View Full Version : Dragonslayer PrC - Revised

2022-02-14, 04:17 PM
Hi all! Let me know what you think of this attempt. Note: If all you have to say is "it's too weak compared to warblade/swordsage/etc, please add more nuance. Though I like some low-level maneuvers, I don't like 1) all the ones that give 'non-magical' abilities that are nevertheless basically magic, on character classes that are supposed to be mundane, and 2) the way ToB tries to solve the 'power gap' by just ramping up the mundane power level so far that all other mundanes can't compare. Rant over; enjoy!

Warning: I've included below only those things I've changed. Anything not changed (BAB, saves, class features not mentioned) is assumed to be the same.

Dragonslayer - This fun PrC from Draconomicon is slightly improved here, to allow earlier entry and give its abilities a bit more edge:

• Requirements: Only BAB +4. Now requires Power Attack, Dodge, and Iron Will.
• Spellcasting, Overcome Draconic Spell Resistance: A dragonslayer that does not cast spells can choose to not gain these class features, instead gaining additional martial benefits. If he does so, he gains the following: 1) Dragonfoe gives an additional +2 damage against dragons; 2) Dragondoom increases the critical threat range of all attacks against dragons by an additional 1; 3) At 5th, 7th, and 9th level, the dragonslayer gains one of the following as a bonus feat (must meet all prerequisites) – Clever Wrestling, Close-Quarters Fighting, Cunning Sidestep, Dragoncrafter, Dragon Hunter, Dragon Hunter Bravery, Dragon Hunter Defense, Overhead Thrust.
• Dragonfoe: Gains as a bonus feat at 1st level.
• Dragonbane: Gains as a bonus feat at 2nd level. At 5th level, the dragonslayer can use this feat as a standard action.
• Damage Reduction: At 3rd level, the dragonslayer’s DR increases by 2 against dragons (to 3/-). At 6th level, his DR increases by 4 against dragons (to 6/-). At 9th level, his DR increases by 6 against dragons (to 9/-).
• Energy Resistance: The dragonslayer gains this ability at 3rd level. At 6th and 9th level, the resistances increase by 5 (to 10 and 15). Double the resistance against the attacks and abilities of dragons (to 10, 20, or 30).
• Dragondoom: Gains as a bonus feat at 4th level. At 8th level, increase the critical threat range of all attacks against dragons by 1 (after multipliers).
• Improved Critical: If he has or gains the actual feat, instead increase the threat range of all attacks against dragons by an additional 1 (after multipliers).
• True Dragonbane: At 10th level, the dragonslayer can apply the benefits of the Dragonbane feat to every attack roll; this essentially gives +4 to all attacks and +2d6 to all damage against dragons.

Table: The Dragonslayer
Level Special
1 ___Aura of Courage, Damage Bonus, Dragonfoe
2 ___Overcome Draconic Spell Resistance, Dragonbane
3 ___Damage Reduction 1/-, Energy Resistance 5
4 ___Dragondoom
5 ___(Bonus Feat)*
6 ___Damage Reduction 2/-, Energy Resistance 10, Lightning Reflexes
7 ___Improved Critical, (Bonus Feat)*
8 ___-
9 ___Damage Reduction 3/-, Energy Resistance 15, (Bonus Feat)*
10 ____True Dragonbane, True Strike
*Only if the dragonslayer chooses to not gain Spellcasting and Overcome Draconic SR

2022-02-14, 05:04 PM
I would recommend checking out the homebrew forums pinned thread about table making. It would make reading this a lot easier. If I wasn’t on my phone right now I’d copy past the appropriate table for you so you could just fill it In.

On balance the main problem with changing half casting PrCs to full fighter is that very few class features add up. Even non-ToB fighters don’t struggle to dish out a lot of damage. Damage isn’t an issue for melee fighters, I’d focus on giving more out of combat utility than feats, fighters get plenty of those and we all know the consensus. The reason higher tiers are higher tier isn’t because they’re delete buttons, it’s because they have things other than hitting really hard. I’d recommend giving certain SLAs