View Full Version : Ridiculous Swarmkeeper ideas:

mabriss lethe
2022-02-08, 11:15 AM
It seems that the Swarmkeeper Ranger has near infinite potential for ridiculous character concepts. I've come up with/ seen a few absolute gems that I'd thought to share, and I'd like to see what sort of silly character concepts the rest of you could come up with:

- Disney Princess (just add musical proficiency)
-Doctor BEES!
-Pikmen controller
-a discworld style witch accompanied by a horde of Nac Mac Feegles.
-A bunch of critters in a trenchcoat that just happens to leak.

2022-02-08, 11:19 AM
Wrennet, my Swarmkeeper Wildhunt Shifter who is a cheesemaker and connoisseur has a swarm that is made up us tiny spectral biting cows and goats (with the addition of any new creature he finds that he can make cheese from).

DM has let me use the swarm to extract milk and make new cheeses. It is his life's goal to find the perfect cheese for everyone he meets, although Medic his Warforged companion, who doesn't need to eat, has become a particularly challenging case.

2022-02-08, 11:24 AM
One of my characters was a Stars Druid/ranger multiclass with a jar of goop with some dirt mixed in it. When she did Stars-y stuff, the dirt glowed, so it kinda looked like a night sky.

DM let me respec her to just Swarmkeeper recently. Now the jar is broken and the goop is her swarm. Looks like she's at the center of a galaxy. It's sick.

2022-02-08, 11:32 AM
Chickens. Be the cucco keeper they all fear. Flavor your shield as just having a chicken taped to the front that gets angry every time it is hit. Ask your DM if you can flavor all your attacks as swarms of chickens, swap out the cost of arrows for the cost of feed to throw at an enemy.


2022-02-08, 11:35 AM
Dhampire and his army of mosquitoes.

Yuan-ti with a swarm of flying snakes.

A club-wielding ranger with a swarm of bats. "I am...bat-man!"

A "dainty" half-orc maiden who skips through the fields surrounded by butterflies, wielding a greataxe and whose swarm's wings are actually razor-sharp.

Tiefling with a swarm of fire mephits.

2022-02-08, 11:41 AM
Crazy cat lady that throws cats (daggers) at people.

Bonus points if she speaks Deep Speech

2022-02-08, 11:43 AM
We had a Warforged swarmkeeper who was a Dwarven-built mobile meadery (complete with bees)

2022-02-08, 11:47 AM
Cloud of animated knives, fey arrowheads or razor-sharp leaves/flower petals

Spectral teeth/jaws

Constant breeze (visible as anime-style wisps/lines)

Vibrant Butterflies/Moths

Joe the Rat
2022-02-08, 12:29 PM
Little cartoon birdies that circle your opponent's heads when they take a hit, then start pecking. Or extra-pointy cartoon stars.


Chickens. Be the cucco keeper they all fear. Flavor your shield as just having a chicken taped to the front that gets angry every time it is hit. Ask your DM if you can flavor all your attacks as swarms of chickens, swap out the cost of arrows for the cost of feed to throw at an enemy.

Folk Hero Swarmkeeper: Return of the Chicken-Infested Commoner!

2022-02-08, 01:07 PM
Little cartoon birdies that circle your opponent's heads when they take a hit, then start pecking. Or extra-pointy cartoon stars.

I love this one!