View Full Version : IC - Stars Without Number: Unknown Space

2022-03-20, 03:45 AM
OOC Thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?643710-OOC-Stars-Without-Number-Unknown-Space&p=25399408)

The six days of spike-drilling was finally over, with a gut-surging sensation (like when you drop over the peak of a rollercoaster, by comparison. that rush into the stomach sensation), the starship you're all on returns to normal space right at the correct system translation point. So far so good.

It was a blessing that a gruff, older ship's Engineer and Navigation Expert had been found and chosen for this ship, because that meant a lot safer travel.
Once every ship of the full 4 ship flotilla arrived (your ship which also has the primary diplomat team on it), including a refueling tanker and a marine carrier-frigate among others, the whole convoy of ships headed for the planet that was learned the Locals call 'Junos Null' - the only habitable world in the system.

Quickly passing what looks like an old pre-scream refueling station (a station which sends an automatic contact message of fuel still being in stores and the costs for a refueling). It seems to have retained functionality as the early scouts about 20 years prior had made mention of when initial exploration of the system had happened - most likely the station is an automated station, seeing as the locals have yet to return to space travel.

The more eye catching of 'items' in the system is the vast-sized Shipyard that still retains it's far-orbit around Junos Null. It's deceptively huge, since it just keeps on growing and growing in the viewscreens and camfeeds, just like the planet itself was as the diplomatic convoy of ships approached Junos Null.

It'll take about 2 days for the ships to reach the planet.... so for now, everyone are free to do whatever they'd like - be it getting to know someone else now that the disturbing sensation of FTL travel is over and done with, do some weapon polishing, talking with the diplomats, etc. etc.

Persons of note are the trio of diplomats:
Albert Usenki - an elderly man of 67 years of age. He's got a very welcoming demeanor and is rumored to have come from a made-it-rich familyline that had managed to remain active even post-scream.
Jeremiah Singh - a younger man of 20 years of age - he is present and represents the current 'generation' so to speak, being trained and prepared since he was 15 for the job of interstellar diplomat. He takes his job very seriously and does not have much time for fools or people wanting to be overly familiar with him.
Victoria Loch - a pre-30s woman (she's been rather unforthcoming with the specifics of that age) woman that was born into status and wealth, along with a marriage and expectation of such a position. She is not the most talkative of people, but she has been seen giving in to a talk here and there with the odd crew member either during meal hours, or in passing in the hallways of the ship.

Beyond those 3 is a few shipscrewmembers worth of note:
Chief Engineer Paul Faulkner. A man in his 40s who seem to have a natural affinity for spike drives and how to keep the rides smooth and relatively safe.
Navigation Officer Adrian Wilkins. A man of 27 who comes from a long line of spike-drilling navigators. He is quite affable and approachable when not mid-FTL since his job and duty on-ship is more or less nothing until such a time that another Spike-Drilling is required.

You each have your own bunk and 3meter-square room, wall closets, a small desk, etc. for your accomedations. Sparse yes, but what would you expect when it comes to spaceships.

Old Overholt
2022-03-22, 12:03 AM
Sitting in the cafeteria well after those on the current active duty shift finished their first meal of the day before taking their posts, Xela sat alone at a long table, a tray of untouched food in front of her. There was nothing distasteful about the food - the ship was feeding diplomats after all. Seasoned sausages, onions, and peppers. Sliced critic fruit was a notable tang. A classic Egirian rye bread with a semi-sweet butter that had been ever so slightly drizzled over it. None of this seemed to appeal to Xela.

Instead, she sat at the table, her elbows buried into the hard, utilitarian metal surface, her forehead pressed firmly into the palms of her hands with her fingers splayed. Her bony fingers scratched softly and methodically at her forehead, parting the hairs as they massaged her scalp. Her raven-black hair was a mixture of thin, loose locks and several braids of varying thickness - all of them hanging just below her shoulder blades.

She wore the mission issued and approved royal blue fatigues of support personnel. The Diplomatic Corp had spared no expense in keeping up appearances. The color was specially chosen to convey a sense of trust and peace. A hotly debated logo Egiria with the flotilla in orbit was embroidered onto the left breast of the pocketed top along with the crewman's last name. In her case, "Chapman". She had rolled up and buttoned the sleeves to expose her forearms and left a few buttons loose on the front, exposing a white tank top underneath. Interestingly enough, her standard issue black boots were sitting under the bench. Her bare feet were crossed at the ankles, the tips of her toes barely pressing into the floor.

She let out soft groan, as if suffering a headache.

Bunny Commando
2022-03-22, 07:57 AM
Kenzo Gabriel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2596765)


Until now, the travel has been rather uneventful for Dr. Gabriel: crew is well trained and that means fewer accidents, the most work he has done so far has been administering antiemetics to some crewmembers that have reacted poorly to returning to STL travel after the Spike-Drilling. Not that he has complained about the boring routine with anyone onboard, especially not with the rest of the team - he has talked with some of them at times, but always kept his distance and never really tried to have anything than the most superficial conversation.

The second shift has been over for a while now, but the customary change-of-shift report in the Medical Bay takes usually longer and so Kenzo is late to grab a much needed bite; when he strolls in the cafeteria, he seems a bit taken aback by the presence of someone else, half-expecting the DFAC to be empty at this time of day. Moreover, he actually knows the person currently sitting at one of the tables and frowns at the obvious discomfort she's showing; he seems to mull something over for a couple of moments, throws a glance first at the door and then at Xela herself but the internal conflict is quickly over, the thought of approaching Xela having won over the one that would've preferred a quick getaway.

"Ms. Chapman." he greets the other crewmember with formality, doesn't wait to be greeted in return and quickly follows with a question "Are you in need of medical attention?" Kenzo asks with a rather professional tone, visually inspecting Xela in search of clues of her current condition - might be the usual post-FTL syndrome, might be not.

Old Overholt
2022-03-22, 08:26 AM
Upon hearing her name called, Xela slowly lifted her head out of her hands to look up at Kenzo as he greeted her. Her eyes were glossy and her honey-colored complexion was noticeably more pale. Yes, she was clearly exhibiting signs consistent with post-FTL syndrome. She mustered a flicker of a smile before her face returned to something more miserable. Resting her elbows, she lowered her hands so that her left forearm crossed over her right. She swallowed heavily, as if gulping something down, before acknowledging him in a beleaguered voice. "Doctor Gabriel," she replied at first, choosing her words carefully thereafter as the might cause her harm. "I don't know how they get used to this," Xela added. "I thought the gravity generator was bad, but this..." She had tried to tough it out. Anyone that had seen her previously knew she was having difficulty adjusting before they had even spiked.

Sorry - not trying to jump anyone. Figured I'd just throw in something quick to give Bunny something to react to before we all just starting falling into the same room or splitting up.

Bunny Commando
2022-03-22, 09:47 AM
Kenzo Gabriel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2596765)


Kenzo sits at the table as well, legs crossed, and politely nods to Xela - he doesn't seem exceedingly interested in her words or empathetic to her condition, but at least he's not dismissive of her affliction; he retrieves a bioscanner from the chest pocket of his fatigues and talks to Xela in the somber, professional tone one might associate with a healthcare provider "Your symptoms are consistent with PFS - post-FTL syndrome, it is usually treated with antihistamines rather successfully. Before administration, I would however like to perform a scan." he clears his throat, checks the surroundings and then goes back to Xela "Be informed that the results of the scan are going to be used to provide you with better care and are subject to medical confidentiality."
After a short pause that one might find even dramatic, he keeps going with the speech "I could also ascertain if your current condition is going to worsen in the near future through the use of psionic talents. As for the scan, whatever information I might retrieve will be subject to medical confidentiality." he then slightly nods to Xela "Ms. Chapman, please tell me if you consent and most importantly, to what you consent."

Old Overholt
2022-03-23, 09:41 AM
Xela narrowed her eyes at Kenzo as he sat across from her, her mouth slightly ajar - the expression one of having difficulty understanding as opposed to any sort of ill-will or annoyance. She sat that way for a few quiet seconds before then blinking heavily and saying, "Yeah, sure - I consent. Prod, poke, whatever you need to do to make this go away." Sitting a bit more upright, she unfolded her arms and places her forearms on the table so that her hands were pointed in Kenzo's direction but halfway across the plane, her palms flat against the surface. She licked her lips and swallowed again, trying to fight back the symptoms of whatever was plaguing her. She joked casually as both of themselves prepared for the scan, "Go ahead and tell me if these folks on Junos are going to make me queen while you're at it." The thought of someone using their psychic abilities, with her as a subject, didn't seem to bother her in this particular use case - the woman seeming to have some confidence in the doctor's capability.

2022-03-23, 02:48 PM
Nerissa is standing on the other side of the door as it slides open. She steps through, all five feet of her jumpsuit-clad self. She skips, seemingly in a great mood. "Ah, the wonders of space travel! Never gets old," she says to no one in particular as she snags a tray. She loads it up with a surprisingly large amount of food, and finds a good spot next to Xela and Kenzo. "You alright there?" she asks. "Not so used to space travel yet, eh?"

She wolfs down her meal, and once half the food is gone, leans back a moment. She takes her metatool from a pocket and fiddles with it a bit, eliciting a spark from the handle. "Yipes!" she yelps out, as the spark shocks her. "Word of advice-when you're fiddling with these, make sure you reprogram the tools properly. That was supposed to be a knife. On the front end. Not a rear-ended arc welder."

Bunny Commando
2022-03-23, 04:23 PM
Kenzo Gabriel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2596765)


"Ms. Roubis." Kenzo greets Nerissa politely but with little warmth - as with anyone else, Kenzo keeps her at arm's length. Besides he's fidgeting with the bioscanner, mumbling pensively here and there "Hm. Hm. Ah, just as I thought." while nodding at himself like whatever the scan has revealed, it is definitely interesting and worthy of his utmost attention. When he has finished the scan, less than ten seconds at most, he raises his eyes to gaze at Xela with a pretty unamused look at her attempt of a joke.

"Take one of these now, another one in six hours. If symptoms persist, come to Medical and we'll try a different therapy." Kenzo says while laying a couple of stimms on the table, right in front of Xela "Better postpone the other...'exam'. I'll inform you if anything of interest arises. I do advise however to not ask about future events unrelated to your medical condition - it is rarely conducive of a positive outcome." and that said, he gives Xela a little smile that seems a bit forced - one might very well believe that Kenzo doesn't have much in the way of bedside manners, even though he does seem to take his job quite seriously. Seriously enough that when Nerissa yelps, he gives her a half-concerned, half-baffled look "Ms. Roubis. Are you in need of medical attention?"

2022-03-23, 04:57 PM
"Nah, nah. I get little things like that all the time," she says. She shows the doctor her only slightly-burnt wrist, and he can see many other small nicks, scrapes, and burns-someone clearly has a habit of tinkering without thinking things through. "And don't mind me-go ahead and do your 'exam', Doctor, if you know what I mean," she adds, waggling her eyebrows suggestively.

2022-03-24, 09:30 AM
And that's been another Frank Word with your loyal host Francis Logos. Francis Logos flicked a switch on his compad to stop the recording. He pushed his chair back from the modest sized desk/table in his chambers and reached a hand out to Albert Usenki still sitting in the opposite chair. Thank you so much for your time Sir. My subscribers will love hearing of your family's rich history and interesting past. As much as this journey is about the future of Ergria I feel it is vital for us to remember and honor our past, correct. Francis moved quickly around to help the elderly man out of the low chair. Would you care to join me for a midday meal in the mess hall? I haven't eaten since we came out of FTL and my stomach just now seems settled enough for food.

2022-03-24, 11:07 PM
A certain Ensign Browning is walking through the mess when he hears familiar voices and shudders. The last thing he wants to do after the week he's had is meet Albert Usenki and find out how disappointed the nice old man must be in him. He veers left and sets himself down at a quieter table just in time to hear Nerissa make her joke.

"That might not be the best idea," Victor says. "Even the more careful Precogs I know could have pretty spectacularly bad effects on the future. Besides, wouldn't it just be boring?"

2022-03-25, 08:57 AM
Nerissa laughs, a bright, warm sound. "Come on, I'm sure that it'll be worth doing. You never reread a book you like? It'll be like that," she says. "Besides, the good gentleman can help the lady feel her best. Isn't that what doctors do?" she adds with a little nudge of her elbow at Kenzo.

"But how you doing, Victor?" she asks. "You look a lil' worried. Everything alright?"

Bunny Commando
2022-03-26, 08:43 AM
Kenzo Gabriel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2596765)


"Ensign." the way the precog greets people, while polite, lacks a true welcoming tone; sure, these people might be his team, but it's quite apparent there's little camaraderie in Kenzo. How he talks, how he acts, how he moves show caution and waryness, like he's afraid of something. That's why he meets the playful nudge of Nerissa with a puzzled look and an answer straight out of some corporate orientation speech "Yes, my primary concern is the well-being of the people I'm responsible for." nodding slightly, before adding with a little concern "I wouldn't know about 'boring', but using my talents outside the medical needs on those in my care raises numerous ethical questions; I try to do that as little as possible and only if there's a real need." he then looks away and sighs "Hopefully, such need won't arise during our current mission."

2022-03-26, 09:38 AM
"Wow. You're boring," Nerissa says. "Is that a doctor thing, a precog thing, or a mixture of the two?"

I don't know what kind of check would be appropriate to read the intent behind Nerissa's words, so I'll just stick the intent in this here spoiler and let anyone who thinks their PC should know, know.

Nerissa's definitely being humorous about this-she doesn't intend it to be insulting. But she's also got a touch of concern, for the doctor's happiness.

Bunny Commando
2022-03-27, 01:02 PM
Kenzo Gabriel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2596765)


"Wow. You're boring," Nerissa says. "Is that a doctor thing, a precog thing, or a mixture of the two?"

The precog freezes for a moment when Nerissa seems to taunt him, then again throws her a puzzled look like he has troubles identifying the intentions behind her words; that's why when he finally gives the other crewmember an answer, he does so in a safe and prudent way - he definitely keeps something close to his chest, unwilling to share it with the others "I wouldn't know. It has never been a problem before this assignment, though." that said, he slightly nods to Nerissa and than moves his gaze elsewhere.

Old Overholt
2022-03-28, 09:02 AM
Xela took one of the stims offered to here and examines it for a moment or two. She seemed familiar with the application, but either cautious or skeptical. Either way, after a few quiet seconds, she administered the first dose. As the antihistamine entered her blood stream quickly and effectively, she shuddered a bit as her system accepted the chemicals before relaxing. Setting the used stim along with the others and sliding them into a neat pile to her right, she looked back to Kenzo and mouthed the words, "Thanks." - apparently not wanting to interrupt the conversation he was having with Nerissa and Victor. Anyone watching Xela could see the color starting to return to her skin and the woman looking a little less uneasy.

Her eyes wandered to her food as her stomach seemed to be settling and her appetite started to creep back. She still didn't seem ready yet to indulge in food, but the thought of consuming something didn't repulse her. "So, did you go to one of those special schools for your psychic gifts?" she inquires, eyes returning to Kenzo before looking in Nerissa's direction, probably indicating an attempt to follow-up on the other's inquiry. "Did you do your medical training there too, or was that completely separate?"

2022-03-28, 11:05 AM
Nerissa can tell that the doctor took her words a little more harshly than she intended. "Sorry," she says. "It was just a joke, but I didn't mean for it to hit like that. Lemme know if I put my foot in my mouth again, okay? You do seem like a nice guy, and I don't want to hurt you."

Bunny Commando
2022-03-28, 05:38 PM
Kenzo Gabriel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2596765)


Kindness seems to leave Kenzo a bit baffled, he looks at Nerissa like he's trying to decipher what might be her hidden motives; yet it doesn't seem the precog is hostile towards the colleague, more like such caution in dealing with others, looking for an agenda that might be not immediately apparent, is a learned behaviour that now comes quite natural to him. Still, he acts gentlemanly and nods in appreciation "I thank you for your concern, Ms. Roubis. And I also thank you for the insight in your behavioural patterns - we are a team, after all. I would say that this has been an interesting exercise in team-building, wouldn't you agree?" he smiles politely before turning towards Xela and answering to her questions "I've received my precog training in the publicly-owned Academy, per Egirian laws." a short pause that seems intended to highlight the subsequent point "But I've been trained as a medical specialist by BioSynx - they funded my education from a very young age." he clears his throat and someone attentive enough might very well notice how Kenzo has blushed a bit - like he's embarassed of something "As one might expect, I have a contract with BioSynx, but I've been lended to the Corps; of course, I'm not the only company asset on this mission."

2022-03-29, 07:22 AM
Victor leans forward and nods along with Kenzo. "Everyone with psychic potential, even as little as I have, has to go." He looks over at the doctor and asks, "Did you also think it was incredibly boring most of the time?"

2022-03-29, 03:38 PM
And that's been another Frank Word with your loyal host Francis Logos. Francis Logos flicked a switch on his compad to stop the recording. He pushed his chair back from the modest sized desk/table in his chambers and reached a hand out to Albert Usenki still sitting in the opposite chair. Thank you so much for your time Sir. My subscribers will love hearing of your family's rich history and interesting past. As much as this journey is about the future of Egiria I feel it is vital for us to remember and honor our past, correct. Francis moved quickly around to help the elderly man out of the low chair. Would you care to join me for a midday meal in the mess hall? I haven't eaten since we came out of FTL and my stomach just now seems settled enough for food.

After shaking the proffered hand, the elderly Albert Usenki raised himself out of his chair without the need for the offered hand afterwards, although he did so in a 'appreciated the gesture' manner.
"Oh no need to flatter me like that young man. It is tediously dry material after all." Albert said with a knowing smile - he was quite away that such history was more pomp and parade than anything else.
"It still feels like more of a Morning meal, but yes, I would not mind some company besides the two other diplomats." Albert added in before indicated for Francis to lead the way to the Dining Hall of the vessel.
Albert himself were dressed in a muted sort of 'opulent' clothing. a robe of intricate iconography over a paleblue shirt. His near-bald head covered with what one might think of as a cloth doily for balding heads. All in all he looked like a mix of a religious figure and an envoy - but with very much muted toned of the two. Eye-catching without being attention-grabbing.

Old Overholt
2022-03-29, 08:25 PM
"Company asset". It was a simple enough term that had more than simple connotation. A somewhat baffled expression crossed Xela's face, causing her brow to furrow slightly. Blinking, her face returned to normal after a moment or two in thought. Dragging her tray back to in front of her, she picked up one of the pieces of rye bread and took a small bite out of it, testing the waters as it were as the medicine rapidly eased her nausea. She chewed on the piece of bread thoughtfully while glancing towards Victor, his comment about the special school being 'boring' catching her attention. Swallowing the small bite, she put the bread back down and tested the coffee. Immediately, she was repulsed by the coldness of the drink, jerking her head back and remembering that it must have sat there for quite a while as she nursed her queasiness. Setting the cup back down and sticking out her tongue, visibly displaying her disgust, she proceeded to scrape her tongue against the top of her teeth a few times before commenting, "So what? He can see the future and you know everything in the past?" The question seemed posed to Victor even though the woman's eyes seemed preoccupied with finding something on her plate to take the taste of cold coffee away.

2022-03-31, 02:26 PM
It was at this moment that Francis Logos and Albert Usenki entered the mess hall. Francis recognized a gathering of colleagues at one of the tables. After gathering his food he guides Usenki to a table that is close enough to hear what is being discussed at the other table but not so close as to intrude.
Mr. Usenki what will be taking up the majority of your time in the remaining days before reaching Junos Null? Perhaps you could convince Ms. Victoria Loch that I wasn't too brutal in my interviewing process and refer me to her. She seemed slightly reluctant on first approach.
Francis stopped talking to talk a sip of his tea and wait to see if the older diplomat had warmed to him enough to provide the appropriate peer pressure for an interview opportunity with Victoria.

I am also okay with speeding ahead. But trying to build closer relations with the NPCs.

2022-04-03, 05:30 AM
As the local morning continued on ship, the conversations going, Francis Logos' attempt in roping in another diplomat for an interview, and alas failing due to Albert Usenki having about as much luck with personal conversations with Victoria Loch as everyone else seems to have had.
Nothing much would happen the whole following day.

It wasn't until around 1300 local time the following day that Ship's Comms reported an incoming voice-only call was coming from Junos Null.
Apparently they'd managed to get a comms satellite into orbit in the last 20 or so years - although that much had been expected since the locals would be expecting around 2 decades until the Egirians would return to initiate official contact with the, stormy, technologically stunted world.

The 3 Diplomats all arrived in the bridge in perfect attire, Standing ready for the rest of the Diplomatic Teams had arrived - From personal aides, to all of you that are part of the Secondary Support Team.

2022-04-03, 10:02 AM
Nerissa is dressed nicer than usual-or at least, she's tossed on some nice clothes over her more practical jumpsuit. She fidgets a little, not particularly comfortable in the clothes, but she's trying to put on a good appearance-she wasn't told it'd be audio only, and she is interested in the mission succeeding.

Bunny Commando
2022-04-03, 10:46 AM
Kenzo Gabriel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2596765)


Kenzo, dressed in the formal attire that has been given to him, is of course present to the first official contact between the Egirians and the Nullians after almost two decades; he is, as one could've seen previously, always helpful, always polite, the poster child of the benefits that a public-private partnership might bring. Right now, however, he's just standing right besides Nerissa and can't help himself but chuckles a little bit watching her trying to make the suit comfortable.

2022-04-04, 09:28 AM
Francis stood on the bridge fidgeting with his personal compad in his pocket. He is trying to secretly record on his compad the second contact between his people and the aliens of Junos Null. If he could get a clean recording of the communications it would be a monumental scoop.

Old Overholt
2022-04-04, 04:03 PM
The bridge (being a small, secure space) and the event (being rather momentous) created a swell of people. Xela, while certainly part of the support team, would likely not have been invited to be part of these initial talks. She wasn't diplomat. She wasn't even a linguist. She wasn't a technician, scientist, or anyone with an immediately relatable skill. Nonetheless, she wanted to witness history and was able to leverage her small stature and inconspicuous, standard-issue jumpsuit to sneak onto the bridge. She remained near the back of the bridge, away from any buttons or screens that might put her in the pathway of a crew member. Pressing her back up against the bulkhead, she clasped her hands in front of her midsection as her eyes scanned the crowd - noting who was present.

2022-04-06, 05:34 AM
Victor shows up on the bridge in his dress greys and a ceremonial-looking knife stowed at his waist. His metapsionics at least guaranteed him a spot at this momentous event in case anyone tried something funny, though not one with a great view. When he passes Xela on the way to his station, he looks down at her and then gently nudges a few people to try to get her a better view, muttering "Excuse me, as he does so.

2022-04-11, 01:14 PM
The call came in at first at a weak scratchy-noised sound - which was quickly cleaned up and came through quite understandable - "*ttschhhhhhht* Unidentified Vessel, this is Junos Space Command, please respond and identify yourself."
A terse, male voice came through the bridge speakers.

A quick reply with ID-coding sent and reason for entering the system sent back, and after about 30 minutes of comm-lag, the response of "*ttschhhhhhht* Understood, Envoy Vessels, you are to proceed into orbit and stay there until the storms die down - current estimates is at least another 50 hours by the time you arrive. We will send You an all-clear message and indicate where your Diplomats and Support Crew can land for the official first contact Meet & Greet - Junos Space Command, out."

And that was all there was. Another 55-60 hours of waiting due to the local storms... and it was quite clear to everyone that everyone else had that look of 'I am happy I was born on Egiria.... rather than here'.
Various bridge personnel began talking energetically with eachother, the diplomat trio was engrossed in conversation as well, which just left the 5 of you to... do whatever you each wanted to do right now, and spend the next 50-something hours on.
It was quite plausible to be given access to local planetary history info, indepth information about the planetary weather issues, remnant lore about that huge Shipyard that was orbiting at a distant-orbit akin to a planetary satellite (aka. a moon as an example).

whatever you'd each choose to do, you have a good 2+ days of time to spend on it.

Bunny Commando
2022-04-14, 03:48 PM
Kenzo Gabriel (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2596765)


When formalities are said and done, Kenzo excuses himself and leaves the bridge; he's not needed there and if things go well, we won't be needed on the planet either and that suits quite well with the Precog. During the course of the following days he keeps himself busy, though: for once, in the privacy of his own room, he tries to get a glimpse of what it's going to happen to the ship during the approach to Junos Null - dying doesn't suit so well with him and while he's sure the Company will have a nice, heartwarming funeral for him he would greatly prefer to go back to the comfort of his old life.

And while being a Precog is certainly useful in his line of work, it is even more important to do one's homework; that is why he spends long hours studying whatever information the ship has in its database on outbreaks, disease causation and biomonitoring on Junos Null; losing a crewmate because they ingested a harmful chemical or stood too close to someone sneezing would definitely have an impact on his performance assessment - and besides, he hates losing people.

Kenzo is going to use Oracle during each day of travel.

Tell me if I have to roll to look for info.

2022-04-14, 09:24 PM
Nerissa, as soon as she's able, dashes for her room. She practically throws the ill-fitting clothes off, and returns to her standard jumpsuit. "Sweet relief," she mutters to herself.

Once she's comfy, she starts to look up info on the storms-she knows of them, but she wants to check what kind of hardening her equipment and whatnot might need, how to best handle errant lightning strikes if any should damage the vessel or anything else, and anything else of importance.

2022-04-17, 10:17 AM
After half an hour waiting for a response, Victor stifles a laugh at the end of second contact. "That was incredibly anticlimactic," he mutters as he walks to the door.

Once he's back in his bunk, he spends the time reviewing any historical records that Egiria has on Junos' tech base and tactics in previous wars. He doesn't expect that things will come to blows as soon as they land, but the possibility of anti-Egiria factions existing is something he can't discount and assumes his superior officers haven't either.

2022-04-18, 11:44 AM
Francis Logos returns to his chambers and researchers the storms of Junos. He decides that a piece of propaganda that shows the viewer how lucky they are to be born on Egria instead of a planet wrack with day long storms is the sort of piece that could impress some of the politicians here on the mission. He wanted to get his facts straight but also wanted to include the audio where the ship was requested to wait until the storms die down. He has this audio replay over graphics of an intense storm before his voice comes in Imagine for a moment not being blessed enough to call Egria your home. Instead your home is planet racked with day long storms so violent to shut down all traffic. Huddling indoors for cover for days possibly weeks as the planet's elements put forth their best effort to end life on its surface...

Old Overholt
2022-04-21, 12:38 AM
Xela remained on the bridge as many of the crew began to disperse. Anti-climatic indeed. She seemed befuddled by the rather administrative conversation. Clearly, there was misalignment in expectations with the near entirety of the crew gathering on the bridge and the static-filled communication that was received. She watched the faces of the disappointed, frustrated, and perplexed envoy leaving the bridge. She chose to linger, running over the communication in her head and observing the bridge while she had the opportunity.

50 hours? True, this wasn't her planet and she wasn't a meteorologist by any means - but a 50 hour storm? What must that be like on the ground? And is it even true? What could happen in 50 hours? Two days is enough time to pull something together.

By the time she was able to pull herself away from her thoughts and imagination, she found herself sitting at an empty station. Blinking at the massive console in front of her, she shot up to a standing position once she realized where she was.

"Easy, crewman," a voice nearby said. "You must be the replacement operations support staff for third shift?" A rather junior officer stood nearby, perhaps having taken a break from the station and thinking she was shooting up to attention as he approached. "We're not in the military, no need for that. Something else, huh? All that travel for 30 seconds of comm static, right?"

Xela nodded nervously, not wanting to admit anything about herself. What followed was four hours of rigorous training on the ship's diagnostics equipment to which Xela feigned both interest and competence in as the officer showed her how to access and interpret the screens. When it was all over, she made a beeline for the exit and her quarters with a headache and a lunch date she fully intended to avoid the following day. Throwing herself into her bunk, she buried herself under her sheets in a curled up ball, dreading her next shift.

2022-04-23, 09:58 AM
Kenzo Gabriel
His attempted visions lead to not much of actual value, beyond a late local-time evening patient coming to the infirmary for a headache on the first day, with not much else happening over the following 24 hours afterwards.

Nerissa Roubis
Initial research'd show that any and all shuttling to and from the planet won't have any problems as long as said shuttle is not caught inside a storm itself, since it's the winds and intensity of the storms that are truly dangerous, not so much the potential lightning strikes.
It would however been a good idea to have a static-removal item in the shuttle so as to basically remove whatever static the chaotic weathers of Junos Null might cause from it's turbulent weatherpatterns.

Victor Browning
Junos Null is quite clearly a stunted society in terms of it's technological redevelopment, compared to, say, Egiria. It's like someone or something had just switched off all technological progress for about 100-200 years at the least, since Junosian tech is around what the fragmented records of old earth states that earth had been at prior to the Spike Drive's creation. It's been about two decades since the original visit and tech overall has only developed towards sturdiness and reliability rather than innovative advancements.
Which makes sense when you think about it. That local weather seems to require a larger focus on tech development that remains stable and functional with the freakish weather requiring just such technological choices. Ways to stabilize buildings during storms, ways to harvest and make use of lightning for various electronic capacitor banks, more sturdy ocean-water turbine structures, sub-terrainian living areas, etc.
Politically speaking, at least from that original discovery those around-two-decades-ago, spoke of a clear interest for the Junosian people to enter into an amicable relationship with a fellow human civilization, especially one far more technologically advanced than themselves. They do seem to have a rather suspect attitude towards Psychics, but nothing extreme or anything.... but the fact that there's a clear lack of efficient and beyond-primitive training methods used to try and make Psychics at least STOP going nuts and murderous, is the primary reason as to why Psychics aren't exactly looked upon with trusting eyes. Compared to Egiria's Psionic Academy that'd survive mostly intact post-scream, it's like comparing a neolithic people to an early 20th-century civilization in terms of how advanced Egirian Psychics-training is compared to Junos Null's own attempts at it so far.

Francis Logo
Francis would get about the same info as Nerissa did, with how the Storms are abnormally intense and constant. Any layman would clearly be able to see and understand that those storms just look and seem Unnatural. Especially with the local info regarding the fact that such storms had never been reported in any discovered pre-scream databases, etc. Something happened to the world as the Scream passed over it, in the Metaphysical Dimension. As to what that might actually have been... any guess could be about equally valid and plausible.

Xela Chapman
One crewmember on the bridge did quip "Well... I guess they might have more important things to do when they have what looks like the apocalypse of storms over their equatorial living areas. I did hear it's unusual for the storms of that magnitude to traverse over the equatorial line."
And the crewmember had a point. If the locals were used to that mindboggling weather, they should also have skill in planetary weather pattern predictions... maybe they could even have Precogs with some basic training towards directing their skills into a weather-prognosis use.


If any of you wanna have their character do anything else, before the 50-or-so-hours have passed, let me know, or just do a basic 'spends time awaiting the storms to quiet down' response ICly.

2022-05-01, 06:58 AM
The 50 hours timeline passed faster than one might have thought, and as expected, the storm below on the turbulent world ebbed out and left calmish weather for a nice landing being possible.

The ships were comm'd by the planet and this time it'd be one of the Planet's diplomats inviting the Egirian Contingent to land and for the official first-contact talks to initiate.


Just 3 hours later, you're all on-planet, having landed at what seems to have been the pre-scream shuttle platform of this world.
The planet was rather pretty if a bit disconcerting to be on what with how it felt as if everything had a lowkey static charge to it. A hum that put the teeth on edge, if you will.
along the shuttlepad roadway is local security forces in a relaxed-ready position, awaiting the arrival of their own diplomatic corp to arrive and initiate the the whole chebang - transportation vehicles already visible out at the edge of the roadway leading up to the shuttlepad.

Initial looks of everything seems to be... sturdy. and some of outdated by comparison to Egirian Tech. As if looking back to how stuff looked like when everyone's grand-(maybe even grand-grand-)grandparents were alive, just more robust-looking and designed around the planetary anomalous-weather patterns.
out in the distance you can all also see sparse, low-height builldings, all of which points towards the fact that building TALL on this world is a doomed project with how winds have been recorded to be over 80 kilometers per hour in some of the more intense storms - not to mention to actual constant-storm wracked majority of the planet having more or less an average of at least those 80 kph.
(For comparison, Tropical Cyclones here on reallife earth reaches around 65 kph, so it's not an overstatement that the storms on Junos Null being quite the extreme range of windy weather patterns.)