View Full Version : Looking for help statting some items/artifacts (LoZ)

2022-02-04, 02:54 PM
So I've been crowd sourcing alot lately, searching for starting points to build up my own Hyrulian world (including but not limited to mainland, Holodrum, Labrynna, and other associated demiplanes) but as I am getting to the items, something I believe truly makes something LoZ stand out and is paramount to the build, I am struggling.

So I am here to ask: what iconic items do you feel are most important to playing a Zelda game? They can be mundane, wondrous, or even a unique artifact. And if you have a moment to suggest some stats and abilities, I would appreciate the help all the more!

2022-02-08, 04:31 PM
Mild bump. Originally posted in wrong thread, still looking for help, any and all is welcome!

2022-02-08, 04:49 PM
Firstly, which game/edition are do you want stats for? My expertise is solely on D&D 3.5, with a little bit of CoD.

Well, magic musical instruments are a must. LoZ has so many of them, with quite varied effects. Also, I think the moon pearl (which would grant resistance or immunity to involuntary shapechange) and the treasure detecting compass are quite iconic. The Master Sword and the Bow of Light. Besides those, many LoZ games have magic masks of all kind, a lot of magic mirrors and some magic wands, like the Staff of Somaria.

2022-02-08, 06:31 PM
3.5 works just fine, I can convert anything as needed! Not specifically looking for anything, but seems like somebody definitely has played lttp a few times haha. Whatever ideas anyone has, I'm more than happy to look over. Maybe even eventually get it all down in some doc or pdf for free use!

2022-02-09, 09:30 AM
Well, let's see what I can spontanously stat...

Treasure seeking compass: This blue coloured compass points, when the command word is spoken, to the closest unattended magic item within 400 ft. There are variants that point to the closest gem or valuable art object, and those that are connected to specific items and only show where those are.
Faint divination; CL 3rd; Craft Wonderous Item, Detect Magic, Find Object; 8,800 gp.

Moonpearl: A moonpearl is black pearl half the size of a fist with a blue-ish luster. Carrying a moonpearl with you grants immunity against all attempts to change your shape against your will, be it the attack of a chaos beast, petrification, Baleful Polymorph or Disintigrate. A moonpearl even protects from hostile transmutation through artifacts or epic spells, but it shatters when this happens.
Strong abjuration; CL 17th; Craft Wonderous Item, Break Enchantment or Unravel Dweomer, Greater Spell Immunity or Shadow Investiture; 544,000 gp.

Just a little something I came up with right now.

2022-02-10, 08:43 AM
some ones i can think of off the top of my head are:hookshot ,some kinda glider, sheikah slate depending on setting (this could have charges {lets say 7} it could cast hold person for 3 charges, a changed mold earth that works on water, some kinda metal moving ability fo 1 charge, weak bombs for 2 charges, one that rolls and one that can stay still). , some kind of magical instrument (there have been a lot but the obvious one is the ocarina which would be an entire campaigns macguffin) , different majoras masks masks (maybe even some homebrew ones that can go from casting disguise self to giving you powerful abilities), the beyblade thing from twilight princess (a thing that gives you increased movement and a ram attack), the triforce (maybe casts wish?) and the master sword

2022-02-10, 05:12 PM
I actually really love the idea of that compass. It's not... well. I don't know how to describe it. For most Zelda games people don't think it is super important, but then I think back to the GBC games where not only did it point at treasure but it also chimed when getting close. That is just so background and mundane, but can be brought so much to life, and I love how simple of a thing it will be.

If you have any other great ideas like it, please keep them coming. I'm still fleshing out everything and plan to go far and wide with the game and world, and any help is super appreciated!

2022-02-10, 06:46 PM
Bunny hood: A pair of yellow bunny ears that fill the wearer with the animal's speed (and grant +2 to cuteness :smalltongue:). The wearer of the ears gets an enhancement bonus of +20 ft to base land speed. Faint transmutation; Cl 5th; Craft Wonderous Item, Expeditious Retreat; 4,000 gp.

Switch hook: This strange item resembles a metallic pincer, connected by a chain to a hilt. The chain can extend up to 40 ft. As a Standard action, the wielder can make an attack against any creature or object within that range that is up to one size smaller or two sizes bigger than the wielder. If the attack is succesfull, it doesn't do damage but instead instantly exchanges the positions of user and target, on the condition that there is enough space for both of them at their respective new positions. Rarely there are versions with even longer chains.
Magical version: Moderate conjuration; CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, Dimensional Door or Baleful TranspositionSpell Compendium; 22,000 gp.
Psionic version: Moderate psychoportation; ML 6th; Craft Universal Item, Dimension Swap; 22,000 gp

Cane of Pacci: A short crooked stick, made from a strange yellow wood. The cane is activated with a command word and shoots a ball of yellow energy at a creature or object within 30 ft. If you hit with a ranged touch attack, the target is raised into the air, flipped up-side down and drops. Creatures flipped that way take 1W6 falling damage and fall prone.
Alternatively, you can shoot the ball into a hole in the ground that covers exactly your space and is deep enough to fit you in. If you drop into the hole within 5 rounds of doing so, you are shot up to 30 ft. into the air (less, if going the whole distance would slam you into the ceiling or something). During your short flight, you can safely land in any adjactant field. You never take damage through this usage, neither from falling nor being shot into barriers.
Moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Craft Rod, Telekinesis or Reverse Gravity; 12,800 gp

A few more things. What do you think?

2022-02-11, 03:47 PM
Love the switch hook. Really plays into the feel I want here. Unique items that have strange applications but potentially could be used in diverse ways to interact with the world. It also plays into the part of the timeline I want to lean towards: the dark timeline (or fallen hero if we want to be official and extra). So I do have plans to work out a fair few of the items when I get the time and ability to focus long enough. So I guess this is a good of place as any to start just a running list of items to be included and finished eventually.

Cane of Samaria - A crooked red staff adorned with tassels and jewels, claimed to be the great work of the ancient sage Samaria, measuring roughly 4 and 1/2 feet in length. When held and activated with a wave (a standard action) the cane creates a large pale red block, a cube of 5 feet, before the wielder. Somehow, this block seems weightless to the one who conjured it, but is still heavy enough to block passage, act as a weight, and even be climbed on (DC 15). With a second action, the block can be unconjured, disappearing as immediately as it came to be, or when struck with the cane can be sent forward in direction 50 feet, or until colliding with a wall. When sent towards objects or creatures, treat this as a bullrush attempt with a +10 to the check.
Moderate Conjuration; CL 12th; Craft Rod, Minor Creation; 82,000 GP.

Magnet Gauntlets - Coming in a pair - one adorned in red and the other blue - these iron gauntlets allow the wearer control over magnetic currents. These can be used in two primary ways: North, capable of pulling the user and a metallic object closer to one another. This effect allows the wearer to cause an object of primarily metallic composition to be pulled towards them at a rate of 30ft per round. Any attended or held object is allowed a Reflex saving throw (treat this effect as the same as a 3rd level spell, DC 15) to avoid being taken. Alternatively, if the object is heavier than the wearer, the gauntlets will pull the wearer toward it at the same rate. Or South, used to repel metallic objects. In a 30ft cone in front of the wearer, objects that could be pulled by the Magnet Gauntlets could also be pushed (again, attended and held objects receive the same save).
Mild Transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Object, Magnetism; 30,000 GP.

Roc's Cape -

Rod of Seasons -

Pegasus Boots -

Various elemental rods and upgraded versions -

Various seeds with short use effects -

... and more when I can think of them. In between classes at the moment.

2022-02-11, 05:13 PM
Well, if we're talking iconic items, let's have a look at some of the ones that have been in most if not all LoZ games, starting with the original way back on the NES/Famicom.

Sword and shield, of course. Mechanically maybe the shield grants increased AC and/or even DR against ranged attacks.

Boomerang: Maybe grants you the ability to retrieve an unattended item from up to a certain distance away as a swift action. Can also be used to make trip attacks at range. Tiny or smaller creatures take damage from it instead of being tripped.

Bow: It's... a shortbow. Probably the Silver Arrows are considered Good-aligned for the purpose of overcoming DR.

Bombs: Off the top of my head: Swift action to prime, free action to drop, standard action to throw. Goes off 1 round after being primed, does damage in a small AoE. Maybe bypasses a certain amount of hardness if you're using them to try to blow up an object.

Candle/Lantern: Usable as a Standard action to cast Light (on a location that doesn't move - can be in midair or you might have to have a receptacle or something for it, like a brazier,) which lasts a certain amount of time (one or two minutes? Depends on how close you want to stick to the game mechanics.)

2022-02-28, 06:11 PM
Gradually filling out the items in the... 9th post? Would love feedback, opinions, etc.

2022-02-28, 10:44 PM
Bear in mind the last LoZ game I played was Ocarina, and that was 20+ years ago, so I don't know about stuff that introduced later. But anything before that I can try to help with. Anyhow, did have one thought:

Pegasus Boots: Increases your damage with the Charge action by 2 (for a total of +4 damage,) also increases your effective Strength for Bull Rush maneuvers by 4(ish?)

2022-02-28, 11:45 PM
Not an issue. Given, the first two game were limited not in scope but more by hardware, lttp, ladx, and oot all have a plethora of items. Its just getting the time to sort and stat them I'm mostly lacking at the moment.

2022-03-01, 05:32 AM
I've been thinking about that stuff, but I'll need some time. Only thing I'd like to mention: The Rod of Seasons should be either an artifact or a Weapon of Legacy. It needs to unique, and Weapon of Legacy is especially fitting with its "gets infused with different seasons" stuff (would need a bit of changing; Weapons of Legacy have three "levels", not four).

2022-03-05, 08:07 PM
Not exactly an item, but the most iconic Zelda stuff to me are Sword Beams and Spin attacks.
If you don't want to hand out the Master sword to Non-Links, maybe an item or charm that allows you to do one of them?

2022-03-06, 04:15 AM
Isn't spin attack covered by the feat Whirlwind Attack?

Ember Seed: Ember Seed are reddish hard shelled fruit resembling flames in appearance. Ember Seed are hot to the touch. The Ember Tree grows only in places that are covered in snow at least for three months a year. The fruit ripen in winter and fall off during the coldest and snowiest days. The heat spread by the seed allows them to melt through the snow into the frozen earth. From that grow new trees. An Ember Tree bears, depending on size and age, between four and 16 seeds a year.
Ember Seed, if broken open, unleash a small flame that can be used to ignite flameable material and deals 2d8 fire damage to creatures and non-flameable material. Ember seed can be thrown like a grenade (base range 20 ft.) or fired with a sling. The seeds break open upon hitting something.
Ember Seed can be used to replace acorns or holy berries in casting the spell Fire Seed. If you do, the damage dealt will be a bigger dice (d8 for the acorn grenades, d10 for the holy berry mine).
Depending on local availability, Ember Seed cost between 10 gp and 30 gp each.

Pegasus Seed: Pegasus Seed are bluish nuts looking vaguely like feathered wings. They feel oily. Pegasus Trees grow in places that are windswept and wet, and the seed ripen in autumn. Animals like to collect them because of the oil's property and carry them through that away to where they can grow. Because of the effect the Seed has broken open, only animals whose digestive track is to weak to break them actually eat them. A Pegasus Tree bears, depending on size and age, between four and 16 seeds a year.
The Pegasus Seed's oil, if ingested or rubbed on one's skin, grants an alchemical bonus von +20 ft. to ground movement. This effect holds for 5 rounds. Rubbing a seed on your skin spends all the oil the Seed has. The oil can also destilled with a Craft (Alchemy) check against DC 25, requiring two Seed per dose. Distilled Pegasus oil is more effective, granting +25 ft. to ground movement and lasting 1 minute.
Pegasus Seed can also be thrown like a grenade (base range 20 ft.) or fired with a sling. The seeds break open upon hitting something. This causes the Seed's interior to mix with the oil covering it (which makes Seeds with their oil spend useless for this effect) and produce a substance that paralyzes whatever it covers. If the Seed hits a creature, it must make a fortitude save (DC 14) or be paralyzed for 5 rounds.
Using a Pegasus Seed as an optional material component in casting Haste or Slow raises the effective caster level by 2.
Pegasus Seed cost, depending on local availability, between 15 and 35 gp each. Distilled Pegasus oil is worth at least 40 gp, but can be sold for up to 75 gp depending on availability.

Roc's Feather: This magical item resembles a blue feather. Touching it makes you feel lighter and gives a desire to jump around. A Pegasus Feather grants anyone who carries it an competence bonus of +5 to Jump checks. Furthermore all fall damage is reduced as if the user fell 20 ft. less.
Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wonderous Item, Jump; 5,000 gp.