View Full Version : My webcomic: Just a Sidekick, a superhero story of friendship and the apocalypse.

2022-01-22, 06:18 PM
Decided that I might as well try to plug my comic here! :smallwink:
If you like webcomics, superhero, character-focused narratives and colorful characters than you might like my webcomic "Just a Sidekick"; a
Comedy\Drama story about Sidekicks, growing up, heroism friendship and other terrible and wonderful things that you find at the end of the world. It has a wide ensemble cast but the main-est of the main characters is Susan Summers AKA the Golden Sorceress. A newbie superhero sidekick. She means well, but she’s inexperienced, socially awkward and deeply self-loathing. After her disastrous first outing seems to confirm every single one of her insecurities, she finds herself way over her head - at the center of a world-saving adventure. Alongside her are brutish villains with a hidden soft side, snarky vampires and supercriminals with mysterious agendas.

If you think this sounds cool: you can check it out here! http://justasidekick.thecomicseries.com

(or just click the link at my signature :smallbiggrin:)

2022-01-29, 01:59 AM
Gave what you've got a quick read; overall, not bad!

The story was entertaining, the characters relatable, and the art... could use some tightening up. I actually kind of dug the line-less style you had at the beginning, and I have nothing but respect for you for managing to put out a consistent webcomic (something I have occasionally wished I could do, but have never been able to get backgrounds done to my own satisfaction :smallyuk:).

Interested to see where you go from here, and if you want any advice on figure drawing, I'd be willing to try- it's something I've worked at for years, and while I'm hardly a professional, I can at least draw something that doesn't make me want to jab my own eyes out with my pencil :smalltongue:

... kind of. The joys of the artistic temperament >.<