View Full Version : [IC] Dead Heart of Xin

2022-03-23, 02:56 AM
Leading up to the festival, Sheila Heidmarch has hired a small army of workers to set things up on the Irespan, and throughout the setup, the crowd of onlookers gathering on the immense bridge deck grows. It's not long before it becomes obvious that the festival is quite popular. Vendors and entertainers arrive days in advance, jockeying for position along the broad expanse of the monument. The site becomes an impromptu marketplace as tenants of the Bazaar of Sails relocate to capitalize on the coming crowds, and it isn't long before opportunistic souvenir peddlers are selling cheap dolls made in the adventurers' likenesses, slivers of fake "skymetals" purported to have been shaved from the Shattered Star shards themselves, and seven-pronged wooden star toys that threaten to bruise and batter more than one child over the forthcoming weeks. In short, the cause for celebration turns into something of a circus for a population needing little excuse for revelry.


By the day of the festival, a sizable portion of Magnimar's citizenry ascends to the Irespan, with people of all classes crowding the monument. Processions of local luminaries – an impromptu parade complete with local street musicians, fortune-tellers, plenty of doomsayers, and all manner of revelry - form atop the massive monument. At the center of the festival grounds sits the Sihedron Shrine, a block of stone bearing the indentation of the seven-pointed star sitting on a stout wooden stage and surrounded by a velvet rope creating a cordoned area a hundred feet across.
Shortly after noon, Lord-Mayor Grobaras ascends to the pinnacle of the Irespan to give a blatantly self-congratulatory speech about the nonexistent (yet to him somehow pivotal) role he played in the success of the PCs' quest, managing to mangle their names and take the lion's share of credit for the deed. For their part, Sheila Heidmarch and the other Pathfinders take his political meanderings in stride. After the lord-mayor at last makes his closing remarks, Sheila takes the stage to offer up more honest accolades to the PCs, while explaining to the assembled citizens the importance of this momentous occasion and stressing the threat of the slumbering runelords and the security the protections of the repaired Sihedron will provide against their depredations. As she closes to thunderous applause, the members of the Sihedron Council assemble in preparation for the Ritual of Reforging.

As the ritual begins, members of the city watch step forward to help ward the cordon surrounding the shrine. Within the protective ring, Sheila gives the signal. The seven assembled ritualists bear their respective shards, and with mumbled words of power, slowly begin moving toward one another.
The ritual itself requires seven spellcasters of moderate power to channel magical energy into one of the seven activated Shattered Star shards. The council fortunately includes seven such characters - Aram Zey, Bevaluu Zimantiu, Jyronn Imikar, Koriah Azmeren, Kreighton Shaine, Leis Nivlandis, and Toth Bhreacher. Each one places their shard, briefly borrowed from the party, one at a time, in the Thassilonian sequence (pride, greed, lust, gluttony, envy, wrath, and finally sloth) in the appropriate spot atop the Sihedron Shrine.


As they do so, the Sihedron Shrine, the shards, and the spellcasters themselves suddenly become wreathed in prismatic energy - all seven colors of the rainbow shine from each shard, then surge downward out of each spellcaster as their spell power ignites the latent spark in the shards. A low rumbling begins, accompanied by a higher-pitched buzzing sound as if from a cloud of bees. As these sounds and lights intensify, they become almost too painful to bear. Just as a ripple of unease starts spreading through the crowd and guards, the sound culminates in a peal of thunder as a beam of light arches up into the sky from the Sihedron Shrine to pierce the clouds above. A moment later, the spellcasters stagger back, fatigued but otherwise unharmed, as the reforged Sihedron rises up into the air to slowly hover a foot above the ground. The crowd erupts into a roar of applause and triumph.
Sheila nods to the party, asking them to step up onto the stage while the seven fatigued spellcasters are led away by other council members. She whispers to one of the PCs, "That went better than I..." - but that's all she can get out before a strange thing happens on the horizon; a strange darkening in the sky to the west, as a mass of dark clouds form rapidly over the sea. An instant later, the Irespan begins to vibrate and hum with a thunderously low drone. panic quickly seizes the crowd. People scream as the crowd starts to surge south toward stable ground, for all those who have visited the Irespan before have never felt the solid stone beneath them shake so.

The ground is vibrating, the crowds are starting to panic. What do you do?

2022-03-24, 08:19 AM

El Pricadoro hits his guitar with a couple of chords as soon as the crowds around him panic. He flies up in the air, and violently starts jamming on his guitar.


Smoke smolders from the guitar strings as the Halfling flies around chasing random people. It's his own peculiar way of inspiring people to evacuate the area.

OOC: Swift Action to assume the Enter the Vortex stance (Air Element)

2022-03-25, 08:33 AM
Korvus (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2606241)

Korvus has looked around the Irespan enjoying the view and the festival. With his savage appearance and shoanti tattoos people had given him a wide berth or the drunker ones had thrown coppers at him like one of the caged acts. The building of the Sihedron made him nervous, skeins of magic and this ancient Thassilonian artifacts meddling with powers ancient and beyond our ken.

The screams and thunderous shaking startled him and he leapt up, his mind focused as he stepped up above trhe crowd to stare a the dark clouds

Swift: Unborkn stride stance, walk 20ft into the air
Look at whats coming [roll0]

Korvus "Thunderblade" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2606241)
M CG Half GIant War Priest (Warpath), Level 13, Init 1, HP 121/121, DR DR 3/ - , Speed
AC 26, Touch 13, Flat-footed 25, CMD 27, Fort 14, Ref 7, Will 15, CMB +17, Base Attack Bonus 9
Primal Fury stance = 6d6 base damage Adamantine Large Greatsword +2 (Power attack: +22/14, 3d6+26) +23/18 (3d6+17, 17-20/x2)
Longbow Composite (+7) +1 (40, 20 cold iron, 20 silver) +12/7 (2d6+8, x3)
Large cold iron dagger MW +18 (1d6+7, 19-20/x2)
Swift 1 fervour (+2 Sacred (+3 vs dragon/demon/undead) Admantine Full Plate +1 Crusading (+4 w/Magic vestment) (+13 Armor, +1 Dex, +2 Misc)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 21, Cha 8
Condition +2 Saves vs Fire, +2 Saves vs Mind affecting

Ongoing Spells:
Magic Vestment: 13 hours

Blessing 9 / 9 remaining
Fervour 11 / 11 remaining
Power Points 14/14 remaining

Cantrips: Detect magic, Light, Create water, Guidance
1st Level: Divine favour, Divine Favour, Shield of Faith, Lead Blades, Stone Shield
2nd Level: Inheritors smite, Ironskin, Ironskin, Sacred space, Lesser Restoration
3rd Level: Channel vigour, Deadly juggernaut, Magic vestment, Prayer
4th Level: Blessing of Fervour, Divine Power, Persistent Vigour
5th Level: Breath of Life

Running Hunter (+10ft speed, scent)
Battle Mantra (+ 4 insight to CMB/CMD or AC or Attacks)
Unbroken stride (Spider climb, air walk, walk on water)
Primal Warrior (+1 size for CMB/CMD, +2 sz for weapon damage)
Unavoidable Gaze (60ft blindsight + mind reading)

Raging Hunter (pounce on charge)
Blade breaker (Sunder counter +2)
Traumatic reversal (Counter, 50% damage, Will save on enemy)
Roar of Battle (+6d6 damage, +3d6 for allies)
Battle Panthera (+12d6 dmaage on charge, Ref DC21 or prone)

2022-03-28, 10:55 AM
Madame Minuit

The woman in the black hat lounges in the shadow of her zombified dinosaur. Her nails and hair are immaculate, and she smiles with perfect pearlescent teeth despite the fact that her mouth is never far from a long cigarette. Her fingers are shielded from the falling ash by a pair of silk gloves that run nearly to her elbows. At her belt is a bevy of wands; there are at least three she keeps visibly at all times. Her high-collared cloak and wrap dress appear to be the same shade as the rest of her ensemble, but as one gets closer, they realize that all colours around her appear faded, almost black-and-white. The only splashes of colour are the molten gold eyes that peer out at the world, and two matching crystals that hover around the circumference of her hat.

Yet the dhampir is merely a shade next to the towering edifice that is her companion. The spinosaurus which is known as Entropy to some, death to others, and Lil' N to her mistress, takes up most of the Irespan bridge's avenue. Her immense reptilian frame stands well over fifteen feet in height and would be taller, were she still alive. Portions of her spinal fins have been torn and ripped off, leaving stumps and a wide-set saddle in their place. The scaly hide of the zombie is remarkably well kept and lacks the usual ooze and pus that the undead tend to sport. Instead, most of her midsection is covered in oversized straps and belts, a series of makeshift saddlebags that have been repurposed into a harness of fourteen sheaths. Emerging from the sheaths are the hilts of a matching number of blades, to be drawn only when absolutely necessary.

Madame Minuit has enjoyed the festivities from a distance, adopting an attitude of faint and silent amusement as the celebrants and revellers rejoice. When it comes time for the speeches and the Lord-Mayor can't help but bumble through the address, the dhampir lets out a throaty laugh from the back. Lil' N, on the other hand, keeps her eyes closed the entire time; a deep rumbling emerges from her throat and nose that sounds suspiciously like deliberate snoring.

Yet the trembling of the earth rouses both wizard and lizard from their ennui. Looking about, Madame Minuit raises an eyebrow. "Let's not all go to ground just yet, shall we? Would anyone care for a lift?"

Madame Minuit (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2607711)
Female Neutral Evil Dhampir (Vetala) Diviner Wizard (Chronomancer), Level 13, Init 20, HP 93/93, Speed 30 ft
AC 17, Touch 13, Flat-footed 14, CMD 19, Fort 6, Ref 7, Will 10, CMB +6/+1, Base Attack Bonus 6/1
+1 Dueling Training Cestus +7/+2 (1d4+1, 19-20)
Mage Armor (+4 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 30, Wis 14, Cha 12
Condition None

MM always casts Greater Age Resistance and Lucky Number at the start of each day. She is also going to cast Mage Armor and mount Entropy, offering a ride to anyone in the party who can't fly on their own accord.
Entropy, aka Lil' N
Female man-eating juju zombie spinosaurus
CE Gargantuan undead
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Perception +16
Languages Understands Abyssal and Common

AC 34, touch 9, flat-footed 31 (+4 armor, +3 Dex, +21 natural, -4 size)
hp 223 (20d8+120)
Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +15
DR 10/magic and slashing

Speed 40 ft. (8 squares); swim 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee +1 bite +26 (3d8+22/19-20 plus grab), 2 +1 claws +26 (3d6+15)
Space 20 ft.; Reach 20 ft.
Special Attacks pounce, swallow whole (3d8+21, AC 20, 22 hp)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 9th; concentration +12)
2/day - dimension door (Flickering Step, concentration +12)

Abilities Str 38 (+14), Dex 17 (+3), Con -- (n/a), Int 6 (-2), Wis 17 (+3), Cha 17 (+3)
Base Atk +15; CMB +33 (+37 grapple, +35 bull rush); CMD 46 (48 vs. bull rush)
Feats: Improved InitiativeB, ToughnessB, Improved Critical (bite)B, Improved Natural Attack (bite)B, Power Attack (-4/+12 bite), Flickering Step, Planar Infusion (Time), Dimensional Agility, Improved Planar Infusion (Time), Improved Bull Rush, Dimensional Assault, Improved Natural Attack (claws), Rhino Charge, Greater Planar Infusion (Time)
Skills Climb +24, Perception +15, Knowledge (planes) +7, Survival +7 (+6 to follow tracks);
Racial Bonus +4 Survival to follow tracks, +8 Climb
SQ - undead traits, channel resistance +4, fire resistance 10, immunity to cold & electricity, immunity to magic missile, infuse decay (touch of blindness, touch of gracelessness, stricken heart)
Other Gear - amulet of mighty fists +1

2022-03-28, 10:59 PM
Escobar was very much enjoying the festivities. The people, the laughter, the drinks, the food, the atmosphere - all of it filled his heart with a rare mirth. Of course, it was also good time to restart his fortune-telling business. Each new face was an opportunity to spread his business card - Escobar, Fortune Teller and Expert Bodyguard, coming soon to a town near you!

But then came the ritual of the Sidheron. At first when it started, he didn't pay it much mind, perhaps believing the stories of its power to be meer fairytales and folklore. But that was before he saw some of the mages they were using to power the ritual. Escobar was no magic user, but even he knew the name of Aram Zey.

For some reason, hearing that such magical might was behind this ritual had the opposite effect on him than it did on most of the townspeople. Where most were relived and reassured, trusting in the power of their mages to pull through and maintain safety, Escobar was filled with trepidation. Any ritual that required this much magical power could only be trouble.

The ritual began. His hairs stood on end. His muscles began to twitch in anticipation. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right. Even as the ritual was completed, the feeling only continued to grow. His eyes scanned frantically around for a sign - something to make sense of his feeling of foreboding.

And there he found it - an aberration in the sky. Dark clouds formed with unnatural speed. As he gave out a word of alarm, he unclasped the shield on his back, attaching it firmly to his forearm. It didn't take a fortune teller to know trouble was brewing. But what happens next, will definitely require a bodyguard.

[OOC]Swift Action: Enter Flowing Water Stance

2022-03-29, 03:13 PM
Cobblestones explode into the air - and rain down in a terrible hail - as a huge, arachnid monster burst up from the ground, shrieking! The shriek is quickly mached by the panicking crowd.


[roll0] point of blunt damage to everyone within 15', reflex DC 12 for half. Roll initiative; 20 (or 19(+9)) beats the creature and gets to act.

2022-03-30, 11:43 AM
El Pricadoro takes a 5ft step backwards and starts jamming on his guitar. Short bursts of chords followed by another rant. This time, his music seems more than just dramatic. It actually gets everyone in the monster-slaying zone.


OOC: Inspire Courage, everyone a receives a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +4 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls

5ft step
Standard Action: Inspire Courage

2022-03-30, 03:50 PM
Acting quickly, Escobar garners the attention of the crowd!

"Everyone, I want you to quickly and calmly proceed south towards the buildings of Magnimar. Watch out for one another. Do NOT push each other over. I will keep you all safe, I guarantee it."

With that, Escobar will maneuver around the beast and launch an attack with both his shield and his fist.

Shield Attack: [roll0]
Shield Damage: [roll1]

Unarmed Strike: [roll2]
Unarmed Damage: [roll3]

OOC: Escobar initiates "Infinite Focus" as a swift/immediate action, moves around the beast as a move action, before initiating Steel-Shattering Fists as a standard action. Note that damage from Steel-Shattering Fists bypasses hardness and damage reduction.

EDIT: I gain a +1 to hit and +3 to damage due to my Patient Counterpoint ability, which gives me boosts depending on how much damage is in my Delayed Damage Pool. Total Damage Dealt = 19 + 11 = 30.

EDIT 2: Whoops, I forgot that I had Fast Healing, which would have cleared up whatever damage I took prior to making the attack roll. No changes then.

2022-03-30, 04:14 PM
Kerberos very quickly decided he hated festivals.

To be fair. This was not unexpected. Since he had been awoken by the others he now walks alongside. Kerberos has discovered that there are many things that he hates. In fact. The list of subjects and objects he hates is so long now, that it could take him several hours to recount the entire list. And Kerberos was never shy in letting others know his opinions. Especially his Hate List. He was actually rather fond of it. In fact. ‘Sharing the Hate List’ was the very first item on his ‘Like List’. Followed by fighting. Hence. The others more than likely knew that this festival involved several different items on his Hate List.

Unnecessary Waiting.
Lots of people.
Unnecessary Shouting.
‘Singing’ (his howls are far more musical than any silly thing two-leggers can make).
Con Artists.
Stupid People.
Politicians (a subset of stupid people).
Stupid Speeches.
Political Speeches.
Ego Stroking.
Ego Stroking Speeches.
Screaming Children.
And being the Centre of Attention.
So. Yes. Festivals were, likely to the full expectation of his pack, the newest item on the Hate List. Because of this. He very quickly flopped down on the ground in his designated spot and tried to go to sleep. And failed. But he tried very valiantly to sleep, and that was a fight worth commending in his opinion. Which was the main one that mattered. Followed by the rest of the pack, of course. Any attempts to get him to ‘behave’ or ‘act properly’ would be summarily ignored, and anyone who did would be a Stupid Person. As they should already know better. Stupid People who saw this might believe that Kerberos would have the Shard representing Sloth, as he most definitely came across as lazy. This was simply because this Festival was Stupid. Borning. Dumb. Idiotic. And Slow. The shard that Kerberos carried - and he only carried one - was that of Pride. Because what else could it have been?

The Ritual... the Ritual, on the other hand, would get Kerberos to open his eyes to watch the Ritual.

How could he not? The pack awoke him during their quest to retrieve these shards in the first place. Found in the same location even. Wherever he was meant to be part of some type of defence system, or simply experimented on was unknown, and would likely never be known. What was known was that he was in the same place as the Shard. He was awoken from a psionic stasis when the place was breached. And that he was the only Wolger that survived the stasis. Leaving him without a pack. Was it any surprise that those who awoke him became his new pack?

The Ritual was. Enjoyable. For someone that had Festivals. Crowds. Singing. And many other things besides on his Hate List. It might be surprising. But that’s because they were Dumb and Stupid and Unnecessary. This was bright and sparkly and Interesting. It was a Ritual, not a Ceremony, so Kerberos decided that Ritual’s went on the Like List. It even had Thunder! And Thunder was already on the Like List!

Once the Ritual had finished, however. Kerberos completely ignored Sheila and the request to step up onto the stage. Simply closing his eyes and planning to go to sleep again. Even when the ground began to shake underneath his body and the crowds began screaming. Kerberos stubbornly tried to ignore them and sleep. Not understanding the danger at this time. Because of this, when Cobblestones exploded into the air and shot fragments out all around them. Kerberos was not prepared to dodge, and the hail slammed into his prone form.

Only for a silvery shimmer to appear and absorb the blow.

Even so, this was more than enough to alert Kerberos and get him to his feet. Just in time for the ****ing Spider to shriek loudly at them at all. Kerberos looked at it over once. Then grinned.

Fight Time. He ****ing loved Fight Time.

He was a bit too close to the others to expand his psionic shell to full size sadly, but that didn’t really matter to him. Instead, he just lunged forward eagerly to tear this ugly-ass bastard to ****ing shreds!

Kerberos makes a full-attack action. Thanks to Savage Pursuit, he can move in melee range of the Spider before the attack.

[roll0] [roll1] (2 Electric) [roll2] [roll3] [roll4] [roll5] (Electric, Sonic, Cold)

[roll6] [roll7] (2 Electric) [roll8] [roll9] [roll10] [roll11] (Electric, Sonic, Cold)

[roll12] [roll13] (2 Electric) [roll14] [roll15] [roll16] [roll17] (Electric, Sonic, Cold)

2022-04-02, 12:11 AM
The spider-monster takes a few blows from Escobar, but the wolf's claws really gets its attention. It briefly considers the stupid-ass tactics written in its stat block, but decides to lash out at Kerberos instead.

[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]
[roll4], [roll5]
[roll6], [roll7]
[roll8], [roll9]+poison DC 27

2022-04-02, 12:35 AM
Korvus (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2606241)

Korvus roars a cry of battle as the spider like beast appears in an explosion of rubble beneath him. He cheers as various other brave heroes charge into the fray before gesturing with the massive blade and dropping like a boulder from the sky delivering a single massive blow with a great cry of “For Gorum, blood for the Iron Throne”!

Drop from the sky! Tumble to avoid AoO [roll0] if needed
Swift: Divine favour
Free: Ring of foe focus spider target (AC —> 28 vs Spider)
Standard: Glory to battle. +6d6 dam and allies get +3d6 dam on next strike. Power attack
[roll1] dam [roll2]+[roll3]

New manoeuvre [roll4]

Korvus "Thunderblade" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2606241)
M CG Half GIant War Priest (Warpath), Level 13, Init 1, HP 121/121, DR DR 3/ - , Speed
AC 26, Touch 13, Flat-footed 25, CMD 27, Fort 14, Ref 7, Will 15, CMB +17, Base Attack Bonus 9
Primal Fury stance = 6d6 base damage Adamantine Large Greatsword +2 (Power attack: +22/14, 3d6+26) +23/18 (3d6+17, 17-20/x2)
Longbow Composite (+7) +1 (40, 20 cold iron, 20 silver) +12/7 (2d6+8, x3)
Large cold iron dagger MW +18 (1d6+7, 19-20/x2)
Swift 1 fervour (+2 Sacred (+3 vs dragon/demon/undead) Admantine Full Plate +1 Crusading (+4 w/Magic vestment) (+13 Armor, +1 Dex, +2 Misc)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 21, Cha 8
Condition +2 Saves vs Fire, +2 Saves vs Mind affecting

Ongoing Spells:
Magic Vestment: 13 hours
Divine Favour : 10 rounds (+ 5 hit/Dan)
Inspire courage : +4 hit/dam

Blessing 9 / 9 remaining
Fervour 10 / 11 remaining
Power Points 14/14 remaining

Cantrips: Detect magic, Light, Create water, Guidance
1st Level: Divine favour, Divine Favour, Shield of Faith, Lead Blades, Stone Shield
2nd Level: Inheritors smite, Ironskin, Ironskin, Sacred space, Lesser Restoration
3rd Level: Channel vigour, Deadly juggernaut, Magic vestment, Prayer
4th Level: Blessing of Fervour, Divine Power, Persistent Vigour
5th Level: Breath of Life

Running Hunter (+10ft speed, scent)
Battle Mantra (+ 4 insight to CMB/CMD or AC or Attacks)
Unbroken stride (Spider climb, air walk, walk on water)
Primal Warrior (+1 size for CMB/CMD, +2 sz for weapon damage)
Unavoidable Gaze (60ft blindsight + mind reading)

(1) Raging Hunter (pounce on charge)
(2) Blade breaker (Sunder counter +2)
(S) Traumatic reversal (Counter, 50% damage, Will save on enemy)
(S) Roar of Battle (+6d6 damage, +3d6 for allies)
(3) Battle Panthera (+12d6 dmaage on charge, Ref DC21 or prone)

2022-04-02, 01:16 AM
Noting that the monster is attempting to attack another, Escobar quickly makes a few calculations in his head. Taking into account wind speed, the angle of the monster's attacks, and his approximate throwing strength, he tosses his shield in tandem with the monster's first blow.

The shield intercepts the blow. While not strong enough to completely deflect the creature's attack, it does greatly lessen the damage dealt, rendering it non-lethal.

Unfortunately, by the time Escobar's shield returns to him, the monster is able to attack a few more times, unabated Still, he's done what he can for now. It was not yet this man's time to die.

OOC: Escobar initiated Decree of Mercy with zero essence as an immediate action counter, turning the creature's next singular damage instance into nonlethal.

2022-04-06, 01:07 AM
The masked guitarist slides further out of the way and calls upon his elemental powers to wreak havoc on the spider. He pulls out a couple of arrows, holds his guitar in a funny angle, and uses the strings as a bow, firing a total of 5 arrows at his foe.

OOC: Inspire Courage active, everyone a receives a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +4 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls

Tempo: 10 (11 start +2 per turn -2 cascade - 1 glyph)

5ft step
Swift Action: Eldritch Fang Fury DC21 Fort Save or be Blinded for one round (IF an attack hits)
Full Round Action: Cascade of Elemental Wrath ranged attacks
IF an attack hits: Free Action: Shadowmeld (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/alternative-rule-systems/path-of-war/prestige-classes/animus-adept/) on Kerberos (20% miss chance) lasts for 5 rounds
Tuned Bowstring: prolongs Bardic Performance

Attacks (all overcome damage reduction due to Eldritch Fang Fury)
Attack 1 roll result: 28
Attack 2-3-4 roll result: 26 31 22
If Attack 1 hits: 38 electricity + 20 force damage from 2 separate arrows (manyshot)
Damage for any other attack that hits: 19 electricity + 10 force damage

2022-04-08, 02:58 AM
Seeing the beast retreat, Escobar will advance forward and unleash several attacks against the creature's body.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]

Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

Attack 3: [roll4]
Damage 3: [roll5]

2022-04-08, 05:52 AM
The arrows stick harmlessly in the thick exoskeleton. This monster hisses and steps away, leaving a thick mat of webbing underneath itas it does so.

2022-04-09, 12:15 AM
El Pricadoro kept his cool, dispite missing with every shot. He fired off a focused shot, but missed again.

OOC: Inspire Courage active, everyone a receives a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +4 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls

Tempo: 8 (11 start +2 per turn - 5 recovery)

Swift Action: Recover Cascade of Elemental Wrath maneuver
Free Action: Recover Eldritch Fang Fury maneuver
Move Action: Move 30ft
Standard Action: Disarming Blast maneuver
Tuned Bowstring: prolongs Bardic Performance

Attack 1 roll result: 27

2022-04-09, 12:30 AM
Korvus (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2606241)

Korvus curses as the blade shatters the paving stones upon the bridge but then he snarls as the spider tries to flee. “Get back here beast,” he snarls as he leaps through the air balancing upon the very winds themselves. As he reached its side he dropped into the webbing, the primal warrior within lending massive weight to the blade as he hews at the beast as the music rises to a crescendo

Move: air walk above the webbing tumbling to avoid AoO [roll0]
Swift; change to Primal Warrior Stance
Standard: Vital strike w/power attack
Atk [roll1] damage [roll2]

Reflex [roll3] vs entangle -2 to above attack if entangled
New manoeuvre [roll4]

Korvus "Thunderblade" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2606241)
M CG Half GIant War Priest (Warpath), Level 13, Init 1, HP 121/121, DR DR 3/ - , Speed
AC 24, Touch 13, Flat-footed 23, CMD 27, Fort 14, Ref 7, Will 15, CMB +17, Base Attack Bonus 9
Primal Fury stance = 6d6 base damage Adamantine Large Greatsword +2 (Power attack: +22/14, 3d6+26) +23/18 (3d6+17, 17-20/x2)
Longbow Composite (+7) +1 (40, 20 cold iron, 20 silver) +12/7 (2d6+8, x3)
Large cold iron dagger MW +18 (1d6+7, 19-20/x2)
Swift 1 fervour (+2 Sacred (+3 vs dragon/demon/undead) Admantine Full Plate +1 Crusading (+4 w/Magic vestment) (+13 Armor, +1 Dex, +2 Misc)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 21, Cha 8
Condition +2 Saves vs Fire, +2 Saves vs Mind affecting

Ongoing Spells:
Magic Vestment: 13 hours
Divine Favour : 10 rounds (+ 5 hit/Dan)
Inspire courage : +4 hit/dam

Blessing 9 / 9 remaining
Fervour 10 / 11 remaining
Power Points 14/14 remaining

Cantrips: Detect magic, Light, Create water, Guidance
1st Level: Divine favour, Divine Favour, Shield of Faith, Lead Blades, Stone Shield
2nd Level: Inheritors smite, Ironskin, Ironskin, Sacred space, Lesser Restoration
3rd Level: Channel vigour, Deadly juggernaut, Magic vestment, Prayer
4th Level: Blessing of Fervour, Divine Power, Persistent Vigour
5th Level: Breath of Life

Running Hunter (+10ft speed, scent)
Battle Mantra (+ 4 insight to CMB/CMD or AC or Attacks)
Unbroken stride (Spider climb, air walk, walk on water)
[b]Primal Warrior (+1 size for CMB/CMD, +2 sz for weapon damage)[b]
Unavoidable Gaze (60ft blindsight + mind reading)

(1) Raging Hunter (pounce on charge)
(2) Blade breaker (Sunder counter +2)
(S) Traumatic reversal (Counter, 50% damage, Will save on enemy)
(S) Roar of Battle (+6d6 damage, +3d6 for allies)
(R) Battle Panthera (+12d6 dmaage on charge, Ref DC21 or prone)

2022-04-09, 04:34 PM
Where others might hiss or grunt as the savage spider turned its attention to him, Kerberos would only laugh in glee, delighted by its struggles against him. That wasn’t to say he was a masochist and took pleasure in the pain inflicted on him by others. It was simply that Kerberous had fighting on the Like List, and longer fighters were much more enjoyable than shorter fights as far as he was concerned. Any being that was ripped to shreds during his first time pouncing them, simply was not worth his time, and this spider was fighting back!

“That’s it! Fight me you ****ing freak!” He snarled in delight, eyes shining with fierce glee, his silver shell protected him fully from the first blow, and faltered at the second, allowing the next attacks to come cutting though, cutting into his fur and allowing the fangs to dig into his skin. Kerberos was far too resilient for the poison to affect him though, and easily shook it off as he began to glow, and the cuts on his body slowly began to heal. “My turn.”

Despite his loud, aggressive personality, Kerberos was no dumb bersker, changing mindlessly into battle and paying no attention to his surroundings. He might not have the smartest head on his shoulders, but he did have a cool one. Never fully losing his composure, always keeping total awareness of what was happening around him, and with his pack. It had come in useful time and time again, and it let him know that not he had all the room he needed. His shell expanded and grew in size, going from tightly wrapped around him, to over four times as big as he was... and this was not just for show either, as it allowed him to hit even harder now than before. Which he would do. Even after the spider tried to retreat and coat the place in web.

“Come back here coward and fight!”.” He growled, nearly howling as he stuck out again, the shell allowing him to easily reach the Spider despite its carefully guarded movement.

Kerberos gains 4 Hitpoints back from Fast Healing. As a Free Action, I use In Wolves’ Clothing to gain 2 size categories, without gaining any penalties to attack by doing so.

Full Attack 1:
[roll0] [roll1] (2 Electric) [roll2] [roll3] [roll4] [roll5] (Electric, Sonic, Cold)

[roll6] [roll7] (2 Electric) [roll8] [roll9] [roll10] [roll11] (Electric, Sonic, Cold)

[roll12] [roll13] (2 Electric) [roll14] [roll15] [roll16] [roll17] (Electric, Sonic, Cold)

Full Attack 2:
[roll18] [roll19] (2 Electric) [roll20] [roll21] [roll22] [roll23] (Electric, Sonic, Cold)

[roll24] [roll25] (2 Electric) [roll26] [roll27] [roll28] [roll29] (Electric, Sonic, Cold)

[roll30] [roll31] (2 Electric) [roll32] [roll33] [roll34] [roll35] (Electric, Sonic, Cold)

2022-04-10, 02:44 AM
As the beast spews forth a massive web, Escobar can't help but let forth a tiny smirk.

"A spider, when cornered, will always try and use it's web to turn the tables, but...that won't work against me!"

Escobar blocks the web in his surrounding area with a sweep of his shield. Rather than simply letting the web fall, he will grab one of the web's threads and use it to slingshot himself into the air.

With a flip, he will raise his shield hand into the sky before bringing it downwards in a terrifying descending arc - aimed right at the creature's neck!

Escobar ignores the web via a combination of Cloak of Arachnida, Freedom of Movement, and immunity to poison. Once close, he will initiate the maneuver, "Headman's Descending Axe."

Attack: [roll0]

If this attack hits and the monster is below 25% hp, the monster is automatically slain. If the monster is above 25% hp, the monster takes the following damage:

Damage: [roll1] Piercing damage
Bonus Damage: +[roll2] negative energy

2022-04-11, 11:51 PM
Korvus lands in the sticky threads - and falters, as the poison saps him of tension and drive. Arrows bounce off the creature, but Kerberos and Escobar manage to make it hiss angrily and bleed.

It steps further intoi the web, then focuses on Escobar.

[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]
[roll4], [roll5]
[roll6], [roll7]
[roll8], [roll9] + poison

The stunned crowd finally start into motion, but there are still some bystanders.

2022-04-12, 01:05 AM
The masked guitarist slides further out of the way and calls upon his elemental powers to wreak havoc on the spider. He pulls out a couple of arrows, holds his guitar in a funny angle, and uses the strings as a bow, firing a total of 5 arrows at his foe.

OOC: Inspire Courage active, everyone a receives a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +4 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls

Tempo: 7 (8 start +2 per turn -2 cascade - 1 glyph)

5ft step
Swift Action: Eldritch Fang Fury DC21 Fort Save or be Blinded for one round (IF an attack hits)
Full Round Action: Cascade of Elemental Wrath ranged attacks
IF an attack hits: Free Action: Shadowmeld (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/alternative-rule-systems/path-of-war/prestige-classes/animus-adept/) on Kerberos (20% miss chance) lasts for 5 rounds
Tuned Bowstring: prolongs Bardic Performance

Attacks (all overcome damage reduction due to Eldritch Fang Fury)
Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: Electricity Dmg: [roll1] [roll2] Force Dmg: [roll3]
Damage 1 (manyshot): Electricity Dmg: [roll4] [roll5] Force Dmg: [roll6]

Attack 2: [roll7]
Damage 2: Electricity Dmg: [roll8] [roll9] Force Dmg: [roll10]

Attack 3: [roll11]
Damage 3: Electricity Dmg: [roll12] [roll13] Force Dmg: [roll14]

Attack 4: [roll15]
Damage 4: Electricity Dmg: [roll16] [roll17] Force Dmg: [roll18]

2022-04-12, 01:49 AM
Escobar grunts as he lands the blow. It seems his calculations were slightly off; the monster still had plenty of fight left in it, and it's neck was more guarded than he initially thought. Still, his blow dealt damage, and he knew it was only a matter of time until the creature was defeated.

Seeing his allies fall to the web, Escobar shifts his attention to try and heal them. This momentary distraction, however, proves to be all the creature needs as it turns it's attention onto him. It's claws and bite sink into Escobar's flesh, forcing Escobar to grit his teeth as his flesh is penetrated. But he does not yell out. The creature attempts to inject him with poison, but years of bodyguard work has made rendered his blood impervious to such paltry poisons. Instead, while his opponent is damaging him, Escobar will lean in to it's blows, putting him in a better position to unleash his own attacks at the creature's soft and fleshy underbelly!

After initiating Headman's Descending Axe last turn, Escobar used Decree of Purity in order to give his ally a reroll against the web, but it failed. He also would have healed the party a total fo 36 hp, split up between the party as needed.

Escobar took 14 damage from the first hit, 16 damage from the second, and 12 damage from the bite. Total of 42 damage. This fills up his delayed damage pool and deals an extra 2 damage to his real hp. At the start of the round, fast healing will activate and heal 6 damage, which should heal the 2 real damage taken and 4 damage in the delayed damage pool. Total damage in DDP during Escobar's turn = 36. Patient counterpoint activates, giving Escobar +10 damage (3[WIS] + 7[DDP/5]) and +5 [damage bonus/2] to hit until the end of this turn, when his delayed damage pool empties.

This turn, Escobar will shift stances as a swift action into Stance of the Thunderbrand, then full attack.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]

Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

Attack 3: [roll4]
Damage 3: [roll5]

All piercing damage. At the end of his turn, Escobar will recover all maneuvers and be granted Headman's Descending Strike, as well as Decree of Purity. The other 6 maneuvers will be in a randomly generated list in the discord.

2022-04-13, 02:03 AM
Korvus (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2606241)

Korvus hisses angrily, grunting as the poison saps his speed leaving him reeling and clumsy. Vision swimming he reaches deep, hatred pulsing in his heart as he strides through the webbing tearing the thick gluey strands to close upon the spider.

Move at 1/4 speed (tumbling whilst entangled) [roll0] vs CMB
Tumble 5ft to catch up with the spider

Korvus "Thunderblade" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2606241)
M CG Half GIant War Priest (Warpath), Level 13, Init 1, HP 121/121, DR DR 3/ - , Speed
AC 24, Touch 13, Flat-footed 23, CMD 27, Fort 14, Ref 7, Will 15, CMB +17, Base Attack Bonus 9
Primal Fury stance = 6d6 base damage Adamantine Large Greatsword +2 (Power attack: +22/14, 3d6+26) +23/18 (3d6+17, 17-20/x2)
Longbow Composite (+7) +1 (40, 20 cold iron, 20 silver) +12/7 (2d6+8, x3)
Large cold iron dagger MW +18 (1d6+7, 19-20/x2)
Swift 1 fervour (+2 Sacred (+3 vs dragon/demon/undead) Admantine Full Plate +1 Crusading (+4 w/Magic vestment) (+13 Armor, +1 Dex, +2 Misc)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 21, Cha 8
Condition +2 Saves vs Fire, +2 Saves vs Mind affecting

Ongoing Spells:
Magic Vestment: 13 hours
Divine Favour : 8 rounds (+ 5 hit/Dan)
Inspire courage : +4 hit/dam

Blessing 9 / 9 remaining
Fervour 10 / 11 remaining
Power Points 14/14 remaining

Cantrips: Detect magic, Light, Create water, Guidance
1st Level: Divine favour, Divine Favour, Shield of Faith, Lead Blades, Stone Shield
2nd Level: Inheritors smite, Ironskin, Ironskin, Sacred space, Lesser Restoration
3rd Level: Channel vigour, Deadly juggernaut, Magic vestment, Prayer
4th Level: Blessing of Fervour, Divine Power, Persistent Vigour
5th Level: Breath of Life

Running Hunter (+10ft speed, scent)
Battle Mantra (+ 4 insight to CMB/CMD or AC or Attacks)
Unbroken stride (Spider climb, air walk, walk on water)
[b]Primal Warrior (+1 size for CMB/CMD, +2 sz for weapon damage)[b]
Unavoidable Gaze (60ft blindsight + mind reading)

(1) Raging Hunter (pounce on charge)
(2) Blade breaker (Sunder counter +2)
(S) Traumatic reversal (Counter, 50% damage, Will save on enemy)
(S) Roar of Battle (+6d6 damage, +3d6 for allies)
(R) Battle Panthera (+12d6 dmaage on charge, Ref DC21 or prone)

2022-04-16, 09:47 AM
Between shield bashes and arrows, the beast falls down, and lies still, only slightly twitching.

2022-04-17, 09:30 AM
Korvus (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2606241)

Korvus wades slowly through the webbing as the spider falls and drives his sword deep into it to make sure it’s dead then slowly levitates into the air some 15ft up and rests for a moment as the slowing effects wear off him.

He nods to to Escobar and the bard and eyes the savage looking bestial wolf with a wary eye. “Strange beast, a precursor to more trouble” he offers staring at the dark clouds approaching. Looking to the rubato he asks El Pricadoro “What was it, where did it come from?”

Korvus "Thunderblade" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2606241)
M CG Half GIant War Priest (Warpath), Level 13, Init 1, HP 121/121, DR DR 3/ - , Speed
AC 24, Touch 13, Flat-footed 23, CMD 27, Fort 14, Ref 7, Will 15, CMB +17, Base Attack Bonus 9
Primal Fury stance = 6d6 base damage Adamantine Large Greatsword +2 (Power attack: +22/14, 3d6+26) +23/18 (3d6+17, 17-20/x2)
Longbow Composite (+7) +1 (40, 20 cold iron, 20 silver) +12/7 (2d6+8, x3)
Large cold iron dagger MW +18 (1d6+7, 19-20/x2)
Swift 1 fervour (+2 Sacred (+3 vs dragon/demon/undead) Admantine Full Plate +1 Crusading (+4 w/Magic vestment) (+13 Armor, +1 Dex, +2 Misc)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 21, Cha 8
Condition +2 Saves vs Fire, +2 Saves vs Mind affecting

Ongoing Spells:
Magic Vestment: 13 hours

Blessing 9 / 9 remaining
Fervour 10 / 11 remaining
Power Points 14/14 remaining

Cantrips: Detect magic, Light, Create water, Guidance
1st Level: Divine favour, Divine Favour, Shield of Faith, Lead Blades, Stone Shield
2nd Level: Inheritors smite, Ironskin, Ironskin, Sacred space, Lesser Restoration
3rd Level: Channel vigour, Deadly juggernaut, Magic vestment, Prayer
4th Level: Blessing of Fervour, Divine Power, Persistent Vigour
5th Level: Breath of Life

Running Hunter (+10ft speed, scent)
Battle Mantra (+ 4 insight to CMB/CMD or AC or Attacks)
Unbroken stride (Spider climb, air walk, walk on water)
Primal Warrior (+1 size for CMB/CMD, +2 sz for weapon damage)
Unavoidable Gaze (60ft blindsight + mind reading)

(1) Raging Hunter (pounce on charge)
(R) Blade breaker (Sunder counter +2)
(2) Traumatic reversal (Counter, 50% damage, Will save on enemy)
(3) Roar of Battle (+6d6 damage, +3d6 for allies)
(R) Battle Panthera (+12d6 dmaage on charge, Ref DC21 or prone)

2022-04-19, 03:05 PM
Escobar will tend to the people, ensuring that stragglers are taken care of with Decree of Purity. He'll also take this time to introduce himself and his bodyguard business to those who were (un)lucky enough to see a demonstration firsthand.

Once that's out the way, he'll set his sights on the ritual of the Sidhedron. Chances are, whatever that creature was, it probably had something to do with that.

2022-04-19, 09:51 PM
The beast shrieks and twitches, and the work of finishing it off entirely is surprisingly laborious, but eventually, after several chops and impalements, it stops twitching, and the blood stops spurting.

The ancient, massive bridge drones and vibrates; but in the rest of the city, the earth quakes. Not enough to shatter buildings, but shingles slide off roofs and fall as hail, streets buckle underfoot, and some building crack slightly.

Meanwhile, the Sihedron hovers a few feet above the shrine, gleaming with 7 colors and lustres of starmetal.

2022-04-23, 11:25 AM
Korvus (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2606241)

THe half giant watches the devastation in the lower city, eyes straining to see if he see more beasts then looks at the Sihedron. "Is it that? Should we break it or are these beasts drawn here by the power?" As he watches he waits to see if one of the others a suggestion for where to go next or if they see any more savage beasts

Korvus "Thunderblade" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2606241)
M CG Half GIant War Priest (Warpath), Level 13, Init 1, HP 121/121, DR DR 3/ - , Speed
AC 24, Touch 13, Flat-footed 23, CMD 27, Fort 14, Ref 7, Will 15, CMB +17, Base Attack Bonus 9
Primal Fury stance = 6d6 base damage Adamantine Large Greatsword +2 (Power attack: +22/14, 3d6+26) +23/18 (3d6+17, 17-20/x2)
Longbow Composite (+7) +1 (40, 20 cold iron, 20 silver) +12/7 (2d6+8, x3)
Large cold iron dagger MW +18 (1d6+7, 19-20/x2)
Swift 1 fervour (+2 Sacred (+3 vs dragon/demon/undead) Admantine Full Plate +1 Crusading (+4 w/Magic vestment) (+13 Armor, +1 Dex, +2 Misc)
Abilities Str 24, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 21, Cha 8
Condition +2 Saves vs Fire, +2 Saves vs Mind affecting

Ongoing Spells:
Magic Vestment: 13 hours

Blessing 9 / 9 remaining
Fervour 10 / 11 remaining
Power Points 14/14 remaining

Cantrips: Detect magic, Light, Create water, Guidance
1st Level: Divine favour, Divine Favour, Shield of Faith, Lead Blades, Stone Shield
2nd Level: Inheritors smite, Ironskin, Ironskin, Sacred space, Lesser Restoration
3rd Level: Channel vigour, Deadly juggernaut, Magic vestment, Prayer
4th Level: Blessing of Fervour, Divine Power, Persistent Vigour
5th Level: Breath of Life

Running Hunter (+10ft speed, scent)
Battle Mantra (+ 4 insight to CMB/CMD or AC or Attacks)
Unbroken stride (Spider climb, air walk, walk on water)
Primal Warrior (+1 size for CMB/CMD, +2 sz for weapon damage)
Unavoidable Gaze (60ft blindsight + mind reading)

(1) Raging Hunter (pounce on charge)
(R) Blade breaker (Sunder counter +2)
(2) Traumatic reversal (Counter, 50% damage, Will save on enemy)
(3) Roar of Battle (+6d6 damage, +3d6 for allies)
(R) Battle Panthera (+12d6 dmaage on charge, Ref DC21 or prone)

2022-04-30, 01:15 PM
"If the beasts were brought here by it's power, then it would make sense to break it. However...I'm not sure if any of us here even possess such power. Breaking an artifact is serious business," Escobar pontificates.

"Moreover, breaking it would just be kicking the problem down the line. It would make more sense to track down whoever is sending these monsters, and then take care of them directly. In doing so, we can end the threat permanently."