View Full Version : [IC] Wretched Wedding

2022-03-01, 04:46 AM
Hello players,

This is the IC Thread of Wretched Wedding
The OOC can be found: HERE (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?643166-OOC-Wretched-Wedding&p=25380913#post25380913)
Recruitment Thread: HERE (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?642703-Looking-for-5e-game/page3)



Duchess Zemine Kalythross
Thiefling Wizard (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2600365)

Ninja Dragon
Ben Grey
Human Sorcerer (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2601215)

Half-Elf Cleric (URL="https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2601259)

Lune Nailo
half-elf Druid (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2488914)

Important Persons

Hank Fitzgrey
Human Male - Bartender, Husband of maria
Hank is the scion of a noble family, but any fortune or prestige has withered over time. He is a simple man who likes owning his own tavern and making a living.
Somtimes a little posh and short sighted, he is a genuine loving man and father.
He likes beer and brewing his own beverages, history and woodcrafting.


Maria Fitzgrey
Human Female - Bartender, Wife of Hank
Maria and hank are happily married. She always wanted a child en loves Abigail with all her heart. She always has been a little protective because she knows Abigail is quite gullable.
She loves meeting new people and the occasional playing cards and gardening.

Abigail Fitzgrey
Human Female - Daughter of Hank & Maria
Abigail is a young woman of nearly 16 years old. She is soft and caring and kind of childish for her age. Not particularly smart, but very friendly and endearing.
She loves drawing and reading romantic novels, going outside and being in nature and wants to open a dress shop when she grows up.


Jeremy Valhart
Human Male - Nobleman
Jeremy is the eldest son of the Valhart noble family. He is a spoiled man, arrogant and simply lacks any sympathy for anything he doesn;t understand. Not that he is to blame, he never wanted for anything in his life and developed a very unrealistic view on life.
He likes drinking, showing off his unfortunately clumsy swordsmanship, shopping

Jolanda Valhart
Human Female - Noblewoman
Jolanda was married young and became a widow at a young age. it left her bitter and angry at the world. Like her brother she looks down on common folk and see them as her servants
She likes watching shows and fine dining, flirting with men and jewelry

Important Sites

Tavern: The old Inkpot
The Old Inkpot has two floors. One with a dining room and a kitchen to prepare food and a room to store goods. A second floor with guest rooms


Beer 5 cp
Wine (glass) 1 sp
Wine (Bottle) 5 sp
Hanks Brew 8cp
Ale 1 sp
Stout 1,2 sp

Breakfast 2 sp
Lunch 2 sp
Dinner 3 sp
Luxuous Dinner 8 sp

1 Night Stay:
Common Dorm 1 sp
Shared Quarter 2sp
Private Room 5 sp
Gentleman's retreat 9 sp

Important Information

2022-03-01, 04:46 AM
Reserved for later use

2022-03-01, 04:47 AM
Wretched Wedding

COLOR="#B22222"]"Look at that sign"[/COLOR]. You point to the sign on the road which reads Avery Manor
"Isn't Lord Avery, that cruel duke who murdered two wifes because they didn't fancy him anymore? I heard he is one blood thirsty madman..." your comrad answers."We better not swing by for a cup of tea"

Lord Avery is known as one of the more powerful nobles of the land. He is only 35 years old, but holds the reputation of being a very intelligent and cruel man.
His lands stretch far and wide and he has many places where he resides. Avery manor is the home of his parents who died under mysterious circumstances once Grisbald Avery came of age. He frequents the manor as his summer palacefor festivities, almost as to mock his parents. The king left the kingdom only a child as his heir, so rumors go that Avery might challenge the young boy for the crown. Avery has had two wifes, the daughters of other nobles. They both died, presumably by his hand. It did not make him popular among the other nobles and the families of the girls might want their revenge.It is said that Avery is in league with a powerful warlock who will help him claim the crown. The warlock always travels with him and poses as his advisor

You laugh and look at the sun setting in the horizon.
"We better find a place to spend the night soon, my friends"

You have been on the road for a while. The four of you have been through much together. First the war in the east. Just one kingdom having quarrels with another. Once your king died on the battlefield, there wasn't really any reason to fight on. The enemy lost so many troops they couldn't effectively occupy any land, so, with the king gone, the remaining lords and dukes seized the land and terrorized those who resisted them.

The war lasted for 6 years and started with rumors of one brother wanted to overthrow his other brother and claim both kingdoms for himself. The war between these two human nations was mostly ignored by the Elven kingdom next to it, although some elves and especially half-elves came to the aid of both kingdoms. The battles were quick and, as one would expect from magical battles, left very few survivers. Both sides fought bravely, but never made any decisive progress. This went on for a few years and left the land scorched and villages ransacked. In the last battle the king of your kingdom died and the army scattered. The opposing armies were too few in numbers to take any advantage of the situation and mostly just wanted to go home.
Many soldiers went home, and those who didn’t have a home any more just roamed the country for work, an honest meal or a new place to rebuild a life of their own.

After the war you and your friends just roamed the land as sell swords or work for hire, it hasn't been great and the war left the country poor and the people hungry and sick.

Another hour goes by and you see lights in the distance. A village, finally. Even though you are battlehardened, it only takes one highwayman with a sharp knife to cut your throat, so you prefer a safe place to sleep above camping next to the road,if it were possible.

When you come closer you see it's not really a village, but a few houses and an inn.
You knock on the door. First a small window opens and worrying eyes look you up and down berore the door opens. A middle aged human man stands in front of you. His clothes suggest he is well off, but they are old and torn.
Welcome, travelers, please come in
After he welcomes you in, he seems distracted and wanders off.\
In the inn you see five other guests.

A young man in fancy clothes, slick hair and obviously drunk. He sits in the corner having a conversation with an, apparently bored to death, older man who's dressed in military clothes. With him sits a cold looking woman who looks at you with a condescending gaze. You can't help but overhear her muttering Filthy peasants before she takes another sip from her wine. The last is an older dwarf sitting by the window smoking a pipe.

The fifth person is a woman who appears to be the wife of the man who let you in. it seems like she hasn't slept in days by the look on her face.
Let's sit in that other corner and avoid being bored to death as well your friend grins and you can't do but agree with them.


Younger Gentleman is dressed in fine clothing, has a sword at his side, although you expect he carries it mostly for status purposes.
The older soldier is a big fellow, by the looks of his face he might have a little orc blood in him. He wears armor and has a battle axe closeby and carries even more throwing axes on his belt.
The noblewoman is wearing a fine dress and carries no weapons.

You order drinks and the woman brings you a complementary bottle of wine.
When you lift up the bottle you see a note reads HELP US
You look up and you see the innkeeper and his wife having an argument and whispering to eachother.

You look at your fellow comrades and decide to find out what is going on. When you stand up the barkeep's wife turns pale and nervously walks to the back. The innkeeper looks over to the arrogant woman and drunk man, but they are too occupied to notice what is going on. He looks skittish at you and nudges you to come over and walks after his wife.

You go after him and meet the two in the kitchen.

I'm so very sorry sir/madam, my wife, I told hew to leave you alone, but you see... he points at your decorations of war You are soldiers of our king, blessed be his soul, if anyone can help us, it is you
After assuring them, they are more at ease and continue
They came here about a week ago, demaning payment. We are just simple folks, you see. back in the day our family worked at the manor, but the new lord... he.. The woman breaks down and sobs. the man continues.
When we couldn't pay him.... he took our girl and wants to make her his new wife...
That nobleman in the front is one of the many nobles Lord Avery invited over for the wedding. They can't be trusted. The wedding will be in about a week and we will never see her again.
Please help us. We have money, and some heirlooms that are worth quite a sum. You can have it all if you return our little girl to us!

You return to your table and tell what you've just heard to your friends and discuss what you decide to do....

2022-03-01, 07:01 PM
Alison takes a long draught from her mug. She's tired. She wants to have some meat, some ale, and sleep for the next year.

She looks to her comrades, seeing what they're thinking of saying. She won't be the first to talk-she will listen.

2022-03-01, 07:52 PM
Zemine walks in and smiles. The place was certainly nicer than many of the places she has stayed since the end of the war.

When she hears the woman mutter about peasants, Zemine smiles, and then shrugs her travelling cloak off, revealing a dress of deep green silks that is the match of, if not better than the other woman’s. And then with a muttered word and a hand wave, she scours the dress clean of the days dust and grime.

Things seem to be going well enough. Then the message. The story, and the plea.

Zemine picks up the wine, and pours out a glass for herself, and for any of the others who want one as well.

She lifts her glass, gives it a swirl and inhales the bouquet coming from the glass. As she lifts the glass, the silver of her ring glitters on the firelight, putting her sigil, a raven taking flight, on full display.

She drinks, and with an appreciative sound smiles.

Yes. I do think this is a decent wine. As to the request…

She takes another drink. I think we might be able to do something…

2022-03-02, 02:19 PM
Lune Naïlo (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2488914)
AC: 14 (16 w/shield) | HP: 34/34 | HIT DICE: 5d8+5
Speed: 30ft | Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 17 | Passive Insight: 17
Wild Shape (CR 1/2): 2/2
Conditions: ---

Lune is intrigued and appalled by the situation brought before them. Although she had spent nearly a decade among the humans, she would never cease to be amazed by their strange customs. Why could some force others to marry them because of their status or even just because of their gender? It made no sense to her. Back in the Starsoul tribe, there was no private ownership of people or things and gender was not synonymous with privilege.

She takes a long sip of the wine Zemine had poured her before replying:

''It's not only that we could help, but rather that we should help. That goes without saying. No Starsoul Elf would idly sit around knowing that some rich man kidnapped a young girl by extorting her family and now wishes to forcefully marry her. It makes no sense...''

She was careful not to speak too loud, but she couldn't help feeling flustered. She took a deep breathe. Another thing she had learned amongst humans is that displays of passion and emotion were generally frowned upon in public - the humans held rationality above all things - so she knew she needed to calm down, otherwise she'd attract attention. She blushed: ''I mean... only if you also agree, Alison?''

2022-03-02, 07:22 PM
"Yeah," comes her brief response. Seeing Lune's face, she adds more. "I know your customs aren't the same as ours, but this is an affront to common decency no matter how you slice it or where you come from. I wouldn't worry so much about us getting paid for this-those coins might be needed to keep the family safe, once we get her out of there."

Alison peers into her now-empty mug, and continues. "We'll need a little more information, though-can't go in unprepared."

2022-03-05, 08:50 AM
The bartender has gone back to cleaning glasses as his wife seems to remain in the back.

The drunk nobleman keeps yabbering on. When you listen to the conversation, you hear bits an pieces

....And you know, I never lost in a duel before. Not even Avery could best me when we were younger. I imagine how well he wields a sword these days...

...thinking of that father almost offered you hand to that man... Better not married than dead, am I right, dear sister?

You see the woman glancing at you somtimes, a condescending look mixed with boredom, but almost as if she wanted you to save her from this conversation.

The man in the corner is looking over some pieces of paper, sipping from his drink and smoking a pipe. He is totally occupied by his work and diregards all things that unfold in the tavern.

2022-03-05, 10:39 AM
Lune Naïlo (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2488914)
AC: 14 (16 w/shield) | HP: 34/34 | HIT DICE: 5d8+5
Speed: 30ft | Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 17 | Passive Insight: 17
Wild Shape (CR 1/2): 2/2
Conditions: ---

Having caught the woman's gaze a time too many, Lune decides to intervene: ''Um, excuse me? Sorry to interrupt. Did I hear this man say you were almost promised to Avery at one point? And you, Sir, are talking about besting him in a duel? And from the sound of it you all grew up together, huh? Tell me more about him, please! Oh! And about the wedding, too! I'm always so curious about the customs of humans and especially of the nobility! You love to make such events out of everything and anything. Truly intriguing!'' Her lips curl into a friendly smile.

(If they seem interested in talking, Lune will get up and have a seat with the nobles. Otherwise, she will remains at her table)

2022-03-09, 06:10 AM
The woman wigglees a little uncomfortable when you join her at the table. She is either not very used to company or she does indeed hold you in very low esteem.

Well yes, do you know him? You don't look very royal to me... or human for that matter (she takes a sip from her drink.

Her brother weighs in, and is seemingly muich more pleased to have a bigger ausience for his tall tales.

Oh yes she was, and he liked it too, you know

Hush brother...

I was young, he was good looking, You probably can't imagine what it's like.. and Father, he really liked the family ties... same reason we are sent off to this... gastly place

As she talks more she opens up more and more

The wedding... well yes, as I said, Father wanted us to go, and I don;t shy away form a good party, even if it is hosted by that man, I don't know what you mean by intriguing.. I mean don;t you have parties often?

2022-03-09, 10:47 AM
At this point, Zemine sighs and gets up from her chair.

Lune, you still have much to learn.

She inclines her head to the woman at the table. Forgive her. She was part of a delegation from the Elves that got caught up in our troubles. So she is sadly, at times, a bit odd. I am Duchess Zemine Kalythross. May I join you?

2022-03-09, 04:52 PM
Alison sticks near Zemine, letting her do the talking.

2022-03-10, 11:55 AM
The young woman sighs in relief.

Oh, what a delight.

Yolanda Esmeralda Samantha Valhart, a pleasure to meet you!

Ofcourse, please join us, and your...ser..friends can join too I suppose

Assuming you join the table she keeps rambling

Yes, so we are going to this wedding, I mean nothing special, I mean he found another wife.. again.
Ah well, He'll lose interrest in her soon enough, as he did with me.

She takes a sip and looks bitter.

Are you coming to the party too? did you get an invitation as well?

She gets a beautiful decorated lettle from her purse and shows it as though she expects you to show her yours.

Her brother joins in

Oh sister dear. It sure is a pity, he owns quite a buit of land, you could have been much more than we are now. No wonder father wanted you to marry him.

Oh well. to better futures

He raises his glass and takes another sip, not even waiting for you to raise yours. he seems pretty drunk by now.

You see the bartender look at you and frown, he seems not very happy with you being so friendly to his customers. His wife is still in the back. The hour draws late and the body guard has drifted off. his eyes are closed and his head rests on his arm on the table.

In the corner of your eye you see the figure in the corner stand up and walk to the stairs. He wispers something to the barkeep, who nods and goes upstairs.

2022-03-10, 11:30 PM
It has been some time since I have attended a court function. It would have been nice to have been invited, Zemine says.

She watches as the barkeeper starts to go upstairs.

Zemine opens up her spellbook, a tome covered in a violet leather with several deep blue stones decorating the books corners. She finds a loose page in the book, and then snaps her fingers making a violet quill the same shade as her spellbook appear. She plucks the quill from the air and begins to write a note on the loose page holding the book in front of her so only she can see what she is writing. She then turns and hands the page to Alison, closing the spellbook as she does so.

Alison. Would you be so kind as to deliver this set of instructions to the barkeeper? Oh, and inquire about a set of rooms for us for the night as well. Feel free to go over my requests and add whatever provisions you feel you need to. Thank you.

She turns back to Yolanda, seemingly dismissing the Cleric.

Goodness. Where was I? Oh, yes... As I was saying. I haven't been to court since before the war. I do so miss the parties. And of course, my friends. There was this young man from down south. Sir,... Gallet, I believe his name was? He had the most peculiar laugh. And some of the most peculiar ideas about some of the other people in court. Why, he even believed the rumors about Lord Avery, you know the ones, don't you?

Alison. This invitation would be very difficult to forge. Would you go after our erstwhile employer and see if he may know of any nobles nearby who would not be attending? I may not be able to forge the document, but I can likely alter one to make myself the attendee. That gets us inside without needing to sneak or fight. I don't think this woman knows anything that might help us, but I will try and keep her occupied.

Oh, and please ask about rooms for the night? If I have to sleep under another bush I just might set it on fire come morning. When you enquire about the room though, make sure you mention a room specifically for me, and do not forget to mention my title. See if he reacts to it, would you please? I get the feeling he is uneasy about nobility in general, and wonder if he regrets asking us knowing I am was one.

Thank you.

2022-03-11, 06:47 AM
Alison takes the note. She's not totally sure what her companion is doing, but trusts her to have a good idea.

She heads for the stairs, and peruses the note subtly. Seeing Zemine's idea, she smiles slightly. The situation might be grim, but her trust is well-placed.

When she finds the barkeep, Alison says "Sorry about the whole... Everything, honestly. The former lady Zemine isn't really privy to the gossip of the nobility-nor does she care all that much about it, but considering what we're going into, it might pay dividends to learn some of it. Speaking of that, do you know if there any other invitees who aren't going? Forging the invitation wholesale wouldn't be easy-but altering the name would be a lot simpler. And how much are rooms for the night?"

2022-03-12, 05:32 AM
When Ailsongoes to the bartender speaks to him, he doesn;t necessarily looks very happy. It's not like he has something personal against peopel of noble blood, but regarding his particarment you can imagine he is not the biggest fan of them as well.

He shakes his head.

Thank you, madam, I cannot thank you enough and how would a traveler like your friend and yourself, who want to help two desperate parents be of ill will?

I can see that your heritage or origin does not deminish your character. You know, I too come from noble descent. Not that I hold any titles or can call myself anything else than a humble tavern owner. My family back in the day was known for their generosity towards to common folk. I see that your friend has seen enough to know how privileged some of us are. I can not say the same about some others here...

No I am sorry, all the land here belongs to Lord Avery. I can imagine that other guests will arrive soon, but I wouldn't imagine you would find an invitation that will not be used within a few days travel

he hesitates for a moment

I understand however what you're getting at. What if the invitations would... dissapear from their luggage?

The man doesn't look like he is very skilled or experienced with this kind of activity, but looks very willingly to help.

2022-03-12, 09:52 AM
Alison frowns. "Don't put yourself in harm's way. If you want to try it, make sure you have an excuse ready-the other nobility might not be as cruel as your daughter's 'betrothed', but they can be vindictive."

She thinks a moment, and adds "Perhaps have some trouble with the rooms? I don't know, but if you can manage to make some of the nobles shift rooms, it might be easier to spirit away an invitation."

2022-03-12, 02:21 PM
Lune Naïlo (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2488914)
AC: 14 (16 w/shield) | HP: 34/34 | HIT DICE: 5d8+5
Speed: 30ft | Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 17 | Passive Insight: 17
Wild Shape (CR 1/2): 2/2
Conditions: ---

While Zemine and Yolanda talk about their noble affairs, Lune is too busy imagining herself roll her eyes so hard that they disappear into the back of her head to pay much attention. At least she smiles and nods a lot, which usually keeps nobles content as they listen to themselves speak. By chance, she notices the dwarf in the corner leave the room and whisper to the batender. Thinking the nobles might be a dead end, Lune has an idea and quickly excuses herself: ''Well. It was a, uh, pleasure, to meet such... charming people! May the light of the Stars shine upon you.''
She scrambles off, grabbing her staff on the way, and catches the dwarf just after his whisper to the owner, while he is going up the stairs, to make sure they are out of earshot and sight of the others. In a hushed voice she asks: ''Excuse me, sir? I noticed you whispering to the owner downstairs... Are you also on board with the, you know, the marriage situation? Maybe we could be of assistance to each other...''

2022-03-17, 04:56 AM
The bartender Looks a little relieved, he wants to help, but he is not the kind of man who seems to be very daring or heroic.
I don't know. They arrived yesterday and booked the Gentleman's Retreat. Their belongings are in that room, except the invitation it seems. She carries it with her in her purse, so switching it around, wouldn;t be of much help, I'm affraid.

Please feel free to use any room, for free, ofcourse. I do not know how to make it easier for you.

When Lune approaches the mysterious man, He frowns a bit when she speaks to him. His face looks old and wrinkled
Good evening. The name is Pete... The marriage situation? I don't get involved with such triviality
Insight Roll= 25 You feel as something is off with the man, it might be his disintrest in you, or just the way he is dressed in his robe and his old face, but something doesn't feel right and you don't feel you can trust him, or that his business here is very honest.

Now please, I'd like to go my room and get a good night's sleep. I suggest you do the same, madam, you look very tired.x

Zemine is still sitting with the nobles. Jeremy is oblivious about what is going on behind his back. he drank way too much to be able to notice anything at all, you presume. The guardsman just waits untill the evening is done, but Jolanda looks at Zemine with interest when she shows off her magic like that.

Extraordinairy, your magic. I always find your...kind, intriguing, to say the least. Your ancestry and origin always fascinated me, as well as magic in particularly. Father forbade it, but I have learned a trick or two.

She stumbles a bit, but you she is actually doing an effort to have a real conversation with you. Her condescending gaze has soften a bit.

Endulge me for a moment and tell me who your teacher was? I had to find everything out on my own you see. I wonder how it is to have a mentor who trains you in the noble art of magic.

2022-03-17, 08:21 AM
Oh, well. I think for a conversation like that...

Zemine lifts her hand and crooks two of her fingers. Her wine bottle and two glasses raise up and make their way over to her, and settle onto the table.

She pours some of the wine into each glass, and then picks one up. What should we toast to?