View Full Version : Original System Albion - A Historical Horror System (a first glance)

2022-02-17, 11:10 AM
Hello folks,

When Corona was a fact and the first lockdown was announced I was at home and cound't go to work for a while. I didn't know what to do with this insane amount of time and I thought I would entertain myself with working on a system. It wasn't really intended to become something that I would finish, but it was nice to dive into and spend my time on waiting for the schools to open again and work to resume.

Currently I thought of having a look at it again and I have been working on it for a while again. Not hours on end like two years back, but I feel i have new inspiration to add new stuff.

First of all, you should really see this document as a drawing board. I just write ideas in the chapters where it's relevant and use the whole document as my worksheet. Some chapters are already wirtten out and some are mere headlines without any body at all.

I hope, however, that it is enough to give you a "feel" of the world I'm trying to sketch and an idea of the system I'm trying to piece together.

What I am looking for here on the boards is general feedback on thegeneral idea of things.
How do you like the class system, what do you think of my idea of the creation of a character, the steps that are mentikoned and the overal idea of how combat is handled?

It's a lot to look at and most stuff is just bits and pieces, but feel free to critizice and comment on whatever you like that might help.

ALBION SYSTEM (https://pdfhost.io/v/nor3XG7Gg_Setting_Full_Document_Review) (Give it some time to load)

I will comment in depth on any notes you bring to the table. I see this as an opportunity to review choices I made and use any feedback to revise anything I put on paper so far. I might, in time, even write up "forum proof" easier to read versions of the chapters here o nthe board when I have more, so the community can give appropriate feedback to smaller parts and focus more on the details. For now I would love to just give my thoughts to you and see what it will bring.

Thank you!
