View Full Version : Performance and stories

2022-03-05, 05:33 PM
I'm a paladin and I would like to narrate some stories for my party. But not only for them, but also for the people inside the inns. I have even a magical instrument that could help me a bit.

To be perfectly honest, I would like to become so good at telling stories that I would like to rival the bards inside the city. Also, if I had good stories, I'm pretty sure I could meet new interesting people every time I go into an inn and maybe someone would like, one day, to share a story with me. Or tell me some dark secrets.

So, how do you use performance in your session?

Is there anywhere a list of stories that players narrated in their playthrough? I would like to *uhm* borrow *cough cough* a few for my campaign.

2022-03-05, 06:08 PM
The only thing performance has been used for that I've seen is to "play dead" after a caster or rogue got smacked out by a brute enemy & then pop healed for a few hit points. Everything else was just RPed.

2022-03-07, 09:38 AM
Basically, it seems no one in this forum plays bard :P - I would have loved to hear some stories that I could share in an inn. ;)