View Full Version : Beneath The Pyramid - Cypher One Shot

2022-02-07, 02:03 AM
It is midmorning in early spring and the sky is mostly clear, the few clouds passing overhead providing brief moments of shade from the blinding sun. The crisp breeze blows as the three of you make your way out of Codun, a decent sized city known for its horse racing and baked goods, namely the Codun Cheesecake.
Wesley Horner has asked Finneas Gransfotten, hafling boomstick, and Gaunson Abernathy to join him on a particular job to bring back an intelligent horse thief, Jiale, and his crew. During their latest heist, they successfully stole the three fastest horses from the stable next to the racing tracks. However, what was strange is that they were never seen on site and no evidence of them being in or near the stables the day they were taken except for Jaile’s typical calling card that was left behind at the scene, a small unicorn figurine. It’s been a day since the horses were taken and Ghorda, the constable of Cordun, has pointed your party in the direction where Jiale’s hideout is suspected to be. And you are off!

Is there anything you would like to do or discuss before you leave town? Which direction does Ghorda point your party? North, South, East, or West?

2022-02-07, 06:06 PM
Gazing Eastward, Wesley brushes his blond hair from his eyes before sighing contentedly. "Always good to enjoy some direction in life, eh?" he asks of neither of his companions in particular. With easy nonchalance, he begins strolling casually down the King's Road towards Camden- though Goodman Ghorda's directions suggest they'll find their quarry at a much lesser distance.

"Two hours' trek to the edge of the farmlands, and another half to the edge of the Tangles. An abandoned inn another half hour beyond, and they think Jaile is holed up in the woods to the South." He rubs his clean-shaven chin thoughtfully. "Can't rightly understand why the militia hasn't ever pressed into the woods hard enough to flush out those rapscallions. Seems more a chore than a quest for half a legion's worth..."

After a short pause, he shrugs. "More coin for us, eh!? Come, friends. Adventure awaits!"

2022-02-08, 11:30 PM
Finneas suddenly stops dead in his tracks, his unruly mop of auburn curls bobbing indignantly back and forth atop his head at the sudden change in momentum. "Wait, what?! Did you just say we have to keep walking for three hours?!?! UGHHHHH!!!" He stomps a bare foot against the packed dirt of the road, eliciting a small plume of dust which, due to his mouth's proximity to the ground, immediately causes him to begin coughing.

"Dam-*cough*-mit, *cough*Wesley!!!" he sputters. "I swear this is the last time I let you rope me into one of your stupid errands! I though you said the job would be three hours total! I only brought rations for-" he quickly peeks inside the knapsack slung over his shoulder. "Gods! Only lunch and tea time! This is a disaster..."

His voice trails off before finding renewed resolve. "Right, I think that means we need a bigger cut of the reward, eh Gaunson? You know, to make up for certain misrepresentations and damages suffered!" He turns to their other traveling companion expectantly.

2022-02-10, 02:33 PM
Wesley gasps, offended (though perhaps only so in jest). "Me? Misrepresentations? Pah! I told you you should have brought that pony you insist is a horse!" He glances down at Finneas fondly. "Though it occurs to me, at your walking pace it might be more like 5 hours!" Anticipating the friendly swat to come, Wesley lithely leaps away, and scampers only a few dozen paces down the road- more than enough to be confident he can stay out of the little wizard's literal reach.

"Come now, what's life without a little excitement! You spend too much time cooped up with those books of yours anyway. A little sunlight will do you good!" Laughing merrily, the skinny rogue continues towards the east, almost skipping as he goes.

2022-02-16, 09:32 PM
Gaunson chuckles affably at Finneas's pint-sized paroxysm with a lopsided, wolfish grin.

"Right, I think that means we need a bigger cut of the reward, eh Gaunson? You know, to make up for certain misrepresentations and damages suffered!" He turns to their other traveling companion expectantly.

"Oh, I dunno. Ma always said, 'you never reap a crop what you ain't sown'. Or maybe that's not quite right," he trails off, scratching his head thoughtfully before shrugging his broad shoulders.

"Come now, what's life without a little excitement! You spend too much time cooped up with those books of yours anyway. A little sunlight will do you good!" Laughing merrily, the skinny rogue continues towards the east, almost skipping as he goes.

"Yeah, I w's gonna say, 's a nice day, good bit of breeze, and that ain't nothin'." Brushing away a loose lock of sandy blonde hair, he marches along dutifully in the rear while whistling tunelessly.

2022-02-17, 11:11 PM
The party heads East towards the farmlands. A mostly uneventful trek, the flat lands with spars shrubs here and there leave little to view, and little to hide behind. Within the first half hour, you all pass by one uncovered cart heading into town pulled by a grey horse that has clearly seen many years and has crossed this path many times. The driver, even older, seems mostly asleep holding onto the reigns more by instinct not needing to guide to horse much at all. As you look in the back, you see the old man is taking a load of root vegetables into town: carrots, beets, and cabbage mainly.

At this time, I'd like to offer a GM Intrusion to Wesley. Here's how this works:
An Intrusion is the main way a GM can inject drama or excitement into the game.
If you accept the intrusion I will give you 2 XP, 1 XP you keep, and 1 XP you can give to another player for any reason you feel they deserve it. If you choose NOT to accept the Intrusion, it'll cost you 1 XP to refuse it.

XP is used for several reasons most often spending 4 XP for a character advancement or 1 XP either to reroll (your roll or someone else's), refuse a GM intrusion, or add a player intrusion. (Essentially the opposite of GM intrusion. The player pays 1 XP to come up with a solution to a problem.)

Since no one has any XP to refuse the intrusion, I'm going to continue as if it was accepted.
FarmerBink don't forget to give 1 XP to another player as well.

As Wesley looks over the carts wares, a movement beyond the cart catches his eye. A short distance away there are two wild boars foraging in the shrubs. It is common knowledge that these wild boars are considered vermin, especially on the side of town leading to the farmlands, and any one willing to take them out would be paid for their trouble.

2022-02-18, 05:02 PM
Wesley pauses briefly, gesturing to his companions. "As I recall, someone was complaining about wanting more coin? Well, I just found some for ya!" A pair of narrow blades appear in his hands, as his lips curl into a smirk. "Just have to gut it and carry some ears for proof," he murmurs- more to himself than anyone else.

Crouching to afford himself some cover from the beasts, he begins to stalk to the edge of the road. "Anyone know a good recipe for pork?"

So I'm solidly not really sure I remember how the action decisions work. I want to use "-Fleet of Foot (1+ Speed points): You can move
a short distance as part of another action." to move and attack, assuming we're at that stage.

I forget precisely how my speed edge interacts with that, if it does, and what my point pools look like to start things off. Either way, I think moving to the side of the road would be a "short distance," and I can just attack as part of that action?

[roll0] on said attack, with a light weapon (thrown dagger). The light weapon counts as an asset, and Surprise Attack: counts as another, since my opponent has not yet acted (and I'm attacking from a hidden vantage?) ??

A light weapon does 2 damage, +1 from Combat Prowess, +2 from Surprise Attack

All this costs 1 point? Or doesn't, because my edge reduces the cost by one?

Did I do it right? XD

2022-02-18, 09:40 PM
With blinding speed Wesley takes off, winding his way behind the various shrubs towards the wild boars. And with it's face still buried in one of the bushes, it lets out a squeal of surprise as Wesley's blade pierces easily through the boar's hide only to slump down unmoving!

Wesley has killed one boar already, there is one more left. Also, Farmerbink, who will get your other XP?

Everyone roll initiative! Any initiative roll above at a 6 or better acts before the boars!

2022-02-19, 09:32 PM
"Wha? Do I know a good recip- OH! OH, YEAH, I DO!!! You gotta make 'em charbroiled!!!" Finneas punctuates his words with gouts of fire streaking from his fingertips towards the nearest bovine nuisance.

Need to find or create my character sheet to figure out my modifiers, but here's some d20 rolls at least:

initiative [roll0]

Move into range and then spend 1 Intellect point to use Onslaught. Attack roll? [roll1]

Onslaught (1 Intellect point): You attack a foe
using energies that assail either their physical
form or their mind. In either case, you must be
able to see your target. If the attack is physical,
you emit a short-range ray of force that inflicts
4 points of damage.

2022-03-01, 11:25 AM
Recap from in-person sesh:

Wesley received 2XP giving one to Gaunson. A third wild boar appeared but was still quickly vanquished by the party, 6 ears collected.

The party makes their way up to and enters the tangles, a very dense forest that very little light gets through the canopy. Finneas lead the way with a magically created light. While there, Wesley and Gaunson heard a rustling in the branches overhead and a giant boa constrictor crashed down and attacked Finneas, dealing 5dmg and grasping him within his mouth. However, Gaunson made quick work of it bashing it in with his staff.

Eventually they do find the abandoned inn along and it looked like most of the place was cleaned out. Finneas found a pair of gloves of agility adding 5 points to his speed pool. He also found a pair of humanoid tracks leading away from the inn deeper in to the tangles. Leading the way once more, Finneas gets lost. Don't worry! He figured it out after an hour or so and was able to make it back to the inn. With Gaunson's help they found and followed the tracks to the assumed hideout of Jiale.

Figuring it might be best to not take a head on approach, the party sneaks around the side of the cave and Gaunson peeks inside coming face to face with a very large green dragon! Gaunson recieved 2XP and gave the other to Finneas. Wesley snuch around the other side of the cave and realized the dragon was an illusion created by two illusionists. They quickly overcame the illusionists, Dustin and Justin, who were not looking for a fight at all. You all learn from them that this hideout was abandoned when they found it. And they discovered the inn and took all the provisions left there and brought it to the cave. While they hadn't seen anyone else until you all showed up, nor had they seen any horses, they HAD heard some horses neighing and moving over the canopy of the tangles heading North. Wesley and Finneas discussed what exactly that could mean, and Gaunson climbed up through the thick canopy to take a peek above the tree tops and see if he could find anything. But between the fading light at dusk and clouds he could not find any clue as to what that might mean, or where they are meant to go.

For discovering both the abandoned inn and the former hideout of Jiale, everyone received 4 XP to advance their characters. Please remind me in OOC how you choose to advance your characters.

As night approaches, the party now has to decide what to do next.

2022-03-02, 09:19 PM
"Hey, no-! DIBS! Wesley! I saw it first!" Finneas struggles to tug a blanket away from his taller friend. "It was sitting on that barrel and I said 'DIBS' and so that means it's mine tonight. Look, if you're cold you can empty one of those sacks of potatoes and use it as a blanket. Or cuddle with Gaunson. Hah!"

The precocious halfling lets out a yawn in spite of himself, weary from the day's travel and excitement. "Alright, keep the noise down, will ya? Can't expect to outwit Jiale tomorrow if I don't get my beauty rest. And don't you think you'd better keep watch?" He quickly burrows down into his bedroll before anyone else can suggest that he take a shift on watch duty.

2022-03-05, 04:36 PM
Wesley chuckles, perfectly content in his traveling clothes near a warm fire. He gently places another piece of barrel atop the smoldering heap, carefully laying it among the embers in a way that allows for at least near-optimal air flow. "Yes, of course. You clearly haven't had enough beauty rest yet," he murmurs, smiling wryly. He gingerly unwraps a small package of waxed paper, retrieving a hearty portion of uncooked pork from within. After skewering it on his longest blade, he holds it over the hottest part of the coals, slowly rotating the makeshift spit and salivating as the fat begins to render. Before long, the distinct aroma of cooking meat permeates the small cavern.

"This is a strange little place, Gaunson," Wesley wonders aloud. "Can't find a way to descend, but this little mountain didn't appear from nothing..." He continues to glance without particular focus as the flames and shadows dance on the rocky ceiling, content for the moment to enjoy the simple pleasure of peace by the fireside.

2022-03-17, 07:10 PM
"This is a strange little place, Gaunson," Wesley wonders aloud. "Can't find a way to descend, but this little mountain didn't appear from nothing..." He continues to glance without particular focus as the flames and shadows dance on the rocky ceiling, content for the moment to enjoy the simple pleasure of peace by the fireside.

Chuckling good-naturedly at what he assumes to be friendly ribbing between his traveling companions, Gaunson shrugs. "I dunno, Wesley. S'pose in the mornin' maybe we can see good 'nuff to catch the trail, eh?"

Without waiting for a response, the broad-shouldered man leans back, resting his head on his hands, staring sightlessly up into the dancing light of the campfire.

2022-03-21, 10:54 AM
Each party member stakes a claim on their spots to rest for the night and sleep comes quickly as the day has turned out longer than the 3 hours Wesley initially promised. Still the cave is warm and sheltered and the sound of crickets trickle in, lulling everyone to sleep.

Everyone roll a difficulty 3 perception check. As everyone is asleep you will not be able to apply effort. Basically we're looking at passive perception.

You are roused awake by the sound of several horses neighing outside the cave somewhere.

If no one passed the roll you all rest well for the night, returning all pools to max, and wake up mid morning. It's still pretty dark in the cave and just out side as the canopy doe not let much sunlight through.

How would you all like to proceed?

2022-03-21, 12:01 PM
Wesley starts awake, rapidly wiping the sleep from his drowsy eyes. "Oy, wa's that?" he mumbles as he scrambles to his feet. After only a moment, he places the sound, and turns to his allies excitedly. "Gaunson! Finneas! Horses! Come on!" He begins to dash towards the mouth of the cave, but thinks better of it. Opting instead for stealth, he prowls to the wall and begins creeping forward carefully.

Stealth for moving forward unnoticed [roll0] (trained)

2022-03-23, 10:54 AM
Quietly and quickly, Wesley makes his way to the cave entrance. The distressed cries of horses is already heading away from the cave heading north. While Wesley does not see the horses directly, he does see what looks like a few small bright purple clouds leaving a slight trail behind them also heading north through the Tangles.

2022-03-24, 08:24 PM
Hrrrngh... wha??? Finneas rolls over out of a very deep slumber, his mass of brown curls now sticking out everywhere in a truly chaotic display. "Iz'zt mornin alread-? Oh! Wesley! If I've told you once I've told you a th-" He trails off as he sees his companion moving cautiously towards the cave entrance. "Uh, Wesley - what's up???" he calls out in a stage whisper, a note of concern creeping into his voice.

2022-04-01, 03:24 PM
Wesley only gazes skyward, struggling to process what his eyes are showing him. After a time, he glances back to his allies, joining him at the mouth of the cave. At their expressions of confusion, he's forced to acknowledge that he has not- at least alone- hallucinated. "What in the blazes do you fellows make of that?" he breathes. "Purple clouds, neighing across the sky?"

If there is a "lore" or "knowledge" check that applies, Wesley is impaired. XD [roll0]

2022-04-01, 10:02 PM
Wesley has no idea what this is. Only that these clouds appear to be speeding through the trees, there is neighing, and they're heading in the same direction that the illusion brothers mentioned also hearing neighing from the previous nights.
Finneas, you are welcome to also make a check if you'd like.
At this point you no longer see the clouds and the neighing is quickly getting out of ear shot.

2022-04-11, 06:17 AM
Finneas scurries up to the cave entrance to see what Wesley is talking about. "It sounds to me like you've been smoking a bit too much of the- huh? What the heck?"

To identify stuff [roll0]

2022-04-11, 09:12 AM
Finneas makes it to the mouth of the cave just in time to see the tail end of the wisps of smoke as they leave the small clearing heading north. He doesn't fully know what it is that he sees, but with his understanding of magic he recognizes that this is some sort of transportation spell. And based on the sound of the horses it is most likely currently taking more horses somewhere.

2022-04-11, 02:45 PM
"Gaunson! Finneas! Horses! Come on!"

Gaunson, already awake, lumbers to his feet. "I'm comin', Wes, hold y'r horses!" He chuckles at his own joke, even as he trots dutifully toward the cave entrance.

He turns toward the sound of the noise to gawk, slack-jawed at the retreating purple clouds. "Well, I'll be..." he murmurs to nobody in particular.

2022-04-12, 08:03 PM
Gaunson, already awake, lumbers to his feet. "I'm comin', Wes, hold y'r horses!" He chuckles at his own joke, even as he trots dutifully toward the cave entrance.

He turns toward the sound of the noise to gawk, slack-jawed at the retreating purple clouds. "Well, I'll be..." he murmurs to nobody in particular.

Gaunson defintely sees the smoke as well, but he doesn't have the training to know what it is.

2022-04-13, 09:28 AM
"Well, I guess if nothing else, it's a trail to follow? Not exactly a trail, but we can head north tomorrow and see what we find?" He takes a few moments while he still has his bearings to align the passage of the sky-horses with a few noteworthy landmarks. "Alright, I think I know... well... generally which way to go...." He shrugs noncommittally to his friends, unsure what else to add.

"Might as well get a few more winks before the sun's up, eh?"

2022-04-15, 06:57 AM
Wesley is answered by a resounding snore from the direction of Finneas' bedroll, where the young halfling has already gone back to bed - convinced that they're in no immediate danger.

2022-04-16, 11:29 AM
Once everyone's curiosity is satisfied, the party goes back to sleep with no issue or further disturbances.

Morning comes and feels a bit strange waking up in a darkened cave with very little sunlight coming through the thick canopy outside. If it weren't for the birds chirping, many of you might still believe it was night. There is plenty of to eat in the cave, from the rations brought over by the brothers, if you all want to have a breakfast. Otherwise the morning is yours to go forth as you all would like. Once you are ready to continue your journey please roll a navigation check.

2022-04-16, 02:22 PM
""[COLOR="#800080"]Might as well get a few more winks before the sun's up, eh?"

Gaunson looks around with an unconcerned air before shrugging. "S'pose we might." Without further ceremony, he shuffles back to his chosen spot, whistling softly into the night before quickly falling asleep.

As the others are waking in the morning, their second impression after the lack of light is a crackling sound... and the third is the smell of meat cooking on the campfire, fed and stirred into an appropriate intensity for the large pan of sizzling sausages pilfered from the previous occupants of the cave. "Mornin', Wes. Mornin', Finneas. Breakfast?" he grins, indicating the contents of the pan.

2022-04-17, 08:52 PM
"Woohoo!!! Oh yeah, that's what I'm talking about!" Finneas exclaims, rushing over to the campfire. "I've been starving ever since someone misrepresented the length of this mission!" He roll his eyes in the direction of Wesley.

After breakfast, the halfling begins to peer into the woods in the direction of the strange hoofbeats, but he halts when he remembers the fiasco of yesterday. "Hey, uh, Wesley? Why don't you take the lead on this stretch? I don't want to hog all of the fun! Besides, I figure you could use the extra practice. You know, navigating and such."

2022-04-19, 11:11 AM
Wesley spends more time than he likes trying to get back to sleep, what with the stunningly persistent snoring of his more diminutive companion. Still, he eventually manages to find respite after wrapping a spare shirt around his head and staring into the wall for a few hours.

In the morning, he's groggy and fully prepared to be grumpy when he's met by Gaunson's mirth. If not for the aromas wafting throughout, the grin itself might have been enough to spark his ire, but instead, Wesley finds himself forced to adopt an air of gratitude. "You're a good man, Gaunson." The lithe man saunters over to retrieve and offered sausage, mouth watering.

Between (or perhaps more accurately during) bites of his breakfast, Wesley muses on the discovery of the day before. "Wha- bzar kina thing, eh?" -gulp- "Who ever heard of flying horses and purple clouds" -chomp- "'nnayin' 'nnasky 'nnwot?" -gulp- "Guess there's not much for it, today" -chomp- "butta f'lo'em 'nseewot" -gulp- "we can find, eh?" He chews away at the next bite merrily enough, rapidly forgetting his frustrations of the night before.

Several minutes later, it's a much rejuvenated Wesley that strikes out the front of the cave. "I... Don't suppose there's any tracks to follow?" he wonders, as he gazes skywards. He spends a few moments recreating the image of the night before in his mind and reconnecting the landmarks to make sure he's at least setting the right course. "So keep your eyes peeled, gents. Could be more snakes in the canopy, and frankly I don't even really know what we're looking for anymore!" Oddly, the admission comes off as almost cheerful, like he's looking forward to being surprised by whatever it is they find.

2022-04-21, 10:06 PM
The party, with full bellies and feeling mostly rested, sets off in the direction they each saw the cloud swiftly drift!

Please give me a navigation roll difficulty will be 5, so roll a 15 or better unless you have things to lower the difficulty.

2022-04-27, 04:01 PM
Wesley frowns. "I would have sworn," he breathes, gazing in confusion at the edge of the treeline. "You wouldn't think things could look this different in the sunlight..." Pouting, he turns to his companions. "I've got... well, nothing. We can generally walk to the north and see what we find. Perhaps we take our ease about it and wait for another round of flying purple cloud horses tonight?"

He clearly is trying to put a good, or at least lackadaisical spin on it, but Wesley is quite frustrated with himself right now.

2022-04-27, 08:10 PM
"Y'know, Wes," interjects Gaunson affably, "I gotta pretty good feeling about this-a-way." With a quick jerk of his head in the indicated direction, the big man continues, "Can' hurt to give it a try, eh?" With a sudden, wolfish grin, he waves over his shoulder at their diminutive companion. "Coming', Finn?" before shuffling unconcernedly forward.

2022-04-29, 12:24 PM
Wesley eyes Finneas with an uncertain expression, that quickly fades to readiness. "Hell, it's as good as anything else I can come up with. Let's go!" He draws a thin blade, using it as a makeshift machete as he follows close behind Gaunson into the underbrush.

2022-04-30, 05:05 AM
"Wait, I just...-! Ugh, fine!" Finneas hurries to catch up with the others, bobbing and weaving to dodge errant branches and roots as he scampers through the underbrush.

2022-05-05, 07:26 PM
With Gaunson leading the way, the party slowly makes their way north through The Tangle. Keeping eyes all around, and above, they do not hear or see any threats. Just an occasional butterfly, with wings with a shining white with square spots of yellow, and one time a bird whose colorful plumage was as wonderous to see as it's off-putting cries, that sounded more like the that of grown men falling into a chasm, were nauseating to hear. Only getting turned around once, but quickly finding you way again you see a clearing in The Tangle up ahead. You all shield your eyes from the bright light as you adjust to the change.

Before you is an open plain, similar brush and shrubbery that you saw before entering The Tangle. However, right there in the middle of the plain you all see a large black pyramid. It could be a trick of the eye, but is the pyramid rotating? It's hard to see exactly from this far away. From what you can see the Tangle stretches all the way around surrounding the plain.

There are a couple more miles of open plain before you arrive at the pyramid. Is there anything you all would like to do as you approach? Do you all continue in this northerly direction?

2022-05-05, 08:44 PM
Wesley stops short in the underbrush. "Am I? Gaunson, I told you those mushrooms didn't look good to eat! Finneas, you didn't have any- what do see!?" Almost manic, the lithe man turns to their smaller companion, and finds him, too, gazing into the distance.

"So... my map doesn't have anything about a several-miles-wide open space in the middle of The Tangle with a freaking pyramid int it?!" he complains, loudly. "So what in the nine hells, and seven heavens, and anything in between is that!?" He points at the grand pyramid, distinctly uncomfortable. "And why do I feel like something much bigger than us is playing some kind of game at our expense? Flying purple cloud horses? Grand rotating pyramids? I just thought we were out here to recover some stolen property!" He pinches the bridge of his nose, grimacing at the whole lot of it.

2022-05-08, 09:07 PM
"Hoo-hoo!!!" Finneas crows, jumping in the air excitedly. "No this is great, can't you see, Wes? Purple cloud horses and strange floating pyramids can only mean one thing - MAGIC!!!." The little halfling raises his hands to the sky and multicolored sparks fly from his fingertips like confetti.

"And if I know anything about magic - which I do!!! - it's usually accompanied by power and/or treasure. This is better than some stolen horses - we're gonna be rich! And/or powerful! Come on!" Already several steps into the plain, he turns back to regard his companions. "Well, what are you waiting for??? Let's gooooo!!!"

Ready to proceed straight to the pyramid by the most direct route.

2022-05-14, 04:29 PM
Gaunson stares, slack-jawed, at the unexpected structure as the others bicker. Blinking several times and wiping at his eyes with the back of his hand, the tall man finally swallows deeply, seeming to accept what his eyes present to him. "I s'pose we came all this way. Might s'well have a look."

2022-05-17, 03:03 PM
The party rushes through the plain towards the unusual structure, paying no mind to any other wild boar they pass, trying desperately to keep up with the tiny feet of Finneas. Eventually the two humans catch up as the little wizard slows down from a stich in his side. As you all get closer it becomes clearer that that Finneas was right, Pyramid is indeed rotating because it isn't on the ground.. the pyramid is floating about 80ft above the plain! And stranger still, underneath the pyramid there is some sort of fortification, a city. But there are no guards or gate, just on open space off to the right as you approach the south wall. The walls are about 20 feet up, and you can see somewhere within the structure are a couple 40ft towers. There are no roof as far as you can see, though with a giant pyramid above, everything is pretty well sheltered against the elements.

Looking inside the entrance there isn't much that to see. There's a ground is just dirt and a few piles of rocks and rubble in the corner. You hear and catch a glimpse of a rat tail scurrying around the corner away from you. As you all turn the corner, it's clear to see there is no particular rhyme or reason to the organization of this area. It's built like some type of labyrinth.

Link to Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oLzFos8AfIyOTFOx4PHRYVAEsyhb1D_PsTIsGqs_fik/edit#gid=0)

I went ahead and revealed in the map things the first area before a choice in direction needs to be made. Again no covering to the ruins at all and nothing of note at this time. So where do you want to go?

2022-05-18, 11:25 AM
As they chase after Finneas, Wesley calls out several times, "Friend! Wait!" Scowling from exertion and annoyance, they finally catch up some distance from the walls. Looking up to the floating, rotating pyramid, the lithe cad boggles in confusion. "Magic is one thing, but that's.... not a small feat, right? I mean, the thing must still weigh hundreds of tons, and it's spinning." Decidedly unsure about what his eyes seem to be telling him, Wesley pauses in a mixture of confusion and awe.

2022-05-20, 09:59 AM
"Well, duh it's not a small feat, Wesley! I mean, if I could do something like that do you think I'd be traipsing through the woods chasing some fancy cloud-horses? Pfff!" The halfling scampers forward to inspect the beginnings of the "city". "Hey check it out, it's a-maze-ing down here - get it?!" He chuckles to himself as he strokes his chin in thought. "I read about this once. They say you're always supposed to pick a wall and stick to it - that way you'll eventually find the exit! Unless it's a closed loop and the treasure is in the center...- what? Nevermind! Come on - Gaunson, keep up!" He scurries ahead, following the right-most wall as he goes.

2022-05-21, 01:38 PM
Gaunson trails behind his companions as the group nears the floating pyramid, the tall man's jaw drooping progressively nearer the floor as the sheer enormity of the structure becomes apparent. Further in toward the oddly fortified area, he peels his gaze away from the overhead structure and fixes it in puzzlement more than awe at the strange lack of order in the place. The impulsively advancing halfling jars Gaunson from his attempts at analysis, and with a blurted "Hold up, Fin'!" he stumbles into a loping jog to give chase.

2022-05-23, 04:58 PM
"Yeah, yeah wait!" Wesley calls, unused to being the voice of reason. He finally catches Finneas and grabs him by the shoulder. "Hold on for just a second," he grunts, still several paces from the entrance to the maze. "If they can do that-" he points to the floating pyramid- "Don't you think a little caution is in order?" Once Gaunson catches up, Wesley breathes a slight sigh of relief.

"OK, really. We've got to go in here expecting trouble. That way, if we don't find any, it'll be a pleasant surprise!" He offers his most winsome smile, especially to Gaunson. "I'll go in first, and you guys give me just a little space, ok? Don't get too far behind- I don't want to face 'Mister I can make a giant pyramid spin all around in the sky' by myself, eh?" A thoughtful expression comes over him. "Maybe if it's a 'she' and she's easy on the eyes...."

Smirking, he prowls to the entrance, and disappears inside.


Headed down the western hall, using the indicated path, to the location of the 'w'

2022-05-24, 10:52 PM
As Wesley turns the corner, he sees what the rat was running towards. At the end of this short hallway is a corpse that several rats are picking at. Maggots are infested throughout the flesh and he looks to have died few days ago. From this distance it's hard to pick out much else about him.

Updated map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oLzFos8AfIyOTFOx4PHRYVAEsyhb1D_PsTIsGqs_fik/edit#gid=0)

2022-05-26, 10:58 PM
Wesley stops short, surprised by the corpse. "Oh, that's... Unfortunate." He beckons his companions closer, after peering cautiously northwards once more, to make sure they're not being observed already.

"So, I think it's clear we need to take this seriously," the lithe bladesman murmurs. "The ante has been somewhat markedly raised. Let's see if there's anything to be learned from this poor fellow, and then see what we can find out about these 'horse thieves.'" He eases a pair of daggers into his palms, and creeps towards the fallen man, wrinkling his nose at the sight, or smell- or both.

2022-05-27, 10:38 AM
"Ugh!!! Phew - that stinks worse than Gaunson!" Finneas complains as he follows Wesley's gesturing up to line-of-sight with the corpse. With a flick of his wrist he produces a magical "flower" made out of motes of light, and holds it up close to his nose to dispel the stench. "What are you doing, Wes? Don't tell me you're gonna touch it! I'm think I'm gonna hurl..."

2022-05-29, 12:50 PM
Gaunson trots dutifully after Wesley, turning the corner to wrinkle his nose in distaste at the grisly sight.

"Ugh!!! Phew - that stinks worse than Gaunson!"

The big man lifts one arm to sniff underneath it. With a shrug, he mumbles, "No worse'n usual, what with campin' in caves and whatnot." Evidently none too concerned with his diminutive companion's remark, he shuffles forward after Wesley, showing little of the latter's concern in his own curiosity.

2022-05-30, 02:19 AM
As Wesley begins to approach the body, the head slumps over and stares right at him.

GM Intrusion for Wesley accepted, 1XP to you, and who are you giving the other one to?

Currently XP for the group stands as follows:
Wesley 3XP
Gaunson 2XP
Finneas 2XP
1XP to go to either Gaunson or Finneas.

2022-06-03, 10:19 PM
"Ack!" Wesley cries, manlyly. "What in the blazes below!?" Faster than he can think, a thin blade appears in his hand and he prepares to fling it, perfectly content to kill it (again) first, and ask questions (or not) later.

2022-06-06, 06:30 AM
"Aieeee!" shrieks Finneas, jumping behind Gaunson for protection. A moment later his head peeks out from behind the big man's knee. "Did- did that thing just move?!?!"

2022-06-06, 09:56 PM
Gaunson blinks confusedly, but dutifully shuffles up to stand at (slightly above, really) Wesley's shoulder, his large walking stick held at the ready.

2022-06-09, 12:45 PM
Wesley's dagger strikes true and disappears within and a scurry of rats disperses out from underneath the clothes past the party and over the walls! The body seems to deflate as the vermin run off but otherwise, no other indication of movement.

2022-06-11, 03:14 PM
Wesley blinks several times, not quite sure whether or not he's still hallucinating. "I- ah...". He carefully prowls forward, retrieving another dagger from a sheath on his thigh while he probes the air awkwardly with the other. As he approaches the... clothes? He moves to cast the rags aside with the tip of his extended dagger. "Get it together, Wesley. Can't go throwing your best dagger at spooks and nothings and expect it to keep behavin'."

2022-06-20, 05:13 PM
Finneas strides out from behind Gaunson to look contemptuously at the pile of bones. "Phew! See, like I said - nothing to worry about! Except that I'm gonna hurl if we stick around here much longer. Come on - the treasure's waiting for us!" He scurries over to the next intersection then turns to wait for his companions to catch up.

2022-06-22, 03:06 PM
Wesley scratches his head as Finneas dashes onward. "What treasure?" he murmurs, barely loud enough for Gaunson to hear. "Horses are valuable and all, but that's..." he shrugs, not completing the thought out loud.

"Yes, yes, of course," he calls, quickly joining his diminutive friend.

I never rolled it, and can't make sense of what sort of asset would reasonably apply so [roll0] to search the rags for valuables before we move on.

2022-06-22, 07:57 PM
Gaunson peers suspiciously at the no-longer-moving pile of bones, and he sidles after Wesley and Finneas, keeping an eye on it all the way.

2022-07-16, 02:17 PM
Wesley scratches his head as Finneas dashes onward. "What treasure?" he murmurs, barely loud enough for Gaunson to hear. "Horses are valuable and all, but that's..." he shrugs, not completing the thought out loud.

"Yes, yes, of course," he calls, quickly joining his diminutive friend.

I never rolled it, and can't make sense of what sort of asset would reasonably apply so [roll0] to search the rags for valuables before we move on.

As you search the body, you find 1 silver, and 13 copper pieces, a potion that Finneas easily identifies as a Potion of Perfection, as well as a small onyx pyramid. The onyx pyramid seems to hum with some sort of energy.

The potion of perfection is level [roll0] whoever drinks it, the next action they perform afterwards is treated as a roll of natural 20 which would also give you a major effect or +4 dmg depending on the roll and what you all choose.

This is some sort of key that unlocks something with regards to the pyramid floating above. Though you haven't discovered what.. yet..

I know you all go to the intersection to continue searching, but which direction do you go next?

2022-07-18, 08:42 PM
"See, treasure! At least a good start to it! Ha-hooo!!" Finneas crows triumphantly. "One of you guys should take this potion - I'm perfect already! Hahaha - kidding! - or am I?" He leaves them guessing while he plucks up the onyx pyramid and holds it skyward, comparing its shape against the much larger figure above. "You know, you don't have to be an arcane genius to figure out that this has gotta be related to that floating rock up there..." He stuffs the stone into his pocket with a self-pleased nod. "But it helps!"

2022-07-19, 03:55 PM
Wesley snorts, taking the offered potion. "I mean, related, obviously. But How?" He eyes Finneas and his new toy unconvinced, but ultimately shrugs and turns his attention back to the things that might be imminently deadly- or at least the direction from which those things might come.

Holding up a hand to motion for caution and quiet, he prows forward again, equal parts curious and concerned.

I'm the Map? (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oLzFos8AfIyOTFOx4PHRYVAEsyhb1D_PsTIsGqs_fik/edit#gid=0)

2022-07-21, 08:28 PM
"Potion of what, now?" blurts Gaunson scratching behind one ear confusedly.

Seriously though, where would players be able to review this information?

Without waiting for an answer, the sturdy man ambles unconcernedly in the general direction of Finneas, his relaxed walk more or less keeping up with the latter's cautious steps as his boots thud against the packed dirt beneath them.

2022-08-17, 11:13 AM
"Perfection," Wesley idly quips. "If I understand it accurately, it does exactly what it sounds like it does! Hah!" With a friendly smirk, the lithe man turns back to the task at hand.

"Now shush. The whole point of sneaking it to surprise them, not announce our arrival!"

2022-08-20, 12:02 AM
Wesley leads the party up to the next intersection of this odd labyrinth. The odd thrumming if the structure above, the unusual darkness in the middle of the day is a bit unsettling for all as you continue to search the area, hoping to gain more understanding.

I've updated the map with more options to turn to! I've also added a table to the Map showing cyphers found along the way. Thou I need to review what cyphers were given from the start and will update accordingly.


A chest! At M11 is a small chest. To open it you need to succeed in a difficulty 4 task. Doesn't matter how you choose whether finesse it (speed task) or break it (Might task).

[roll0] copper
[roll1] cyphers It looks like a tiny statue of a tower but is vibrating with magic.
Instant Tower Level 8 Creates a simple, squat stone tower, with door, 4 arrow slits, and a ceiling hatch, leading to the roof. It is 10ft square and 20ft tall, 2 stories high. The tower is permanent and immobile once created.
Another small black pyramid, just like the one found on the body before.

2022-08-22, 06:19 AM
"Alright, enough lollygagging!" Finneas announces, clapping his hands together. "The rest of the treasure isn't just going to walk up and give itself to us! Unless it's a treasure golem. Oooh, do you think it's a treasure golem?! That would be cool!!" He absentmindedly keeps up a steady stream of chatter as he follows behind Wesley, keeping to the left-hand wall as per their earlier strategy.

Just a straight d20 roll, right? [roll0]

"Hey, look there! Ha-hoooo!!!" The plucky halfling crows in triumph as a wooden chest comes into view around the corner. "See, treasure! Oh, it's locked... Hrm..." He takes a step back and bows graciously towards his companions. "Gentlemen, if you would do the honors!"

2022-08-23, 01:01 PM
Apparently I have to type words or it's too short? [roll0]

2022-09-04, 07:47 PM
Ambling along, Gaunson tilts his head to the side, peering thoughtfully toward the floor in the distance. "Huh. W's that?" he mumbles to nobody in particular, shuffling forward before kneeling to inspect a box that reveals itself to be a small, locked chest. "Wonder what's in there, eh?" he says, looking over his shoulder at his companions while hooking a thumb toward the box.

After a moment of stroking his chin in apparent contemplation, the big man reaches into a pouch at his waist, pulling out a crude folding knife. He flicks the device open, and pokes it into the keyhole, wiggling it haphazardly. After a few moments, a loud click provokes a wolfish grin from the man. "Wouldja look at that, it worked!" he chuckles, scooping out the contents. "Huh. Some kinda little statue? And another little black pyramid, eh?"

2022-09-08, 11:17 AM
Crestfallen, Wesley's forehead drops to his palm. "Of course it did," he grumbles in exasperation. "You're a surprising man, Gaunson," he adds, before craning his neck to peer appreciatively at the contents of the box.

"But that's some handy stuff you've found! If nobody objects, I'll hold onto this little guy," he comments, reaching for the potion.

I think Fin or Wesley should take the potion. Not super concerned which of the two.

2022-09-09, 06:25 AM
"Fine, fine!" Finneas exclaims, handing the potion over to his friend. "Now let's goooo! The sooner we find those horse thieves the sooner we can have lunch. I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!" He points to the left-hand wall, indicating that Wesley should continue leading the way along it.

2022-09-12, 04:19 PM
"Yes, of course," Wesley submits, with a weary grin. "Stay back a bit. Wouldn't want that pretty face of yours getting sullied by something."

2022-09-12, 08:21 PM
Gaunson grins in amusement at Wesley's reluctant compliment, shrugging and proffering the potion. Clambering up from his half-kneeling position, the big man shoulders his thick walking stick to shuffle off, finding himself bringing up the rear of the trio.

2022-09-16, 09:01 PM
Wesley follows Finneas' finger to a section of crumbled wall on the West side. It takes a couple minutes to climb over as the rocks slip and slide under foot, but all get over with no issue. The next section over is another odd shaped "room", no apparent rhyme or reason.


Let me know in Discord if you accept for 2XP, 1 to keep and 1 to give to anyone you choose.

2022-10-04, 11:05 PM
As the three of you climb through the rubble and begin to explore the newfound area, Gaunson is suddenly blasted back up against the wall and knocked down! As he shakes his head coming to his senses, you all turn and see a large 6 legged blue scaled lizard with a black pyramid stuck in it's forehead, mouth gaping, saliva dripping, and its eyes focused on Gaunson on the ground!

Gaunson gains 1 XP (noted on sheet already) and gives the second XP to Finneas (noted on sheet already). The force of whatever happened deals 5 damage to Gaunson, but because of his armoer it lowers by 1. And due to his Absorb Energy ability, it lowers 1 more to only 3 might damage dealt and 1 energy stored up to use later as he'd like. (Again already noted in character sheet.)

Gaunson don't forget to choose and update sheet with the advancement you chose.

Now everyone roll initiative! Difficulty Level 4 so a roll of 12 or better and you go before the lizard, below and you go after.

2022-10-06, 10:59 AM
"Gaunson! What the-?!!?" Finneas is so startled by the beast's sudden appearance that he can only watch as it emerges and charges his friend!

Rolled 8 in OOC so I go after lizard

2022-10-09, 01:42 PM
Gaunson looks up from the floor, his initial expression seeming to be one of confusion and shock. After a few quick heartbeats however, something like anger creeps across the man's features, the ugly emotion seeming out of place on the man's typically congenial face. "What the- hey, that HURT!" he suddenly bellows, the final word punctuated with a tangible ripple of force!

Gaunson uses his "release energy" ability to attack the creature in front of him: [roll0]

Action allowing, he will also stand and/or move to get in the creature's face!

2022-10-11, 11:27 PM
Gaunson fires a bolt of energy at the lizard, but the blow throws off his focus and the blast goes wide dissipating harmlessly against the floating structure above. The lizard charges up attempting to take a bite out of Gaunson as he stands up!

Gaunsons' blast misses and he stands up.
The lizard charges and attacks Gaunson. Typically players would roll their own defense roll, but for the sake of speed I rolled Gaunsons' speed defense in OOC. It's a 9. Fail to dodge. Another 3 (5-1 for light armor - 1 for absorb energy) damage to gaunson and refill is absorb energy. If Gaunson would like to apply effort on the defense roll, it would cost 3 speed points, and then would be a successful dodge. Since I rolled it, I'll give you the choice of which you'd prefer.

Everyone can act now!

2022-10-14, 06:34 AM
"Hey!! Don't. Eat. My. BUDDY!!!" Finneas cries as he unleashes a barrage of arcane power towards the lizard!

Want to use "Arcane Flare" to zap the liz... how do I roll for that again? :smallredface:
Here's a d20: [roll0]

2022-10-15, 09:49 PM
Wesley is curiously slow to react, but once he realizes the present danger, he leaps to it with gusto. Without stopping to explain where he just got a pair of knives from, he flings both through the air at the lizard's flank.

Quick Throw costs 2 speed (reduced to 1 or 0 from an edge of 2?), and essentially it means he can throw 2 light weapons:

Each does (I think) 3 damage; 2 for light +1 for combat prowess

2022-10-30, 02:03 PM
Gaunson seems visibly shocked at the sudden force of his exclamation, and his hesitation is rewarded with the lizard-like creature taking a chomp at his exposed forearm. Fortunately, its jaws seem to have found limited purchase, leaving at most a few shallow puncture wounds but the blood that begins to seep suggests that the danger is far from trivial. Scowling angrily at the creature, Gaunson grasps his heavy walking stick in two hands, pulling it back and away from the creature before responding, "You're hungry, eh? Chew on this!"" He punctuates his verbal jab with a stabbing motion, putting all of his ire into the thrust!

Let's call this a channeling of his stored energy through the staff!
Attack: [roll0]

2022-10-31, 02:24 AM
As combat ensues, Finneas' arcane missile bounces harmlessly off of the pyramid in it's head. But the first of two daggers thrown by Wesley finds purchase in it's tough hide sticking between the scales. The lizard's jaw seems to slack for a moment with a strange look of surprise? Wesley quickly discovers why it might be look that way as the second dagger instead turns around and flies right back, stabbing him instead! Gaunson tries to take a swing as well, but even though the creature's mouth is no longer clamping onto him a tooth seems to have snagged on his armor not allowing him to get a strong enough swing to make purchase. The lizard though can only try to look around, perhaps attempting to understand the reason or source of the knife in its side. But it does not attack or move, just stands there too stunned to react.

Finneas' arcane bolt missed
Wesley's first dagger hit with the nat 20 and stuns the lizard
Wesley's first dagger should have hit, but instead some how turned around and hit Wesley for 2 might dmg. (The lizard doesn't have your combat prowess ability so doesn't get the +1)
Gaunson's staff attack also misses.

You have a little more info on the creature, it's still stunned until the end of Wesley's next turn, so all actions against it have an asset.

No change to the map.

2022-11-01, 08:13 PM
"Ack! What the hell!?" Wesley grunts as his own knife attacks him. "Take this!" he cries, throwing two more.

Does damage always come from the might pool? Either way, I think that's 8/10 right now.

[roll0] knife 1!
[roll1] knife 2!

2022-11-02, 07:10 AM
"Ugh! If I was as ugly as you I'd be confused too!" Finneas taunts as he unleashes another barrage of arcane energy at the beast.

Same as last round, but with effort this time!

straight arcane blast for 4 long damage

Apply 1 effort to attack

Arcane fire 1 int point + (1 effort int point) - 2 int edge = 0 int points spent. Did I get that right??


2022-11-04, 09:03 PM
Gaunson lets out a wordless Hmmph! of frustration as his sweep goes wide. Taking advantage of the creature's sudden stillness, he plants both feet, adjusts his grip on the staff, and puts all of his considerable muscle into a sweep that looks a lot more like a farm boy leveling an axe at a stubborn tree than any sort of martial technique.

Let's apply 1 point of Might to this attack... dunno what that means really, but it can't hurt!
Attack: [roll0]

2022-11-04, 11:02 PM
As the lizard shakes it's head trying to understand the sharp stinging sensation in it's side, Wesley throws 2 more daggers. The first hits the wall behind the lizard. The second again looks to be striking true, close to where the other dagger is still in it's hide, but again the dagger seems to slow down and shoot off back at Wesley cutting through his flesh once again! Finneas calls upon his arcane might blasting a ray of pure arcane energy. The beast lets out a roar of pain loosening it's jaws on Gaunson, who takes the opportunity to give it a good crack against it's skull!

It's senses knocked back into it, the lizard then turns it's attention to the man who broke through it's scaly exterior. Wesley feels a strange sensation as a strong force attempts to pull him towards the lizard! But Wesley steels himself planting his feet and remains unmoved from where he stands. Frustrated the lizard roars once more and charges towards Wesley!

Wesley's first attack misses and his second attack should have hit. But there seems to be a force stopping his thrown daggers from connecting and firing it back at him dealing two more damage.
Finneas's Arcane Flare hits for 4 damage.
Gaunson clocks it with his staff for 4 more damage. (no need to spend the 1 point of might, unless you'd like to add effort for 3+ damage. Typically effort is chosen before the task is rolled. Like how much extra oomph are you putting into this action?)
The lizard tries to psychically pull Wesley towards it, but Wesley passes the might defense with a 19 gaining a minor asset. And the lizard then closes the distance towards Wesley. No more attacks this turn.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oLzFos8AfIyOTFOx4PHRYVAEsyhb1D_PsTIsGqs_fik/edit#gid=0)

I went ahead and updated the map and the character sheets to reflect damage dealt/received/points spent/etc.

Next round!

2022-11-05, 04:58 PM
Gaunson seems pleased at the heavy thwack of his staff against the creature, but the momentary grin fades into a look of annoyance, and he fixes his gaze on the creature beneath furrowed brows. "Oh no y'don't!" he blurts as the reptile moves to engage with Wesley, the wiry man already bleeding from the prior scrapes.

Gaunson wants to use his Control the Field ability... so this costs 1 Might? And he wants to move the lizard westward, hoping to "trap" it in the doorway with Gaunson in the way of an easy maneuver back toward Wesley.
Attack: [roll0]

2022-11-07, 10:33 AM
As Gaunson steps up to separate this creature from Wesley, he hears and feels something crack under the weight of his blow as all resistance from the heavy creature ceases and it's body is lifted off the ground and slams into the wall, slumped over and unmoving.

It was at 1 HP after adding in Gaunsons' effort from the previous hit. So this lizard is down and out for the count!

Some of you may want to take a look at your pools and possibly take a recovery roll to regain some points.

2022-11-09, 05:39 AM
"Hey-hey!!! Alright! YEAH!!! Wooo, that's how you do it!" Finneas capers about in a victory dance while crowing in triumph. "Oh man, did you see the size of that thing?! I thought for sure I was about to be just a tasty halfling snack - don't worry, though! I'm ok, everyone! Oh, uh- Gaunson? Hey buddy, you don't look too good..."

2022-11-09, 03:48 PM
Wesley groans, hurt and confused by the bizarre creature's gravitational inclinations. "Could've gone better, that," he complains, as he recovers his blades. He rubs gingerly at the left side of his chest and stretches for several moments as his companions crow and search the creature.

First recovery roll for the day, I guess? [roll0]

Handy, that's back to 10/10 might
Edit: wait, I can put the points wherever? I think I'd rather refill my 15/16 speed to 16/16 and leave might at 9/10?

If that's kosher, we'll do that.

2022-11-12, 08:54 PM
"Oh, uh- Gaunson? Hey buddy, you don't look too good..."

"Oh, I d'know... " mumbles Gaunson, as he rubs gingerly at the back of his head. "'Ve had worse kicks fr'm the donkey, back home. Bites 'bout as bad, too." He grins wolfishly at the halfling before taking a second to look critically at the scrapes on his arm.

Recovery roll? [roll0]
I figure, put it into everything except Might first, just to top them off, and then the rest in Might. Do the character sheets show a current/max?

2022-11-13, 12:49 PM
As you all wipe yourselves off and lick your wounds a bit, what do you do next?

There is that dead six legged lizard on the ground next to you. And several different areas to explore still.

2022-11-17, 01:50 PM
"Let's see if this thing was hiding anything useful," Wesley grunts with a scowl. He approaches the deceased beast with uncharacteristic caution, apparently somewhat shaken by all the daggers flying at him.

2022-11-17, 05:35 PM
"What could be useful about that?!?! I mean, the only good giant six-legged lizard is a dead giant six-legged lizard, like my gam always used to say! What?? Well, she did!!" His mouth running nonstop to hide his own unease, Finneas assists Wesley with inspecting the beast's corpse.

2022-11-17, 06:42 PM
Just as Finneas' Gam said, there's not much more to this dead giant six-legged lizard, except that black pyramid in it's forehead. Upon further inspection you see it had somehow fused into the skull of the creature. It takes some effort, and creative use of Wesley's daggers, but you are able to extract it. Finneas quickly notices that this pyramid is identical to the pyramid found on the corpse as they entered, and the pyramid in the chest. The one exception being that while they all thrum slightly, the pyramid formally attached to the lizard has some type of markings all across the surface that is glowing a deep blue color.

If you all wanted to keep it's hide or any meat for further rations or hope to sell you could, but I'm not gonna worry about any rolls for that. If you want to do it just say so and it's done.

If anyone would like anymore info I would need some type of roll. Remember any character can make any roll in Cypher System whether or not they are trained in that skill. Finneas is trained in remembering/memorizing things he's experienced so that'll lower the difficulty by 1 for him, essentially giving a +3 on his roll. Wesley actually has an inability in understanding so it'd be a -3 on his roll for the same.

2022-11-19, 09:55 PM
"Hmm. Weird." murmurs Gaunson, observing the pyramidal object with his head tilted slightly. "'M starting to think this ain't just about horse rustlers. Anyhoo!" he hops up from his one-kneed stance and eyes the doorway to the left. "S'pose we might 's well keep on lookin, eh?"

Gaunson moves toward the doorway (?) at H15.

2022-11-21, 02:44 PM
"Well of COURSE we're gonna keep looking! Just hang on a sec - these glowing runes, have I seen these before?" Finneas' brow furrows in thought as he tries to recall any information or lore that might be relevant to these artifacts.

[roll0] (is that right? :smalltongue:)

2022-11-22, 11:18 PM
Finneas turns the pyramid over and over in his hands observing the patterns now glowing on it, comparing it to the previous pyramids that were not glowing. He finds various switches and buttons and when he presses them in the correct order it too glows with a deep green color! And it all makes sense! This button over here when pushed emits a force causing things to be repelled from the pyramid, while the one on the other side, resets the first but also causes some of the loose rubble to fly towards Finneas holding the pyramid! Thankfully he dodges without issue.

Finneas shows his discovery to the others guiding Wesley in how he got the second to glow. And when Wesley follows the instructions, the third pyramid also glows a deep purple color.

Finneas' natural 20 on his roll not only gives him working knowledge of how to activate these pyramids but he now understands why Wesley's attacks weren't working against the lizard. The pyramid added a type of control that caused any physical ranged attacks to be automatically repelled back to the attacker. But it also gave the lizard the ability to try and force people to fly closer. (Wesley's nat 20 roll I let hit cause it's a nat 20!)

He also notices that there is a much stronger version of these abilities that could in theory, propel a person up to the pyramid floating over head but there must be some sort of conduit to direct that force in the right direction.

Each pyramid is an artifact. More powerful than a cypher in that it is not a 1 time use item. As an action you can either push or pull an object or person, medium sized max, a short distance (up to 50ft) away. If you're using it against a creature you'll need to roll an attack to see if you hit it. Also with the right conduit, you can use it to propel yourself up to the pyramid above. These items deplete on a roll of 1 in 1d20. Meaning every time you choose to use the item, roll a 1d20 and on a result of 1 the item breaks and no longer works again.

Guanson makes his way looking around where the lizard seemed to have come from, finding other paths to take.

2022-11-23, 05:36 PM
"...and therefore, by finding a proper conduit to act as a resonance amplification of the underlying trans-polyhedral frequencies, I predict that we can exploit the opposing polarities to propel ourselves all the way to the top! Wa-hooo!!! Ye gods-" Finneas jumps up and down and wipes mock sweat from his brow, "sometimes I'm so awesome I amaze myself!!"

A mischievous look enters his eye. "But first, I bet I can use it to make Gaunson's pant's fall down! Hyeah!" He points the pyramid at his friend and waves his hands over the appropriate sigils.

Attack roll to pull Gaunson's belt off: [roll0] + ???

Depletion check: [roll1]

2022-11-23, 09:30 PM
Gaunson begins to look around the corner when he feels a tug at his waist, that drags him backwards towards the others. He catches himself keeping himself from moving anymore but his belt has other plans, lifting his legs off the ground and bringing his pants down to his ankles! If it weren't for his big ol' boots, they'd be lost completely! Eventually the force of the pull stops dropping Gaunson onto his nose. A slight nose bleed, but no more worse for wear thanks to his odd ability to not easily get hurt.

Rolled Gaunson's speed defense to avoid getting pantsed even with best of two he still rolled lower than Finneas' attack. No damage though. Still one energy in the tank for any pew pew making!

2022-11-23, 09:44 PM
"What the- hey!" blurts Gaunson, as he finds himself and his pants pulled in opposite directions. "Cut it out!" he yelps, scrambling to restore his dignity and fixing a sour look toward Finneas. "Cute trick, but y'd better watch where you aim it!" he grumbles.

2022-11-24, 03:46 PM
Wesley frowns, still struggling to follow Finneas' instructions with his own device. "If you say so," he murmurs, carefully stowing the surprisingly dense pyramid. "Wonder if you could use 'em to throw themselves. It'd hurt to take one of these to the face...."

He creeps forward dutifully, definitely not smiling when Gaunson's pants appear to decided to abandon him.