View Full Version : big teej still runs games: The Sunless Citadel

big teej
2022-02-08, 06:43 AM
A New Adventure Begins...

Kytes has convinced you all to seek out an ancient fortress, now only known as 'the sunless citadel'. He has worked himself up into an academic frenzy, having convinced himself on the barest of hunches and loosest scraps of information that this ancient fastness contains an archive of draconic lore, which shall in turn direct him to greater and more magnificent prizes.

For Brokval, the wyrdkin, the promise of delving into the dark places of the world and confronting the monsters that surely dwell there was enough.

For Akodo Takauji, it was enough that the rest of you were caught up in this quest, merely expressing a minimal interest in seeing more of the world.

For Mal, the obvious question between ancient ruins and hoards of treasure was all the motivation he required.

For Grigor, like Akodo, it is enough that this is what the group wants to do, he doesn't care where he guides the group.

For Creed, the promise of treasure and glory and renown are sufficient to set his feet to any test, to realize his ambitions.

And so, you find yourselves on the outskirts of Oakhurst, as near as Kytes can tell, the community closest to the alleged location of this ancient ruin. You have stopped here to re-provision, and acquire more specific direction and information as to the location of the citadel.

Oakhurst is a quaint town, made up of simple wooden buildings, private dwellings have thatched rooves. The place probably houses something in the realm of a thousand souls, and is somewhat typical of a town far removed from heavy trade and the political machinery of civilization.

2022-02-08, 02:32 PM
“You’re sure about this Kytes?” Taeva asks the scholar as they make their way into town. Her scales, like small jagged pieces of obsidian, glimmer in the low light of the sun. She makes sure to keep her tail up and out of the way of wagons and the muck of the road.

“I guess let’s hit the tavern and see if we can gather any information there. And we can eat. I could eat a bear right now,” she says as she looks for something in town that looks like an inn.

big teej
2022-02-08, 09:31 PM

“Nothing in life is sure, Taeva.” Kytes answers cheerfully. “But, to address the spirit of your inquiry, yes, the evidence indicates that Oakhurst is our last port-of-call, so to speak, before arriving at the ruins themselves. We should have few difficulties in extracting the required information from these local yokels.” He looks around at the surroundings and outskirts of town, nodding to himself.

“It’s a hell of a long walk for nothing if you’re wrong.” Brokvar growls.

“Deadman’s got a point.” Mal chimes in before snorting loudly and spitting out the fruit of his labor.

Grigor and Akodo remain silent, Creed fills the silence “Well, let’s get on with it then, eh? The sooner we find out, the sooner we find out.” He gives Kytes a comradely slap on the back that nearly bowls the scholar over and then saunters down the road into town, whistling tunelessly.

“I reckon that’s probably it.” Creed says after a moment, pointing at a large, 2-storey building with a sign hanging from a post with a stylized boar’s head with a grey beard hanging from it.

2022-02-08, 09:53 PM
“That’s disgusting, Mal,” Taeva mutters. She makes her way with her comrades to the inn that Creed pointed out. She opens the door and carefully lowers her head to make sure she makes it through the door. There had been too many times she’d hit her horns on the wood in the last few years away from her homeland.

She glances around the tavern, looking for anyone notable before taking a seat at one of the tables. Teava winces as the chair buckles under her weight, but it holds.

big teej
2022-02-10, 07:17 AM
Ol Boar Tavern:

Mal just grins at your kindly observation before sauntering along into town after Creed.

Once inside the tavern, you find it sparsely populated, the workday not quite yet over for most of the surrounding farmers and shop keepers. A girl in a strategically tattered blouse under a leather jerkin and a simple skirt walks over to your crowded table.

"Evenin' strangers" She says warmly. "We've got salted sausage and walnut bread with a tankard of Perry, pottage an' ale, vegetable stew ana beer, and the house special; smoked boar an parsnip with beer. What all you all havin?"

glancing around after you and your party members place your order. You quickly recognize that out of all the patrons, it is you (and your team) who stick out. Everyone appears to be just plain folk.

2022-02-11, 12:38 AM
Realization dawns on Taeva. Not another adventurer in sight, huh? She nods at the waitress and orders the boar, just barely keeping her mouth from watering at the thought of food.

Once her huger is satiated, she stands and leans against the bar. “We’re looking for a little bit of information. Have you heard of the Sunless Citadel?” she asks the barkeep.

big teej
2022-02-11, 12:05 PM
Your question draws the attention of most of the handful of patrons scattered around the tavern. Between the barkeep, Garon, the serving girl, and those patrons, you learn the following...

The Old Road out of town to the west once ran by the nearby ruins, though no one knows why they're called 'the sunless citadel', or what they originally were. But the Old Road sees hardly any use nowadays, due to the goblin bandits that hae made their home in the ruins....

The Old Road runs along a devestated expanse of land called 'the ashen plain' Nothing lives there any longer, not even the restless dead.

The townsfolk consider it ill advised to go near the ruins, the cattleherds graze their stock closer and closer to town, scared of some new monsters plauging the area at night. No one has seen this new threat, nor do they leave discernable spore or sign, just people and cattle shredded and pierced by hundreds of dozens of needlelike claws.

About a month ago, some local adventurers, along with some traverlers, ventured off to delve into the ruins to confront the goblins and learn the secret of the magical fruit they sell to the town every summer and winter solstice... Nobody's seen or heard from them since.

The barkeep remembers the last time anyone asked about the Sunless Citadel, aside from the locals who've gone missing, about 13 years ago, a grim man named Belak stopped by, and he had a very large pet tree frog.

2022-02-11, 08:41 PM
“I see,” Taeva says after she gets all the information. “In that case, we’ll take rooms for the night, and we’ll set out in the morning for the ruins. Thank you for your help.”

She returns to the table and relays what she’s learned to her companions. “So I guess we’re going to slay some goblins, and something else I’m not familiar with. Can you think of anything that kills things with needle like claws that might live around here?” she asks the other six.

big teej
2022-02-12, 12:52 PM
Tavern Keeping:

"Not a problem, we'll add it to your tab and we can settle up in the morning." The barman says.

Kytes scoffs at the explanation of the monsters attacking the town. "With that little to go by, it could be literally anything. It's not even a riddle worth contemplating with that little information."

Akodo nods at the scholar's words, and adds, "This description does not match with any creature I have encountered."

Grigor frowns, crossing his arms and leaning back in his seat as he contemplates the description. "They said 'needle-like claws?" He asks for confirmation.

Brokval drains his mug and says "I don't care. I am not interested in tracking down and fighting anything 'tiny.' Especially anything so small it doesn't leave a trail." He punctuates with a belch and a wave to the waitress to bring more alcohol.

Mal glances at you and Brokval and shrugs. "Look. Hey. Are they paying us to figure it out? I don't see how this is our problem."

Grigor speaks up again, shaking his head. "No beast I've laid eyes upon leaves such a thing behind."

Creed glances around and also shrugs off the question about the monsters. "it's unfortunate, but if it's not goblins, I'm not sure what we're supposed to do about it. Wandering around unfamiliar hills huntin' for prey you wouldn't recognize if it was busy eating you doesn't sound like a good use of our talents."

The group is collectively dismissive about the goblins. "Unless they've got a pet ogre, or some hobknights, or a bugbear clan, or something else, a goblin warband shouldn't be much of an obstacle."

Kytes leans forward, more interested. "Tell me more about this 'magic fruit.' Goblins aren't particularly renowend for their adroit agriculture. I have heard nothing of this in my research."

Creed perks up at the mention of the previous adventuring party. "We should ask around if some of them was local boys. Might be some kinda reward for finding out what's happened to them."

Akodo nods slowly in agreement. "If their kin live, we should attempt to recover their bodies." He frowns. "Or something."

2022-02-13, 11:39 AM
Taeva puts a claw up to her chin, thinking. “I think Creed is right. We should find out if there might be a reward for finding the missing adventuring party. We would be killing several birds with one stone if we could solve the town’s goblin problem, figure out the mystery of the fruit, and find the missing party all at once in these ruins.”

She thumps her tail against the floorboards, rattling the table. Once the serving girl comes by to bring Brokval another ale, she asks her about the adventuring party. Were they local boys? Is there a reward for the return of them, or their bodies? Is there a reward for finding out about the fruit and ridding the town of the goblins?

big teej
2022-02-13, 12:31 PM
The waitress looks up at you, she blinks a few times, processing... you, before saying "two of 'em were. Kerowyn Hucrele's son and daughter, along with two out of towners I guess." She shrugs "You'd have to find Kerowyn and ask her, there's no one here who can go look for 'em, so I dunno what good i'd be to post a reward."

She frowns at the barrage of questions. "You'd have to talk to Mayor Leng about the goblins." She shrugs and heads off to see another patron.

2022-02-13, 05:59 PM
“Well, let’s sleep on it, then we can go talk to the mayor in the morning,” Teava says. “He’ll be able to tell us more, I hope.”

big teej
2022-02-15, 07:01 AM
Accommodations are crude, but comfortable for a town on the edge. As the locals clear out, the barman and waitress bring out several simple cots and set them up by the hearth and clear the tables and chairs from the area. The fireplace is stoked and built up again before the shop is closed down for the night.

"Breakfast will be biscuits and vegetable stew. I can get eggs for 2 silver." The waitress tells you before heading upstairs with the bartender and another woman who appears from the kitchen.

Akodo can't quite suppress a sigh and stands to leave. "I'm going to go find a rain barrel and wash. I will rejoin you presently."

Creed and Brokvar roll their eyes at the elf, who hasn't been satisfied with a tavern-stay yet. Mal ignores the three of them and strips out of his armor and getting situated in a bed of his own.

Kytes lights a candle he's retrieved from his pack and makes notes in a journal for sometime before retiring for the evening.

"I guess we have been on the road for a while." Grigor says, standing and picking a cot furthest from the fire, dragging it another foot or two away before settling in.

Barring any further conversation you wish to have with your fellow rat-catchers, the night passes uneventfully, you are woken by a combination of the sun and bustling in the kitchen.

2022-02-15, 10:09 PM
Taeva picks the cot that is closest to the fire, but sees Kytes writing in his journal. “Anything new and interesting Kytes?” she asks. She’s willing to entertain any conversation with him while she waits up for Akodo to return. Once he’s back, she’ll turn in for the night.

big teej
2022-02-16, 10:06 PM
Kytes mutters to himself for a moment before making a last stroke on the page with a flourish and looking up at you. The candlelight plays oddly in his eyes. He blinks and the effect is gone. "Nothing of note." He says with a faint smile. "Merely updating the logbook with our most recent activities and learnings." He makes a sweeping gesture at the Inn.

After about ten minutes, Akodo returns and efficiently strips out of his armor and lays down on an open cot.

2022-02-18, 01:39 PM
Taeva wakes with the sun, and then waits for her companions to awaken. She pays the innkeep whatever is owned, then gets together with her party. "So, the mayor's house first? To find out of there are any rewards for clearing out the ruins?"

She asks the innkeep where she can find the mayor's house, and then makes her way there, once again keeping her tail high and out of the muck of the road.

big teej
2022-02-18, 07:23 PM
Taeva wakes with the sun, and then waits for her companions to awaken. She pays the innkeep whatever is owned, then gets together with her party. "So, the mayor's house first? To find out of there are any rewards for clearing out the ruins?"

She asks the innkeep where she can find the mayor's house, and then makes her way there, once again keeping her tail high and out of the muck of the road.

"I don't think they're going to pay us for something we're going to do anyway." Creed says, but doesn't otherwise object to visiting the mayor.

The barrman collects what he's owed and directs you to 'the large house next to the jail at the end of the road, can't miss it. jails' the big ugly stone building."

Once there, you are greeted by a raven-haired beauty of age wearing a finely made, but threadbare dress. Once you explain your purposes, she looks over your group, her eyes lingering for a moment on Akodo before she gives a passable curtsy and says "Please wait a moment, I'll fetch fa-The Mayor." She closes the door and locks it and you hear her stride away from the door.

After several minutes, you hear a door open and slam shut and a heavy, purposeful tread rounds the corner of the house. A fair-skinned human with silver'd temples creeping up his shock of black hair and a trimmed and shaped silver mustache. He is dressed in black leather breeches and a pale green linen shirt beneath a black vest, like the woman's dress, once of fine make, but threadbare and faded.

"I am Vurnor Leng, vassal of Magravine Albray, if she still lives.... I am the appointed mayor of Oakhurst. To what do I owe the pleasure?" He announces, clasping his hands behind his back, eyes narrowed against the rising sun. His tone is polite.

2022-02-19, 09:13 AM
Taeva inclines her head to the mayor. "Thank you for agreeing to meet with us, Mayor Leng. We happened to be traveling through and heard that the town has had several problems with some ruins outside of town, and we were wondering if there was any reward associated with clearing them out."

big teej
2022-02-19, 02:06 PM
"The goblins keep to themselves, except to peddle their magic apples every solstice." Leng says. "Well, they leave the town alone. Trade along the Old Road has completely dried up thanks to them. I could see my way around providing some form of compensation for any heads you bring back to town. I would be willing to inconvenience myself to compensate you further if you had proof the raids will stop for good."

He pauses a moment and then adds. "I have no objection to granting you salvage rights to whatever plunder you might find in the gods-forsaken place." He shrugs.

2022-02-19, 07:06 PM
Taeva nods at the mayor’s words. “This is acceptable. Could also point us in the direction of the Kerowyn house. While we're there we might as well investigate the locals that went missing." She half turns to her companions. “Did anyone else have any questions while we were here?”

big teej
2022-02-19, 07:54 PM
Leng stifles a smirk and raises his left arm and points across the street to another large, fancy (for the area) house. "Kerowyn may be at home if she hasn't decided to run the general store herself today. I wish you better luck on your... expedition than those who went 'afore you."

Leng nods to you, and turns and heads back into his house.

Now that you're alone on the stoop once again, your companions look around and at each other.

"Look, I think we should've just took right off straight for the ruins, we don't need to be dancin' all over town letting people know what we're up to." Mal says with a frown.

Brokval shrugs at the tiefling's paranoid ramblings. "We haven't learned anything new about the monsters in the ruins. Sure, we've used up some daylight, but they'll still be waiting for us when we get there."

Grigor pipes in "I'm not sure we need to worry about advertising our intention... nobody of our ilk's been through here since the previous expedition."

Creed piles on further, saying "It's better that many know, that way more people know the truth when we come back and claim we've routed the goblins within. why work twice as hard for half the renown?"

Akodo frowns at the others and simply states "We should speak with Kerowyn before we leave town. As I said last night, if it is possible to honor the family's wishes in some fashion, we should endeavor to do so."

Kytes stares at the general store and muses aloud "We should also take advantage of this last chance to stock up." He wheezes out a dry chuckle. "maybe at a discount when we tell her we're gonna find her babies."

2022-02-19, 08:41 PM
"I agree with you all. Akodo-san, Kytes, let's pay a visit to the Kerowyn's," Teava says. "Would everyone else like to visit the store? See what there is to supplement what we have?"

She crosses the street and knocks on the door to the Kerowyn's house, then steps back, so as not to scare whoever answers.

big teej
2022-02-20, 09:59 PM
"Yeah, Yeah, sure sure, we'll clear off so we don't scare the poor ol merchant matron." Mal says, putting his hands on Brokvar and Creed's shoulders. He juts his horned head down the street. Grigor, behind him, rolls his eyes. "We'll see you at the edge of town." He says and turns to follow the others.

The door opens and a hard-faced woman with more grey than black in her hair opens the door. She wears a simple apron over trousers and tunic, and her hair is pulled back into a ponytail. Her clothes look well made, and brass bangles jingle on each of her wrists, a warm counterpoint to the cooler silver gracing many of her fingers.

"Yes?" She asks, somewhere between curiosity and irritation.

2022-02-22, 07:45 AM
Teava inclines her head to the woman. “Good morning. We three are adventurers, and we heard that your children had gone to confront the goblins about some kind of magical fruit that they sell? I was wondering if you had more information to give us.”

big teej
2022-02-24, 06:54 AM
"You heard wrong." Kerowyn says tersely. "Talgen and Sherwyn had no interest in those cursed apples, least not since the solstice was still two months off when they went." She shakes her head. "No. They'd gotten it into their foolish heads that they'd rather delve into the dark and forgotten places of the world, poke about in nonsense best left buried, and make more money, faster, than taking up the family trade." Kerowyn says in a bitter tone.

She takes a deep breath and sighs. "It's been a month and there's been no sign of them. They went with a rough looking man named Karakas and a Knight who passed through town. His name was Sir Bradford, he had a fancy magic sword." She pauses. Frowns. "Even I thought they'd be fine, it was just a bunch of stupid goblins. They'd met with success pulling a few trinkets out of a--" Her eyes dart to Akodo. "--another ruin nearby."

She looks up, into your eyes, and says "If you can find them and bring them back, or at least their signet rings, I'll pay you one hundred and twenty-five gold per ring. I'll double it if you bring them back in good shape."

"If there's nothing else, I need to be about minding the store."

2022-02-25, 01:36 PM
Taeva inclines her head again. “Thank you for the information.” She turns and heads toward the edge of town. “You we’re right Kytes. 125 gold for a couple of rings? Even better if we can find them.”

“And we can give her closure,” she says to Akodo.

She meets the rest of her companions in the edge of town. “We ready to go?”

big teej
2022-03-04, 05:14 PM
"We are." Mal answers for the group.

The Old Road is overgrown, and winds through rocky hills, stands of old-growth oak, and a single, lonely, abandoned farm shack. The road is empty except for you and your companions. It takes several hours to cover the distance between Oakhurst and the supposed resting place of The Sunless Citadel.

The Old Road passes to the east of a narrow ravine. At the road's closest approach tot he cleft, several broken pillars jut from the earth where the ravine widens and opens into something more akin to a deep, but narrow, canyon. Two of the pillars stand straight, but most of them lean against the sloped earth. Others are broken, and several have apparently fallen into the darkness-shrouded depths. A few similar pillars are visible on the opposite side of the ravine.