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2022-03-17, 05:59 PM
Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth

Baphomet, the Lord of the Minotaurs, the Horned Lord, the Master of the Ivory Labyrinth, first came to the Worldwound in 4650 ar, 44 years after the blight opened in lost Sarkoris. Deskari enlisted Baphomet not for his mastery over labyrinths or association with minotaurs, but because the Lord of the Locust Host wanted to use the Templars of the Ivory Labyrinth as a tool to further the corruption and destruction of the Mendevian Crusade from within. An alliance with Baphomet was, to Deskari, an unfortunate necessity, but in the long run it has exceeded the demon lord’s expectations. The Templars of the Ivory Labyrinth have fully infiltrated the crusade, and it was only recently, with the actions of the heroes of Kenabres, that the Templars’ influence has begun to falter.

Baphomet knew Deskari wanted his cult and not his direct influence, of course, but he was nothing if not a master of Abyssal politics. He increasingly put his cult, his children, and even himself to work at supporting the Worldwound agenda, intending to reach a point where he could wrest control of the region from Deskari and use it to draw much of Golarion into his Abyssal realm in the same way he stole an endless maze from Cania, the eighth layer of Hell, after escaping imprisonment at the hands of Asmodeus so long ago.

Yet the actions of the heroes of Kenabres have stymied his plans. They’ve slaughtered his greatest agents, disrupted Templar command, destroyed the flow of Nahyndrian crystals, and perhaps most insulting of all, defeated his favorite daughter. It was this final affront that moved Baphomet to act, and in a hasty and ill-conceived fit of rage he used his daughter’s soul as a conduit to invade the Midnight Isles, fully intending to slaughter the PCs himself. Yet he forgot one important thing: the Midnight Isles are ruled by a demon lord who specializes in the assassination of her own kind. As Baphomet materialized in the Midnight Isles, Nocticula made her move. Nocticula struck at the Lord of the Minotaurs, in the instant after he physically manifested. Baphomet realized his fatal error too late and tried to flee, but Nocticula’s wrath followed him through the barrier between planes and struck him, for the briefest of moments, dead.

Before Baphomet was struck down he told the heroes that he had captured the Herald of Iomadae. Once they returned to the Worldwound they learned that Baphomet wasn’t lying. the Herald of Iomadae was captured during an attack on the city of Raliscrad. The heroes gather back in Drezen to figure out their next move. While trying to figure out their next steps they are blinded by a bright light and find themselves in the presence of Iomadae herself. She asks them to free her Herald from Baphomet by whatever means necessary.

Now the heroes are on their way into Baphomet’s realm. Back to the Abyss.


You had been in Drezen, staying as honoured guests of Queen Galifrey and placed in the finest suites in the keep. The night before had been a banquet to welcome Queen Galifrey back to the keep and a banquet in her honour where you had been feted as heroes of the realm for your various heroic efforts in the 5th Crusade. As you have awoken the first indication that something unusual is about to happen is the sudden increase of ambient light around you and the sounds of choral chords. This brightening increases swiftly to the intensity of the noonday sun, and then beyond. Yet this brightness does not cause pain or discomfort. Instead, it fills each of you with a feeling of pride and hope. Just as the light grows to what would normally be blinding level, the you shudder and suddenly find yourselves in what appears to be a vast cathedral. Looking around you realise you have been transported into Iomedae's realm in Heaven.

The cathedral in which the you find themselves is truly enormous. The ceiling rises out of sight above, and the walls bear stained-glass windows that move and change to depict the famed acts of Iomedae. Soft light fills the vast space, and choirs of angels and archons sing from unseen reaches of the cathedral. The glowing light beams through the massive stained glass windows depicting her acts of heroism and you look around garbed suddenly in your adventuring gear as your recognise other brave heroes standing near you...

OOC Thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?643832-Herald-of-the-Ivory-Labyrinth-OOC&p=25399510#post25399510)

2022-03-18, 01:32 AM
Salem sent his hand to the grip of his pistol, raw instinct overriding even the goodliness of the surroundings—if only for a moment. He realized too that he was back in his "traveling" kit; the familiar weight of his slung musket was a greater comfort than the celestial choir in his ears.

He relaxed a little, but still checked his surroundings with practiced vigilance. His comrades were also present and also back in their gear.

"So this is Heaven, eh?" He fidgeted with his bandolier, despite maintaining a casual tone. "Guess we did something right."

Led by the devil to paradise... he didn't add out loud, as he suddenly recalled a lyric from some ballad he'd once heard. If this really was Heaven, it was truly ironic that the path that led him here was one he'd first followed in pursuit of filthy lucre—the sellsword's wage—and had later tumbled along in grief, rage, and petty spite.

This chamber, Salem realized, was certainly one that inspired self-reflection—for a man like him, at any rate.

2022-03-18, 01:33 PM
Eincar stretches as he awakes, but suddenly frowns, this was odd he thought, realizing it as much earlier than usual.

Then the light enveloped him, and whisked him away.

Upon realization of where he was, ignoring Salem's snarky comment, he immediately falls to his knee in supplication and prayer, a humble, small prayer of thanks and servitude towards his patron deity. If this was indeed her realm, there was a chance that he may.....meat her.

The thought shook him, and he had to control himself, wit nought but will power, he bent his body to his will, and stood up, looking around for anyone welcoming them or....why they where here

Eincar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2606425)
HP's: 242/242
AC: 32
T: 11 FF: 31
CMD: 27 FCMD: 26
Init: +1
F: +17 R: +8 W: +19
Effects: none

2022-03-18, 03:47 PM
The planeswalker is likely the least disoriented among the group. Normally he's traveling under his own power these days, but the experience was still familiar, audible oddities notwithstanding. He adjust his clothing a little, a long robe of dark blues with spots of silver showcasing many of his favorite stellar constellations.

Lucent looks around and smiles, "It has been quite some time since I've been to Proelera, but it is as majestic as ever. The last time I was just visiting, but it seems today we've been invited. Oh, I should mention in fair warning, especially for those among us with a... variable respect for the rules, the locals do take such things rather seriously here, it is a part of their nature to impose order as much as it is to protect and care for each other. It would not do to get into trouble in this place."

He stretches his arms wide, "This part of Heaven is where the warriors among the angelic hosts gather, train, and march forth to do battle. If we were called here of all places, then I suspect there is a grand task for us. My mistress has fought alongside Iomedae from time to time in spite of their differences, it would be an honor to do something similar."


2022-03-18, 05:10 PM

Thrax is taken aback by the sudden change in location.

"Its more likely something has gone wrong rather then we have done something right. Quite frankly they must be desperate or need some disposable heroes.... Probably Eincar's fault somehow. Perhaps talking up our adventures to his god again. " Thrax says dryly.

Thrax takes a knee out of respect but doesn't bow his head. He was looking forward to helping and possibly slaying some demons.

2022-03-18, 08:00 PM
Lucent considers Thrax's words, "I would suggest there is a third possibility, one I would assume before either desperation or indifference. There are a good number of places the angelic hosts simply cannot go without triggering severe consequences, such as an all out war between the planes or the violation of various treaties Heaven has with others. A mission to such places would require proxies, but not necessarily disposable ones."

"It may not even necessarily be a mission of conflict, for instance a search for something lost in the admittedly difficult to navigate home of my own mistress, Elysium, might present a significant problem, as would gaining the permission from its denizens for emissaries of heaven to flood the place." He frowns a little, "Though I must admit there are likely better ways to handle things than our group if that was the case."

2022-03-18, 08:45 PM

Thrax seems to mull it over and nods his head. "You are probably right - though I would still like to blame Eincar."

2022-03-19, 10:24 AM
As you look around the cathedral the light seems to brighten until it becomes almost dazzling and the choiral sounds rise to a new crescendo that echoes in the hall, as its fades and the lights dim you look to the head of the cathedral and a slight woman in dark plain steel plate with a blood red cloak who has appeared. behind her shadowy celestial stand near carrying censures and gongs and other holy sacrements. Despite the appearance you can all feel the sudden crushing pressure on your souls as a veritable deity has appeared in your midst!


Iomedae herself takes on a somewhat humble form, standing no taller than she did in her mortal life, yet none who look upon her can mistake her for anything other than a goddess. Her cloak is blood red, indicating her mind is on the battles to come, but her sword is sheathed and her shield is lowered. As she appears, she nods to you, each individual perceiving her focus as being on them, then speaks, the words echoing in your minds booming loud and dominating all other thoughts as the deific thunder hits you.



At the last she pauses, eyes that seem like the opening into an ancient celestial void that leaves you spinning with vertigo fix upon each of you in turn


Please give responses as your PCs gaze upon the contenance of a true deity of Golarion. You can respond as you see fit but beware that gods do not tolerate fools gladly...

2022-03-19, 12:58 PM
Lucent goes to a knee and bows his head as Iomedai appears. Used to walking the outer realms as he was, a close encounter with a true deity was very rare even for him, and even then this was the first time their attention had been on him. He had been expecting to be meeting with an archon rather than the mistress of righteous valor herself. The normally gregarious mage finds himself stunned to silence in her glory.

Lifting his head after learning of the mission, his mind is considering the implications here, the lord of beasts had Iomedae's herald? What terrible series of events had led to that outcome? He wants to ask questions of his own but finds himself unable to, instead kneeling there and awaiting the questions she apparently had for him.

2022-03-19, 03:50 PM
The realm of Heaven is a promise renewed, and it finds the figure of Loqtar Stormblessed in awe. Never has the half-orc seen such radiance, transported from the mud and blood of Golarion to stand in the presence of the radiant immanence. The stained glass windows and invisible choirs sing of deeds done, which has the skald attempting to hum along to the refrain. The melody is strange, he muses, not because of its glorious pitch but rather due to its capricious nature. Every time he is certain he understands the bones of the song, it changes. But Loqtar can't find it in himself to be frustrated at the ineffability of the upper spheres.

Perhaps one day his own deeds will be sung of thusly. The thought brings a smile to his face, revealing his lower tusks. He does not offer his own words to Lucent's commentary; he's known the summoner long enough to trust his expertise in these matters. Loqtar's eyes flick towards Thrax, and then Eincar. "It would be impolitic to imply that the vindicator - surely the most humble among us - would mischaracterize our strength or piety to a god. Every sword needs a sheath, a weapon fit to purpose."

Then the radiance intensifies, and their host descends into the group's midst. Loqtar looks as long as he dares into the pearlescent features of the Lady of Valor before his gaze falls to the floor. It takes a tremendous will to keep himself upright, nearly having lost himself in those twin starry voids. Head bowed, the skald takes a single knee at last before Iomedae.

"Inheritor..." Loqtar begins, ready to answer the goddess' questions, but stops as his brain catches up to the new information. Her herald? The Hand of Iomedae? For a moment, he sees a plain dirt road, the beating of wings, an outstretched hand. The half-orc's fist clenches at his sides. A weapon fit to purpose, indeed.

"I would charge into the Abyss for your herald, as well you know. We are but sword and spell, members of a Crusade undertaken in your name. I hope our devotion is not in doubt at this moment. Please, ask your questions that we may make our preparations."

2022-03-20, 12:50 AM
Salem stood awestruck and was unable to speak for a long moment, let alone dwell on the myriad implications of what they'd just been told. He did retain enough of his wits to follow the others' lead and take a knee, and he averted his gaze out of deference as much as out of animal instinct. But when Iomedae had spoken and his reply was demanded, he took a breath and steeled himself to look a goddess in the eye.

"Aye, I'll help rescue your Herald. On my oath. And I'll answer your questions true," was all he could manage.

2022-03-20, 01:43 AM
As the various heroes assembled drop to their knees in awe and wonder the goddess suveys you all before her voice booms out again like a physical presence crushing down upon you. "YOU ARE BOLD TO LOOK UPON ME, AND I FAVOUR BOLDNESS. WHEN FACING THE HORDES OF THE ABYSS ONE MUST BE BOLD AS WELL, AS I WAS WHEN I FACED ONE OF MY MOST DANGEROUS ENEMIES.

This question refers to events that unfolded during the Shining Crusade, when Iomedae defeated Erum-Hel, the Lord of Mohrgs, at the Battle of Three Sorrows. The defeat of the mythical mohrg overlord proved to be a turning point in the Shining Crusade, and is recalled today by the faithful as the Fifth Act of lomedae.

Iomedae wants to know that the PCs understand the history of her ongoing war against evil in all its forms. The second part of her question is deliberately open ended and designed both to make a devotee of law and good squirm and to give them room to brag of their good deeds. Iomedae is looking for both self-confidence and humility in this answer, and as long as one player roleplays
an answer in this manner, she is pleased.

2022-03-20, 10:22 AM
Lucent smiles, "You speak of the great Shining Crusade against Ustalav, before your deeds earned your place as a deity yourself. In the 3,823rd year in the Age of Enthronement, the fifth of your eleven miracles performed in the name of your predecessor Aroden was to defeat the terrible Lord of Mohrgs, Erum-Hel."

"But I am no knight my lady, and would not declare myself to be as such. My armaments are those of the mind rather than swords and valor."

"That said, at the behest of Pulura, I have trained to fight demons in my own way, and with my brave companions here, we have achieved much in the way of victory against evil, and I firmly believe we will continue to do so regardless of the challenge. We do not shrink from wickedness, we stand against it."

2022-03-20, 11:22 AM
The goddess pauses, slowly lowering her head in contemplation before nodding sagely and reaching down to her shield. As her hand passes in front of the chalice emblazoned upon it the image shimmers and moves into her hand as silvery chalice with her symbol emblazoned upon it. She reaches out towards Lucent and hands the chalice towards the wizard,


The cup has a heft and weight to in Lucent's hand as he examines it and realises that this is none other than the fabled Chalice of Ozem. This chalice is perhaps the last surviving artifact from Sacred Ozem, now forever lost in a tragic battle that ultimately led to the foundation of the Knights of Ozem. Made of shimmering mithral and studded with dozens of rubies, the Chaliice of
Ozem was carried from the ruins and handed down through generations until it was finally given to lomedae, who used it in her fight against Erum-Hel during the Battle of Three Sorrows.


The chalice cannot be harmed by any substance it holds, no matter how caustic. Further, any liquid placed within the chalice will never spill unless the chalice's carrier wills it. If the chalice is held and the command phrase spoken ("Ozem for lomedae!"), it projects a globe of invulnerability. If a second command phrase is spoken ("Her sheltering shield!") and a scooping motion is made with the chalice, a resilient sphere is created around the carrier. Each of these effects can be called upon twice per day. Once per day, a mythic character can expend one use of mythic power while pouring a dose of holy water into the chalice to immediately transform that dose of holy water into a single dose of nectar of the gods (https://aonprd.com/MagicWondrousDisplay.aspx?FinalName=Nectar%20of%20 the%20Gods#:~:text=Consuming%20nectar%20of%20the%2 0gods,draft%20of%20this%20potent%20beverage.)

As you marvel at the majesty of the gift she has bestowed upon you the Goddess walks amongst you, her armour shod no feet making no noise and the armour silent as she walks on the marbled floor, a cloud of incense surrounding her from the wafting censors born by her celestial attendants. She pauses staring at each of each you in turn before speaking once more. "HONOUR IS MY SOUL AND LIFE, JUSTICE IS THE PASSION THAT STIRS ME TO WAR AND YET THE CAUSE OF THE TRUE AND THE RIGHTEOUS IS BESET ON ALL SIDES BY EVIL. TELL ME, HOW DOES ONE OUTWIT AND DEFEAT AND DEMON LORD IN HIS OWN DOMAIN? FOR NOT LET US BE FOOLISH AND THINK IS NOT THE TASK THAT LIES BEFORE YOU..."

She pauses waiting for one or more of the party to answer

She is looking for answer that shows confidence, bravery and dedication. Even something as simple, "Faith will guide us and better to die on the path of righteous than simper under the yoke of evil""

2022-03-20, 12:56 PM
Loqtar pauses at Iomedae's words, knowing them to be a test of resolve. The skald has heard many a tale with similar auspices, and knows well the response that the goddess hopes for.

"My lady, we walk under the grace of your light. Although we do not all pray at your altar, I place my trust in the bravery and spirit of my companions. The path will surely be fraught with danger, but our shared faith - in you, in the righteous cause, and most importantly in ourselves - will see us weather the worst of Baphomet's storm."

2022-03-20, 07:45 PM
Eincar was about to retort to barbs, he knew it to be friendly jesting, but he couldn't get over how....inappropriate it all was, here they were summoned to the literal heavens of his deity, whom he has served diligently, and with love, and he may get the chance to meet her. The thought boggled his mind, he was still kneeling when SHE graced their mortal souls with her divine perfection.

He had no idea what to do , he wanted to look upon her visage, but the books and manuals had nothing about this, nothing, and he had learnt them by wrote, he didn't even know of anyone in the church who had been in such event....it was just....not within protocol.

Thoughts and emotions swirled together like herbs in a mortar, and the pestle was his deity.

What should he do? Look at here? no, that would be foolish

And then one of his companions looked, Dammit, now if i look, it'll seem as if I was following cue, and weak, and unworthy. ah but still, it would be bold even so, and he had to, he could be in her presence and not look!

Her question took him a second, but only that, and he knew exactly the answer as Lucent answered.

He was marveling at the chalice, he had decided to look upon her, take the experience in, regardless of his boldness or not.

Mouthing the words, he followed along, "... is my soul and life, justice is the passion that stirs me to war and yet the cause of the true and the righteous is beset on all sides by evil..."

He spoke up, even as Loqtar did so, he followed suit, having decided his course, and sticking to it, regardless of his emotional state.

"It is as the water wears down the stone, we shall tear down the evil in such a place with our actions, and faith. It is the journey that often times bring strength to the supplicants, and the first test of the faithful, we too shall renew our lessons in faith, and know though the journey be hard, and maybe insurmountable, we shall press on, ever faithful. The Destination matters not, only the next step forwards."

He almost ended in a whisper, as if something had gotten a hold of him, and he wasn't in charge of his own mouth.

2022-03-21, 08:38 AM
The goddess nods in approval at the answers the clear understanding that faith is more important than your mortal life pleases her. "STRIKE EVIL IN THE NAME OF THE GOOD AND RIGHT, AND REDEEM THOSE YOU CAN FROM FOLLY. WITH THE BLESSING OF IOMEDAE, YOU SHALL VANQUISH EVIL, AND YOUR NAMES SHALL RING WITH GLORY, FOR EVEN IF YOU FAIL IN THIS RIGHTEOUS TASK, YOUR JUST REWARDS WILL AWAIT YOU IN THE GREAT BEYOND! TAKE THEN THIS, MY FINAL GIFT TO YOU! WITH IT, YOU SHALL ALWAYS BE BUT A STEP AWAY FROM HOME, YET KNOW THAT THE PATH IT OPENS TO SAFETY WILL SAVE YOU BUT ONCE BEFORE IT RETURNS TO ME—SAVE SUCH FLIGHT FOR A LAST RESORT.” Iomedae then removes a thread from her cloak, which transforms as she holds it. The stole is resplendent and ruby red thrumming with power as she hands it Einar (for the party as a whole) You all recognise it as the fabled Stole of the Inheiritor


Iomedae often grants the use of the Stole of the Inheritor to her champions in times of great need. When draped across the shoulders (cloak slot), the stole grants DR 5/good, and it grants the use of heal as a quickened spell-like ability once per day. Once per day, a good-aligned wearer of the Stole of the Inheritor can cast holy word (CL = character level). In addition, as long as it is worn, the user can use detect evil and detect chaos at all times. A divine spellcaster who worships Iomedae gains a +2 sacred bonus on all saving throws while wearing the stole. The stole’s greatest power, though, is allowing its wearer to use plane shift on himself and any allies within 120 feet as an immediate action; the stole immediately returns to Iomedae’s shoulders when this effect is used.


As she finishes speaking she walks to each of you touching you on the top of each of your bowed heads and pressing a small disc into each of your hands. "CLENCH THIS IS IN YOUR FIST AND SPEAK MY NAME AND THIS SHALL TAKE YOU TO THE LABYRNTH OF BAPHOMET. IT WILL NOT RETURN YOU BUT WILL AT LEAST YOU BEING SCATTERED AND ALONE WHEN YOU BEGIN YOU QUEST."
As she finishes a dazzling white light surrounds each of you and you jerk upright, awakening each in your beds. Einar with the Stole of the Inheirtor clutched in his hand, Lucent with the Chalice of Ozem by his side. On each of your bedside tables a bolden medallion with her symbol sits waiting and you know that these discs would grant you access to the labyrinth.

2022-03-21, 09:14 PM
Lucent sits up and rubs his eyes, offering a quick prayer to Pulura for guidance as he contemplates this mission. This would certainly be more... knowingly hazardous than anything he had done before, any misstep could certainly be worse than death. In spite of Iomedai's platitude, he was all too aware that rewards in the afterlife were not guaranteed with some of the foes they might face.

Eventually he gathers himself and steps out to greet the others, the chalice and talisman carefully stowed away.

Lucent is trying to recall anything that seems relevant concerning the abyss in general and Baphomet and his personal realm in particular. Among other things he would be hoping to recall how it might interfere with his summoning and teleportation spells, and any other notable features of the labyrinth to be aware of prior to heading within.
Kplanes [roll0]
Kreligion [roll1]
Karcana [roll2]

2022-03-21, 10:14 PM

Thrax laid in his bed for a few minutes. He gathered his thoughts and tried to catch his breath he didn't realize he was holding while he was in Her presence. He rolled out of bed, mournful that this was likely going to be last time he was comfort for the foreseeable future and may very well be the last bed he laid in for the rest of his (short) life.

"Bah! A warrior cares not for comfort" he admonished himself. The fancy linens were making him soft. He gathered his gear and prepared himself for battle, making sure to leave nothing else behind in the room. He thought of his tribe in this brief quiet moment and how this mission was a stepping stone to keeping them safe and how it important it was in the greater scheme of things. Wheels were turning in the heavens surely.

He slammed opened his door and shouted " Onward to glory! Wake up mewlings, its time to save the world!" He thumbed the coin of teleportation-to-the-bad-place in his beefy hand and went to meet up with his friends before activating it.

2022-03-22, 12:26 AM
Salem awoke in a sweat, heart hammering. He lay for several minutes while he calmed himself. Even then, he went through the motions of rising, dressing, and gearing up with deliberate slowness and concentration on each mundane movement—the better not to dwell on where he'd just been and what he'd agreed to do. Cleaning his weapons and checking their function was meditative, and each dry-fire into the imagined face of a screaming demon was like a little prayer, willing it to be so. He inspected his cartridges, washed up, and prepared his spells, ignoring Thrax's bellowing until he was good and ready.

Bit of a hasty post here. I'll list prepared spells in the next one.

2022-03-22, 10:28 AM
Eincar blinked awake, it took him a few more blinks, and his mind to get over the fact that he had, actually, been in the presence of his deity. He was back out of his armor again, in his bed, he was clutching the fabled Stole of the Inheritor, which made him jump out of bed, "it was real, I wasn't dreaming." he said out loud, as if to proclaim to the world.

He got up, and found one of his officiating robes, laid it down on his bed, and then very gingerly, laid the Stole upon it, rolling up the artifact and placing it in his robes in a bundle he could put into his adventuring backpack. Once done, he armored himself, taking time to make sure everything was anointed as the doctrine called for, and the correct prayers were recited. Once Girded, he took up his weapons, and stepped out of his room to hear Thrax yelling.

He smirked at the burly orc, the man was a veritable walking adamantium door. Not much could stop him, and not much could hurt him, he was glad to be on the same side, that and the two had become fast friends from the get go.

"Where are the others? Is everyone ready? I would hate for someone to go to the labyrinth before us and be alone."

2022-03-22, 08:22 PM
"I suspect none of us are fully ready at this moment. The area we're traveling through will be quite the test. The ivory labyrinth is a maze, but one designed by Asmodeus himself. It shifts and contorts to confound anyone within, and is in and of itself larger than any continent. Attempts to fly or levitate over the barriers of the maze are immediately counteracted."

*Lucent looks around to be sure the others were taking him seriously.* "The plane itself will make it difficult for us to think, or cast spells associated with the upper planes, or spells to assist with navigation for that matter."

"Aside from the physical threats, including the literally infinite demons of the abyss, we can expect the region itself to take a toll, we should prepare to be traveling for weeks at the least, and be ready for extremely harsh weather. There are Ioun stones and rings that allow a person to forgo all need for food and drink. I would suggest that we all make use of them, frankly I am uncertain how long even food we bring will remain safe to consume."

"Aside from the Stole, we do have one other means of escape if there is need. I should be capable of shifting us all out of there. Unfortunately, unlike with her tokens, on our attempt to return I will not be able to determine where we end up. It could be a very deadly location, far from where we need to be, or both. So it would likely be a step backwards, not to be taken unless necessary."

2022-03-23, 03:54 PM
Loqtar listens to the input of the rest of the group. He has said nothing up to now while they speak among themselves, the skald remaining deep in thought. Like the others, he awoke from a dream of Heaven to find that they truly did travel there, did meet with the Lady of Valor. Although she is not his goddess, he awoke feeling... reverent, whole.

Only now, after swearing the oath to Iomedae and listening to Lucent describe the intricate dangers of the Ivory Labyrinth and what they are likely to face, does the Storm Foretold truly understand the weight of what they are about to attempt. They are going to the Abyss, a literal plane of demonic corruption where danger will lurk around every corner. Not only that, they will be infiltrating the stronghold of the Baphomet himself, the sole being in existence who can comprehend the layout of his maze.

The skald puts his stormblade on the table in front of Salem, then proceeds to pace the length of the room. He flicks the golden coin between his fingers and tries to tell himself that he isn't doing it nervously.

"I have such a ring, and a few other tokens besides." Loqtar indicates a few wands that hang from his belt. "There is one that will protect me from the worst of the elements, and another to forego sleep. I can use the latter on any one of us, to make sure we aren't ambushed in the middle of the night. They will run out of charges eventually, but I'm hopeful that we can find what we're looking for in under fifty Golarian days."

He pauses, then has another thought. "Though who knows how much quicker time will pass down there."

Loqtar will burn the first charge of his Wand of Endure Elements before they head down into the Abyss.

Assuming that Salem casts GMW on Loqtar's greatsword, he should have both uses of Spell Kenning. He can use that for an emergency Plane Shift if Lucent cannot for any reason.

2022-03-24, 12:42 AM
Dressed, kitted out and with a bit of the old swagger back in his step, Salem strode out to rejoin the rest of his group.

"I reckon the time should pass normally, I haven't found anything to the contrary. 'Course, it may well feel like an eternity. Flying's out, but we should still be able to teleport, if we know where we're going. That'll help, too, if we end up having to shift back out and end up far from here."

"I have one of those sustenance rings," he continued in response to Lucent. "Not sure how many are in this town but it'll be worth it to get our hands on enough for all of us. Like you said, it'll take weeks to get anywhere the old-fashioned way, and that's assuming we don't get lost. Any food we bring in will be poison before long, and we obviously won't be able to scrounge."

He leaned on the table like a general poring over a map at a war council. "Here's where things start to get difficult: Everyone who travels to the Labyrinth seems to start in the same place, a sort of plaza in an otherwise random part of the maze. I can't say what'll greet us there, but it stands to reason it'll be guarded, or at the very least, watched. Now, while the maze does shift at random, the Goat Himself can change the layout at will. So he can't be allowed to find out who we are or why we're there."

"But we may need to interrogate someone, or otherwise do some poking around, to figure out where we're going. There are cities in that maze, if you can believe it, and they're among the few places I feel confident about teleporting us to. So we'll need some means of blending in with the locals, and I couldn't even say if Tieflings are common there, let alone regular non-Abyssal folk. I can make us invisible but only on a short-term basis, which might help going in."

"Our final destination in that damned pit is called the Ineluctable Prison, somewhere in the Breathless Mountains. That name, from what I can tell, is accurate. We can't be fighting off demons and trying to navigate a maze while gasping for air, so we'll need a solution for that too."

"Any ideas?"

2022-03-24, 06:28 PM
After a brief discussion the heroes gather in the grand hall, quiet this early in the morning. Only the remains of the previous night's feast and cold hearths greet you, a few scurrying servants giving you looks of awe and terror before they vanish from site heading into the neighbouring rooms. Standing in the heart of the grand hall you have a last few moments as weapons are enchanted and enhanced, protections against the elements are cast and other protective abjurations spring up around you. You gather and can have one last look at your coins before they are pressed in clenched fists. There is a flash, the air squeezing around you for a second as a high pitched keening wail sounds near you before with a thud you all seem to land in a wide plaza-like chamber with heavy ceilings some 30ft above your heads

This large chamber measures about fifty feet across, and has a vaulted ceiling that rises above you. A sphere of bright light shines above, almost like a miniature sun, casting brilliant illumination down into the room below. Patches of thick green ivy cling to the walls, while a pool of water flanked by two curving ivory benches sits in the center of the room. Numerous archways and doors in the walls provide access to tunnels and chambers beyond. But it is the walls, floor, and ceiling that demand the most attention, for all of these are formed by thousands of bones-skulls, femurs, ribs, and more-harvested from all manner of humanoids and beasts, packed together in a dense osseous patchwork. You appear standing by the fountain, the benches by your legs and the water splashing merrily in the fountain though overlaid with a faint smell of ossuary dust...

Around the edges of the plaza, (so around 25ft from the fountain) wide 10ft corridors branch off to the four cardinal points, diffuse light shining in the boney corridors that tighten to tunnels some 10ft around. Crouched to the south you see a trio of fly headed coluxes demons kneeling around a collection of small gems scattered around on the ground. These figures would be the picture of elegance and refinement were it not for its grotesque fly head and shivering insectile wings they bear. As you appear with a crackle of bony dust the closest demon rises, its chitterning insectile face tilted to a side as they peruse the new arrivals, a probing query in your minds as it sends out a telepathic greeting "Newcomers. Prisoners, food or servants of the horned one?" it seems to ask...



You appear in the plaza with 3 coloxus demons 20ft away from you

Coloxus demons, known also as fly demons, resemble humans with the head of a fly and twin pairs of gossamer wings. Even their smallest movements and gestures seem infused with manic quickness and alertness. Ironically—given their grotesque, insectile appearance—coloxus demons are demons of vanity. They are formed from the souls of narcissistic mortals responsible for disasters or tragedy through their careless self-absorption. A coloxus prefers to wear opulent clothing and jewels that would rival the wealthiest nobility of any race.

Despite their foul appearance, coloxus demons consider themselves cultured and elite. They are unusually patient and well mannered for demons, and as a result are often used as emissaries, diplomats, and negotiators by marilith generals, balors, and even demon lords. Even when facing hated foes, coloxus demons are the epitome of courtesy, but such manners are always a deceitful veneer, masking the creatures’ efforts to gain the upper hand.

If you start a fight (there are no surprise rounds here) then roll Init in the OOC and see if you beat the demons... [roll0]

2022-03-25, 02:56 PM
Before they depart the material, Lucent quickly looks about for Clear Spindle Ioun stones and their ring counterparts. He picks one out for himself and repeats the strong suggestion that others do the same.

Later he looks around as the group arrives in Baphomet's greeting hall, "And so it begins."

As they are challenged by the demons Lucent responds in a clear and respectful tone of voice, "Visitors on business of our own. Perhaps you could tell us about the state of affairs for this realm?"

Diplomacy [roll0]

2022-03-25, 10:59 PM
Salem's hands rested ready on the musket slung across his chest as he appeared with the others in the plaza. He was a little surprised to see the entrance wasn't fortified, at least in any way that was obvious at a glance.

The few fly-headed demons seemed content to talk, for now, so he played it cool and followed the others' lead. But his hands didn't leave his weapon.

Salem will indeed cast Greater Magic Weapon on Loqtar's sword before we set out.

Knowledge (Planes) for the fly guys: [roll0]

2022-03-25, 11:10 PM

Thrax was pleasantly surprised they weren't immediately attacked. He smiled and fired off a quick 'Hello' but decided to leave the rest of the talking to the experts.

OOC: Thrax will have grabbed an extra heavy blanket or two and some cold weather gear, despite the magical endure elements - just in case

2022-03-26, 05:23 AM
At Lucent’s words and Thrax and Salem’s cautious but not hostile stance the demon approaches. Salem recognised them as Coluxus demons, demons of vanity. They are traditional tanari being immune to lightning, resisting spells and other elements but can also make themselves invisible, create a stupefying (slow effect) droning with their wings and drain someone’s beauty with their proboscis like mouths (Cha damage).

As Lucent speaks the closest one looks from hero to hero, it’s wings beating faster as it sees the holy regalia around Eincar it’s words hiss in your minds. “hah, the realm roils in chaos. The horned lord cast back by Noticula feeds on the power of goddess. You come here, one dressed in robes of vain glory,” it’s clearly singling out Eincar, “Our mistress will be pleased, pawns, foes or food you me be to her.”

As it’s speaking one of the ones at the back vanishes with faint pop of displaced air as it teleports away. The other, wings fluttering as it rises maybe 10ft into the air watching you through its compound eyes


2022-03-26, 10:16 PM
In spite of his polite tone, Lucent is on edge, "With all due respect sir, whatever you think of our chances in avoiding those fates going forward, we have no intention of allowing you to bring us to such an end. Please step back and let us be on our way."

2022-03-27, 09:52 PM
"Under a hurricane's force, a tree has but one choice to make / to bend without willing, or to cry out and break," hums the war-singer as he takes a place near the front of the band, staring the demonic emissary straight in its multi-faceted insectoid eyes.

"Prisoners, you called us... by walking these halls, we are already such. Why not let us wallow in our misery awhile? It is not our course to hinder your cause at this moment, nor is it yours to stand in our way. We merely seek to walk the maze. Since vain glory we possess in our band, we may come to some unfortunate end. Our own bones will surely grace a chamber like this one ere too long. Better served, you, for having pointed us down the most poisonous of paths." With a sweep of his arm, Loqtar gestures at the myriad archways and corridors that lead into the twisted labyrinth.

Trying to convince these clowns to let us move on without incident, and that it'll serve them if we end up dying ignominiously in a trapped hallway somewhere. Let's see if they are willing to step aside and show us the 'most poisonous of paths'.

Perform (Oratory): [roll0]

2022-03-29, 12:25 AM
As you speak the demon and it’s friend seem to get more and more agitated compound eyes glittering and focusing on Eincar holy symbol. The closest one lunges forward with prenatural speed towards Loqtar who stands close by. Only savage skald’s uncanny dodge preventing him from being snuck attack. After striking the demon then vanished from view although Loqtar can still it’s sickly sweet rotting aroma

[roll0] dam [roll1] dam (no sneak attack due to uncanny dodge), and DC23 Fort save or [roll2] Cha damage

Swift: quickened invisibility

The one at the back seems to buzz more and more loudly, it’s wings creating a discordant noise that leaves you all confused and staggering before it too vanished from sight, the buzzing moving off to the side

Wings buzz, Will DC24 or slow effect (it has to spend a swift each successive round to maintain
Swift: quicken invisibility

All players to post please
Loqtar and Lucent technically first but happy to resolve in most beneficial order for the players

2022-03-29, 01:10 AM

Thrax pulls his weapon above his shoulders and prepares to strike. He moves next to Loqtar and waits for his moment.

"Let's swat these flies..."

Thrax will rage.

Thrax will ready an action to attack
Trigger action : when one appears (visible) and with in reach to swing his falchion at.

2022-03-29, 01:33 AM
Salem felt the slowing spell take hold, but kept his wits about him long enough to dispel the effect from himself at first, and then the whole party in an eyeblink. Even as he did that, he shouldered his musket and fired a hammering sequence of shots at where he believed one of the invisible demons to be.

Free Action: Activate Boots of Haste to dispel Slow from himself.

Swift Action: Use Arcane Pool to enhance weapon with +3 and Distance. The extra +3 stacks with the weapon's "real" +1 and +2 from Bane to overcome damage reduction.

Full Round Action: Spell Combat with Haste (to dispel Slow from the party).

He will target either the buzzing one (if his OOC Perception worked) or the one that attacked in melee (if his OOC Perception failed; he thinks he has a better idea of where it is).
- Full Attack with Rapid Shot and Deadly Aim.
- His Seeking weapon ignores the miss chance from invisibility, provided he targets the right spot.
- Targets Touch AC within 120'.
- Does not include Point Blank Shot, if applicable.

Haste Attack: [roll0] to-hit, [roll1] damage
Rapid Shot: [roll2] to-hit, [roll3] damage
First Iterative: [roll4] to-hit, [roll5] damage
Second Iterative: [roll6] to-hit, [roll7] damage
Third Iterative: [roll8] to-hit, [roll9] damage

Shadowshooting Weapon: If the target is hit, roll Will (DC 19). If failed, target takes an extra 1d12 damage per hit. If passed, target takes an extra 1 damage per hit.

2022-03-29, 10:52 AM
Eincar had been quiet up to this point, he was wallowing in self reflection, the stole still felt....awkward on him, but nonetheless, he was honored, the whole last few hours were still being processed, so when they transported to the maze-prison, he was absent minded, ignoring the fact that his holy symbol, even his presence was a problem here.

His thoughts were interrupted by the annoying buzzing of the demonic bureaucratic drones, he frowned, and nodded to Thrax even as Salem opened fire.

The wounds on his wrists ached, previous scars from his stigmata, though, he knew these things were below him, but they could potentially bring in bigger foes.

Spurred on by his actions, Eincar shrugs off the buzzing, and moves forward, drawing his blade which gleamed in the light as he bought it down upon the demon making the buzzing noise.

Move & free: move to buzzing demon, and draw sword
Standard: Power attack for -6
crit confirm - (1d20+20)[34]
crit damage - (1d8+11)[16]
TOTAL of 31 damage if crit confirmed

Eincar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2606425)
HP's: 242/242
AC: 32
T: 11 FF: 31
CMD: 27 FCMD: 26
Fort: 19 Ref: 10 Will: 21
Effects: Endure Elements, Stole of the Inheritor, DR 5/good & 3/-, Overwhelming aura of LG

2022-03-29, 10:29 PM
For his part Lucent simply taps trusty Thrax on the shoulder and speaks a simple word of power. Within moments the warrior is growing even more tall and broad than normal, the reach of his deadly falchion extending as well.

Keeping things cheap and simple, standard enlarge person spell, should help thrax AOO things before they get to him.

2022-03-30, 03:41 PM
"Through tall grass / come winter sun," calls Loqtar in a high, clear voice. He allows himself to sink beyond the words, into the fury behind them. His cuts begin to close. Lightning crackles on his skin. His sword is in his hand. Such a simple thing, really. A length of blade linked to a bar of steel, affixed to a short span of wood. And although his enemy is beyond his sight, it is not yet outside of his reach.

"Stand in our bones / coated in frost," he continues. The beat of the old hymn is a pace, an exercise the children of the Haskodar were taught. The poets of olden days had gone into battle weaving verse and steel alike, though the practice was long lost. Now all that remains are a handful of hymns, the remnant of a remnant.

"Where we were kings / by war undone." The skald punctuates the hymn's meter with the drumming of his feet and great swings of thunder.

Swift action to activate Raging Song (+6 Str & Con, DR 4/-, Fast Healing 6, Fly 60 ft, etc). If possible, he will also take a 5' step so that he's flanking the demon's square with Thrax and his increased threat range.

Loqtar will then full Power Attack the one directly in front of him that just attacked (so not the buzzing one). Since he passed the initial Will save vs. Slow, Salem's spell will give him an additional Haste attack and +1 on all attacks. I'll roll concealment for each, with 51-100 being a hit. If flanking is possible, each attack below has an additional +2 bonus.

Attack 1: [roll0] for [roll1] damage and [roll2] electricity damage (Concealment [roll3], Crit Confirm [roll4])

Attack 2: [roll5] for [roll6] damage and [roll7] electricity damage (Concealment [roll8], Crit Confirm [roll9])

Attack 3: [roll10] for [roll11] damage and [roll12] electricity damage (Concealment [roll13], Crit Confirm [roll14])

Attack 4: [roll15] for [roll16] damage and [roll17] electricity damage (Concealment [roll18], Crit Confirm [roll19])
Loqtar, the Storm Foretold (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2604993)
Male Chaotic Good Half-Orc Skald (Fated Champion), Level 16, Init 11, HP 285/288, DR 4/-, Speed 30 ft
AC 22, Touch 13, Flat-footed 19, CMD 32, Fort 22, Ref 12, Will 19, CMB +20/+15/+10, Base Attack Bonus 12/7/2
+1 (+4) Shock Cold Iron Greatsword +26/+21/+16 (2d6+14 plus 1d6 elec, 17-20x2)
Raging Song +29/+24/+19 (2d6+19 plus 2d6 elec, 17-20x2)
Celestial Armor (+9 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 16, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 18
Condition None
Active Buffs Raging Song (+6 Str/+6 Con, Fast Healing 6, Fly 60 ft), Haste (additional attack, +1 attack rolls, AC, Ref)

2022-03-31, 08:23 AM
Violence breaks out unsurprisingly as the demons bas nature takes over and their hunger drives them to attack. Honing in on the buzzing wings Salem flips up his musket and a flurry of shots ring out as demonic ichor splatters over the floor appearing as if from nowhere in the air. The one that had attacked Loqtar find itself surrounded as Thrax expands in size to become a 12 foot tall mountain of rage and menace and Eincar flanks out to the side, blade lashing into the beast with a savage blow. Loqtar starts a song, the rage building up in people as they feel their blood thrumming in their veins and the bard lashes out repeatedly finding the blade biting home despite the creature's invisibility.

The flying one off to the side lets loose a howl and swoops atop Salem, attacking unseen as it tries to sink its mandible into the magus's neck, the creature becoming visible as it does so. The other one surrounded , bites at Eincar, appearing briefly before stepping back a pace and vanishing once more.

Col 1: Fly to Salem and bite him vs flat footed AC (for invisbility), dam [roll1] + [roll2] sneak and [roll3] Cha damage if a DC23 Fort save is failed

Col 2: Bites Eincar [roll4] vs flat footed AC (for invisbility), dam [roll5] + [roll6] sneak and [roll7] Cha damage if a DC23 Fort save is failed
- Claws Loqtar [roll8] dam [roll9], [roll10]1d4+4
Then it 5ft steps away and casts Quickened invisbility again

Then behind you at the north most entrance (so ~30ft away) there is another crack of displaced air as the one that fled returns, moving fast, its movement jerky and quickl to match your although is has not come alone. Beside it is a gleaming demonic creature that appears part woman part snake with six long hooked lades in her hands. She appears ina flash, a cold voice reaching out to your heads, "Ah, a shame my pets were hungry, I could have used strong tools like yourselves..." As it lands ist gestures with its hand a swirling savage wall of blades cuts the room in half, the tangled wall of spinning blades savagely being placed through both lucent and Salem who have to leap to avoid the slashing blades


Coluxus 3: teleports back in with a friend

Marillith: Teleports in, Swift ACtion QSA: Blade barrier to chop room in hlaf. Line of effect goes through Lucent and Salem who can make Ref DC23 to negate [roll11] damage and choose to be on the north side of the wall (with the Marilllith and COluxus 3) or the south side with Coluxus 1+2, Big Thrax, Loqtar and Eincar

2022-03-31, 05:39 PM

Thrax flinched at the sudden appearance of the whirling blades. "Yikes! Look out!" he called out to no one in particular. Thrax takes a quick swing at the fly creature as it appears and then tries to chase it down and finish it off.

Readied action from Round 1:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

He'll enable the 'come and get me' rage power

Round 2 action: None, unfortunately the ready action triggered in the second round and Thrax wouldn't be able to take another 'action' in round 2. (I forgot how ready actions worked -which is on me) The good news is it puts him ahead of the fly demon in initiative for round 3. So his round three actions should be evaluated before the fly guys I guess. That will likely be a 5 ft step and a full attack action on the now re-invisible mildly injured fly.

HP 288/288
AC 27 (23 flat flooted) - 'Come and Get Me' rage power is active, so enemies are +4 to hit and damage Thrax, but he gets an AoO first


Great Rage
5 cold resist
25 fire resist

2022-03-31, 09:23 PM
Even as the blades are beginning to form in the air, Lucent twists his fingers and shouts a disjunctive word, causing the magic to fizzle and fail.

Turning to face the greater demon, Lucent decides to try and at least temporarily contain the larger threat. Retrieving a small iron bar he uses the token to cast coherent bands of magical energy her way, gripping his hands as he tries to constrict them around the snakelike creature.

Whether the spell succeeds or fails, he will retreat a little, towards his larger friends.

As mentioned in OOC, used counterspell exploit to negate the blade barrier

Casting Hold Monster on the Marilith. DC 25 Will save vs paralysis, she can attempt to break free each following round as full action

That is of course if I get the spell past the Spell resistance... [roll0]

2022-04-01, 01:50 PM
Eincar frowns as the Marilith appears, just as the twice cursed Coluxus demon bites down on him, he could feel the Stole protecting him already, and was glad, as he shook off the supernatural attack from the annoying bureaucrats of this cursed place.

Suddenly, his righteous ferver boils up, and his eyes glow a brilliant light as his blood flows from the wounds on his wrists, he brings up his sword, blood spattering as he did so and calls forth the lady of Valor's power against these foul creatures. A white light builds up within him, and flashes in a brilliant halo as it bursts outwards, his own blood enhancing the channeled energy.

Take 16 damage after DR
Swift: Activate Stigmata, giving Eincar bleed 4 and a +4 bonus to attacks
Standard: Channel Energy (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/Core-classes/Cleric/#Channel_Energy_Su) vs evil outsiders with the bloodrain (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/prestige-classes/apg/holy-vindicator/#TOC-Bloodrain-Su-) ability
30ft radius burst centered on Eincar
[roll0] DC will 24 for half, on a failed save they become sickened (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Sickened) and gain 1d6 bleed (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Sickened). Creatures can attempt a new save each round to negate sickened and bleed

Eincar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2606425)
HP's: 222/242
AC: 32
T: 11 FF: 31
CMD: 27 FCMD: 26
Fort: 19 Ref: 10 Will: 21
Effects: Endure Elements, Stole of the Inheritor, DR 5/good & 3/-, Overwhelming aura of LG, bleed 4, +4 divine bonus to attacks
Channel Energy: 8/9/day
Aura Flare: 1/1/day

2022-04-01, 04:27 PM
Salem grunted in pain at the demon's loathsome bite, but grit his teeth and resisted its supernatural draining. He stepped back to open up room and let loose another volley, pouring more of his arcane energy into the gun, and switching targets rapidly between shots. Instinct told him they had to finish this fight quickly and be gone, before the whole might of the Abyss came bearing down on the little party.

5' step out of melee with the Coloxus. Spell Combat + Spellstrike with a Dazing Intensified Battering Blast, Rapid Shot + Deadly Aim + Point Blank Shot. Splitting his shots between targets to try to daze more of them.

[roll0] Caster Level Check vs SR for Battering Blast. DC 21 Reflex Save or be Dazed for 3 rounds.

Haste Attack: [roll1] To Hit vs Touch AC, [roll2] Weapon Damage + [roll3] Force Damage Versus Marilith

Rapid Shot Attack: [roll4] To Hit vs Touch AC, [roll5] Weapon Damage + [roll6] Force Damage Versus Marilith
If One Battering Blast Hits: [roll7] CMB for Bull Rush check; target must make DC 21 Reflex Save or be knocked Prone.
If Two Battering Blasts Hit: Best of [roll8] or above roll CMB for Bull Rush check; target must make DC 21 Reflex Save or be knocked Prone.

Spellstrike Attack: [roll9] To Hit vs Touch AC, [roll10] Weapon Damage + [roll11] Force Damage Versus Coloxus 1
([roll12] CMB for Bull Rush check; target must make DC 21 Reflex Save or be knocked Prone.)

First Iterative: [roll13] To Hit vs Touch AC, [roll14] Weapon Damage + [roll15] Force Damage Versus Coloxus 3
([roll16] CMB for Bull Rush check; target must make DC 21 Reflex Save or be knocked Prone.)

Second Iterative: [roll17] To Hit vs Touch AC, [roll18] Weapon Damage Versus Coloxus 1

Third Iterative: [roll19] To Hit vs Touch AC, [roll20] Weapon Damage Versus Coloxus 1

As before, DC 19 Will Save for the Shadowshooting weapon; +1d12 extra damage per hit on failed save, +1 per hit on passed save.

2022-04-03, 10:52 AM
The death of one of the coluxi and the appearance of a new leader - Loqtar has seen one before, but their name escapes him now - spurs the song of rage to new heights.

"Behold the world we have lost," the half-orc chants, pushing himself off the ground and rising above his companions. A fell wind follows his ascent, the whistling of this hall’s first hurricane in what may be millennia.

"Where warmth fades, and glory cannot linger." The blood on his skin is dry now, cuts faded as though they had never been opened. Loqtar’s eyes behold his next target, and the wind grows colder. His smile widens.

"Instead, it burns away!" The last words are delivered not to the lilt of any song, but rather as staccato accompaniment to the thunder he leaves in his wake. He devours the distance between him and the marilith at the point of a sword.

Loqtar is going to fly directly at the Marilith (with Haste, he's got a 90 ft fly speed, so hopefully that gets him there in a single move). This is with Power Attack, Raging Song, Furious Focus etc. I am not going to have him charge, since he will likely be eating 9 attacks next turn and a -2 to AC makes the problem worse.

Attack: [roll0] for [roll1] damage (crit confirm: [roll2])
Loqtar, the Storm Foretold (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2604993)
Male Chaotic Good Half-Orc Skald (Fated Champion), Level 16, Init 11, HP 288/288, DR 4/-, Speed 30 ft
AC 22, Touch 13, Flat-footed 19, CMD 32, Fort 22, Ref 12, Will 19, CMB +20/+15/+10, Base Attack Bonus 12/7/2
+1 (+4) Shock Cold Iron Greatsword +26/+21/+16 (2d6+14 plus 1d6 elec, 17-20x2)
Raging Song +29/+24/+19 (2d6+19 plus 2d6 elec, 17-20x2)
Celestial Armor (+9 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 16, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 18
Condition None
Active Buffs Raging Song (+6 Str/+6 Con, Fast Healing 6, Fly 60 ft), Haste (additional attack, +1 attack rolls, AC, Ref)

2022-04-03, 12:51 PM
Demonic ichor splatters an sizzles on the ground as the heroes of the goddess strike back against their demonic foes. Lucent waves a hand, taking the force of the Marillith's magic as his mastery of arcane crumbles her blade barrier and it collapses under its own inertia. Striking back he then tries to freeze it in place but the beast is too strong.
Over by the Coluxus's the one by THrax, Loqtar and Eincar foolishly reveals itself and Thrax, now massive and raging smashes it with a blade as large as it, cleaving the beast in twain in a spray of ichor.

Even as that happens Eincar holds out his hands, glowing golden blood rain pouring down from the ceilings coating things in sizzling celestial blood that sears the Coluxus demons, but mostly runs off the snake demon as her fly headed minions shiver and twitch. The one by Salem does not last long as the gun toting crusader steps back spraying fire around room, the Marillith being blasted 10ft back by the force of the blow. The Coloxus near her also blow back into the wall behind it, dazed and confused by the impact. THe Coluxus that had dared bite him is then savagely targeted being blasted out of existence as multiple plate sized holes are blown through it.

Finally Loqtar leaps across the room, streaking like a meteorite through the Marillith's spining swords, a single blade trying to intercept him as he chops with a heavy blow into the snake's flank in a welter of blood.

Coluxus 1 and 2 are killed, Coluxus 3 is pushed back and dazed by the battering blast
Marillith takes and AoO as Loqtar closes [roll0] dam [roll1] + [roll2] unholy (counts as magic, evil, chaotic)

The remaining Coluxus staggers about confused by the massive impacts of the force bullets. The Marillith, glowing with unholy power spins around looking at the savage skalsd and smiles a horrible smile as she lashes out with her 6 arms at the skald!

Full attack vs Loqtar

[roll3] dam [roll4] + [roll5] unholy (counts as magic, evil, chaotic)
[roll6] dam [roll7] + [roll8] unholy (counts as magic, evil, chaotic)
[roll9] dam [roll10] + [roll11] unholy (counts as magic, evil, chaotic)
[roll12] dam [roll13] + [roll14] unholy (counts as magic, evil, chaotic)

[roll15] dam [roll16] + [roll17] unholy (counts as magic, evil, chaotic)
[roll18] dam [roll19] + [roll20] unholy (counts as magic, evil, chaotic)
[roll21] dam [roll22] + [roll23] unholy (counts as magic, evil, chaotic)
[roll24] dam [roll25] + [roll26] unholy (counts as magic, evil, chaotic)
[roll27] dam [roll28] + [roll29] unholy (counts as magic, evil, chaotic)

And then Swift Unholy Blight catching everyone APART from Loqtar
[roll30] damage and Will DC 21 or sickened for [roll31] rounds

2022-04-03, 02:28 PM

Thrax watches in grim satisfication as the cast-off from his blade splatters fly-demon guts to the ground in big 'glops'. He points his dripping sword at serpent looking demon with the many arms. He lost count after five...

"You're next!"

He plods over methodically and hacks at the demon.

"Pick on someone your own size!"

Move action: Move to the Marillith

Attack action: Attack the Marllith once

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

(Just in case the attack threatens a crit : Roll to confirm : [roll2] )


HP: 341/352 (11 damage from the saved unholy blight, +64 hps from rage)
AC: 27-2 = 25 (-2 rage)

5 cold resist
25 fire resist
Rage power : Come and get me, enemies +4 to hit/damage vs Thrax, but Thrax gets an AoO for each attack.
Power Attack

2022-04-04, 11:37 AM
Eincar looks aghast at the assault against his comrade, and quickly begins speaking the words to another prayer, this one was focused on the evil around them, and casting them into darkness. Finishing his words, another blast of divine energy emits from him, covering the demons.

Take 11 damage after successful save
bleed 4
Standard: cast Holy Smite (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/h/holy-smite/)
Move towards and as close to Loqtar as possible (behind him)

Concentration [roll0] (if needed)
Spell Resistance [roll1]
Holy smite damage [roll2] & Blinded (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Blinded), Will save halves and ignores the blinded effect.

Eincar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2606425)
HP's: 207/242
AC: 32
T: 11 FF: 31
CMD: 27 FCMD: 26
Fort: 19 Ref: 10 Will: 21
Effects: Endure Elements, Stole of the Inheritor, DR 5/good & 3/-, Overwhelming aura of LG, bleed 4, +4 divine bonus to attacks
Channel Energy: 8/9/day
Aura Flare: 1/1/day

2022-04-04, 04:07 PM
Salem didn't pause for a moment in his thundering barrage. With two of the lesser demons slain and the third momentarily stunned, he focused everything against the Marilith and shrugged off her spell.

Spell Combat, Rapid Shot + Deadly Aim + Spellstrike (with just Arcane Mark this time for the extra attack). All against the Marilith.

Haste Attack: [roll0] vs Touch AC, [roll1] Damage

Rapid Shot Attack: [roll2] vs Touch AC, [roll3] Damage

Spellstrike Attack: [roll4] vs Touch AC, [roll5] Damage

First Iterative: [roll6] vs Touch AC, [roll7] Damage

Second Iterative: [roll8] vs Touch AC, [roll9] Damage

Third Iterative: [roll10] vs Touch AC, [roll11] Damage

2022-04-06, 11:30 AM
Lucent's eyes go wide as Loqtar takes a devastating series of hits.

He quickly traces a portal with his hands and opens it with a flourish. A flood of elves rush through. At least they look like elves at first. Their eyes and the way the air moves around them quickly indicate they are anything but. They have bows drawn and are looking for a fight, but the mage directs them to support his friends instead. Eincar and Thrax both find a slender hand placed on their shoulder as the air begins to swirl around them. Loqtar finds himself almost surrounded by the beautiful celestials, each briefly touching him.

Spent 7 reservoir points to summon 6 Bralani Azata. They in turn will cast three Blur spells on our melee fighters granting each of them a 20% miss chance. Loqtar additionally will benefit from three cure serious wounds for healing amounting to [roll0]

CG Medium outsider (azata, chaotic, extraplanar, good, shapechanger)
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +15


AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 16 (+4 Dex, +6 natural)
hp 80 (7d10+28)
Fort +11, Ref +9, Will +6
DR 10/cold iron or evil; Immune electricity, petrification; Resist cold 10, fire 10; SR 17


Speed 40 ft., fly 100 ft. (perfect)
Melee +1 scimitar +13/+8 (1d6+8/18–20) or slam +12 (1d6+7)
Ranged +1 composite longbow +12/+7 (1d8+6/×3)
Special Attacks whirlwind blast
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th)
At Will—blur, charm person (DC 13), gust of wind (DC 14), mirror image, wind wall
2/day—lightning bolt (DC 15), cure serious wounds


Str 24, Dex 18, Con 23, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 15
Base Atk +7; CMB +12; CMD 26
Feats Blind-Fight, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Skill Focus (Perception), Die Hard
Skills Bluff +12, Fly +22, Handle Animal +12, Perception +15, Ride +14, Sense Motive +12, Stealth +14

2022-04-06, 07:21 PM
The first blade opens up the skald's unprotected forearms. The second is a lateral slash to his legs, just above the knees. The rest are body blows, carving Loqtar open piece by piece from gape to groin. There is more of his blood on the ground than he has seen in some time. Black spots pulse in and out at the edge of his field of vision. His heartbeat quickens, for it can feel its essence spilling away.

But the song never stops. Halting though the tune may be, broken up by wet coughs or a red smile, Loqtar never stops singing.

"Let us be reddest ruin," he croaks, for he is still standing. The half-orc squares his stance, staring up at his foe. His gaze is teeth and malice. He can already feel strength returning to him; it is a mere trickle, but right now that is enough.

"Rent, broken, crooked," Loqtar continues. He is vaguely aware of the towering figure of Thrax and the mailed silhouette of Eincar approaching from behind and so he begins to move, positioning his feet to keep the many-limbed demon between them. Perhaps it will give him the advantage he needs when the moment comes.

Then he feels a hand on his shoulder. Two hands. Four. Five. None are rough like the barbarian or gauntleted like the war priest, but rather they are elfin and gentle. Initially, Loqtar feels a spike of fear as he is caught unawares, but with each touch, he can feel his wounds close fully. He raises his sword one more time.

"Black-hearted and cruel," the skald finishes after the greatsword cleaves home.

Since the marilith is still kicking, let's go for a full attack! First Loqtar will take a 5 ft step around the Marilith to hopefully flank with Thrax or any of the approaching summons. Then he'll go all-in with Haste, Power Attack, Raging Song, the works. Here's hoping that he can finish the bastard off!

Attack 1: [roll0] for [roll1] damage and [roll2] electricity damage (Crit Confirm [roll3])

Attack 2: [roll4] for [roll5] damage and [roll6] electricity damage (Crit Confirm [roll7])

Attack 3: [roll8] for [roll9] damage and [roll10] electricity damage (Crit Confirm [roll11])

Attack 4: [roll12] for [roll13] damage and [roll14] electricity damage (Crit Confirm [roll15])
Loqtar, the Storm Foretold (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2604993)
Male Chaotic Good Half-Orc Skald (Fated Champion), Level 16, Init 11, HP 201/288, DR 4/-, Speed 30 ft
AC 22, Touch 13, Flat-footed 19, CMD 32, Fort 22, Ref 12, Will 19, CMB +20/+15/+10, Base Attack Bonus 12/7/2
+1 (+4) Shock Cold Iron Greatsword +26/+21/+16 (2d6+14 plus 1d6 elec, 17-20x2)
Raging Song +29/+24/+19 (2d6+19 plus 2d6 elec, 17-20x2)
Celestial Armor (+9 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 16, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 18
Condition None
Active Buffs Raging Song (+6 Str/+6 Con, Fast Healing 6, Fly 60 ft), Haste (additional attack, +1 attack rolls, AC, Ref)

2022-04-07, 02:38 AM
The voice of the marillith sings in your ears as she duels with Loqtar, whispers of of "Your soul shall be mine, delicious purity, your power shall be mine..." as she dances horribly in the midst of the blades and gun shots. Even as Loqtar is chopped and slashed he responds, filled with song rage in a series of massive overhead blows hacking into her scaled form. Seconds later he is joined by Thrax barreling in like a stream train crashing into her flank as he bursts out out of the cloying unholy blight

Behind them Eincar summons down a pulse of holy energy that flares before diminishing in the evil demonic prison and washes around the demons harmlessly. Salem is deadly, unleashing a hail of shots that slam into the marilith, each one leaving a spray of ichor that causes her to hiss in alarm from the brutal onslaught. Before she can much else there is a peal of a celestial trumpet and swirling portal opens and the brelani pour out, healing and enchanting the heroes. The elven fine features smiling at the heroes and snarling at the demons as they heal the worst of Loqtar's wounds.

The coluxus behind the marillith still stumbles and weaves dazed by the battering blast. However the blood and ichor streaked Marillith rises up in rage and unleashes a barrage of furious attacks at the two raging heroes assailing her, her gaze fixed upon Salem in a "you're next" way....

Marillith Full attack (PA)

Vs Loqtar
[roll0] dam [roll1] + [roll2] unholy
[roll3] dam [roll4] + [roll5] unholy Blurred
[roll6] dam [roll7] + [roll8] unholy
[roll9] dam [roll10] + [roll11] unholy

[roll12] dam [roll13] + [roll14] unholy

Vs THrax
EDIT: Add +4 to all attack and damage from the come get me rage power (but Thrax can take the AoO's back)
[roll15] dam [roll16] + [roll17] unholy
[roll18] dam [roll19] + [roll20] unholy
[roll21] dam [roll22] + [roll23] unholy
[roll24] dam [roll25] + [roll26] unholy EDIT: if a 29 confirms then +19 damage (wrong code in OOC) and Bleed 8

2022-04-07, 07:34 AM

Thrax stands still as the demon attacks him and focuses on attacking back on each swing in his direction.

"You give - but can you take?" He asks in a roar

Thrax will stand and trade blows with the demon.

4 x AoO:

Attack: [roll0]
Damage : [roll1]
confirm if crit (15 or higher) [roll2]

Attack: [roll3]
Damage : [roll4]
confirm if crit (15 or higher) [roll5]

Attack: [roll6]
Damage : [roll7]
confirm if crit (15 or higher) [roll8]

Attack: [roll9]
Damage : [roll10]
confirm if crit (15 or higher) [roll11]

Full attack

Attack: [roll12]
Damage : [roll13]
confirm if crit (15 or higher) [roll14]

Attack: [roll15]
Damage : [roll16]
confirm if crit (15 or higher) [roll17]

Attack: [roll18]
Damage : [roll19]
confirm if crit (15 or higher) [roll20]

Attack: [roll21]
Damage : [roll22]
confirm if crit (15 or higher) [roll23]

Attack: [roll24]
Damage : [roll25]
confirm if crit (15 or higher) [roll26]


HP: 270/352 (Bleeding 8 )
AC: 27-2 = 25 (-2 rage)

5 cold resist
25 fire resist
Rage power : Come and get me, enemies +4 to hit/damage vs Thrax, but Thrax gets an AoO for each attack.
Power Attack

2022-04-07, 03:33 PM
Its a flurry of blades and ichor and blood as the multi-armed demoness trades blows with Thrax and Loqtar. The raging heroes and the demon both slashing and hacking with wild abandon, but, with the bullet holes draining its essence and the sheer bestial fury of the barbarian its over from the snake bodied creature. Thrax slicing down with near divine accuracy delivering massive mortal strokes as the beast is thrown down to the ground at Thrax's giant feet!

With the snake demon down and dead, its evil essence permanently destroyed with its death in the Abyss the dazed coluxus demon is easily dispatched in a hail of bullet fire and sword blows. Ending its pathetic existence before it can regain its wits....

The small plaza is then silent again, only the dancing and chattering of the Brelani as they skip and splash in the oddly pure water making noise as the two ragin characters let the song quieten and the pain of their wounds hits them...

combat over

2022-04-07, 06:03 PM
Lucent bows low to the Brelani, then smiles and dances a small jig himself. "Thank you my friends. If you would heal my companions here a little further before departing we would be most appreciative."

Between the six, they have another 9 castings of CSW left, I suspect its enough to heal everybody, but rolling to be sure, applying in order to whomever is most injured after each roll. [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] [roll4] [roll5] [roll6] [roll7] [roll8]

They can also do blur at will, so might as well hit the entire party up with that in case we run into something hostile (that doesn't have always on truesight...) in the next six minutes.

2022-04-07, 06:24 PM

"That was very brave of you, Loqtar, stepping up to that demon like that. Or very dumb - either way you have my approval and thanks. A battle worthy of song truely. Its a shame we couldn't capture that fly thing and make it talk about where we ought to be going. Though I'm not a master strategist but I think we should make our escape from here."

Thrax misidentifies the Brelani immediately and watches them frolic in and near the fountain. " FEH! Typical Elf stuff.." he says disapprovingly to no one in particular.

He pauses for a moment and gets an evil glint in his eye. "Sooo, you can consecrate water right ?" He asks Eincar as he stares at the fountain leaving the rest of the thought unspoken.

Thrax had no idea how much time or resources that might take but figured he would ask. He shook demon guts off his blade and made ready to travel.

2022-04-07, 08:50 PM
As the red rage dissipates, Loqtar's mind begins to quiet at last. The bodies of their foes lie dashed and defeated at their feet. The skald takes stock of his surroundings, his companions - including the new celestial arrivals - and his still-open wounds, and his grin turns slightly sheepish. He turns to Thrax, clapping the other half orc on the shoulder after he has returned to normal size.

"If we won, we were destined to do so. And it is the height of foolishness to ignore what the fates have writ for us, would you not agree?" Loqtar laughs weakly, holding back a hacking cough as he is healed of the worst of the cuts from the demoness. "You are correct that we should not linger, though. Even if our clash has not attracted any attention, there will surely be other patrols in the area. Perhaps our more learned spellcasters can help divine the correct path forward - though I have little objection to take the path on faith."

Approaching Eincar, the skald looks at his stole, his face creasing in genuine concern. "I'm sorry to say that your choice of outerwear seems to rile up the locals. Would it be an imposition to ask you to cover it up while we are down here?"

2022-04-08, 01:46 AM
Salem lowered his gun but kept it ready, keeping a lookout for more enemies. Healing was not his forte, and he knew his friends were in good hands without his pretending to help.

"The noise will have got their attention. Let's move. We can decide what to do once we're off the proverbial X."

Using Spell Recall to re-prepare the Dazing Battering Blast and the Haste cast in the last battle.

2022-04-08, 03:12 PM
Eincar growls as his magic flows over the demons like oil, this cursed plane was going to cause all kinds of issues, never had......he blinked, and in one moment, the others had vivisected the remains of the Marilith before he could come to bear.

A fortuitous team to be sure. he thought to himself.

Accepting what healing and other blessings from the Bralani's as his stigmata slowed and then stopped, he looked up to see Thrax approaching. He smiles immediately as he asks the question "I like where your mind is Thrax, but...while yes, I could consecrate this area, or bless this water, it would not last long. I lack the knowledge of such powers, I am sorry brother."

Turning to Salem, his grin fades. He thinks for a moment at his words "I think I can hide the Stole, however my holy symbol is needed, I can hide it, but if we encounter anything, I will have to use it, and so it must be ready for me at a moments notice."

k.religion to make sure he is correct

Eincar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2606425)
HP's: 207/242
AC: 32
T: 11 FF: 31
CMD: 27 FCMD: 26
Fort: 19 Ref: 10 Will: 21
Effects: Endure Elements, Stole of the Inheritor, DR 5/good & 3/-, Overwhelming aura of LG, bleed 4
Channel Energy: 8/9/day
Aura Flare: 1/1/day

2022-04-09, 01:59 AM
The frolicing Brelani heal as many as they can before in a shower of twinkling lights they disperse. The strange tinkling music that had accompanied now stopped (and oddly missed). the bodies of the slain demons lay around the plaza, rotting into slime before your eyes as the abysaal realm claimed them and added them to its own mass. Looking about you realise that you can hear virtually nothing. Occasionally a faint bellow or a scream or howl would reach your ears from the neighbouring passageway but nothing "imminent."

Taking stock Eincar knows he can cover the Stole with his own cloak (as in phsysically cover not double slot) and his holy symbol would remain close at hand but not as obvious to the demonic hosts of the plane.

Looking around you have 4 passageways, each leading into the heart of the neverending maze of the mad minotaur demon lord. For Lucent and Salem both know that there are two major towns in the plane. Both having read enough of books and ancient scrolls to be able to picture them in their mind to teleport if they so wish. Or... more mundane methods would suffice if they desired to march into the maze and find their way to one of the neighbouring sub realms.


2022-04-09, 08:19 PM
"We need to pick a direction and swiftly. We have three options. We can attempt to divine which of these passages will take us closer to the breathless mountains and give it a try."

He takes a breath before continuing, "We could alternatively teleport to Blackburgh, a major city here, or do the same to Echostal, a considerably smaller place. Either location would be incredibly dangerous, but so is everywhere else in this realm. Either might offer a chance to learn more relevant to the quest or even obtain items useful to our efforts. But I'm afraid I can merely guess as to the odds of such, or which would be the better choice."

"If we do try either town I might suggest Echostal, at least at first, it lies further from the direct influence of Baphomet."

2022-04-09, 10:26 PM
"We could wander for ages looking for the Breathless Mountains by picking a direction and walking that way. I dare say the rivers are as like to flow toward the mountain as away from it, for example. I say we take our chances in Echostal, find something that knows the way and prise the truth out of it."

2022-04-09, 10:41 PM

"If we go to a town, does that mean we have to fight an entire town ? Is this place all demons ? I doubt he has any enemies here...Can we trust anyone to give us directions ? Surely we would attract a lot of unwanted attention in a town." Thrax spits out a barrage of seemingly simple questions - not really waiting for answers. Satisfied he had done his part, he wandered off to let the 'brains' of the operation come up with a plan.

He looked at the water for a moment and thought back to his home. The crisp glacial water of home was crystal clear - how he missed home and wondered vaguely if he would ever see it again...likely not. The conflict with the demons had raged for sometime now and there was much left to do. Perhaps his younger cousins would know peace.

2022-04-09, 10:53 PM
"For now, let's at least move away from this spot to make up our minds somewhere more discreet."

2022-04-11, 10:42 AM
Eincar nods, as he goes over to Loqtar as they walk, summoning a rather potent litany, re-knitting the skalds injuries that the Bralani could not.

"Agreed, I actually think the city the best choice, there, we at least have a place to focus on."

Eincar will have kept his stigmata up during his round to cast a Maximized cure on himself (this will be default unless stated)
As they move away, he casts Heal (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/h/heal/) on Loqtar for 130 hp's

Eincar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2606425)
HP's: 207/242
AC: 32
T: 11 FF: 31
CMD: 27 FCMD: 26
Fort: 19 Ref: 10 Will: 21
Effects: Endure Elements, Stole of the Inheritor, DR 5/good & 3/-, Overwhelming aura of LG, bleed 4
Channel Energy: 8/9/day
Aura Flare: 1/1/day

2022-04-11, 12:17 PM

"Okay sounds like a plan, the city it is. Anything we should know or we just going to teleport blindly in?" Thrax asked in a way to imply he didn't care either way.

2022-04-11, 05:20 PM
Loqtar listens to the counsel of the other members of the group, only weighing in when everyone else has said their piece. The battle-bard eyes Salem in particular, his tusks gleaming as he smiles.

"Echostal it is," he intones with finality. "If we can teleport to a more secluded quarter or street, we may find it easier to wander in. Then again, this is the Abyss. Those that live here can be anywhere they like with a snap of their fingers, so we would not stand out."

2022-04-11, 06:19 PM

"Well, I don't stand out. But you are fiercely ugly my friend."

2022-04-12, 12:33 AM
The heroes gather around Salem/Lucent (not sure which one is casting teleport) and then as the more learned mage casts teleport they focus in their mind upon an artists impression of distant Echostal. There is a rush of cold air, and a sharp crack of displaced air accompanied by the stench of brimstone before you stumble forwards into a narrow street. To one side a geometry defying cliff wall vanishes into gloom some 400ft above your head whilst the other side of the street consists of closely packed rocky abodes, decaying fruits and rotting abyssaal plants line the front of the buildings adding a strange bouquet to the demonic pall. Smoke belches from many roofs where demonic war engines are forged and created for powerful evil patrons.

This mining town consists of crude stone buildings interspersed with looming sculptures and stone cliff walls ranging from 200 to 500 feet high. The mazelike streets average at 20 feet in width, with some narrow alleys and frequent plazas. Many mine entrances open into the cliffs-the twisting mine tunnels themselves a re considered to be a part of Echostal's overall maze realm. Eerie screams and moans d rift along the mine tunnels and alleys, remnants of the strange haunts and flittering souls whose wailings give the town its name

As you land in the street, shadows and scurrying lesser demons, cambions, tieflings and other alien creatures all turn to look at you. Two of the creatures are less concerned with looking and both, with the mark of Baphomet upon them roar and shake their massive 20ft long glaives into the sky as the towering muscle clad shaggy haired winged cylcops's with thick metallic black breastplates and huge bat wings point at you in rage....

OOC "behind the veil"
In the towns of the maze there is an approx 25% chance of being randomly attacked in the streets (the baseline level of violence in the demon cities, more if you glow with holy "good" power). If you defeat the attackers you are left in peace for a few hours before the random encounter chance creeps up again as people are cowed. Beyond that the towns function, as towns. There are merchants (of a sort) and Inns (of a sort though filled with peverse and depraved entertainment and offerings but you probably don't want to stay in them).

In this case there are 2 abysaal Greater Cyclops 70ft down the "street" away from you. The street is some 30ft wide with a cliff vanishing into the gloom on the "west" and a line of rocky builkdings on the "East". You start in the North and the street you are on winds
200ft further north before vanishing into a cave in the cliffs (or a fork to the east carries on in the "outside")

Initiative for Round 1
Loqtar / Lucent /
Eincar, Salem, Thrax

Loqtar and Lucent are up... Welcome to Echostal

2022-04-13, 09:41 AM
Lucent looks to the Cyclopes who appear ready to charge at them, blithely commenting, "And here is the welcoming party. I suspect if we make an example of these two we'll be left in peace for a little while at least." He tilts his head a little, "They seem brutish enough to have little mental defenses, hmm, I wonder if..."

The mage pulls out his iron rod and extends it towards the pair. Targeting the one in front, he chants as tendrils of magic reach out towards the cyclops.

Trying again with the Hold monster, DC 24 Will save vs paralysis.
If SR is needed, [roll0]

2022-04-15, 10:23 AM
"Well done," gravels Loqtar as space folds around them and they find themselves in Echostal. The half-orc takes in the dizzying cliff behind them and the midden of maze-like streets ahead, scanning for threats and quickly finding them.

Two brutes. Hopefully this crew will make short work of them. The skald breathes in the smoke-fuelled air. Tastes blood. And draws his blade once more.

Loqtar will cast Haste on the party as a standard action and spend a Swift Action to re-activate Raging Song.

Just one of these combats, we’ll have time to actively prepare! :smalltongue:
Loqtar, the Storm Foretold (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2604993)
Male Chaotic Good Half-Orc Skald (Fated Champion), Level 16, Init 11, HP 288/288, DR 4/-, Speed 30 ft
AC 22, Touch 13, Flat-footed 19, CMD 32, Fort 22, Ref 12, Will 19, CMB +20/+15/+10, Base Attack Bonus 12/7/2
+1 (+4) Shock Cold Iron Greatsword +26/+21/+16 (2d6+14 plus 1d6 elec, 17-20x2)
Raging Song +29/+24/+19 (2d6+19 plus 2d6 elec, 17-20x2)
Celestial Armor (+9 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 16, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 18
Condition None
Active Buffs Raging Song (+6 Str/+6 Con, Fast Healing 6, Fly 60 ft), Haste (additional attack, +1 attack rolls, AC, Ref)

2022-04-15, 10:33 AM
The massive creatures roar and shake their massive glaives, before the lead one pauses, stunned almost before its shakes its head like an enraged rhino and shakes off Lucent's attempts to hold it in place. Even as that happening Loqtar gives voice and his allies feel time slowing down and their pulses quickening with the rage. The lead one roars back at the singing skald and takes to the air swooping forward and dropping to the earth some 20ft in front of the skald and then spins the glaive around seeking to smote him in two!

The other strides 35ft closer (closing to 35ft) before reaching out a hand, a searing pain hitting all of the heroes as its goes to pull all the moisture (mainly blood) from your bodies as eyes, ears and nose stream with blood that streaks towards the cyclops to form a rotating ball


Cyclops 1:
Swift: Smite good vs Loqtar
Move: Fly 50ft
Standard: hit [roll0] damage [roll1]

Cyclops 2:
Move: 35ft
Standard: Horrid Wilting on the Party [roll2] Fort DC 19 for half

2022-04-15, 01:11 PM

Thrax takes a moment to watch the massive Cyclops close with the group, mildly in awe of their raw size and likely strength. Thrax winces at the sickening sound that errupts when Loqtar gets hit. Thrax feels his eyes start to water and blood to seep out of his nose and ears. "Gaah!"

He moves towards the closest Cyclops and takes a swing with all his might.

Thrax will rage. I believe he would still have enlarge from the previous fight (1 minute/lvl)

Move : 15 ft closer to the nearest Cyclops. (maybe its 20 ft ?)

He wants to get right next to the Cyclops so it would need to move at least 10 ft to pull itself out of his attack range so the cyclops can't just 5 ft step out of his reach and the full attack (hopefully). I think moving this much in the cyclops reach probably provokes an AoO.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
(if crit - confirm : [roll2] ) (not threatening a crit)


HP: 319/352
AC: 26 (27 -2 rage, +1 haste)

Come and Get me (enemies +4 to hit and damage vs Thrax)
Fire resist : 25

2022-04-18, 09:43 AM
Eincar growls at the guards, moving as close to between them as he could, his stigmata starts to flow again, as he calls down the wroth of the Lady down upon these demonic giants.

Swift: activate stigmata (bleed 4)
Standard: Channel Energy (evil outsiders)
[roll0], Sickened (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Sickened) & [roll1]
Will save DC 24 for half and negate Sickened/bleed (can take new save each round)

Eincar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2606425)
HP's: 205/242
AC: 32
T: 11 FF: 31
CMD: 27 FCMD: 26
Fort: 19 Ref: 10 Will: 21
Effects: Endure Elements, Stole of the Inheritor, DR 5/good & 3/-, Overwhelming aura of LG, bleed 4
Channel Energy: 7/9/day
Aura Flare: 1/1/day

2022-04-18, 11:37 AM
Pain, always more pain. This time it takes the form of a meteoric polearm blow to the chest, carving through his armor and nearly knocking him to his knees. There is a wet crunch, and Loqtar realizes dimly that the hit likely broke a few of his ribs. When he breathes out, there is more blood in his mouth and a band of agony across his midsection.

"The sov - sovereign calls / and we must answer," the skald falters. No unbridled storm, this, but the clarion call to arms sung by heroes of Avistan, long ago. "A host of trumpets / we are to muster."

One time, two times, three times, four; his greatsword erupts in sparks as he brings it to bear on his new-sworn foe.

After Fast Healing 6, Loqtar is back up to 205 hp. Sadly no DR because of enemy smites.

With Haste and Raging Song up, Loqtar is swinging fully (PA, Furious Focus) at the cyclops that just hit him. He will 5 ft step in to get into range first, if that’s what it takes. All of the usual modifiers apply, and if he can he’ll try to angle for flanking with Thrax (the +2 is not included on existing rolls).

Attack 1: [roll0] for [roll1] damage and [roll2] electricity damage (Crit Confirm [roll3])

Attack 2: [roll4] for [roll5] damage and [roll6] electricity damage (Crit Confirm [roll7])

Attack 3: [roll8] for [roll9] damage and [roll10] electricity damage (Crit Confirm [roll11])

Attack 4: [roll12] for [roll13] damage and [roll14] electricity damage (Crit Confirm [roll15])
Loqtar, the Storm Foretold (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2604993)
Male Chaotic Good Half-Orc Skald (Fated Champion), Level 16, Init 11, HP 205/288, DR 4/-, Speed 30 ft
AC 22, Touch 13, Flat-footed 19, CMD 32, Fort 22, Ref 12, Will 19, CMB +20/+15/+10, Base Attack Bonus 12/7/2
+1 (+4) Shock Cold Iron Greatsword +26/+21/+16 (2d6+14 plus 1d6 elec, 17-20x2)
Raging Song +29/+24/+19 (2d6+19 plus 2d6 elec, 17-20x2)
Celestial Armor (+9 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 16, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 18
Condition None
Active Buffs Raging Song (+6 Str/+6 Con, Fast Healing 6, Fly 60 ft), Haste (additional attack, +1 attack rolls, AC, Ref)

2022-04-18, 08:23 PM
Salem was caught off guard by the disorientation of the teleport, and he wasn't able to get a shot away in time, and further reeled under the assault of their draining spell. But he needed only a moment to compose himself and start blasting shadowy lead at his hulking targets.

Spell Combat / Spellstrike with Dazing Battering Blast. Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Deadly Aim.

(vs Cyclops 1) Haste Attack: [roll0] vs Touch AC, [roll1] Damage + [roll2] Force Damage, DC 21 Reflex Save or be Dazed for 3 Rounds.

(vs Cyclops 1) Rapid Shot Attack: [roll3] vs Touch AC, [roll4] Damage + [roll5] Force Damage, DC 21 Reflex or be Dazed for 3 Rounds.
Highest of [roll6] or [roll7] CMB on Bull Rush, if success, target must make a DC 21 Reflex Save or fall prone.

(vs Cyclops 2) Spellstrike Attack: [roll8] vs Touch AC, [roll9] Damage + [roll10] Force Damage, DC 21 Reflex or be Dazed for 3 Rounds.

(vs Cyclops 2) First Iterative: [roll11] vs Touch AC, [roll12] Damage + [roll13] Force Damage, DC 21 Reflex Save or be Dazed for 3 Rounds.
Highest of [roll14] or [roll15] CMB on Bull Rush, if success, target must make a DC 21 Reflex Save or fall prone.

(vs Cyclops 1) Second Iterative: [roll16] vs Touch AC, [roll17] Damage

(vs Cyclops 1) Third Iterative: [roll18] vs Touch AC, [roll19] Damage

DC 19 for the Shadowshooting weapon (+1d12 extra damage per hit if failed, +1 if success).

2022-04-20, 05:20 PM
As Loqtar is struck mightily the second cyclops sucks the very life force from the party of heroes. The response is swift and brutal, the leading cyclops assailed by both skald and barbarian as both run into reach of the savage flashing glaive, despite the glaive slashing Thrax as he ran in both men swung their blades hewing great chunks of flesh from the beast.

Loqtar was > 10ft away as it used Glaive reach so will have to move in and just get a single attack

Behind them Salem unloaded a flurry of shots that peppered both cyclops with massive consussive impacts, the second cyclops driven to its knees by the damaging blows. Eincar holds out his hands, blood rain pouring from the low sky, but less effective against the cyclops than the demons they had confronted on their arrival.
With a roar the second cyclops swoops in beside Salem dropping down beside the gun toting magus as the other one confronted by quarters too close for its glaive has to resort to horn, bite and clawed hands to slash at the two barbarians swaming it

Cyclops 1 hurting but alive
Bite Loqtar [roll0] dam [roll1]
Gore Thrax [roll2] dam [roll3]
Claw Loqtar [roll4] dam [roll5]

Cyclops 2 fyies lands 10ft from Salem (its got 20ft reach) to threaten Lucent, Salem and Eincar at the back of the party
Power attacking [roll6] dam [roll7] +1 bleed

2022-04-20, 06:00 PM
Eincar is dismayed at his inability to deal with the enraged monsters, Perhaps it is this infernal place he ponders, as one of them lands almost on top of them. He summons a swift spell to empower himself, and unleashes on the demonic giant.

Swift: Quickened Channel Vigor (13 rounds, choosing limbs for haste effect) Haste already been cast.
free: 5ft step if needed
Full Attack (-4 Power Attack)





Eincar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2606425)
HP's: 201/242
AC: 32
T: 11 FF: 31
CMD: 27 FCMD: 26
Fort: 19 Ref: 10 Will: 21
Effects: Endure Elements, Stole of the Inheritor, DR 5/good & 3/-, Overwhelming aura of LG, bleed 4, Haste
Channel Energy: 7/9/day
Aura Flare: 1/1/day

2022-04-21, 12:09 AM

Thrax winced as another grievous wound opens on his shoulder. "They smell like old mules..." He winces as he mocks the massive creatures. He tried to recall ever seeing such massive weapons before and failed. A slow trickle of blood ran down his arm that he barely noticed, lost in his anger.

Thrax's attack of Opportunity vs the Cyclops for attacking him:

Attack: [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Full attack (with Haste) on cyclops:

+32/+27/+22/+17/+12 + Bite

Attack: [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

Attack: [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

Attack: [roll6]
Damage [roll7]

Attack: [roll8]
Damage [roll9]

Attack: [roll10]
Damage [roll11]

Attack: [roll12]
Damage [roll13]

( Rolls to confirm any crits above if needed : [roll14] , [roll15] , [roll16] , [roll17] )


HP: 276/352 -1 bleed / round
AC: 26 (27 -2 rage, +1 haste)

Come and Get me (enemies +4 to hit and damage vs Thrax)
Fire resist : 25

2022-04-24, 10:38 AM
Fighting through the continual bleeding, the battle-bard rises into the air once more - not to the point where he would be above the rooftops, but just enough to provide some clearance and give him the speed he needs. The lightning follows Loqtar as he flies through the air like a spear thrown.

"With bright lance bared / and pennon unfurled" he cries, swinging the cold iron blade in a wide arc, "comes a host / that will shatter the world!"

Loqtar is once again flying right into danger. With his 90 ft fly speed, he should be able to get around the cyclops and flank him. Once there, he is doing a Vital Strike Power Attack.

Attack 1: [roll0] for [roll1] damage and [roll2] electricity damage (Crit Confirm [roll3])
Loqtar, the Storm Foretold (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2604993)
Male Chaotic Good Half-Orc Skald (Fated Champion), Level 16, Init 11, HP 177/288, DR 4/-, Speed 30 ft
AC 22, Touch 13, Flat-footed 19, CMD 32, Fort 22, Ref 12, Will 19, CMB +20/+15/+10, Base Attack Bonus 12/7/2
+1 (+4) Shock Cold Iron Greatsword +26/+21/+16 (2d6+14 plus 1d6 elec, 17-20x2)
Raging Song +29/+24/+19 (2d6+19 plus 2d6 elec, 17-20x2)
Celestial Armor (+9 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 16, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 18
Condition None
Active Buffs Raging Song (+6 Str/+6 Con, Fast Healing 6, Fly 60 ft), Haste (additional attack, +1 attack rolls, AC, Ref)

2022-04-26, 12:26 AM
Salem decided to risk a volley of fire at point blank range. Better, he decided in that instant, than backing up into its wicked polearm.

Haste Attack: [roll0] To Hit, [roll1] Damage

Spellstrike Attack: [roll2] To Hit, [roll3] Damage

Rapid Shot Attack: [roll4] To Hit, [roll5] Damage

First Iterative: [roll6] To Hit, [roll7] Damage

Second Iterative: [roll8] To Hit, [roll9] Damage

Third Iterative: [roll10] To Hit, [roll11] Damage

Min damage on these hits if it passes the DC 19 Will Save.

2022-04-26, 08:25 PM
Lucent steps a bit closer and strikes out with a lash of bright energy, trying to tangle it around the remaining Cyclops' throat.

Limp Lash, ranged touch attack [roll0]
spell resistance, [roll1]

On hit, target takes a 1d6 penalty, no save, to Str, Dex, and Con every round until I drop the lash, exceed the range (20'), or the lash is destroyed (its described as a whip, I assume it has similar sunder stats. [roll2]

2022-04-27, 05:05 PM
The massive cyclops's press their attacks chopping and hewing mightily, but not for long. Eincar and Thrax unleash a ferocious array of strikes at the beast, the barbarian in particular beyond savage as he hacks at the beast with massive swings of the blade that eventually fell the massive the beast in a welter of ichor. The other is assailed by a hail of fire from Salem, the bullets slamming into the massive giant beast as it strikes back with glaive, the massive weapon also lashing out towards the Loqtar as the bloodrager comes singing in hitting like a thunderbolt. Even as it turns towards the others there is a crack of a whip as Lucent lashes out with a black crackling whip that wraps around the treetrunk like neck draining its vitailty.

The beast roars in fury striking with wild abandon at Salem, Loqtar and the whip itself.

AoO vs Loqtar [roll0] dam [roll]3d8+30]/roll] +1 bleed = If 31 confirms then 126 total damage
AoO vs Salem [roll1] dam [roll]3d8+30]/roll] +1 bleed

Attack vs Loqtar [roll2] dam [roll]3d8+30]/roll] +1 bleed
Attack vs Salem [roll3] dam [roll]3d8+30]/roll] +1 bleed
Attack vs Whip [roll4] dam [roll]3d8+30]/roll] +1 bleed
EDIT: Apologies, then all three of the basic attacks should be -1 to hit and damage from the str penalty

Damage rolls from OOC
Damage rolls
dam (3d8+30)[40]
dam (3d8+30)[45]
dam (3d8+30)[39]
dam (3d8+30)[48]
dam (3d8+30)[42]

2022-04-29, 05:17 PM
Salem paused to sidestep the cyclops' clumsy blows, staying too close for it to use its enormous weapon, before firing another thundering volley into it at point-blank range. "Die already you bastard," he swore, a syllable for each trigger pull.

Delay until the end of the good guys' turn, in case someone else kills it first, no need to eat an AOO.

Point Blank Shot, Deadly Aim, Spell Combat + Spellstrike with Arcane Mark, all vs Touch AC, etc.

Haste Attack: [roll0] To Hit, [roll1] Damage

Spellstrike Attack: [roll2] To Hit, [roll3] Damage

Rapid Shot Attack: [roll4] To Hit, [roll5] Damage

First Iterative: [roll6] To Hit, [roll7] Damage

Second Iterative: [roll8] To Hit, [roll9] Damage

Third Iterative: [roll10] To Hit, [roll11] Damage

Min damage on these hits if it passes the DC 19 Will Save.

2022-04-29, 09:20 PM

Thrax pulls his weapon free from the first Cyclops's corpse. "And I thought they smelt bad on the outside...." He crinkles his nose and rushes torwards the 2nd Cyclops.

Thrax will move right up to the Cyclops as close as he can get and attack. He'll likely end up eating an AoO.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

confirmed? [roll2]

(Not sure on the distance to the Cyclops, but if he needs to charge he will.)


HP: 275/352 -1 bleed / round
AC: 26 (27 -2 rage, +1 haste)

Come and Get me (enemies +4 to hit and damage vs Thrax)
Fire resist : 25

2022-05-02, 04:03 PM
Eincar grimaces, but had only begun, he was well into his rythm, but he had seen the beating Loqtar had taken, "Pull back, I will cover your retreat with a spell"

free: speak to Loqtar
free: 5ft step if needed
Immediate: will cast Breath of Life (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/breath-of-life/) on Loqtar if he gets hit anything. [roll0]

Full Attack (-4 Power Attack)





Eincar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2606425)
HP's: 197/242
AC: 32
T: 11 FF: 31
CMD: 27 FCMD: 26
Fort: 19 Ref: 10 Will: 21
Effects: Endure Elements, Stole of the Inheritor, DR 5/good & 3/-, Overwhelming aura of LG, bleed 4, Haste
Channel Energy: 7/9/day
Aura Flare: 1/1/day

2022-05-04, 12:43 PM
Although he can barely see for the sight of blood, Loqtar still stands. Some part of the back of his mind is crying for him to flee, to surrender. These foes are too great even for him, and he has rushed in like a fool. At his back, he hears Eincar calling for a retreat to heal his wounds, but the half-orc grinds his teeth together in steadfast determination.

"If the charging is done / and the battle is won," comes the next refrain alongside a storm of sword slashes, "then the champions will rest / having passed the last test."

Loqtar is standing his ground. He'll take a 5 ft step in and then full attack!

Attack 1: for [roll1] damage and [roll2] electricity damage (Crit Confirm [roll3])

Attack 2: [roll4] for [roll5] damage and [roll6] electricity damage (Crit Confirm [roll7])

Attack 3: [roll8] for [roll9] damage and [roll10] electricity damage (Crit Confirm [roll11])

Attack 4: [roll12] for [roll13] damage and [roll14] electricity damage (Crit Confirm (1d20+16)
Loqtar, the Storm Foretold (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2604993)
Male Chaotic Good Half-Orc Skald (Fated Champion), Level 16, Init 11, HP 32/288, DR 4/-, Speed 30 ft
AC 22, Touch 13, Flat-footed 19, CMD 32, Fort 22, Ref 12, Will 19, CMB +20/+15/+10, Base Attack Bonus 12/7/2
+1 (+4) Shock Cold Iron Greatsword +26/+21/+16 (2d6+14 plus 1d6 elec, 17-20x2)
Raging Song +29/+24/+19 (2d6+19 plus 2d6 elec, 17-20x2)
Celestial Armor (+9 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 16, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 18
Condition None
Active Buffs Raging Song (+6 Str/+6 Con, Fast Healing 6, Fly 60 ft), Haste (additional attack, +1 attack rolls, AC, Ref)

2022-05-04, 01:52 PM
Loqtar is rocked as a massive glaive blade impales him through the chest leaving a hole clear through the skald in a devastating blow as he coughs up blood and gore. The cyclops, fiendish and brutal swings and slices its blade, its glaive lashing out Thrax as he comes rocketing in for an attack. Then its just a sheer blood splattering display if savagery as Loqtar wades in with his blade, chopping massive chunks off the creature even as THrax arrives like Thunder.

Finally Eincar steps in, his long blade lashing out taking the cyclops in the throat as it topples following THrax hacking into its knees... As the pair of creatures lie dead in the street you can see other lesser demons, strange planar beasts and despicable corrupted mortals all vanishing, slinking down the maze of alleys or caves that form tis section of hideous Ivory maze.

AoO vs Thrax [roll0] dam [roll1] +1 bleed

2022-05-04, 03:10 PM
Eincar was panting, his stigmata flowing freely, he quickly cast another spell, uttering a prayer to his deity.

Once the bleeding stops, he pulls out a wand, and begins to administer to the others, starting with Loqtar.

"Well, that was fun. Are to expect fights like that everywhere we go?" he knows the answer, but wanted to express his sardonic view of the situation.

Spontaneously Maximized Cure Critical wounds (using Planar Adaptation and Faith Healing to maximize) for 45 hp's

Eincar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2606425)
HP's: 238/242
AC: 32
T: 11 FF: 31
CMD: 27 FCMD: 26
Fort: 19 Ref: 10 Will: 21
Effects: Endure Elements, Stole of the Inheritor, DR 5/good & 3/-, Overwhelming aura of LG
Channel Energy: 7/9/day
Aura Flare: 1/1/day

2022-05-05, 11:17 PM
"Only if we're made," Salem muttered as he checked and cycled his gun's action with fluid, practiced motion. "Then again, I doubt anyone here'll be eager to try something after those two tried it and found out. Once we're back in shape let's see if we can find someone more helpful."

2022-05-05, 11:36 PM

Thrax sneers at bodies. "I hope more try - us to be honest." Thrax leers at small demon peaking into the road.

He looks over the weapons the Cyclops' carried and concludes they are too large to take, barely. He cleaned off his blade. "Someone want to check the bodies for anything useful?" He sounded doubtful.

As Thrax is healed up, he thanks the cleric for his assistance.

2022-05-06, 07:21 PM
Lucent sighs, and lets the spell on his lips flutter out. "Finding someone cooperative is likely to prove difficult, but not impossible. Simply walking the streets may give us some manner of opportunity, as it is bound to draw out the curious."

2022-05-10, 04:34 PM
As the heroes of Iomedae stand in the "street" the smaller demons and mortals avoid you and duck back into the caves and caverns that comprise the mining town. Its Thrax as he glares at them that notices a small horned demon of some kind, a figure like some of partially scaled satyr with twisted black horns who gazes at you all wiyth a particular piercing gaze before gesturing to you in a clear "I mean no harm" gesture as he shows his empty hands, a large axe like cleaver wedged in his belt so not ready for battle.

It hesitates waiting for a nod or affirmative response that it may approach

2022-05-12, 11:55 PM
"Oi, you. You wanna talk?" Salem waved the Satyr over with one hand, his other still on his musket. He repeated the question in Abyssal for good measure. "Nice and slow."

2022-05-13, 01:25 PM
Eincar keeps a wary eye, but otherwise does nothing to stop the interested party "Perhaps we should move this to a more private locale?"

Eincar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2606425)
HP's: 238/242
AC: 32
T: 11 FF: 31
CMD: 27 FCMD: 26
Fort: 19 Ref: 10 Will: 21
Effects: Endure Elements, Stole of the Inheritor, DR 5/good & 3/-, Overwhelming aura of LG
Channel Energy: 7/9/day
Aura Flare: 1/1/day

2022-05-14, 07:09 AM
The little fiendish satyr nods and beckons to Eincar and Salem and gestures to a small hovel strapped onto the side of the towering cliff face. As you approach you can see indie is squalor and filth. Three half finished carvings in stone of a series of demonic looking woman carved into black and red streaked basalt from the waist up with scales, a clawed hand and long horns stand in the midst of stone chips and masons tools. A full length painting of the woman with white hair and a scar down one side of her face and the name "Nualia" lies in one corner of the room.

The satyr pats the nearest stone bust happily and picks up one of the chisels, the bone handle worn from use as it caresses it for comfort, clearly intimidated by the might of the heroes standing in front of it. "I am Yggreck, I am a thrall of the great Orengofta. He is a dealer of information, a Prince of the Plane and one who would could aid in what you seek. Assuming that is you seek the inheritor's child? Her herald taken in pique by the Horned one and now that very action invites destruction of this realm that the mighty Orengofta calls home". The demonic satyr looks at each of, "My master has bid me take you to him. It is not far to one of his gates. Will you come?"

As it speaks many of the group can hear the fear and terror in its voice, its clearly in great fear for its life, but there is a grain of truth in what it says and as far as anyone can tell its telling the truth (or at its understanding of gthe situation).

2022-05-14, 11:20 AM
Lucent looks to the goatlike demon, "Perhaps, do you know anything else about your master's ambitions in this matter?"

Kplanes check on Orengofta [roll0]
Ooh, nice, nat 20

2022-05-20, 12:01 AM
"A 'Prince of the Plane' could be King, if he plays his cards right. Isn't that so? Seems to me his servants should be helpful—with information, at the very least."

2022-05-20, 12:01 PM
Lucent considers the name Orengofta. A powerful and massively powerful Nalfeshnee Orengofta does not serve Baphomet instead it sees itself as one of the keepers and tenders to this particular corner of the Abyss-a groundskeeper, of sorts. Lucent knows that the demon is powerful and has rivalled Baphomet but will no doubt worry that the kidnapping of the Herald may bring a war of the heavens to the great maze, something that this layer of the Abyss may not be able to survive. A treacherous beast with a notable greedy strike and overweaning pride Lucent can see that there may be truth in its desire to get the Herald out of the Abyss and destablise Baphomet in doing so.

The small goat like demon grins a sly smile. "The Great Prince of the Golden Sword wishes to see your glowing herald returned. he would seek the hand of Iomedae cast out so as not to draw a war and devastation to the Ivory Labyrinth. He may be willing to offer some help in where the prison is if you would but speak with him..." The small satyr demon offers a hand. "If you formma ring and take my hand I can take you to the throne room of the great Orengofta. But ware... he is a Prince of Demons and deserves the respect as such."

Do you agree to teleport to the Nalfenshee's chambers?

2022-05-20, 10:21 PM
Lucent steps back towards the others and lowers his voice, "Obviously I will not state that we can trust this. However I would say the odds that this is a legitimate offer are reasonably high. Orengofta is often at odds with Baphomet and is more concerned with the preservation of this realm than the minotaur lord's ambitions. I can certainly see him wanting the herald cast out of this place before there is more trouble than just the sort we bring."

"Bear in mind that if there is treachery it will not be an easy affair to deal with, nalfeshnee are very powerful, and this one may be the strongest here by a wide margin."

2022-05-21, 06:18 PM

"Might be wise to cast a couple beneficial spells just in case things go south. I can keep my mouth shut but I'm not groveling to anyone. If things do go south little one, you'll be 'first'. " Thrax winks. Thrax moves towards the little demon thing and gets ready to offer up his hand when/if the others agree.

2022-05-25, 04:42 PM
Eincar looked sour, he merely stood there with arms crossed over his breastplate and a deep frown upon his brow. "I do not like this one bit." he says to no one in particular. "I am with my strong friend here." he motions to Thrax "but this is why we came, so be it." he steps toward the goat headed demon.

Eincar (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2606425)
HP's: 238/242
AC: 32
T: 11 FF: 31
CMD: 27 FCMD: 26
Fort: 19 Ref: 10 Will: 21
Effects: Endure Elements, Stole of the Inheritor, DR 5/good & 3/-, Overwhelming aura of LG
Channel Energy: 7/9/day
Aura Flare: 1/1/day

2022-05-26, 09:01 AM
There are a few moments of negotiation before you join hands in a ring and with a crack of dislpaced air the little demonic satyr teleports you to a new location within the great maze. The room you stumble into is like a vast ballroom. The ceiling of this white marble throne room rises sixty feet above, and is supported by numerous thick ivory pillars. Doors are set in the walls here and there, and at the far end rises a pair of balconies. One of these hosts two large statues of a goat-headed demon, while the other supports an immense ivory throne.

Atop the thronw is a massive and ferocious looking Nalfenshee, a gleaming sword of gold clutched in his hand as he surveys the scene. As well as the golden sword he wears a heavy necklace of humanoid skulls and a strange golden crown.


The snarling Nalfenshee is not alone in the throne room. By his side are a pair of the strange fly faced Coluxus demaons, one waving him with a great palm frond and the other with a large sheaf of paper taking notes of of what his master says. Arrayed in a semi-circle around you on small benches or standing are a dozen more middling demons, from a snarling babu dripping acid garbed in a red cloak to a pair of succubi lying on a chaise lounge in a strikingly provocative outfits. In amongst the middling demons and half fien mortals you can see several lowly tielfings wearing chains or dretches with trays balanced on their heads serving the "great" of Orengofta's court.

The massive Nalfenshee rises, power virtually dripping from its throne as you realise this is indeed a prince amongst the demons it speaks in a gruff voice, its voice twisted by the massive tusks jutting from its maw. The words cut through the shrieks and bays for "death to the mortals" from its lesser demons of the court.

Ahh... so you are the Inheritor’s lapdogs. You seem a little out of place in this town. Normally, I wouldn’t bother with the likes of you, but the reason you’re here disturbs me. I do not condone any act that endangers Mother Abyss, and the abduction of a goddess’s favorite pet does just this. You are here to correct this situation, and I would see you do it, for the alternative is not something I wish to contemplate. I do not condone Baphomet’s actions, but neither do I wish to work directly against them. For me, the faster you finish this quest, the better. I take it the same would be true for you, yes?”

2022-05-26, 09:45 PM
Lucent takes a short but respectful bow to the Nalfeshnee lord, "That is correct great one. We have no desire to disturb this place any longer or any more than is necessary to retrieve the herald and depart. What is it that you had in mind?"

2022-05-27, 10:22 AM
Loqtar emulates Lucent's bow, though he is careful not to take his eyes off of the nalfeshnee's weapons or crown. There is still in him that inimical call, that urge for violence, yet the skald channels it instead into holding a rigid pose.

"Although we are servants of Heaven, our purposes are one in this," the half-orc intones, "see to our safe passage, and we will depart in bliss." The assumption is not much of a leap, as indirect aid is often a secret passage through any number of castles. It's the traitor's way, to use a borrowed blade to their advantage, and he expects nothing less from a spawn of 'Mother Abyss'.

2022-05-28, 11:23 AM
The massive huge Nalfenshee atop his dais laughts a heart laugh at the words from THrax and Lucent, one echoed by the two coluxuxs sycophants that flank him. Others in the courtroom also laugh and the air is filled with discordant screeching and laughing of a dozen demons and half fiends. Orengofta grins cruelly before speaking once more, "I would have you taken as prisoners to the Ineluctable Prison. There ones as mighty as you can escape and seek the herald from the inside and so end Baphome's foolish gambit that may bring ruin to this layer of of the abyss that I so treasure." he guffaws again, a chorus of "a bold plan..... a great plan..... only one such as you great Orengofta could be so gifted..." from the various demons in the court.

"I will take you as prisoners to the prison, hand you to the guards and then once inside you can free your precious herald and leave this plan never to return. If you return you shall die and a slow and infinitely painful death." he snarls and waits to see what they say

he is lying, you suspect he means to trade you to Baphomet for the Herald

2022-05-28, 12:58 PM
"Not to question your plan great one, but you wish to avoid being involved in this affair yes? Would it not be more prudent along those lines to simply provide information we can make use of rather than have your name tied to an escape?"

2022-06-06, 10:21 AM
The nalfenshee rears up in rage at Lucent's impudence. "You impudent mortal. You cannot know the torments in the Ineluctable prison nor its defences. The gates are secured against all keys and only the Mother Worm's bile can eat through it. Nothing else will suffice. I am the Prince here and you shall do my bidding you pathetic tiny worms...". The court stpes back, some flexing claws, pincers or baring fangs. Others glancing at the doors, clearly intimidated by the ferocity of the mortals in their midst

Are you agreeing to Orfengasta's Plan or saying no?

2022-06-08, 01:03 PM

"A generous offer, your ..umm.. Prince-ness. Disarming ourselves sounds like a bad idea. I mean if the herald can't free themselves, I'm not sure we would fair much better. This Mother Worm, is this a real thing we can kill or bargain with or just a metaphor?" Thrax asks.

Thrax bristled at being called a worm but bit his tongue. Thrax's eyes begin to wandered as he picks out and designates targets and a kill order in his mind for everything in the room. He was confident a fight would mean certain death but he planned to take as much with him as he could.

2022-06-18, 01:27 AM
The massive Nalfenshee laughs to itself, a massive chuckling roar that sends it blubbery belly rolling and rippling in great rolls of fat. The Prince of Pig Demons laughs at Thrax, spittle splashing as far as the barbarian and the acrid liquid stinking

”You, a worm, a mewling mortal would kill the Mother Worm” it howls ””It is a thing of flesh, mindless destruction and unending appetite. If you seek an death melting in acidic pain than you may try, then when the shattered remains of you and your pathetic lovers return you can do as I want.”

He continues to laugh as the court of demons also cackles and laughs in derision at you. The lesser demons that you would sweep aside effortlessly emboldened now to mock you

2022-06-24, 08:40 PM

"We seem to be wasting the great Prince's time. I fear we will fail our mission brothers, apparently a simple extraction is impossible - we were sent on a fool's errand. The Heavens made a mistake. The prison is impregnable apparently."

"If the prison can't be breached on the outside with weapons, it surely can't be breached from the inside with out weapons. "

" I see no other option then to recommend to the heavenly host they consider a full invasion. Many will be lost, but if we establish a beachhead, it will be easier to journey further into the lands around the prison."

Thrax announces to the group.

He looks around the chamber. "Actually this might be a good base for the archeons..."

"We'll like want to hold the entrance to this plane and its surround lands until reinforcements are sent." he suggests to the group.

"Mighty Prince, I know this realm is vast, you may wish to move your court and your ... your... underlings to a more secure location. I can tell you respect them, you openly plot with the servants of the heavens in front of them - and you seem to have no fear any will sell you out. I thought all demons were untrustworthy but clearly your court is more noble. Thank you for your hospitality."

"We should likely go" Thrax says to the group.

2022-07-02, 09:48 AM
At the words of attempted tact from the barbarian Thrax the mighty Nalfenshee looks almost apoplectic with rage and bellows loudly in a garbled voice that is unintelligible but his motivation is clear as dark energy begins to gather around him and his throne. In the crowd behind you some of demons look like they may be spoiling for a fight, others look like they'll fleeing in terror at the sheer level of powers about to be unleashed.

The throne room is massive and ornate and well lit by strange multi-hued ribbons of colour flickering across the ceiling some 40ft above you. Its ~300ft long and 80ft wide. You are ~250ft from the dooble doors at the back and 50ft from the raised dais where on a 20ft tall cube of marble Orengofta squats atop his throne flanked by two of the Coluxus demons (the fly headed ones).

A few servants mill about near you but are beneath contempt (< CR3) and some 30ft behind you is the masses of his court. Of them a pair of tough looking babau's with heavy blades on their back and dozens of mortal scalps around their necks look ready for a rumble, as does a hellcat languishing atop a silken sofa. The rest, mostly minor demons or mortal followers look like they are readying to flee via teleportation or on foot. The demonic satyr that brought you here drops to its knees by THrax and Loqtar

Initiative Order

Loqtar / THrax
Salem / Eincar / Lucent

2022-07-07, 12:42 PM

Thrax stands his ground and draws his weapon. He stays close to the others ready to slash away at anything that approaches.

He flashes his angry teeth at anything that dares approach.

"Time to go ?" he asks no one in particular.

Thrax will ready an action to attack anything that gets in reach.

He'll stay close to the team in case they want to cast any buffs or teleport the group out.

2022-07-09, 07:35 PM
"Indeed, gather close please," Lucent reaches out to touch the others, casting a spell when they do so.

If there is no interference in time, he will cast a spell wrapping around his companions, and pulling them away. The destination? A flowery embankment by a quiet stream, on Lucent's personal demiplane.

2022-07-11, 04:32 AM
The demons explode into action, most pulling out weapons, several teleporting away. The massive Hellcat vanishes from view as invisibility sheathes it whilst the pair of Coluxus demons atop the stage unveil their magics. One speeding up time as its haste effects washes over the demonic forces (well, at least the ones that aren't fleeing) and the other also goes invisible, a loud buzz filling the air. In the throne Orengofta draws out his massive golden sword (solid gold,, not plated you realise) and the blade ignites with hell fire as an aura of blazing demonic power erupts around him,

Coluxus demons x 2: Once casts Hastes, one casts invisbility
Hellcat: Casts Improved invisibilty and gets up
Orengofta: draws and ignites his hell blade and casts a quickened SPA Unholy aura
4 fiendish mortals (look like warriors) - Stand up from where they had been sat in the court, draw their weapons

However even as the demons move to swarm you Lucent is fast to reach out and with a puff of brimstone you all stagger into a wide flowery meadow beside which flows a small stream....

2022-07-11, 04:25 PM
Lucent sighs and smiles at the peaceful scene, "Well now, it is good to be home, especially after such an unpleasant location. I can return us to the beginning of the labyrinth right away if you wish, but I would perhaps suggest we rest up first and begin again fresh. This place is safe, and there's plenty of fruit growing here."

The demiplane is a few hundred paces across in a circle, with a home built at one edge and a stream which endlessly runs from one edge to the other amidst various sorts of plant life. Various insects and small animals can be seen, including a black and white cat sitting nearby and quietly judging the intruders.

"It is a shame that potential temporary partnership fell through, though we did gain some valuable information. This mother worm's secretions can burn through the defenses of the prison. Perhaps Iomedai had some inkling that such a thing would be necessary when she granted us the Chalice of Ozem, it should be able to carry that caustic fluid"

2022-07-15, 02:47 AM

"Huh..I hadn't made that connection. They could have been a bit more forthright about it all..." Thrax mused. He playfully swatted at a vicious butterfly.

"If and when we go back there we should be prepared for an ambush. Maybe have some buffs running. Invisibility seems to be a popular tactic. " He observed.

2022-07-15, 03:44 AM
The respite on Lucent's demiplane is pleasant. Especially the open sky compared to the ever present oppressive nature of the Ivory Labyrinth. Lucent is aware that if you planeshift back you will once more be shunted into a "welcome courtyard" by the obscure rules and mutable rules of the abysaal layer. As they consider what to di in the meadow Lucent realises that he has heard tales of the Father of Worms, or more accurately fragments of Legends in the tattered edges of books on Demonology. Such a creature does indeed exist, dwelling at the heart of the Lightless Maze. As Lucent recalls tales of a powerful nightcrawler known as the Father of Worms, said to have risen from the corpse of a long-forgotten demon lord who once ruled the realm that was eventually claimed, transformed, and replaced by Baphomet. The ancient tales were vague but all spoke of the beast being corrosive and melting even the weapon's of the Gods themselves, along with the ususal powers of ancient undead worms like the freezing and soul sapping breath weapons and their ability to summon shadows of evil....

With the clues Lucent wonders if they may be able to track down the beast in the high reaches of the mountains... Or they could instead try and track down the entrance to the ineluctable prison.

2022-07-15, 06:57 AM
"In case of an ambush, we will have to be ready to teleport elsewhere in the plane the moment we arrive. I can do it, unless wards against teleportation have been placed at the entrance. Then we'll have no choice but to force a breakout before teleporting. Where should we go once we arrive?"

2022-07-15, 08:29 AM
"Stupid plane," grumbles Loqtar. The skald has taken to pacing the green and humming incomprehensible half-bars before giving up on each verse. Each aborted attempt elicits a further grunt of obvious frustration. "It's all traps and betrayals and dead ends."

The half-orc does pause when Lucent mentions the Chalice and the super-venom. "If we can get our hands on enough of that stuff, we can cut through the knots and make our way to the heart of the Prison. Lucent, do you know a way we can collect enough secretions?
We should probably head that way first." Loqtar looks down at his sword for a moment. "That should give us time to talk about our tactics."

The skald shakes his head. "I'll admit, the way I've been charging in has not been working well. I've been too focused on finishing the fights quickly that I've been asking a lot of the rest of you, pulling valuable healing resources. That's not the way a good team member should act. Lucent, if you can conjure more of your friends early on, I can inspire them and provide the rest of you with some magical assistance. Thrax, you've been great at handling the enemies up close, so I will follow your lead and engage only after you have already done so. I only have a few spells that will last more than a minute or two, but the ones I have, I will dispense of so that all can use."

Right before we teleport back into the Abyss, Loqtar will cast Grand Destiny (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/g/grand-destiny/) on Thrax and Lucent and use his Rod of Lesser Extend Spell to cast Extended Mirror Image on himself.

2022-07-20, 05:01 AM
THe heroes assemble once more and ready to return to the Ivory Labyrinth. Again as (Lucent?) casts the spells to shift them in the planes you all feel a pull in the pits of your stomachs as your are dragged into the maze. With a thud you land in a cloud of moss and splashes of water anorther courtyard opens up around, the 100ft wide plaza this time covered above with a tangled mass of heavy trees and undergrowth that nevertheless exude a sickly green pall. The ground here is swamp like, maybe 6" deep and lumps and moss covered stones and hummocks are scattered in the broad plaza. The buzz of insects is constant and you can see to the "north", "east" and "west" openings in the thicks banks of tree trunks and razor sharp thorny bushes that form the walls here...


THere is a splash from the southern wall, where a large mound of shattered wood and plant matter has been made and then a scaled thing with red mist crawls free, the fiendish crocodile is enormous, a thing of legend some 30ft long you would estimate, and its voice hits your minds. "Food, supplicants or something else.... itt says in a slow hissing tone via telepathy. "If you can placate me with a suitable gift I will not claim one or two of your souls as food for my trouble..."

2022-07-28, 08:59 PM
"I wonder what kind of gift may be suitable," Salem deadpanned out loud. He made ready to teleport away, but waited for his companions' moves rather than acting unilaterally.

Salem can cast Teleport to take us away if we decide not to fight.