View Full Version : Insectile Races

2022-03-16, 04:53 AM
I had an idea for a small setting and I need insectile, arachnid or crustacean races and monsters for it.
I would prefer things that have a humanoid or tauric body and a more or less humanlike intelligence from 3.5 or 3.0 and 3rd party sources are ok too.

Right now I have:
Abeil (MM2)
Aranea (MM)
Chitine (Under)
Crucian (Sand)
Diopsids (Dragon Comp)
Dromites (EPH)
Ettercaps (MM)
Formians (MM)
Makrura (Monster Guide WoW)
Nerubians (Dark Factions WoW)
Thri-Kreen (EPH)

Arachnoid (Under)
Insectile (SS)
Tauric (MM2)

Does anybody know more races that more or less fit into this?

2022-03-16, 05:57 AM
Diopsids (Dragon Comp)

People keep forgetting about those (which is unfair (diopsids are way cool!)) and I'm glad you didn't. Consequently, I'm all but obligated to help you!

In terms of races (i.e. officially playable creatures), you can add
driders (MM);
scorpionfolk (MM2);
khepri (Dragon no. 352) and
insectare (Dragon no. 339).

While not a race, tirbana (MM5) eyewings are available to players as familiars.

Edit: Also, grigs (MM). (How could I forget grigs?)
Also also, with three feats from LoM (Aberration Blood; [any aberrant]; Starspawn), much any race can gain compound eyes and insect wings.

2022-03-16, 06:28 AM
I'm a fan of the Trox from Pathfinder, which should be easy to backport. They're large creatures with high STR bonus and a backstory of being bred to be the slaves of the druegar before escaping to the upper world, where they found the upper world races often treated them like the druegar did.

I'd give them +2 LA to make them similar to half-giants in terms of stats and character niche.

2022-03-16, 06:37 AM
Stingers (MoF)
Choldrith (MoF)

2022-03-16, 08:16 AM


Chuul (MM) are crustaceans with human-level intelligence. There's also a variant called the Uchuulon (SW).

Phase Spider and Umber Hulk (both MM) are sentient insectoid creatures.

If worm-like counts as insectoid, there's the Psurlon (LoM). In the same book there's the Neogi and Cildabrin.

If you want some big bads in the ELH there's the Vermiurge and Worm That Walks.

2022-03-16, 08:19 AM
Girallions Blessing can easily be reflavored as an Insect spell giving you 6 limbs.

2022-03-16, 08:34 AM
Talking about crab-people... Yurian (FF)

2022-03-16, 02:08 PM
Arachnoloth (Dragon #298) looks like a drow, but with spider legs, face, and covered in chitin
Brood Mother (Dragon #298) - giant black widow spider with a drow head
Lhosk (MM3) "It's a gorilla spider!"
Mockery Bugs (MM4)
Phalanx Vermin (Living Greyhawk Journal #5)
Scorpionfolk (MM2)
Scorrow (Secrets of Xen'drik)
Vermin Lord (MM3)
Warforged - with Arachnid Chassis (Dungeon #150)

Brood Spawn (Elder Evils)
Drider (https://web.archive.org/web/20030211001306/http://www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/mm/mm20011118a) is a template too
Half-Fiend - by the variant rules (https://web.archive.org/web/20090602164825/http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060630x&page=2), creature looks depend on the which fiend it was, so - fo such as chasme, gelugon, or piscoloth may work
Hiveblood Creature (Dungeon #127)
If Quasilycanthropes (https://web.archive.org/web/20130531114642/http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mb/20040721a) exist, then, maybe, QuasiEntomanothropes are possible too?..

2022-03-16, 07:27 PM
Thanks for all the input. There are a lot of new things I didn't know about. I like the Yurian and the Trox.
Also am I the only one who saw the insectare and thought about piccolo?

2022-03-17, 09:25 AM
Found in one of the old threads:
Imago (Savage Species): "something like a spider eater or carnivorous hornet"; 3 HD and LA +2
Advespa (Monster Manual II): "wasp devil"; 4 HD and LA +4

2022-03-17, 07:31 PM
Dromite from one of the psionic books

2022-03-24, 10:53 PM
Since you mentioned 3rd party, Wayfinder 16 has worm and pillbug based races, though they are balanced to PF standards, which means slightly higher abilities modifiers.

Starfinder has Shirren, Wrikreechee, and Kiirinta and probably others I'm forgetting. Again, they are balanced to PF/SF's slightly higher ability modifiers.

2022-03-25, 08:39 AM
Roach Thrall (Sharn: City of Towers)

2022-03-25, 11:47 PM
In a pinch, Shifters could be used to pad the roster.

2022-03-26, 12:59 AM
Chasme (Fiendish Codex 1, pg. 35), fly-like demons
Ekolids (Fiendish Codex 1, pg.38), a more ancient race of bug demons from the obryith era
Chitine (Monsters of Faerun)
Choldrith (Monsters of Faerun)
Myrlochar (Monsters of Faerun)
Stinger (Monsters of Faerun)
Scorrow (Secrets of Xen'drik)

2022-03-28, 03:55 PM
IMHO, it's a bit unclear as to whether the Crucian are supposed to be turtle-people, or crab-people.

They had the reptilian subtype when first published in the Miniatures Handbook, though I believe the Sandstorm fluff text leans more to crustaceans?

2022-04-01, 07:46 AM
Demonhive (MM4)
Yugoloths: Mezzoloth (MM3), Piscoloth (Fiend Folio)

2022-04-01, 10:30 AM
There's always homebrew if you need more sources.