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2007-11-24, 09:45 AM
Yes, I'm going to get glasses.
I'm very nervous, how will it be? what will everybody think? etc.

I'm also just,.....tacking off thoughts that it will probably make me rely on the glasses, and I dont want that.........

Advice on how to deal with getting glasses, etc. are very much welcome!

2007-11-24, 09:49 AM
Glasses look good, so congratulations.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-11-24, 10:03 AM
You get them, you put them on, you see better.

That's all I have to say about glasses. I've been wearing them since I was 10 or so. People say I look better with than without. They feel unusual at first, put a bit of pressure on your temples, but the longer you wear them the more they stretch and the more you get used to it. Now I don't even notice them.

2007-11-24, 10:05 AM
Glasses are a lot of fun. I guess.

They might feel weird at first, but it passes, and pretty soon you'll feel weird if you don't have them on. Also, clean them every once in a while and try not to get headbutted.

The Extinguisher
2007-11-24, 10:10 AM
Just be happy you don't absolutely need them. You'll probably get them and only have to wear them a few times.

I'm completely blind without my glasses.

2007-11-24, 10:13 AM
I had glasses. I wore them from the ages of 11-16. Now I have contacts and I am never looking back. Personally I prefer the latter, but glasses aren't really bad (unless you play a sport with a helmet. Fogged lenses are hell).

2007-11-24, 10:45 AM
Ok, I just got my glasses.
I cycled home with them on.
I got a headache like hell now...
And the women at the shop said my view was 120% now becouse my eyes were good anyway or something....

Axel, no, I dont completely need them, or wear them all the time, but my parents insist that I do so, and quite 'force' me to do so:smallfrown:

Shas aia Toriia
2007-11-24, 10:48 AM

Lucky, now you see better then I do. :smallfrown:

2007-11-24, 10:53 AM
I had glasses. I wore them from the ages of 11-16. Now I have contacts and I am never looking back. Personally I prefer the latter, but glasses aren't really bad (unless you play a sport with a helmet. Fogged lenses are hell).

Well, contacts are not for everyone. I don't particularly like to wear them but prefer glasses (excepts for sports).
Also, glasses can make you look more mature and intelligent, but that depends on what kind of glasses you've got.

2007-11-24, 11:03 AM
I have glasses. I only wear them when I drive.

Midnight Son
2007-11-24, 11:23 AM
I only wear mine when the sun's out.http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a122/Dwarf71/Smileys/cool.gif

2007-11-24, 11:40 AM
Don't worry about the headache, I get one every time my lenses change strength, a few days of discomfort then your eyes will get used to it and chill out a bit.

I actually like wearing glasses, I have since I was around 4, so I've never really known any different. Glasses are not a bad thing, and there's much less in the way of teasing around nowadays than there was maybe 15-20 years ago. They'll be weird at first, but you'll get used to them.

On the note of being forced to wear them all the time, that can actually be a bad thing for your eyes. If you've been told to wear them only for certain things that's what you should do. Wearing them more often can weaken your eyes and make the headaches worse! If your parents insist then it might be a good idea to explain that it could make your eyes worse than they already are.

I wouldn't recommend contact lenses until you've got used to your glasses. Your eyes need to adjust to having a helping had placed in front of them, they need to do that before you start shoving things in them. :smallamused:

2007-11-24, 12:01 PM
yeah, I've had glasses since I was 6. I refused to wear them for the first three years because they bothered me. Well, at 9 I started wearing them every day and I have since, especially as my eyes have worsened. :smalltongue: I like them.

The Extinguisher
2007-11-24, 12:20 PM
I need to wear them all the time. I take them off for sleep and when I shower. That's it.

I honestly have such bad vision, I can't put contacts in. Because I cannot see at all without them. I don't mind though. It's just become second nature now.

Rex Idiotarum
2007-11-24, 12:22 PM
Same here, except when i forget to take them off in bed or in the Shower...

Insert Name Here
2007-11-24, 12:31 PM
Hm. I actually think I might be better off if I really needed mine.
As it is, it's harder to, say, see the blackboard in class, but they're all to easy to forget in the morning. Then I realize on the bus to school that I forgot them.

The reason I don't wear mine much currently is kind of annoying. As it turns out, they give me a headache because they're warped. That's one thing, but I think it's warped because the place I got them from rushed them, and they were in a hurry because they promised that they'd have it ready a 2:00 that day.

We came at 4:30 and they hadn't even started.

2007-11-24, 12:31 PM
What have you got? Short-sighterd, long-sighted, astigmatism?

I have severe astigmatism in my left eye. So I see about 40* difference in where things are, it's extremely blurry without them and in that eye. I find it physically tiring to read a shop sign across the road using my left eye.
My right eye is slightly astigmatic and a bit blurred (no idea what that is).
And I've been wearing glasses since I was 12. You get used to them easily and those headaches will be worse if you leave them off after wearing them for a while. Yet I still rarely wear them. Only for school, homework, reading, TV and everything except the computer because the light hurts my eyes worse when I wear them and use the 'puter.

2007-11-24, 12:36 PM
@^ Lucky. I can't even read from the monitor without glasses. And it's worse since my left right eye sees worse than the right left.

Uhm? What was that? Must have been the pain meds.

I'm the same as Regina. I forget them all the time. Even sleeping and showering.

I had glasses. I wore them from the ages of 11-16. Now I have contacts and I am never looking back. Personally I prefer the latter, but glasses aren't really bad (unless you play a sport with a helmet. Fogged lenses are hell).

But they don't work for everyone. I can't wear them. I did for a time though. My eye produces only a very small amount of tear fluid, thus I get red eyes and major headaches very soon. Did nothing good to my school record last year, now that I moved on it got better.

2007-11-24, 12:37 PM
I have a severe astigmatism as well, which motivates me to wear them because it's terribly confusing without. I can't cross a street without my glasses because I can't judge where the cars are or how fast they're coming...I have to wear them to drive, of course, and I need them to work on the computer because otherwise I get massive headaches. So I put them on after my shower and take them off when I go to bed.

2007-11-24, 01:06 PM
I can see less than 10 centimetres in front of me, before it goes blurry.

The screen of my laptop is a fuzzy white blob with a fuzzy black outline around it when my glasses are off.

I've been told I look better without glasses, and have thought about getting contacts....but I don't really want them. I'm happy with glasses, and have worn them since I was...6/7ish, I think...

You'll get used to them. And then you'll never look back.

2007-11-24, 01:10 PM
And then you'll never look back.

Yes, it is that final.
Once you've started the whole glasses-thing, you can never look or go back. It's glasses or death, death or contact lenses.

The Extinguisher
2007-11-24, 01:37 PM
Severe near-sightness.

It's basically come down to the point where I need to have something hitting my face in order to see properly.

2007-11-24, 01:43 PM
I had glasses from Jr. High through jr. year in college, then I got laser eye surgery, been about 4 yrs now, and it's awesome. For glasses if you go in and out alot look into transition lenses, saves buying two pair.

2007-11-24, 02:09 PM
I had glasses when I was about 12-18, then we got a new eye doctor who asked me, "Why in the blazes aren't you wearing contacts?"

The glasses were nice while I had them, when I got them people told me it made me look smarter, and when I got them off, people told me I should keep wearing them because I didn't look as smart anymore. =/ (Subsequently when I get my Master's I may go back to wearing glasses for that reason.)

Your headache is because your peripheral vision is complaining because it wants to see as well, and the front "cone" of your vision is telling your peripheral vision to screw off. It's a little fight that will die down when your peripheral vision learns to sit down and shut up, and won't ever be able to see as well as the fronties, because it knows deep down that they will get equalized when you're in the shower and when you're asleep, and it'll be enough for him.

Anyways, when I got my contacts for the first time, it was amazing. I could see. Without something on my face to clean. It was an amazing feeling; empowering if you will. And here's a little side note: if your glasses do end up being needed for everything and not just for some things, contacts, if taken care of properly, can completely halt the degeneration of your eyes' vision. So in that eventuality, do take care of them. :)

The Extinguisher
2007-11-24, 02:17 PM
Yeah, but I can't wear contacts. I tried for a week, it didn't work.

2007-11-24, 02:20 PM
I have been wearing glasses since the age of 3, it becomes second nature to wear them after a while. Just take care of them! the amount of times i have stepped, bent, scratched, knocked them is amazing, I still do all the time.

The Vorpal Tribble
2007-11-24, 02:22 PM
I hate glasses. With a passion. A passion that bears no resemblance to love, but quite a lot of loathe.

I wore them for 10 years straight and hated every day of it. I'm quite active and usually knocked the lenses out every day, lost screws, warped the frame, scratched the lenses, and this is with me being careful.

Then came a 'very' mixed blessing.

I was wearing special safety sports glasses (padded, shock resistant, etc.), as I play soccer. I'm diving for a ball (playing goalie) and slide forward on my knees. At the same time the guy chasing the ball from the other team is lifting his leg to kick it. I got a knee into these 'safety' glasses so hard that it drove them into my face and sliced my cheek muscle in half. They thought for several minutes I'd lost an eye I was so blood splattered on that side of the face. Got about fifteen stitches and still have a scar under my eye.

Next week I went in for contacts and they have been a godsend. They are incomparably more comfortable, they don't get scratched up, they don't fog in humidity changes, and if they get dirty, put a few drops in your eye, or if worse comes to worse take them out, rub'em a little, and they're good as new. Never had the slightest problem.

Also, some folks look good in glasses. I am not one of those.

2007-11-24, 03:15 PM
I need glasses, I have glasses but I don't where them, I felt like I always had to be careful, I didn't want to run or bike with them, so I drop glasses except for during class.

2007-11-24, 03:19 PM
Thank you all for the advice....

Yes, it is that final.
Once you've started the whole glasses-thing, you can never look or go back. It's glasses or death, death or contact lenses.

Can...Can I choose death? I heard its huggable....

2007-11-24, 03:20 PM
I'm Keratoconic (https://www.eyeconx.com/uploadimages/keratoconusA.jpg) and contact lenses are the treatment. I wish I could go back to glasses given the amount of trouble my lenses give me. Never any trouble out of glasses. You get used to them and then keep going.

2007-11-24, 03:22 PM
It takes some time getting used to. But after that, nothing wrong with glasses. Just remember to take them off for sports, or get contacts for sports. I wear glasses mostly since I personally think I look smarter with them >.>

Glasses give +2 to assumed intelligence.

2007-11-24, 03:25 PM
Yeah, what's with that stereotype, anyway? It gets annoying. I've actually been told "You're the smartest kid in this entire town" (:smallconfused:) In connection with it. Granted, the I.Q. of the majority of teens I know is hardly astronomical...but still...it shouldn't have anything to do with glasses. Yes, maybe I look intellectual...but I've known some real idiots who happened to wear glasses. So get over it. :smalltongue:

2007-11-24, 04:07 PM
I think there's a percieved "high-school" dichotomy still floating around between "smart" and "athletic"; since it's difficult to be an athelete and wear glasses (simply because of people running into each other and all that), people feel that the other option is to be smart. Of course, it doesn't really work that way, but stereotypes tend not to have much of a basis in reality.

As for myself, I wear glasses, but take them off fairly often. My eyesight isn't horrible, so I can get away with it.

2007-11-24, 05:00 PM
now a days glasses aren't a nerd thing, or at least not where I lived.
anyway, I'm near sighted in my left eye but my right eye is fine, it was strange with glasses until they realized that (because with them my right eye was messed up). now I just wear 1 contact.

A Rainy Knight
2007-11-24, 05:44 PM
Glasses are no problem. I've had them for six years, and I feel uncomfortable when I'm NOT wearing them. It's not a big deal to take care of them, either. Sometimes I go for two or three days without washing them and I don't notice.

In short, they're not a big deal.

2007-11-24, 05:49 PM
Glasses are ok. As long as you choose the right frame and it suits your needs, you're not going to have any problems with them. My eyesight isn't so bad, so sometimes I can go without them.

Don Julio Anejo
2007-11-24, 09:21 PM
I kinda need glasses... Never got around to getting them and now squinting is making my eyes worse, it takes me something like .3 seconds to focus and stuff is a bit blurry.

Now I'm trying to decide if I want to go for the Daniel Jackson (from Stargate) thin wire frames look, or small, thick "hipster" frames. Although I probably won't get around to getting them for at least another year (I want a Canon 1d Mark II camera dammit :mad:)

2007-11-24, 11:17 PM
And the women at the shop said my view was 120% now becouse my eyes were good anyway or something....

Axel, no, I dont completely need them, or wear them all the time, but my parents insist that I do so, and quite 'force' me to do so:smallfrown:
What?! Why on earth would your parents make you get glasses, when even the people who should know say you don't need them?! All that's gonna do is make your eyes bad. Dallas, if you don't need them, don't wear them. If you do, your eyes will adjust to looking through the glass and you'll end up with bad vision when you take them off.
Presumably, of course, your parents do have a reason for it... What is it?

2007-11-25, 01:00 AM
I have 4 points.................. but I don't mind wearing glasses. You sorta get used to it. Besides, with them, I can SEE.

Dean Fellithor
2007-11-25, 01:15 AM
I once had glasses, I had them colored so I didn't have to worry about that glare you get when the sun hits your paper...they were colored Pink, which was embarresing but eventually I got used to them, my friends at my primary school thought the glasses were cool and I just started to wear them on a full time basis when they broke, the pad thingy that holds it above the nose broke and they felt uncomfortable, my Mother refused to get them fixed and I've never worn them since...

2007-11-25, 01:26 AM
I got glasses a few years back. At first I felt scarred that I needed them and that it would be too different, but I ended up not minding them and now a lot of people can't picture me without them. If you're worried about how you look in them just spend as much time as you want looking for a pair that suit you the best, that's what I did.

Rex Idiotarum
2007-11-25, 01:31 AM
Tired of seein' the world through Rose Colored Glasses?

2007-11-25, 01:41 AM
wow......I´m surprised how many people here wear/wore glasses/contact lenses...

- Serp, my vision with glasses is apparently 120% thats why we never noticed that I needed them becouse my eyesight was really good though screwed up...So it was just a bit lower.

I needed glasses, but nobody noticed becouse my eyes just naturally made up becouse it wasnt that much, but now with glasses, I can apparantly see 120%, now clear?

2007-11-25, 02:23 AM
I recall a study in Canada a few years ago according to which people with glasses really are slightly more intelligent, on average - probably because the intellectually inclined are more prone to straining their eyes staring at text or screens for hours on end. Smart or not, I certainly contributed to my vision's deterioration as a child by reading in the dark every night.

I need glasses, I have glasses but I don't where them, I felt like I always had to be careful, I didn't want to run or bike with them, so I drop glasses except for during class.
While rougher sports might be a problem, I can't imagine anything would happen to your glasses while simply running or biking. Once you get used to them you realise they (should) fit pretty firmly and aren't that fragile (though The Vorpal Tribble evidently discovered their limits - I hope the scar looks good, at least).

2007-11-25, 02:28 AM
I needed glasses, but nobody noticed becouse my eyes just naturally made up becouse it wasnt that much, but now with glasses, I can apparantly see 120%, now clear?
That doesn't make sense. If your glasses have more dioptres than you need, you only will get headaches and eventually see worse. It doesn't get your eyesight above average for more than a mere month.

I had it with my left eye, the glasses were actually half a dioptre too strong. I had massive migraine sometimes from it (though I am a bit prone to get them anyway).

2007-11-25, 04:42 AM
I need glasses, I have glasses but I don't where them, I felt like I always had to be careful, I didn't want to run or bike with them, so I drop glasses except for during class.

Eh, I've gone on my bike with my glasses. Need to, otherwise I'd crash into things.

The only time I take off my glasses in everyday stuff was in Karate...And only for some of the stuff we did there...

Even when I went sailing(Oops, where'd my glasses go? In the water? Oh crap) I still wore them(with string keeping them tied on...Uncomfortable, but okay). In fact, the only thing I nearly lost then was my trainers. :smallbiggrin:

2007-11-25, 04:47 AM
While rougher sports might be a problem, I can't imagine anything would happen to your glasses while simply running or biking. Once you get used to them you realise they (should) fit pretty firmly and aren't that fragile (though The Vorpal Tribble evidently discovered their limits - I hope the scar looks good, at least).

You can generally bike with glasses- no problem. But running with them is a nightmare because unless you staple them to your nose they're gonna bob up and down. That makes it feel like the world's shaking and really isn't helpful.

2007-11-25, 06:33 AM
I haven't read through all of the above posts, so forgive me if this has already been mentioned, but I think it's important to note that, barring a serious disease or rare genetic anomaly, you don't *need* glasses. Poor eyesight is generally caused by poor visual habits, and correction of these can and will improve your vision. Several years ago, I had extremely bad eyesight (20/80), but, after consulting my optometrist and much self-study, I was able to improve my vision to it's current state at 20/30 (and this with too much close-up work and reading.)

If you aren't thrilled about wearing glasses, I suggest you check out some books on natural vision-improvement at the library (Google would probably work also) and do some reading.

Be aware, also, that wearing any sort of ocular correction device *will* breed dependency, which is often the cause of people needing progressively stronger prescriptions over time. To put it another way, glasses treat the symptom rather than the cause, and will promote weak vision.

NOTE: I've posted messages like this on fora before, and occasionally someone will pop up and attempt to argue these points. If you're one of these people, please save your time, as I have no intention of returning to this thread and don't care to debate the matter, anyway.

The Vorpal Tribble
2007-11-25, 09:10 AM
Poor eyesight is generally caused by poor visual habits, and correction of these can and will improve your vision.
I... don't know that such is the case. Everyone I know who needs glasses does because it's genetic. My parent's needed glasses, and both their parents before them. Oddly enough only me and one of my sisters needed them in my current generation, and she even did special eye exercises and took vitamins and a whole lot of stuff because she didn't want glasses so badly.

She finally gave up after over a year of it and got glasses as everything she had tried did squat.

(She also finally got contacts and like me revere them. We never 'got used' to the glasses even after a decade)

NOTE: I've posted messages like this on fora before, and occasionally someone will pop up and attempt to argue these points. If you're one of these people, please save your time, as I have no intention of returning to this thread and don't care to debate the matter, anyway.
Good for you. Then I will reveal a quite different view with proven facts against what you say and not have to worry about you.

2007-11-25, 09:26 AM
Poor eyesight is generally caused by poor visual habits, and correction of these can and will improve your vision.

Wow, and here I've been taught that it had to do with the physical dimensions of ones eye. I'll be sure to tell my biology lecturer that he's wrong. :smallamused:

But yeah, I'm pretty much screwed without my glasses. Any writing that isn't 1 foot from my face is completely unintelligible. I lost them at Oxegen (the music festival) this year and it ruined the entire thing. I could hardly make out where the stages were. :smalltongue:

2007-11-25, 11:36 AM
Balat, its in my family to, my mother has them on almost full time and my father needs them for driving, oddly enough my brother doesnt need them, nor is he sick, the last time he wass ill enough to miss school was around 8 years ago:smalleek: I'm jealous on that point.....

Now my parents say I need to get used to the and say after each 30 min I need to wear them 5 min...Well its better then constantly...Dont know how its going to be at school though, especially since the students at my school are rebelling(the dutch government wants to increase school hours from 950 to 1040(not counting lessons dropping, hours between lessons etc.)

Anyway, I convinced my parents to look into contact lenses(maybe even night contacts) but apparently my eyes have a weird shape from all the stress and me being tired, so we dont know yet if its an option....