View Full Version : Black Friday is not nearly as cool as it sounds...

2007-11-21, 09:37 PM
Anyone else been shanghaied into being a driver and purchase carrier on this day of savings? Alternately, anyone been staking out the entry points to your favorite stores in anticipation of the sales?

2007-11-21, 09:44 PM
Nope! Fortunately no-one in my circle is really interested in that kind of thing (unfortunately I can't drive [/offtopic]). I was a package carrier 4 years back, not good times.
Like imagine running cartloads of anything and everything back and forth to cars out in the parking lot... for 3.5 hours. Never again (I don't even like shopping!)

2007-11-21, 10:19 PM
The day after Thanksgiving, right? I am from the UK, so ahd to Wiki.

I am over in Texas now, is it worth going out?

zillion ninjas
2007-11-21, 10:34 PM
I am over in Texas now, is it worth going out?

That depends. Do you enjoy shopping more than sleeping in on a day off? If so, then yes. The sales start at 6am, maybe earlier.

As for myself, no. Not my thing.

Green Bean
2007-11-21, 10:37 PM
I'm living in Canada, and on a bit of budget, so I'm probably not going to go too crazy Friday.

That being said, my heart goes out to all you folks working retail. Keep your spirits up!

2007-11-21, 10:39 PM
Nope, we're shopping Saturday.

2007-11-21, 10:49 PM
My brother works at one of those places that gets heavy traffic around this time, so I imagine it'll will be pretty busy for him. As for me, I'm not really planning on doing any shopping on Friday.

2007-11-21, 11:08 PM
So, are the sales just for that one day, or until the end of the christmas season?

Any stores known for good sales?

Zeb The Troll
2007-11-22, 01:16 AM
This is a day to hunker down and avoid all contact with Public in general. This day causes all who engage in it to shift mean. Nice people become intolerant. Intolerant people become rude. Rude people get downright nasty.

Me? For years I've opted to celebrate Christmas using the Russian Orthodox calendar (I don't know if other Orthodox churches use a different date, this is just the one I know) which celebrates it on January 7th. Now, the week after traditional Christmas? That's when all the best deals are. :smallcool:

Em Blackleaf
2007-11-22, 01:22 AM
I don't think I've ever gone shopping on Black Friday.
I happen to be going shopping on Saturday, though. I wonder if anything will be left in the stores. :smalltongue:

2007-11-22, 01:31 AM
I'm trying to decide whether I should go out on Black Friday and use the gift card I got for Pacsun, or go the next day to avoid the rush. Most of the stuff wil be picked over after Friday...

Midnight Son
2007-11-22, 02:33 AM
I absolutely refuse to go out on Black Friday for anything other than my job, which, incidentaly, is located on the North end of a mall, but not actually part of the mall, thank goodness.

Anyway, if I ever get married, she'd better not insist I go shopping with her the day after Thanksgiving. Grounds for divorce, that is.:smallcool:

2007-11-22, 04:50 AM
I has to go to work at 5am. Not cool.

But Black Friday is pretty cool for the large/expensive stuff. Like electronics or stuff. Forget about clothes/books/smaller gifts, its just not worth the people or the lines. I would go this year if I wasn't working.

2007-11-22, 07:09 AM
My wife has to work 5AM tomorrow.

Myself, I am staying home with Mass Effect. Give me invading aliens shooting at me over the mess that black friday shopping would be.

2007-11-22, 07:22 AM
I worked one 'Black Friday' at a well known US electronics retail chain, and I quit 3 days before the second one. Imagine, being on the other side of that...

Hordes and hordes of humans trying to get the best deals, physically fighting and arguing over a $40 scanner... Wall to wall people... everywhere.... as far as the eye can see.... and that was the first of 12 hours of this certain type of he|| :eek: . I utterly refuse to step outside my door on that day...

2007-11-22, 07:24 AM
Am I the only one who doesn't know what Black Friday is? It sounds evil... :smallconfused:

2007-11-22, 07:28 AM
Am I the only one who doesn't know what Black Friday is? It sounds evil... :smallconfused:

It's the band that comes two days before Black Sabbath.

(Sorry. The bad puns just sneak out.)

Green Bean
2007-11-22, 07:33 AM
Am I the only one who doesn't know what Black Friday is? It sounds evil... :smallconfused:

Behold, I come bearing links! (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Friday_%28shopping%29) :smallbiggrin:

Archangel Yuki
2007-11-22, 07:34 AM
It's the friday after thankgiving, when evreything goes on sale. Biggst sale day of the year. Last year, if you watch the news, people got arrested for fighting over items. 6_6

My mom is going. I refuse to go.

Mr. Mud
2007-11-22, 10:16 AM
Anyone else been shanghaied into being a driver and purchase carrier on this day of savings? Alternately, anyone been staking out the entry points to your favorite stores in anticipation of the sales?

Not just Black Friday.. its everyday I have to drive... :smallfrown:

I really dont get what all this Hype is about, each year... I never have, and probably never will. You get better deals closer to the hoildays, and save ALOT of gas money. :smallbiggrin:

2007-11-22, 10:23 AM
Me? For years I've opted to celebrate Christmas using the Russian Orthodox calendar (I don't know if other Orthodox churches use a different date, this is just the one I know) which celebrates it on January 7th. Now, the week after traditional Christmas? That's when all the best deals are. :smallcool:

Bah, I just celebrate the Epiphany. I get/give a few presents on Christmas, than get another ten days to shop/be shopped for.

2007-11-22, 11:46 PM
I will be standing outside, in the freezing cold snow, at 3:45 am for this insane little 'family tradition'. But I don't get to shop long, since I have to be at the airport at 8am.

Me? For years I've opted to celebrate Christmas using the Russian Orthodox calendar (I don't know if other Orthodox churches use a different date, this is just the one I know) which celebrates it on January 7th. Now, the week after traditional Christmas? That's when all the best deals are. :smallcool:

Really? Now that's a good thing to know. *takes notes*

2007-11-22, 11:50 PM
Celebrating with the Russian Orthodox calendar is also a good excuse if you forget to buy presents!

T-Minus 7 hours till BF here in California.

purple gelatinous cube o' Doom
2007-11-22, 11:52 PM
I will be standing outside, in the freezing cold snow, at 3:45 am for this insane little 'family tradition'. But I don't get to shop long, since I have to be at the airport at 8am.

Now that sounds like an interesting, yet disturbing family tradition.

Back home, the earliest anything is open is 1AM. Eden Prairie Center, a local mall, is the earliest, and back in MD, the outlet mall near me opens at Midnight. I myself will be nowhere near any stores tomorrow, but I do have thoughts of going and watching all the idiots already in line at places for fun. I might venture out on Saturday however either between or after football.

Zeb The Troll
2007-11-23, 12:10 AM
and back in MD, the outlet mall near me opens at Midnight.Which mall is this? I don't remember hearing anything about that. Not that I'd have any intention of being there, mind you, but I'm curious.

2007-11-23, 12:24 AM
I had to work last year at a Gamestop. They opened at 5AM for a tournament, only six people came, but the waking up at 4 was torture.

2007-11-23, 12:42 AM
Now that sounds like an interesting, yet disturbing family tradition.

Back home, the earliest anything is open is 1AM. Eden Prairie Center, a local mall, is the earliest, and back in MD, the outlet mall near me opens at Midnight. I myself will be nowhere near any stores tomorrow, but I do have thoughts of going and watching all the idiots already in line at places for fun. I might venture out on Saturday however either between or after football.

You're near EP? Are you going to come to the meetup in the cities next month? Not to derail the thread or anything....:smallredface:

purple gelatinous cube o' Doom
2007-11-23, 01:58 AM
You're near EP? Are you going to come to the meetup in the cities next month? Not to derail the thread or anything....:smallredface:

Well, I'm only home for the weekend (I'm from Bloomington). But, seeing as I'm out of a job in little over a week (long story, PM me if you want details), I honestly can say I have no idea what I'm doing that far in the future, so I don't know at the moment. The only thing I'm sure of at the moment, is I'll likely be in Nashville the first week in December for the MLB winter meetings looking for a job.

Zeb, the outlet mall I'm referring to is Prime Outlets in Hagerstown. I don't think all the stores are going to be open though. I actually do most of my shopping there in general.

2007-11-23, 03:49 AM
Since I am not likely to be over here for it again, I have decided to go just for the Experience.

So, whats the CR on Mob Of Angry Shoppers? :smallbiggrin:

2007-11-23, 04:00 AM
Since I am not likely to be over here for it again, I have decided to go just for the Experience.

So, whats the CR on Mob Of Angry Shoppers? :smallbiggrin: Better ask Vorpal Tribble that one. He's good at those things. Get him to give the mob flaming torches and pitchforks, too. :smalltongue:

Anyway, this doesn't sound like something I would want to participate in. Discounts are great, but I'm not exactly a people person.

2007-11-23, 05:51 PM
You're near EP? Are you going to come to the meetup in the cities next month? Not to derail the thread or anything....:smallredface:

YAY! Just heard you are coming from Andre, yesterday!!! :smallbiggrin:

Ahem...[ontopic] Having worked retail in a mall several Black Fridays in a row...I will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever EVER go shopping on Black Friday. I avoid all retail in general on today with a passion.

And I had to work today, anyway...though one of my co-workers came in late, so she could go shop early. I think a couple others were camping out at Best Buy this morning...

2007-11-23, 08:52 PM
Feh - I haven't had a Black Friday off since 1998. I was at work this morning, at Target, running the Electronics counter when we opened at 6am. No more insane than usual, and I managed to make it home with all my limbs. If I didn't have to be there, I'd just have stayed home. People are nuts...

And yet I still love Christmas. Go figure. :smallbiggrin:

2007-11-23, 09:24 PM
Every one survive and come back with good stories I hope. The GF got a bunch of stuff today, dvd's were $6 and Whole seasons of TV shows were on sale for $15 so lots of good stuff. She also bought the wii Zapper and the game that comes with it is very fun.

Evisiron I hope your alive, no one told you black friday mobs are what killed Pun-Pun.

2007-11-23, 09:47 PM
*Collapses through doorway*

Dear deity... We spent SIX STRAIGHT HOURS shopping. At one point the three people I took were using walkie-talkies to communicate and hit sales. You'd think they were in teh military (and, judging by the way they ruthlessly handled competition, that may not be far off...). Plus, I thought one of us was going to have to ride on top of my car when we tried to fit all the purchases inside >.< Next year, i'm just gonna shop on Cyber Monday. Less dangerous, unless some random person's tossing around viruses hither and thither...

The Extinguisher
2007-11-23, 10:08 PM
I didn't even know it was a shopping day today. We don't get anything like that after our thanksgiving.

But I did get some food today, and I contemplated buying a CD but didn't. I suppose that counts.

2007-11-23, 10:34 PM
I went to 5 stores before 7:30. It wasn't as crazy as usual though. I think there were less people out. They actually had decent movie selections in the under $5 bin at most places this year though.

2007-11-23, 10:39 PM
I went to a mall. It was pretty quiet. Got some cool clothes, and MP3 player.
