View Full Version : Demonweb madness

2022-02-02, 06:32 AM
You have gathered here for a goal.

As fate has it you stepped through a portal to get towards the demonweb pits and somehow all emerged from the same portal. You're goal is clear, you can almost feel the nearly unfathomable power of your quarry bathering your skin. That alone may have crushed a lesser mortal, but for you it's like a big glowing arrow pointing you towards your goal.

Darkness stretches above and below the web you stepped upon, laced with additional layers of webs, crawling with spiders or other smaller, sometimes bigger things, but they are to far away from you to exactly make out.

On the other hand the demonweb pits really are quite lovely this time of the year. The poison that sometimes drips from the ceiling isn't addiotionally burning with acid. The sticky webs have a consistency that let's you walk on it without much hindrance. They are some monstrous spiders near you that at first wave aggressively at you but then, realizing who you are, spin additional web bridges for you to continue your way and they go out of they're way to not hinder you.

There are no drow present at the moment.

What does the others see when they gaze upon you?

2022-02-02, 01:00 PM

A mass of teeth and tentacles tumbles out of the portal. It slumps into itself, and after a moment of wriggling activity, a woman rises from the ground.


She waves at the retreating spiders. "Thank you!", she calls out. Turning to her companions, she says, "Looks like they're rolling out the red carpet for us. Isn't that nice?"

Dusk Raven
2022-02-02, 03:19 PM

With little fanfare, a pale humanoid with dark wings strides gracefully out of the portal, onto the fine surface of the webbing. She takes a look around her before commenting softly, "This is the most peaceful visit to the Abyss I've made..."

As one of her companions speaks, Ekel turns to her and responds, "Yes. It's also suspicious. Unless they also know the threat this thing poses..."

2022-02-02, 04:33 PM
"This is actually the right place?" spoke a woman with a well toned muscular body, though they weren't enough to overwhelm her feminine frame. She wears white armor that seems to be made of some advanced machinery and metal, solid but sectioned to allow the free movement of her limbs. She shakes her long brunette out of her eyes and looks towards the generous spiders. "I just kinda guessed when I opened that l, never been here before. She looks at the bridge, "Don't question it too much, they aren't getting in our way so it really doesn't matter. It is rather strange though."

Lord Foul
2022-02-08, 01:58 PM
The last through the portal looked somewhat out of place. A tall nobleman dressed not in typical adventuring gear but fine silks and gold with a raven perched on his shoulder. He gives the group a calculating look before nodding "it looks like close enough to the right spot, but if it isn't we best go back or plane shift somewhere else. Ruining my outfit without achieving anything or getting paid is not how I planed to spend my day"



2022-02-09, 06:58 AM
You don't have much time to collect yourself, as you get some more visitors. This time they seem not that helpful like the spiders however.

Above you there is a swooping sound, like something massive flying above you. Before you lands a slender greyscaled Dragon, hissing at you. Acid dripping from his fangs. Together with him land two drow. One is lightly armored, with something that seems like a Spiked Chain. The other wields a quarterstaff and helds himself back... While flying 20 feet above the ground and wearing a full-body armor made of acid, mumbling something that sounds suspiciously like a spell.

The last guest is a giant bloated head that flops from another web above you. Crawling itself up with massive spider legs. The eyes are unfocused, the jaw hinges but it gives of the intent of targeting you.

First Encounter! (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fR-QL6ix7hjVAn8YJnMWLFiNuol28x1idU4lAKz6IU4/edit#gid=0)

2022-02-09, 10:21 PM
Florin turns to face the new threats and changes form once again. Her body comes to resemble that of a naked human with mottled flesh, but its limbs are incredibly spindly and long. She hisses, showing sharp, large teeth while her limbs become capable snapping out like a whip. Her stance adjusts to take in the vicinity around them with an air of expectation and violence.

"I don't think this is the welcoming party. Let's see what they're made of!"

She is taking the Sanguine Glee stance and activating her Formation in Front of Water ability. With this ability up, she is immune to dazed, stunned, and nauseated conditions.

Enlightened Keeper: At 20th level, such is the legend of the Gate Guard that her challenges are undeniable. If the Gate Guard is in view or can be heard, enemies must each round suceed on a DC 10+1/2 HD+Cha mod Will save if they want to attack anyone else. If the Gate Guard is attacking them and no other creature, increase the DC by 10. In the case of area attacks, they don't need to save if the area includes the Gate Guard. Creatures with less HD than half the Gate Guard's own HD automatically fail this save.

Formation in front of water: At 5th level, once per day as a free action the Gate Guard may decide to make a stand. She cannot willingly move from her position, and gains a +8 bonus on all saves and checks to avoid being moved. While Formation in Front of Water lasts, the Gate Guard gains hardness equal to her Cha mod and her unarmed melee reach increases by 20 feet per 5 Gate Guard levels, unnafected by her size. This lasts until she moves from her position or is moved. In either case, in the next round she gains a +4 bonus on all attack rolls, damage rolls and ability DCs.

Gatekeeper: At 7th level the Gate Guard may make a number of extra attacks of opportunity per round equal to her Cha mod, and in addition she ignores all cover less than total cover and all concealment with her Aoos.

Lord Foul
2022-02-20, 12:42 PM
The nobleman grimaces as he looks at the forces arrayed to engage him. He decides to test the waters, throwing out a chain of utter cold to slow them down, not spending any resources just yet



touch attacks against all three, primary target is the dragon. Cold damage. All have to make fort save DC 31 or take -4 to dexterity for 10 minutes

Dusk Raven
2022-02-24, 11:04 AM
Ekel had enough time to manifest a single psychic power on herself before the enemy arrived. Once the enemy is revealed, she wastes no time in flying forward, accosting the nearest drow. Feeling divine energy surge through her, she strikes with all her might at the foe.

Energy Adaptation is now up.

Swift action: enter Blood in the Water stance.
Move action: fly up to the nearest drow, the spiked-chain one. IIRC he gets an AoO for having a reach weapon, but I have Mobility so I get a +4 to AC against that. Also designating him as my Dodge target.
Standard action: use Divine Surge maneuver.
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Divine Surge damage: [roll2]

2022-03-11, 04:46 AM
The drow fighter, seemingly awaiting Ekel's attack slashes his chain against her.

Attack: [ROLL]1d20+33[ROLL]
Damage: [roll0], + [roll1] Acid.

He get's hit heavily by Ekel and staggers back.

The magic attack of Cassius hits the dragon and freezes parts of him, while it chains the attack disperses harmlessly on the drows natural resistance against magic.

The drow warrior after it's hit runs swiftly around Ekel, stopping nearly before Florin, letting his chain quickly dance on her form and retreating some steps. Ready to attack again.

Doesn't provoke AoO's because of bounding assault (Spring attack²)
Attack 1: [roll2]
Damage 1: [roll3], + [roll4] Acid, [roll5] Skirmish
Attack 2: [roll6]
Damage 2: [roll7], + [roll8] Acid, [roll9] Skirmish

The dragon quickly inhales and shoots a stream of Acid against Ekel.

Reflex against 24 for half Damage.
Acid Damage: [roll10]

Then the dragons Body shudders, some of it's scales stand up visibly then lay down, seemingly even more.
After that Ekel feels a force hitting her square in the chest.

You get [roll11] Damage and get bullrushed for with a [roll12] and perhaps get pushed back accordingly.

The flying acid armored drow has finished his spell and makes a decisive motion against Florin. Besides Florin manifests a slender beautiful sword that slashes violently against her.

Attack: [roll13]
Damage: [roll14]

The weird swollen head runs wildly around, his legs swaying according to the head. It's scarily fast though, arrives near Cassius and vomits a unreal number of Spiders against the Gentleman.

Vomit Damage, Reflex against 22 for half.
[roll15] Bashing
You get [roll16] UNTYPED! Damage from the swarm and your AC reduces by one (this is a EX effect), your AC Returns after 10 minutes or if you bother to use a Full round Action to get all these damn spiders away!

Spiders, oh my! (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fR-QL6ix7hjVAn8YJnMWLFiNuol28x1idU4lAKz6IU4/edit#gid=0)

2022-03-11, 11:51 AM
The somewhat above average sized choker giggles as the drow warrior sprouts cuts from the single attack that hit Florin, her own pain negligible from the other half of the damage.
She responds by striking at each enemy on the field and finally a focused hit on the dragon.

Blood Press Guillotine
Sanguine Hand
Initiation Action: Full Round Action
In the space of a moment, you strike multiple foes. Step OneMake one attack on each target, dealing normal damage. Any foe who takes at least one point of damage from this attack must pass a will save, or you and your allies treat them as flatfooted until the end of your next turn.
Step Two Then, make one attack against every foe flatfooted due to this Maneuver or Instant Murder Flash. Each of these attacks deals an additional 5d6 precision damage.

Step One
Drow Fighter
To Hit [roll0]
To Hurt [roll1]
DC 32 Will Save or be flat footed

Drow Warrior
To Hit [roll2]
To Hurt [roll3]
DC 32 Will Save or be flat footed

To Hit [roll4]
To Hurt [roll5]
DC 32 Will Save or be flat footed

Flying Acid Armored Drow
To Hit [roll6]
To Hurt [roll7]
DC 32 Will Save or be flat footed

To Hit [roll8]
To Hurt [roll9]
DC 32 Will Save or be flat footed

Weird Swollen Head
To Hit [roll10]
To Hurt [roll11]
DC 32 Will Save or be flat footed

Step Two
If flat footed, Drow Fighter
To Hit [roll12]
To Hurt [roll13]

If flat footed, Drow Warrior
To Hit [roll15]
To Hurt [roll16]

If flat footed, Dragon
To Hit [roll18]
To Hurt [roll19]

If flat footed, Flying Acid Armored Drow
To Hit [roll21]
To Hurt [roll22]

If flat footed, Sword
To Hit [roll24]
To Hurt [roll25]

If flat footed, Weird Swollen Head
To Hit [roll27]
To Hurt [roll28]

Standard Action via Choker

This is aimed at the Dragon.
Splattering Viscera Finish
Sanguine Hand
Initiation Action: Attack Action
The pinnacle of Sanguine Hand, this strike leaves little of the foe but blood and splattered organs. If it hits, they must pass a fortitude save, or die immediately. Even on a success, you do an additional 10d6 precision damage. If the foe dies from this attack, all foes within sight range of their fallen ally must pass a will save, or become Panicked for (12)x2 rounds, then Frightened for (12)x2 rounds, and then shaken until you die or the encounter ends.
To Hit [roll30]
To Hurt [roll31]
DC 32 Fortitude Save or be splattered into blood and organs

Dusk Raven
2022-03-16, 02:38 PM
Ekel makes a quick survey of the battlefield, before settling on the dragon. Holy energy begins to gather around her as she raises her scythe, before charging headlong towards the dragon, taking flight as she does so and ascending 15 feet into the air. Though her slash is somewhat clumsy, it still scores a hit against the dragon's hide.

Lord Foul
2022-03-20, 03:38 PM
Cassius grunts in annoyance as the spiders begin their assault. His regeneration is able to keep up with their assault but it still hurt like the dickens. He sprouts wings out of his back and takes to the air, trying to avoid the spiders so he can set up some annoyances of his own, chanting in a dark language to open up a portal to a chilling abomination beyond mortal comprehension, letting only the extremities poke through this plane.

[ooc]free action grow wings, move action fly up ~20ft standard action chilling tentacles centered on the dragon, positioning the 20ft radius spread to avoid Allies and hit additional targets if possible.

2022-03-23, 02:45 AM
Florins mass of attacks hit everyone on the field, though it seems that the sword is not interested in her hits at all. The mage is surprised of being hit at all, clearly thinking that he has the reach advantage, though his skin is not only encased in acid, but also seems to be supernaturally hardened.

You get 30 acid damage 2 times, because you hit the mage two times. He get's damaged through your attacks, but you feel that the damage is reduced.

With the finishing blow the dragon explodes into viscera and gore. The bits that hit the drow mage though are instantly burned away though his acid armor.

Ekel hits the drow fighter with a heavy blow. He is heavily wounded but the death of the dragon gives him a panic attack and he runs away from Ekel.

You can make a AoO he is too panicked to run away in a clever manner. I doubt it works that way, but it seems approbiate.

Cassius tentacles enlope the weird head and the spider swarm. Some spiders are still clinging to him hampering his movement but otherwise he is unaffected, the head makes some weird noises and seems to actually be able to cast a spell against Cassius.

It's dispel magic which is totally irrelevant at the moment. Which reveals that the thing seems somewhat intelligent (targetting you with a spell that normally dispels flight) but either not observant or relying on a set of instructions (not realizing that you take flight through natural means.) You're AC is still reduced by 1 till you use a full-round action to get rid of the spiders or wait 10 minutes out of combat till they scamper off.

The sword takes another swing at Florin.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

The drow mage undisturbed by his shrinking allies makes a routine set of spellcasting motions and Florin is hit by a heavy pressure and the nets at her feet are ripped away!

He's casting a shatterfloor

You gain [roll2] sonic damage save against will 22 for half and would fall. You can make a reflex save against 22 to catch another net. Or use any other crazy ability to get out of falling.

2022-03-27, 07:44 PM
When the floor beneath her begins to unravel, Florin reaches for the most reliable-looking thing she can grab: the acid-robed caster.

Attack #1
To Grapple [roll0]

To Hurt [roll1]
+20 Strength damage

Attack #2
To Grapple [roll2]

To Hurt [roll3]
+20 Strength damage

Attack #3
To Grapple [roll4]

To Hurt [roll5]
+20 Strength damage

Attack #4
To Grapple [roll6]

To Hurt [roll7]
+20 Strength damage

Attack #5
To Grapple [roll8]

To Hurt [roll9]
+20 Strength damage

Secondary Action
To Grapple [roll10]

To Hurt [roll11]
+20 Strength damage

Lord Foul
2022-03-27, 09:00 PM
Cassius laughs at the abjuration washes over him "oh? You think you can contest my magical power? Try and dispel this, fool" he says before gathering a massive pool of black accursed energies and launching them out at the caster who attempted to dispell his magic and then chaining off from him to hit the drow



all successful targets must make a DC 25 will saving through or be subject to Bestow Curse, -4 penalty on attack rolls, saves, ability checks, and skill checks per the greatreach blast infusion on an eldritch chain blast shape the damage is typeless

2022-04-01, 05:39 AM
You bested the dragon and the drow who accompanied it to stop you from reaching… The Thing. You can still feel it's aura battering on your soul, making your direction painfully clear. The spiders still seem to have massive respect for you. Know even more than before and are actually pretty helpful in building some bridges for you. Some of them come pretty close but don't do any aggressive movements.

You feel yourself coming closer to your goal. It feels like lesser people may be crushed and killed by it's aura alone but for you it's just a helpful sign. You see some spiders weaving flags made out of they're own silk. Some of them even seem to have strange scribled on them.

"The end is near!" "Get your children to the prime you fools!" "Don't lose hope!" And similiar messages.

You can see some platforms that seem similiar like the video where the Divination-Reporter Jim was. You can't see a giant egg though, that should have stood out.

Dusk Raven
2022-04-06, 10:02 AM
Ekel uses the time well, using her psionic powers to augment her abilities. She says nothing on the journey - everyone present is as prepared as they're going to be, so what's left to be said?

Casting the following:
Offensive Precognition, (https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Offensive_Precognition) spending 10 power points to gain a +4 bonus on attack rolls;
Force Screen, (https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Force_Screen) spending 9 power points to give myself a +3 Shield bonus to AC;
Empathic Feedback, (https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Empathic_Feedback) spending 12 power points so that any enemy that hits me... well, just read the description. The damage is capped at 12 points.
And Psionic Freedom of Movement. (https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Psionic_Freedom_of_Movement)

2022-04-07, 04:56 AM
The three beings continue they're stroll through the demonweb pits. They feel they're target. It's aura is pressing on them, but it almost looks like it can't be found (how ridicilous!)

The next net is stepped on... And it seems the world shifts.

What looked like a uninhabitated net one moment is suddenly filled to the brim with massive giant legs fused together. Giant bloated heads and swarms of Spiders. And they're it is. A unbelievable sight.

Massive hairy spider legs seem to prop up 3 gigantic heads that bellow a cacophonic challenge towards you, shifting and tumbling that every head can look at you.

Uh... (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1E3mmvSDqy0GeFXF2uUnBCg8A0d9R58ajY3TWwcNCLAo/edit?usp=sharing)

You get [roll0] Sonic Damage, save against 35 Fortitude for half, every round the tarrasque bellows. You can find out more about this… Version with a Knowledge: Arcana check. Also it's your turn. Have fun!

Lord Foul
2022-04-09, 06:48 PM
Cassius was more and more on edge as they got closer. He re-applies his entropic warding and his dark foresight, wary of ambushes and traps and casts an additional spell to protect his mind, just in case. He carried a small ball of eldritch energy in hand, ready to smite whatever foe or obstacle in his path but surprising to him at least, no other foe was in their way until they finally reached the true objective. That which would swallow the world once it was fully grown. That which they came to defeat.

Cassius was a whirl of motion and words, the magic distorting the very world around him until it froze in place, giving him a bit more time to preform his magics.


Gaining 24 seconds of frozen time, the most important step was making sure what he was seeing was real. He casts true seeing upon himself and hides himself behind illusory duplicates. Then he goes on the offensive, or at least as much as he can without popping the bubble of stopped time, summoning a pair of ice devils and accelerating his Allie's movement

pre fight, cast mind blank, re-activate entropic warding and dark foresight invocations. Round 1, cast time stop. Round 1.1 cast true seeing, round 1.2 cast mirror image round 1.3 cast summon monster 9 spell like ability round 1.4 cast summon monster 9 spell like ability and quickened haste

2022-04-09, 08:10 PM
Florin eyes the massive creature in front of them and takes a moment to stretch. The stretch takes her beyond the limits of her physical form and result in her growing larger that she had been.

She jogs forward at the thing and calls out to it, "Hey! HEY, YOU! COME GET ME, YOU UGLY REJECT!"

She now looks like a very large, very angry choker.
She's nearly doubled her strength and has 10' reach.
SR 39
AC 41
HP 696
Enough AoOs

Dusk Raven
2022-04-10, 11:41 AM
Ekel weathers the roar of the demon Tarrasque thanks to her psionic energy absorption, and she locks her eyes on the nearest target - one of the giant heads standing between her and the group's target. Raising her scythe, she charges forward towards the foe, radiant energy coursing through her...

Using Radiant Charge on the head directly north.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage (base): [roll1]
Damage (Radiant Charge): [roll2]

Also going to use Robilar's Gambit, giving enemies a +4 on attack and damage rolls against me, in exchange for me getting AoOs whenever they attack me.

Dusk Raven
2022-04-10, 11:48 AM
Crit Confirmation: [roll0]
Psychokinetic damage that I forgot to roll in the previous post: [roll1]
Psychokinetic Burst damage on a successful crit: [roll2]

2022-04-11, 07:51 AM
Ekel charges forward and with one fell swoop cuts the big head in two pieces, feeling invigorated by her powerful attack.

The bellowing continues uninterrupted, battering not only against your body's but against your very souls!

[roll0] Sonic Damage, Fortitude save against 35 for half.

The misshapen Tarrasque-like... Thing stumbles towards her, swaying left and right, it's uncountable number of legs Swinging wildly. It kinda moves like a new-born horse or deer (given that it's not that old, perhaps that's even the reason?) It's feet stop nearly before her, with one of it's massive mouths if snaps at the giant choker, trying to take a sizable bite out of it.

Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] Bonus charge Damage [roll3] If you get hit make a Fortitude save against 35 or lose [roll4] Strength Damage. This is a Poison effect. Should you be immune against poison give yourself +5 to the roll.

The other head turns towards you and belches an obnoxious cloud of acid, hitting the ice devils, Florin and Cassius. Ekel who is directly under the monster, thankfully doesn't get hit. But she does get hit by the putrid smell of the acid.

You get [roll5] acid Damage, Reflex against 35 for half. Next round you get half of that again. (If you had Evasion'd the continuous damage wouldn't work the halved damage next round can be halved with a succesfull Reflex save against 35. If you want to drop down the floor and roll around that would give you a +4 to you save.)

The last misshapen head hangs down and sneezes loudly, conjuring a viscous blob that lands before Cassius.

The two spider swarms run around the giant choker, furiously crawling and biting around it.

[roll6] unavoidable damage and you get -2 to AC.

The nearest swollen head crawl-runs towards Ekel and violently vomits a swarm of spiders against her.

Yes that Counts as an attack.
You get [roll7] vomit (Bashing) Damage and [roll8] unavoidable Damage and -1 to AC.

The other two swollen heads run towards to get in a better Position. The giant masses of spider legs get in Motion too. One circles behind all of you getting behind Cassius and raises it's legs ready to strike, the other charges towards Florin.

On your turn, if you cast a spell or move you get attacked
Attack: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10] and Fortitude save against 20 to not get [roll11] Con Damage.

Attack: [roll12]
Damage: [roll13] and Fortitude save against 20 to not get [roll14] Con Damage.

Spider spa Resort, Grand reopening (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1E3mmvSDqy0GeFXF2uUnBCg8A0d9R58ajY3TWwcNCLAo/edit#gid=0)

2022-04-11, 10:36 AM
With a cry more of excitement than pain, Florin squares up with the largest target she can see and sets to pummeling it wildly.

Attack #1
To Hit [roll0]

To Hurt [roll1]
+20 Strength damage

Attack #2
To Hit [roll2]

To Hurt [roll3]
+20 Strength damage

Attack #3
To Hit [roll4]

To Hurt [roll5]
+20 Strength damage

Attack #4
To Hit [roll6]

To Hurt [roll7]
+20 Strength damage

Attack #5
To Hit [roll8]

To Hurt [roll9]
+20 Strength damage

Secondary Action
To Hit [roll10]

To Hurt [roll11]
+20 Strength damage

Dusk Raven
2022-04-15, 04:14 PM
Ekel swiftly counterattacks the head as it vomits spiders upon her. Her scythe doesn't stop moving as she transitions from slash to slash, targeting all of it on the head.


Now receiving a +1 to attack and damage thanks to Blood in the Water stance.

To Hit #1: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

To Hit #2: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

To Hit #3: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]

Full Attack on the head, with any leftover attacks going to the Tarrasque-thing. Using Power attack with a -5/+10 modifier. Also designating the Tarrasque as my Dodge target. Continuing with Robilar's gambit.

To Hit #1: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8]

To Hit #2: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10]

To Hit #3: [roll11]
Damage: [roll12]

To Hit #4: [roll13]
Damage: [roll14]

Lord Foul
2022-04-19, 05:55 PM
10 acid resist
[roll1] 10 acid resist
[roll5] 10 acid resist

Cassius is surprised by what his true seeing detects, taking advantage of the creature's innate telepathy he sends one of his devils to go and rescue the poor fool trapped in the webs, going to slice through it with it's spear not sure what check this is

The other he directs off to the side and tells it to try and get one of the heads and the swarm in a cone of cold spell [roll6] DC 20 reflex for half

Cassius would start casting more spells himself but a mass of legs is in his way. His arms begin to swell with muscles, bursting the sleves of his tailored shirt and forming into what looks like the limbs of a tiger but jointed mostly like a human, albiet a human who's hands were on backwards. His face also gains feline features and his whole body is covered in furfree action reveal true form as a rakshasa He forms claws of hellfire and acid and plunges them through the limbed mass [roll=to hit] 1d20+33 1d20+33
4d6+1d6+1d8+17d6+5+9+1 4d6+1d6+1d8+17d6+5+9+1 17d6 is acid, and they take 2d6 acid for the next 4 turns if this hits. the rest of the damage is physical slashing damage

2022-04-21, 05:05 AM
The ice devil Cassius has sent out seems to Slash at thin air, but then a disheveled looked mage falls to the ground. "I don't have a lot remaining, I hope it helps!" He makes some impressive hand motions and strikes down, filling you with a sense of certainty.

You all get a +20 Bonus to your next attacks for this round.

The other devils breath attack takes two swarms off of Florin and engulfs the head which doesn't seem impressed at all.

Ekel meanwhile uses her last slice to cut the head in two.

Florins massive fists hits one of the heads several times, damaging it heavily but it doesn't fall off.

The Tarrasque-thing actually stops her bellowing and takes a deep gulp of fresh air, healing some of it's wounds.

It then attempts to chomp down on Florin again.

Damage: [roll1] If you get hit make a Fortitude save against 35 or lose (2d6)[5] Strength Damage. This is a Poison effect. Should you be immune against poison give yourself +5 to the roll.

One of the other heads looks down and spews a mass of cackling Electricity against Ekel.

Breath weapon counts as an attack.
You get [roll2] Cold Damage, Reflex against 35 for half.

The other head Begins to choke heavily and with a wet sound it spews out one of these weird swollen head things.

Both heads focus some of they're limited magic against Florin and Cassius.

Dispel magic against Florin [roll3] [roll4] [roll5]
Dispel magic against Cassius [roll6] [roll7] [roll8]
Just ignore additional rolls. Spell like abilites can be subject to Dispel magic.

One of the mass of legs takes a step back and flings a ball of ice against Florin, also he's still covered in spiders!

Ongoing spider Damage [roll9] Untyped Damage -1 AC.
Touch attack: [roll10]
Damage: [roll11] Cold Damage, Fortitude save against 20 or be blinded for 1 round.

The black snot the Tarrasque spat out previosly swells up and several black dripping spikes shoot out of it, trying to skewer Cassius!

Done most of it in Discord. You get hit once, 4 of your images get skewered.
Attack: [roll12]
Damage: [roll13] If you get hit, make a Fortitude save against 26 or lose [roll14] Wisdom! Damage

Did you try the spider Sauna? (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1E3mmvSDqy0GeFXF2uUnBCg8A0d9R58ajY3TWwcNCLAo/edit?usp=sharing)

Lord Foul
2022-05-17, 08:21 AM
Cassius dusts himself off after finishing off the mass of disgusting legs, dismissing his energy claws he reaches down to touch the mass of limbs pushing necrotic power into them, animating them as an (exo)skeleton "arise anew, your work is not yet complete, you must obey my bidding as I enslave your soul"

he doesn't let the two beings he already commanded off the hook though, he sends the ice devil that had previously blasted the head to charge forward to attack it with it's spear and the other he sends the other to blast the head with a cone of cold as well

[roll0] [roll1] fort save DC 23 or be slowed if hit

[roll2] dc 20 reflex

Dusk Raven
2022-05-18, 02:12 PM

Weathering the blast of cold, Ekel swiftly counterattacks with her scythe against the Tarrasque monster.

Attack 1: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Attack 2: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]
Attack 3: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]

Her scythe remains in motion as she continues to strike at the colossal beast, striking at any point she can reach, her attacks guided by magic.

Attack 1: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8]
Attack 2: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10]
Attack 3: [roll11]
Damage: [roll12]
Attack 4: [roll13]
Damage: [roll14]

Dusk Raven
2022-05-18, 02:17 PM

Opp Attack 1: [roll7]
Psychokinetic Burst damage: [roll8]
Normall Attack 2: [roll9]
Psychokinetic Burst damage: [roll10]

2022-05-21, 06:07 PM
Lacking coherent thought beyond "punchpunchpunch", Florin throws fists like a pistoning machine at the big guy.

Attack #1
To Hit [roll0]

To Hurt [roll1]

Attack #2
To Hit [roll2]

To Hurt [roll3]

Attack #3
To Hit [roll4]

To Hurt [roll5]

Attack #4
To Hit [roll6]

To Hurt [roll7]

Attack #5
To Hit [roll8]

To Hurt [roll9]

Secondary Action
To Hit [roll10]

To Hurt [roll11]

Edit: Attack #2 should look like this:
To Hit (1D20+46)[60]
I'd made the To Hit bonus 4 instead of 46

2022-05-25, 09:04 AM
Teamwork of Ekel and Florin, the first cutting deeply into the head, the latter punching and grasping on one of the heads the two are able to rip one of the heads away from the tarrasque-monstrosity, leaving it now with only two heads. The gaping wound however closes itself pretty fast, leaving only more hairy spider legs.

Cassius is able to revive one of the masses of legs adding another soldier to they're cause.

One of the heads rips his jaws asunder and you can hear deep rumbling and smell a weird odor emerging from the open maw. Slimy sounds are emerging from it too.

The other one who breathed a mass of different stuff at you, loses a quick lance of flame, followed by a massive cone of ice to envelop all of you. It seems it's breath attacks before were only there to help it aim, now it seems to have pre-aimed succefully. One of the heads and the mass of legs on your side get's hit by it but it doesn't seem to be affected by the massive cold energy's.

This count's as an attack.
It deals Fire Damage with a DC 40 Reflex save to halve it.

This count's as an attack.
It deals [ROLL]12d+ Cold Damage with a DC 36 Reflex save to halve it.

Tim raises his arms and let's one fall towards one of the giant heads. It puufs out of existence.

He had cast Undeath to Death.

That's all guys, sorry!

The remaining two heads however are busy vomiting spiders at you.

Count's as an attack but I don't think you can capitalize on that given the range.
Bashing Damage. [roll1] and [roll2] Unavoidable Damage - 1 AC´

Bashing Damage. [roll3] and [roll4] Unavoidable Damage - 1 AC

The weird black snooty mass (which is a bit frozen over) divides his claws between Cassius and his new legy friend.

Again one hit against you, two more images down.
Attack [roll5]
Damage [roll6] If you get hit, make a Fortitude save against 26 or lose [roll7] Wisdom! Damage

Attack 1: [roll8]
Damage 1: [roll9]
Attack 2: [roll10]
Damage 2: [roll11]
Attack 3: [roll12]
Damage 3: [roll13] Immune against the poison because Undead.

One down two to go. (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1E3mmvSDqy0GeFXF2uUnBCg8A0d9R58ajY3TWwcNCLAo/edit#gid=0)

Dusk Raven
2022-06-09, 07:43 PM
Ekel continues to slash away at her foe, using every opportunity granted by the monster's attacks to return a series of strikes of her own. But then, she changes tactics, gathering all her strength into one mighty swing that threatens to stun the abomination.

Reflex versus Fire Lance: [roll0]

Reflex versus Cone of Cold: [roll1]

Set from Fire Lance:
Attack 1: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Attack 2: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Attack 3: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

Set from Cone of Cold:
Attack 1: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]
Attack 2: [roll10]
Damage: [roll11]
Attack 3: [roll12]
Damage: [roll13]

Standard Action: Using White Raven Hammer, targeting the tarrasque-thing. The attack deals an extra 6d6 damage and stuns the target for one round.
Attack: [roll14]
Damage: [roll15] plus [roll16]
Assuming the attack hits, I'll move 25 feet to the east to put me within range of the giants head-spider.
Also, continuing Robilar's Gambit.

Dusk Raven
2022-06-09, 08:00 PM
All for x4 damage, as a reminder.

Fire Lance Attack 3: [roll0]
Psychokinetic Burst damage (if successful, not multiplied): [roll1]

Cone of Cold Attack 2: [roll2]
Psychokinetic Burst damage: [roll3]

White Raven Hammer: [roll4]
Psychokinetic Burst damage: [roll5]