View Full Version : (IC) New Bedford by Night: WtF III

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2022-02-05, 03:20 PM
Joanna lays down, so she can only hear the door open a Brock gets out of the truck. His footfalls crunching on gravel echo loudly in her large pointed ears. Joanna can feel the man's eyes on her and if she looks up, she can see him standing about a yard away from the lip of the truck bed, staring wide eyed at the wolf-passenger. "Oh what the ****," he growls loudly to himself. Then sternly he points a finger at Joanna and orders, "Go on, get out. Go! Out!" as if he could simply order a wolf like a domesticated house dog.

There is something odd about his smell, but not in the fishy New Bedford sort of way.


"Whoa, whoa, calm down man," Knowlton says when Bear begins speaking without even a hello, "This is Bear with the Anchor Wolves... right?" He sighs when he gets the affirmative from Bear then says, "You sure the Pure are in your territory? ****, you sure; we didn't even get a sniff of them. How long they been there? You said there's three of them? Not a big pack, but the Pure are always trouble. You need backup or something?"


Kara chuckles at Blaze's reply. "The Molotov cocktail trick again? That worked pretty well on that nasty Plague Spirit. Guess we'll have to get a couple six packs of bottled beer then!"

2022-02-05, 10:31 PM
Joanna is unaffected by Turner's attempts to shoo her away. Go ahead and drive big man. If you tell them about this no one will ever believe you. She'll make a show of yawning and will settle down with her head on her forelegs as if she was going to take a nap. She'll keep an eye on Turner in case he had a gun or something. Apparently getting shot was only mildly inconvenient now but she wasn't interested in finding out how it felt.


On the mercury, 'It's worth a try. I can't say I know that much about mercury. Don't want the glass breaking while I'm trying to throw it.' Who could say how it might work when they crossed over.

To Jeremy, 'So we throw it and then run like hell. We probably have so much of the stuff now that if we mess up we can always have another go later.'

To Kara, 'And it'd be a shame to waste all that beer.'

2022-02-06, 09:01 AM
Bear sighs as his awkwardness gets in the way of things again, "Yeah we're sure. Caught their trail a few days back and now they're staying at the local university. Way too many human eyes for us to confront them there so we're looking for another approach to get them out of our lands. Heh, you should see their totem, absolutely huge hellhound thing. Bane is mercury though, and we snagged a good bit of that stuff."

"Anyways, we're also getting actively attacked by the Idigam's minions. We're handling that pretty easily so far, but our attention is a bit divided at the moment as a result. Perfect timing right?"

"Not asking for backup at the moment. More just giving you a heads up, they may cause trouble for more than just us in the meantime. And well, when we do kick them off our turf they'll probably try to going through yours again. Might want to arrange for a welcoming party at that time."

2022-02-06, 06:25 PM
https://forums.giantitp.com/images/sand/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Thundercracker https://forums.giantitp.com/images/sand/buttons/viewpost-right.png (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?p=25354389#post25354389)
"They're plastic, it'll probably bounce off. Maybe we can transfer it to a few glass vials or bottles, that way they'll break easier and we get more than two shots, in case we screw it up," Blaze said.

"Let's hunt this thing down and then go with our spirits and kick those Pure off our territory," Blaze said, "then we can get the fishies to help us figure out what to do about the Idigam."

"And the more we can throw at once, the better our chances of damaging the spirit? I like that plan! Those Pure need to be put in their place, before they start trying to kick US off!" Jeremy says, enthused.

2022-02-06, 06:49 PM
Brock curses loudly stomping one foot when he sees that the wolf in his truck is going nowhere. "Well fine," he says as if Joanna could understand, "I'm gonna go get my shotgun then!" He begins stomping off, and halfway to the house yells out, "Fin! Where's your shotgun? You'll never guess what's in the truck!"


Kara winks back at Joanna, replying with peak sarcasm, "Such a shame!"


Michael Knowton listens intently, but he whistles when Bear mentions the Pure pack's totem. "Be careful," he says sternly, "the Pure can be evil sons of bitches."

When Bear finishes discussing the situation with the Idigam he again speaks up, "If you really are facing an Idigam, you don't want to take **** lightly. There's only been a couple of occurrences of Idigam in the world, as far as I know, and each one of them have been major major problems." He pauses for a moment and then adds, "It honestly sounds like you have two very very dangerous enemies in your territory Bear. You realize that, right?"

He chuckles at Bear's last comment, and replies, "Thanks for the heads up." Then more sternly, "Keep us appraised, and let us know if you want any help."

2022-02-06, 08:25 PM
Joanna sighs internally and will take the opportunity to look over the gauntlet to see how Fin's house looked like on the other side. If there was something using Brock she'd like to see if she could see what it looked like. Once she has done that she'll retreat to a safe distance. As in outside of easy shotgun range but where she could still observe the pair of them.

2022-02-06, 08:30 PM
Bear chuckles a bit at the comment about powerful enemies, "You're telling me, part of me's wonderin if this territory is cursed. Still, we found a way with the plague king, we intend to find a way with this too. And if not, well, I'll make sure the rest of my pack can fall back come hell or high water."

2022-02-09, 08:41 PM
Joanna sighs as she allows her eyes to glaze over. Lupine vision was deficient in many ways compared to a man's, but something immediately catches Joanna's eyes; a strange smudge of heat and light floating in the direction that Brock was traveling, right before she cast her vision across the Gauntlet.

(OOC: Please give me Int + Occult +1)

************************************************** ************

Mitch chuckles, his voice deep but warm in the way you'd want a father's to be. "****, maybe you're right," he says, "but I have faith in you man. Fight the good fight Bear. The war may be never ending, but that doesn't mean we have to lose. Let me know if the Arrow Heads can be of any service. We're not too far away."

(OOC: Assuming this conversation is ending, what is the pack looking to do now?)

2022-02-10, 09:21 PM
Joanna doesn't know what she's expecting to see as she looks across the Gauntlet but she could always ask the others.

1 success in the ooc


After Bear finishes his phone call, 'Well. At least they answered. I'd hate to think there was somehow enough extra Pure out there that they could just roll over the Arrow Heads on the way here.'

On the Totem, 'If we're going after the big wolf do we need to do any planning?' Joanna asks uncertainly. 'Oakheart and the other two have to sleep sometime so maybe we can catch it alone.'

2022-02-13, 12:27 PM
It isn't till the thing is almost out of sight that Joanna begins to realize what she is looking at. Recognition helps give form. It's not one spirit following Brock Turner, no, it's a spirit being birthed from Brock Turner. A red ball of glowing Essence ripping itself out of the man's shadow.

2022-02-13, 07:48 PM
Joanna assumed that she could deal with the spirit by herself if she had the opportunity. The question was what that would do to Turner. Is that just going to calm him down? Not a bad idea. She'll retreat to a safe distance while remaining visible for whenever Turner came back. No one was that good with a shotgun, but she might as well see if he was willing to take a shot at her in the middle of the day.

2022-02-15, 06:50 PM
Casting her vision back into the world of Flesh, Joana leaps out of the truck bed, and begins trotting down the block. Her ears perk up at the sound of the door opening, and from down the street she watches Brock Turner clomp down the porch steps with shotgun in hand. He is followed by Fin who has an annoyed look on his round flabby face. "You see? There he is... the wolf I told you about." Brock strides over to the truck, staring confidently at the wolf he has incorrectly gendered. Fin says nothing, staring at Joanna with a dubious look on his face. Brock grins, staring proudly, but he makes no attempt to level the weapon or threaten Joanna.

2022-02-15, 10:53 PM
He? Idiot. At least he didn't call me a dog. As fun as it might be to watch the local police show up to respond to gun fire it was probably better for everyone that Turner had some self control. Having failed at stealth Joanna will slink off and find somewhere out of sight where she could listen to the pair until Turner decided to leave. She'd never yet tried to follow a car by sent alone and assumed it might be difficult. If she failed she could always come back another time. For starters she could bring something to **** up Turner's tires. Compared to the Pure and the Idigam, Turner was small fry, so until she worked out how to deal with him Joanna was content to mess with him a little.

Stealth to disapear if he follows her
Dex 2 + Stealth 2 + Urhan 2
Any 9 or 10s

Attempt to track Turner's truck assuming he leaves because I want to know what he's doing in the woods. I assume there's a penalty.
Wits 3 + Composure 3 + Urhan 4
Any 10s

2022-02-15, 11:44 PM
Bear contemplates the phone in his hand before stuffing it back in a pocket. "Right then. Next order of business. Lets come up with a plan of attack for the totem spirit."

"Also, last calls for an alternative. Something feels off about the presence of this pack, it seems weird both that they're here at all and that they showed restraint towards us earlier. I think they're here for something specific and its not us."

2022-02-16, 11:51 AM
Bear contemplates the phone in his hand before stuffing it back in a pocket. "Right then. Next order of business. Lets come up with a plan of attack for the totem spirit."

'Unless the mercury works really well or really quickly I don't think we want to have to deal with the big wolf and the Pure at the same time. I think we should aim for trying something in the middle of the night or the early morning when they might be asleep or in town. Even if they're got some way of knowing we're there it doesn't mean they'll be able to get back quick enough.' Who knows what the Pure might be capable of if they had their own Ithaeur. 'It'll be hard to be sneaky if we're going through the college library again. Could we find another locus? Or cross here even?'

"Also, last calls for an alternative. Something feels off about the presence of this pack, it seems weird both that they're here at all and that they showed restraint towards us earlier. I think they're here for something specific and its not us."

'Oakheart's an Oceanography Professor. We're dealing with a fish god and she chooses to come here now. Can't be a coincidence. Maybe she wants to talk to it.'

2022-02-16, 06:07 PM

“It doesn’t matter, they’re in our territory, we offered to talk and they threatened to kill us,” Blaze said, “the easiest way is to go on a hunt, cross over here, and travel by Gauntlet to wipe out their spirit first. Then we can drive them off easier. We should see which spirits we can convince to come with us, too.”

2022-02-17, 02:50 PM
Joanna shrugs, 'It might matter if more of them are going to show up at some point. But I get that Oak doesn't want to talk to us. Maybe if we can get Corey Allen alone. He might be the least crazy of the three.'

On getting spirit allies, 'If you think they'll help. Maybe they'd want the big wolf out of the way just on principle.'

2022-02-17, 10:27 PM
Bear nods, "Early in the morning sometime would likely work well. Need to get this handled sooner rather than later, I really do not want to be trying to defend our turf on two fronts."

2022-02-18, 01:41 PM
"It's just some ****ing dog," Fin says coldly, staring at Joanna sideways with his wide fishy eyes. He shrugs, ignoring the evil look Brock is giving his cousin and turns to head inside. The slumped bus driver takes about three steps before stopping. Half turning, and half speaking over his neckless shoulder, Fin says, "And what the hell were you doing with my truck anyways." His feet shuffle as he turns fully around to glare at Brock, who still holding the shotgun, stares back at him with equal venom.

The stare down ends after a long moment when Fin shuffles around to the side of the car. The man is short and hunched, and has to push onto his tiptoes to see into the truck. With equal parts alarm and anger Fin yells at his cousin, "You were trying to hot wire my truck? God Damn It!" He begins to open the door, cussing, and leans across the passenger seat to begin fiddling with the tampered dashboard.

But Fin's rage distracts him from Brock's footsteps as he comes around the side car. Joanna watches with horror as Turner levels the shotgun, and silences Fin's stream of explatives with the roaring blast of the weapon discharging.

If Joanna casts her vision into the Shadow, she can see the steady stream of lesser anger and murder spirits prying themselves out of the spot where Brock Turner stands.

"God damn idiot," Turner says shaking his head, without a hint of remorse.

************************************************** **********************

Kara nods her head listening to the conversation in it's entirety, but adds, "We should probably consult with Reveler about all this. We'll want its help in battling their totem and may have some insights we don't have anyways." It was well known amongst the elder pack members that Kara had one of the strongest connections with the Pack Totem, and had taken well to its more hedonistic influence.

2022-02-18, 10:05 PM
Joanna can only roll her eyes at the dog comment before the shotgun going off puts all that out of her mind. What the hell should she do about this? She knew this wasn't the first person that Turner had killed but she was hesistant to just put him down. She didn't remember it clearly but she had already killed people during her first change and wasn't in a hurry to repeat the experience. Still she couldn't let this stand, even if the local police bothered to do something about this. **** it.

From behind the cover provided by whatever vehicles are parked on the road Joanna will take the time to switch to Urshul. She'll try to keep an eye on Turner while she was changing as he was presumably going to get Fin's keys. She didn't particularly want to kill him but anything short of that was only fair.

Going to try and regain some willpower with Monster. Going to try surprise him with this but that might not be possible given the size of Urshul

2022-02-18, 10:13 PM

“Yeah, and king sky hunter, though that one will want something in exchange for helping us,” Blaze said.

2022-02-19, 12:02 AM
"What has King Sky Hunter wanted in the past?" Jeremy asks, as they make plans and prepare for their own little war.

2022-02-19, 03:24 AM
"What has King Sky Hunter wanted in the past?" Jeremy asks, as they make plans and prepare for their own little war.

“We assured him hunting rights in this area and geomancied the locus to be tasty for him,” Blaze replied, “not sure what he’ll want this time.”

2022-02-19, 10:59 AM
Joanna is able to remain hidden as her body tears itself apart and reshapes itself. As she shifts closer to war form, she can feel the desire for revenge growing within her. Despite her rational brain, she can feel the wild impulse in her to tear Brock Turner limb from limb, and can feel her mouth salivating at the possible chance to taste his flesh!

(OOC: What is Joanna's trigger again?)

2022-02-20, 12:05 AM
Killing Turner would be so easy in this form. He was no threat to her, he was prey and probably deserved to be treated as such. However he had got like this, it might be better for everyone if she ended this now. Still, she could still remember waking up with the taste of someone else's blood in her mouth and she's just about rational enough to want to avoid crossing that line again.

Joanna will use any of the other parked vehicles on the street to cover her approach but she'll let out a low growl that could come from no simple dog as she gets closer. There was really no point in hiding but she wanted to draw this out. Let him hear that something larger then him was out here before she revealed herself.

Going to see if I can scare him for the Willpower. If she gets noticed anyway I suppose Turner has to deal with Lunacy

Dex 2 + Stealth 2 + Urshul 2
Any 9 or 10s

2022-02-21, 06:51 PM
Slowly, Jen begins to stalk her prey, muscles tensed as she hunches low and pads down the block sticking to the shadows. She can feel her fur going on end, her ears and tail pulling back as she growls low and slow, the threat vibrating from deep within her throat.

(OOC: Jen stays hidden, can I please have you roll Presence + Intimidation)

2022-02-21, 07:03 PM
“We assured him hunting rights in this area and geomancied the locus to be tasty for him,” Blaze replied, “not sure what he’ll want this time.”

'Mice spirits? Though I wouldn't want to imply that he couldn't do his own hunting.'

2022-02-21, 10:26 PM
'Mice spirits? Though I wouldn't want to imply that he couldn't do his own hunting.'

“Probably best to ask him,” Blaze said, “we can try to convince him it’s a worthy foe.”

2022-02-22, 11:07 AM
“Probably best to ask him,” Blaze said, “we can try to convince him it’s a worthy foe.”

Blaze knows that King Sky Hunter is a proud spirit of hunting, and would probably not take kindly to being offered "free food"

************************************************** *************

Joanna's growl ripples across the dark yard. She would scare this crazed murderous offense of a man if she could. She paws closer, still out of sight. But to her frustration, she hears the clicking of Brock Turner racking the shotgun. Under his breath, in almost drunken slurred words she hears him say, "Come on ya son of a bitch! Come on."

2022-02-22, 08:16 PM
Bear nods, "Lets get Reveler in on this. Though I'm sure they've been listening."

2022-02-22, 09:31 PM
You have no idea what you're dealing with. Joanna has the urge to go after the truck. She's not spent enough time in Gauru to know what she could do there but tipping Turner's truck over sounded fun about now. Instead, once she's close enough she's going to break into a run to bowl Turner over. If the sight of a black wolf the size of a horse is not enough to make him turn and run she'll try and knock his legs out from under him. If she can get him on the ground she'll put most of her weight on his arm to keep him from using the gun. She'll not trying to hurt Turner but if she breaks him a little here she can live with that.

So maybe Lunacy but he's crazy enough that he possibly doesn't care

Initiative if needed 5+2 Urshul +d10
rolled 11 in the ooc

If needed
Defence 3 (goes up to 4 in Urshul)

Unarmed Combat to grapple
Str 2 + Brawl 1 + Urshul 2 - Turner's defence
Any 10s

If possible going to use Urshul to impose the Knock Down tilt but I may have to damage him first.

2022-02-23, 01:25 PM
"Could we provide some kind of agile prey for Hunter to stalk, once in a while? Or arrange for such prey to come into his territory? Maybe Reveler has some resource we could use for that kind of thing." ​Jeremy suggests.

2022-02-23, 05:47 PM
"Could we provide some kind of agile prey for Hunter to stalk, once in a while? Or arrange for such prey to come into his territory? Maybe Reveler has some resource we could use for that kind of thing." ​Jeremy suggests.

“Yeah, good idea,” Blaze said, “but we should go ask him, assuming this is what we’re gonna do.. let’s have a chat with Reveler first and see how that goes. Then maybe we can get a hunt going or talk to KSH, whatever.”

He nodded to Bear.

2022-02-23, 08:56 PM
With the pack finally o the same page, they decide to seek out Reveler. Though at times the spirit has been with the pack, close enough to listen in and cross the Gauntlet when invited, it appears that the Totem spirit is not immediately available. Without access to the Summoning rite (OOC: see pg 145 for Shadowcall), the pack are forced to cross the Gauntlet and seek their ally there.

Blaze and Bear lead the pack across the Gauntlet; Kara stays behind with the wolf-blooded to guard the pack's territory given everything that has transpired recently. Blaze indicates that the pack should start with the spirit winery, which is where they do find Reveler in the Vineyard. The spirit of wine and decadence is found stretching its tentacle vines deep into the soil between the towering rows of tree-like grape vines. Moan like sounds can be heard from the outskirts of the vineyard, which is what leads the pack to Reveler. As they approach, the spirit says, "Welcome Uratha, do you care for a drink? The grapes are sweet now, sweet and heady."

************************************************** *****************

Joanna is on the man before he even has chance to register the attack.

Joanna goes first and gets one success after his defense, which assuming she's using claws is 2L damage or 3L if teeth (also counts as a grapple if you want). Please specify. Once per scene in Urshul an Uratha can us Weaken Prey per pg 97 to apply a condition such as knocked down; I assume you want to do this?

2022-02-23, 09:38 PM
"Joyous Reveler, I'd be honoured to taste the fruit of your efforts, if you judge it ready." Jeremy says, wanting to put himself into the Packs great ally's good graces. After that, he let's Blaze take the lead in the discussions.

2022-02-24, 07:49 AM
'I could go for a drink.' How strong could spirit wine be anyway?


Let's go with claws for 2L damage and to impose the Knocked down condition. Not trying to kill Turner on purpose.

2022-02-24, 08:51 PM
Bear nods gratefully at the offer, "You always make the best drinks reveler."

2022-02-25, 03:39 AM
"Joyous Reveler, I'd be honoured to taste the fruit of your efforts, if you judge it ready." Jeremy says, wanting to put himself into the Packs great ally's good graces. After that, he let's Blaze take the lead in the discussions.

“Yeah man,” Blaze said before he happily took a large sip.

After everyone had drank their fill, Blaze stood up to address their totem.

“We’ve been good to each other, man, I hope you’ve been happy with our arrangement, we’re super stoked that you’re our totem,” Blaze said.
“We’ve got a problem though, these Pure have moved in our territory. We tried to talk to them because we’re chill like that but no bueno. So, we’re gonna declare a hunt and drive ‘em out, starting with their totem, a badass anger spirit. We got it’s bane. First of all, we’re totally open to any pearls of wisdom you might have, and second, what do you think, down to join up and hunt it down together?”

2022-02-25, 06:08 PM
Something in the Reveler's strange elongated form tenses, and two of its vine-like tentacles pull it closer to the ground. There is a shuddering like an earthquake, and the leaves of the massive grapevine trees rustle with the momentum. The totem spirit opens its mouth and low moaning sound fills the rows of the vineyard. The fist sized grape fruits hanging from the vines, many the color of dark plumbs, begin to shiver and shrink as the ground quakes settle.

The soft dirt at the feet of the Uratha begins mound and push aside as thin sucker covered tentacles of The Reveler break their way through. Each tentacle reaches up to an Anchor Wolf, the most distal suction cup expanding to take the form of a small chalice which begins to fill with a luminous dark liquid. The air is perfumed with the scent of fruit flowers, cherries and hard alcohol.

“We’ve been good to each other, man, I hope you’ve been happy with our arrangement, we’re super stoked that you’re our totem,” Blaze said.
“We’ve got a problem though, these Pure have moved in our territory. We tried to talk to them because we’re chill like that but no bueno. So, we’re gonna declare a hunt and drive ‘em out, starting with their totem, a badass anger spirit. We got it’s bane. First of all, we’re totally open to any pearls of wisdom you might have, and second, what do you think, down to join up and hunt it down together?”

Let's safe this for after everyone drinks or doesn't.

************************************************** ********

Joanna's paw catches Brock in the back of the leg, just below the knee, her claws tearing out a clump of his calf. The man goes down with a scream. Landing hard on his back, Brock raises the gun and fires. No normal creature would be able to move fast enough to avoid a shotgun blast, but Joanna's powerful legs carry her out of harm's way.

(OOC: Brock Turner takes 2L damage and is prone)

2022-02-25, 09:41 PM
The liquid smelled good enough that Joanna didn't really care where it came from. She'll lean closer to smell it better before she drinks.


Once she's managed to avoid getting shot Joanna will turn around to capitalise on getting Turner on the ground. If possible she'll try to put the weight of one paw on the arm holding the gun and bat it away with the other.

Trying to disarm him, which I think means I have to roll again (p.167)

Edit - Roll to grapple, contested roll in the ooc
Str 2 + Brawl 1 + Urshul 2 - Turner's defence
Any 10s

2022-02-27, 09:12 PM
Bear nods gratefully to Reveler before reaching out to bring the makeshift cup to his lips to drink with a grin. The spirit often had the best booze.

2022-02-27, 09:17 PM
The wine tastes deeply of fermented fruit mixed with the salty metallic tang of blood. The draught is potent, laced with Essence, but within only a few seconds of finishing the drink, you can feel your head begin to spin. Solids before you begin to blur and double, and noise takes on a vibrating and distant sort of echo. The Reveler appears almost instantly more powerful, more alluring. The vines seem to bend and bow around the spirit.

(OOC: Each Uratha gains one Essence, but also gains the Swooning (Reveler) condition. See pg 311 of Werewolf.
@TC: Now may be a good time to repost your prior IC post... though you may want to adjust/reconsider given current happenings.)

************************************************** *****

Joanna charges back in, planting a heavy paw on the scrambling man's chest so that he cannot immediately rise. With her free pay, she takes a powerful swipe at Turner's shotgun, claws snagging as she wrenches it from his grasp. It clatters between her legs, and fortunate does not discharge.

2022-02-27, 11:30 PM
Joanna will drop to one knee as the drink hits her. She has a sudden urge to break out laughing but will only grin up at the Reveler. Any lingering doubt at the sheer oddness of the spirit's appearance is long gone from her mind. Can't argue with anyone who makes me feel like that. 'Thanks man, I needed that. I don't suppose you have any more for Kara?'


Joanna wonders how easy it would be to break the shotgun in half if she really had to. Now she'd got the gun off him she'll put the weight of both paws on Turner to stop him from wriggling away. If she can keep him there she'll regard him very closely so that her muzzle is virtually in Turners face. From here Joanna would like Turner to get a good look at her teeth and a set of jaws that might be capable of biting his whole head off. It would be so easy to bite down and finish this.

So contested roll to keep the Grapple and hold him down
Str 2 + Brawl 1 + Urshul 2
Any 10s

Going to try Intimidate again under the circumstances. Will spend that point of Willpower and hopefully get one back for Monster
Presence 3 + Intimidate 0 + Wp 3
Any 10s

2022-02-28, 12:13 PM
Jeremy quaffs the offered potions, eagerly drinking down the potent spirit-sauce. When the effects hits him, he lets it's rush roil through his body and reels slightly. Empowered, he say "THIS is what the doctor ordered! What a rush!"

2022-03-02, 09:59 PM
"Kara is always welcome to join," The Reveler replies, his voice soft and comforting, "Now enjoy. You Uratha carry so many responsibilities. You deserve the opportunity to unwind... to make music... to celebrate. But you came to me for a reason, yes?"

************************************************** *****

Brock Turner looks up into the eyes of the terrible monster towering over him. His eyes go wide with terror, and he struggles to pull his face away from the growling menace that has him pinned hard to the ground.

(OOC: Save your WP and forget your roll. A Dire Wolf has disarmed him and pinned him and is baring his fangs. He's a mortal. He's ****ting himself at very best. Rolled for Lunacy but he passes, so Brock is not out of his mind with Lunacy, but he's absolutely terrified.)

2022-03-03, 11:16 PM
Joanna will gaze disdainfully down at Brock. Beating him up was the first time she had really let loose like this on purpose and it felt good. The only problem with looking like this was that it wasn't as if she could threaten anyone properly. Don't kill anyone else or I'm coming back? Maybe it would work if she had terrified him enough, but whether he was being influenced by something on the other side or whether he was just a psycho it wasn't as if she could guarantee that. If she wasn't going to put him down now it meant she was obliged to let the police deal with it. Even the New Bedford police ought to be able to deal with a murder when there was this much evidence. All of this was going on in the middle of the day. What were the chances that after multiple gunshots there was no one watching from one of the other houses? With a last snarl Joanna is going to get off of Brock and go looking for somewhere without any bystanders where she can change back to human and be capable of phoning the police.


To the Reveler, 'Brand practice sounds pretty good about now, but I don't think this can wait. Do you ...fight? If you have to I mean.' Joanna is well disposed towards the Reveler that she doesn't want to see it getting hurt.

2022-03-05, 09:59 AM
The shock in the man's eyes is enough for Joanna. Sure she could tear his throat out, and the animal part of her certainly wanted to; but she had had enough. Joanna allows one last growl to grow loud as she pulls her lips back to expose her impossibly large maw filled with curved pointed teeth. Turner winces, but by the time he opens his eyes, Joanna is slinking fast across the street, moving out of view.

As she rushes away, Joanna is forced to lap her tongue at a mouth filled with hungry saliva. She (or maybe just this wolf body) ached to taste the man's blood, maybe even to eat his meat and chew his bones. But the more human part of Joanna's brain was racing with satisfaction.

Turning a corner, Joanna hears the roar of the shotgun, only slightly distant, followed by a slew of obscenities hurled by Brock. He was out of sight, but Joanna could hear him cursing the wolf/dog that had attacked him; a deranged babbling series of curses. By the time Joanna has slipped into the shadows of a cluster of trees between properties to begin shifting, she hears the distant grumble of a truck coming to life followed by the screeching of tires as it peels out; all before the sound of police sirens begin to approach from afar.

Joanna recovers her one WP and is now up to 2. Joanna has decided not to kill. Brock Turner has escaped, and who knows what he will do now.

************************************************** *******************

A rippling roaring noise fills the row of vines, emanating from The Reveler as something between laughter and the sound of crashing waves. "I have fought before along side your pack little pup," the Totem spirit replies, the words forming in the air without the spirit moving its mouth, "But I allied myself with Anchor Wolves not because they are great warriors, but because of the music they make and the emotions that they inspire. All things are pressing, and you have neglected your responsibilities to me!" There is a low moaning sound, which also comes from somewhere outside the spirit, though was likely The Reveler's as well. "I grow weaker without your assistance; it is your actions that empower me Uratha. Though you don't need to perform for me now, I need you to play for the mortals, and soon, lest I grow weaker still and thus less capable of assisting you in your needs," The Reveler finishes, and perhaps it was the act of creating the spirit wine, or maybe The Totem was speaking the truth, for its corpus did appear withered and dusky.

Somehow, The Reveler's words rung with truth. The Anchor Wolves had sworn to assist the Reveler just as he had to them, and all he had asked was that they continue to play, to inspire revelry and joy... and yet the pack had not played a show since before they had finished the plague spirit Obliterates! Was it so much to ask? Didn't the Anchor Wolves also owe a responsibility to their band Cry Wolf?

Part of taking on a Totem is taking their Ban and an Aspiration (see the OOC thread), of which most of the pack members have not indulged. The characters are also under the swooning condition, making The Reveler seem more amazing and making the characters wish to appease it; which will also result in resolution of the condition and a beat.

2022-03-06, 01:07 AM
Joanna is going to lie down among the trees for a moment and get some air once she finishes shifting. She still remembered the aftermath of her first change and what it had felt like to wake up with the taste of flesh in her mouth. The trouble was it didn't entirely feel like a bad memory anymore. Was she going to find herself anticipating that feeling even when she wasn't wearing that form? The idea that Brock might be better off dead had occurred to her, and maybe she'd have to put him down herself, but as yet trying to get a second opinion might allow her to live with herself. If there was some spirit on the other side making Brock like this she'd have no trouble hunting it down.

For now she'll go back to Fin's house and wait for the police to show up. Technically this was still her job wasn't it? Better see if the local police could actually be useful to her.


'Before my time.' Joanna mutters feeling oddly guilty. To the others, 'How long has it been anyway?'

2022-03-06, 09:03 AM

“Reveler’s got a point y’all, we should be playing more shows… but this is important,” Blaze said, “maybe we can kill two birds with one stone. We gotta get a hunt going before taking on their totem, any way we can turn that into an impromptu performance?”

2022-03-06, 10:47 AM
'I don't know. Can we do that ritual stuff in public?'

2022-03-08, 09:54 PM
'I don't know. Can we do that ritual stuff in public?'

“I mean, the way we do our rituals it’s just like an extended jam session, so… yeah I say let’s go for it man,” Blaze replied, “might be good publicity too, if we blow our fans’ minds.”

2022-03-09, 02:29 PM
“I mean, the way we do our rituals it’s just like an extended jam session, so… yeah I say let’s go for it man,” Blaze replied, “might be good publicity too, if we blow our fans’ minds.”

'Heh, never done a secret show before. My old band never had that kind of profile. Should I call the Pour House or are we doing this outside somewhere?'

2022-03-09, 08:28 PM
For now she'll go back to Fin's house and wait for the police to show up. Technically this was still her job wasn't it? Better see if the local police could actually be useful to her.

(OOC: In which form is Joanna returning in?)

Joanna stalks pas the decimated body of Fin on her way to the house. She moves up the steps to find the front door open, the house empty. With the sirens approaching, Joanna maybe has a few minutes to explore the house should she choose.

(OOC: Time enough for a Wits + Investigation -3 roll if you wish to pursue it)

************************************************** *****************

Though the Reveler's face does not move, somehow it is possible to perceive a satisfied grin in the wide whale face, the black eyes. An image appears momentarily, created by a gathering of the surrounding fog; a face. Mitchell Sanders, one of the Pack's Wolf Blooded, and the band's manager. "Speak to your man," The Reveler commands, his voice shaking the towering vines, "he shall help."

2022-03-10, 07:47 AM
Joanna has turned back to her human form for the moment. She'll take the opportunity to have a look around Fin's house before the police arrive.

Wits 3 + Investigation 2 - penalty 3
Any 10s

2022-03-10, 09:21 AM
Joanna quickly scavenges through the house. Her nose picks up the scent of rodent droppings first, though they are depressingly easy to discover scattered along the edges of the near barren kitchen floor. The house if sparsely furnished; a real middle aged bachelor's pad. The walls are scuffed, the furniture ancient and stained. But the cop sirens get too close for comfort too soon. Joanna barely has time to rifle through the bedroom, though she does have time to hurriedly grab a small key ring off of the bedside nightstand. As Joanna rushes down the stairs and out the back door (just as police cars pull up), she has time to study the ring with it's four keys. It looks like Fin's work ring, with the keys being for that Jeremy had ridden on, and the other three likely for the travel agency's storefront.

2022-03-10, 07:46 PM
Joanna will hold onto the keys just in case one of them wasn't for the travel agency. Fin didn't seem like the type to have another place but Brock had to sleep somewhere if he wasn't coming back here.

As the police pull up Joanna will stand in the doorway and make sure her hands are visible. She didn't want any of them getting jumpy considering Fin's body was still lying there.

2022-03-11, 10:04 AM
Three cop cars come to a screeching halt at the curb in front of Fin's yard, sirens blazing. It's still bright out, but Joanna's lupine senses heighten the brightness of the flashing lights and the shrill volume of the sirens. A single officer explodes out of each car, three uniformed police, each drawing their pistols on Joanna who stands in the doorway with her arms raised. Despite this, the first officer out of the car, a heavy set man with a pock marked face and unruly grey stubble shouts, "Don't move, put your hands up!" His eyes go from the still carcass on the ground to Joanna, then back again.

2022-03-11, 09:37 PM
This was the first time any police had pointed guns at her, but Joanna wasn't completely inexperienced at dealing with them. And just in case she was ever in this position, Dad had made sure she was prepared. 'Guys, my name is Joanna Sullivan. I'm a private investigator, and a witness. I saw the whole thing.' It wasn't that difficult to sound calm if she compared this to some of the things she'd been dealing with lately.

Composure 3 + Persuasion 2 + Fame (Police) 1 + Striking Looks (Persuasion) 1
Any 10s


Joanna will smile in delight as the image of Mitchell Sanders appears. 'That's a nice trick.' Helping the Reveler out was a good idea anyway, but the idea of playing live again seemed like a nice distraction at the moment. 'I'd hoped to get a little more practice in before I had to play in front of people again.'

2022-03-11, 10:18 PM
Bear grins, "It will be good to play again for real. Lets kill several birds with one stone here. We were talking about a benefit concert anyways, Kara, where were we on that? Work a siskur dah into the music, and make it damn loud for the people to hear. We'll rock this town into the ground and then go hunt us a flaming totem spirit."

2022-03-12, 08:41 AM
Though only one of the cops lowers their guns, the other two seem to soften a little. The expression on the lead officer with the pock marked face becomes that of bemused curiosity. No longer barking authoritatively, he replies coolly, "You got any proof you're a PI? You got your license, you can lower your hands to get it, but don't do nothing smart." His accent is thick with New England drawl, and "smart" comes out comes out sounding like it rhymes with ****. He keeps his gun trained on Joanna, but the ease with which he holds the weapon is far less threatening.

(OOC: Jo gets two successes. I'm good with assuming she has her PI license on her if you want.)

************************************************** **********************

The Reveler makes a noise that is somewhere between a hearty chuckle and the lapping of waves on sand. As the sound is still fading in the vines, the spirit says, "Now that sounds like a raucous jubilee. I look forward to hearing your performance, and basking in the Essence it inspires."

2022-03-12, 10:14 PM
'Give me a second.' Joanna will slowly get her licence out of her jacket so the lead cop could see it. 'The guy you're looking for is called Brock Turner. He already killed someone else in Boston and was hiding out here. The poor bastard over there is his cousin Fin.'


'A gig followed by a fight. **** it. Why not.' Joanna relaxes into the idea.

2022-03-13, 11:03 AM
The greying officer nods to his fellow officers, who both keep their weapons trained on Joanna as he lowers his own and approaches, taking her license from her hand. Half skimming the paper, half listening, he cuts the Uratha off. "Whoa, whoa," he says, eyes still on the paper document, "how do you know all this? Did you see what happened here?"

2022-03-13, 01:17 PM
Joanna will slowly put her hands down, 'I followed him here. I get paid to find people like him. Just not quickly enough in this case. I spoke to one of you guys about it last week.' She had made some enquiries with the local police before she ran into the Anchor Wolves but the man had been unhelpful. 'They were having a fight as I arrived. No idea what the dead guy said to deserve that. Got a description of the truck if you want it?' She'll grin slightly at the cop at the end assuming the answer was obvious.

2022-03-14, 09:04 AM
The officer hands Joanna back her papers and nods to the other officers, who both lower their weapons. He gives an affirmative nod in reply, but says, "Uh yeah. We'll greatly appreciate it, but I'm sorry Ms. Sullivan, we're gonna need you to come down to the station to file a full report and answer questions. Standard procedure when there's been a murder, of course." He speaks in an apologetic tone, and shrugs his shoulders raising his arms as if to say there's nothing he can do about it.

2022-03-14, 12:33 PM
'I know how it is. Lot of police in my family back home.' Joanna is happy to accompany the police to give a statement. 'Do you think any of you guys would be able to give me a heads up if you find him again? I will obviously return the favour.'

2022-03-14, 12:51 PM
"Miss," the older cop replies with a chuckle, "you help us with this and we will be more than happy to keep you into the loop." He pats Joanna on the shoulder, and begins turning her toward his cruiser. He adds, "Come on, I'll give you a ride. Where's your car? We can take ya back to it when we're done." Again, his thick accent turns "car" into "caah".

************************************************** ******************

Back on the other side of the Gauntlet, the Anchor Wolves return to the warehouse and fill Kara and the others in on their meeting with the Reveler. The word is still spinning a little, and Kara at one point pokes at Bear for slurring his words slightly. It isn't long till someone pulls out their phone to get Mitchell Sanders on speaker. "Kids? Long time no speak. Ya told me ta give you a few weeks, but oh boy do I got work for you if you want it. The Pour House has been begging me for another show, and there are a couple of larger venues I've been talking ta." The Wolf Blooded manager speaks quickly, with an excited authority that makes it hard to get a word in.

2022-03-14, 09:31 PM
'Over by the Sea Skipper building if you know it. It's a bit of a walk so I'd appreciate a ride.'


Joanna will try and ask a question, 'Bigger venues? Like what?

2022-03-15, 09:44 AM
Joanna allows herself to be escorted to the officer's car, and driven to the station. Unless she chooses to cause problems, she is respected down at the station, and questioned for a little over an hour before being driven back to her car.

(OOC: Happy to end here unless there is something you wanna RP through or explore)

************************************************** ****************

Sanders eyes Joanna curiously. He didn't know her well, though he'd heard she was one of the new replacement members. "Joanna, right? Well you guys have been invited to play at U Mass Dartmouth. Probably a crowd of about five hundred. Also got invited to perform at The Factory, which is a real concert venue, not just a dive bar with a stage."

2022-03-16, 09:54 AM
I'll leave it there. Just wanted to make some contacts.


Joanna will meet Sanders' gaze as this was the first time she had met him, 'Hey, I like dive bars, but that's great news. Is the Factory the biggest venue you guys have played in?' The other news was less welcome, 'When's the Dartmouth gig? Just wondering if the Pure are going to be in the audience.'

2022-03-17, 09:49 AM
The other news was less welcome, 'When's the Dartmouth gig? Just wondering if the Pure are going to be in the audience.'

"I was waiting to discuss it with you all," Sanders replies, "but we can probably set it up for any of the upcoming weekends... though of course we wanna give it a few weeks so we can build interest and sell tickets." He's excited, eager, maybe even hungry, and it shines like a light in his eyes.

2022-03-18, 06:32 PM
Bear considers, "Probably best not to perform our Siskur Dah right in front of the pure. Even if the humans won't recognize it they will. As much fun as it would be to rub our intention to hunt them in their faces I doubt that would end well."

"So lets focus on this gig at the Factory, and maybe start hyping up for a big thing at Dartmouth later."

2022-03-19, 11:16 AM
'They deserve it for the other day. Joanna enjoys the notion of rubbing the Pure's collective noses in it. 'I think if we haven't dealt with the Pure within a week or so anyway we might have bigger problems.'

2022-03-19, 05:46 PM
"I can set that up," Sanders says clapping his hands together. He asks with a grin, "How soon do you want to set the date? Probably give it a couple of weeks to sell some tickets, right?"

2022-03-20, 05:49 PM
Bear shakes his head, "No we need to deal with this soon, frankly I think even waiting a single week would be pushing it. How tough would it be to get the word out in just a few days?"

2022-03-20, 06:09 PM
'How do you even promote a gig anyway?' Joanna adds, 'If we're going to do it I'd hope people show up.'

2022-03-20, 06:37 PM
The color drops from Sanders' face, and he drops his grubby hands. "Uh... of course we could get the gig booked that soon," he blubbers, "but I don't know if we'd get nearly the same crowd. Less publicity, less money!" He speaks as if he is trying to convince a friend not to commit suicide, waving his hands in a desperate pleading manner. His gaze darts from Bear, to the other Uratha, hoping one of them will see reason.

2022-03-20, 08:07 PM
Bear sighs a little, "Okay, breathe, hear me out. We need the next gig to happen fast. I know we need money, but timing is a little more important at the moment. So how about this. Use the thing at the Factory as advertisement. Get as many as you can on short notice, we rock the hell out of them, and leave them wanting more. Follow up with another performance at Dartmouth, and then another back at the Factory. We might not clear as much for the first gig, but for the next two we'll have proof in the puddin' word of mouth advertisement to fill every seat."

2022-03-21, 07:46 AM
Joanna nods in agreement, 'It's for the Reveler as much as for the Pure isn't it? We got to play somewhere soon.'

2022-03-21, 08:44 AM
Mitchel Sanders opens his mouth as if he is about to protest, but then stops himself and only exhales deeply. "Fine. We'll book this thing for tomorrow night if we can," he says throwing his hands up in defeat. But then a smug grin spreads across his portly face and he adds, "BUT, I'm booking the hell out of you guys from there. We're gonna start performing multiple nights a week, all sorts of gigs. I know you've gotten caught up in your Uratha duties, and that's noble and all, but don't forget, we also vowed to become the biggest god damn band in New England if not bigger! I believe in you guys, but you've gotta start putting in the stage time! I'll make the calls this morning and will text you all once I have this **** ironed out."

2022-03-21, 09:35 PM
'That's the spirit.' Joanna replies drily. 'Just as long as the world isn't actually ending.'

2022-03-24, 08:25 AM
Sanders raises a brow and the comment about the apocalypse, but seems to ignore it. He shakes hands with the Uratha, promising to be in touch as soon as things have been decided, before saying his goodbyes and departing.

With Sanders gone, Kara from the back of the crowd speaks up. Her voice, clear and girlish, turns the heads of the others, bringing everyone's attention on her. "Well then, assuming we have another day and a half, do we prepare for our hunt against the Pure's Totem, or do we take some time to go after the Deep Ones and the Idigam?" she asks, standing with her hands on her hips, one head thrust to the side.

2022-03-24, 10:42 AM
Sanders raises a brow and the comment about the apocalypse, but seems to ignore it. He shakes hands with the Uratha, promising to be in touch as soon as things have been decided, before saying his goodbyes and departing.

With Sanders gone, Kara from the back of the crowd speaks up. Her voice, clear and girlish, turns the heads of the others, bringing everyone's attention on her. "Well then, assuming we have another day and a half, do we prepare for our hunt against the Pure's Totem, or do we take some time to go after the Deep Ones and the Idigam?" she asks, standing with her hands on her hips, one head thrust to the side.

"The Pure," Blaze said, "we can't leave our backs exposed while we go hunt down the Idigam."

2022-03-24, 12:46 PM
'Well in that case I believe there was talk of beer?' Joanna replies referring to the need to create containers for the molotov cocktails. 'But what else can we do besides that? The younger two were drinking in town before. What are the chances they're overconfident enough to do that again. I'd still like to know what they're doing here and Oak isn't going to tell us.'

2022-03-27, 01:17 PM
Kara nodded at Joanna's remarks. With a shrug she adds, "Could also try to talk to some of those students. Blaze, you got the contact info for those pothead hackey sack hippies, right? If that Oakheart is a professor, maybe we can learn more about her and her pack from the students?" Her gaze moves confidently over the other pack members, trying to judge their possible responses.

2022-03-27, 10:02 PM
Joanna nods, 'I need to find out if she actually does any teaching. Should we meet them somewhere? Although I doubt they'll need much persuading to tell tales. There's probably more students from Dartmouth around in town somewhere if we visit the right bars.'

2022-03-27, 10:33 PM
Kara nodded at Joanna's remarks. With a shrug she adds, "Could also try to talk to some of those students. Blaze, you got the contact info for those pothead hackey sack hippies, right? If that Oakheart is a professor, maybe we can learn more about her and her pack from the students?" Her gaze moves confidently over the other pack members, trying to judge their possible responses.

“I dunno, I don’t know those guys too well,” Blaze replied, “I guess I could try to set up a meeting with them, we’d need to scrape the cash together to buy something first thought.”

2022-03-28, 01:19 PM
'This is for the good weed isn't it? I've got money. If it's really good stuff it'll be worth it.'

Joanna has Resources 2 if it matters

2022-03-28, 06:01 PM
Kara scoffs and says, "They're college kids Blaze. I mean, I know you've got a refined palate when it comes to pot, but something tells me they aren't selling the greatest stuff... no matter what they told you." She gives Blaze her best combative punk sneer, very Billy Idol, before blowing her companion a conciliatory kiss.

2022-03-29, 07:51 AM
'This is for the good weed isn't it? I've got money. If it's really good stuff it'll be worth it.'

Joanna has Resources 2 if it matters

“Sold, I’ll give ‘em a call,” Blaze said.

2022-03-29, 09:03 AM
Kara scoffs and says, "They're college kids Blaze. I mean, I know you've got a refined palate when it comes to pot, but something tells me they aren't selling the greatest stuff... no matter what they told you." She gives Blaze her best combative punk sneer, very Billy Idol, before blowing her companion a conciliatory kiss.

'Maybe we could ask to sample it first? But it's a means to an end isn't it? As long as they're not cutting their stuff with something else.'

2022-03-30, 02:46 PM
'Maybe we could ask to sample it first? But it's a means to an end isn't it? As long as they're not cutting their stuff with something else.'
"Yeah, I don't think what ever we buy matters, since our goal isn't the goods - it's the info. And who knows, maybe one of them is a willing servant of the Pure pack."

2022-03-30, 08:03 PM
(OOC: I'm just going to take the liberty here to keep things moving, based on TC's last post)

Blaze takes his phone out and rings the Phis loving college kid they met at UMass Dartmouth. It rings and rings, and after four or five chimes, he finally picks up. "Yo, this is Tyler," the voice on the other end of the line says, "I'm sorry man, I forgot your name."

2022-03-30, 11:11 PM
(OOC: I'm just going to take the liberty here to keep things moving, based on TC's last post)

Blaze takes his phone out and rings the Phis loving college kid they met at UMass Dartmouth. It rings and rings, and after four or five chimes, he finally picks up. "Yo, this is Tyler," the voice on the other end of the line says, "I'm sorry man, I forgot your name."

“Blaze man, Blaze,” Blaze replied, “how could you forget that? you said you had some good stock, still have some?”

Blaze tries to set up a meeting to purchase, preferably off campus.

2022-04-01, 01:24 PM
Bear simply has a seat nearby and rests a bit while Blaze talks to the college kids. He wasn't sure they'd provide much of use, but one rarely ever knew for certain.

2022-04-01, 02:18 PM
Joanna will stay close enough that she can listen to the other end of Blaze's phonecall.

2022-04-02, 03:10 PM
"Oh yeah, that's right," the kid says with a chuckle, adding, "My bad man. Anyways, yeah, I can help you out man. How much are you looking to buy?" He waits for Blaze to reply then says, ". Uh, why don't we meet at Roast Beef and Pizzeria. You know where that is, right? It's right off campus, near the mall." Perhaps Blaze did, or maybe he did not know where "Roast Beef and Pizzeria was", but he at least knew the area between U-Mass Dartmouth and the Dartmouth Mall. A quick google search would suffice to get there otherwise. The kid adds, "We can meet in the parking lot. It's behind the building away from the street." He chuckles foolishly (was he already high?) then adds, "And if you want, you can try a little of it out, then get some pizza, if you know what I mean."

(OOC: Sorry, I had to. There is a place called Roast Beef and Pizzeria in Dartmouth, and for some reason it cracks me up every time I pass by.)

2022-04-02, 06:27 PM
“Hey, that sounds good, see you in about half an hour?” Blaze asked.

2022-04-02, 07:05 PM
After Blaze hangs up, 'Roast beef? Is that like those people who put banana on their pizza.' she asks drily. 'I'll come along.'

2022-04-03, 04:37 PM
The reply to Blaze comes back about a minute later. It reads, "Yeah, sure. See you in a half hour."

(OOC: See Discord)

2022-04-04, 06:47 PM
If there was room for everyone who wanted to come along Joanna will offer to drive.

2022-04-06, 12:42 PM
It was less then a ten minute drive to The Roast Beef and Pizzeria. After waiting an appropriate amount of time, Joanna drives herself, Jeremy and Blaze away from the factory and the run down moldering houses of New Bedford and back into North Dartmouth. Clustered shotgun houses and grimy liquor stores give way to homes with spacious yards, fenced in properties, and a picturesque suburbia in about five minutes on the road. The rough cobblestone road gives way to a more "normal" paved street.

The restaurant is a small one story house that has been converted to look like a NYC pizzeria. Joanna pulls into the back lot, empty except for two cars at the end of the lot parked in spots reserved for employees. The Uratha are left to wait, and about ten minutes later than promised, a beat up Toyota Prius pulls into the lot, bumping music at a volume far harder than it's speakers can handle. The car rolls up slowly to where Joanna parked, and the window rolls down. Phis sweater is wearing the exact same hoody, and he grins at the group from the passenger seat. "Yo," he half-yells over the speakers grinning, "looks like a party!"

************************************************** ***********************************

Left behind by the other Uratha, Bear finds himself surrounded by a pack of eager Wolf-Blooded. It was strange finding himself in the role of pack Alpha, and the non-Uratha seemed most eager to fall in line. James King gives Bear a playful military salute and says, "You said you wanted to start prepping for some ritual? We are at your service. Where do you want us to start?" He's wearing a black leather jacket that would be more appropriate on a hog-riding biker than a military brat, but still somehow comes off as "on duty".

2022-04-06, 07:07 PM
On the way. 'Blaze, you'd be the guy to speak to if I have spirit problems wouldn't you? I'm not sure if this even makes sense as a question. I realise we've got other things to deal with at the moment.'

In the parking lot Joanna will keep an eye out for anyone else who might want to park here. She wasn't expecting to run into the Pure at The Roast Beef and Pizzeria, but she wasn't going to rule out the possibility either. She'll call back to Phis sweater when he arrives, 'Maybe. I need to relax. Any chance you could help me with that?'

2022-04-07, 12:24 PM
It was less then a ten minute drive to The Roast Beef and Pizzeria. After waiting an appropriate amount of time, Joanna drives herself, Jeremy and Blaze away from the factory and the run down moldering houses of New Bedford and back into North Dartmouth. Clustered shotgun houses and grimy liquor stores give way to homes with spacious yards, fenced in properties, and a picturesque suburbia in about five minutes on the road. The rough cobblestone road gives way to a more "normal" paved street.

The restaurant is a small one story house that has been converted to look like a NYC pizzeria. Joanna pulls into the back lot, empty except for two cars at the end of the lot parked in spots reserved for employees. The Uratha are left to wait, and about ten minutes later than promised, a beat up Toyota Prius pulls into the lot, bumping music at a volume far harder than it's speakers can handle. The car rolls up slowly to where Joanna parked, and the window rolls down. Phis sweater is wearing the exact same hoody, and he grins at the group from the passenger seat. "Yo," he half-yells over the speakers grinning, "looks like a party!"

"It's not a good party until it has somewhere to happen, but we're starting here!" Jeremy calls back, "Just need to get all the fixins!"

2022-04-07, 08:32 PM
Bear grins, "A ritual and a show all in one. We're gonna want to incorporate the sigils into the speakers and other gear, make em look like decorations. Lets get all the instruments and junk out and set up, and see what we have to do to make it work."

"The venue's probably not gonna want to let us scribble all over their floor, so how about we get a big ass rug and mark that up, roll it out on stage."

2022-04-07, 10:27 PM

“Yeah man,” Blaze said, “hey, we got a couple of gigs comin up, if you guys are interested.”

Blaze will chit chat a little bit before making the purchase.

“Hey by the way…”

He mentions Professor pure (her name escapes me) and asks whether they know anything about her.

sorry I really don’t have time to scroll back, maybe put her on the list of notable npc’s?

2022-04-10, 08:01 AM
The kid chuckles at the groups enthusiasm, nodding his before clapping his hands together and giving his best McConaughey impression, "Alright, alright, alright." The driver kills the car's engine, still parked in front of the group, and Phish shirt and the driver get out. The driver is another college kid, but he's got a shaved head, and a Celtics jersey, and a scowl that is probably meant to indicate that he's the heavy and he means business. Phis shoves both his hands into the pouch pocket of his hoodie and with a self-conscious stare at the ground says, "So, uh, just have to ask again; you guys aren't cops, right?"

Once reassured, he asks, "Well, then, how much are you looking to get?"

To Blaze's question he replies, "Oh, what? Why are you asking about Professor Oakheart?"

Make sure to go back, Haval's character Joanna was asking Blaze something.

************************************************** *

"Sure," King says eagerly, though there might be the slightest hint of disappointment, "we can help with that."

I'd like to turn this into a chance to work towards Bear's second Aspiration of encouraging pack unity and teamwork. I think the task will get done one way or the other, but this roll will more determine how the Wolf Blooded view Bear as a leader and how enthusiastically they work towards this goal. Please roll Presence + Expression +1

2022-04-10, 03:28 PM
So, uh, just have to ask again; you guys aren't cops, right?"

Joanna grins as she gets out of her car. 'Do I look like a cop? But if you want to roll me something I wouldn't say no. Just in case it's as good as you say.' She's ok to pay for whatever Blaze wants to negotiate as he seemed the type to know his weed.

On Oakheart, 'My friend goes here. Said there was a new Professor who seemed a bit of a hard ass. What do you guys study anyway?'

Trying to reassure them
Presence 3 + Persuasion 2 + Striking Looks (Persuasion) 1
Any 10s

2022-04-10, 05:07 PM
Bear stretches a bit, "We're going to be hunting down the biggest ass flaming wolf spirit I've ever seen in a few days, and we're gonna get ready by rocking the hell out of an audience and declaring our intent to hunt right in front of them. Not that they'll really understand..." he grins again, "But I bet that they'll feel that energy regardless. That urge for the chase, to move and leap. Its gonna get roudy. Lets make this show legendary."

going ahead and using willpower here
Presence+expression+WP [roll0]
ten again [roll1]

2022-04-13, 01:34 PM
The kid chuckles nervously when Joanna challenges him about being a cop. With both hands held up as if in defense he replies, "Eh, ya never know. Better safe than sorry, right?" But the anxiety softens slightly when Joanna asks him to roll her a spliff. "Let's see how much you guys buy, then I'll happily roll you up something," he says with a grin, though his eyes dart to Blaze, clearly trying to get his point across that he wants to know he's getting paid.

He seems to be unsurprised when Joanna mentions having a friend at the university. He shrugs and in reply says, "Eh, ya I'm an English Lit major, so I don't really take any science classes... unless they're supposed to be an easy A." He grins at his own joke and pauses to let others react positively, then continues, "But my roommate is in a class of hers. He's kinda' a stress ball, but apparently she's a major hard ass. The class is supposed to be crazy, they go out on a boat in the bay and study the ocean or something, but my roommate makes her sound like a raging b... bicycle." He blushes.

(OOC: 1 success)

************************************************** ********************

(OOC: Bear gets 3 successes and gains 1 beat. He is down to 3/5 WP. With three successes I'll let Bear either take a +1 on his Siskur Dah roll, or will give him a +2 with his next roll to influence the wolf-blooded or other pack members)

Bear's words seem to genuinely motivate the gathered pack. Eyes focus on him as he describes the plan, and several of the wolf blooded shake their head with agreement. When he is finished, Bear gets the sense that the group might start clapping, and Pine even looses a rather canine sounding whoop of excitement.

2022-04-13, 09:37 PM
He seems to be unsurprised when Joanna mentions having a friend at the university. He shrugs and in reply says, "Eh, ya I'm an English Lit major, so I don't really take any science classes... unless they're supposed to be an easy A." He grins at his own joke and pauses to let others react positively, then continues, "But my roommate is in a class of hers. He's kinda' a stress ball, but apparently she's a major hard ass. The class is supposed to be crazy, they go out on a boat in the bay and study the ocean or something, but my roommate makes her sound like a raging b... bicycle." He blushes.

Oh she's a total bicycle alright. Joanna will give him a significant look to show that she'd noticed his slip but will not otherwise comment.'Always did like English, but going out on the sea to look at whales sounds pretty cool as well. Do you happen to know where their boat is? Maybe they have rooom for a few more out there.' Once she was at the harbour she could probably find the boat eventually if she put her mind to it, but maybe it would come in handy. 'Does your roommate know Corey Allen by any chance?'

2022-04-13, 10:27 PM

Blaze had been looking forward to buying some weed so much that he'd completely forgotten exactly why they were there in the first place. Luckily Joanna remembered.

"Man, that woulda been embarassing," he thought.

"We got a few hundred man, not trying to short change you, we're legit," Blaze said, "we'll start with a little bit and if the stuff is worth it, we'll come back for more for sure."

The topic switched to Oakheart.
"What, they go out there every day? The hell are they studying, how to get seasick?" Blaze said.

2022-04-16, 12:34 PM
The kid shrugs at Joanna's first question about the boat's location. "I could ask my roommate," he says with a hint of disinterest, clearly not sure what Joanna was getting at. It clearly not being a priority, he makes no attempt to get his phone out and call or text the roommate.

(OOC: Wanna give me a Persuasion roll to get him to do it?)

His answer is almost disdainful when Joanna asks about Cory Allen. "I'm sorry, but it's a big school. I've never heard of him, and I have no idea who my roommate knows... he's a bit of a... well he's not that social, if you know what I mean."

He chuckles at Blaze's question about going out every day, and he replies, "No idea man. Not exactly my kinda thing, if you know what I mean."

When Blaze responds about the money his eyes go wide for a moment, a hint of greedy excitement. "It's 50 bucks for a 3G baggie," he replies, leaning in and half whispering to Blaze.

2022-04-16, 04:51 PM
Bear works with the wolfblooded on getting something set up that would be functional both for the sake of actually playing music and doubling as the symbology needed for the siskur dah ritual. He's grinning as they get things done, glad to be making progress.

2022-04-16, 06:37 PM
'Could you?' Joanna asks 'Help me out and I'll definitely come find you the next time I need to buy weed.'

On Cory Allen, 'I think he's a student of Oakheart's. Maybe a postgrad. My friend's into him if you get me. She'd like to check he's not seeing anyone before she makes a move. Should I be talking to your roommate?'

Presence 3 + Persuasion 2 + Striking Looks (Persuasion) 1
Any 10s

2022-04-17, 04:42 PM
At Bear's recommendation, the Wolf Blooded round up their performance gear; their speakers, amplifiers, instrument cases, and drum kit, and begin painting the gear with various First Tongue sigils. The band's logo, an angular and minimalistic picture of a wolf's head crying blood over artistic lettering, "Cry Wolf" (originally designed by Kara) is already printed or painted on most of this gear. So the symbols are artistically drawn around this logo. Symbols of power, and territory, and duty are chained together to create a sort of mandala or halo around the band logo on all of the band's gear. The effect is very "later Led Zepplin".

(OOC: Bear will receive an extra dice on his Siskur Dah roll)

************************************************** ***************

Something about Joanna's request makes the kid soften. He grins a little at the Uratha, and with a nod says, "Yeah, sure. Not a problem." He blushes a little and adds, "Happy to help."

2022-04-17, 07:01 PM
At Bear's recommendation, the Wolf Blooded round up their performance gear; their speakers, amplifiers, instrument cases, and drum kit, and begin painting the gear with various First Tongue sigils. The band's logo, an angular and minimalistic picture of a wolf's head crying blood over artistic lettering, "Cry Wolf" (originally designed by Kara) is already printed or painted on most of this gear. So the symbols are artistically drawn around this logo. Symbols of power, and territory, and duty are chained together to create a sort of mandala or halo around the band logo on all of the band's gear. The effect is very "later Led Zepplin".

(OOC: Bear will receive an extra dice on his Siskur Dah roll)

************************************************** ***************

Something about Joanna's request makes the kid soften. He grins a little at the Uratha, and with a nod says, "Yeah, sure. Not a problem." He blushes a little and adds, "Happy to help."

Jeremy feigns interest in the product offered, easing up to the group as the conversations evolve. "Get me one of those baggies, chum." He asks Blaze. "Just need a high end party to enjoy it fully. Any ideas?" He adds, turning to the kid.

2022-04-18, 02:33 PM
Something about Joanna's request makes the kid soften. He grins a little at the Uratha, and with a nod says, "Yeah, sure. Not a problem." He blushes a little and adds, "Happy to help."

'Thanks' Joanna replies. 'I'm Jo by the way. I can give you my number if you hear anything on either.' She'll get her phone out after paying for the weed.'Or I suppose come see me after the gig if you're in town then.'

To Jeremy, 'I'm game if you are. Long as we have time.'

2022-04-20, 09:37 AM
The kid nods, looking slightly uncomfortable about the idea of inviting the Anchor Wolves to a party. But when Joanna mentions their upcoming gig, he looks a little more excited, a little more relaxed. "Oh yeah," he replies, "when is your next performance by the way? We could definitely come support."

He looks from Joanna to the trunk of his car, then to Blaze. He says a little hastily, "So, uh, how much do you want then?"

2022-04-20, 09:58 PM
Joanna looks to Blaze, 'Bear said tomorrow night didn't he? Which means we need enough for everyone to get relaxed afterwards.'

2022-04-21, 07:14 PM
Joanna looks to Blaze, 'Bear said tomorrow night didn't he? Which means we need enough for everyone to get relaxed afterwards.'

“Gimme that, and that,” Blaze said, pointing to two of the baggies, “should be enough for everyone.”

Blaze will make sure not to go over budget

2022-04-23, 08:46 AM
Blaze picks out four baggies filled with the pungent green bramble, and surreptitiously hands the kid a wad of cash. He asks if anyone wants to grab a sandwich or slice of pizza inside, and eyes Joanna with a touch of excitement.

(OOC: Regardless of whether or not you are grabbing a bite with him I assume we are nearing or are at the end of this scene?)

2022-04-23, 06:28 PM
Joanna wasn't opposed but didn't feel like they had the time to waste at the moment. 'Well I do want to see what that pizza tastes like, but I need to go practice. Maybe after the gig.'

Nothing more to add at the moment. I don't think finding the boat will be that difficult.

2022-04-29, 06:42 PM

After collecting the weed and the information, Blaze returned to the warehouse to report back to Bear and the others.

“So that’s it man,” Blaze said, “she’s out on the water a lot during the day. Maybe they’re working with the Idigam or maybe not. I figure we got two choices…”

He held up a finger at each point.

“We wait until she’s on the water to attack, or we try to find out more of what they’re doing, just in case they’re also trying to fight the Idigam,” Blaze said, “whatever we’re gonna do we gotta figure it out quick, our gig’s comin up soon.”

2022-04-29, 08:41 PM
“We wait until she’s on the water to attack, or we try to find out more of what they’re doing, just in case they’re also trying to fight the Idigam,” Blaze said, “whatever we’re gonna do we gotta figure it out quick, our gig’s comin up soon.”

'Never hurts to have more information. If we have the time I think we should go look for their boat. Worse case is that there's nothing interesting there to find, but then we have all the fun of imagining how mad they'll be when they smell us as having been there.' Joanna replies with a smile.

'Plus there's always the chance that if we find their boat we can find someone who works round there who maybe knows Oakheart and her people to see. Like, someone at their job...someone in the next boat over...I'll take a homeless guy if I can find someone who'll talk to me. I just need anyone who I can talk into calling me whenever Oakheart is actually going out on the water. Ideally I like to know where those three are at all times until we can kick them out of New Bedford.'

2022-05-06, 07:17 PM
Bear rubs his face, "I wish we could just ignore that. And it sure sounds like their interest is the idigam."

"Course, even if we were sure of that, they may not intend to fight it. The things are known to make bargains right? I wouldn't put it past the pure to try that."

"I think we're going to have to keep the plans to attack their totem in place, but can you think of any means to find out more before then?"

2022-05-06, 10:10 PM
Bear rubs his face, "I wish we could just ignore that. And it sure sounds like their interest is the idigam."

"Course, even if we were sure of that, they may not intend to fight it. The things are known to make bargains right? I wouldn't put it past the pure to try that."

'Bargaining with it sounds like a terrible idea, but Oakheart seemed like someone who was arrogant enough to try.'

"I think we're going to have to keep the plans to attack their totem in place, but can you think of any means to find out more before then?"

'I think our friend the local dealer might be into me enough fo want to be helpful. Either he gets back to me quickly enough to tell me where Oakheart keeps her boat or we go down there ourselves and follow our noses. I don't know if we'll find anything good on there but I think it's worth knowing where they park it at least.'

2022-05-07, 08:59 AM
Kara's eyes go wide when Joanna mentions the dealer being into her, and pinching her shoulder grins and whispers, "Flirt!" playfully.

But to the group she says, "I think both of our current enemies are dangerous enough that splitting up over and over may be a bad idea. We have time enough to deal with something before the concert tomorrow? Do we want to focus on the boat? Maybe we can put some sort of tracking device on it or somethin?"

(OOC: TC, would you please give me an Int + Occult +2 roll)

2022-05-07, 08:46 PM
Kara's eyes go wide when Joanna mentions the dealer being into her, and pinching her shoulder grins and whispers, "Flirt!" playfully.

Joanna tries to looks innocent before breaking into a grin. 'Wasn't like I was encouraging him.'

2022-05-08, 07:24 AM
Kara's eyes go wide when Joanna mentions the dealer being into her, and pinching her shoulder grins and whispers, "Flirt!" playfully.

But to the group she says, "I think both of our current enemies are dangerous enough that splitting up over and over may be a bad idea. We have time enough to deal with something before the concert tomorrow? Do we want to focus on the boat? Maybe we can put some sort of tracking device on it or somethin?"

(OOC: TC, would you please give me an Int + Occult +2 roll)

Blaze seems to get some kind of brain spark…
int + occult +2: [roll0]
9 again: [roll1]

2022-05-08, 01:40 PM
Bear nods "Tracking the boat is probably a good idea. At the least that'll tell us when they're out on the water and might point us to more exactly where the points of interest are with this thing. Lets get that done."

2022-05-08, 01:43 PM
Something Bear says trigger's a thought for Blaze:

"Course, even if we were sure of that, they may not intend to fight it. The things are known to make bargains right? I wouldn't put it past the pure to try that."

Blaze had taken all the information about the Idigam he could get from Solomon, which admittedly was not a whole lot. However, what Blaze had learned was suddenly clicking in his brain. Unlike what Bear had said, The Idigam were even more primitive and primal than regular spirits. They did not bargain or scheme, as far as Blaze was aware. In fact, the behaviors of the spirits that had encountered the Idigam, those fish spirits that the Pack had sheltered, had made it sound like it was a monster that they were terrified of.

Furthermore, Oakheart had seemed not to believe the Anchor Wolves when they told her about the Idigam. And The Pure were even more fanatical about keeping order within the spirit world than the Forsaken. Blaze could only imagine, but more likely than not, if Oakheart and her pack of Pure knew about the Idigam, they would be opposed to the thing. Not that this meant that they would be able to create a truce, or even a pact with Oakheart, but Blaze was certain that it was unlikely they were working together. In fact, perhaps if The Anchor Wolves could pit the Pure against the Idigam, at least one of their two problems might take care of the other!

(OOC: God Damn! 6 successes with 5 10s right out of the gate)

2022-05-08, 03:17 PM
Bear nods "Tracking the boat is probably a good idea. At the least that'll tell us when they're out on the water and might point us to more exactly where the points of interest are with this thing. Lets get that done."

Joanna nods, 'Never tried to track a boat before but I have a gps tracker in the back of the car. We find somewhere good to hide it and we should be able to see exactly where they're at.'

2022-05-08, 04:11 PM
Jeremy offers "We could also just drop a burner phone with the right apps and added battery on it, to track and listen in on their conversations, too. If they aren't allies with the Idigam, why the Hell would they be going out in the heart of it's disturbance, regularly? Would it take much to shake the Idigam up, just when they are out on the water?"

2022-05-08, 05:19 PM

“You know what man, maybe this is the weed talking, but I don’t think they’re working together,” Blaze said, “the Pure are like radical fundamentalists, they’d definitely be opposed to Idigam…, and the Idigam is ancient. It don’t bargain or compromise, it just is.”

“I bet Oakheart thought we were full of poop about the Idigam, but if we could get them to run into each other, they’d be the ones throwing themselves against it instead of us,” Blaze said, “then we can mop up the leftovers instead of the other way around.”

2022-05-08, 07:47 PM
'I want more information to be sure either way. Maybe I shouldn't judge someone based on a single conversation where she threatened to kill us, but she seemed like just the kind of person who might be a dumbass even as she thinks she knows what she's doing. All for letting them take each other out though.'

2022-05-09, 06:23 PM
Kara turns her attention first to Blaze, and then to Bear and chuckles. She'd gotten the sense that one was looking to the other to take the lead. She was the lead singer, but she knew she wasn't the pack alpha, and so she said to Bear, "Okay boss, what's the plan?"

2022-05-14, 11:32 AM
"Yeah, if we can get ears on that boat and find out what they're up to, maybe it'll be enough to change plans, maybe it'll just make the rest of things easier, either way I'm not seeing a downside in trying. Is a burner phone the best way to do that? What else do you need to pull it off Jeremy?"

2022-05-15, 05:31 AM
While the group is talking, Joanna gets a text message from the weed dealer, whose name is Chaz (OOC: I swear I already gave him a name, but now I can't find it. I can't keep calling him Phish Sweater, so now he's Chaz). He gives Joanna the location of the boat, provided by his roommate, and it turns out to be at one of the docks not far from the cannery; in fact it would be walking distance. He also tells Joanna he can't wait to see the show, and asks if he can buy her a drink after.

2022-05-15, 06:19 AM
Blaze decides to smoke some of the weed they acquired to see if it’s any good.

“Priorities,” he thought.

2022-05-15, 08:33 AM
Joanna will text Chaz back, 'Thanks, I appreciate it. We will see about that drink :)' Chaz's taste in music aside she wasn't opposed to working out a little tension, and since she met the Reveler she felt the need to relax.

She'll also pass on the location of the boat. 'Chaz came through. Google says it's not that far even.' An unwelcome thought had occurred to her. 'Doesn't that mean that the Pure might have been close to here at some point.'

2022-05-16, 02:55 PM
"Yeah, if we can get ears on that boat and find out what they're up to, maybe it'll be enough to change plans, maybe it'll just make the rest of things easier, either way I'm not seeing a downside in trying. Is a burner phone the best way to do that? What else do you need to pull it off Jeremy?"

He nods, saying "Yeah, we drop a remoting app on that sucker and open it's mic and video when we want to. Burner basic phone with an internet data plan and no phone number- as long as they are near shore, they'll get a signal and we can eavesdrop. Max would be about 30 miles. I'll put on a self-destruct as well to toast it if they find it. Bleach-wipe it to kill our scents, too, or maybe put some fishface's stink on it to redirect their suspicions. Just got to tuck it on the boat, somewhere useful like the pilot house."

2022-05-19, 09:52 AM
The pack finishes putting together the necessary hardware for their "makeshift" tracking device, and by the time they set off for the dock it is about mid-afternoon. Despite the sun being out wit few clouds in the sky, this close to the water it is still rather cool and the pack is harassed by regular gusts of wind. The streets are as always rather empty in this part of New Bedford, though there is always that still uneasy sense of being watched; of distant eyes staring from behind boarded up windows. The dock is less than a ten minute walk away, and is almost next to the ferry company. It is little more than a small parking lot in front of a stucco shed large enough to house a boat. Its swinging doors chained shut with a sign reading, "Private property of the U-Mass Dartmouth". Around the back of the shed are a second pair of swinging doors, also chained, though these don't reach the rafters of the building, such that you can see the top of the rather plain looking motorized vessel about the size of a private sail boat, clearly raised up onto a palate. There is a small path from the back of the shed that leads directly down a ramp and into the water.

There does not seem to be anyone around, though there are security cameras hung over the front and back of the porch.

2022-05-19, 07:07 PM
Bleach-wipe it to kill our scents, too, or maybe put some fishface's stink on it to redirect their suspicions. Just got to tuck it on the boat, somewhere useful like the pilot house."

'If you think that'll work. I don't want to make it easy for them to find this place.'


Joanna points out the cameras, 'No reason to think that there's anyone watching the feed live, but if I'm wrong maybe we shouldn't stick around.' She's on the look out for anything that looks like a security office, but otherwise will rely on her nose to tell her if there was anyone else around who might object to their breaking in. She'll take Chaz's word for it that this was the boat, but she's also alert to any lingering scent of other Uratha to indicate that the Pure had been here recently.

'Everybody try to look like they're here on purpose.' Joanna will take a hair clip and go round to the back of the building where she can attempt to pick the lock.

Using a point of willpower

Dex 2+ Larceny 2 + Lockpick specialty 1 + Willpower 3
Any 10s

Checking to see if there's anyone else close by

Wits 3 + Composure 3 + Hishu 1
Any 10s
Exceptional success for three successes with honed senses

2022-05-20, 03:49 PM
Jeremy will try to locate any security feed lines he can tap into or subtly disrupt, leveraging his previous experience as a security systems installer. If he locates something useful, he'll try to create either a loop or pause the feed until they finish. Adding to his attempt to remain undetected, his scent fades away completely (Feet of Mist). Working quickly, and slightly in competition with Joanna's lock-picking, he wants to succeed before they are able to enter.

Crafts (Traps) + INT + Subterfuge ?
[roll0] plus tens [roll1] Spent 1 Essence for Gift.

'If you think that'll work. I don't want to make it easy for them to find this place.'


Joanna points out the cameras, 'No reason to think that there's anyone watching the feed live, but if I'm wrong maybe we shouldn't stick around.' She's on the look out for anything that looks like a security office, but otherwise will rely on her nose to tell her if there was anyone else around who might object to their breaking in. She'll take Chaz's word for it that this was the boat, but she's also alert to any lingering scent of other Uratha to indicate that the Pure had been here recently.

'Everybody try to look like they're here on purpose.' Joanna will take a hair clip and go round to the back of the building where she can attempt to pick the lock.

Using a point of willpower

Dex 2+ Larceny 2 + Lockpick specialty 1 + Willpower 3
Any 10s

Checking to see if there's anyone else close by

Wits 3 + Composure 3 + Hishu 1
Any 10s
Exceptional success for three successes with honed senses

2022-05-22, 04:51 AM
Jeremy quickly examines the security system. Joanna is right, this is definitely not a live feed, and the two cameras seem to run into a black box memory system attached to the wall inside. There wasn't really anything to "tap" into, but once inside the memory system would be easy to remove, damage, or manipulate.

Joanna gets the back door to shed open in a matter of seconds, and to her best scanning of the area, there is no one actually around who could be watching.

Once inside, someone could try to tamper with the security system's memory (Int/Wits + Computer), or the group could decide to outright damage or remove the box, which would leave evidence of the break in, but leave security clueless as to whom.

(OOC: Joanna is down to 1/5 WP)

2022-05-22, 12:39 PM
'Jeremy, can you do something about that? I feel like ripping it off the wall might give us away.' Joanna will look for a way onto the boat.

2022-05-30, 08:12 PM
'Jeremy, can you do something about that? I feel like ripping it off the wall might give us away.' Joanna will look for a way onto the boat.


Blaze took a look at the camera.

“Actually, I think I can hack into this thing,” he said, “then we could remote view and show pretty much whatever we want… make it look like we were never here.”

He pulled out his laptop and attempted to access the camera’s software.


2022-06-01, 10:17 AM
(OOC: One success after the -2 modifier)

After a good bit of tinkering and struggling with the black box attached to the camera, Blaze is able to set up a very basic video loop. The workmanship of the hack was pretty shoddy; most of the wires and circuits of the thing were badly corroded and almost a decade outdated. It wouldn't be too hard to catch that the security camera was playing back a loop, but that wouldn't happen till someone went back and watched the footage. It would at least keep their images from appearing on camera.

2022-06-01, 04:19 PM
Joanna doesn't know anything about boats but assumes there might be a ladder or a rope around here somewhere that will help her get aboard.

2022-06-02, 09:08 AM
There is a small ladder on the side of the boat that hangs about halfway down the bow. I decent jump would probably be enough to grab hold of one of the lower rungs and pull yourself in.

(OOC: I don't see a point in forcing an athletics roll for that)

2022-06-02, 12:38 PM
'Hey, one of you give me a boost.' Joanna will get one of the taller pack members to lift her up to the ladder so that she can lower it for the others.

2022-06-03, 11:09 AM
With a quick boost, Joanna is pulling herself into the boat. The deck is lined with a white plastic, and there is still small puddles of ocean water gathered here and there inside the boat. It smells strongly of the ocean, but the boat is also littered with the stench of Uratha; or one werewolf in particular, presumably Oakheart.

A quick walk around the deck and into the cockpit reveals nothing particularly occult or concerning. There's an ice chest that is empty, and on a bench in the cockpit are a handful of nets, fishing lines, and plastic equipment that looks like it is used for taking scientific samples and the like.

2022-06-03, 07:55 PM
'Everyone else smell that.' Joanna will give the boat a once over to check that she hadn't missed anything before finding a decent place to stash their bug in the cockpit. Didn't boats this big have a below decks? 'Jeremy, you got any more of that bleach? I don't want to make it easy for them to know we were here.'

In case she missed anything. And in case there's a lower level

Int 3 + Investigation 2
Any 10s

2022-06-05, 11:58 AM
(OOC: I count a solid 3 successes there)

Joanna quickly does a once over of the boat. There is indeed a lower deck, which houses little more than a work desk covered in a handful of books. Included in the pile is a small canvas bound log, which appears to document the days and locations of the vessel's various trips. It appears the boat is taken out twice a week, once on Wednesdays and once on Saturdays. Today, was of course Friday, with the band performing tonight.

A second book, one of those black and white speckled notebooks, appeared to be documenting tide or wave patterns on various days and in various locations around the bay. It looked like they were studying the effects of the moon on the tidal patterns in various areas of the bay... or something like that...

(OOC: Welcome to make an Int + Science roll here)

2022-06-05, 01:48 PM
Joanna will get her phone out to take some pictures of the books and the log. Ideally she could have a record of where the boat had been recently as well as where it was due to go if they were planning anything. She'll do her best not to disturb anything too much.

One success in the ooc

2022-06-06, 06:20 PM
Joanna is able to take snaps of everything on her phone to show the group. Unfortunately, beyond what was previously described, she can't make heads or tails of the logs.

(OOC: Unfortunately being untrained in a mental skill such as science applies a -3 penalty, which turned the roll into a chance dice. Fortunatley you rolled a 2 and not a one or you would have had a dramatic failure on your hands. Still welcome to take the dramatic failure as a beat or spend WP)

2022-06-07, 01:08 PM
Climbing up to the deck, and keeping his obscurement active, he examines the logs, trying to see what the Pure are observing and how it may relate to the foe they face. Handing off the bleach to Joanne, he hums to himself as he pages through the documents.

Int+Science [roll0]
Tens [roll1]
(If this could be considered an extended action, add 2d10 for Patient) [roll2]

2022-06-07, 01:51 PM
Jeremy does his best to quickly peruse the black speckled notebook. Interestingly, closer evaluation reveals not that they were studying the effects of the moon on the tides, but instead the effects of the different tides on the surrounding environment, and on all things, on the moon itself. This was a ludicrous concept to anyone with any science background; you couldn't effect the moon... but consistently, it appeared that the tides were the independent variable on which they were studying everything else dependently. Somehow, given the Pure's known hatred for Mother Luna, this was not all that surprising. It also looked like there were plans to try to start altering the tides, potentially, though this seemed more nebulous.

2022-06-07, 07:38 PM
While the others inspect the boat, Blaze shifts his sight over to the Hisil, to see what he can see of the spirits in the area.

2022-06-07, 08:20 PM
After planting the bug in the cockpit, Joanna will do her best to clean up behind them to mask their scents. Ideally they could at least mask the fact that other Uratha had been here. On hearing Jeremy's explanation, 'How does that even make sense? Is Oakheart a wizard?'

2022-06-07, 11:08 PM
After planting the bug in the cockpit, Joanna will do her best to clean up behind them to mask their scents. Ideally they could at least mask the fact that other Uratha had been here. On hearing Jeremy's explanation, 'How does that even make sense? Is Oakheart a wizard?'

"I have no idea." Jeremy says, the concept of someone even thinking of changing Mother Moon bothering him profoundly, "The hubris of these Pure may be beyond the pale. We need far more information to stop this blasphemy!" And then he makes ready to depart.

2022-06-09, 12:13 PM
In that case. Joanna will go looking for their Ithaeur once she'd climbed down from the boat. 'Hey Blaze take a look at this.' She'll explain what they'd seen. 'I want to say that if the Moon affects the tides maybe it works in the other direction...?'

Going to ask someone who might understand what Oakheart is up to.

2022-06-10, 01:49 PM
Blaze's vision momentarily blurs as he casts his sights across the Gauntlet to gaze into The Shadow. Here the small boat shed has been replaced by a rocky and unstable bit of shore. Violent waves of near black water smash and clutch at the rocks like the fists of the gods, shooting sea-spray and foam into the air, and the sky is darkened by a cover of ominous clouds.

A single developed spirit stands out from the small flocks of lesser Hisil fauna; a thing with an elongated and sleek body made of metal and wood. The thing's figure is most comparable to that of a hammerhead shark, but with a tail that tapers instead into a motorboat's engine, complete with slowly spinning propeller blades. It floats idlily, rising and falling with the churning waves, lazily chomping at nearby water spirits. It's gills look like exhaust grates and spew oily black clouds. This is likely the spirit of the boat that the group has come to inspect. On this side of the Gauntlet, the spirit is completely unaware that it is being watched.

Blaze's studies though are jarred by the questions being asked of him by his packmates.

(OOC: Going to let Blaze reply to the questions being answered of him; though anyone whose a Blood Talon can take a +2 to any knowledge based roll to answer Jeremy's question)

2022-06-13, 08:40 AM
Blaze is obviously distracted, his eyes glazed over as he peers into the Hisil.

"No man, the tides can't affect the moon, that's beyond dumb," he replied on autopilot. Then he started to think about what they might be up to, while he also inspects the spirit for anything out of the ordinary.

moon & tides and possible rituals and stuff:
int + occult: [roll0]
9 again: [roll1]

anything weird going on with the spirit, and general information about it:
int + occult: [roll2]
9 again: [roll3]

2022-06-13, 01:36 PM
Blaze mulls it over for a moment. He can't think of a specific Ritual or Gift that might specifically alter the tides, nor the moon specifically. However, he does know that the Pure have access to completely separate Gifts and powers, and who knows what someone as old and powerful as Oakheart might be capable of. And while Blaze knows that the tides don't effect the moon in real life, that sort of thing might totally have power or consequences in the Hisil! In fact, it was almost ingenious logic in the context of The Shadow.

Blaze's study of the Hisil in this area raises no specific red flags. This part of the Spirit realm looks relatively healthy, and the Gauntlet seemed thick enough. The boat spirit was no Magath, and was clearly well fed on appropriate Essence, enough so to have begun forming an identity of sorts. The only useful conclusion that Blaze is able to draw from this, is that Oakheart and her students were likely using the boat regularly enough, and probably taking decent care of it.

2022-06-13, 07:33 PM
Blaze is obviously distracted, his eyes glazed over as he peers into the Hisil.

"No man, the tides can't affect the moon, that's beyond dumb," he replied on autopilot. Then he started to think about what they might be up to, while he also inspects the spirit for anything out of the ordinary.

'Well they're doing something.' Joanna doesn't take offence. 'I don't know enough to know what the rules are here. It doesn't affect like gravity, but it does something on the otherside. But if that's true then what the hell is the goal?'

2022-06-13, 07:57 PM

“You know what, now that I think about it, there might be something to what they’re doing on the Hisil side,” Blaze said, “we’d need to look into it more to be sure…. Or we could just lead those Idigam fishies to the Pure and let them duke it out.”

2022-06-14, 09:47 AM
Kara, who has been on her cellphone the entire while that Jeremy and Joanna were up in the boat, "comes up for air" and says, "Uh, guys, we're blowing up on instagram. The concert tomorrow... it looks like we are getting a lot of attention. This is gonna be huge!" She squeals a little with excitement.

2022-06-15, 07:34 AM
Kara, who has been on her cellphone the entire while that Jeremy and Joanna were up in the boat, "comes up for air" and says, "Uh, guys, we're blowing up on instagram. The concert tomorrow... it looks like we are getting a lot of attention. This is gonna be huge!" She squeals a little with excitement.

“Whoa, that’s awesome,” Blaze said, “so uhh are we done here? Let me know if there’s anything else otherwise I’m gonna put this camera back the way it was.”

2022-06-15, 12:04 PM

“You know what, now that I think about it, there might be something to what they’re doing on the Hisil side,” Blaze said, “we’d need to look into it more to be sure…. Or we could just lead those Idigam fishies to the Pure and let them duke it out.”

'So would that mean we need to catch one of the Pure alone to find out? Or does Oakheart keep what she's doing to herself? Letting them fight only works if there isn't horrible consequences for everyone else.'

Kara, who has been on her cellphone the entire while that Jeremy and Joanna were up in the boat, "comes up for air" and says, "Uh, guys, we're blowing up on instagram. The concert tomorrow... it looks like we are getting a lot of attention. This is gonna be huge!" She squeals a little with excitement.

'Seriously?' Joanna looks sceptical. 'Never had a gig that people were actually excited for before.'

I think we're done here. Unless we need a roll for bugging the boat and hiding the bug properly.

2022-06-18, 07:15 PM
Kara, who has been on her cellphone the entire while that Jeremy and Joanna were up in the boat, "comes up for air" and says, "Uh, guys, we're blowing up on instagram. The concert tomorrow... it looks like we are getting a lot of attention. This is gonna be huge!" She squeals a little with excitement.
Hearing that, Jeremy is momentarily distracted from his ire of the Pure's activities and feels the slight edge of nervousness at a possibly huge crowd awaiting their performance.

2022-06-18, 07:16 PM

“You know what, now that I think about it, there might be something to what they’re doing on the Hisil side,” Blaze said, “we’d need to look into it more to be sure…. Or we could just lead those Idigam fishies to the Pure and let them duke it out.”
"That gets MY vote, for sure! Especially if we get to watch the fireworks and step in for clean up afterwards." Jeremy offers.

2022-06-18, 08:22 PM
"That gets MY vote, for sure! Especially if we get to watch the fireworks and step in for clean up afterwards." Jeremy offers.

“Better than us fighting one of them first and getting cleaned up by the other,” Blaze said.

2022-06-19, 01:57 PM
Going to assume this scene is wrapping up, though feel free to continue discussing in scene if you wish! I'm going to resolve Haval's roll. Feel free if anyone else wishes to roll as discussed in Discord. Will also start a "the next scene" that will take place the next afternoon, after anyone's downtime rolls would have occured

Joanna spends a bit of time perusing websites on upgrading wifi and connectivity. They are mostly "techy" sites and most of them use jargon that is frustratingly over her head. Despite spending a better part of the morning trying to figure out what she could do, Joanna steps away from her computer with no more knowledge than when she had started!

************************************************** ***************

The next evening's performance is scheduled to occur at Winery Enoteca, a smaller winery located directly within Dartmouth. The winery's vineyard must be located elsewhere, because the winery itself looks like it has been converted from a very large barn, where inside is a long bar, and a number of both steel and oak barrels are being stored and aging. Though there is an outside patio in front of the winery, all of the tables and chairs have been cleared out of the inside customer's space to create decent sized stage and a standing audience space where maybe about a hundred or so patrons could watch.

The concert is supposed to start at 8, but Cry Wolf and the pack get in closer to around 6:30 to start setting up. The sun is just starting to set, and Windery Enoteca seems already pretty busy. A crowd of families and younger locals are gathered around sitting at benches on the patio outside. Eyes follow the band as they begin hauling their equipment inside, and a buzz of excitement begins to grow among the patrons.

The members of Cry Wolf and their supposed roadies are greeted excitedly by a scruffy man in maybe his early thirties, wearing an oversized green button down and brown chinos. "Awesome," he says as the group begins to file in, "Welcome welcome. I'm Micah, I and my buddy Kevin are the owners of Winery Enoteca. We are so glad to have you guys performing tonight!" He indicates Kevin working the bar, a handsome strong jawed man whose navy T-shirt is tight enough to show off bulging muscles. Kevin waves to the group and grins. Micah continues, "Mr. Sanders said you would be coming around now. Right no time."

2022-06-20, 07:01 AM
'There's not enough time in the day to learn how to do this from scratch.' Joanna hoped that Databolt would appreciate the effort at least. 'If anyone knows what kit he needs maybe I can look into picking it up.'


The venue was not the sort of place that Joanna had expected. Were most of the audience here to see the band? As long as the Reveler was happy though maybe it didn't matter. She will briefly scan the audience as they come in to see if she recognised anyone.

As she was living out of her car at the moment she's not exactly prepared to be on stage, but for the ocasion she's borrowed some clothes from Kara.

2022-06-20, 07:20 PM

Blaze will attempt to chat with databolt to find out what he’s looking for.

“Hey there Databolt, it’s been a while, how are you doing?” Blaze typed, “I heard some people were asking for help, how much of a debt have they racked up? What do you need to get back to your happy place?”

figure out minimum databolt needs to keep it placated, computer + int : [roll0]
10 again: [roll1]

2022-06-21, 07:16 PM
(OOC: Terrible rolls TC, that was like my kind of luck)

Databolt is rather forthright with Blaze. Both Bear and Joanna had asked Data for favors. The spirit is awaiting upgrades to the Wifi, and the production of new servers that Data can use to grow its power within the domain.

2022-06-22, 02:08 AM

“Guys databolt is being stubborn, we’re gonna have to bite the bullet and get him the upgrades he’s looking for,” Blaze said, “what did you ask him to do for you anyway? You do know you have a certified genius hacker in the pack right?”

2022-06-22, 07:27 AM
To Blaze, 'Thought I'd try going right to the source first. I need help keeping tabs on someone. Thought that something that lives on the internet might be of some help.'


Micah continues, "Mr. Sanders said you would be coming around now. Right no time."

'Good to meet you Micah.' Joanna nods 'Is it always this busy?'

2022-06-22, 10:23 AM

“Guys databolt is being stubborn, we’re gonna have to bite the bullet and get him the upgrades he’s looking for,” Blaze said, “what did you ask him to do for you anyway? You do know you have a certified genius hacker in the pack right?”
"If you'd like , I can try and find you stuff on eBay that he can grow into? Lots of server gear and such available cheaper than market. I've built systems for clients that way, before." Jeremy offers to Blaze.
What would I roll for that kind of thing? Computers+INT or something? If it helps, he could take a few hours for the extended action bonus.

2022-06-22, 11:33 AM
"If you'd like , I can try and find you stuff on eBay that he can grow into? Lots of server gear and such available cheaper than market. I've built systems for clients that way, before." Jeremy offers to Blaze.
What would I roll for that kind of thing? Computers+INT or something? If it helps, he could take a few hours for the extended action bonus.
Computers+INT+Patient [roll0] Any tens? [roll1]

2022-06-22, 11:56 AM
Bear scratches his chin as Databolt comes up, before the group goes back to talk to him, "Yeah, I promised good broadband and that they could hog 70% of it uncontested for 2 weeks straight. I figured it would be easier to pay them in access more easily and cheaply than further hardware upgrades."

"Meant to take care of that a long while back, but thing after thing kept coming up. Past time to make sure it happens"

ten again [roll1]

2022-06-23, 03:35 PM
(OOC: Well now technically, since everyone is joining in, I should make this an assisted roll, which would mean only one person is a primary, and everyone else's successes just add dice to their pool... but I'm feeling too nice right now for that. I count 6/8 successes now)

Fortunately for Joanna, Bear and especially Jeremy join in. Jeremy seems to know right away what needs to be done, and helps lay out schematics and a list of supplies that will be needed to upgrade everything as promised! He shares the list and a few websites that the group can search for the listed supplies, and pretty soon, most everything needed has been identified and ordered. Parts will need to come in and be assembled, but then the group should be good to go!

(OOC: I'm going to cut off other players from rolling here, since the point of an extended action is that it should take time, and because I don't think the group will be able to source all the hardware locally. What we'll say is that all the parts will have come by the next bit of downtime, and we can have someone roll for assembly for the last two successes)

************************************************** *********************

'Good to meet you Micah.' Joanna nods 'Is it always this busy?'

The man looks Joanna over quizzically for a moment then says, "Well, I mean we do decently, but I think there is a decent crowd building already to see you guys perform." He chuckles uncomfortably then adds to Joanna, and also eyeing Jeremy, "And you are? I don't think I recognize you from the last time the band performed."

2022-06-23, 07:56 PM
'Thanks Jeremy. I was thinking about finding an Amazon warehouse to visit after hours but maybe I shouldn't push my luck.'


To Micah to mollify him. 'Sorry, I'm new here. And to New Bedford even. I think I was expecting a smaller bar, but this is pretty cool.' She'll offer her hand. 'The guys needed a bassist. I'm Joanna.' She didn't particularly want to talk about why the band needed a new bassist.

2022-06-25, 08:15 AM
The guy's eyes kind of light up when Joanna mentions she is with the band. "Oh no, no need to apologize," he says, "I just didn't recognize you." He offers a self-conscious hand to shake. To the entire group he says, "Well let me know if you need any help getting set up. We've got some staff here who can help... and uh, well the drinks are on us tonight!"

2022-06-26, 12:00 PM
'Thanks Micah. I think we'll take you up on that.' Joanna felt that she was probably too busy to drink much tonight but the wolf blooded would probably appreciate it. She'll will help carry any gear into the venue.

2022-06-27, 02:10 PM
The guy's eyes kind of light up when Joanna mentions she is with the band. "Oh no, no need to apologize," he says, "I just didn't recognize you." He offers a self-conscious hand to shake. To the entire group he says, "Well let me know if you need any help getting set up. We've got some staff here who can help... and uh, well the drinks are on us tonight!"

A bit excited at the prospect of playing 'professionally' with the band, for the first time, he remains relatively quiet as they set and tune up. "Hope my practice pays off. I may need those free drinks afterwards." He says to Joanna after Micah leaves.

2022-06-28, 07:27 PM
A bit excited at the prospect of playing 'professionally' with the band, for the first time, he remains relatively quiet as they set and tune up. "Hope my practice pays off. I may need those free drinks afterwards." He says to Joanna after Micah leaves.

Quietly, 'Aren't we hunting tomorrow though? How are we with hangovers anyway?'

2022-06-30, 09:04 AM

"We need to decide if we're going to do a ritual with this gig or not," Blaze said, "'cuz that was the original plan, but now I dunno. I'm thinkin' we should hold off for the time being until we learn some more. Plus we don't know if one of them are gonna be in the crowd. If they are, we'll tip our hand by having the ritual out in the open like that."

2022-07-01, 08:57 AM
'I'd like to think between all of us we should be able to smell one of them if they show up tonight, but I'm open to persuasion. The ritual stuff is your call though.'

2022-07-03, 01:48 PM
Hopefully no one notices the way Joanna lifts her head to the sky and begins snuffling. She is relieved that she cannot pick up the slightest scent of other werewolves in the building! However, there is the faintest rotted fishy odor distinct to many of the New Bedford locals who carry the stranger, fishier characteristics. This smell is faint; Joanna does not get the sense that there are any fish-frog men lumbering nearby, but maybe a few of the locals here carry the taint of the Idigam.

2022-07-03, 02:33 PM
Joanna isn't going to make a habit of doing this in front of people, but she's not that worried about what it might look like.

'Nothing but fish.'

2022-07-05, 12:04 PM
"Perhaps the Reveller's influence will wipe away some of the fishy-ness and save these people from the Idigam. It's worth a try, right?"

2022-07-05, 08:54 PM
Bear laughs at that, patting Jeremy on the back, "Don't know about that, but we'll definitely wake them up a bit. People in this town seem half asleep a lot of the time."

2022-07-06, 01:40 PM
"Perhaps the Reveller's influence will wipe away some of the fishy-ness and save these people from the Idigam. It's worth a try, right?"

'The Reveller smells better anyway.'

Joanna is mostly focused on remembering the band's songs, but will take the opportunity to take a few photos of the venue where she can. She was going to put off telling Beth about joining another band until there was she actually had a gig to report.

2022-07-10, 01:30 PM
The pack continues with setting up their equipment; plugging in amps and microphones, checking sound levels, and tuning strings. As they prepare, the indoor space gets more and more crowded filling with a mostly younger crowd of college students and locals. Chaz even shows up with a good sized group of friends, many of whom are familiar to the group. There's also a good population from the local Punk scene, many of whom have been at the band's prior concerts.

Micah comes back regularly to check in on the group and offer them water, wine, and anything else they can think of. He's polite, if not a little eager, but also makes sure to give the band and their "roadies" adequate space.

Soon enough, an hour or-so has gone by, and it's time to perform. Micah gets up on stage it introduce Cry Wolf, and though he looks rather out of place standing among the leather clad punk Uratha, manages to whip the crowd into an uproar of applause as Kara steps up to her microphone as lead singer.

Alright, I think there is enough time before the performance begins, in case any of you change your mind; may I remind you about the Pack's Bane:

Each Uratha must perform one hedonistic act per month, giving into their vices and throwing caution to the wind. This can include a particularly debased stage act, that a conservative public member may consider "inappropriate or pornographic".

Which as far as I have documented, not anyone has completed yet... though please speak up if I missed something!!! If you do want to attempt something, we can either resolve it with a simple roll, or run a parallel scene as appropriate.

Otherwise, let's roll for tonight's performance, and more specifically for the Hunting Rite. I am going to have everyone roll either Dex/Presence + Expression (plus any skill specialty if specific to performing or playing your instrument). Goal is 10 successes. I will roll for Kara. [roll0]

EDIT: Well there's 5/10 of your successes right there!

As always, can I please have you describe your character's performance with/after your roll. Special bonus for the player with the most successes.

I am going to nominate Blaze, Rite Master here, not that it matters, however, the pack needs to finalize whom/what this Hunting Rite is targetting.

2022-07-10, 10:35 PM
Joanna is professional enough not to want to get hammered before a gig. This wasn't the seventies after all, but she will take a little wine while they were all setting up. It felt weird to be going on first, 'Maybe we could get a support band for next time. Assuming there's anyone around here that's any good.'

She'll nod and grin at Chaz if she has the opportunity to make eye contact. If Joanna has the opportunity to see him before the gig she'll try to meet him in the crowd. 'Hey, you made it.'

Before they're announced she'll take a quick picture of the audience from an angle that shows that she was on a stage. She'll send this on in a text to Beth, 'So, I have a gig. Long story.'

When they started it was easy to relax into it. Joanna's job as the bassist was really the easiest. She just needed to keep up with the others and focus on the tune. Normally in this situation she concentrated on her playing and on watching the audience's reaction but here, it was hard not to get caught up with watching Kara, whose attitude was infectious.

Beth is Joanna's touchstone in Boston and former bandmate.

Presence 3 + Expression 3 + Bass 1

Any 10s

2022-07-10, 11:41 PM
Jeremy sticks to water, regardless of his previous statement, and lets the music flow into his fingers as they dance across the instrument. Taking his lead from Blaze as they play, he feels the Reveler's spirit join the weave and grins less nervously. A sudden hunger grips him, and his eyes scan the crowd, a thread of hunting prey twining into his music.
Dex+Expression+Keyboard [roll0] any tens? [roll1]

2022-07-11, 08:46 AM

They hadn't played a gig this large... ever, and Blaze basked in the energy of the crowd, using it to fuel his drumwork.

I don't know the first thing about music...
Drums: presence + expression + drums specialty: [roll0]
10 again: [roll1]

2022-07-14, 06:43 PM
Bear throws himself into his guitar, sliding through the riffs they'd worked out as they go from one song to the next, working the steps and gestures of the Siskur Dah into the performance. He can feel the energy of it all, and the thrill of it all drove him on. He'd missed this, badly, and the anticipation of the hunt only added to it all.

ten again[roll1]

2022-07-15, 09:25 AM
The band open up with a cover of The Sex Pistols, a familiar song that almost everyone and their mother has heard, to get the crowd's attention and interest right away. After what has seemed like months of Kara being a shadow of herself, the young Uratha really comes alive in front of the crowd. The audience seem to lock in as one the moment she hits her first note, rising high and rough into an almost howl. She struts the stage, locking eyes with people in the audience one after the other, winking and pouting and sneering at each member of the crowd; the consummate performer.

The band then goes into a few of their classic songs, before Blaze takes the group into Sister Daas, the band's instrumental number meant to symbolically represent the sacred hunt. This time, the song stars with a rhythmic drum piece that sounds like the steady gallop of racing feet... or paws. Bear's guitar joins in, slashing chords that sound like the growls and howls of a pack of wolves. Kara's vocals join in; guttural noises in a call and response to Karl's guitar. He is playing the pack, she is playing the chased Pure. Joanna's base thrums along steadily, and Jeremy plays staccato fills on his keyboard, filling in the spaces between Bear and Kara. The song builds and builds and builds as the song takes shape around the harrying, cornering, and killing of a mighty foe. At the end of the performance, not only is the crowd cheering, but the pack can feel the ethereal unity amongst them, created by the completion of the rite. Like a web of Essence, the Anchor Wolves could feel the mystical singular desire to hunt and an unnamable certainty in their victory over The Pure.

But, as the applause dies down Joanna catches sight of a familiar figure; THE ENEMY. One of the Pure, the young man with the shaggy brown hair is standing up against the lip of the stage, a curious smile on his face. He is dressed in a pristine black leather jacket that looks expensive and perhaps worn for the first time, and a pair of dark blue designer jeans. He catches Joanna's gaze, and the smile broadens.

(OOC: Rolled a 1d4 to decide who would catch this

EDIT: With the rite completed I have updated everyone's character boxes with the "Siskur Dah (The Pure)" condition.)

2022-07-15, 03:48 PM
Joanna is rusty and knows it. Her playing might best be described as enthusiastic. Thankfully, with Kara and the others here all she has to do is not **** up too much. She'll relax in to the effects of the ritual and start to enjoy herself.

At least until she saw the Allen kid in the front row. She'll only nudge Bear to get his attention before checking the crowd for the rest of the Pure.

2022-07-16, 06:50 PM
Bear subtly nods and keeps playing, unconcerned for now. It was a little late to focus on the watcher. Either there'd be trouble later or there wouldn't. Job now was to pull this gig, and the ritual, off well. They could chase down the intruder afterwards.

2022-07-18, 08:58 AM
With this interaction, the other band members are able to pick up on what is going on with Bear and Joanna, catching site of the Pure werewolf in the crowd standing there rather unabashed.

(OOC: Will give the other players a chance to decide if they want to do anything, and otherwise will just move things to after the performance. @TC and GK, please let me know in Discord if you don't want to do anything and don't have anything you want to post so I can go forward with this)

2022-07-18, 07:46 PM
Once she's alerted Bear Joanna is going to watch Corey closely while she's playing. She's perturbed by the fact that he made it in here without any of them noticing but the idea that a Uratha could do something unexpected wasn't exactly surprising. Whatever he's here for Joanna isn't sure it could wait till after the gig.

In the break between songs she'll go looking for any of the Wolf Blooded who might be backstage. James King would be ideal.'You see that boy in the front row? He's one of the Pure.' There's was no way the wolf-blooded weren't aware of the general situation. 'Everybody keep an eye out, but if someone wants to get in his way if he tries to leave. Do not start anything though. I don't even know what he wants.'

There wasn't really time to have a conversation. Joanna will return to retrieve her bass but will squat down in front of Corey so they could be close enough to exchange words even if they were playing. 'Enjoying the show Corey?' She'll use his name just to see how he reacts.

2022-07-19, 09:47 AM
James King is indeed one of the Wolf-Blooded hanging "backstage"; in this case standing behind one of the curtains drawn up on either side of the makeshift plywood stage. He nods dutifully before poking his head around the curtain to identify his target, eyes narrowing into a hard glare. He exits around the far side of the curtain before coming around to the side of the building, where he might have easy access to the crowd closest to the stage.

There wasn't really time to have a conversation. Joanna will return to retrieve her bass but will squat down in front of Corey so they could be close enough to exchange words even if they were playing. 'Enjoying the show Corey?' She'll use his name just to see how he reacts.

The werewolf stays in his spot as Joanna comes to him at the lip of the stage. He keeps eye contact with the bassist, a bemused grin on his face. The question doesn't seem to faze him, and he earnestly replies, "Yeah, this is great! I mean, it's not really my scene... more into EDM, but you guys really rock!" He practically has to yell to be heard over the applause of the crowd between songs, and now most of the front row are at least watching the interaction between Corey and Joanna, the closes with a fair bit of curiosity on their faces as far as Joanna can see. But the strange thing is that Corey seems sincere, there is no threat, malice or irony in his words, and he's smiling up at Joanna.

2022-07-19, 03:25 PM
Joanna looks sceptical, 'Is blondie here?' she said, referring to the unnamed third member of the Pure pack. 'I can't see this being something that the Professor would be into.'

2022-07-20, 08:50 AM
The question causes Cory to grin; a handsome charming grin. With a wink he says, "They don't know I'm here." He shoves both hand in his pocket and shrugs, very smug and pleased with himself. He nods back up at the stage and says, "I think they are waiting for you to start again. But wait, what's your name? You already know mine."

2022-07-20, 10:21 AM
Joanna is unfazed by his charm. 'Stick around until after and maybe I'll tell you.' She'll get back to playing.

2022-07-23, 01:09 PM
The rest of the performance goes well overall, though there is at least among some a sense of unease with the Anshega watching from his spot at the lip of the stage. When the band finishes their last song, the crowd erupts with applause, and Cory joins in with them, though it's clear to everyone on stage that he has his eyes now focused on Joanna.

When he catches her eye, he gives a warm grin, then nods his head towards the exit. Even with the audience on their feet, he seems to move effortlessly through the sea of people, and exits the building. James King comes rushing up to Joanna, offering to take her bass and says, "Do you... do you want me to follow him?"

2022-07-23, 07:55 PM
Joanna enjoys the response of the crowd but it was difficult to relax when she was being watched. It wasn't as if Corey was going to try anything here but she couldn't help but be suspicious of whatever he was here for.

She'll hand her bass to James, 'Yeah. But I'm coming with you. He said he's alone but I don't trust him.' To the others, 'Be right back.' She's dressed for the gig, but at least has her phone on her.

2022-07-24, 02:26 PM
James sighs, and says , "Okay, hold on one second." He takes the bass guitar from Joanna and rushes it off stage to its black carrying case. He rushes back to join Joanna and follow her off the stage. It takes an extended period to get through the audience, with locals rushing to crowd around Joanna and tell her how great the show was.

(OOC: I think other players can follow Joanna if they want to...)

The two finally make it to the exit. There are plenty of attendees outside now too, and at first it seems like Cory has fled. But with a little bit of looking and a little additional sniffing, Joanna spots him on the far side of the terraced yard. Cory is leaned up against the fence, puffing leisurely on a cigarette, with a fancy looking flask in his free hand. He catches Joanna's eye and gives her an excited grin, making no move to escape.

2022-07-24, 04:22 PM
Joanna notices James' sigh. 'I'll make it up to you.' She'll make appropriately appreciative noises as she moved through the audience but is focused on catching up to Cory.

Outside she can only roll her eyes at Cory for playing games. To James, 'Keep an eye out.' She'll go and lean on the fence next to Cory and put her hand out, 'Give me one of those.' If he gives her a cigarette she'll lean over so he can light it. 'Just remember that I'm pretty sure I can call your Dad. Now...you aren't what I was expecting but tell me what you're doing here?'

2022-07-24, 05:03 PM
James sighs again, and stays back while maintaining clear line of sight with his packmate and potential enemy.

Cory pulls a beat up carton of cigarettes out of his pocket, and after a practiced series of taps, hands her one. Returning it to his pocket, he removes a zippo and asks Joanna to lean forward so he can light it for her. To Joanna's first statement he turns his head to the side, eyebrows slightly furrowed. But with a devilish grin he replies, "You can call me Daddy? I'm sorry, but I don't think we're there just yet." His cheeks flush just a little.

Regardless of Joanna's reaction, to her question he replies with a shrug, "I wanted to see you guys perform." He takes a hard puff of his cigarette and sighs, as a cloud of grey smoke exits his nose and mouth. "Honestly, I haven't met a lot of other... of our kind. Outside of my pack, you're kinda' my first." His cheeks flush a little harder at this.

2022-07-24, 05:49 PM
Joanna snorts in amusement at the innuendo.'Normally you'd need to buy me dinner first.' She's not embarrassed in the slightest.

She'll listen to Cory's explanation with interest, but breaks into a grin at Cory's flush. 'I get that. I've met a few others besides this lot but it's not like I've known about all this for that long.' Joanna will take a quick drag to consider the wisdom of telling him her name. 'I'm Joanna by the way. That's all you're getting for the moment. How long have you been with the Professor? Will she be mad at you for sneaking out?'

2022-07-25, 05:33 PM
When Joanna introduces herself, Cory replies, "Nice to meet you." But rather than offer a hand to shake, he offers Joanna his flask and says, "It's whiskey. Not sure if you like, but I haven't really developed a taste for wine yet."

To Joanna's first question he replies, "Less than a year," and in a near whispered First Tongue adds, "I'm still a pup." Cory grins at this, pleased to see his companion follow his change of language. "Eh, probably," Cory says with a shrug in reply to the second question, though the gesture seems to imply that he's pretty nervous about the whole thing.

2022-07-25, 06:17 PM
'Whisky's good.' Joanna will take a sip to taste followed by a longer swig. 'If I have to, I can drink whatever.'

She'll roll her eyes a little at the pup comment. 'I'm about the same, but I'm wondering when I grow out of that pup thing. Maybe there's going to be a test.' On the professor, 'Might as well come hang out for a while then. I mean, if she's already mad. Feel like I should ask though. Aren't you guys supposed to be some kind of scary cult?'

2022-07-27, 10:45 AM
It's definitely bourbon in the flask. If Joanna has any palette for the stuff, she might pick up on the fact that it is rather smooth, a little sweet with hints of peanut butter and caramel, probably something good quality.

Cory smirks and says, "Hopefully, she doesn't even realize it yet." This is followed by a look of uncertainty and a shrug. "Hopefully she won't..." he adds, his voice trailing off at the end. To her last point he shrugs again and says in a whispered First Tongue, "Honestly, I've heard all about you Forsaken, and the crimes you've committed. You have definitely not been painted in the best light. But... well you look pretty similar to me, and you smell pretty similar to me. I don't know, I guess I find it hard holding a grudge over something that happened a millennia ago when I only heard about it a few months ago." His eyes focus on Joanna. Dark brown eyes. Maybe slightly scared eyes.

Do any of the other players want to do anything inside the joint if they are not joining Joanna outside??? I think there are plenty of opportunities for Roleplay here.

2022-07-27, 11:35 AM
Joanna does not have a taste for the whiskey, but enjoys it enough to take another swig before handing it back.

She assumes that Oakheart finding out would mean nothing good for Cory. 'Well **** her then.' Joanna will smile at the boy in sympathy. 'If you don't want to hang out with us for a while what's to stop you going back to California? Or like, Mexico if you feel like it. I've got people besides this lot, but it's not like the thought hasn't occurred to me.'

Taking this out because of Bennos post below

Then Joanna will lean closer to respond in more hesistent First Tongue. It wasn't like she'd had much experience using it. 'I've heard the stories, but I can't say I know what to believe. I didn't do anything. There are some people that used to blame women for the Garden of Eden so maybe it's all bull**** here as well.'

2022-07-28, 09:04 AM
Joanna's words about escaping seem to bother Cory. He curls his lip back and barely stifles a warning growl. Joanna can smell the sudden anger escaping his skin with alcohol infused sweat and the quickening of his heart. "Careful what you say about Oakheart," he says in whispered First Tongue, "I don't want to escape! I'm not a captive or anything." He takes the flask back and takes a long pull, throwing his head back as he does. Wiping his mouth with his sleeve, Cory's eyes are narrowed and distrustful all of a sudden.

(OOC: I imagine this would stop Joanna from saying the second half of your post?)

2022-07-28, 10:10 AM
Do any of the other players want to do anything inside the joint if they are not joining Joanna outside??? I think there are plenty of opportunities for Roleplay here.
Jeremy will follow moments after she leaves, slipping through crowd and terrain alike with subtle ease after putting a nondescript jacket on. Hanging nearby, he may or may not be able to hear the conversation, but he keeps a sharp eye on the body language for risks. When he sees the way Corey is reacting to Joanna, the obvious attraction makes him grin slightly as he guards.
Jeremy will have Slip Away (pg 120) active to keep a low profile. -1 Essence.

2022-07-28, 01:01 PM
Joanna finds herself suppressing a growl of her own in response to the implicit challenge. She feels like she's stepped in something she doesn't quite understand. Her eyes narrow for a moment but she's good at composing herself. That did sound like something a person in a cult would say.

Aloud, she'll a long drag on the cigarette before she responds. 'Never said you were Cory. I just think it's nice to have options.' Joanna will lean forward and touch him on the arm. 'We're all friends here. If you want to hang out tonight we can. The owner guy did promise me free wine if you want to help me drink it.'

Manipulate 1 + Persuasion 2 + Striking Looks (Persuasion)
Any 10s

2022-07-29, 08:58 AM
Jeremy slips into the crowd standing around the terrace outside the winery, making his way towards where Joanna is talking with the Pure pup. From his viewpoint, she seems to be awfully friendly with him. They are both smoking cigarettes and chatting like old friends. She even leans in towards him, as if he might be more than just a friend...

Jeremy is down to 8 Essence. Now I consider that Joanna might notice and recognize him. The gift does not make Jeremy unrecognizable or invisible, just hard to remember (at least how I read it). But even if Joanna does notice her pack mate, she really won't take much notice of it and might forget she even saw her.

@Haval: What exactly is Joanna trying to achieve with that persuasion roll, and do you want to take a WP or a dramatic failure?

2022-07-30, 02:45 PM
Cory steps back from Joanna's advance, shrugging away her extended hand. His eyes are wide, perhaps with shock, but they narrow as he says through clenched bared teeth, "I think I'm okay." He puts a hand up between him and Joanna (the one with the cigarette), and says in English, "Look, maybe this was a mistake coming here tonight. I was hoping to meet some others... like me, but no offense... but it seems like you're trying to convert me or something." Cory keeps his arm extended out between himself and Joanna, making it clear he doesn't want her coming a step closer. His hackles are up, and though it does not seem like Cory is stepping towards Lunacy, it seems that any good will Joanna had been gaining with him were not GONE.

From the shadows, Jeremy watches this exchange as the situation grows more and more tense...

2022-07-30, 07:34 PM
Joanna sees Jeremy but doesn't react to his presence. Something about what he was doing meant that her mind slid right off the sight of him.

After Cory's responce she'll step back and put her own hand up to show that she wasn't a threat.'I didn't mean it like that. Sorry.' She'll finish her cigarette as she considers what he said. 'You know about that thing in the occean? So when we went over to the college to talk about it Oakheart told us to get out.' She'll switch to First Tongue briefly to be mindful of anyone who might be in earshot. 'Did sound at the time like she might have tried to kill us if we stayed. Am I wrong?' It's a rhetorical question but she'll pause a second to see if Cory had a response.

'So, leaving aside whatever you lot are doing here, what would you do if you managed to catch one of us alone? Or if you all decided to come visit us in the middle of the night?' Joanna is thinking of the wolf blooded and especially Ciara and it makes her a little heated. 'Unless you're a really good liar you seem like a decent guy, and ...you're super nice to look at.' Joanna wasn't immune. 'But Oakheart comes across as kinda dangerous, and all I know about blondie is that she seems angry all the time. Getting to know more about all of you would frankly make me feel better.'

2022-07-31, 10:14 PM
Cory steps back from Joanna's advance, shrugging away her extended hand. His eyes are wide, perhaps with shock, but they narrow as he says through clenched bared teeth, "I think I'm okay." He puts a hand up between him and Joanna (the one with the cigarette), and says in English, "Look, maybe this was a mistake coming here tonight. I was hoping to meet some others... like me, but no offense... but it seems like you're trying to convert me or something." Cory keeps his arm extended out between himself and Joanna, making it clear he doesn't want her coming a step closer. His hackles are up, and though it does not seem like Cory is stepping towards Lunacy, it seems that any good will Joanna had been gaining with him were not GONE.

From the shadows, Jeremy watches this exchange as the situation grows more and more tense...
Leaning forward as the aura of emotion is almost visible, he gets ready to rush to her defense if he shows aggression.

2022-08-02, 10:10 AM
After Cory's responce she'll step back and put her own hand up to show that she wasn't a threat. 'I didn't mean it like that. Sorry.' She'll finish her cigarette as she considers what he said. 'You know about that thing in the occean? So when we went over to the college to talk about it Oakheart told us to get out.' She'll switch to First Tongue briefly to be mindful of anyone who might be in earshot. 'Did sound at the time like she might have tried to kill us if we stayed. Am I wrong?' It's a rhetorical question but she'll pause a second to see if Cory had a response.

Through still gritted teeth he replies in a snarling first tongue, "You are Forsaken. You are oath breakers. You are unpure." These things he says as statement, though based on their prior interaction, it is hard to say how much Cory had (at least until now) truly believed it. However, as he continues, he sounds less convinced, "She sees your pack as an inconvenience something to be dealt with eventually, unless you get in our way."

To her series of questions Cory replies, "I came here out of curiosity. I wasn't expecting you to insult my pack or my leader." He throws his spent butt underfoot and grinds it out with his heel. "You know NOTHING about Oakheart," he says in First Tongue, his voice rising loud enough for others around to hear his lupine growl. And in fact, a few heads turn in their direction, marked with surprise and slight confusion. The prior buzz of conversation around Cory and Joanna goes silent, as the onlookers start to direct their attention to the possible drama.

2022-08-02, 01:45 PM
Unpure? Joanna thinks incredulously. She was surprised that someone who was roughly her age would use that word aloud.

'You're right... I don't know her.' she said in reply. She's sad about how this conversation was going but was getting irritated at his inability to meet her halfway. 'But how am I going to learn if none of you want to talk about what you're doing here. Who knows, maybe I'll agree with you.'

Joanna looked increasingly tense, and has unconsciously adopted a stance more suited for a fight if she suddenly found herself in one. She didn't like to back down even before she knew what she was.

Long shot social roll
Presence 3 + Persuasion 2 + Striking Looks 1 - penalty 3
Any 10s

2022-08-03, 06:27 PM
(OOC@Haval: Out of curiosity, is Joanna continuing in English or First Tongue, now that everyone is listening?)

Cory starts to turn to go, but something in Joanna's words clatter him across the back of the head. His shoulder twitches, and he just... stops. Wordlessly, the man turns around to stare back at Joanna silently. Seemingly aware of the eyes on him, he replies in low nearly whispered English, "Perhaps you could consider that you might be making assumptions about US as well." It's a statement, almost an accusation, but something Joanna said has seemed to strike a nerve. Perhaps he was sincerely trying to make friends.

2022-08-03, 07:26 PM
ooc - Speaking English. Just trying to dip into First Tongue when discussing anything strange.

Joanna finally registers the bystanders, but has little more to say. 'Maybe...come find me if you ever want to talk about it.' Perhaps he had a point. Everything she knew about the Pure was based on second hand information. On the other hand she was already confident of the kind of person Oakheart was.

If Cory has nothing more to say, she'll let him go.

2022-08-05, 01:13 PM
He nods his head slowly at Joanna's offer, his blue eyes fixated on her. Cory's nose even twitched a little, as if he was trying to sniff something out of her. He moistens his lips with his tongue, then finally replies, "Sure." He goes to take another swig from his flask, but stops before he even has the top unscrewed. Then Cory turns and simply walks away.

2022-08-05, 02:35 PM
****. Joanna will watch Cory leave before wiping her eyes. The thought had occurred to her during the conversation that she was due to help hunt down the totem of Cory's pack. Perhaps his leaving made things easier, but then again there was every chance that she'd have to kill this boy at some point. She could imagine just how she would do it as well.

She'll ignore the bystanders unless anyone actually wanted to talk to her. If James was still here she'll go up to him, 'If you ever see him around again let me know will you?' And because she needed it, 'You want a drink?' She will take the opportunity to pass on the gist of her conversation with Cory to any of the other Uratha that she ran into.

Joanna is going to take the opportunity to drink too much and maybe resolve the pack ban.

2022-08-05, 09:04 PM
Bear watches the boy go, his hackles raised. Negotiations were not his forte, and it was difficult to see the pup as anything other than the enemy, especially after that ritual.

Shaking his head, he returns to the afterparty, raising up a mug of ale and cheering the crowd on as he pulls Ciara in for a deep and quite lewd kiss.

2022-08-06, 03:23 PM
James nods his head cautiously, and says, "Sure." His cold eyes were inquisitive, maybe even judgmental, but he said nothing more than to gratefully accept Joanna's offer for a drink.

Inside the winery, music was blasting over the speakers (The Ramones), the lights were bright, and the crowd was full of energy. No one paid attention to Joanna's mood, most didn't even notice her enter, except maybe the rest of the pack; always attune to each other. She's even met by Bear at the door. Was he watching from inside?

(OOC: Let's do a Presence/Composure + Socialize roll to see how crazy Joanna goes?)

2022-08-06, 09:18 PM
Joanna doesn't feel the need to explain herself unless James actually asked about it. The music and the sight of Bear and Ciara does make her smile a little. Sometimes it was nice to see other people happy. Before she goes to the bar she'll briefly address Bear in First Tongue, 'Felt like I was talking to a kidnap victim.'

At the bar she'll go looking for that wine she had been promised and buy James whatever he wanted. She's mostly looking for someone to drink with and has given up on the idea of being responsible for the evening. Her tolerance as a Uratha was pretty high wasn't it? She will take the opportunity to get to know James and find out how he ended up with the Anchor Wolves. She didn't know any of the Wolf Blooded that well.

Presence 3 + Socialise 2
Any 10s

2022-08-07, 12:21 PM
The crowd reacts joyously to Bear and Ciara's kiss, the latter now quiet pregnant. One kid even brings her a shot to do, which she politely declines.

Joanna bursts into the crowd and orders herself and those next to her a round of drinks. There are some concerned glances, but after she takes down an entire glass of wine in one long gulp, she is pulled in and embraced by the crowd of party goers. Her antics further encourage some of the locals to buy a few bottles.

At some point in the night, Kara swings an arm around both Jeremy and Joanna's shoulders, kisses one and then the other on the cheek, and then says, "Welcome to the pack you two!"

(OOC: Not sure if there is anything else you guys want to do in this scene. Let me know if you want to move on

Joanna fulfills her Pack Bane.)

2022-08-08, 03:38 PM
Still watching from his vantage point, Jeremy stays inconspicuous until Corey is out of sight, curious at his sudden, almost commanded departure. *He looks like he got chastised mentally. * he thinks, before heading back into the party and hopefully less threat. Finding Joanna, he mentions the curious thing "The way he suddenly clammed up and left, after you spoke to him last - did that seem rather abrupt to you? It's almost as if he got orders from someone to leave."

2022-08-08, 08:32 PM
At some point in the night, Kara swings an arm around both Jeremy and Joanna's shoulders, kisses one and then the other on the cheek, and then says, "Welcome to the pack you two!"

Joanna is drunk enough by this point to return the hug with enthusiasm. She will get Kara a drink if she doesn't have anything.

Still watching from his vantage point, Jeremy stays inconspicuous until Corey is out of sight, curious at his sudden, almost commanded departure. *He looks like he got chastised mentally. * he thinks, before heading back into the party and hopefully less threat. Finding Joanna, he mentions the curious thing "The way he suddenly clammed up and left, after you spoke to him last - did that seem rather abrupt to you? It's almost as if he got orders from someone to leave."

'If that's a thing no one's told me about it.' Joanna shrugged. 'Cory claimed to have snuck out without telling his packmates. Oakheart doesn't seem like the type to have been ok with letting him come here tonight so I believe him. I think he's conflicted. He's been told some bad stuff about us. Maybe he's new enough at this not to totally believe it, but he's loyal enough to Oakheart that he didn't like me **** talking her.' Joanna looks sad. 'Felt like I could have handled that better.'

2022-08-27, 05:37 PM
Chapter 2 Act II Scene iii

“It will have blood, they say: blood will have blood.”
Macbeth, Shakespeare

It was late morning when the pack had managed to regroup from the night's revelries. Some were in better shape than others. But the coffee had been made, passed around and drunk. More had been made too. And Pine had whipped up whole platters of eggs and bacon and potatoes for those in need. The decision had been made previously that today the pack would go after The Pure's Totem. They had gathered barrels of mercury, and made a pact to hunt down the monstrous spirit, though perhaps there was more to discuss, or things to take care of.

The Wolf Blooded stirred around the periphery of the great folding table that had been set up for breakfast. They watched and listened intently, deferring to the Uratha leaders.

2022-08-27, 07:23 PM
Blaze headed to the basement to check on the deep sea spirits, to make sure they still had enough essence to eat. The last thing they needed was a bunch of spirits going crazy right in the middle of their hideout.

2022-08-27, 10:54 PM
Before passing out last night Joanna had made some initial efforts to get her **** together through internet research on her phone. Once she was finally up she's focused on her phone as she drinks a lot of coffee.

As she presumably has the number of the cop who tried to arrest her, she'll send him a text now it was daylight and see if she could get an update into the investigation into Finn's murder. Sometimes her family connections could persuade members of the police to tell her things they otherwise wouldn't.

Otherwise Joanna is going to look into the most evangelical seeming local churchs according to their social media presance. If she was really lucky she could find a picture of the priest who had bothered them. If not, she could at least familiarise herself with a list of churches that she could investigate later.

Joanna has Allies (Police) 1 if that's enough for an update by itself

Roll for googling and social media searches
Intellegence 3 + Investigation 2
Any 10s

2022-08-28, 02:26 PM
(OOC: Assuming Blaze is still in the Flesh, going down to the basement and casting his gaze across the Gauntlet, meaning he can't interact with the spirits and they can't see him.)

Down in the basement, Blaze casts his vision to the small well of Essence they had created for the Deep Sea Spirits. The concern that they had left the spirits too long, had been nagging Blaze lately. Sure enough, Blaze finds a number of listless and grey spirits floating around an empty well of Essence. There numbers had dwindled a little; mostly the lesser spirits were gone, leaving only the more formed of the chorus, most of which were wasted and fading.

************************************************** *********

Before falling asleep, Joanna struggles to keep her vision focused as she scrolls her phone looking for updates. Her fingers won't obey her half the time, making each typed search a real struggle. Despite the coffee, after less than an hour, Joanna is asleep despite herself, even managing to leave her phone uncharged overnight.

In the morning, her head is pounding and even sitting up is a bit of a struggle. She shoots a text to Officer Daltrey, the younger of the three police that she had met the other day. He was neither the pock marked fat one, nor the older grey officer who had been in charge, but instead had been the one to drive Joanna to the station and after the craziness of the incident, had been relatively friendly to Jo.

He replies to her inquiry, "Nothing major... most of the locals aren't really complying... though we have a reason to believe he's hiding somewhere in Downtown New Bedford." The Warehouse where the pack lived was in downtown as well. However, Daltrey shoots Joanna a second text that basically tells her that he can't be feeding her information on an active investigation.

(OOC: Technically, Contacts should get you information, not allies, though I'll give it to you here)

2022-08-28, 05:10 PM
Bear looks around the room, "Right then, where are we at in gathering information on the pure? Any reason to delay matters? What did that pup last night say?"

2022-08-28, 05:55 PM
Blaze shook his head and headed back upstairs.

“Yo guys, I know there’s a lot going on but we gotta take care of those fish in the basement, or they’re all gonna die, or we’re gonna have a bunch of crazy fish spirits in our den,”
Blaze said.

2022-08-28, 06:25 PM
He replies to her inquiry, "Nothing major... most of the locals aren't really complying... though we have a reason to believe he's hiding somewhere in Downtown New Bedford." The Warehouse where the pack lived was in downtown as well. However, Daltrey shoots Joanna a second text that basically tells her that he can't be feeding her information on an active investigation.

To Officer Daltry, 'Yeah, I know the drill. But it's not like I'm going to tell anyone.' Joanna wasn't counting the rest of the pack here. 'And if we keep in touch maybe we can help each other out. If I find him again I'll be sure to call you :)' With no small amount of swearing she will make a point of getting her phone charger from the car while she was eating breakfast.

To Bear, 'He said he wanted to meet other Uratha. Maybe that means the other Pure aren't that great to be around and he wanted to meet someone normal.' At this point Joanna barely wants to talk about it. 'He didn't seem like a bad guy all things considered, but he didn't like me bad mouthing Oakheart. Said we were unpure of all the bloody things. Someone told him that.' And getting to the point, 'I'd say if we're going to go after the big wolf we should do it soon. I don't want any of them showing up here while we're out.'

To Blaze, 'So we get more essence. Can we do the ritual again? Maybe we could get a rota set up to go with washing the dishes.'

2022-09-01, 07:37 PM

At some, perhaps when she was still drunk the night before, Joanna will go looking for Jeremy. 'Thought maybe I'd ask you first as you're the next 'youngest'.' Joanna will idly make the quote gesture with one hand. 'You're in a tribe aren't you? What exactly do you have to do to join?'

Leaving this here for whenever GK sees it.

I need to try and get Joanna in a tribe at some point and it might double for GK's aspiration about increasing the pack's standing.


If no one adds anything. 'There's no reason for them to know for certain that we're coming, but they're probably going to expect it. Is that enough of a reason to hold back?'

2022-09-02, 11:15 AM
To Officer Daltry, 'Yeah, I know the drill. But it's not like I'm going to tell anyone.' Joanna wasn't counting the rest of the pack here. 'And if we keep in touch maybe we can help each other out. If I find him again I'll be sure to call you :)' With no small amount of swearing she will make a point of getting her phone charger from the car while she was eating breakfast.

To Bear, 'He said he wanted to meet other Uratha. Maybe that means the other Pure aren't that great to be around and he wanted to meet someone normal.' At this point Joanna barely wants to talk about it. 'He didn't seem like a bad guy all things considered, but he didn't like me bad mouthing Oakheart. Said we were unpure of all the bloody things. Someone told him that.' And getting to the point, 'I'd say if we're going to go after the big wolf we should do it soon. I don't want any of them showing up here while we're out.'

To Blaze, 'So we get more essence. Can we do the ritual again? Maybe we could get a rota set up to go with washing the dishes.'

"Yeah, we need to take care of them, play another set down there to get the Essence they need to survive," Blaze said, "not only did we promise to help them out, they're going to show us where the Idigam Lair is, once we address the Pure. They can't do that if they're dead or insane."

2022-09-02, 12:09 PM

At some, perhaps when she was still drunk the night before, Joanna will go looking for Jeremy. 'Thought maybe I'd ask you first as you're the next 'youngest'.' Joanna will idly make the quote gesture with one hand. 'You're in a tribe aren't you? What exactly do you have to do to join?'

Nodding, Jeremy answers, "I'm a young member of the Iron Masters tribe. We're urban hunters, open to change and progress as it helps us. When I was initiated, we were sent on an all-night hunt through the city - underground, over rooftops, through offices - those that found the prey and brought it back were accepted into the Tribe. We stay in touch through the Internet mainly, but I was sent here when our Pack started gaining renown, to provide what help I could."

2022-09-02, 03:45 PM

Nodding, Jeremy answers, "I'm a young member of the Iron Masters tribe. We're urban hunters, open to change and progress as it helps us. When I was initiated, we were sent on an all-night hunt through the city - underground, over rooftops, through offices - those that found the prey and brought it back were accepted into the Tribe. We stay in touch through the Internet mainly, but I was sent here when our Pack started gaining renown, to provide what help I could."

'So no living out in the country? I can get behind that. And the hunting is what I do for work anyway. Just with less..' Joanna makes a claw motion with her hand. 'So what do I need to hunt? Or is it more about the process then the target?'


"Yeah, we need to take care of them, play another set down there to get the Essence they need to survive," Blaze said, "not only did we promise to help them out, they're going to show us where the Idigam Lair is, once we address the Pure. They can't do that if they're dead or insane."

'Well alright then. I don't want anyone starved on my account.'

2022-09-05, 03:05 PM
The pack crosses over, using the monolith gauntlet out on the dock to make their way over to the Hisil. Following the shore down, they make their way to the small Essence well they had created less than a week ago. The scene is as Blaze had recently seen; the chorus of Deep Sea spirits has more than halved, leaving only a handful of the more developed spirits. Those that remain, long scaley fish things with bulbous milky eyes and long hooked underbites, appear emaciated and dull. Though at first they float listlessly about the empty well, the spirits begin to stir and moan as the pack of Werewolves approach. "Uratha," they howl in The First Tongue, swimming faster and faster in tight circles to the border of the well's Essence circumference, trapped like goldfish in a bowl. They are agitated and angry, but is easy to see they are powerless and of no threat, despite any enmity they might hold.