View Full Version : DM Help Help with Magical Items

2022-02-22, 01:43 PM
The thread about a way to make martials have meaningful abilities via more attunement slots has shown that it at least has some potential (based on my post titled " Random Idea for Linear Fighters Quadratic Wizard future solution"). So with that said, I think it's at least worth moving forward with thinking about some interesting magical items that don't so much give a player bigger numbers, but instead give them new ways to interact with the game. I'm going to post a few items that I've come up with, but would love to hear ideas from this community as well.

Assumptions being made:

These items should favor increasing new ways to play over bigger numbers
The items should be capable of impacting all 3 of the games pillars, not combat only
These items should help classes like the fighter more then classes like the wizard
These items should require attunement

Magic Item:

1. Earthbreaker Hammer: BA: This two-handed maul allows the player to smash the ground and cause non-magical ground in a 30' circle to become difficult terrain. Anyone caught in the area of effect must succeed a DC 13 strength save or be knocked prone.

2. Goggles of X-ray vision: These goggles can be activated/deactivated as an action. While activated the player has disadvantage on all attacks/save and suffers -2 to AC due to having a hard time focusing. While the goggles are active, the player can see through walls that are no more then 3' deep.

3. Armor of the victorious: This armor can be of any type (plate, leather, scale, etc.) This armor can never become dirty and always appears to be clean and polished. The armor also rearranges itself to match the surrounding areas ideals of what a strong warrior should look like. As a result, the character wearing the armor gets proficiency on all persuasion checks made to influence a non-hostile creatures behavior. Additionally, if already proficient, the player insteads gets expertise in persuasion.

4. Armor of the wicked: This armor can be of any type (plate, leather, scale, etc.). The armor also rearranges itself to match the surrounding areas ideals of what a tyrannical monstrous warrior should look like. As a result, the character wearing the armor gets proficiency on all intimidation checks made to influence a non-hostile creatures behavior. Additionally, if already proficient, the player insteads gets expertise in intimidation.

5. Shield of Reflection: As a reaction the shield grants immunity to 1 type of elemental damage. In addition, a number of times per day equal to the characters proficiency the shield can redirect an energy blast to another viable target. Ex. Wizard casts scorching ray, and the shield is used to redirect the blasts to the wizard instead.

Hopefully these give some ideas of what I'm going for. What are some cool magic items that don't just give bigger numbers, but instead offer characters more options in play?

2022-02-22, 02:51 PM
Those are good. I'd tighten up the wording on the Reflection shield to say "Ranged Spell Attack."

Unfortunately, Disintegrate is no longer a ray, but a "Dex to dodge" so you can't bounce it.

Here are some items from Against the Idol of the Sun (ongoing campaign) and Castle Dracula (Castlevania, already finished/on DM's Guild) that may fit the bill. Some of these simply grant options that are normally available to casters, but that offer utility in the exploration/movement/problem-solving pillar.

Rod of Telekinesis (very rare)
This rod is covered in runes.
This allows the user to cast Telekinesis, as the spell,
once per day. If the caster instead casts Telekinesis
using a spell slot, the caster gains +2 on his opposed
pretty simple, but anyone can use it. good for exploration.

Skyfall Boots (A) (legendary)
These armored boots and greaves have a thick,
flexible sole and conform to the wearer’s feet and
The wearer’s jumping distance is doubled, and the
wearer is immune to falling damage as long as they
are not paralyzed or otherwise incapacitated when
landing. When the wearer lands from a jump or fall,
the boots absorb the force as the wearer slams into
the ground, redirecting it outwards in a thunderous
blast of air, dust, and debris. The falling damage dice
that would normally be taken are converted into a
circular shockwave dealing thunder damage of the
same amount (_d6) in a 10’ radius around the bearer,
with a Dex DC 12 save for half.
These items have seen a lot of "I jump out of the flying ship" moments!

Scimitar of Sobek (A) (very rare)
This +2 scimitar’s hilt is wrapped in dark green
crocodile hide, and the blade has a slight pattern of
teeth inlaid down the length of the blade.
The wielder of this +2 scimitar can Wildshape into a
giant (Huge) crocodile once per long rest, and also
has advantage on saves vs. Fear.

Spider Armor (A) (very rare)
This armor is dyed black, with a web-work of strands
of grey metal running over it. It is clearly of Drow
make, and anyone who hates the drow will likely react
to someone wearing this armor.
This +1 studded leather armor grants the wearer
immunity to spiderwebs and Web-type effects, and
the ability to climb as the Spider Climb spell. Once
per day, a weapon or projectile can be tapped against
the red spider insignia on the chest, and the weapon’s
next hit will force the victim to make a DC15 CON
save or take 3d10 poison damage and be poisoned
for 1 rounds.
Casters aren't the only ones who can play spider-man. Put this on a rogue archer...

Stopwatch (legendary)
This clockwork stopwatch always seems to show the
correct time, no matter where in the world you are.
This item holds a maximum of 3 charges, and gains 1
charge every day at sunrise. Charges may be
expended as an action to create a Time Stop effect
with a duration (for the user) of 1 round per charge
used. All rules in the Time Stop spell apply as usual.

Due to the rules of Time Stop, some of the strongest uses for this are out of combat, like using stopped time to slip past an enemy.

Cape of Mithril Feathers
Rare, requires attunement
This cape appears to be made of several hundred finely crafted mithril feathers, all linked together over a thin leather base. The wearer has +1 AC. Once per day, as an action, the wearer can fling the cape, launching the feathers at his enemies like a cloud of knives. The attack deals 8d6 slashing damage, Dexterity DC 16 half, in a 30’ cone.
Slashing cone damage. I may change it to a 45' or 60' cone.

Crystal Sword
Legendary, requires attunement
When targeted by a spell that the wielder is aware of, and which has a duration of Instantaneous, the wielder of this +3 greatsword may, as a Reaction, attempt to intercept the spell. This is done by making a Dexterity save against the caster’s spell save DC or ranged spell attack roll. If the wielder’s attack roll exceeds the caster’s save DC or attack roll, the spell is captured in the blade and discharged into the next target struck within 1 hour.
This is stuck in a stone. The party hasn't yet solved the riddle to extract it.

Nasty Nest
This nearly-spherical chunk of wood is 6” in diameter, and has numerous small holes in it. A faint buzzing sound comes from within if it is charged. Once per day, the Nasty Nest may be thrown at a square (20’/60’ range). When it lands, it will emit a magically created and very angry Swarm of Wasps, who will begin by attacking the creature nearest to them. They will persist in attacking the next-closest creature until destroyed, or until there are no creatures within 60’ of the Nest, at which time they will return to the nest. The Nest can be used only once per day, recharging at sunrise.
A utility item. People don't use ball bearings enough either.

Quake Plate
Legendary, requires attunement
This +2 full plate armor is crafted from precisely shaped slabs of grey rock dyed dark red with blood. When struck, the wearer may use a Reaction to cast Earth Tremor with a DC of 14. The wearer may cast Move Earth once per day. If the wearer can cast spells, Earthbind and Erupting Earth are added to his list of spells known and prepared as long as he is attuned to the armor.

Shark Leather Armor
Very rare, requires attunement
This suit of +2 leather armor is made from dark grey sharkskin. It is rough to the touch. The wearer can breathe underwater, and gains a swim speed equal to his move speed. This item is a piece of the Panoply of the Shark.

Silver Shield of Blinding
Very rare
When in a brightly lit area, you may use a bonus action to reflect light into an adjacent creature’s eyes. The target must make a DC 14 Dexterity save or have disadvantage on attack rolls and Dexterity checks until the end of its next turn. This property may be used 3 times per day.

Sky Nail
Very rare, requires attunement
On a critical hit, the head of this +2 Spear detaches and embeds itself within the target, who then suffers the effects of a Reverse Gravity spell for 4 rounds. The initial Dexterity save is made with Disadvantage against DC 18. While the head is detached, the spear functions as a +2 Quarterstaff, dealing bludgeoning damage instead of piercing damage, but is still compatible with the Pole Arm Master feat. The head magically returns to the tip of the spear when the Reverse Gravity effect ends.

Trollbane Bottle
This leather “bota” style bottle appears normal except for its silver cap. When the cap is removed, an acrid stench wafts out the top. The Trollbane bottle can be aimed and squeezed as an action to spray droplets of acid in a 15’ cone, dealing 3d6 acid damage, with a Dexterity DC 11 save for half damage. It magically refills itself, and can be used up to three times per day.

2022-02-22, 03:07 PM
Here are some items from Against the Idol of the Sun (ongoing campaign) and Castle Dracula (Castlevania, already finished/on DM's Guild) that may fit the bill. Some of these simply grant options that are normally available to casters, but that offer utility in the exploration/movement/problem-solving pillar.

Rod of Telekinesis (very rare)
This rod is covered in runes.
This allows the user to cast Telekinesis, as the spell, once per day. If the caster instead casts Telekinesis using a spell slot, the caster gains +2 on his opposed check.
pretty simple, but anyone can use it. good for exploration.

Skyfall Boots (A) (legendary)
These armored boots and greaves have a thick, flexible sole and conform to the wearer’s feet and shins. The wearer’s jumping distance is doubled, and the wearer is immune to falling damage as long as they
are not paralyzed or otherwise incapacitated when landing. When the wearer lands from a jump or fall, the boots absorb the force as the wearer slams into the ground, redirecting it outwards in a thunderous
blast of air, dust, and debris. The falling damage dice that would normally be taken are converted into a circular shockwave dealing thunder damage of the same amount (_d6) in a 10’ radius around the bearer, with a Dex DC 12 save for half.
These items have seen a lot of "I jump out of the flying ship" moments!

Scimitar of Sobek (A) (very rare)
This +2 scimitar’s hilt is wrapped in dark green crocodile hide, and the blade has a slight pattern of teeth inlaid down the length of the blade.
The wielder of this +2 scimitar can Wildshape into a giant (Huge) crocodile once per long rest, and also has advantage on saves vs. Fear.

Spider Armor (A) (very rare)
This armor is dyed black, with a web-work of strands of grey metal running over it. It is clearly of Drow make, and anyone who hates the drow will likely react to someone wearing this armor. This +1 studded leather armor grants the wearer immunity to spiderwebs and Web-type effects, and the ability to climb as the Spider Climb spell. Once per day, a weapon or projectile can be tapped against the red spider insignia on the chest, and the weapon’s next hit will force the victim to make a DC15 CON save or take 3d10 poison damage and be poisoned for 1 rounds.
Casters aren't the only ones who can play spider-man. Put this on a rogue archer...

Stopwatch (legendary)
This clockwork stopwatch always seems to show the correct time, no matter where in the world you are. This item holds a maximum of 3 charges, and gains 1 charge every day at sunrise. Charges may be expended as an action to create a Time Stop effect with a duration (for the user) of 1 round per charge used. All rules in the Time Stop spell apply as usual.
Due to the rules of Time Stop, some of the strongest uses for this are out of combat, like using stopped time to slip past an enemy.

Cape of Mithril Feathers
Rare, requires attunement
This cape appears to be made of several hundred finely crafted mithril feathers, all linked together over a thin leather base. The wearer has +1 AC. Once per day, as an action, the wearer can fling the cape, launching the feathers at his enemies like a cloud of knives. The attack deals 8d6 slashing damage, Dexterity DC 16 half, in a 30’ cone.
Slashing cone damage. I may change it to a 45' or 60' cone.

Crystal Sword
Legendary, requires attunement
When targeted by a spell that the wielder is aware of, and which has a duration of Instantaneous, the wielder of this +3 greatsword may, as a Reaction, attempt to intercept the spell. This is done by making a Dexterity save against the caster’s spell save DC or ranged spell attack roll. If the wielder’s attack roll exceeds the caster’s save DC or attack roll, the spell is captured in the blade and discharged into the next target struck within 1 hour. This is stuck in a stone. The party hasn't yet solved the riddle to extract it.

Nasty Nest
This nearly-spherical chunk of wood is 6” in diameter, and has numerous small holes in it. A faint buzzing sound comes from within if it is charged. Once per day, the Nasty Nest may be thrown at a square (20’/60’ range). When it lands, it will emit a magically created and very angry Swarm of Wasps, who will begin by attacking the creature nearest to them. They will persist in attacking the next-closest creature until destroyed, or until there are no creatures within 60’ of the Nest, at which time they will return to the nest. The Nest can be used only once per day, recharging at sunrise.
A utility item. People don't use ball bearings enough either. True. Nest looks like some real fun/shenanigans can be had.

Quake Plate
Legendary, requires attunement
This +2 full plate armor is crafted from precisely shaped slabs of grey rock dyed dark red with blood. When struck, the wearer may use a Reaction to cast Earth Tremor with a DC of 14. The wearer may cast Move Earth once per day. If the wearer can cast spells, Earthbind and Erupting Earth are added to his list of spells known and prepared as long as he is attuned to the armor.

Shark Leather Armor
Very rare, requires attunement
This suit of +2 leather armor is made from dark grey sharkskin. It is rough to the touch. The wearer can breathe underwater, and gains a swim speed equal to his move speed. This item is a piece of the Panoply of the Shark.

Silver Shield of Blinding
Very rare
When in a brightly lit area, you may use a bonus action to reflect light into an adjacent creature’s eyes. The target must make a DC 14 Dexterity save or have disadvantage on attack rolls and Dexterity checks until the end of its next turn. This property may be used 3 times per day.

Sky Nail
Very rare, requires attunement
On a critical hit, the head of this +2 Spear detaches and embeds itself within the target, who then suffers the effects of a Reverse Gravity spell for 4 rounds. The initial Dexterity save is made with Disadvantage against DC 18. While the head is detached, the spear functions as a +2 Quarterstaff, dealing bludgeoning damage instead of piercing damage, but is still compatible with the Pole Arm Master feat. The head magically returns to the tip of the spear when the Reverse Gravity effect ends.

Trollbane Bottle
This leather “bota” style bottle appears normal except for its silver cap. When the cap is removed, an acrid stench wafts out the top. The Trollbane bottle can be aimed and squeezed as an action to spray droplets of acid in a 15’ cone, dealing 3d6 acid damage, with a Dexterity DC 11 save for half damage. It magically refills itself, and can be used up to three times per day. I particularly like sky nail. Gonna steal that idea, yeah. :smallbiggrin:

2022-02-22, 03:23 PM
You could consider simply removing the requirement of wands to be attuned to people with the spellcasting class feature, and allow anyone to attune to them. That would allow Fighters/Rogues/Etc to attune to wands that otherwise wouldn't be available to them, granting them minor spellcasting at the price of an attunement slot. The Wand of Winter, for instance, loses its power as Wizards grow stronger. But, a Fighter would pretty much always gain something from it. Honestly, there are a lot of items/feats out there already that would be really useful in the hands of a martial character, if you weren't required to have spellcasting to gain access to them. Eldritch Adept would be a good feat for anyone. I suppose you could create a home brew item that gives the attuned wearer access to an ability that duplicates one of the better Invocations.

Also, of note, magic items that grant different movement types are really nice. I would consider home brewing an item that costs a charge to change between air and water. So, when it's Air, you have a fly speed and fly-by attack. And, when it's water, you have a swim speed and can breath underwater. Something like that.