View Full Version : DM Help How do I design a shadow/skirmisher villain and setup?

2022-03-08, 07:05 PM
I my campaign a PC rogue lost their shadow when a shadow ripped it from them. The offending shadow was destroyed but the stolen shadow (now called SHADOW) escaped. I thought this was a great setup for a returning villain. My optimism is increased by the fact the player had previously considered shadow-themed abilities. I starting thinking of ideas of what would happen now. I thought:

The SHADOW will, like agent Smith in Matrix: Reloaded, create more shadows and make an army. The Shadow could become anti-character as in the Neo - Smith relation.
While a standard shadow is chaotic evil certain classes gives an alignment to shadows (the shadowdancer) like the character. Maybe it could be a sort of acceptance of each other. Burrowing the hatchet situation? But I don't want to forcefully suggest it to the player.
Losing your shadow slowly affects your mind. You will start isolating yourself from light and beautiful things. Ironically I've decided losing your shadow means you become more like a shadow. Call it overexposure to shadow related attacks.

This is all great. But how do I get to the climatic (matrix) / emotional (hug it out with shadow) ending?
I have designed a monster that can be a difficult threat 1v1 but a minor to average 1v4 threat (against entire party). But I really don't see a great ending in just fighting it in a stationary full-round attack combat.

The Question: Any suggestions to designing a setup, quest, encounters and payoff for a shadow-copy for a PC?

I've come up with paths of progress for the party aswell as trackers: I welcome feedback for this aswell.

Stop hounding me! (Danger/Progress). The shadow is a cautious and in hiding and will only attack when PC is isolated or during a fight with a 3rd party. As it is incorporeal it can flee into the ground if the fight stops being in its favour. (This could be frustrating for the party as they might feel powerless to hunt it down?). Then again they can get lucky and kill it in a difficult confrontation.
We need an expert (Progress). The party is made of a bard, rogue, fighter, spellblade. Noone currently is much for research. This might be a situation for the party to see out a wizard / shadow-lore heavy person to find items/techniques for dealing with a shadow. (Could be a good as the party desperately need friendly allies)(this could also help me give them advice on how to proceed)
Ambush the ambusher? (Progress). Unlikely to work in a mundane form. The shadow is smart/cautious enough to not simply attack a waiting party who picked a dark place (Graveyard/Sewer) to fight it.
It's not me! (Danger). The shadow is tethered by inexplicable hate to PC. Its murders in the city is likely to fall on the outsider (PC) who resembles it.
These feelings are not my own (meta Problem). Taking agency away from the PC is not something I want. But I do wish to give them the sensation of morality slowly disappearing as they succumb the shadow-curse. How to go about this?
I have no mouth and I must scream (meta Problem). Just how alien is a shadow? They supposedly make no sound when sneaking. Can it speak? How do I share the Shadow's conflicting emotions? Shadow hates PC entire existence vs Shadow is bound and connected to PC.
Bury the hatchet (Progress). Befriending the shadow could be possible. It involves liberating it from its undead hunger and reconciling with its PC. The Shadow could have downtime between murders where obsessions show themselves (observing others, copying others, hating and wanting to be like others). The party could hear of classical theatre plays of the "peter pan/shadow relationship" to hint them on the way.
The combat option (meta Problem). I mentioned skirmisher in the title. A shadow would tactically attack and then hide in walls/ceilings/floors to avoid counter attack. This could get tedious but I don't know a more interesting way to do the fight. The Matrix: Revolutions fight could happen but that would mean they actively delayed the confrontation for a long time for the Shadow to gain numbers.

More background if needed: Ingame time the SHADOW was created a month ago. To not interrupt a climatic A-plot the shadow was at most hinted at but never encountered. Now the A-plot is finished the party arrived in a city where they immediately get arrested for previous crimes. Isolation scares the PC and breaks into party member's cell to avoid a 1v1 with shadow. The Shadow decides not to attack 2v1. Being an everhungry undead being the Shadow has killed an innocent in the town and per their appearance the PC in question is under suspicion. The party has found the victim and connected it to the Shadow. They're now begin trying to find it - currently they're looking for dark places. They don't have much to go on.

PS. Lastly I think it's a gamesystem independent question. But FYI it's Pathfinder 1e and the shadow is the shadow creature with rogue levels to advance it. The character in question has the beginnings of the shadowbound corruption (Horror Adventurers) ie they will gain more shadowrelated powers with drawbacks. The player is a rogue and has in the past considered the shadowdancer prestige class.

Kol Korran
2022-03-11, 04:37 AM
Hmmm... Some ideas:
# A philosophic take on the shadow-mortal association, which can affect the entire approach to the situation:
The shaodw is a projection of the mortal's hidden darker side. The sunlight hints at it's exsitence (the casting of a normal, non magical shadow) while darkness hides it. But, and this is the important part- The mortal (and the shadow/ darker side) NEED each other, and are in fact dependant on each other for continued existence/ balance, and complement each other.

When a "regular" undead shadow kills a mortal, it consumes the Mortal side, leaving only the darker side, which becomes distorted and "lacking" the normal side to complement it, thus creating another magical shadow, which hungers for life, for it's missing part, yet due to lacking the normal side, can only destory, lack true substance and is but a shadow (pun intended) of the "full" darker side of the original person.

But, what happened to the PC is NOT the normal process, it is something different- The mortal side was not destroyed, it was just severed/ disconnected/ detached from the darker side. And thus, the SHADOW is not a regular magical shadow, but something DIFFERENT...

How different? Some thoughts on the matter:
1- While detached, the PC and SHADOW do have some connection, some thin, frail, insubstantial threads still connecting them, and each "part" of the same entity (Mortal and SHADOW) retain a fragment of the other... Or in a more meaningful and essential way- they are still the SAME ENTITY/ CREATURE, only severed, torn, and incomplete... Which leads us to...

2- You cannot truly hurt the SHADOW, without hurting the PC as well! When the party confronts the SHADOW, and hurt it, suddenly the PC is also affected! But not just regular HP damage, that can be healed by magic, but some deeper, darker injury... Perhaps HP damage that cannot be healed by regular normal means, perhaps ability point damage/ drain, and so on... It should become apparent (Perhaps by knowledge checks, simple deduction, or a "deep insightful understanding" of the PC herself) that id SHADOW is destroyed, so will the PC, and beyond the ability of resurrection.

And SHADOW would realize this as well... And this leads to...

3- Confronting SHADOW, and resolving the issue, cannot be done simply by battle. And the conflict cannot be direct, by either side- both the party and SHADOW itself! So what for does the conflict take?

The two parts- The mortal PC and the SHADOW darker self, as said before- need the other part, and are slowly but surely deteriorating as a result. But SHADOW is composed mostly of the darker sides of the PCs character and personality, so it may not want to rejoin with the mortal self, but rather gain an independent existence. It itself will research/ experiment and try to find ways for doing just that, which may cause quite a lot of trouble/ adventures/ mayham! Some suggestions:
- First of all, it may revel/ excel/ indulge it the darker side motivations and activities, which were controled/ balanced but thr mortal side. Say, if the rogue has greedy tendencies, cruel ones, miachvious ones or such, but which were kept minor/ under control- The SHADOW has no such restraints! It will indulge in these activites far more. This can first be perceived by the party as just "a monsteous nature" of a shadow, but the particular details of SHADOW's escapades should hint that it shares some of the PC's personality... For example, if it steals, than it may have certain prefernces as to what it steals, of from whom. It it takes revenge, it may be according to the PC's (now uninhibited) values, and so forth.
- After awhile, SHADOW may feel/ realize it it starting to fade/dissolve, and sense/ feel it is missing some vital (ACTUALLY vital!) essence... At this point SHADOW starts attempts to gain the missing part- it may research/ explore/ experiment with absorbing life essence of random creatures, or more specific creatures (priests of healing gods? Some celestial or such?) Or... Try to connect/ control/ possess/ embody other creatures! (Which can lead to grear adventures of "this person isn't who he says he is!" Doppleganger? Other shapeshifter? Minf controlled by Illithids? Demon possession? Or wait... What?) It may even tryo to abduct/ use other methods (which are doomed to fail) to absorb/ take from the PC her own "vital essence".

While exploring for a solution, SHADOW may interact with the party's own efforts to try and research for a solution. Such as trying to get "a thesis on the nature of shadows" book, or get to a specific expert, and then kill it, abduct/ possess a henchmen and tag along with the party, and more...

3- "I WILL take your life, if I can't take YOU!"
The conflict escalates, and becomes more personal! SHADOW, either through some realization/ experimentation, or simply out of frustration/ desperation, decides to try and take/ possess/ absorb/ corrupt, every other part of the PC's life, if it can't take the PCs own vital spark. In it's mind- if it can make the mortal's life, more a SHADOW life, than it may become more real, and the PC will be the one to fade/ dissolve?

So, SHADOW starts to target everyone and everything important to the PC- family, loved ones, connections, possessions, reputation, values, and more... It is not just an attempt of destruction, but an attempt to "change/ corrupt" them to be more akin to the darker side, to SHADOW...

SHADOW may also target things important to the PCs companions, mainly- the other PCs! If it can turn them, or have them turn/ leave the main PC, that can help it, right?

Nowz this mat actually make SHADOW stronger and the PC weaker initially, or vice versa if the party is succesful enough in blocking/ resolving SHADOW's attempts,but when either side becomes significantly weaker, so does the other! Another reminder that they cannot simply "Win/ beat/ overcome the other", and they are connected.

4- How does it end?
The exact solution I leave to you, but my idea is that it should comprise of two main elements:
- Researching and gaining materials/ help for a special ritual/ Mcguffin/ magical way to reconnect the mortal and SHADOW parts of the PC. (This is the "adventure for the entire party!" part, that is essential so the other players shouldn't be left out). It should also include a part of how to subdue/ trap/ entice SHADOW into the ritual/Mcguffin's area of effect, which is it's own challenge

- Finding a way to reconcile/ come to terms/ gain acceptence, of both the mortal part, and the darker side. This is very personal, and depends on the specific character, player, and development, and should mostly be a solution decised by the player (or players idealy) deeper understanding of the character, but may not fit all parties/ players. Keep the level/ focus/ intensity of this part fitting to the players desired level in this.

5- Ok, we've dealt with thw conflict part, what about the PC?
Well, some ideas about the PC, and the "shadow curse". Well, it's not exactly a curse, but more of a... Supernatural ailment/ condition- a part of the PC is torn/ missing, right? This leads to two main effects:
- The PC is on burrowed time. It cannot live indefinetely without her darker side. Slowly, slowly, but assuradely, the PC herself starts to deteriorate... I highly suggest to have it be very slow, but noticeable, and that part of her research will enable reaviling approximately "how much time do I have left"?, but let it be a generous amount of time (as to enable the party to also pursue other matters) but not too generous as to be dissmisable.

How do they deteriorate? A lot of possibilites, depending on the system, but perhaps she slowly loses from her maximum HP, os some of them become "undead hp" which can only be healed by negative energy? Or that ahe starts gaining undead vulnerabilities? (wirsening conditions when exposed to light or holy places/ conditions? Can be affected by turn undead abilites? Unnatural craving?)

- The PC's mortal side seeks to create/ replace the missing darker side/ shadowy side. It starts to try and creat a "replacement shadow" (Think of it as a sort of supernatural scar, or the Phantom organs of amputated people. Read about it), but the process is... Lacking, and distorted (Like SHADOW's own faulty experiments and attempts). This is manifested by shadowy powers and flavor for thw PC herself.

At first, this may feel awesome/ great! ("Hey! I gain bonuses to stealth in dark conditions/ I get a blur spell effect/ I can turn insubstantial!) But... With every grear power, comes greater responsebility and dark choices- the forming of the replacement shadow, introduces incomplete/malformed darker character characteristics and compulsions... The more the PC uses these powers, or give in to the compulsions, the more both become stronger, but she loses more and more of her own self control and self... A difficult choice. It gives the player cool toys, the agency of deciding what to prefer, and a "Join the Dark Side!" Conflict, even when not directly confronting SHADOW's mayham and efforts.

Or, if you put it another way- the tear/ seperation/ supernatural wound that the mortal and darker self suffered, and the damaged/ incomoplete/ faulty scarring process, manifested in the creation of the replacement shadow, slowly creates a whole new monster/ abomination and hazard... Potentialy a threat/ villain, that might even enable the mortal and SHADOW let go of their differences, in order to stop this dangerous newly arised deformity of absorbing and ending them both.

6- A few more ideas about SHADOW itself:
As made obvious by all of the above, it is not a normal magical shadow. It is something... Different, quit possibly unique! As such, though it may be based upon the base shadow monster, it should also differ. It inteligence, powers and more. Some suggestions:
- The shadow is not entirely insubstantial. I suggest using/ emulating the various shadow spells of 3.5 (I don't remember if they are similar in PF) which make shadow magic 20/40/60% (and ao forth) real. This can give the shadow a strength score, though at first very very low, but enough to manipulate some items on the physical realm. So it could steal, turn keys, use wands and scrolls, drop vials of poison into a well, and so on. The more it grows in power, the more it can do!

- I suggest to give it some powers of affecting other people, suxh as chram, domination, possession and such. Again, growing in power.

- I suggest the SHADOW should start similar to the PC (such as a rogue) but as the campaign progresses, it should develop other powers/ class levels, such as sorcerer, inquisitor, or the class that merges ranger and rogue elements. (Forgot it's name). Basically- it becomes more different, independent, yet still linked at it's core to the main PC.

7- Two more final thoughts, on how to run this:
- Run it as a mystery! Understanding the (super)natural condition, what actually happened, what is SHADOW, and all of the above, should NOT be immediately apparent, but understood through effects of the party's actiona, experiment, deduction and research. Avoid spoon feeding the info to the players. Make them work, think and act, to solve the mystery.

- While this is a subplot/sidequest, it can dangerously turn to main quest (well, unless that ia your intention), or focus too much on one character, which can annoy other players. Soo.. DON'T run it as entirely a side quest, but rather interweave/ incorporate it into the main plot. The party are trying to stop the warlord? SHADOW is assiting the warlord, in exchange for some favor. The party is seeking a McGuffin! So does SHADOW, but for other purposes, and so on.

Good luck, and pleae write back how it went!

2022-03-11, 08:54 AM
Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? … The shadow knows.

The shadow manipulates that party/party allies by knowing what they desire and offering it to them for a price. It means to corrupt and turn to evil whomever the PC touches.

2022-05-23, 04:09 PM

At first, this may feel awesome/ great! ("Hey! I gain bonuses to stealth in dark conditions/ I get a blur spell effect/ I can turn insubstantial!) But... With every grear power, comes greater responsebility and dark choices- the forming of the replacement shadow, introduces incomplete/malformed darker character characteristics and compulsions... The more the PC uses these powers, or give in to the compulsions, the more both become stronger, but she loses more and more of her own self control and self... A difficult choice. It gives the player cool toys, the agency of deciding what to prefer, and a "Join the Dark Side!" Conflict, even when not directly confronting SHADOW's mayham and efforts.


- While this is a subplot/sidequest, it can dangerously turn to main quest (well, unless that ia your intention), or focus too much on one character, which can annoy other players. Soo.. DON'T run it as entirely a side quest, but rather interweave/ incorporate it into the main plot. The party are trying to stop the warlord? SHADOW is assiting the warlord, in exchange for some favor. The party is seeking a McGuffin! So does SHADOW, but for other purposes, and so on.

Good luck, and pleae write back how it went!

I'll quote these two parts as these are the parts the subplot has progressed in. Also thank you both for your feedback!

I started with giving the shadowbound corruption and giving them "Eerie perception" - basically darkvision in exchange for being dazzled in bright light.
The Rogue character has with little prodding drunk deep from the shadow-creepiness and is doing the "wrong" thing and - it - is - great!

Doing assassin creed jumping between rooftops.
Watching her companions instead of walking with them.

This hasn't become a time consuming thing during sessions merely a "during downtime I do this..:"

During a quest to find and confront nemesis of a different PC the Rogue fought the nemesis, and when the nemesis went unconscious - she drove her second sword into him. So, despite it making the nemesis-questline harder (it was a decoy from the beginning) the Shadowbound corruption increases in strength. The overall plots proceed!

Also I wanted to write earlier but I wanted atleast some progression to have been done before responding.

I've decided to be mechanically in my description to the rogue PC of how the curse will require solitude of else she might lose herself.
She will next session gain a new ability. The ability to deal more pain with her attacks, at the expense of having light blindness.

The shadow I've decided is a creature drawn by insticts. Instincts that currently puts it in the city's theatre, dancing and mimicking the actors and slowly becoming a whispered rumor - mistaken for new illusionmagic created by the troupe. Maybe there's a chance the shadow will be the kinder one of the two?