View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next Warlock subclass: The Unseen Hand

2022-02-27, 12:55 PM
Below you'll find my idea for a "telekinesis" based character class. Which became a Warlock patron so I could use a basis already present in the game.

The aspects that probably need the most attention are:

Access to Animate Objects (this the heart of the sub-class, but might be broken beyond fixing, if so, please let me know)
The various Flexibility features (amount of points, how you get them back and the effects they have)
And the level 4 spells (One is a graviturgy spell, so one might not allow that onto another class so easily, the other is a new spell (basically a mash up of summon elemental and summon construct) and might need additional balancing.

Finally a note (or two):
I'm thinking of adding a bit about only having a max of X "Tiny servant" spells active at the same time (due to 8 hour/no concentration and the warlock's short rest spell slots)
Also, for the level 5 spells, I originally wanted "Telekinesis" and "Wall of Force", but in the end figured that even without Flexibility "Wall of Force" would be too much on a Warlock
And finally, I couldn't really come up with good examples of Patrons, so I hope the few I found (basically a combination of previous edition gods/godlike beings and really powerful psykers) are good enough. All suggestions on that front are welcome.

The Unseen Hand
Your pact allows you to draw on a source of great mental powers. This power source, combined with your own force of personality allows you to bend the world to your will.
The origin of this power can be varied, it could be a near forgotten god of psychic magic (such as: Xan Yae), a near god like being of mental powers (such as: Sardior) or a more sinister being of great mental powers (such as Ioulaum or a group of Elder Brains). Alternatively it can be a non-sentient amalgamation of power (such as: the plane of force or the mental echoes of a dying race).
Whatever the origin of these powers, you most likely tapped into it's power through one of two diametrically opposed methods. Either through long study and the search for enlightenment or through pure force of will in a moment of great desperation.

Expanded Spell List
The Unseen Hand lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

Spell Level

Catapult, Shield

Levitate, Spiritual Weapon

Conjure Barrage, Tiny Servant

Gravity Sinkhole, Summon Force Entity (New spell, described below)

Bigby's Hand, Telekinesis


Focus on Animation
Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to animate objects for a brief period of time. As an action you can cast Animate Objects without expending a spellslot.
The spell is cast at the level of your spell slots. If this results in a spell level lower than 5th, the "downcasting" functions in a similar fashion as "upcasting", animating 2 fewer objects for each level below 5th level.
Beyond this, when you cast it as a first or second level spell, you'll need to use an action each turn to instruct your animated objects. For third and fourth level castings, this becomes a bonus action per turn. From fifth level on, it follows the normal rules as detailed in the spell.
When you cast Animate Objects, all animated objects use your Spell attack bonus instead of their listed to hit bonus.
Once you cast this spell in this way, you can't cast this spell in this way again until you finish a long rest. You can also cast this spell using spell slots you have. The spell's spellcasting ability is Charisma.

Focus on Flexibility
Starting at 6th level, you gain the ability to modify and enhance certain of your spells. As part of the casting of a spell that can be enhanced, you can choose to spend a Flexibilty point.
A spell can benefit from a maximum of one Flexibilty point. This limit increases to two points at level 14.
Certain cantrips and invocations can also benefit from Flexibility points, but they don't require you to spend the Flexibilty point unless it is specifically noted, merely that you have the point(s) available at the time of casting.
You have a number of Flexibility points equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended points when you finish a long rest.

Flexibility of Animation
At 6th level, your affinity for animating objects and your newly aquired Flexibility match up. You don't have to spend Flexibility points when boosting the Animate Objects spell. You are still limited in the amount of points that can affect a single casting.

Mastery of Animation
At 10th level, you advance your animation ability to the level of a master. You now regain the ability to cast Animate Objects without expending a spell slot after you finish a short or a long rest.
Aditionally, when you use your Mystic Arcanum ability, you can choose to cast either the spell you chose when you obtained that feature, or a special version of Animate Objects.
This special version of Animate Objects is a level 5 Animate Objects with a number of additional Flexibility Points applied to it. (6th level Mystic Arcanum equals 1 extra Flexibility Point, 7th level equals 2 extra, etc.)
These additional Flexibility Points stack with the free Flexibility points from the Flexibility of Animation feature.

Mastery of Flexibility
Starting at 14th level, your mastery of Flexibility grows to a new level. You can now spend a maximum of two Flexibility points when casting a spell.
At the end of a short rest you can also regain one spent Flexibility point. You must finish a long rest before you can do so again.

Summon Force Entity

4th-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 90 feet
Components: V, S, M (A crystal sculpture depicting a magical creature worth at least 400 gp)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

You call forth an entity of pure force. It manifests in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. This corporeal form uses the Force Entity stat block.
When you cast the spell, choose a state: Forceful, Frantic or Fleeting. The creature is a vaguely bipedal shape made of ectoplasm exibiting outward signs of it's state, which determines certain traits in its stat block. The creature disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends.

The creature is an ally to you and your companions. In combat, the creature shares your initiative count, but it takes its turn immediately after yours. It obeys your verbal commands (no action required by you). If you don't issue any, it takes the Dodge action and uses its move to avoid danger.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, use the higher level wherever the spell's level appears in the stat block.

Force Entity
Medium Construct, Unaligned
Armor Class 12 + the level of the spell (natural armor)
Hit Points 40 + 15 for each spell level above 4th
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (Fleeting only, hover)

STR 18 (+4), DEX 10 (+0), CON 18 (+4), INT 14 (+2), WIS 11 (+0), CHA 5 (-3)

Damage Resistances poison
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages understands the languages you speak

Amorphous Form (Fleeting Only). The construct can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
Chaotic Aura (Frantic Only). A creature that touches the construct or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 1d8 Force damage.
Drag Coefficient (Forceful only). When a creature the construct can see starts its turn within 10 feet of the construct, the construct can force it to make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, the target can't use reactions and its speed is halved until the start of its next turn.

Multiattack. The construct makes a number of attacks equal to half this spell's level (rounded down).
Slice (Fleeting Only). Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 slashing damage and 1d4 + the spell's level force damage.
Shred (Frantic Only). Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8 piercing damage and 1d4 + the spell's level force damage..
Slam (Forceful only). Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d10 + 4 bludgeoning damage and the spell's level force damage.


2022-02-27: Original post
2022-03-02: Updated Focus on Animation to balance it at low levels, as per "GalacticAxekick"'s suggestion.

2022-02-27, 12:55 PM
Below are the spells that I'd make "boostable". Most of these are the spells associated with the Patron, but a few are from the normal Warlock list and fit the theme.
There is also a few spells that fit the theme, but specifically shouldn't be boostable, I'll mention those that I remember and my reasoning for not boosting them in this section:

Blade Ward - Feels very on theme, but allowing it last longer, block more damage or target more creatures would severely boost this above the level of a cantrip. (Might be doable if it consumes the Point, like the Mage Armour cantrip does...)
Eldritch Blast (base cantrip) - Again very on theme, but since it's already one of the most powerful cantrips, boosting it more would quickly become absurd. Instead I've forced on the Invocations that can affect it.

Spells that can be boosted with Flexibility points:


Mage Hand

Increase Range
+30ft per Point

Increase the carry capacity
+10 pounds for 1 point, +30 pounds for 2 points

Increase Duration
Becomes 10 minutes for 1 point, 1 hour for 2 points


Grasp of Hadar

Amount of times per turn
Becomes twice for 1 point, trice for 2 points

Forced movement
Becomes 15ft for 1 point, 20ft for 2 points

Lance of Lethargy

Amount of times per turn
Becomes twice for 1 point, trice for 2 points

Reduced movement
Becomes 15ft for 1 point, 20ft for 2 points

Repelling Blast

Forced movement
Becomes 15ft for 1 point, 20ft for 2 points

Otherworldly Leap

Increase Duration
Becomes 10 minutes for 1 point, 1 hour for 2 points

Jump Distance
Increases to 4x instead for 2 points

Ascendant Step

Increase Duration
Becomes 1 hour for 1 point

Remove Concentration
No longer requires concentration for 1 point

From vertical to horizontal
Instead of the normal effect, you hover 5 feet of the ground and can move up to 20 feet per turn horizontally for 1 point, 30 feet for 2 points

Otherworldly Leap
(Need to spend the points to achieve the effect)

Increase AC
AC becomes 14+dex (max 4) for 1 point, 15+dex (max 3) for 2 points

Level 1:

Unseen Servant

Increase Strength
Becomes 4 for 1 point, 8 for 2 points

Increase Speed
Becomes 30ft for 1 point

Increase Duration
Becomes 8 hours for 1 point

Increase Range
Becomes 120ft for 1 point, 180 for 2 points

Level 2:

Cloud of Daggers

Upcast for 1 level per point spent

Increase Duration
Becomes 5 minutes for 1 point, 10 minutes for 2 points

Level 3:


Upcast for 1 level per point spent

Increase Duration
Becomes 20 minutes for 1 point, 30 minutes for 2 points

Featherfall safety
When the duration runs out or the caster loses/drops concentration, all creatures will safely fall to ground as if affected by featherfall for 1 point

Level 7:


Increase the size of the cage
up to 15 feet on a side for 1 point, up to 20 feet for 2 points

Reduce cost and duration
Costs 750gp of ruby dust and lasts 10 minutes for 1 point OR costs 250gp and lasts for 1minute for 1 point

Level 1:


Upcast for 1 level per point spent

Increase Range
Becomes 90ft for 1 point, 120ft for 2 points

Speed up casting
Can be cast as a bonus action for 1 point

Gestureless Casting
Can be cast without somatic components for 1 point


Affect more creatures
Affects an additional creature of your choice that is within 5ft of you for each point spent

Level 2:


Increase Weight limit
Becomes 750 pounds for 1 point, 1000 pounds for 2 points

Increase Range
Becomes 90ft for 1 point, 120ft for 2 points

Spiritual Weapon

Upcast for 1 level per point spent

Level 3:

Conjure Barrage

Change Range
Becomes a 30ft radius sphere with a casting range of 60ft for 1 point

Increase Range (Cone)
Becomes 75ft for 1 point, 90ft for 2 points

Increase Range (Sphere)
Becomes a 40ft radius sphere with a casting range of 90ft for 1 point

Sculpt spell
Choose to avoid any creature of your choice in the Area of Effect for 1 point

Tiny Servant

Upcast for 1 level per point spent

Speed up casting
Can be cast as an action for 1 point

Increased Senses
Summoned creatures senses increase to 90ft blindsight/passive perception 13 for 1 point, 120ft/16 for 2 points

Increased Communication Range
You can mentally command your servants from 240ft away for 1 point, 360ft for 2 points

Level 4:

Gravity Sinkhole

Upcast for 1 level per point spent

Increase Range
Becomes 180ft for 1 point, 240 for 2 points

Sculpt spell
Choose to avoid any creature of your choice in the Area of Effect for 1 point

Summon Force Entity

Upcast for 1 level per point spent

Flexible State
Gain the ability to use a bonus action to swap your summon entity to a different state for 1 point

Level 5:

Bigby's Hand

Upcast for 1 level per point spent

Increase Duration
Becomes 10 minutes for 1 point, 1 hour for 2 points

Increase Range
Becomes 150ft for 1 point, 180 for 2 points

Increase Strength
Becomes 30 for 1 point, 34 for 2 points

Slumbering Spell
For 1 point: Gain the ability to drop concentration on the spell without ending it as a bonus action or as a reaction in response to having to make a concentration check. If you choose to roll and fail the check, the spell ends like it normally would. You can use an action to pick a target and effect to restart concentrating on it. The duration continues to countdown while you aren't actively using the spell.


Increase Duration
Becomes 1 hour for 1 points, 8 hours for 2 points

Increase Range
Becomes 90ft for 1 point, 120 for 2 points

Increase Weight limit
Becomes 2000 pounds for 1 point, 3000 pounds for 2 points

Affect bigger creatures
You become able to move up to Gargantuan creatures for 2 points

Slumbering Spell
For 1 point: Gain the ability to drop concentration on the spell without ending it as a bonus action or as a reaction in response to having to make a concentration check. If you choose to roll and fail the check, the spell ends like it normally would. You can use an action to pick a target and effect to restart concentrating on it. The duration continues to countdown while you aren't actively using the spell.

Animate Objects

Increase Duration
Becomes 10 minutes for 1 point, 1 hour for 2 points

Increase Range
Becomes 150ft (with a communcation range of 750ft) for 1 point, 180/1000ft for 2 points

Increase Strength
Becomes 30 for 1 point, 34 for 2 points

Increased Senses
Summoned creatures senses increase to 45ft blindsight/passive perception 10 for 1 point, 60ft/14 for 2 points, 75ft/16 for 3 points, 90ft/18 for 4 points

Magical Damage
The damage caused by the animated objects counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage for 1 point

Animate bigger objects
Objects (up to Huge) count as 1 size smaller to determine how many you can animate with this spell for 2 points

Mental Multitasking
You gain the ability to issue 2 mental commands to 2 groups of animated objects for 1 point

Slumbering Spell
For 1 point: Gain the ability to drop concentration on the spell without ending it as a bonus action or as a reaction in response to having to make a concentration check. If you choose to roll and fail the check, the spell ends like it normally would. You can use a bonus action to animate a new set of objects (up to the maximum that you had left before dropping the concentration). The duration continues to countdown while you aren't actively using the spell.

Level 9:


Speed up casting
Can be cast as a reaction for 2 points

Reduce cost and duration
Costs 250gp of adamantine and lasts 5 minutes for 1 point OR doesn't consume the adamantine at all and lasts for 1minute for 1 point

2022-03-01, 12:42 PM
Focus on Animation
Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to animate objects for a brief period of time. As an action you can cast Animate Objects without expending a spellslot.

The spell is cast at the level of your spell slots. If this results in a spell level lower than 5th, the "downcasting" functions in the same fashion as "upcasting" (in other words, for each level below 5th, you can animate 2 fewer objects, for a minimum of 2 objects as a first level spell)

Once you cast this spell in this way, you can't cast this spell in this way again until you finish a long rest. You can also cast this spell using spell slots you have.

The spell's spellcasting ability is Charisma.I love the idea of downcasting.

Downcast as a 1st level spell, Animate Objects give you 2 objects instead of ten. Tiny and small objects count as one, while medium objects count as two, so that's either two tiny/smalls or one medium.

Tiny objects are your strongest bet, with +8 to hit and 6.5 (1d4 + 4) damage on hit. Two of these gives you 13 damage every turn for 1 minute as a bonus action. Much, MUCH stronger than any 1st level spell. And while the objects can be destroyed, they have 20 HP and 18 AC each (greater than a 1st level Warlock or any of your allies, certainly!)

We could get this under control by changing the object stats. But I don't like clunky solutions like that, which ask players to memorize more math or refer back to their books.

I think the most elegant solution is to say "When you cast Animate Objects using this feature, you must use your action instead of your bonus action to control your objects". That changes it from "13 EXTRA damage per turn" to "13 damage per turn", which most martial classes can do for free.

This isn't a perfect solution, though. Your tiny objects will still have +8 to hit. Your small objects will still have +6. Despite you, as a 1st level character, having no more than +5. A simple solution to this problem is to rule that your objects use your spell attack bonus (which is a balancing nerf when you're casting 1st level casting 1st level spells and you have +5 to hit, but a buff when you're 9th level casting 5th level spells and you have +9 to hit)

2022-03-01, 05:11 PM
I think the most elegant solution is to say "When you cast Animate Objects using this feature, you must use your action instead of your bonus action to control your objects". That changes it from "13 EXTRA damage per turn" to "13 damage per turn", which most martial classes can do for free.

This isn't a perfect solution, though. Your tiny objects will still have +8 to hit. Your small objects will still have +6. Despite you, as a 1st level character, having no more than +5. A simple solution to this problem is to rule that your objects use your spell attack bonus (which is a balancing nerf when you're casting 1st level casting 1st level spells and you have +5 to hit, but a buff when you're 9th level casting 5th level spells and you have +9 to hit)

Oh, good point! Yeah, I didn't think about combining those attacks at early levels with cantrips (Eldritch Blast). However, since you don't always need to issue new commands every turn, this isn't the greatest obstacle. But it sure can be a part of the idea.

And the +X to hit being variable is also interesting. By making all shapes the same + to hit, it might (occasionally) make the different shapes more interesting. And it'll keep the spell usable at the higher levels that I also wanted to take them (with the Mystic Arcanum).

There's three things now rattling around in my head:

A table with the following things in relation to the spell level (amount of items, what size of object can you affect, what action do you use to command them) - I'd like a simple "no table" version, but I'm thinking it might be too hard.
How to write the change to "to hit" (general change to the spell or only for this class... I'm thinking about this class only)
A write up to how I generally handle group summons (grouping them up to avoid to many actions/moves/etc, with specific rules on how they take damage from normal attacks/AoE)

2022-03-01, 05:30 PM
Oh, good point! However, since you don't always need to issue new commands every turn, this isn't the greatest obstacle. But it sure can be a part of the idea.I didnt realize that the objects continue to take actions without you giving orders! That power must be revoked as well for this to be a balanced 1st level spell.

"When you cast this spell using this feature, you must use your action rather than your bonus action to issue orders to your objects, and your objects cannot take the Attack action unless ordered to on that turn."

There's three things now rattling around in my head:

A table with the following things in relation to the spell level (amount of items, what size of object can you affect, what action do you use to command them) - I'd like a simple "no table" version, but I'm thinking it might be too hard.
How to write the change to "to hit" (general change to the spell or only for this class... I'm thinking about this class only)
A write up to how I generally handle group summons (grouping them up to avoid to many actions/moves/etc, with specific rules on how they take damage from normal attacks/AoE)
Forget the table. Simply saying "the objects need to be ordered to attack and the objects use your spell attack bonus" is enough. The change to hit is just for this class.

And I would treat group summons exactly like you treat group enemies. No need to type up extra rules for them.

My biggest concern with this subclass is that itsxalready very, very complicated, with two different resources to manage and tables full effects modulated by both resources. So i think you should simply anything you can.

2022-03-02, 04:56 PM
Updated "Focus on Animation" to reflect what we discussed.

All animated objects now use the Warlock of the Unseen Hand's spell attack bonus instead of the listed to hit value.
At 1st and 2nd level castings, it takes an action each turn to direct the objects.
At 3rd and 4th level castings, it takes a bonus action each turn to direct the objects.
And from 5th level on, it works as described in the spell like normal.
(Also, some minor update in how the downcasting was described, using a logical rule instead of an example.

I'll probably clean up the language of "Mastery of Animation" in a fashion similar to this. (it now gives 2 examples with an etc... which is clear, but still bugs me :-p)