View Full Version : DnDBeyond: Are Sidekicks and Survivors available as Classes?

2022-01-23, 05:37 PM
If they are, what supplements are they available for purchase in?

2022-01-24, 05:23 AM
I am not familiar enough with DnDBeyond to be certain, but i know that Sidekicks were published in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, and Survivors were in Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft.

From what I understand, DnDBeyond functionally sells digital copies of the books, so everything should be under the same titles as the physical copies.

Someone with experience with DnDBeyond might prove me wrong, but I hope this helps.

2022-01-24, 06:22 AM
If they are, what supplements are they available for purchase in?

They don't currently have support for Sidekicks as classes. They have said that they will in the future but it looks to me like they have a big job changing things in the background to enable that.

I have not even seen them mention Survivors so I doubt if support is even on their roadmap. Disappointingly they don't have the stat block as an NPC type.

As and when they are supported the Sidekicks will be available with Tashas. Survivors are in Van Richten's but I see nothing to indicate that they will be supported on Beyond

2022-01-24, 10:17 AM
Sidekicks were first introduced as a class-like thing in the Essentials boxed set. I've got the at DnDBeyond dataset, but...no Sidekick classes.

I'd seen the "it's in Tasha's" but "we'll introduce it later" statements. But most recent was from early 2020, so, I'd hoped.

Thanks, all.