View Full Version : Ideas for building a Demolitionist

2022-02-02, 09:36 AM
I'm creating a character whom I want to be an expert of demolition, the art of terrain manipulation and precision destruction. What classes/subclasses would be best? Right now, I'm building from level 6 and a I'm thinking two levels of Transmutation Wizard in order to use Minor Transmutation to transmute supports into weaker materials. Any other ideas? I will, of course, be picking up Shape Water and Mold Earth, and later on Control Water.

I'm picking Githyanki for race so that I can use Tasha's proficiency swap rules to swap most of the weapon and armor proficiencies for tool proficiencies in order to better detect weak points in structures.

2022-02-02, 10:09 AM
I'd just go full Transmutation Wizard, honestly. Searching through spell lists, they get a lot of "earth" and "stone" spells, plus Glyph of Warding, Fireball, Delayed Blast Fireball... Disintegrate for silent demolitions. (Tell your DM that Stoneskin should be a transmutation spell, rather than abjuration. You're turning their flesh into stone, not creating a magical barrier around them.)

I know that single-classing is passé, but you'll get faster access to the spells you want. Also, Minor Alchemy to turn iron or stone into wood, creating your own weak points for demolition is such an interesting and effective idea.

2022-02-02, 11:03 AM
I'm also considering Artificer for tool expertise. I've been authorized the previous version of artificer that gets it at level 3.

2022-02-02, 01:53 PM
I'm also considering Artificer for tool expertise. I've been authorized the previous version of artificer that gets it at level 3.

That wouldn't make me change my mind. As somebody currently playing an artificer, have a bonus on certain skill checks is not worth trading the three levels of wizard casting. You're setting yourself back by full spell level. I guess you have a lot of 1st level slots and a couple infusions, but those infusions will be weak by 6th level, anyway.

I dunno. Artificer just feels weak against a full casting class, even with the other class features (which won't scale after the dip). You'd have a more tricks up your sleeve, and if that's good for you, go for it. I just think, if I wanted to make the thing go boom, I want the bigger boom spells.

Kurt Kurageous
2022-02-02, 03:13 PM
I'd just go full Transmutation Wizard, honestly. Searching through spell lists, they get a lot of "earth" and "stone" spells, plus Glyph of Warding, Fireball, Delayed Blast Fireball... Disintegrate for silent demolitions. (Tell your DM that Stoneskin should be a transmutation spell, rather than abjuration. You're turning their flesh into stone, not creating a magical barrier around them.)

I know that single-classing is passé, but you'll get faster access to the spells you want. Also, Minor Alchemy to turn iron or stone into wood, creating your own weak points for demolition is such an interesting and effective idea.

Your transmutation wiz single class is the best bet. I love the idea of a transmuter turning iron/stone to balsa wood and causing a structure to collapse. A lot of backstory ideas spring to mind for this one, so I'm sure you'll have fun with that.

2022-02-02, 04:28 PM
That wouldn't make me change my mind. As somebody currently playing an artificer, have a bonus on certain skill checks is not worth trading the three levels of wizard casting. You're setting yourself back by full spell level. I guess you have a lot of 1st level slots and a couple infusions, but those infusions will be weak by 6th level, anyway.

I dunno. Artificer just feels weak against a full casting class, even with the other class features (which won't scale after the dip). You'd have a more tricks up your sleeve, and if that's good for you, go for it. I just think, if I wanted to make the thing go boom, I want the bigger boom spells.

That's true, but I'm going to be using mundane explosives a good deal too, so I'd think it's worth it to be good at finding weak points using tool checks. My spells are mostly focused around enabling my mundane demolitions means (So no fireball), with the exception of things like Control Water. And having the iron defender and a Homunculus is good for ferrying explosives around the battlefield or into hard to reach places.

Also, since I picked githyanki and used the proficiency swap rules from Tasha's, counting background and artificer levels I have ELEVEN tool proficiencies. Which is kinda hilarious.

2022-02-02, 04:30 PM
I'm picking Githyanki for race so that I can use Tasha's proficiency swap rules to swap most of the weapon and armor proficiencies for tool proficiencies in order to better detect weak points in structures.

There's a less convoluted way to achieve this, and it's called being a Dwarf. You get a free tool proficiency by default, and utility feature precisely apropos for this kind of thing.

I second full-bore Transmutation Wizard.

2022-02-02, 04:31 PM
There's a less convoluted way to achieve this, and it's called being a Dwarf. You get a free tool proficiency by default, and utility feature precisely apropos for this kind of thing.

I second full-bore Transmutation Wizard.

Yes, but consider five tool proficiencies, including one (Mason's) that could reasonably sub for stonecunning, instead. Also, I looked at Stonecunning, and it doesn't mention anything about finding weak points, only making history checks on the origin of stonework. Doesn't sound right. Guess it was nerfed in this edition? Because it definitely was a thing in previous editions.

2022-02-02, 04:37 PM
Yes, but consider five tool proficiencies, including one (Mason's) that could reasonably sub for stonecunning, instead. Also, I looked at Stonecunning, and it doesn't mention anything about finding weak points, only making history checks on the origin of stonework. Doesn't sound right.

Wow. They really didn't think that rule through very thoroughly if one weapon proficiency gets swapped for one tool proficiency. Congrats if your DM allows that, I certainly wouldn't; I'd say one tool proficiency for the lot.

But at any rate, Dwarfs get a bunch of weapons you can swap out as well, and are all around a good race for Wizards regardless of subrace, even before flexible racial ASI was a thing.

2022-02-02, 04:40 PM
Wow. They really didn't think that rule through very thoroughly if one weapon proficiency gets swapped for one tool proficiency. Congrats if your DM allows that, I certainly wouldn't; I'd say one tool proficiency for the lot.

But at any rate, Dwarfs get a bunch of weapons you can swap out as well, and are all around a good race for Wizards regardless of subrace, even before flexible racial ASI was a thing.

It helps that noone plays the 'yanks, so they must've been forgotten. I love having an excuse to play one though!

2022-02-03, 07:39 AM
That's true, but I'm going to be using mundane explosives a good deal too, so I'd think it's worth it to be good at finding weak points using tool checks. My spells are mostly focused around enabling my mundane demolitions means (So no fireball), with the exception of things like Control Water. And having the iron defender and a Homunculus is good for ferrying explosives around the battlefield or into hard to reach places.

What mundane explosives are you using? Is there something in Tasha's that I've missed? Also, no shade on using skill checks, but your Minor Transmutation ability will create weak points. Honestly, if you can turn iron into wood, you should be able to turn iron into rusted iron.

2022-02-03, 07:51 AM
The 2016 UA Artificer Alchemist may fit the bill decently.

They had the Alchemical Formulas that allowed you to throw Thunderstones, Alchemical Fire, and Alchemical Acid to do decent damage. You may be able to sub that in or homebrew something based off of that for your character.

Although my first thought went along with lots of others, full class Wizard.

2022-02-03, 12:11 PM
What mundane explosives are you using? Is there something in Tasha's that I've missed? Also, no shade on using skill checks, but your Minor Transmutation ability will create weak points. Honestly, if you can turn iron into wood, you should be able to turn iron into rusted iron.

Gunpowder, it's available. And if I really need it, I can probably make something stronger, like nitrocellulose. And...yeah. That's the idea. To create weak points to blow up. The skill check is to figure out where best to put it for my desired result