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2022-02-13, 09:12 PM
Large Aberration, Chaotic Evil
Armor Class 24 (Metallic Shielding and Tough, Leathery Skin)
Hit Points 250 (20d10+140)
Speed 50'


28 (+9)
18 (+4)
24 (+7)
8 (-1)
8 (-1)
30 (+10)

Saving Throws Wisdom +5
Skills Intimidation +22, Stealth +16
Damage Resistances Magical Weapon Attacks, Damage From Spells
Condition Immunities Charmed, Poisoned
Senses Tremorsense 120', Passive Perception 9
Languages Incomprehensible cussing and ranting
Challenge 20
Metallic Faceplate
The Hellclown has an iron mask stapled to his face. While it provides significant protection, it also prevents him from unleashing his full wrath. The faceplate stays on until the Hellclown receives more than 20 damage in a single hit from a Bludgeoning, Force, Piercing, Slashing, or Thunder source. This halves to 10 damage from a single attack when the Hellclown is below half HP.

Once the faceplate is off, the Hellclown's AC drops to 20 and he suffers disadvantage on any Stealth checks, but he now scores a critical hit on a roll of 18 or higher, and gains access to the Wrathful trait below.

The Hellclown gains advantage on all attacks made until the start of his next turn, but any attacks made against him for the same duration have advantage. Anyone who damages the Hellclown must make a Wisdom save of DC 18, or suffer half the damage they dealt to the Hellclown as well.

Mind Of Madness
If a source would deal psychic damage to the Hellclown, instead deal that damage to the source and all creatures within 5' of the Hellclown.

Legendary Resistance (1/Long Rest)
When the Hellclown would fail a save, he may pass instead.

Impossible Spaces
The Hellclown is able to move through spaces that don't really exist. He ignores the effects of difficult terrain, and can pass through spaces as narrow as a millimeter wide without slowing down. Furthermore, the Hellclown can hide as long as there's the meagerest scrap of cover-even a blade of grass is sufficient to conceal his presence.

No One Escapes The Clown
The Hellclown ignores resistance to his attacks, and deals half damage to normally immune creatures.

Clown Kills You
If the Hellclown is killed, you've got about a minute before it rises as Expurgation, exploding from the fleshy clowncorpse like an explosion of gore and viscera.

Headbutt Melee Weapon Attack:
+15 to-hit, reach 5', one target. Hit: 2d12+9 bludgeoning damage, and the target must make a DC 17 Constitution save or become stunned until the end of the Hellclown's next turn.

Unarmed Strike Melee Weapon Attack:
+15 to-hit, reach 10', one target. Hit: 1d12+9 bludgeoning damage.

The Hellclown screams. Really loud. All creatures within 120' must make a DC 18 Constitution save, suffering 4d12 thunder damage on a failed save or half on a success. Then, anyone who suffered damage while within 30' of the Hellclown must make a DC 18 Charisma save or become incapacitated for one minute. They may repeat the save at the end of each of their turns to shake off the incapacitation.

Extra Attack II
The Hellclown makes up to three attacks or other attack actions. No more than one attack may be a Headbutt.

Bonus Actions
Cunning Action
The Hellclown takes the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.

The Hellclown makes an Unarmed Strike against a creature that just dealt damage to it.Expurgation
Gargantuan Aberration, Chaotic Evil
Armor Class 21 (Aura Of Hate)
Hit Points 555 (30d20+240)
Speed Fly 80' (Hover)


30 (+10)
20 (+5)
26 (+8)
8 (-1)
8 (-1)
30 (+10)

Saving Throws Wisdom +5
Skills Intimidation +22
Damage Resistances Magical Weapon Attacks, Damage From Spells
Condition Immunities Charmed, Poisoned
Senses Truesight 120', Passive Perception 9
Languages Incomprehensible cussing and ranting
Challenge High
Aura Of Hate
Expurgation's hate is so intense and vitriolic that it literally emanates from him in waves of pain. Moving within 120' of Expurgation costs twice the normal distance. Moving within 60' costs four times the normal movement. Anyone who damages him from within 120' takes 1d12 points of typeless damage, and anyone within 60' takes 3d12 instead. It also makes him hard to properly hit, increasing his AC.

Expurgation gains advantage on all attacks made until the start of his next turn, but any attacks made against him for the same duration have advantage. Anyone who damages Expurgation must make a Wisdom save of DC 18, or suffer half the damage they dealt to Expurgation as well.

Hate Unleashed
Expurgation scores a critical hit on a roll of 18 or higher on the die.

Expurgation can move through objects and creatures as if they are not there. If he ends his turn within an object, he suffers 1d10 points of damage.

Mind Of Madness
If a source would deal psychic damage to Expurgation, instead deal that damage to the source and all creatures within 15' of Expurgation.

No One Escapes The Clown
Expurgation ignores resistance to his attacks, and deals half damage to normally immune creatures.

Magic Resistance
Expurgation has advantage on saves against magical effects.

Legendary Resistance (3/Long Rest)
When Expurgation fails a save, he may choose to pass instead.

Hate-Filled Fist Melee Weapon Attack:
+16 to-hit, reach 30', one target. Hit: 2d12+10 bludgeoning damage.

Hatred's Headbutt Melee Weapon Attack:
+16 to-hit, reach 15', one target. Hit: 4d12+10 bludgeoning damage, and the target must make a DC 18 Constitution save. On a failure, they are stunned for one minute, though they may repeat the save at the end of each of their turns to shake off the effect.

Scream Of Expurgation
All creatures within 300' of Expurgation must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw, suffering 8d12 thunder damage on a failure and half that on a success. Then, Expurgation picks a single creature or object within range-they must make a DC 18 Charisma saving throw with disadvantage. On a success, they take a further 8d12 typless damage. On a failure, they are removed from reality-they are immediately dropped to 0 HP and sent to a realm of unreality. Instead of making Death Saves as normal, they must continue to make the DC 18 Charisma save with disadvantage on each of their turns. If they accumulate three successes, they are returned to reality in the closest spot possible to their departure point, and may make Death Saves as normal for a creature at 0 HP. If they accumulate three failures, they are expurgated. Nobody remembers them. No trace of their existence remains. They are gone, and a Wish won't bring them back. A natural result of one on the die does not count as any additional failures, but if a save is passed on a natural twenty, it counts as two successes.

Extra Attack IV
Expurgation makes up to five attacks or other attack actions. Only one attack may be Hatred's Headbutt.

Bonus Actions
Quick Action
Expurgation makes a single Hate-Filled Fist attack, takes the Dash action, or takes the Disengage action.

You Will Not Escape
Expurgation selects a single target within 120' and forces them to make a DC 18 Wisdom save. On a failure, their speed is halved for one minute. They may repeat the save at the end of each of their turns.

Expurgation makes a Hate-Filled Fist attack against a creature that just damaged it.

Legendary Actions
Expurgation can take three legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Expurgation regains spent legendary actions at the start of their turn.

Attack. Expurgation makes a single Hate-Filled Fist attack.
Move. Expurgation moves up to his speed.
Hate. Expurgation forces a single creature within 120' to make a DC 18 Intelligence save. On a failure, they take -1d4 to all d20 rolls for the next minute, or until they pass another DC 18 Intelligence save at the end of their turn.