View Full Version : Pathinfinder 1st Edition Character ideas

2022-02-09, 01:48 PM
Good evening everyone, so i have a problem:
My group decided to play Pathfinder and (sadly) first edition wich i am not an expert at.
So i wanted to ask for strong and funny mono-class character ideas.
All classes (except summoner) as well as, hybrid classes and specialisations are fine as well as most races (up to 15 race points) but sadly no multiclassing.

I would love to hear your thoughts on it.
Thank you very much for your help!

2022-02-09, 03:16 PM
The Mod Ogre: Moved.

Kurald Galain
2022-02-09, 03:31 PM
Well, my favorite class is the Magus (see guide in my signature). Is there anything in particular you're looking for? Melee strikers, tanks, gishes, arcane controllers, buffer bards, combat healers, something else? And of course, what level?

El Dorado
2022-02-09, 04:18 PM
Do you have a specific character concept you want to play? Any favorite classes from other editions? Any classes you don't like?

Draconi Redfir
2022-02-09, 04:52 PM
So i wanted to ask for strong and funny mono-class character ideas.

I can't confirm "Strong", as most of these character ideas have not been played yet. but here's a few I've had in the back of my mind waiting for a chance in the spotlight.

Bill, Expenda: A long line of sons of all different classes born from a single "Bill Prime". Prime is a botched Oracle, someone who was chosen by the gods to be a hero, but went against them. He was given a curse / blessing that he would only die after the death of his last living son. So he travelled the world siring as many children as possible to maximize the number of sons he could get. For some reason, all of his sons are also named Bill Expenda, (Or "Expenda Bill" in some countries). You play as one of his many sons. The sons were all given a shared dream from the goddess Pharasma: They must seek death so that the gods can finally kill their betrayer of a father. But suicide is not an option, they must die in honorable combat or other heroic / heroic-adjacent deed. In exchange, their families and loved ones will be taken care of with blessings from the gods, and the sons may get the chance to reincarnate into a new life once their father has died properly. When a son dies, roll a 1d100 + the number of dead Bills. If you roll a total of 100 or higher, bring in the Oracle Bill Prime and tell the DM to kill him as quickly and as brutally as possible. If it is not a 100, a new son teleports into a nearby location with a surge of memories from his dead brother, filling him in on the immediate situation and objective. This son can be a different age, class, have different items, and maybe be a different half-human race.

Pros: Interesting and unique, get to try out multiple different classess.
Cons: You need to make and update a LOT of character sheets.

Log thrower: It's just a fighter with maxed out Strength who is specialized in throwing logs at his opponents, sometimes using specialized logs that allies can latch onto to be positioned further into combat.

Pro: Simple enough in concept
Con: Might be hard to execute, Thrown-weapon options may be limited.

Link: The hero of hyrule. A human, elf, or half-elf Paladin or fighter, goal is to eventually get him an adamantine shield and a silver longsword with the "Holy" enchantment and/or a "Bane" enchantment aimed at Evil outsiders.

Pros: Simple build and concept
Cons: Reliant on expensive and magical equipment to get the theme really going.

"I am Joel, high priest of Joel": A cleric who is 100% convinced that he is a god, and worships himself as such. Perhaps low intelligence to reflect this. At the beginning of the game, his "Spells" are mundane tricks in flavor. "Cure light wounds" is just a bandaid, and "Blindness/deafness" is described as blowing a horn or throwing dirt into someone's eyes. Mechanically, nothing changes about the spells. As the game progresses, the Cleric attempts to recruit others into worshiping him. Perhaps by later levels, his spells begin becoming actually magical flavor-wise as he gains more worshipers. "My blessings be upon you child, hallowed be my name."

Pros: It's just a re-flavored cleric with an ego.
Cons: Might require a leadership feat to gain followers, DM might not allow it if they interpret this as "Trying to make a new god" like mine did.

Archer Paladin: It's just a paladin that focuses on Bows instead of swords.
Pros: That's it.
Cons: That's it.

*Dies of 1d4 breathing damage*: Human (Elf might work better) Wizard, Cleric, or Oracle with as low a CON as possible. Reduce it if using point buy, give it the lowest roll if you can get if using d6's, make it Venerable age, and anything else you can stack onto it to make it's constitution as low as possible. It's a very egotistical old coot. Has a bet with Pharasma that he can live to the maximum possible age of his race without magical assistance. Pharasma is not allowed to directly intervene to cause his death prematurely. If he (or she) wins, they get to become Pharasma's consort. If they loose... ????
Pros: Funny
Cons: Has no Con.

4th wall breaker: A character of any class that is maxing up Wisdom to as high as possible through any means. As the game progresses and their wisdom gets higher, they slowly begin to notice and see past the 4th wall. It begins with just mere flashes of "Giants" in their vision, to a realization that the world doesn't make sense, to full on seeing the players talk about the game. Eventually they're talking mad about being inside a game, using game related terms in-character, and knowing far too much.

Pros: Can be combined with the Low-Con character idea.
Cons: Might drive your fellow players a bit mad.

Aaand that seems like enough for now.

2022-02-10, 04:39 AM
Do you have a specific character concept you want to play? Any favorite classes from other editions? Any classes you don't like?

Well the issue here is that i was usually multiclassing, so i mainly built high dps or nova builds (depending on what was needed). Most of the time i took on paladin or sorcerer in order to do that.
I guess i wont really make a good backliner so i would probably opt more for a frontline hard hitting kind of char.
From wehat i saw tho the paladins smite works very different then what i am used to in this edition....

2022-02-10, 04:41 AM
Well, my favorite class is the Magus (see guide in my signature). Is there anything in particular you're looking for? Melee strikers, tanks, gishes, arcane controllers, buffer bards, combat healers, something else? And of course, what level?

I will have a look at that build for sure. We start at either lvl 3 or 5 and lvl cap is..... well as long as we can play we will lvl up theres not really a cap that we are aiming for. As for preferences i sort of stated them in a different comment :)

2022-02-10, 04:42 AM
I can't confirm "Strong", as most of these character ideas have not been played yet. but here's a few I've had in the back of my mind waiting for a chance in the spotlight.

Bill, Expenda: A long line of sons of all different classes born from a single "Bill Prime". Prime is a botched Oracle, someone who was chosen by the gods to be a hero, but went against them. He was given a curse / blessing that he would only die after the death of his last living son. So he travelled the world siring as many children as possible to maximize the number of sons he could get. For some reason, all of his sons are also named Bill Expenda, (Or "Expenda Bill" in some countries). You play as one of his many sons. The sons were all given a shared dream from the goddess Pharasma: They must seek death so that the gods can finally kill their betrayer of a father. But suicide is not an option, they must die in honorable combat or other heroic / heroic-adjacent deed. In exchange, their families and loved ones will be taken care of with blessings from the gods, and the sons may get the chance to reincarnate into a new life once their father has died properly. When a son dies, roll a 1d100 + the number of dead Bills. If you roll a total of 100 or higher, bring in the Oracle Bill Prime and tell the DM to kill him as quickly and as brutally as possible. If it is not a 100, a new son teleports into a nearby location with a surge of memories from his dead brother, filling him in on the immediate situation and objective. This son can be a different age, class, have different items, and maybe be a different half-human race.

Pros: Interesting and unique, get to try out multiple different classess.
Cons: You need to make and update a LOT of character sheets.

Log thrower: It's just a fighter with maxed out Strength who is specialized in throwing logs at his opponents, sometimes using specialized logs that allies can latch onto to be positioned further into combat.

Pro: Simple enough in concept
Con: Might be hard to execute, Thrown-weapon options may be limited.

Link: The hero of hyrule. A human, elf, or half-elf Paladin or fighter, goal is to eventually get him an adamantine shield and a silver longsword with the "Holy" enchantment and/or a "Bane" enchantment aimed at Evil outsiders.

Pros: Simple build and concept
Cons: Reliant on expensive and magical equipment to get the theme really going.

"I am Joel, high priest of Joel": A cleric who is 100% convinced that he is a god, and worships himself as such. Perhaps low intelligence to reflect this. At the beginning of the game, his "Spells" are mundane tricks in flavor. "Cure light wounds" is just a bandaid, and "Blindness/deafness" is described as blowing a horn or throwing dirt into someone's eyes. Mechanically, nothing changes about the spells. As the game progresses, the Cleric attempts to recruit others into worshiping him. Perhaps by later levels, his spells begin becoming actually magical flavor-wise as he gains more worshipers. "My blessings be upon you child, hallowed be my name."

Pros: It's just a re-flavored cleric with an ego.
Cons: Might require a leadership feat to gain followers, DM might not allow it if they interpret this as "Trying to make a new god" like mine did.

Archer Paladin: It's just a paladin that focuses on Bows instead of swords.
Pros: That's it.
Cons: That's it.

*Dies of 1d4 breathing damage*: Human (Elf might work better) Wizard, Cleric, or Oracle with as low a CON as possible. Reduce it if using point buy, give it the lowest roll if you can get if using d6's, make it Venerable age, and anything else you can stack onto it to make it's constitution as low as possible. It's a very egotistical old coot. Has a bet with Pharasma that he can live to the maximum possible age of his race without magical assistance. Pharasma is not allowed to directly intervene to cause his death prematurely. If he (or she) wins, they get to become Pharasma's consort. If they loose... ????
Pros: Funny
Cons: Has no Con.

4th wall breaker: A character of any class that is maxing up Wisdom to as high as possible through any means. As the game progresses and their wisdom gets higher, they slowly begin to notice and see past the 4th wall. It begins with just mere flashes of "Giants" in their vision, to a realization that the world doesn't make sense, to full on seeing the players talk about the game. Eventually they're talking mad about being inside a game, using game related terms in-character, and knowing far too much.

Pros: Can be combined with the Low-Con character idea.
Cons: Might drive your fellow players a bit mad.

Aaand that seems like enough for now.

I mean roleplay wise some of those seem pretty fun, not sure if they wil fit my char in the end but i will keep them in mind ^^

2022-02-10, 07:31 AM
Dos any of you know if its possible to get the "spellcasting" trait onto paladins? I would love to use a certain prstige class with it but it has "Spellcasting: Ability to cast 1st-level arcane spells without preparation." as a requisition....

Kurald Galain
2022-02-10, 07:42 AM
Dos any of you know if its possible to get the "spellcasting" trait onto paladins? I would love to use a certain prstige class with it but it has "Spellcasting: Ability to cast 1st-level arcane spells without preparation." as a requisition....

Dip a level in bard? There are many archetypes, so some of them may be useful for your paladin. In addition it opens a ton of utility, as it lets you use a lot of different scrolls and gives you more class skills.

2022-02-10, 08:08 AM
Dip a level in bard? There are many archetypes, so some of them may be useful for your paladin. In addition it opens a ton of utility, as it lets you use a lot of different scrolls and gives you more class skills.

The issue is we aren't allowed to multiclass. So I need to find a race, trait, feat or subclass/subrace that gives me delivering... it annoys me as well but those are the campaign rules

Kurald Galain
2022-02-10, 08:14 AM
The issue is we aren't allowed to multiclass. So I need to find a race, trait, feat or subclass/subrace that gives me delivering... it annoys me as well but those are the campaign rules

I don't think those exist. You can easily get an arcane spell-like ability and you can ask your GM if he lets that meet the prereq of "ability to cast arcane spells", but officially it doesn't.

What PRC, anyway? And why do you think an arcane casting PRC is a good fit for a paladin, when it will stop scaling all your paladin class features?

Draconi Redfir
2022-02-10, 08:35 AM
It might not be allowed due to the whole no-multiclassing rule. But there is the Variant Multiclassing option, (you can find it on this page if you scroll down enough (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/character-advancement/)) What it boils down too is that you're still your main class, but you sacrifice half your feats from levelling up for a secondary class feature from another class.

For the Wizard VMC, you get 1st level spells from your chosen school at level 7. this sounds like it'd qualify you for having arcane spellcasting.


Downside is you can't just stop there, you need to keep going with the VMC and sacrifice future feats as well.

other then that though, not sure of any options. had a quick look through the hybrid-class list but nothing there is a mix of paladin, or any kind of arcane / divine combo. Except for maybe the Shaman who is a mix of Oracle and Witch. But it seems to have primarily arcane magic, and nothing quite paladin-like.

Kurald Galain
2022-02-10, 09:07 AM
For the Wizard VMC, you get 1st level spells from your chosen school at level 7. this sounds like it'd qualify you for having arcane spellcasting.
No, you get the 1st level powers from your chosen school, such as the diviner's ability to negate surprise. Powers aren't spells.

2022-02-10, 09:13 AM
Archer Paladin: It's just a paladin that focuses on Bows instead of swords.
Pros: That's it.
Cons: That's it.
Divine Hunter Archetype. That's it.

2022-02-10, 11:29 AM
I am not really after the casting aspect or it. The PRC offers 2 things I wanted:
1. The stacking natural armor
2. (Wich us the deal maker) it's ability to turn into a dragon.
Now I know that you will probably say it's not worth and you are probably right but I kinda like the idea of a paladin dragon.
I wouldn't care about the delivering at all of it wasn't requisition.

Kurald Galain
2022-02-10, 11:50 AM
2. (Wich us the deal maker) it's ability to turn into a dragon.

There we go. Try for bloodrager with the draconic bloodline, that's probably the most straightforward way to do that.

Draconi Redfir
2022-02-10, 12:13 PM
No, you get the 1st level powers from your chosen school, such as the diviner's ability to negate surprise. Powers aren't spells.

ah, dang i must have misread that. Sorry.