View Full Version : Giantslayer: GM's Battle Book [GMBB]

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2022-02-12, 04:51 PM
This is my GM's Battle Book for the two-player Giantslayer (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?651655-Giantslayer-The-Hill-Giant-s-Pledge-IC) campaign [IC].

If you are a player in that game, turn back in fear and dread!

2022-02-12, 05:04 PM
Only a block or two after the PCs leave the Ramblehouse, there is a chorus of higher-pitched, growling voices. Three smaller wolves with signs of obvious physical distress stand, blocking the street as other people carefully back off and away. They stand and snarl at the PCs in front of them.

Begin Round One ...

R1T22: Cici, who was in the front with Aasgar because she knows where to go, says, "These wolves are young, about as powerful as a companion dog. But they seem to be suffering from disease. Go defensive. Don't let them bite you, if you can. But there's no saving them. They need to be put down."

She casts a spell of magical armor about herself that is only seen as a brief bluish-white shimmer before disappearing. She then steps behind Imrijka and Abenor while taking out a strange blade that Aasgar has never seen before.

R1T21: Too diseased for the normal show of dominance and aggression, one of the wolves in the back just closes into the mass of heroes standing together. Aasgar is completely surprised, but his armor holds firm against the attack of the small wolf.

R1T20: Aasgar, you have no weapons in hand (all stowed, walking carefully and nonthreateningly down a town street). What do you do?

Cici: 22.
* Mage armor for 3 hours.
Red Wolf: 21. (16:16).
Aasgar: 20.
Blue Wolf: 15. (16:16).
Green Wolf: 12. (16:16).
Imrijka: 11.
Abenor: 10.

2022-02-13, 02:40 PM
R1T20: Aasgar takes on a defensive stance before shouting out instructions of warning to the others. Now that the flow of battle is upon him, Aasgar gets an insight of how to try to read where a wolf reacts to pain to strike a merciful killing blow there.

R1T15-12: The two other wolves close on Aasgar, one of them charging, but his stance and armor keep them at bay.

R1T11: Imrijka steps back and away, taking out her finely crafted composite longbow, and casts a spell upon herself. That done, she looks upon the wolves. "May Pharasma allow me deadly accuracy to end your misery quickly, wolves."

R1T10: Abenor steps into the middle of the street, getting into a lunging stance as he quick draws Ileor in a smooth strike that drops the first wolf (22 on crit) to then continue past to the wolf beyond for 18, dropping that one as well.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T22: Cici casts a spell on her hand, electricity arcing all around it. She steps forward over the first fallen wolf and reaches at the last one. Her touch does 21 electricity, dropping the wolf.

Given that these wolves cannot be saved, the party performs CDGs on the wolves.

Combat Ends ...

HEROES: +4 morale bonus to AC til R2T20.
Cici: 22.
* Mage armor for 3 hours.
Red Wolf: 21. (-6:16). DYING!!!
Aasgar: 20. Circular stance.
Blue Wolf: 15. (-2:16). DYING!!!
Green Wolf: 12. (-5:16). DYING!!!
Imrijka: 11. Bow in hand. Expeditious retreat til R41T11. Destruction judgment (+2 dmg, not on sheet).
Abenor: 10. Katana in hand.

2022-03-07, 02:41 AM
Aasgar moved to the door, but unlocked it from this side (not yet open).

Begin Round One ...

R1T28: Abenor looks at Aasgar and smiles, shrugging to show the two daggers in his hand, meaning a) Aasgar is the only one with an open hand, and b) he would have had to drop a dagger to open the door previously, anyway. He steps behind Aasgar while getting into his reaching blade stance and readies an action to stab past Aasgar if needed when the door opens.

R1T19: Aasgar, you have a dagger in hand. Do you open the door? What else might you do?

Abenor: 28. Two daggers in hand. Reaching blade stance. READIED to use disarming shot at the first enemy that appears.
FTA (Red): 21. (16:16). Spirit sensing stance. Nothing in hand.
Aasgar: 19. Dagger in hand.
FTA (Blue): 18. (16:16).
FTA (Brown): 17. (16:16).
FTA (Green): 16. (16:16).
Imrijka: 15. Asleep.

Liquid Blade (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment/weapons/Alchemical-weapons/#Liquid_Blade).

2022-03-07, 03:31 AM
R1T19: Aasgar nods to Abenor and shifts his footing before looking back and swinging the door open. There is nobody directly there, but two to each side of the doorway that he sees. Aasgar focuses on the one to his left (south), and there is a flash from the diadem. It doesn't look like it did anything, as most of the flash was caught by the wall.

R1T18-16: "Bollocks!" says one, but being careful not to shout. Though Aasgar doesn't see the ones around the corner too well, it seems that they do adopt a combat stance. One steps forward into view, but as soon as he does, Abenorthrows a dagger but it goes high so as not to reach his otherwise stubby friend. The one that moved in front of the doorway attacks Aasgar with what looks like a canister held as a hilt, and a short blade (like a short sword) sized, irregular patch of ice just forth from that canister. He stabs at Aasgar, who blocks it with his own dagger. The one around the corner that Aasgar tried to daze tries to stab at him with a similar weapon, but has a hard time of it because of the wall.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T21: There is a strange bubbling sound coming from around the corner and to the north.

R2T19: Aasgar, what do you do?

Abenor on deck, enemies in the hole ...

FTA (Red): 21. (16:16). Spirit sensing stance. Liquid blade + centipede poison.
Aasgar: 19. Dagger in hand. Circular stance.
Abenor: 19.5. One dagger in hand. Reaching blade stance.
FTA (Blue): 18. (16:16). Spirit sensing stance. Liquid blade + centipede poison.
FTA (Brown): 17. (16:16). Spirit sensing stance. Liquid blade + centipede poison.
FTA (Green): 16. (16:16). Spirit sensing stance. Liquid blade + centipede poison.
Imrijka: 15. Asleep.

Liquid Blade (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment/weapons/Alchemical-weapons/#Liquid_Blade).

2022-03-07, 04:39 AM
R2T19: Aasgar perceives the one wielding the ice weapon as the most dangerous so attacks that one with his dagger, hoping to open a space to step into so Abenor can join him in the hall. He stabs his dagger into his right upper arm, likely in the artery, for 8.

R2T18.5: Abenor normally prefers to unsheathe his Ileor in combination with an attack, but he needed the light and hadn't picked up his scabbard, so he does what he can, but misses wildly attacking over Aaasgar.

R2T18-16: Blue seemed to not take all of the damage Aasgar laid on him at first, but now the rest of the wound is felt (4). He stabs Aasgar in the left elbow for 4. Aasgar feels a momentary sting of a poison that was delivered, but otherwise doesn't sense anything else. Blue then steps north out of the way. Green attacks Aasgar from around the corner, but the wall again fouls his attack.

R2T19: Aasgar, there is a gap there to step into, and you prepared for just this sort of fight with circular stance. What do you do?

Abenor on deck, Enemies in the hole ...

FTA (Red): 21. (16:16). Spirit sensing stance. Liquid blade + centipede poison. DELAYING!!!
Aasgar: 19. Dagger in hand. Circular stance.
Abenor: 18.5. Ileor in hand. Reaching blade stance.
FTA (Blue) (m): 18. (4:16). Spirit sensing stance. Liquid blade.
FTA (Brown): 17. (16:16). Spirit sensing stance. Liquid blade + centipede poison. DELAYING!!!
FTA (Green) (m): 16. (16:16). Spirit sensing stance. Liquid blade + centipede poison.
Imrijka: 15. Asleep.

Liquid Blade (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment/weapons/Alchemical-weapons/#Liquid_Blade).

2022-03-07, 05:32 AM
R2T19: Aasgar steps out into the open spot and strikes again at Blue, stabbing him in the chest for 6.

R2T18.5: Abenor reaches out and past Aasgar to thwack Green in the nuts with his hand, causing Green to double over ... still fighting, but feeling it.

R2T18-16: Blue does something that you've seen Abenor do (though he no longer favors this attack), and that is to stab at you, but for a split-second step out-of-and-back-into reality so that when his weapon lands, Aasgar isn't ready for it. He hits Aasgar where he did earlier, in the right elbow, but the dwarf shrugs it off. Blue steps back, but the pain of his wounds catches up to him (4) and he is now disabled. Aasgar notes a woman to the south, waiting; she has one of these ice-blades. So does Green, in fact; he tries some fancy footwork (that doesn't avail him) and stabs at Aasgar, missing.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T21: A different (man), also with ice-blade, moves south to engage Aasgar, but Aasgar blocks his attack.

R3T19: Aasgar, what do you do?

Abenor on deck, Enemies in the hole ...

FTA (Red) (m): 21. (16:16). Spirit sensing stance. Liquid blade + centipede poison.
Aasgar: 19. Dagger in hand. Circular stance.
Abenor: 18.5. Ileor in hand. Reaching blade stance.
FTA (Blue) (m): 18. (0:16). Spirit sensing stance. Liquid blade. DDP: 0. DISABLED!!!
FTA (Brown) (f): 17. (16:16). Spirit sensing stance. Liquid blade + centipede poison. DELAYING!!!
FTA (Green) (m): 16. (16:16). Spirit sensing stance. Liquid blade + centipede poison. SICKENED til R3T18.5!!!
Imrijka: 15. Asleep.

Liquid Blade (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment/weapons/Alchemical-weapons/#Liquid_Blade).

2022-03-07, 07:35 AM
R4T19: Aasgar mutters, "Should have grabbed my axe. We'd be done by now..." and swings at blue again with his dagger in a stylized maneuver, missing, but getting inspiration (strike of the infinite protector). His action done, he begins to feel the previously withheld pain (14).

R4T18.5: Abenor's anger at seeing his friend surrounded causes him to give over to the Hunter. He puts two hands on his katana and strikes at Green with a crit to the groin for 16, instantly disabling him. Abenor, takes advantage of Aasgar's temporarily lower profile from his dagger strike to swing through to Red to crit him as well with a weapon strike that does 19 and drops Red and completely shatters his ice blade. Abenor moves past Aasgar to stand over the now downed opponent.

R4T18: Green withdraws south and east, but a second later there is a tumbling noise and the sound of heavy ice shattering. Brown, who was chilling out this whole time, wants no part of this and heads south and east around the corner after Green. Blue feels previous wounds overcome him, and he falls as well, ending any active enemy combatant action.

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T19: Aasgar, what do you do? You know Abenor well enough that when the Hunter takes over, he will run an enemy down, tapping into a primal fury to give him speed and animal senses. On the other hand, you also have three dead or dying people in front of you.

Abenor's turn ...

FTA (Red) (m): 21. (-12:16). Spirit sensing stance. Liquid blade + centipede poison. DYING!!!
Aasgar: 19. Dagger in hand. Circular stance.
Abenor: 18.5. Ileor in hand. Reaching blade stance. RAGE (sheet not updated)!!!
FTA (Blue) (m): 18. (-4:16). Spirit sensing stance. Liquid blade. DYING!!!
FTA (Green) (m): 16. (-4:16). Spirit sensing stance. Liquid blade + centipede poison. DYING!!!
Imrijka: 15. Asleep.

Liquid Blade (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment/weapons/Alchemical-weapons/#Liquid_Blade).

2022-03-07, 11:07 PM
R5T19: Aasgar bellows at the top of his lungs, "Cham!!! Send for the militia and a doctor!!! There's been an attack!!!" He goes to the closest downed person - the man that Abenor stands astride - to attempt to stabilize them as best he can. Even with his help, Red still seems to be bleeding out.

R5T18.5: Abenor changes into his Hunter's stance. He steps off of Aasgar's back as Aasgar is bent down to help the fallen and he races south, smashing through the window. Other than glass, Aasgar doesn't really hear the sound of bodily impact, so either he just didn't hear, or that is a good sign.

End Round 5, Begin Round 6 ...

R6T19: Aasgar, your patient isn't doing well. What do you do?

FTA (Red) (m): 21. (-13:16). Spirit sensing stance. Liquid blade + centipede poison. DYING!!!
Aasgar: 19. Dagger in hand. Circular stance.
Abenor: 18.5. Ileor in hand. Reaching blade stance. RAGE (sheet not updated)!!!
FTA (Blue) (m): 18. (-4:16). Spirit sensing stance. Liquid blade. STABLE!!!
FTA (Green) (m): 16. (-5:16). Spirit sensing stance. Liquid blade + centipede poison. DYING!!!
Imrijka: 15. Asleep. Bow in hand.

2022-03-08, 11:30 AM
R6T19: Feeling at his head he mutters "Why can't these things heal! Damn!" He then forgets he is outside his own room - probably because he is still sleepy - and dashes south to a stairwell, down which he sees an unmoving assailant. He realizes he went the wrong way and heads back, finishing right back where he started, and looking east into his room.

End Round 6, Begin Round 7 ...

R7T19: Aasgar, what do you do?

Aasgar: 19. Dagger in hand. Circular stance.
Abenor: 18.5. Ileor in hand. Reaching blade stance. RAGE (sheet not updated)!!!
FTA (Blue) (m): 18. (-4:16). Spirit sensing stance. Liquid blade. STABLE!!!
FTA (Green) (m): 16. (-6:16). Spirit sensing stance. Liquid blade + centipede poison. DYING!!!
Imrijka: 15. Asleep. Bow in hand.

2022-03-09, 12:06 AM
R7T19: Aasgar shakes his head to clear the cobwebs and dashes into his room to grab a potion.

End Round 7, Begin Round 8...

R8T19: Aasgar, you have a dagger in one hand, and a potion in the other. What do you do?

Aasgar: 19. Dagger and healing potion in hand. Circular stance.
Abenor: 18.5. Ileor in hand. Reaching blade stance. RAGE (sheet not updated)!!!
FTA (Blue) (m): 18. (-4:16). Spirit sensing stance. Liquid blade. STABLE!!!
FTA (Green) (m): 16. (-7:16). Spirit sensing stance. Liquid blade + centipede poison. DYING!!!
Imrijka: 15. Bow and quiver in hand. Door open.

2022-03-09, 10:52 AM
R8T19: Aasgar returns to the downed man and attempts to administer the potion. He guides the potion down the throat, but nothing seems to happen. The wounds don't close or anything.

End Round 8, Begin Round 9....

R9T19: Aasgar, what now?

Aasgar: 19. Dagger and healing potion in hand. Circular stance.
Abenor: 18.5. Won't appear again until R18T19.
FTA (Blue) (m): 18. (-4:16). Spirit sensing stance. Liquid blade. STABLE!!!
FTA (Green) (m): 16. (-8:16). Spirit sensing stance. Liquid blade + centipede poison. DYING!!!
Imrijka: 15. Bow and quiver in hand. Door open.

2022-03-10, 09:25 AM
R9T19: Aasgar moves to the next downed person and will check to see if they can be stabilized. As it turns out, this person (Blue) is already stabilized.

R9T15: Aasgar is pretty sure he hears a woman's voice casting a spell somewhere to the south, likely down the stairs.

End Round 9, Begin Round 10 ...

R10T19: Aasgar, you aren't really in circular stance anymore. It is hard to be in a martial pose while doing a health check on someone. Then there's the sound of casting to the south and likely towards or down the stairs. What do you do?

Aasgar: 19. Dagger and healing potion in hand.
Abenor: 18.5. Won't appear again until R18T19.
FTA (Blue) (m): 18. (-4:16). Spirit sensing stance. Liquid blade. STABLE!!!
FTA (Green) (m): 16. (-9:16). Spirit sensing stance. Liquid blade + centipede poison. STABILIZED!!!
Imrijka: 15. Bow and quiver in hand. Door open.

2022-03-10, 10:17 AM
R10T19: Aasgar re-enters his stance and heads back to his room, finding the bodies in the hall and his stumpy dwarven legs slow him down.A downed body creates difficult terrain so it took you a double move to get to your bed. I did not have him drop his dagger yet because that would be a whole round without protection before his next turn.
R10T15: Aasgar hears someone approaching in the south corridor.

End Round 10, Begin Round 11 ...

R11T19: Aasgar, your dagger is still in hand, and you are in stance. What do you do?

Aasgar: 19. Dagger.
Abenor: 18.5. Won't appear again until R18T19.
FTA (Blue) (m): 18. (-4:16). Spirit sensing stance. Liquid blade. STABLE!!!
FTA (Green) (m): 16. (-9:16). Spirit sensing stance. Liquid blade + centipede poison. STABILIZED!!!
Imrijka: 15. Bow and quiver in hand. Door open.

2022-03-14, 02:28 PM
Begin Round One ...

R1T28: "Aasgar, look out!" calls Abenor. He gets into a fighting stance, disappears from his current position, and reappears behind one of the creepy-crawlies, dispatching it in a swift, clean stroke.

R1T25: Cici tosses two small metal projectiles at the remaining creepy-crawly. One misses, but one hits for 4.

R1T22: Aasgar, you just climbed up and you haven't had a chance to take out your axe or get into stance. What do you do?

Abenor: 28.
Cici: 25.
Aasgar: 22.
Imrijka: 21.
Red: 11. (5:9).

2022-03-15, 10:54 AM
Surprise Round ...

S25: No sooner does Aasgar hand the knife to Cici, then he sees the reflection of something in that knife towards the ceiling above him. Too late, though, as it moves far faster than himself! Something ugly and hair bites him in his left cheek for 5 DDP.

S7: Aasgar, roll a Fort save vs. poison! This is a surprise round, so you may then respond. Your axe is in your offhand (no action to put two hands on), and while you may make FAs/SwA freely, you may take only a MA or a SA. What do you do?

Advanced Giant Spider: 25.
Abenor: 23.
Cici: 12.
Imrijka: 10.
Aasgar: 7. DDP (5).

2022-03-15, 01:11 PM
S7: Aasgar brings both hands to his axe and swings at the bug, hewing mightily for 29! And yet, it still lives...Rising zenith strike gained.

Begin Round One ...

R1T25: The spider bites again, hitting Aasgar's armor hard, but not penetrating.

R1T23: Abenor begins giving tactical advice as he steps forward with his long-armed stance. He quick draws his shorter blade and ALSO crits, this time killing the spider.

Combat Ends ...

Advanced Giant Spider: 25.
Abenor: 23.
Cici: 12.
Imrijka: 10.
Aasgar: 7. DDP (5).

2022-03-16, 03:37 PM
Abenor sniffs the air, saying, "I smell the stench of burning flesh. It wasn't here a minute ago."

Suddenly, the burnt corpses of plague victims appear on the bedframes, sitting straight up and screaming, their mouth full of fire and ashes!

Imrijka: 26. SHAKEN til R1T10!!!
Aasgar: 20.
Abenor: 17. SHAKEN til R1T10!!!
Cici: 11. SHAKEN til R1T10!!!
Restless Plague Victims: 10. (6:6).

2022-03-18, 06:18 PM
"Well, it's pretty obvious that the chilly wind tunnel is the big hole in the ground we saw on the surface," says Imrijka, shivering some as her previous resist energy seems to have ended. "Still, I recommend--"

S22: "Aasgar, look out!" calls Cici. In a flash she is right beside the dwarf, with a strange, small type of blade in one of her hands.

S17-6: Something closes on Aasgar, something small, but Abenor cuts it down with his sword. Something else closes and he does the same thing again. In both instances, whatever was at Aasgar's feet seemed to erupt - not burst into flame - so much as heat from inside, turn to ash, and leave a vague silhouette on the ground.

Combat Ended.....

Abenor: 28.
Cici: 22. Waveblade in hand.
Imrijka: 16.
Aasgar: 10.

2022-03-20, 10:11 AM
As Aasgar moves into the chamber and around he sees something that very easily could have been real trouble if he weren't paying attention. It would have surely have been nearly impossible to see if he hadn't noticed the floating, armored skeleton and bits of various detritus held in place in the middle of what seems to be a large, cubical shape of transparent gelatin.

Begin Round One ...

R1T21: Abenor must've caught the corner of some distortion from a sliver of light from Ileor, but apparently that is all he needed to recognize the potential for danger, or at least heightened awareness as he rushes past Aasgar, taking out Kyadrimme (his wakizashi) as he goes. In doing so, he uses both blades to create a sort of protective circle around him. He then creates a dizzying defensive spin where he stands and calls out, "It's a 10' cube of some type of gelatin. I don't know if it is an animate protoplasm or some sort of trap!"

R1T25: Imrijka moves in and to the southwestern corner, looking north. "That looks like depictions I've seen of gelatinous cubes. I know it's an 'animate protoplasm' as you called it. Destroy it quickly, and don't let it touch you!"

She sends out what looks like a terrible shot, but the thing in question is so big and so slow that the arrow hits it, tearing into it for 10, and even showing the "path" the arrow takes before it stops inside the thing.Not that Aasgar would have experience, but for your visualization, think of shows where they use ballistic gel?
R1T21: Aasgar, what do you do?

Abenor: 27. Ileor in hand.
Imrijka: 25. Bow in hand.
Aasgar: 21. Greataxe in hand.
Cici: 14. Waveblade in hand.
Gelatinous Cube: 5. (54:64).

2022-03-20, 12:53 PM
R1T21: "Hmmm... It's been a long time but..."says Aasgar as he draws his short bow, drops his greataxe with a heavy clang, and fires while adjusting his footing. He isn't skilled at shooting into a combat situation and Abenor's head is in the way, but this thing he is shooting is the broadside of a squishy barn and the arrow still hits for 8.

R1T14: Cici casts a spell on herself for protection and then moves forward. "Wut."

R1T5: The thing glurbles forward slowly, and Abenor deftly manages to shimmy past it. It continues on to the end of the chamber as Imrijka and Cici allow themselves to be moved back rather than be engulfed by the mass. It continues farther, and threatens to engulf Aasgar.

Aasgar, roll a Ref save!

Abenor: 27. Ileor in hand.
Imrijka: 25. Bow in hand.
Aasgar: 21. Greataxe in hand.
Cici: 14. Waveblade in hand.
Gelatinous Cube: 5. (46:64).

2022-03-20, 01:21 PM
Aasgar deftly takes a page out of the others' books and rolls past it just as it tries to engulf him, finding himself on the other side.

No that Aasgar is on the other side, he sees that his axe is engulfed.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T27: Abenor moves right up to the cube, and then strikes (17) while teleporting back farther up the chamber from whence he came.

R2T25: Imrijka casts a spell on herself, and then steps back.

R2T21: Aasgar, you see your greataxe engulfed, but it doesn't appear to be ruined or anything ... just inside the thing. What do you do?

Cici on deck, gelatinous cube in the hole ...

Abenor: 27. Ileor in hand.
Imrijka: 25. Bow in hand. Divine favor til R12T25.
Aasgar: 21. Greataxe dropped; bow in hand.
Cici: 14. Waveblade in hand.
Gelatinous Cube: 5. (29:64).

2022-03-20, 06:03 PM
R2T21: Aasgar goes full defense and tries to tumble north away from the creature, but he's not particularly good at doing that. The gelatinous cube jiggles into Aasgar (Delayed 4 mod + 1 acid).

R2T14: Cici casts a spell, and a wave of flame rolls over the cube for 5 fire. She then backs up into the corner with the door.

R2T5: The Cube now begins moving back towards the mass of critters to the north. It trundles foward to possibly catch Aasgar.

Aasgar, roll a Ref save. If successful, do you wish to be pushed back into the empty square, or shimmy to the other side of it?

Abenor: 27. Ileor in hand.
Imrijka: 25. Bow in hand. Divine favor til R12T25.
Aasgar: 21. Greataxe dropped; bow in hand. DDP.
Cici: 14. Waveblade in hand.
Gelatinous Cube: 5. (24:64).

2022-03-21, 07:32 AM
R2T5: Aasgar handily darts past to the other side of the gelatinous cube.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T27: "Cici, open the door!" calls Abenor as he drops his wakizashi, then draws and power tosses a dagger into the thing for 11.

R3T25: Imrijka, now having Pharasma's favor, asks the Gray Lady to give her the power to destroy those who oppose her. She then takes deadly aim and shoots a volley at the cube, and the two arrows - powered by a goddess of death - shriek into the cube, discorporating it as it bursts gelatinous (and now non-acidic, harmless) goo everywhere in the room and onto everyone. Cici takes the least of it around the doorway alcove as she was.

Combat Ends ...

Aasgar feels the pain from the wounded that was delayed. As Aasgar recovers his axe (and Abenor his dagger and wakizashi), Cici takes out a wand and touches it to Aasgar for 6 healing, and then again for 4 healing. She puts the wand away, and while that happens, Imrijka's short-duration buff is expending.

Abenor: 27. Ileor in hand.
Imrijka: 25. Bow in hand.
Aasgar: 21. Greataxe dropped in hand.
Cici: 14. Waveblade in hand.

2022-03-31, 01:36 PM
Surprise Round ...

S20: As Aasgar gets to the top of the stairs, an R.O.U.S. is there to nip at him, but the dwarven armor holds fast.

Begin Round One ...

R1T22: Abenor hears the sounds of battle, but delays because of his position.

R1T20: The R.O.U.S. bites again, its position on the stairs helping it to secure a hit on Aasgar's hairy chin, but not really hurting him at all.

R1T18: Imrijka delays...

R1T11: Aasgar, your greataxe is in hand. What do you do?

Abenor: 22. Ileor in hand. DELAYING!!!
Green: 20. (9:9).
Imrijka: 18. Bow in hand. DELAYING!!!
Aasgar: 11. Greataxe in hand.
Red: 10. (9:9).
Blue: 5. (9:9)

2022-04-01, 02:09 PM
R1T11: Aasgar reasons that sometimes, the simplest way is the best. Grabbing his axe with both hands and swinging it up over his head, he brings it down on the creature right in front of him, bifurcating it from head to tail along its back. He gains strike of the infinite protector.

R1T11.5: Abenor moves up the stairs and past his friend, and into the space of the dead rat while in reaching stance. He unsheathes his blade and strikes both of the other rats down.

Combat Ends...

Abenor: 22. Ileor in hand. DELAYING!!!
Imrijka: 18. Bow in hand. DELAYING!!!
Aasgar: 11. Greataxe in hand.

2022-04-25, 09:23 PM
Round One ...

R1T21: Cici calls out, "Nonlethal until we know who they are!"

Cici ducks inside, taking a dizzying route to get on the far side and casts a spell. Electricity envelopes her fingertips as she then tries to affect a man's nervous system instead of stopping his heart. She touches his right upper arm and the energy discharges to do 9 NL electricity to Blue.

R1T19: Abenor runs in and purposefully puts him self in a multi-flank position, both swords now out. He goes right up to the biggest man there, the half-orc. He attacks with his deadly katana, attempting non-deadly strike, but it only slides off the brute's hauberk. At the same time, Abenor suddenly disappears from that position 10' away as he gets into a martial stance. He notices something behind the bar and says, "Hey, barkeep is down behind the bar. Not sure if he's dead or not!"

R1T18-13: The big brute ignores the elf that just tried to fake him out and instead charges the dwarf standing outside. It is clear from the wild swing that the half-orc is drunk ... not just tipsy, but well in his cups. A man standing in the corner moves forward to attack with a longspear, the point barely scraping against the elf's mail.

R1T8: Imrijka closes on the half-orc and puts her hand on his right shoulder. The man seems like a great weight is bearing down on him - not enough to drop him, but affecting him somehow.

R1T5: Blue steps back and stabs at Cici with his longspear, and the latter has to do a very hard deflection to not get stabbed.

R1T4: Aasgar, you have a big, drunken half-orc with a greataxe in hand in front of you, seemingly feeling some kind of weight and wearing a chain shirt. What do you do?

Cici on deck, Abenor in the hole ...

Cici: 21.
Abenor: 19. Reaching blade stance.
Rishka: 18. SICKENED!!! Charged. STAGGERED til R2T8!!!
Thug Red: 13. (13:13). SICKENED!!! Longspear.
Imrijka: 8.
Bariswort: 6.
Thug Blue: 5. (13:13, 9 NL). SICKENED!!!
Aasgar: 4.

2022-04-26, 05:30 AM
R1T4: Aasgar shifts his footing and then grabs his axe with both hands and jabs the head towards the orcs midsection, hitting him hard for 21 NL, knocking the wind out of him.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T21: "Anyone recognize where these guys are from?" calls Cici as she steps within the longspear's reach with a defensive flurry that gets countered by the man's spear haft.

R2T19: Abenor launches himself over the small thicket of spears to charge Red in the corner with a low roll to smack his foot for 16 NL, causing excruciating pain as the man's head jerks back against the wall to knock himself out. He answers, "They look like hired thugs from Freedom Town. Same place those assassins that came after us came from."

R2T18: The big half-orc recovers from the charge, but not the strange feeling inflicted by Imrijka. He slurs something drunken and particularly insulting to dwarves at Abenor. He steps out of the doorway and attacks. This time, his greataxe bites solidly into the armor.

R2T8: Imrijka says, "We don't have time to make nice with paid mercenaries, Cici. Put them down as best you can."

She then steps behind Aasgar and prays to the Lady of Graves and touches Aasgar's back, "Dear Mother, they say your prophecy is askew since Aroden's death. I beseech thee, show my ally-dwarf that your glimpse of the future can still aid us mortals in our endeavors. Aasgar, bring this gift to bear as quickly as needed to end this fight. Do not hoard it 'just in case.'"Within the next minute, any time you want to get a +1 bonus to pretty much any d20 roll, mention that you are going to use Imrijka's guidance.
R2T5: Blue drops his longspear and draws a longsword, attacking Cici (who dodges).

R2T4: Aasgar, you have a guidance you may use. What do you do?

Cici on deck, Abenor in the hole ...

Cici: 21. DS.
Abenor: 19. Inner sphere stance.
Rishka: 18. (32:32, 21 NL). SICKENED!!!
Thug Red: 13. (13:13, 16 NL). SICKENED!!! Longspear. UNCONSCIOUS!!!
Imrijka: 8.
Bariswort: 6.
Thug Blue: 5. (13:13, 9 NL). SICKENED!!! Longspear dropped, longsword in hand.
Aasgar: 4.

2022-04-26, 02:26 PM
R2T4: Aasgar grins at the orc at Imrijka's words. Grabbing his axe again with both hands he brings it up over his head and swings down in a powerful overhand strike. The brute tries to block but Aasgar cuts through much of his right elbow and into his chest for 20, dropping him.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T21: Cici steps back but the thug steps up to her as she does so, so she maintains her defensive stance. Protecting her head as she brings the forward part of her body down towards the man she strikes him in the wrist with her elbow for 3, then wards him away with a defensive kick.

R3T19: Abenor steps into the flanking position provided and with multiple strokes cuts the man down.

Combat Ends ...

Now what?

Cici: 21. DS.
Abenor: 19. Inner sphere stance.
Rishka: 18. (12:32, 21 NL). SICKENED!!! UNCONSCIOUS!!!
Thug Red: 13. (13:13, 16 NL). SICKENED!!! Longspear. UNCONSCIOUS!!!
Imrijka: 8.
Bariswort: 6.
Aasgar: 4.


2022-05-01, 12:04 AM
Begin Round One ...

R1T11: Aasgar, what do you do?

Green Dog: 20. (10:10). DELAYING!!!
Cici: 17. Unaware ...
Orc Beast-Tamer: 13.
Abenor: 12.
Aasgar: 11.
Imrijka: 10.
Red Dog: 9. (10:10).
Blue Dog: 8. (10:10).
Lucette: 4.

2022-05-02, 07:40 PM
R1T11: "Hello, there! There are dangerous folk about! It would be best if you took up shelter for safety!" says Aasgar shifting his footing and bringing his axe to both hands. His mind opens to a tactical possibility as he gains strike of the infinite protector.

There is a sound of a woman's laughter, and the baying of a hound, and a figure in the smoke says in a very hostile shout, muted in volume by the fire, "Come at me!"

R1T10.5: Cici nods and says, "Hostile it is." She peers to the west. "I can make out an orc woman and three dogs. Well, let's get to work. We're on the sundial." She darts to the west, surprising Aasgar with her speed.

R1T10.2: Abenor darts forward, drawing both weapons, and into the area of smoke.

R1T10: Imrijka casts a spell on herself, but where Cici's speed was a natural burst (or at least trained), it is obvious that Imrijka tapped into something supernatural as she bursts forward.

R1T9-6: The enemy had been delaying, already prepared and she shouts <"Attack!"> in Orc before tossing a javelin at Imrijka and adjusting her position. The dogs then burst forward to attack.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T21: A little figure in a big top hat comes out of The Killin' Ground. It moves a lot faster than expected for its size and ends up 10' from Aasgar recognizes the figure as the accordian-playing, halfling elegist from Rodrik's funeral earlier. He smiles at Aasgar while his accordion is in hand, nods his head mischievously towards the fracas before he then moves west before he ends up behind Cici.

R2T11: Aasgar, what do you do?

Cici on deck, Abenor in the hole ...

Bariswort: 21.
Aasgar: 11.
Cici: 10.5.
Abenor: 10.2. Inner sphere stance.
Imrijka: 10. Expeditious retreat til R41T10.
Orc Beast-Tamer: 9.
Red Dog: 8. (10:10).
Blue Dog: 7. (10:10).
Green Dog: 6. (10:10). Charged.
Lucette: 4.

2022-05-03, 04:41 PM
R2T11: Aasgar rushes forward as fast as his wee legs will let him and begins shouting defensive advice to his allies as he closes. His massive, stentorian voice is heard by all of his currently known allies.Rising zenith strike
R2T10.5: Cici sees the elegist behind her and is confused, but he doesn't appear to have a weapon out, so she is cautious of him but lets him act as he will in case he is not a spy after all. She fishhooks southwest and then north to end up flanking a doggo with Abenor.

"It's just a dog, as far as I know," she shouts warily. "But I'm sure it can't be rehabilitated if trained by orcs."

She stabs at the dog with her waveblade, getting it in a forepaw, dealing 8 + 2 DEX. It barks in pain, but manages to keep its feet.

R2T10.2: Abenor disembowels the wounded dog, instantly putting it out of its misery, and with his longer sword spins to drop Red with 15, and then continues a moving spin to close on Green (last doggo standing).

R2T10: Imrijka steps behind Abenor to screen herself from the last dog, while opening up for a shot on the orc. She looses a volley of focus-aimed arrows at the beast tamer. The first one misses, which is the one the beast-tamer seems to react to, but that was a "herding shot" and the orc woman played right into Imrijka's tactic as the second is a perfect shot that hits the enemy in the left shoulder for 16.

R2T9: She steps up to Abenor. The orc with an orcish double-axe vs. an elf with two well-crafted swords. She does what she can, but with Aasgar's solid advice buoying Abenor's solid defense, it is a futile effort.

R2T6: The dog circles around Abenor, snapping at his heels.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T21: The little guy with the accordion looks at Aasgar and shouts something in a language completely unknown to Aasgar. He seems excited about something, pointing to the building closest to you right now, to the northeast. His eyes go upwards in his head as he says something in a different language, gesticulating and then touching the symbol of a butterfly at his neck. He then takes a wide circuit around Aasgar towards the building, looking at Aasgar to follow him.

R3T11: Aasgar, you just see an orc inside the house to the NE, seemingly looting. Meanwhile, your other allies are fighting an orc beast-tamer and a dog. What do you do?

Cici on deck, Abenor in the hole ...

Bariswort: 21. Protection from evil til R33T21.
Aasgar: 11.
Cici: 10.5.
Abenor: 10.2. Inner sphere stance.
Imrijka: 10. Expeditious retreat til R41T10.
Orc Beast-Tamer: 9.
Red Dog: 8. (-6:10). DYING!!!
Green Dog: 6. (15:10).
Lucette: 4.

Dog (1).

2022-05-04, 01:42 AM
R3T11: Aasgar hesitates for a second, trying to gauge what the little man wants and if he means harm to any of his friends, but Aasgar has no idea for sure, as the little guy speaks in a strange language and lots of odd movements. And where he points does appear to have a likely hostile orc, which means he is technically leading you to danger. But whether that is to send you to danger in hopes you die, or merely pointing out enemy combatants that have yet to be handled is hard to parse right now.

Now what?Much like a "make a Perception check," making a Sense Motive check is a MA, meaning you have a SA open, as well as a SwA, and any FA you might take.

Bariswort: 21. Protection from evil til R33T21.
Aasgar: 11.
Cici: 10.5.
Abenor: 10.2. Inner sphere stance.
Imrijka: 10. Expeditious retreat til R41T10.
Orc Beast-Tamer: 9.
Red Dog: 8. (-6:10). DYING!!!
Green Dog: 6. (15:10).
Lucette: 4.

Dog (1).

2022-05-05, 04:13 AM
R3T11 (Cont'd): Aasgar looks at the little man and says ”After I help my friends!” and heads west into the fray letting loose with a battle cry fortifying his allies.

R3T10.5: Cici circles around to flank the orc woman and stabs her curved blade into the woman's hand for 8, dropping her ...

R3T10.2: ... leaving Abenor to spin on the remaining hound, and with two strokes the hound is cut in half. He steps a little to Aasgar, "Everyone get out of the smoke. Aasgar, what's with the little guy?"

R3T10: Imrijka tears out of the smoke and up to the house the halfling had pointed to. She calls back, "Contact! Several of my greener kin, and they aren't friendly!"

She follows that statement up by shooting an arrow into the building, and even from here, there is a sound of a basso yell of pain.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T21: The weird little halfling begins playing a jaunty, but jangling accordion tune and then does a strange type of dance-march behind Imrijka.

R4T18: A badly wounded (by way of arrow) orc comes charging out of the home at Imrijka, but she ducks out of the way.

R4T11: Aasgar, the halfling's accordion tune has a strange effect on you. It most certainly does not "lift your spirits." Rather, it seems to be make your limbs move in a more animated way than fashion. You even subconsciously catch your jaw opening and shutting quickly in rapid succession, though not with the teeth slamming together. It is a weird, dismal-yet-flighty tune that moves you, but apparently doesn't harm you. Mainly, it makes you think of your body if it were a skeleton moving without a soul, and what you feel is an ardent desire NOT to be so affected by the music. Anything to stop the realization of Death finding you, and giving you a fire in your arm to more quickly fight what enemies you find. What do you do?

Cici on deck, Abenor in the hole ...

Bariswort: 21. Protection from evil til R33T21.
Blue-Green Orc: 18.
Aasgar: 11.
Cici: 10.5.
Abenor: 10.2. Inner sphere stance.
Imrijka: 10. Expeditious retreat til R41T10.
Orc Beast-Tamer: 9. DYING!!!
Red Dog: 8. (-7:10). DYING!!!
Blue-Brown Orc: 6.
Blue-Pink Orc: 5.9.
Blue-Purple Orc: 5.
Lucette: 4.

Dog (2).

2022-05-06, 01:14 AM
R4T11: Aasgar heads back east out of the smoke to get to Imrijka's aid.

R4T10.5-.0: Cici and Abenor likewise hurry to the party. Imrijka steps back and casts a spell on herself.

R4T6-5: An orc steps out of the building and strikes Imrijka in the lower left arm with its falchion for 12. An orc inside moves closer and launches a javelin at Cici, who knocks it out of the way. Another javelin misses Cici.

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T21: The halfling continues to play the threnody on his accordion, and casts a seemingly non-harmful spell on Cici.

R5T18: Blue-Green attacks Abenor, but is deflected.

R5T11: Aasgar, what do you do? two rounds ago you gained all of your maneuvers that were yet withheld, and next round everything will reset/ recycle.

Cici on deck, Abenor in the hole ...

Bariswort: 21. Protection from evil til R33T21.
Blue-Green Orc: 18. (3:11).
Aasgar: 11.
Cici: 10.5. Guidance til R15T21.
Abenor: 10.2. Inner sphere stance.
Imrijka: 10. Expeditious retreat til R41T10. Divine favor til R14T10 (on sheet).
Orc Beast-Tamer: 9. DYING!!!
Blue-Brown Orc: 6. (11:11).
Blue-Pink Orc: 5.9. (11:11).
Blue-Purple Orc: 5. (11:11).
Lucette: 4.

Dog (3).

2022-05-08, 08:51 PM
R5T11: Aasgar steps forward and brings his axe down on Blue-Green's chest for 13, allowing Abenor to stab him through the side of the chest in the heart, killing the orc instantly. Once that is done, Aasgar's mind refreshes all of his efforts, recovering all of his maneuvers, but again withholding others.

R5T10.5-.0: Cici now fights more defensively. Her first strike is a brutal slash to the orc's inner lower arm for 9, followed by an undercut slash to his right inner thigh for 4, disabling him. Abenor spins towards Cici and that orc to trip the disable orc, and both blades separate his head. Imrijka repositions and shoots an arrow into the building, but the doorway fouls her shot.

R5T5.9-.0: Blue-Pink moves forward to stand over his fallen and attack Abenor. The elf tries to counter but the orc's attack is a lucky one, striking Abenor in the hip for 11 mod. Blue-Purple spills out, past his friend but Aasgar's axe finds his chest as well for 21, dropping him (so now two bodies under Blue-Pink's feet (or is it Blaupunkt's feet?).

End Round 5, Begin Round 6 ...

R6T21: The threnodist, a master performer, stops playing his music and casts a spell on Imrijka, providing her with 11 healing. He then darts away along the eastern side of the building.

R6T11: Aasgar, what do you do?

Cici on deck, Abenor in the hole ...

Bariswort: 21. Protection from evil til R33T21.
Aasgar: 11. Axe in hand.
Cici: 10.5. Waveblade in hand. DS.
Abenor: 10.2. Inner sphere stance. Both swords in hand.
Imrijka: 10. Expeditious retreat til R41T10. Divine favor til R14T10 (on sheet). Bow in hand. RS.
Orc Beast-Tamer: 9. DYING!!!
Blue-Pink Orc: 5.9. (11:11).
Blue-Purple Orc: 5. (-9:11). DYING!!!
Lucette: 4.

Dog (3). Orc (2).

2022-05-09, 08:48 PM
R6T11: Aasgar steps up next to his friend and swings his axe over and down upon the orc in front of them, but the studded leather turns aside the heavy blade.Rising zenith strike granted/readied.
R6T10.5: "That little guy is gonna' get himself killed!" Cici exclaims, leaving the last orc to the bruisers, and she follows the sound of accordion music up the east side of the building. "Contact -- distant!" she calls out unseen.

R6T10.2: "I guess this is a road show, then," says Abenor glibly as he adopts a more offensive stance. He disappears behind the orc and cuts at the back of his left knee for 16, dropping the orc. Abenor, now in the house, doesn't even regard him and heads NE through the house.

R6T10: Imrijka is obviously under ther effects of some ensorcellment that makes her move quickly as she follows Cici and the halfling around the east. Aasgar can hear her voice in the noise, but can't make out whatever she yelled.

End Round 6, Begin Round 7 ...

R7T13: Aasgar can only fainly hear the accordion anymore what with the general din of battle and the pounding of nearby orc war drums that have been a constant background this whole time. He can hear renewed wave or orc war cries nearer than he'd like, though! Abenor went through the house towards the NE, and the others went along the eastern side of the house heading in the same direction. What does Aasgar do?

Bariswort: 21. Protection from evil til R33T21. Sanctuary tll R4T21.
Green-Pink Orc: 20. (11:11).
Red-Green Orc: 10. (11:11).
Brown-Pink Orc: 18. (11:11). TD.
Green-Purple Orc: 17. (11:11).
Red-Blue Orc: 16. (11:11).
Brown-Yellow Orc: 15. (11:11). TD.
Green-Yellow Orc: 14. (11:11).
Aasgar: 13. Axe in hand.
Brown-Purple Orc: 13. (11:11).
Cici: 12. Waveblade in hand. DS.
Abenor: 11. Inner sphere stance. Both swords in hand.
Red-Purple Orc: 10.5. (11:11).
Imrijka: 10. Expeditious retreat til R41T10. Divine favor til R14T10 (on sheet). Bow in hand.
Green-Brown Orc: 5. (11:11).
Lucette: 4.
Red-Brown Orc: 2. (11:11).

Dog (3). Orc (2). Orc Beast-Tamer.

Blue-Pink Orc: 5.9. (-5:11). STABLE!!!
Blue-Purple Orc: 5. (-9:11). STABLE!!!

2022-05-10, 04:52 PM
R7T13: Aasgar will stick close to Abenor as the other two work well in a team. So he follows Abenor, his little legs doing what they can.

R7T12-11: Through the door ahead, there is a partial glimpse of a sudden riot of golden sparkles outside, accopmpanied by angry, feral shouts of surprise. As Abenor goes through the kitchen door, Cici's voice is heard shouting, "Help Imrijka!" and so Abenor darts somewhere to the north/northwest/west.

End Round 7, Begin Round 8 ...

R8T21: Aasgar sees the little accordionist cross his field of view at the doorway, following Abenor north/northwest/west.

R8T20: A sound of pain from Cici is heard.

R8T13: Aasgar, what do you do?

Bariswort: 21. Protection from evil til R33T21. Sanctuary tll R4T21.
Green-Pink Orc: 20. (3:11).
Red-Green Orc: 10. (-9:11). DYING!!!
Brown-Pink Orc: 18. (11:11). TD.
Green-Purple Orc: 17. (11:11).
Red-Blue Orc: 16. (-6:11). DYING!!!
Brown-Yellow Orc: 15. (11:11). TD.
Green-Yellow Orc: 14. (11:11).
Aasgar: 13. Axe in hand.
Brown-Purple Orc: 13. (11:11). TD.
Cici: 12. Waveblade in hand.
* Glitterdust til R10T12.
Abenor: 11. Inner sphere stance. Both swords in hand. RS.
Red-Purple Orc: 10.5. (11:11).
Imrijka: 10. Expeditious retreat til R41T10. Divine favor til R14T10 (on sheet). Bow in hand. RS.
Green-Brown Orc: 5. (11:11).
Lucette: 4.
Red-Brown Orc: 2. (-6:11). DYING!!!

Dog (3). Orc (2). Orc Beast-Tamer.

Blue-Pink Orc: 5.9. (-5:11). STABLE!!!
Blue-Purple Orc: 5. (-9:11). STABLE!!!

2022-05-10, 09:04 PM
R8T13: Aasgar heads up to the door, and then not seeing anyone he heads out after Abenor, his axe at the ready preparing to offer guidance and aid to those in need. Getting to the area where Abenor and Imrijka are, he calls out defensive postures that are of most effectiveness, hopefully, for poor Cici. Aasgar realizes she is double-flanked, but it is too late for a quick turn-around now.Strike of the inifinite protector granted.

R8T13: Green-Purple attacks Cici, but misses.

R8T12: Cici sidesteps out of the devastating multi-flank she was feeling, and stares at one of the orcs. Green-Purple simply falls over and slumps to the ground.

R8T11: Abenor looks at Aasgar. "Take care of this bunch, I am going to help Cici."

With that, he changes to his hunting stance and bolts to the southeast. Red-Purple attacks as he goes, but Aasgar's tactics help him protect himself from the attack. He gets up to Cici and performs a bloody attack on an orc's brachial artery that does 20 (+1d6 bleed), dropping Green-Brown.

R8T10.5: The orc that almost scored a hit on Abenor steps out and sees a halfling right there and attacks, hitting the tophat-clad little guy in the chest for 10.

R8T10: "Hey!" Imrijka shouts. "Honorless thug. He doesn't even have a weapon out!" She shoots at him, the first arrow missing but the second dropping the orc.

End Round 8, Begin Round 9 ...

R9T21: The little halfling is wounded, but is philosophical about it, all things considered. He casts a spell on himself, fully healing his wounds. He looks to Aasgar and Imrijka, and then points to the keep to the north-northeast. While using one hand to hold his accordion, he adopts an angry face and mimes beating a drum with his other hand, and then points to that tower again, where just inside you can see some more orcs.

R9T20-14: Green-Pink steps up to Cici, but Aasgar's quick advice saves her from being struck. Green-Yellow enters the cloud of golden particles, getting glitter on himself and attacks, but Cici ducks.

R9T13: Aasgar, what do you do? Abenor and Cici are handling orcs to the southeast while you see a tower to the north with orcs in it that don't seem to be running out into battle - a curious level of restraint. The orc war drums you hear, now that you see the halfling's silly charade, very likely are coming from the top of that tower.

Brown-Purple on deck, Cici in the hole ...

HEROES: +4 morale bonus to AC for all heroes w/in 60' of Aasgar.
Bariswort: 21. Protection from evil til R33T21.
Green-Pink Orc: 20. (3:11).
Red-Green Orc: 19. (-10:11). DYING!!!
Brown-Pink Orc: 18. (11:11). TD.
Green-Purple Orc: 17. (11:11). ASLEEP til R11T12!!!
Red-Blue Orc: 16. (-7:11). DYING!!!
Brown-Yellow Orc: 15. (11:11). TD.
Green-Yellow Orc: 14. (11:11).
Aasgar: 13. Axe in hand.
Brown-Purple Orc: 13. (11:11). TD.
Cici: 12. Waveblade in hand.
* Glitterdust til R10T12.
Abenor: 11. Inner sphere stance. Both swords in hand. RS.
Red-Purple Orc: 10.5. (-5:11). DYING!!!
Imrijka: 10. Expeditious retreat til R41T10. Divine favor til R14T10 (on sheet). Bow in hand. RS.
Lucette: 4.
Red-Brown Orc: 2. (-7:11). DYING!!!

Dog (3). Orc (3). Orc Beast-Tamer.

Blue-Pink Orc: 5.9. (-5:11). STABLE!!!
Blue-Purple Orc: 5. (-9:11). STABLE!!!

2022-05-11, 11:37 PM
R9T13: Aasgar looks at Imrijka and says, "I'm heading for that tower to stop the drums!" and starts booking north towards the tower. As he closes on the door, three javelins sail down towards him, two even hitting (DDP 9 mod total). Aasgar gets right up into the doorway of the tower.This is Quiet Round One, with no change in maneuvers.
R9T13: Aasgar sees one of the orcs, one a little farther back, get out of a defensive stance and look ready to make a run at him.

R9T12: Aasgar can just make out Green-Yellow get stuck in the chest with a sucking chest wound by Cici's waveknife before a follow-up strike drops him before Cici backs up to get into Aasgar's view.

R9T11: There is a puff of red mist, and then Abenor comes around the side of the building, heading towards Aasgar.

R9T10: Imrijka shoots an arrow past Aasgar to strike the hand of the orc in front of him. The arrow goes through the palm and up into the arm and the vein there, and the orc drops from shock.

End Round 9, Begin Round 10 ...

R9T21: The accordionist moves up a little, and starts playing a jaunty danse macabre again for the heroes. Aasgar is struck by the fact that while not entirely appropriate, yet this little hafling is a master performer.

R10T18: Brown-Pink, standing in front of Aasgar, comes out of a defensive stance to attack, his falchion easily deflected by Aasgar's axe.

R10T13: Aasgar, what do you do?

Brown-Purple on deck, Cici in the hole ...

INSPIRE COURAGE: +2 for heroes!
Bariswort: 21. Protection from evil til R33T21.
Red-Green Orc: 19. (-11:11). DYING!!!
Brown-Pink Orc: 18. (11:11).
Green-Purple Orc: 17. (-5:11). DYING!!!
Red-Blue Orc: 16. (-8:11). DYING!!!
Brown-Yellow Orc: 15. (-3:11). DYING!!!
Aasgar: 13. Axe in hand.
Brown-Purple Orc: 13. (11:11). READIED to charge Aasgar if a whole opens up.
Cici: 12. Waveblade in hand. Crane style [+2 dodge AC total], DS.
* Glitterdust til R10T12.
Abenor: 11. Inner sphere stance. Both swords in hand.
Red-Purple Orc: 10.5. (-6:11). DYING!!!
Imrijka: 10. Expeditious retreat til R41T10. Divine favor til R14T10 (on sheet). Bow in hand. RS.
Lucette: 4.
Red-Brown Orc: 2. (-8:11). DYING!!!

Dog (3). Orc (3). Orc Beast-Tamer.
Green-Pink Orc: 20. (-6:11). STABLE!!!
Green-Yellow Orc: 14. (-5:11). EXHAUSTED!!! STABLE!!!
Blue-Pink Orc: 5.9. (-5:11). STABLE!!!
Blue-Purple Orc: 5. (-9:11). STABLE!!!

2022-05-12, 01:24 AM
R10T14: Aasgar swings his axe in a mighty arc at the nearest foe. That's a sideways arc, mind you, and he cut deep, deep into the orc's abdomen, disemboweling it on the spot.

R10T13: Brown-Pink backs all the way up to the north, but still looks readied to spring.

R10T12: Cici runs up behind Aasgar, and then stairs at the tensed orc to the north. Suddenly, the tension drains completely out of him and he slumps to the ground, apparently asleep. "We should all move in, collect ourselves for needed healing, and then advance up to those drums together!"

R10T11: "Agreed!" says Abenor double moving inside to stand over the sleeping orc. "Cici, this is a slumber hex, isn't it? How long does it last?"

"Just seconds!" she responds.

R10T10: Imrijka rushes inside the tower so as not to be targeted by javelineers atop.

End Round 10, Begin Round 11 ...

R11T21: The little halfling ducks inside, stopping his music.

R11T14: Aasgar, Abenor is poised to dispatch the sleeping orc. Do you step inside and take a quick breather, as Cici recommended?

INSPIRE COURAGE: +2 for heroes!
Bariswort: 21. Protection from evil til R33T21.
Green-Purple Orc: 17. (-6:11). DYING!!!
Red-Blue Orc: 16. (-9:11). DYING!!!
Aasgar: 14. Axe in hand.
Brown-Purple Orc: 13. (11:11). ASLEEP til R13T12!!!
Cici: 12. Waveblade in hand. Crane style [+2 dodge AC total], DS.
* Glitterdust til R10T12.
Abenor: 11. Inner sphere stance. Both swords in hand.
Imrijka: 10. Expeditious retreat til R41T10. Divine favor til R14T10 (on sheet). Bow in hand.
Lucette: 4.
Red-Brown Orc: 2. (-8:11). DYING!!!

Dog (3). Orc (5). Orc Beast-Tamer.
Green-Pink Orc: 20. (-6:11). STABLE!!!
Brown-Yellow Orc: 15. (-3:11). STABLE!!!
Green-Yellow Orc: 14. (-5:11). EXHAUSTED!!! STABLE!!!
Red-Purple Orc: 10.5. (-6:11). STABLE!!!
Blue-Pink Orc: 5.9. (-5:11). STABLE!!!
Blue-Purple Orc: 5. (-9:11). STABLE!!!

2022-05-12, 02:36 PM
Several Trunauan guards lie dead on the floor, now that you notice the lower floor of the tower. The group heads up, with Aasgar in the lead, followed by Abenor, then Cici, Imrijka, and finally the accordionist. Abenor and Imrijka look at the war pain on the orcs, and they both agree ... these orcs are of the Twisted Nail tribe.

Abenor sheathes his swords, Imrijka puts away her bow and takes out her handaxe, and the party heads up the stairs where they square off against three twisted nail orcs and a war drummer!

Begin Round One ...

R1T23: The drummer calls out, "I am Kagak of the Rolling Thunder! Fear the doom the orcs of the Twisted Nail bring upon your town!"

He begins drumming again furiously, which instills a battle fervor in the three Twisted Nail orcs in front of him.

R1T19: Cici casts a spell, focusing her energy on the drummer. She then darts sideways across the tower's upper floor to limit the orcs that can charge her.

R1T18: Purple-Blue steps forward to attack Abenor with greater vigor than expected and hits Abenor in his lower left leg with a falchion for 10 mod.

R1T13: Aasgar, everything is reset, no stance is active, what do you do?

Kagak of the Rolling Thunder: 23. Ill omen til R4T19; next d20, disadvantage.
Cici: 19. Waveblade in hand.
Purple-Blue Orc: 18. (11:11).
Imrijka: 16. Expeditious retreat til R31T10. Handaxe in hand.
Purple-Red Orc: 15. (11:11).
Aasgar: 13. Axe in hand.
Bariswort: 11. Protection from evil til R23T21.
Lucette: 10.
Abenor: 9. Both swords in hand.
Purple-Green Orc: 4. (11:11).


2022-05-12, 03:46 PM
R1T13: Aasgar steps north whilst directing his allies for maximum defense and swings his axe in a great, cleaving motion against the orc to his left, hoping to follow through with a strike to the orc on his right. Of course, what the orc didn't expect was an underswing that cuts up into his groin and lower abdomen for 26. That orc falls as quickly as the intestines that pour downwards. Ripping his axe out of the lower guts of the one that falls in a continuous motion, Aasgar then straight through his upper arm and deep into his chest for 28, dropping him as well.

R1T11: The little accordion player prays to an unknown force and casts a spell on Abenor to give him 9 healing. He then moves to the far west of the upper floor of the tower so as to stay out of trouble.

R1T10: Lucette, Cici's ferret familiar, pokes its head out from under her hood, and then ducks back in again.

R1T9-8: Imrijka steps forward and casts a guiding spell on Abenor. Abenor then gets into his long stance, stands over the fallen orc that attacked him, and quick draws his katana in a long, sweeping arc. The blade strikes the drummer in the left elbow and the hip of the last orc for 21, dropping the latter.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T23: The drummer, though wounded, continues to play, but he also casts a spell, and throws out sand that lands all over Aasgar (primarily, as well as Cici, Abenor, and Imrijka.

Aasgar, roll a Will save!

HEROES: +4 morale bonus to AC for 1 rd.
Kagak of the Rolling Thunder: 23. Ill omen til R4T19; next d20, disadvantage.
Cici: 19. Waveblade in hand.
Aasgar: 13. Axe in hand.
Bariswort: 11. Protection from evil til R23T21.
Lucette: 10. DELAYING!!!
Imrijka: 9. Expeditious retreat til R31T10. Handaxe in hand.
Abenor: 8. Both swords in hand.
Purple-Green Orc: 4. (-10:11). DYING!!!

Orc (2).

2022-05-12, 04:22 PM
R2T23: A moderate enchantment washes over Aasgar, his eyes dulling to heaviness to put him to sleep, but he ignores it. Abenor is immune to such magics. And through similar strength of will, training, or hardiness, Cici and Imrijka both likewise ignore the sleeping spell.

R2T19: Her ill omen still on the drummer, Cici decides to give him a taste of his own medicine and stares at him. It turns out he is not as resistant, and slumps to the ground, his rage and song ending.

Combat Ends...

Now what?

HEROES: +4 morale bonus to AC for 1 rd.
Kagak of the Rolling Thunder: 23.
Cici: 19. Waveblade in hand.
Aasgar: 13. Axe in hand.
Bariswort: 11. Protection from evil til R23T21.
Lucette: 10. DELAYING!!!
Imrijka: 9. Expeditious retreat til R31T10. Handaxe in hand.
Abenor: 8. Both swords in hand.

Orc (3).

2022-05-15, 08:42 AM
You hear the guttural voices of orcs threatening someone down this dark alley. In contrast to the dim light in the rest of the district, the narrow alley is obstructed by debris and shrouded almost in complete darkness. Had you come upon this place without the little hafling in full view pointing everything, you might have gotten the drop on them. Oh, well, a hero's job is never done! Aasgar and Abenor just around the corner, with the halfling leading the way.

Begin Round One ...

R1T25: A tough-looking half-orc male spins around quickly to look at Aasgar and make a decision to itself. "My patron will sup upon your soul, rock-runt!"

He swings his greataxe, but Aasgar just toughs it out on his armor.

R1T24: Seeing an innocent merchant so threateend, Abenor gives in to the Hunter. He moves around the halfling and smoothly draws his katana. It strikes off the half-orc's fine breastplate, but still manages to catch the female half-orc across the face for 19.

R1T14: Cici moves up acrobatically to stab the half-orc woman in the jaw with her waveblade for 8.

R1T12: The halfling steps away from the front line and begins playing a jaunty tune again, filling the heroes with the certaintude of overcoming death, or meeting it honorably.

R1T11: The half-orc woman tries to fake out Cici. She almost succeeds, where it not for Lucette in Cici's hood warning her in time. Cici might not be faked out, but the blow delivered is still nearly perfect as the enemy's warhammer slams into Cici's shoulder for 14.

R1T10: Imrijka never put her axe away, so she steps in to confront the brigand. She had concentrated just before doing so, and tries to touch the man, but fails.

R1T7: Aasgar, you are adjacent to the brigand. What do you do? You have no stances active and your maneuvers are reset.

Brigand on deck, Abenor in the hole ...

INSPIRE COURAGE: +2 weapon attack/ damage, +2 vs. charm/ fear.
Vorom: 25. (42:42). SMITE vs. Aasgar (+1 attack, +3 dmg, +1 deflection).
Abenor: 24. RAGE!!!
Lucette: 20. DELAYING!!!
Cici: 14. Waveblade in hand.
Bariswort: 12. Protection from evil til R23T21.
Urnsul: 11.
Imrijka: 10. Expeditious retreat til R31T10. Handaxe in hand. Gentle rest on off hand.
Aasgar: 7. Axe in hand.

2022-05-15, 11:49 AM
R1T7: Aasgar begins directing his allies again for the best defensive moves as he brings his axe to both hands and swings it overhand and down on the orc, "grazing" him in the upper left arm for 21.Gain rising zenith strike.
End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T25: The brigand releases a hand from his handaxe and reaches out with black energy surrounding his hand to touch Aasgar. Aasgar takes his own tactical advice and dodges away.

R2T24: Abenor teleports behind the helpless human victim and delivers a vicious, two-handed brow cut to the female, his katana sinking into her skull before he withdraws, dead before she ever hit the ground.

R2T14: Cici just turns to stare at the half-orc male, but he has a stronger mind than expected.

R2T12: The little hafling continues to play the accordion and then casts a spell, a sheen appearing on the half-orc's weaopn, but it keeps a firm grip on the weapon.

R2T10: "Aasgar, look out!" Imrijka says. "He's an antipaladin, so his touch might do a lot worse than simply wound you."

She strikes him in the helm with her handaxe for 10.

R2T7: Aasgar, what do you do?

Brigand on deck, Abenor in the hole ...

INSPIRE COURAGE: +2 weapon attack/ damage, +2 vs. charm/ fear.
Vorom: 25. (11:42). SMITE vs. Aasgar (+1 attack, +3 dmg, +1 deflection).
Abenor: 24. RAGE!!!
Lucette: 20. DELAYING!!!
Cici: 14. Waveblade in hand.
Bariswort: 12. Protection from evil til R23T21.
Imrijka: 10. Expeditious retreat til R31T10. Handaxe in hand. Gentle rest on off hand.
Aasgar: 7. Axe in hand.

2022-05-16, 06:07 PM
R2T7: Aasgar shifts his footing slightly and swings his axe at the foe attempting to throw him off balance enough to allow an ally to strike. Cici sees the opening and goes for it, but like Aasgar the armor stops them both.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T25: "Ha!" scoffs the brigand. "You just dropped the spy we had at your smithy, so her secrets die with her."

He then touches Aasgar and the dark energy leaps to Aasgar, doing 6 negative energy (NE) (which goes to Aasgar's DDP). The darkness of the touch is something that Aasgar fights furiously against for there is something terrifying about it.

R3T24: Abenor steps over the fallen half-orc spy and hits the brigand in the neck for 21. He should fall, but doesn't.

R3T14: Cici doesn't even wait to see if the tough half-orc topples from that neck blow. She slices his upper arm for 8, which drops him dead.

Combat Ends ...

"Thank you!" cries the merchant. "My name is Aleril. I'm from Lastwall, a merchant ... but I didn't realize that Trunau was on war footing. Please, take me to safety."

"It would be my genuine pleasure!" says the halfling .... intelligibly. "The rest of you, keep looking around and try to get to that beacon!"

The halfling doesn't stick around to answer questions. Do you let him take the man and then keep searching along this northern portion heading west?

INSPIRE COURAGE: +2 weapon attack/ damage, +2 vs. charm/ fear.
Abenor: 24. RAGE!!!
Lucette: 20. DELAYING!!!
Cici: 14. Waveblade in hand.
Bariswort: 12. Protection from evil til R23T21.
Imrijka: 10. Expeditious retreat til R31T10. Handaxe in hand. Gentle rest on off hand.
Aasgar: 7. Axe in hand.

2022-05-20, 08:10 AM
Begin Round One ...

R1T22: Imrijka rushes into that building (just south and west of Aasgar). There is a sound of an orc howling in pain.

R1T19: Aasgar, what do you do?

Imrijka: 22. Expeditious retreat til R26T10. Bow in hand.
Aasgar: 19. Axe in hand.
Blue Orc: 17. (13:13).
Bariswort: 12. Protection from evil til R18T21.
Cici: 11. Waveblade in hand.
Abenor: 10.
Purple Orc: 9. (-3:13). STAGGERED/ BLEED 1/rd!!!
Red Orc: 7. (13:13).
Lucette: 5.
Green Orc: 4. (13:13).
Brown Orc: 3. (13:13).

2022-05-20, 07:06 PM
R1T19: Aasgar readies his axe and moves past Imrijka into the room and begins calling out defensive advice as soon as he sees the enemy. None are immediately in reach, and he looks at his surroundings. Splintered rubble is all that remains of the wall that once separated this kitchen from the adjacent living area. The shattered windows in the walls allow an ominous breeze to waft through the eerie, abandoned home. All the shelves and cabinets have been thoroughly looted or partially destroyed, and the foundation and floorboards have caved in where a smoldering boulder landed in the house. He sees nothing hidden or out of the ordinary beyond the five orc looters in here.

R1T17: Blue charges Imrijka, clipping her in the head for 8 with his falchion.

R1T11: Cici stares at Imrijka, but keeps her position.

R1T10: Abenor gets into his hunting stance, darting into the room past Aasgar with his greater speed, and only Aasgar's tactical advice as he goes by saves the elf from getting clipped by Blue. Abenor returns the favor by quick drawing his katana to slash Blue in the upper right arm for 8.

R1T7-3: Purple takes 1 bleed, but charges Abenor, deflected. Red also charges Abenor, his blade striking with hard tinkling of metal against Sisnyn, Abenor's mithral shirt. Green steps up, his blow deflected. Brown steps up and strikes Imrijka's left arm for 12.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T22: Imrijka, sensing a shift in her fortunes, steps back and opens up with a volley of arrows. Her first shot hits Brown in the upper right arm with a ragged wound that does 17 (+1d4 bleed), staggering the enemy. Her next arrow hits Blue in the upper right thigh for 10, staggering him as well. "Wow, thanks Cici! That felt great!"

Cici quips proudly, "Don't mention it."

R2T19: Aasgar, your inspiration is strike of the infinite protector. What do you do?

Blue on deck, Cici in the hole ...

HEROES: +4 morale bonus to AC until R2T19!!!
Imrijka: 22. Expeditious retreat til R26T10. Bow in hand. RS.
Aasgar: 19. Axe in hand.
Blue Orc: 17. (-5:13). Charged. AOO used. STAGGERED/ BLEED 1!!!
Bariswort: 12. Protection from evil til R18T21.
Cici: 11. Waveblade in hand.
Abenor: 10.
Purple Orc: 9. (-4:13). STAGGERED/ BLEED 1/rd!!! Charged.
Red Orc: 7. (13:13). Charged.
Lucette: 5.
Green Orc: 4. (13:13).
Brown Orc: 3. (-4:13). STAGGERED/ BLEED 1d4!!!

2022-05-21, 09:43 PM
R2T19: Aasgar lets loose with a battle cry, inspiring his allies. Stepping forward he swings his axe in a cleaving motion hoping to connect with the rage of orcs. His axe cuts through Brown's head (killing him instantly). His own battle cry gives him enough of an edge to continue his blow to strike into Blue's left lower arm, chopping it off as he goes down in a death of blood spray. Unfortunately, the blood, bodies, and gore halt Aasgar's terrible progress.Bodies are difficult terrain, so you can't 5' into the square of a fallen enemy to continue Great Cleave.
R2T11: Cici moves in and casts a spell on Abenor. "For a good stroke."

R2T10: Abenor nods, and for his part gives tactical advice. Not as brilliant as Aasgar's focused advice several seconds ago, but more about a slower, steadier defensive posture. He quick draws his wakizashi while getting into a more defensive posture, his two blades a whirling shield of steel, attacking with the knowledge Aasgar has given him before and now, and with Cici's blessed insight. He cuts Red's upper right arm for 21, and from his previous charge the orc practically runs onto the smaller blade as well for 13, and both blade serve to kill him outright.

R2T9-4: Purple bleeds but recovers his posture from his charge. Purple attacks ferociously, but Abenor's shift to defensive protects him as a falchion scrapes across his elven armor, and he deflects that attack to block Green's attack.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T22: Imrijka moves around to flank with Abenor while taking out her handaxe, sinking it into Purple's head with a sickly "thunk," and putting that orc out of his misery.

R3T19: Aasgar, you receive rising zenith strike. One orc remains. Dead bodies are difficult terrain. What do you do?

Cici on deck, Abenor in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale attack/ damage if w/in 30' of Aasgar on his previous turn. Ends R3T19.
Imrijka: 22. Expeditious retreat til R26T10. Bow in hand. RS.
Aasgar: 19. Axe in hand.
Bariswort: 12. Protection from evil til R18T21.
Cici: 11. Waveblade in hand.
Abenor: 10.
Lucette: 5.
Green Orc: 4. (13:13).

Orc (4).

2022-05-22, 02:08 AM
R3T19: Aasgar adjusts his footing but seeing how things are faring, he holds any action for now.

R3T11: Cici steps around Abenor. She does a palm strike to the orc's nose for 8, then slashes him in the chest with her waveknife for 10 + staggered.

R3T10: Abenor finishes him off.

Combat Ends!

What now?

Imrijka: 22. Expeditious retreat til R26T10. Bow in hand. RS.
Aasgar: 19. Axe in hand. Valiant keeper's stance.
Bariswort: 12. Protection from evil til R18T21.
Cici: 11. Waveblade in hand.
Abenor: 10. Inner sphere stance.
Lucette: 5.

Orc (5).

2022-06-21, 11:31 PM
Omast is a middle-aged man, and not nearly as prodigiously strong as Aasgar, but he acquits himself well working with the dwarf to get the boulder ready to roll. Omast has something he intends to use to light the boulder as soon as Aasgar gives it a mighty heave down the hill towards the portcullis once it is breached. "Don't push until I nod to signal to you that I am ready, even if they get to us first."

The first wave of six orcs have just broken down the western gate's portcullis with a Large battering ram! They drop the ram and all give warcries.

Begin Round One: First Wave

R1T19: One of the orcs (Brown) is much faster than its brethren and its runs up hill while taking out its falchion.

R1T16: Aasgar, what do you do?

Brown Orc: 19. (11:11). Falchion in hands.
Aasgar: 16.
Abenor: 14.
Omast: 13.
Cici: 12.
Blue Orc: 11. (11:11).
Red Orc: 10. (11:11).
Imrijka: 9.
Lucette: 8.
Purple Orc: 7. (11:11).
Bariswort: 6.
Pink Orc: 5. (11:11).
Green Orc: 3. (11:11).

2022-06-22, 02:27 PM
R1T16: Aasgar ignores the swift brown orc for now and says, "Omast, do it now!" and prepares himself to push.

R1T14: Abenor delays ...

R1T13: Omast nods to Aasgar, signaling him to push.

Aasgar, roll a STR check!

Brown Orc: 19. (11:11). Falchion in hands.
Aasgar: 16. READIED to push at Omast's signal.
Abenor: 14. DELAYING...
Omast: 13.
Cici: 12.
Blue Orc: 11. (11:11).
Red Orc: 10. (11:11).
Imrijka: 9.
Lucette: 8.
Purple Orc: 7. (11:11).
Bariswort: 6.
Pink Orc: 5. (11:11).
Green Orc: 3. (11:11).

2022-06-22, 03:08 PM
R1T13.1-.0: Aasgar realizes how much help Omast was getting the boulder into position, that when it came time to push it, he couldn't quite manage alone. Omast notices the trouble he has and tries to push as well, but also failing.

R1T12.5: Noticing that the rock hasn't moved, Abenor calls out, "Never mind that this wave. I'll chop the lashings on this log set when I have a few more targets."

R1T12: With the interruption, Cici takes out a wand and touches it to herself for 6 healing.

R1T11-10: Two more orcs come through the gate.

R1T9: Imrijka, her speed back to normal since her enchantment expired, rushes south by Abenor and shoots Blue in the left hand for 17, staggering him.

R1T7-3: As two more orcs begin to make their way up the hill, Abenor cuts the lashing holding that set of logs together. The logs hit Brown (8), Green (11), Pink (13), and Purple (13), knocking all of them prone while the logs slam into the wall of the southern gate turret.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T19: Brown stands, steps forward and swings its falchion at Omast, the point barely scrathing against the sergeant's breastplate.

R2T13.1: Aasgar, there is now no longer anyone downfield to roll the boulder into (at this time). The southern stack of logs on the map is not where the main map posts it, but where I have the 20' x 10' field of brown to the west. What do you do?

Omast on deck, Cici in the hole ...

Brown Orc: 19. (3:11). Falchion in hands. PRONE!!!
Aasgar: 13.1.
Omast: 13.
Cici: 12. Wand of CLW and waveblade in hand.
Blue Orc: 11. (-6:11). Ferocity!
Red Orc: 10. (11:11).
Imrijka: 9.
Lucette: 8.
Purple Orc: 7. (-2:11). Ferocity! PRONE!!!
Bariswort: 6.
Pink Orc: 5. (-2:11). Ferocity! PRONE!!!
Abenor: 2.
Green Orc: 3. (0:11). DISABLED! PRONE!!!

2022-06-22, 05:25 PM
R2T13.1: Aasgar moves south past Omast while taking out his axe and getting into a stance, but dodges a clumsy AOO as he goes by. Aasgar grunts with the barely-registered blow as he passes the sergeant and attacks the beast, hitting it in the right hand, the axe cleaving up into the arm and slicing open the brachial artery length-wise, dropping the orc.Rising zenith strike granted.
R2T13: Omast takes a swig of something, then moves forward to the fray of fallen foes, a greatsword now in hand.

R2T12: Cici moves south along the barricade and then looks at the orcs, and the one nearest Omast falls asleep.

R2T11-10: Blue starts to go over the barricade and jumps down, but gets killed by Abenor in the attempt. Red moves around the boulder and attacks Omast, but the sergeant's reaction time seems much more heightened as he dodges out of the way with an agility surpassing Aasgar's own.

R2T9: Imrijka takes aim at the fallen orcs finishes off two of them.

R2T2: Abenor vaults the barricade and closes on Green, dispatching him.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T13.1: Aasgar, what do you do?

Omast on deck, Cici in the hole ...

Aasgar: 13.1. Greataxe in hand.
Omast: 13. Cat's grace til R52T13. Greatsword in hand.
Cici: 12. Wand of CLW and waveblade in hand.
Red Orc: 10. (11:11).
Imrijka: 9.
Lucette: 8. DELAYING...
Bariswort: 6.
Abenor: 2.

Orc (5).

2022-06-23, 12:06 AM
R3T13.1: Aasgar crosses alongside Omast trapping the orc against the boulder, but after climbing over a dead orc, by the time he gets there he doesn't have quite enough to attack anymore.Strike of the infinite protector
R3T13: Omast leapfrogs past Aasgar, getting into a more vulnerable, aggressive stance and cuts deep and low into the orc's pelvis and abdomen, disemboweling him.

R3T12: Cici moves back north to her station at the logs, putting away her healing wand.

R3T9: Imrijka gets back to her position to get a better shot towards orcs coming through the gate.

R3T2: Abenor vaults the barricade again and puts his sword away.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4: Second Wave!

Aasgar: 13.1. Greataxe in hand.
Omast: 13. Cat's grace til R52T13. Greatsword in hand.
Cici: 12. Waveblade in hand.
Imrijka: 9.
Lucette: 8. DELAYING...
Bariswort: 6.
Abenor: 2.

Orc (6).

2022-06-23, 02:03 AM
[QUOTE=lostsole31;25499043]R3T13.1: Aasgar crosses alongside Omast trapping the orc against the boulder, but after climbing over a dead orc, by the time he gets there he doesn't have quite enough to attack anymore.Strike of the infinite protector
R3T13: Omast leapfrogs past Aasgar, getting into a more vulnerable, aggressive stance and cuts deep and low into the orc's pelvis and abdomen, disemboweling him.

R3T12: Cici moves back north to her station at the logs, putting away her healing wand.

R3T9: Imrijka gets back to her position to get a better shot towards orcs coming through the gate.

R3T2: Abenor vaults the barricade again and puts his sword away.

A new wave of orcs appear below at the gatehouse by the ruined portcullis!

End Round 3, Begin Round 4: Second Wave!

R1T14: Aasgar, what do you do?

Omast on deck, Cici in the hole ....

Aasgar: 14. Greataxe in hand.
Omast: 13. Cat's grace til R52T13. Greatsword in hand.
Cici: 12. Waveblade in hand.
Orc Bombardier: 11. (26:26).
Imrijka: 9.
Lucette: 8. DELAYING...
Blue-Brown Orc: 7. (11:11).
Bariswort: 6.
Blue-Red Orc: 5. (11:11).
Blue-Green Orc: 3. (11:11).
Abenor: 2.

Orc (6).

2022-06-23, 03:43 AM
R4T14: "Omast! To the boulder again!" yells Aasgar as he races along the side of the rock. He would've gotten farther if it wasn't for a dead orc, but it is too important to get the rock moving when it is time than to worry about sitting behind it perfectly. He braces himself against the rock from the side, even using his greataxe for potential leverage, but has to drop out of stance.

R4T13: Omast moves up next to Aasgar, takes out a and mixes something quickly in a glass vial, and then nods to Aasgar. It's a lot tougher from the side than from behind, but Aasgar knows how crucial it is to drop as many as quickly as possible; besides, his blood is really pumping after that last short skirmish, and he heaves and the rock begins rolling down. The rock rolls halfway down when Omast throws the vial against the rock. It erupts with flame, and the whole thing lights and becomes a flaming boulder as it continues down, smashing into three of the four orcs there, and doing 11 + 4 fire, and knocking all three down as it continues off-map to the west!

R4T12: Seeing that using logs for this wave isn't worth it, Cici takes out that healing wand again and taps herself for 9 healing.

R4T11: The orc that was standing behind the front line of three stands up. He lights something he holds in his hand.

R4T9: Imrijka fires her bow rapidly. Her first arrow hits the orc holding the lit object in the left shoulder for 12 and then the belly with another arrow for 13, dropping him. A small object, with something lit on a type of stem, falls from his hand.

R4T7-3: The two prone orcs stand and begin moving north in an angry shout. Only Blue-Red, who hadn't been rolled by the boulder, gets an attack in on Omast, the falchion being stopped by metal armor.

R4T2: Abenor vaults the barricade again, closes, and gives an ugly wound to Blue-Red's face to kill him outright.

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T14: Aasgar, you are not in stance because of the way you had to really get to the boulder. What do you do?

Omast on deck, Cici in the hole ...

Aasgar: 14. Greataxe in hand. Dead round 1 complete.
Omast: 13. Cat's grace til R52T13. Greatsword in hand.
Cici: 12. Waveblade in hand. Wand of CLW in hand.
Orc Bombardier: 11. (DEAD). PRONE!!! Unerring grenade (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment/weapons/Alchemical-weapons/#Fuse_Grenade) lit. Bomb will go off beginning of R6T9.
Imrijka: 9.
Lucette: 8. DELAYING...
Blue-Brown Orc: 7. (-4:11). FEROCITY!
Bariswort: 6.
Blue-Green Orc: 3. (-4:11). FEROCITY!
Abenor: 2.

Orc (7). Orc bombardier.

2022-06-23, 02:41 PM
R5T14: Aasgar moves north and west setting, but doing so opens him up from a soft crit from Blue-Green as his falchion hits Aasgar alongside the head for 0 (11 mod DDP). Aasgar shrugs it off and continues, settling into a comfortable stanc while flanking his foe, and swings his axe in a wide arc. He returns the favor as his axe strikes Blue-Green in the head, cleanly cutting his head off just above the ears (along the eyes) and the axe continues on to hit the last orc in its studded leather.

R5T13: Omast goes from a high back to a low upswing (like golf!) and drives his greatsword through the orc's groin and up into its abdomen, pulls out the sword, and its guts just fall straight down as it dies. "Back across the barricade and spread out!"

He heads off, and is on the barricade when his turn ends.

R5T12: Cici heads south and taps Imrijka with her wand for 5 healing.

R5T9: Imrijka nods in gratitude and aims "down lane." "Aasgar, pull back over and don't stand in front of my line of fire."

R5T2: Abenor vaults the barricade and then positions himself where Cici was in order to cut the next set of logs when needed.

End Round 5, Begin Round 6 ...

R6T14: Aasgar, what do you do?

Omast on deck, Cici in the hole ...

Aasgar: 14. Greataxe in hand. Dead round 2 complete. (DDP).
Omast: 13. Cat's grace til R52T13. Greatsword in hand.
Cici: 12. Waveblade in hand. Wand of CLW in hand.
Orc Bombardier: 11. (DEAD). PRONE!!! Unerring grenade (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment/weapons/Alchemical-weapons/#Fuse_Grenade) lit. Bomb will go off beginning of R6T9.
Imrijka: 9.
Lucette: 8. DELAYING...
Bariswort: 6.
Abenor: 2.

Orc (9). Orc bombardier.

2022-06-24, 04:11 PM
R6T14: Aasgar moves back to the barricade as recommended and out of Imrijkas line of fire. Upon getting next to Imrijka on the inner portion of the barricade, Aasgar's inspiration refreshes, but he also feels that head wound he took (11).

R6T13: Omast finishes getting over the barricade and looks west. He takes a deep draught of a hip flask, and puts it away. But as he puts it away, Aasgar notices that Omast's entire muscular ripples, swells, and grows, while also creating strange shifts in bone, including a deeper, lower brow. He looks like a powerful, devolved creature similar to himself.

R6T12: Cici shifts her position to come next to Aasgar. She sees the head wound and touches him with her wand for 7 healing.

R6T9: Imrijka takes out a wand and touches herself for 5 healing.

The little thing that the orc at the gatehouse had lit? The fire on the stem gets to the item its on and the whole thing blows up, leaving no trace of that orc. It was a fiery explosion, and other than blackening the surface, did no extra damage to the turreted walls.

R6T2: "I hear more gathering down there, but we don't see them, yet," says Abenor, ready still to cut the lashings on the log.

End Round 6, Begin Round 7 ...

R7T14: Aasgar, what do you do?

Omast on deck, Cici in the hole ...

Aasgar: 14. Greataxe in hand.
Omast: 13. Greatsword in hand.
* STR Mutagen (50 min). Cat's grace til R52T13.
Cici: 12. Waveblade in hand. Wand of CLW in hand.
Imrijka: 9. Wand of CLW and bow in hand.
Lucette: 8. DELAYING...
Bariswort: 6.
Abenor: 2.

Orc (9). Orc bombardier.

2022-06-26, 02:29 AM
R7T14: Aasgar nods his thanks to Cici as he stows his axe and draws his bow, nocking an arrow.

R7T13: Omast puts away his greatsword, and takes out a preloaded heavy crossbow.

R7T12-9: Cici will tap Aasgar again with her wand for 3 healing. Imrijka does likewise to herself again for 5 healing. Imrijka then puts her wand away.

R7T6: Well to the east of the party, coming out of a building, and then heading farther east, is the halfling leading a silver-haired elf or half-elf away, possibly to the triage station on the far side of the Inner Quarter. It seems while not out and fighting with you, the little guy is being helpful in finding and getting victims to safety.

R7T2: Abenor readies his sword to cut the lashing on the logs, when needed.

Nine orcs appear to the south, with six of them picking up the charred but capable battering ram.

End Round 7, Begin Round 8: Third Wave!

R8T14: Aasgar, what do you do?

Omast on deck, Cici in the hole ...

Aasgar: 14. Greataxe stowed; bow in hand.
Omast: 13. Greatsword stowed; heavy crossbow (loaded) in hand.
* STR Mutagen (50 min). Cat's grace til R52T13.
Cici: 12. Waveblade and wand of CLW in hand.
Imrijka: 9. Bow in hand.
Lucette: 8. DELAYING...
Bariswort: 6.
Abenor: 2.
Ninth Wave of Orcs.

Orc (9). Orc bombardier.

2022-06-26, 12:02 PM
R8T14: Aasgar lets loose with a bellow, inspiring his teammates, and brings his bow up and takes aim at one of the orcs, loosing an arrow to hit Green-Red in the head for 9 and now has inspiration on both withheld maneuvers.

R8T13: Omast shoots Green-Brown in the upper right arm for 9. He drops the heavy crossbow, and takes one of the sharpened stakes of the barricade in hand as a longspear.

R8T12: Cici, knowing there may be wounded ahead, puts away her waveblade. Figuring she might as well make good use of Aasgar's heartening warcry, she takes out a shuriken and tosses it 50' at the one Aasgar hit. It's a long toss, but amazingly she manages to hit Green-Red in the chest for 6 + staggered/dying, but as with most orcs, they just don't fall down dying when they should.

R8T9: Imrijka prays for a battle blessing for herself.

R8T6: The halfling continues to lead the wounded person away from battle, out of sight.

R8T2-1: The Third Wave begins their press forward. The dying orc heads off north. Two others head south, with one beginning to climb the barricade. The main mass of orcs with the battering ram move up, but as they do so, Abenor slashes the lashing on the logs, but the logs weren't set up for a disciplined formation of orcs coming up the middle (that was for forcus fire from archers, but merely to get rid of a side scramble.

End Round 8, Begin Round 9....

R9T14: Aasgar, you currently have all inspired maneuvers. Orcs are at the center barricade with a portable battering ram. What do you do?

Omast on deck, Cici in the hole ...

Aasgar: 14. Greataxe stowed; bow in hand.
Omast: 13. Greatsword stowed; heavy crossbow (unloaded) dropped; sharpened spear-stake in hand.
* STR Mutagen (50 min). Cat's grace til R52T13.
Cici: 12. Wand of CLW in hand.
Imrijka: 9. Bow in hand. Divine favor til R18T9 (+1 luck attk/dmg, not incl. in sheet).
Lucette: 8. DELAYING...
Bariswort: 6.
Abenor: 2.
Ninth Wave of Orcs: 1.
* Green-Red: (-5:11). Ferocity!
* Green-Brown: (2:11).

Orc (9). Orc bombardier.

2022-06-27, 12:33 PM
R9T14: Aasgar stows his bow and draws his great axe while beginning to detail the best defensive options to the team.

R9T13: "Somebody get the climbers - north and south!" calls Omast as he is focused with a stake and the ramholders. He is an aggressive posture and gives a crushing blow with the longspear to Green-Pink for 25, right through his head, killing him instantly. Though he falls, the ram does not.

R9T12: "On it!" calls Cici as she heads north across from the orc there. She stares at him, and he falls to the ground, asleep (and now dying).

R9T9: Imrijka steps back and behind Omast to get a clear line of fire. Her first arrow is deflected by armor, but the second arrow hits the orc in the belly and killing him.

R9T2: Abenor fills in the spot between Aasgar and Omast, and already in his reaching blade stance he slashes at the other lead orc on the ram, catching him in the upper right leg to chop that leg off and kill him from femoral artery blood loss and shock. That makes the orcs drop the ram!

R9T1: The orcs now rush the barricade. Green-Yellow heads north and climbs over, but in getting down from the barricade Aasgar cuts him in the upper right arm for 11, disabling him, but not stopping him. Meanwhile, the other four orcs get inside the barricade and threaten the heroes on several sides.

End Round 9, Begin Round 10 ...

R10T14: Aasgar, this will be your second "dead round" for maneuvers. What do you do?By "dead round," I mean a round where your inspiration does nothing, and you get nothing at the end of the round. At the end of next round, all maneuvers refresh, and normally withheld maneuvers will be withheld again.
Omast on deck, Cici in the hole ...

Aasgar: 14. Greataxe in hand. 1st dead round complete.
* ALL HEROES: +4 morale to AC until R10T14!!!
Omast: 13. Greatsword stowed; heavy crossbow (unloaded) dropped; sharpened spear-stake in hand.
* STR Mutagen (50 min). Cat's grace til R52T13.
Cici: 12. Wand of CLW in hand.
Imrijka: 9. Bow in hand. Divine favor til R18T9 (+1 luck attk/dmg, not incl. in sheet).
Lucette: 8. DELAYING...
Bariswort: 6.
Abenor: 2.
Ninth Wave of Orcs: 1.
* Green-Yellow (-1:11). Ferocity.
* Green-Red: (-6:11). DYING!!!

Orc (12). Orc bombardier.

2022-06-27, 02:42 PM
R10T14: Aasgar swipes out with his axe at the encroaching orc, putting it out of its misery, and giving Cici a quick boon of protection since she is outside of Abenor's tactical aura.

R10T13: Omast is in an aggressive stance, but now it seems vaguely serpentine as well as he unstraps his greatsword again and hits the center of the three-line of orcs in the lower leg for 19.

R10T12: Cici stares at her enemy, but amazingly this orc does not fall asleep. Cici steps to the center of this area.

R10T9: Imrijka steps away from the brutes. Her first arrow hits the wounded orc in the neck and he dies. She shoots another orc in the belly for 17, staggering him.

R10T2: Abenor rushes north to help Cici and cuts the orc in the knee for 21+staggered.

R10T1: The staggered orcs take 1 bleed. They then make their attacks, where able. Only one blow lands, but it's a doozy as Imrijka gets disembowled for 8 + 2 CON (+1d3 bleed).

End Round 10, Begin Round 11 ...

R11T14: Aasgar, what do you do?

Omast on deck, Cici in the hole ...

Aasgar: 14. Greataxe in hand. 2nd dead round complete.
Omast: 13. Greatsword stowed; heavy crossbow (unloaded) dropped. Serpent Style
* STR Mutagen (50 min). Cat's grace til R52T13.
Cici: 12. Wand of CLW in hand.
Imrijka: 9. Bow in hand. Divine favor til R18T9 (+1 luck attk/dmg, not incl. in sheet).
* Disemboweled: 2 CON damage. 1d3 BLEED!!!
** Heal: A DC 10 Heal check halves the bleed effect (again); a DC 20 Heal check negates the bleed effect. Rest or restorative magic is needed to heal ability damage.
Lucette: 8. DELAYING...
Bariswort: 6.
Abenor: 2.
Ninth Wave of Orcs: 1.
* Green-Blue (-6:11). Ferocity.
* Brown-Green (-11:11). Ferocity.
* Green-Red: (-6:11). DYING!!!

Orc (13). Orc bombardier.

2022-06-30, 02:03 AM
R11T14: Aasgar yells, "To Imrijka!" and dashes towards her putting himself between her and her attacker swinging his axe into the orc's chest and killing him. The kill is refreshing internally, as Aasgar's maneuvers reset.

R11T13: Omast strikes his opponent deep in the lower abdomen for 22 + staggered.

R11T12: Cici rushes to Imrijka and touches her wand to her for 4 healing. Unlike most bleeding wounds, the magic healing doesn't stop the bleeding.

R11T9: Imrijka takes 1 bleed, and tries to staunch the bleeding but fails.

R11T6: The halfling is at a flat-out run coming back towards the barricade.

R11T2: Abenor decapitates his opponent.

R11T1: Brown-Red doesn't have enough strength and expires, falling down, ending the active enemies on the field.

End Round 11, Begin Round 12 ...

R12T14: Aasgar, what do you do?

Omast on deck, Cici in the hole ...

Aasgar: 14. Greataxe in hand.
Omast: 13. Greatsword stowed; heavy crossbow (unloaded) dropped. Serpent Style
* STR Mutagen (50 min). Cat's grace til R52T13.
Cici: 12. Wand of CLW in hand.
Imrijka: 9. Bow in hand. Divine favor til R18T9 (+1 luck attk/dmg, not incl. in sheet).
* Disemboweled: 2 CON damage. 1d3 BLEED!!!
** Heal: A DC 10 Heal check halves the bleed effect (again); a DC 20 Heal check negates the bleed effect. Rest or restorative magic is needed to heal ability damage.
Lucette: 8. DELAYING...
Bariswort: 6.
Abenor: 2.

Orc (17). Orc bombardier.

2022-07-01, 08:07 PM
R12T14: Aasgar crosses to Imrijka and tries to help her staunch the bleeding (but not making any progress), and pulls a potion from his bandolier. "I have this if it will help..." he says, handing the vial to Imrijka. This is a "dead" round since it isn't combat. Counter doesn't restart, but it doesn't continue forward, either.
R12T13: Omast drops his sword, and likewise fails to stop Imrijka's bleeding. However, it does look like Omast really looks like knows what he's doing .... just hasn't met with success, yet. "That potion might help after, Axewielder, but right now the wound in her abdomen is too big to seal up the bleeding."

R12T12: Seeing that Omast is a more capable healer even than herself, she says, "Everyone listen to Omast, and help him out as he directs." She begins to Aid Omast's next Heal check.

R12T9: Imrijka doesn't put her hands in the way of others, but takes the offered potion out of Aasgar's hands.

R12T6: The halfling slows from an all-out run to a controlled hustle and jumps over the eastern barricade. His trousers get momentarily caught, but he lands in a roll and up on his feet.

R12T2: Abenor, not really into the lifesaving efforts going on, says, "Aasgar, let's leave the others to their work. I'm stepping outside the barricade to draw attention directly to us."

He vaults the barricade and moves to the center, standing over a dead orc, ready to strike down whatever comes.

And they are coming, as several more orcs ... tougher-looking than most of these flunkies, along with a reptile ... now show up.

End Round 12, Begin Round 13: Fourth Wave!

R13T22-15: Three orc shield breakers at the gatehouse. Two advance and throw pilums at Abenor; one hits off his armor, but the other pilum strikes Abenor in his upper right arm for 11 mod. A third crosses the backfield of these three to go maintain a fighting line, and Abenor dodges his thrown pilum.

R13T14: Aasgar, when you were giving first aid to Imrijka, there were no enemies and you subconsciously came out of stance. Abenor is alone and asked for you to trust the others to help Imrijka while he is now alone and being advanced upon by orcs. What do you do?

Omast on deck, Cici in the hole ...

Red Orc Shieldbreaker: 22. (9:9).
Blue Orc Shieldbreaker: 21. (9:9).
Green Orc Shieldbreaker: 15. (9:9).
Aasgar: 14. Greataxe in hand.
Omast: 13. Greatsword dropped; heavy crossbow (unloaded) dropped.
* STR Mutagen (50 min). Cat's grace til R52T13.
Cici: 12. Wand of CLW in hand. Aid Another to Omast's Heal check.
Orc Beast-Tamer: 10. (22:22).
Imrijka: 9. Bow in hand. Divine favor til R18T9 (+1 luck attk/dmg, not incl. in sheet). Potion of CMW in hand.
* Disemboweled: 2 CON damage. 1d3 BLEED!!!
** Heal: A DC 10 Heal check halves the bleed effect (again); a DC 20 Heal check negates the bleed effect. Rest or restorative magic is needed to heal ability damage.
Lucette: 8. DELAYING...
Bariswort: 6.
Monitor Lizard: 6.
Abenor: 2.

Orc (17). Orc bombardier.

2022-07-03, 09:56 PM
R13T14: Aasgar rises to his feet and rushes to his friends side, both of them standing astride dead orcs. "Ready?" he asks prepping his axe and entering Circular Stance while gaining insight to the strike of the infinite protector.

Abenor nods to Aasgar, and in the near-distance a tuba is heard giving a brief note.

R13T13: Omast, with Cici's help, works on Imrija. He calls out to dwarf and elf, "Stopped her bleeding!"

R13T12: Cici tends to Imrijka's wound with the wand.

R13T9: Imrijka also uses a wand on her abdomen.

R13T6: The halfling has a wand and goes to Imrijka and touches it to the half-orc, but this wand completely heals - not her wound, but the internal organ trauma she has suffered (no longer disemboweled).

R13T6-5.9: An orc female comes up the path with a lizard, but stays behind the line of orcs.

R13T2: Abenor takes out his smaller sword as well, getting into a TWF stance, preparing to strike down an orc that gets close .... but not moving closer himself. "Make them come to us."

End Round 13, Begin Round 14 ...

R14T22-15: The three orcs move forward. As two get into range, Abenor lashes out - cutting Red for 8 and Blue for 16+staggered, causing the latter to go into ferocity. Green lagged slightly and attacks. Abenor fails his counter, and the attack with an oversized sickled called a shotel cuts into the ice elf's left foot for 6 mod.

R14T14: Aasgar, what do you do?

Omast on deck, Cici in the hole ...

Red Orc Shieldbreaker: 22. (1:9).
Blue Orc Shieldbreaker: 21. (-7:9).
Green Orc Shieldbreaker: 15. (9:9).
Aasgar: 14. Greataxe in hand.
Omast: 13. Greatsword dropped; heavy crossbow (unloaded) dropped.
* STR Mutagen (50 min). Cat's grace til R52T13.
Cici: 12. Wand of CLW in hand.
Imrijka: 9. Bow in hand. Divine favor til R18T9 (+1 luck attk/dmg, not incl. in sheet). Potion of CMW in hand.
Lucette: 8. DELAYING...
Bariswort: 6. Lesser restoration wand in hand.
Orc Beast-Tamer: 5. (22:22). TD!
Monitor Lizard: 5.9.
Abenor: 2.

Orc (17). Orc bombardier.

2022-07-04, 01:02 PM
R14T14: Aasgar lets out with a bellow of challenge and swings his axe, cleaving from left to right. His axe cuts through the leg of Blue (killing him instantly) and upwards into the side of Red's chest to kill him instantly as well. He gains rising zenith strike for inspiration.

R14T13: Omast steps over to the barricade and tosses something at the orc's woman belly that erupts in a tight explosion of flame that does 8 fire to her. The woman's pet lizard and the remaining shieldbreaker also take 5 fire.

R14T12-9: Cici maintains healing efforts on Imrijka. As does Imrijka for herself. "Alright, that'll do for now," she says after using her own wand on herself and putting it away.

R14T6: The halfling puts his wand away, and with accordion in hand moves up to the barricade to better view the battle.

R14T5-5.9: The beast-tamer takes out a potion and drinks it for 4 healing. Her lizard pet clambers over a dead orc and bites at Aasgar, chomping on his face for 11 mod (DDP).

R14T2: Aasgar calls out, "Healing to Aasgar, now!" as he teleports from his spot to then appear behind the lizard. He slices with his sword to cut the thing for 12, but it is tough and can take a lot more.

End Round 14, Begin Round 15 ...

R15T15: Green steps over the fallen and attacks Aasgar, but a circular defense protects the dwarf.

R15T14: Aasgar, you don't feel the pain yet from the lizard's bite. You are flanking it with Abenor (hard to see on the map because of all the bodies). What do you do?

Omast on deck, Cici in the hole ....

HEROES: +2 morale attk/ dmg til R15T14.
Green Orc Shieldbreaker: 15. (4:9).
Aasgar: 14. Greataxe in hand. 11 DDP.
Omast: 13. Greatsword dropped; heavy crossbow (unloaded) dropped.
* STR Mutagen (50 min). Cat's grace til R52T13.
Cici: 12. Wand of CLW in hand.
Imrijka: 9. Bow in hand. Divine favor til R18T9 (+1 luck attk/dmg, not incl. in sheet).
Lucette: 8. DELAYING...
Bariswort: 6. Lesser restoration wand in hand.
Orc Beast-Tamer: 5. (14:22).
Monitor Lizard: 5.9. (28:33).
Abenor: 2.

Orc (17). Orc bombardier. Orc Shieldbreaker (2).

2022-07-06, 03:25 PM
R15T14: Aasgar takes advantage of the flanking and attacks the lizard, swinging his axe to create an opening for Abenor to strike as well, but as Aasgar's axe cuts against (but not into) the lizard's wrinkly hide, it throws him off and foils the overall teamwork attempt. The bite to Aasgar's face registers as he takes 11.

R15T13: Omast clambers over the barricade to come around from the north to flank the orc shieldbreaker and hews him down.

R15T12-9: Cici gets on the barricade and touches her wand to Aasgar for 9 healing to the dwarf. Imrijka gets over the barricade to stand next to Aasgar and touches him with her wand for 4 healing.

R15T6: The halfling begins playing a somber tune ... a tune that reminds the heroes of those they've lost in the path on their individual life travels, but that sadness reminding them to take advantage of every moment of life they have, and putting a bit more zing in their combat step.

R15T5: The beast-tamer takes another potion for 6 healing.

R15T4.9: The lizard bites hard against Aasgar's armor, but doesn't penetrate.

R15T2: Abenor was already working himself into a rage, despite Aasgar's recent healing, and allows the Hunter to take over him, diving into the lizard with both swords for a total of 38, dropping it.

End Round 15, Begin Round 16 ...

R16T14: Aasgar, what do you do?

Heroes on deck and in the hole ...

INSPIRE COURAGE: +1 morale vs. charm/ fear & +1 competence weapon attack/ damage.
Aasgar: 14. Greataxe in hand. One dead round down.
Omast: 13. Greatsword dropped; heavy crossbow (unloaded) dropped.
* STR Mutagen (50 min). Cat's grace til R52T13.
Cici: 12. Wand of CLW in hand.
Imrijka: 9. Bow and wand of CLW in hand. Divine favor til R18T9 (+1 luck attk/dmg, not incl. in sheet).
Lucette: 8. DELAYING...
Bariswort: 6. Accordion in hand. Inspire courage.
Orc Beast-Tamer: 5. (20:22).
Monitor Lizard: 4.9. (-10:33). DYING!!!
Abenor: 2. RAGE!!! THP: 8.

Orc (17). Orc bombardier. Orc Shieldbreaker (3).

2022-07-08, 02:46 PM
R16T14: Aasgar attempts to close the distance to the beast handler to attack and as he does so, calls out defensive recommendations to his allies. He makes an overhand chop that comes down on her left lower leg for 29 + staggered, invoking her ferocity.

R16T13-2: Omast hooks to a flank against the beast-tamer with Abenor, but gives such a wild swing that it leaves him wide open! Cici leaves the barricade and then does an axe-kick to the fallen lizard's head. Imrijka drops her bow and clambers over the fallen lizard while taking out her axe and attacks, but the dying orc blocks the attack. The halfling continues to play his tune. Abenor in his rage tears the orc beast-tamer apart with his two swords, and then releases the Hunter, which fatigues him.

End Round 16 and Denoument: Once the heroes defeat the fourth wave of orc raides, Trunauan guards manage to retake the western gate towers. They fix the second portcullis and drop it into place, effectively quarantining the inner quarter.

Combat Ends, and the heroes get a minute to catch their breath and recuperate (especially Abenor, who fatigues himself every time he taps into the Hunter) before its time to move on to light the final beacon at the Hopspring (M). In order to get into lower Trunau, the PCs will have to look for another means of getting past the western gates.

As post-battle is happening, and Abenor is taking his breather, do you say/ do anything?

INSPIRE COURAGE: +1 morale vs. charm/ fear & +1 competence weapon attack/ damage.
* All allies w/in 60' a +4 morale bonus to AC for 1 rd. (until Aasgar's next turn).
Aasgar: 14. Greataxe in hand. Two dead rounds down.
Omast: 13. Greatsword dropped; heavy crossbow (unloaded) dropped. FF'd til next turn!!
* STR Mutagen (50 min). Cat's grace til R52T13.
Cici: 12. Wand of CLW in hand.
Imrijka: 9. Bow dropped; handaxe and wand of CLW in hand. Divine favor til R18T9 (+1 luck attk/dmg, not incl. in sheet).
Lucette: 8. DELAYING...
Bariswort: 6. Accordion in hand. Inspire courage.
Orc Beast-Tamer: 5. (-9:22). Ferocity.
Abenor: 2. FATIGUED!!!

Orc (17). Orc bombardier. Orc Shieldbreaker (3). Monitor lizard.

2022-08-05, 02:08 AM
Begin Round One ...

R1T23: Cici hops off of the obstacle she was in the middle of climbing and calls out, "Contact west!"

She looks northwards intently.

R1T21: Aasgar, you just hopped off of the obstacle, but nothing is in hand yet. Because of a spur of rock, you don't see what Cici standing next to you sees. What do you do?

Cici: 23.
Aasgar: 21.
Lucette: 17.
Imrijka: 14. Bow in hand.
Abenor: 12. Ileor in hand.
Bariswort: 6.
Green Bombardier: 5. (26:26). ASLEEP til R4T23.
Red Bombardier: 4. (26:26).
Blue Bombardier: 3. (26:26).


2022-08-06, 08:35 AM
R1T21: Aasgar draws his axe and asks Cici, "What do you see? My view is blocked."

"I just put ..." begins Cici...

R1T14-12: Sounds of battle somewhere north and to the east where Aasgar cannot see.

"... a half-orc bombardier to sleep."

R1T6: Bariswort hops down off the obstacle and close to the rock, and casts a spell on Aasgar.

R1T4-3: More sounds of battle.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T23: Cici heads north.

R2T21: Aasgar, what do you do?You've been given guidance, so you get a +1 to any attack roll, saving throw, or skill check as long as you mention that you are using it for that roll before the roll.
Unseen combatants on deck and in the hole ...

Cici: 23.
Aasgar: 21. Axe in hand.
* Guidance til R11T6.
Lucette: 17. DELAYING!!!
Imrijka: 14. Bow in hand.
Abenor: 12. Ileor in hand.
Bariswort: 6.
Green Bombardier: 5. (26:26). ASLEEP til R4T23.
Red Bombardier: 4. (26:26).
Blue Bombardier: 3. (2:26, 1 NL).


2022-08-07, 03:26 PM
R2T21: Aasgar adjusts his stance and heads north, and holds off 10' before a sleeping half-orc that he sees and the remainder of the battle.

R2T14: Imrijka adjusts her position and fires a volley quickly. An arrow hits Red's gut for 17, but the second misses.

R2T12: Abenor, who has both blades out, adjusts his stance for two-weapon combat. He darts to the rock and jumps at it and bounces behind Red and slashes him in the lower back for 20 + staggered + grappled as his sword catches the orc's armor and gear at the back.

R2T6: Bariswort moves up behind Cici, and begins playing on his accordion, filling his allies with a dread of the grave that make them more focused in battle.

R2T5: Green sleeps soundly. Red drops his bow and surprises Abenor by being a capable grappler in escaping from the sword-hold. Blue drops his bow and charges Imrijka with the falchion he unsheathes, though Imrijka handily dodges out of the way.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T23: Cici kneels down and ventilates the sleeping orc in the lung, killing him, then adjusts northeast.

R3T21: Aasgar, what do you do?

Imrijka on deck, Abenor in the hole ...

HEROES: +1 vs. charm/ fear, +1 weapon attack & damage.
Cici: 23.
Aasgar: 21. Axe in hand. Valiant keeper's stance.
* Guidance til R11T6.
Lucette: 17. DELAYING!!!
Imrijka: 14. Bow in hand. RS.
Abenor: 12. Both in hand.
Bariswort: 6.
Red Bombardier: 4. (-11:26). STAGGERED!!!
Blue Bombardier: 3. (2:26, 1 NL). Charged.

Orc bombardier (1).

2022-08-07, 10:35 PM
R3T21: Aasgar runs straight east and squeezes behind the wheel of the artillery and the rock to come to Abenor's aid.

R3T14: Imrijka steps back from her aggressor and shoots a volley at him. her second attack goes into Blue's stomach so deeply it lodges into his spine for 12 + (1 bleed), dropping him.

R3T12: Abenor cuts down his foe with his sword, adjusts stance and position, and finishes off the one Imrijka dropped as well.

Combat Ends!

Imrijka tries to recover arrows, but none are salvageable.

Bariswort starts looking over the fallen orc's gear, and they had a total of:
(3) hide armor
(3) composite shortbows [+3 STR] w/ a total of (57) arrows
(3) falchion
(6) alchemist's fire
(6) smokesticks
(3) tanglefoot bags

Then, in addition to their gear, the orcs have some useful alchemical items. An alchemist’s lab leans against the catapult, along with (3) bags of flash powder, (6) fuse grenades, (2) pellet grenades (one cold iron, one adamantine), and a tangleburn bag.

Abenor recommends Aasgar use his axe to put the catapult out of commission ... and it is assumed he does so. This catapult will no longer threaten Trunau!

Does Aasgar want anything from the above?

Cici: 23.
Aasgar: 21. Axe in hand.
Lucette: 17. DELAYING!!!
Imrijka: 14. Bow in hand.
Abenor: 12. Both in hand.
Bariswort: 6.


2022-08-11, 05:05 PM
The stench of blood and smoke hangs thick in the air. In the darkness, the crackling of fires mingles with the war cries of orc raiders and the screams of townsfolk. The Hopespring beacon burns brightly, illuminating the pool at the bottom of the Hopespring’s waterfall as well as a rough hole gouged into the side of Bloodmarch Hill. Below that hill is a tusked giant of some sort with chains attached to an orc at each leg.

Begin Round One ...

R1T24: Abenor, already in his hunting stance, but having nothing ready in-hand, moves forward down the road while taking out his new bow. He fires it, hitting Blue in the side of the gut for 8.

R1T22: Cici does a flat-out run to the southeast.

R1T21: Bariswort moves west and then hops up onto a rock jutting a little from Hopespring while he takes out his crossbow.

R1T16: Red (orc) pulls on the chain of the giant, urging him forward.

R1T10: Aasgar, what do you do? You are assumed to not have axe in hand, to more quickly respond to a variety of situations.

Abenor: 24. Bow in hand.
Cici: 22.
Bariswort: 21.
Red Orc: 16. (11:11).
Aasgar: 10.
Imrijka: 8.
Blue Orc: 6. (3:11).
Crusher: 0. (71:108).

2022-08-13, 09:50 AM
R1T10: Aasgar moves straight south to the water's edge while drawing his bow. Upon stopping, he lets loose with a battle cry lending his allies confidence in their strikes. He pulls back and looses an arrow at the red orc, hitting him in the upper right arm for 16 + staggered!

R1T8: Imrijka moves up next to Aasgar and shoots Red in the groin, dropping him.

R1T6: Blue, the last orc, moves forward and tugs on the chain going to the giant's right leg.

R1T0: The giant begins to very slowly wade through the deeper water, dragging dead orcs along three of its chains (including the one you just felled (Red).

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T24: Abenor doubles back behind Imrijka and shoots the giant's round tummy for 17.

R2T22: Seeing the giant and orcs trudging towards shore, she doubles back in a full run.

R2T21: Bariswort reloads his crossbow and shoots at the giant, the bolt bouncing off of giant hide.

R2T10: Aasgar, you received rising zenith strike. What do you do?

Imrijka on deck, Blue in the hole ...

Encouraging Roar til R2T10!
Abenor: 24. Bow in hand.
Cici: 22.
Bariswort: 21. Unloaded, crossbow in hand.
Aasgar: 10.
Imrijka: 8.
Blue Orc: 6. (3:11).
Crusher: 0. (54:108).

Dead/ OOC
Orc (1).

2022-08-14, 12:30 PM
R2T10: Aasgar yells, "Take out the other handler!" and fires his bow at the remaining orc, striking it in the upper arm for 12 + staggered.

R2T8: Imrijka sends out a volley. One arrow drops the last orc, who is now dragged under the water with his three other dead kin ... all attached to the giant on chains. Her next arrow hits it in the jowels below one of its tusks for 14.

R2T0: With all of its green play-things dead, the giant howls in anger and sloshes forward. It swings one of the orcs-on-a-chain at Bariswort, hitting the poor halfling with a dead orc's body from 15' away at a full swinging arc for 22. It is forceful enough to rip the orc's body within the chain.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T24: Abenor changes his stance, drops his bow, and teleports right out to the giant, slashing with a quick-drawn katana, but not cutting past its hide and reduced profile because of the water.

R3T22: Cici splashes into the shallows, staring at the giant. The giant wobbles, and then topples into the water.

R3T21: Bariswort just barely manages to jump ashore in his wounded state, and stays behind the rock - hurt and terrified.

R3T10: Aasgar, what do you do? The giant's back is visible as it fell forward to snooze in the water.

Imrijka on deck, "Crusher" in the hole ...

Abenor: 24. Bow dropped ashore; katana in hand.
Cici: 22.
Bariswort: 21. Unloaded, crossbow in hand.
Aasgar: 10.
Imrijka: 8.
Crusher: 0. (40:108). Four orcs on chains; one will fall out at beginning of next turn.. THP: 9. RAGING!
* ASLEEP til R6T22.

Dead/ OOC
Orc (1).

2022-08-15, 08:56 AM
R3T10: Aasgar sloshes into the water toward the giant while stowing his bow and getting out his axe, finding the shallows difficult terrain.

R3T8: Imrijka delays...

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T24: Abenor performs a CDG on the sleeping giant by putting his katana into the backbone at the base of its skull, slaying it.

Combat Ends ...

Abenor and Cici make their way out of the water. Abenor collects his bow. And Aasgar can make it to shore. Abenor and Cici mention nothing of worth was on the remaining orc bodies or the giant.

"That was a cave giant, if I'm not mistaken," says Abenor, "but modified since birth to act like a living siege engine. Killing him was a kindness."

"Y-you know what else is a kindness?" asks a strained, plaintive basso ... "healing .... please."

Everyone looks at the battered Bariswort, where one hit from a orc on a chain from a giant caused him great injury. Cici goes to him and lays her hand on his forehead, as he takes off his battered top half and reveals a partially balding pate. She gives him 5 healing from the strange, wordless energy she gave each of the other heroes earlier in this very long day. She then takes out her wand and taps him three times so that he is almost fuly healed but for a light bruise.

Aasgar, do you do anything while the five of you catch your breaths? You notice the sounds of battle aren't so much "distant" any more so much as they have all but died out.

Abenor: 24. Katana in hand.
Cici: 22.
Bariswort: 21. Loaded crossbow in hand.
Aasgar: 10. Axe in hand.
Imrijka: 8. DELAYING!!!

Dead/ OOC
Orc (1). Crusher.

2022-08-21, 10:54 AM
Surprise Round!

The entire group is surprised as a squirming, squeaky mass of of rats with rotting flesh, torn and matted fur, and reddish blazing eyes moves toward them. Their semi-translucent skin shows discolored bones and muscle. Abenor is able to get a sudden strike in for 6 mod among the mass, killing several rats. Meanwhile, the rats swarm over Aasgar (4 mod + 3 STR), Abenor (8 mod + 2 STR), and Imrijka (10 + 3 STR). Not only do they nip and bite mercilessly, but their very bites chill the heroes to the bone, numbing their muscles.

Begin Round One ...

R1T22: "Shadow rat swarm!" calls Imrijka. "Undead rats like we fought under the plague house, but a whole swarm of them now. Spread out, and don't stay in with them." She takes out a flask of alchemist's fire. "Sorry, guys," she says to the dwarf and elf as she backs up to the east, "I'll give a few extra seconds, but this is the best way."

R1T18: Abenor nods his understanding. He also takes out a flask of alchemist's fire and looks to Aasgar with a plaintive shrug before heading south.

R1T13: The unholy terrors continue to nibble on Aasgar to cause 10 mod + 1 STR.

R1T12: Aasgar, what do you do? You are being engulfed and weakened by undead rats.

Imrijka: 22. Bow in hand. Light on hat. Alchemist's fire in hand.
Abenor: 18. Katana in hand. Running hunter's stance.
Shadow Rat Swarm: 13. (54:60).
Aasgar: 12. Axe in hand.
Lucette: 11.
Bariswort: 7. Accordion in hand.
Cici: 6. Light on waveblade in hand.

Dead/ OOC

2022-08-22, 04:03 PM
R1T12: Aasgar does a swift maneuver with a shout to his allies, and then moves south at his maximum speed trying to dodge any attacks. He finds he is able to just hustle without any special movements, as the rats are really too small and in their own way to threaten. He gets up to Abenor, and his friend's presence reminds Aasgar that he is a not just a defensive protector, but an offensive one as well.

R1T11: Lucette, hearing the commotion, squeaks a warning to Cici before hiding back in the folds of her mantle and hood.

R1T7: Bariswort starts shouting in that bizarre language again. He then does what might be the tactically worst thing possible, and double moves to have Abenor and Aasgar screen him .... so now three heroes are all standing together again.

R1T6: Cici's hand glows with her healing hex and she pushes through a bunch of rats to do 10 PE. She then rushes over by Imrijka so each cell of heroes can see each other.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T22: Imrijka adjusts position to get Cici out from in front of her. She tosses the alchemist's fire, but botches the throw and it falls harmlessly between the girls and the rats.

R2T18: Abenor shrugs as he looks at Aasgar and then heads back towards the rats - closing the distance by half - before throwing his flask. He doesn't miss, though honestly it the initial burst of fire is not impressive as it only does 2 fire across the mass, and doesn't catch fire. Aasgar hears Abenor cursing under his breath, because it's a little known fact that Abenor is terrified of swarms of creatures; mainly bugs, true, but the idea of being overwhelmed by a mass of creatures is one of his great fears.

R2T13: The shadow rat swarm acts as expected, going for the closest threat ... Abenor. They surround him, and so completely frazzled by them as he is Abenor swings wildly and ends up nicking himself with his supremely sharp katana for 2 bleed. Meanwhile, from the rats he takes 7 mod + 1 STR.

R2T12: Aasgar, what do you do?

Bariswort on deck, Cici in the hole ...

HEROES (til R2T12): Grant all allies w/in 60' a +4 morale bonus to AC for 1 rd.
Imrijka: 22. Bow in hand. Light on hat.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Abenor: 18. Katana in hand. Inner sphere stance. 2 BLEED!!!
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Shadow Rat Swarm: 13. (42:60).
Aasgar: 12. Axe in hand.
Lucette: 11. DELAYING!
Bariswort: 7. Accordion in hand.
Cici: 6. Light on waveblade in hand.

Dead/ OOC

2022-08-24, 09:50 AM
R2T12: Aasgar yells, "Abenor, get out of there! More fire, everyone!" and he prays to his Goddess to grant him aid for his companions, though in the end it is more aid for himself, and he feels the same inspired maneuver granted as before.

R2T7: Bariswort starts to play his doleful tune on his accordion, before moving closer.

R2T6: Cici likewise moves closer and casts a spell. A pulse of positive energy bursts over Abenor and the rats. Strangely the rats completey ignore this pulse, but at least gives Abenor 7 healing and stops his bleeding.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T22: Imrijka takes out a flask of holy water, steps a little closer, and chucks it. This time she is succesful as she flask breaks open in the middle of the swarm to do 9 PE.

R3T18: Abenor steps out of the swarm, takes out a flask of alchemist's fire, and throws it at the rats, doing 7 fire + burning.

R3T13: The shadow rat swarm in its panic seems to become only partially real, but is still burning (7 fire). It swarms Abenor. It doesn't do anything physical, but its dark nature still inflicts 3 STR.

R3T12: Aasgar, what do you do? You realize now that normal protections against weapons don't quite work the same with a swarm.

HEROES: +1 weapon attk/ damage.
Imrijka: 22. Bow in hand. Light on hat.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Abenor: 18. Katana in hand. Inner sphere stance.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Shadow Rat Swarm: 13. (19:60).
Aasgar: 12. Axe in hand.
Lucette: 11. DELAYING!
Bariswort: 7. Accordion in hand. INSPIRE COURAGE!
Cici: 6. Light on waveblade in hand.

Dead/ OOC

2022-08-27, 03:58 AM
R3T12: Aasgar draws a flask of alchemist's fire from his bandolier and chucks it at the swarm, doing 1 fire splash damage to the swarm and to Abenor.

R3T7: Bariswort continues to play music.

R3T6: Cici moves a few feet closer, takes out a flask, and chucks it at the swarm, hitting it directly for 8 fire, and Abenor for 1 fire.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T22: Imrijka moves a little closer, takes out another flask, and this time this flask does 4 acid to the swarm (and 1 acid to Abenor).

R4T18: Abenor steps back and two-hand swings his katana with as much power as he can muster, and it is Bariswort's music that helps the elf find his target as his blade cuts through so many rats that the entire undead group disappears.

Combat Ends ...

HEROES: +1 weapon attk/ damage.
Imrijka: 22. Bow in hand. Light on hat.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Abenor: 18. Katana in hand. Inner sphere stance.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Aasgar: 12. Axe in hand.
Lucette: 11. DELAYING!
Bariswort: 7. Accordion in hand. INSPIRE COURAGE!
Cici: 6. Light on waveblade in hand.

Dead/ OOC

2022-08-31, 11:47 AM
The party connects with the main north-south artery, and then along the eastern passage to the north, noting the waters 20' below the holes in the deck of the cavern. Things seem to be widening out to the east and north as they go. Tangles of thick white webbing fill a ravine at the eastern end of this cavern. A thick, flat slab of dark gray stone forms a bridge across the ravine.

But before that, there are some really strange, horrifying, bird-calls ... hawk-sized avians that look like six-legged storks, with unkempt and greasy feathers and a beak that looks razor-sharp!

Begin Round One ...

R1T28: Abenor gets into his reaching blade stance and surges forward to the one to the north (Red) in an animalistic charge, slashing the creature in a wing for 24 + disabled.

R1T24: Cici comes from the back to square off against Blue to the east. She tries to do a snap kick to its chest, but fails. "It's a gryph," she calls, her voice echoing in the chamber. "A magical beast. They love to use their beak to hold onto prey and implant eggs into them, so don't let them get ahold of you."

R1T22: The gryph she just attacked snaps at her with its beak, and she easily dodges, but in doing so she practically runs into its waiting claw. The claw doesn't shred, simply tries to grab her and she is a superior unarmed combatant so gets out of its attempted grasp.

R1T21: Imrijka moves forward, but stays within Abenor's protective aegis, shooting his opponent in the head to kill it.

R1T19: Aasgar, your axe is in hand. What do you do?

HEROES: +1 weapon attk/ damage.
Abenor: 28. Katana in hand. Inner sphere stance.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Cici: 24. Light on waveblade in hand.
Blue Gryph: 22. (24:24).
Imrijka: 21. Bow in hand. Light on hat.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Purple Spider: 20. (21:21).
Aasgar: 19. Axe in hand.
Lucette: 18.
Brown Spider: 17. (21:21).
Bariswort: 16. Accordion in hand.
Green Spider: 15. (21:21).
Pink Spider: 11. (21:21).

Dead/ OOC
Gryph (1).

2022-09-01, 09:11 PM
R1T19: Aasgar charges east letting loose with a cry to bolster his teammates, and gaining his inspiration.

R1T18: Lucette, aware of the danger, ducks deeper under Cici's hood.

R1T16: With Aasgar's roar, Bariswort feels no need to play music, but he rushes in to be closer to everyone.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T28: Abenor moves east, and then teleports by the gryph, cutting it along the neck for 23.

R2T24: Cici stabs the gryph for 6, dropping it.

R2T21: Imrijka comes up while drawing her handaxe to sink into the gryph's chest and wing to finish it off.

R2T20: The group doesn't even have a chance to cheer for the very short battle as Imrijka notices a spider descending on a web at the last minute. Too late, as it bites her on the neck for 11.

R2T19: Aasgar, what do you do?

* HEROES: Those w/in 60' of Aasgar get +5' speed.
Abenor: 28. Katana in hand. Inner sphere stance.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Cici: 24. Light on waveblade in hand.
Imrijka: 21. Bow and handaxe in hand. Light on hat.
* Save vs. Poison (q.v.) each round til R7T20!!!
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Purple Spider: 20. (21:21).
Aasgar: 19. Axe in hand.
Lucette: 18. DELAYING!!!
Brown Spider: 17. (21:21).
Bariswort: 16. Accordion in hand.
Green Spider: 15. (21:21).
Pink Spider: 11. (21:21).

Dead/ OOC
Gryph (2).

2022-09-03, 03:48 PM
R2T19: Aasgar quickly swings his axe at the spider, missing and foiling his attempted team tactic, but he gets his inspiration.

R2T17: The party is now aware of spiders dropping down, and sure enough, one approaches Abenor, but he deflects the bite.

R2T16: Bariswort moves away from the area where spiders are netting down to drop on his fellows, but begins playing a soulful tune on his accordion for his friends' sake.

R2T15-11: Aasgar and Cici look up to see spiders climbing down webs at them. Aasgar ducks, but Cici makes a hard palm deflection against her attacker that cracks chitin for 2 CON.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T28: Abenor steps away from his attacker to provide defense to the whole group, and he unsheathes his smaller wakizashi at the two spiders above Imrijka and Cici. cutting both of them for 13.

R3T24: "Okay, younger giant spiders," says Cici as she steps away from her attacker. "Mindless, as with most vermin."

She flurries with her waveblade, missing Imrijka's spider but striking her former spider-hat for 9, causing it to fall from its web and drop to the ground (1) and stop moving.

R3T21: Imrijka seems to be suffering pain from her spider-bite, her muscles stiffening (2 poison + weakened). She steps back from underneath the spider, and calls out, "I've been poisoned!" as she drops her bow and takes out antitoxin. The spider snaps at her as she does so.

R3T20: Purple bites Imrijka again, this time in the chest for 3.

R3T19: Aasgar, what do you do? These are smaller, younger, but faster spiders than the one(s) you fought in the temple. Note that all active spiders are 5' off the ground, suspended from webs (that you can't reach, so no sundering their lines).

Brown on deck, Bariswort in the hole ...

HEROES: +1 morale attk/ damage.
* HEROES: Those w/in 60' of Aasgar get +5' speed.
Abenor: 28. Katana in hand. Inner sphere stance. RS.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Cici: 24. Light on waveblade in hand. RS.
Imrijka: 21. Bow dropped, and handaxe and antitoxin in hand. Light on hat.
* Save vs. Poison (q.v.) each round til R8T20!!!
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. She is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Purple Spider: 20. (8:21).
Aasgar: 19. Axe in hand.
Lucette: 18. DELAYING!!!
Brown Spider: 17. (21:21).
Bariswort: 16. Accordion in hand. INSPIRE COURAGE!
Green Spider: 15. (21:21).
Pink Spider: 11. (-5:18, 6:8 CON). DYING!!!

Dead/ OOC
Gryph (2).

2022-09-04, 01:12 PM
R3T19: Aasgar shifts his footing and lashes out using both hands at purple wildly, almost catching himself with his axe on the backswing.

R3T17: Brown bites at Abenor, but is blocked by the elf's flashing blades.

R3T16: Bariswort continues to play his accordion, moves over some, casts a spell, and touches Imrijka.

R3T15: Green is so quick that he Aasgar is unable to respond to its lightning-fast strike. The dwarf is bit in the neck for 3 mod DDP and feels the muscles around the neck start to go numb.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T28: Abenor begins the action of his blades, killing purple and doing 12 to Brown.

R4T24: Cici flurries to do 8 to Green, but her second attack is like Aasgar ... she barely keeps from stabbing herself.

R4T21: Imrijka uses Bariswort's aid and fights off the poison, but she isn't taking chances as she drinks the antitoxin anyway. She stumbles over and strikes Brown for 4 with her handaxe.

R4T19: Aasgar, Imrijka looks like she'll be okay for now, though definitely under the weather. Meanwhile, you still have a spider directly above you. What do you do?

Brown on deck, Bariswort in the hole ....

HEROES: +1 morale attk/ damage.
* HEROES: Those w/in 60' of Aasgar get +5' speed.
Abenor: 28. Katana in hand. Inner sphere stance. RS.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Cici: 24. Light on waveblade in hand. RS.
Imrijka: 21. Bow dropped, and handaxe in hand. Light on hat.
* Antitoxin: For 1 hour, gain +5 alchemical bonus vs. poison.
* Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. She is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Aasgar: 19. Axe in hand. One round fallow. Must save vs. poison!
* IA: if Imrijka is attacked, he'll use King's Castle on her (see his post).
Lucette: 18. DELAYING!!!
Brown Spider: 17. (5:21).
Bariswort: 16. Accordion in hand. INSPIRE COURAGE!
Green Spider: 15. (13:21).

Dead/ OOC
Gryph (2). Spider (2).

2022-09-06, 09:43 PM
R4T19: Aasgar steps to the left and brings his axe to bear on the dangly arachnid to knock it to the ground while offering tactical suggestions to everyone but ... who? the spiders?

Though his body fights off the bulk of the poison, he still takes 2 poison to his DDP.

R4T17: Brown bites at Imrijka, but Aasgar's advice has her brace at the last second so the spider bites against her chain links.

R4T16: Bariswort continues playing his music, takes out a wand, and taps it to Imrijka to remove the effects of the poison, completely refreshing her in that regard.

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T28: Abenor rolls on the ground in a semicircle under the spider and pops up to stab Brown, killing it.

Combat Ends ...

HEROES: +1 morale attk/ damage. +4 morale to AC til R5T19.
* HEROES: Those w/in 60' of Aasgar get +5' speed.
Abenor: 28. Katana in hand. Inner sphere stance. RS.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Cici: 24. Light on waveblade in hand. RS.
Imrijka: 21. Bow dropped, and handaxe in hand. Light on hat.
* Antitoxin: For 1 hour, gain +5 alchemical bonus vs. poison.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Aasgar: 19. Axe in hand. Two rounds fallow.
Lucette: 18. DELAYING!!!
Brown Spider: 17. (5:21).
Bariswort: 16. Accordion in hand. INSPIRE COURAGE!

Dead/ OOC
Gryph (2). Spider (3).

2022-09-16, 02:23 AM
Just as Aasgar gets to the point where the narrow passage widens out again, looking out over a 10' drop, he hears something just ahead and to the side of him.

Surprise Round ....

S12: Before Aasgar can react, a very squat half-orc .... perhaps smaller than he's ever seen from an adult male half-orc (5'1") steps out from behind the rock and clumsily stabs at Aasgar.

S11: Aasgar, what do you do? This is a surprise round, so you only have a MA or a SA available, but not both. You are in hostile territory, so it is assumed your axe is in hand.

* HEROES: Those w/in 60' of Aasgar get +5' speed.
Abenor: xx. Nothing in hand.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Cici: xx. Light on waveblade in hand.
Imrijka: xx. Bow in hand. Light on hat.
* Antitoxin: For 1 hour, gain +5 alchemical bonus vs. poison.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Daktani: 12.
Aasgar: 11. Axe in hand.
Lucette: xx.
Bariswort: 16. Accordion in hands.

Dead/ OOC

2022-09-16, 02:38 PM
S11: Aasgar stands his ground but holds his hands up in a calming gesture... And says in Orc "Whoa, whoa there, young fellow. Let's calm down and talk. We've clearly got you outnumbered and have the larger weapons." And holds his action awaiting a response.

"Ghaer! Help me!" the half-orc shouts angrily.

Begin Round One ...

R1T25: "That's hostile," mutters Imrijika. Using her own knowledge of tactics, she moves forward, going through Aasgar's spot instead of around as she gets out her handaxe and nicks the enemy half-orc's left hand for 4. "Hey, we got a really big wolf on a ledge to the south, by the way."

R1T23: Cici sidesteps to get a better look at the scuffle, and she stares at the half-orc, but he resists her witchery.

R1T18: There is a howling sound to the south. Despite the massive size of this cave, the howl comes from an immensely powerful set of lungs, and reverberates painfully off the old stone.

R1T17: Bariswort begins playing his mournful tune, giving fear's own courage to his friends that they may forestall their approach to the grave, his gravelly deep halfling voice accopmanying his accordion.

R1T13: Another powerful set of howling lungs fights against the basso voice of the halfling bard.

R1T12: The half-orc backs away to the west a little, taking out a heavy bag. "I was there, at the temple, and you never saw me. But this is where your meddling ends!" he snarls as he tosses the bag at Imrijka. She ducks down deep as the satchels sails overhead to the rock behind her, splattering with a resin that then quickly turns to flame before burning itself out.

R1T11: Aasgar, what do you do? Since combat was joined the instant he attacked you, despite your desire to de-escalate, you got your inspiration.

HEROES: Those w/in 60' of Aasgar get +5' speed. +1 vs. charm/ fear; +1 weapon attack/ damage rolls.
Imrijka: 25. Bow and axe in hand. Light on hat.
* Antitoxin: For 1 hour, gain +5 alchemical bonus vs. poison.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Cici: 23. Light on waveblade in hand.
Dire Wolf (Brown): 18. DELAYING!!!
Bariswort: 17. Accordion in hands. INSPIRE COURAGE!
Lehi: 14.
Dire Wolf (White): 13.
Daktani: 12.
Aasgar: 11. Axe in hand.
Lucette: 10.
Abenor: 9. Nothing in hand.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Ghaer: 9.
Skreed: 7.

Dead/ OOC

2022-09-18, 03:52 PM
R1T11: Aasgar hooks south and west to face the wee orc, but gets stabbed in the chest (8 DDP) as he goes. The dwarven axeman adjusts his stance and brings down his own weapon in a sweeping motion and returns the favor trebly by hitting the enemy in the chest for 23. "What? What meddling? What are you talking about?"

R1T10: Lucette is alert to danger and delays ...

R1T9: Abenor quick draws both blades and steps around the corner while getting into style. His katana cuts into the man's quad for 14 while his wakizashi stabs him in the stomach for 11, dropping the half-orc.

R1T9: A tall, gangly, near-giant of a humanoid with a thick hide of mottled blue climes past the rocks to the north that led to the drop down to the water. The monster looks at Aasgar with protruding yellow canines, narrow slits for eyes, and large, powerful hands that end in wicked claws, one of which lashes at Aasgar with more speed than strength, but still slashing the dwarf's hand for (7 DDP).

R1T7: A voice deeper within the cavern says in Orc, *"Attack!"*

Aasgar sees a half-orc with a falchion in hand on the opposite ledge to the south seemingly drink something and then run and leap off the ledge to the floor below, landing adeptly on his feet after the 10' jump. This half-orc, by comparison to the one just filled, is six-and-a-half-feet tall.

R1T6-5: An immense wolf the size of a horse, its fangs as sharp as knives, moves from the southern ledge to bear down on Aasgar, gnashing against his armor and nearly puncturing through. Another wolf of the same type likewise closes on the party before then moving down a semi-natural ramp to the floor below.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T25: Imrijka takes a step behind Abenor, puts away her handaxe, and takes out a satchel that looks very similar to what the fallen half-orc tried to throw at her.

R2T23: Cici closes slightly and stares at the one wolf she can see and stares at it for no apparent effect.

R2T17: Bariswort continues to play his accordion, steps up, and casts a spell. A large, dark slick of grease appears underneath the wolf fighting Aasgar. The big, brown wolf loses its footing and falls.

R2T14: Another one of those hideously ugly, near-giant creatures climbs up from the area below ... to stand behind Bariswort!

R2T11: Aasgar, you have the inspiration of both maneuvers. What do you do?

Abenor on deck, Aasgar's Ugly in the hole ...

HEROES: Those w/in 60' of Aasgar get +5' speed. +1 vs. charm/ fear; +1 weapon attack/ damage rolls.
Imrijka: 25. Bow and tangleburn bag in hand. Light on hat.
* Antitoxin: For 1 hour, gain +5 alchemical bonus vs. poison.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Cici: 23. Light on waveblade in hand.
Bariswort: 17. Accordion in hands. INSPIRE COURAGE!
* Grease will last til R32T17.
Lehi: 14.
Aasgar: 11. Axe in hand. Valiant keeper's stance.
Lucette: 10. DELAYING!!!
Abenor: 9. Nothing in hand.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Ghaer: 9.
Skreed: 7. Falchion in hand. Bomber's eye (+1 insight thrown attack rolls, +10' RI thrown weapons, not incl.).
Dire Wolf (Brown): 6. PRONE!
Dire Wolf (White): 5.

Dead/ OOC

2022-09-19, 04:11 PM
R2T11: Aasgar turns towards the downed wolf and yells, "Abenor, now!" as he brings his axe down two-handed, biting deep into the monster's flank for 29. Aasgar misjudged how close Abenor was to the wolf - for Aasgar was next to the wolf, but Abenor is just out of reach --

R2T9: Abenor tried to do a little cut just in case he could reach, but verifies that he is out of combat distance with the fallen wolf. He doesn't get smarmy. Good combat distance is one of the hardest things to account for in a mixed melee, and understands Aasgar misjudging. Besides, that is really only on the periphery of his focus. Aasgar didn't see the other ugly-green thing climb up behind poor Bariswort, but Abenor does. And seeing the 7-1/2-foot-tall monster looming over the little musician fills Abenor with intense anger as he tweaks his stance gives in to the Hunter, snarling. He disappears from his current position to be heard attacking to the north, and a creature yowling in pain and rage itself.

R2T9: That same yowling creature is heard performing what sounds like a counterattack.

R2T7: The blonde half-orc in the area below moves north some and then throws something at Aasgar from quite a distance for a thrown object, but it still happens to just clip Aasgar on the side of the belly ... a tiny vial that explodes in flame for 8 fire (+3 DDP). Even though the explosion of flame should have included the wolf and Big Green, the aim and shape of the explosion manages to avoid them, though ... but doesn't avoid Imrijka. From her angle she never even saw the man or the bomb until it was too late, and gets caught in the explosion for 8 fire ... and her magical cords she wore about her shoulders are burned away! Worse, Imrijka is now on fire, screaming in pain!

R2T6: The brown wolf tries to find its footing, and in doing so Aasgar hits it in the flank for 24, but it still manages to just get on its feet. This time, with Aasgar flanked by the big green creature, the wolf successfully nips Aasgar along the side of the neck for 6 mod.

R2T5: The big white wolf comes up the ramp to bite Aasgar hard in the belly for 13 mod, knocking Aasgar down.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T25: Imrijka takes 4 fire from burning. Instead of seeing to herself, though, she steps forward and tosses the four-pound satchel to hit the brown wolf perfectly ... right across the eyes as the satchel explodes to do 8 fire + blinded, dropping the wolf and now IT is on fire and stuck in resin (ironically, in grease).

R3T23: Cici turns to stare at the green thing to the north and calls out, "Anyone know what that is?"

There is a loud "whump" and Cici adds as she moves next to Aasgar and Imrijka. "Asleep. It's asleep, is what it is."

R3T17: Bariswort continues his doleful tune, proving that fear of the grave is its own spur to heroism for his companions. He steps south, looking at the burning Imrijka, and saying something in an unknown tongue.

R3T14: The big ugly near Aasgar looks at the downed dwarf with glee and begins to shred, catching Aasgar in the helm for 5 mod.

R3T11: Aasgar's wounds catch up with him as he takes a whopping 15! Aasgar, you are prone and knocked out of stance and in a bad way, surrounded by strange enemies. What do you do?

Abenor on deck, northern ugly in the hole ...

HEROES: Those w/in 60' of Aasgar get +5' speed. +1 vs. charm/ fear; +1 weapon attack/ damage rolls.
Imrijka: 25. Bow in hand. Light on hat. BURNING!!!
* Antitoxin: For 1 hour, gain +5 alchemical bonus vs. poison.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Cici: 23. Light on waveblade in hand.
Bariswort: 17. Accordion in hands. INSPIRE COURAGE!
* Grease will last til R32T17.
Lehi: 14. (33:33).
Aasgar: 11. Axe in hand. Round one fallow complete. PRONE!!!
Lucette: 10. DELAYING!!!
Abenor: 9. Both swords in hand. Thrashing Dragon Style. Inner Sphere Stance. RAGING!!!
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Ghaer: 9. (19:33).
Skreed: 7. Falchion in hand. Bomber's eye (+1 insight thrown attack rolls, +10' RI thrown weapons, not incl.).
Dire Wolf (Brown): 6. (-6:55). DYING!!! BURNING til R5T25.
Dire Wolf (White): 5. (55:55).

Dead/ OOC

2022-09-20, 02:39 AM
R3T11: "Ow... A little help here..." grunts Aasgar as his body is pummeled. Defensively, Aasgar lets out a roar of defiance and tumbles to his feet, blocking the claw from the ugly monster, but not a crit from the white wolf. Still, Aasgar's defensive movements do much to lessen what could have happened as he is bitten in the right shoulder for 0 (13 mod DDP). Aasgar finds his footing though, and facing two enemies.

R3T9: Out of Aasgar's vision, the sound of a sword cleanly beheading a creature is heard.

R3T7: The tall half-orc races up a northern ramp to be on the same level, and tosses another bomb at Aasgar to hit him in the right upper arm. This one burns with the same level of heat, but doesn't explode nearly as widely as the other one, and again it is perfectly shaped that neither the green meanie Aasgar fights or the white wolf is harmed ... though the fallen brown wolf is not so protected. Aasgar takes 10 fire (+2 DDP) as Cici and the downed wolf take 6 fire.

R3T6-5: The downed wolf continues to burn 2 fire + 1 bleed. The white wolf, on the other hand, snaps and again scores a crit on Aasgar, with Aasgar's defenses minimizing what could have happened, though he is bit in the recently burned upper right arm for 13 mod. This time, Aasgar refuses to be brought to the ground.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T25: Imrijka stops, drops, and rolls, finally putting out the fire, but now prone.

R4T23: Cici takes out her wand to tap it to Aasgar for 9 healing.

R4T17: Bariswort continues to play his accordion, and runs behind the burning wolf to get away from any enemies, and mayhaps with intervening fire to be difficult to target.

R4T14: The green meanie swings twice, but Aasgar's active defense holds strong.

R4T11: Aasgar, some of your wounds catch up to you as you take 3. You know if you don't get more healing, you'll feel the rest and drop! What do you do?

Abenor on deck, Half-orc in the hole ...

HEROES: Those w/in 60' of Aasgar get +5' speed. +1 vs. charm/ fear; +1 weapon attack/ damage rolls.
HEROES: +4 morale bonus to AC til R4T11.
Imrijka: 25. Bow in hand. Light on hat. PRONE!!!
* Antitoxin: For 1 hour, gain +5 alchemical bonus vs. poison.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Cici: 23. Light on waveblade in hand, as well as wand of CLW.
Bariswort: 17. Accordion in hands. INSPIRE COURAGE!
* Grease will last til R32T17.
Lehi: 14. (33:33).
Aasgar: 11. Axe in hand. Round two fallow complete.
Lucette: 10. DELAYING!!!
Abenor: 9. Both swords in hand. Thrashing Dragon Style. Inner Sphere Stance. RAGING!!!
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Skreed: 7. Falchion in hand. Bomber's eye (+1 insight thrown attack rolls, +10' RI thrown weapons, not incl.).
Dire Wolf (Brown): 6. (-15:55). DYING!!! BURNING til R5T25.
Dire Wolf (White): 5. (55:55).

Dead/ OOC
Daktani. Ghaer.

2022-09-20, 07:21 PM
R4T11: Aasgar moans, "I'm going down... Need help..." and hobbles out of the way as best he can while looking the White Wolf over. In doing so, he sees Abenor looming over a fallen green meanie without a head (ostensibly the head rolled and fell off the ledge into the water below). As soon as Aasgar moves over and feels safe, he feels his inspiration completely refresh.

R4T9: Abenor, barely registering the bloodied dwarf as he enters his hunting stride, launches forward past his allies drops in front of the wolf while doing a roll to the west and popping up. Both enemies attacked him as he went, striking against his armor, but when he kips to his feet his katana scores along its flank for 25. Unfortunately, in doing so, Abenor in his Hunter mindset wasn't thinking tactically and is now being flanked.

R4T7: Aasgar doesn't see the blond bomber, but sees an incoming bomb coming at his friend, and Abenor's Hunter is too focused on aggression; where Abenor could have dodged it, as the Hunter he gets hit in the upper left arm for 14 fire. It looks like he might catch fire but at the instant that flashpoint of his clothing is reached, Bariswort does a strange multi-chord note on his accordion while saying something unintelligible, and the flames beat back ... somehow, Bariswort saved Abenor from catching fire, though Bariswort is no longer playing music.

R4T6-5: The fire on the brown wolf begins guttering out as you see a definite corpse remaining. The white wolf turns to capitalize on its expected position, with only a tooth barely scraping mithral links.

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T25: Imrijka stands, moves away from her companions, takes careful aim, and releases ... the arrow effortlessly striking the rear knee of the wolf for 12.

R5T23: Cici steps out of targeting sight of the bomber and taps Aasgar with her wand for 4 healing.

R5T17: Bariswort stretches his fingers and yawns, the exertion of channeling supernatural music taking its toll, but he begins that soulful music again. He moves only slightly, but tries to keep the corpse of the dead wolf between himself and the white one.

R5T14: The sound of the green meanie attacking Aasgar's friend is heard, as is the deflection of those attacks by spinning blades.

R5T11: Despite Cici's attempts to keep Aasgar on his feet, the last of his wounds catch up with him as he takes 15. The world goes dark as Aasgar beats too quickly, and his vision fades to black!

HEROES: +1 weapon attack/ damage & +1 vs. charm/ fear.
Imrijka: 25. Bow in hand. Light on hat. PRONE!!!
* Antitoxin: For 1 hour, gain +5 alchemical bonus vs. poison.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Cici: 23. Light on waveblade in hand, as well as wand of CLW.
Bariswort: 17. Accordion in hands. INSPIRE COURAGE!
* Grease will last til R32T17.
Lehi: 14. (33:33).
Aasgar: 11. Axe in hand.
Lucette: 10. DELAYING!!!
Abenor: 9. Both swords in hand. Thrashing Dragon Style. Inner Sphere Stance. RAGING!!!
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Skreed: 7. Falchion in hand. Bomber's eye (+1 insight thrown attack rolls, +10' RI thrown weapons, not incl.).
Dire Wolf (White): 5. (8:55).

Dead/ OOC
Daktani. Ghaer. Dire Wolf.

2022-09-30, 03:00 AM
R5T9: The two new heroes hear a sound of exhaustion from unseen person around the corner to the west. That voice sounds like it calls out for aid in an unknown, but flowing and beautiful language, followed by the physical activity of one whose body has fought for too long and too hard.

R5T7: Something is hurled against the rocky eastern wall, too high to harm anyone, and it explodes into a burst of flame ... similar to, but far brighter than ... one of Shay'akhar's flasks of alchemist's fire.

R5T5: A bestial growl sounds and then the clamping of large jaws.

End Round 5, Begin Round 6 ...

R6T33: The saltbeard gets into a fighting stance Gharmez has seen Shay'khar use many times - one in which he utililzes only one weapon, but bladework and body profiling help his defense. He does not await permission, but is instantly moving south, dropping Gharmez' torch halfway along his route so that she has ample light before the battle proper. As he moves, he shouts, "Do not attack, heroes! Patrol Leader Grath sent us to assist!"

Once to the south, he calls out for Gharmez' sake, "A dire wolf, some runt of a giant, and a half-orc seem to be the enemy belligerents!"

R6T25: A half-orc woman stands and calls out. "Imrijka here. Friendly to Trunau. Cici, get that healing on Aasgar and get him back on his feet!"

Though she has a bow in her off-hand, she takes a heavy satchel out, steps forward, and tosses it. Unfortunately, the straps on it catch on her equipment and it wraps around to burst open right one her, spilling out a resin that covers her while at the same time there is a combustion as oxygen hits the mixture and she takes 6 fire and she catches fire. Though the pain of the fire keeps her moving quickly enough to not be glued to the floor as well, her spectacularly failed toss and self-immolation will slow her down.

R6T23: Seeing her teammate basically hit herself full force with her own tangleburn bag, the woman with the red hair sobs at the pain Imrijka must be feeling from that, and then touches a wand to the fallen dwarf. A glow of positive energy is released to give the dwarf 4 healing, bringing him back to sputtering consciousness. To Aasgar she says, "Stay down. You're not ready to go, yet, but things are really tanking for us, but Grath sent us reinforcements."

R6T22: Gharmez, you don't see any of the ones that are likely to be the enemy, based on what has been called out. What do you do?

Bariswort on deck, Enemy on deck ...

HEROES: +1 weapon attack/ damage & +1 vs. charm/ fear.
Shay'akhar: 33.
Imrijka: 25. Bow in hand. Light on hat. BURNING til R8T25!!!
* Half-speed til R9T25.
* Antitoxin: For 1 hour, gain +5 alchemical bonus vs. poison.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Cici: 23. Light on waveblade in hand, as well as wand of CLW.
Gharmez: 22.
Bariswort: 17. Accordion in hands. INSPIRE COURAGE!
* Grease will last til R32T17.
Lehi: 14. (33:33).
Aasgar: 11. Axe in hand. PRONE!!!
Lucette: 10. DELAYING!!!
Abenor: 9. Both swords in hand. Thrashing Dragon Style. Inner Sphere Stance. FATIGUED!!!
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Skreed: 7. Falchion in hand. Bomber's eye (+1 insight thrown attack rolls, +10' RI thrown weapons, not incl.).
Dire Wolf (White): 5. (8:55).

Dead/ OOC
Daktani. Ghaer. Dire Wolf.

2022-10-01, 01:50 AM
R6T22: Gharmez yells in Teldane, "I'm a friend, sent by Grath!" as she breaks into an all-out run, only to be stopped suddenly by the body on the ground in front of her, 15' north of the woman with red hair. She realizes that if she had hustled instead of going into a run - especially with enemies about - she might have gotten farther. She tries to figure out what it might have been, but cannot tell.

R6T17: The accordion player, seen on the other side of a dead canid, continues to play his accordion and sing in his rumbling voice ... which is quite comical given his small stature (3' 3", 34 lbs.). The little guy moves north and behind the allied half-orc currently on fire. He casts a spell on the half-orc woman (carefully, so as not to be burned).

R6T14: From his vantage, Aasgar sees the monstrous creature hook around to flank Abenor with the dire wolf and then give a nasty slash to Abenor's upper left arm. It looks like it got his brachial artery as he suffers 7 mod (+1d6 bleed)!

R6T11: Aasgar, you are prone, and tyour axe lies next to you (no longer in hand). You were knocked out of stance, and you are barely conscious with Cici telling you to stay put. Meanwhile, there are two new people here that say they are here to offer aid. What do you do?

Abenor on deck, Blond half-orc in the hole ...

HEROES: +1 weapon attack/ damage & +1 vs. charm/ fear.
Shay'akhar: 33.
Imrijka: 25. Bow in hand. Light on hat. BURNING til R8T25!!! Guidance til R16T17!!!
* Half-speed til R9T25.
* Antitoxin: For 1 hour, gain +5 alchemical bonus vs. poison.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Cici: 23. Light on waveblade in hand, as well as wand of CLW.
Gharmez: 22.
Bariswort: 17. Accordion in hands. INSPIRE COURAGE!
* Grease will last til R32T17.
Lehi: 14. (33:33).
Aasgar: 11. Axe on ground. PRONE!!!
Lucette: 10. DELAYING!!!
Abenor: 9. Both swords in hand. Thrashing Dragon Style. Inner Sphere Stance. FATIGUED!!! BLEED 1d6 (Heal DC 10 halves bleed, while DC 20 ends it)!!!
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Skreed: 7. Falchion in hand. Bomber's eye (+1 insight thrown attack rolls, +10' RI thrown weapons, not incl.).
Dire Wolf (White): 5. (8:55).

Dead/ OOC
Daktani. Ghaer. Dire Wolf.

2022-10-02, 01:26 AM
R6T11: Aasgar reaches out and grabs his axe and struggles to a sitting position... Then lays back down feeling suddenly woozy.

R6T9: Abenor takes 2 bleed. Dropping his pride, he calls out, "Somebody, please. The light of my people is ebbing away, chasing after my spent energy, but I dare not drop my guard lest the enemy fall upon you."

Abenor, fatigued and bleeding as he is, does not attempt any special bladework. To any other man-at-arms, what Abenor considers simple bladework would boggle the mind. His blades flash with what extra power he may impel them. His katana cuts across the foreleg and cut deep into its flank, dropping it, even as his wakizashi stabs the unknown humanoid in the chest for 18. Abenor stumbles back and away from the green-skinned brute.

R6T7: With the wolf gone, the blond half-orc smiles wickedly and says, "Now I really get to play!" as he tosses a bomb that catches Abenor squarely in the chest. Unlike the last few where the half-orc was being careful with more subdued bombs, this one explodes with a greater radius, catching the fallen dire wolf and the newcomer with gray headwrap and salt-and-pepper hair. Abenor takes 16 fire, but the graybeard ducks behind the rock he stands near, not getting burnt at all. Now, though, Aasgar has caught fire and is burning as the blond man heads down a ramp to the floor below. The dead wolf that got splashed is now a bonfire.

End Round 6, Begin Round 7 ...

R7T33: The graybeard with the rapier pulls out a wand, stepping up behind the elf and calling out, "My lady! Many of the heroes are in desperate need of healing if Abadar can see an investment in saving their lives as two of them are one fire and a dwarf behind me was laid low! Meanwhile, after a quick ministration, I would like to give chase if I may?" He taps the wand to Abenor to provide 4 healing. It doesn' stop the bleeding, as is common for magical healing, but it does seem to slow it.

R7T25: Imrijka takes 6 fire from burning. She puts all of her energy into trying to put out her fire. It seems she is having trouble, but the halfling accordionist does a quick bit of magic, ending his music, and the half-orc inquisitor is able to finally put out her flames. But the halfling dirge bard seems to have nothing else remaining, as the day's long and many battles have tired his supernatural edge.

R7T23: "Hunter help us, but I can't heal you fast enough as that bastard can tear the other warriors apart with bombs," Cici says while tearing up, but still dutifully gives Aasgar more from the wand for 3 healing.

R7T22: Gharmez, what do you do?

Bariswort on deck, Monstrous-Looking Thug on deck ...

Shay'akhar: 33. Rapier and wand of CLW in hand.
Imrijka: 25. Bow in hand. Light on hat.
* Half-speed til R9T25.
* Antitoxin: For 1 hour, gain +5 alchemical bonus vs. poison.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Cici: 23. Light on waveblade in hand, as well as wand of CLW.
Gharmez: 22.
Bariswort: 17. Accordion in hands.
* Grease will last til R32T17.
Lehi: 14. (15:33).
Aasgar: 11. Axe in hand. PRONE!!!
Lucette: 10. DELAYING!!!
Abenor: 9. Both swords in hand. Thrashing Dragon Style. Inner Sphere Stance. FATIGUED!!! BLEED 1d3 (Heal DC 10)!!! BURNING (1d6)!!!
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Skreed: 7. Falchion in hand. Bomber's eye (+1 insight thrown attack rolls, +10' RI thrown weapons, not incl.).

Dead/ OOC
Daktani. Ghaer. Dire Wolf (2).

2022-10-02, 03:46 AM
R7T22: Gharmez moves to Cici and the Dwarf that was called Aasgar. She says calmly, "Abadar is opening His vault for you today, my new friend." She touches the dwarf while intoning a spell, and casts her energy into him for 17 healing.

R7T17: The halfling, exhausted from channeling supernatural power through his music, drops his accordion. and takes off west while drawing a light crossbow.

R7T14: The tall humanoid monster goes down the ramp after his master.

R7T11: Aasgar, your axe is in hand and you are prone. What do you do?

Abenor on deck, Enemy leader in the hole ...

Shay'akhar: 33. Rapier and wand of CLW in hand.
Imrijka: 25. Bow in hand. Light on hat.
* Half-speed til R9T25.
* Antitoxin: For 1 hour, gain +5 alchemical bonus vs. poison.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Cici: 23. Light on waveblade in hand, as well as wand of CLW.
Gharmez: 22.
Bariswort: 17. Accordion dropped. Light crossbow in hands.
* Grease will last til R32T17.
Lehi: 14. (15:33). TD!
Aasgar: 11. Axe in hand. PRONE!!!
Lucette: 10. DELAYING!!!
Abenor: 9. Both swords in hand. Thrashing Dragon Style. Inner Sphere Stance. FATIGUED!!! BLEED 1d3 (Heal DC 10)!!! BURNING (1d6)!!!
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Skreed: 7. Falchion in hand. Bomber's eye (+1 insight thrown attack rolls, +10' RI thrown weapons, not incl.).

Dead/ OOC
Daktani. Ghaer. Dire Wolf (2).

2022-10-02, 01:53 PM
R7T11: Aasgar gets to his feet with a nod of thanks to the newcomer. He is still in a dire situation but cannot do anything to aid his friends lying on his back. He looks around for enemies and begins calling out tactical assistance. He thinks he sees movement down the ramp in the level below.

R7T9: Abenor suffers 2 bleed + 1 burn. He drops to the ground and rolls about, putting out the flames.

R7T7: The advantage of Abenor dropping prone is that he is harder to see on the ledge and harder to hit with a ranged attack, but a new target had presented itself, and the enemy leader tosses a bomb at Bariswort, catching him on the side of the neck for 16 fire + burning! The enemy then falls back out of sight.

End Round 7, Begin Round 8 ...

R8T33: The graybeard taps the wand to Abenor again for 6 healing, and stopping the last of the bleeding. He then moves over to the halfling that's on fire, hopping down the ramp as his way is blocked by a ledge or a big, burning dire wolf.

R8T25: Imrijka, still moving slowly from a previous wound, moves north to the rocks and calls out after shooting an arrow into the darkness, "He's getting away. I can only target the big guy."

R8T23: Cici, says, "New girl's a much better healer'n'me, and she isn't tapped out. I'm going after them!"

Armed with her waveblade, she heads off after the enemy.

R8T22: Gharmez, there is a halfling who is burning to the south that your valet is attending to. This dwarf by you is still wounded, but you'd have to assess to determine how much. And the enemy seems to be doing a fighting withdrawal. Note that the white wolf is on fire, so all squares are difficult terrain AND will burn you if you try to cross. What do you do?

Bariswort on deck, Lehi in the hole ...

HEROES: +4 morale bonus to AC til R8T11. +5' enhancement to speed.
Shay'akhar: 33. Rapier and wand of CLW in hand.
Imrijka: 25. Bow in hand. Light on hat.
* Half-speed til R9T25.
* Antitoxin: For 1 hour, gain +5 alchemical bonus vs. poison.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Cici: 23. Light on waveblade in hand, as well as wand of CLW.
Gharmez: 22.
Bariswort: 17. Accordion dropped. Light crossbow in hands. BURNING!!!
* Grease will last til R32T17.
Lehi: 14. (15:33). TD!
Aasgar: 11. Axe in hand. PRONE!!!
Lucette: 10. DELAYING!!!
Abenor: 9. Both swords in hand. Thrashing Dragon Style. Inner Sphere Stance. FATIGUED!!! BLEED 1d3 (Heal DC 10)!!!
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Skreed: 7. Falchion in hand. Bomber's eye (+1 insight thrown attack rolls, +10' RI thrown weapons, not incl.).

Dead/ OOC
Daktani. Ghaer. Dire Wolf (2).

2022-10-02, 06:41 PM
R8T22: Gharmez yells, "Shay'akhar, If the halfling is stable, give chase!"

She then moves into the midst of the corpses and squints through the flames and smoke trying to see what Cici is chasing. She appears to be chasing what seems to be a male version of the female creature that was beheaded that she stepped past earlier. Gharmez brings her crossbow to the ready and shoots. The bolt sails purposefully into the monster's right lower arm for 4. With Cici off by herself down below, the green light she placed on her waveblade shows up nicely.

R8T17: The accordion player takes 6 fire before he stops, drops, and rolls, putting out the fire on himself. He cries out in pain on the ground as he is in very bad shape.

R8T14: The monster-man spins around to attacker his pursuer, slashing Cici's left shoulder for 6 and her right elbow for 8 before backing away a little.

R8T11: Aasgar, what do you do? You are prone with the axe in your hand.

Abenor on deck, Enemy Leader in the hole ...

HEROES: +4 morale bonus to AC til R8T11. +5' enhancement to speed.
Shay'akhar: 33. Rapier and wand of CLW in hand.
Imrijka: 25. Bow in hand. Light on hat.
* Half-speed til R9T25.
* Antitoxin: For 1 hour, gain +5 alchemical bonus vs. poison.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Cici: 23. Light on waveblade in hand, as well as wand of CLW.
Gharmez: 22. Crossbow in hand (unloaded).
Bariswort: 17. Accordion dropped. Light crossbow in hands. PRONE!!!
* Grease will last til R32T17.
Lehi: 14. (11:33).
Aasgar: 11. Axe in hand.
Lucette: 10. DELAYING!!!
Abenor: 9. Both swords in hand. Thrashing Dragon Style. Inner Sphere Stance. FATIGUED!!! BLEED 1d3 (Heal DC 10)!!!
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Skreed: 7. Falchion in hand. Bomber's eye (+1 insight thrown attack rolls, +10' RI thrown weapons, not incl.).

Dead/ OOC
Daktani. Ghaer. Dire Wolf (2).

2022-10-04, 01:41 AM
R8T11: Aasgar calls out "Abenor!" to his friend in concern as he rushes to his side and takes a defensive posture.

R8T9: Abenor takes 1 bleed. He releases his grasp on his wakizash and tends to his own wound, stopping the bleeding with his elven medical knowledge. "Thanks for looking on me, my friend, but they are getting away." He picks up his wakizashi again, and though still on the ground gets into a squirrely groundfighting stance should any bombs come his way. "If the new lady has spells of healing, see to the others first, but I could use your Art."

R8T7: Down below, seeing he is being pursued by a lone person, he turns back several feet before throwing an alchemical bomb at Cici with one of the larger explosives, but her reflexes have her duck out of the way and the bomb explodes just north of her. Because of his failed targeting, he fails to protect his bodyguard as well. Though she ducked, she and the bodyguard both take 8 fire from the large blast of flames, and both of them scream in pain. It is just likely that if Cici were to have been directly hit, she might not have survived.

End Round 8, Begin Round 9 ...

R9T33: The graybeard chases down to put his own body in the line of bombing from the blond half-orc while he touches his wand to Cici for 8 healing. "It seems the bodyguard is a flood troll, milady! Weakest form of giant and troll, and can't even regenerate unless it gets to water."

R9T25: "Don't worry about me Abadaran," says the half-orc in the floppy red hat. "I'm wounded, but good; and we can't let this guy get away. But first, a little giant-slaying, shall we?"

Boosted by Aasgar's strange energies, she - and the light on her floppy hat - start moving west along the upper ledge. She shoots two arrows at the troll, but finds it a more agile beast than first expected.

R9T23: "Thank you, kind sir. What is your name?" asks Cici of her savior as she steps forward to screen herself against the bomber with the troll. She jams her waveblade into its meaty upper left arm for 10, dropping it, and then continues with another stab to its chest for 6. She is no longer screen, but the half-orc has none but himself remaining.

R9T22: Gharmez, your crossbow is unloaded. What do you do?

Bariswort on deck, Aasgar in the hole ...

HEROES: +5' enhancement to speed.
Shay'akhar: 33. Rapier and wand of CLW in hand.
Imrijka: 25. Bow in hand. Light on hat.
* Antitoxin: For 1 hour, gain +5 alchemical bonus vs. poison.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Cici: 23. Light on waveblade in hand, as well as wand of CLW.
Gharmez: 22. Crossbow in hand (unloaded).
Bariswort: 17. Accordion dropped. Light crossbow in hands. PRONE!!!
* Grease will last til R32T17.
Lehi: 14. (-13:33). DYING!!!
Aasgar: 11. Axe in hand. RS. Valiant keeper's stance.
Lucette: 10. DELAYING!!!
Abenor: 9. Katana and wakizashi in hand. FATIGUED!!! Inner sphere stance. PRONE!!!
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Skreed: 7. Falchion in hand. Bomber's eye (+1 insight thrown attack rolls, +10' RI thrown weapons, not incl.).

Dead/ OOC
Daktani. Ghaer. Dire Wolf (2).

2022-10-04, 03:58 PM
R9T22: "All in good time, friend elf, and an empty crossbow is as useful as an empty purse," quips Gharmez as she deftly reloads her weapon, and then touches the elf with 15 healing energy.

R9T17: Bariswort stands up and makes his way over to the clump of heroes on the ledge. He looks up at Gharmez with pleading eyes, and points out multiple burn wounds on his body.

R9T11: Aasgar, what do you do? These lights and the glare from the burning wolf is almost too much light up here, making it a little hard to see where you are on the ledge, but outlining the battle below nicely.

Abenor on deck, Enemy in the hole ...

HEROES: +5' enhancement to speed.
Shay'akhar: 33. Rapier and wand of CLW in hand.
Imrijka: 25. Bow in hand. Light on hat.
* Antitoxin: For 1 hour, gain +5 alchemical bonus vs. poison.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Cici: 23. Light on waveblade in hand, as well as wand of CLW.
Gharmez: 22. Crossbow in hand (loaded).
Bariswort: 17. Accordion dropped. Light crossbow in hands.
* Grease will last til R32T17.
Aasgar: 11. Axe in hand. RS. Valiant keeper's stance.
Lucette: 10. DELAYING!!!
Abenor: 9. Katana and wakizashi in hand. FATIGUED!!! Inner sphere stance. PRONE!!!
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Skreed: 7. Falchion in hand. Bomber's eye (+1 insight thrown attack rolls, +10' RI thrown weapons, not incl.).

Dead/ OOC
Daktani. Ghaer & Lehi. Dire Wolf (2).

2022-10-05, 05:36 PM
R9T11: Aasgar moves towards the battle, getting right up to something on the floor. Now that he's had a chance to move fully into this chamber, he gets a good look at his surroundings (see below).

R9T9: Abenor springs to his feet, changes his stance to one of speed, and takes off after his friend.

R9T7: The flames on the charred dire wolf gutter out, significantly reducing glare to the east, but with so many people down below, Gharmez and the others above likewise now have a good view of the cavern as well. Ledges and stairs are carved into the stone walls of this wide-open, high-ceilinged natural cavern. Embedded in a fifteen-foot-tall spire of centuries-old bones stands the skeleton of a massive armored warrior. Though its flesh has long since rotted off its frame, the skeleton still stands proud and regal amid the trappings of battle and mounds of gleaming treasure. The skeleton’s battered halfplate and scarred helmet hint at its many battles, and the warlord’s hands are clenched around a massive stone hammer. Beneath the helmet, a thick, round rock has been embedded in one of the skeleton’s otherwise empty eye sockets.

The enemy is a six-and-a-half-foot tall half-orc weighing 200 lbs. that has ... contary to what anyone ever remembers seeingfrom a half-orc, blond hair. He has a falchion in his off-hand. He takes out a small glass flask filled with a bluish fluid, and with the tinest bit of concentration it glows faintly. he tosses it at Cici with an evil grin. Again she proves what seems like more trained martial evasion mixed with excellent agility as she ducks and the bomb goes off in the graybeard's square. The eruption is enough to envelop the graybeard, Cici, and Abenor. Somehow, using ridiculously precise timing the graybeard completely moves out of the way. Cici does a similar trick with what looks like a martial kata designed to avoid area of effects. Abenor, on the other hand, is surprised by the large bloom of fire as he takes 8 fire. He then takes off to the west.

End Round 9, Begin Round 10 ...

R10T33: "It is a pleasure, my dear Erastilian monk," nods and bows the graybeard gallantly, taking off to the west. "I am accursed, and have many titles. The Dunsage is one..." he calls as he doesn't try a direct intercept to the bad guy, but makes his way parallel and south. "Wait a minute!" he calls out. "Who aids my feet to fly faster? Thank you!"

R10T25: Imrijka does a running start to leap off the ledge to her west and then make her way south towards, but out of the reach of, the enemy.

R10T23: "Cursed? Omigooodness, Dunsage! If we live, we'll have to see to that," says Cici running right up to Blondie. "Not that I'm powerful enough a witch yet to do anything about such things. I mainly dabble in potions and stuff."

R10T22: Gharmez, the battle is quickly leaving you. What do you do?

Bariswort on deck, Aasgar in the hole ...

HEROES: +5' enhancement to speed.
Shay'akhar: 33. Rapier and wand of CLW in hand.
Imrijka: 25. Bow in hand. Light on hat.
* Antitoxin: For 1 hour, gain +5 alchemical bonus vs. poison.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Cici: 23. Light on waveblade in hand, as well as wand of CLW.
Gharmez: 22. Crossbow in hand (loaded).
Bariswort: 17. Accordion dropped. Light crossbow in hands.
* Grease will last til R32T17.
Aasgar: 11. Axe in hand. RS. Valiant keeper's stance. Round one fallow complete.
Lucette: 10. DELAYING!!!
Abenor: 9. Katana and wakizashi in hand. FATIGUED!!! Running hunter's stance.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Skreed: 7. Falchion in hand. Bomber's eye (+1 insight thrown attack rolls, +10' RI thrown weapons, not incl.).

Dead/ OOC
Daktani. Ghaer & Lehi. Dire Wolf (2).

2022-10-05, 09:14 PM
R10T22: Gharmez moves towards the stairs, turning to the halfling as she reaches the top. "I hope this helps ease your pain. Nice hat, by the way!" she says as she touches the halflings shoulder and casts a spell to grant 12 healing. "We must hurry, they are leaving us behind!"

R10T17: The halfling smiles wanly wth the aid given him, but shrugs at Gharmez and says something in a language she doesn't understand before moving past her and down the ramp. He moves a lot faster than you'd expect from a halfling. He shoots his crossbow, but to Gharmez' trained eye he is no kind of archer, completely unused to using that weapon in a battlefield situation, and misses.

R10T11: Aasgar, one round of fallow on maneuvers is complete. You are in valiant keeper's stance and were last using Risky Strike. What do you do?

Abenor on deck, Blondie in the hole ...

HEROES: +5' enhancement to speed.
Shay'akhar: 33. Rapier and wand of CLW in hand.
Imrijka: 25. Bow in hand. Light on hat.
* Antitoxin: For 1 hour, gain +5 alchemical bonus vs. poison.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Cici: 23. Light on waveblade in hand, as well as wand of CLW.
Gharmez: 22. Crossbow in hand (loaded).
Bariswort: 17. Accordion dropped. Light crossbow in hands (unloaded).
* Grease will last til R32T17.
Aasgar: 11. Axe in hand. RS. Valiant keeper's stance. Round one fallow complete.
Lucette: 10. DELAYING!!!
Abenor: 9. Katana and wakizashi in hand. FATIGUED!!! Running hunter's stance.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Skreed: 7. Falchion in hand. Bomber's eye (+1 insight thrown attack rolls, +10' RI thrown weapons, not incl.).

Dead/ OOC
Daktani. Ghaer & Lehi. Dire Wolf (2).

2022-10-07, 12:37 AM
R10T11: Aasgar continues to dash west to the battle but Abenor notes the dwarf's jaw drop and an eye-roll as he realises something, and in doing so, the plush blue sash around Aasgar's middle turns to a fire-orange color as the dwarf bellows a battle cry to help any he can.

R10T9: Abenor almost stalls as his eyes pop, seeing the changing magical sash, but then he recovers and focuses on the danger at hand. He speeds west while enjoying the stance he was in, and then changes his stance at the end of his movement so he can get in a good distance lunge. But instead of coming into to directly stab the man, he uses the light from each of his blades in a double lunge to reflect off of the other and direct it at the half-orc's eyes, momentarily blinding him!

R10T7: Recoiling from the blue light flashing off of the elysian bronze kata on the mirror-polished wakiszashi, the blond orc curses as he takes out something to drink. Cici takes advantage of his lapse and scores a light crit against his head with her waveblade for 8. Nonplussed, the man hisses, "I am Skreed Gorewillow, and I am the architect of your doom! It was I who framed Rodrik's suicide, and know I will end you!" and downs the flask. He then turns from Cici and though blinded, makes relatively incredible progress to the west and up an incline.

End Round 10, Begin Round 11 ...

R11T33: "Did he ...." asks the graybeard incredulously, ".... just threaten us, and then run away?"

He pauses another secondbefore calling out, "Wait! A fellow architect! I would love to trade local building secrets with you, sir! I am but an insect to your knowledge!" As he says "insect" he chugs a flask of his own and shrinks down to a hair under 3' tall ... shorter even than the halfling (who is 3' 3") before giving chase. Again, not to intercept but to parallel.

R11T25: Imrijka gives chase, and uses her bow to trip the half-orc.

R11T23: Cici moves up to Skreed and casts a spell, minorly hampering his mental difficulties (1 INT/WIS/CHA damage).

R11T22: Gharmez, you have an unloaded crossbow in hand. What do you do?

Bariswort on deck, Aasgar in the hole ...

HEROES: +5' enhancement to speed. Encouraging Roar: Abenor/ Baris/ Imrijka - +2 morale attk/ dmg til R11T11.
Shay'akhar: 33. Rapier and wand of CLW in hand. Reduce person (5 min).
Imrijka: 25. Bow in hand. Light on hat.
* Antitoxin: For 1 hour, gain +5 alchemical bonus vs. poison.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Cici: 23. Light on waveblade in hand, as well as wand of CLW.
Gharmez: 22. Crossbow in hand (loaded).
Bariswort: 17. Accordion dropped. Light crossbow in hands (unloaded).
* Grease will last til R32T17.
Aasgar: 11. Axe in hand. RS. Valiant keeper's stance. Round one fallow complete.
Lucette: 10. DELAYING!!!
Abenor: 9. Katana and wakizashi in hand. FATIGUED!!! Running hunter's stance.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Skreed: 7. Falchion in hand. BLINDED til R11T9!!! PRONE!!! Touch of Idiocy (1 INT/WIS/CHA damage) for 30 min!!!
* Expeditious retreat. Bomber's eye (+1 insight thrown attack rolls, +10' RI thrown weapons, not incl.).

Dead/ OOC
Daktani. Ghaer & Lehi. Dire Wolf (2).

2022-10-07, 05:57 PM
R11T22: Gharmez carefully plans her shot through her allies, and fires her crossbow at Skreed. Under any other condition with any other combatant ... especially a blind one ... she would have shot him in the heart. As it was, his prone position and the fact that he has those animal-like senses that some half-orc ragers are known to have makes everyone blink when a crossbow shot hits him square in the heart, but doesn't penetrate his high quality studded leather armor. One of the studs stopped the shot.

Gharmez then moves down the decline and towards the battle with her now-unloaded crossbow.

R11T17: The little halfling turns around to the woman next to him, casts a spell on her, and then continues a little bit west.

R11T11: Aasgar, at the end of this round, your maneuvers will recycle. What do you do?

Abenor on deck, Skreed in the hole ...

HEROES: +5' enhancement to speed.
Shay'akhar: 33. Rapier and wand of CLW in hand. Reduce person (5 min).
Imrijka: 25. Bow in hand. Light on hat.
* Antitoxin: For 1 hour, gain +5 alchemical bonus vs. poison.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Cici: 23. Light on waveblade in hand, as well as wand of CLW.
Gharmez: 22. Crossbow in hand (loaded). Guidance til R21T17.
Bariswort: 17. Accordion dropped. Light crossbow in hands (unloaded).
* Grease will last til R32T17.
Aasgar: 11. Axe in hand. RS. Valiant keeper's stance. Round two fallow complete.
Lucette: 10. DELAYING!!!
Abenor: 9. Katana and wakizashi in hand. FATIGUED!!! Running hunter's stance.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Skreed: 7. Falchion in hand. BLINDED til R11T9!!! PRONE!!! Touch of Idiocy (1 INT/WIS/CHA damage) for 30 min!!!
* Expeditious retreat. Bomber's eye (+1 insight thrown attack rolls, +10' RI thrown weapons, not incl.).

Dead/ OOC
Daktani. Ghaer & Lehi. Dire Wolf (2).

2022-10-08, 05:42 AM
R11T11: Aasgar opens up the throttle and moves west towards the combat, letting loose a bellow that feels like it should steady the hearts and aim of his comrades... but it just sends thoughts and prayers instead. But some of his prayers are unwittingly answered as his inspiration recycles and recovers his prepared maneuvers!

R11T9: Skreed's eyesight recovers just as Abenor closes and fishhooks in from the south to slash with both swords at once, his katana knocking aside the falchion as the elf slashes Skreed's belly for 11.

R11T7: Skreed stands, and in doing so Cici stabs him in the upper right arm for 3, but he brings his falchion up to deflect Abenor's AOO. He then tries to acrobatically move away from the circle of death, but Cici and Abenor are ready for him as Cici cuts at his right ankle for 7 while Skreed again is focused on blocking Abenor. Still, the wily alchemist manages to get out of the way and speeds up the ramp and into the next room at incredible speed and out of sight!

End Round 11, Begin Round 12 ...

R12T33: "Now, now!" squeaks mini-Shay'akhar. "Two can play the alchemy-adrenaline game!" And with that, he pops somethng into his mouth and then he is speeding out of perception up the slow incline and out of sight to the west and into the pitch black of the yawning chamber beyond.

R12T25: "Stupid half-orc. Stupider old man," Imrijka curses under her breath and gives chase, her hat lighting up the area, but the gentle incline still making it hard to see in the next chamber.

R12T23: Cici takes a quick breath, knowing she just can't keep up with superhuman speed and taps herself with the wand for 5 healing to catch her breath before moving west at a pace that still makes a normal person envious, the green glow on her waveblade likewise playing havoc with local lighting conditions.

R12T22: Gharmez, you feel the power of a guidance spell that the little halfling had put on you. On the other hand, the last of the flame on a dire wolf is finally out, and you find where you are to be in darkness. What do you do?At any time over the next minute, anytime you want you can add say you're discharging the guidance for any single attack roll, skill check, or saving throw.
Bariswort on deck, Aasgar in the hole ...

HEROES: +5' enhancement to speed.
Shay'akhar: 33. Rapier and wand of CLW in hand.
* Reduce person (5 min). Expeditious retreat (5 min).
Imrijka: 25. Bow in hand. Light on hat.
* Antitoxin: For 1 hour, gain +5 alchemical bonus vs. poison.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Cici: 23. Light on waveblade in hand, as well as wand of CLW.
Gharmez: 22. Crossbow in hand (loaded). Guidance til R21T17.
Bariswort: 17. Accordion dropped. Light crossbow in hands (unloaded).
* Grease will last til R32T17.
Aasgar: 11. Axe in hand. RS. Valiant keeper's stance. Round two fallow complete.
Lucette: 10. DELAYING!!!
Abenor: 9. Katana and wakizashi in hand. FATIGUED!!! Inner sphere stance. RS.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Skreed: 7. Falchion in hand. PRONE!!! Touch of Idiocy (1 INT/WIS/CHA damage) for 30 min!!!
* Expeditious retreat. Bomber's eye (+1 insight thrown attack rolls, +10' RI thrown weapons, not incl.).
Uskroth's Guardian: 6.
Dire Shadow Rat: 5.

Dead/ OOC
Daktani. Ghaer & Lehi. Dire Wolf (2).

2022-10-08, 05:23 PM
R12T22: Gharmez reaches around to her backpack feeling for the everburning torch she keeps handy, then curses under her breath, "Spilled Coins!" when she finds it is not there. She pulls a firefly carcass from her pouch and utters a small prayer touching it to one of the coins sewn into her tunic. As the darkness is pushed back, she starts moving towards the battle, the golden light of Abadar coming off of the golden coin of her aba.

R12T17: The halfling turns back to face the wielder of the new light that will help him. He bows low, doffs his worn top hat, revealing some baldness and a combover on top, replaces the hat, and then hustles west.

R12T11: Aasgar, your mind is clear and open as your martial maneuvers have refreshed and await new inspiration. What do you do?

Abenor on deck, Skreed in the hole ...

HEROES: +5' enhancement to speed.
Shay'akhar: 33. Rapier and wand of CLW in hand.
* Reduce person (5 min). Expeditious retreat (5 min).
Imrijka: 25. Bow in hand. Light on hat.
* Antitoxin: For 1 hour, gain +5 alchemical bonus vs. poison.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Cici: 23. Light on waveblade in hand, as well as wand of CLW.
Gharmez: 22. Crossbow in hand (loaded). Guidance til R21T17.
Bariswort: 17. Accordion dropped. Light crossbow in hands (unloaded).
* Grease will last til R32T17.
Aasgar: 11. Axe in hand. RS. Valiant keeper's stance.
Lucette: 10. DELAYING!!!
Abenor: 9. Katana and wakizashi in hand. FATIGUED!!! Inner sphere stance. RS.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Skreed: 7. Falchion in hand. PRONE!!! Touch of Idiocy (1 INT/WIS/CHA damage) for 30 min!!!
* Expeditious retreat. Bomber's eye (+1 insight thrown attack rolls, +10' RI thrown weapons, not incl.).
Uskroth's Guardian: 6.
Dire Shadow Rat: 5.

Dead/ OOC
Daktani. Ghaer & Lehi. Dire Wolf (2).

2022-10-09, 05:34 AM
R12T11: Aasgar does his best to keep up with everyone and once again looses a cry of fury and support which helps all except Gharmez, who is too far away to make sense of Aasgar's now over-echoed, reverberating shout. He now sees Skreed in the middle of a vast chamber that continues SW out of sight. He is limned by Cici's green-glowing waveblade, and the graybeard is the closest, but not so close to yet engage.

R12T9: Abenor hustles past Aasgar to get screen the old man and approach Skreed from the north.

R12T6: There is a sound of shifting dirt ... old dirt, long lain and caked, now breaking and sloughing off as something to the north of the cave ... something BIG ... starts to move. Aasgar sees a large skeleton in ancient armor and wielding a spear - once broken, but of superb quality - wrench itself free from its place as some type of funeralized decoration. A creature of vaguely humanoid shape, its flesh long ago worn away to leave a mouldering skeleton some 11' tall but with a hunched posture, steps forward only a few feet. This was done noisily and slowly enough that the graybeard is more than ready for when the skeletal behemoth attacks with its spear. The Dunsage parries, dodges, and spins, and his frenetic movements seem to keep this dull-witted monstrosity completely stymied.

R12T5: But, wait! There's more! A creature appears - a huge rat with rotting flesh, torn and matted fur, and reddish blazing eyes. Its semi-translucent skin shows discolored bones and muscles. It moves in from wherever it was to the south and closes on Skreed, the closest living creature there. Though Skreed obviously wasn't aware of it, his senses again save him as he keeps from getting bitten by the mangy little horror.

End Round 12, Begin Round 13 ...

R13T33: "My lady! If you can hear me..." shouts Shay'akhar, allowing the reverbs of his attention-getting address to die down before continuing, "...we seem to have fallen afoul of a skeleton of a once-interred hill giant of some past respects. An witless thing, but no musles belies what I can tell from its swings as being fantastically strong."

His report complete, and taking advantage of the hill giant skeleton's current discombobulation, he takes another extract and disappears from view.

R13T25: Imrijka nods to where the older man was and shrugs, "Well, he's not totally useless," before looking to the south, and adds to the report. "Got one of them shadow rats like from the temple and the swarm from previous, but this one is a single larger version. Be careful! It can go incorporeal for brief periods and even corporeal its bite can sap your strength. Looks like Skreed didn't expect his, either!"

Judging the massive hill giant to be a bit more problematic hill giant skeleton and takes out a blunt arrow for just this situation. She shoots the the monster in the left shoulder for 15.

R13T23: Now that she has a chance to survey the field, Cici gazes upon the enemy alchemist whose mind she already rattled by spell. Even though he is fighting a ratty death, Skreed's movements get lethargic and slow, until he drops his falchion, drops to his knees, and falls over ... fast asleep. She then closes to come around to the dire shadow rat from the NW.

R13T22: Gharmez, it sounds like a real party up there. What do you do?Right now, you are at normal movement if you move to the west. After your first movement, assuming you're going to hustle, please note that you'll have a +5' boost to your speed, as if something is helping speed you along a little.
Bariswort on deck, Aasgar in the hole ...

HEROES: +5' enhancement to speed. HEROES: +2 morale attack/ damage til R13T11 (except Gharmez).
Shay'akhar: 33. Rapier and wand of CLW in hand. Invisible til R53T33.
* Reduce person (5 min). Expeditious retreat (5 min).
Imrijka: 25. Bow in hand. Light on hat.
* Antitoxin: For 1 hour, gain +5 alchemical bonus vs. poison.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Cici: 23. Light on waveblade in hand, as well as wand of CLW.
Gharmez: 22. Crossbow in hand (loaded). Guidance til R21T17.
Bariswort: 17. Accordion dropped. Light crossbow in hands (unloaded).
* Grease will last til R32T17.
Aasgar: 11. Axe in hand. RS. Valiant keeper's stance.
Lucette: 10. DELAYING!!!
Abenor: 9. Katana and wakizashi in hand. FATIGUED!!! Inner sphere stance.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Skreed: 7. Falchion dropped. PRONE!!! Touch of Idiocy (1 INT/WIS/CHA damage) for 30 min!!! ASLEEP til R16T23!!!
* Expeditious retreat. Bomber's eye (+1 insight thrown attack rolls, +10' RI thrown weapons, not incl.).
Uskroth's Guardian: 6. (65:80). DAZED until end of R13T6!!!
Dire Shadow Rat: 5.

Dead/ OOC
Daktani. Ghaer & Lehi. Dire Wolf (2).

2022-10-09, 08:49 PM
R13T22: Gharmez moves as quickly as she can to rejoin the battle, just getting to the bottom of the incline.

R13T17: The halfling reloads his crossbow, and then shoots at the rat.

R13T11: Aasgar, what do you do?

Abenor on deck, hill giant skeleton in the hole ...

HEROES: +5' enhancement to speed. HEROES: +2 morale attack/ damage til R13T11 (except Gharmez).
Shay'akhar: 33. Rapier and wand of CLW in hand. Invisible til R53T33.
* Reduce person (5 min). Expeditious retreat (5 min).
Imrijka: 25. Bow in hand. Light on hat.
* Antitoxin: For 1 hour, gain +5 alchemical bonus vs. poison.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Cici: 23. Light on waveblade in hand, as well as wand of CLW.
Gharmez: 22. Crossbow in hand (loaded). Guidance til R21T17.
Bariswort: 17. Accordion dropped. Light crossbow in hands (unloaded).
* Grease will last til R32T17.
Aasgar: 11. Axe in hand. RS. Valiant keeper's stance.
Lucette: 10. DELAYING!!!
Abenor: 9. Katana and wakizashi in hand. FATIGUED!!! Inner sphere stance.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Skreed: 7. Falchion dropped. PRONE!!! Touch of Idiocy (1 INT/WIS/CHA damage) for 30 min!!! ASLEEP til R16T23!!!
* Expeditious retreat. Bomber's eye (+1 insight thrown attack rolls, +10' RI thrown weapons, not incl.).
Uskroth's Guardian: 6. (65:80). DAZED until end of R13T6!!!
Dire Shadow Rat: 5.

Dead/ OOC
Daktani. Ghaer & Lehi. Dire Wolf (2).

2022-10-10, 08:17 AM
R13T11: Aasgar knows where his skills lie and says, "I could use a bunch more healing before taking on that big bag o' bones." He dashes towards the big skelly ton as he stows his axe, starts to grab his mace and continues shouting out helpful defensive combat instructions.

R13T9: Abenor, unthreatened by any, says, "Skreed Gorewillow, foolish man to give us your name. I condemn you to death for your actions against Trunau and the murder of Rodrik Grath." He uses his katana to cut wide the chest of the sleeping half-orc, an evil man whose last minutes were peaceful sleep rather than violence.

R13T6: The giant skeleton still seems out of sorts, but manages to recover after a few seconds, looking around for the one that confounded it.

R13T5: The dire shadow rat now seems a bit more ghostly than it did a second ago, sniffing at Skreed's dead body and then moving in front of Cici.

End Round 13, Begin Round 14 ...

R14T33: The graybeard's voice is heard over by the northern wall. "Very good choice, yes, the mace ... I see your fingers readied for it. In that case, I will go help the miss with that undead rat. It just went incoporeal, and may prove problematic."

A split-second later, he appears flanking the rat with Cici, having stabbed it for 6 mod. "Aasgar, was it? Are you a scribe? I ask, because I recognize the akashic minor veil spectacles of the scribe that you currently wear."

R14T25: "Screen me, big guy," Imrijka says to Aasgar, "And I'll keep breaking his bones with blunt arrows."

She jukes south and shoots a single arrow, but it bounces off of the ancient armor.

R14T23: Cici attacks using the healing wand, but misses. Healing energy is now glowing on the tip of the wand, waiting to be discharged.

R14T22: Gharmez, what do you do?

Bariswort on deck, Aasgar in the hole ...

HEROES: +5' enhancement to speed. HEROES: +4 morale AC til R14T11.
Shay'akhar: 33. Rapier and wand of CLW in hand. Invisible til R53T33.
* Reduce person (5 min). Expeditious retreat (5 min).
Imrijka: 25. Bow in hand. Light on hat.
* Antitoxin: For 1 hour, gain +5 alchemical bonus vs. poison.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Cici: 23. Light on waveblade in hand, as well as wand of CLW.
Gharmez: 22. Crossbow in hand (loaded). Guidance til R21T17.
Bariswort: 17. Accordion dropped. Light crossbow in hands (unloaded).
* Grease will last til R32T17.
Aasgar: 11. Axe in hand. RS. Valiant keeper's stance.
Lucette: 10. DELAYING!!!
Abenor: 9. Katana and wakizashi in hand. FATIGUED!!! Inner sphere stance.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Uskroth's Guardian: 6. (65:80).
Dire Shadow Rat: 5. (6:12).

Dead/ OOC
Daktani. Ghaer & Lehi. Dire Wolf (2). Skreed Gorewillow.

2022-10-11, 11:06 AM
R14T22: Gharmez continues to move hurriedly towards the sounds of the battle, making sure her weapon is ready. She gets up near the top, high enough to see the beheaded half-orc, the dire shadow rat, and the hill giant skeleton. She surveys the field of battle while reloading her heavy crossbow with impressive celerity.

R14T17: The halfling moves up to Abenor while drawing a wand. He touches it to the elf, removing the elf's fatigue and restoring lost strength.

R14T11: Aasgar, what do you do?

Abenor on deck, Baddies in the hole ...

HEROES: +5' enhancement to speed.
Shay'akhar: 33. Rapier and wand of CLW in hand. Invisible til R53T33.
* Reduce person (5 min). Expeditious retreat (5 min).
Imrijka: 25. Bow in hand. Light on hat.
* Antitoxin: For 1 hour, gain +5 alchemical bonus vs. poison.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Cici: 23. Light on waveblade in hand, as well as wand of CLW.
Gharmez: 22. Crossbow in hand (loaded). Guidance til R21T17.
Bariswort: 17. Accordion dropped. Light crossbow in hands (loaded).
* Grease will last til R32T17.
Aasgar: 11. Axe in hand. RS. Valiant keeper's stance.
Lucette: 10. DELAYING!!!
Abenor: 9. Katana and wakizashi in hand. FATIGUED!!! Inner sphere stance.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Uskroth's Guardian: 6. (65:80).
Dire Shadow Rat: 5. (6:12).

Dead/ OOC
Daktani. Ghaer & Lehi. Dire Wolf (2). Skreed Gorewillow.

2022-10-12, 01:35 AM
R14T11: Aasgar continues due west up to the giant creature while drawing his mace. Before he fully gets to the creature, it stabs out with his spear, and almost hits the dwarf were it not for Abenor's timely tactical advice. Even though this thing was most assuredly a giant in life, in death it doesn't move or respond like a giant would, and Aasgar's significant offensive and defensive training against giants if for naught. He closes the final few feet and swings his mace, just smashing past broken, ancient armor for 19.

R14T9: Abenor's aegis having defended Aasgar and seeing the creepy rat flanked by two others, the elf takes advantage of the skeleton's focus on Aasgar to dart to the north and yell, "Flank it!" before he attacks with his blades as powerfully as he can to try to break its bones. He cuts high against its rib cage for 17 mod. When he attacks with his shorter blade, however, the giant's spear knocks Abenor's arm so that he nicks his own hand for (2 bleed).

R14T6: The skeleton stabs Aasgar in the belly with its spear, though Aasgar has yet to feel it (11 mod DDP). It then spears at Abenor and misses.

R14T5: The dire shadow rat, sensing the life energy on Cici's wand, attacks her in preference to the graybeard, but she dodges as the rat changes position.

End Round 14, Begin Round 15 ...

R15T33: Little Shay('akhar) also had a wand of healing, unbeknownst to the squat monster. He deftly tumbles to get back into flanking and activates the wand, touching the rat for 7 PE. That is all the little bit of spirit power that rat could handle as it complete discorporates.

R15T25: Imrijka repositions west and shoots and misses badly. "Hey! Aasgar just got hit, and he wasn't doing great before. Someone get some healing on him. Hey, cleric! Think you can shower this big goon with some positive glow if you move in closer?"

R15T23: Cici says, "On it. I don't know why, but it's like Aasgar gets slammed but doesn't feel it for several seconds." She steps up behind Aasgar and discharges the active wand on Aasgar (8 heal to DDP).

"Primitive nerve endings?" Little Shay offers in his higher-pitched voice.

R15T22: Gharmez, what do you do?

Bariswort on deck, Aasgar in the hole ...

HEROES: +5' enhancement to speed.
Shay'akhar: 33. Rapier and wand of CLW in hand.
* Reduce person (5 min). Expeditious retreat (5 min).
Imrijka: 25. Bow in hand. Light on hat.
* Antitoxin: For 1 hour, gain +5 alchemical bonus vs. poison.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Cici: 23. Light on waveblade in hand, as well as wand of CLW.
Gharmez: 22. Crossbow in hand (loaded). Guidance til R21T17.
Bariswort: 17. Accordion dropped. Light crossbow in hands (loaded).
* Grease will last til R32T17.
Aasgar: 11. Axe in hand. RS. Valiant keeper's stance. Round one fallow.
Lucette: 10. DELAYING!!!
Abenor: 9. Katana and wakizashi in hand. Inner sphere stance. RS. BLEED 2!!!
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Uskroth's Guardian: 6. (29:80). AOO used.

Dead/ OOC
Daktani. Ghaer & Lehi. Dire Wolf (2). Skreed Gorewillow. Dire Shadow Rat.

2022-10-13, 03:49 AM
R15T22: Gharmez, seeing the giant abomination, moves further into the area, holds her holy symbol high above her head and fills the room with the golden light of the First Vault. But something ancient in the skeleton helps it resist as it only takes 3 PE.

R15T17: The halfling casts a spell, and a thin, dark covering of something shiny appears under the skeleton, much like it did against the first dire wolf in the other cavern. The giant skeleton keeps its footing on the slick floor, and the halfling looks completely enervated, blood trickling from his nose.

R15T11: Aasgar, what do you do? You were prompted by Abenor (above).

Abenor on deck, Hill giant skeleton in the hole ...

HEROES: +5' enhancement to speed.
Shay'akhar: 33. Rapier and wand of CLW in hand.
* Reduce person (5 min). Expeditious retreat (5 min).
Imrijka: 25. Bow in hand. Light on hat.
* Antitoxin: For 1 hour, gain +5 alchemical bonus vs. poison.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Cici: 23. Light on waveblade in hand, as well as wand of CLW.
Gharmez: 22. Crossbow in hand (loaded). Guidance til R21T17.
Bariswort: 17. Accordion dropped. Light crossbow in hands (loaded).
* Grease under Uskroth will last til R45T17.
Aasgar: 11. Axe in hand. RS. Valiant keeper's stance. Round one fallow.
Lucette: 10. DELAYING!!!
Abenor: 9. Katana and wakizashi in hand. Inner sphere stance. RS. BLEED 2!!!
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Uskroth's Guardian: 6. (26:80). AOO used.

Dead/ OOC
Daktani. Ghaer & Lehi. Dire Wolf (2). Skreed Gorewillow. Dire Shadow Rat.

2022-10-13, 03:03 PM
R15T11: Aasgar dashes west to put a line between he and Abenor and strikes with his mace, landing a blow in the thing's back ribcage for 21. The thing spins around at the source of attack, but opens up an attack from Abenor in doing so as the elf hacks at its back hip for 15 mod, destroying it! The ancient bones turn to dust as its half-rotted armor and massive spear clatter to the ground.

Combat Ends ...

HEROES: +5' enhancement to speed.
Shay'akhar: 33. Rapier and wand of CLW in hand.
* Reduce person (5 min). Expeditious retreat (5 min).
Imrijka: 25. Bow in hand. Light on hat.
* Antitoxin: For 1 hour, gain +5 alchemical bonus vs. poison.
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.
Cici: 23. Light on waveblade in hand, as well as wand of CLW.
Gharmez: 22. Crossbow in hand (loaded). Guidance til R21T17.
Bariswort: 17. Accordion dropped. Light crossbow in hands (loaded).
* Grease under Uskroth will last til R45T17.
Aasgar: 11. Axe in hand. RS. Valiant keeper's stance. Round one fallow.
Lucette: 10. DELAYING!!!
Abenor: 9. Katana and wakizashi in hand. Inner sphere stance. RS. BLEED 2!!!
* DISEASED: Filth fever: Bite–injury; save Fort (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Fortitude) DC 15; onset 1d3 days; frequency 1/day; effect DEX & CON tracks; cure 2 consecutive saves.

Dead/ OOC
Daktani. Ghaer & Lehi. Dire Wolf (2). Skreed Gorewillow. Dire Shadow Rat. Uskroth's Guardian.

2022-12-05, 01:17 AM
"Man Overboard, Port Beam!" calls Abenor's voice, higher pitched, but carrying well.

Begin Round One ...

R1T24: Gharmez, you heard the splash first, followed by the call, but you are up in the forecastle with the captain. What do you do?

Gharmez: 24.
Galakhar: 19.
Aasgar: 18.
Abenor: 15. Perception: Base 17 (5 for distance).
Lucette: 14.
Cici: 12. Perception: Base 27 (14 for distance).
Oorug: 11. (20:20). Perception: Base 21 (9 for distance).
Kurst: 8.
Red Crocodile: 4. (33:33). Stealth: 18.
Blue Crocodile: 2. (33:33). Stealth: 25.

2022-12-06, 04:01 PM
R1T24: Gharmez will repeat the call from below, "MAN OVERBOARD, PORT BEAM!", and then rush down the stairs as fast as she is able heading to the port side of the boat, while readying a rope to throw to the sailor.

R1T19: Just down at the next deck, Galakhar hears Gharmez' call. He steps over and opens one of the galley doors and repeats, "Man overboard, Port Beam!"

R1T18: Aasgar, you hear the shouts of man overboard (port beam, whatever that means), but you are currently rowing on the starboard side. Coxswain Halrex hasn't yet given you any orders. Do you simply quit your oar and station and investigate? Continuing rowing until directed otherwise, or something else?

Gharmez: 24. Rope in hand.
Galakhar: 19.
Aasgar: 18.
Abenor: 15. Perception: Base 17 (5 for distance).
Lucette: 14.
Cici: 12. Perception: Base 27 (14 for distance).
Oorug: 11. (20:20). Perception: Base 21 (9 for distance).
Kurst: 8.
Red Crocodile: 4. (33:33). Stealth: 18.
Blue Crocodile: 2. (33:33). Stealth: 25.

2022-12-07, 12:00 PM
R1T18: Aasgar will wait for instructions and act accordingly when they are given.

R1T15: Abenor takes out his silk rope, steps up to the open gap, and tosses the coil of rope to Oorug while maintaining the bitter end.

R1T12: Cici starts to keep a verbal update, shouting from the crow's nest to the captain in the forecastle.

R1T11: Oorug grabs the rope, and then swims to the side of the boat.

R1T8: Kurst hustles to get to Abenor.

"Crocodiles, Port Aft!" comes Cici's warning cry.

In the hold, Coxswain Halrex orders port rowers to ship oars, and then gives a command to starboard rowers (including Aasgar) that Aasgar seems to have trouble complying with, and Halrex gives him an earful.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T24: Gharmez, your rope is in hand. I assume you move as quickly to trouble as possible?

Galakhar on deck, Abenor in the hole ...

Gharmez: 24. Rope in hand.
Galakhar: 19.
Abenor: 15. Perception: Base 17 (5 for distance).
Cici: 12. Perception: Base 27 (14 for distance).
Oorug: 11. (20:20). Perception: Base 21 (9 for distance).
Kurst: 8.
Red Crocodile: 4. (33:33). Stealth: 18.
Blue Crocodile: 2. (33:33). Stealth: 25.
Aasgar: 0.

2022-12-08, 10:56 AM
R2T24: Gharmez continues to move as quickly as she can towards the sailor in the water. She passes Galakhar in the galley, who has the door open for her, shooing her past.

R2T19: And then Galakhar passes her by ....

R2T15: Abenor has the rope braced for Oorug's climb.

R2T12: Cici continues to call out important information.

R2T11: Oorug is a solid climber, and with Abenor and Kurst's help he makes it to the deck no problem.

Initiative Over ...

Gharmez: 24. Rope in hand.
Galakhar: 19.
Abenor: 15. Perception: Base 17 (5 for distance).
Cici: 12. Perception: Base 27 (14 for distance).
Oorug: 11. (20:20). Perception: Base 21 (9 for distance).
Kurst: 8.
Red Crocodile: 4. (33:33). Stealth: 18.
Blue Crocodile: 2. (33:33). Stealth: 25.
Aasgar: 0.

2022-12-18, 02:07 PM
Begin Round One ...

R1T29-26: ....

R1T24: There is a slurred but intense growling and bestial roar and the sound of a man screaming in pain.

R1T23: ...

R1T11: Gharmez, you are the only one of the group in the hold as you are one of the rowers. You are stationed in the forward-starboard section, and something creates a shower of shattered wood throughout the aft portion of this deck from the double doors to the aft that led to you-know-not-where. You turn to look and see a large, white-furred monster on the main plankway, but from your lower position it is hard to get too much detail. What do you do?

Galakhar: 29.
Abenor: 26.
Bakkara: 24.
Cici: 23.
Gharmez: 11.
Kurst: 7.
Lucette: 6.
Aasgar: 5.


2022-12-20, 06:10 PM
R1T11: Gharmez curses, "SPILLED COINS! What is that THING?!?" She moves around the bench and up the stairs to the center plank way to get a better look, readying her earthbreaker as she goes. The scene only gets more horrific as she gets a much better view of the monster. This four-armed, gorilla-like creature, covered with matted white fur, roars in rage as it rears up to its full, towering height (8' tall, ~ 800 lbs.).

R1T7-6: ...

R1T5: Aasgar, in the distance, you hear a monstrous roar. The captain has a look of fear, and he seems to have a sense of something as he says, "Quick. The rower's hold. Bakkara must have gotten free. Try not to kill him, but my crew is more precious than he is. Go!"

Aasgar, what do you do?

Galakhar: 29.
Abenor: 26.
Bakkara: 24.
Cici: 23.
Gharmez: 11.
Kurst: 7.
Lucette: 6. DELAYING!!!
Aasgar: 5.


2022-12-21, 04:10 PM
R1T5: Aasgar nods and draws his axe while heading toward the rower's hold. He gets right up to the galley door that Galakhar had just opened for him.

R0: The half-orcs all squeal in terror. The one that seems to have been bitten tries to dodge and duck in self-defense to get away, displaying a surprising gymnastics ability. The other aft rower - the one that was on the starboard side, likewise ducks out of the way. Those two crewmembers both try to go along the outboard - more slowly because of the rowing benches, but not wanting to become a target on the plankway. Coxswain Halrex also musters forward with the gathering crew members. "Somebody get that damn door open!"

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T29: But Galakhar doesn't wait for the dwarf as he leaves towards the sound of trouble himself.

R2T26: In answer to the half-orc prayers, Abenor opens first one, and then the second hold door to help speed traffic along. "Everyone topside!" he yells. "We'll handle it from here."

R2T24: With all of the tasties now out of reach, blood dripping from its maw where it had gotten a taste of a rower, the white ape looks around, vision along the plankway obscured but it scurries forward perhaps to cut off the fleeing meals. Getting to the mast, it holds from the mask and rower's walkway to stabilize itself and then bite again at the half-orc it tasted before, snapping its jaws as the half-orc ekes out of the way.

R2T23: Gharmez sees Cici just rounding the corner from the port ladder into the hold. Cici then rushes past Gharmez, stopping just in range of where she could be struck. "Gharmez, any idea what that could be?"

R2T11: Gharmez, what do you do? The mast is thick and brawn, making things hard to see downline of the plankway.

Kurst on deck, Aasgar in the hole ...

Galakhar: 29.
Abenor: 26.
Bakkara: 24.
Cici: 23.
Gharmez: 11.
Kurst: 7.
Lucette: 6. DELAYING!!!
Aasgar: 5.


2022-12-21, 11:02 PM
R2T11: "I haven't seen it yet, but it is sure causing a fuss!"Gharmez replies to Cici as she moves around the mast, finding herself uncomfortably close to the monster which is half-climbing along the mast and side of the walkway. This four-armed, gorilla-like creature, covered with matted white fur, roars in rage as it rears up to its full, towering height (8' tall, ~ 800 lbs.).

R2T7: ...

R2T5: Aasgar continues being very dangerous over short distances, lagging some 15' behind Galakhar as the dwarf is passing the stables.

R2T0: Aasgar sees the port ladder from his vantage on the main deck as some rowers are on it and just getting topside. Down below, the lone rower is desperately fending off attacks while making a poor share of being acrobatic across the rowing benches, but finally manages to just barely escape a bite, move forward, and start traveling up the ladder to the walkway.

The coxswain calls out from the forward compartment, "If there's any chance you can subdue it without killing it .... please do so!"

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T29: Topside, Galakhar continues to move aft, seemingly getting into a combat stance while drawing his rapier. Instead of going for the closer ladder with all the half-orcs coming up, he ducks out of sight to the starboard.

R3T26: Abenor travels 30' aft down the coxswain's walk, changes his fighting stance, and then disappears suddenly from right behind Cici to reappear just as suddenly just aft of the monster while drawing his katana on the attack, slashing the monster along the lower back for 30. The monster yells out a roar of pain and surprise.....

R3T24: .... and ignores his former prey to focus on this pesky, similarly white-haired antagonist. Abenor manages to fend off bite and three of the claws, but one claw grazes him in his lower left arm for 4 mod.

R3T23: Cici steps back out of reach and casts a protective spell on herself, and her whole form is briefly outlined in a light blue shimmer before that disappears.

R3T11: Gharmez, you are staring up at this monster, which now has a more solid purchase on the plankway. What do you do?

Kurst on deck, Aasgar in the hole ...

Galakhar: 29.
Abenor: 26. Reaching blade stance.
Bakkara: 24. (82:112).
Cici: 23. Mage armor.
Gharmez: 11.
Kurst: 7.
Lucette: 6. DELAYING!!!
Aasgar: 5.


2022-12-22, 02:18 PM
R3T11: Gharmez, holding her weapon to the side to keep a hand free for casting, begins to sing a tune she was taught during her time at the counting house in hopes of calming the creature ...

R3T7: Kurst travels aft down the coxswain's walk while readying his shield and then taking out his longsword, passing Gharmez, and ending up between her and Abenor. "So, what's this about taking this thing alive?" he asks incredulously.

R3T5: Aasgar, what do you do?

Galakhar on deck, Abenor in the hole ...

Galakhar: 29.
Abenor: 26. Reaching blade stance.
Bakkara: 24. (82:112).
Cici: 23. Mage armor.
Gharmez: 11. Casting enthrall ...
Kurst: 7.
Lucette: 6. DELAYING!!!
Aasgar: 5.


2022-12-23, 12:55 PM
R3T5: Aasgar continues towards the battle, muttering about how boats were not made with dwarves in mind. As he moves aft along the port gunwale, he sees Galakhar making his way down the starboard ladder.

R3T0: Half-orcs continue to stream topside.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ....

R4T29: Galakhar makes his way into the hold, and then starts down the forward-port rower's ladder.

R4T26: Abenor gives out tactical advice to try and keep people safe as he quick draws his Kyadrimme in his off-hand, and now blends a different component style into his current fighting stance. He performs a soft crit against one of the monster's four claw-hands, and utilizing a special maneuver so that he does 24 NL + marked, even as his wakizashi also scores a light crit at its groin for 19 NL. "It's okay," he says, "I'm causing it enough pain. Let me do submission combat, but the rest of you - unless you're trained - don't try to worsen your fighting style if you aren't good at causing non-injurious wounds."

R4T24: Something appears to be wrong with this monster, now that everyone (well, everyone there) has had a couple rounds to see it fighting. It is definitely acting .... loopy. It is powerful and quick, yes, but it also appears to be under the effects of something that make it unsteady. With Abenor's strikes it focuses its rancor against the snow elf. The monster bites at him but Abenor acrobatically dodges and moves back a few feet. Still, its arms are long enough to reach him, but his flashing blades keep him from getting hit.

R4T23: Cici enters a broad-limbed combat style and moves up next to Gharmez, glaring intently at the monster, but its rage and total focus on the elf keeps it safe from her slumbering stare.

R4T11: Gharmez, you finally finish your enthrall spell. The white-furred ape-monster and Cici definitely are enthralled, but not completely dumb-founded. Kurst just barely manages to resist the effect. Abenor seems to have no trouble ignoring the effect.

Gharmez, now what? Continue singing? Switch to speaking? Do you let the others know what you're doing?

Kurst on deck, Aasgar in the hole ...

Galakhar: 29.
Abenor: 26. Reaching blade stance. Thrashing Dragon style.
Bakkara: 24. (82:112, 43 NL). ENTHRALLED!
Cici: 23. Mage armor. Crane style. ENTHRALLED!
Gharmez: 11. Enthrall ... cast, and currently continuing its effects.
Kurst: 7.
Lucette: 6. DELAYING!!!
Aasgar: 5.


2022-12-24, 04:04 PM
R4T11: Without dropping the spell, Gharmez attempts to speak/sing the ape back to the aft hold where it came from. She tries to explain as she's doing this that they may be able to prevent the creature from being harmed.

R4T7: Kurst steps back carefully, sheathing his sword. He speaks soothing words to the creature. Gharmez recognizes what he's attempting, but also knows it is not a "combat speed" task, usually taking about a minute.

R5T5: Aasgar makes his way past two half-orcs (one of which is the coxswain) and around the corner of the hold to partially see the monster, and a little bit of Cici, Gharmez, and .... Abenor? Aasgar also notes he hears Gharmez' voice speak-singing with an almost supernatural volume, yet with a sort of lulling quality.Roll a Will save!

Galakhar: 29.
Abenor: 26. Reaching blade stance. Thrashing Dragon style.
Bakkara: 24. (82:112, 43 NL). ENTHRALLED!
Cici: 23. Mage armor. Crane style. ENTHRALLED!
Gharmez: 11. Enthrall ... cast, and currently continuing its effects.
Kurst: 7.
Lucette: 6. DELAYING!!!
Aasgar: 5.


2022-12-27, 09:59 PM
It had been an eventful morning, and folks are at their stations except for Abenor, who tends to spend his time when not collecting the haul doing a variety of martial exercises or just looking out over the sterncastle to admire the view. The sun is drifting low to the WSW, which is nearly fully relative south to the ship - right behind it. Already, where the keelboat is to stop for the night is seen up ahead, and Galakhar and the boat's cook Gashnakh must be cooking up something good, as delicious smells waft everywhere a PC is located.

Surprise Round ...

S27: Abenor shouts out "Dragon!" in warning as he darts off the sterncastle, moving forward as he draws his bow, and shouting the warning again down into the hold as he heads amidships.

S19-13: Abenor gets hit by a ball of caustic acid, but was prepared and only takes 7 acid while not getting trapped in its stickiness. The crow's nest gets hit with a similar attack, but Cici and Lucette both use the crow's nest basket to fully protect themselves.

Begin Round One ....

R1T27: "Repel boarders! Three dragons amidships!" Abenor yells at the top of his lungs. Abenor shoots an arrow into the head of Red for 9.

R1T22: Cici feels that sometimes a voice is inadequate, so from her witch's pouch she takes a smal amber rod and casts a spell. A sharp, cracking report of thunder as heard as she sends a lightning bolt at the dragon at highest elevation that attacked her, lighting it up for 20 electricity, the first time she ever showed such power before. Still, she follows that up, "Repel boarders! Three dragons amidships moving forward quickly."

R1T21: Gharmez, you hear the sound of someone yelling something in the distance, followed by the same voice (Abenor's) having shouted "Dragon!" down the hole. More shouting on deck, and then it sounds like the sky itself has joined the battle. You had already been given permission (because of the last event) to leave your rowing station to tend to Repel Boarders! without wasting time asking permission. What do you do?

Abenor: 27.
Cici: 22.
Gharmez: 21.
Galakhar: 20.
Red River Drake: 19. (47:56). Can't spit til R5.
Aasgar: 16.
Alpha River Drake: 15. (96:96).
Blue River Drake: 13. (36:56). Can't spit til R3.
Lucette: 10.
Kurst: 9.
Hope: 7.


2022-12-28, 12:23 PM
R1T21: "Looks like we are going to have a busy day!" Gharmez complains to her rowing mates as she leaves the bench and heads up to the main deck as quickly as she can. She ends her move 15' before the forward double doors.

R1T20: ....

R1T19: A dragon lands in a charging pounce towards Abenor, managing a light-crit tail slap at Abenor's right knee for 4 mod.

R1T16: Aasgar, from up in the forecastle, you happened to be skylarking, looking athwartships when these things came out of the blinding, setting sun to make their attack, noting Abenor has been hit with acid and tail. What do you do? Double move downstairs as far as you can go?

Abenor: 27.
Cici: 22.
Gharmez: 21.
Galakhar: 20.
Red River Drake: 19. (47:56). Can't spit til R5. Charged!
Aasgar: 16.
Alpha River Drake: 15. (96:96).
Blue River Drake: 13. (36:56). Can't spit til R3.
Lucette: 10.
Kurst: 9.
Hope: 7.


2022-12-28, 09:36 PM
R1T16: Aasgar double moves down as far as he can get, on the last bit of stairs of the galley. Galakhar already opened the door for him.

R1T15: Though not seen by any PCs at this time, a particular large member of the rampage flies over the stables to bite the old warhorse in the stables for 15, pick it up in his jaws, and continuing flying past the port beam and start heading aft.

R1T13: Blue was up much higher to strafe the crow's nest, but now has turned back around and dive bombs the Cici with a charging pounce, but she manages to deflect the attack.

R1T10: Lucette squeaks in alarm, and tries to be very small and especially unpalatable in Cici's hood.

R1T9: Kurst bursts forth angrily from the stables with bow in hand and shouts angrily, "You're mine, scaly demon!" as he shoots his bow. The arrow flies to hit the dragon's rear haunches for 15.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T27: Abenor drops his bow, gets into a "no-stance" stance, and then quick draws his katana in a slice that only gets deflected off of the dragon's hard scales.

R2T22: Cici tries to hard to end the fight quickly by putting the dragon to sleep, but it doesn't work.

R2T21: Gharmez, you are 15' from the forward hold doors. The coxswain had already rushed forward and opened a door for you to simply go through without having to stop to open it. What do you do?

Galakhar on deck, Red in the hole ...

Abenor: 27. Reaching blade stance.
Cici: 22.
Gharmez: 21.
Galakhar: 20.
Red River Drake: 19. (47:56). Can't spit til R5. Charged!
Aasgar: 16.
Alpha River Drake: 15. (81:96). Old warhorse GRABBED in jaws.
Blue River Drake: 13. (36:56). Can't spit til R3. Charged!
Kurst: 9. CHALLENGE vs. Alpha.


2022-12-29, 11:53 AM
R2T21: Gharmez will make her way through one of the open forward hatches and just begins to move up the port ladder.

R2T20: Galakhar looks at the dwarf who is almost off the ladder. "Dragons, eh?"

R2T19: Sounds of battle from near the top of the port ladder Gharmez is traversing.

R2T16: Aasgar, what do you do?

Enemies on deck/ in the hole ...

Abenor: 27. Reaching blade stance.
Cici: 22.
Gharmez: 21.
Galakhar: 20. DELAYING...
Red River Drake: 19. (47:56). Can't spit til R5. Charged!
Aasgar: 16.
Alpha River Drake: 15. (81:96). Old warhorse GRABBED in jaws.
Blue River Drake: 13. (36:56). Can't spit til R3. Charged!
Kurst: 9. CHALLENGE vs. Alpha.


2022-12-29, 06:10 PM
R2T16: Aasgar completes his journey down the ladder and looks at Galakhar and sighs. "So I hear... Let's go get them," he says, before turning and hurrying aft while drawing his axe. He ends up port outboard of the stables, and sees Kurst several feet aft with his bow. Aasgar follows what Kurst is looking at, and he sees a large dragon with blue scales carrying one of the horses away, heading relative west. He thinks he sees some type of ruckus well aft on the ship, but up above in the crow's nest, another one of these blue dragons is attacking Cici in the crow's nest. However, the dragon way up there is about half the size of the one out over the water with a horse in its mouth.

R2T15: The alpha dragon opens up speed, even though it is weighed down by a horse, and performs a run action to the west. It is easy to lose it because it is flying into the sun that is now low in the sky.

R2T14: Galakhar leaves the galley, but moves along the starboard gunwale.

R2T13: Aasgar sees the dragon above peel away from Cici and dive bomb Kurst, biting the man in the upper arm for 6, while whipping wildly with its tail.

R2T9: Kurst steps back, drops his bow, readies his shield, and draws his sword.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T27: Abenor quick draws his wakizashi, changes his stance made for TWF, and then teleports to the forward side of his foe, but this time manages to catch his foe in the back for 12.

R3T22: Cici concentrates on a spell and a flaming sphere drops on Blue and burns it 11 fire as the sphere is entangled in the air with the dragon.

R3T21: Gharmez, a single MA brings you to the map, a second MA brings you just up onto the deck. Do you grab your hammer as you move?

Red on deck, Aasgar in the hole ....

Abenor: 27. Reaching blade stance.
Cici: 22.
Gharmez: 21.
Red River Drake: 19. (35:56). Can't spit til R5.
Aasgar: 16.
Galakhar: 14.
Blue River Drake: 13. (25:56). Can't spit til R3. Charged!
Kurst: 9. CHALLENGE vs. Alpha. Bow dropped. Sword-and-shield.

Alpha River Drake: 15. (81:96). Old warhorse GRABBED in jaws.

2022-12-30, 08:18 PM
R3T21: Gharmez draws her hammer as she moves up to the main deck, bringing Gharmez in flank with Abenor with what must be one of the creatures in question. With graceful wings and wide fins, this sleek dragon looks equally well equipped to glide through sea and sky. It is about 8' long, and probably weighs somewhere ~ 700 lbs.

R3T19: That same dragon (Red), not enjoying the flank it has found itself in, snaps defensively at Abenor and Gharmez as it tries to get out of there. As it does so, Abenor makes a brilliant stroke down its side for 20 as Gharmez swings the unfamiliar Agrimmosh. Red manages to jump off the port side of the ship and then begins flying aft.

R3T16: Aasgar, what do you do?

Galakhar on deck, Blue in the hole ...

Abenor: 27. Reaching blade stance.
Cici: 22.
Gharmez: 21. Agrimmosh on deck.
Red River Drake: 19. (15:56). Can't spit til R5.
Aasgar: 16.
Galakhar: 14.
Blue River Drake: 13. (25:56). Can't spit til R3. Charged!
Kurst: 9. CHALLENGE vs. Alpha. Bow dropped. Sword-and-shield.

Alpha River Drake: 15. (81:96). Old warhorse GRABBED in jaws.

2023-01-01, 11:56 PM
R3T16: Aasgar dashes to the blue beast and planting his feet firmly swings his axe at the creature, landing right in its head for 21. It's a devastating blow, but not enough to drop it.

R3T14: Galakhar double moves from around starboard and does a tuck and roll to come up and flank with Aasgar.

R3T13: Furious, the blue dragon hisses and spits at Aasgar and Kurst. Both targets are focused and agile, only taking 6 acid each (or in Aasgar's case, to his DDP). The dragon then tries to move away carefully, but Aasgar's axe bites it in the upper chest for a brutal 18, dropping it, with Galakhar providing the misericorde strike.

R3T9: Kurst comes out of initiative, as he's not going to try and do the fallen weapons shuffle.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T27: Abenor lets his weapons clatter to the ground as he races aft along the port side while taking out his bow. He shoots, hitting the dragon in the rear claw for 9.

R4T22: Cici delays (coming out of initiative) ...

R4T21: Gharmez, is there anything you think you can do?

Red on deck, Aasgar in the hole ...

Abenor: 27. Reaching blade stance.
Cici: 22.
Gharmez: 21. Agrimmosh in hand.
Red River Drake: 19. (6:56). Can't spit til R5.
Aasgar: 16. Valiant keeper's stance. DDP active!
Galakhar: 14.
Kurst: 9. CHALLENGE vs. Alpha. Bow dropped. Sword-and-shield. DELAYING...

Alpha River Drake: 15. (81:96). Old warhorse GRABBED in jaws.
River Drake (1).

2023-01-03, 10:42 AM
R4T21: Gharmez moves to the rain, drops her hammer on deck to switch to her crossbow. She takes a shot at the blue dragon hovering over the water, with the bolt piercing its upper foreclaw to continue into its chest for 20. The thing falls out of the air to splash into the water.

Combat Ends!

Abenor: 27. Reaching blade stance.
Cici: 22.
Gharmez: 21. Agrimmosh in hand.
Aasgar: 16. Valiant keeper's stance. DDP active!
Galakhar: 14.
Kurst: 9. CHALLENGE vs. Alpha. Bow dropped. Sword-and-shield. DELAYING...

Alpha River Drake: 15. (81:96). Old warhorse GRABBED in jaws.
River Drake (2).

2023-01-08, 11:12 AM
Abenor leads the others in while keeping formation. Though he knows that the entire party is not designed for stealth, he does move at a pace and gestures for the party to at least to "try" to be stealthy. He knows Aasgar well enough to slow his own speed down so that even Aasgar (and the armored Gharmez) can still move half speed themselves to go slowly and stealthily.

He only moves forward 10' before he stops the party. Kurst is next to him, and Abenor points north as Ileor - Abenor's magical katana - just barely in dim light reveals the horse, but only to Abenor's elven eyes. Abenor holds his hand up to the others and moves in a little more with Kurst as the rest of the party filters into the spot they were told to wait at.

The party doesn't even have a chance to do more than that as a roar erupts from inside, causing the frightened horse to whinny.

Begin Round One ...

R1T27: "Unholy dragon senses!" Abenor spits. He looks to the party. "We'll cover Kurst's retreat. Kurst, get the horse out."

And with that, Abenor goes into his hunting stance and moves forward north and then west around a corner. His voice is heard echoing from within. "Eyes on target!"

R1T23: Another draconic roar is heard, followed by the sound of it spitting at Abenor.

R1T22: Since it can see light, the old warhorse bolts to the south where there are a mass of heroes. It doesn't run over the heroes, but is stamping away angrily, and can't be considered an "ally" for the purposes of movement as it is frightened and confused.

R1T20: Gharmez, what do you do?

Abenor: 27. Daisho in hand. Battle dragon's stance.
Alpha River Drake: 23. (81:96).
Old Warhorse: 22.
Gharmez: 20. Crossbow in hand.
Galakhar: 19. Rapier in hand.
Kurst: 15. Sword and shield.
Aasgar: 13. Axe in hand.
Cici: 7. Waveblade in hand.


2023-01-08, 11:41 PM
R1T20: Gharmez casts a veil of divine power over herself and moves into the cave, skirting around the scared horse that's stamping on the ground.

R1T19: Galakhar quick draws his rapier even as he gets into a fighting stance, drinks an extract, suddenly shrinking down to just under 3' tall, and then zooms along the ground to follow his lady.

R1T15: Kurst puts his sword away, and unlike some animals that might take a ranger longer to calm, he has already built a relationship with this one and is able to bring it to heel. Even though it has no tack at this time, he does a brilliant quick mount.

R1T13: Aasgar, what do you do?

Cici on deck, Abenor in the hole ...

Abenor: 27. Daisho in hand. Battle dragon's stance.
Alpha River Drake: 23. (81:96).
Gharmez: 20. Crossbow in hand. Protection from evil (4 min, +2 defl vs evil, addt'l +1 resistance vs. evil).
Galakhar: 19. Rapier in hand. Reduce person (4 min.)
Kurst: 15. Sword and shield.
* Old Warhorse.
Aasgar: 13. Axe in hand.
Cici: 7. Waveblade in hand.


2023-01-09, 01:20 PM
R1T13: Aasgar adjusts his footing and moves north after Abenor.Scything Strike
R1T7: Cici darts north and west (and south).

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T27: Abenor changes footing to slow down a little and disappears from Aasgar's sight. There is a sound of metal passing through hard scale and flesh and a draconic roar of pain.

R2T23: And that, followed up by more bestial noises of aggression that slowly give way to frustration.

R2T20: Gharmez, what do you do?

Galakhar on deck, Kurst in the hole ...

Abenor: 27. Daisho in hand. Battle dragon's stance.
Alpha River Drake: 23. (67:96). Can't breathe again until R6T23.
Gharmez: 20. Crossbow in hand. Protection from evil (4 min, +2 defl vs evil, addt'l +1 resistance vs. evil).
Galakhar: 19. Rapier in hand. Reduce person (4 min.)
Kurst: 15. Sword and shield.
* Old Warhorse.
Aasgar: 13. Axe in hand.
Cici: 7. Waveblade in hand.


2023-01-11, 01:24 PM
R2T20: Gharmez moves up behind Aasgar, ready to fire if she has a target. In doing so, her golden light shows the deeper cave entrance to the west that seems to then go south.

R2T20: Galakhar says to Kurst, "You're the best rider, lad, and the horse is already skittish. Guide him back to the keelboat. We got it from here."

Gala-midget then takes a sip of another extract before heading north himself, and gets in front of Gharmez while looking west.

R2T15: You see Kurst nod in understanding to Lil' Gal and then ride off (off map, and out of this encounter).

R2T13: Aasgar, what do you do? Sounds of battle to west and south.

Cici on deck, Abenor in the hole ...

Abenor: 27. Daisho in hand. Battle dragon's stance.
Alpha River Drake: 23. (67:96). Can't breathe again until R6T23.
Gharmez: 20. Crossbow in hand. Protection from evil (4 min, +2 defl vs evil, addt'l +1 resistance vs. evil).
Galakhar: 19. Rapier in hand. Reduce person (4 min.). Keen senses (+2 Perception, not incl. on sheet).
Aasgar: 13. Axe in hand.
Cici: 7. Waveblade in hand.


2023-01-12, 01:12 PM
R2T13: Asgard heads towards the sounds of battle as fast as he can. He turns around the corner to see the battle, and moves up next to Cici. Also, he enters a deep field of bones and other detritus that is difficult terrain that halts his progress.

R2T7: Cici enters her crane style stance and begins angling closer through the bone field. She takes out a shuriken and tosses it, but it bounces off of the tough hide.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T27: Aasgar sees Abenor dance with his daisho in hand, but particularly with the blue-glowing katana, almost glowing brighter like the moon before he attacks too aggressively, his sword stroke stopped by dragon scale and the extra blue dissipating. His attack failed, and preparing for the arrival of friends, Abenor tries to carefully move around to the south. Not so careful that the dragon doesn't bite at him, but then Abenor dances off of the dragon's snout and own body to help him move to a better position, shifting his stance to someting more defensive.

R3T23: The alpha river dragon seems to have learned from fighting Abenor, and isn't so wildly aggressive, but Abenor in his defensive stance is able to parry away the attacks.

R3T20: Gharmez, what do you do?

Galakhar on deck, Aasgar in the hole ...

Abenor: 27. Daisho in hand. Battle dragon's stance.
Alpha River Drake: 23. (67:96). Can't breathe again until R6T23.
Gharmez: 20. Crossbow in hand. Protection from evil (4 min, +2 defl vs evil, addt'l +1 resistance vs. evil).
Galakhar: 19. Rapier in hand. Reduce person (4 min.). Keen senses (+2 Perception, not incl. on sheet).
Aasgar: 13. Axe in hand.
Cici: 7. Waveblade in hand. Crane style.


2023-01-12, 02:25 PM
R3T20: Gharmez grumbles to herself, "I really need to buy lighter armor." She moves towards the western battle noises, seeing the full scope of the battle now.

R3T19: "No, milady," says mini-Galakhar who moves with her at first. "You are the primary buoyant and healer. We need you as protected as you can be."

He then stops behind a few paces to take another extract, and disappears from sight.

R3T13: Aasgar, what do you do?

Cici on deck, Abenor in the hole ...

Abenor: 27. Daisho in hand. Battle dragon's stance.
Alpha River Drake: 23. (67:96). Can't breathe again until R6T23.
Gharmez: 20. Crossbow in hand. Protection from evil (4 min, +2 defl vs evil, addt'l +1 resistance vs. evil).
Galakhar: 19. Rapier in hand. Reduce person (4 min.). Keen senses (+2 Perception, not incl. on sheet). Invisible til R43T19.
Aasgar: 13. Axe in hand.
Cici: 7. Waveblade in hand. Crane style.


2023-01-13, 09:32 AM
R3T13: Aasgar moves south as far as he can through the bones but begins calling out tactical advice. As he does so, the dragon's long neck bites him in the shoulder (12 DDP), holding Aasgar in its jaws when the dwarf actually calls out that advice.Red zephyr's strike.
R3T7: Cici prepares for a closer encounter by casting a protective spell on herself before moving in.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T27: Abenor nods to Cici since she brings the flank, layering his martial stances, both blades flashing. Though the dragon's scales are thick, it is more vulnerable in flank while focusing its holding bite on Aasgar, and Abenor strikes a foreclaw for 12 and its back for 9.

R4T23: The drake worries Aasgar in its mouth for 9 (+11 DDP)!

R4T20: Gharmez, what do you do?

Galakhar on deck, Aasgar in the hole ...

HEROES: +4 morale to AC til R4T14.
Abenor: 27. Daisho in hand. Battle dragon's stance. Thrashing Dragon style.
Alpha River Drake: 23. (46:96). Can't breathe again until R6T23. GRAPPLING Aasgar.
Gharmez: 20. Crossbow in hand. Protection from evil (4 min, +2 defl vs evil, addt'l +1 resistance vs. evil).
Galakhar: 19. Rapier in hand. Reduce person (4 min.). Keen senses (+2 Perception, not incl. on sheet). Invisible til R43T19.
Aasgar: 13. Axe in hand. GRABBED!
Cici: 7. Waveblade in hand. Crane style. False life (THP: 13).


2023-01-13, 06:20 PM
R4T20: "No dwarf snacks today, foul creature!" Gharmez yells out as she moves into the bone pile while readying her earthbreaker and dropping her crossbow. Using the weapon's size to keep a safe distance, she strikes the beast. Any other day, she would miss, but with it grappling and having flank with Abenor she just manages to succeed in clipping it in the wing for 10.

R4T19: Though invisible, a line of bones get kicked around as Galakhar approaches. He appears again, having stabbed it in the upper rear leg for 9.

R4T13: Aasgar Chewtoy, what do you do?

Cici on deck, Abenor in the hole ...

HEROES: +4 morale to AC til R4T14.
Abenor: 27. Daisho in hand. Battle dragon's stance. Thrashing Dragon style.
Alpha River Drake: 23. (27:96). Can't breathe again until R6T23. GRAPPLING Aasgar.
Gharmez: 20. Crossbow dropped; earthbreaker in hand. Protection from evil (4 min, +2 defl vs evil, addt'l +1 resistance vs. evil).
Galakhar: 19. Rapier in hand. Reduce person (4 min.). Keen senses (+2 Perception, not incl. on sheet). Invisible til R43T19.
Aasgar: 13. Axe in hand. GRABBED!
Cici: 7. Waveblade in hand. Crane style. False life (THP: 13).


2023-01-14, 03:45 PM
R4T13: Aasgar attempts to free himself from the creatures grasp but finds that this monster's jaws are incredibly strong. He shouts, trying to bolster his allies, but his ability to do so isn't contingent on just making noise, but is a function of properly bodily alignment; he neither makes the maneuver, nor expends it. In fact, being grappled takes him completely out of stance as well (so, stance is dropped). His wounds catch up to him from the effort, as he takes 23. First round fallow.
R4T7: Cici stares menacingly at the dragon.

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T27: Abenor nods to Gharmez and gives her a backhanded compliment, "Excellent strike; of course, it's par for the course for an Abadaran to hammer a savage into submission, isn't it?"

He shifts to a more offensive stance, putting as much power as he can behind his strikes to get the drake to drop his friend. He cuts deep into its hip and haunches for 25 with one blade, but with little Kyadrimme he gives a vicious flat-blade thwack which does 35 NL!

The drake falls, and Abenor is spilt from its mouth unceremoniously.

Combat Ends!

HEROES: +4 morale to AC til R4T14.
Abenor: 27. Daisho in hand. Battle dragon's stance. Thrashing Dragon style.
Gharmez: 20. Crossbow dropped; earthbreaker in hand. Protection from evil (4 min, +2 defl vs evil, addt'l +1 resistance vs. evil).
Galakhar: 19. Rapier in hand. Reduce person (4 min.). Keen senses (+2 Perception, not incl. on sheet). Invisible til R43T19.
Aasgar: 13. Axe in hand.
Cici: 7. Waveblade in hand. Crane style. False life (THP: 13).

Alpha River Drake: 23. (2:96, 35 NL). UNCONSCIOUS!!!

2023-01-18, 05:01 PM
The party had taken a wide perimeter about the place, not wanting to get hit by pot shots from fortified orc archers. One thing they seemed to miss was the stables, but what was in the stables, at the time, didn't really care about you, either.

Two dire wolves, fur matted with the blood of horses they were killing, step out of the stables, look at the party, and growl.

Begin Round One ...

R1T31: Galakhar's rapier is in his hand in a flash and he is in one-handed stance, zooming across the dirt. He takes a quick measure of the rear dire wolf and stabs it in the chest for 18.

R1T21: Kurst runs around the back of the group to give himself some time and room to ready his shield and draw his sword, but closes to meet Red and attacks, missing.

R1T18: Abenor comes around on a smaller arc and quick draws his smaller blade (the katana was out to provide light) to slash Red in the upper chest for 23. He begins giving his defensive advice to the party.

R1T17: Aasgar, what do you do? Your axe is stowed right now.

Galakhar: 31. Rapier.
Kurst: 21. Sword and shield.
Abenor: 18. Daisho. Reaching blade stance.
Aasgar: 17.
Red Dire Wolf: 16. (32:55).
Cici: 11. False life (THP: 13).
Blue Dire Wolf: 16. (55:55).
Gharmez: 6.


2023-01-19, 01:59 PM
R1T17: Asgaar draws his axe and moves forward to engage, shifting his stance. Red zephyr's strike.
R1T16: Red snaps at Abenor, but the elf evades and moves a few feet away.

R1T11: Cici gets into her fighting style, moves around the stump and then south while drawing her waveblade, and then misses wildly.

R1T16: Blue attacks Galakhar, who fails to parry but does duck out of the way.

R1T6: And anchoring the round for all .... Gharmez! What do you do? Like everyone else, your weapon isn't in hand as you were in "investigation mode."

Galakhar on deck, Kurst in the hole ...

Galakhar: 31. Rapier.
Kurst: 21. Sword and shield.
Abenor: 18. Daisho. Reaching blade stance. SwA used.
Aasgar: 17.
Red Dire Wolf: 16. (32:55).
Cici: 11. False life (THP: 13). Waveblade. Crane Style. DS.
Blue Dire Wolf: 16. (55:55).
Gharmez: 6.


2023-01-21, 12:19 AM
R1T6: Gharmez moves up to the closest beast, readying her earth breaker on the way. She attacks the foul creature, but it is a wild swing.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T31: Galakhar studies Blue for a second. "Nothing special," he says. "Dire wolves. I know the A-team already fought them in the tunnels before we got there. Big, strong, fast, can knock you down."

While maintiaing a focus on defense, he makes a special maneuver that actually cuts into both wolves standing next to each other, doing 14 to Red and 16 to Blue.

R2T21: Kurst nicks Red for 4 with his sword, but bashes it on the snout for 5.

R2T18: Abenor is slightly winded from last round and recovers and moves around to the eastern part of the battle where he can protect the most people. The blue of his katana, already lit a lambent blue, glimmers a little bit whiter like the light of the moon as he strikes Red for 17 + 9 force, killing it outright.

R2T17: Aasgar, you no longer have an enemy in front of you, but an obstacle. Red is dead, and acts as difficult terrain. What do you do?

Cici on deck, Blue in the hole ...

Galakhar: 31. Rapier. (ST Blue). Einhander style. DS. 2 rounds of combat study complete.
Kurst: 21. Sword and shield.
Abenor: 18. Daisho. Reaching blade stance. SwA used.
Aasgar: 17.
Cici: 11. False life (THP: 13). Waveblade. Crane Style. DS.
Blue Dire Wolf: 16. (39:55).
Gharmez: 6. Earthbreaker.

Dire Wolf (1).

2023-01-22, 05:11 AM
R2T17: Realising he cannot easily reach his foe, Aasgar lets out a frustrated but encouraging bellow and steps back 5 feet. "Make this beast come to us!" he shouts.

R2T11: Cici casts a spell, infusing a coarse black hair into her casting, but nothing happens and she backs up to the other side of Aasgar to enjoy Abenor's protection.

R2T16: Blue makes a vicious attack againt Galakhar, who in turn is able to read his foe and defend brilliantly.

R2T6: Gharmez, what do you do?

Galakhar on deck, Kurst in the hole ...

ALLIES: +2 morale attk/ dmg til R3T17!!!
Galakhar: 31. Rapier. (ST Blue). Einhander style. DS. 2 rounds of combat study complete. SwA used.
Kurst: 21. Sword and shield.
Abenor: 18. Daisho. Reaching blade stance. SwA used.
Aasgar: 17.
Cici: 11. False life (THP: 13). Waveblade. Crane Style. DS.
Blue Dire Wolf: 16. (39:55).
Gharmez: 6. Earthbreaker.

Dire Wolf (1).

2023-01-23, 01:28 AM
R2T6: Gharmez drops her earth breaker at her feet to change to her crossbow and attacks the remaining wolf, the bolt striking it in the neck for 11.It takes a MA (provokes AOOs) to put a weapon away, and another MA to draw a weapon (doesn't provoke), so I had you drop the earth breaker.

I don't mind you adding in the Point Blank Shot, since I put it specifically on your sheet. You merely forgot to include it in your attack roll, but had it there for damage.
End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T31: Galakhar catches the wolf in the forepaw for 9, and then steps back. He looks at Gharmez and nods. "Nice shot."

R3T21: Kurst steps back to Aasgar, readying a strike. He shakes his head and mutters to the dwarf with a smile, "You want us to step back, but you give us a great exhortation to kill. Confusing."

R3T18: Abenor recovers from a little extra effort he had expended. He also seems prepared to attack.

R3T17: Aasgar, they listened to you. The engaged pulled back. What do you do?

Cici on deck, Blue in the hole ...

ALLIES: +2 morale attk/ dmg til R3T17!!!
Galakhar: 31. Rapier. (ST Blue). Einhander style. DS. 3 rounds of combat study complete. SwA used.
Kurst: 21. Sword and shield. READIED to attack if wolf gets in reach.
Abenor: 18. Daisho. Reaching blade stance. READIED to use fading strike if wolf gets in reach of any ally.
Aasgar: 17.
Cici: 11. False life (THP: 13). Waveblade. Crane Style. DS.
Blue Dire Wolf: 16. (19:55).
Gharmez: 6. Earthbreaker dropped. Crossbow (unloaded) in hand.

Dire Wolf (1).

2023-01-24, 02:02 PM
R3T17: Aasgar backs away again, stepping up onto a tree stump, and encourages the others to do so. "Draw it out! Use ranged attacks and then we can surround it and be done!"

R3T11: Cici steps in front of Aasgar and while still in Crane Style she tosses couple shuriken at the dire wolf, one hitting for 3.

R3T16.1-16: The dire wolf comes around the body of its fallen and as soon as it gets to Kurst strikes it in the shoulder for 9, and Abenor teleports and cuts its forepaw off at the knee, dropping it. It is summarily beheaded by Abenor.

Combat Ends ....

All stances and styles end, and all maneuvers refreshed.

Galakhar: 31. Rapier. (ST Blue). Einhander style. DS. 3 rounds of combat study complete. SwA used.
Kurst: 21. Sword and shield. READIED to attack if wolf gets in reach.
Abenor: 18. Daisho. Reaching blade stance. READIED to use fading strike if wolf gets in reach of any ally.
Aasgar: 17.
Cici: 11. False life (THP: 13). Waveblade. Crane Style. DS.
Blue Dire Wolf: 16. (16:55).
Gharmez: 6. Earthbreaker dropped. Crossbow (unloaded) in hand.

Dire Wolf (1).

2023-02-06, 02:07 PM
As soon as it looks like Aasgar is heading in, Galakhar taps and gestures for himself and Gharmez to head to the others, and everyone only moves a few feet before a porcine shout of rage is heard!

Begin Roud One ...

R1T19: Galakhar hustles towards the platform.

R1T18: Abenor moves right past Aasgar to go inside before he teleports out of view. There is an anguished cry of pain from a bestial voice inside.

R1T15-14: Sounds of battle from within ... and definitely a sound of pain from Abenor! Followed by an indescribable, closed-mouth gurgle or some wounded mouth noise where the body can't even find the air or power to scream out.

R1T11: Cici does an accelerated climb for the remainder and heads past Aasgar inside the cabin. "Aasgar," she practically screams more than reports, "Abenor is almost disemboweled!!"

The sound of Cici casting is heard from within.

R1T9: Gharmez, your loaded crossbow is in hand, and it looks like the battle won't be coming outside after all. If Cici had just shouted a normal report, you might have not understood from where you are, but she screamed it more in desperation, so you know a friend is in peril. What do you do?

Galakhar: 19. Rapier.
Abenor: 18. Daisho. Thrashing Dragon style. 2 CON damage. 1 BLEED!!!
Kurst: 16. DELAYING!!!
Blue Orc Raider: 15. (45:45, THP: 6). RAGING!!! DROPPED WEAPON!!!
Red Orc Raider: 14. (27:45, THP: 6). Armiger's mark (Abenor). RAGING!!! BLINDED by Glitterdust (Will DC 17)!!!
Cici: 11. False life (THP: 13). Glitterdust til R6T11.
Gharmez: 9. Crossbow (loaded) in hand.
Aasgar: 5.
Green Orc Raider: 4. (45:45). BLINDED by Glitterdust (Will DC 17)!!!
Lucette: 3.


2023-02-07, 06:28 PM
R1T9: "Spilled Coins!" yells Gharmez as she moves as quickly as she can - breaking out into a flat out run - towards the ladder to get to the open door.

R1T5: Aasgar, what do you do?

Galakhar: 19. Rapier.
Abenor: 18. Daisho. Thrashing Dragon style. 2 CON damage. 1 BLEED!!!
Kurst: 16. DELAYING!!!
Blue Orc Raider: 15. (45:45, THP: 6). RAGING!!! DROPPED WEAPON!!!
Red Orc Raider: 14. (27:45, THP: 6). Armiger's mark (Abenor). RAGING!!! BLINDED by Glitterdust (Will DC 17)!!!
Cici: 11. False life (THP: 13). Glitterdust til R6T11.
Gharmez: 9. Crossbow (loaded) in hand.
Aasgar: 5.
Green Orc Raider: 4. (45:45). BLINDED by Glitterdust (Will DC 17)!!!
Lucette: 3.


2023-02-08, 03:47 AM
R1T5: At hearing his friend may be mortally wounded, Aasgar throws caution to the wind and rushes forward into the room, knocking a chair over near the fire. He takes a look around. Directly to the east on the other side of the room is a woman in armor that is tied and gagged. Nearby, Abenor stands atop a bed, but with two wicked-looking cuts across his abdomen. There are three orcs there. Two directly oppose Abenor. A cloud of golden dust surrounds two of the orcs, both of whom seem to be having visual troubles (Blue and Green). Cici is only a few feet to your southeast.

R1T4: To his credit, Green is able to clear his vision before raging like his two fellows. In his hand looks like what might be a goblin's skull, but a lit fuse is on it and he tosses it as Cici but she bats it away just south of her where it immolates a chest which now begins burning brightly. He pulls out a falchion and steps up to Cici.

R1T3: Lucette squeaks in terror under Cici's hood.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T19: Galakhar continues his run at the platform and clears the ground by a full six feet, allowing him to land a hand on the top of the platform. He drops his rapier on the top of the platform, and then uses isometrics to then hop up onto the platform proper.

R2T18: Abenor takes 1 bleed from his gut wound as he gets into his two-weapon defensive stance. His blue-glowing katana now includes a silvery light as he strikes out at Red, slashing his lower right arm for 18 + 11 force. Abenor springs gracefully off the bed.

R2T16: Kurst does an accelerated climb up to the top of the platform and rushes into the room with sword and shield.

R2T15-14: Blue, blind, slashes the area atop the bed where Abenor was a second ago. Red picks up its falchion, apparently having dropped it even though it is slick with red blood. He steps down and attacks Abenor catches the blade with both of his own, and then controls the falchion so that it continues in its arc with the orc's strength to have it bind close and cut his own arm for 15, cutting deep and definitely doing something arterial, but the orc refuses to fall.

R2T11: Cici steps away from the burning chest and forgoes her normal defensive combat style. There is a patient in need of her help she needs to get to. She badly misses Red with a snap kick before jumping in a spin kick to the orc's shoulder for 13, dropping it.

R2T9: Gharmez, you have a crossbow in hand, which you need to drop (FA) or put away (MA) before climbing the ladder. What do you do?

Aasgar on deck, Green in the hole ...

Galakhar: 19. Rapier on ground.
Abenor: 18. Daisho. Thrashing Dragon style. Inner sphere stance. 2 CON damage. 1 BLEED!!! DS.
Kurst: 16. Sword and shield.
Blue Orc Raider: 15. (45:45, THP: 6). Armiger's mark (Abenor). RAGING!!! BLINDED by Glitterdust (Will DC 17)!!!
Cici: 11. False life (THP: 13). Glitterdust til R6T11.
Gharmez: 9. Crossbow (loaded) in hand.
Aasgar: 5.
Green Orc Raider: 4. (45:45).

Lucette: 3. DELAYING!!!


2023-02-09, 06:51 PM
R2T9: Gharmez stows her crossbow and tries to move too quickly on the ladder, sliding to the ground and making no headway.

R2T5: Aasgar, what do you do?

Green on deck, Galakhar in the hole ...

Galakhar: 19. Rapier on ground.
Abenor: 18. Daisho. Thrashing Dragon style. Inner sphere stance. 2 CON damage. 1 BLEED!!! DS.
Kurst: 16. Sword and shield.
Blue Orc Raider: 15. (45:45, THP: 6). Armiger's mark (Abenor). RAGING!!! BLINDED by Glitterdust (Will DC 17)!!!
Cici: 11. False life (THP: 13). Glitterdust til R6T11.
Gharmez: 9. Crossbow (loaded) stowed.
Aasgar: 5.
Green Orc Raider: 4. (45:45).

Lucette: 3. DELAYING!!!


2023-02-10, 03:07 AM
R2T5: "To Abenor!" Aasgar shouts as he moves south to box the foes in and starts giving tactical direction to boost defense. Red zephyr's strike.
R2T4: Seeing the dwarf stagger oddly to him, attention on the bloody elf, the orc smiles and attacks Abenor in a rage. It is a baleful attack, one which could have struck the elf down on the spot. Abenor failed to tumble away, but his dual-flashing blades still protect him in an unbelievable defense.

The fire on the chest now has fully engulfed that portion of the chest, but doesn't spread any farther.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T19: Galakhar kicks his rapier up into his grasp and runs deep north into the room.

R3T18: Abenor suffers 1 bleed. Where Aasgar gives offensive advice, Abenor maintains his steady stream of defensive gestures while continuing his near devotion to defense. His katana still finds its mark on Green, though, hacking into the orc's upper left arm for 16 while striking him in the groin with his wakizashi for 15. He ducks away to the east and hops back up onto that bed. "That fire is going to grow! Somebody get that knight out of here, and stay away from the fire!"

R3T16: "Aasgar, you're the strongest," says Kurst as he slashes Green in the chest for 11. "can you get that woman out of here?" He then smashes the orc in the face for 5.

R3T15: Blue is still blinded, and desperately trying to protect itself.

R3T11: Cici starts off tumbling well, but then her focus tapers off and Green lashes out at her, but her skill at just this thing has her dodging that blade as she goes up to Abenor. She tries to stop his bleeding, but fails.

R3T9: Gharmez, you realize that you weighed down, even with a ladder, isn't going to find success through haste. What do you do?

Aasgar on deck, Green on deck .....

HEROES: +2 morale attack & damage til R3T5.
Galakhar: 19. Rapier on ground.
Abenor: 18. Daisho. Thrashing Dragon style. Inner sphere stance. 2 CON damage. 1 BLEED!!! DS.
Kurst: 16. Sword and shield.
Blue Orc Raider: 15. (45:45, THP: 6). Armiger's mark (Abenor). RAGING!!! BLINDED by Glitterdust (Will DC 17)!!! DC!
Cici: 11. False life (THP: 13). Glitterdust til R6T11.
Gharmez: 9. Crossbow (loaded) stowed.
Aasgar: 5.
Green Orc Raider: 4. (-10:45 THP: 0). RAGING!!! FEROCITY!!! AOO used.

Lucette: 3. DELAYING!!!


2023-02-12, 03:49 AM
R3T9: Gharmez climbs the ladder at normal speed, just getting to the top.

R3T5: Aasgar, what do you do?

Green on deck, Galakhar in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale attack & damage til R3T5.
Galakhar: 19. Rapier on ground.
Abenor: 18. Daisho. Thrashing Dragon style. Inner sphere stance. 2 CON damage. 1 BLEED!!! DS.
Kurst: 16. Sword and shield.
Blue Orc Raider: 15. (45:45, THP: 6). Armiger's mark (Abenor). RAGING!!! BLINDED by Glitterdust (Will DC 17)!!! DC!
Cici: 11. False life (THP: 13). Glitterdust til R6T11.
Gharmez: 9. Crossbow (loaded) stowed.
Aasgar: 5.
Green Orc Raider: 4. (-10:45 THP: 0). RAGING!!! FEROCITY!!! AOO used.

Lucette: 3. DELAYING!!!


2023-02-12, 02:08 PM
R3T5: "But I... Grrrrr..." and swinging with both hands grasping his axe, he bifurcates Green from where the left shoulder meets the neck, down past the inguinal tendon of the groin on its right side. It falls apart in two sloppy pieces. Aasgar turns and moves to the woman while shouting ways for the party ... to defend itself heroically .... from the last orc. The blinded one.

R3T3: Lucette comes out of the hood, down Cici's arm, and is ready to help her mistress.

R3T0: The fire on the chest doesn't fully consume the chest yet, but it DOES set fire to the southern wall.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T19: Galakhar rushes to Abenor's aid and stops his bleeding, and little Lucette helps him.

R4T18: Abenor leaps off the bed and acrobatically rolls on the ground. While he does so, he lashes out with his katana to slice Blue along the neck for 20, and then pops up onto his feet by Cici.

R4T16: Kurst repositions to flank Blue with Cici, and mutters a challenge under his breath. He hits Blue in the back with his longsword for 17.

R4T15: Blue is still blinded, but swings his falchion in the direction of Kurst, missing.

R4T11: Cici casts a spell and touches the orc's back for 23 electricity!

R4T9: Gharmez, what do you do?

Aasgar on deck, Fire in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale to AC til R4T5.
Lucette: 20.
Galakhar: 19.
Abenor: 18. Daisho. Thrashing Dragon style. Inner sphere stance. 2 CON damage. DS.
Kurst: 16. Sword and shield. CHALLENGE Blue! RS.
Blue Orc Raider: 15. (-10:45, THP: 0). Armiger's mark (Abenor). RAGING!!! BLINDED by Glitterdust (Will DC 17)!!! STAGGERED/ FEROCITY!
Cici: 11. False life (THP: 13). Glitterdust til R6T11.
Gharmez: 9. Crossbow (loaded) stowed.
Aasgar: 5.
Fire: 0.

Red. Green.

2023-02-15, 04:14 PM
R4T9: Gharmez steps through the open door and exclaims, "What is it with this party and fire?!?" She casts create water over the burning chest and wall, hoping to extinguish the flames, but only a few drops of water come out!

R4T5: Aasgar, already having approached the knight, does a quick evaluation of the best way to get her out. He has to put his axe away, and then he goes to pick her up. Unfortunately, with his own gear, with a muscular human woman's body, and her own armor, he finds that he can barely get her off the ground.

R4T0: Maybe those few errant drops of Gharmez's created water helped, for the fire does not grow this round. She does take 1 fire from the heat, though.

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T20: Lucette crawls right back up Cici's arm and behind her hood again.

R5T19: "Gharmez, you need to cast into a container," says Galakhar. "You tried to cast into the open container of ... everywhere, which exceeds your powers."

He stabs the last orc in the upper arm in the brachial artery, giving him a quick and merciful death, and moves over to Gharmez. "But, if we can get that woman out of here, I am not a firefighter beholden to this structure."

R5T18: Abenor sheathes his katana and hops off the bed, moving up to the beleagued dwarf.

R5T16: Kurst puts sword and shield away.

R5T11: Cici leaves the structure, heading outside and starting quickly down the ladder.

R5T9: Gharmez, are you going to continue attemping firefighting methods, or clear the structure? What do you do?

Aasgar on deck, Fire in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale to AC til R4T5.
Lucette: 20.
Galakhar: 19.
Abenor: 18. Daisho. Thrashing Dragon style. Inner sphere stance. 2 CON damage. DS.
Kurst: 16.
Cici: 11. False life (THP: 13). Glitterdust til R6T11.
Gharmez: 9. Crossbow (loaded) stowed.
Aasgar: 5. Axe sheathed. Barely lifting Calrianne.
Fire: 0.

Red. Green. Blue.

2023-02-16, 11:33 PM
R5T9: Gharmez leaves the building and jumps from the platform. To her credit, she sticks the landing and moves over to the ladder to assist in getting others out.

R5T5: Aasgar, you can only lift her off the ground. You don't have the strength to full on carry the adult human woman of muscle and her armor. What do you do?

Fire on deck, Lucette in the hole ...

Lucette: 20.
Galakhar: 19.
Abenor: 18. Daisho. Thrashing Dragon style. Inner sphere stance. 2 CON damage. DS.
Kurst: 16.
Cici: 11. False life (THP: 13). Glitterdust til R6T11.
Gharmez: 9. Crossbow (loaded) stowed.
Aasgar: 5. Axe sheathed. Barely lifting Calrianne.
Fire: 0.

Red. Green. Blue.

2023-02-17, 11:39 PM
R5T5: Aasgar looks around for something he could use to carry her. ”Need help! Too heavy!”

R5T0: The fire flares and Galakhar keeps from getting seared, though the fire does not grow this round, either.

End Round 5, Begin Round 6 ...

R6T20: Lucette delays ...

R6T19: Galakhar calls out, "Kurst, help Aasgar. Abenor, clear out. Cici, come in and help me drag one of these orcs out of here for intel."

Galakhar steps to the side, away from the fire, and yanks a half-orc a little closer to the exit.

R6T18: Abenor quits the building. Where Garmez made this death-defying stunt of a jump in armor that had anyone who would've watched grit their teeth, Abenor practically floats to the ground in grace, despite holding his insides ... inside. He stands next to Gharmez, smiling weakly. "Medic?"

R6T16: Kurst comes to help Aasgar .... and unties the woman's legs.

R6T15: The woman, assuming Aasgar lets her go, hustles and gets out to the drawbridge.

R6T11: Cici's glitterdust effect goes away as she goes inside and also gets hold of the same half-orc as Galakhar.

R6T9: Gharmez, a terribly wounded elf who was nearly emboweled stands next to you. What do you do?

Aasgar on deck, Fire in the hole ...

Lucette: 20. DELAYING ...
Galakhar: 19.
Abenor: 18. Daisho. Thrashing Dragon style. Inner sphere stance. 2 CON damage. DS.
Kurst: 16.
Calrianne Blix: 15.
Cici: 11. False life (THP: 13). Glitterdust til R6T11.
Gharmez: 9. Crossbow (loaded) stowed.
Aasgar: 5. Axe sheathed. Barely lifting Calrianne.
Fire: 0.

Red. Green. Blue.

2023-02-20, 11:44 PM
R6T9: Gharmez, hoping there will be no undead this day, loses burst of radiance to instead cast CMW on Abenor for 16 healing.

R6T5: Aasgar, what do you do?

Fire on deck, Galakhar in the hole ...

Lucette: 20. DELAYING ...
Galakhar: 19.
Abenor: 18. Daisho. Thrashing Dragon style. Inner sphere stance. 2 CON damage.
Kurst: 16.
Calrianne Blix: 15.
Cici: 11. False life (THP: 13). Glitterdust til R6T11.
Gharmez: 9. Crossbow (loaded) stowed.
Aasgar: 5. Axe sheathed.
Fire: 0.

Red. Green. Blue.

2023-02-22, 03:53 PM
R6T5: Aasgar looks around quickly to make sure everyone is out or able to get out and then heads to the door himself.

R6T0: The fire suddenly grows northwards, catching Galakhar for 1 fire. It is only through brilliant instinct and quick thinking he keeps from catching fire.

End Round 6, Begin Round 7 ...

R7T19: Galakhar opens datum, heading out and landing on the ground below the platform deftly, and then around to Gharmez.

R7T18: Abenor nods to Gharmez, "Thank you, but I was nearly killed, and could use more succor if you would grant it."

R7T16: Kurst goes around the table to the north and comes around to Cici, waving her out, and readied to follow her.

R7T15: The knight moves to the east along the platform and jumps, landing with a whump (6 damage) by Galakhar, but having been sure to avoid the path of the ladder.

R7T11: Cici exits, easily lands on her feet below, and then comes around to the fallen knight.

R7T10: Kurst was waiting for that and heads out to the platform.

R7T9: Gharmez, what do you do?

Aasgar on deck, fire in the hole ...

Lucette: 20. DELAYING ...
Galakhar: 19.
Abenor: 18. Daisho. Thrashing Dragon style. Inner sphere stance. 2 CON damage.
Calrianne Blix: 15.
Cici: 11. False life (THP: 13). Glitterdust til R6T11.
Kurst: 10.
Gharmez: 9. Crossbow (loaded) stowed.
Aasgar: 5. Axe sheathed.
Fire: 0.

Red. Green. Blue.

2023-02-24, 01:49 AM
R7T9: Gharmez smiles and says to Abenor, "Nothing quite like the thrill of being a orc punching bag." She lays her hands over the wounds for 7 healing more. Gharmez is a little woozy as she has now emptied herself this day of her most powerful miracles.

R7T5: Aasgar, what do you do?

Fire on deck, Galakhar in the hole ...

Lucette: 20. DELAYING ...
Galakhar: 19.
Abenor: 18. Daisho. Thrashing Dragon style. Inner sphere stance. 2 CON damage.
Calrianne Blix: 15.
Cici: 11. False life (THP: 13). Glitterdust til R6T11.
Kurst: 10.
Gharmez: 9. Crossbow (loaded) stowed.
Aasgar: 5. Axe sheathed.
Fire: 0.

Red. Green. Blue.

2023-03-17, 04:33 AM
Just then, three large, greenish bipedal creatures burst forth from the water to stand upon the dam, but Galakhar's warning kept the party from being surprised.

Begin Round One ...

R1T23: Kurst seems to recognize the threat immediately even from the shore. "Freshwater merrows! Aquatic giants of lakes and rivers! Hides like thick leather. Ogre mentality - savages and degenerates!"

He is not idle during this time, however, as he is calling this out as he moves on the dam while taking out his bow and shoots. His shot illustrates the thickness of its hide as his arrow bounces.

R1T22-21: Just because the party isn't surprised, doesn't mean they are prepared, either. Aasgar finds himself flanked, and "Red" swings but wasn't expecting dwarves this day as its clawed arm extends too far and it tears a muscle (1 STR drain). Its savagery is such that it simply slashes with the other claw, which Aasgar dodges as well. Abenor isn't so lucky as Blue slashes him along the lower back for 9 mod and along the back of the neck for 4 mod.

R1T20: On shore, Lucette chirps in alarm.

R1T19: Galakhar quick draws his rapier and gets into his fighting stance, nodding back to Kurst. "I concur. Nothing to add." He does a sidestep while studying Green and stabs. The merrow hadn't expected their "prey" to be so ready for him, and is unprepared for the lightning fast thrust that catches it in the belly for 12. "Yes, only like thick leather, but my rapier is an awl punch."

R1T15: Abenor feels like the punching bag of late. He quick draws his daisho while getting into an aggressive stance. He performs his fading strike where he teleports behind his enemy and slashes Red in the right hamstring for 19. "Aasgar! Flank!"

R1T13: Gharmez, what do you do?

Kurst: 23.
* Got base 31 on Knowledge, reduced to 27 for distance.
Red Merrow: 22. (25:44, 1 STR drain).
Blue Merrow: 21. (44:44).
Lucette: 20. DELAYING!!!
Galakhar: 19. Scarlet einhander. Studied Combat (+2) vs. Green til R10T19.
Abenor: 15.
Gharmez: 13.
Cici: 8.
Green Merrow: 7. (32:44).
Aasgar: 6.

Red. Green. Blue.

2023-03-19, 12:37 PM
R1T13: Gharmez closes range on the beasts by walking out onto the dam. She brings her crossbow to bear on the closest creature, and fires, striking the merrow in the back of its right upper arm for 14.

R1T8: Cici darts just ahead of Gharmez and Kurst, concentrates carefully while casting a spell, and then from the joined fingertips of both hands a sheet of flame rolls out over Green for 11 fire.

R1T7: Green slashes Aasgar across the top of his helm (9 DDP), though its second swipe clangs against the dwarf's armor.

R1T6: Aasgar, what do you do?

Kurst on deck, Red in the hole ...

Kurst: 23.
* Got base 31 on Knowledge, reduced to 27 for distance.
Red Merrow: 22. (25:44, 1 STR drain).
Blue Merrow: 21. (44:44).
Lucette: 20. DELAYING!!!
Galakhar: 19. Scarlet einhander. Studied Combat (+2) vs. Green til R10T19.
Abenor: 15.
Gharmez: 13. Heavy crossbow (unloaded).
Cici: 8.
Green Merrow: 7. (7:44).
Aasgar: 6.


2023-03-19, 04:49 PM
R1T6: Aasgar - not liking his current situation of being surrounded, yet understanding Abenor's request - turns and moves to complete the flanking maneuver with Abenor. Adjusting his stance, he launches an attack with his axe swinging in a high arc overhead that strikes Red in the neck for 29, dropping the merrow.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T23: Kurst steps back a few feet and shoots Green in the neck for 10, dropping the enemy.

R2T21: Blue looks at how quickly his kin were dropped and wants no part of this, and withdraws into the water.

Combat Ends!

The two merrow are put to the sword. They have nothing of value, and are kicked into the river on the downstream side.

Kurst: 23.
Blue Merrow: 21. (44:44).
Lucette: 20. DELAYING!!!
Galakhar: 19. Scarlet einhander. Studied Combat (+2) vs. Green til R10T19.
Abenor: 15.
Gharmez: 13. Heavy crossbow (unloaded).
Cici: 8.
Green Merrow: 7. (3:44). DYING!!!
Aasgar: 6.
* If/then Aasgar crit by merrow, use Roll w/ It trait.

Red Merrow: 22. (-3:44, 1 STR drain). STABLE!!!


2023-04-02, 05:16 PM
Poison Initially!

Everyone took 4 poison damage after 10 minutes.

At the end of the first minute, Gharmez, Abenor, and Lucette ... as well as all crew members and the Captain and his coxswain ... will take the first track of strength damage.
Aasgar, Cici, Galakhar, and Kurst are the only ones to make the FIRST save.

Kurst: x.
Lucette: xx.
Galakhar: x.
Abenor: xx.
Gharmez: xx.
Cici: xx.
Aasgar: xx.


2023-04-05, 06:38 PM
At the end of the first minute ...

At the end of the first minute, Gharmez, Abenor, and Lucette ... as well as all crew members and the Captain and his coxswain ... will take the first track of strength damage.
Aasgar, Cici, Galakhar, and Kurst are the only ones to make the FIRST save.

BUT, thanks to the timely intervention of Cici using a cure-all on Abenor, Abenor makes his first save as well.Weakened: A character weakened by Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-) poison (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/afflictions/poison) suffers a –2 penalty on Strength (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Strength-Str-)-based attack rolls (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Attack-Roll), damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. She is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.
That said, NOBODY from the main group is fine just yet, as there is still significant discomfort.

Galakhar treats Gharmez, but this time, he administers an antitoxin to her as well as normal medical procedures.

Gharmez, you must take this time to "be a good patient" and can't administer aid to anyone. Roll a Fort save with an additional +9 bonus.

Cici goes over to administer herbs and medicine to the captain. "See to the coxswain."

Aasgar, do you go to the coxswain as Cici directed? Assuming so, roll a Fort save but also a Heal check.

Kurst: x.
Lucette: xx.
Galakhar: x.
Abenor: xx.
Gharmez: xx.
Cici: xx.
Aasgar: xx.


2023-04-07, 05:32 PM
First Minute Complete, Second Minute ...

Despite all of Galakhar's brilliant medical attention and the significant help from the antitoxin, Gharmez had completely emptied herself today of spells in assisting the crew's task, and her body is "primed" to accept the secondary effect of the tainted food .... and she falls unconscious.

Aasgar's dwarven constitution holds so firmly, that he burns off the remains of the poison in his body (no more saves needed). Dwarven persistence helps, and Aasgar doesn't "let" the coxswain fall unconscious. But she isn't out of the woods yet, still fighting off the secondary effects of what is surely a poison, rather than simply tainted food. Some type of sedative, it would seem.

Thanks to Cici's remedy, Abenor need fight no longer, and he attends to Kurst. With the help of elven medicine hybridized with desert healing, Kurst is now fully in the clear.

Cici makes and administers a quick remedy to the captain, and the effect ends. Unfortunately, she was so focused on the captain, that the poison catches up to her and weakens her. Worse, her little weasel familiar Lucette now feels it, and is weakened.

Galakhar's not a tough older man, but he is clever, and it is his cleverness that finally and fully clears the poison in his system.

So, to recap ... Aasgar, Abenor, Galakhar, Kurst, and Captain Bloodtusk are clear, though Abenor and the captain are weakened.

Cici, Lucette, and the coxswain are weakened and still fighting, though the coxswain might pull through clear if Aasgar stays with her.

Aasgar, what do you do?

Aasgar: Clear!
Abenor: Weakened. Clear!
Cici: Weakened.
Galakhar: Clear!
Kurst: Clear!
Lucette: Weakened.

Captain Bloodtusk: Weakened. Clear!
Coxswain Halrex: Weakened. 1 save.

Gharmez: Weakened + unconscious 1d4 hours, and sickened for 24 hours.

2023-04-08, 02:02 AM
Second Minute Complete, Third Minute ...

Galakhar lets the encampment know that the poison is NOT deadly ... that it is a sedative. So if someone goes unconscious, move to someone you can help.

Aasgar continues giving aid to Coxswain Halrex. With his help, she is finally clear!

Cici takes one of her own remedies while giving normal medical aid to Lucette, though her weasel still falls unconscious. Her remedy does fully heal herself though.

And that is the end of it.

Crisis Ended ...

Galakhar studies Gharmez and realizes that the sedative will keep her unconscious for a few hours ... there's no "slapping her awake" or anything like that; she's unconscious, not asleep. Also, he can expect her to feel pretty sick for about a day afterward.

Aasgar: Clear!
Abenor: Weakened. Clear!
Cici: Weakened.
Galakhar: Clear!
Kurst: Clear!

Captain Bloodtusk: Weakened. Clear!
Coxswain Halrex: Weakened. Clear!

Gharmez: Weakened + unconscious 1d4 hours, and sickened for 24 hours.
Lucette: Weakened + unconscious 1d4 hours, and sickened for 24 hours.

2023-05-06, 04:36 PM
Galakhar: x. Has Gharmez' light on a copper coin she gave him.
Gharmez: x. Crossbow, loaded.

2023-05-16, 12:47 AM
Gharmez and Galakhar both look at each other when they both hear a woman intoning magic on the other side.

"Shield spell," says Galakhar before he looks past her and not trying to shout that ridiculous distance waves his arm for Aasgar to come forward.

Begin Round One ...

R1T23: Galakhar drops the copper light coin on deck, takes out some specialized tools, and begins to work on the door, easily unlocking it.

R1T18: Up some on the stairs, Abenor didn't see Galakhar's signal, and is just hanging around waiting (delay).

R1T17: Aasgar, what do you do>

Melira: 24. Shield til R10T24.
* Cat's grace (3 min.). Invisible (3 min.)
Galakhar: 23. Has Gharmez' light on a copper coin she gave him; dropped.
Aasgar: 17. Axe.
Chokehold: 15.
Gharmez: 8. Crossbow, loaded.

Abenor: 18. Ileor. DELAYING ...


2023-05-17, 01:18 AM
R1T17-16: Aasgar shifts his stance, taps his friend's arm, and nods in Galakhar's direction before dashing off toward them, with Abenor following but not trying to overtake his friend.Red Zephyr's Strike.
R1T8: Gharmez, what do you do?

Melira: 24. Shield til R10T24.
* Cat's grace (3 min.). Invisible (3 min.)
Galakhar: 23. Has Gharmez' light on a copper coin she gave him; dropped.
Aasgar: 17. Axe. Circular stance.
Abenor: 18. Ileor.
Chokehold: 15. Readied to strike the first enemy that appears after opening door.
Gharmez: 8. Crossbow, loaded.


2023-05-18, 04:03 AM
R1T8: "I think we have our answer," Gharmez says to Galakhar as she drops her crossbow and brings her Earthbreaker to readiness. "Nice speech, though,"

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T23.5-23: Seeing Gharmez bristling to get through, Gal backs out of the way immediately to put his tools back in a small pouch. As soon as he clears, Gharmez steps up and opens the door wide and a big snake bites her left foot for 10. That bite holds, and it quickly loops around Gharmez to have her grabbed in its coils.

R2T22: From seemingly nowhere hits Gharmez in the soft nerve-filled area of her left elbow for 17. There is now a woman with a bow on the stairs, but Gharmez didn't see her come down, or even shoot the bow, but there she is.

R2T17: Aasgar, what do you do?

Abenor on deck, Gharmez in the hole ...

Gharmez: 23.5. Crossbow, loaded (dropped). Earthbreaker. GRABBED by Chokehold!!!
Chokehold: 23.2. GRABBING Gharmez!!!
Galakhar: 23. Has Gharmez' light on a copper coin she gave him; dropped.
Melira: 24. Shield til R10T24.
* Cat's grace (3 min.).
Aasgar: 17. Axe. Circular stance.
Abenor: 18. Ileor.


2023-05-21, 06:17 AM
R2T17: Aasgar continues his forward momentum and, even though it is difficult to see, begins calling out tactical advice on how to deal with the enemies. Upon reaching Gharmez, he assesses the first enemy he sees is the constrictor snake on Gharmez. It appears to be some type of snake. And it is constricting Gharmez.Warning Roar.
R2T16: Abenor quickly follows while taking out his wakizashi and getting into a TWF stance, crouching low, and then teleporting behind the archer at the top of the small forward ladder. He tries to swing hard against the archer, but his katana goes wide from a deflection field.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T23.5: Gharmez, you are in the grasping coils of a big snake. What do you do?

Nope-Rope on deck, Gal in the hole ...

Gharmez: 23.5. Crossbow, loaded (dropped). Earthbreaker. GRABBED by Chokehold!!!
Chokehold: 23.2. GRABBING Gharmez!!!
Galakhar: 23. Has Gharmez' light on a copper coin she gave him; dropped.
Melira: 24. Shield til R10T24.
* Cat's grace (3 min.).
Aasgar: 17. Axe. Circular stance. +4 morale to AC for 1 round.
Abenor: 16. Ileor & Kyadrimme. +4 morale to AC for 1 round.


2023-05-23, 01:44 AM
R3T23.5: Gharmez attempts to wrest herself free of the snakes coils, and learning that while a snake doesn't look it, it is vastly stronger than herself as she is held fast.

R3T23.2: With Gharmez struggling, the constrictor only takes advantage of each slight, self-inflicted of her muscles and lungs for a crushing 18 from bite and coils. Gharmez goes limp, dropping her earthbreaker to the ground, and falls ... unmoving. The snake, obviously trained to do this so quickly, releases its prey and with lightning speed zips onto the gangplank and into the bilge water before Aasgar can even react to it.

R3T23: Galakhar races forward while drawing a wand, saying to Aasgar, "Step forward and pull her back to me. I'm ready to heal her with a curing wand."

R3T22: Even though Abenor is right there attacking her from high ground, she seems to ignore him. Oh, she brilliantly defends, but her focus in on Aasgar. "You! [xxx]! You were there, weren't you? You killed him, didn't you?!?!"

She steps off the stairs away from Abenor and shoots a volley of arrows at Aasgar. Two arrows bounce off of his armor, and one completely misses.

R3T17: Aasgar, what do you do?

Abenor on deck, Gharmez in the hole ...

Gharmez: 23.5. Crossbow, loaded (dropped). Earthbreaker dropped. DYING!!!
Chokehold: 23.2.
Galakhar: 23. Has Gharmez' light on a copper coin she gave him; dropped. READIED to use CLW wand on Gharmez when she is within reach.
Melira: 22. Shield til R10T24. RS/Rapid shot.
* Cat's grace (3 min.).
Aasgar: 17. Axe. Circular stance. +4 morale to AC for 1 round.
Abenor: 16. Ileor & Kyadrimme. +4 morale to AC for 1 round.


2023-05-23, 02:49 PM
R3T17-16.5: Aasgar looks at her confused and lets out a roar before dashing forward to collect the fallen and drag Gharmez back to receive aid, whereupon Galakhar taps Gharmez with the wand for 3 healing - enough to bring her to wakefulness. Unfortunately, Aasgar dragged her back farther than Galakhar expected and he didn't know to be ready to step back as well, so Gharmez awakens with Galakhar standing over her, which will make things awkward should she try to stand.Scything strike.
"Heal yourself, milady," Galakhar says to her.

R3T16: Abenor gets into a fighting style and comes down the stairs. He does a flat-slice along a fatty section of the woman's belly for 16 NL with his katana, though she seems to deflect and dodge his remaining attacks. With Aasgar's roar heartening him, he manages to also get a second katana draw cut along fascia of the woman's back left leg 17 NL.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T23.5: Gharmez, you are barely conscious and alive. You are prone. Galakhar stands over (he's in the same square) you so unless you crawl to an open square first, you can't just stand. Gal also recommended you apply some healing to yourself. You can't see the constrictor snake anywhere. What do you do?

Enemies on deck and in the hole ...

Gharmez: 23.5. Crossbow, loaded (dropped). Earthbreaker dropped. PRONE!!!
Chokehold: 23.2.
Melira: 22. Shield til R10T24. RS/Rapid shot.
* Cat's grace (3 min.).
Aasgar: 17. Axe. Circular stance.
Galakhar: 16.5. Has Gharmez' light on a copper coin she gave him; dropped.
Abenor: 16. Ileor & Kyadrimme. Thrashing Dragon style.


2023-05-23, 03:22 PM
R4T23.5: Gharmez, trying to smile, manages to whisper up to Galakhar, "Snakes... It had to be snakes."

She touches he hand to her chest and calls out a healing incantation that gives her 8 healing. She is about to crawl off the walkway when she clears her head and goes west instead.

R4T23.2: But as she does so, she comes face-to-face with the snake, which just crawls out of the bilge and onto the walkway!

R4T22: The woman steps away from Abenor and out onto the bilge walkway. With rage and confidence he shoots right at Aasgar ... terribly. But despite the miss, she does so with such expertise that Aasgar doesn't get an AOO on her like he would with most shooters standing next to him. Her second shot, though, hits him right in the head (15 mod DDP). Then a third shot she makes strikes him in the right elbow (11 mod DDP).

R4T17: Aasgar, what do you do?

Galakhar on deck, Abenor in the hole ...

Gharmez: 23.5. Crossbow, loaded (dropped). Earthbreaker dropped. PRONE!!!
Chokehold: 23.2.
Melira: 22. Shield til R10T24. RS/Rapid shot.
* Cat's grace (3 min.).
Aasgar: 17. Axe. Circular stance.
Galakhar: 16.5. Has Gharmez' light on a copper coin she gave him; dropped.
Abenor: 16. Ileor & Kyadrimme. Thrashing Dragon style.


2023-05-25, 01:04 AM
R4T17: Aasgar goes into full defense mode for the moment and says, "I think you may have me confused with someone else. We have you outnumbered and surrounded. Put down your weapons and let's sort this out."

As Aasgar finishes his appeal, for that is what it sounded more like with him as he was more focused on the energy to protect himself than really scare the archer, his wounds begin to show (28).

R4T16.5: Galakhar taps Gharmez with the wand for another 8 healing. Knowing what is about to happen he pleads with Gharmez, "Worry either about the very best defense you can muster, or the very best healing. Because of that snake catches hold of you, m'lady, you're done. Don't underestimate it."

He studies the snake carefully, though with Gharmez' fallen form he is powerless to do much right now.

R4T16: Abenor steps off the stairs to flank with Aasgar, but gives the intensity of danger that Aasgar lacked. "My dwarven friend has the right of it. You are flanked. Your mobility is impacted. Surrender. You are skilled. Don't waste those years of effort in a gutwater bilge on a nameless riverboat."

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T23.5: Gharmez, what do you do? You have nothing in hand and you are prone on a 5-foot-wide bilge walkway with a constrictor snake staring you in the face. Blessed be the Golden Lord, but you feel better than you did thanks to Galakhar, but you also suffered under the incredible power and strength of these coils.

Chokehold on deck, Archer in the hole ...

Gharmez: 23.5. Crossbow, loaded (dropped). Earthbreaker dropped. PRONE!!!
Chokehold: 23.2.
Melira: 22. Shield til R10T24. RS/Rapid shot.
* Cat's grace (3 min.).
Aasgar: 17. Axe. Circular stance. TD! 1 round fallow.
Galakhar: 16.5. Studied combat on Chokehold til R13T16.5.
* Combat Insight vs. Chokehold: +2 insight bonus to AC & attack and damage rolls.
* Has Gharmez' light on a copper coin she gave him; dropped.
Abenor: 16. Ileor & Kyadrimme. Thrashing Dragon style.


2023-05-25, 11:11 AM
R5T23.5: Gharmez starts to reach for her dagger, but stops to consider Galakhar's words, "You are right, old friend." She begins to make gestures and incantations when the snake lashes out to bite her in her spellcasting hand for 11, causing her to lose her spell. From her hand, the thing winds around her quickly and powerfully to then hold her again, crushing for 10. Again, Gharmez' world fades to black.

R5T23.2: It then continues to crush Gharmez's limp body, the sounds of bones snapping and popping. Though Aasgar doesn't see it, Galakhar has a haunting sight of Gharmez's eyes bugged wide and her tongue extended a little too long from her mouth as she lies dead on the bilge walkway.

The snake releases its grip then hisses menacingly at Galakhar.

Galakhar, a trained healer, knows what has transpired, even if his other two companions do not. "She's - she's gone," he says hollowly.

R5T22: To tell the truth, despite Abenor giving time and focus that Aasgar didn't, Abenor's attempt to intimidate through reason was doomed to fail. But with the dwarf's wounds making themselves known and the gray-haired man mentioning that her pet made its first victim, she smiles. "Outnumbered? Not for long. And certainly not outclassed."

She deftly jumps over the side of the bilge walk railing into the water below. It isn't that deep, probably knee-deep. She sloshes towards the side of the boat's hull. "Chokehold, attack!" she points at Galakhar, even as she lets takes aim and shoots once at Aasgar. Aasgar was prepared for defense, though, and taps the arrow offline to hit the bulkhead several feet behind him.

R5T17: Aasgar, you've been fortunate, honestly. With you and Abenor protecting others, nobody has died on your watch in your party since you got to Trunau. Sure, there was a murder of the elder Grath, but that wasn't your watch. And there have been some close calls. But if Galakhar is to be trusted and isn't simply panicking .... it's been awhile since you lost somebody. What do you do?

Galakhar on deck, Abenor in the hole ...

Chokehold: 23.2.
Melira: 22. Shield til R10T24. RS.
* Cat's grace (3 min.).
Aasgar: 17. Axe. Circular stance. TD! 1 round fallow.
Galakhar: 16.5. Studied combat on Chokehold til R13T16.5.
* Combat Insight vs. Chokehold: +2 insight bonus to AC & attack and damage rolls.
* Has Gharmez' light on a copper coin she gave him; dropped.
Abenor: 16. Ileor & Kyadrimme. Thrashing Dragon style.


2023-05-27, 05:42 AM
R5T17: Aasgar feels the levels of rage rising in his throat. Though he hadn't known her long, he had come to value Gharmez as an important member of the team. He steps off the bilge walk to the SE and into the water to close the distance with his foe swinging his axe in a mighty arc and not holding back. It is a sideways swing that catches her in the belly for 32. It is a brutal swing, but it doesn't inhibit her.Round 2 fallow.
R5T16.5: Galakhar takes an extract and disappears from view!

R5T16: Abenor now has a very defensive posture. He moves forward to stand astride Gharmez's body and in a low crouch cuts very low for 24 + halve all speeds (+1d6 bleed) + marked.

End Round 5, Begin Round 6 ...

R5T23.2: Chokehold takes 4 bleed. It comes at Abenor powerfully, but he dodges out of the way and back a few feet.

R5T22: The angry assassin-archer of Abadaran accountants aims at Aasgar and allows her ample volley of arrows to attack. Aasgar feels stymied that any archer can stand face-to-face with him and he can't get an AOO on them for making themselves so vulnerable. The first arrow hits him nicks his right hand (8 mod DDP), then another in his chest (10 mod DDP), and a final to his forehead for 4 + (14 mod DDP).

R5T17: Aasgar, what do you do?

Galakhar on deck? Abenor in the hole ...

Chokehold: 23.2. BLEED 1d6 + halve all speeds til R8T16!!! Armiger's Mark.
Melira: 22. Shield til R10T24. RS/RS.
* Cat's grace (3 min.).
Aasgar: 17. Axe. Circular stance. 2 rounds fallow. RS.
Galakhar: 16.5. Rapier. Studied combat on Chokehold til R13T16.5.
* Combat Insight vs. Chokehold: +2 insight bonus to AC & attack and damage rolls.
* Has Gharmez' light on a copper coin she gave him; dropped.
Abenor: 16. Ileor & Kyadrimme. Thrashing Dragon style. Inner sphere stance. DS! Deadly Strike (+1d6) active on Chokehold til R9T16!!! SwA used.


2023-05-27, 06:38 AM
R6T17: Aasgar shifts his stance and shrugs off her attacks following up with another strike of his own, grabbing his axe with both hands and swinging down over his head, anger fueling his motions. She tries to get out of the way, putting up her arms to defend herself (but keeping the bow away from the axe), and gets hit in her right upper arm for her troubles for 29. Aasgar's wounds now show for 28, even as his mind flushes and his inspiration and maneuvers all reset.

R6T16.5: Galakhar appears on the western side of the walkway from the snake, with his rapier in its back for 11.

R6T16: Abenor gets into his longarm stance, steps carefully over Gharmez' body to slice Chokehold for 23.

End Round 6, Begin Round 7 ...

R7T23.2: Chokehold suffers 4 bleed. It snaps at Abenor, but too slowly. Aasgar's axe was there to help, but the elf was fine.

R7T22: The archer continues her withering assault at point-blank range. Knowing what's coming, the dwarf crouches to dodge the first shot, only to get hit by a quick readjustment in the chest (10 mod DDP). His armor is brawn against the final shot.

R7T17: Aasgar, what do you do?

Galakhar on deck, Abenor in the hole ...

Chokehold: 23.2. BLEED 1d6 + halve all speeds til R8T16!!! Armiger's Mark.
Melira: 22. Shield til R10T24. RS/RS.
* Cat's grace (3 min.).
Aasgar: 17. Axe. Golden Commander Stance. RS.
Galakhar: 16.5. Rapier.
* Combat Insight vs. Chokehold: +2 insight bonus to AC & attack and damage rolls.
* Has Gharmez' light on a copper coin she gave him; dropped.
Abenor: 16. Ileor & Kyadrimme. Thrashing Dragon style. Reaching blade stance. Deadly Strike (+1d6) active on Chokehold til R9T16!!! RS.


2023-05-27, 01:22 PM
R7T17: Aasgar brings his axe back around for another blow, yelling in anger and attempting to stun his opponent again, but his axe is deflected. His wounds continue to show for 10.Red Zephyr's Strike.
R7T16.5: Galakhar continues to study the flow of combat as best he can and attacks again, making an inspired strike to just barely hit the snake for 15.

R7T16: Abenor gets into his focused TWF stance as he steps over Gharmez. The snake is wary of the katana, but then gets stabbed with a wakizashi for 20, killing it.

End Round 7, Begin Round 8 ...

R8T22: The archer's eyes narrow at the death of her snake, but maintains her deadly focus on Aasgar. Her first two arrows miss wildly, but the third hits Aasgar in the chest (15 mod DDP).

R8T17: Aasgar, what do you do?

Galakhar on deck, Abenor in the hole ...

Melira: 22. Shield til R10T24. RS/RS.
* Cat's grace (3 min.).
Aasgar: 17. Axe. Golden Commander Stance. RS.
Galakhar: 16.5. Rapier.
* Combat Insight vs. Chokehold: +2 insight bonus to AC & attack and damage rolls.
* Has Gharmez' light on a copper coin she gave him; dropped.
Abenor: 16. Ileor & Kyadrimme. Thrashing Dragon style. Reaching blade stance. Deadly Strike (+1d6) active on Chokehold til R9T16!!! RS.

Gharmez. Chokehold.

2023-05-28, 08:43 AM
R8T17: Aasgar swings his axe again as she ducks out of the way. He out to Abenor, "Abenor, switch with me!" as he steps away, and climbs back up onto the bilge walkway. More of Aasgar's wounds show (15).Scything Strike.
R8T16.5: Galakhar trusts in Abenor's sword skills, but races to Aasgar's side. He goes to use the wand of healing. And fails ... critically. He looks at Aasgar with a pained expression mixed between guilt and anger, "Damn! Now I can't use this again for a day!"

R8T16: Abenor jumps off the walkway into the bilge where Aasgar was a minute ago, mainly to try to screen his allies and get her to focus on him. "Aasgar, take cover, and down some healing potions. Galakhar, get help."

And then, with his friend critically wounded ... Galakhar a relatively unskilled warrior to the duo ... and Gharmez dead on the deck ... Abenor doesn't hold back anymore. He descends into the primal nature of the Hunter that allowed him to survive on the brutal tundra outside of Icestair for so many years. He strikes her knee with Ileor (his katana) with a light crit and a deadly strike for 25 + marked. She ducks away from the shorter blade's stroke.

End Round 8, Begin Round 9 ...

R9T22: Abenor's cut got her attention, finally. She empties her quiver firing at him, but the Hunter merely dodges or deflects them all - even one she is sure should have hit him in her less-focused wrath. Finally, the archer is out of arrows. But her stance is of one ready to continue the fight as her hand goes to her shortsword in its scabbard.

R9T17: Aasgar, what do you do?

Galakhar on deck, Abenor in the hole ...

Melira: 22. Shield til R10T24. RS/RS. Armiger's Mark til R12T16.
* Cat's grace (3 min.).
Aasgar: 17. Axe. Golden Commander Stance. RS.
Galakhar: 16.5. Rapier. Can't use healing wand until tomorrow.
* Combat Insight vs. Melira: +2 insight bonus to AC & attack and damage rolls.
* Has Gharmez' light on a copper coin she gave him; dropped.
Abenor: 16. Ileor & Kyadrimme. Thrashing Dragon style. Battle Dragon's Stance. DS. RAGE!!! Deadly Strike on Melira (+1d6) til R12T16.

Gharmez. Chokehold.

2023-05-28, 07:02 PM
R9T17: Aasgar grabs a potion from his bandolier and drinks it down for 11 healing.Warning Roar.
R9T16.5: Galakhar simply drops his temporarily useless curing wand. He moves a little west over the bodies, into the bilge, and then along the bulkhead before threatening the woman with his rapier as he settles into a fighting stance.

R9T16: Abenor tumbles in the bilge water for 10' in an offensive roll and comes up with shocking speed. It's so perfectly timed that the woman is flat-footed against his attack, which is against her left knee again for 34. She screams in pain and falls from the shock, her back splashing into the several inches of bilge water. She is not moving.

End Round 9, Begin Round 10 ...

R10T17: Aasgar, the woman is not moving. Maybe you want her to die to avenge Gharmez; maybe you want to find out more. But Abenor let go and entered the Hunter, and once he does that, it is a sure bet that he won't simply let go of his primal descent until his enemy is definitely dead without being calmed. What do you do? Do you let the predator that your friend has become have its prize and suffer the guilt later, do you calm him, or something else?

Galakhar on deck, Abenor in the hole ...

Aasgar: 17. Axe. Golden Commander Stance. RS.
Galakhar: 16.5. Rapier. Can't use healing wand until tomorrow (dropped). Scarlet Einhander.
* Combat Insight vs. Melira: +2 insight bonus to AC & attack and damage rolls.
* Has Gharmez' light on a copper coin she gave him; dropped.
Abenor: 16. Ileor & Kyadrimme. Thrashing Dragon style. Battle Dragon's Stance. DS. RAGE!!! Deadly Strike on Melira (+1d6) til R12T16.

Melira: 22. Shield til R10T24. RS/RS. Armiger's Mark til R12T16. UNCONSCIOUS!!!
* Cat's grace (3 min.).

Gharmez. Chokehold.

2023-05-29, 02:56 PM
R10T17: Aasgar will cross to Abenor and try to calm him, speaking in a soothing voice,”Abenor? She’s down… Let her go. Our vengeance is had… We need answers. Abenor? Let it go.”

R10T16.5: "She needs medical attention," says Galakhar. "I'll have to use trepanation, stand back."

And then, Galakhar does that ... performing a trepanation to her skull with his rapier for 15.

He nods. "Yup, patient did not survive procedure. And accounts are paid in full for the loss of an Abadaran cleric ... and a friend."

Initiative Ends.

Aasgar: 17. Axe. Golden Commander Stance. RS.
Galakhar: 16.5. Rapier. Can't use healing wand until tomorrow (dropped). Scarlet Einhander.
* Combat Insight vs. Melira: +2 insight bonus to AC & attack and damage rolls.
* Has Gharmez' light on a copper coin she gave him; dropped.
Abenor: 16. Ileor & Kyadrimme. Thrashing Dragon style. Battle Dragon's Stance. DS. RAGE!!! Deadly Strike on Melira (+1d6) til R12T16.

Melira: 22. Shield til R10T24. RS/RS. Armiger's Mark til R12T16. UNCONSCIOUS!!!
* Cat's grace (3 min.).

Gharmez. Chokehold.

2023-06-14, 07:37 PM
A primal war cry is heard, and several deep, throaty voices join in. Half a dozen orc warriors surge forward from hidden positions behind thick swamp foliage towards the gangplank that the heroes have just started moving down. As the orcs move forward, it is obvious they are digging deep with their boots in the thick mud, being slowed by the land itself (i.e., difficult terrain).

Begin Round One ...

R1T29: "For Gharmez!" cries Galakhar as he draws and lifts his rapier high and moves down the gangplank, landing just past with a thick *pluck* sound in the mud. Despite his brave advance, Galakhar is no fool, and facing off against six orcs he chooses more defensive pointwork. His blade zips into the chest of Blue, the lead orc, for 11 + disabled/staggered.

R1T24: Cici makes that first difficult step up onto the gangplank, and then zooms down to stand beside the older man. Her waveblade slashes out to catch Blue with a long, bloody gash from his elbow up along his brachial artery for 8 (+ 2 bleed). She is also in her crane stance and fighting carefully.

R1T19-17: Brown tosses its javelin at Abenor and then moves up to Galakhar while drawing its falchion. Pink does the same with a toss at Aasgar before moving up to Cici. Another javelin has little chance of hitting Aasgar as Purple adjusts around the side while drawing his sword.

R1T14: The slow, undulating movement of the keelboat in the movement comes to a sudden halt, as if the keelboat were sitting on steady blocks in a drydock. Another orc appears, this time on the waterborne side. Part of his body appears to have been badly burned at some point in the distant past, but that it might still give him discomfort even today. He is demonstrably larger and stronger-looking then the rank-and-file orcs below.

R1T13: Abenor looks to Aasgar and Kurst. "Go get that big guy that just came aboard. I'll help protect the others ashore."

He moves down the gangplank while drawing both swords and getting into fighting form, leaping off the end of the gangplank, and diving his blade into Purple's gut for 18 + disabled/ staggered. He also calls out defensive advice for his allies.

Meanwhile, the Captain calls for all of his sailors and the coxswain to clear the main deck and let the heroes handle this, but to standby in case they need to repel boarders.

R1T12: Kurst, that first step off the lifted edge of the gangplank is difficult terrain if you move back on the ship to engage the bigger guy (Yellow). You weren't expecting battle, so your shield is not readied and weapons are sheathed. What do you do?

Galakhar: 29. Scarlet einhander. DS.
Cici: 24. Crane style/ DS.
Brown Orc: 19. (11:11). Falchion.
Pink Orc: 18. (11:11). Falchion.
Purple Orc: 17. (-7:11). Falchion. DISABLED/ STAGGERED!!!
Tark Singeskin: 14.
Abenor: 13. Thrashing Dragon style. RS.
Kurst: 12.
Red Orc: 12. (11:11).
Aasgar: 6.
Green: Orc: 5. (11:11).
Lucette: 4.
Blue Orc: 1. (-8:11). DISABLED/STAGGERED!!! 2 BLEED!!!

2023-06-15, 05:38 PM
R1T12: Kurst bellows from the top of the gangplank, visible to those above and below, "Nasty creatures! Put them down like the diseased beasts they are!" He moves towards the other side of the boat, taking his time raising his shield and drawing his sword. In Orcish, he rasps towards the orc on the opposite gunwale, *,"You picked the wrong day, my friend.">*

R1T11: Red drops his javelin, takes out a falchion and clumsily attacks the dancing, deflecting elf.

R1T6: Aasgar shifts into a stance and moves up the gangplank drawing his axe. Assessing the enemy, he begins calling out defensive instructions to Kurst, while having replaced where Kurst was standing and just as heroically spurring heroes to greater defense!Scything Strike.
R1T5: Green drops his javelin and draws his falchion, but Cici's crane style keeps him at bay.

R1T4: Lucette, hidden in the folds of Cici's cowl, delays...

R1T1: Blue takes a total of 3 bleed, swings at Galakhar, and then drops dead as the effort had him bleed out more.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T29: Even with increased difficulty from the swampy ground, Galakhar effortlessly dances around the orcs to physically flank with Cici (despite Aasgar's tactics making that redundant). Face it, Gal just can't help trying to look cool when he can. His rapier just nips back of Pink's right shoulder for 8, Kurst's advice having helped.

R2T24: Cici does a spinning back elbow to Pink's abdomen, liquefying his liver and killing him instantly, followed by a rising punch to Green's shoulder for 13 + disabled.

R2T19-17: Brown swings at Abenor, which is a critical mistake as the elf does a back and forth deflection-and-guiding that drops the orc's own blade right down into its knee for 12 + disabled! As this happens, Abenor's blades are never lacking in response to bat away Purple's blade as well.

R2T14: *<"I am Tark Singeskin, and I am your doooom!">* rages the orc in his natural language to Kurst's challenge while entering a primal defense. He steps up to Kurst and swings. Using Aasgar's tactical advice, Kurst desperately tries to move out of the way of the massive blade. The blade still lands a terrible gash against the left side of Kurst's hip and rump, but it could have been worse, as this critical strike "only" does 27. But then to Kurst's terror ... Tark follows up with another critical strike at the same spot for 22!

R2T13: Below, Abenor chides Galakhar as he quickly darts to Cici's side. "Old man, you need to stay within 10' of me so I can protect you!" Both blades dart low against Brown to finish him off.

R2T12: Kurst, in two swift, powerful strokes, even with Aasgar's advice, this beast you face has critically wounded you. What do you do?

Red on deck, Aasgar in the hole ...

HEROES: +4 morale to AC til R2T6!!!
HEROES: Hunter's Bond: +2 weapon attack + damage vs. orcs til R3T12!!!
* HEROES: +5' land speed from Aasgar!
Galakhar: 29. Scarlet einhander. DS.
Cici: 24. Crane style/ DS.
Purple Orc: 17. (-8:11). Falchion. DISABLED!!!
Tark Singeskin: 14. RAGING. Guarded Stance. RS.
Abenor: 13. Thrashing Dragon style. RS.
Kurst: 12.
Red Orc: 11. (11:11). Falchion.
Aasgar: 6. Golden commander stance (all allies considered flanking w/ adjacent allies fighting same foe).
Green: Orc: 5. (-2:11). DISABLED!!!

Lucette: 4. DELAYING ...

Orc (3).

2023-06-17, 01:16 AM
R2T12: *<"Tork Sang-scum,">* Kurst snarls in Orcish, *<"it will take more than lucky shots to win this day.">*

Kurst lifts his shield upwards and hits the massive orc with the top rim in the orc's neck for 12, then cuts past armor to graze his neck for 12.

R211: Red sloshes across muddy and now bloody ground to engage Galakhar. The sword swings and Galakhar fails to deflect but dodges back to the blade seems to strike Galakhar in the foot, and yet it doesn't strike hard enough to actually break the man's skin. This odd development gets questioning glances from Abenor and Cici.

R2T6: Aasgar, what do you do?

Green on deck, Galakhar in the hole ...

HEROES: +4 morale to AC til R2T6!!!
HEROES: Hunter's Bond: +2 weapon attack + damage vs. orcs til R3T12!!!
* HEROES: +5' land speed from Aasgar!
Galakhar: 29. Scarlet einhander. DS.
Cici: 24. Crane style/ DS.
Purple Orc: 17. (-8:11). Falchion. DISABLED!!!
Tark Singeskin: 14. RAGING. Guarded Stance. RS.
Abenor: 13. Thrashing Dragon style. RS.
Kurst: 12. Challenge vs. Tark (+2 morale attack roll, but only if Tark attacks foe other than Kurst, +5 damage).
Red Orc: 11. (11:11). Falchion.
Aasgar: 6. Golden commander stance (all allies considered flanking w/ adjacent allies fighting same foe).
Green: Orc: 5. (-2:11). DISABLED!!!

Lucette: 4. DELAYING ...

Orc (3).

2023-06-18, 01:02 AM
R2T6: Aasgar moves straight north past the mast to take up a position next to the orc and lashes out with his axe at Tark's hand, right at the nerves as they come together at the web at the base of the thumb and index finger for 32 + dazed as Tark howls in pain so raw as to make him temporarily insensate. Aware that it might be a ruse, Aasgar prepares to defend his ally.Red Zephyr's Strike.
R2T5: Green attacks Cici, but the blood loss he's suffering includes blood on his face to affect his vision, and his swing is wild.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T29: Galakhar ducks and dives to the east along the swamp mud to come up and strike Green dead with a perfect thrust to the heart from the back.

R3T24: Cici dances over dead orcs to slash the back of Red's knee with her waveknife for 9.

R3T17: Purple staggers forth to engage Abenor. It is a valiant effort, but Abenor completely dodges with a counter step.

R3T14: Back on deck, it seems it was not a ruse as Tark stumbles around dazed, trying to protect himself while vulnerable.

R3T13: His enemy having been kind enough to come to him, Abenor's blue-glowing katana glows a little brighter as the elf dispatches Purple with a special maneuver.

R3T12: Kurst, what do you do?

Red on deck, Aasgar in the hole ...

HEROES: Hunter's Bond: +2 weapon attack + damage vs. orcs til R3T12!!!
* HEROES: +5' land speed from Aasgar!
Galakhar: 29. Scarlet einhander. DS.
Cici: 24. Crane style/ DS.
Tark Singeskin: 14. RAGING. Guarded Stance. RS. DAZED TIL END R3T6!!!
Abenor: 13. Thrashing Dragon style. RS. Used SwA.
Kurst: 12. Challenge vs. Tark (+2 morale attack roll, but only if Tark attacks foe other than Kurst, +5 damage).
Red Orc: 11. (2:11). Falchion.
Aasgar: 6. Golden commander stance (all allies considered flanking w/ adjacent allies fighting same foe). RS.

Lucette: 4. DELAYING ...

Orc (5).

2023-06-20, 09:35 PM
R3T12: In Orcish, Kurst says through a mirthless grin, <*"It's going to take us an hour to wash your blood from the deck..."*>. He misses wildly on a bash attempt with his shield, but when he strikes out with his longsword, he cuts Tark in the neck for 24 (+1d4 bleed)!

R3T11: Below, only Cici's crane style saves her from getting cut in half by Red.

R3T6: Aasgar, what do you do?

Galakhar on deck, Cici in the hole ...

HEROES: Hunter's Bond: +2 weapon attack + damage vs. orcs til R3T12!!!
* HEROES: +5' land speed from Aasgar!
Galakhar: 29. Scarlet einhander. DS.
Cici: 24. Crane style/ DS.
Tark Singeskin: 14. RAGING. Guarded Stance. RS. DAZED TIL END R3T6!!! BLEED 1d4!!!
Abenor: 13. Thrashing Dragon style. RS. Used SwA.
Kurst: 12. Challenge vs. Tark (+2 morale attack roll, but only if Tark attacks foe other than Kurst, +5 damage).
Red Orc: 11. (2:11). Falchion.
Aasgar: 6. Golden commander stance (all allies considered flanking w/ adjacent allies fighting same foe). RS.

Lucette: 4. DELAYING ...

Orc (5).

2023-06-21, 10:52 AM
R3T6: Aasgar lets loose a bellow, grabs his axe with both hands, and swings his axe around again at the creature to hit him in the lower left calf and shin for 25.Warning roar.
End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T29: Galakhar dances over the fallen orcs to puncture the lung of the one remaining below for 11 + disabled.

R4T24: At the same time, Cici comes in low to gut the orc, putting it out of its misery, and Cici begins up the gangplank.

R4T14: Tark takes 2 bleed. Barely standing, he stumbles back to the gunwale and takes out a potion and downs it for 5 healing.

R4T13: Abenor double moves up the inclined gangplank to get on deck.

R4T12: Kurst, what do you do?

Aasgar on deck, Galakhar in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale attack/ damage til R4T6.
* HEROES: +5' land speed from Aasgar!
Galakhar: 29. Scarlet einhander. DS.
Cici: 24. Crane style/ DS.
Tark Singeskin: 14. RAGING. Guarded Stance. RS. BLEED 1d4!!!
Abenor: 13. Thrashing Dragon style.
Kurst: 12. Challenge vs. Tark (+2 morale attack roll, but only if Tark attacks foe other than Kurst, +5 damage).
Aasgar: 6. Golden commander stance (all allies considered flanking w/ adjacent allies fighting same foe). RS.

Lucette: 4. DELAYING ...

Orc (6).

2023-06-21, 11:48 AM
R4T12: "Where are you going, friend?", Kurst says as he closes the gap between himself and the injured orc. <*"You need permission from the captain to leave the ship!"*>

Kurst again bashes Tark in the face with his shield for 14 + disabled, but in his orcish ferocity Tark will not go down and blocks Kurst's follow-up sword stroke.

R4T6: Aasgar, what do you do?

Galakhar on deck, Cici in the hole ...

HEROES: +2 morale attack/ damage til R4T6.
* HEROES: +5' land speed from Aasgar!
Galakhar: 29. Scarlet einhander. DS.
Cici: 24. Crane style/ DS.
Tark Singeskin: 14. RAGING. Guarded Stance. RS. BLEED 1d4!!!
Abenor: 13. Thrashing Dragon style.
Kurst: 12. Challenge vs. Tark (+2 morale attack roll, but only if Tark attacks foe other than Kurst, +5 damage).
Aasgar: 6. Golden commander stance (all allies considered flanking w/ adjacent allies fighting same foe). RS.

Lucette: 4. DELAYING ...

Orc (6).

2023-06-22, 08:25 PM
R4T6: "Oh no... No, you started this. Now you're finished...", Aasgar says as he moves up to the orc and swings his axe again, cutting his upper right arm, digging deep into his chest, and killing him.

Combat Ends!

HEROES: +2 morale attack/ damage til R4T6.
* HEROES: +5' land speed from Aasgar!
Galakhar: 29. Scarlet einhander. DS.
Cici: 24. Crane style/ DS.
Tark Singeskin: 14. RAGING. Guarded Stance. RS. BLEED 1d4!!!
Abenor: 13. Thrashing Dragon style.
Kurst: 12. Challenge vs. Tark (+2 morale attack roll, but only if Tark attacks foe other than Kurst, +5 damage).
Aasgar: 6. Golden commander stance (all allies considered flanking w/ adjacent allies fighting same foe). RS.

Lucette: 4. DELAYING ...

Orc (6).

2023-07-10, 02:30 AM
Begin Round One ...

R1T28: Both of Abenor's blades are in his hands in a flash defensively. "Somebody smarter than me, please tell me what that is."

R1T20: Kurst, what do you do?

Abenor: 28. Both blades drawn. Inner sphere stance (+2 AC, +2 Ref). TD!
Kurst: 20.
Cici: 17.
Galakhar: 16.
Hydra: 16. (70:70).
Cici: 9.
Aasgar: 8.


2023-07-11, 02:50 AM
R1T20: Kurst slogs 10 feet to the west and readies his bow, saying to Abenor, "That is a terrifying monstrosity with multiple angry-looking snake heads."

R1T17: "That is a hydra, a magical beast of ancient myth," says Cici in awe. "Be careful, it's long necks can bite at us from 10' away."

She quickly takes out a strip of boiled leather and casts a magical spell that briefly illuminates a field of force around her before she puts that leather away. She then moves forward 20' through the mud to get ready to meet it.

R1T16: Galakhar quick draws his rapier and gets into a narrow profile fighting stance. He swallows down an extract and disappears from sight, though his voice gives him away. "I concur with the witch; 'tis a hydra indeed."

R1T15: The hydra doesn't try to move along the bottom, but uses its long, sinuous shape to swim quickly towards the walking feast in its territory.

R1T9: Lucette squeaks in terror, hiding deeper in Cici's hood.

R1T8: Aasgar, what do you do?

Abenor on deck, Kurst in the hole ...

Abenor: 28. Both blades drawn. Inner sphere stance (+2 AC, +2 Ref). TD!
Kurst: 20. Bow in hand.
Cici: 17. Mage armor (5 hrs).
* Base assessment: 28. Distance adjusted: 20 (14/19).
Galakhar: 16.
* Base assessment: 25. Distance adjusted: 18 (14).
Hydra: 15. (70:70).
Aasgar: 8.

Lucette: 9. DELAYING!!!


2023-07-12, 01:57 AM
R1T8: Aasgar shifts his footing and realizing he won't be able to close distance as well as the others, draws his axe. Thinking for a second, he looks at his hands, then tries to slog west. Red Zephyr's Strike
End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T28: Abenor changes to his long-armed stance and lopes forward. He tries to lunge from 10' away, but ends up dropping his katana in the slick mud for his troubles when he attempted a very low cut. He now has just his very short wakizashi in hand ... and gulps at the massive creature heading his way.

R2T20: Kurst, what do do? Bow in hand.

Cici on deck, Galakhar in the hole ...

Abenor: 28. Katana dropped; wakizashi in hand. Reaching Blade stance.
Kurst: 20. Bow in hand.
Cici: 17. Mage armor (5 hrs).
* Base assessment: 28. Distance adjusted: 20 (14/19).
Galakhar: 16.
* Base assessment: 25. Distance adjusted: 18 (14).
Hydra: 15. (70:70).
Aasgar: 8.

Lucette: 9. DELAYING!!!


2023-07-13, 01:45 PM
R2T20: Kurst closes the gap by moving closer to the beast before firing an arrow that easily hits the massive creature for 5.

R2T17: Cici calls out, "Kurst, switch to your sword. You and Aasgar move up and start focusing on cutting off the heads - the key to their fast healing. Galakhar, Abenor, and I - attack the body."

She starts to move acrobatically north through the muck. One of the heads snaps at her as she goes. She ends with a leaping kick into its body for 8.

R2T15: The hydra sends two heads towards Cici, who was no in her characteristic crane style in favor of something decidedly more offensive, but now making her more vulnerable. Still, she proves adept at defense when on the offensive as she dances around the heads. Another two heads dart towards Abenor. While no longer possessing a windmill of two flashing blades, Abenor deflects with one and dodges the other two. As this is happening, the hydra's wounds begin to close rapidly (FH5).

R2T8: Aasgar, what do you do?

Abenor on deck, Kurst in the hole ...

Abenor: 28. Katana dropped; wakizashi in hand. Reaching Blade stance.
Kurst: 20. Bow in hand.
Cici: 17. Mage armor (5 hrs). RS.
* Assessment complete.
Galakhar: 16. Invisible.
* Base assessment: 25. Distance adjusted: 18 (14).
Hydra: 15. (62:70).
Aasgar: 8.

Lucette: 9. DELAYING!!!


2023-07-15, 06:44 PM
R2T8: Aasgar moves north as far as he can and begins calling out tactical support to his allies. Warning roar.
End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T28: Abenor disappears from his current point, reappearing instantly adjacent to the hydra's NW. He slashes with Kyadrimme along the monster's body for 15.

R3T20: Kurst, what do you do?

Cici on deck, Galakhar in the hole ...

HEROES: +4 morale to AC til R3T8!!!
Abenor: 28. Katana dropped; wakizashi in hand. Reaching Blade stance.
Kurst: 20. Bow in hand.
Cici: 17. Mage armor (5 hrs). RS.
* Assessment complete.
Galakhar: 16. Invisible.
* Base assessment: 25. Distance adjusted: 18 (14).
Hydra: 15. (47:70).
Aasgar: 8.

Lucette: 9. DELAYING!!!


2023-07-20, 09:32 AM
R3T20: Kurst will reply, "Good thinking, Cici!" and will move towards the creature and take another shot with his bow, striking the center body for 7.

R3T17: Cici tries to carefully move north, but it is hard in this bog and a hydra's head comes at her. She just barely manages to bat it away and get into position within the muddy-thickened water. She tries to cast a spell carefully, but the threatening heads and unfamiliar bog water throws her off and her spell is ruined.

R3T16: The monster roars in pain, as Galakhar - now visible again - had struck its body for 15.

R3T15: The hydra sends two heads towards Abenor, two heads towards Galakhar, and one head at Cici .... but all attacks are dodged or deflected.

R3T8: Aasgar, what do you do?

Abenor on deck, Kurst in the hole ...

HEROES: +4 morale to AC til R3T8!!!
Abenor: 28. Katana dropped; wakizashi in hand. Reaching Blade stance.
Kurst: 20. Bow in hand.
Cici: 17. Mage armor (5 hrs).
Galakhar: 16. Invisible. Combat insight (+2 insight AC & +2 insight attk/dmg).
Hydra: 15. (25:70).
Aasgar: 8.

Lucette: 9. DELAYING!!!


2023-07-21, 12:26 PM
R3T8: Aasgar rushes as far as he can slog on his mighty dwarven legs and lets out a bellow. As he does so, a head whips out at him and misses wildly as Aasgar just hunkers down more. The exertion is too much for the massive beast as it exhausts itself from its wounds and trying to fight so many more creatures than it has ever had to before in its life. Scything strike
End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T28: It's definitely not his best attack, but with flanking and Aasgar's war cry, Abenor somehow still manages to make a clumsy attack strike true into the creature's body even as the light from his wakizashi flares a ghostly blue. (His katana Kyadrimme can glow blue on command, but Ileor - his wakizashi - does not normally glow. This glow seems related to his martial skill rather than the weapon.) His strike does 19 + 7 force as the blade simply passes past the monster's scales. The exhausted hydra drops. "Don't relent!" he shouts.

R4T20: Kurst, what do you do?

Cici on deck, Galakhar in the hole ...

HEROES: Allies w/in 30' +2 morale attk/ dmg!!
Abenor: 28. Katana dropped; wakizashi in hand. Reaching Blade stance.
Kurst: 20. Bow in hand.
Cici: 17. Mage armor (5 hrs).
Galakhar: 16. Invisible. Combat insight (+2 insight AC & +2 insight attk/dmg).
Hydra: 15. (25:70). EXHAUSTED (DC 20 Heal to bring it to fatigued instead).
Aasgar: 8.
* Golden Commander Stance: Grants allies w/in 30' that understand his shouts: Gain flanking with all adj. allies that are fighting the same foe.
* Get Behind Me (Ex): When he readies his maneuvers, he may treat 3 [INT] creatures as though they had the King's Castle feat. Designees: Kurst, Abenor, Cici
* Mystic Attunement: All allies w/in 60' of him gain a +5' enhancement bonus to their base land speed

Lucette: 9. DELAYING!!!


2023-07-23, 01:21 PM
R4T20: Kurst drops his bow and moves towards the creature while drawing his sword and shield. He slices at whatever still seems to be moving on the injured beast, lightly cutting it for 4.

R4T17: Cici repositions north for safety. And with arcane power lets loose with a 15-foot fan of flames that washes over body and heads of the hydra. The creature is now officially deceased, and no more healing seems to avail it.

Combat Ends!

HEROES: Allies w/in 30' +2 morale attk/ dmg!!
Abenor: 28. Katana dropped; wakizashi in hand. Reaching Blade stance.
Kurst: 20. Bow in hand.
Cici: 17. Mage armor (5 hrs).
Galakhar: 16. Invisible. Combat insight (+2 insight AC & +2 insight attk/dmg).
Hydra: 15. (-18:70). EXHAUSTED (DC 20 Heal to bring it to fatigued instead). DYING!!!
Aasgar: 8.
* Golden Commander Stance: Grants allies w/in 30' that understand his shouts: Gain flanking with all adj. allies that are fighting the same foe.
* Get Behind Me (Ex): When he readies his maneuvers, he may treat 3 [INT] creatures as though they had the King's Castle feat. Designees: Kurst, Abenor, Cici
* Mystic Attunement: All allies w/in 60' of him gain a +5' enhancement bonus to their base land speed

Lucette: 9. DELAYING!!!


2023-07-31, 01:29 PM
The dwarven woman looks at Aasgar with a look of shock at first. Then, as he continues speaking, she sees several more people way down the way. As Aasgar wraps up his speech, her shock, which had turned a little to fear, now turns to unbridled rage, shivering with vitriol as she stands to her full height of 4'7" (a giantess among dwarves) and unstraps and readies her finely crafted dwarven waraxe. "You'll ... never ... take me ... alive. YOU FILTHY, BEARDLESS, POETRY-READING, GREENSKINS!"

Begin Round One ...

R1T25: Cici bolts in a hustle to stand beside Aasgar, her waveblade in hand. "Just stand down you mutant rock-kisser! This here's Aasgar Axewielder, hero of Trunau ... and his friends!"

R1T21: Kurst, you heard something about "greenskins" but it looks like a fight is about to break out. What do you do?

Cici: 25. Mage armor (5 hrs).
Kurst: 21. Bow in hand.
Aasgar: 18.
Abenor: 17.
Galakhar: 15.
Ingrahild Nargrymkin: 11.
Lucette: 9.


2023-08-01, 03:39 PM
R1T21: Kurst moves towards the impending battle as quickly as he can while drawing his sword and shield.

R1T18: Aasgar, what do you do?

Cici: 25. Mage armor (5 hrs).
Kurst: 21. Sword and shield.
Aasgar: 18.
Abenor: 17.
Galakhar: 15.
Ingrahild Nargrymkin: 11.
Lucette: 9.


2023-08-03, 01:56 PM
R1T18: Aasgar shifts his footing and draws his axe before shouting in his most authoritative voice, "STOP!!! I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU THINK WE ARE, BUT WE ARE THE HEROES OF TRUNAU AND WILL STRIKE YOU DOWN IF YOU CONTINUE!" followed by a roar to punctuate his shout.Scything Strike.
R1T17: Abenor hustles to get next to Abenor.

R1T15: Galakhar hustles to move closer.

R1T11: "I've heard of Trunau. The free folk live there. And you orcs are heroes of Trunau? That means Trunau has fallen?! I shall avenge them against you!" she laments before returning to anger and charging Aasgar. Her finely crafted dwarven waraxe bites Aasgar's right thigh, though the wound doesn't seem to show.

R1T9: Lucette squeaks in terror at such ferocity and hides in Cici's hood.

R1T0: "Hello! Hello, I say out there!" comes a voice shouting from within the makeshift tend. "If it wouldn't be too much trouble, can you please untie me that I might help subdue my mentally meandering mate? We fought a green hag and through a curse she suffered a psychotic break, I fear."

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T25: Cici stares at the dwarf, but is unsurprised when the dwarf's hardiness is proof against her own witchery.

R2T21: Kurst, what do you do?

Aasgar on deck, Abenor in the hole ...

Cici: 25. Mage armor (5 hrs).
Kurst: 21. Sword and shield.
Aasgar: 18.
* Golden Commander Stance: Gain flanking with all adj. allies that are fighting the same foe.
Abenor: 17.
Galakhar: 15.
Ingrahild Nargrymkin: 11. Dwarven waraxe. Charged!
Stranger's Voice: 0.

Lucette: 9. DELAYING!


2023-08-06, 05:04 PM
R2T21: Kurst hustles to get up to the dwarves.

R2T18: Aasgar, what do you do?

Abenor on deck, Galakhar in the hole ...

Cici: 25. Mage armor (5 hrs).
Kurst: 21. Sword and shield.
Aasgar: 18.
* Golden Commander Stance: Gain flanking with all adj. allies that are fighting the same foe.
Abenor: 17.
Galakhar: 15.
Ingrahild Nargrymkin: 11. Dwarven waraxe. Charged!
Stranger's Voice: 0.

Lucette: 9. DELAYING!


2023-08-07, 12:51 PM
R2T18: Aasgar focuses his attentions on her again, saying "STAND DOWN! WE DO NOT WISH TO HARM YOU!" As he does so, Aasgar's eyes glow a brilliant white ... so powerful that an actual cone of light extends forth over the dwarven woman. She does seem a little taken aback by this.

After Aasgar makes that intimidating display, his wounds begin to show (14 DDP).Warning roar.
R2T17: Abenor enters his Inner Sphere Stance as he quick draws his blades and tumbles around to the other side of the dwarf from Aasgar. He is still close enough to give Aasgar and Kurst defensive directions. He then strikes singularly with his katana. One of the things that's easily forgotten about Abenor - as he hasn't lifted a finger to save the life of the many orcs that you have slaughtered to get here - is that as a worshiper of Sarenrae, the goddess of redemption and healing, Abenor knows a holy combat art known as the "Blade of Mercy" that is designed to be more easily subdue an opponent without lasting injury. He uses this in combination with his strange elven martial arts and hits the woman aside the head with his blade for 11 mod NL + 7 NL force.

R2T15: Galakhar takes an extract and disappears from view. The flap of the tent unsettles for a second, and then Galakhar's voice is heard from inside the tent. "She has a prisoner, so she doesn't kill everything. It's a half-elven male that has worked his gag loose."

R2T11: Outside, the dwarven woman recovers from her charge. She unbelts a masterwork handaxe to complement her masterwork dwarven waraxe and steps out of flank position. She attacks Aasgar with extra force and her larger axe starts to bite into his armor, but last minute advice from Abenor keeps the axe from biting deep enough to score the fleshy inside of Aasgar's can.

R2T0: Phaevin Sylquinal, you hear the battle outside, and it was you who tried to tell whomever it was of the issues as you had previously worked your gag free. You don't see anyone, and yet you saw the tent flap open and shut momentarily, and then a man's voice call out from inside the tent with you. You are hogtied right now (arms and legs) and helpless/ immobile. What do you do?

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

Cici on deck, Kurst in the hole ...

Cici: 25. Mage armor (5 hrs).
Kurst: 21. Sword and shield.
Aasgar: 18.
* Golden Commander Stance: Gain flanking with all adj. allies that are fighting the same foe.
Abenor: 17. Inner sphere stance.
Galakhar: 15. Invisibility (4 min).
Ingrahild Nargrymkin: 11. Dwarven waraxe, handaxe. RS.
Phaevin Sylquinal: 0.

Lucette: 9. DELAYING!


2023-08-08, 03:26 PM
R2T0: "I say, hello? I'm afraid I am somewhat indisposed for proper cordiality." Phaevin continues, "Hello? Perhaps you could help me with these bindings? They are a tad tight."

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T25: "Aasgar, Kurst .... if you are worried about your ability to do nonlethal combat, then help or protect those of us who are so trained," says Cici as she takes an indirect route through the mud to get to the dwarven woman. She gives a quick side kick to the side of the dwarf's right knee for 8 mod NL. While not really injurious, it was right at a critical nerve point that causes intense pain. The stranger is stunned and drops her axes onto the ground as her hands clench and unclench involuntarily from the pain.

R3T21: Kurst comes around the far side of Cici from the south and fails to bull rush her back into the center of the cleared area.

R3T18: Aasgar, what do you do?

Abenor on deck, Galakhar in the hole ...

Cici: 25. Mage armor (5 hrs).
Kurst: 21. Sword and shield.
Aasgar: 18.
* Golden Commander Stance: Gain flanking with all adj. allies that are fighting the same foe.
Abenor: 17. Inner sphere stance.
Galakhar: 15. Invisibility (4 min).
Ingrahild Nargrymkin: 11. Dwarven waraxe, handaxe both dropped. RS. STUNNED til R4T25!!!
Phaevin Sylquinal: 0.

Lucette: 9. DELAYING!


2023-08-10, 04:16 PM
R3T18: Aasgar begins yelling out tactical suggestions to his allies. He looks down and shakes his head in frustration before bringing his axe to bear against this foe, carefully hammering her left shoulder with the side of his axe for 19 mod NL.Red Zephyr's Strike
R3T17: Abenor continues to adjust stance for the situation. He steps up and blade slaps her in the chest for 18 mod NL with his katana, but with his wakizashi he cuts her armor straps for 20 mod NL + movement reduced 10' + ACP doubled until fixed. He then backs that up with another blade slap to her intercostals but does more injury than expected as he does 6 mod NL + 19 mod (lethal) + 2 DEX. She falls down, unmoving.

Combat Ends!

Within the tent, an invisible force unties Phaevin, and Phaevin can collect his stuff that is in a messy pile in the tent.

HEROES: +4 morale AC til R4T18.
Cici: 25. Mage armor (5 hrs).
Kurst: 21. Sword and shield.
Aasgar: 18.
* Golden Commander Stance: Gain flanking with all adj. allies that are fighting the same foe.
* IA: King's Castle - when a foe makes a melee attack vs. ally w/ this feat who is no > from him than half his land speed, he can move up to half his speed directly towards the ally. This movement provokes AOOs.
** As long as he ends this movement adjacent to the targeted ally, he may take the attack in their place.
** The attack is resolved as though he were the original target of the attack, comparing the attack roll to his defenses and dealing damage as appropriate.
** Designees: Kurst, Abenor, Cici
Abenor: 17. Both blades. Inner sphere stance. Thrashing Dragon style.
Galakhar: 15. Invisibility (4 min).
Ingrahild Nargrymkin: 11. Dwarven waraxe, handaxe both dropped. RS. STUNNED til R4T25!!!
* Armor Straps Cut: -10' movement, doubled ACP penalties. A Craft (Armor) DC 20 repairs armor and removes penalties.
Phaevin Sylquinal: 0.

Lucette: 9. DELAYING!


2023-09-27, 03:45 AM
Surprise Round ...

S16: A bright flash followed by the crackle of static and electrical noise and the smell of ozone as something of electricity hit Aasgar in his head (12 mod electricity DDP). Appearing right in front of Aasgar, a faintly glowing ball of light hovers in the air, the nebulous image of what might be a skull visible somewhere in its depths. A buzzing type of voice is heard, shouting in Taldane, "Thieves!"

Begin Round One ....

R1T22: Cici casts mage armor on herself and looks at the assailant. "Will-o-'wisp!" she calls out. "These things are fast and agile flyers."

R1T21: Abenor instantly gets into his long arm stance as he draws his katana out and strikes. The thing is damn fast, like Cici said, yet it looks like Abenor's hit will connect until a similar charge of electricity deflects his blade!

R1T18: Aasgar, what do you do?

Cici: 22.
Abenor: 21.
Aasgar: 18.
Galakhar: 17.
Mossmoon: 16. (72:72).
Phaevin Sylquinal: 13.
Lucette: 12.


2023-09-27, 05:20 AM
R1T18: Aasgar shifts his footing, draws his axe, and then lashes out at the entity with it, but misses as an electrical spark knocks his axe away from the witchlight.

R1T17: Galakhar doesn't draw a weapon, but concentrates and then calls out, "My friends, I sense that our meeting with this creature is fortuitous, and it merely defends itself. Perhaps it knows of Silvermane and we can treat with it for our mission?"

R1T16: The will-o'-wisp withdraws to a height of 15' .... out of reach of any weapons. Its buzzing voice is heard, "Where did you get that?"

R1T13: Phaevin, what do you do?

Cici: 22.
Abenor: 21.
Aasgar: 18.
* Golden Commander Stance: allies w/in 30' that understand his shouts gain flanking with all adj. allies that are fighting the same foe.
Galakhar: 17.
Mossmoon: 16. (72:72).
Phaevin Sylquinal: 13.
Lucette: 12.


2023-09-28, 11:31 AM
R1T13: "What are we accused of stealing?", Phaevin says while showing the creature his empty, weaponless hands. "Surely a discussion is better than a pointless battle."

"The lantern!"

R1T12: Lucette hides deeper in the folds of Cici's cowl.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T22: Cici says, "We are charged by Silvermane - formerly of the Council of Thorns - of the town of Trunau to go to Ghostlight Marsh and seek out the Vault of Thorns."

R2T21: Abenor looks a little embarrassed. "If I get this right, we were told to ask one of the spirits of the swamp - his fallen brothers - to enter the ghostlight lantern to help guide our way."

R2T18: Aasgar, what do you do?

Galakhar on deck, Will-o'-wisp in the hole ...

Cici: 22.
Abenor: 21.
Aasgar: 18.
* Golden Commander Stance: allies w/in 30' that understand his shouts gain flanking with all adj. allies that are fighting the same foe.
Galakhar: 17.
Mossmoon: 16. (72:72).
Phaevin Sylquinal: 13.

Lucette: 12. DYING!!!


2023-09-29, 09:16 AM
R2T18: Aasgar lowers his axe and holds his action pending the being's response.

R2T17: "I am Galakhar the Grey, and my Trunaun friend Cici has spoken true. Are we speaking now with one of the spirits of the Council of Thorns? If so, it is with you we have come to treat, perhaps to give honor to your council once more in a time of great need."

R2T16: ...

Cici: 22.
Abenor: 21.
Aasgar: 18. DELAYING!!!
* Golden Commander Stance: allies w/in 30' that understand his shouts gain flanking with all adj. allies that are fighting the same foe.
Galakhar: 17.
Mossmoon: 16. (72:72).
Phaevin Sylquinal: 13.

Lucette: 12. DYING!!!


2023-10-10, 03:45 PM
Phaevin is followed by Abenor and Cici, while Aasgar is followed by Galakhar and Mossmoon.

The tension palpable, a creature stands up, now visible from the arc that the PCs come in from. She has cold, black eyes that stare out from the fish-like face of her hideous, green-skinned, web-fingered, gigantic form. She must stand around 11' tall.

Begin Round One ...

R1T26: Phaevin, you instantly recognize her as the giant that helped the hag Ewigga. You and the Nargrymkin siblings killed two of the hags, but the remaining hag leader and her giant sent you all running, with Ingrahild cursed with insanity. What do you do?

Phaevin Sylquinal: 26. Bow.
Galakhar: 25. Rapier and ghostlight lantern.
Abenor: 20.
Aasgar: 18. Axe.
Mossmoon: 15. (72:72).
Cici: 13.
Lucette: 3.


2023-10-11, 02:20 PM
R1T26: "It is not every day that one gets the chance to tie up a loose end!" Phaevin drones in a mirthless singsong voice. He positions himself to take a shot between the stones at the monster, but the arrow bounces off of her interminably fat flesh.

R1T25: Galakhar hustles to the southwest and hunkers down by a fallen menhir, using his cloak to cover the ghostlight lantern's emanation.

R1T22: From out of her bag, the giantess grabs a rock she had collected and sails it at Phaevin with all the force she can muster. The half-elf turns at the last second so that he feels the boulder skim his armor, but leaves him unharmed.

R1T20: Abenor teleports to the north of the giantess to block her direct line to Phaevin as he draws his swords and flays her left knee and leg for 35. "Phaevin, move within 20' of me!" he calls, and gives tactical defensive advice should he do so.Because it is hard to translate without actually seeing/ hearing, Abenor has an ability where if you get within 20' of him, he gives you a morale bonus to AC and Will saves.
R1T18: Aasgar, what do you do?

Phaevin Sylquinal: 26. Bow.
Galakhar: 25. Rapier and ghostlight lantern.
Gripwort: 22. (109:144).
Abenor: 20. Deadly Strikes vs. Gripwort til R5T20!!!
Aasgar: 18. Axe.
Mossmoon: 15. (72:72).
Cici: 13.
Lucette: 3.


2023-10-13, 01:32 PM
R1T18: Aasgar moves in closer to the battle as fast as he can manage and begins to call out tactical observations to aid his allies, his powerful dwarven lungs reaching even Cici to the north.Red Zephyr's strike.
R1T15: Mossmoon disappears from sight.

R1T13: Cici enters the center circle from the north. She takes out a small, thin stick or wand that looks translucent and dark yellow. Calling on the elements that empower her she casts a spell. There is a flash and a report, the air smelling of ozone, and during that time a bolt of lighting shatters the stick she holds and blasts through the giant for 15 electricity.

R1T3: Lucette squeaks in alarm and hunkers deeper in Cici's hood.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T26: Phaevin, what do you do?

Galakhar on deck, Gripwort (the name Phaevin remembers the giantess being called) in the hole ...

HEROES: +4 morale bonus to AC til R2T18.
Phaevin Sylquinal: 26. Bow.
Galakhar: 25. Rapier and ghostlight lantern.
Gripwort: 22. (94:144).
Abenor: 20. Deadly Strikes vs. Gripwort til R5T20!!!
Aasgar: 18. Axe.
* Get Behind Me (Ex): When he readies his maneuvers, he may treat 3 creatures as though they had the King's Castle feat. Designees: Phaevin, Abenor, Cici
* Blooded [Region]: +1 trait bonus on weapon damage rolls vs. giants, goblins, & orcs.
* Mystic Attunement: All allies w/in 60' of him gain a +5' enhancement bonus to their base land speed.
* Patient Counterpoint (Ex): During his turn, he gains a +4 [WIS] insight bonus to damage rolls whenever his DDP has points in it.
Cici: 13. [I]Mage armor (5 hours).

Lucette: 3. DELAYING ...


2023-10-16, 02:16 AM
R2T26: Phaevin takes another shot at the giantess with his bow, striking her for 2 + 4 fire!

R2T25: Galakhar is now half-sized, nearer to the giant and hiding behind the stone.

R2T22: Gripwort attacks Abenor with her gaff as Abenor attempts to counter with his acrobatics, which he does brilliantly while also moving back a few feet towards Cici. She attacks him again, but flashing swords deflect the attack.

R2T20: Abenor got a taste of her blood last round, and the elf starts to give into the blood inertia that sometimes carries him as a bushi stalker. He sets up fighting style now to match his stance. He strikes once with his blue-glowing katana, which flashes an even brighter blue. Ileor seems to cut right past her skin and fat as the blade bites her bicep for 19 + 10 force.

R2T18: Aasgar, no ally was hit last round, and your group defense is done. What do you do?

Cici on deck, Phaevin in the hole ...

Phaevin Sylquinal: 26. Bow.
Galakhar: 25. Rapier and ghostlight lantern.
* Reduce person (5 min.).
Gripwort: 22. (59:144).
Abenor: 20. Deadly Strikes vs. Gripwort til R5T20!!!
* Reaching blade stance + Thrashing Dragon Style.
Aasgar: 18. Axe.
* Get Behind Me (Ex): When he readies his maneuvers, he may treat 3 creatures as though they had the King's Castle feat. Designees: Phaevin, Abenor, Cici
* Blooded [Region]: +1 trait bonus on weapon damage rolls vs. giants, goblins, & orcs.
* Mystic Attunement: All allies w/in 60' of him gain a +5' enhancement bonus to their base land speed.
* Patient Counterpoint (Ex): During his turn, he gains a +4 [WIS] insight bonus to damage rolls whenever his DDP has points in it.
Cici: 13. [I]Mage armor (5 hours).

Lucette: 3. DELAYING ...


2023-10-16, 04:14 AM
R2T18: Aasgar lets loose a roar and moves west to face the enemy. As he does so, she spins in time to strike Aasgar in his left elbow. He doesn't feel it enough to hurt, but feels it enough that it fuels his power. Swinging his axe over his head, he rains a powerful blow down on the giant creature, but it only gets caught in her rolls of fat, not actually harming her.Warning roar granted. Sorry, it was listed as granted when it shouldn't have been. I even had last battle's DDP value in there.
R2T13: Cici stairs at the giant, and she drops her gaff and slowly sinks down to the ground. Soon, she is snoring loudly.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T26: Phaevin, what do you do?

Galakhar on deck ...

Phaevin Sylquinal: 26. Bow.
Galakhar: 25. Rapier and ghostlight lantern.
* Reduce person (5 min.).
Gripwort: 22. (59:144). ASLEEP til R6T13!!!
Abenor: 20. Deadly Strikes vs. Gripwort til R5T20!!!
* Reaching blade stance + Thrashing Dragon Style.
Aasgar: 18. Axe.
* Get Behind Me (Ex): When he readies his maneuvers, he may treat 3 creatures as though they had the King's Castle feat. Designees: Phaevin, Abenor, Cici
* Blooded [Region]: +1 trait bonus on weapon damage rolls vs. giants, goblins, & orcs.
* Mystic Attunement: All allies w/in 60' of him gain a +5' enhancement bonus to their base land speed.
* Patient Counterpoint (Ex): During his turn, he gains a +4 [WIS] insight bonus to damage rolls whenever his DDP has points in it.
Cici: 13. [I]Mage armor (5 hours).

Lucette: 3. DELAYING ...


2023-10-16, 09:11 PM
R3T26: Phaevin moves to the sleeping giant's neck - grabbing his sword and switching his bow to his off-hand. "My venom and thirst for cold revenge is great towards this creature." He spits in the ground. "I need a chorus of cooler heads to advise if she should be dispatched in her slumber."

R3T25: Galakhar stands and says, "Abenor, your blade is made for the task."

R3T20: Abenor dispatches the giantess with his katana.

Combat Ends!

Phaevin Sylquinal: 26. Bow.
Galakhar: 25. Rapier and ghostlight lantern.
* Reduce person (5 min.).
Gripwort: 22. (59:144). ASLEEP til R6T13!!!
Abenor: 20. Deadly Strikes vs. Gripwort til R5T20!!!
* Reaching blade stance + Thrashing Dragon Style.
Aasgar: 18. Axe.
* Get Behind Me (Ex): When he readies his maneuvers, he may treat 3 creatures as though they had the King's Castle feat. Designees: Phaevin, Abenor, Cici
* Blooded [Region]: +1 trait bonus on weapon damage rolls vs. giants, goblins, & orcs.
* Mystic Attunement: All allies w/in 60' of him gain a +5' enhancement bonus to their base land speed.
* Patient Counterpoint (Ex): During his turn, he gains a +4 [WIS] insight bonus to damage rolls whenever his DDP has points in it.
Cici: 13. [I]Mage armor (5 hours).

Lucette: 3. DELAYING ...


2023-10-22, 08:38 PM
Galakhar touches the touchstone on the menhir, and there is a very brief green flash. A lone menhir stands in a clearing in a vibrant forest filled with thick, verdant plant life. Exotic flowers drape the standing stone, which pulses with brilliant chartreuse light. A path lined with rose petals leads from the monolith to a giant floral bloom carved from wood. Two carved wooden stamens stretch out toward the pulsating menhir, extending from either side of a set of ornate doors carved into the giant flower. An overpowering fragrance of flowers and sweet grass permeates the air. The sun above sits at its zenith, basking the area in light and warmth.

Not that you have time to really drink in the view right now!

Surprise Round ...

S18: From the woods to the relative SW, something pops out of the treeline in front of Galakhar. Something really smaller ... smaller even than mini-Galakhar at this time. It shoots forth a withering barrage of thorns, brambles, and splinters. Everyone except for Phaevin and Lucette are able to move in time to minimize the effect. Aasgar takes (6 mod DDP); Abenor takes 4 mod; Galakhar takes 3 mod; Phaevin takes 17; Lucette takes 11; and Cici completely evades.

S13: Lagging only slightly behind, another hops out behind Phaevin and lets loose with a similar spray, but that split second is enough for Phaevin and Lucette to get their acts together, as he, the weasel, and Cici all completely dodge the spray. Aasgar takes (6 mod DDP); Abenor takes 7 mod; and Galakhar takes 2 mod.

Begin Round One ...

R1T32: "Away from the bushes!" warns Galakhar. "They're twigjacks - fey - and they need the tree section to do their bramble jump ability. Careful, though, they've a few more of those sprays, each. They hate fire."

He pops down an extract and disappears. Though invisible, the glow of the ghostlight lantern still gives away his position.

R1T30: The sudden assault puts Abenor into flight or fight ... and he descends into the feral mindset of the Hunter, ignoring Gal's advice. He gives a sidestep to the south and snarls, quick drawing both blades, one of which manages to strike the twigjack for 24.

R1T18: Giving a cry of anger and pain, Blue steps into Aasgar's immediate area, but his elven friend completely destroys the little monster.

R1T17: Phaevin, you still have your bow in hand, and the other "twigjack" (Red) is right behind (north) of you. What do you do?

Galakhar: 32. Rapier and ghostlight lantern. Invisibility. Scarlet einhander.
* Reduce person (2 min.).
Abenor: 30. RAGE! (Make adjustments: +2 most combat, Will & AC updated). Reaching blade stance (+5' reach 1st attack, +1d6 dmg all attacks).
Phaevin Sylquinal: 17. Bow.
Cici: 16. Mage armor (5 hours).
Red Twigjack: 13. (40:40).
Aasgar: 9. Axe.
Lucette: 4.


2023-10-24, 10:40 AM
R1T17: Phaevin drops his bow in front of him, before spinning around while drawing his rapier. He attempts to strike the creature to the north, but the quick creature just barely ducks out of the way.

R1T16: Cici steps around Phaevin and gets into her wide-armed, straight-but-sweeping-legged fighting stance. She does a low spin that strikes the twigjack for 8 + tripped, kicks again for 11, and follows with another super-fast kick for 4.

R1T13: The twigjack warily gets to its feet. Phaevin stabs, but catches only bark, and Cici completely misses.

R1T9: Aasgar, what do you do? Do you try to horn into the limited space, or leave the thing for Phaevin and Cici?

Galakhar: 32. Rapier and ghostlight lantern. Invisibility. Scarlet einhander.
* Reduce person (2 min.).
Abenor: 30. RAGE! (Make adjustments: +2 most combat, Will & AC updated). Reaching blade stance (+5' reach 1st attack, +1d6 dmg all attacks).
Phaevin Sylquinal: 17. Bow dropped. Rapier in hand.
Cici: 16. Mage armor (4 hours). Crane style.
Red Twigjack: 13. (17:40). PRONE!!!
Aasgar: 9. Axe.
Lucette: 4.


2023-10-24, 11:35 AM
R1T9: Aasgar turns to face the group and lets loose with an encouraging roar!
OLD ONES ..... OLD ONES ....
RAH .... RAH ... RAH!

R1T4: Lucette whispers encouraging ferret chirps into Cici's ear.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T32: Galakhar delays ...

R2T30: Abenor teleports to the spot of the twigjack and shreds it.

Combat Ends!

Abenor's rage subsiding, he say, "I need a few seconds to catch my breath. I am so sorry for that display."

ENCOURAGING ROAR (til R2T9): +2 morale to attack & damage.
Galakhar: 32. Rapier and ghostlight lantern. Invisibility. Scarlet einhander. DELAYING!!!
* Reduce person (2 min.).
Abenor: 30. RAGE! (Make adjustments: +2 most combat, Will & AC updated). Reaching blade stance (+5' reach 1st attack, +1d6 dmg all attacks).
Phaevin Sylquinal: 17. Bow dropped. Rapier in hand.
Cici: 16. Mage armor (4 hours). Crane style.
Red Twigjack: 13. (17:40). PRONE!!!
Aasgar: 9. Axe.
Lucette: 4.


2023-11-13, 04:22 PM
Surprise Round ....

S16-13: Something cuts Aasgar along the back of his knee with a draw cut for (16 DDP), and there is a brief fluttering as Cici gets cut in the neck for 9.

There is nothing there, though.

End Surprise Round, Begin Round One ...

R1T30: Galakhar bolts past Aasgar and tumbles all the way before quickly spinning around so that the blue-white light of the ghostlight lantern illuminates all creatures in a soft blue glow, including two small, winged creatures of bright light - having been hidden by the dazzling radiance of the greenhouse effect, which are now outlined as well.

R1T21: Aasgar, some little bugger that slashed you with a back draw cut on the knee is right in front of you. What do you do?

Galakhar: 30. ghostlight lantern (https://aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Ghostlight%20L antern).
Aasgar: 21.
Blue Lurker: 16. (64:64).
Lucette: 14.
Red Lurker: 13. (64:64).
Abenor: 10.
Phaevin Sylquinal: 8.
Cici: 7.


2023-11-15, 11:55 PM
R1T21: Aasgar nearly draws his weapon in response but remembers he was advised not to. He steps back and holds his hands up, palm out, and says, "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! We come here peacefully on a quest!"

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" both chirp in mocking unison.

Despite Aasgar taking a more peaceful tack, his mind is still inspired with defensive abilities.

R1T16: And in returning that mockery Blue chirps to his fellow, "They came here peacefully on a quest!"

Both of them have a good laugh at that, and then Blue reaches out to touch the bewildered Cici, but she reflexively .... reaches down and bites the fey! It doesn't do any damage, but surprises it for sure. Meanwhile, it holds a dagger in one hand, but now it has dark energy on its other hand. It sidesteps.

R1T14: Lucette hides in Cici's cowl.

R1T13: "Oh, we peacey, bigguns! We take you to peaces!" says Red, as its off-hand with black energy now misses a more aware Galakhar. It then steps out of the cone of blue light and is no longer visible.

R1T10: Abenor gets into a fighting stance while drawing both his blades and moves north at first, only to juke while rolling on the ground past Cici and popping up. The creature tried to attack him as he moves, but Abenor's roll still surprises it when he pops up and slashes with his katana and strikes it in the elbow with the flat of his blade for 17 mod NL.

"They have moderate resistance to weapons!" he calls out. "They're lurkers in light - evil fey that hide in the light and can blind you. Use cold iron, if you have it."

R1T8: Phaevin, what do you do?

Cici on deck, Galakhar in the hole ...

Galakhar: 30. Ghostlight lantern (https://aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Ghostlight%20L antern).
Aasgar: 21. Valiant keeper's stance.
Blue Lurker: 16. (47:64). Blindness loaded on hand.
Red Lurker: 13. (64:64). Blindness loaded on hand.
Abenor: 10.
Phaevin Sylquinal: 8.
Cici: 7.

Lucette: 14. DELAYING!!!


2023-11-20, 08:43 AM
R1T8: "I hope this is what cold steel means," Phaevin says as he draws his rapier while moving up next to Aasgar. He strikes where he assumes Red is hovering, but doesn't contact anything.

R1T7: "Cold forged iron, not steel," chides Cici as she steps back. She carefully concentrates on a spell, forming a ball of flame in front of her that she rolls right into Lurker Blue for 14 fire as it screams out in pain. So surprised was it by this, that its dagger turns white-hot and it drops it on the ground, whereupon it turns to slag.. "But where you don't have cold iron, hot flame works just as well."

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T30: Galakhar adopts his single-weapon fighting stance and sidesteps to the southwest to catch the lurker closest him in the cone of light from the ghostlight lantern. He takes a second to study the now-illuminated lurker in light before attacking defensively, stabbing it in the lower right leg for 5 mod. "Or, in lieu of cold iron, expert precision could do the job."

R2T21: Aasgar, Galakhar has Red illuminated clearly, and red has some type of icky blackness on its off-hand. What do you do?

Enemies on deck and in the hole ...

Galakhar: 30. Ghostlight lantern (https://aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Ghostlight%20L antern). Studied combat (red). DS (+2 dodge AC).
Aasgar: 21. Valiant keeper's stance.
Blue Lurker: 16. (33:64). Blindness loaded on hand. Dagger destroyed.
Red Lurker: 13. (59:64). Blindness loaded on hand.
Abenor: 10. Inner sphere stance (+3 dodge AC, +3 Will saves).
Phaevin Sylquinal: 8.
Cici: 7. Flaming sphere til R6T7.

Lucette: 14. DELAYING!!!


2023-11-22, 01:15 PM
R2T21: Aasgar focuses his attention on Red and stares intensely before he begins calling out tactical suggestions to the crew. Nothing seems to change with his target. As he finishes his exhortations for his friends, the damage catches up to him (16), which inspires him to strike-and-move and not just stand still.Red Zephyr's Strike
R2T16: Blue steps away from the fire and reaches for Cici with the tiny hand currently surrounded by bright energy. As it does so, Aasgar and Cici instantly teleport 5' to where the other was standing. Since it was originally targeting a human it was reaching high, so as soon as Aasgar's King's Castle occurs, he is touched in the head as the bright energy flashes to the dwarf's eyes and threaten to occlude his vision forever!

Aasgar, roll a Fort save!

HEROES: +4 morale bonus to AC til R3T21.
Galakhar: 30. Ghostlight lantern (https://aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Ghostlight%20L antern). Studied combat (red). DS (+2 dodge AC).
Aasgar: 21. Valiant keeper's stance. He spent his IA/SwA on his last turn for King's Castle.
* Mystic Attunement: All allies w/in 60' of him gain a +5' enhancement bonus to their base land speed.
Blue Lurker: 16. (33:64). Dagger destroyed.
Red Lurker: 13. (59:64). Blindness loaded on hand.
Abenor: 10. Inner sphere stance (+3 dodge AC, +3 Will saves).
Phaevin Sylquinal: 8.
Cici: 7. Flaming sphere til R6T7.

Lucette: 14. DELAYING!!!


2023-11-24, 01:26 PM
Fey are foolish indeed if they think they can overpower a dwarf, and Aasgar is dazzled only momentarily before the effect completely ends.

R2T13: Red sidesteps out of the cone of light, instantly turning invisible in doing so.

R2T10: Abenor hooks south then east so that when Aasgar's dramatic and timely advice ceases to be of effect, Abenor's more steady and constant defensive advise is ready to protect as many of his friends as possible. He makes a power stroke and Ileor's blue light increases in a flash as he strikes the lurker-in-light to crit its wing for 20 mod + 13 force + disabled.

R2T8: Phaevin, Blue is disabled (not down, but disabled). Red did a 5' step to no longer be in the glow of the lantern, but that short movement tells you where it is right now, even if you can't see it. What do you do?

Cici on deck, Galakhar in the hole ...

HEROES: +4 morale bonus to AC til R3T21.
Galakhar: 30. Ghostlight lantern (https://aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Ghostlight%20L antern). Studied combat (red). DS (+2 dodge AC).
Aasgar: 21. Valiant keeper's stance. He spent his IA/SwA on his last turn for King's Castle.
* Mystic Attunement: All allies w/in 60' of him gain a +5' enhancement bonus to their base land speed.
Blue Lurker: 16. (0:64). Dagger destroyed. DISABLED!!!
Red Lurker: 13. (59:64). Blindness loaded on hand.
Abenor: 10. Inner sphere stance (+3 dodge AC, +3 Will saves). RS.
Phaevin Sylquinal: 8.
Cici: 7. Flaming sphere til R6T7.

Lucette: 14. DELAYING!!!


2023-11-25, 08:36 PM
R2T8: "Fire... ok... accuracy... got it," Phaevin says while dropping his rapier to bring his bow to bear. He shoots, and it passes through the area where Red is and beyond, having missed.

R2T7: Cici rolls the fiery sphere right up to the disabled fey. It dodges easily this time, but it is nervous now. She steps to the side to get to the fey and does a spinning kick, catching the thing on the jaw to dislocate it as it falls to its death somewhere below the canopy.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T30: Galakhar adjusts southeast to relight the fey, showing its position. He is unsuccessfully in striking it, though.

R3T21: Aasgar, you are slightly winded from using King's Castle, and your defensive boost has ended. One lurker-in-light remains, courteously made visible for now with the ghostlight lantern in Gal's hands. What do you do?Slightly winded = no swift action this turn.
Lurker on deck, Abenor in the hole ...

HEROES: +4 morale bonus to AC til R3T21.
Galakhar: 30. Ghostlight lantern (https://aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Ghostlight%20L antern). Studied combat (red). DS (+2 dodge AC).
Aasgar: 21. Valiant keeper's stance. He spent his IA/SwA on his last turn for King's Castle.
* Mystic Attunement: All allies w/in 60' of him gain a +5' enhancement bonus to their base land speed.
Red Lurker: 13. (59:64). Blindness loaded on hand.
Abenor: 10. Inner sphere stance (+3 dodge AC, +3 Will saves). RS.
Phaevin Sylquinal: 8. Bow. Dropped rapier.
Cici: 7. Flaming sphere til R6T7.

Lucette: 14. DELAYING!!!


2023-11-29, 12:48 AM
R3T21: Aasgar puts fancy on the shelf where it belongs, and bellows as he rolls forth in a classic dwarven charge, ending with an overhead chop that cuts into the fey's forearm for 16 mod.

R3T13: Enraged and in pain, the fey turns on Aasgar and touches his brow. As before, a flash of light rolls over Aasgar's eyes, threatening to burn out his retinas.

R3T10: Abenor is now fully in fighting form as he moves up and despite the creature's small size, the elf sweeps in for a low strike and a flat-blade thwack to its elbow for 37 mod NL + half speed (+1d6 NL bleed).

R3T8: Phaevin, what do you do?

Aasgar, roll a Fort save!

Cici on deck, Galakhar in the hole ...

Galakhar: 30. Ghostlight lantern (https://aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Ghostlight%20L antern). Studied combat (red). DS (+2 dodge AC).
Aasgar: 21. Valiant keeper's stance. Charged. RS. Must roll a Fort save vs. blindness.
* Mystic Attunement: All allies w/in 60' of him gain a +5' enhancement bonus to their base land speed.
Red Lurker: 13. (43:64, 37 NL). Half speed and 1d6 NL BLEED til R6T10!!!
Abenor: 10. Inner sphere stance (+3 dodge AC, +3 Will saves). Thrashing Dragon style.
Phaevin Sylquinal: 8. Bow. Dropped rapier.
Cici: 7. Flaming sphere til R6T7.

Lucette: 14. DELAYING!!!


2023-11-30, 02:28 PM
R3T8: As Aasgar continues to show how dwarven bodies are better than fey magic, Phaevin fires another flaming arrow at the creature that strikes it in the left wing for 2 mod + 3 fire.

R3T7: Cici mentally controls her flaming sphere to roll around allies and into the area of the lurker, but it just barely manages to avoid it. Meanwhile, she follows quickly behind and right up to it and stares at it for no apparent effect.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T30: Galakhar performs a draw cut on the lurker's left calf for 18 mod before stepping back out of the way to make sure it can't just simply sidestep out of the lantern's light. But there is no need, for the pain it felt is such that it goes unconscious from shock and falls unconscious.

R4T21: Aasgar, you recover from the charge you made last round. The last enemy is down in front of you, though there is a flaming sphere practically atop it. What do you do?

Abenor on deck, Phaevin in the hole ...

Galakhar: 30. Ghostlight lantern (https://aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Ghostlight%20L antern). Studied combat (red). RS (+2 dodge AC).
Aasgar: 21. Valiant keeper's stance. RS.
* Mystic Attunement: All allies w/in 60' of him gain a +5' enhancement bonus to their base land speed.
Red Lurker: 13. (20:64, 37 NL). Half speed and 1d6 NL BLEED til R6T10!!! UNCONSCIOUS!!!
Abenor: 10. Inner sphere stance (+3 dodge AC, +3 Will saves). Thrashing Dragon style.
Phaevin Sylquinal: 8. Bow. Dropped rapier.
Cici: 7. Flaming sphere til R6T7.

Lucette: 14. DELAYING!!!


2023-12-19, 06:48 PM
With Phaevin prepped on the bow, Abenor then divests himself of his own backpack as it is full of gear, though he takes two vials out of his backpack and puts them at his belt.

Abenor practically dances out onto the first lily pad, bounces forward, and then sails out to another lily pad immediately after that. As soon as he does that, a swarm of bloated flies rises from the floor and fills the chamber in a thick blanket of buzzing insects.

Begin Round One ...

R1T22: Galakhar keeps Abenor and as much of the room as possible limned in the glow from the ghost light lantern.

R1T20: Abenor, working from inertia, continues to the second-to-last lily pad, moving to the center and then keeping watch.

R1T19: Phaevin, see the plan (Post #574). What do you do?

Galakhar: 22. Ghostlight lantern (https://aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Ghostlight%20L antern).
Abenor: 20.
Phaevin: 19.
Ivilva: 16.
Cici: 15.
Lucette: 14.
Ultramarine Chaser: 12.
Aasgar: 11.
* Mystic Attunement: All allies w/in 60' of him gain a +5' enhancement bonus to their base land speed.


2023-12-20, 09:00 PM
R1T19: Phaevin keeps his bow at the ready waiting for everyone else to cross.

R1T16: Ivilva delays ...

R1T15: With Lucette in her hood holding on for dear life, Cici jumps across to the first lily pad, rolls forward, and takes out her waveknife.

R1T14: Lucette delays ....

R1T12: Cici's lily pad seems a little unsettled on the western side, which seems strange until the ghostlight lantern outlines with faerie fire a man-sized dragonfly that was invisible, just like those lurkers in light were. Though Cici seems bothered by the flies, Phaevin is able to ignore them for now and shoots, his arrow striking the brilliant blue dragonfly in the head for only 1 mod + 1 fire.

R1T12: The dragonfly's attention focuses on the group standing on the balcony and it makes a strange sort of dragonfly zigzag dance and green sparkles erupt from it to the platform where Phaevin, Aasgar, Galakhar, and Ivilva are. None of these heroes are entangled (currently), but it is now difficult terrain and the actively writhing grasses, vines, and roots threaten to grab them in the near future and make movement very difficult.

R1T11: Aasgar, roll a Fort save for the beginning of your turn to ignore those pesky flies. What do you do? Then, roll a Ref save for the end of your turn just in case you are still in the entangling effect (which is the entire southern platform, stairs, and northern platform above right up to the doors.

Galakhar on deck, Abenor in the hole ...

HEROES: Roll DC 15 Fort save each round or take -2 penalty on attacks and -2 penalty on ability/ skill checks from flies.
Galakhar: 22. Ghostlight lantern (https://aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Ghostlight%20L antern). INT spent this round on save.
Abenor: 20.
Cici: 15. AFFECTED by fly swarm!
Phaevin: 13.
Ultramarine Chaser: 12. (75:77). Expended entangle.
Aasgar: 11.
* Mystic Attunement: All allies w/in 60' of him gain a +5' enhancement bonus to their base land speed.

Ivilva: 16. DELAYING!!!
Lucette: 14. DELAYING!!!


2023-12-24, 07:58 AM
R1T11: Aasgar adjusts his footing and chooses to hold his ground where he is to ensure the thing doesn't try to get out of the room while drawing forth a flask from his bandolier. He does a great job of both not letting the flies bother him while picking up and stomping dramatically to keep from getting entangled.Red Zephyr's Strike
R1T10: Phaevin shoots and misses.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T22: "I hope that's not for the flies, Aasgar," says Galakhar, guessing the contents of the flask. "The flies don't have enough mass by themselves to impact and break the flask, and there aren't many solid structures to break it against, and it wouldn't do much against this many."

His rapier is already in hand and he gets into fighting stance, likewise avoiding flies and plants from overcoming him.

R2T20: Abenor takes out his bow as he repositions and shoots, missing.

R2T16: Ivilva casts a spell at the ultramarine chaser as she takes out a green plant and splits the leaves in her hand, the yellow-amber poison disappearing and infusing into the spell. The dragonfly then begins to look like it has a lot of pus-filled blisters forming on its body. She keeps herself from begin entangled.

R2T15: Cici takes a breath and is not bothered by the flies right now. She then stares at the dragonfly ... and succeeds! The thing falls asleep mid-air and falls to the darkness below. "Hurry! I doubt a fall into a compost pit killed it, and the pain it feels on impact will wake it right up. Everyone across!"

So as not to gunk up the works herself, Cici starts moving east and north.

R2T11: Aasgar, roll a Fort and a Ref save. What do you do?

Phaevin on deck, Galakhar in the hole ...

HEROES: Roll DC 15 Fort save each round or take -2 penalty on attacks and -2 penalty on ability/ skill checks from flies.
Galakhar: 22. Ghostlight lantern (https://aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Ghostlight%20L antern) and rapier.
* Scarlet Throne Style.
Abenor: 20. RS.
Ivilva: 16.
Cici: 15.
Lucette: 14. AFFECTED by fly swarm!
Ultramarine Chaser: 12. (51:77). 20' from top level.
* Affected by pox pustules til R42T16 (-4 to DEX & sickened unless take MA to remove sickened til beginning of its next turn).
* Expended entangle.
Aasgar: 11. Flask of alchemist's fire in hand.
* Mystic Attunement: All allies w/in 60' of him gain a +5' enhancement bonus to their base land speed.
* Golden commander stance (all allies w/in 30' gain flanking vs. same foe).
Phaevin: 10. Bow in hand.


2023-12-24, 09:04 AM
R2T11: It's not great, but Aasgar just barely makes it across to the first lily pad. Which is when the whole lily pad folds and plummets from the more than 300 pounds placed on it. It doesn't even drop slowly, but Aasgar sinks out of sight all the way to the bottom. The compost pile helps to soften the blow a little bit, but not much 2 mod + (28 DDP). Luckily, Aasgar knew to face his back to the ground and hold the alchemist's fire up so it wouldn't explode on impact. He is knocked out of stance.Scything Strike.
R2T10: Phaevin, not only did Aasgar disappear from view, but he took that first lily pad with him! What do you do? Roll a Fort save and a Ref save.

Galakhar on deck, Abenor in the hole ...

HEROES: Roll DC 15 Fort save each round or take -2 penalty on attacks and -2 penalty on ability/ skill checks from flies.
Galakhar: 22. Ghostlight lantern (https://aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Ghostlight%20L antern) and rapier.
* Scarlet Throne Style.
Abenor: 20. RS.
Ivilva: 16.
Cici: 15.
Lucette: 14. AFFECTED by fly swarm!
Ultramarine Chaser: 12. (51:77). 20' from top level.
* Affected by pox pustules til R42T16 (-4 to DEX & sickened unless take MA to remove sickened til beginning of its next turn).
* Expended entangle.
Aasgar: 11. Flask of alchemist's fire in hand. PRONE!
* Mystic Attunement: All allies w/in 60' of him gain a +5' enhancement bonus to their base land speed.
Phaevin: 10. Bow in hand.


2023-12-27, 10:14 PM
R2T10: This time, Phaevin is bothered by the flies all about him and partially distracted. He calls down into the hole. "Aasgar, are you okay? If you are okay, roll off of the lily pad so others can use it!"

He continues to skillfully high step like Aasgar did to keep the vegetation from ensnaring him.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T22: Galakhar fights off the flies, but otherwise delays, keeping himself from being ensnared.

R3T20: Abenor delays ...

R3T16: Ivilva delays ...

R3T15: Cici continues, getting onto the stairs just above the far platform.

R3T12: Aasgar, the dragonfly zooms into view as it charges you! It bites the dwarf in the upper left arm for 9 mod + grab!

R3T11: Aasgar, you are currently being grappled by the big blue dragonfly (and prone). What do you do?

Phaevin on deck, Cici in the hole ...

HEROES: Roll DC 15 Fort save each round or take -2 penalty on attacks and -2 penalty on ability/ skill checks from flies.
Galakhar: 22. Ghostlight lantern (https://aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Ghostlight%20L antern) and rapier. DELAYING ...
* Scarlet Throne Style.
Abenor: 20. DELAYING ...
Ivilva: 16. DELAYING ...
Cici: 15.
Lucette: 14. AFFECTED by fly swarm!
Ultramarine Chaser: 12. (51:77). 100' deep, GRABBING Aasgar!!!
* Affected by pox pustules til R42T16 (-4 to DEX & sickened unless take MA to remove sickened til beginning of its next turn).
* Expended entangle.
Aasgar: 11. Flask of alchemist's fire in hand. PRONE! GRABBED by ultramarine chaser.
* Mystic Attunement: All allies w/in 60' of him gain a +5' enhancement bonus to their base land speed.
Phaevin: 10. Bow in hand. AFFECTED by fly swarm!


2023-12-28, 08:40 AM
R3T11: Aasgar breaks free of the hold and stands up even as it tries to nip at him and shouts, "Bruised, but grappling with the bug!"

R3T10: Phaevin, you manage to shake off the flies for this round. What do you do?

Cici on deck, Bogey in the hole ...

HEROES: Roll DC 15 Fort save each round or take -2 penalty on attacks and -2 penalty on ability/ skill checks from flies.
Galakhar: 22. Ghostlight lantern (https://aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Ghostlight%20L antern) and rapier. DELAYING ...
* Scarlet Throne Style.
Abenor: 20. DELAYING ...
Ivilva: 16. DELAYING ...
Cici: 15.
Lucette: 14. AFFECTED by fly swarm!
Ultramarine Chaser: 12. (51:77). 100' deep, GRABBING Aasgar!!!
* Affected by pox pustules til R42T16 (-4 to DEX & sickened unless take MA to remove sickened til beginning of its next turn).
* Expended entangle.
Aasgar: 11. Flask of alchemist's fire in hand. PRONE! GRABBED by ultramarine chaser.
* Mystic Attunement: All allies w/in 60' of him gain a +5' enhancement bonus to their base land speed.
Phaevin: 10. Bow in hand. AFFECTED by fly swarm!


2024-01-01, 11:51 AM
R3T10: Hoping to get a better view of Aasgar, Phaevin moves to the edge of the balcony closest to the second lily pad and attempts to leap the gap. But he doesn't make it. In fact, he doesn't really leap. He trips over the grasping vegetation and falls into the darkness below, landing in a disgusting pile of what must be rotting vegetation and takes 25 lethal + 5 NL. There is all sort of frenetic movement next to him in the darkness. I mean RIGHT next to him, but his half elven vision doesn't help him so far from a light source.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T22: Galakhar fends off the flies and deliberately moves the opposite way Phaevin went, but instead of jumping for a lily pad he deliberately jumps DOWN, taking 22 mod + 1 mod NL on impact, and immediately getting up on his feet. Now, however, the lantern is turned to light up the ultramarine chaser currently grappling a prone Aasgar. He gets back into his fighting stance.

R4T16: Ivilva now moves to the edge, and mixes up some natural chemicals in little bark vials and throws one down. Despite being nearly a hundred feet above, the little bark vial impacts the dragonfly solidly and it takes 12 fire. Aasgar sees the flash and rolls to minimize but still feels the heat, while again protecting the vial of alchemist's fire in his hand (4 fire DDP).

R4T12: The ultramarine chaser just barely manages to keep its hold on Aasgar, biting him (13 mod DDP).

R4T11: Aasgar, you prone, grabbed by this thing (which is now lit up by the lantern), and have one hand holding alchemist's fire. What do you do?

Phaevin on deck, Galakhar in the hole ...

HEROES: Roll DC 15 Fort save each round or take -2 penalty on attacks and -2 penalty on ability/ skill checks from flies.
Galakhar: 22. Ghostlight lantern (https://aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Ghostlight%20L antern) and rapier.
* Scarlet Throne Style.
Abenor: 20. DELAYING ...
Ivilva: 16.
Cici: 15. DELAYING ...
Lucette: 14. AFFECTED by fly swarm!
Ultramarine Chaser: 12. (39:77). 100' deep, GRABBING Aasgar!!!
* Affected by pox pustules til R42T16 (-4 to DEX & sickened unless take MA to remove sickened til beginning of its next turn).
* Expended entangle.
Aasgar: 11. Flask of alchemist's fire in hand. PRONE! GRABBED by ultramarine chaser.
* Mystic Attunement: All allies w/in 60' of him gain a +5' enhancement bonus to their base land speed.
Phaevin: 10. Bow in hand. PRONE!


2024-01-02, 09:07 AM
R4T11: Aasgar lets loose with a bellow of encouragement and since the thing has hold of him, he reaches out and touches it with his hand. Phaevin sees that spectral, dark gauntlets form over the ones Aasgar has with his armor. He touches the thing and it dark energy lashes forward in addition to Aasgar's own wounded anger to strike the thing for 13 disruption.

R4T10: Phaevin, you are prone with bow in hand. Galakhar is lighting up the enemy now with the lantern. It was never a "clear shot" because it is in a grapple, and so you never got your readied action off. With the bug focused on Aasgar, you could shoot it at point-blank range and you wouldn't provoke an AOO. What do you do?

Galakhar on deck, Ivilva in the hole...

HEROES: Roll DC 15 Fort save each round or take -2 penalty on attacks and -2 penalty on ability/ skill checks from flies.
Galakhar: 22. Ghostlight lantern (https://aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Ghostlight%20L antern) and rapier.
* Scarlet Throne Style.
Abenor: 20. DELAYING ...
Ivilva: 16.
Cici: 15. DELAYING ...
Lucette: 14. AFFECTED by fly swarm!
Ultramarine Chaser: 12. (26:77). 100' deep, GRABBING Aasgar!!!
* Affected by pox pustules til R42T16 (-4 to DEX & sickened unless take MA to remove sickened til beginning of its next turn).
* Expended entangle.
Aasgar: 11. Flask of alchemist's fire in hand. GRABBED by ultramarine chaser.
* Mystic Attunement: All allies w/in 60' of him gain a +5' enhancement bonus to their base land speed.
Phaevin: 10. Bow in hand. PRONE!


2024-01-05, 01:00 PM
R4T10: "What an incredible smell you have discovered!" Phaevin says to Aasgar as he stands up and tries to get his footing in the muck. "Now let us see what we can do with this beastie."

He takes aim at the bug and fires an arrow point blank right at it. The arrow itself shatters against its chitin, but it still takes 2 fire.

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T22: Galakhar stumbles through the muck of the compost to get to reposition to then get the lamp to illuminate the bug, Aasgar, and Phaevin. He gets into his preferred stance and then makes a special strike that does 19 mod.

R5T16: Ivilva delays ...

R5T12: Though badly wounded, the bug is too hungry for warm-blooded prey. It maintains its hold on Aasgar and tears into him terribly for 6 mod (+ 11 DDP).

R5T11: Aasgar, what do you do?

Phaevin on deck, Galakhar in the hole ...

HEROES: Roll DC 15 Fort save each round or take -2 penalty on attacks and -2 penalty on ability/ skill checks from flies.
Galakhar: 22. Ghostlight lantern (https://aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Ghostlight%20L antern) and rapier.
* Scarlet Throne Style.
Abenor: 20. DELAYING ...
Ivilva: 16. DELAYING ...
Cici: 15. DELAYING ...
Lucette: 14. AFFECTED by fly swarm!
Ultramarine Chaser: 12. (5:77). 100' deep, GRABBING Aasgar!!!
* Affected by pox pustules til R42T16 (-4 to DEX & sickened unless take MA to remove sickened til beginning of its next turn).
* Expended entangle.
Aasgar: 11. Flask of alchemist's fire in hand. GRABBED by ultramarine chaser.
* Mystic Attunement: All allies w/in 60' of him gain a +5' enhancement bonus to their base land speed.
Phaevin: 10. Bow in hand.


2024-01-07, 03:03 PM
R5T11: Aasgar struggles to free himself from the creature, and in failing, finds he is out of position at this second to make an attack as well. He now feels the wounds from last round (17).

R5T10: Phaevin, what do you do?

Galakhar on deck, dragonfly in the hole ...

HEROES: Roll DC 15 Fort save each round or take -2 penalty on attacks and -2 penalty on ability/ skill checks from flies.
Galakhar: 22. Ghostlight lantern (https://aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Ghostlight%20L antern) and rapier.
* Scarlet Throne Style.
Abenor: 20. DELAYING ...
Ivilva: 16. DELAYING ...
Cici: 15. DELAYING ...
Lucette: 14. AFFECTED by fly swarm!
Ultramarine Chaser: 12. (5:77). 100' deep, GRABBING Aasgar!!!
* Affected by pox pustules til R42T16 (-4 to DEX & sickened unless take MA to remove sickened til beginning of its next turn).
* Expended entangle.
Aasgar: 11. Flask of alchemist's fire in hand. GRABBED by ultramarine chaser.
* Mystic Attunement: All allies w/in 60' of him gain a +5' enhancement bonus to their base land speed.
Phaevin: 10. Bow in hand.


2024-01-08, 02:13 PM
R5T10: Pheavin wants to get into the creature's flank, but Galakhar has the only spot possible. Which is fine, technically, as Phaevin can't take advantage of a flank with ranged combat. He quietly moves north in the squishy and difficult steps of the compost, notches an arrow, and fires again at point blank range, but his arrow bounces off of its chitin.

End Round 5, Begin Round 6 ...

R6T22: Galakhar takes a second to study the dragonfly, and then strikes. It was only because of his careful study that his rapier finds a spot between chitinous plates and he twists his rapier as it enters the creature's thorax, killing it outright.

A few seconds later, the last of Aasgar's wounds (11) catch up to him.

Combat Ends!

HEROES: Roll DC 15 Fort save each round or take -2 penalty on attacks and -2 penalty on ability/ skill checks from flies.
Galakhar: 22. Ghostlight lantern (https://aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Ghostlight%20L antern) and rapier.
* Scarlet Throne Style.
Abenor: 20. DELAYING ...
Ivilva: 16. DELAYING ...
Cici: 15. DELAYING ...
Lucette: 14. AFFECTED by fly swarm!
Ultramarine Chaser: 12. (5:77). 100' deep, GRABBING Aasgar!!!
* Affected by pox pustules til R42T16 (-4 to DEX & sickened unless take MA to remove sickened til beginning of its next turn).
* Expended entangle.
Aasgar: 11. Flask of alchemist's fire in hand. GRABBED by ultramarine chaser.
* Mystic Attunement: All allies w/in 60' of him gain a +5' enhancement bonus to their base land speed.
Phaevin: 10. Bow in hand.


2024-03-19, 01:12 AM
Surprise Round ...

S25: Galakhar shouts, "Aasgar, look out!" as he gets into a fighting stance while studying what he sees and steps up behind the dwarf.

S5: Despite the warning, it wasn't enough to get Aasgar's attention before the vegetation itself seems to come alive. A plant with a thick trunk capped by a crown of wide leaves, whipping vines, mushrooms, and a ravenous purple maw reaches out and bites the surprised dwarf (10 DDP) and grapples, him, drawing him close to the creature.

End Surprise Round, Begin Round One ...

R1T32: Abenor gets into a fighting stance and charges the monster with both blades coming in from a low angle, but thrashing blades and such knock Abenor stumbling 10' away.

R1T25: "Tendriculos!" informs Galakhar. "Plant monster. Immune to some standard biology as well as mind-affecting, and these are particular good grapplers with powerful strikes. They understand Sylvan, but can't speak it."

Of course, as Galakhar doesn't begin speaking Sylvan, he instead speaks a far more universal language as he closes. He is in a constant state of study and observation as he does, and once there seems less to attack with his rapier so much as he places his sword at a medium speed as if performing surgery, and does 21.

R1T24: Ivilva comes a little closer, and drawing on her powers of nature she sends forth an arc to strike it for 6 electricity.

R1T22: Lucette squeaks in fear and hides in Cici's cowl.

R1T12: Phaevin, what do you do?

HEROES: Roll DC 15 Fort save each round or take -2 penalty on attacks and -2 penalty on ability/ skill checks from flies.
Abenor: 32. Inner sphere stance. Both weapons out.
Galakhar: 25. Ghostlight lantern (https://aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Ghostlight%20L antern) and rapier. Studied Combat til R9T25 (+2 insight attk/ dmg).
Ivilva: 24.
Lucette: 22.
Phaevin: 12. Bow in hand.
Cici: 11.
Aasgar: 8. GRAPPLED by tendriculos!!! Must roll a Fort save vs. its paralysis!!!
* Mystic Attunement: All allies w/in 60' of him gain a +5' enhancement bonus to their base land speed.
Tendriculos: 5. (81:108). GRAPPLING Aasgar!!!


2024-03-22, 03:53 AM
R1T12: "Well that is not something I would have planted in my garden back home!" Phaevin says as he looses a flaming arrow at the beast that lands center-mass for 8 + 2 fire.

R1T11: Cici nods to Galakhar. "Usually solitary, but it could be a pair or even a grove of up to half-a-dozen. It has a powerful regenerative factor, but using heavy pulping weapons or fire helps to kill them."

With the monster engaged with Aasgar, she charges it with a flying kick to hit it for 9.

R1T8: Aasgar, you are currently in the huge clutches of this creature, and your greataxe is too clumsy a weapon for such tight quarters. What do you do?

Monster on deck, Abenor in the hole ..

Abenor: 32. Inner sphere stance. Both weapons out.
Galakhar: 25. Ghostlight lantern (https://aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Ghostlight%20L antern) and rapier. Studied Combat til R9T25 (+2 insight attk/ dmg).
Ivilva: 24.
Lucette: 22.
Phaevin: 12. Bow in hand.
Cici: 11. Charged!
Aasgar: 8. GRAPPLED by tendriculos!!! Must roll a Fort save vs. its paralysis!!!
* Mystic Attunement: All allies w/in 60' of him gain a +5' enhancement bonus to their base land speed.
Tendriculos: 5. (71:108). GRAPPLING Aasgar!!! Can't regenerate during its next round!!!


2024-03-23, 05:47 AM
R1T8: Aasgar breaks free from the creature's grip!

R1T5: The tendriculos bites Cici for 17 + grappled. It attacks her with its tentacles as well but her magical force field protects her.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T32: Abenor zips over to the far eastern wall as he gets into a second stance and then does a double slash against the plant monster for 34.

R2T25: Galakhar does a power light-crit on the plant in a vital area for 26.

R2T24: Ivilva, worried about striking Cici, delays ...

R2T12: Phaevin, what do you do?

Cici on deck, Aasgar in the hole ...

Abenor: 32. Inner sphere stance. Thrashing Dragon style. Both weapons out.
Galakhar: 25. Ghostlight lantern (https://aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Ghostlight%20L antern) and rapier.
Ivilva: 24. DELAYING ...
Lucette: 22. DELAYING ...
Phaevin: 12. Bow in hand.
Cici: 11. GRABBED by tendriculos!!!
Aasgar: 8. Greataxe.
* Mystic Attunement: All allies w/in 60' of him gain a +5' enhancement bonus to their base land speed.
Tendriculos: 5. (14:108). GRABBING Cici!


2024-03-26, 02:59 PM
R2T12: Though his new friends surely could do with some jokes or a tune, Cici's advice means that his bow is now one of the most important weapons on the field right now. He steps a few feet south for a clear line of fire, pulls back on his bowstring as fully as he can, and lets fly an arrow. It hits true deep in the mass of the tendriculos to do 6 + 1 fire. Not a lot of fire, but not a lot is needed - just a steady pinning of the enemy under his arrows.

R2T11: Instead of trying to overpower so large and strong a creature, Cici simply tries to pulp it with her fists while held. In its grasp, it is actually her power and not her speed that will avail her. She strikes for 6 and then 8, enough for the thing to release its grasp and go limp.

Cici will be the one needed to continue to pulp the creature with foot and fist, but it is dead.

Combat Ends!

Abenor: 32. Inner sphere stance. Thrashing Dragon style. Both weapons out.
Galakhar: 25. Ghostlight lantern (https://aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Ghostlight%20L antern) and rapier.
Ivilva: 24. DELAYING ...
Lucette: 22. DELAYING ...
Phaevin: 12. Bow in hand.
Cici: 11. GRABBED by tendriculos!!!
Aasgar: 8. Greataxe.
* Mystic Attunement: All allies w/in 60' of him gain a +5' enhancement bonus to their base land speed.


2024-04-02, 12:01 PM
Though the heavy scents are soporific, the heroes are too strong for that. A couple of plants in particular shiver.

Begin Round One ...

R1T27: The particular scents of certain plants reaches Galakhar. He yells out in warning, "Xtabay!" He ducks around the garden and heroes to use the lantern to light up a particular patch of vines ornamented with beautiful crimson and violet flowers, the petals of which seem to bear tiny faces. He savages it with his rapier before he spins around light up another farther up the passage.

R1T20: The xtabay he lit up shuffles closer, right up to Galakhar. There is another thick flush of that scent, ever so slightly different.

R1T18: Phaevin, roll a Will save against the second plant's sleep scent. Assuming you are fine, what do you do?

Galakhar: 27. Ghostlight lantern (https://aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Ghostlight%20L antern) and rapier.
Xtabay Blue: 20. (12:12).
Phaevin: 18. Bow in hand.
Lucette: 17.
Abenor: 15.
Aasgar: 14. Greataxe.
* Mystic Attunement: All allies w/in 60' of him gain a +5' enhancement bonus to their base land speed.
Ivilva: 9. "
Cici: 7.


2024-04-05, 07:58 PM
R1T18: Phaevin finds a little-tested rumor - that elves and those with elven blood - are immune to enforced and magical sleep effects. Knowing that the rest of the group, except for Abenor, is not so blessed by heritage, starts telling jokes to make fun of the plants for the heroes' sake.

R1T17: Lucette squeaks and hides in Cici's cowl.

R1T15: Abenor teleports to the north of the flower and strikes with his blade, splashing the plant, and ending combat.

Combat Ends!

HEROES: Inspire Courage +2!
Galakhar: 27. Ghostlight lantern (https://aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Ghostlight%20L antern) and rapier.
Xtabay Blue: 20. (12:12).
Phaevin: 18. Bow in hand.
Lucette: 17. DELAYING...
Abenor: 15.
Aasgar: 14. Greataxe.
* Mystic Attunement: All allies w/in 60' of him gain a +5' enhancement bonus to their base land speed.
Ivilva: 9. "
Cici: 7.


2024-04-11, 02:57 AM
As Phaevin moves forward asks his question, a massive, animated bramble plant rips out of the mound with the chest on it and gives a screeching roar!

Begin Round One ...

R1T25: Phaevin, because it ripped out of the hill at a higher point, you initially saw it. That said, it traveled lower than your sightline, because ALL of these mounds are tall, blocking your sight. You would have to move much closer to it to actually see it. What do you do?

Phaevin: 25. Bow in hand.
Lucette: 20. DELAYING...
Brambleblight: 18. (120:120).
Abenor: 17.
Aasgar: 12. Greataxe.
* Mystic Attunement: All allies w/in 60' of him gain a +5' enhancement bonus to their base land speed.
Cici: 9.
Ivilva: 6.


2024-04-14, 04:20 AM
R1T25: Realizing light will be a problem in this dark, humid place, Phaevin casts a dull red light on his bow and moves forward to mid-room, center, putting out what light he may.

R1T20: Lucette delays...

R1T18: Sounds of wriggling and unholy plant sounds and roots ripping out of the ground.

R1T17: Abenor takes off into the maze of brambles. His voice is heard in the distance. "Contact!"

R1T12: Aasgar, what do you do?

Phaevin: 25. Bow (light) in hand.
Brambleblight: 18. (120:120).
>>> Animated Bramble #1: (52:52).
Abenor: 17.
Aasgar: 12. Greataxe.
* Mystic Attunement: All allies w/in 60' of him gain a +5' enhancement bonus to their base land speed.
Cici: 9.
Ivilva: 6.

Lucette: 20. DELAYING...


2024-04-17, 07:23 AM
R1T12: "I hate when he does that... Damned long-legged elves!"says Aasgar as he draws his axe and follows Abenor's path, finding that some of the places where mounds come close to each other are harder to move through.

R1T9: Cici says something, and Lucette climbs down from her. Cici then casts a spell upon herself and flies in at high speed 10' off the ground.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T25: Phaevin, what do you do?

Enemy on deck and in the hole ...

Phaevin: 25. Bow (light) in hand.
Brambleblight: 18. (120:120).
>>> Animated Bramble #1: (52:52).
Abenor: 17.
Aasgar: 12. Greataxe.
* Mystic Attunement: All allies w/in 60' of him gain a +5' enhancement bonus to their base land speed.
Cici: 9. Mage armor. Fly til R51T9.
Lucette: 8.
Ivilva: 6.


2024-04-20, 01:23 AM
R2T25: "Do you need me to carry you? Or perhaps get you a box?", Phaevin says with a devilish grin. He moves deeper into the room and takes a shot at the creature, but its brambles catch the arrow in its body and the dampness puts out the flame.

R2T18: The primary monster adjusts its position south and west. It waves its branches around, and in doing so, a second, batch of weeds and brambles burst out of the hill south of Abenor which then moves forward to engage Abenor and Phaevin. The first of the animated brambles swings at Abenor, who tumbles north out of the way.

R2T17: Abenor gets into a combat style as he quick draws his second blade and then disappears from view.

R2T12: Aasgar, roll a Fort save. Regardless of that, what do you do?

Cici on deck, Lucette in the hole ...

Phaevin: 25. Bow (light) in hand.
Brambleblight: 18. (109:120).
>>> Animated Bramble #1: (52:52).
>>> Animated Bramble #2: (52:52).
Abenor: 17. SICKENED til R3T17!!!
Aasgar: 12. Greataxe.
* Mystic Attunement: All allies w/in 60' of him gain a +5' enhancement bonus to their base land speed.
Galakhar: 10.
Cici: 9. Mage armor. Fly til R51T9.
Lucette: 8.
Ivilva: 6.


2024-04-20, 11:41 AM
R2T12: Aasgar adjusts his footing and feeling there may be a possible opportunity to flank, should he ever arrive at the scene of combat, darts north to try to come around the bush.

R2T10: Galakhar continuing movement you didn't notice, is moving east along the southern wall.

R2T9: Cici flies in - now at a height of 15' tall and wielding her waveknife - aerobatically gets within the Secondary Bramble #2, cutting it wither her blade for 6, though it seems weaker than it should, as Cici is affected by the rotting stench.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T25: Phaevin, what do you do?

Enemies on deck and in the hole ...

Phaevin: 25. Bow (light) in hand.
Brambleblight: 18. (109:120).
>>> Animated Bramble #1: (52:52).
>>> Animated Bramble #2: (44:52).
Abenor: 17. SICKENED til R3T17!!!
Aasgar: 12. Greataxe. Valiant keeper's stance
* Immune to aura of rot.
* Mystic Attunement: All allies w/in 60' of him gain a +5' enhancement bonus to their base land speed.
Galakhar: 10. Mutagen active (40 min). Immune to aura of rot.
Cici: 9. Mage armor. Fly til R51T9. SICKENED til R3T9!!!
Lucette: 8.
Ivilva: 6.
