View Full Version : From Spite Comes Humor

2007-11-21, 11:45 PM
That's a title in consideration, in the small chance that I end up making a webcomic. I'd probably be more suited to a blog or somesuch, considering how I can't draw and I can write. But meh. The title comes from the fact that I was so mad at football players today that I drew up a comic (for non-US playgrounders, I'm talking about American football), sheerly out of spite. My brother thought it was funny, so here you go.


I'm not going to say, "I'm good at drawing, I just choose to draw like this." I truly do suck, and MS Paint makes it no better. I'm trying to make up for it with dialogue. Let me know what you think.

By the way, football practice really is like that. No exaggeration.

2007-11-22, 12:11 AM
Well, if you really want to make a webcomic, you can get an artist to draw it for you, and you just write the scripts. (don't look at me, though)

Anyway, on the comic itself, it was awesome. Sad, but true.

2007-11-22, 11:07 AM
Your brother is a wise man.

I laughed. :smallbiggrin:

2007-11-22, 02:15 PM
I"m pretty sure you made your own dialog more intelligent in that comic. If you talked like that in real life people will call you a retarded *** and beat you up:smallbiggrin:. If your going to do a comic about how people are dumber then you(Or at least have little to no wisdom) I get the feeling that you will paraphrase what happened to make yourself look better. You could do that but, you might want to make it more subtle. It loses humor value once you think of it like this.

Also, try adding more detail(Noses, ears, mouths, eye brows, shoulders, limbs that look like limbs, ETC) to your characters while experimenting with drawing techniques. You could improve 20 fold (I did).

Your unwanted, unhelpful, grammatically incorrect, and poorly worded constructive criticism by ME!

2007-11-22, 03:46 PM
I"m pretty sure you made your own dialog more intelligent in that comic. If you talked like that in real life people will call you a retarded *** and beat you up:smallbiggrin:. If your going to do a comic about how people are dumber then you(Or at least have little to no wisdom) I get the feeling that you will paraphrase what happened to make yourself look better. You could do that but, you might want to make it more subtle. It loses humor value once you think of it like this.

Eh, that kinda sorta happened, but it was more pieced together from several different instances.

A)The players on my team believe shouting "VAGINA!" is the ultimate comeback. That is done quite often.

B)As long as these people live, "your mom" jokes will never die.

C) I once became so incredibly frustrated with the star of my team that I called him a four-letter word to his face. I ended up talking my way out of it by explaining, in the largest words I could muster, that he had taken everything I had said out of context.

D)No, that speech was never spoken word-for-word. I had started a tirade similar to that one (with as close to that amount of verbosity as I could) when a senior threw me to the ground and started kicking me.

Finally, if I do end up making a comic out of this, it will not be only about how much dumber other people are than me. I can only make it funny for so long, and even I would get tired fast (and I never get tired of ranting).