chosen people's animals are given a special boon as well. An animal that an imperfect treats exceptionally well may reach a new stage in their life cycle. They grow the twelve dot mark somewhere on their body, and donÂ’t age physically. They die at around the same age as a normal animal, but they will be just as strong as they were in their youth.

2022-04-07, 02:22 PM
Cen, the Tree of Knowledge, the Great Dismal Swamps of Suiren

The ring of Cen is more of a choice than a place. The recently deceased arrive at what looks like a beautiful misty clearing – perhaps the Surien swamps as interpreted by a particularly romantic artist – but they do not stay for long. Instead, they choose between continuing to gather knowledge or to become it.

More specifically, they either become one with the Knoway (+ 4 Knowledge) – spending eternity half-aware but utterly blissful from having a lifetime of curiosity finally sated – or they pass through Zemara's great portal and are born again. Although they won't remember more of their former life than anyone else who passes through the portal, all the knowledge they have gained (+ 2 Memory) will be right beneath the metaphorical surface, meaning they can quickly learn (or rather remember) it anew and hopefully progress even further in their new life (+ 1 Scholars).

Through testing there is knowledge and thus Cen gifts Odomo with an uncanny – though some would rather say unnerving – instinct (actually a subconscious connection to the Knoway) (+ 4 Knowledge) for how to push people's buttons and get a reaction out of them.

The divine power left them for the moment, leaving reality and its far too distant ground in unfortunate focus.

"I won't move another finger until we get down from here!"

"If you will not move, how will we...?"

Asakha interrupted. "You know what I mean."

If had lungs, Cen would have sighed.

2022-04-07, 03:08 PM
The newly crowned Purple King looked over his gut to the lands that he owned, soaring through the skies in a purple astral form...before being halted at the end of his lands which extended pretty much a mile away from his capital. This would not do. As such, the Purple King called for a crusade, to bring these lands under the rule of the Goblins.

18 AP/14 DC: Influence a country of mortals:
+4 Goblins, +2 Magic Goblins: Goblins come to every jungle settlement and demands the same thing. Allegiance for the purple king! As long as they're willing to say so and raise shrines to Gorkun...not much actually changes. The Purple King comes to consolidate these though, using his magical powers to begin to fortify his new kingdoms against outside invasion!

16 AP/12 DC: Create a good omen (Holy Land)
+4 Goblins, +2 Magic Goblins: The sheer amount of goblins and Goblin worship in the Jungle causes the entirety of it to resonate with Gorkun's will. This makes it quite difficult for other gods to be able to harm his people without him knowing about it and being able to give his people a way to bypass the evils sent their way.

Meanwhile, the Great Green King looked upon the works of the other divinities and saw that Dream-Head was interfering with the claims of others once more. This could not be. As such, he laid a blessing upon the Old Octopus and struck the child of the Dream-Head with a curse.

Help Action For Gorkun (Ironically)
+4 Love: Ironically, Goblins under Gorkun no longer crave the taste of sentient flesh. They actually start to care for their neighbors.
+1 Healing: Since Goblins care for their neighbors, they will begin to have medicine men and even some worshipers for Orgo in slightly larger numbers, for theurgists.

Help Action For Omens:
+4 Love: Orgo enchants the nation of Gorkun so that Goblins will naturally gravitate towards organizing communally, and will serve Gorkun in attempts to get him to bless both the worshiper's neighbors and themselves. Being goblins and all, they care MORE about themselves but it's still a big improvement.
+1 Healing: Goblins will organize healers and Theurgists with healing powers in clinics, maybe hospitals when the culture is more organized. They won't just look to heal with magic, but eventually may craft potions and medicines based on many different herbs. Maybe even advanced surgery, eventually.

2022-04-07, 04:12 PM
-4 Death, The followers of Da Purple and his king will find themselves to come down with all manners of deadly disease when they go to war especially when traversing water, and almost certainly when they venture to the Southern islands of Lemuria
-1 Hunting, The goblins will come down with pitiful bouts of gas from the meat they have hunted down (But not that which is scavenged).

2022-04-09, 07:19 PM
Iustrum 40 AP: Form the afterlife and valhalla, (24 AP/20 DC) +2 Honor, +2 War, +1 Skill
Orgo: +4 Love, +1 Healing, Create Heaven,
Ozglint: +2 Artifice, +2 Magic, +1 Mountain, Create a device to manage the rings, a way to contact the dead, and a big mountain but creates dangerous workings for those who travel between
Myrin: +2 Dreams, +2 Psychic, -2 Physical, A heaven of primordial chaos that is shaped by those within.
Kavan: +2 Oceans, +2 Monsters +2 Genesis, +1 Fear, A funky ocean realm full of life that can be bent to suit a monster's wants and desires
Kyodaina Hi: +2 Sky, +2 Creativity, +2 Monster, +1 Empathy, Create a cloud realm that mortals can suit to their wants and desires
Morannan Maklir: -4 Death, -1 hunting, -2 Self Sacrifice, Create the Valley of Hell
Gorkun: +4 Goblins, +1 Magic Goblins, Create a goblin paradise of forever eating
Snafuu: +4 Clovenfoot, +1 Trees, an idyllic land of grazing.
Oculus: -2 Sacrifice, A sacrifice can trick the rings to put someone in the wrong afterlife
Zemara: +1 Insects, +2 Metamorphosis, a land of milk and honey that allows a soul to infinitely reincarnate.
Cen: +4 Knowledge, +2 Memory, +1 Scholars, Mortals can either become one with the Knoway or infinitely reincarnate and learn forever.


Orgo 40 AP: Create Divine Magic and healing and love magic (20 AP/16 DC) +4 Love, +1 Healing
Ozglint: +2 Artifice, +2 Magic, +1 Mountain, Create an arcane magic that is strong against artificial creations, and is strengthened by mountains but theurgy is easily counterspelled by opponents.
Myrin: +2 Psychic, +2 Dreams, +1 Shifter, Psionic magic for lucid dreamers, general dream magic and shifters are more magic.
Kavan: +2 Monsters, +2 Oceans, +2 Genesis, +1 Fear, Fear base spells, ocean based spells and creating a monster to serve alongside you
Kyodaina Hi: +2 Monsters, +2 Sky, Monster magic and flying magic
Morannan Maklir: +4 Death, Magic that allows you to talk to the dead, and knows people’s locations
Gorkun: +4 Goblins, +1 Magic Goblins, Using magic to gain power from eating.
Snafuu: +4 Clovenfoot +1 Trees, Tree and plant based magic powered by one’s dedication to The Path
Cen: +4 Knowledge, +2 Memory, Magic to predict the future
Zemara: +2 Art, +1 Insects, Insects won’t harm the priests and art can be brought back to life


Orgo 40 AP: Create the Orgo Trees to heal people and spread the white magic forest.(12 AP/8 DC) +4 Love, +1 Healing


Morannan Maklir 38 AP: Create the elves, trees which are not trees (20 AP/16 DC) +4 Death, +1 Hunting
Orgo: +4 Love, +1 healing, create elves within the White Magic Forest
Iustrum: -2 War, -2 Honor, -1 Skill, +2 Carnage Elves will be obsessed with war, and honor, and being the very best there ever was.
Myrin: +2 Dreams, +2 Psychic, +1 Shifter, -2 Physical, Female elves which are not females.
Kyodaina Hi: -2 Sky, -1 Empathy, If they do evil than they start floating away.
Snafuu: +4 Clovenfoot, +1 Trees, They gain horns and hoof-like appendages that help them blend in with satyr society.
Cen: +4 Knowledge, Elves have a sort of ancestral memory that allows them to have strong instincts in their area.


Kyodaina Hi 38 AP: Create the blade of justice, Demidog Ruby (18 AP/14 DC) +2 Monsters, +2 Sky, +2 Imagination, +1 Empathy
Ozglint: +2 Artifice, +2 Magic, strengthens Ruby’s magical abilities, and creates a sword of great fortune but Ruby is still a dog at heart and easily distract.
Iustrum: +2 Ruler, +2 War, +2 Honor, +1 Skill, Thrax teaches statecraft, swordsmanship, honor, and various other abilities to Ruby.
Kavan: +2 Monsters, +2 Genesis, +1 Fear, Monster training with Rakkar.
Orgo: +4 Love, +1 Healing, heals faster, and can become more powerful for those she loves
Myrin: +2 Psychic, +2 Dreams, +1 Shifter, -2 Physical, Ruby’s weapons can banish Turnipface and allows a ritual to be had to trap Turnipface.
Morannan Maklir: +2 Self-Sacrifice, creates a soul bind with Dynamite Kick and Ruby.
Snafuu: +1 Trees, Ruby can turn her fur into magical bark.
Cen: +4 Knowledge, Ruby can commit a ritual to know everything about a singular target
Zemara:+2 Art, +2 Metamorphosis, +1 Insects, Ruby has an affinity with bees, can do a shadow log jutsu, and revert back to her original form.


Atualam 42 AP: Reintroduce math magic (10 AP/6 DC) +2 Prowess, +2 Foreknowledge, +3 Bonds


Atualam 42 AP: Immortalize a mathematician (12 AP/8 DC) +2 Prowess, +2 Foreknowledge +1 Bonds


Kavan 40 AP+16 BP: Create a race of fish people and their many variations (20 AP/16 DC) +1 Fear, +2 Monster, +2 Ocean, +2 Genesis,
Myrin: -2 Dreams, +2 Physical, -2 Physic -1 Shifter, The Ret-Cyphiir will be borne following the will of a random god or demigod as well as the Retani being terrified of the CRAB PEOPLE! CRAB PEOPLE! LOOK LIKE CRABS! ACT LIKE PEOPLE!
Kyodaina Hi: +2 Monster, +2 Sky, +2 Imagination, +1 Empathy, Close family units, monster detecting abilities, fascination with art, and ability to instinctively navigate via the sky.
Ozglint: +2 Magic, +1 Mountain, -2 Flawless, The Retani have some affinity for magic and are able to survive on the top of mountains.
Morannan Maklir: +2 Self-Sacrifice, Glittering mermaids that are all the colors of the rainbow.
Gorkun: +4 Goblins, Aquatic goblins that help drive out the unfaithful and heretics out of the sea.
Cen: +4 Knowledge, +2 Memories, Create jellyfish which absorb other people’s memories with their tentacles
Oculus: +2 Spectacle, Shocker troops of the Retani with gigantic claws.


Kavan 40 AP+16 BP: Create cave lurking monsters that like to feast on those with souls (12 AP/8 DC) +2 Genesis, +1 Fear, +2 Monsters


Ozglint 56 AP: Create the Imperfects as his Chosen People (10 AP/16 DC) +2 Artifice, +2 Magic, +1 Mountain
Myrin: +2 Psychic, +1 Shifter, +2 Dreams, -2 Physical, The people are curious, and find using runes easier but the people lose their blessings for a time once they leave the mountain
Cen: +4 Knowledge, +1 Scholars, writing is considered to be holy to the people of the mountain
Zemara:+2 Art, +2 Metamorphosis, They adopt art based around runes and animals have a chance to no longer physically age


Snafuu 48 AP: Immortalize a big tree (12 AP/8 DC) +4 Clovenfoot +1 Trees
Myrin: +2 Psychic, -2 Physical +2 Dream, Create a cool dreamy garden around the tree.
Zemara: +2 Art, +1 Insects, the tree is helped by insects and is used in art around the area as a symbol of piety.


Snafuu 48 AP: Create prosperity for their people radiating out from a tree (16 AP/12 DC) +4 Cloventfoot, +1 Trees
Myrin: +2 Dream, -2 Physical, +2 Psychic +1 Shifter, Shifters flock to a promised land, the local life starts acting like it’s a fairytale, and the strain of rune magic is lessened
Kyodaina Hi: +2 Monsters, The area is a safe zone against monsters.
Ozglint: +2 Magic, +1 Mountain, pillars to display symbols and some magical charging.
Zemara: +2 Art, +2 Metamorphosis, Satyrs will see visions of their potential futures, and the land is rich with dye making substances


Myrin 42 AP: Create a Demigod of Mischief (18 AP/14 DC) +2 Dream, +2 Psychic, +1 Shifter
Orgo: +4 Love, +1 Healing, permanently reincarnating lover and healing magic
Kavan: -2 Ocean, -2 Monsters, -2 Genesis, -1 fear, Odomo is terrified of Kavan’s monsters, his hosts heal slowly, and the oceans and monsters hate him.
Kyodaina Hi: +2 Monster, +2 Sky, +2 Imagination, +1 Empathy, Odomo can change the shape of clouds, has a strong conscious, and can easily trick evil monsters.
Morannan Maklir: +4 Death, -2 Austerity, can easily prank those who disrespect the dead but cannot possess them.
Gorkun: -4 Goblins, Goblins will hunt down those who Odomo has possessed.
Snafuu: +4 Clovenfoot, -2 Goblins, Goblins that eat those possessed by Odomo will become some sort of terrifying goblin satyr hybrids
Zemara: +2 Art, +2 Metamorphosis, Odomo can make very life-like murals and can change his host to disguise themselves
Cen: +4 Knowledge, Gains an instinctive access to the Knoway on how to manipulate people


Morannan Maklir 38 AP: Create the Thieves Guild and a tradition of pilgrims (6 AP/3 DC) +4 Death


Cen 34 AP: A cloak that can be changed in various ways (14 AP/10 DC) +4 Knowledge, +2 Memory
Zemara: +1 Insects, +2 Art, The cloak can turn into insect wings and beautiful paints


Cen 34 AP: Create rings which allow immortals to know where they are, and communicate to each other (10 AP/6 DC) +4 Knowledge, +2 Memory


Ozglint 56 AP: Immortalize an aging runesmith (6 AP/8 DC) +2 Magic, +2 Artifice, +1 Mountains
Cen: +4 Knowledge, +1 Scholar, gains an instinctive access to the Knoway and is receptive to learning new KNAWLEDGE!


Oculus 46 AP: Put an invisible eye on a mountain that everybody wants to climb (12 AP/8 DC) +2 Sacrifice, +2 Spectacle,


Oculus 46 AP: Expand the Cult of the Hidden Eye in the Kujumi. (10 AP/6 DC) +2 Sacrifice, +2 Spectacle


Gorkun 44 AP: Conquer the jungles of Lemuria (18 AP/14 DC) +6 Goblins, +2 Goblin-kin +1 Magic Goblins
Snafuu: -4 Clovenfoot, +2 Goblins, Hooved animals flee from the jungles.
Oculus: +2 Spectacle, +2 Sacrifice, the feasts of the Goblin King will be known throughout history and those who oppose shall be taken to their sacrificial altars.
Kavan: +2 Monsters, +2 Genesis, +1 Fear, the goblin warriors are feared, heal quicker, and start martial orders that seek to replicate the power of monsters
Myrin: +2 Dream, +2 Psychic, +1 Shifter, -2 Physical, Dreamwoods are given haphazardly and aylo-goblin things become great at magic.
Orgo: +4 Love, +1 Healing, The goblins are able to consolidate their territory more easily from being friendly with potentially angry neighbors and more medicine men are brought to the country
Morannan Maklir: -4 Death, -1 Hunting, Diseases and gas.


Gorkun 44 AP: Declare the capital city of the purple king to be Holy Land (12 AP/8 DC) +6 Goblins, +1 Magic Goblins, +2 Goblin-Kin
Orgo: +4 Love, +1 Healing Goblins come to band together communally to pool their resources and advance their understanding of medicine.


Zemara 40 AP: Zemara sends out caravans to spread the word of Zemara (12 AP/8 DC) +2 Metamorphosis, +2 Art, +1 Insects
Kyodaina Hi: +2 Monsters, +1 Empathy, Creations of Kyodaina will come to aid The Great March.
Snafuu: +4 Clovenfoot, Snafuu sends a delegation that helps the followers of Zemara.
Myrin: +2 Psychic, +2 Dream, +1 Shifter, Telepathic messages and Aylos giving people dreamwoods.


2022-04-10, 07:09 PM
Iustrum 16 AP (One Success): Like a great clock face, the rings spiral to life, in a constantly ticking motion. Each section held in infinity and minisculity at once, holding all the space of a universe in seemingly no space at all. As if a million angels rested on a single match head. Between the realms of sea, war, feast, and cloud, great expanses of fire under bridges only a single man’s width across, suspended like ropes between the ground and the valleys the inner working of the machine that some brave souls shimmy through their dark corridors of clanking gears and steam

Orgo 8 AP (Two Successes): The devoted look to the stars and pray with all the dedication left in their hearts and souls. And a strange thing happens, their prayers are answered immediately. As the world adapts to yet more divine power gifted to mortals, the trees of the White Magic Forest sprout and bud over the surrounding landscape, slowly capturing the surrounding landscape in its magical grasp.

Morannan Maklir 12 AP (Two Successes): Heralding the elves, two great trees sprout. One in the once supple southern border of Pekunos and another in the idyllic White Magic Forest. And deep within the Acrothian forests, a heart bleeds and in the mixing of the mud comes another elven species taking the skills of others as they see fit. Much like the forest around them, at a constant state of war with itself, in a careful balance easily broken, the elves speak war in their bones, and all but the peacekeepers of the white fur can resist the call whether it be for honor, duty, or the sheer thrill of it, their instincts are honed and sharp and their warrior instincts echo down throughout generations as well as their knowledge of forest life.

The Thief King and his compatriots setup yet another branch of the government ushering in an era of stability in the lower cities as they bring in the gangs by force, and the Robes gather for journeys to the north, towards the seas and beyond to see the splendors of the world and help those achieve what they wish before they die.

Kyodaina Hi 20 AP (One Success): Ruby puts her newly forged sword in her mouth and then trains… AND THEN TRAINS MORE! She then trains EVEN MORE! Beseeching the gods and others in her training to grant her great powers as she hones her blade and body into a razor’s edge sharp enough to cut through iron chains so that she may finally face her greatest enemy.

Atualam 20 AP (Two Successes): As the emerald tablets are unearthed a soon to be master is immortalized, dedicating their eternal life to not only Atualam but that of the eternal theorems. Some even going so far as to say that these mathematical runes make the old ways of rune magic to be obsolete compared to the pure and logical power of numbers.

Kavan 24 AP+4 BP (Two Successes): In the seas, Kavan’s sphere of influence expands yet again, the Retani becoming known and often feared by all manner of sailors in the Northern Seas and even extending to even further reaches of the western seas. Monstrously strong ret-pelaks fighting alongside fearless Ret-Nephro, Ret-Cyphiir saying to spread the words of Kavan though always watched by aquatic goblins for signs of heresy, the far reaching Ret-Lanass spreading tales of their brethren and even more tales back to them, the mysterious Ret-Vilaks tending to the vitak reefs of Kavan, and the Ret-Maidus living free and selflessly helping sailors and bounding like dolphins near their boats,

On land, it becomes well known among the mortal races that no matter how bad the weather be, how insatiable the curiosity, or how dire your situation is, that to enter a cave is to invite death itself into your life. Still hearty, brave or foolish warriors come back with the corpses of monster hauled from the depths of the Earth.

Ozglint 40 AP (Two Successes): The people of the mountains are lavished with yet more blessings from the Great Golem of Artifice. Granting them one step closer to the glory that is the divine. Advancing rapidly in areas of writing, scholarship, and art. The god and the people intrinsically connected their great god seeming to instinctively know the wants and needs of his people even before they do. One particularly pious runesmith being blessed with eternal life.

Snafuu 20 AP (Two Successes): The great immortal roots of the tree of Snafuu’s land brings nourishment and plenty to the land, creating a fairy tale land rich in dye, and honey. Satyrs practicing their paths as they frolic freely in massive grazing fields.

Myrin 24 AP (One Success): Tricksy Odomo and his seven fingers find their way onto the hands of hundreds of people. Bands of goblins seek to eat their succulent flesh, but Odomo is always one step ahead of them as he paints life-like murals in seconds, and seems to just know things about his various targets of mischief.

Cen 10 AP (Two Successes): The cloak flutters out, great multicolored wings like that of the butterfly unfolding. It then folds back in on itself, changing to a dagger and then turns invisible before the eyes of the god’s host. It changes back into a simple cloak now, eagerly awaiting an owner. Meanwhile the rings of the immortals quickly find themselves in the hands of those blessed by the gods in short time.

Oculus 24 AP (Two Successes): The Blood flows and the bodies jam all manners of major trade ports along the river of The Great Kujumi as medicine men, guards and other ancient detectives try to find their source but the Cult remains just barely out of reach.
Meanwhile a great invisible eye peers down on a great expanse of desert, soon to watch the folly of explorers and adventurers trying to reach it’s top.

Gorkun 14 AP (Two Successes): The great goblin horde sweeps across the jungle devouring everything in its path. Glorious dreamwoods are turned into drugs to help distract the monstrous soldiers from their disease and flatulence as healers from the outside actually try to save them from their maladies and stop the goblins from eating the infected.
Meanwhile in the great city, the Purple King fills his gut at his fabulous feats. Well aware of how protected he is by his glorious god.

Zemara 28 AP (One Success): The faithful of Zemara expand Northward and Eastward spreading runes, art, and dreamwoods to various locations. Establishing small footholds and warping the culture of less than faithful people as they travel.

2022-04-26, 05:15 PM
Kavan, Master of Monsters, Lord of the Deep, The Devourer
AP: 24 AP + 4 BP -> 12 AP
Remaining Actions: One Primary, One Secondary

Kavan hadn't forgotten the people who'd originally lived on his coast and the promises they made to him, nor had their new city in the valley escaped his gaze. His focus had been elsewhere for most of his time awake, but now he had finished establishing his people where he wanted them, he could focus his attention on the lesson to come - a lesson that mortals could not escape their obligations to the gods, that Kavan was not a god one could simply walk away from, and to beware his wrath. They may have left the ocean, but the ocean will simply come to them, and Kavan's progeny with it.

16 AP/12 DC: Influence a state-sized area (Detectable - Blood Used)

Kavan creates a great flood, an immense wave of water that surges over the valley his targets are living in and a vast area around it (including the path between the ocean and the valley, naturally).

Kavan (net +5)
+2 Oceans: Those in the path of the wave who follow Kavan (for instance, those living in the new coastal goblin settlements, and perhaps some Retani) are safely carried along on it to the valley, the swells and crashes of the water not affecting them and leaving them free to get their fill of meat and loot, in whatever form they desire.
+2 Monsters: Half-formed creatures made of the seawater of the flood dwell within it, lashing out at the mortals that approach. They don't last long before collapsing back into the water around them, but over time more form to replace those that have collapsed.
+2 Genesis: The brackish water creates when the floodwaters mix with the freshwater present in the affected area quickly develops life, leaving the areas brackish swamps full of disease.
+1 Fear: Kavan makes it very clear to the mortals in the valley who is doing this and why, instilling a deep fear of the gods within them so that next time, they respect their betters and do not shirk their obligations towards them.
-2 Civilisation: The structures the mortals have built resist Kavan's influence - the people within are fair game, but once the waters recede the buildings themselves are undamaged by the waters.

2022-04-26, 07:52 PM
"Hey! You!" A guard in a plumed helmet yelled, almost pinning a man against the wall. "We do pat searches now."

"I'm part of the thieves guild, man!"

"Read the bylaws before you go thieving! Norman, Astardes! Search him, I've got diplomats!" The decorated guard straightened himself up as he turned his attention bringing out a scroll. "Grasshills, Grasshills? Oh, sorry. We have a different name for that area didn't recognize it at first. The counsel is hectic but we could get you a meeting with them at, uh... 1 O' Clock. We can't spare the guard proper due to an increase in crime, but we got a few contractors that will take you. Daedalus, Simon!" Two men swaddled in black clothing, and thick leather belts with pouches came before them, their mouths covered and hoods above them. They didn't say anything, simply gestured to follow.

They arrived at the palace, despite what the guards had said the building was surprisingly quiet, barely if anyone in the building. "I assume it has something to do with the increased criminal activity City." Mumble to Ruby. "They have literally known at the palace."

"Since we got here we were mugged five times." Ruby said before putting on a smile. "putting them in there place was decent practice."

"I'm surprised you didn't even have to unsheathed your sword." Leaf said to her friend.

"Poor kids trying to make a buck." Ruby responded. "They don't deserve to die or even worth killing, deny that Mora guys some souls was a nice bonus as well." (edited)

worry grew on Leafs face. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Leaf asked. "You understand what you're fighting? how dangerous this is."

"I will be fine do not worry, I will not run away from this." Ruby simply responded as they continue to walk with their escorts

The two 'guards' looked to the foreigners. "Ehehehe. Don't, uh, tell our boss about the fact that we needed to be saved, right?" The shorter of the two said.

"Don't go letting these foreigners push you around, Simon. They're bad talking a god when they ain't even got one. Worship the skies or some nonsense."

"I wouldn't be talkin' that way around that one." He said pointing to Ruby.

"... You got a point, discretion is the better part of valor." the 'guard' said. "Well, we don't have to escort you any farther. I'm sure the counsel are already in heated discussion with the thief king as we speak."

"We thank you for your help." Leaf said with a bow. She then turned towards Ruby. "So you're not backing down."

"For peace this must be done." Ruby coldly replied. " you cannot stop me." They walked into the main political Hall, readying themselves

Despite as with all political meetings that did not take place in Agora happening behind closed doors. As they entered the hall, the voices of the politicians could be easily heard "I thought your Thieves Guild was supposed to bring peace to these streets!"

"It will! Was Pekunos built in a day? The thieves of the city will fall under my banner if I have to root out every single one of them."

"And what will happen in that time, Dante! Will the city be razed to the ground! Near the whole damn army is being used for this foolish dream of yours!"

"Crops are not being planted, Dante! Fields are being razed! I am within my rights to take control of this whole damn counsel!"

"And the fields would still be razed even with you in charge!"

Amidst this yelling, a particularly brave guard entered the room and tried to speak up, only the response could be heard. "A diplomat!? Send them away! I don't need some backwater traders complaining about shipments not coming in on time! If they aren't here to lend aid, they can wait for months for all I care!"

Ruby jumped in front of the frustrated politician look them in the eye. "SUMMON TURNIPFACE SO I CAN VANQUISH IT!" she over the top of her lungs of course to the politician this came out as just random barking.

Leaf slowly stepped forward, sweat coming down her face. "What my friend wants... is you..." Leaf attempted to spit it out but the insanity of the request understandably made her nervous. "...she wants you to summon Turnipface so she can slay it..."

In an instant all blades were drawn within the court, even the Watchon bringing out a jeweled stilleto from her robes, but the always vigilant bouchon was the first to speak up. "You think us some puppets of a foreign dog! We'll never kneel to the likes of you!" The Watchon threw a tomahawk across the room, it was slashed out of the air easily by the dog. The counsel sat back down

"There's a stink of the gods upon this." Dante said, leaning back, lackadaisical in his chair. "The gods always get what they want."

The Watchon got up slowly with their hands raised so as to not show hostile intent. "I've kept an effigy here in case of emergency. There's a door behind that collection of scrolls. In that closet is everything you will need to summon him." She brought up her stilleto slowly. "The Counsel shall give blood for your quest."

Ruby looked the Watchon, her eyes filled with rage. "So be it..." She jumped away from her and landed beside Leaf. "...I will be waiting for it near the Snapjaw village."

"Ruby would prefer it if you could come and watch the battle..." Leaf explained. "... We will be waiting near the Snapjaw village."


The three archons held their torches high as they crested a ridge above the Snapjaws. "You shouldn't interfere in foreign affairs that you don't understand!" The Watchon said, her white robes flowing in the moonlit breeze.
The naked Bouchon came into view. "But it's too late now."
The wizened Turchon stepped forward as well "Our defender has come."

A guttural roar, a roar unlike that any animal could make echoed throughout the valley. The breeze blew even harder as the hunt begun. As the first leaves hit the ground, the thumping feet of Turnipface could be hard.

Ruby simply sat there as the ground shook, the beast coming closer and closer, the Goblins of the Snapjaw tribe and Leaf watching in there huts. The monster stood over the dog. Ruby simply looked up at it. "You probably don't remember who I am..." She said calmly, still sitting there. "... you will remember my name after this. make your first move..."

Turnipface approached slowly, sizing up his opponent, there was a low chuckle as Ruby barked at him before he saw the blade in her mouth. He slowed his pace, resting his arm against a tree. He let out another roar, pounding his chest, trying to shake Ruby's nerve before he quickly cut the branches off of a tree with his claws, throwing them like javelins at Ruby, before uprooting the entire tree and swinging it like a club at the smaller dog, sweeping a large area in front of him. One could hear shouts of exaltation from the Bouchon but the other Pekunites watched impassively.

"Typical coward." Ruby thought. With lightning speed she jumped into the air, so fast that no one but the Turnipface could even see her move, she quickly jumped on the flying tree midair and then raised her blade. "You're going to have to do better than that!" She jumped again spinning in the air. "Try to block this." She then slashed at the Beast with a mighty blade, piercing its flesh and causing it to stumble back. "So how surprised are you? Getting humiliated by a little dog?" She asked smugly

Turnipface let out a dreadful hiss, steam seeming to escape from the wound on his barky skin. He tries to stomp his opponent into the ground as he regains his footing. But the dog is simply too fast for him, dodging out of the way. But with distance between them, he picks up two boulders, one handed as if they were nothing but they must have easily weighed over a ton. Hurtling them towards the dog. Though they were meaningless attacks to one as trained as Ruby, they slowed her down. He took the bark of a tree and slammed the debris into the wounds of his effigy. Quickly toppling the tree over with a kick of his foot towards the dog. The sound of insectoid wings could be heard buzzing as he took off, knocking over the mighty oaks in a circle around the dog. The sound of wings could not be heard over the sounds of the toppling trees, going so fast that it was hard to keep up with the creature in these dark conditions.

Ruby tried in vain to keep track of the beast, dodging the trees that impeded her focus. the demon saw its opening and with one mighty strike of its claws.


Dynamite Kick Spiritual form block the mighty claws of Turnipface with their spiritual foot, saving Ruby from being decapitated.


With the mighty swing of her blade she managed to cut the monster's left wing off sending it spinning away from her and slamming into the ground. "Thank you..." Ruby said in minor annoyance. She did not appreciate the irony of the situation right now, be indirectly saved by the God she hated. "I can handle it from here." She turned towards the beast.

Turnipface rose up, staring at the troublesome mutt. It turned its attention to its intact right wing. It grabbed and ripped it off its body. it was not going to allow a useless wing to get in the way of its fight.

"You can destroy my body." The creature said in the tongue of monsters. "But the hunt will never end!" The creature kicks up a cloud of dust, raking his claws in front of him, but sensing her opponent's attack Ruby brought up her blade and cut off one of the claws of the creature.

From high on the ridge it could be heard. "We can't allow the gods to do all the work goddamnit!" The Bouchon raised up an axe to throw down to the creature but his arm was stopped by the hands of the other two.
"If Turnipface fails, all we have left is neutrality to protect us." The Watchon said.

In a last ditch effort, Turnipface runs forward, kicking another boulder into Ruby as she jumps up out of the way, he jumps to catch her and crush her to death in his mighty mitts.


With its mighty claw it crashes the puny being in front of it. It's eyes lighting up with joy...but then confusion. In it's claw now was a small piece of wood.


Ruby's blade drove deep into the Beast skull. It screamed out in pain, deafening everyone but Ruby around it. Ruby looked at her foe. "You will wish that I just killed you." She then grabbed a leaf from her bag and ate it "Oh great and handsome Odomo, I tie the monster Turnipface here with my blood, with my spirit, with my dreams." Turnipface's body started to change, its dug into the ground, what was left of his arm started to become stiff, it started to grow leafs all over its body...

"No! NO!" Turnipface uprooted it's foot but when it came back down, it sunk further into the ground. "YOU WILL NOT TRAP ME IN THIS BODY OF WOOD!" The monster cut off his legs, falling to the ground, but he sunk deeper and deep as if being swallowed by the earth as his legs grew vine-like to wrap around his body. "I AM THEIR PROTECTOR! THEY WILL GIVE ME THEIR BLOOD FOREVER!" His words became choked as leaves grow out of it's mouth, the vines of his legs forcing him back up. It's single wing left buzzed in defiance as his limbs twisted and turned into unnatural positions, the sharpened claws being overgrown with harmless willow like branches. His wings hardened and crystalized into an amber like substance. "I WILL LIVE FOREVER!" The creature shouted one last word as his head turned into a great flower atop the tree.

The Archons looked on in horror but tried not to show it across their face, all but the Bouchon who shook in barely controlled rage. "The fight was fair!" The Watchon shouted before the Bouchon could say anything. "The results are honorable! We will mourn our loss, but we shall respect the results!"

"You uncivilized lot can govern yourselves." The Bouchon spit into the ground.

"Citizens that disagree with this decision shall be found, and properly punished. Those who act on these urges shall be accused of high treason and terrorism, sentenced to death!"

"So say the Three Archons!" They three declared in unison as they left.

Ruby looked on as the they left. She turn towards the Snapjaws, and raised her sword, "You are now free!" The Village cheered. "We did it, Mimic..." She thought to herself, walking back toward the village for a good rest.

2022-05-04, 12:43 PM
Morannan laid in the bottom of a canoe several containers of half drank alcohol around him as he floated mindlessly in the ocean off the coast of Lemuria. “A thing of beauty.” He sang to the seagulls. “I know.” He stared into the endless blue expanse of the sky watching the great rainbow sparkle and cast rays against the clouds. “Will never fade away.”

“I don’t think we should be here.” A stable boy whispered underneath his breath to a maid. “You’re wanted in the whole empire after what you’ve done.”

The maid tightened her hood and kept her head down. “That’s why we need to be here. We do a little good and we’ll get people on our side. When I’m ready, we’ll deliver justice to that fake emperor someday.”

“And maybe we’ll be better able to do that if you weren’t put in jail or killed. I’m sure you know the value of laying low.”

“I laid low my entire life. I… I just need to do this, okay. I need to help people.”

The stable boy sighed. “I’ll play distraction if it looks like someone’s on to you.”

“We’re doing something important, we’re important, we matter.” The girl almost giggled as she said those words. “So we’ll stick by each other’s sides right?”

“The only thing you can seem to do is kick these days. So somebody has to stick around to help you. Be your… Sidekick.”

“Hehe. Yeah, that’s fun-” The conversation is stopped by the peal of a bell.


The two teenagers looked to each other with understanding. “You help the chain, I’ll run ahead!”

“Wait, what if someone tries to attack you! They think you’re some sort of terrorist! They know your face!”

The maid drew her hood tighter in preparation for the flames. “I’m the one unafraid to die, remember?” She just gave a thumbs up and ran off.

“I wish that you’d be a bit more afraid sometimes.” He said as he ran.

By the time she had arrived (Having to cross every street section legally), the fires were raging across the city. Entire scores of buildings burning. The maid bustled into the volunteers and guards of the city who were trying to get people out of the buildings. There was a single bucket there for people who were going into the smoke to dunk their clothing in. Despite her small size, she seemed to easily push her way through and dunked her scarf into the bucket and wrapped it over her face. She threw off her shoes in one swift motion, her cloven hooves clacking against the cobblestones, she focused for a second and heard the sounds of muffled screaming coming from a small building at the edge of the flames. With a flip she launched into the air, and landed at the edge of the building, took a breath, trying to get the right angle before she broke down the wall with a kick. “GO! NOW! BEFORE IT FALLS!” She already flipped backwards seeing the people retreat as she heard another scream.

“MY WIFE! MY WIFE!” A man shouted, as Dynamite Kick landed in front of him.

“Calm down. Where is she?” She said quickly, speaking with her hands.

“What? Wh-Who-You’re the terrorist! You-You’ll kill her!”

“And she’ll die if you don’t!”

The man hesitated before pointing down the block. “Three houses down, she was on top of the roof when I last saw her.”

Dynamite Kick took off, bounding across the street in a series of jumps before they landed with a thud on top of a roof. Shaking the surface of the roof, the woman on top of it stumbled backwards. In one swift motion, Dynamite Kick broke through the roof, kicking up a beam of wood and holding it out to the side to stop her. The woman used the sidle her way to Dynamite Kick’s side. “You-You can’t be older than my own son.”

“Probably.” She said ignoring the woman. “Okay, I’m gonna need you to hold on tight.” She dropped the beam to the ground with a heavy thud. “I don’t actually have a lot of upper body strength.” Kick jumped into the air and somersaulted backwards, landing onto the ground with a crack of the stones underneath.

"Do you know where there are any others who need help?"

"Where? Where is my husband?"

"He's safe with the others. But you have to tell me if there's others!"

"I heard my neighbor went back to their house to try and save someone. They're due east of us, I think."

"Thank you, mam."

It was noon when the blaze had started but the hours dragged on and on. Until eventually the only light left in the sky was from the great blaze overtaking the city. It was a town of restless sleep as few tried to sleep in shifts as the fire was fought. Healers worked around the clock tending to the burned, and wounded who seemed to arrive readily on the outskirts of the green. No one was quite sure when the last fires were put out but people were picking through the rubble far before then. There was only a single corpse found among the dead buildings, charred to the point that it was hard to even recognize if it were not for the pristine, red scarf wrapped tightly around its neck. Clean as the day it was made. Despite the overwhelming accounts from eyewitnesses, the guards had refused to acknowledge that some sort of hero was saving the populace. Many still did despite the corpse, saying the terrorist was just caught in the blaze. But to most, this was proof. The body and clothing was meant to be sent to the emperor as some sort of proof or trophy to show their victory over their enemy of the death god. The scarf was left in a safe box, but when it was finally delivered to the emperor it was found to be replaced by nothing more than a wool scarf. A nomadic group of merchants passing through the town, already distrusted as having come mysteriously only shortly after the town was set fire, were blamed for the removal of the body before it could be loaded on the caravan. Two particularly unlucky satyrs in the caravan were beaten and sent to several years hard labor. The rest of the nomads were not hurt but few ever went to the city again.


Dynamite Kick’s last moments was no glorious end despite their deeds. The body collapsed under itself, the last remnants of adrenaline gone from their system. They died in their own puke as they suffocated to death.

Finally in their last moments, a bony hand came down and picked the soul up out of their body. They came into the spectral world as if surfacing, taking a deep breath of air. “I wish that I could have ended your pain quicker.”

Dynamite Kick seemed ready to fight but instead tried to grab at the wineskin hanging from Morannan’s belt.

He looked as apologetic as a skull could. “No, you won’t be needing any drink. Think now about how your body lies on the floor. You will no longer feel the need.”

The young maid seemed to grasp at her throat gently as she loudly cleared it. Spitting ethereal spit onto the ground. “Did… Did I save everyone?”

“Some will die of infections. But you saved everyone you could.”

“Did I make a difference?”

“You made a difference to the people you saved. But there’s not much time. C’mon, let’s go.”

“Go where?”

“To the afterlife, to oblivion. Count yourself lucky, most do not get to consider such things before they are gone.”

“What!? I can’t go! You’re powerful! Can’t you save me just like I saved all those people!”

Morannan sighed. “That’s not quite how it works. There’s some things more powerful than all of us, the gods, the stars, and everything above. They must be kept in balance. One of those is death.”

The maid nodded, her spiritual figure fading. “Everyone deserves a death. Just like you said… But do I have to go right now?”

“Yes. Everyone deserves a death. That’s right.” Morannan looked down at his side, a long flint knife from hundreds of years ago hanging near an ancient wineskin. “I suppose you can stay a bit longer.” With a wave of his hands, her figure coalesced itself into a hardier form as if coming back into focus. “Now c’mon. You don’t have long. What do you wanna see?”

“I… I wanna see the mermaids.”

“Ah, I think that I have just the place for you.” With a wave of his cloak, they disappeared from the burning rubble and reappeared on the hammock of a tropical island. “I used to come here with a friend. It was more beautiful when he was here.”

The maid rested her head on Morannan’s shoulder as he pointed out the mermaids in the distance. Chatting with sailors who built mighty wayfinding boats. “They’re even prettier than I thought they would be.”

“To bring life with but a thought always is.”

“Did you ever die?”


“Were you scared?”

“It was the first time that I had ever known true fear. I think it may have been the first time that my life had ever gone against me. I was… Simpler back then.”

“I’m scared too. But I spent my whole life scared. And I’m a bit less scared than I used to be. I heard someone say death is peaceful.”

“Peace, fear, happiness. Meaningless. Death is simply… Nothing.” He said. The spirit fading as he sat on the beach, he looked down at his hands and saw tears fall down on them. “Why would a death god be so unhappy about death?”

Morannan took himself to a canoe, and kicked off.

Immortalize a living creature (12 AP/ 8 DC)

+4 Death, The Immortalization is powered by death.
+2 Self Sacrifice. Through their selfless heroism, and belief in themselves. Dynamite Kick’s powers and thoughts are channeled into the scarf and transfer the powers to those brave enough to wear it.

2022-05-15, 09:18 AM
Creation of a town began when an influx of refugees flooded the Kujumi area. Orgo opened a settlement to the influx of 1,000 people. It was mostly a temporary town for people that came there, and Orgo provided a means for them to travel to other surrounding settlements of the Kujumi area. Many also would enter the White Magic Forest, and this would be a time when many orphans would begin to live in the forest as well. *Creation of Erukos, a town with 1,000 permanent inhabitants. Erukos is known as a place that grants good luck to travelers.

-6 AP to create the town of Erukos. Erukos grants travelers good luck. The permanent residents number around one thousand.
+4 Love (Creation of a permanent trading hub/temporary residential area called Erukos. This place enchants travelers in it with good luck.
+1 Healing (Refugees/travelers who come to Erukos routinely experience healing miracles.

The JoJo
2022-05-15, 02:31 PM
Oculus, Mount Titan, Red Teressi - 24AP remaining

Oculus stretched out on the top of his new mountain, watching the world go by from his high vantage point. There was always something to attract his attention -- a rebellion here, a persecution there -- but he couldn't help wanting more. He was too lazy at that moment to cause any strife himself, but there were always other ways for a god to go about these things.

22 AP/18 DC: influence the entire planet - Create the Wheel of Misfortune with:

+2 Spectacle: Deep inside Mount Titan, stands a stone wheel mounted on an axel. For each period of time known only to the divines (read: each turn in game), the wheel will turn, landing on a particular nation or region in the world. For the rest of the turn, this area will experience all kinds of hardships, ranging from famine, to disease, to civil war. On the other hand, though, this will also be a time when heroes arise, tyrants are overthrown and radical new ideas about society are born.

+2 Sacrifice: A nation can tilt the odds against the wheel landing on them by committing mortal sacrifices. The greater number of sacrifices made, to any deity, the better odds of avoiding calamity.

+1 Felines: Cats are a particular predictor of bad times ahead, instinctively fleeing from any nation which the Wheel of Misfortune lands upon and remaining outside until the the troubles have passed.

2 AP/1 DC: influence a small group of mortals (~10): Encourage a small group of cultists to migrate from Kujumi to Ran Moch, where they will begin recruiting for the Cult of the Hidden Eye. If successful, by the beginning of the next age, their numbers will have become more substantial.

2022-05-15, 02:55 PM
Oculus, Mount Titan, Red Teressi - 24AP remaining

Oculus stretched out on the top of his new mountain, watching the world go by from his high vantage point. There was always something to attract his attention -- a rebellion here, a persecution there -- but he couldn't help wanting more. He was too lazy at that moment to cause any strife himself, but there were always other ways for a god to go about these things.

22 AP/18 DC: influence the entire planet - Create the Wheel of Misfortune with:

+2 Spectacle: Deep inside Mount Titan, stands a stone wheel mounted on an axel. For each period of time known only to the divines (read: each turn in game), the wheel will turn, landing on a particular nation or region in the world. For the rest of the turn, this area will experience all kinds of hardships, ranging from famine, to disease, to civil war. On the other hand, though, this will also be a time when heroes arise, tyrants are overthrown and radical new ideas about society are born.

+2 Sacrifice: A nation can tilt the odds against the wheel landing on them by committing mortal sacrifices. The greater number of sacrifices made, to any deity, the better odds of avoiding calamity.

+1 Felines: Cats are a particular predictor of bad times ahead, instinctively fleeing from any nation which the Wheel of Misfortune lands upon and remaining outside until the the troubles have passed.

2 AP/1 DC: influence a small group of mortals (~10): Encourage a small group of cultists to migrate from Kujumi to Ran Moch, where they will begin recruiting for the Cult of the Hidden Eye. If successful, by the beginning of the next age, their numbers will have become more substantial.

Orgo, as god of love, vehemently opposes the Wheel of Misfortune. The people may bring evil on themselves, but these acts were not revenge or a punishment for wrong doings.

-4 Love: Self sacrifices out of love are effective as 100 mortal sacrifices in stopping the Cataclysms of the Wheel. In addition, since these misfortunes are so bad, even failed attempts to stop them bring substantial benefits from the current age into the new ages of misfortune.

-1 Healing: Healers are more numerous and competent at their jobs during these times of Crisis'es. Even if local regions are bereft of healers and isolated, the healers of the world will find a way to visit/reach these locations and provide relief.

2022-05-16, 11:22 AM
20 AP/16 DC: influence a continent of mortals (~100M) create a confederation of not only the Grasshills and Snapjaws but all the small tribes between Pekunos and the human kingdom ruled by Thrax. This Alliance will make sure that the two kingdoms will not destroy them. These tribes will at long last have the ability to control their own destinies.

Eventually a new city will be made in this Confederation, Made around the tree that sealed Turnipface, the City will be named Mimic.

+2 Monster: All monsters respect these lands and many of them are worship as demigods and in return they will protect the land
+2 imagination: The snapjaws will spread the love of Art to the other tribes which will help create other forms of Art formed by the cultures of these tribes.
+2 combat ,+2 Sky: They will have an Army consisting of soldiers from all tribe members. Their combat abilities can be traced all the way back to their great saver, Ruby. This includes the power of Wind combat
+1: Empathy: The tribes will grow attached to each other to make sure there isn't violence between them

2022-05-16, 08:55 PM
Kavan, Master of Monsters, Lord of the Deep, The Devourer
AP: 12 AP -> 0 AP
Remaining Actions: One Secondary

His power nearly expended by the oncoming storm, Kavan had enough power left to create one last creature - not much to look at, just a cluster of small black beetles, but one Kavan was quite happy with. While the wave hadn't come yet, some of the people of the city-state that had incurred Kavan's wrath had chosen to flee early, heeding Kavan's warnings and roars and anticipating what was to come. Kavan might feel satisfaction at their fear and recognition of him, but that isn't enough to let them escape unharmed, so he sends his little beetles into their caravans and camps, letting his vengeance against them being a little slower and more insidious.

12 AP/8 DC: Create a collection of lesser magical minions - the Morkal

The Morkal are a type of monster with several distinct life stages. In their early stages, they are small creatures resembling beetles who are either directly laid into a host or in external clutches to scurry off in search of one. In any case, once it does a find a host - any of the mortal races will do - they act as a parasite, feeding off them and preparing for its first metamorphosis, a radical transformation that leads to it forming a central 'core', usually found somewhere in the torso, and an array of tendrils spreading throughout the host's body. Once the Morkal has reached this stage, it's very difficult to remove or otherwise cure the host, and the host begins to experience the transformations that most think of when they think of the Morkal. The transformations strike semi-rarndomly, roughly once a month, and involve the Morkal growing and converting the host's body into a carapace-covered insectoid monster, driven by primal needs - to hunt, to eat, to grow. It tends to last around a day, more if the hunt is going well or less if the Morkal is wounded or put under particular stress, before the host reverts to their normal state, the carapace falling off them to reveal their own skin or fur once again.

These transformed periods serve to feed the Morkal within the host, and as their opportunity to reproduce - their mandibles and claws can transmit the small eggs that new Morkal hatch from, leading to the cycle continuing in any survivors of their attacks. In some rare cases, getting more likely the longer a Morkal survives and the less successful it is in reproduction, they become feral. Feral Morkal do not revert their form, their host stuck in their instinct-driven monstrous state, becoming yet another of the horrors Kavan has seeded the world with. Feral Morkal still transmit the parasites with their attacks, but also lay eggs, vomiting up clusters when they've been well fed.

Kavan (net +5)
+2 Monsters: Morkal occupy a strange place in the monster/mortal heirarchy - magic and powers that affect monsters in particular will affect a transformed Morkal like any other monster, but treat the host in their normal form as any other mortal. It's possible, though, that more specialised techniques may be developed to specifically affect the Morkal core within them.
+2 Genesis: Morkal grant regenerative properties to their host - in their larval stage, this primarily serves to heal and obscure any injuries that led to infection, as well as having a small general effect on other injuries, but it increases with time. Mature transformed Morkal aren't healing mid-fight by any means, but one that was allowed to flee will probably survive - minor injuries will typically be healed as the host reverts to their normal form, while more serious injuries will typically linger in a less severe state. Critical injuries can even be healed if the Morkal isn't finished off (not too tricky a proposition for properly-equipped hunters or even a skilled victim), but one in that state will almost certainly become feral at the end of a long period of dormancy and healing.
+2 Oceans: While many feral Morkal simply lurk around the area they lost their minds in, or wander looking for prey, some follow a call to return to the sea. While most feral Morkal are broadly solitary creatures, the coastal Morkal form small communities in coves and caves, half-understood parodies of the lives they previously led.
+1 Fear: The Morkal have a strange variation on fear magic - when they attack, they are no more terrifying than your average monster, but their fear powers instead play on the victim's mind attempting to instil an intense panic upon trying to recall the exact events surrounding and during the attack. It's not flawless or perfectly reliable at the best of times, and the strong-willedor or properly motivated can fight through it, but it nonetheless serves as a way of obfuscating the circumstances around the attack, and the nature of the perpetrator, to make it more likely that those infected by larval Morkal do not realise the reality of the situation.
-2 Civilisation: The more closely a host is tied up to with the trappings of civilisation, the slower the Morkal develops and the longer the time between transformations once it is mature. This depends to a significant degree on the host's activities and focuses - simply living within the walls of a city-state might have a small effect, but working in a role that governs, develops or physically builds the structures and societies of developed mortals will have a greater effect. The ruler of one of the great city-states or empires will transform many times less often than a hunter in one of the various tribes or a rural farmer.

2022-05-17, 12:05 AM
24/70 AP

(During a stormy day on the Dreaming Isle)

“I am the great god Odomo! Founder of Nowhere, Master Cloud Dancer, King of Snails, and so much more! My man, are you ready for a taste of the good life that is Odomo? Well you in luck! For the low-low price of your hand and the occasional inability to move around your man-flesh, I’ll let you use my awesome god-powers and walk around with my name. Great deal right? What do you say bud?”

The human man whom Odomo spoke to put aside the loaf of bread he was eating and after a moment asked “... will I get to dance on clouds?”

“Wha- oh right, of course! Bleheheh, anything the great Odomo can do will be at your disposal so long as you carry me and my name!”

“Sure then, why not, let’s get started!” the man said with a shrug standing up.

Odomo, Ikori - The Grand Mound - Center of the Dreaming Isle - The First Night of the Dead:

Being a god was not all it was cracked up to be; well it was, but there were certainly some downsides. First among them was the giant freaking monster that appeared out of nowhere when Odomo declared his divinity, which got 3/4ths of Ikori’s middle finger bitten off when Odomo tried to insult the thing while escaping. Apparently god-magic couldn’t fix that? The second worst thing was… he couldn’t think of it, but there probably was one but Ikori was newer to this than even Odomo.

Ikori did get to dance around on clouds, and he would admit that it was liberating to get to move around like a shifter. It was sadly not much of a gleeful moment considering that Ikori was running away as fast as he could and barely noticed what was going on due to the terror.

At least he got to meet Myrin up close, Ikori always wondered what the thing was himself. After a few minutes of listening to Odomo and Myrin talk however, Ikori came to the conclusion that Myrin was just about as stupid as Odomo and really not some all-powerful a god as it claimed. Still they had an interesting thing to add here and there, like the festival they were going to have.

It was quite the announcement, that the privilege of everlasting dreams the aylos enjoyed for centuries was being extended to all (from now on) and that there’s some big uber-dreamwood landscape for folks after death. Ikori thought it barmey, but Odomo seemed to just go along with it so Ikori let his thoughts be thoughts. Apparently Myrin wanted everyone to get ready to welcome back those that had recently died for a night, before they scuttle away to some dreamwood or go back or… whatever, Ikori was not paying that much attention.

Being the host of Odomo came with the perk of not needing to do anything while folks set up all the fancy crystals, upsidedown gardens, feasting tables, or any of the other stuff that the people of the Grand Mound were doing; the new powers those brown-nosers of Myrin got were apparently enough to get people to try at least a bit with this. Ikori was pleasantly surprised at the moedlo’s participation in this, the bugs were lifting the huge cut-crystals and laying down works in a way that no aylo’s been able to do before, though perhaps if one were to prepare a set of runes to-

“Odomo?” a voice came towards him, having Ikori/Odomo’s ears perk up from the lounge position they were in “Hey I wanted to talk to you-”

Ah, there they go, it felt really weird to have Odomo just take charge when called upon but it’s not like Ikori was doing anything.

As the sun began to set Ikori marveled at the sheer scale and detail of the festival’s decorations and plates of food prepared. It was incredibly haphazard as well, clashing artistic and practical design bleeding into one another in a way that’d hurt the eye of foreigners; but that was the way of things here on the Dreaming Isle, everyone’s vision counted. Even if that includes things like living tables in the shape of sharks or whatever marvel of magic and skill someone could drag out of their home or make on the spot.

When things got dark Ikori sat down on a small makeshift throne; sideways of course, gotta show he takes this just as seriously as everyone else. The brown-nosers were standing near their big crystals as most of the other folk began to eat, praying and getting ready for Myrin’s newest trick. Ikori had to admit that the big crystals at least looked pretty in the dark like this.

As Ikori was lounging around tossing fruit into his mouth as Odomo tried to use it to make a fool of himself Ikori felt something similar to a breeze, but in his head. Apparently having better senses still Odomo looked up at the moon and gave a nod. “Eh, don’t worry about it, the show’s just about to start. Bleheheh.”

The brown-nosers seemed to have been able to feel about as much as Ikori as they were looking around confused and unsure till they caught a glimpse of Odomo snickering at this. It was comedic as almost all of them took in a deep breath and began to sing into the night. Each song was different so Ikori wasn’t really able to listen in but he certainly noticed the little bubbles that began to form around the crystals, rainbow hues that looked like heat waves bending space began to grow around these pillars as the songs played out (though they stopped after reaching about a house’s length each). What was inside these bubbles appeared foggy at first, then he recognized it- dreams from the local grove, or at least the dreams overlaying with the world.

Ikori was not alone in blinking stunned at the sight, which grew more intense as people could be seen there, looking around from inside these bubbles like the people outside.

What broke the silence was a boy calling out to his mother, humans. Then more voices broke through, as most of the recently departed of the mound returned to them, and the feel of the whole place changed.

“Huh? Why are they just talkin and not playing around with the dream stuff workin here?” Odomo said a bit confused. While some of the aylo were playing around with some of the bubbles, most of the attention was drawn to those races who never had the privilege to use dreamwoods post-death before.

“This is a big deal…” Ikori said, throwing another bit of fruit at his own face, right into the eye… which just ate it like a mouth. He shivered on the inside.

“Yeah, well, I am too! I’m Odomo, master of seashells, eye-ball muncher, licker of red toads! I’m going to be here a while and I want things to be FUN.” he flipped off the throne “Hmm… bleheh, I think now’s the time for some MIS-”

“No, no, nonono- not now Odomo!” Ikori shouted “Do it next year, people are crying over there.”

Odomo gave the crying humans and somber tone of the whole place another look before sighing and sitting back down “Damn, your right, it’d be a **** move to mess that up now. Guess I’ll just have to make sure next year's ghost night is FAR better than this lame ass thing.”

-12 AP/8 DC - Immortalize Odomo, god of Mischief:

(+4 total)

+2 Mischief +2 Dream: While many people may believe that they create suitable death-traps to kill the god of mischief, like the road-runner Odomo cartoonishly avoids dangers to an extreme degree. Logic cries in the face of Odomo’s resilience.

+2 Psychic: Even in the event of his physical demise Odomo’s mind shall persist and be free to inhabit another host of his choosing.

-2 Physical: The whimsy of dreams find it hard to take root in reality, sometimes the cartoonish pranks and escape attempts of Odomo fail to occur. At such times Odomo has to either think quick to create another escape plan or work with less dream-like whimsy for a bit.

All the members of the league, Orgo, and Hi are invited to this action.

(posting the action since I don’t think I have time to put the fluff in just yet)

-12 AP/8 DC - Influence 100k Mortals:

Myrin shows many aylos of both the Dreaming Isle and of the Surien Swamps visions of a land across the sea; glimpses of the strange sights and adventure that could be there. With a bit of coxing a few hundred aylo decide to make the trip to this land beyond the western ocean.

It should be noted that the vast majority of the influence is for the people the aylos interact with.

+2 Psychic: The aylos that make the trip across the ocean are blessed with tongues that speak straight into the minds of those they come into contact with, negating the need for a shared language. Furthermore they have an intuitive understanding of the native culture, an unconscious understanding that makes them less weirded out by the natives and know what will and will not get them put on a lizard’s kill list. (Basically, they can make friends with the natives)

+2 Dream +2 Mischief: Myrin subtly guides those that come to this other continent, never leaving their dreams and blessing the aylos with their theurgy. With a bit of Odomo trickery and show of theurgic power the aylos find their place in this new continent as the priest caste of the local inhabitants. These priests spread the Myrin’s Oath and the knowledge of dreams to the local inhabitants (as well as just magical and technological innovations from their home continent).

Furthermore the aylos bring dreamwoods to commune with the dead and have some contact with those across the sea. Manlor berries are planted to give birth to good spirits (as well as eat).

+1 Shifter: The aylo that make this trip slowly over time develop scaled legs and underbellies in their divine forms, their peacock shaped heads gaining more reptilian features. They are hardier and larger but slower than aylo divine forms.

These Relo are similarly different in their mortal forms having sharp eyes and a large reptilian tail. Their psionic power lets them command jungles with far greater ease than aylo, though relo ability to influence nature outside of jungles is proportionally reduced. While they have no genetic advantages beyond their increased strain resistance most shifters share, relo are drawn to thaumaturgy and priestly roles in society. Relo are able to focus on tasks a little more than aylo, especially if they promised to do so or feel responsible for others.

Orgo and Hi are invited to this action.

2022-05-17, 12:09 AM
Content was a word far from the over-mind of the Goblin race. Even as the Goblin Empire expanded to fill out the swamps, other goblins were hit with a wave of ambition as well. The Goblins of titan mountain were far from the Blessed Gobbo King, and began to consolidate power as the great thing-head disappeared. One god had disappeared but as long as the Great Gullet survived, they had their center of faith. The goblins took power upon mount titan, but rather than bowing to the Purple King, they created their own ruling council of 5, after the sacred number of the God-blin.

The Great Gullet saw their works, and proclaimed them as good, laying his blessing upon the second great Goblin power to be created.

Don't have the AP for anything else worth mentioning, so final action 12 AP/8 DC, take over the Mountain. Kavan is invited if he wants anything to do with it.
+4 Greenskins: The Mountain Goblins begin to change, taking the Promise that the Purple God made quite literally. Stone eaters increase in number, and an increased amount of Goblins gain rockhard heat resistant skin, and diamond hard teeth, along with a superior digestive and respiratory system. They can take nutrition from the rock itself and breathe in the most oxygen lacking areas as they tunnel deeper and deeper toward the core of the earth.
+2 Magical Goblins: The Mountain Goblins gain a special variation of traditional Goblin Mouth Magic that involves invoking the lands themselves through eating stones and gems.

+2 Greenskins: There are a few immigrants from the Jungles of Lemuria and other goblin held places, which help to both make sure the goblins in the Confederation don't bring the wrath of the Godblin upon them by too many of them straying from the path.

+4 Greenskins: Some Greenskins begin to worship the wheel itself, and try to harness it so that they can bring better destruction to the lands. These goblins have an uncanny sense for where the destruction will be, and use it as a chance to get fed.

+4 Greenskins: The Goblins that come along the wave do a very good job at sacrificing the survivors.
+2 Magical Goblins: Some Goblin Gutspeakers gain disease related powers from drinking the brackish waters exclusively, and use them to create an area where it's rather difficult for those weakened by civilisation to survive.

2022-05-17, 03:20 PM
Morannan sleeps in the canoe in the grand ocean, being taken away with current and eventually capsizing into the abyss of the ocean below. Eventually, the corpse was found completely intact by an adventuring mermaid. They had planned to use the bones to make tools as they had never seen bones so intact from the sea floor, but it was quite a shock to both the mermaids and the sailors they were traveling when the corpse got up and started singing. "Oh! It's a long long way to Pekunos! Where the wine flows like ale and we ain't gotta wear clothes!"

The captain sat down and invited the skeletal man for a drink. "I ain't never heard of this Pekunos, mister. Sounds like a land of lawlessness."

"Lawlessness!" Morannan snorted before downing the drink the captain gave him. "There are far worse things for a nation than lawlessness!"

"Like what?"

"Lawfulness! AHAHAHAHA!" Morannan let out a great booming laugh before he downed another cup. "Violence, death, that's what keeps a nation healthy and growing. Conflict is what keeps us stable."

"You've a strange perspective on things, skeleton man."

"It'd all be more apparent with the passing of time, people are always forgetting and falling. It's all cycles! Cycles! I say!" Morannan slammed back more drink.

"You ride a boat before? You drink like a sailor."

"When I was borne, sailors hadn't even invented yet. But as a lad, I took up a proud heritage of fishing in the family. Caught the biggest fish, and hunted the biggest bucks."

"You know what they say about fishing, skeleton?" He said raising his drink to his guest who gladly toasted him. "Only way for a drunk man to bring back food for dinner!"

The two had a good laugh but Morannan's quickly turned sour as he downed his last cup. "Good talk, though it was not needed." He said getting up, and walking towards the edge of the boat.

"What!? Where are you going, mister!"

"I wanna see the great depths of the sea floor before I sleep!" And simply walked off the side of the boat, sinking to the sea floor.

+4 Death, Morannan protects the Retani that move into the brackish waters, particularly those of the mermaids from the disease and monsters that inhabit the newly formed icy swamp.
-2 Austerity, Morannan does little to take credit for such a deed nor is it often noticed

+4 Death, Morannan ensures that areas hit with great destruction and death are not to be hit by the wheel. So that the spectacle of it may continue and that the areas of Otellia have a chance to regrow from their loses. This also ensure that no two areas can be twice in the same age. If the wheel does strike on an area during a time of strife due to some manner of meddling, divine or otherwise. The heroes that rise from it are stronger, hardier, and prone to stronger leadership than is usual.
+1 Hunting, to try and curb the amount of sacrifice, a sacrifice offered to Oculus that is ritually hunted is worth more than that of a normal sacrifice. Particularly if the sacrifice is a particularly strong specimen given a fighting chance.

-4 Death, those who join the Snapjaw Alliance will suffer epidemics of what becomes known as "Dancing Fever". Wherein which after a short incubation period, they will become obsessed with the rhythm of certain sounds and objects, and eventually the rhythm of their own bodies causing them to dance until they die of exhaustion. Those who witness such dancing are much more likely to catch the disease. The only cure is to drink enough alcohol that it is comparable to the weight of a large horse. This of course does not need to be done in a singular sitting.

2022-05-17, 05:40 PM
24/70 AP

Bless Odomo

+4 Love: As long as Odomo acts according to the Virtues Of Orgo, and more importantly treats those in lower positions well, he will receive added, very heavy boosts to his healing ability, physical beauty, and a vast learning ability as a physician.
+1 Healing: Odomo heals supernaturally faster and more than mortals.

Bless Migration Action:
+4 Love: As long as the migrants/travelers are in a place they aren't trying to cause trouble in, they receive a boost to their natural charisma, which is further magnified by their adherence to the virtues and ethics Orgo generally agrees with.

2022-05-17, 08:35 PM
Kavan, Master of Monsters, Lord of the Deep, The Devourer
AP: 0 AP
Remaining Actions: One Secondary

<Will do writing come the morning, just wanted to get reactions out tonight>

Help Gorkun with taking over the Peerless Peak (net +2)
+2 Monsters: The stone creatures Kavan originally created to help Ozglint restore order among his people awaken once more, but this time support the goblins in their takeover bid.

Help Oculus with the Wheel of Misfortune (net +5)
+2 Monsters: The nation chosen by the Wheel finds lesser monsters (such as the shercal and morkal) drawn to their lands more often than otherwise - it's not a shining beacon to the monsters, but there are definitely more of them around, and they're bolder and more aggressive than they otherwise would be.
+2 Genesis: The Wheel also intensifies growth in the targeted region - this means that famines are less likely than they'd be without Kavan's influence, and farmers may well get more yield than normal, but also means that wilderness, vermin and pests, and parasites grow and thrive to a much greater extent, leading to the risk of their own kinds of disasters. After all, under the Wheel, a swarm of locusts is bolstered just as much, if not more, than the farmer's crop.
+1 Fear: Those affected by the Wheel know exactly what is happening, and that now the Wheel has chosen them it cannot be averted.

2022-05-17, 10:17 PM
+2 Psychic: The terrible fear that Kavan wished to instill in the survivors from the destruction of their kin and loss of their land instead for the most part twists into a deep sense of righteous fury against the beast that'd do this, with a small amount of resentment towards any figure that proclaims themselves divine. Their ancestors fled such beasts before, they do so again, and to give the beasts responsible for this what they want is simply unthinkable; yet they don't advocate any overt aggressive actions either, looking as downtrodden at the prospect as a farmer would a drought.

+2 Mischief +1 Shifer: Odomo walks among the goblins and tricks them into slaughtering each other almost as much as the survivors through accidental cross fire while chasing Odomo or arguments over who get's to eat Odomo getting too heated; letting many of the refugees flee as the god of mischief laughs at the stupid gray heads trying to eat him.

Furthermore, shifters of various sub-races will feel compelled to help smuggle refugees away, guiding those they can to the west. Though this commitment is not so great that they’d zealously defend the survivors, most are not that selfless, but even a little aid in troubled times is always a boon.

+2 Dream: The souls of all those killed by the flood and its subsequent curses are taken into Myrin’s ring by default- unless the soul was a devout follower of Kavan or a goblin. These particularly special souls cannot be destroyed in the fires of the afterlife for a year and a day. The survivors are given knowledge of Myrin’s Oaths and are guided to dreamwoods if they so desire, so as to bring their dead with them once the next night of the dead arrives.

After a lot of debate with Odomo Myrin agreed to not try and destroy the Wheel, but still decided upon:

+2 Dream +2 Mischief +1 Shifter: Odomo tampers with the Wheel. Coming to it in the guise of a blue goblin and after a lengthy discussion with it, has the stone wheel agree to a few changes to its functions.

Firstly the ritual celebration the Night of the Dead reduces the odds of the Wheel’s curse landing on a community/nation if practiced by the majority of its members.

Secondly, dreamwoods are not to be targeted by the Wheel’s power. Areas about a mile around the trees become safe from the Wheel’s effect even if the area is located in a targeted nation/people. This does nothing to protect the rest of the nation, and threats generated by the Wheel may enter these spaces (though generally avoid it).

Finally that shifter blood would be antithetical to the Wheel (having become thoroughly disgusted at the prospect after the thing Odomo did with his finger, an orange, and some aylo feathers). Each one reduces the odds of the Wheel choosing their home nation by a very small amount; but more importantly, their blood when used in sacrifice to change the odds of the Wheel creates the opposite effect of what the one one who sacrificed the shifter wanted (or who put them up to it, if there is some trickery involved).

“You going to help with this Odomo?”

“Nope, nah, it’s not my kinda thing to bring folks together all wholesome-like.” Odomo said, shaking his head.

The bird gave Odomo a calm sad look “If you say, you don’t have to.”

“..” after a moment Odomo sighed while looking at Myrin with a snarky grin “Ah hell, fine, since yer gonna be leaving so soon…. Guess I should get used to this.”

+2 Dream: Myrin gives the alliance’s people the knowledge of the Night of the Dead (the night when souls can come from Myrin’s ring into dreamwoods), and gives dreamwood seedlings to those that ask so long as they are willing to follow the Oath.

+1 Shifter: Through the bloodlines of those members of the alliance there are occasionally children born with fur around their necks that resemble peacock eyes. These blessed individuals require more sleep than most and typically look tired even when wide awake, yet they are able to use Myrin’s theurgy easier than most.

+2 Psychic +2 Mischief: Odomo makes sure to teach many of the most enthusiastic children of the alliance some of his tricks. These Ode Tricksters use a mix of Odomo thaumaturgy and mundane skill to make life more interesting. It’s not Odomo’s fault if not everyone likes living in interesting times. (While they can cause trouble and be self-centered weirdos the tricksters are generally good natured towards their people.)

2022-05-18, 12:16 AM
-1: Empathy: Those escaping will be welcomed into the alliance at the attempt to escape the flood.

The JoJo
2022-05-18, 11:54 AM
Oculus, Mount Titan, Red Teressi

Assist with Kavan's great flood with:

2+ Spectacle: The sight of the great wave will become etched in the imagination of the flood survivors for many generations to come, inspiring both art and innovative ways of living with the sea, rather than trying to fight it.

2+ Sacrifice: Likewise, in an effort to prevent the great flood from ever happening again, the valley will perform annual mortal sacrifices to appease the ocean, throwing the victims' bodies into the sea in gratitude of another year of survival.

1+ Felines: No cats were harmed in the making of this flood -- mysteriously, all felines fled the flooded area long before the waters were even sighted.

2022-05-18, 10:09 PM
Kavan: Flood a large valley (16 AP/12 DC) +2 Oceans, +2 Monsters, +2 Genesis, +1 Fear, -2 Civilization
Gorkun: +4 Greenskins, +1 Magical Goblins, Many goblins come along to slay those of the valley and otherwise make it inhospital.
Morannan: +4 Death, -2 Austerity, Protects Retani from the waters of the flood so that they may inhabit the undestroyed homes.
Myrin: -2 Psychic, -2 Mischief, -1 Shifter, -2 Dream, The survivors become bitter at the gods, the goblins kill themselves, and assigning the places of souls.
Oculus: +2 Spectacle, +2 Sacrifice, +1 Cats, Spreads images of the flood, Annual sacrifice for the survivors and fleeing cats.

Morannan Maklir: Immortalize Dynamite Kick into the Reoccuring Hero (12 AP/8 DC) +4 Death, +2 Self-Sacrifice

Orgo: Create a temporary refugee town (6 AP/3 DC) +4 Love, +1 Healing

Oculus: Create a metaphysical wheel that turns woe randomly upon the world (22 AP/18 DC) +2 Spectacle, +2 Sacrifice, +1 Cats
Orgo: -4 Love, -1 Healing, Self Sacrifices are particularly effective as sacrifices and healers will flock towards the suffering of the wheel
Gorkun: +4 Greenskins, God-Fearing goblins worship the wheel so that they can eat the victims of chaos
Morannan: +4 Death, +1 Hunting, Protects the suffering dead to not be stricken again, and allows differential sacrifices to protect themselves.
Kavan:+2 Monsters, +2 Genesis, +1 Fear, Monsters inhabit the areas affected by the wheel, There is excessive growth during that time and people know what’s happening and fear everything they cannot stop.
Myrin: -2 Dream, -2 Mischief, -1 Shifter, Halloween keeps disaster away, and dreamwoods protect people from the wheel.

Oculus: Spread the Cult of the Hidden Eye to Ran Moch (2 AP/1 DC) +2 Sacrifice

Kyodaina Hi: Create the Confederate Nation of Free Tribes (20 AP/16 DC) +2 Monster, +2 Imagination +2 Combat, +2 Sky, +1 Empathy
Gorkun: +2 Goblins, some goblins are sent over to help the new nation
Orgo: +4 Love, All, but especially those who adhere to Orgo’s virtues become more charismatic.
Myrin: +2 Dream, +1 Shifter, +2 Physic, +2 Mischief, Halloween is spread, shifter babies use Theurgy good, Is a bad influence to the kids.

Kavan: Create terrifying beetles that turn you into a monster (12 AP/8 DC) +2 Monsters, +2 Genesis, +2 Oceans, +1 Fear, -2 Civilization

Myrin: Immortalize Odomo (12 AP/8 DC)+2 Mischief, +2 Dream, +2 Psychic, -2 Physical
Orgo: +4 Love, +1 Healing, Odomo gets stat boosts if they follow the virtues of Orgo and stronger healing

Myrin: Quest to Far Lizard Land shore (12 AP/8 DC) +2 Psychic, +2 Dreams, +2 Mischief, +1 Shifter

Gorkun: The goblins of Peerless Peak rise up and overthrow the old Ozglint leadership. (12 AP/8 DC) +4 Greenskins, +1 Magical Goblins
Kavan: +2 Monsters, The Robots uprise to help the goblins

2022-05-18, 10:13 PM










2022-05-19, 07:43 PM
Kavan (Two Successes): In what had later became known as simply "The Great Wave", From the sea came walls of water, waves so large they engulfed the very mountains themselves and like the shadow of a terrifying dragon blotted out the sun as those of the valley could do nothing but stand motionless for they knew they could not escape it's wrath. What was once a society of prosperous fishing villages, and a once booming trade center of the area is reduced to nothing but a cold brackish swamp, the buildings that poke out of the waters an eerie reminder of those who return to the inhospitable land. Only small and scattered settlements of Retani remain.

Across the world, the small Morkal infest communities and terrorize rural villages. Most too afraid or too unaware to get help for their infestation before their bestial disease cause harm. As they infest communities, it is common for the rural people to abandon their frontier houses and flee to the hopeful walls of a city. Often this leads to the city-states becoming crowded and filthy unable to build at the same rate as the influx of refugees. Even more often though, the threat of the Morkal comes an excuse by petty lords to 'civilize' the 'primitive regions' of the world so as to prevent this menace, seeing the disease as a curse from evil gods.

Morannan Maklir (One Success): It's said that there is somewhere in the deep depths of a library a chronicle of every Dynamite Kick who lived. While the legend of Dynamite Kick spreads, the names and specifics are lost to memory or warped with time. Most taking the secret identity of the hero, to many, it would appear as if Dynamite Kick is truly an immortal being though most know this to be false. Some who take up the mantle believing themselves to channel some sort of ancient spirit of justice, the mask and scarf being the conduit for this entity to possess their body. This is of course, bunk. But as an old saying in Pekunos goes "Those who believe themselves invincible are the hardest to fight."

Orgo (One Success): The Temporary town of Erkunos provides a balm to many of the refugees who could make the journey, areas closer to them often rejecting the travelers that end up here.

Oculus (One Success, One Failure): There is set deep within the earth, great gears and springs holding a massive stone wheel in the center that slowly moves throughout the core of the earth. But as the other gods push and pull upon the mechanism, a single spring comes loose and with it, the whole mechanism crumbles, the metaphysical mechanisms busting and spreading themselves over the world. There was in the end no major consequences except for the fact that a remote island in the north witnesses a gigantic stone wheel burst from the earth, and start to worship it.

The ten cult members tasked with expanding the cult into the hills worms their way into several small communities and positions of leadership

Kyodaina Hi (One Success): With their newly protected independence, the tribe of Snapjaw forms their alliance with the Grasshills under a mutual need to protect themselves from larger and to them, more authoritarian empires. Soon, it is not just the Snapjaw and Grasshills, but the Bear Tribe, and the Fishguts, the Streambloods, and the Tribe of The White Wolf. Soon, dozens perhaps even hundreds of tribes become part of the alliance. While prosperous, in it's early years it is plagued by a dancing fever only cured by copious amounts of alcohol. The neighboring Pekunites were more than willing to supply this alcohol of course... At a premium price. The epidemic starting a long trend of Pekunos humour about how foreigners can't handle their alcohol (Due to their nation largely being habitual drunks).

Myrin (Two Successes):The Demigod of mischief and his cadre of human hosts suddenly find themselves renewed with divine vigour and power. Odomo lasting well into the centuries beyond them

Meanwhile brave exploring Aylo venture across the vast ocean and find a continent that developed parallel to their own. Save for the fact that the ancient Saurisdae did not devolve into birds and instead became an intelligent iguana-like species standing about 6 feet in height on average with a broad scaled body, clawed hands, and a long tail. This race is called by themselves as something in their various languages as translating to simply "Those Which Walk on Two Feet", birds having never developed on this land. Causing considerable confusion when the first Aylos landed. These lizardmen as those not native to the continent began to call them; lived about 120 years on average and lived slow and ponderous lives in comparison to the major species of Otellia. While they are often kept at an arms length, many of these lizardmen welcomed the new inhabitants of their continent wishing to learn more of their powerful foreign magicks. The matter of worship has been tougher, the worship of the sun being a, by now, very ingrained part of the continent's culture. Widespread across it's settlements.
While a variety of explorers, tradesmen and others have attempted to establish a foothold in either continent. The few that were successful did not last long and the two continents have little contact with each other in the long time between ages.

Gorkun (One Success): All at once, it seemed the once helpful golems of the Peerless Peak that did much of the grunt labor of the society rose up and destroyed the mostly human inhabitants of the mountain. Crushing man, women, and child alike under their unfeeling rocky mitts. It is only the infiltrating goblins of Gorkun who are spared from the wrath of the golems. Before they once more go back to their work for their new overlords as if nothing at all happened.

2022-05-20, 03:12 AM
500 Years Later

https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BOTUzNzM0MzQxMV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNTM5NDI1MDE@._ V1_.jpg
The Age of the Squid!
From beyond the ethereal veil of the velvet sky, there comes in between the great ages of the gods, a being like any other. Said to hail from a universe far and distant from our own, THEY COME! It was only a few interdimensional refugees at first. Strange beings who call themselves the "Sqularians of the Nth Dimension!" Said to be from an advanced civilization which had perfected the art of interdimensional travel through the use of magic unworkable in this new reality. These Squalarians or as they became much more often known, The Squids, say they are exiles who fought against a space-traveling king of the cosmos. It was either to be exiled from their dimension or be sentenced to slow torturous death in the terror chambers of Zonglora!

The first of these "Squids" were killed, chalked up to simply one of the many monsters of the world, but they came in the hundreds, then the thousands, then the hundreds of thousands to our dimension and even that of the Land of the Lizardkin. They face discrimination on a large scale. When these creatures are not taken to be monstrosities of Kavan, few have bothered to try and understand them due to their bestial appearance and strange tongue. Even those who have mastered the languages of the other species tend to speak with a heavy sort of dialect due to their unique vocal cords.

The squids are creatures which seem to obtain their sustenance through the resonant magicks of the atmosphere. While theoretically they could starve, few have trouble finding food due to the widespread magic in the atmosphere. Though they are very skilled at being able to detect magic and it's specific varieties leading to the few accepted into society often finding themselves in tracking or appraising jobs of sorts related to magic.
The squids can be easily mistaken for a beast of some sort. Looking like a squid except what would be the body of a squid has been miniaturized and become part of their head, they have two extra long tentacles possessing the only bones in it's body besides that which protects it's head. These two tentacles that work as their legs, and their arms falling around them on all sides as their hands. They possess two large eyes, one on the front of their head, and another on the back of their head. They have a small mouth shaped like a line with a variety of hooked teeth in it despite their diet.

Each god has 110 AP this age and four turns. Each god obtains a plus one of their choosing this age

2022-05-22, 09:48 AM
500 years ago

Kujumi-Snapjaw tribe

Three figures sat around a table, them being Leaf, Sharp and a recently bandaged up Ruby. The former two were staring at each other, The whole room there was a massive sense of awkwardness.

“So this is the situation we are in now.” Sharp spoke, breaking the silence. “Backed into a corner.”

“500 years ago our People could never imagine we would be in this situation.” Leaf replied.

Sharp Smirked. “Not too long ago it would’ve been just as unbelievable.”

“All of this started from a little bug.” Leaf commented before lowering her head.

“Do not beat yourself up…” Sharp interrupted. “It was the demon and his summoners who are responsible for his death.”

“Despite everything we are still not safe.” Leaf turn to her side. “We are surrounded by powerful forces that could decimate us even if we work together.”

“Do not worry.” Sharp said with a smile. “Who says his alliance only to include, we have plenty of people of this land that are in the same situation as us, our best course of action is to bring them to our alliance.” Sharp then raised his hand towards Leaf. “Lets work to a better future.”

Leaf smiled, taking his hand. Thus beginning the tribal alliance and a bright future.

From the sky Hi watched, she understood that she would soon be going back to sleep. She was happy that she was able to give them a good parting gift. She started to close her eyes to embrace the deep sleep…

But then she briefly opened her eyes again. “Wait, Where’s Woodcutter?” Hi thought looking around the sky. “I got so caught up with this whole thing I forgot to say hi to him again.” she started to close her eyes again. “Well he’s probably having fun somewhere, I’ll be sure to talk to him as soon as I wake up again.”



“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” a scream echoed out in a dark chamber. That being known as woodcutter laying there surrounded by various mechanical tools.

“A very interesting being…” A voice let out. “... For so many years we can’t even comprehend it but we have all the time in the world to continue this.” The experiment continued as Woodcutter continued to scream in agony

2022-05-22, 10:53 AM
Over the past five hundred years in the northern Kujumi region, a country had been formed, created from the various towns and settlements seeded in the land by the Lord Orgo. Perhaps even a few settlements created by the Children Of The Forest may have been a part of the Kingdom, now called Ishmeria. Orgo believed that the nation should experience his divine protection, now that the neighboring goblins were growing numerous. It was always his plan at the start, that the people of this region would prosper under his benevolence.

-16 AP: Good Omen: Holy Land Orgo blesses the Kingdom of Ishmeria to be his Holy Land.
+4 Love: People of Ishmeria would be renowned for their kindness for others.
+1 Healing The healers of Ishmeria would be renowned as the greatest in the world.
+1 White Magic Finally, some people in Ishmeria began to teach Arcane Magic similar to that of Orgo's Theurgy. People of Ishmeria would be great White Mages.

2022-05-27, 01:58 PM
Morannan wakes in the depth of the sea, fish of the deep trying to eat off his bones but finding little use in doing so. He stretches, pushing back against the pressure as he kicks up piles of sand and swims back to the surface. Ready to see his creation yet again.

A small group of robed men and women came to stop in a small town in a covered caravan. On the outside of it were two armored individuals, and another two on the inside of the wagon. Around their necks, a clasp made of silver and cast into the shape of a wolf. As they came to a stop in front of a cabin, the one leading the carriage, a woman with bright and fiery red hair got up. “This is where we’re staying for just the night! We’d normally stay longer, but it sounds that we’re gonna get early snows this year.” She stretched her arms high over head as she got down. “So ****, shower, and shave, ‘cause we’ll only be stopping for the horses tomorrow. Dinner at 6! You ain’t gotta get here on time to eat, but don’t come grumbling to us if you come later and miss out.”

The cabin was small and with no real sense of privacy. So the members fell into the sort of easy banter that only comes from those who are forced to spend time and rely on each other. The four in armor sat around the fire, maintaining their equipment as they waited for a stew to cook. Only a couple of the robes remained, most going into town to do this and that. One of the robes, a blonde haired woman writing in a journal, was the one to stop the banter of those in armor. She did not stop writing as she asked “I am sorry to bring this up so far into our trip. But… The red hair, I’ve not seen such things before.”

One of the men, a large satyr, let out a low laugh and just said “A Tourist, huh?” The others let out slight chuckles.

“I’m sorry, but what is a tourist?”

That sent a couple more chuckles but they were quickly silenced as a young looking human started to speak “Old joke among us wolves. Refers to someone who's only taken one tour. The joke is they ain’t a tourist, they’re A Tourist.”

“I don’t think that makes a whole lot of sense.”

The others just laughed as the redhead started to speak. “Where I’m from, most people have hair like this. I’m Kruskan.”
“Kruskan? I’m quite well read but I’ve never heard of this land of Krusk.”

“You certainly mustn’t have.” The redhead said “It’s Kruscany not Krusk.”

The woman looked up for a second from her journal, clearly annoyed before starting to write in it again. “What was it like there?”

“Hot.” She blew a lock of hair out from her view. “They don’t let women wear breeches.”

“My, how barbaric. Why is that?”

The redhead looked annoyed and dismissive. “They’re afraid their women would prove themselves better than their men.”

“Oh, why that just sounds so awful. I’m so glad that we don’t have such practices here.”

A silent goblin who was stringing a bow finally spoke up. “That, that is a real bonafide tourist there.”

“I am though, I am truly grateful that I live in such a civilized society. Have you heard of the ghastly things that they do in those dreadful areas worshiping Zemora. All the mutation, and elder worship. A leader ‘ought to be young and strong, I say. Traditions can be truly dreadful things in a society.”

The redhead got up and cracked her neck. “Word of advice, an ounce of respect goes further than a pound of righteousness outside the City.” The Robe nodded, writing it down despite everything. “I’m going to take a smoke.” She said already packing a pipe.

The redhead leaned against the log walls of the cabin. Taking a long drag, a tall man with his face disguised from the long robes talked to her. “I could never get into smoke. That was more my brother’s scene. We joked that he could smoke a field in a month.” The man wiped a syrupy wine from his mouth. “‘Course I could drink a vineyard in less than that. Ehehehehe.” His laugh was hollow.

“You ain’t part of my group.” Was all she said through a cloud of smoke.

“Ehehehe.” The man moved in front of her, revealing his skeletal face. “Guilty as charged.”

She blew smoke into his face. “If you weren’t a god, I’d spit in your face for getting this close.”

“Ahahaha!” It was a hearty, vibrant laugh, “Now, that is the kind of spirit that I like!”

“Hurry up, I didn’t pack a lot of smoke.”

He brought out from within his robes a long golden chain, tightly wound around itself nearly eight feet in length but thin, less than an inch thick. The woman looked unimpressed. “I appreciate the donation, but the gold is worth more melted down than in that chain.”

“Not gold.” He pulled the chain, making a snap but it held fast, not breaking. Making a resonant sound against itself and glowing a slight yellow. “They’re as strong as the bonds you share, weigh as much as your own burdens, and are as flexible as the truth.”

“Strong chains, what for?”

He forced the chains into her hands. “Wrap these chains around something magic and it will disable their abilities for up to a whole minute.”

Now she finally looked interested. “Flying, and everything?”

“There may be some beasts too powerful for you. But land it on something and it will surely fall from the sky.”

She gave a quick bow. “Thank you Great Severer. I humbly accept your gift for the good of the people and that of the Silver Wolves. May we hold ourselves in the best interests of the world.”

“Lot of Monist talk in what you said.”

She gave another quick bow. “I am sorry, Great Severer.”

“Don’t be… I think there is more to their beliefs than I once thought.” He took a scroll out of his robes. “How to make more.”

It was a deeper, longer bow this time. “A thousand thanks from the Silver Wolves.”

As the redhead entered, the other Wolves let out a holler. “Going back to your old pirate ways, huh!? Who’d you steal that from!?”

create lesser magical items, 10 AP/6 DC)

Create the Golden Chains of the Silver Wolves. Through the use of a magical ritual one can take a substance of magical power, mostly commonly parts taken from monsters but any sufficiently magic substance can do and condense down to a lasso-like length of chain. Once a chain bonds with someone (Done by simply placing a drop of blood onto it), it creates a psychic bond with its user, and they are able to morph it to their will. The chain only being as strong as their will.

It can also disable the magic of one creature for up to one minute if it is lassoed onto them. Each chain can do this once per day (Indicated by the setting and rising of the sun) per creature they come into contact with. However at least three others that the wielder shares a close bond with must be united in this action for it to work.

+1 Hunting, they are meant to be used for monster hunting.
+1 Balance, Is meant to balance the playing field so that those born without magical abilities can more easily disable a flying foe or momentarily disable a powerful magical ability.

Everyone is invited to this action

2022-05-31, 03:25 AM
Morannan stepped into the Tent of Enceladus. Thick clouds of smoke hanging in the tent as he rubbed the ring on his finger, seeming to talk to someone who was not there. He waved aside whoever he was talking to as his brother entered his tent.

The two sat down across from each other as Enceladus’s vision came back into focus. “Come to jeer at a poor old man again, brother?”

“Four gods are dead.” He said with no explanation.

“We have only counted three.”

“Do you get reports from the far off lands of the Imperfect Mountain Chain?”

“I used to be in personal correspondence with one. Terrible what happened to it, but she says that the god still exists.”

“Terrible? They had little respect for the balance of the world. Sought to seek beyond their means. You know that is why the serpent men before us were obliterated.”

“And yet still we must strive to better ourselves.”

“Bah, this talk of progress has me sick. We lived good and hard lives without such things as magic.”

“And we died easily and terribly.”

“Perhaps, perhaps.” There was a silence as one brother drank and the other smoked. “A rhythmic, almost nervous tapping from one of Morannan’s hands. “You were right, brother.”

Enceladus looked at his brother with new blurry eyes. “You are to finally end this charade?”

“You were right that I was sheltered. Knew not of my responsibility to this world. Knew little of people and never saw outside myself.”

“You were ignorant, a malicious ignorance that we all saw and did nothing about. You were full of such vigor and life. Even our father had trouble denying you.”

“Life, that is what seeps away from me, brother. Even as I see it all, I become more disconnected. Less one with the mortals I rule over.”

Enceladus nodded “As a man with an excess of time, I know what time can do to someone.”

Morannan shook his head. “It is not time, not as the driving force. It is divinity.” Morannan clutched a vial of golden ichor round his neck. “Each sleep, part of me is taken away in my dreams.”

The two sat silently, a comfortable but somber silence as they waited to see what next would be said.

“I fled from my responsibility all my life, but I must acknowledge my duty finally. I am the God of Death, Enceladus. It is time that you die.”

Enceladus looked shocked before a grim disposition overtook his face. “I was a fool to think my brother had changed. Yet again here to jeer at his lesser brother.”

“I’ve put you through so much pain, it was arrogant, and foolish, but I…” He hesitated “I understand at least that it was led by fear, and anger, and resentment.”

“I have lived centuries in misery and pain. Led by the pain of your betrayal as much as the anger and hatred against your ideas. If you are to kill me, do so and not ask forgiveness.”

“I know that I could never gain forgiveness, I know the cruelty I have inflicted is beyond perhaps even what I can imagine. I do not want forgiveness. But please, please, brother. Can I at least gain permission?”

Enceladus looked down at his brother, prostrate before him, bowing deeply at the sitting man, his face down into the dirt. “I do not want to die in a tent.” He said weakly

“I will give you time, days, weeks, if we must. With a hearty and whole body. I no longer wish to be a cruel man.”

Enceladus laid his mangled hand on that of the bony hands of the god. “The world is cruel enough. It would be a lie if I said that I do not tire of it. Not cruel enough though that we cannot help family.”

“I will give you an honorable death, brother. As honorable and right as it can be. But first, I must make a weapon worthy of the brother of a god.”

The skeleton walked, a slow and steady gait, taking his time as he gazed upon the beating heart of the Rotwood, the muck and mud up to his knees as he ventured to the heart, his dagger in hand as he approached, he took his hand and felt the heart, each soul within, some placed of his own will. “Souls as damned as my own.” He said to himself as he took his dagger and plunged it deep within the heart, and ripped downwards, rending the flesh of the heart and causing it to convulse and beat faster. A stream of screaming souls escaping from within the artefact of a dead god. And like a conductor to an orchestra, he directs the souls for their final absolution. For their sentience to finally be eradicated.

16 AP/12 DC, Create the +2 Execution Sword of Enceladus

This great and mighty weapon that is able to sever magical and divine defenses, even that of immortality to deliver strong and harsh blows and within divine power even destroy immortality itself. It can take the form of any execution method even that of keel hauling and turn into a boat or a horse for drawing and quartering.
Always on it though are the words in a Pekunite script that simply says “One who wields this blade in the name of death shall suffer no guilt”. When a mortal kills another with it, the victim’s soul is sent to the valleys of hell to die and the wielder would take their place in whatever afterlife they would go too. If they kill many people, it is just where the most souls they have collected were meant to go.

+4 Death, The sword kills people
+1 Balanced, the sword is perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

2022-06-07, 11:40 PM
110/110 AP

-10 AP/DC 6 Create Lesser Magic Item - Dreamweaving Rune

This rune is the culmination of a millennia of innovation between the dream makers, with a few minor modifications from Myrin. It has two main powers:

+2 Dream +1 Souls: Firstly the dreamweaving rune let’s dream makers create aspects of dreams without straining their souls with each use (though actually carving the dreamweaving rune is noticeably harder to do than making a normal rune).

+2 Psychic: Secondly the dreamweaving rune connects dreamwoods together that share the rune, letting dreamers move between the dreamwoods as if they had consumed dreamwood leaves of the connected trees. Those carving the dreamweaving rune may limit which dreamwoods can connect to theirs when making the rune (updates require remaking the rune).

Those that enter a dream under the influence of a dreamweaving rune and do not follow the Oaths are noticeable by anyone within it and easily kicked out (and unable to return) by the current owner(s) of the dreamweaving rune(s) used in the dream.

Myrin spreads the knowledge on the completed dreamweaving rune to all those practitioners of dream making that follow the Oaths. Be they on the Isle, Feather Fall, the dreadful swamps, or elsewhere (such as the hamlets of aylos along the route to Snaafu’s holy land).

Yes Myrin is making the internet, or at least the internet envisioned by stuff a few decades ago like Shadowrun. Probably with less people trying to mess with you, though no less weird trade happening. Free markets and people consenting to stuff doesn't go against the Oaths after all…

100/110 AP