View Full Version : Pan-Aeons: Ages Of Wonder

2022-02-14, 09:51 PM
From Demonjazz
In this god game RP, the writing and characterization are the most important elements of play. However, to make things interesting, some gameplay mechanics have been designed.
The game is divided up into ages, which are further divided into turns, and every turn the player gods each get to do three things; two divine actions; only one of which can be detectable, one secondary action and reactions to other gods’ divine actions. The number of turns per age depends on how quickly the players expend their AP.

From Me: Darth Arminius
The premise of this setting is that the gods are conspicuously absent until our PCS arrive, and it's uncertain if the PC gods are the old gods and have returned, or are entirely new deities. Unlike most Pan Aeons games, there is a certain low level of magic already existent in the setting, although to compare the general magic level, it's very low key, akin to Game of Thrones level, or maybe just a little bit stronger. Some magic users have a type of magic called glamours that give the illusion of another appearance, some magic users can speed up the natural healing process of the body. There are ways to become invisible, and even telekinesis for some, among other magical powers. Lastly, if you want to know the general power levels, the magic spells cap at level 3, but there are a rare few who can learn spells just a little bit stronger than level 3. No one knows anything higher than level 5. However the real power is wielded by the gods, of which the PCs are among. Level 4 and level 5 spells are like Epic spells in D&D.

Before the last god's absence from the world, there was a horrific cataclysmic event, forever memorialized in the memory of all mortal kind. Civilizations crumbled, and for now there are only comparably small kingdoms compared to the mighty Empires that came before. The most powerful kingdom is Arkendyne, the High Kingdom. This mighty nation is much like Western Europe of our own history, in the West, it's somewhat like England and Ireland, In the central Empire, the culture is more like Spain, France and Germany, and lastly there is the northern regions, which are much like Scandinavia.

Technology is much like the 11th century in Europe.

Currently the areas around the Empire are at a nervous peace. The Empire's power is great. However, the gods arrival could change that, for the worse OR better.

A list of the available divine actions is given below, and you’ll find that they’re divided up into different tiers based on action points (AP), difficulty check (DC), and detectable/undetectable.
AP is a limited resource that gods expend to do actions. The AP listed for each action is how much that action costs to perform, with more powerful actions requiring more AP. Each god starts an age with full AP, and can do actions every turn until they run out.
DC is the threshold above which a god needs to roll (1d20, done by the GM) to succeed with their action. The DC listed for each action gives the action’s threshold, which more powerful actions having a higher threshold. If appropriate, gods may modify their rolls with their domains/weaknesses, to decrease/increase this threshold.
The detectability of an action determines which other player gods can react to your action. Detectable actions can be sensed by all other gods no matter where they are or what they’re doing, meaning that all gods may perform a reaction. Undetectable actions cannot be sensed by other gods, unless they have been specifically informed that the action is happened or are directly observing it take place, in which case only they may make a reaction.

Reactions differ from actions in that they cost no AP, have no DC, and may be done as many times as a player wishes every turn. All that’s required is that another god has performed an action that your god can detect, and you may perform a reaction to that action. There are two types of reaction; help, and hinder.
Helping reactions allow you to subtract your domain modifiers from the god’s action DC, increasing the chance of success. In addition, you get to describe some way in which your help impacts on the result of the action, such as an additional affect or greater scope. Be creative, but try not to do anything that would spoil the action, since you are supposed to be helping.
Hindering reactions, on the other hand, allow you to add your domain modifiers to the god’s action DC, increasing the chance of failure. In the event that the action succeeds regardless of your hindrance, you still get to suggest some way that your hindrance impacts on the result of the action.
Note that while you may describe how your reaction affects the outcome of an action, the GM will decide how the action ends up being resolved, since there may be multiple contradictory reactions to take into account.

Spoiler: Divine Actions List
Undetectable actions

Free/Instant: manifest avatar, teleport avatar, shapeshift avatar, interact with the world, perform inconsequential/non-divine magic, attempt to remotely contact other gods - general fluff and flavour basically.

1 AP/0 DC: influence one mortal (significantly alter the course of their life by compelling them to action, altering their body, killing them, etc.).

2 AP/1 DC: influence a small group of mortals (~10), influence a small landmark or room, change the weather in a village-sized area.

4 AP/2 DC: influence a large group of mortals (~100), influence a large landmark or building.

6 AP/3 DC: influence a village of mortals (~1000), influence a village-sized area, change the weather in a city-sized area.

8 AP/4 DC: change the weather in a state-sized area, create a basic living species (plant, fungus, micro-organisms), create a basic non-living substance (Type of ore, metal, new element, new dirt).

10 AP/6 DC: influence a town of mortals (~10k), influence a town-sized area, create an animal species, create lesser magical items (Either more powerful but singular, such as a magic carpet, invisibility cloak, Mastersword, etc. or weaker but replicable, a recipe for health potions, +1 swords, Fire arrows, etc), create a basic magical living species (plant, fungus, microorganism).

12 AP/8 DC: influence a city of mortals (~100k), influence a city-sized area, create a collection of lesser magical minions (should be a reasonable match for most mortals, such as hellhounds, cherubs, horse-mounted Nazgul, etc.), immortalize a living creature or mortal, resurrect/reawaken mortal or monstrous demigod, create a pocket dimension (must be bounded and unable to hold a population), change weather in a country sized area, create a magical non-living substance (Types of ore, metal, new elements, new dirt, etc.).

14 AP/10 DC: influence one immortal, create a single greater magical monster (should be challenging for even the best mortals to slay, such as a dragon, gorgon, fell beast-mounted Witch King, etc.), create a greater magical item (requires understanding of magic to use or destroy and is non-replicatiable, such as a phylactery, The Nemean Cloak, The One Ring, etc.),

Detectable actions

16 AP/12 DC: influence a state of mortals (~1M) or a small group of immortals (~10), influence a state-sized area, scry a country-sized area, Create a good or bad omen (Omens explained in further detail below, only two per god), create a sentient species, create a +2 domain religious artefact (1 per god, cannot be used by non-blessed mortals).

18 AP/14 DC: influence a country of mortals (~10M), influence a country-sized area, create a unique ecosystem, scry a continent-sized area, create a plane of reality (can be unbounded and capable of sustaining a population), create a +2 domain/-2 weakness demigod (1 per god),

20 AP/16 DC: influence a continent of mortals (~100M), influence a continent-sized area, scry the entire planet, create a supernaturally gifted sentient species, assign a chosen people for +2 (1 per god), Creating new law of reality within a system of laws (Such as a new law of thermodynamics, a new element for a magic system, a new feature of metaphysics).

22 AP/18 DC: influence every mortal on the planet, influence the entire planet.

24 AP/20 DC: destroy a +2 artefact, confer a -2 weakness to a demigod, banish a god for a turn, create a new system of laws for reality(such as a new system of magic for mortals to use, an objective morality, or a change in physics or metaphysics).

30 AP/24 DC: destroy a demigod, destroy a chosen people, confer a -2 weakness to another god.

40 AP/30 DC: destroy a god.

Secondary actions

0 AP: Demand the sacrifice of one mortal to generate 4 BP (Standing for Blood Points, BP functions similarly to AP but makes any action done with it detectable.), Consume Artifact (You may destroy your own artifact to double its modifier to a +4 for the turn, this action does not require a secondary action if you apply it to only a contested roll. Cannot be done if the object is being stolen), Consume Demigod (You may destroy your own demigod to triple their bonus this turn to a +6 and remove their weakness for this turn. Cannot be used when the demigod is being kidnapped).

1 AP: scry one object or living creature (allows you to detect undetectable actions that happen within your scry, effective for the duration of the turn after the turn on which you call the scry),

2 AP: scry a small landmark or room, demand a sacrifice of 10 mortals to generate 8 BP.

4 AP: scry a large landmark or building.

6 AP: scry a town-sized area, demand the sacrifice of 100 mortals to generate 16 BP.

8 AP: scry a city-sized area.

10 AP: scry a state-sized area, demand the sacrifice of 1000 mortals to generate 30 BP.

12 AP: scry a country-sized area

14 AP Steal another god's religious artefact (contested roll, both parties roll a die and whoever is highest gets to keep the artefact, the defender may use their secondary action to add a +6 to the roll).

16 AP: Kidnap a Demigod (contested roll, both parties roll a die and whoever is highest gets to keep the demigod though the demigod may refuse to work for another god, the defender may use their secondary action to add a +6 to the roll).

Notes on actions

Dueling Actions:: if a god scrys another god's undetectable action and wishes to oppose it, then there are two methods. The first is simply to hinder the roll. You may call on other gods to apply further hinders, even if they do not have scry on the area. The second method is to use your action to directly counter the scryed action (for instance if a force of 100 mortals is influence to invade your temple, you may influence those same 100 mortals to have them all fail), in which case the action with the highest success margin will be deemed the successful outcome. This may be done simultaneously with the first method, so you may hinder their action and perform a counter action at the same time for maximum advantage (the enemy cannot hinder your counter action unless they have their own scry, or it's detectable). If you have already done your action for the turn, then you cannot perform a counter action, the logic being that your god's efforts are being spent elsewhere and thus they are distracted from their scryed area.

Spoiler: Omens

Omens are modifiers that one can put on an area that are built in with a way to nullify this modifier (Of the caster’s choosing). They are inversely powerful to the area that they affect, it takes an action to influence a village sized area to a state sized omen. And a state sized influence to rid a village sized omen. There are two types of Omens, Boons and Curses which are fairly self explanatory.


Prosperity: Actions on the influenced area take half as much AP for the caster and any allies of his choosing
Holy Land: A +4 modifier (Of the caster’s choosing) that can be invoked on actions targeting the land done by others than the caster. It also permanently scrys the land but if one acts upon another action such as by hindering it, it will be revealed and treated as a detectable action.
Zealotry: A +4 Modifier (Of the caster’s choosing) that can be used on actions influencing all adjacent areas to it.


Decadence:Actions on the influenced are take half as much AP to all but the god who claims influence over the land (It is everyone if no one claims influences).
Forsaken Country: A -4 Weakness that can be invoked upon the one claiming the land. This also shrouds the actions done to this land to the one who claims it. Leaving them unable to react to any actions inflicted upon it whether they are detectable, used BP, or came aware of it from another
Tourist Trap: A +4 Modifier (Of the caster’s choosing) that can be used by those who claim land in the surrounding land to affect the area that is cursed.