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2022-03-11, 10:02 AM
Demonic from.
you can wild shape into fiends of any challenge rating you could normally turn into

Helforming (hellish metamagic basicly)
By spending a spell slot of the level and your bonus action indicated level you may alter any spell you cast with one of the below features:
Seas of Hell - any spell that you cast that would make water makes your choice of acidic brine or lava. (4) lava make you take spell level d10 per turn at first with a save to struggle out = to your spell save DC. every round the damage decreases by 1d10 and the save increases by 5. The brine deals 1d10 damage at the start of a creature in its turn and damages any metal objects (-1 per round to weapons an armout).
Skies of Hell - a spell that would create a storm instead creates a helstorm of your choice - flaming hail or toxic clouds (3)
Hell’s flora - plants you create become hellish and twisted. Choose one: carnivorous plants (make attacks against any creatures they can reach) or poisonous vines (any creature that goes through them must move at half speed or make a dex dc 10 + wis + prof bonus or take 1d12 poison damage. If they fail the save by 5 or more they get the poisoned condition) (1)
Hell’s fuana - any animal that you would summon with a spell can be replaced with a fiend with equivalent challenge rating. (0 no bonus action required)

6th level
Corrupting influence
(auras around player) maybe delete
Hellstorm Aura - a helstorm of players choice around them made more powerful by expending spell slots.

10th level
Corrupting Influence - player gradually makes the world around them more hellish
At the beginning of each of your turns you gain 5 points of Corrupting Influence. You may spend 1 point to turn 5 ft of area into a hellish landscape. When you transform an area this way you may choose one of the following - transform the plants there into carnivorous or barbed plants, turn water into acid brine or lava, or 5ft of air into nocsuis gas, searing sandstorm or

14th level
Archfiend Form - big devil boi maybe you get to make your own archdevil that you can turn into. When in

2022-03-11, 01:15 PM
In addition to commenting on the features, I'm going to clean up the language and presentation a bit.

Demonic Form:
When you choose this circle at 2nd level, you gain the ability to use Wild Shape to assume the shape of a fiend, rather than the shape of a beast that you have seen before. The limitations of CR and speed still apply.

Additionally, while you are transformed by Wild Shape, you can use a bonus action to expend one spell slot to regain 1d8 hit points per level of the spell slot expended.This seems fine to me.

Starting when you choose this circle at 2nd level, you gain the power to enhance the spells that you cast in the following ways:I removed the bonus action requirement. Many spells require bonus actions to cast, so they would become incompatible with this feature. In addition, spending both a bonus action and a spell slot to gain the Hellforming bonus is needlessly costly.

I also removed all mention of spell slots, since one of the options doesn't even require spell slots. Each option will specify for itself whether or not in costs spell slots.

Overall this feature has two major problems. Firstly, half of its effects require high level spell slots that you don't have when you get this feature at 2nd level! Secondly, all of the effects are meant to apply uniformly to a wide variety of very, very different features. How does Seas of Hell work with Create or Destroy Water? Can I create lava right over someone's head and dump 4d10 damage on them with no save? How does it work with Watery Sphere? Does a creature need to make TWO saves to get out of the lava?

Seas of Hell: When you cast a spell that would create water, you can spend an additional spell slot of 4th level or higher to turn that water into acidic brine or lava. When a creature is exposed to the brine or lava for the first time on a turn, or when a creature begins its turn exposed to the brine or lava, it takes 1d10 acid or fire damage (as appropriate) per spell slot level.

A creature immersed in the lava must succeed on an [UNSPECIFIED] saving throw (DC = your spell save DC + 5)

Metal armor suffers a -1 bonus to its AC bonus at the end of every round that it is immersed in the brine. Metal weapons suffer a -1 bonus to attack and damage rolls at the end of very round that it is immersed in the brine.The basic effect—creating damaging acid or lava—is probably okay. But the other effects are unimaginably overpowered. They could be high level spells by themselves, but you're offering them on top of fantastic damage and area control!

You either need to remove them or nerf them into the floor (and the damage along with them).

Skies of Hell: When you cast a spell that would create a storm, you can spend an additional spell slot of 3rd level or higher to produce either flaming hail or toxic clouds.Okay, but what does flaming hail do? What do toxic clouds do?

Hell’s Flora: When you cast a spell that would create plants, you can spend an additional spell slot of 1st level or higher to create either carnivorous plants or poisonous vines.

Carnivorous plants take their turns on your initiative. Each plant can only use its action to make one melee weapon attack (+??? to hit) against a target within ??? feet, and deals ???d??? +??? piercing damage on hit.

Any creature that enters space filled with poisonous vines must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw (DC = your spell save DC + 2) or take 1d12 poison damage. A creature that fails this save by 5 or more is poisoned [until when?]The statistics of the carnivorous plants are unclear, and the length of the poisoned condition is unclear. The DC of the Dexterity save to avoid poisonous vines is too high (it should be 8 + wis + proficiency).

Hell’s Fauna: When you cast a spell that would summon animals, you can instead summon fiends with equivalent challenge ratings.
This is fine.

Hellstorm Aura
Starting at 6th level, you can create more powerful hellstorms by spending more additional spell slots.Again, what is a hellstorm? What are its precise effects? And what happens when you make it more powerful? What level spell slots do you spend?

Corrupting Influence
Starting at 10th level, you begin each of your turns with 5 points of Corrupting Influence. You may spend 1 point to turn 5 ft of area [within what range?] into a hellish landscape. When you transform an area this way you may choose one of the following effects:

transform the plants there into carnivorous or barbed plants
turn water into acid brine or lava
5ft of air into noxious gas or searing sandstorm
This is too powerful to be free. All of these effects should cost spell slots.

Archfiend Form
Finally at 14th level, you can use Wild Shape to assume the form of a powerful fiend. [Insert CR limitation]This needs more detail, of course.