View Full Version : dark heresy: shotguns and shock mauls

2022-03-05, 06:26 PM
hive sibellus: date unknown, time unknown

it was supposed to be a simple drop-off of a xenos artifact to a discreet client in the underhive. no sooner had you met up in the establishment, than an arbites patrol had swarmed you four, put you in strait-capes and dragged you off to throne-knows where. you were separated, interrogated and sentenced to death for your involvement in the cold trade. you then were pushed into a communal cell with yourselves and another soul condemned, a tall almost skeletal man of an indeterminate age. this is where your story begins, devoid of equipment and sentenced to death.

what do you do?

Bunny Commando
2022-03-06, 03:13 PM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


The interrogation has certainly not been kind to Nero - the street rags he wears show red blotches, bruises all over his face; still, he seems keenly aware of his surroundings and his eyes shows a mind at work, most probably trying to find a solution to their predicament. Even though he limps and groans, the pain from the gruesome beating by the Arbites weighing on him, there's a grim determination in his demeanor that tells anyone who could see him he's not going to lay down and sheepishly wait for his own death.

Nero squints while observing the tall man that was the lone occupant of cell until minutes ago, trying to assess his usefulness; then, the scum flashes a smile and talks to the man in a friendly manner "I do believe it is customary to ask what the unfortunate fellow that share your fate has done to catch the Arbites' attention." a short pause, he tries to shrug a bit but winches from the pain "...but I would be more interested in knowing if you had the chance to see if there's a way out of here. We have a date with the executioner and I wouldn't really mind miss that appointment."

2022-03-06, 04:09 PM
Pendral Malfi (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2602897)

Pendral seems alone with his thoughts although his demeanor did not give much away. He could have been cataloging the mistakes that led him to this place, or just going over inventory and alien artifacts left unclaimed. Not an uncommon trait in his house, schooled to give away nothing or show any weakness lest he continue to be the victim. When Nero speaks, Pendral stirs into motion as if just realizing where he is and wondering if the other confined soul is the buyer or just there by happen stance.

“I believe we ran afoul of the local law’s rigidity, as they have no respect for the relics of long-ago lost civilizations. And I can speak on behalf of the long lost, I am Pendral Malfi. Welcome to our merry lot.”

He reaches for an empty place on his finger and gives a perplexed look when he finds nothing here. The quickest flash of distress crosses he face, but then it is replaced by a pointed stare at the newcomer.

2022-03-07, 04:35 AM
Adalyn Montaro (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25387042&postcount=8)

Lynn is sitting on whatever she can find that makes her situation even the little more comfortable. Her body is broken from the beatings, and she stares into oblivion and ties to keep herself sane as much as she can.

She is relieved that her colleages/friends are still alive, not that she has worked with so many people, but it was not uncommon that contacts would disapear now and then.

She groans and tries tnot to move all to much to avoid the pain, her fingers fiddle with a piece of rock, Normally she would have a piece of tech with a dubious origin to play with when she is nervous, but since she was robbed of all her belongings and equipment, a piece of stone would have to do. She turns to Nero

I doubt this man does know about such things, otherwise he would have left this place before almost dying of malnourisment.

Maybe not the most charismatic or tactical thing to say, but that's typical Lynn.

She turns to the man.

You can call me Lynn, I agree with Nero, we rather not see this adventure through to the end and bail before it's comclusion.

2022-03-07, 11:59 AM
the man smiles "as a matter of fact, i do." he flips a hidden switch and the back wall hisses open, revealing a single-file passageway lit by dim emergency glow-globes. "well time's a-wasting. wouldn't want to be caught escaping" the man chuckles and leads the way. assuming you follow, its dim and loud for an unknown period until you all spill out somewhere in the mid-hive. its way past curfew. and there are three boxes in the alley. the man introduces himself as interrogator tranque of the ordo xenos and commands you to follow him

Bunny Commando
2022-03-07, 01:27 PM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


Even though he is certainly surprised by the sudden change of fortunes, Nero hides it well - he throws a smug, told-you-so look at his companions "You wouldn't believe how far you can get just by asking." the scum chuckles at Lynn and her doubts, teasing her playfully. He follows the tall man without any hesitation, most probably quite convinced that whatever is waiting for them at the end of the corridor would certainly be better of the gallows.

It's when the man introduces himself as an Interrogator of the Holy Ordos that Nero's demeanor changes drammatically, like someone flipped a switch in his mind; if the scum was friendly and jolly a moment ago, now is cold and cautious, his eyes brimmed with fear. He approaches one of the boxes and timidly checks what it may contain - Nero would retrieve anything that could increase his chances of survival; that done, he follows the man without questions of any sort and one could see that if Nero was eager to escape from the Arbites' clutch, he doesn't seem now so sure that their predicament has turned for the better.

2022-03-08, 01:36 AM
Pendral Malfi (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2602897)

Talking to my himself: What can be the harm in such a nice shared delusion? I could have at least been more imaginative in my rendition of “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge”. Pendral does not seem to notice that he is talking to himself as he follows the man through the passageway. He does not come out of his musings until the man he has been following introduces himself.

Why a man of knowledge and culture? I cannot say I know as much as on the subject as you, but I may be of some assistance. Pendral does not seem the least a bit concerned, possibly because he thinks he is still acting out a fine play of fancy (lunacy?). If anything, his role is well played despite the shuffled appearance and blood matted hair. Upon seeing the boxes, he reaches for his empty finger again and moves towards them with some alacrity. Peering inside, he hopes to find something familiar…

2022-03-08, 12:14 PM
opening the boxes, your equipment looks back at you. assuming you sling it on, interrogator tranque leads you to a small hab block and opens the door "welcome to your humble abode for tonight" he murmurs and closes the door. "come the morrow, inquisitor feronikka has booked you passage to void station Sevastopol aboard the piety of the vampire. there is a small cogitator bank in the back rooms should you care to use it. there is also a refresher station which you probably should use" he turns to each of you. "as of now, you are officially acolytes of inquisitor feronikka. are there any questions?"

2022-03-09, 04:57 AM
Adalyn Montaro (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25387042&postcount=8)

First Lynn is hessitant to follow the strange man,but it surely isn't just any day a prisoner knows a way out like that, more likely he isn;t a prisoner at all, and a way out is certainly better than a guaranteed death, so she follows the man and her companions.

She stays behind Nero and let him do the talking. She understands quite too well that in the presence of such an important figure missteps are easily made and dealth with without hesitation, so she just stads as the interrogator leads the way and shows them the boxes.

Once she sees her equipment, you see a sparkle in her eye. She softly touches her needlegun as though she is reunited with a long lost love. With a steady hand she checks the gun for any malfunction and checks the magazine. She clicks the clip back in and nods at the strange new ally.

She follows the group to their stay for tonight and listens to the man and maybe doesn't realize fully what his words mean when he speaks she is now an acolyte of this fearsome inquisitor.

She looks at Pendral as though she expects him to ask a question.

Do i have any questions? Her mind races, she has a million questions. What does it mean to be an acolyte,what does this inquisitor wants them to do, can they get some rest and tend their bruises, what time is it? what is that odd shaped mole on the neck of the man that brought them here... as usual most of the questions aren;t very relevant and she needssome time to adjust to this new situation. Once she is settled, she knows she will have more room for a decent conversation and find out what this all means

One thing is certain, there is no going back, and there is no "saying no" to this, even if she wanted to.

No questions for now, Thank you I suppose she whispers as her midns wonders off again at the chaos in her mind.

Bunny Commando
2022-03-09, 03:40 PM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


Nero definitely grabs his own stuff, obvious concern in how he conducts himself that soon enough he's going to need it. When they finally arrive to a safe-ish place, he immediately scans it with his eyes like he's worried that something or someone could appear out of nowhere - he is scared, and Nero never seemd the kind of person to scare easily. So when he finally talks, the scum has to do his best to try to hide the fear that one could still detect in his voice; still, Nero shows now a degree of professionalism that seems a bit uncharacteristic of him, like he knows exacty what to ask.

"I do have questions." he says in a serious, matter-of-factly voice "What are our mission objectives?" he starts asking, counting the questions on the finger of his right hand "Do we have a liaison agent on the Piety of the Vampire and/or Sevastopol and if so how we're going to recognize them? he slightly turns towards his companions before asking the last question "And after the mission has been completed, where we have to go for debriefing."

2022-03-10, 01:35 AM
Pendral Malfi (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2602897)

Pendral hastily dons his ring as soon as he spots it in the box of personal items. The ring itself is well-crafted, but of simple palladium design with the seal of the Ecclesiarchy. This ring definitely does not fit Pendral’s demeanor. It could be written off as another Malfi ruse, but it is actually the only keepsake that remains from his mother. He gives it a good twist on his finger and seems quite a bit more at ease, falling silent for the first time since meeting the Interrogator. He also slips on the Xeno mesh armor that looks rather suspiciously like item the group had original come to the hive to deliver. Its light weight construction clearly distinguishes itself as “not of Imperial construction” but is easily hidden beneath his robes.

At the groups temporary domicile, he listens to the Interrogator’s words without expression. Pendral only asks one question after Nero rattles off a number of very practical ones: Where and when do we meet the ship for boarding? He carefully notes the response as to not miss the ship’s departure. After years of risky low-level contraband deliveries pushed upon him by his family, he has found an escape…

2022-03-11, 08:52 AM
interrogator tranque answers your questions: "there have been reports of sabotage on the station. also, void station Sevastopol is a small imperial shipyard, mostly turning out sword-class frigates for the war effort in the periphery. we cannot afford delays, especially now that waagh grimtoof has committed his forces to the fight. your contact is a man called holtz in the voidsmans bar the leviathans tooth. he should have room for you in his establishment. speak about a mighty haul from scintilla when you enter."

"if he is unable to house you, use these to procure lodging", he produces two 50 gelt coins, and passes them to nero. "be careful, acolytes. i sense something afoot, but i cannot tell what. the emporer protects" he makes the sign of the aquilla and leaves, saying over his shoulder "there is a small lander in the 42nd level's last docking bay. you cant miss it"

Bunny Commando
2022-03-13, 11:06 AM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


After the Interrogator leaves the safe house, Nero gestures to his companions to huddle so that he might whisper to them, his voice full of concern and suspicion "Beware of what you say. Someone is listening." but he doesn't wait for any answer from them, as to avoid suspicion if someone is watching them too. With his gear in tow, he tries to find a place where to crash and have some rest - he definitely needs it, even though the Arbites didn't cause any lasting damage, it was still enough to make him whimper a bit when he finally sits on a bed.

2022-03-13, 09:22 PM
Pendral Malfi (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2602897)

Pendral takes what Nero says to heart, but he has long ago come to the conclusion he is damned. Being an adept and of a questionable family of wealth, he has come across enough tomes containing forbidden knowledge. Many of those images are still burned into his head although he does not understand what many of them yet mean. That “understanding” scares him most of all despite his analytical mind’s unending attempts to puzzle them out

He dons a grim face and looks from Nero’s to Adalyn’s face before nodding. At least we can get cleaned up. He motions to Adalyn that she can go first as Nero takes rest, but is clearly eager to get clean. Who knows, there could have been someone more distasteful than ourselves in those holding cells prior to our arrival.

2022-03-18, 08:48 PM
Since my character Ruby is directly replacing Adalyn by GM retcon, I will interpret Pendral's last comment directed at Adalyn as being directed at Ruby instead.

Ruby Durand (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_5tkCvAtRbBxqmXT7v1OJPmf8ZqUgoeE72nZXOwDYGw/edit)

Ruby nodded curtly at Pendral's suggestion and headed towards the refresher. "Heh, if you think that was a nasty holding cell, you clearly haven't been slumming the Underhive as much as me, chummer. That was practically pristine compared to some slams I've woken up in. Fine, I'll go first, don't plan on taking too long anyway. Need to see if anyone messed with my ladies while we were separated."

She'd been in a foul mood ever since they'd all woken up together in the cell, and almost all of it was due to the Arbites taking her beloved firearms (and to a lesser extent, her blades as well) away from her. She proved true to words however, as in almost no time at all, she was back, attacking her damp hair with a brush to beat it back into its usual rough ponytail before dragging a couch over by the door where she could sprawl herself out comfortably while keeping an eye on it. She began to lay her guns out with far more care than she'd attended on her hair and, judging by the damp patches and dirty streaks still visible on it, her clothes that she'd apparently cleaned in the refresher as well due to lack of any others to replace them with. "Fresher's free. I'll watch the door if you want to do something boring in the back like messing with those cogitators."

Bunny Commando
2022-03-19, 01:23 PM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


Nero lays on the bed gazing at the ceiling, lost in his own thoughts; the immediate fear of having met an agent of the Holy Ordos may have passed, but the concern of what they will have to do in service of this Inquisitor Feronikka is definitely still there. Ruby's words seems to drag him out his own mental space though, he groans and with some effort finally stands up "All right, I'll check the cogitator. Hope its Machine Spirit is not unruly like the one we had on the ship." Nero says with strained voice; even though he seems to want to say more, most probably to discuss their sudden change of "fortunes", he bides his time for now.

Once he has found the cogitator, he pushes the Rune of Activation without presenting any prayers, invocations or offerings of Sacred Oil to the Machine Spirit of the device - he might know that such behaviour is tantamount to heresy for the Priesthood of Mars and in public he would probably be much more respectful of technology; right now he is however too tired and sore to mantain a convincing facade for whoever might be watching him now. Besides, if the Interrogator had not executed them for their dealings with the xenos, a bit of disrepect to the Omnissiah would probably not draw much attention from him.
That done, as soon as the Machine Spirit is ready to accept his commands Nero checks if the cogitator has some data in storage - who knows, maybe the Interrogator has left a surprise for them.

If necessary, here's a Tech-Use roll.
[roll0] vs. 21

2022-03-20, 12:15 AM
nero, im gonna offer you a choice. either you find something useful but heretical, or nothing. please describe what you find as well

Bunny Commando
2022-03-20, 10:08 AM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


The Machine Spirit of the cogitator is ancient, probably millennia old; there's evidence its memory has been scrubbed clean multiple times, standard procedure to purge it from no longer useful files - or, sometimes, knowledge deemed too dangerous for the uninitiated to have.
Such fragments of lost knowledge can be retrieved through skill or determination and Nero has been molded to possess both; the Machine Spirit itself seems eager to let Nero find crumbs of forbidden lore until the scum has finally a grasp of what an unknown servant has tried to erase: someone, who knows when, has extensively studied the process on how an individual of limited psychic ability could channel the foul energies of the Warp to achieve feats similar to the ones a trained psyker might accomplish. Such dark knowledge is incomplete, the purges have deleted much so that Nero has now only a vague idea on what one should do to wield such profane powers and a keen awareness that someone of weak character would be quickly overwhelmed by them.

Still it is something. He presses the Rune of Deactivation to put the Machine Spirit to rest and goes back to his bunk without sharing anything he has discovered with the others - might be because he doesn't trust them or because he doesn't want whoever might be listening to know he has found such dark knowledge.

If bramblefoot allows it, Nero would find information regarding the use of Sorcery.

2022-03-21, 12:00 PM
the night passes smoothly, except for Nero, who is plagued by dreams of a large daemonic hound chasing him through the corridors of hive sibellus. Nero awakes in a cold sweat as the hounds jaws were closing around his throat. is there anything the party would like to do before heading to the landing bay?

2022-03-21, 11:18 PM
Pendral Malfi (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2602897)

Pendral gets up early and is ready to go. His clothes look a lot cleaner and they are carefully covering his armor. He has a pistol in his waist band that looks particularly unimpressive. We have a date with a Lander! Pendral smiles and looks around the room to see if everyone is excited as he is.

Bunny Commando
2022-03-22, 08:27 AM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


Nightmares have woken up Nero before the others, so that he tries to find some solace in a good, long shower - hot water relaxing his muscles, helping him fight back the last remnants of the horrifying images his mind has conjured. But even though he was wide awake before Pendral, he's a bit late in being ready for departing and definitely doesn't share the noble's excitement; when he's finally done with checking his own backpack and weaponry, he turns to the others and says with a strained, tired voice "Ready." and unless anyone stops him, he opens the door and cautiously checks what's outside - Hive Sibellus is already dangerous as it is and now Nero has found himself employed by the Inquisition, the same organization that has killed everyone back at the Abbey and has hunted him down for years.

It's not like he can do much about it now, however; unless he notices anything out of the ordinary, he gestures to his companions that it is safe to move and he himself takes to the crowded streets of the Hive in search of the nearest elevator that could transport them to the landing pads.

2022-03-22, 09:21 AM
Ruby Durand (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_5tkCvAtRbBxqmXT7v1OJPmf8ZqUgoeE72nZXOwDYGw/edit)

Ruby was in a better mood that morning. Giving her bang bang girls a good cleaning and some proper loving attention the previous evening always helped calm her down. Once the lander was away, they could leave this pit and the damned Arbites behind for good. Sure, there was the minor consideration that they were now in the employ of the bloody Inquisition, but honestly that didn't faze Ruby much more than working for the Cold Trade had. Not like their last employers weren't also a bunch of scary, secretive people who'd chuck their bodies in a reclaimator if they asked too many questions. With her weapons and pack strapped over her armor, she pushed the door open to the hallway before giving a wave to her partners. "Let's go, boys. The sooner we leave this pisshole hive behind, the better."

2022-03-23, 12:00 AM
will someone toss 1d100? as always, lower is better

2022-03-23, 12:32 AM
will someone toss 1d100? as always, lower is better

I feel this is going to be a wonderful day!


2022-03-23, 11:31 AM
the party is buffeted by crowds until they reach a small freight elevator. can i get an awareness test from each of you?

Bunny Commando
2022-03-23, 12:21 PM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


Nero pushes and elbows in the attempt of making his way towards the nearest elevator, sharing with his companions what the Drill Abbess Jaclyn told him so many years ago in a pensive voice "You could find anything in a Hive - but you might very well be what a hiver is looking for." and true to the teachings of Jaclyn, Nero's eyes dart around looking for any ill intent from an even more unsavory party than them.

[roll0] vs. 32

2022-03-23, 11:36 PM
Ruby Durand (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_5tkCvAtRbBxqmXT7v1OJPmf8ZqUgoeE72nZXOwDYGw/edit)

Ruby ducked and weaved through the crowds with the practiced ease of one born into a hive. "Most of these folk are just Hab drones going from their rathole apartments to work a 16 hour Manufactorum shift before trudging back home and passing out. Might as well be servitors, it'd take a xenos attack or something just as drastic to wake the lot of them up out of their stupor. Why the hell do you think I joined a Underhive gang in the first place? Sure as feck wasn't for my health."

[roll0] vs 28

2022-03-25, 12:17 AM
Pendral Malfi (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2602897)

This is why I find the lot of you as such wonderful company, you are even more Jaded than I am. Despite his words, Pendral does eye the crowd quite suspiciously.

[roll0] vs. Awareness of 31

2022-03-25, 05:54 AM
the ride in the freight elevator is uneventful until the doors open and you all spill out into a minor rumble between two hive gangs. its a wild and chaotic melee, knives and clubs rising and falling with brutal accuracy, blood pooling on the tiles. surprisingly none of you are hit in this morass of limbs and bodies



Bunny Commando
2022-03-25, 03:28 PM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


Nero yelps while trying to dodge and keep out of the brutal melee; not his battle, not his cause, not a reward in sight to get involved so he turns towards his two companions and bellows so that he would be heard above the furious sounds of battle "Be ready to make a run for it!" and since he has already discarded any idea of opening a path with violence, he chooses to be smart; he yells at the top of his lungs "GRENADE! GRENADE!" hoping the warning would be enough for those damned gangers to part and find cover so the he can make a beeline towards the landing pads.

Deceive roll [roll0] vs. 35.
I'm going to use a FP in case I fail [roll1].

If successful, Nero moves as fast as he can.

2022-03-25, 06:00 PM
surprisingly, Nero's deception works. the hivers scatter, giving you enough room for you to book it to the landing pads. on the last pad sits a battered arvus lighter. the pilot, who is a willowy void-born, sidles up and says "your friend is inside already. stow your kit and lets go"

2022-03-25, 10:24 PM
Ruby Durand (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_5tkCvAtRbBxqmXT7v1OJPmf8ZqUgoeE72nZXOwDYGw/edit)

Ruby smirked as they ran. She'd been all prepared to blast her way through with her beloved Agatha, but then Nero singlehandedly tricked all of them with such a dumb con she wanted to laugh. Not like she was gonna turn her nose up at an easy escape. "Can't believe those frakking morons bought that. God-Emperor, even the gangs in this hive are a bunch of bottom feeding losers."

Upon reaching the lander, she turned a suspicious eye towards the pilot at the mention of another passenger already waiting for them. "Wait, who? What friend? That sneaky bastard who sent us never said nothing about anyone coming with us."

2022-03-25, 10:33 PM
"the imperium doth work in mysterious ways" the pilot says. "meet Father Lucien. he can be loopy at times, but there's a keen mind behind all the fluff stuffed into his head."

2022-03-26, 02:49 AM
The wiry Confessor sat in the small office he shared with a scrivener servitor and archivist of the Adeptus Administratum, a strangely coloured aiguillette roughly a metre and a half in length was wound round his wrist and he was passing its length through his lips breathing in deeply its musty perfume as it passed beneath his twitching nose.

He murmured a series of prayers, and snatches of the secret blessed visions that often seared his soul, when his stigmata was upon him. Visions he shared with none save the myriad hued braid of borrowed and pilfered dreams.

The solitary sound in the cramped space was the scratching of the sevitor’s chorus of auto-quills and they feverishly scrawled across the endless cascade of parchment spewing from its chest mount. Lucien was completely lost in his reverie, not bothering to look up when Qunton, the adept who shared his closet-sized cloister had entered.

It was only the silence of the now motionless servitor and the thunderous clack of door being locked that broke him from his devotions. “Quinto-” he began as he looked up to see… “wha—who are-- I will have know tha–” it was rare that Lucien was silenced once he had set his mind upon a sermon or diatribe but his eyes saw the blessed insignia of the Holy Ordos.

With surprising alacrity, he bolted from his chair kneeling before the man. “Pardon my insolence, my liege.” he sputtered making the sign of the Aquila across his chest.

“We’ve little time for pleasantries, or formalities, Father Lucien Castille di Belasco. I am Interrogator Tranque the Emperor has entrusted us both to service of Inquisitor Feronikka. Gather your belongings you leave tomorrow.”


The Confessor stood as the others entered the lander. “Father Lucien di Belasco, Confessor and servant of the Emperor.” his accent betrayed both his Malfian and aristocratic origins, as did the ornate Malfian bolo sheathed on his hip.

The priest wore the red and white robes of his office, trimmed in gold, the robes had a strange almost luminescent sheen to them, a large ornate portable-altar lay at his feet, with all manner of votives and seals attached to it. It had two thick straps and belt allowing it to be carried easily and what appeared to be a human skull banded in iron and some silver coloured metal perched atop the pack like a grim watchman. The man’s golden eyes widened and his face became almost manic as his gaze fell upon Ruby. Or more aptly her hair...

His trembling hand reached out, as his eyes began to well with tears. "Crimson as blood upon the cobles, fire, flame scorching the bone burnished black beneath the heathen's sin..."

[roll0] vs WP 28

Bunny Commando
2022-03-26, 11:09 AM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


"Why, don't I look like someone you can trust?" now that they're running to safety, Nero relaxes a little bit and playfully teases Ruby "I mean, I convinced you lot to take me with you, so..." that said, he burst out in a carefree laugh for having almost literally dodged a bullet right at the start of the mission. Such good mood doesn't last long, however - when Nero's finally aboard the Arvus he joins Ruby in her surprise for having another passenger with them and worst of all, a priest of the Ministorum.
He gives Lucien a long, wary look from head to toe and carefully observes his reaction when he meets Ruby; then Nero almost immediately changes demeanor and approaches Lucien with a grin and a tentative handshake "Nero. Servant of the Emperor as well, even though I have trod a different path." the scum nods slightly to the Confessor, apparently oblivious one should not treat a priest with such lightness. That said and done, he takes his place in one of the Arvus' seats and waits for the light aircraft to depart.

2022-03-26, 11:55 AM
Nero's approach and outstretched hand, brings Lucien back, he puts his hand in Nero's grateful for the impromptu handshake.

I must watch that... he thought.

"Yes, of course, all of us here are of the faithful, serving the Throne and," he leans in close, his cheek almost brushing against that of Nero's, "Inquisitor Feronikka." he finishes in a conspiratorial whisper. "Never been to a void station before, I hear life betwixt the stars is often quite dreadful. Emperor protect us."

2022-03-26, 03:45 PM
the ride in the arvus lander is bumpy to say the least. it smooths out when you reach the void, and the pilot is good at her job to say the least. she sets the lighter down without so much as a bump in the landing bay of the piety of the vampire. a small, squat man appears at the back ramp "come come! i will show you to your quarters" he chirps, practically capering with excitement.

2022-03-26, 09:00 PM
Ruby Durand (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_5tkCvAtRbBxqmXT7v1OJPmf8ZqUgoeE72nZXOwDYGw/edit)

Ruby 's suspicion at having someone unexpected waiting for them changed to slowly dawning horror as they came face to face with the gaunt-looking man and she recognized what the robes he wore signified. You have got to be kidding me... a PRIEST?!

The fact that he shared the same aristo accent as Pendral only made things worse. Whereas she at least knew Pendral to be a kindred soul to hers and Nero's more criminal mindsets, a bloody Confessor of all things would no doubt look on their business with a decidedly unfriendly eye. She gritted her teeth and had prepared herself to blurt out some false pious grox**** about working together for the good of the Imperium and all that nonsense when she realized that the bastard was looking at her with more than just polite interest. Her hardened dislike at being in close proximity with a member of the Ecclesiarchy morphed into outright disgust as she realized he was leering at her hair like a perverted creep, and when he started reaching for her, she could feel the blinding red of unchecked fury creeping into the edges of her vision as sheer rage kicked in. The sheer brazen gall of his actions had momentarily stunned her, but the moment he touched her she would grab the fingers and proceed to break every single bone in his... oh.

Somehow, Nero (and she really, really owed him a solid for this, as momentarily satisfying for her as it would have been to unleash some violence on the damned priest) had instantly sized the situation up, gotten in between the two of them, and was now distracting the old bastard long enough for her to tamp down on her rage and shove past the man with a murderous glare. She took the empty co-pilot seat in the cockpit, flipping off the pilot but otherwise ignoring her attempts to convince her to join the others in the cabin. The last thing in the galaxy she wanted at the moment was to be in punching range of that cleric at the moment. Onboard the ship, she waited in the cockpit until everyone else had disembarked and the pilot was outright yelling at her to get out before finally leaving and following well to the rear.

2022-03-26, 10:45 PM
Pendral Malfi (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2602897)

Thank you good sir! Pendral has been silent examining the Cleric. Not only a member of my noble family, but part the of ecclesiarchy. He has not had any dealings with the church of man since his mother died suspiciously under their care. There was no reason to suspect them of foul play, but his house trained him to do just that. At least Father Lucien was a member of the family so Pendral knows he is not to be trusted. Then again, who is trustworthy...

Pendral lets out a short laugh, although it is more to make himself seem friendly. Pendral's true thoughts are of Ruby's reaction. He wished he could display such emotion on his face, maybe there was someone to trust. Of course if Pendral could have seen himself, he might have noticed the grimace that crossed his face just before giving his lucky ring a twist.

It is quite nice to be off that hive world. I was beginning to think that was to be my final resting place. Pendral is not sure if the void or his thoughts hold less light.

2022-03-27, 09:56 AM
the small squat man introduces himself as zatch and leads you to some reasonable quarters along the ship's starboard side. there is a bunk for each of you, a small reading light above said bunk, and a communal refresher. he is very insistent that you not leave the quarters unless its a suitably dire circumstance.

you saw the way father Lucien looked at your hair. are you gonna have some strong words with him if any of your hair goes missing?
you could have sworn you know zatch from somewhere. are you gonna plumb the depths of your memories to find out?
you notice a tome under your bunk. are you gonna peruse it late at night, when everyone else is asleep?
whats your plan for getting rubys hair? please pm me the deets

2022-03-27, 12:08 PM
"Emperor protects." Lucien chirps as he enters the room, reverently placing his back born alter next to his bed. Opening one of the drawers he removes a three bags each bearing the seal of the Adeptus Ministorum with the "I" shaped pillar in crimson and the skull in embossed gold. Without looking at anyone he speaks as he lovingly and reverently opens each displaying a variety of strange vials, clamps, probes, shears, blades and a horrid accoutrement of tools seemingly designed to both heal and harm.

"It no doubt falls upon myself to ensure we are all in the best of health." he begins, his long pale fingers making a ringing sound as his hands dart across the varied tools like some cavorting pallid insect, crawling back and forth with removing any nor loosing the bindings securing them in place. "consider me a medicae of both body and soul, and by the Throne I shall do my utmost to insure all of you are in the best a of physical and spiritual health."

"Pendral, was it? You good sir have the unmistakable bearing of a man of high birth, and if I am not mistaken you're a scion of one of the honourable noble houses of Malfi?" His hands stop caressing his instruments and he makes the sign of the Aquila across his chest before raising his golden necklace to his lips and kissing it. "So I think it best that I examine you first."

His eyes raise to meet those of his fellow acolytes for the first time, "I have no doubt that Tranque employed me for just such a purpose, and by the Holy Light of Terra I shall not falter in this duty, though it burdens me." He smiles, brushing a strand of limpid blonde hair from his brow and tucking it behind his ear as he removes a pair whirring specs from the third case on the bed. A series of lens spin an whir as their machine spirits shudder to life until final coming to a rest emitting the occasional hum and click as the flicker and turn.

"Shant take long I think, nothing evasive just a few questions, standard blessing, a bit of blood and hair samples to ensure all the humours are in balance, phlegm, bile, hot, wet, dry,and spiritual vitae. Should you have any conditions or ailments you can inform me now and if any should feel the need for confession I am at the ready."

He slides a bit down on the bed, removing a pair of shears and a syringe from the less violent looking of the two cases, then pats the bed next to him. "So Pendril, Nero and then Ruby..."

Removed a Medikit and Excruciator Kit and put them on the bed wearing his Ocular Catechizer. Oh and this [roll0] Deceive vs. 45

Bunny Commando
2022-03-27, 12:46 PM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


While his two companions seems to be wary of Father Lucien, Nero is quite friendly to the Confessor even though one might very well doubt such friendliness to be completely genuine and sincere. On their travel to the Piety of the Vampire he throws a sideway glance to Pendral sat right before him and to Ruby there in the cockpit - it's just a moment, but Nero does seem worried of something while looking at his crewmembers.

When they're finally aboard the ship, he picks up his own gear and disembarks in a somewhat chipper mood, but if one would look at Nero they would see him throwing a puzzled look at Zatch, a question that has evidently popped in his mind but that hasn't immediately received an answer; a question that keeps nagging him so that during their walk inside cavernous corridors of the ship Nero doesn't talk to anyone, lost in his own mental space until Father Lucien impromptu assembly abruptly brings him back. He stays quiet at first, observing the various tools of trade Father Lucien shows them but there's quite the alarm in his eyes when Lucien proudly declares that he intends to collect biological samples of each one of them; slowly but surely his hand goes to his right hip, where an ominous looking autopistol rests.

"No." he says, all traces of affability gone and with more than a hint of threat in his coarse voice "If our...'employer' wanted samples, he could've asked the Arbites." he goes on, slowly shaking his head but keeping his eyes trained on Father Lucien "There's no need for further exams." and that said, he seems to throw a challenge to the poor Confessor.

Sure, Nero tries to remember when and where he has met Zatch.

2022-03-28, 12:52 PM
Ruby Durand (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_5tkCvAtRbBxqmXT7v1OJPmf8ZqUgoeE72nZXOwDYGw/edit)

Ruby spent the trip to their quarters focused on memorizing the layout of the corridors they were walking through and passing by. She'd learned, painfully, on her first warp voyage that voidships were just as much of a confusing warren maze of passages, accesses, air vents, and more as hives were, and she was in no mood to repeat what had been the ultimate humiliating experience for any born hiver: getting so lost she had to give up and call for help like a damned tourist. She was so focused, in fact, that it took her a few seconds to realize their quarters were a single shared compartment and began to swore violently. She wasn't worried about Nero and Pendral, of course. Even if one of them had the balls to try, depending on her mood and the amount of drugs and alcohol involved it would just end up in a "friendly" fistfight (friendly in that no permanent damage would occur), casual sex, or some combination of the two. No, it was the presence of their new associate that provoked the strong reaction, and then the creep doubled down by breaking out a collection of "tools" and loudly announcing he required biological samples from all of them for their health. Including some of her hair, of frakking course. She had to nip this in the bud, now, or this was only going continue to spiraling. She walked up besides Nero while giving Lucien a cold-eyed glare.

"And just in case Nero's warning wasn't clear enough, allow mine to be even absolutely crystal: stay the frak away from me, you creepy little pus sack. I am not giving you a damn thing. Unless I have a gaping chest wound or a few bullet holes, keep your greasy little hands to themselves or Gregor and Milo here get to come out and play."

Her hands briefly carressed her larger and smaller blades, respectively, as she invoked their names before continuing.

"I catch you sneaking near my bunk at night to get a 'sample' or drool over my pillow or whatever other perverted crap gets your jollies off, well... a person can survive a lot of pain inflicted on them, especially when there's a medic to patch them up. Even if it's themself that needs the patching. Do we got an understanding here?"

Intimidate, TN 30

2022-03-28, 12:54 PM
You know what? Imma Fate Point that. Why not?

2022-03-28, 01:49 PM
somewhere in the middle of the journey, there is a thunderous boom and the piety of the vampire reverts to realspace. you are bodily thrown across your quarters to hit the far wall. i'm gonna need a flat agility test or take 1d5 wounds reducible by toughness only. zatch appears at the door, huffing and puffing in full flak armor and holding a lascarbine. "damn pirate scum" he curses, looking at all of you. "well, at least you four are still alive. thank the emperor for small mercies." he checks the charge pack and slots it back in. "we gotta hold off the boarders long enough for the repair crews to fix the gellar field and repair the aft coolant lines" the ship shudders again and zatch curses "frakkin' hell! that was one of the starboard novacannon emplacements, follow me." wdyd?

you see the lascarbine, and it clicks. zatch was of the same schola that you were originally from. you remember a small boy, barely 9, holding that very same lascarbine like it was his lifeline. im gonna need a wp test or take an IP from your memories of the time

its just like your last voidship journey. who did you lose on the last one, and how did they die?

you've been itching for a good fight. what do you see when you enter the gellar field area?

Bunny Commando
2022-03-28, 07:10 PM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


After the less-than-pleasant conversation Ruby and Nero have had with Father Lucien, the latter is perfectly amiable to the Confessor even though of course he does his best to prevent any attempt of retrieving any samples from him. Of course, living with Nero is sometimes unsettling - the others might see him well awake during sleep hours, staring at the door or mindlessly cleaning his weaponry; one night he says loud enough that someone else might be awoke by it "He was supposed to be dead." but if questioned, he firmly denies having said anything. At times, it seems Nero is waiting for something to happen, even though he might not even know what. Such behaviour might be why, as soon the resounding blast strikes the ship, he doesn't act suprised: instead of being thrown around like a doll, he lands on his all fours like a cat. And when Zatch shows himself at the cabin's door, he's quite ready with a hand on the autopistol.

"Pirates." Nero says, at first quite reluctant in intervening - after all, there are voidsman whose duty is to die while defending the ship, why he should risk his own life to do that? But the mention of the Gellar Field generators freezes him almost on the spot but after a brief moment, he springs into action: he dons his light flak armour, he grips his own lasgun and turns towards the others with a sly grin on his face "Don't like it, but hey, look at the bright side - there might be some looting involved if we win." then addresses Ruby with a nod "You should take the lead. You fought in a war, you know what to do."

2022-03-29, 12:57 AM
Lucien had repacked his tools a bit agitated at not being able to properly examine his new flock, yet utterly, blissfully unaware of the danger he had barely avoided. Just as he was thinking of another means of-- what --the lithe man was tumbling off his bed, he managed to alight himself and then that queer little man burst in yelling something about fields and pirates. All of this seemed rather tedious and not for some one like himself. Then Nero said something, a single word rang in Lucien's ears reverberating in his mind. "Loot". Or, rather trophies.

He hung the medikit from the clasps on his belt and removed a small oddly shaped bundle from one of the drawers in his alter, back pack. Quickly untying the leather wrapped round the cloth he shook out a small hunk of metal from the oiled rag. It was a pistol. He hadn't had much use of it since he had been a novice, and even then he never paid his training much mind. He opened the chamber slowly, muttering the litanies he had been taught, and counted the rounds as the ship seemed to take another hit. Yes six. All seemed in order then. He drew back the hammer of the stub revolver and began moving out behind the rest. Making sure to stay behind the others -- as to keep them under his protective gaze of course.

"Emperor guide our hands." he said, kissing his Aquilla necklace. This should prove interesting. he thought.

2022-03-29, 01:10 AM
Pendral Malfi (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2602897)

It is good to know we have a doctor on board cousin, but the only confession I have is I don’t like to be poked and prodded. At least not without a few rounds of drinks. Pendral hopes that his comes off as funny, but he knows his humor is pretty dry.

Later in the voyage...

Pendral his having another episode of his recurring dream. His house handler is there as usual to make sure he does as he is told. In the middle of difficult confrontation with Max, there is a lurch in the ship. One strange drone is replaced with another as the screaming begins. Max runs into the hall where he is hit with the full force of the void. His flesh unprotected by the Gellar begins to twist and change. Pendral knows he saw the frightful form that Max turned into, but his mind cannot quite fathom the unnaturalness of it. Each time he has the dream he sees a little more of what transpired, but wakes before the transformation is complete. He knows he is smiling when the ship falls out of warp before he is effected. He reflectively braces himself to absorb the shock of hitting the wall.

Pendral is in the middle of a horrific dream that he rather enjoys when he is thrown out of bed. He reacts in the real world has he did in the dream before he hits the wall.

[roll0] vs an AGI 35

Looking around, Pendral sees his compatriots suffered a similar fate. Pendral mumbles to himself Am I awake? I don't remember this part. The news of pirates from the guest at the door is a little confusing to Pendral. Pirates, where did they come from? They hit us in Gellar Space? This does not make sense in Pendral's mind, but he has little understanding of how void ships and space combat really work. Pendral readies himself. The good news is I am poorly armed and don't know what I am doing. This should be fun. Pendral perks up at the idea of loot. Not only could he better arm himself with some luck, but who knows what trinkets the pirates have dug up in their travels.

2022-03-29, 03:45 PM
Ruby Durand (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_5tkCvAtRbBxqmXT7v1OJPmf8ZqUgoeE72nZXOwDYGw/edit)

The warp voyage had not been enjoyable at all for Ruby. The priest had yet to try anything since she'd laid down her ultimatum, but even after claiming the bunk furthest away from him, her hard-earned paranoia of the creepy bastard had left her scarcely able to sleep and constantly watching him at all times. Worse, Nero, of all people, was starting to worry her as well. He seemed distracted as well, and not by the priest, and when he woke them all while screaming about a dream, she began to worry if her friend was a potential Section 8. Throne knows she'd seen plenty of those in the Guard, but most of those were either old Guardsmen with too many years in or younger ones who'd just come out of a horrific battle or campaign. Nero didn't fit any of that, so what could be triggering this? She wasn't exactly keen on big soppy heart to hearts, but if they weren't stuck in a smallish compartment together with that damned interloping creep, she'd have long since gotten Pendral on board so they could drag Nero off somewhere quiet and find out what his malfunction was. She couldn't afford a partner going off the reservation at a bad moment, and "volunteered" for the Inquisition certainly qualified as a bad moment. Especially one who was a friend, even if she'd never admit it out loud.

Now, she picked herself off the deck, swearing loudly at her rude awakening. Fortunately, she hit a flat section of bulkhead without any sharp bits and wasn't travelling fast enough to break on. On her personal list of Objects She'd Been Thrown Into and/or Through (and including the number of near-miss explosions she'd suffered in the Guard, that was an sizable list), it didn't even crack her top 20 worst. Her Guard instincts kicked in and she was already halfway into her flak gear when Zatch showed up armed, tense, and reporting they were being boarded by pirates. Once her vest was sealed up, she slung big Kat, checked little Mara and the boys in their holster/sheaths, and stood up with her favored gun Agatha cradled in her arms. The Ironclaw shotgun had been manufactured in her home hive explicitly for naval armsmen shipboard, and in the close quarters fighting she expected them to encounter, she would accept no substitute. For the first time since boarding the Vampire, she had a big, evil-looking grin on her face filled with anticipation.

"Right, shall we boys? I have had a strong urge to kill something for weeks now, and finally the universe provides. Lead on Zatch, then stay the frak out of my way once we're there. My lovely girl Agatha here, once she starts talking, she's so very reluctant to stop. And yes, I promise not to shoot any of the big shiny machinery in there."

2022-03-30, 12:44 AM
zatch lead you to the spot where the gellar field is being repaired by a team of harried tech-adepts and a tech-priest. exposed generatoria pipes and heavy sandbags dot the large room, and the corpse of a pirate lies slumped over a shot-up console "set up here, and for emperors' sake don't shoot the tech-adepts." you hear the pounding of boots on the deck, coming this way. zatch hits the small green button, and the door starts to hiss shut, but jams about halfway with a grinding screech of metal. "frak" zatch hisses and waves Nero over "think you can jimmy her shut? she's a cantankerous old git, but she'll hold, provided she's shut"

you coulda sworn you heard something scuttling in the vents near the back of the room, but you're not quite sure where

gimme a flat tech-use to pop the old git closed

can i also have your pre-rolled iniative?

Bunny Commando
2022-03-30, 01:26 PM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


"Yes. But you have to cover me." Nero says to Zatch while trying to avoid meeting his gaze, quite uncharacteristically for the usually sociable scum that doesn't linger there anyway, kneeling on the side of the stuck door so that he could open the control panel where the Rune of Opening is; there's probably a contact that is making the Machine Spirit act erratically, some cable whose protective cawl has probably been eroded by centuries of neglect - even ancient and venerable machines could be brought down by the passing of time, so a simple door has little chance to make it through without adequate care.

Tech-Use [roll0] vs. 21
Re-roll in case of failure [roll1] vs. 21

Initiative [roll2]

2022-03-30, 05:43 PM
zatch covers you with the lascarbine as you fiddle with the mechanism. it takes a firm thump to recalibrate the decimated digital signal, and the door hisses shut. there are several clangs as projectile fire is directed uselessly against the blast door. zatch sighs "we should be safe in here now" suddenly, the vent in the back is kicked out, and two pirate leap out, both armed with autoguns. they will make full-auto attacks against nero and ruby. both hit



2022-03-30, 06:25 PM
Ruby Durand (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_5tkCvAtRbBxqmXT7v1OJPmf8ZqUgoeE72nZXOwDYGw/edit)

Ruby grunted as she gave the Gellar Field chamber a once over. Yup, that definitely looked important even if she had absolutely no idea what the hell any of it was other than almost certainly volatile, fragile, and expensive. Her whipped to the side as she heard a skittering noise, but there was no obvious sign of anything. She was about to investigate further when she heard banging noises coming from the door. She turned and smirked at the sight of Nero trying and failing to unjam the door. His efforts with the control panel were proving less than successful. Fortunately, she happened to know an old hive trick for dealing with uncooperative machine spirits like this. You just had to be careful the cogboys weren't watching when you did it, or else there might be some light accusations of tech heresy being thrown around. Fortunately, the tech-priest was far too pre-occupied with the admittedly far more serious work of repairing the damaged Gellar Field generator to even glance in the door's direction. She walked up next to Nero. "Here smart guy, allow me."

She suddenly gave the side of the control panel a hard kick, and with a grind of gears, the door finished closing. "Heh, nothing to it. Just need to teach them machine sprits who's... FRAK!"

She'd picked the worst possible moment to moonlight as a tech-adept, as the two hidden pirates burst forth from the vent and plugged both Nero and her from behind. Her armor slowed the bullet down, but she could still feel and see blood trickling down her right arm from where the bullet had passed through. Now with her blood roaring in her ears, Ruby turned and charged straight at the two with a loud cry while bringing Agatha up. "Grox-f***ing warps**ts, let's f***ing dance you dead-eyed..." Even as the stream of swears continued unabated and she closed the distance, she aimed from the hip at the pirate to the left. Not the one who'd shot her, oh no, she'd save him for last, first she'd kill the pirate void scumsucker who'd put a bullet into her comrade. She pulled the trigger.

Never gave me a chance to roll Initiative, so here
Half Action: Move towards the pirates
Half Action: Shoot Irontalon shotgun. Point Blank Range, +30 to attack and Scatter activates. [roll1] vs 74
Damage [roll2], may have additional hits to roll

2022-03-30, 06:26 PM
3 DoS, that's one extra hit from Scatter, rolling now. [roll0]
EDIT: So, 13 and 6 Pen 0 damage in total. Would have been two more hits if I'd been firing Semi-Auto, lol. Oh well, he's still probably dead or dying.

2022-03-30, 08:38 PM
the scattershot makes the pirates torso into mincemeat. he coughs up a mouthful of blood and collapses to the deckplates. that is one set of flak armor that is a total loss. who is up next?

2022-03-31, 01:08 AM
Pendral Malfi (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2602897)

Pendral eyes this all with some distaste. He draws his stub revolver and remembers he is not suppose to shot the tech priests. He takes aim at the remaining pirate that Ruby shot.

Damage for early Ship stop [roll0] Wounds

Initiative [roll1]

Aim and Fire Single Shot [roll2] vs BS 42 (includes +10 Aim)
Damage if needed [roll3] with Pen 0

Bunny Commando
2022-03-31, 03:25 PM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


Keeping this Machine Spirit calm and obedient was proving to be more difficult than he imagined; with more time and better gear it would've been far easier, but unfortunately time was always in short supply. So when Ruby offers to help, he shrugs and gives her room - when your life is on the line, pride and overconfidence are more dangerous than the guns of your enemies; he whistles in appreciation when the hardened soldier manages to make herself understood by the stubborn door "Why am I not surprised your trick was just 'hit it hard'?" he jokes in a friendly and comradely and would probably say more if it wasn't for those two pirates that managed to flank them through the maze of ventilation shafts that run all across the ship.

Surprisingly enough, even though Nero gets hit squarely in the leg by one of the pirates, the bullets strike one of the armour plates leaving nothing more than a sore bruise - and who knows, maybe Father Lucien really managed to put a good word for them with the Emperor. He then quickly turns and raises his own weapon and squeezes the trigger, shooting almost instinctively in the hope it would be enough to drop the enemy before he could unleash a second and potentially more dangerous burst.

Standard Attack against the remaining pirate.
[roll0] vs. 48 (BS 38, +10 Range)

2022-04-01, 11:10 AM
the last pirate will blaze away, hitting nothing because his hands shake like a leaf. pendral narrowly misses a tech-adept, and zatch curses him out
wp test

attack roll [roll1]

2022-04-01, 12:10 PM
As the sound of gunfire fills the air, Lucien tries to recall his training, raising the stub revolver he mummers a quick prayer, "strike down the enemies of the Throne, let me hand be true as my heart." Squeeze the trigger he remembers, much as one gently depresses the plunger of a syringe, savour the moment, focus on the target, the wrath of the Emperor comes to all. Some sooner then others. He breaths out a small smile of anticipation tugging at his lips as he lets fly the round.

[roll0] vs 42 (+10 for aim)

2022-04-01, 01:01 PM
Ruby Durand (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_5tkCvAtRbBxqmXT7v1OJPmf8ZqUgoeE72nZXOwDYGw/edit)

Ruby's grin had turned almost demented. Money was nice. Drugs were nice. Sex was nice. But nothing compared to moments like this, with some punk's blood spatter on her face and his mate pissing his pants in terror as she turned and levered her shotgun right at her face. Truly, this was the universe paying her back for all the sh*t she'd been forced to endure lately.

"So who's next? Someone else who thinks they bad enough for Ruby?! Let's poll the audience folks! THE SURVEY SAYYYYYYS..."

Half Action: Aim
Half Action: Standard Ranged Attack with Irontalon. Called Shot to Head. Point Blank Range, Scatter activates.
Attack [roll0] vs 64 (+30 Point Blank, +10 Aim, -20 Called Shot)
Damage [roll1]

Wounds: 5/10; Ammo: 10/12

2022-04-01, 01:07 PM
Yikes. Extra hit AND a potential righteous fury. This poor guy's head just evaporated lol. Not sure I need to roll but just want to see where this ends.
Confirm Rightous Fury [roll0] vs 64
RF Damage [roll1]

Second Hit [roll2]

Edit: So no righteous, but that's still 14 and 12 damage to the dude's cranium. Need to be a space marine or Ork to survive that.

"...BOOM, HEADSHOT! Next time you shoot me in the back, best make sure I go down!"

2022-04-01, 02:36 PM
the other pirates head explodes in a shower of gore and the body crumples to the deck. we are out of combat. zatch whispers to nero "remind me not to piss her off"

take 30 xp.

Bunny Commando
2022-04-01, 05:21 PM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


Nero throws a sideway glance at Zatch, a bit uncomfortable in having the other Progena so close after all the memories of their time at the Schola together have resurfaced again, years of effort in trying to shelve them in some dark corner of his mind completely wasted; still, he can't let his mask drop so he says half-jokingly "It's a lesson we should all be mindful of." before looking around, visually checking his companions "Any wounded?" that said, he throws a look at Father Lucien in the not-so-secret hope he would get the message.

2022-04-01, 06:58 PM
Ruby Durand (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_5tkCvAtRbBxqmXT7v1OJPmf8ZqUgoeE72nZXOwDYGw/edit)

Now that the adrenaline rush of fighting was fading for the moment, Ruby gritted her teeth as her mind registered the pain from her arm graze. Luckily the bullet had been a through and through and wasn't still embedded, but it definitely stung quite a bit.
"Yeah, I've got a new hole in me. Nothing compared to what I paid them back with interest of course. Be good if we could get something to barricade that vent with. With the door locked down, they might try coming through it again to get in. Heh, wish I had a frag grenade or two, that'd really teach them to stay the frak out of the vents."

She gave the now intimidated looking Zatch a cheeky wave before returning to her vigilance of the room's vents. "You don't need to worry none about me chummer. Shoot, right now you're on my good list. You need anyone roughed up or spaced, just give me a call. Anyone who gets me pirates to kill is alright by me."

By the throne, she would gladly stack pirate bodies all day if given the chance. She loved it, it was like the best guys to go kill. No matter what you did to the scum, you never felt dirty afterwards. And the authorities not only wouldn't be upset at the killing, they'd pat you on the back and say good job! It was also a practical business matter to loathe pirates despite being a criminal herself. Pirates targeted Cold Trader vessels just as much as more honest merchantmen, especially as they knew Cold Traders, unlike the legitimate ships, couldn't go running to the Imperial Navy for help. So there was a small amount of revenge there as well.

Wounds: 5/10; Ammo: 10/12

2022-04-01, 08:45 PM
zatch nods saying "i'll keep that in mind" he indicates the bodies, saying "your kill, your search" to ruby. the tech-adepts finish their work, and the gellar field hums back to life. the klaxons cease about a half-hour later, and your free to go back to your quarters

2022-04-01, 11:20 PM
Lucien remembers to move the spent cartridge from the revolver, shaking it out onto the floor among the other spent casings, he rotates the cylinder so a new round is ready. "I think I must purchase some munitions upon our next opportunity." He looks to Nero, then Ruby, "Should anyone require medical attention," he taps the medikit suspended from his belt, "I stand at the ready. We should not forget the blessed human form should be maintained, especially those in service and sacrifice for the Emperor to grow lax in its maintenance is sinful and ungracious, as it is an honour and a trust from him upon the Throne. Pain of injury and ministration is simply sin leaving the body."

He stands over the bisected pirate, shaking his head. "Such a shame he died without the opportunity to confess or repent." Lucien leans over the torso turning the soulless husk's face left and right with the toe of his boot, examining his scalp and hair, while his fingers begin drumming on the hilt of the ornate knife on his waist. "What a waste..."

If the dead pirate has long and clean enough locks, Lucien will use his knife to remove a strand at the scalp so he can incorporate it into his aiguillette.
[roll0] vs 67 or 77 w/ help from Nero should it be requested. Heal 4 wounds if successful.

2022-04-01, 11:29 PM
the pirate has long golden hair that looks to be impeccably cared for

2022-04-01, 11:49 PM
"What a waste indeed..."

Before he knows it the priest has knelt next to corpse, his ostentatious bolo in hand. With one hand he grabs the face of the pirate by the chin and angles it, ever so carefully, with the precision gained through repetition he gathers a strand of the man's golden hair twisting it deftly around the tips of his fingers, "golden as shine of the Aquila in the burning dawn," his lips part slightly in a hungry half-smile, much like a cat about to pounce upon a mouse. As he whispers conspiratorially to himself.

"You cannot cheat me, I will know all your secrets, all your sins, your dreams and fears..." with a flick of his wrist he shears the wound hair at its root, coming clean from the skull, skin, scalp and all. He can remove the detritus once he's woven the them into his holy votive. His eyes flick momentarily at the other's before he jealously and protectively tucks his trophy into one of his pouches while sheathing his blade. He loving strokes the multicoloured aiguilette, hung from his shoulder, the ubiquitous braid a sign of office and status among so many nobles and officers, and his face lights up with joy.

"Are we finished here then? I've much to do."

2022-04-02, 12:15 AM
I think mine is broke. It keeps missing. Pendral tries to lighten the mood after hearing his cousin's ramblings and begins to wonder if he sounds like that when he is talking to himself.

2022-04-02, 10:08 AM
Ruby Durand (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_5tkCvAtRbBxqmXT7v1OJPmf8ZqUgoeE72nZXOwDYGw/edit)

Ruby grimaced, but after a moment unstrapped her flak armour's shoulder plate to reveal where her injury was. "Fine, but no funny business creep." She allowed him to dress and bandage her arm, quickly stepping away from him the instant he was done. She needn't have bothered, he was clearly fixated on someone else. Or rather their frigging hair...

"Ugh, could you not?! If it was just about anyone other than bloody pirates... hell with it. Let's see what we've got here. Hmm, armour on this one is ruined other than the helmet, Agatha was a little too rough on it, but could pair that with the set from the other one, looks fully intact of everything EXCEPT the helmet. Oy, Nero, Pendral, one of you want a set of used Flak Armour? Probably want to give it a good scrub and rinse first. You can help me search the bodies too for any loot. We can divvy it up as needed, I don't plan on keeping everything." After stripping the armour off the corpses, she examines their autoguns and searches the bodies to see what, if anything, they're still carrying.

Since Pendral has Search as a trained skill, he should be the one to make the roll with Ruby providing an Assist (Nero can't Assist as well since you're limited to only one Assist, so maybe try for a untrained roll since your Perception is marginally higher than mine?).

Bunny Commando
2022-04-02, 01:14 PM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


"Armour might be useful, depends if it's better than mine. Otherwise we could just sell it." Nero shrugs while looting one the corpses without any guilt whatsoever, certainly doesn't seem to have any regret for how the pirates have died - he's alive, none of his companions are dead and that's all the scum cares about; after having stripped bare the pirate of almost anything (including the boots, a decent pair of boots is hard to come by and it's always useful to have a spare) he turns to his companions, points at the door with the thumb and says "Going to check the rest of the ship, might find something else useful to...ahem, 'salvage'. Anyone wants to tag along?" Nero grins, smile half-charming and half-predatory "Know the saying, the Emperor helps those who help themselves."

Search [roll0] vs. 16 (26 is Foresight could be applied here).

2022-04-02, 01:40 PM
Nero finds 4 inferno shells on one of the pirates. the flak armor is serviceable, but worn and bloody,. the other suit is loss. ruby's shotgun pretty much blew the ever-loving heck outta it. if you wanna poke through the corridors toss me a d100

4 inferno shells, 1 full set of flak armor

2022-04-02, 02:00 PM
Ruby Durand (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_5tkCvAtRbBxqmXT7v1OJPmf8ZqUgoeE72nZXOwDYGw/edit)

Ruby gave Nero a shrug. "Up to you I guess. It's heavier than your current gear, no question, but unless you got the serious thrones or connections for some of that high grade carapace, a set of guard surplus flak's the best protection you're gonna find. Oh well, give it to Pendral if you don't want it. Or, ugh, the creep I guess. Now what ya got there? Oh, wow! Are those Dragon's Breath shells? Yeah! Gimme gimme gimme! Instant fire in s gun barrel. Never fired them before, oh this'll be fun. My sweet Agatha's the only thing can use them anyway. You hear that, Agatha? You're gonna be a fire-breathing dragon!"

After pocketing the new spoils, she followed Nero to the hallway. Post battles usually meant lots more bodies lying around and opportunities for "salvage".

Gonna give that Assist to Nero's Search Test and get him over the edge (again). You're welcome. Claiming the Inferno Shells, anyone else (even Lucian, if Nero and Pendral both pass) can claim the Flak Armour.

Bunny Commando
2022-04-03, 10:53 AM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


After having the Inferno shells snatched out of his hands by Ruby, Nero sighs and shrugs "All yours, sure." then points at the suit of flak armour and immediately after at himself "That's mine, though." and that said, he starts walking through the hallways, bulkheads, cabins and whenever he might find signs of the recent battle; corpses are picked clean without any respect for the dead whatsoever - Nero seems animated by a keen survival instinct, not afraid to sully his hands to do whatever is necessary to ensure his own self-preservation.
While walking through the steely veins of the ship, he chats with Ruby in a somewhat pensive mood "Keep your eyes peeled, we need another Medikit." and these words are accompanied by quite the meaningful look, before going back to the scavenging.

d100 roll per GM's request.

2022-04-03, 12:59 PM
searching the bodies left in the corridors, nero finds a medikit, a poor-quality auspex, and a set of magnoculars along with 3d10 throne gelt.

Bunny Commando
2022-04-03, 03:37 PM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


Corpse by corpse, dead by dead, Nero claims a little bounty for himself - he doesn't care much for weaponry, more interested in technology; he obviously doesn't have the most respect for the Omnissiah, but he certainly acknowledges its power. The Thrones he finds, he splits them with Ruby "Here your half." he says with a shrug "Better than nothing, I guess." and he stays quiet cor some moments, looking around to make sure no one's near enough to hear what he's about to say next.

"Beware the Confessor. I'm not talking about his erratic behaviour - that, I believe it is well within your capabilities to handle. But a wrong word within his earshot might spell our doom." Nero says with a grave voice, barely more than a whisper; when he keeps going, it's quite evident he's afraid of something "Beware the Voidborn too. He might be the one to dispose of us when we've outlived our usefulness."

2022-04-03, 08:57 PM
Pendral Malfi (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2602897)

Pendral watches Nero and Ruby give the dead a good going over. He finds it somewhat distasteful, but takes a look himself while Nero and Ruby are whispering to each other. He is mainly looking to see what serviceable weapons the pirates had, but will keep his eyes open for anything unusual.

[roll0] vs search of 31

Awareness to overhear Nero and Ruby

[roll1] vs Awareness of 31

Pendral shrugs off the flak armor and joins in on their conspiracy of whispers. I still have the xeno mesh from our sale gone wrong. I thought it best not to mention it in front of the Confessor. Pendral lets out a short sigh as he looks at the bodies. It is a good thing I have you two along. The best I can muster is to point this pistol in the right direction. Pendral looks back at the void engineers to see if they made any progress, not that he would really be able to tell anyway. A strange smile makes an appearance on Pendral's face for the second time tonight. With visions of demons playing through his memories, At least the ship stopped, travel without the gellar field could have been quite interesting.

Looking at Ruby and those that know better, Do we stay here with the void engineers or go look for more pirates?

2022-04-03, 11:17 PM
Ruby Durand (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_5tkCvAtRbBxqmXT7v1OJPmf8ZqUgoeE72nZXOwDYGw/edit)

Ruby took the offered thrones with a quip about Nero cheaping out on her rates on the tip of her tongue, but the solemn look on his face told her he had something serious he wanted to discuss and so kept her mouth shut. His warning about Lucian was unsurprising, she'd come to much the same conclusion on her own, but it was nice to know they were on the same page regarding their creepy plus one. She was not expecting him to talk about Zatch, of all people, as an equal or greater threat. To be honest, she had barely noticed the little fart of a man at all the entire voyage, much less knew anything about him other than him being a member of the ship's crew. Even her jests to him earlier had mostly just been her burning off her usual post-battle tension, she hadn't actually cared if the little s**t was scared of her. So why the hell was Nero so scared of him? Abruptly, her mind, crude though it was in most respects, managed to connect the dots between her ongoing worry about Nero's aberrant behavior during the warp voyage and the fact that said behavior had started right after they'd first encountered Zatch...

"Wait a sec. You know him from somewhere. Zatch, I mean. From before any of us were partners, right? Do I even want to know what the frak he did to... no, you know what. That's alright. Private history, I get that. If you want to tell me, you can, but I won't pry. The warning's enough, and thanks for sharing. Not like I wasn't already on edge cause of that damn priest, what's one more guttersnipe I have to watch trying to shiv me in the back, eh? Anyway, once we're at Sevastapol, he'll hopefully be our problem never ever again and we can figure out what to do about Mr. Blessed Is My... oh hey, Pendral. What's up?"

She listened to him for a moment before shaking her head. "Nah, I think now's as good a time as any to call it on looting any more pirate bodies. The alarm ended a while ago, so armsmen will probably be through here soon to police all the bodies. And they deffo fixed the geller field so no chance of any more pirates showing up to kill. We've got a few goodies, best to head back to the compartment. I swear, if the creep is doing something nasty to my pillow..."

When Pendral's back was turned, she gripped Nero's shoulder and gave him a reassuring squeeze while looking into his eyes and giving a slow nod to signify she'd understood everything he said.

2022-04-04, 04:35 AM
pendral finds an ornate ring with an inscription in high gothic. the red jewel inset inside it appears to gleam in the glow-globes. there are also strange micro-actuators built around the gem

gimme a scholastic lore (legend) test at +10.

the inscription reads, in all our times, there are but two ways to go. ashes to ashes, or dust to dust

Bunny Commando
2022-04-04, 01:22 PM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


Nero looks at his two companions, eyes darting from one to the other; he seems unsure, a bit on the edge and at the end he just sighs and shakes his head "Yes. I know him. From a long time ago. Believed him to be dead, but somehow he managed to survive." he crosses his arms and now stares into an empty space, like he's reminiscing something "Don't know if he's aware we have met before. I would appreciate if you could keep the silence on this matter, though - if he has forgotten me, I would prefer it stays so." that said, he clears his throat and again looks at his fellow partners-in-crime "Just know that he is dangerous and whatever friendliness or camaraderie he might show, it's just a ruse. Do not trust him."
Such words are spoken with the intensity of a truth long kept hidden, but if Nero knows Zatch so well one might argue that the former might be as untrustworthy as the latter. Still, he speaks with a passion that he has rarely showed, a glimpse of the person behind the mask; he nods appreciatively to Ruby's gesture and now seems eager to lock such argument away, at least for the time being. He looks around one last time and than agrees with Ruby "Better quit while we're ahead."

2022-04-04, 06:44 PM
Ruby Durand (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_5tkCvAtRbBxqmXT7v1OJPmf8ZqUgoeE72nZXOwDYGw/edit)

Ruby's smirk had returned. "Well, if he tries anything, there's plenty of convenient airlocks to throw his ass out of. Whether or not I put a bullet in his head first would depend on my mood at the time. But you don't need to worry about me trusting Zatch. That would imply I ever trusted him in the first place... or anyone at all for that matter. Present company excluded, of course."

She playfully flipped them both off before strolling off down the passageway towards their quarters singing (badly) a song in her native Metallican dialect that, from the handful of Gothic words involved, seemed to either be about killing a man painfully or sleeping with him.

2022-04-04, 09:34 PM
Pendral (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2602897)

Pendral forgets all about eavesdropping on Ruby and Nero's conversation when he spots the ring. He begins to wonder if the stone is a ruby, garnet, carnelian... When he refocuses on the job at hand, he carefully examines how the micromanipulators and the jewel come together. He is mindful not to push any buttons by accident, just in case the ring was a weapon. The words of the inscription echo as he travels through the volumes of data stored in his head.

Scholastic Lore (Legend) +10
[roll0] vs skill of 54

Fate point if needed

2022-04-05, 03:23 AM
Satisfied to let his new flock tend to their needs, Lucien had swiftly returned to their quarters, where he had set up his altar, and began his devotions. He oiled and waxed the golden tresses, reciting various prayers and sermons as he did so. With deft hands he quickly began subsuming the recidivist's liberated locks into his votive. As the light of the burning candles reflected upon the halcyon hair he remembered the first time he had beheld the terrible and terrifying majesty of the awesome aurelian Throne.

Tears filled his eyes at the thought. How that burning, raging golden light had pierced him to his soul! A spiritual stigmata that had scorched his soul and scarred his spirit. The chasm of that ashen emptiness ached in him like the void of an inverse throbbing heart. It was a pulsing pressure deep within him, draining the vitae of life, joyless in the darkness of the mundane. Only at the times when the divine inspiration struck him could he ease his ache, the gates would open and the empyreal agony would spill forth in glorious and wondrous miracles, the likes of those scribed in the Book of Saint Lucius!

How often had he gifted others with his holy vision, and seen them collapse in terror, ecstasy, reduced to euphoric gibbering or overcome with tears of adulation! How he longed to share the good news of his gift with the world, to baptise them, to slather their sinful souls in the golden fires of redemption and salvation! Yet now was not the time. The Emperor had decreed such. It was his secret sacred stigmata. his burden alone to bear. When the Throned willed he was ready. He was but a conduit for the vast power of that twin headed phoenix in the void, the guiding light in the dark and the crown of Terra.

There. It was complete. Yet, another lost soul saved. Readied for an eternity of confessions...

He ran the new braid betwixt his lips as his furious devotions reached their feverish crescendo. There before his altar, the flickering light of the candles dancing in his golden eyes, Father Lucien prayed and worshipped, oblivious to all except the vast burning and blinding searing sea of rainbow hued holocaust which leapt before his tear brimmed eyes.

2022-04-05, 02:12 PM
the rest of the journey passes without incident. zatch holds a small underdecks ceremony, proclaiming you to be "honorary crew-members of the piety of the vampire" he also passes out a small medallions made of bone, which he says "protect against spirits and daemons", and are to be worn over your heart. otherwise everything is peachy as the piety of the vampire pulls up in void station Sevastopol. you are let off in the voidsmens quarter, which is full of raucous laughter and the sound of breaking glass. it takes about a half-hour to find the leviathans tooth, in a small offshoot of the station. the glow-globes are dim and disused and the door is solid plasteel. wdyd?

who is knocking on the door?

your warp senses are tingling. can i get a psynscience at -10?

the tome that was under your bunk has somehow ended up in your bag. you swear you can hear it whisper to you

2022-04-05, 11:29 PM
The priest had cheerfully disembarked from the vessel, his face plastered with a wide smile, the charm offered by the crew was added to the many baubles and votives hanging from his belt, an earnest affirmation of the piety of the laymen in their adoration for the ever-watchful protector of humanity. He had said a prayer for them upon their departure. Now his charges and he had the Emporer's work to do. Agents of the Holy Ordos, the station seemed not too different from the hive, at least the levels he frequented, a press of people, revelry the clamour and crush of humanity. Throughout the thirty-minute trek to their rendezvous he smiled and raised his hand to the people in a sign of greeting and blessing.

Then they arrived at the door, before anyone could speak or enter the confessor's golden-hued eyes widened and he raised a hand, "Wait." he gasped, his voice an improbable marriage of whisper and shout. His head pivoted oldly and abruptly away from the Leviathan's Tooth, the establishment they were to seek. "There," he exclaimed, his voice trembling with awe, as his finger stabbed out into the air in aggressive certitude, "it is the divine light of guidance, the Throne bids us follow..." his voice trailed off as his body, almost mechanically, shifted to realign with his head and outstretched arm. Father Lucien began to walk off, hopeful, but unaware if his flock followed.

Lucien is following the trail.

Bunny Commando
2022-04-06, 10:56 AM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


Sure, Nero accepts the medallion with a smile and a friendly handshake - but he certainly does not wear immediately; he waits until he's alone, in some dimly lighted corner of the ship, far from both the crew and his own companions. And then he inspect the medallion thoroughly, trying to understand if there's maybe a hidden pict-recorder inside or some other sort of miniaturized wonder the Omnissiah has granted the Inquisition. And even if he doesn't find anything, even if the medallion is just a pretty bauble and nothing more, he does not keep it around his neck but stows it in a pouch of his backpack.
"Beware of friends bearing gifts." were the words of the Drill Abbess Jaclyn, teachings that she imparted him with lashes and punishments until he took them by heart.


Nero disembarks in a somewhat good mood, or at least he presents himself as such. Still his hand is never far from his autopistol while they travel the corridors of Sevastopol, ready to shift from friendly to murderous at a moment's notice; when they finally reach the Leviathan's Tooth, Nero's about to carefully knock at the door while standing just besides it (just in case one would choose to greet them with violence) but before he could do it, the Confessor walks away looking for something. The scum gives a puzzled look to both Pendral and Ruby, then shoulders his own rifle and starts following the priest "Better keep an eye on him." he says to his companions, a bit more skeptic than Lucien such sudden change of plans is the Emperor's Will but definitely unwilling to let him go alone who knows where.

2022-04-06, 03:49 PM
Ruby Durand (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_5tkCvAtRbBxqmXT7v1OJPmf8ZqUgoeE72nZXOwDYGw/edit)

Ruby accepted the void charm medallion with a polite grunt and a firm committal to chuck the damned thing into the waste incinerator soon as they were back in their compartment. Even if she didn't have Nero's warning still fresh on her mind, she'd have still not trusted a charm from a voidman like him. Everyone knew they were spooky and not to be trusted. Like any true Metallican child of Gunmetal City, her charms hanging from her neck and wrapped around her armour were all stamped brass and born in violence: bullets, shell casings, and weapon fragments she had scrupulously collected from her past killings with the two newest charms, of course, being the shells that splattered the pirates all over the Geller Field chamber. Still, the party wasn't all bad. She cheated her way to a decent pot playing cards, and left 27 thrones richer and enough lho sticks and bootleg amasec to last the rest of the voyage. And now they were on Sevastapol Void Station which... actually wasn't all that different from a sealed-type hive, really. Compared to that damn voidship, this was practically homey. Just as they'd arrived at last at the destination provided by their "employer", the Creep decided to let his brainworms take the wheel and stumbled off intoning about a divine light. Ruby was laughing her ass and making no attempt to hide it until she realized Nero had decided to play responsible which immediately killed her good mood.

"Do we really have to? Like... really, really? Ugh. Screw the pious creep. Let him get mugged, shanked, and bleed out in some dim back alley. He's dead, we weren't even the ones who done it, problem solved, right? *grumble* FINE, let's go follow this crazy train all the way to the station."

Shaking her head, she unslung Kat (just because she thought it wad stupid to follow the deranged priest to who knows what dark corner of the station didn't mean she wouldn't be taking every possible precaution) and followed after Nero with the rifle relaxed across her chest while still muttering under her breath.

2022-04-06, 11:13 PM
Pendral (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2602897)

Pendral was happy to have any kind of acceptance, even if it was from a short lived crew membership with the Void born. He tucked away his void charm wondering what kind of bone it was made of. That certainly would be an interesting game of short straws to see who gets sacrificed for each voyage. He shakes his head trying to stop thinking such dark thoughts, if only they did not come so naturally.

As we moved through the void station, Pendral kept looking behind the group and back again. No one seemed to hear those voices. He could not quite make out their whispers, but they sounded enticing none the least. While staring back down the corridor they just came from, he heard the priest's excited outburst. He was not sure what the priest was going on about, but it clearly upset Ruby as she draws her weapon. He continues along with the group while wondering if he should whisper back into the darkness that follows them. Surely his companions would think he was as touched in the head as his good cousin if he indulged himself. Pendral cast the voice aside for the time being and made himself look alert. Surely Ruby's aim would point the way...what were those voices saying...

2022-04-07, 09:56 AM
father lucien leads you to a small abandoned temple to the god-emporer. it looks abandoned and untouched. the utilities work and it looks like no ones been here for years, possibly decades. the lectern sits dusty and unused, and all the stained-glass window has a spiderweb of cracks in it. a heavy oaken door sits in the far left wall, seemingly untouched by the relative age of the temple. a set of solid metal steps lead down on the right side. wdyd?

the whispers are getting louder and more insistent. im gonna need a wp test or take 1d5 IP

please describe the glorious vision you receive from the god-emperor

aren't you gonna look around to see what loot there is in this place? toss me a search or awareness test if you do

this place gives you the creeps. care to explain why?

Bunny Commando
2022-04-07, 05:46 PM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


"Only the insane have strength enough to prosper. " Nero says with utmost gravitas in response to Ruby's lack of enthusiasm "Only those who prosper may truly judge what is sane." and himself keeps trailing the Confessor, carefully checking every corner and every doorway. The lost and forgotten shrine to the Emperor makes Nero lose his steadiness for a moment, memories flooding his mind.

Many times he has been in a place like this, back bloodied by the lashes of the Drill Abbess. "Beg the Emperor for forgiveness, for you have failed Him." she would say, whip cracking in her hand "You are just an instrument of His Divine Will. I am going to break you and then mold you, so that you may better serve His needs." many times this scene would repeat itself with just minor variations, many times Jaclyn not even telling him what he did wrong "It doesn't matter. The Emperor knows." she would answer to his inquiries, and Nero could just endure the punishment. Even though in time Nero has seen the wisdom of such harsh education, he still doesn't know why the Inquisition had to purge the Abbey - the same Inquisition that he now serves.
But a memory soars to the surface of his mind, that single time when Jaclyn chose not to carve her lesson into Nero's flesh with her whip; that one time when she would cup his cheeks, look him straight into his eyes and dreadfully say "Darkness approaches, ready to engulf Mankind's domains. A time of twisted human minds, the teeming masses raising their hands at the blackness of the sky for salvation. That is why you are here, to be tutored in forbidden knowledge - so that when this time comes, Humanity will survive. No matter the cost." and to this day, he's still unsure what she really meant with such ominous phrase.

With a renewed sense of foreboding, Nero is back in the present; he leaves the rifle hanging by its straps and arms himself with the autopistol and the glow-globe so that the shadows of this bygone temple would pose no hurdle "Why are we here?" he asks to Lucien (and maybe even to himself) before inspecting the place with caution; it's the stairs that however catches his attention and he approaches them, vigilant and suspicious and points the flash of light downward, hoping to see what secrets the belly of this chapel might hold.

2022-04-07, 06:10 PM
the glow-globe reveals a large crypt down below the flight of stairs. the sarcophagi lay covered in a thick sheen of dust and nothing moves, but you do hear a slight humming in the back of your mind, almost like the buzzing of wings. wdyd?

2022-04-07, 06:34 PM
Ruby Durand (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_5tkCvAtRbBxqmXT7v1OJPmf8ZqUgoeE72nZXOwDYGw/edit)

Ruby rolled her eyes but said nothing directly to Nero as he quoted scripture. Yeah okay, and then an angel's gonna come straight to me from the Golden Throne with a gun that's on fire and shoots flaming bullets at people... actually, not gonna lie, would be tits sweet to have something like that, heh.

Her grumbling finally ended on a triumphant note before tapering off as they spotted the lonely abandoned station temple that Lucian had led them to. She walked into Lucian's field of view just to make sure he didn't miss her sneering as she began to lecture him. "Fantastic! All that, just for a damned church. What, you get booted out of the chapel on the Vampire for out-creepafying a bunch of voidfolk? Or did you forget you have a bloody shrine strapped to your back?! You... oh forget it. I just don't even care anymore. Clearly you were sent by some higher power to drive me round the frakking bend. Well I'm not biting. You boys let me know if he ever wakes up from his 'Divine Inspiration', I'm gonna go check the perimeter's secure. If Sevastapol is anything like a hive, an out of the way hidey hole like this could have the voidstation equivalent of an underhive gang or sewer mutants camped out in here."

She took out her lamp pack and mounted it on the end of Kat to help with navigating any dark areas before shouldering open the heavy wooden door. If there was no one here, and if the local scavangers hadn't already picked the place clean, maybe there'd still be something valuable to hock, at least. It was the best she could hope for.

Awareness [roll0] vs 28

2022-04-07, 07:00 PM
this area seems to be part of the dormitory area. bunks and cots lay around in a semi-circle in the main area, and three doors stand against each wall, there is also a large iron-banded chest up against the far wall. it looks like a fugging pain to get into, but lord knows whats in there

2022-04-08, 02:15 AM
Words do not exist in the feeble language of man which can convey what is written in the transcendent spiritual scrawl of saints. No canvass can hold the infinite vistas of visions birthed upon the tips of angel's wings, whose reds are the blood of matyrs, blues the tears of the faithful, and yellows the aged bone of saints. From this trinity, this primordial palette the past, present and future is painted upon the very air.

The choir! A polyphonic hymn of diametric melodies, heretical highlights seep into the score as his Malfian blood sings yet all the while a chorus of divine and holy chanting over powers his ears, it reverberates beneath his feet, it sings of the glory of Terra and Terror. The walls of the chapel shudder the stained glass screams in its delight of the divine a righteous resonating tones.

And the whispers, the voices, the congregation!! They speak to him, of him, their souls are bare, and he feels the dam is about to burst!

"The DARKNESS comes!!! Despair not oh Humanity for from the black of blotted stars comes the salvation for which you beseeched! BEHOLD!!!"

He points into the now opened doors at a chest.

"I see her now a flame upon the ebon void, a Crimson Angel aloft on ruby wings, her hand bears the golden wrath, the flame wreathed, Throne born, the purifier, clean of the taint of the wretched chittering scions of Mars a true Terran terror! Fire are the bolts she looses upon the unclean and ignoble!!"

"And for the Noble! A true tome, guidance through the darkness!! A scripture dwarfing our petty comprehension, a divine name no mortal mind can hold but book bound it be!!"

His eyes widen as he stumbles forward a few steps before collapsing to his knees.

"A screaming wave rises from a sea of green and struck by the golden light of a fallen sun it's burnt away, the green tide boils and from the froth a sea of bone and gold is all that remains!"

His vision dims as the room warps and shudders in his sight. He clasps his temples for a moment, for but a second, it seems a purple-black fire strains to leap forth from his eyes. Then all is black and he collapses onto his chest on the chapel's cold floor, tears of ecstatic fear flow forth, and he smiles as he weeps and drinks of his own joyous tears. The soporific nectar soothes his agitated mind and slowly, he begins to regain his 'clarity'.

2022-04-08, 06:27 AM
Pendral Malfi (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2602897)

Pendral hears the Father Lucien making a racket again, but it is barely audible over the voices that are following him up the hall. What could it hurt to call back to them? Surely Father Lucien will keep the others distracted. Pendral stops and turns before entering the room with everyone else. Speak more clearly so that I can hear your portents. What do you ask of me? Enlighten me with your shadowy discourse! Pendral strains to hear the response forgetting his comrades behind him. There must be a response or maybe he has gone as mad as his cousin. He can not wait long or the others will notice his absence.

[roll0] Awareness vs 31 to hear the voices

2022-04-08, 01:14 PM
the buzzing builds to a crescendo, and then ceases with you none the wiser. do you enter the crypt?

that chest is mighty tempting. gonna pop her open and see what is inside? if so

as you arise from your delusion, gimme a psynscience at +20 pls

you are unable to speak of what just occured to you outside

after father luciens outburst, all is quiet. you could practically hear the eye of terror from here. (jk)

what's the plan brave acolytes?

2022-04-08, 03:40 PM
Ruby Durand (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_5tkCvAtRbBxqmXT7v1OJPmf8ZqUgoeE72nZXOwDYGw/edit)

Ruby was gritting her teeth as she was forced to listen to Lucian's impromptu sermon or ecstatic revelation or whatever warp-spawned lunacy he was spewing now. Not even being in an different room had allowed her to escape, and her fury was on a slow boil as she noticed one topic in particular the mad priest had dwelled on. It's been weeks now... he scalped a pirate.. and yet he's STILL OBSESSED WITH MY FRAKKING HAIR! GAH! Oh thank the throne, he finally shut up. Is it too much to hope someone came along and just killed him to make it stop? Seriously, how do Nero and Pendral stand this crazy sh**heel?

She turned back to the chest that she'd been distracted from by Lucian's ranting. It looked intact and undisturbed, which meant Ruby could hopefully salvage something from this miserable detour. She went about trying to open it without damaging the contents.

Check to see if the chest is locked. If it is not, cautiously open it checking for any booby traps. If it is locked, making a Strength test to break the lock. Note I have the Paranoia talent and am entitled to a free Perception test to notice any hidden threat even when I am not actively looking for it.
Strength 1d100] vs 30

2022-04-08, 03:42 PM
Botched the roll (perils of posting from my phone), redoing it.
Strength [roll0] vs 30

2022-04-08, 03:55 PM
with a groan, the chest pops open. inside sits an angelus boltgun and two full mags, along with two parcels roughly the size of a book wrapped in faded and peeling purity seals.

angelus boltgun stats
Range 100m; S/-/-; 2d10 X; Pen 5; Clip 3; Reload 3 Full; Two handed; Accurate, Tearing

at the same time, there is a piercing wail from the way you just came. can all of y'all make toughness tests or be deafened for 1 minute?

Bunny Commando
2022-04-08, 04:16 PM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


Like a moth to a flame, Nero steps inside the crypt; the weird buzzing is certainly an occurence that should be thoroughly investigated - most probably Warp-related, even though Nero is still on the fence on what it might actually be. He is however distracted by Lucien's word and he turns to witness the rapturous sermon the Confessor delivers to each one of them, now more clear to the Progena why the Cleric is with them: he definitely sees something, but why he's gifted with such clarity of vision? Is Lucien really blessed by the Emperor (unlikely, but still within the realms of possibility) or maybe such vision is witchcraft at work (which would raise numerous questions on how a witch could end up becoming a Priest of the Ministorum); whatever the reason may be, Nero makes a point to himself to talk with Lucien as soon as possible - the Confessor might be a danger to all of them, both from a lack of control of his "gifts" and from the attention they might bring to themselves from Inquisitors, the Red Redemption and even the Arbites.

Now's not the time, though. The Confessor seems spent and it might be better to wait until Lucien is either asleep or otherwise distracted - interrogation works best when the victim doesn't expect it and doesn't have the time to concoct lies. He alerts his own companions, however "There's a crypt down there, I'll see if there's anything valuable." he says to the others, criminals and lowlives all but still the only ones he can rely upon for the time being "Yell if you need help." and that done, he goes back to his own little exploration. Glow-globe pointed right in front of him, autopistol in the other hand ready to unleash a stream of bullets to whoever or whatever might be lurking down here, he looks around with caution but also with the curiosity and determination of someone who knows that he wants to come up on top of this whole mess, can't play safe all the time - taking risks might be his only chance to get away with more than just his life.

2022-04-08, 05:14 PM
nero, can i have an awareness or search roll?

you get a glimpse of something slither up the wall and out of sight

do you open the parcels?

2022-04-08, 06:15 PM
nero sees a glint of gold inside one of the back sarcophagi whose lid has cracked. gonna defile the dead?

2022-04-08, 11:22 PM
Pendral Malfi (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2602897)

Pendral saunters in as if he knows exactly want is happening. He enters just in time to see Ruby muscle open the large chest. He sees a large weapon that the chest disgorges which probably is as old as the station itself. The shells are larger than his fists and would make holes just as big.

Pendral joins Nero as he descends into the crypt. He trusts Nero would ferret out anything of value, but there may be clues that lend aid in divining the purpose of this long forgotten temple. Pendral cannot pass up the chance to add to the catalog of a names, dates, and other knowledge the permeates his head. Even if they don't mean anything to him now, you never know when such information will come together to form a bigger picture. Just as Pendral raises his hand to announce his accompaniment, the loud wail emanates from them. Pendral shouts over the noise: I bet everyone hears that! He is quite satisfied that he is not going crazy even if that results in peril.

[roll0] vs 31 Toughness

[roll1] vs 31 Awareness to see where that noise came from

If the opportunity arises, a search check to look for information to identify the crypt or the remains of the dead.

[roll2] vs 31 Search

There is a theme of 31

2022-04-08, 11:40 PM
Ruby Durand (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_5tkCvAtRbBxqmXT7v1OJPmf8ZqUgoeE72nZXOwDYGw/edit)

The lock was ancient and rusted out. A single solid whack from Kat's buttstock shattered the mechanism and left the chest cracked slightly open. Ruby smirked as she carefully opened the chest. Ah, and once again simple violence solves... everything...

Her eyes had widened until they felt like they were the size of tea saucers, yet she was absolutely transfixed by what lay within the ancient chest. It was a bolter, and yet it was far, far more than just one of the bolters wielded by the grim-faced, elite veteran troopers in the Guard she'd mocked openly with her squadmates and yet secretly admired for their lethal skill and heavy ordinance or the pistols wielded by the cruel commissars of the 771st Penal Legion whom she had hated and feared equally. She had never seen a weapon like this, and yet, as a thane of Gunmetal City, she'd heard its name and origin whispered in a thousand stories and legends told whenever there were no tech-priests or overseers around. She picked it up gingerly like she imagined one would a child, and almost reverently cracked open the breach. There, nestled inside a magazine within the stock itself, were three massive bolter shells, each of them as large as her fist. She remembered how the stories went: how Gunmetal City's most sacred manufactorum production lines were blessed to service the arms and ammunition of the God-Emperor's Astartes. Of how a handful of the shells would never be stamped with an Aquila and shipped out to the Space Marines but would instead circulate amongst a black market servicing some of the most infamous and deadliest assassins and mercenaries in the sector, each of them armed with a custom-made massively-oversized bolt carbine. Just like what she was holding in her hands now. It was without a doubt the single most beautiful thing she had ever seen in her life.

"I never thought it could be real... I thought it was just a Gunmetal myth. Oh frak me, it's really real. The gun that shoots bolts of the Emperor's Angels. The Angelus Bolt Carbine." The second she said its name, a terrible, paralyzing certainty descended on her with such force that she lost all strength in her legs and fell to her knees clutching the heavy carbine to her chest like it was old childhood gunny bear. Her mind replayed Lucian's most recent rant and the exact words he'd chosen to speak.

"Angelus... Angel... Crimson Angel... fire are the bolts she looses... ohhhhhhhhh frak me. He knew. Somehow, he KNEW. How? It can't be a con, this would have taken months or years to setup nevermind how it could have been done and for what purpose? No, he saw inside that chest... knew I'd be the one to find it. He can see beyond. He's a bloody witch."

This changed... a lot. How much of his insanity had just been insanity and how much had been something else? Could he see in her head?! She had already disliked and distrusted him on principle for being a Confessor and personally for being a first-class creep. Now there was legitimate dread on a level she hadn't felt since Commissar Ghent had discovered her illicit stash of stolen goods, broken her arm, flogged her half to death with a shock whip in front of the company, and played three rounds of Valhallan Roulette with the stub gun he'd found in the stash aimed at her bloodied skull the entire time to determine if he'd execute her on the spot or send her off to the nearest Penal Legion to pay for her sins. She had to be extremely damned careful. She had very little experience with psykers beyond basic Guard training on recognizing enemy ones in order to shoot them, but if he unsanctioned, then that could be even worse than them getting pinched by the Arbites.

Which, on a related note, brought her attention back to the Angelus. What with the fact that its shells were STOLEN ASTARTES AMMUNITION, this weapon was almost certainly highly illegal and potentially, if a tech-priest ever saw it, even tech heresy given it was anything but a standard pattern weapon. And even if someone didn't recognize what it was, its ornate design and size would still draw a lot of attention. On top of that, she had a grand total of six shells. Oh, those six shells would absolutely kill anything short of an actual Space Marine she pointed it at, but that was still only six shots, and good frakking luck finding more of them. Hell, she'd never even shot a regular bolter before, much less a monster like this! And yet... the only thing she could think of that moment was what to name such a glorious weapon. She resealed the break action, and it occurred to her that there was no need to choose a name... this one had come with one, hadn't it? "Holy Angela, blessed be they name. Well... damn. Now I have to apologize to that stupid creep. He's still a crazy bastard and probably a Reader like that flower girl from a couple doors down the Arbites dragged off to the Black Ships, but he did bring you and me together. So guess he can actually do something good once in a-"

She didn't get a chance to finish sweet talking her newest lady before the most unholy screech rang out and blasted out her eardrums as painfully as a near miss from some badly misaimed Earthshaker artillery friendly fire. My ears! Frak... can't hear ****. Oh good, my tinnitus is back again. The frak was that?!

Whatever it was, she was pretty certain it came back from the main chapel where she'd left Lucian at. She hurriedly pocketed the bolter shells into an unused bandolier pouch then, after a moment's thought, started grabbing rags that once were blankets off of the nearby bunks to wrap up and mask the Angelus' true appearance. Better to hide it for now and explain to the others later in a safe place, especially if they had to leave in a hurry and move through public areas. As she was about to leave, she noticed the two small wrapped bundles in the bottom of the chest that she had completely missed earlier in her blind adoration of Angela. She shrugged, and shoved them into her pack. Whatever they were, she could check them out later once she knew Nero and Pendral were safe and whatever the hell caused that noise was no longer a threat. She raced back into the main chapel with her Kasetka-20 at the ready while thumbing her microbead to ping both Nero and Pendral. With her hearing temporarily deafened, she seemed unable to control the volume of her voice and was left to shout everything in a vain attempt to hear herself speak. "NERO, PENDRAL! CAN'T TELL IF YOU'RE RESPONDING OR S**T, BUT GET BACK TO THE MAIN CHAPEL NOW! SOMETHING'S HAPPENING UP HERE! OW, DAMN, MY EARS ARE RINGING WORSE THAN CHURCH BELLS!"

Note, Kasetka-20 is just a random model name I made up for my standard Autogun, don't worry that I'm using yet another obscure SP gun to go with the two I did actually get. :smallsmile:

2022-04-08, 11:45 PM
Father Lucien (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25407650&postcount=21)

Lucien focuses his mind, Throne guide me, open my eyes, remove the darkness over my heart and let your light guide me... he feels it, a miracle is happening, then he hears the all too familiar sound of the Seraphim's scream as the veil is rent and Lucien sees something, a slithering shadow! That thing must have frightened one of the divine watchers causing her to wail such!

He rises up, pointing to where he saw it recede.

"There! My children we are not alone here!!", he screams above the ringing of bells. By the Throne this chapel must have a hundred such bells and all are ringing in warning!

vs 33 or deafened.
[roll=Awareness]1d1oo vs 39 (if needed) to see where/what the thing is and if it is still there.

2022-04-09, 12:19 AM
Ruby Durand (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_5tkCvAtRbBxqmXT7v1OJPmf8ZqUgoeE72nZXOwDYGw/edit)

The priest appeared to be on his feet, lucid, and unharmed, which was good (you know, apart from the whole "probably a witch" thing). Then he started saying something which might as well have been through a muted vidcaster what with her blown out eardrums. When he pointed up at the ceiling firmly though, she got the message and levered Kat upwards, flicking the lamp pack on to aid in her search as she began scanning the dark rafters for whatever it was Lucian had, she was guessing, been trying to warn her about.

Awareness [roll0] vs 28

Bunny Commando
2022-04-09, 04:46 AM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


There's a golden shine inside one of the sarcophagi, but Nero knows better than to blindly fling himself to whatever might be of value - lucre is a tool to be used as much as a weapon, not something one should chase out of greed. Still, knowing what might be inside the sarcophagus could potentially be useful, so Nero approaches the broken lid and tries to see inside better without having to open it; he doesn't have much time though, because after a few moments a thunderous howl stuns and makes him temporarily deaf.
Of course he doesn't hear anything Ruby said in the microbead, but Nero doesn't really need an incentive to find what has happened; he finds his way back, gun trained and looking for targets. when he sees his own companions he starts shouting as well "NOD IF YOU CAN HEAR ME!" but without much hope to be heard and understood.

I would like to roll Forbidden Knowledge (Psyker) to see if Nero has a better idea of what happened here.
[roll0] vs. 21.

2022-04-09, 11:32 AM
ruby notices something scuttling up the wall and into the vents. it is way too fast for you to get a shot off on whatever the frak it was. it looks like some sort of mutant, but you can't be sure.

nero, try as you might, you cannot come up with anything psyker-related. maybe it has to do with the ear-splitting scream?

also, now is when your hearing returns

2022-04-09, 04:23 PM
Ruby Durand (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_5tkCvAtRbBxqmXT7v1OJPmf8ZqUgoeE72nZXOwDYGw/edit)

Ruby swore as she caught a brief flicker of motion before whatever the hell it was disappeared into a ceiling vent. It looked like a mutant of some sorts, and Ruby, between dealing with underhive mutants growing up and purging a particularly nasty mutant uprising while in the Guard, absolutely loathed muties with a passion that the Confessor would probably approve of. "Get back here, freak!"

Without direct line of sight, she opted to just perforate the vent it'd disappeared into and hoped Kat's high rate of fire made the difference. Maybe the sounds of gunfire would spur Nero and Pendral, assuming they weren't as deaf as she was, to get their asses in motion even faster. Fortunately, as she stroked the trigger, she could actually partially hear the gunshots, so whatever the hell that deafening screech had been, it was no more permanent than the last time she'd had her ears blown out. Well, apart from the long-term hearing loss, but with her lifestyle, Ruby expected to be dead before that was a problem anyway.

Full Action: Full Auto Burst aiming at the Vent. +20 Full Auto, +10 Short Range, -30 Darkness penalty (completely concealed target). Of course, even if I do hit I may be aiming at an empty section of vent.
Attack [roll0] vs 44
Damage [roll1]
Righteous Confirm (if necessary) [roll2] vs 44
Extra Damage Dice (if necessary) [roll3]

2022-04-10, 03:20 AM
ruby opens up on the vent, sparks and bits of piping flying everywhere. a bit of black blood drips down and sizzles on the deckplates. the thing up there has made its escape. what now?

2022-04-10, 11:03 AM
"By the Throne, well done Lady Ruby!" the priest looks up at the perforated vent and the sizzling spots on the floor where the accursed blood spattered. "You've also managed to stop those blasted bells." Lucien casts his glance around looking for where the tower is...

Bunny Commando
2022-04-11, 08:57 AM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


It was to be expected - Nero can't hear anything, so of course the others can't hear him either; which might be a good thing since Ruby lets a burst off her own gun and the Progena catches just a faint sound. After a few moments hearing comes back and Nero just shakes his head, still a bit confused and stunned and asks the others "What happened? Were we attacked? Where those sound came from?" with a sense of urgency reinforced by the autopistol trained at the dripping vents; luckily, whatever was in those pipes seems to prefer avoid further confrontation with the acolytes, so slowly but cautiously Nero lowers his weapons and looks around to be sure that aren't more threats.
With his fears assuaged, the scum turns now to the others and nods towards the stairs going down "There's a crypt down there. One of the sarcophagi is partly broken and I saw a golden shine inside. There might be a relic of someone martyred in the name of the Emperor." he says with caution, staring at Ruby and Pendral for a couple of seconds before moving his eyes to Lucien.

2022-04-11, 10:40 AM
Lucien responds to the queries with questions, as any good confessor does, "Are you referring to the Seriphim or those blasted bells? The former is known to me while the later I have not yet..." then the rest of Nero's speech registers, "...a desecration in the crypt! Well let us look to it, perhaps that unholy abomination was to blame. I may have to reconsecrate the entire under-croft, and you may have to safe guard any relics until such a time when this chapel can be properly secured."

2022-04-11, 01:28 PM
Ruby Durand (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_5tkCvAtRbBxqmXT7v1OJPmf8ZqUgoeE72nZXOwDYGw/edit)

Ruby kept her gun tracked on the bullet riddled vent until she was convinced the thing wasn't coming back out. No way to know if she'd actually killed it or just gotten a graze and no way in hell was she going to climb in there to check. She'd kill for a flamer or some frags right about now. Still, even if it was still alive, she'd managed to scare it off so good enough for now. She crooked an eyebrow in disbelief at Lucian's interpretation of the noise that had preceded the creature's arrival. "Church bells... uh huh, sure okay."

So on top of him apparantly having wyrd powers, her earlier assessment of him having a leaky brainpan was still accurate. Wonderful. Thankfully, at that moment her two compatriots finally emerged from the crypt to spare her from having to endure the priest's company alone any longer. "Took you long enough. You just missed out on a close encounter with a mutant freakjob. Think I convinced it to try its luck somewhere else at least. So, how'd the basement look?"

She swapped Kat to a full mag as she listened to Nero's account from the crypt. "Well, since we have Ecclesiarchal permission and all, by all means let's go, ah, properly secure them relics for safekeeping then. And if the freakjob shows up for round 2, bang, one less mutie tainting the galaxy. I frakking HATE muties..."

She made no mention of the cloth wrapped bundle on her back or the objects hidden in her bandolier and backpack. Later, in private, when she could talk to her comrades without Lucian present since HE was also going to be a topic of discussion alongside her acquisitions. Plus she still needed to check out what the two bundles she'd grabbed were. So, for now, she kept quiet.

2022-04-11, 02:43 PM
everyone who loots the crypt, toss me a d100

Bunny Commando
2022-04-12, 04:10 AM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


"Well. If you want to secure these 'relics'..." Nero clears his throat "...I won't stop you. But I would advise caution, there might be a reason why this temple has been abandoned." he nods towards the stairs, an invite for the others to follow him down in the crypt. He keeps his glow-globe pointed straight in front of him, autopistol in the other hand ready to shoot if anything out of the ordinary appears. He's cautious, he still remembers that buzzing - might be connected to those bells ringing? Further investigation on the matter is certainly needed - but still advances through the rows of sarcophagi before stopping right in the front of the one partially broken.

"Here." he says, moving the light a little bit so that the others can see the shine inside "Do what you want. I'll cover you, if mutants are here they might choose to attack us while we're distracted." and that said he stays a bit farther from the others, not particularly enthused by the prospect of these ancient coffins being opened after so many years; the Progena holsters the gun so that he can have a free hand to use the auspex, a useful tool to prevent any ambush.

Awareness, just in case.
[roll0] vs. 51.

2022-04-12, 03:01 PM
the party finds 80 gelt worth of saleable items and a good-quality chaindagger in the crypt. onto the leviathans tooth!

2022-04-14, 09:36 AM
you knock on the heavy plasteel door. after about thirty seconds it slides open a hair and an eye peers out. "whaddya want?" the voice says grouchily

Bunny Commando
2022-04-14, 04:00 PM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


"You Holtz?" Nero says at the lone eye behind the door "We're here to see you. A...ahem, 'tranquil' friend told us you're going to help us regarding a quite delicate matter." the Progena than knocks again on the plasteel, smiling full of friendliness and charm, even though he has drawn his autopistol and seems quite ready to murder the fellow if the need arises "Now if you don't mind, open the door so we can talk over some good Amasec."

2022-04-14, 04:13 PM
"aye that be me" the man murmurs, and swings the door wide "c'mon in, i was expecting you. you'll get the last of my private rooms, so that you can have privacy while you work"

holtz leads you past a dingy bar stocked with some vintage bottles of amasec and other rarer drinks and gives you each a heavy iron-bossed key "this is your room key. two places to sleep, a place to work and a communal refresher"

2022-04-14, 07:30 PM
Ruby Durand (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_5tkCvAtRbBxqmXT7v1OJPmf8ZqUgoeE72nZXOwDYGw/edit)

Ruby gave the bar a quick scan and shrugged. Not much different from the average lower hive dive bar. Least it wasn't on the level of a underhive bar and full of gangers looking for a fight."Real cozy. This'll work. Right, let's see them quarters."

She took a bit more time scanning their suite of rooms. Bit tight but they'd set up out of much worst before. She examined the vents with a highly focused eye. Between the void pirates and that thing in the chapel, she was beginning to get increasingly paranoid about things coming at her out of the damned things, especially with her lacking the proper ordnance to clear them out good (though she had a hunch Mr. Holt would not take kindly to her popping frags in the vents or sweeping them regularly with a flamer unless he had a major vermin problem). First chance she got, she was fencing some of the dosh from the crypt and getting a lascutter to weld them all shut properly or she'd be sleeping poorly at night again. Speaking of which... "Oy, chummers. I'm claiming this bunkroom. Nero and Pendral can arm wrestle or roshambo or whatever you guys want to figure out who's bunking with me, but Lucian is still banned from getting anywhere close to my sleeping area."

That said, she shut the door and barred it, leaving herself alone for the time being. She wanted... she needed to examine the Angelus in much greater detail and care, but first things first. Time to find out what else she lifted from the chapel. She pulled out the two bundles from her pack and began tearing off the purity seals.

2022-04-14, 11:33 PM
Pendral Malfi (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2602897)

Pendral gives Nero a grimacing look. I can stay with my good cousin. I have years of training in dealing with the family. Best if you go reassure Ruby that I will keep him at bay. Pendral laughs but he does not mean it at all. He suspects a night bunking with his cousin would probably not lead to any trouble, probably... For the time being he takes up a position in the bar at the most secluded table he can find. It takes out a smallish book and begins to read while scanning the room for any trouble, but the book draws most of his attention.

2022-04-15, 12:04 AM
"Thank you Holtz," the priest says adjusting the golden Aquila prominently displayed on his chest, "my companions and are no doubt a bit peckish, be a dear and have some of your best sent to our rooms." reaching the rooms he immediately begins to set up the altar, "Miss Ruby and Nero, if you would take those lodgings there," he says, adjusting the candles, "Sir Pendral and I will 'set up shop' here." He kisses the brow of the mounted skull before continuing, "I've ordered our meal, should anyone require any spiritual or medical attention the door is ever open." Lucien kneels before his altar and unwinds the long multi-hued braid as he begins his rituals.

2022-04-15, 01:01 PM
the meals are about 40 gelt in total, and consist of some vat-meat, fresh tubers, and a cold mug of some amasec. holtz brings it up on a platter and leaves it on the center table in the common room

you find a small folio in the first package, and a pair of small vials with black paste in the second. can i also get an awareness on the angelus?

the book you are reading has knowledge of sorcery. what do you find in the book?

you have noticed that pendral has been acting odd

Bunny Commando
2022-04-15, 01:38 PM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


Nero is about to enter is own room just after Ruby when the soldier shuts it off right in front of his nose, leaving the Progena outside now awkwardly looking at Lucien and Pendral; he sighs and immediately jokes about it, though "Well, if I'm drunk enough I might not even need a bed to sleep on." a small chuckle, then he flashes a smile to Lucien "But then I would definitely have need of your ministrations, Father. Guess I'll see you later!" that said, he goes to the bar as well.

Nero sits almost at the opposite side of the room from Pendral, done of course on purpose as to avoid raising suspicions from the nobleman; and while the Progena eats voraciously, he sparingly drinks the Amasec - sure, he might joke he has intention to get completely drunk but it was just a ruse so that he could act with relative impunity. Nero keeps watching Pendral, what he's doing and how he acts but tries to avoid being too overt about it, after all as Jaclyn would say if she was still alive: "Knowledge is Power, guard it well" and it would be against his best interest to let Pendral know he knows something's amiss.

I don't know if it's needed, but here a Stealth roll.

[roll0] vs. 32 (42 if Foresight is applicable).

2022-04-15, 03:25 PM
Ruby Durand (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_5tkCvAtRbBxqmXT7v1OJPmf8ZqUgoeE72nZXOwDYGw/edit)

Ruby sat back on her bed with a sigh. She had absolutely no idea what the black stuff in the vial was, and certainly had no intention of cracking the seal. Could be anything from omega-level Spook to an aerosol poison strong enough to kill everyone in the building and anywhere in between. Maybe the folio would explain what it was?
Ugh. Reading. Let the nerds have that groxsh**.

Her eyes crept to the cloth-wrapped bundle at the foot of her bed. She knew what she'd be much rather examining in detail right this minute and it certainly wasn't some dead priest's dusty old notes. She gave in to the temptation and began to unwrap her new prize acquisition with tender care.

Okay, five minutes ogling our beloved, then we do our homework and make sure we aren't carrying Nurgle Rot in a frakking flimsy-ass jar.

Awareness [roll0] vs 28

2022-04-15, 03:27 PM
Fate Point Reroll [roll0]

2022-04-15, 06:41 PM
Pendral Malfi (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2602897)

Pendral gives one last look around the bar to makes sure there is no trouble.

[roll0] Awareness verse 31

Pendral dives into the book.

The book seems to have a number of sorcery powers and diagrams, but Pendral is drawn to the description of Daemon physiology. The author states that the daemon's appearance and physiology are just manifestations of the viewers perception. That a true form may lie beneath, but no one will ever be able to truly comprehend the daemon's actual form. This all sounds...un-provable and Pendral is pretty certain the author is just making it up. Of course his own knowledge of Daemonology is most pieced together from random snippets of text spread through a number of proscribed tomes on other topics. Understanding probably requires one to be a daemon himself, and Pendral was more of a book knowledge type not seeking field experience. He thinks about his own encounter while pondering this. The illusive form of the daemon forms in his mind's eye.. but it is more distinct.

Great, the things that become clearer only lead to Damnation. Pendral closes the book and eats the meal that his cousin generously paid for. He found himself quite hungry and once complete, decided to head to the observation deck. He imagined himself sneakly disappearing from sight and let out an laugh. Holtz, do you know the way to the observation deck? I might as well get myself familiar with the station before we really have to dig into business.

Pendral thought that sounded good enough. No point to embellish because he really was going to the observation deck. Plus anyone that followed him might get more of a surprise than they bargained for...assuming he could get there alive on his own.

2022-04-15, 07:29 PM
Holtz looks at pendral. “Take elevator 39-delta to junction omicron-75. That’s where the observation decks are”

2022-04-15, 11:14 PM
Pendral Malfi (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2602897)

Pendral jaunts off with any further ado.

Bunny Commando
2022-04-16, 05:50 AM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


Nero is somewhat concerned by the behaviour of his noble companion so when Pendral stands up and heads out the cantina, he follows suit. They have been plagued by a score of weird happenings and he has been painfully trained to not believe in coincidence, "Paranoia is just reality on a finer scale" Jaclyn would always tell him and he has never found any evidence she was wrong; besides, even though Pendral has shown time and time again to be a useful asset in many regards, personal defense has not been one of them and since Ruby is unavailable right now, Nero might be the only thing between Pendral and an untimely demise if the noble finds himself in some trouble.

Anyway, there's no need for Pendral to know he has a guardian watching his back; Nero tries his best to stay out of sight following the noble while trying to understand if someone else have had the same idea - maybe there's a reason why Pendral had shown such odd behaviour recently and if there are dregs with any ill intent against his companion, Nero is definitely ready to make sure they regret such decision.

Again, Stealth to follow Pendral without being spotted.
[roll0] vs. 32 (don't believe Foresight could be applied here).

And Awareness to spot if there are others following Pendral.
[roll1] vs. 32.

2022-04-16, 05:18 PM
you make it to observation dome zx-27 undetected. the pair of luminous green eyes stare back at you. "i'm glad you came" the voice murmurs thoughtfully. a deck of emperors tarot appears and is shuffled in the air, seemingly by nothing

"first, the hulk reversed" the voice says, and a card appears, showing a sword-class frigate floating through the void. you think you see a glint of gold in one of the compartments, but you cant be sure

"second, the usurper" the voice says, and a card appears, showing a picture of goge vandire. he appears to be cackling maniacally at something, but it is off-screen

"third, the paternova" the voice says, and a card appears, showing an ancient and wizened navigator leaning on a metal staff. her eyes blaze with power, and she appears to be chanting vehemently

"fourth, the mutant" the voice says, and its eyes seem to gleam. the card appears, and you flinch. it is max, his face twisted by chaos, yet still visible.

"fifth, the assassin" the voice says, and the card flies at you like a bullet. catching it, you see a vindicare assassin, prone with a rifle against his shoulder. he appears to be somewhere on malfi.

"sixth, the titan upright" the card falls to the floor with a thud, not unlike a battle titans foot hitting the ground. It shows a warlord class titan laying waste to an agri-world

"seventh, the consul" the card shows an administratum agent, face harrowed and drawn, stamping a form. he looks bone-tired, and it shows.

"your future has been read" the voice booms and vanishes, leaving the tarot deck on the ground

nero, you stumble upon the reading. gimme an awareness roll.

also, pendral, can i get a wp test or take 1d5 IP?


2022-04-16, 06:43 PM
Ruby Durand (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_5tkCvAtRbBxqmXT7v1OJPmf8ZqUgoeE72nZXOwDYGw/edit)

Ruby gave up on trying to read through the folio unassisted after 15 painful minutes. Her poor quality underhive ganger reading comprehension level couldn't manage any book that didn't include copious amounts of pictures to aid the process. She rewrapped the Angelus back in its cloth disguise (getting annoyed at the time this action took as well and mentally adding a gunbag for it to her growing shopping list) and stormed out to the common area to go find Pendral and let him deal with the damned folio. Except that there was no sign of him or Nero anywhere. Are you kidding me? The frak did they go?! She grimaced and looked to see if their host Holtz was still around and knew where they'd disappeared to.

2022-04-16, 07:44 PM
holtz mentions the observation decks

2022-04-16, 08:24 PM
Ruby Durand (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_5tkCvAtRbBxqmXT7v1OJPmf8ZqUgoeE72nZXOwDYGw/edit)

Ruby was more than a little pissed that her partners had both just ditched her to go gawk at the bloody stars or whatever the hell else one could see from the station. Couldn't be important or they'd have grabbed her to tag along, but they could at least have dropped her a quick word they were leaving her here alone. Sulking, she plopped down at the recently abandoned table and began helping herself to the leftover food and amasec, vaguely remembering Lucian had announced through the closed door he was "graciously" providing dinner. Whatever, beggars couldn't be choosers. The alternative would be her corpse rations, and... no thank you. She'd literally eat rats before she willingly ate those. Damnit, my fault I guess. Not like they knew I'd need some help with this book crap. Ugh... now what?

By the time she'd polished off the amasec and was working her way up to a proper buzz, an idea had formed. Not a good one, but, well... Ruby's drunk ideas never were. She staggered to her feet and over to the suite, stopping at the closed door to the other sleeping compartment. Before she could let the realization of what she was doing sink in, she began to hammer fiercely on the door with her fist. "Oy! Fat... Fath... *hic* Lucian! You still awake? Come here!"

2022-04-17, 01:55 AM
Father Lucien (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25407650&postcount=21)

The priest bolted up and for a moment the air in the room was charged, as if in concert with his momentary anxiety. Some believed the time of sleep was a time where the barrier between the material and immaterium was whisper thin. A period wherein the mind, the soul the essence of an individual was cast upon the callous and chaotic currents of the warp, wherein the shadow self and the waking conscious where synced.

Lucien, however, knew nothing of that. Only that when he slept he experienced the most marvellous of things, visions, some nightmarish, some ecstatic and sometimes the very essence of his dreams were made manifest. Once he had dreamt of the small IG Rhino he had played with as a child, upon waking he had found it on the floor next to his bed, and could have sworn that it was the sound of the lead toy ringing on the marble floor of his chamber that had awoken him.

That was years ago though, now, it was a different pounding of IG origin that shook him from his slumber. Miss Ruby was banging on the door, perhaps there was some danger or important work for the Ordos. Still in his robes, he sat up on the bed and muttered a quick prayer of wakefulness, before replying.

"Enter my child, as I said the door is always open." he quickly kissed his Aquila and braid before the metalaican guardswoman entered winding the meter long braid around his wrist and ringing his fingers soothingly over the many folds of the braids, much like a rosary. In much the same fashion the repetition, the silken smoothness of the hair, it soothed his soul. Focused his mind. Quieted the echoes he often heard.

He then realised she was asking him to come to her, walking across the room he opened the door, an earnest smile of warmth and camaraderie split the confessors face as he greeted Ruby, "Miss Ruby," while such affectation of emotion for many the manipulator and deceiver revealed the cracks in the facade of falsehood upon the face, for one such as Lucien his emotions were true for they were born of the fractured and cracked mind concealed within. For some, madness was a mercy.

2022-04-17, 10:06 AM
Ruby Durand (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_5tkCvAtRbBxqmXT7v1OJPmf8ZqUgoeE72nZXOwDYGw/edit)

Ruby pushed her way past Lucian and settled herself into a corner. Her footing was none too certain and her speech slurred, hinting at the amount of amasec she had put away. "Asleep already? Lightweight, heh. Anyway, I need a little help. Found this in the chapel just before your 'church bells' started ringing and I'm trying to find out what it is."

She pulled out the vial of black substance and waved it before carefully setting it down on a table. "Not exactly an apo... apothe... a medic, so I have no clue what it is. Need to at least know if it's dangerous stuff. This may help."

She reached into a separate bandolier pocket and pulled out the paper folio, setting it down next to the vial. "I'm not a, not... I can't read good, okay? So that's what I need you to do. Tell me if you know what this stuff is, and read this here book to me. Tell me if it IDs the vial, and anything else juicy. Let's say..."

Suddenly, she had a new drunk idea that was probably just as bad as coming in here in the first place. Oh shut up, brain. He's a reader and he already knows this part from his vision.

"... anything involving angels, perhaps."

2022-04-17, 10:37 AM
Father Lucien (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25407650&postcount=21)

"Of course, of course, Miss Ruby." he says as she takes her seat, looping the braid around his wrist he shuffles over to the altar set up on one of the tables and opens a drawer. He reverently removes a small case and a data-slate. Muttering the prayers of activation he places an intricate brass coloured set of spectacles on his face, plugging a cable from the glasses into the data-slate. There is a whirring and clicking as additional lenses click into place making the confessor's already wide eyes appear saucer sized. His golden orbs ravenously take in the offered folio, as they franticly dart from side to side recording everything, he rotates the text over in hands looking at the spine, covers, bindings and frontispiece before looking at the text itself.

"Amazing..." he says smiling at Ruby, "...He's chosen you to be the bearer and guardian of these artefacts." The confessor takes a seat laying the folio on his lap, before remembering the vials. he scoops them up, and the lenses spiral and hum as he holds the black hued substance up to the light, slowly he rotates them as the Catechizer continues its chorus of clicks and whirs. "Curious..." he mummers placing them back on the table before opening the folio, "perhaps, as you surmise, the answers lay within..."

What no doubt seems like an eternity to Ruby passes as the confessor is lost in the text, his brow fills with perspiration and he seems at several moments to be on the verge of some type of outburst or episode. Finally. He closes the folio, and slowly removes his eye wear before wiping an hand across his face. He grasps the Aquila at and mumbles something quickly and fervently in High-Gothic.

His body sags a bit in the chair and he exhales a long slow breath. Ruby has seen many guardsmen do similar after a long engagement, and it seems the priest has just finished some battle of his own. Whether he 'won' or 'lost' though isn't immediately evident. He returns the Catachizer to its protective case, and lays the data-slate on the table as he takes the two vials in hand.

"Miss Ruby," he says in an usually sombre tone, "this" he holds up one of the vials between two fingers, "is a narcotic know as Klay." He taps the vial with a finger, "three doses in each vial, and perhaps I should say vile doses." The confessor holds up the drug, "it's introduced into the system orally, its effects are nearly immediate yet surprisingly short lived, lasting one to ten hours, when compared to their side effects, which often lasts a week. It is highly addictive. I would caution against its use except in the most dire and extreme circumstances."

He places the vials on the table, near the guardswoman, "You know the risks so now, no doubt you are curious as to the 'benefits'. It stimulates the entire sensory system, ocular, aural, olfactory, gustatory. Speed, acuity and reaction times are increased. I confess I have utilised a derivative in my work, administering it solely for its addictive properties, which can make even the most stubborn of recidivists quite pliable and cooperative at the prospect of receiving subsequent doses."

He pauses and places a hand on the book on his lap. "So understand that when I tell you that there is danger and benefit in these," he taps the vials on the table. "The danger in this..." he raps his fingers on the folio, "are much, much, greater."

He stands, opening a compartment in the altar and places the book inside, he then stops, and freezes. "No." he turns and hands the book back to Ruby. "He entrusted it to you. In his wisdom. Don't you see, your inability to fully grasp its contents makes you much more resilient to the dangers it contains!" His face spits with a wide smile, "Ignorance is an armour and a virtue. Safeguard it Miss Ruby." He turns to face the altar, and kneels making the sign of the Aquila, "you asked of angels, miss Ruby. No, I am afraid what that contains is quite the opposite..."

He stands and turns to face her. "The Throne and its Holy Ordos have chosen you. Trust in that. Know that they see something in you, that perhaps your companions, or even you, yourself have missed. The Emperor protects."

He takes his seat again, "Consider everything said here in confidence, I shall not betray your trust, whatever you should decide to do is your choice. Yet should you require counsel, confession or any services of an ecclesiastical nature, I am ever at your service."

2022-04-18, 01:46 PM
Ruby Durand (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_5tkCvAtRbBxqmXT7v1OJPmf8ZqUgoeE72nZXOwDYGw/edit)

Ruby stumbled back into her sleeping quarters with a black feeling of discomfort unfurled in her stomach. She couldn't remember in her dark, blurred haze if she'd even said a word of thanks to Lucian as she grabbed the drugs and book or left without a word. Stowing all of them into her pack, she flopped facedown onto her bed. Learning the black substance was Klay, of all things, was bad enough. She had no need for the priest to tell her what Klay's effects were, as her "reassignment" to the 771st Penal Legion had in large part been due to her trafficking in various illicit substances which had included the potent stimulant. Though she'd handled sealed bottles of it before, she'd never partaken of it personally or even seen it with the naked eye until now, but it had been one of her best sellers amongst snipers and recon teams. The thought of going on a multi-day hyper-awareness bender, oh it was so, so tempting even if she knew the coming down from that high would be most unpleasant.

But the priest's words, or rather lack thereof beyond cryptic remarks, of the contents of the folio... this was something else. She'd thought the danger would be the vials, yet he seemed to think the real danger lay in those damned pages he refused to elaborate on and which she couldn't read on her own. And if it really was that dangerous, she wouldn't put Pendral at risk by asking him to do it. So, she really only had three options. First, she could simply burn the book and destroy it. Problem solved, no more book, go on with her life. Except... even if she wasn't willing to risk Pendral's life, she needed to know, she WANTED to know what it said. So, either find someone else more expendable and "convince" them to do it for her, and since she wasn't exactly swimming in thrones, that probably meant threatening their kneecaps with Agatha or actually inflicting violence on them (and at that point how could she even trust they were telling her what it really said anyway?). Or... try and do it herself? Was that even possible? Ugh. She drifted off to sleep clutching the Angelus like an oversized security blanket without any real decision made.

2022-04-18, 10:19 PM
Pendral Malfi (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2602897)

Pendral contemplates the swirling images of the cards. Should he trust the cards, surely he would just see what he wants? Still he takes careful mental note of each card. Is the reversed hulk this ship, it certainly is a possibility. Many of the others don't quite fit the picture yet, although he does let out a smile when thinking about someone on Malfi being assissinated. Certainly he will keep that one in mind as it may present an opportunity as any death in the family would provide. Pendral goes on thinking as what he just experencied as if it was nothing unusual at all...

There is much to think on but it seems best to get back to the relative safety of the bar. He picks up the deck and careful secures the cards in his pocket. There is somewhat of an expectation that with would have any unusual feel or effect on him, but there is no time to waste. Pendral hits the lift button with some inpatient and he begins to tap his foot. He mumbles to himself quitely: Why do I seem to draw attention of such interesting individuals? Must be the family curse finally settling in.

Bunny Commando
2022-04-19, 06:34 AM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


The need for discretion left Nero with just a partial understanding of what has transpired in the Observatory, but what he has seen was both interesting and concerning. Even though termination was the first solution that popped in his mind, cooler thoughts quickly prevailed: killing Pendral would raise many questions from Ruby, the skillset of the nobleman was invaluable at the moment and of course there was the chance the daemon would intervene and stop such an attempt (as an afterthought, Nero had to also acknowledge he was fond of his partners in crime and was painfully aware such weakness could be fatal).

But of course the sudden appearance of a daemon was a bad omen; daemons are at best tools, but outsmarting one was a tricky endeavour that could very well spell doom for the fool that tried it. For the moment, Nero decides it is best to keep Pendral's secret to himself and gather more information before actually doing something about it - after all, knowing where to find a daemon with relative ease might prove useful. So Nero waits until Pendral has vacated the place and then he leaves the Observatory as well; before going back to the Tooth he has to bring back a convincing story to tell the others though - lies are tools to be used sparingly and most of the times hiding a truth behind another truth is way more useful.

So he starts roaming the halls and corridors of Sevastopol, talking and chatting and discreetly asking questions about recent events on the Void Station - especially events regarding acts of sabotage aboard; he spends some Thrones here and there, buying drinks to loosen tongues and watching his back to make sure no one is following him. When he feels he has gathered enough information, he finally heads back to the Leviathan's Tooth so that he might offer a sincere (and hopefully useful) answer to any inquiry from his companions.

Inquiry to gather info on saboteurs aboard the station.
[roll0] vs. 35 (45 if Foresight could be applied here)

Bunny Commando
2022-04-19, 10:48 AM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


Hours have passed and Nero finally manages to find his way back to the Leviathan's Tooth; it was more tiredness than anything else, but at least now he has a much clearer sense of purpose than before - to survive he had to become a criminal, but he was trained to be so much more. Back at the cantina, he knocks first to Pendral and Lucien's room and says with a sense of urgency "We have to talk, my room." before going to the room he shares with Ruby and waking her up "Hey. Went for a walk, came back with some information on our mission." he says to the former legionnaire, but waits for the two nobles before saying more.

The Progena waits a bit until everyone who wants to attend the impromptu meeting is there, closes the door and then starts talking with barely more than a whisper, just to be sure his words won't be heard by anyone who should not "So. Acts of sabotage have indeed happened, their targets manufactora and docking cradles - as one might expect, the Imperial Navy is not happy that the repairing and refitting of its ships has considerably slowed down." he clears his throat and makes a bit of a dramatic pause "Asked around who's the chief dreg on this station, a name came up more than others: a fellow known as 'Bosco', aptly named 'Bloody' for the tendency of feeding whoever incurs his wrath to some xeno beast. Might be worth understand if he's involved in this whole story and if not, he might have some useful information on the people we're looking for."

2022-04-20, 01:37 AM
Father Lucien (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25407650&postcount=21)

"'Bloody' Bosco," he smiled, "so we have name, might we know where this character might be found?" he tapped a finger on his lips before continuing, "is there perchance an Arbite's precinct here? It would be good to know what possible help or hindrance we are apt to encounter in our most holy and righteous endeavour."

Lucien, once again began to run his finger deftly over the long braid he kept fasted to his robes, "I rarely actually apprehend these miscreants, I am more suited to tending to them post incarceration. Should we manage to get him some where private I am sure could uncover all manner of crimes and transgressions, I've yet to tend to a guiltless man."

2022-04-21, 07:25 PM
Pendral Malfi (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2602897)

Pendral returned to the bar and ordered another drink before retiring to his room. Before he has any more time to consider the days events, Nero knocks at his door. He follows and hears the information Nero has gathered in the last few hours. Pendral is grateful someone is on mission, because he certainly has not been between the voices and the observation deck. This Bosco character should certainly be able to lead them in the right direction. Pendral still gives a little shiver though when he hears the confessor speak about extracting information. It was not that long ago that many of them were in that exact same position, and worse, they really had no information to give in that situation.

The fact that the fellow keeps a xenobeast around is reason enough for his confession cousin. Nero did you get a description of this beast. It might be best to know what we are dealing with before we are confronted by it. Our ability to get off base may also be in peril as well, should we warn the ship we arrived on to be on the look out for shade dockworkers? Pendral is not too certain about the last part. He does not even recall the plan on how to get off the station once their investigation is done. Still the crew on the Piety of the Vampire got us here safely more or less.

Bunny Commando
2022-04-22, 09:44 AM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


Nero visibly frowns when Lucien shows a willingness to involve the Arbites and slowly shakes his head "We have no proof of who we are and what our mission is. I would advise against involving other Imperial authorities unless we have no other choice - besides, if our patron wanted the help of the Arbites, she would've asked them herself." the Progena then makes a short pause, looking his companions in the eye before going forward "I would say that diplomacy might be a better course of action than trying to remove Bosco - of course, unless Bosco is involved in these acts of sabotage. Our duty is not to enforce the laws of the Imperium or punish the guilty; our duty is to protect Mankind." he ends with a grave, solemn tone of voice.

That said, he answers Pendral with a shrug and a grin "You're asking too much, my friend. I was out a few hours and as you might very well imagine, people are not so keen to talk about Bosco lest they end up as food for his pets." he then elbows the noble, full of friendliness and camaraderie "Might discover more tomorrow, but I thought it would be better to have someone watching my back when dealing with..." he clears his throat, now looking quite intently at Pendral "...unsavory elements of the worst kind, don't you think?" such last sentence has obviously a hidden meaning, there to give Pendral some food for thought without showing his hand.

2022-04-22, 08:44 PM
the heroes retire for the night. you are awoken shortly before dawn by a knock on your doors. it's holtz, but judging by the strain in his voice, he's being pressured. "please come outside in five minutes" he says in a high-pitched voice. you also hear several heavy booted feet on the steps up to the rooms

you have a dream with the green-eyes daemon. please describe it for me

did you study the tarot deck before you slept?

you had a similar situation to this somewhere. what was it and how did you survive?

2022-04-23, 03:51 AM
Father Lucien (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25407650&postcount=21)

Lucien sat up quickly and shot a glance over to where his cousin's bed was. He took the stub revolver from his night table and remembered he need to ask Miss ruby or Nero to help him procure munitions. He only had five rounds remaining. Yet, he knew his true merit lay not with such tools, but with his faith and divine gifts. He gathered his belongings quickly, one never knew when they must make a most expeditious evacuation. He kissed his token of treasured tresses and secreted the gun in the pocket of his robes. He would follow the lead of the more experienced members of their group.

2022-04-23, 02:11 PM
Pendral Malfi (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2602897)

After hearing Nero's news, Pendral retires to his room for the night. Yet the weight in his pocket seems to bare down on him. He sits on his bed with his back to the door and pulls out the Tarot deck. He closely examines the cards to make sure it is a full set, especially the cards that he previously had seen. What more might he divine of his future from those images...

[roll0] vs. Awareness 31

Coming awake at the sound of Holtz's voice, Pendral quickly gets up. He glances at his cousin hurried preparations and follows suit. Upon seeing the Confessor eyeing up his ammo, Pendral hands over another 12 rounds to Father Lucien. "May the emperor guide your hand. From what I have seen, he has already given up on my aim." Pendral smiles true, not something he remembers doing in recent times. Pendral waits until Father Lucien is ready and gives him a nod. Then reaches for the door handle...

2022-04-23, 02:59 PM
Father Lucien (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25407650&postcount=21)

The cleric graciously accepts the bullets and the supplication, "Bless you, brother.", he returns the smile, as he loads a round into the revolver before dropping the rest into a pocket. "Was that the Imperial Tarot?" he asks as he tightens the straps of his portable altar, "it's been far too long since I have seen a set," he strides over to the door next to his cousin. "I didn't know you too were such a man of faith, a sad rarity in our noble line. Perhaps, if you would permit I might chance a reading for us once we've settled whatever this Bosco business might be."

2022-04-23, 07:16 PM
Ruby was about to speak up at the suggestion of Arbites when Nero beat her to the punch, and his reasoning was a lot better than the "Why the frak would we get those a**holes involved?" that had been her planned justification for opposing it. She smirked at him cutting up with Pendral. "You mean, more unsavory than us? That'll be the day. Well, I've got your back as usual, like you even need to ask. Maybe dangling a few people out of windows will help jog their memories."

She was troubled as she fell back asleep however, the events of the previous night weighing down on her and the secrets she was holding. Perhaps she should have come clean, to Nero at least... she came swiftly to her feet at the knocking on the door and the sound of Holtz's voice. And more importantly, the number of heavily treading footsteps she could make out that clearing indicated their host was not alone. Frak! Tell me that crazy priest didn't call in the frakking Arbites after all?!"

She immediately shot that idea down though. If it was an Arbites raid, they would've had the tactical sense to just bust the door down, pop a flash grenade or two, and rush them while they were still half-asleep, blind, and defenseless. No, these visitors were someone else. Either they didn't want to fight and hopefully Nero could fast talk a way out of this, or they were waiting to attack... why did this feel so damn familiar? She gave Nero a rough nudge to finish waking him up even as she hurriedly donned her armour and weapons. "Nero, on your feet, now. Our wonderful host has brought company. Get ready. I'll open the door, and if they're hostile, well... that is why you keep me around."

She drew her shotgun to illustrate her point, and while waiting for Nero to get ready, she keyed Pendral and Lucian's micro-beads before murmuring low into hers. "It's me. Don't come out yet, let me initiate with these bozos. If it goes tits up, come out blazing."

Awareness [roll0] vs 28

Bunny Commando
2022-04-24, 06:52 AM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


Having shared what he had found with the others (and perhaps more importantly leaving them none the wiser he had actually followed Pendral in the Observatory) Nero goes to bed as well, some sleep sorely needed. Still, night has never been Nero's friend: nightmares are always close by, leaving him alone just enough so that he might hope to get a good night's sleep.

As it has happened more than once recently, memories of Jaclyn (the Drill Abbess that trained him back at the Schola) flood his mind; Nero feels her green eyes (did Jaclyn really had green eyes? He can't remember now) pierce his soul, his own ambitions and desires laid bare. It's Feronikka's turn then, her green eyes cutting his soul in small pieces that she avidly eats bit by bit (he simply can't figure out why he knows the figure devouring his soul is Inquisitor Feronikka, but he knows) before smiling and whispering to him "Find me"; and weirdly enough those green eyes now belong to Ruby that starts shaking him and commands him to wake up now.

And so Nero wakes up, Ruby actually asking him to stand up quickly since they have visitors. Still half-asleep, Nero heeds her order and grabs his armour and weapons which gives him also enough time to shed the last bits of sleep; ready to engage any potential enemy, he slightly nods to Ruby and teases her with a grin "I keep you around because you're cute and funny." before pointing the autopistol at the door, a knife held in the opposite hand just in case, his words loud enough so that whoever is on the other side of the door can hear him "Bet our guests want to stay on your good side as much as I do, believe me."

Nero gives Assistance to Ruby's Charm roll.

2022-04-24, 12:03 PM
the boots stop and a voice booms "bloody bosco requests your presence. we will take you to him"

2022-04-25, 10:17 PM
Ruby Durand (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_5tkCvAtRbBxqmXT7v1OJPmf8ZqUgoeE72nZXOwDYGw/edit)

Ruby's hand was on the door handle and she was preparing to greet whoever was on the other side with Agatha's business end when Nero's words finally jogged loose the errant memory that had been eluding her of a similar past event. Or rather, her overly aggressive actions in a post-drug bender haze during what was supposed to be just a early-morning message from a rival gang that quickly escalated into a dead messenger, a very hot gang war, and Ruby skipping town via enlisting into the Guard just to escape her furious gang leader's retribution. Aka, what NOT to do when a bunch of armed goons showed up outside your door early in the morning. In retrospect, apart from meeting Nero and Pendral, that hadn't been one of her better decisions. So instead, she opted to carefully tuck Agatha to the side out of sight where the door would block it while open, then cracked it ajar with her hands empty of any weapons. "Yeah, uh... may I help you?"

She fought the urge to swear when the goon announced who they were being summoned by. She really wanted to be surprised, and yet she wasn't at all. If this Bloody Bosco was as infamous as he appeared to be, it was no surprise he wasn't just a dumb, blind thug. Either they'd been made as a group from the get-go the moment they hit the docks, or else Nero had attracted attention and a tail back to the bar during his information gathering the previous evening. Still, she could try playing dumb while Nero and the others schemed. Wasn't very hard when it was so close to the truth for her. "Well, I don't know no Bloody Frakking Bosco, so why should I want to meet with this chummer, huh?"

2022-04-25, 11:49 PM
the thug smiles, revealing black teeth. "refusal would be most unwise" he growls, and pops a pill between his teeth. "you have 5 seconds to choose, or i drag you to see him." wdyd?

that is a heavy combat drug. what is it called?

you see two other thugs shoulder weapons, prepping for something

Bunny Commando
2022-04-27, 01:55 PM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


Something's afoot, even though Nero can't tell what exactly; still, he knows he doesn't have much time so he tries to buy some "Uh...sure, let me just put my trousers on." he says with a slurring voice before moving back, so we would not be just behind the door where he could be an easy target for these dregs. He then whispers in the microbead with urgency, but still a stone-cold professional "Erratic behaviour, violence is advised. Ruby's call, though." and then readies himself for whatever may come, even though from his demeanor seems quite apparent his killer instinct has kicked in and needs just a word from the legionnaire to start blasting.

Deceive roll to buy just a few moments more.
[roll0] vs. 35.

2022-04-27, 03:55 PM
Father Lucien (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25407650&postcount=21)

Lucien excitedly points to his ear while looking at his cousin, "Did you hear? There may be a bit more violence in the works...", he smiles enthusiastically, the excitement of one who has not truly experienced the horrors and trauma of war or fighting.

Much like a child with a romanticised view of the Empoer's Legions, Astartes and Sororitas in gleaming ceramite armour, the Imperial Guard in their order ranks and uniforms bolstered by clerics and confessors and lead by noble commissars. He had himself quoted to Ruby the proverb, 'Ignorance is a virtue,' and on the matter of violence and combat he was quite virtuous indeed.

He pulled the stubber out of his pocket and pulled the hammer back while utter a quick prayer. "Once more into the breach then..." he surmised as he took a position near the door and ready to exit once Pendral decided to lead the way.

He responded on the comm, "We stand at the ready, Nero."

2022-04-27, 08:42 PM
you buy exactly one moment. then it all goes to frak. the man bites down on his capsule, and his form ripples with muscle. he lets out a guttural roar and attempts to grab ruby by the throat, missing horribly. the other two men hold their action


Bunny Commando
2022-04-29, 03:29 AM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


The sudden outburst of violence leaves Nero a bit nonplussed, but definitely not surprised; through the microbead he spurs the others to action "Three hostiles, engage. Leave one alive for interrogation." in a calm and self-controlled way - violence is a tool, just a mean to an end. That said, the Progena trains his autopistol on the drugged dreg that has burst open the door and have tried to crush Ruby's windpipe and makes sure to aim carefully - the legionnaire might end up in the way and it would be a horrible trade to lose her for a despicable lowlife; after that brief moment he squeezes the trigger and fills the doorway with bullets, hoping it would be enough to put down the scum Bosco sent.

Well, full-auto burst on discount Hulk.
[roll0] vs. 68 (+30 Point-Blank Range, +20 Full-Auto, -20 Engaged in melee).
Well, duh, of course I had to roll so high. Going to spend a FP, re-rolls on the rolls thread.
Here (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25443891&postcount=3)'s the damage rolls, got a 8, 4, 18, 7, 5, 6.

2022-04-29, 01:00 PM
the scum goes down, gurgling up blood. the other two will fire into the door, both at ruby. one hits one misses



2022-04-29, 02:01 PM
Father Lucien (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25407650&postcount=21)

Hearing both Nero and the rapid exchange of fire Lucien shuffle out of their room, pistol trained at the door, catching a glimpse of one of the men as rounds strike Ruby's armour his eyes narrow, and he thrusts a dagger of madness into the mind of one of the men. "The Throne sees all judges all!!" he shrieks raising not his pistol but thrusting with an outstretched finger "You are burdened in sin!"

Hit one of the thugs with a Touch of Madness
Description: You reach into the mind of a target within Range and force them to believe something that just isn’t true. The target is entitled to a WP Test to resist this power. On a failed Test, the target must roll 1d100 and consult Table 8-6 Mental Traumas on page 235.

Bunny Commando
2022-04-29, 04:52 PM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


The center mass of the thug is struck by a torrent of bullets with enough strength to send him back a couple of metres before he collapses on the ground in a pool of his own blood. Even though the greatest threat has been quickly eliminated, Nero doesn't look one bit passionate about it, he kills without remorse or joy, the act of taking one's life mechanical and efficient - the ruthlessness of a trained assassin that is already searching for his next target.

2022-04-29, 06:42 PM
Ruby Durand (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_5tkCvAtRbBxqmXT7v1OJPmf8ZqUgoeE72nZXOwDYGw/edit)

Well, lesson learned. She'd tried playing nice, and now she had a frakking bullet hole in her leg. Why couldn't these bastards shoot her in the throne-damned armour?! Despite the pain of putting weight on the limb, she charged forward screaming in fury. She'd heard Nero's orders to take one alive, and that meant it was time to let Agatha get even more up close and personal than usual. "Shoot the other frakker, this one is mine!"

She brings her shotgun's armored stock up and swings it at the goon's side.

Full Round Action: Charge Attack at the goon not targeted by Lucian's psyker power. +10 to WS from Charge. Melee attack with Ironclaw.
Attack vs 44
Damage [roll1]
Made the Fate Point reroll (see the roll thread), that's 9 damage. Hopefully it's enough to put him into Crit Damage range. Unless he Dodges of course. On the other hand, now they're in melee with me and can't shoot.

2022-04-29, 06:56 PM
the thug will attempt a dodge roll, he succeeds, but misses with the buttstock attack


attack roll if successful



2022-04-29, 09:08 PM
Pendral Malfi (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2602897)

Pendral politely says Watch your ears father" as he takes aim. Hopefully he won't shot someone else in the bar because he is certain it will all be swept under the rug just as these poor fellows will be. He pulls the trigger with a wicked smile on his face and mumbles, I have seen the future and these poor fellows were not in it.

[roll0] vs BS 42 (with +10 for aiming)

2022-04-29, 09:09 PM


2022-04-30, 08:51 AM
the man goes down with a shattered leg. you are out of combat. take 120 xp for the fight.

Bunny Commando
2022-04-30, 12:55 PM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


All hostiles are down one way or the other, so Nero lowers his weapon and warmly smiles to the others - from cold killing machine to friendly drinking buddy in the matter of a second "Father, it does seem Ruby has been wounded again." he says in a teasing manner, an amused grin on his face, before showing is ruthless side "When you're done with my friend, would you be so kind to see if some of these dregs are still in talking condition? They just need to answer some questions, so I don't care much for their long term health." before turning towards Pendral and nodding in the direction of the main hall of the cantina "I would also like to talk with Holtz, care to watch my back?" and that said and done, he walks away from the impromptu battlefield to look for the owner of the Tooth, autopistol still in hand just in case someone else wants to have "words" with him.

2022-04-30, 06:41 PM
holtz is currently hunched over behind the bar with his hands over his ears. he was clearly not expecting violence to break out, and it shows. "aah, my frakking ears" he bellows, looking around. there is nary hide nor hair of anyone in the establishment. its just you and holtz

2022-05-01, 12:08 AM
Father Lucien (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25407650&postcount=21)

Lucien clucks his tongue, much like a drill abbess at her young progena. "What a waste." he says looking at the perferated sternum of the blighter who tried to acoust miss Ruby. "How many though, find the Light of salvation only in the darkness of death...", he continues smiling at the remaining thugs, as he removes his medicae kit from his belt and takes a knee near Ruby, "perhaps you would like to sit and let me look at this?"

Lucien will tend to Ruby's leg if she permits, otherwise he is going to examine the recently deceased or injured thugs, gauging the quality of their hair, especially the dead one.

[roll0] vs 67 or 77 w/ help from Nero should it be requested. Heal 4 wounds if successful.

2022-05-01, 12:42 AM
the first two thugs hair is not worth anything, however the dead thug in the doorway has a grey-ish long queue that missed the blood puddle by a narrow margin. all is quiet save the moaning of the man with a shattered leg and the smell of cordite

Bunny Commando
2022-05-01, 03:11 PM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


"Ah, here you are." Nero says with a soothing, friendly voice - sure, he's still armed so one might question the true motives of the Progena, but for now he doesn't show any ill-intent against Holtz "Tut-tut, your ears are going to be fine in a few minutes; the same can't be said for the fellows you brought to our door. Don't you think you should've warned us?" he goes one with a pleasing smile, even though between his words one might very well find the hint of a threat. For now however, Nero helps Holtz him stand up before questioning him "Now, since the fellows you so carelessly brought to our rooms are not exactly in a talkative mood, I truly hope you could help us - otherwise, we could start question your usefulness to the cause." while saying this, Nero pats Holtz on the shoulder, a warm gesture in a different situation "Those fellows said they wanted us to meet Bloody Bosco, even though they chose to employ violence to do so. Would you be so kind to tell me where we can find Bosco? And if you have any information on this fellow, not it would be a great time for you to share it with us."

2022-05-01, 03:45 PM
holtz cowers and says "he lives somewhere around the lower 30 floors of the station. It's kinda hard to narrow down, b/c he moves frequently. fair warning, the place is a rats nest of bad people and worse situations"

2022-05-01, 08:59 PM
Pendral Malfi (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2602897)

Pendral comes further out of the room as he sees Nero talking to Holtz. He laughs at Holtz's last comment, "Sounds like the good old days, doesn't it Nero." Pendral reachs for a bottle behind the bar and pours himself a drink as he looks down at Holtz. "Nero has heard the man has a xeno beast of some sort. Do you happen to have a description of it before we venture into the depths."

2022-05-02, 06:50 AM
if holtz could get any smaller, he would. "i dont know nothin bout no xenos beast!" he shrieks, and starts rocking back and forth, muttering to himself

if you wnt to get any information out of him im gonna need an intimidate roll at -10

Bunny Commando
2022-05-02, 02:51 PM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


Nero grimaces while looking at poor Holtz grovelin on the ground, sighs and shakes his head "Those days were all but good; they were just easier." the Progena says to the noble, before shrugging and talking again to Holtz "Close the Tooth and get some rest. If someone looks for us, we're not here and you don't know where we are at the moment. No more surprises, Holtz." he then pats the owner of the cantina on the shoulder, trying to be comforting "We have a duty to the Emperor who sits on the Golden Throne of Terra. You too, Holtz. Your duty is to help us carry out ours. Our lives are just a spark in the darkness, flickering briefly before fading - but we have been blessed with the chance to prove our existence is not meaningless, that we have a use to Him. Don't waste such chance, Holtz." again Nero pats the poor and shocked Holtz before turning back to Pendral "Let's go back, maybe they have discovered something useful."

2022-05-02, 03:51 PM
holtz gets up and nods once. "closing her up sir" he says, and does so. after he does, he passes you a map of the under-decks area. from what you can tell of the crudely drawn map, his last known location was a blind alley. "that was a couple of cycles ago" holtz says regretfully. the map can be uploaded into a cogitator or HUD device, or carried on a data-slate. holtz also has enough paper maps for everyone

Bunny Commando
2022-05-04, 05:15 PM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


Nero grabs the map with an appreciative nod "This would be most useful." he says to Holtz, happy to receive some actionable intelligence at last. He then gestures to Pendral so that the noble would follow him back to check on Ruby and Lucien - and most importantly, see if the priest has found anything useful out the last surviving member of the little expedition Bosco has sent for them. He shows himself with a wide, almost warm smile "So? Has our friend chosen to confess his sins to you, Father? We have some information, sure, but it would be so much easier if our friend could give us the precise location of his employer - so that we might have a talk with this fellow Bosco..."

2022-05-06, 04:32 AM
Father Lucien (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25407650&postcount=21)

After patching up Ruby's leg, the cleric went to tend to the newest additions to his flock, he smiled to those still among the living, as he removed the large Malfian blade from the ornate scabbard at his waist. With a melancholy cluck of his tongue at the loss of one of the lights of humanity he closed the eyes of the brute at his feet, and with a deft flick of his wrist removed the long luxurious que the man had so kindly plaited in anticipation of these very divinely ordained appointment.

Lucien wiped the bit of scalp and skull from his dagger before returning it o its sheath as he wound the braid round his left wrist before coming to stop before one of the men. After kissing the hair of their dead comparative he placed his thumb on the forehead of the recidivist and drove into his mind a psychic splinter.

"The soul must first be broken, only in the clarity of dread beneath the Throne can you repent, and confess to me..." this was the means by which he broke many, through his divine gift, he could often make those in his care relive the most wretched and terrible moments of their lives. Horrors even they knew not lay locked within their sinful depraved minds.

Lucien gives his new friend a little Touch of Madness, Description: You reach into the mind of a target within Range and force them to believe something that just isn’t true. The target is entitled to a WP Test to resist this power. On a failed Test, the target must roll 1d100 and consult Table 8-6 Mental Traumas on page 235.

I'll wait to see what happens before breaking out the Excruciator Kit

2022-05-07, 08:28 AM
In the darkened alcoves of the Arbites precincts and in the quiet cool cloisters of the catacombs of the Ministorum Lucien would spend not hours, but days, plying his holy craft. Attended by sevo-skulls and other arcane artefacts of the adeptus mechanicus he would sometimes spend weeks in sacred communion with his wards. Oh the secrets they revealed, the sins they confessed, the tears of joy they shed to unburden themselves before him, and the Throne's Justice was meted out, and they left this world pure and at peace.

Yet these were simple lodgings on a void station, while the work was no less holy, he lacked the resources he was so used to working with, the greatest of which was time. He would have to make due with what the Throne had blessed him with and trust in the divine will of the Lord of Terra. With Ruby's help they sat his supplicant in a chair and the confessor began his work, opening the holy and blessed Excruciator Kit he first administered a series of simple chemicals to help relax his patient. He then turned his mind to how best to help purify the poor soul through pious pain.

Examining him with the keen eye of a physician intent on maximising agony without causing long-term damage, there must be pain, yet not too much as to taint the tongue or muddle the mind. Only then, once his assessment had been made would he begin in earnest. They would know all this man knew about Bosco, perhaps even uncover buried deep within his soul morsels of information, he, himself never knew he had secreted. This was holy work, pure and honest, there would be no artifice, no long speeches or homilies, no sermons, no barriers, just two slaves of the Throne, conversing in the language of universal truth, screams. And lies and deceit would be washed away in blood and tears.

2022-05-07, 10:45 AM
the man breaks after a couple hours of torture. he's basically an open book

2022-05-08, 05:35 AM
Father Lucien (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25407650&postcount=21)

Pleased with the man's return to the light, he allows him to bear his soul on a great many things:

"Tell us about Bosco, why did he send you and what does he know about us? What do you know about these acts of sabotage? And remember we will know if your lying. We know about Boscos's beast, tell us everything you know about it. We are aware he likes to constantly move where is he now, you are to return to him with us, or news of us so where are you supposed to go?" Lucien strokes the long braid running his fingers over each twist and plait, he leans in very close to the man's ear, "Tell me about his hair..."

Bunny Commando
2022-05-08, 09:03 AM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


Nero does watch closely the work of Father Lucien, but he does not interfere except for handing the map Holtz gave him to the Cleric "This fellow might find a visual aid quite helpful." he says with a wink and a friendly smile, even though it should be apparent by now that whatever warmth the Progena might show is mostly an act, a role he plays - he's ruthless and uncaring while observing the pain inflicted by Lucien, eagerly waiting for the scum to finally share what he knows about Bosco and his whereabouts.

2022-05-08, 10:59 AM
the man knows about the sabotage, but is pretty darn certain it's not them. he saw some strange folk hanging around the bays, all bald

the beast is from catachan. that's all he knows

he was to return to the lunkheads lair in the underdecks

sadly bloody bosco is bald

2022-05-08, 09:42 PM
Pendral Malfi (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2602897)

Pendral takes everything in. He finds it amusing that Bosco was not implicated but fits the bald description none the else. Maybe this henchman was trying to move up in the world or the Father's interrogation broke through some conditioning. Pendral shakes his head, too many years of family conditioning to take anything at face value. "Bosco is a problem either way. We could ignore him but clearly he does not plan to do the same. I say we go knocking on his door."

Pendral does not have enough xeno knowledge to try and identify the beast. But he tries to recall any Catachan legends ...

[roll0] vs. Scholastic Legends 44

2022-05-09, 04:57 AM
there is the drop-snake, which causes hallucinations when it bites and can wrap around a mans arm for addititonal defense

there is the sharkguffin, which can disguise itself against any background and has a taste for faces

those are the two most famous catachan legends

Bunny Commando
2022-05-09, 03:01 PM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


Even though he has spent years at the Schola learning about various cults through rote memorization, Nero right now doesn't remember about any one of them whose members were all bald. He chimes in with a pensive tone "Mh, bald you say. And Bosco is bald as well...?" before shrugging and shaking his head "Well, as Pendral has said: Bosco doesn't seem inclined to let us do our job, so paying him a visit is now a priority."
He nods to Father Lucien, encouraging to question the scum more "Would you be so kind to ask our friend here what kind of security detail Bosco has, how many guards, if he knows of any point of entry we could use without alerting the aforementioned guards." he says with professional courtesy to the Cleric "Also if would be mighty useful if this fellow knows if Bosco has the habit to visit any establishment on the Void Station - cantinas, brothels, anywhere he could indulge in sinful practices and be more vulnerable to an assassination attempt..."

2022-05-10, 01:33 PM
after a few more hours of questioning, the thug reveals that bosco frequents the golden dawn casino, a high-class establishment. he's always with a pair of thuggish bodyguards, and they're good at their job. he once saw one shoot a cigar out of a mans mouth at 40 paces in a crowded establishment

ask me three questions in ooc about this

Bunny Commando
2022-05-14, 02:57 PM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


After having squeezed the thug for all he knows, Nero draws his combat blade and quickly dispatches him with a stab through the heart - he kills without compassion or joy, the act performed with mechanical efficiency and done because of necessity and convenience. The deed done, he cleans the blade onto the rags the scum he just killed wore and turns to the others to talk about what they've discovered "The way I see it, we have two options here." before saying more he checks if the knife is actually clean, then sheaths it "We stake out the Golden Dawn and wait for Bosco to show up, as soon as he leaves we follow him and kill him at the earliest convenience." the Progena then clears his throat and frowns "Other option is riskier; we gain access to the Golden Dawn and try to talk to Bosco there, where he would be presumably reticent to employ violence against us. The goal would be to try to bring Bosco on our side."
That said, he turns towards the two nobles with a chuckle "You could be reasonably pass as the kind of customer the Golden Dawn usually serves, but in order to accompany you I believe I would need better clothes - the ones I have are dirtier than a heretic soul."

2022-05-18, 03:30 AM
holtz comes in tentatively "there is a certain discerning tailor that may be of use" he says, and tells you about Janus, who is found in the mercantile quarter

2022-05-18, 01:51 PM
Father Lucien (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25407650&postcount=21)

His sacred duty finished, Lucien turns to Holz at the mention of this Tailor. "Janus you say, such a foreboding name, duplicity and two-faced." He looks to Ruby and Nero, "Shall we see what this trade's man has to offer servants of the Throne?" gathering up his tools he replaces them in the altar, and turns his attentions to Holz, "I trust you'll clean all of this up." indicating the bodies, blood and shell casings.

Bunny Commando
2022-05-18, 05:10 PM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


"Well, we should count ourselves lucky if this fellow has just two faces." Nero chuckles, amused by his own words and apparently unfazed by the killing. He nods to Lucien and elbows the priest in a comradely manner "Sure, let's go see this Janus. But you have to help me, Father - I do not have the slightest idea on how to properly dress without looking like a buffoon. Bet they teached you how to be prim and proper before you took your vows, so I count on you." and the Progena grins, now acting like he's just a shallow and debauched narcissist "Who knows, we might even find pleasant company at the Golden Dawn, wouldn't that be a welcome change for once?"

2022-05-19, 12:38 AM
Pendral Malfi (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2602897)

"Decent clothes! I believe that is mission critical indeed. I have not been able to wash out the blood or repair the damage the Arbites have caused." Turning to Holtz, "What kind of thrones are patrons of the Golden Dawn expected to throw around?"

2022-05-21, 10:46 AM
holtz gives you the skinny on the costs, but he reminds you that Janus is a shrewd negotiator. he'll also dispose of the bodies and clean up the blood

we cut to the mercantile district, in front of a store marked "clothing for the discerning citizen" you four stand in the entryway of a luxurious salon with clothing of all types hanging on racks. you see a small woman enter through the curtain. "ah hello, how can i help you?" she chirps, waiting for you to answer

Bunny Commando
2022-05-22, 03:51 AM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


When the woman approaches the group, Nero flashes a charming smile and tries to be on his best behaviour "Oh, a mutual acquaintance has referred Janus as the one who could help us. As you might see" and he waves his hand to show his own clothing that would be considered poor even in the most unsavory of companies "I'm in dire need of help. Would you please be so kind as to call Janus? Tell him Holtz has sent us." that said, he winks and gives the woman an appreciative nod for her help - but also takes for granted the woman is going to call Janus as quickly as she can.

2022-05-22, 08:10 AM
Father Lucien (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25407650&postcount=21)

Lucien ran a finger along the counter, rubbing his fingers together afterwards in an open sign of disdain, "And do tell him to be snappy. I would not imagine it's every day that two scions of a great house deign to patronise his establishment." he winked at his cousin. So they would play at being rakes, just like Arbite Viggy, old Septimus Vigilio Argentum Satraptus a noble born detective cast out from his house yet ever dedicated to dispensing the Emperor's justice, the protagonist of the Beneath the Spire Penthrift Dreadful series. One of his little "guilty pleasures".

2022-05-23, 08:50 AM
"i shall call Janus" the woman says and rings a small brass bell. a woman walks out, and smiles. "right then, what are we looking for?" she chirps, and looks at nero, and smiles. "oh no, we cant have you going anywhere in those!" she chirps and whisks you away to get a suit tailored for you "are you looking for any special accouterments?" she asks, all the while measuring you for clothing

Bunny Commando
2022-05-23, 01:57 PM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


Nero is half-surprised, but chuckles sportly at his own bias when Janus reveals herself "Why, don't these clothes give me a rugged, dangerous look?" he asks the tailor in a playful, teasing manner while being carried away - even though the discerning eye might see one of his hand cautiously resting on his gun "Well, you know. My friends here always complain that I make them look uncouth and since we plan to spend some time at the Golden Dawn, we thought it was high time I needed a change of clothes."
The Progena flashes a smirk, trying to be charming and jolly "I know, I know. Seems like a desperate endeavour, bet you're up to the task though." complimenting Janus is, of course, a tactic "By the way, have you ever been there? The Golden Dawn, I mean. Heard you can find quite the characters there - dangerous people, too."

2022-05-23, 02:11 PM
janus chuckles "ah the golden dawn. a gilded vase of scurrying insects" she titters, and then goes serious "i can tell you many things, but always for a price. tell me, what are you willing to pay for information?"

Bunny Commando
2022-05-24, 02:15 PM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


Nero chuckles as well, quite expecting the pitch from Janus since Holtz had warned him about it "Well, since cards are on the table..." he starts, his voice showing some amusement "I actually need a new set of clothes - or two, so if you don't mind I would like you to show me some option." he gestures to show her his own rags before going on with his speech "On the subject of the Golden Dawn - what do you actually want? Are we talking Thrones, or do you have some other interest we might take care of?" the Progena says more to have her talk, to see what her intentions are before committing himself to any kind of payment for her services.

2022-05-24, 02:57 PM
Father Lucien (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25407650&postcount=21)

Seeing Nero in his element, the priest stays his proverbial hand. Instead he looses himself in the tightly bound centrifugal coiffure of Jannus. His eyes glaze slightly as he tries to divine where the spiral ends and begins. He absent-mindedly begins running his fingers over his own long braid or liberated locks. "So soft, I should think..." he says to himself (perhaps a bit too loudly.)

2022-05-24, 03:51 PM
janus nods "i will take thrones, but i prefer juicy details" she will quickly get a suit or two together for nero in snazzy colors, with a hidden area for a weapon

Bunny Commando
2022-05-24, 05:15 PM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


"We've just arrived, ma'am. Give us at least some time to get acquainted with the local players." he muses while giving a look at the suit Janus is showing him "Ah, less colourful, if you don't mind. I want to blend in, not stand out - my mentor used to say "Less is more", even though she usually not followed her own words when she lashed me. But I do like the...ahem, accessories such a suit comes with, so if we could keep them on the next one, that would be great." he says with an appreciative tone before going back to the main topic "What I can say, right now, is that things are going to change around here. So helping us could be considered some sort of investment for your own future - believe me, we're quite generous with our friends." that said, we winks teasingly to Janus and hope it's enough to say her and make her talk.

2022-05-25, 12:46 PM
"why are you going to the golden dawn casino?" Janus asks, while measuring you a new suit out of black and red cloth

Bunny Commando
2022-05-25, 01:41 PM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


"Well, a gentleman has chosen to be our enemy." Nero says while letting Janus take the measurements she needs to cut a suit that would suit him well "We know he's an avid customer of the Golden Dawn, so we want to make sure this gentleman won't threaten our interests anymore. The name of the gentleman is Bosco, I dare to presume you know him well." he chats with Janus with civility and friendliness, but amongst his words there's a trap - the wrong reaction from Janus could very well bring the less charming side of Nero back in the spotlight "So, would you be so kind as to tell what you know about this gentleman, about the Golden Dawn? Anything that would be helpful in removing this fellow from the board would be exceedingly useful."

2022-05-25, 02:40 PM
Janus nods once "aye that i do, but what specifically do you wanna know?" she finishes the first suit and moves on to the second. "i could tell you about his pet, if your interested"

2022-05-26, 01:14 AM
Father Lucien (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25407650&postcount=21)

The priest slowly begins produce gelt, placing them methodically and audibly upon the counter, in a slow rhythmic fashion so that each of Nero's statements are punctuated with metallic golden ring of clarity.

Bunny Commando
2022-05-26, 03:27 AM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


"Knowing more about his pet would certainly be useful. It would be also quite helpful if you would share with us what you know about the gentleman himself - what are his interests, what he usually does at the Golden Dawn, if he has some kind of partnership with other fellows there and so on." he says while watching Lucien adding some weight to his own words "We also heard that at the docks have been seen some peculiar folks, their most distinctive trait their baldness. Are they in league with Bosco? Do you know anything about them?"
That said, he nods appreciatively at the choice of colours Janus is showing "Ah, much better." he then turns towards the two nobles "So, what you think?" he asks, but it seems his question is not entirely about clothes, maybe also asking them if they want to add anything to his own inquiries.

2022-05-27, 01:43 PM
"one question, one answer my good sir" janus replies cheerily

Bunny Commando
2022-05-30, 01:28 PM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


"Well, if we do want to play this game..." Nero says with a heavy sigh "Please tell us about the beast Bosco is so fond of." he concedes with a nod, waiting for the answer while looking at himself in the mirror apparently smitten by his own image.

2022-05-31, 03:50 PM
"its a catachan whip-winder that coils around his left wrist. its got a nasty neurotoxin, which can kill in about two to three minutes" janus says, finishing the second suit

"however, i happen to have a single vial of anti-venom. It's not cheap, running around 150 thrones, but it may save your life"

2022-06-01, 01:18 AM
Pendral Malfi (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2602897)

Pendral has been watching and listening up to now, as his social skills are somewhat lacking. News of the snake does peak his interest though as it lines up with one of the creatures he knew of from that distant planet. How to tell if the antivenom is real or the right one? The wrong anti-venom can be as deadly as any viper poison. "I know of these snakes, but how do we know that you have the proper antivenom? I mean no insult, but as you stated it could be a matter of life and death." Pendral continues his awkward streak as he raises his arms to pose for his own measurement.

2022-06-01, 08:16 PM
janus harrumphs, looking scandalized "you are telling me i do not know my stuff?"

Bunny Commando
2022-06-02, 07:51 AM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


"Of course we trust your expertise." Nero chuckles, like what Pendral said was just an innocuous joke "My good friend here, as you heard, is quite knowledgeable on the matter of venoms, so he'd just appreciate if you could share your knowledge with him." he smiles at the tailor, trying to defuse the situation and make her talk to see if she would stumble and reveal any kind of treachery - after all, he can't trust anyone on this station.
"Well, it would be also helpful if you could share with us what you know about the fellow himself, Bosco. Whatever could be useful to be sure he won't be a problem anymore."

2022-06-03, 06:47 AM
Father Lucien (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25407650&postcount=21)

With that Lucien slams the last Gelt down with a loud clank.

"One-hundred and fifty!", he says with a smirk, sliding the pile accross the counter but keeping his hand firmly over the tiny tower of thrones. "Now if you would be so kind as to allow my good cousin to examine the vile as you finish mister Nero's fitting I would be most obliged."

2022-06-03, 11:09 AM
janus pulls aside a small hanger of clothes and proffers a vial of crimson liquid. "the antivenom for the catachan whip-winder"

2022-06-05, 10:03 PM
Pendral Malfi (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2602897)

Pendral looks a little confused at all the commotion, apparently he needs to get out more. "Well of course I would have questions, I don't have a lab here to verify anything." This is why he lets Nero do the talking if it is not nobles. His previous customers did not ask questions, and his family, well they were his family... Pendral smiles, "So you ready for my measurements?"

2022-06-05, 10:13 PM
"of course" janus purrs, and starts a measurement "any special requests?"

Bunny Commando
2022-06-06, 12:19 PM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


"Well, since we're talking about special requests - do you happen to know anything about the fellow we're looking for?" Nero says, still trying to be chipper and friendly even though the lack of answer from Janus seems to have bothered him a little bit "And I have a capital idea - since my good friend Pendral here and you have so much in common, why don't you accompany him when we go to the Golden Dawn? You would both benefit from being seen in each other's company."

2022-06-08, 12:48 AM
"alright, ill come" Janus huffs, and stalks off after finishing the suits for pendral and father Lucien. after ten minutes she comes out in a scarlet dress with her hair in ringlets. she walks over to pendral and takes his arm "are we ready to rumble?" she chirps.

im just gonna cut to the chase here

2022-06-08, 11:48 AM
Father Lucien (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25407650&postcount=21)

Covering what was owed for the suits Lucien joined the group on their way towards the Golden Dawn, enticed all the way by the bouncing, hypnotic ringlets...

2022-06-19, 07:56 PM
the doormen let you all inside without so much as a peep. inside sit greel-wood gambling tables and plush red carpets. men and women toss dice and chatter over expensive glasses of amasec. there are waiters carrying flutes of fnordian liqueur, and they offer you a flute each. "first one's on the house" a plump woman purrs as she hands them out

2022-06-20, 10:38 AM
Father Lucien (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25407650&postcount=21)

Lucien takes the offered glass, only to immediately pass it over to Ruby, he scans the room for a bald man flanked by burly brutish body guardish types. Keeping in mind that perhaps there is a private section to this establishment that Bosco might be sequestered in.

[roll0] vs 39

Bunny Commando
2022-06-20, 01:10 PM
Nero (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1riNEKw-8c3QOuGXneYkcrQlqvlzDskeyuqHETT1mreM/edit)


Debauchery has a time and place, and while the place is certainly right the time is definitely not - drinking so early in the evening won't be useful, so Nero just puts the glass on the closest table while keeping close to the rest of the group. He looks around, chuckles and jokes with the others to mantain an air of levity "At times like this I wish I was born rich - fine dresses, beautiful people, delicious food; it's the kind of life that I bet would suit me quite well." he elbows Lucien for approval, but one could very well surmise Nero is just acting; his eyes are trying to find their target and he's never very far from Janus herself, just to be sure the tailor won't try anything that could endanger the group - one might even think Nero has asked her to tag along just so that he could use her as a shield if things go awry...

Awareness [roll0] vs. 32