View Full Version : Hands of a Healer suggestion

2022-02-02, 02:07 PM
For years, I thought the Exalted feat Hands of a Healer (BoED) could be taken multiple times. Only yesterday did I read carefully and see that, nope, can only be taken once.

But why not homebrew it so that it can be taken multiple times? It would provide an option for Lay on Hands classes to improve their healing, if they wanna invest. It would give those 3-level PrCs that just give Bonus Exalted Feats another reason to be taken. It would give another fun, niche reason to use Vow of Poverty (get Hands of a Healer all 11 times).

What does everyone think?

2022-02-03, 01:56 PM
It would still be a very weak feat, but would be marginally more useful. If you want to spend multiple slots on this, go for it. Other, more efficient healing options, such as the vigor line of spells, the touch of healing reserve feat, lifebond vestments soulmeld or caduces bracers magic item exist, though and might be useful supplementary options depending on the specifics of your character.

2022-02-04, 06:55 AM
I can't see this house rule causing problems.

I guess you could make a gimmick character that hits undead with a big spike of damage once per day.
But again, a Paladin can already be built to deal impressive nova damage by attacking conventionally.