View Full Version : Wizard Subclass: Song Mage

2022-03-16, 03:42 PM
Where a bard feels the music of the creation of the universe, a Song Mage studies it, learning by scholarship what a bard knows by intuition. Song Mages are wizards who have embraced the magic of music, and who use their voices to weave songs into magical spells. This allows them to accomplish great feats of magic, but makes them more dependent than other spellcasters on their voice.
Several features of a Song Mage are enhanced by their Charisma bonus; while Intelligence governs their magic, virtuosity can aid a Song Mage. All DCs against a Song Mage’s abilities are the standard 8 + Intelligence Bonus + proficiency bonus.

Lyrical Savant: The Song Mage halves the time and gold cost of scribing spells from the School of Song into their spellbooks. A spell that is only partially in the School of Song (such as elemental spells that have a thunder damage option) benefits from this, as well. Additionally, if they choose a spell from the School of Song when they level up, they may learn an additional Song School spell that level, but of a lower level (minimum 1), thus learning 3 spells at this level. Song Mages are proficient in the Performance skill; if the skill was already selected, choose another wizard skill to gain proficiency in.

Song Magic: All spells of the Song Magic school are added to the Song Mage’s spell list (though not their spellbook). Those that are not wizard spells may be learned upon gaining a level, or from scrolls, spellbooks, or another Song Mage. Those spells not on the wizard spell list may not be learned by standard Wizards.
Song mages must sing to continue concentration; the magic protects their voices from extremely long durations. This requirement applies to all spells, not only their spells from the School of Song. During their songs of concentration, they may make a Charisma (Performance) test to alter the song, allowing them to converse (in song) or cast another spell that does not require concentration. The DC for this 12 plus level of the spell being concentrated on. If needing to maintain Concentration after being Deafened, the Performance DC is equal to the DC of the effect that caused deafness, or 12 + spell level if no DC is given. If wishing to sing sotto voce to allow stealth, then the DC is the listener’s passive Perception. It requires no Performance check to sing louder.

Vocalize Magic: A song mage can tap into the magic of music to sing a spell, requiring no somatic components, and no material component which can be replaced by a focus or spell component pouch. At 2nd level, the spell must belong to the School of Song. A spell partially in the School of Song may only be cast in the way it is within the school (for example, an elemental spell may only use this if being cast to provide thundering damage). The Song Mage may do this a number of times per day equal to their proficiency bonus plus their Charisma bonus; they regain all spent uses after a long rest.

Voice of Thunder: Song Mages master sound, to the point where they can even create sound from other magics. When casting a spell that does damage other than thunder damage, the Song Mage may convert all or half the spell’s damage to thunder damage. If the spell already does thunder damage, they add their Charisma bonus to the damage of the spell. Additionally, they may use their reaction to gain resistance to thunder damage until the end of their next turn. They may do this a number of times per long rest equal to their proficiency bonus plus Charisma bonus.

Entrancing Music: As an action, a Song Mage can weave a song so beautiful that it will entrance a creature. Choose one creature within 60’ who can hear the Song Mage. Until the end of the Song Mage’s next turn, that creature is Stunned if they fail a Wisdom saving throw against the Song Mage’s magic. The Song Mage may use this power a number of times per day equal to their proficiency bonus, but once a creature has saved against the Entrancing Music, they cannot be affected again until they have completed a long rest. The Song Mage, likewise, regains spent uses of this power at the end of a long rest.
At 10th level, Vocalize Magic can be done with any wizard spell.

Master of Song: Song Mages of this level know the music of the world so well that they can improvise and sing songs that they do not even know. They may sing any spell of the School of Song without having prepared it, or without even having to know it. However, the song requires a slot one level higher than normal, and cannot be otherwise upcast. They may use this feature a number of times per long rest equal to their proficiency bonus plus Charisma bonus.

The School of Song
The traditional wizard schools; Divination, Transmutation, Evocation, etc., are known as Schools of Philosophy; they judge magics by how they affect the world; a transmutation spell which turns all the air in a radius into fire is still a transmutation spell, even though the summoning of fire is usually evocation.
The school of Song, however, is what is known as a school of Thaumaturgy; a sort of magic that alters how the magic is done, not simply what it does to the world. A Song Mage sings their magic; their somatic components are dances. Unlike some other schools of Thaumaturgy (Artificers, for example), a Song Mage’s magic notations remain useful to other wizards, even if the wizards are not the virtuosos that song mages are.
Those spells marked with a - are not on the Wizard’s spell list.

School of Song spells
Booming Blade
Toll the Dead
-Vicious Mockery

1st level
-Animal Friendship
Cause Fear
Charm person
-Dissonant Whispers
-Speak with Animals
Tasha’s Hideous Laughter

2nd level
Blindness/Deafness (Deafness)
-Calm Emotions
Crown of Madness
Gentle Repose
Hold Person
-Prayer of Healing

3rd level
Bestow Curse
-Elemental Weapon (thunder)
-Fast Friends
Hypnotic Pattern
-Pulse Wave
Speak with Dead

4th level
Charm Monster
-Dominate Beast
Elemental Bane (Thunder)
Phantasmal Killer

5th level
Animate Objects
Danse Macabre
-Destructive Wave
Dominate Person
Hold Monster
Modify Memory

6th level
Globe of Invulnerability
Mass Suggestion
Otto’s Irresistable Dance
Word of Recall

7th level
-Divine Word
Power Word: Pain

8th level
Antimagic Field
Dominate Monster
Power Word: Stun

9th level
Power Word: Heal
Power Word: Kill

*David Lee Roth only

Where a bard feels the music of the creation of the universe, a Song Mage studies it, learning by scholarship what a bard knows by intuition. Song Mages are wizards who have embraced the magic of music, and who use their voices to weave songs into magical spells. This allows them to accomplish great feats of magic, but makes them more dependent than other spellcasters on their voice. For all spells of Concentration duration, a Song Mage must continue to sing. If they are somehow silenced, their concentration ends. If deafened, they must make an Intelligence saving throw each round to continue to sing. This applies to all their spells, not only those of the School of Song.
Several features of a Song Mage are enhanced by their Charisma bonus; while Intelligence governs their magic, virtuosity can aid a Song Mage.

Lyrical Savant: The Song Mage reduces the time and gold cost of scribing spells from the School of Song into their spellbooks. A spell that is only partially in the School of Song (such as elemental spells that have a thunder damage option) benefits from this, as well. Song Mages are proficient in the Performance skill; if the skill was already selected, choose another wizard skill to gain proficiency in.

Song Magic: All spells of the Song Magic school are added to the Song Mage’s spell list (though not their spellbook). Those that are not wizard spells may only be learned from scrolls, spellbooks, or another Song Mage. Those spells not on the wizard spell list may not be learned by standard Wizards.

Vocalize Magic: A song mage can tap into the magic of music to sing a spell, requiring no somatic components, and no material component which can be replaced by a focus or spell component pouch. The spell must belong to the School of Song, and doing so requires both the mage’s movement and action for the round, or the spell’s casting time, whichever is longer. A spell partially in the School of Song may only be cast in the way it is within the school. The Song Mage may do this a number of times per day equal to their proficiency bonus plus their Charisma bonus; they regain all spent uses after a long rest.

Voice of Thunder: Song Mages master sound, to the point where they can even create sound from other magics. When casting a spell that does damage other than thunder damage, the Song Mage may convert all or half the spell’s damage to thunder damage. If the spell already does thunder damage, they add their Charisma bonus to the damage of the spell. Additionally, they may use their reaction to gain resistance to thunder damage a number of times per long rest equal to their proficiency bonus plus Charisma bonus.
At 6th level, Vocalize Magic may be done with any wizard spell.

Entrancing Music: A Song Mage can weave a song so beautiful that it will entrance a creature. Choose one creature within 60’ who can hear the Song Mage. Until the end of the Song Mage’s next turn, that creature is Stunned, if they fail a Wisdom saving throw against the Song Mage’s magic. The Song Mage may use this power a number of times per day equal to their proficiency bonus, but once a creature has saved against the Entrancing Music, they cannot be affected again until they have completed a long rest. The Song Mage, likewise, regains spent uses of this power at the end of a long rest.
At 10th level, Vocalize Magic can be done without increasing the casting time.

Master of Song: Song Mages of this level know the music of the world so well that they can improvise and sing songs that they do not even know. They may sing any spell of the School of Song without having prepared it, or without even having to know it. However, the song requires a slot one level higher than normal, and cannot be otherwise upcast. They may use this feature a number of times per short rest equal to their proficiency bonus plus Charisma bonus.

The School of Song
The traditional wizard schools; Divination, Transmutation, Evocation, etc., are known as Schools of Philosophy; they judge magics by how they affect the world; a transmutation spell which turns all the air in a radius into fire is still a transmutation spell, even though the summoning of fire is usually evocation.
The school of Song, however, is what is known as a school of Thaumaturgy; a sort of magic that alters how the magic is done, not simply what it does to the world. A Song Mage sings their magic; their somatic components are dances. Unlike some other schools of Thaumaturgy (Artificers, for example), a Song Mage’s magic notations remain useful to other wizards, even if the wizards are not the virtuosos that song mages are.
Those spells marked with a - are not on the Wizard’s spell list.

School of Song spells
Booming Blade
Toll the Dead
-Vicious Mockery

1st level
-Animal Friendship
Cause Fear
Charm person
-Dissonant Whispers
-Speak with Animals
Tasha’s Hideous Laughter

2nd level
Blindness/Deafness (Deafness)
-Calm Emotions
Crown of Madness
Gentle Repose
Hold Person
-Prayer of Healing

3rd level
Bestow Curse
-Elemental Weapon (thunder)
-Fast Friends
Hypnotic Pattern
-Incite Greed
-Pulse Wave
Speak with Dead

4th level
Charm Monster
-Dominate Beast
Elemental Bane (Thunder)
Phantasmal Killer

5th level
Animate Objects
Danse Macabre
-Destructive Wave
Dominate Person
Hold Monster
Modify Memory

6th level
Globe of Invulnerability
Mass Suggestion
Otto’s Irresistable Dance
Word of Recall

7th level
-Divine Word
Power Word: Pain

8th level
Antimagic Field
Dominate Monster
Power Word: Stun

9th level
Power Word: Heal
Power Word: Kill

*David Lee Roth only

2022-03-16, 04:09 PM
I'll pre-face this with the fact that their "must sing to hold concentration" is an interesting mechanic, but it also makes it hard to balance the rest. (Depending on the type of game, it can be a massive drawback or just a minor downside).
Actually, while on the topic of having to sing. Is there going to be any kind of limits on how long a person can maintain a song? I mean, eating, drinking or speaking (unless they are talented enough to pour their conversation into song) is going to break it. But after how many minutes/hours is the wizard going to go hoarse and mess up their song?
Also, how loud must they sing? Can they whisper sing or must they belt out opera level sounds?

Moving on, Song Magic it's generally not a good idea to include the higher level half-caster spells to a full caster's spell list. Elemental weapon is probably fine (and thematically appropriate). But Destructive Wave seems like a bad idea to me.
(Also note, Fast friends is actually a wizard spell. Power word heal is not. Incite greed doesn't seem to fit the theme (Plus, it's AI, which for me personally often means ignore. Pulse wave is a graviturgy/chronoturgy spell, which also makes it one to think about long and hard before generally tossing it in without a really strong thematic link. And finally Revivify and prayer of healing are both odd, as they aren't really on theme much, but also add healing spells to the non-healing wizard, which feels more like something that should be a main theme and not a "let's add that as well" kind of thing.)

Vocalize Magic If the casting duration is longer than an action, do they use their movement for all the turns in the casting or only the first?
Also, at level 10, does that mean they also no longer need to use their movement?

Voice of Thunder how long does the resistance last, when you gain it through your reaction? To that one thing you are reacting to? Until the start of your next turn?

Entrancing Music what kind of action does it take to use this feature?

Master of Song the spontaneous casting is interesting. And the +1 level will probably help balance it out. I do wonder about prof mod + cha mod per short rest though. I think limiting this to long rests like the rest is probably a good idea.
Also, does the wizard suddenly know the entirety of the school of magic? Or do they need to have some kind of prior knowledge of the spells? (Think druids and their wildshapes). Plucking something as specific as "Otto’s Irresistable Dance" out of thin air without having heard of it/seen it before seems... odd.

2022-03-16, 05:04 PM
Good, useful, questions.

1) I don't intend to put a limitation on how long they can hold concentration, any more than you've got time limits on concentration. I'll handwave that as "it's magic".
2) I'll put some in there; might throw in some performance checks to alter volumes (singing very softly while still singing) and work in conversation.

3) Looking through it, I eventually got rid of AI... they looked more like jokes than anything else. Those must have slipped in. I'll weed out or relevel some of this; I actually thought I got rid of incite greed. To me, pulse wave fits well as a spell caused by song, similar to earlier editions Shout spells. Looking again, revivify doesn't work, but I still think Prayer of Healing, with its 10 minute casting time of explicit vocalization, works very well, thematically.

Vocalize Magic If the casting duration is longer than an action, do they use their movement for all the turns in the casting or only the first?
Also, at level 10, does that mean they also no longer need to use their movement?

The intent here was the the song took their full round, though they might slip in a bonus or reaction. If they're mid-casting, I don't believe they can move, so if the casting takes 10 minutes, they're stuck, regardless. At level 10, a spell which only requires an action does not require movement and an action, just an action. A spell with a longer casting time still requires that casting time.

Voice of Thunder how long does the resistance last, when you gain it through your reaction? To that one thing you are reacting to? Until the start of your next turn?

Start of next turn sounds good; it was originally that they got just a blanket thunder resistance, but that felt like too much.

Entrancing Music what kind of action does it take to use this feature?

An action. Brain fart.

Master of Song the spontaneous casting is interesting. And the +1 level will probably help balance it out. I do wonder about prof mod + cha mod per short rest though. I think limiting this to long rests like the rest is probably a good idea. [/quote]

I dithered on that; you're right.

Also, does the wizard suddenly know the entirety of the school of magic? Or do they need to have some kind of prior knowledge of the spells? (Think druids and their wildshapes). Plucking something as specific as "Otto’s Irresistable Dance" out of thin air without having heard of it/seen it before seems... odd.

They don't know the whole school, but they know the spells of the school in the general way that most evokers are going to know high-level evocations, even without knowing all the specifics. So, the Song mage who improvises Otto's Irresistable Dance doesn't know the spell, but they can fake it well enough to make it happen.

There may be a little bit where they're mouthing "watermelon" instead of "Klaatu Barada Nicto", though. :smallbiggrin:

2022-03-16, 07:15 PM
The intelligence saving throw to keep concentrating if you're deafened needs a DC. Also, I'll repeat something Loek said. We can handwave not having your voice give out while you're concentrating for an hour hour under the same grounds that characters never have to go to the bathroom at an inconvenient time, but talking to communicate while singing might be tricky and that does become important. Either make singing give a concentration bonus instead of being mandatory, give some way to verbally communicate while singing, or otherwise have a way to keep a character in discussions.

Not being able to learn off list song spells through leveling up - and consequently needing to learn them from another song mage - does tie a lot of character power into world assumptions. If you're easily able to access other song mages whenever you want to learn one of the spells, great. If not, you'd better hope for a scroll to fall into your lap or go without. If off list spells are supposed to be a perk, you don't want them to be too difficult to access. Master of Song might affect this, but it comes in awfully late and also has its own problem.

Vocalize Magic is basically a ribbon that takes too long to get off its feet. It's basically there for if you're either bound or deprived of your focus/component pouch, and most wizards will have Misty Step handy for if they're bound if not Dimension Door/Teleport. It's still a handy feature when you don't have your stuff, but a limited number of times per day as well as keeping you from moving until 10th level makes me wonder how often it'll actually be useful.

Entrancing Music could stand to mention if it uses your usual, Int-based spell saving throw DC, or a Cha based version. Keeping in mind that MADness does complicate the class.

Finally, Master of Song creates a perverse incentive that's also seen with the various savant abilities. With the savant abilities, you only have to pay half the gold/time to scribe a spell through normal activities but an in-school still gobbles up a whole one of your two free level up picks. Thereby encouraging you to take level up picks from out of school spells. MoS means that you can sub in a song spell spontaneously if need be, creating more incentive to have non-song spells in your spellbook and prepared slots so you have those spell effects available and can call up a song spell in an emergency if need be. Specializations tend to reward you for casting spells of your school instead of giving you incentive to scribe/prepare other ones.

2022-03-17, 10:42 AM
Not being able to learn off list song spells through leveling up - and consequently needing to learn them from another song mage - does tie a lot of character power into world assumptions

Whoops! That was a mistake, not intentional. You can totally learn them at level up.

The rest is some great feedback that I definitely need to work into the rebuild. Thank you!

2022-03-17, 11:50 AM
New version up top.


1) Lyrical Savant now allows you to add a bonus spell, of a lower level, if you learn a Song Magic spell at level up.
2) Any on-level Song Magic spell can now explicitly be learned at level up.
3) Explanation of Song Magic concentration DCs.
4) Vocalize magic no longer gets fiddly with casting times; at level 2, it's just Song magic. At level 10, it's any wizard spell.
5) Voice of Thunder's resist thunder now has a duration.
6) Entrancing Music has a specified action cost.
7) Master of Song is now per long rest.
8) Incite Greed and Revivify removed from spell list; kept Fast Friends and Pulse Wave. Fast Friends feels VERY song magic, with the song mage singing through a montage. Pulse Wave is pretty much the old Shout spell and, as a Wizard spell (even from a different tradition), there's less worry of mis-levelling.

2022-03-17, 11:54 AM
As a note, since MAD was mentioned above... I don't worry too much about MADing a wizard. Wizards can live with just one good attribute; they need nothing but Intelligence. Throwing in Charisma as an optional bonus in a few places doesn't hurt a wizard, much.

2022-03-17, 07:52 PM
On the one hand, 12+ spell level to cast another spell or talk sound a little high to me. Especially considering that your max spell level goes up by 1 every 2 levels, while proficiency only goes up by 1 every 4 levels. Sinking ASIs into Cha can somewhat mitigate this, but you don't want to make them too essential and lock out feats or other ASIs.

On the other hand, I'd be tempted to patch it by leaning into the song angle hard. They'd get proficiency in Performance, and double their proficiency modifier any time that performance involves singing. You can then playtest to see if the fizzle rate feels like too much. Performance expertise by itself isn't much more than a ribbon, and if you make Performance mechanically important you don't want to create a situation where dipping rogue or bard is the best way to build.

(If anything, and this is pure spitballing on my part, it might be better to turn this into an actual interesting feature instead of a flavor bit that can be disadvantageous. Proficiency in perform, expertised up while singing. While singing, which does have stealth/social/etc. consequences and might involve an action cost(bonus or part of a move?), may choose to substitute a (non expertised) Perform roll instead of a Con save and may use their expertised value if casting a song spell. Makes it an actual feature that someone wants to use instead of something imposed on them for choosing this class, and gives incentive to pick more in-school spells.)

2022-03-18, 10:12 AM
Since I took Vocalize Magic out of 6th level, what if we gave them expertise in Performance at 6th level? It would cover the gap, and keep with "concentration is relatively easy"