View Full Version : Curse of the Crimson Thread: Escape from Old Korvosa [IC]

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2022-03-26, 09:42 PM

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“They Walk Among Us!"

Fear stalks the streets of Old Korvosa as the Curse of the Crimson Throne continues! Anarchy, plague, and the mandates of a pitiless queen have thrown the island community into chaos. Forsaken by the government and cut off from the rest of the city, hundreds of unfortunates stand helpless against the rising criminal warlords, each eager to carve out a slice of Korvosa as his own. Yet, amid the turmoil of warring gangs and sinister power mongers hides the only man who might be able to restore sanity to the beleaguered city. But why has remained silent for so long? What secret of the new queen does he hide? And what fiendish power grows in the shadows, ready to sink its claws into the heart of Old Korvosa?




Race [Ethnicity]
(Gender ID)


Side 1

Side 2




Vivino Dorso


Human [Chelaxian]
Alchemist 7
[Internal Alchemist +
Barbarian 7
[Invulnerable Rager]

Linzi, Dane's Cohort

Golden Rod

Bard 4

2022-03-27, 10:58 PM
Dul'Dane "Dane" Thunderbreaker

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/deta12m-c5c04ee7-05df-4e8d-93dd-ae5347ae9f80.png/v1/fill/w_1024,h_1244,q_80,strp/dul_dane__dane__thunderbreaker_by_lostsole31_deta1 2m-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI 1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNh NWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMT g4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7 ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTI0NCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzA1OWQ4MD g5LTc2NGEtNDAzNC1hMmU0LTRmZTA4Y2Y4OWI4M1wvZGV0YTEy bS1jNWMwNGVlNy0wNWRmLTRlOGQtOTNkZC1hZTUzNDdhZTlmOD AucG5nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEwMjQifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJu OnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.4uuwzbCUm5g Pmd_kdyNJHyJsfMVNJW8mLmA1yWhP3gg

Description 4' 8", 196 lbs.; Brown Eyes; Brown Hair

At 4' 8" with a strong, barrel-shaped build, Dul'Dane weighs close to 200 lbs. and has a long brown beard. He often has a smile on his face and is known well by his friends for his bellowing laugh. He has pale skin and wears full armor even when out drinking.


Jovial and caring, Dul'Dane enjoy's the company of other's, either hearing their stories and speaking fondly of others. He is quick to defend other's and isn't afraid of getting caught in the middle of a disagreement.

Home of Record

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/df2gt1p-f3481eeb-efe5-476d-9bcc-7068e4bfa8de.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQz NzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZT BkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6 W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzA1OWQ4MDg5LTc2NGEtNDAzNC1hMm U0LTRmZTA4Y2Y4OWI4M1wvZGYyZ3QxcC1mMzQ4MWVlYi1lZmU1 LTQ3NmQtOWJjYy03MDY4ZTRiZmE4ZGUucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIj pbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.9K0wP69N yasbLMBEg9a2O8dFCUbFF4q2JilFK4H958U

2022-03-27, 11:01 PM

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/df2gsz4-1032d648-b374-4a80-86a8-2a49e985837d.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQz NzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZT BkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6 W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzA1OWQ4MDg5LTc2NGEtNDAzNC1hMm U0LTRmZTA4Y2Y4OWI4M1wvZGYyZ3N6NC0xMDMyZDY0OC1iMzc0 LTRhODAtODZhOC0yYTQ5ZTk4NTgzN2QucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIj pbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.f-j8bBVYrnij-UOkymt62gNCnuzerb2Y7Pf4IlNZ3eM

Description 6' 9", 270 lbs.; Brown Eyes; Bald (Dark Brown body hair)

Ernak is an enormously tall, muscle-bound man with rich bronze skin. He bears the marks of several scars on his legs, arms, and even his face, but the entire effect ultimately complements his rugged appearance and broad smile. His body is armored in light segments adorned with feathers, but while his general appearance might mark him as ethnically Shoanti--even proudly so--his lack of their traditional tattoos stands out as unusual for his people.


--Yearns to belong: has no tattoos b/c has not earned them from a Shoanti Quah, feels disconnected from life in Korvosa after Gaedren Lamm's slavery
--Fiercely loyal to those who earn his trust
--Gentle giant, cares for innocents as a formerly wronged innocent himself
--Curious about the world beyond Korvosa, its peoples and their stores
--Encouraging, supportive, and urges people to become better than they are
--Quick to guffaw, loves a good tale/boast, enjoys seeing a job done well
--Cares deeply about his dignity/honor after ages of colonialist discrimination

--Hard to earn his trust/respect and can hold grudges for a long time
--Talkative on general topics but very reserved/guarded about his inner life
--Struggles to grasp bigger picture, focuses overmuch on the present moment

Home of Record

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/df2gt1r-a7a3643c-2aa0-4c42-b078-1861f210d220.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQz NzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZT BkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6 W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzA1OWQ4MDg5LTc2NGEtNDAzNC1hMm U0LTRmZTA4Y2Y4OWI4M1wvZGYyZ3Qxci1hN2EzNjQzYy0yYWEw LTRjNDItYjA3OC0xODYxZjIxMGQyMjAucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIj pbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.T_JPWvT5 WYdgeg9ND2yKoDhHJ9Zr5fUO_49wVezx5ss

2022-03-27, 11:07 PM
Jacintha Felix

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/df2erw8-149b4142-c11f-4efc-b571-e1bfe3727bc0.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQz NzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZT BkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6 W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzA1OWQ4MDg5LTc2NGEtNDAzNC1hMm U0LTRmZTA4Y2Y4OWI4M1wvZGYyZXJ3OC0xNDliNDE0Mi1jMTFm LTRlZmMtYjU3MS1lMWJmZTM3MjdiYzAucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIj pbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.bKqsrsaz MmeffQXM-ZEDPyhwAbtMnZNM-DDs7ElGH0E

Description 4' 10", 145 lbs.; Blue Eyes; Dark Brown Hair

A mousy, unassuming individual with dark brown, chin-length hair and dark blue eyes. Her build is a bit plump for her height, but this belies her speed and agility.


Jacintha is quiet, and doesn't open up much to strangers. She's constantly on guard around people, especially those she perceives as stronger than herself, which is almost everyone. She makes a note of whoever might be a threat, and keeps watch on them. She doesn't trust easily, but she can be polite, even friendly, with anyone who might be good to associate with. Finally, though she hides it well, she despises being bullied or taken advantage of, and will quietly plot her revenge against those responsible.

Home of Record
Shingles, Old Korvosa, Korvosa

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/df2gt1t-a31cdbd4-7834-4e81-85d3-0d0b67a6a7bc.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQz NzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZT BkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6 W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzA1OWQ4MDg5LTc2NGEtNDAzNC1hMm U0LTRmZTA4Y2Y4OWI4M1wvZGYyZ3QxdC1hMzFjZGJkNC03ODM0 LTRlODEtODVkMy0wZDBiNjdhNmE3YmMucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIj pbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.iFxw1tRY O0YGFiCVFqUZgH63-1js_wsIOvFVaSfuZlk

2022-03-27, 11:13 PM
Vivino Dorso

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/dei7nhz-be4a1279-2677-475d-be6d-f37aeed025a1.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjph cHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMDU5ZDgwODktNz Y0YS00MDM0LWEyZTQtNGZlMDhjZjg5YjgzXC9kZWk3bmh6LWJl NGExMjc5LTI2NzctNDc1ZC1iZTZkLWYzN2FlZWQwMjVhMS5wbm cifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9h ZCJdfQ.rVEJ_oTrAeXvnv-xU9fOC7DfR-SmFSYhmOsS1jb_VbE

Description 6' 2", 200 lbs.; Hazel Eyes; Brown Hair

Tall muscular human male wearing mithril breastplate with loose clothing that could be used to cover up along with leather gloves. Across his back is a backpack and a greatsword along with a few weapons on his belt. He is clean shaven with several battle scars and closely cropped brown hair.


I judge people based on their actions, not their words. I will do whatever I can to bring my sister back into the family (will not tell people that she passed away due to drug addiction in Korvas). Overall Vivino is cordial and good-natured but if someone wrongs him or his friends/family he will do whatever it takes to make sure they never bother again. The extent that he will go often makes some leery of him but he has a hard time convincing them before they try something.

Home of Record

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/df2gt20-9a011f9c-6b8f-4387-bb28-c891ba93d67e.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQz NzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZT BkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6 W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzA1OWQ4MDg5LTc2NGEtNDAzNC1hMm U0LTRmZTA4Y2Y4OWI4M1wvZGYyZ3QyMC05YTAxMWY5Yy02Yjhm LTQzODctYmIyOC1jODkxYmE5M2Q2N2UucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIj pbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.fp0VsFs1 FJ-YTOTCVmTiVzOFTotEfHRfsdXdrushC5Y

2022-03-30, 01:27 AM
https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/df2nm2c-6fab7e8f-2ed2-4e84-852f-cfb081d47e89.png/v1/fill/w_1024,h_336,q_80,strp/part_1__into_the_dying_city_by_lostsole31_df2nm2c-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI 1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNh NWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMT g4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7 ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MzM2IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMDU5ZDgwOD ktNzY0YS00MDM0LWEyZTQtNGZlMDhjZjg5YjgzXC9kZjJubTJj LTZmYWI3ZThmLTJlZDItNGU4NC04NTJmLWNmYjA4MWQ0N2U4OS 5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTAyNCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46 c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.JsUiUiQIucTmp lSjqMj5VC4MG_9awY6BYMhbmZRNtOM
https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/059d8089-764a-4034-a2e4-4fe08cf89b83/df2nlsg-b5b55262-a7d0-488f-bcfb-2b13ec2138aa.png/v1/fill/w_1024,h_658,q_80,strp/old_korvosa__chapter_background_by_lostsole31_df2n lsg-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI 1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNh NWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMT g4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7 ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NjU4IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMDU5ZDgwOD ktNzY0YS00MDM0LWEyZTQtNGZlMDhjZjg5YjgzXC9kZjJubHNn LWI1YjU1MjYyLWE3ZDAtNDg4Zi1iY2ZiLTJiMTNlYzIxMzhhYS 5wbmciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTAyNCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46 c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.Lw8Zj02Lc9ph2 lFP05Bgwyvn9FoiGIZo-w3Pp998wqY

Korvosa has survived the hideous plague, but not unscathed. The streets are dull and muted, strangely empty except for when markets quietly open. People seem to be more interested in staying home than going out, and when they do emerge, they shuffle quickly to their destinations and conduct their business swiftly. The Order of the Nail has withdrawn from Korvosa, retreating to Citadel Vraid for the first time in Korvosa’s history. Some whisper the Hellknights are planning a full-scale invasion of Korvosa to seize control, but more knowledgeable sources know that dozens of Hellknights perished or failed to uphold their charges during the recent events, and that Lictor Severs has recalled his troops to punish the city for these failures.

City temples have their hands full tracking down the last remaining pockets of sick residents and disposing of the dead, while the Acadamae continues to keep its doors shut and withhold its resources for the duration, hoping to wait out these troubled times. The Sable Company is falling apart, and the Korvosan Guard has taken staggering hits to both its personnel and its morale. Field Marshal Kroft talks about recruitment drives to replenish the ranks, but helping Korvosa recover remains the primary goal—one made difficult by Queen Ileosa’s reduced support.

Yet the queen is not ignoring Korvosa. The energy and support once lent to the Korvosan Guard and the Sable Company is now funneled into the enigmatic Gray Maidens. Even as the number of Korvosan Guards on the streets dwindles, the presence of these armored warrior women increases. Regular patrols of Gray Maidens march along the major streets, and rumors spread that strike forces are breaking into homes and buildings reputed to house those who voiced dissenting opinions of the monarchy. Old Korvosa remains under a tight quarantine, with troops of Gray Maidens stationed along the Narrows and patrolling the Jeggare in swift barges to ensure that no one gets off Endrin Isle. The plumes of smoke as buildings burn and the periodic roars of riots that echo down from Old Korvosa alone are enough to warn away the curious.

The atmosphere of oppression and fear that fills Korvosa continues, with rumors of a new plague growing, even though Vivino Dorso helped develop a cure for blood veil.

Two of you already know Vudran merchant Master Shyamal, and several more of you received to join him along with two of the "Heroes of Korovosa" (Dane Thunderbreaker and Vivino Dorso) for a repast an hour past noon at his house on this day.

Except for the two aforementioned heroes, none of the new ones of you have ever met Master Shyamal, and likely have never even heard of him as you are welcomed to his beautiful home in the foreign quarter of the Midlands.

Lunch is an informal affair. Servants do not serve you, but make sure that the tables are full of food and good drink.

As you are overwhelmed by the surprising luxury you enjoy this afternoon, for some of you the most luxury you've ever enjoyed at a private home, Master Shyamal speaks with only a slight Vudrani accent in a soft voice that conveys warmth, "I am Master Shyamal. I am no diviner but am in contact with one. By reading their own Harrow and talking with their informants, you have each been named. I have asked you to come, and so you have. Thank you. I understand that to small degrees, and yet with some discretion, each of you have voiced some consternation over the state of affairs in Korvosa at this time. I was wondering, would you each be willing to receive a Harrow reading? Please note that these readings are only for the specifically invited, and not for your valets, bodyguards, familiars, mounts, companions, employees, and so forth." Runa's roc wasn't permitted indoors, but was allowed to go to an unused section of the stables to not scare the horses. You were promised he would be fed well.
There is no need to describe yourselves, unless you want to add to what was written above. How do you each respond?

2022-03-30, 02:03 AM
"Thank you for hosting us Master Shyamal." Vivino begins with a nod towards Shyamal.

"Welcome new acquaintances, I look forward to getting to know you and appreciate your help in these trying times.

Master Shyamal, I think of no better way to begin new friendships than with a harrow reading. I would welcome a reading, thank you."

2022-03-30, 01:36 PM
"I can think of quite a few better ways to begin new friendships than a harrow reading," Runa says, pausing to wash down her food with a swig of drink, "That being said, you've found a fellow traditionalist in me. You can count me in."

2022-03-30, 07:43 PM
Ernak smiles widely he enters the room and breathes its atmosphere in deeply. Composing himself before approaching their host, the giant of a man politely states with a bow of his bald head to Master Shyamal, "You honor me with your hospitality," and adds with a smaller inclination of the head toward Vivino and Dane, "And you double that honor by drawing me here alongside heroes of the hour. Many thanks for your kindness."

Taking his seat, Ernak delicately samples the food and drink as he listens to Shyamal's offer. "It has been some time since I have had a proper reading, but I always love a good story... especially my own!" he says with a self-deprecating laugh, "And if we are truly alike in yearning for happier days, then all the better. I consent."

2022-03-31, 01:29 AM
Barris inclines her head towards Master Shyamal, "Thank you for the beverage and the meal.
I will bid you welcome in my shop, should you ever grace its doors. And while I am unhappy with the current state of affairs, I am not at all sure why you have called me to this august company."

Dusk Raven
2022-03-31, 09:11 AM
Jacintha's primary focus was in filling herself with food - and packing as much away as she can for later. It's an old habit gained from living on the street, and while she can currently support a modest lifestyle, old habit die hard - especially those that were once necessary for survival.

Once mealtime is over, however, she shifts about, as if not sure what to do with herself. "Thank you for the hospitality - and for the food," she says, echoing the others, though there is a touch of genuine gratitude in her words. "I haven't had much experience with genuine Harrow readers, but I'll receive one, if that pleases you."

She glances towards Barris. Though Jacintha says nothing, she too is a bit uncertain as to why she's here - and that fact makes her cautious.

2022-03-31, 06:43 PM
Dane nods along listening to everyone speak.
"Im fine with a reading, what could the harm be."

2022-03-31, 11:15 PM
"In that case, allow me to introduce you to someone your predecessors knew," says Master Shyamal. He pulls for the Harrow deck that Vivino and Dane found in Lady Andaisin's lair and had handed to Master Shyamal for study.

"It didn't help either of you," admits the master to Vivino and Dane, "but it was my foster son Allen Phan who last held this deck, and before him the entobian Paxre. I know that some of you have a history with Gaedran Lamm, and you can thank our deceased entobian friend Paxre and his fellows - long gone now - for ending that low-rent crimelord's rise to power.

"Ladies, and gentleman, please meet Zellara," he says, then focusing on the Harrow deck. "Zellara, come forth to make your readings."

Appearing out of cloud emanating from the finely crafted Harrow deck is a handsome, though not beautiful, apparition of a Varisian woman of middle-age. "Zellara was killed by Gaedran Lamm's thugs, and her spirit now occupies this Harrow, and she has a unique insight to destiny. This, by the way, is why each of you were contacted. With my admittedly weakened intelligence network, you were each identified and named as persons of exceptional training."

"My time is limited and I may not tarry," says Zellara. She telekinetically shuffles the cards and has Vivino touch the deck before she shuffles again and lays out the cards in a 3 x 3 formation of a total of nine cards (see "Vivino's Draw" in the handouts channel of Discord).

Zellara warns that the Unicorn card is likely misaligned, meaning a possible betrayal, poisoning, or a false friend. But the key card she notes for Vivino's spread, the one that resonates, is the Wanderer. "The Wanderer is misaligned for you, Vivino Dorso. This signifies a loss of values, or the inability to see what is truly valuable in a person or situation. Your desire to remain morally and ethically neutral in the coming crisis may force you to choose, or to lose all. This ambiguity is further noted because you have no true matches with this spread. You will be tried, Vivino, and you will face a choice that requires you to forgo neutrality."

Vivino, any comment on your Harrow spread?

2022-03-31, 11:35 PM
Vivino eyes our new guest carefully and then the cards.

After slowly looking up says, "I have to admit I've never seen a reading such as what you just did but I feel that I can trust your abilities.

As for the results, it wouldn't be the first time that I misread someone or a situation. I hope I realize before it's too late.

My values...my values do mean a lot, but if changing them means protecting my sister then I may have have to rethink my approach. I would appreciate any further insight if you could my lady. "

2022-03-31, 11:59 PM
"That is all the insight I have to give, Vivino Dorso," says the apparition Zellara, who then turns to Runa while the silver-edged Harrow cards seem to shuffle themselves. "It is time to cut the deck, Runa Hjaltisdottir."

Assuming she touches the deck as a symbolic "cutting," the cards shuffle again before arraying themselves in a similar manner as they did for Vivino.






evokes strength through great diversity. The blacksmith represents those who can survive the mephits’ trial by fire, but The Forge’s fire is so strong it burns many to cinders instead. This card often represents a dangerous event that needs many sources of strength to overcome.


is a creature of astonishing beauty, but it is a beauty that can only be retained if frozen like a cockatrice’s statues. Smarter people accept the passage of time and dance out of The Peacock’s way. Its appearance always signifies a sudden personal shift in attitude or societal change.

Foreign Trader

is the card of spies and peddlers alike. Any who trade in information are subject to this card’s influence. A bargain made under this card’s auspice always concludes true, but the ramifications of the pact might be shocking for those who do not understand its implications.



is a conduit to creation, although she does not create on her own. This halfling is a key that lets new life or information into the world. Her heart can see the good in even the worst situation. She can see the import of any new arrival.


is a driving external force that keeps the subject going, no matter what. This force can be physical or mental, as a person who exhorts others to continue on when they have no more strength to give. The force can be for good or ill but cannot be ignored. The half-orc depicted is leading a life of constant toil, but for his own betterment.


represents plague, pestilence, famine, and disease. It can also indicate corruption of the soul or of a multitude of souls.


Queen Mother

is knowledge personified. The formian knows all but does not reveal anything to anyone who does not show her proper worship. She is fond of the powerless and the underclasses, for they serve her when the more powerful refuse. She represents the need to become part of a society, or to bow before those who know more than you.


are a dangerous bunch who indicate violent taking of that which is loved. When The Crows appear, murder, theft, or other shocking loss occurs.


is a symbol of quiet strength, one that can move when necessary, yet stand firm through the greatest hardship. Those represented by The Keep are not shaken by any force.

Misaligned, it can mean giving way to temptation or falling in the face of greater strength.

"The Teamster and the Crows are true matches, Runa, and you will gain some boon in general for this. But your power card in this array is the Foreign Trader. Either you are the spy or peddler, or you will come in contact with one, but that is when you will need to be extra cautious."

Runa, any comment or questions?

2022-04-01, 01:06 PM
Runa cuts the deck as requested, watching curiously as the cards arrange themselves.

"Not as surprised as I thought I'd be that the harrow reader is the deck itself... In truth, I have more questions than you likely have time for," she says, following along as best she can, "Should I be worried about having a card like the crows as a true match? I do like birds, but that sure doesn't sound like a boon to me, you know?"

"Maybe it's best if I just focus on the important bits. No need to let myself get overwhelmed by every card in the spread."

2022-04-01, 02:52 PM
"Nothing exists alone in this world, and so it is with the cards," says Zellara. "A simple maxim that is oft forgotten by those in the city, but not by a Shoanti talespinner."

This is the prompt for Ernak to touch the deck next after an initial shuffle, and once touched shuffle again before cards and drawn and arrange themselves.






is the card of emptiness and loss of identity. The bodak shown is forever mad, lost in a world of lunatics, insane asylums, and mass killers. For those under its influence, the world makes no sense. It evokes times where all is babble, as when meeting someone who speaks only in another tongue.

Misaligned, it can indicate clarity of mind under duress.


signifies coming under attack from all sides, but it can also indicate the dissolution of the self—mentally. Whether the strength is of the flesh or the mind, it dissolves under the relentless attack.

Misaligned, this card suggests that during the assault, undiscovered strength is found.


is a vile, poisoned weapon. Poison takes many forms—not all of them physical. The poison on the assassin’s blade represents the death of ideas and freedom, as well as the ability to turn friends against each other or poison the minds of the virtuous.

Misaligned, this card can mean a mental leap, a new friendship, or a discovery.



is love at its most treacherous. This is not the love that moves mountains, this is the love that rips the heart in two and causes lovers to leap to their deaths. This lamia can mean obsession, unrequited passion, or doomed love.

Mountain Man

signifies an encounter with a physical power outside of one’s control. The giant could personify an authority, an army, an earthquake, or even a desperately needed rainstorm in a parched land. Acceding to the force might be wise, but surviving it is paramount.

Brass Dwarf

shows an azer who represents invulnerability to a current danger. Although others might fall, he remains hale and strong. The Brass Dwarf can also mean a failure or dark fate for one, which in turn might save all others around him from a greater danger.


Queen Mother

is knowledge personified. The formian knows all but does not reveal anything to anyone who does not show her proper worship. She is fond of the powerless and the underclasses, for they serve her when the more powerful refuse. She represents the need to become part of a society, or to bow before those who know more than you.


is a force that tears through whatever it meets. This disaster does not come in the course of natural order but is one that comes from the plots of intelligent beings. The Cyclone signifies war, arson, or other plans that destroy everything they touch.


represents plague, pestilence, famine, and disease. It can also indicate corruption of the soul or of a multitude of souls.

"Ernak," informs Zellara, "The key card here that is tied to your near fate is the snakebite. As with Vivino, you are more limited in what cards will help you in the future, and this card is your key. Because of its position so misaligned for a normally negative card, this is fortuitous for you."

Ernak, any comment?

2022-04-01, 07:16 PM
Ernak frowns with concentration as the cards are laid out, but at the reading's conclusion he grins eagerly at Zellara. "It is strange to hear my story on another's lips. I do not like seeing sickness for the future, especially when the current plague is not yet in the past! But perhaps the snakebite means today's gathering is an especially auspicious one? I like that..."

The man then sits back in his chair, stroking his chin with a thoughtful look on his face as the others' fortunes are read.

2022-04-02, 10:54 PM
"A snakebite survived is a testament to the stoicism of the survivor," says Zellara. "But sometimes, knowing that the danger exists and avoiding it through intellect is just as good. For example, Barris Khouri ..."

And Zellara holds the deck for Barris to touch after an initial shuffle, and then shuffled again once touched, and then revealed in arrangement ...



depicts a devil swallowing innocents. It can indicate the deaths of many in a great calamity. The Fiend can also indicate that some sort of dark and intelligent creature is in the area, endangering the populace.

Misaligned, the salvation from the same calamity.


is a grig, a creature whose mind is as quick as its body. It represents speed and quick passage. Although The Cricket is commonly associated with travel, the peach it sits by represents treasure at the end.


is a vile, poisoned weapon. Poison takes many forms—not all of them physical. The poison on the assassin’s blade represents the death of ideas and freedom, as well as the ability to turn friends against each other or poison the minds of the virtuous.

Misaligned, this card can mean a mental leap, a new friendship, or a discovery.

Big Sky

shows an epic moment as the slaves of a nation are freed. The slaves’ freedom specifies momentous and powerful change, as old shackles are cast off in the light of day.

Hidden Truth

symbolizes the ability to see past the obvious and the banal to a greater truth within. Sometimes this discovery is an esoteric one, sometimes it is a literal find, such as an item revealed within a room. Regardless, it is a card with the power to reveal secrets.


is an environment so bleak that none can survive it without aid. For those who find that aid, the journey across the wastes can lead to great things. The sphinx on this card can refer to a mystic or doctor bringing salvation in times of plague or illness.


are a dangerous bunch who indicate violent taking of that which is loved. When The Crows appear, murder, theft, or other shocking loss occurs.


is the card of emptiness and loss of identity. The bodak shown is forever mad, lost in a world of lunatics, insane asylums, and mass killers. For those under its influence, the world makes no sense. It evokes times where all is babble, as when meeting someone who speaks only in another tongue.


represents fate, the gods, or those who play with the lives and destinies of others. If this titanic Juggler can keep up his rhythm, he will achieve his goals.

Misaligned, he falters, and tragedy and failure are assured for those whose lives he meddled in.

"Barris Khouri," begins Zellara, "You have two notable cards here, promising some favor in the future. The first is the Cricket that is in perfect alignment for you, but the main power card here is Hidden Truth, with you as the best here to find such a thing."

Barris, any comment?

2022-04-03, 12:12 AM
"Thank you, Harrower. I will keep these things in mind." Barris pauses, then continues, But what of the dark omens? Are those to simply be discarded from our concern?"

2022-04-03, 06:55 AM
"Less my concern, than yours," quips the fortune-teller's ghost, "but Jacintha Felix, your telling awaits your eye."

With Jacintha's mid-shuffle cut, the cards are again arranged.





Empty Throne

has a sense of loss that is palpable. The ghost signifies that those who are gone will always be with us. They taught us important lessons, if only we choose to listen. This card can bring information from a far-off or ancient source.


is an environment so bleak that none can survive it without aid. For those who find that aid, the journey across the wastes can lead to great things. The sphinx on this card can refer to a mystic or doctor bringing salvation in times of plague or illness.


evokes strength through great diversity. The blacksmith represents those who can survive the mephits’ trial by fire, but The Forge’s fire is so strong it burns many to cinders instead. This card often represents a dangerous event that needs many sources of strength to overcome.



is the card of true prophecy. The puppets act out a scene, just as the prophet acts out a scene in which she has no part. The prophet is the audience and the prophecy is the show. She has no influence on what she sees, and its importance is often not recognized until too late.

Rabbit Prince

is a quirky fellow who represents the vagaries of hand-to-hand combat. The Prince is battle personified and nothing if not capricious. As his broken sword symbolizes, any combatant can fall in battle, no matter how brave or skilled. This card sometimes stands for younger members of royalty or other powerful households.


represents arcane knowledge. Such knowledge can take the form of madness or cryptic words. This card often means an encounter with a crazy person, but it can also signify a brush with genius.



is a declaration of power. This archon is an aggressive force who wades into the direst situations without hesitation in the cause of right. It is a card that grants all or nothing at all.

Misaligned, it suggests the motives aren’t noble, bringing injury and crumbling strength.


is a card that generously offers that which the subject seeks, just as the charger in the picture offers up its fruit.

Misaligned, the card means betrayal, poisoning, or a false friend.


is the card of emptiness and loss of identity. The bodak shown is forever mad, lost in a world of lunatics, insane asylums, and mass killers. For those under its influence, the world makes no sense. It evokes times where all is babble, as when meeting someone who speaks only in another tongue.

"Jacintha, yours is the most fortuitous spread yet," guides Zellara. "First, the Empty Throne is perfectly aligned in the positive past. You strike me as a being that senses opportunity where others see apathy or grief. Perhaps the trickle-down effects of the loss of Korvosa's king will be to your benefit? But be very wary, the Lost card in the future means you may sacrifice your heart and mind for what you want in the future. But for now, your power card is that of the Vision. Whether it is an increase in your own arcane knowledge, or literally what the card invokes, this card of the Book is perfectly aligned for you."

Jacintha, any comment?

Dusk Raven
2022-04-03, 11:52 AM
Jacintha stares for a long time at the cards, as if trying to understand their meaning -- or deny it to herself. In particular, she focuses on the Vision card. But aloud, she says "Interesting. I hope you are right about this spread being... fortuitous. Either way, though... so long as my fate is up to me, I'm prepared for whatever comes."

2022-04-03, 04:53 PM
"Prophecy tells only what is like to come. How you deal with it when it does is up to you and you alone... don't you think?"

2022-04-04, 01:51 PM
"Finally, we come to you, Dul'Dane Thunderbreaker," says the apparition after shuffling and reaching out for him to make his contact with the Harrow before she gives the last spread.






represents plague, pestilence, famine, and disease. It can also indicate corruption of the soul or of a multitude of souls.

Misaligned, The Sickness represents either great health or a chance to stop such a disaster (such as the recent blood veil).


is the card of dominance and mind control. The creature sitting serenely upon the back of the slave indicates an exterior force imposing itself upon another being’s mind. On occasion, the slavery is literal, but more often it is mental enslavement to a force or idea.

Misaligned, that enslavement can be cast off in the face of new information.


is love at its most treacherous. This is not the love that moves mountains, this is the love that rips the heart in two and causes lovers to leap to their deaths. This lamia can mean obsession, unrequited passion, or doomed love.

Misaligned, the card can indicate a new relationship beginning, although disguised as something much less beautiful.



is a driving external force that keeps the subject going, no matter what. This force can be physical or mental, as a person who exhorts others to continue on when they have no more strength to give. The force can be for good or ill but cannot be ignored. The half-orc depicted is leading a life of constant toil, but for his own betterment.


represents the eternal wisdom of the natural order. It is the harsh realism that causes a pack of wolves to cull the weak in the herd. It is tragic for the culled deer, but through such actions the herd grows stronger. The needle The Owl holds binds life together, but just as easily can pick that life apart.

Winged Serpent

is a powerful being. Knowledge and prudence are separate keeps bridged by understanding. The couatl represents this bridge, knowing whether now is the time to strike.


Queen Mother

is knowledge personified. The formian knows all but does not reveal anything to anyone who does not show her proper worship. She is fond of the powerless and the underclasses, for they serve her when the more powerful refuse. She represents the need to become part of a society, or to bow before those who know more than you.


is a symbol of quiet strength, one that can move when necessary, yet stand firm through the greatest hardship. Those represented by The Keep are not shaken by any force.

Misaligned, it can mean giving way to temptation or falling in the face of greater strength.


is an environment so bleak that none can survive it without aid. For those who find that aid, the journey across the wastes can lead to great things. The sphinx on this card can refer to a mystic or doctor bringing salvation in times of plague or illness.

Misaligned, it implies the subject cannot rely on the help of others and will assuredly be lost.

"A moderate draw, but two cards demand your attention, Dul'Dane Thunderbreaker. First is that of the Owl, which is properly aligned for you. Be mindful of the present and how it informs of the past and guides the future. But your most important card in this draw is the misaligned Rakshasa card. Very likely, you will need the wisdom of the Owl to throw off the shackles of whatever subtle temptation or compulsion will be manifested by the Rakshasa."

She had to speak quickly, and even she ended Dane's reading, she had disappeared, leaving her voice echoing out the last few words.

Zellara is now gone, though Zellara's Harrow Deck remains.

2022-04-06, 08:20 AM
"That was...interesting," Vivino begins. "What do you make of your reading Dane?"

2022-04-06, 01:13 PM
Dane stands confused thinking on what the apparition said.
"My mind is my own, but I have heard of ways others can take it. This is a dangerous prediction if it is to come to pass."

2022-04-06, 04:16 PM
"Perhaps so, but dangerous predictions are the most useful. If all you expect is good fortune, you're like to grow complacent, but if you're expecting misfortune you can be better prepared for it."

2022-04-07, 08:03 AM
Barris' mellifluous voice drips with contempt, "Bah! I put little stock in Harrowings, even those performed by ghosts. Or maybe ESPECIALLY ones performed by ghosts!" She looks around at the assembled coterie, "I think I will return to my shop for the evening and finish some work I was doing. Feel free to drop in if you need alchemical supplies."

2022-04-07, 04:03 PM
"Before you and your escort leave, Ms. Khouri," says Master Shyamal. "Are you not curious why you were invited in the first place, as we have never met?"

2022-04-07, 04:26 PM
Dane looks around at the new faces and speaks up.
"Now that mention it, why are we here? I thought we already dealt with the problem."

2022-04-07, 05:08 PM
"I believe that we have helped stem the tide of the blood veil," Vivino begins. "But at least for myself I don't think we properly dealt with those involved. Perhaps we need to figure out .... I'm just carrying on like I know more than the small part I gave played so far.

Please Master Shyamal, could you please enlighten us on what else is plaguing this city and how we could best help?"

2022-04-07, 09:30 PM
Master Shyamal smiles, "I asked you here - admittedly, while I mentioned this before - because a diviner of my association said I should gather those worthies I thought would fight for Korovosa rather than simply pull up tent stakes. And, as I said before, my information network pegged each of you as being exceptional or skilled in some way. But I told you this already.

"What I hadn't told you is that I should have you here at this day and at this time, for something will come to me that will affect you all. And here it is," and with that, he holds up a handwritten note. "From a friend of mine. It seems Queen Ileosa had announced a surprise public address now that it is clear that the plague has well and truly reached its end. The announcement was to be held an hour after the criers put out the word. You may have heard bells ring while we had our repast, but my home has many internal waterfalls and is well screened from unnecessary noise. Well," and here he holds up another handwritten note, this one scrawled in a much hastier hand but with more information, "it seems that my timing the meal as a proper host and the time of the Harrow as saved anyone from risky action. For this second missive is dire, and if any of you thought yourselves up to the challenge, it is likely you would surely be lost. So, will you agree or no, the diviner's merit is not only gathering you, but in knowing me well enough that you would be kept out of harm's way while this happened." (That final emphasis is with him holding the second missive.)

He passes around the second missive for the group to peruse themselves. As fate would have it, it ends up in the smallest person's hands .... those of Linzi, Dane Thunderbreaker's newest personal assistant, to replace his most recent cohort's moving on to better things.

Linzi speaks, and in a clear, high-pitched, bell-like speaking voice, showing that the halfling girl was actually a master speaker, "Master Shyamal, hearken well what has occurred, and set for yourself if you would stay here in this city if you could...

"We gathered to hear the words of Queen Ileosa II, especially now that it is public knowledge that Dr. Davaulus was behind the disease. Attending this address at the queen's side were her bodyguard (and some quietly and furtively accuse a more intimate relation) Sabina Merrin, clad in her breathtaking and intimidating suit of Gray Maiden armor .... and her recently posted advisor Togomor, whom the queen announced as taken up the duties of castle seneschal. Also in close comport was the commander of the Korvosan Guard Cressida Kroft, and the commandant of the Sable Company Marcus Endrin.

"As her address began, Queen Ileosa - wearing an unfamiliar, fang-adorned crown - announced triumphantly that the plague had been lifted at the cost of the life of its architect - the treacherous Doctor Davaulus - whose body has been cremated and ashes sent back to his family in Cheliax as an affrontery for the death he caused, for now there is no body to bury in his family's vault. The order of the Queen's Physicians has been disbanded as well.

"Yet, the queen marked that Korvosa remains wounded, for she reports that the Order of the Nail has shown its true colors and fled like cowards to Citadel Vraid. Worse, both the Korvosan Guard and the Sable Company have suffered terrible losses over the past weeks. Neither group is fully capable of continuing as Korvosa's protectors, and thus, to shore up this fault, Queen Ileosa names the Gray Maidens has the official new protectors of Korvosa, appointing Sabina Merrin as the city's new general.

"As a ripple of concerned whispers - and I must admit my own among them - spread, Queen Ileosa turned her attention to the Sable Company. Citing the fact that the care and feeding of the company's hippogriff mounts places too great a strain on the city's coffers (surely an exaggeration!); and the fact that the company's commander, Seneschal Neolandus Kalepopolis, fled the city rather than stay by her side in her time of need, Ileosa has decided to disband the organization and seize its holdings. At that point, she asked Commandant Endrin to step forward to surrender his badge of office.

"As Endrin did so, he trembled. He reached for his badge, but instead of handing it over, he threw it at the queen, striking her queen. Everyone (queen included) was shocked into paralysis for a few moments, long enough for Endrin to bellow out, 'Your shameful reign ends now! Korvosa will be free again!' An instant later, his bow was in his hand, aimed at the still-frozen queen. Endrin fired and his aim was true. The arrow struck Queen Ileosa in the right temple, sinking deep into her skull.

"Yet ... she did not fall.

"With incredible speed, she regained her composure and yanked the arrow from her skull. Before blood from the wound had time to run all the way down to her jaw, she’s standing before Endrin. Her free hand whips out and seizes him by the throat, lifting him off the ground and holding him up for all to see. An instant later, she stabs Endrin’s own arrow up under his jaw and out the side of his face with a spray of blood.

"As Endrin’s body crumpled to the ground, Ileosa imperiously shook his blood from her hand and cried out a strong, clear voice, 'This shall be the fate of all enemies of Korvosa! Mark well his punishment! It is only the first!'

"A moment later, Togomor stepped forward, taking Ileosa’s hand and presumably teleporting her back into the castle, for he spoke words of power and they did both disappear.

"There was a riot that resulted that was quelled quickly .... and brutally ... by the Gray Maidens. I am told Field Marshal Cressida Kroft fled to Citadel Volshyenek. I am stunned and horrified by what we all witnessed, knowing that things have indeed taken a turn for the worse in our city."

2022-04-08, 12:18 AM
Dane is stunned after hearing the contents and looks around wife much concern.
"I must get back to my family, if things are truly this bad than perhaps they should leave the city. At the very least I need to warn my uncle and friends."

2022-04-08, 01:55 PM
Ernak smiles as the last fortunes are read, though the chatter on their meaning turns that smile into a more puzzled expression. This confused but happy face sinks, however, as Master Shyamal hints at bad news, and it turns into an outright frown as Linzi reads the letter aloud.

"I'll need to check on my parents as well: what's bad for Korvosa is usually worse for its Shoanti," Ernak says grimly, "I guess this is war between the Sable Company and the queen's Gray Maidens then? And who knows what the Guard are thinking. Bah!" Ernak throws up his hands in frustration before furrowing his brows as he tries to make sense of the situation. Finally, he states more positively, "My thanks again, Master Shyamal, for pulling us out of that fire then. My debt to your kindness grows."

2022-04-08, 02:01 PM
"Shot point-blank in the head, and none the worse for it, huh. That... does seem to happen strangely often with royalty, doesn't it?" Runa says, tilting her head in thought, "Is she really that unpopular? He made it sound like more than simply lashing out over losing his position."

2022-04-08, 03:35 PM
Master Shymamal looks apologetic. "Please forgive, but I listen to the murmurings of the people, but have no sources in the castle. I cannot comment on what at this time is speculation."

A servant comes in with another dispatch, but the simple vellum makes one think it comes from a different source. Master Shyamal reads it. "But, before you go, Dane ... and Vivino. I have a dispatch just sent me from Field Marshal Cressida Kroft. She urgently asks that the two of you - and any other persons you might come to rely on or trust - go straightway to meet with her at Citadel Volshyenek. I have a feeling that what she says for the both of you, might benefit out new friends here as well?"

2022-04-08, 04:14 PM
”Al’ama!”, Barris whispers loudly. Her tone followed by a slightly sheepish look would tell you this was an epithet even if you don’t speak the language.

“I just thought I would work tonight. If you will allow, I and my friend will accompany you. I don’t know her, but I have admired Miss Croft from afar during the recent events. I would here what she has to say after leaving the Queen’s service.”, she says to Vivino and Dane.

2022-04-08, 04:31 PM
"Not as if I've anywhere else to be, and some answers would be much appreciated. I'd like to come along as well, if you'll have us," Runa says, evidently referring to herself and Diva.

2022-04-08, 07:40 PM
As Vivino recovers from the shock of what he just heard, the processing begins. Though unheard, it seems he mutters briefly to himself before turning to them all. "Thank you Master Shyamal and Linzi for enlightening us about the situation. I had no idea how bad things had become while we were concentrating on the blood veil."

Vivino looks at each face in the room that have gathered, "Thank you for everything you do for this town and us Master Shyamal.

Master Shyamal has reached out to each of you for a reason, and personally I would welcome any and all help with this problem. I welcome you all to join us and hope that you choose to travel with us to meet the Field Marshall. Thank you for those that have already offered," nodding to Barris, Runa, and Diva. "I can tell that you all recoginize the gravity of the situation and hope that you will join us as we seek to learn more and hopefully find a way to help the people of this city."

2022-04-08, 11:34 PM
Ernak's frown transforms into a grin as Master Shymamal reveals the second dispatch. "I ask for the Guard's plans, and the gods send an answer!" he laughs.

As the others share their decisions, Ernak looks troubled, though he nods at their words. Finally, he speaks somberly and slowly as he works through his conflicted thoughts aloud, "I will join you. If Ileosa already ended the riot, there is time to talk with the captain first and with kin second once better-informed. Seeing the Field Marshal is a simple way to honor our host's kindness, and if it helps the city, more's the better. Yes, I will go, if you will have me." All uncertainty fades from his face as Ernak relaxes into this new resolution with a large, easy smile once more.

2022-04-09, 02:22 PM
Dane looks torn and says.
"I'll go, but I need you to send someone to inform my family on my behalf. Is that something you'll do?"

Dusk Raven
2022-04-09, 02:25 PM
Jacintha pursed her lips, wondering what to say. She privately thought that if the Gray Maidens could get Korvosa under control, that would be an impressive feat, and maybe not the worst thing to happen to the city -- though she had a hard time imagining what the place would actually be like. Still, the way in which the Gray Maidens had so far risen to power was... concerning. Something told Jacintha that there was more going on than just city politics...

"I will come along as well," Jacintha finally states. "I'm probably the least affected by this of anyone here, but for all I know that could change soon. Besides, since you've welcomed me in so far, the least I can do is do something for you." She had no idea how long she would stay with this group, but for the moment, they were allies, and that was something she didn't have a lot of. Best to follow along and see where this path would take her.

2022-04-10, 02:33 PM
Master Shyamal says, "I need to go out and view things myself, so I will contact them personally, Dane."

With that, he sees the heroes(-to-be) out, being sure that they understand how to get to Citadel Volshyenek if they don't know.

Once the PCs get to the citadel, they might be shocked when they arrive to see the place so understaffed. Only one guard stands at the citadel entrance, and none train in the large inner courtyard. The citadel halls are silent and empty, with refuse and trash scattered here and there, dust gathering in empty barracks, and an overall state of creeping neglect hanging over the place like a pall.

Cressida Kroft looks haggard and tired when the PCs arrive; she ushers them into the central keep quickly, leading them into a smaller meeting room in the depths of the keep to a doorway that, when opened, reveals what appears to be a room filled with fog. Beyond is a plain-looking chamber with a single long table (on which sits a small closed coffer) and enough chairs for the PCs, their two cohorts, and herself.

After everyone is seated, she speaks in a low voice. “Korvosa is dying. No, strike that. Korvosa is being murdered. Killed by our queen. The evidence you’ve uncovered that links her to the plague is damning enough, but now that she’s disbanded the Sable Company and reallocated our own funding to the Gray Maidens, she’s more in control now than ever. I dare not move against her, as my guards would be executed to the last fighter by her Gray Maidens before sundown. But she must be stopped. And I know of no one else but you to do this deed.

“Whatever foul magic the queen has wrapped herself in is obviously of the highest order. Endrin’s aim was true, and his shot should have dropped her. I had feared he was going to take matters into his own hands like this, but hoped he would find it within himself to find a better route. If only he could have waited.

“You see, just this morning, new information came to me. Vencarlo Orisini’s been one of my most trusted sources of information regarding the public; it’s hard for an officer of the Korvosan Guard to get honest opinions from the citizens, and Vencarlo’s observations on these topics have been a godsend, particularly since the plague started. When the queen quarantined Old Korvosa, I’d feared his messages would end, yet he managed to find ways to smuggle updates to me every day. Recently, he wrote of discovering something of vital importance regarding the queen. He mentions something about dark magic and a pact with a devil, but until the events of this morning, I found his claims difficult to believe. But even more astounding, he hinted he’d found a lead on Seneschal Kalepopolis, and implied the man might still be in hiding in Old Korvosa!

“That was the last I heard from him. It’s been several days, and I’ve started to worry for his safety. The rumors about riots and gangs seizing control of entire neighborhoods in Old Korvosa are disturbing. Certainly, the plumes of smoke we all see rising from fires on the island are proof that as bad as things are elsewhere, they’re probably worse in Old Korvosa.

“I can see a time in the near future when the Korvosan Guard is disbanded as well. Even now I lack the resources to mount my own investigations. Which is where you come in. Trusting Dane and Vivino .... and their predecessors ... may have been my best decision over the past several months, for you hold the possibility of Korvosa’s salvation. I ask you to seek out Vencarlo in Old Korvosa, and to learn more of what he’s discovered about the nature of our queen’s increasingly violent and destructive turns of personality. Ironically, you should actually be safer in Old Korvosa, since the queen’s quarantine has cut off the island entirely, and word on the street is that she plans on leaving it to rot. She won’t think to look for you there if you maintain a low profile and avoid confrontations with the Gray Maidens. Once you contact Vencarlo, we can only hope what he’s discovered will suggest a course of action we can take to save the city!”

Cressida suggests that Vencarlo’s home near the grounds of the Orisini Academy (she can give directions) should be their first stop in attempting to track him down. She’s heard rumors about a new leader who has risen to power in the streets and is calling himself the “Emperor of Old Korvosa,” but hasn’t yet been able to determine who this man is. If Vencarlo’s not in his home, a meeting with the island’s new self-appointed ruler might turn up the swordmaster’s trail, but Cressida prompts caution here. Whoever this “emperor” is, he’s likely a dangerous man indeed.

Cressida goes on to say that as important as finding out what’s befallen her friend Vencarlo is to her, discovering what actually happened to Seneschal Kalepopolis is of even greater concern to the city. Not only might Kalepopolis have valuable insights into what’s going on with the queen, but his return may well give those who oppose Queen Ileosa a legal way to, if not remove her from the throne, at least wrest away some of her power.

"I can't 'pay' you, but I small cache of potions and wands I am willing to give those of you willing to undertake this mission into Old Korvosa. Will you take this burden upon yourselves?"

2022-04-10, 02:55 PM
"I don't know if this is what Gozreh guided me here to do, but... it's hard to think of anything else that could be more amiss. It certainly sounds like there's more going on than mere political strife... and, well, you're clearly at your wit's end with the situation, else you wouldn't be asking treason of strangers, eh?" Runa says, folding her arms and closing her eyes in thought, "...I have some questions, though. Who is this Seneschal? And what's happened to Old Korvosa? I'm sure Dane and Vivino are familiar with these things, but... I'll admit that I don't keep myself versed in civics or the like."

2022-04-10, 03:09 PM
Cressida answers, "The Seneschal Neolandus Kalepopolis disappeared mysteriously a few weeks ago when the king died and Queen Ileosa was crowned. The Seneschal technically has the power to call no-confidence in the reigning monarch, as their loyalty is to Korvosa first, the crown second. In such a case, he would call upon me and my Guard ... also Korvosa first, crown second ... to make sure that the crown in such a case were put down. Neolandus is well-liked by the people, and should he be present and formally charge the queen to lay down her crown, the rest of the city would stand behind him. Gray Maidens or not, the queen would then be hard pressed to control the whole of the city.

"Since the blood veil plague had hit, at its zenith Old Korvosa was quarantined for it is where the greatest number of the diseased had been, and it was seen by some of my contemporaries as a means of 'the poor and degenerate burning themselves out.'"

2022-04-10, 08:46 PM
"Thank you for seeing us Field Marshall, and offering what you can is these trying times. I am not caught up with all the news as many don't like to talk to me much..." Vivino looks away for a moment. "But I can tell pain in the people and the city when I see it. I will do what I can to help your friend and seek what information there is about what has happened to the Queen."

Vivino then looks to his compatriots, "I know that this may not be what you have thought to have signed up for, but I know that I will need your help going forward; not to mention those in this city itself, let alone Old Korvosa."

"Marshall, is there anything else that you can tell us about your friend and the best way to get to his home or what to look for? Anything would be helpful."

2022-04-10, 08:51 PM
"I shall only give what little more I know to those who wish to move forward. If anyone wishes to back out, they do so now with no more information," she says.

2022-04-10, 08:56 PM
"If that is the case than my job isn't done yet. I joined this group to save the people of Korvosa, now they need us more than ever. Whatever you need I'll do what I can."

2022-04-10, 09:13 PM
"I thought the matter of the plague was all but resolved by now, but it's still quarantined?" Runa asks, "Guess I'd just end up looking into it on my own, anyhow, and I can already tell how well that would go. Sure, I'm in."

2022-04-11, 10:55 AM
Barris nods her head, "I came to this city for the opportunity to start anew away from war and strife. But if I am what there is to defend that freedom and peace, then so be it. I will accompany you, Vivino."

Dusk Raven
2022-04-11, 12:13 PM
Jacintha nods. Old Korsova's my home. It's not much, but it's home. And what I said before still stands. Besides, you might have an easier time finding your way if I'm around -- who else here is as familiar with the place as I?" Truth be told, she was mostly familiar with the Shingles, but even so... she reckoned her street smarts would prove useful to this group.

2022-04-11, 01:01 PM
Ernak takes in the decaying citadel with wonder, having never imagined he'd freely see its insides. His eyes widen in shock at Kroft's revelation of the queen's conspiracies and infernal magics and then narrow in contemplation as she lays out her plan. The giant of a man thinks inwardly about the various names the Field Marshal drops--Vencarlo, Orisini Academy, the Emperor of Old Korvosa--wracking his mind for anything he might have heard about them previously.

Finally, he answers Kroft's question of intentions. With a nod to Jacintha, Ernak states, "Old Korvosa is my home as well, and I will will fight for her too. I am not much for city politics, so this is all largely new to me. But if what you say is true, this will sweep us up whether we want to or not, so we might as well go forward with eyes open instead of cowering in the dark. Plus... it will be good to check on old friends there face-to-face instead of only through smuggled letters. But does the plague still linger in Old Korvosa? I am no doctor, so I'm not sure how we can avoid catching the blood veil ourselves once inside. I suppose if you have a wand of remove disease, I would welcome it."

If possible/permissible, Ernak will take 10 on knowledge checks (via bardic lore master) regarding Vencarlo Orisini, the Orisini Academy, and the Emperor of Old Korvosa. He grew up in the slums, so I'm curious if any of those names would ring a bell from his youth.

2022-04-11, 08:23 PM
Cressida puts several items on the table, describing what they are and command words, where necessary.

(4) potions of cure serious wounds
(3) potions of lesser restoration

wand of invisibility (10 charges)
wand of cure moderate wounds (30 charges)

After handing out the gear, Cressida urges the PCs to make haste to Old Korvosa and track down Vencarlo. She doubts the queen will take long to recover from the indignation of the failed assassination, and once she does, the field marshal fears she might make things very difficult for those who remain within the city walls. Assuming the PCs ask how to infiltrate the quarantined island, Cressida suggests swimming or taking a skiff from the northern banks of the Jeggare, optimally under the cover of darkness to avoid notice.

That is all the material and intelligence she can offer at this time.

How do you divvy/ recommend divvying the gear? What is the plan?

2022-04-12, 04:04 PM
After looking over the items and listening to what they are Dane speaks up.
"I possess the ability to heal myself so I have no need for the potions here, I am able to use both these wands if you'd trust them with me?"
Dane waits to hear from his companions.

Dusk Raven
2022-04-12, 04:16 PM
After examining the items, Jacintha voices her thoughts. I could use the Wand of Invisibility, but I have no need of it since I can just cast that myself. So I have no problems with giving it to someone else. I have a few healing potions already, so if necessary I can forgo the healing potions. But one of the potions of lesser restoration would be welcome.

2022-04-12, 04:45 PM
"I've got a wand already. Diva can carry whatever's left over, if need be," Runa says, "Should be fine to make the swim. He ain't a fast swimmer, mind, but he floats well enough."

2022-04-12, 07:04 PM
Linzi pipes up, cheerily but demurely, "Actually, I'm sure I'm not even close to anyone else's combat skills here, but if it is a case of 'well, why not' and not 'what a perfect match!' I could use both wands. See, I can be invisible while cheering everyone in the group, and then go around with the healing wand to heal folks as needed .... if that's okay with my boss, that is. That's mainly what I did with my last group of friends ... inspire, hide, and heal."

The stoic Keleshyte guarding Barris speaks to Barris, "My lady, while I could use both wands, in truth, it is likely there are better things I could be doing if pressed. I am not for stealth; in fact, I want to be seen so as to draw aggression to me rather than yourself. And I am more comfortable as a warrior than a healer. However, if I could have a healing potion should I fail in my duties and still be standing where you would fall, I would appreciate the chance to revive you so that you may chastise me accordingly."

2022-04-12, 09:23 PM
"Linzi and you all do make good sense. I like the idea of Linzi using the wands at least as a support to those that are busy in the front line or in other pursuits," Vivino says. "I could use at least one of the cure serious potions as I tend to get hit a lot.

I also trust you Dane of course with the wands, but do you think that Linzi could use them better or would it be a better fit for you?

As for the potions, aside from cure serious for me, I would suggest spreading them out a bit?"

2022-04-13, 12:16 AM
Ernak listens to the conversation before offering his own thoughts. "I too am proficient with the wands and currently do not know such spells myself. However, I already have a lesser healing wand and prefer a more direct approach anyways, so I think Linzi's idea is a fine one. I would appreciate one of the potions, however, either to patch myself up during battle or salve any lingering ailments afterward."

Turning away from the items toward the party and Kroft in particular, he continues, "But as I said, I'm not up to date on the most current events. Once we enter Old Korvosa, will we still need to worry about the plague? I've mostly heard rumors, as with the quarantine I know little directly myself. And it seems there is more to the blood veil than popularly imagined. Is there anything we should before we set off to ward off that illness?"

2022-04-13, 03:53 PM
So, it seems that Linzi will hold both wands in trust for use of the party (as described). Jacintha receives a potion of lesser restoration. Vivino takes a potion of cure serious wounds. Ernak also takes a potion of cure serious wounds.

This leaves the following to divvy up:

(2) potions of cure serious wounds
(2) potions of lesser restoration

Cressida answers Ernak, "I don't know, as quarantine affects the flow of information both ways, but my understanding from Vivino is that the blood veil likely has run its course through what he termed 'herd immunity?'"

2022-04-14, 12:20 AM
"If everyone has their potions I can carry the rest and hand them out as needed, that way we can move on to dealing with the matter at hand."
Dane looks around to see what everyone thinks.

2022-04-14, 12:33 AM
"While I can easily heal myself, my friend Ridwan should probably carry one of the healing potions. He is far more likely than I to take a serious wound if it comes to combat, as he has been trained to take blows in my stead.", Barris says, looking around in an attempt to gauge the other's usefulness in a fight.

2022-04-14, 12:17 PM
Ridwan gets a healing potion, putting it at his belt. Dane takes the other three potions, putting them at his belt as well.

After disposition of the gear is finished, Cressida has duties she has to attend to, and escorts the PCs out of Citadel Volshyenek, wishing them a profitable mission.It might seem strange for what is not a mercenary affair, but it is a common well-wishing by those that worship Abadar, God of Cities. Presumably, succeeding in this mission will have an end-goal of being profitable for everyone and Korvosa's city health.
Okay, now outside of the Citadel, what is the plan? As a reminder, regarding infiltrating the island, Cressida suggested swimming or taking a skiff from the northern banks of the Jeggare, optimally under the cover of darkness to avoid notice.

2022-04-14, 12:22 PM
"So, what'll it be?" Runa asks, "I don't mind going for a night swim, personally, but I don't blame you if you'd rather take a boat."

2022-04-14, 12:46 PM
Linzi tells Dane that she is fine swimming, but she'd rather take a boat to not be in spashing around in dirty city water.

Barris knows that Ridwan not only does not know how to swim, but is probably terrified at the prospect of having to do so.

2022-04-14, 03:12 PM
"I am a pretty decent swimmer as well," Vivino says. "Swimming might avoid more eyes. But is there anyone that is not feeling confidant about swimming across?"

2022-04-14, 04:17 PM
Ernak shares, "I am a decent swimmer and even have one scroll for gaining fins, should it come to it, but that won't help the return trip. And wet clothes might draw unwanted attention, while a boat gives us more options if we make it. It even might let us ferry out any new friends or wounded afterwards."

Ernak pauses thoughtfully and scratches an ear. "The other factors are how bright the moon is tonight," at that he looks up at the sky, "for our ability to see and be seen... and how wide the channel will be where we aim to swim versus where we might row. I don't suppose one of you could just make the boat invisible? Or cast some communal spell of swimming or the like?"

2022-04-14, 04:25 PM
"That is a good point Ernak about the wet clothes or invisible boat. Does anyone have the ability to dry clothes or as Ernak asked make a boat invisible/communal swim spell?" Vivino asks.

2022-04-14, 09:43 PM
"Why don't we just use the wand of invisibility on the boat?" Runa asks, "No idea if that actually works but it's dumb enough that it just might, eh?"

2022-04-15, 02:21 AM
Not wanting to embarass Ridwan in front of their new compatriots, Barris chooses to instead make it about herself, "I am not an adept swimmer, so I vote for a boat."

Dusk Raven
2022-04-15, 05:26 PM
Jacintha frowns. "I am... decent at swimming. But from the sounds of it, if one person can't swim, then we may as well take a boat, because someone's going to need it. It'll be harder to avoid detection, but... well, we don't have much choice, do we?"

2022-04-15, 05:47 PM
"Well then," Ernak says, putting his hands on his hips, "It sounds like we're looking for a boat! So, uh... where do we get one? Kroft said we should approach from the north side, I imagine because there'll be fewer eyes there. But did she say how we'd actually get or borrow a skiff without raising suspicions?"

2022-04-15, 10:07 PM
(She did not.)

2022-04-15, 10:16 PM
"A boat it is then," Vivino agrees. "Then lets head to the area north of Old Korvosa and start looking for either a boat to borrow or to convince someone to go across ...at night...and will keep their tongue quiet just in case. If you all wish to convince someone, then I hope one of you gets along with others. If we are borrowing a boat, does someone have passing knowledge of using one? Though if we can get across on a big row boat equivalent I am good there."

2022-04-17, 12:01 AM
Barris looks meaningfully at Ridwan, "A skiff would be easiest, as we could just pole across. Perhaps you could locate one for us, my friend?"

2022-04-17, 03:24 AM
He nods. "Where shall I return to you that I may report?"

2022-04-17, 02:12 PM
Barris looks to the others, "Where shall we wait? Somewhere near the channel, a tavern perhaps?"

2022-04-17, 03:55 PM
"A tavern's as good a place as any," Runa says, "And probably a good bit less conspicuous, yeah? Not that there's anywhere Diva won't kind of stand out."

2022-04-17, 04:14 PM
Diva will need to be stabled at any tavern she goes to. She will not be permitted inside.

These are the three main taverns in North Point (your likely disembarkation neighborhood) ...

Laughing Wave Inn in North Point is the oldest on the Mainland, named in honor of the naval hero Keyra 'the Wave' Palin. Korvosan legend states that the ghost of a Shoanti woman known as the Barbarian Princess appears in the Laughing Wave three nights of the year, on the solstices and the Riverwind Festival.

Three Rings Tavern in North Point is run by a former Pathfinder named Theandra Darklight, a good-natured woman (short a few fingers) who is always happy to swap stories of adventure, often offering free drinks to those with the best tall tale. Those who try to get rowdy in her bar, however, will have to answer to her Shoanti bouncer, Tauk Par.

Posh and Turtle in North Point sits at the west end of the mysterious Avenue of Arms, and bears a reputation as the finest tavern and inn in all of Korvosa. The floor of the establishment is glass over an iron latticework, looking down on a wide but shallow sea cave which is home to a 20 foot long sea turtle named Old Tom. The 'Posh' part of the inn's appellation is less obvious. Most think it refers to the high quality furnishings and appointments, but it actually hearkens back to a seedier time in the inn's history, when it was known simply as the Turtle Inn, and was a haven for pesh dealers. The slurred speech of the addict clientele soon corrupted their search for "the pesh in the Turtle" to "Posh and Turtle"

2022-04-18, 10:51 AM
Dane speaks up.
"We should head to the three ring tavern, if we're looking to keep a low profile I trust an ex pathfinder to keep our presence quiet."

2022-04-18, 12:58 PM
Ernak smiles a little sheepishly. "It's been a little while, but I have performed at the Three Rings before. Ditto the Laughing Wave. Great places and good enough people. I, uh, can try to keep a low profile there," at that he chuckles at his obviously large frame, "and pray nobody remembers me. But if we want a cover story, I might also be able to say I'm drinking with some friends and scoping for future gigs. That would draw attention, ha, but it might give us a decent cover story for being east side too."

Pursing his lips slightly, the giant of a bard adds, "But I've never been in the Posh and Turtle. The more elite places often don't take kindly to Shoanti acts, so I never bothered."

2022-04-18, 03:03 PM
"Well," Vivino begins," since Ernak will likely recognized at the rings, let's meet up at the Turtle."

2022-04-20, 02:40 AM
"It's all the same to me," Runa says with a shrug, "Wherever you all think is best. It'll be my first time there no matter what we pick."

2022-04-20, 09:04 PM
So, that's two votes for the Three Rings, one for the Posh & Turtle, and one abstain.

What do others think?

Dusk Raven
2022-04-21, 10:53 AM
"I think I've had enough of posh places for one day," Jacintha opines. "The Three Rings Tavern, on the other hand, sounds like a good place."

2022-04-21, 10:19 PM
And with that, the party heads to the Three Rings Tavern. Runa, what do you do with your birdy?

2022-04-21, 10:29 PM
If there's a place to stable him next to the tavern, she'll do that, otherwise she'll find a spot outside the tavern that's out of the way he can chill at for a bit on his own, and failing that she'll just wait outside with him. If she does end up in the tavern, she'll make sure to order something to bring back for him to munch on.

2022-04-21, 10:36 PM
So, one of the oddities of a fantasy world is that while yes, strange animal companions are strange .... they are not altogether uncommon. So, the Three Taverns has a pen (sorry) large enough that is used for bears and big cats by the random oddball that visits with such things. For insurance purposes, it must go in the iron-barred pen as animals of Diva's size can ruin wood. That said, if you define feed type (and aren't entirely picky), they are happy to pen Diva and feed her for a total of 55 copper (or, 5 silver, 5 copper). Diva will be fed old meat scraps since she is a carnivore.

Is that acceptable to Runa?

2022-04-21, 10:38 PM
That's fine! She'll still bring him back something, since she likes to spoil him a bit.

2022-04-21, 10:47 PM
Done. Okay, I think the party is filled with more paranoia than necessary. The idea that Ernak could be "recognized" at Three Rings is not an issue .... because he's frequented there, before. Just because you are on a secret mission doesn't mean the world at large knows that yet.

So, what now?

2022-04-23, 12:26 AM
Standing in front of the tavern, Vivino says to the others, "let us get a drink while Ridwan acquires a skiff. We can wait until then.

That ok to all and you Ridwan?"

2022-04-23, 02:17 AM
Ridwan looks to Barris....

2022-04-25, 12:57 AM
Barris nods to Ridwan and says, “I believe that is our best option, although someone who could watch his back would not go amiss.”

2022-04-25, 01:29 AM
"He looks helpless," smirks Linzi as she looks to Dane. "Want me to go as his armed escort?"

2022-04-25, 08:48 AM
"Probably for the best, I'd go myself but as you can see I wouldn't be of much help in a stealth mission. Stay safe out there."
Dane taps hus armor to emphasize his point.

2022-04-25, 08:29 PM
Linzi and Ridwan head out to secure a skiff, leaving the rest of the party in the Three Rings Tavern.

Barmaid comes to take everyone's order ....

2022-04-26, 11:16 AM
"Greetings!" Vivino says to the barmaid. "We will take a round of ales to get us started. Thank you" Vivino does his best to smile soothingly but likely comes across as awkward/creepy.

2022-04-26, 11:38 AM
Ernak stays quiet as the others debate where to go, content with any selection, but he grins eagerly when the Three Rings Tavern is at last picked.

As the party enters the tavern, he gives a respectful nod to the Shoanti bouncer. When Vivino orders the ales for the party, Ernak merrily chimes in with a friendly pat on his shoulder, "This round of ales are on me, friends. I want you to enjoy your first trip to Theandra's."

Once seated, the giant of a man then leans back with a stretch as he lazily surveys the place for anything beyond the ordinary barflies.

2022-04-26, 04:53 PM
Drinks are brought out.

2022-04-26, 04:57 PM
"Well, if you're offering, I won't turn down a free drink," Runa says, "Nothing much else to do but sit tight for a while, so may as well make the most of it while we're here, yeah?"

2022-04-27, 06:30 PM
Ridwan and Linzi will return some time later. Linzi begins, "It turns out, that nobody will 'lose' their skiff to Old Korvosa. The wall has so many Gray Maidens looking over into the water, they could never come 'back.'"

"'Back,' but not 'to'," Ridwan interjects. "Nobody cares about people going to Old Korvosa, figuring a few less agitators being among 'their kind.' But it's the getting back that's the issue.'"

"So," Linzi picks up, "there are those willing to sell us rowboats for about 50 gp a pop, and it would probably take us two rowboats for all of us to get across, even if Northman-woman-girl flies on her scaled whatsit, hidden from above."

2022-04-27, 09:39 PM
Dane speaks up taking out a 100 gp gem.
"I can purchase the boats, I'm not short this amount of money."

2022-04-28, 06:05 PM
"Works for me. Getting out is a bridge we can cross when we get there, I suppose," Runa says, scooping some of the food into a pouch for Diva, "'Course, that also means that we can't easily come back for anything you've forgotten. Best double check that you've got all you need before we commit to this."

2022-04-28, 06:57 PM
Linzi sucks in softly with an "oooh" and a face that looks like it ate a lemon. "Yeah, about that. They dropped the bridges going to Old Korvosa. They really, truly mean for that district to eat itself into the void."

2022-04-28, 07:15 PM
"That is terrible to hear that the people are being in such a fashion," Vivino says. "As for going there I am sure my sister will understand going into the place as long as I promise to help the people there of course," he gives a wry smile at that.

"Speaking of which, should we try to bring in supplies for the people there?"

2022-04-28, 08:16 PM
Linzi whispers to Dane, feeling that an open opinion, despite being Dane's valet, would be untoward."We don't know what we'll find, how we'll find, or who we'll find. I think you and your friends are the 'needed supplies,' because we can't help everyone in Old Korvosa with goods, but if we bring a bunch of stuff in, we might do more harm than good and get mobbed."

2022-04-28, 10:16 PM
Dane nods in agreement with Linzi before speaking to the group.
"Perhaps we should avoid unnecessary attention to ourselves, the best and fastest way to help these people is to find out what is going on and solve it."

2022-04-29, 06:41 PM
Ernak's customary grin falls into tight-lipped concentration as the cohorts give their report.

"We can't feed everybody, but I am bringing something for my family over there," he says curtly, "I'll see if I can order meals to-go 'for the group' from the tavern before we leave. Then I'll be ready to set out immediately."

I don't know this particular tavern's policy on doggy bags, but Ernak hopes to buy 2 days' worth of bundles/packages of less/non-perishable foods (e.g. bread, cheese, pickled vegetables, jug of ale, etc). He plans to give these to his parents, should he find them, so they each have at least 1 day of good food. He'll buy the best less/non-perishable food this tavern has on hand (i.e. good meal if they sell it, common meal if not, poor meal if not that either).

While I would prefer Ernak buy enough food to last his parents more than 1 measly day, each days' worth of food for them comes out to 6 meals total. And while ordering 6 meals to-go would not be too suspicious given our 6-person party + 2 just-arriving cohorts, even Ernak would realize ordering much more might raise the staff's eyebrows. I can roleplay his request for to-go meals in spoiler tags or via Discord if you wish, but he's essentially going to act as if he's ordering food to-go for the party to have later on in the night.

If the tavern does not offer to-go meals, Ernak will wrack his brain for any places selling food that might be open at this time of night. He will not ask the party for ideas on such places, however, as he does not trust any of them enough yet to talk much more about a family concern like this.

2022-04-29, 06:45 PM
There are no doggy-bags or carry-out orders. In fact, even though there was a recent pandemic, surprisingly Korvosa did not come up with a food delivery service.

There are also no 24-hour Stop-n-Shops, Giants, Eagles, Kroger's, or the like.

2022-04-29, 11:23 PM
"Thinking they might not be as big a fan as Diva is about eating random leftovers out of a leather pouch, but I'll eat bugs off the ground sometimes so I won't judge them," Runa says, winking at the group as though she just said something incredibly attractive. "...Jokes aside, I'm not sure we're in a position to spearhead some kind of humanitarian movement here. Don't overthink it, yeah?"

2022-04-30, 11:06 AM
Ernak returns from his chat with the waitstaff, shaking his head. He sinks into his chair and glumly states, "It seems the question of relieving hunger is a moot point regardless, if the plan is to leave tonight. So I am ready to go posthaste."

He then contemplates his ale quietly.

2022-05-03, 10:27 AM
"Very well," Vivino agrees. "Let us get in there as soon as possible to to help as best we can before we look to help the population as a whole."

2022-05-03, 10:16 PM
"Alright, let's head out under the xover of night and take the skiffs over."

Dusk Raven
2022-05-04, 10:53 PM
Jacintha had listened to the conversation in silence, her instincts being to observe rather than to interfere. But now, she speaks up. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be. And for what it's worth, bringing food for people probably isn't the best idea. There's no way we could bring enough to make a difference, and we'd definitely draw too much attention if we tried. We might still stand out as it is."

2022-05-05, 03:36 AM
After waiting out the clock, and Linzi having already mentioned to the person that was going to sell boats to them that it would be after the sun had set, and after significant conversation and food (but only a careful ingestion of drink), the party ... such as it is now ... leaves for North Point.

Linzi smacks her head and feels bad. She was so focused on the fact that she heard that all of the wooden bridges to Old Korvosa had been burned and wrecked, but does mention that the stone Jeggare Bridge does still exist .... but you don't want any part of that. While it is a physical link between Endrin Isle and the mainland, it is crawling with all sorts of Gray Maidens and fortifications that whether or not one wants to be allowed to go to Old Korvosa, there are too many unknown or unfriendly faces looking at your faces.

The man with the boats - one Brado Buteo - is there with several men, drinking and lounging while waiting for you. He has two rowboats. Assuming Runa flies across with Diva, the rest of the party can split between the two boats in cramped quarters.

The rowboats are decrepit. You are likely to get a few splinters from the worn oars that haven't seen a sanding cloth or paint in some time. These rowboats are definitely at the end of their lives, but Brado protests and says they will get you where you need to go, but assumes you aren't coming back.

Do you quietly pay the man, or do you try to talk him down from the 50 gp per boat, or otherwise interact with him in some way beyond purchase?

2022-05-05, 12:10 PM
En route to the seller, Ernak asks Ridwan and Linzi, "Say... did you give the seller any cover story to excuse our late-night boat shopping? Did he seem suspicious? Either way, we should be as nondescript as possible when we meet the guy, lest he report us to the Maidens."

During the sale itself, Ernak tries to read the general mood and trustworthiness of the seller and his friends. He also tries to keep any chatter during the exchange itself amicable.

Since it's not Ernak's money to spend, he's not going to make a call on whether to haggle or not, but he'll try to interject as needed to keep the situation positive. Depending on Linzi's/Ridwan's answer to his question en route, on his sense motive check to gain a hunch of the seller's trustworthiness, or on any dialogue that follows, Ernak may have specific dialogue later, but his initial goal is to just play wingman to the cohorts and Dane.

2022-05-06, 01:18 AM
En route, Linzi mentions that the cost for sub-par boats that are going to be beached and left, possibly abandoned ... was the price of silence and no questions.

2022-05-06, 10:10 AM
"I dunno about you all, but I like that price point," Runa says.

2022-05-06, 07:10 PM
"Aye, let us pay the man and be on our way," Vivino says. "Though I think that I will alter my appearance a bit just in case my appearance is known."

As they get closer to the man, Vivino's form shifts into that of a half orc of sizable portions.

Using hat of disguise to appear as a hulking half orc of about the same size

2022-05-07, 03:40 PM
Dane gives the man a simple sapphire, extremely tiny for that size of gemstone, and that teensy-weensy sapphire is good enough for Brado who mutters, "Buono fortuna" - a modern Chelaxian wish for luck.

The party and their decreit rowboats make the crossing now that it's after dark, rowing along the northern shore over the Jeggare River and then coming around on land to enter the city via North Bridge - the far side of the Narrows of St. Alika, where many buildings have burned or been partially destroyed by looters. These desolate places remain dark now at night, making it easier to avoid detection there.

Once the boats are pulled up on shore, they realize they are being approached by a wild-eyed human wearing an ill-fitting suit of leather armor, striding purposefully down the street toward Old Dock (and the party), sword in hand. He shouts as he approaches, "Curse you and your kind! Death to the Emperor!"

The man is 60' from the party. What do you do?

2022-05-08, 01:00 AM
Ernak raises his palms up in a gesture of nonviolence. With a clearly puzzled tone and shrug of his shoulders, he calls back, "Who's this emperor, and who do you imagine we even are? I don't know who either would mean, but we mean you no trouble."

2022-05-08, 01:53 AM
See, having a massively-built Shoanti warrior really plays into a lot of people's conception of a "savage warrior." And truth be told, Ernak's easy-going nature has been on display throughout the day in some low-key, simple social settings. But as he stands forward to show both strength and compassion, there rolls forth from Ernak's speech an almost regal quality to it that even makes Dane respect him as a senior speaker when not seeking violence.

The man continues to come forward, though not as sure as before. "Well, I'll be ....." whistles the man, "if you were one a'th'Emperor's goons I'da' heard it by now." He surveys the group, the boats pulled up, and the rather unsettling lizard-tinged bird that Runa rides. "Yah, no chance you're with that bastard. Forgive my challenge. Name's Tesh Zobberdin. I'm the last surviving member of a family executed by the emperor for refusing to turn out their food stores and savings, and you can 'magine I have murder on my mind for he and his." And here, he looks crestfallen. "'Course, I know'd I was no match for the emperor or his goons, I was willin' to die before I saw your friendly voice and heard your welcoming face. What brings you the Hells on Cage?"

2022-05-08, 03:43 PM
Dane speaks up as he steps forward.
"Were looking for an officer in the korvosa guard who should be here, do you know where we could find any guardsmen?"

2022-05-08, 08:26 PM
"Guardsman?" he gasps incredulously, "Who are you looking for? Do you even know what's happened here?"

2022-05-08, 10:19 PM
"Though we don't know half of what has occurred here, we have come to do what we can to help," Vivino says. "We are looking for someone named Vincarlo and any information that you can share about the state of affairs here. I...We aim to do all that is in our power to put things right here."

2022-05-08, 10:26 PM
He scratches his head for a moment. "A guardsman named Vincarlo? Never heard of him. I mean, there is a similar name I've heard .... the famous fight instructor Vencarlo Orsini, sorry."

2022-05-09, 02:27 PM
"So then," Runa speaks up, "What has happened here? What's got this place all bottled up if the plague's already been dealt with?"

2022-05-09, 08:57 PM
Tesh, obviously suffering from PTSD, looks hollowly into the far distance, "When they dropped the bridges t' leave Ol' Korvosa t' fend for it-self, that's when gangs rose up t' try and get power. At first, it was innocent, and some 'gangs' was tryin' t' do right by folks. But when there be no supplies, people's true nature show'd itself and the predators rose up. The one what came atop the mad scramble be someone calls himself, 'The Emperor of Old Korvosa.'"

He tries to continue, but memories of his family overwhelm him and he breaks down in tears.

2022-05-09, 11:29 PM
Hunching over hands-on-knees to get more onto eye level with the man, Ernak offers a regretful smile and says, "I'm sorry for what you've endured. None of what this place is going through can be allowed to stand. It ain't right." At that, he slowly offers a gentle pat on the shoulder as consolation.

After Tesh collects himself, Ernak then winces awkwardly and apologetically asks, "I hope it's not a sore subject--and I know you've been through too much already, but I'm trying to get my bearings--but have the Gray Maidens been up to anything here since the quarantine hit? I know they're the ones boxing us all in, but I hear rumors they're acting more aggressive all over town. You hear anything about them we need to be looking out for in these parts?"

2022-05-10, 01:50 AM
He looks at the big Shoanti curiously. "What's a Gay Maven?"

2022-05-10, 10:12 PM
"I mean, I am, I guess, but he said Grey Maiden, which I'm guessing is news to you?" Runa says.

2022-05-10, 10:42 PM
Tesh seems to have no idea what you're referring to. "Like, a cob-headed spinster?"

2022-05-11, 01:56 PM
"From what I understand," Vivino adds. "Grey Maidens are basically agents of the Queen to enforce her will on the populace."

2022-05-12, 12:34 AM
Tesh laughs uproariously, even a little bit desperately. "Would that the Queen cared about us at all! I think I know who or what you mean. Those weird, bland-visored ladies that protected the extremely few Queen's Physicians that came to us when the blood veil hit us? Like a couple days later, they dropped the bridges, and it seems that them beak-masked boys and their female protectors beat feet before they were stuck. I hear tell of a few maidens what got stuck and were piked and deaded. No, the Queen left us to rot, but that means she has no power here, either."

2022-05-12, 07:15 PM
"That is at least some good news that we shouldn't have to worry about the Queen or the Maidens for now." Vivino comments. "We think that Vincarlo will lead us to helping the people here. Though if there are things that we can help you with good sir do let us know and we will see what can do to help."

2022-05-12, 10:07 PM
"You lot look tougher'n' me. I don't know this Vincarlo guard, so I don't know how to help you find him. But if you do know someone more recognizable," Tesh offers, "maybe I can show you where they lived 'fore everything went sideways."

2022-05-13, 12:27 AM
Ernak interjects earnestly, "I believe my friend misspoke earlier. We are looking for either a trustworthy guardsman or Vencarlo the fighting instructor. We hope to start righting some of the wrongs here and are looking for goodhearted people as part of that, people like yourself. If you could point us in the direction of the Orisini Academcy, we would be grateful."

2022-05-13, 02:22 AM
The Keleshyte woman who has not talked much at all this day and eve speaks up. "It seems to me ... that if things are as hostile as they are, that a quick and hasty exit should be ready. Ridwan and I shall stay at the boats here in case you need to return here as a redoubt and for a quick use of boats off the isle."

2022-05-13, 04:08 PM
"Will you be alright on your own? No telling how long we might be sticking around here, after all," Runa says, "Might be good to have some kind of signal or a place to meet up if y'go with that plan. As for us, well, Vencarlo seems like a good place to start, yeah? Hearing about how things are is all well and good, but it'd be even better to have the context of seein' it firsthand on our way there."

2022-05-13, 07:13 PM
Barris says, "Ridwan and I will be fine."

Is the rest of the party (that hasn't chatted) fine with going to Orsini Academy?

2022-05-13, 07:50 PM
"Though I'm not a fan of splitting up so soon," Vivino says. "If this is the best path then let us learn more at this academy. Thank you for your help good sir."

2022-05-13, 08:21 PM
Led by Tesh, the group leave behind Barris and Ridwand and make their way to Orsini Academy. Or rather, what's left of the burnt out ruin.

Linzi is sobbing, and drops to her knees.

Dusk Raven
2022-05-13, 10:04 PM
Jacintha folds her arms. "Well... that's unfortunate." She glances at Linza, before looking ahead to the ruin again. "Do we want to try examining the remains for clues, just so we don't waste this trip?"

2022-05-13, 11:21 PM
Linzi looks to Dane through red, tear-soaked eyes. "I didn't mention this, but I had hoped to learn from Vencarlo. I cam all the way from Pitax and the River Kingdoms to get a chance to study with him," she says while pulling out and showing the group a halfling-sized Aldori dueling sword before then putting it away again. "I signed on with you to get the money for tuition while building up my own bona fides."

Tesh shrugs while looking east down the street from the burnt out salon. "Yeah, it a shame. Must'a been a message, though. 'cause thy left his home there untouched."

2022-05-14, 12:41 AM
"Linzi, let us find for you as well for our mission. Perhaps not all is lost, let us search the home and wreckage for clues," Vivino suggests.

2022-05-14, 01:07 AM
Linzi wipes her eyes, but still saddened.

Tesh says, his voice overdriven by tension and anger, "Hey, 'member I told you about the Emperor? There's one'a' Pilts' Mobs now."

A group of four ruffians is some distance away, but still see the (majority of) the group. Lewd comments are hurled, racial epithets howled, and all manner of insults are lobbed from the group to the mix of "heroes." While their attitude seems to be one of haughtiness and disdain, they have shields readied, but don't have any weapons drawn.

How do you wish to proceed?

2022-05-14, 02:22 PM
Dane shouts loudly to the mob as he steps forward smacking his chest loudly with his plated gauntlet.
"We do not seek a fight with you, but this is put of kindness from us not weakness. Be smart and continue on your way!"

2022-05-14, 02:29 PM
Dane's call is met with laughter and scorn. "Hand over your weapons!"

2022-05-14, 02:44 PM
"It seems diplomacy may not be what these fellows are interested in," Vivino whispers. "I'll head up onto the buildings to surprise them from behind if combat does ensue. I will wait for a signal from one of you if combat seems inevitable. "

At that, Vivino drinks a vial and begins to quietly scale the building to the east.

Drinks monkeyfish extract and then begin climbing the building to the east. Trying to be stealthy and unseen.

If there is time, will get to the roof and go roof to roof to try and get behind them from the roof if possible.

2022-05-15, 07:54 AM
Vivino drinks the extract .... sets his scythe down as he needs two hands to climb ... and then begin to scale the building to the east.

The thugs talk amongst themselves, as something seems to be riling them up.You aren't sure if this is going to remain tense standoff or conflict, but we will enter initiative now to define timing of actions and attempted talk.
Begin Round One ...

R1T28: Jacintha, combat has not yet opened, but things are tense. The thugs do not have any weapons drawn (though they've been walking around with shield readied). What do you do?

2022-05-18, 06:50 PM
R1T28: Jacintha delays to see how things unfold.

R1T22: Dane, what do you do?

2022-05-18, 06:59 PM
Dane moves up in front of his companions, his earth breaker the drinking companion in hand the head resting on his shoulder. He speaks in a firm tone to his allies.
"Stay behind me, they won't get past."
Positioning himself between the two parties he looks upon the rabble.
"If you wish to go unharmed than you will keep your distance, as a man of faith it is my duty to make sure you have the choice to avoid harm."
Dane holds his hammer with both hands glaring at the rabble.

2022-05-18, 07:21 PM
R1T22: Dane moves up in front of his companions, his earth breaker the drinking companion in hand the head resting on his shoulder. He speaks in a firm tone to his allies. "Stay behind me, they won't get past."

Positioning himself between the two parties he looks upon the rabble. "If you wish to go unharmed than you will keep your distance, as a man of faith it is my duty to make sure you have the choice to avoid harm." Dane holds his hammer with both hands glaring at the rabble.

R1T19: Red moves up, but keeps 10' away from Dane. He shouts loud enough for the PCs in the cheap seats to be heard, not just Dane. "Big words for a big dwarf with a big hammer. But we hain't drawn weapons on you! We woulda' given' ya' a few knocks about the head if you don' come with us to see the Emperor. But this is our turf, and if you come at us with hammers and swords, we drawin' our axes."

R1T17: Runa, you were not riding Diva, having gotten off once at the devastated riding school, but Diva is right by you. What do you do?

Jacintha delaying ...

2022-05-18, 07:32 PM
Runa sighs, patting Diva to try to calm him down, just in case.
"...Look, is all this posturing back an' forth really necessary? Let's all just keep our cool for a bit. What's your issue with us, exactly?"

2022-05-18, 08:04 PM
R1T17: Runa sighs, patting Diva to try to calm him down, just in case (the latter of which delays). "...Look, is all this posturing back an' forth really necessary? Let's all just keep our cool for a bit. What's your issue with us, exactly?"

R1T11: Brown steps up next to Red. "Listen, you hand over your weapons, and we'll take you to the Emperor. Otherwise, it gets painful."

R1T10: Linzi moves up behind Dane.

R1T9: Blue moves up, this time right up to Dane. "So, what's it gonna be?"

R1T8: Meanwhile, Vivino continues to move among rooftops ...

R1T7: Green moves up next to Blue, but waits for an answer.

R1T4: "Your Emperor and his thugs killed my family!" Tesh screams, enraged. "We're gonna gut every one-a' you!"

He moves past Linzi and Dane, but as he gets to an open spot, Blue launches a rising kick at Tesh's stomach that does 9 NL, and Green does a snap kick to Tesh's chest that does 5 NL. Linzi was readied for hostilities to break out, pulling out tiny fruit darts and a feather and enchanting the arcane phrase, "Gitchy-gitchy-goo!" Blue shakes his head, but seems to ignore whatever was supposed to happen. Finally, Tesh attacks with his longspear at Red, but attacking past a closer enemy throws off his aim.

The thugs all look very angry, as up until now - and even including the kicks - nobody was actually trying to kill anyone else.

R1T3: Ernak, what do you do?

Dane on deck, Red in the hole, Jacintha delaying ...

Dusk Raven
2022-05-19, 10:12 AM
Jacintha has at this point had enough, and she moves out from behind the building, and takes up position next to Tesh and Dane, drawing her kukri along the way. Once in position, she draws upon an old standby, a spell she's used in the past when accosted by thugs of Old Korvosa. Her free hand works arcane gestures and she mutters an incantation, while doing her best to avoid any attempts to interrupt her.

Move Action: Jacintha moves 2 squares down and 4 to the right, winding up to the N of Dane and W of Tesh. She also draws her kukri.

Standard Action: She casts Color Spray, defensively. The origin point is the SE of her square, and it's aimed SE. That should get all four goons without hitting any of her allies.

2022-05-19, 03:23 PM
R1T3: Jacintha has at this point had enough, and she moves out from behind the building, and takes up position next to Tesh and Dane, drawing her kukri along the way. Once in position, she draws upon an old standby, a spell she's used in the past when accosted by thugs of Old Korvosa. Her free hand works arcane gestures and she mutters an incantation, while doing her best to avoid any attempts to interrupt her. She succeeds, and throws out a handful of multi-colored sand that twinkle and then erupt in a riot of color that washes over all four ruffians. The first three are stunned, but the farthest one was helped by the others being in his way and easily scoffs at the magic.

R1T2: Ernak, what do you do?

Dane on deck, Red in the hole...

2022-05-22, 02:08 PM
Ernak stayed quiet at first, even as the gang hurled insults against his friends and demeaned his Shoanti heritage. But as spells are slung and weapons drawn, the big man stirs into action. Tightening his stance and exuding an aura of confidence, he jogs forward while drawing his earthbreaker, circling around the gang from the south side.

Commenting on the gang's status, Ernak calls out with a wry smile, "You're mostly stunned into submission already. Why don't you surrender peacefully, and then we will decide whether we're visiting your emperor." With an emphasis toward both Tesh and the ruffians, he adds sternly, "This doesn't need to escalate."

Free: Activate Rallying Presence (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Warlord#Tactical_Presence_.28Ex.29), granting +5 morale bonus to Will saves vs fear/death/compulsion effects to all allies w/in 30 ft of his position (ceases if Ernak falls to any such effect)
Swift: Adopt Running Hunter's Stance (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Running_Hunter%E2%80%99s_Stance), granting Ernak +10 to land move speed and scent special ability
Move: Move 40 ft. to the square just south of the green dot ruffian
Standard: Ready action to use Disparity Blow (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Disparity_Blow) strike with Risky Strike against the first adjacent gang member who either tries to attack a party member or attempts to flee. If the former, Ernak does lethal damage; if the latter, Ernak does nonlethal damage. If he must pick which kind of damage to do in advance as part of readying this action, Ernak defaults to nonlethal damage.

2022-05-23, 08:00 PM
R1T2: Ernak stayed quiet at first, even as the gang hurled insults against his friends and demeaned his Shoanti heritage. But as spells are slung and weapons drawn, the big man stirs into action. Tightening his stance and exuding an aura of confidence, he jogs forward while drawing his earthbreaker, circling around the gang from the south side. The clutter in the street, with what he is doing already, means he has to "hop up" onto some barrels (and loses a chance for readied action).

Commenting on the gang's status, Ernak calls out with a wry smile, "You're mostly stunned into submission already. Why don't you surrender peacefully, and then we will decide whether we're visiting your emperor." With an emphasis toward both Tesh and the ruffians, he adds sternly, "This doesn't need to escalate."

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T22: Dane, what do you do?

Red on deck, Runa in the hole ...

2022-05-26, 12:39 PM
Dane will delay having spoken his peace, hammer still firmly in hand blocking their way.

2022-05-26, 03:16 PM
R2T22: Dane delays, having spoken his peace, hammer still firmly in hand blocking their way.

R2T19: "Snap outta' it, boyz! We gots a brawl!" Red shouts excitedly. With a surprising amount of agility, he hops up onto the crates to the side of him, and balances on the detritus to get over to Ernak. And with a great heaving push with his shield, he knocks Ernak off the crates. Ernak lands on his feet okay, but is no longer enjoying high-ground advantage. "Look, gents! I'm king-a-da'-mountain!"

R2T17: Runa, what do you do?

Thugs on deck and in the hole, Dane delaying ...

2022-05-26, 04:02 PM
Runa gives a shrug. They've had ample opportunity to avoid this, so... "Well, if that's how you want it," she says, motioning for Diva to follow her as she steps forward and casts a spell that washes over the rather congested alleyway.

Move, Standard: Runa will move two squares to the lower-right before casting Prayer to catch as many of the combatants as she can.
Swift: Enter Snake Style, unarmed for the time being.
Free: Handle Animal to have Diva Defend her.

2022-05-26, 04:16 PM
R2T17: Runa gives a shrug. They've had ample opportunity to avoid this, so... "Well, if that's how you want it," she says, motioning for Diva to follow her as she steps forward and casts a spell that washes over the rather congested alleyway, her prayers to Gozreh in this scuffle heard clearly in the night.

R2T16.9: Diva follows and takes to the air above to be able to defend Runa.

R2T11-9: Brown and Blue are stunned.

R2T8: Vivino, you are currently 15' off the ground. The nascent battle has not yet become a lethal one. What do you do?

Green on deck, Linzi in the hole, Dane delaying ...

2022-05-26, 04:59 PM
Vivino moves over the edge of the roof and tumbles down onto the ground, unlimbering his mace as he falls.

As he lands, his mace comes down with both hands onto the poor fellow with the aim of knocking him out cold. "Perhaps we can squeeze out some information from them later...." Vivino says as he gives an evil looking grin at the ruffians.

Climbs down off the roof, moving 10 feet down and then dropping the last 5' to the ground. On the map it looks like there is an open spot just north of orange.

Acrobatics roll if needed: [roll0]

Then makes a single nonlethal attack against blue to flank. Hopefully higher ground, surprise, flank, stunned, and prayer will help.

Nonlethal (already including the -4 to deal nonlethal) to hit with mace [roll1] and damage [roll2] and sneak attack [roll3]

2022-05-26, 08:22 PM
R2T8: Vivino moves over the edge of the roof and tumbles down onto the ground, unlimbering his mace as he falls. But the fall was a bit more effort than he expected. As he lands, he gives an evil grin to the ruffians, "Perhaps we can squeeze out some information from them later."

That's when he realizes that all of the ruffians around him are temporarily insensate, so the evil grin is probably lost on them.

R2T7: Green is stunned ....

R2T5: Linzi unties and puts this enormous helm on her head - one that was sized for a medium creature, but it resizes to her. It has an impressive rack of stag's antlers on it. While the helm by itself could look terrifying, on her it looks silly. Which might be what she was going for, as she begins telling some pretty ... um, "blue" jokes at the expensive of the thugs. She is flipping hilarious, with many of the party - if not laughing uproariously themselves, likely with a smile on their face as her insults seem to make the threat of the ruffians something easily discarded.

R2T4: Tesh is one of those laughing. Unfortunately, Tesh's laughter is not the infectious kind, but more of an insane man's. Being the unstable link in the sanity chain, he drops his longspear, takes out his greatsword, and hacks at a stunned Blue with his greatsword for 19.

That sudden shift in the stakes of the battle is felt by everyone, perhaps being what snaps the stunned thugs back into full awareness again.

R2T3: Jacintha, Tesh might just have forced this encounter up a notch. What do you do?

Ernak on deck, Red in the hole, Dane delaying ...

Dusk Raven
2022-05-26, 09:04 PM
Jacintha glances at Tesh, wondering whether to similarly escalate or fight as her other allies are - nonlethally. She makes her decision, flipping her kukri around to attack with the blunt end.

A shame about Tesh. Things were actually looking slightly comical before he had to go for the kill.

Standard Action: Attack Blue, going for non-lethal damage.
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2022-05-26, 09:30 PM
R2T3: Jacintha glances at Tesh, wondering whether to similarly escalate or fight as her other allies are - nonlethally. She makes her decision, flipping her kukri around to attack with the blunt end, whacking the man in the head for 12 NL.

A shame about Tesh. Things were actually looking slightly comical before he had to go for the kill.

R2T2: Ernak, what do you do? You are on the ground again, but at least you're on your feet. Linzi's comedy and Runa's prayer are making you feel good.

Red on deck, Runa in the hole, Dane delaying ...

2022-05-28, 09:27 AM
Responding to that embarrassing knock-down and taunt, Ernak puffs up his chest with wounded pride. He then calls out some tactical wisdom to the party, "They're crooks, not zealots: their hearts won't be in this fight."

To emphasize his point, Ernak thrusts up with the head of his hammer at the talkative ruffian who knocked him down, trying to knock him over in turn with a hefty uppercut.

Start of Turn Trigger: Tactical Flanker (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Warlord#Tactical_Flanker_.28Ex.29), picking square immediately south of Ernak
Swift: activate Primal Warrior's Stance (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Primal_Warrior_Stance), granting an annoying amount of size bonuses (+2 sizes for weapon damage, +1 size for CMB/CMD, +1 size vs special attacks, can charge through difficult terrain)
Move: Inspire Courage +2 (https://aonprd.com/ClassDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Bard) via Perform Oratory
Standard: Disparity Blow (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Disparity_Blow) (nonlethal, no risky strike) at Red Ruffian

Attack Roll: [roll0] (doesn't include inspire courage +2, Prayer bonus, or penalty for nonlethal attack with lethal weapon; battle prowess irrelevant b/c doesn't stack with inspire courage)
Damage Rolls: [roll1] (weapon dice adjusted for weapon size +2; doesn't include inspire courage +2 or Prayer bonus) + [roll2]
Immediate Trip Attempt: [roll3] (doesn't include +4 from disparity blow, +2 from deft maneuvers, Prayer bonus, or CMB size bonus from stance)

2022-05-29, 07:08 AM
R2T2: Responding to that embarrassing knock-down and taunt, Ernak puffs up his chest with wounded pride. He then calls out some tactical wisdom to the party, "They're crooks, not zealots: their hearts won't be in this fight."

To emphasize his point, Ernak thrusts up with the head of his hammer at the talkative ruffian who knocked him down, trying to knock him over in turn with a hefty uppercut. The man tries to block and Ernak still catches him in his right tricep for 27 NL. Ernak continues to push the haft of his earthbreaker up through his grip like a billiard stick, making the man overextend and fall on top of the detritus (but not off).

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T19: The one thing about Red's position on the top of the detritus is that he actually has some measure of cover from Ernak, allowing him to standard unhindered. He weakly returns the favor by kicking Ernak in his upper right arm for 5 NL.

R3T17: Runa, you are in snake style. What do you do?

Diva on deck, Brown in the hole, Dane delaying ...

2022-05-30, 10:56 AM
Well, seeing as how red has made himself an easier target by getting some high ground... Runa claps her hands together, calling forth a small storm on top of him!

Standard: Storm Burst on red; she'll step over to the East one square if needed for a clearer shot.
[roll0] to hit Touch for [roll1] NL Bludgeoning damage!

2022-05-30, 05:04 PM
R3T17: Well, seeing as how Red has made himself an easier target by getting some high ground... Runa claps her hands together, calling forth a small storm on top of him! A super-miniaturized stormcloud appears briefly in Red's space, pelting him with all manner of inclement weather for 9 NL, before the thunderhead disappears.

R3T16.9: Diva hovers directly overhead, kicking up lots of loose materials and debris and knocking it all around. Clear vision is now limited to 10', concealment at 15-20', and you can't see past that.

R3T11-9: Red wasn't paying attention to Tesh, but the other thugs near him - especially the one attacked by a greatsword - were definitely paying attention. Brown takes out a finely crafted battleaxe, widens his stance, and crosses axe-to-sword with the survivor. Blue does the same and catches Tesh along the neck for 16, dropping him; his axe continues at Vivino, but is deflected.

R3T8: Vivino, you just got attacked by a battleaxe. Now it's a party. What do you do?

Green on deck, Linzi in the hole ...

2022-05-30, 09:18 PM
"Heal this man," Vivino calls out while gesturing towards Vesh on the ground. "I will provide cover."

Vivino then swings twice with his mace savagely at blue.

Using flank plus other bonuses, swings his mace two handed, risky strike at blue.

First swing: [roll0] to hit, [roll1] damage, and sneak damage of [roll2]

Second swing: [roll3] to hit, [roll4] damage, and sneak damage of [roll5]

2022-05-30, 11:22 PM
R3T8: "Heal this man," Vivino calls out while gesturing towards Vesh on the ground. "I will provide cover."

Vivino then swings twice with his mace savagely at Blue, hitting him in the left upper arm for 29, but the second strike is blocked by the man's shield.

R3T7: Green does as the others, getting into a wide-set stance before power-swinging his axe at Ernak. It's a dirty low shot that skips off of Ernak's left foot for 11 and then upwards into the side of Dane's belly for 16.

R3T5: Though Jacintha's prayer is slowing the enemy strikes down, it isn't quite enough. Still Ernak more than makes up for that. Linzi stops her jokes whose efforts are worth double her own and says, "Wow. Teach me?"

But she is only hero-worshiping for a brief second before it is business for her. She casts the same spell as she had attempted before at the one that just hit her boss. The strange dichotomy of being hit with a tiny fruit tart in the midst of mortal combat must have broken something, however, as Green stops attacking, starts giggling, and finally breaks down into howling gales of laughter, falling prone and pounding on the street in strange mirth. Linzi smiles at her spell working on the dolt, and takes out her light crossbow though does say with some concern to Dane, who has stood and done nothing, "Boss? You okay?"

R3T3: Jacintha, mithral kukri in hand. What do you do? Note that anything outside of 10' is harder to see.

Ernak on deck, Dane delaying, Red in the hole ...

Dusk Raven
2022-05-31, 11:24 AM
Time to get serious. Jacintha flips her kukri back around to its proper position, then summons psychic energy to form a blade in her other hand. It's beginning to look like this could be a long fight, and if that's the case, Jacintha wants to be at her full strength. Then, she shifts position, moving over Tesh's unconscious (hopefully) form.

Standard Action: Spending 1 psychic point to manifest a psychic kukri in Jacintha's off hand.
Free action: Five-foot step one square east.

2022-06-01, 03:45 PM
R3T3: Time to get serious. Jacintha flips her kukri back around to its proper position, then summons psychic energy to form a blade in her other hand. It's beginning to look like this could be a long fight, and if that's the case, Jacintha wants to be at her full strength. Then, she shifts position, moving over Tesh's unconscious (hopefully) form. She finds out that stepping over a fallen body is much tougher than stepping into an empty space, however, as Blue attacks her and she just manages to deflect with her mithral kukri.Bodies are difficult terrain, so it was a MA cost 10' of movement, and triggered an AOO.
R3T2: Ernak, you are currently inspiring your friends while in primal warrior stance, granting a rallying presence, and with tactical flanker south of you. What do you do?

Dane delaying, Red on deck, Runa in the hole ...

2022-06-02, 12:34 AM
Having wavered at the idea of fighting back Dane raises his great hammer and delivers a mighty blow.
"I warned you, so you'll feel the full weight of a dwarfs hammer."
Using Vital strike (roll)1d20+15(/roll) (roll)4d6+11(/roll)
Attacking blue Dane will move up into his square if he falls.

2022-06-02, 12:43 AM
R3T2.5: Having wavered at the idea of fighting back Dane raises his great hammer and delivers a mighty blow as he says, "I warned you, so you'll feel the full weight of a dwarfs hammer."

He swings his hammer with measured force, though great, connecting with his foe's chest for 29, the sound reverberating throughout the alley.

R3T2: Ernak, you are currently inspiring your friends while in primal warrior stance, granting a rallying presence, and with tactical flanker south of you. What do you do?

Red on deck, Runa in the hole ...

2022-06-02, 07:16 PM
Seeing the fight turning lethal as Tesh falls, Ernak unleashes a proper battle cry, "For Korvosaaaa!"

With the two southernmost ruffians temporarily indisposed, the Shoanti warrior joins his allies in buffeting the one caught in the middle, but he still pulls his punches for now. Ernak fakes a giant swipe at the man's head before pivoting the hammer to thrust its head at his gut.

Start of Turn Trigger: Tactical Flanker, picking square immediately south of Ernak again
Free Action: maintain inspire courage, granting allies w/in 30 ft +2 competence to attacks/damage and +2 morale saves vs charm/fear
Swift: Defending the Pride (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Defending_the_Pride) boost, grants +4 morale to AC to all allies w/in 60 ft for 1 round
Move: feint at Blue, Bluff check via versatile performance [roll0]
Standard: nonlethal furious focus risky strike attack at Blue [roll1] (plus -4 for nonlethal; plus any bonuses from inspire courage +2, prayer, etc), weapon damage with size increases [roll2] (plus any bonuses from inspire courage +2, prayer, etc)

Ernak will take an attack of opportunity at Red if he stands up, if possible.

2022-06-02, 11:43 PM
R3T2: Seeing the fight turning lethal as Tesh falls, Ernak unleashes a proper battle cry, "For Korvosaaaa!"

With the two southernmost ruffians temporarily indisposed, the Shoanti warrior joins his allies in buffeting the one caught in the middle, but he still pulls his punches for now. Ernak fakes a giant swipe at the man's head before pivoting the hammer to thrust its head at his gut for 36 NL, dropping him.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T19: Red is already on his feet, so Ernak was a little muddled on what to expect from him. He then does to Ernak what Ernak did to Blue, perfectly faking out the big man with a low swing that strikes Ernak in the knee for 22 + disoriented.

R4T17: Runa, what do you do? You are currently in Snake Style, and Diva is above you, guarding you (and kicking up a dust cloud).

Diva on deck, Enemies in the hole ...

2022-06-03, 09:14 PM
"All in, huh? Sure. Have at 'em, Diva," Runa says, moving into the fray to provide Tesh with some much needed healing.

Free: Runa will attempt to have Diva flank Green.
Standard + Move: Runa will cast Cure Moderate wounds, then move two spaces east to deliver it to Tesh for [roll0]
Immediate: If one of the ruffians has a go at her, she'll attempt to avoid the attack with Snake Style.

2022-06-03, 09:56 PM
R4T17: "All in, huh? Sure. Have at 'em, Diva," Runa says, moving into the fray to provide Tesh with some much needed healing. She casts a spell to Gozreh to balance the man's waters, fully healing him of all injury and pain and bringing him back to consciousness. The downside is that Jacintha and Tesh are now both "squeezing" in the same spot.

R4T16.9: Without having pointed to a specific enemy, Diva is confused on who to attack, and continues to hover in the air, kicking up dust.

R4T11: Seeing both an enemy combatant brought back in AND a new vulnerability for the same and the one standing over him, Brown maintains the same wide-set stance. He does a low-to-upwards cut, slashing Tesh in the upper left arm for 17, and lands a soft crit in Jacintha's chest for 18. He then steps away from the press of enemies.

The bad news is that Tesh is back under again. The good news is that Jacintha is no longer "squeezing" and vulnerable.

R4T8: Vivino, what do you do?

Green on deck, Linzi in the hole ...

2022-06-04, 12:02 AM
Vivino moves into position to flank green and swings the mace two handed onto green.

"Heal him again if you can. These brigands must pay."

Moves 2 squares south to flank green. Trusting uncanny dodge for not being flanked himself.

With flank and other bonuses, 2 handed swing at green twice.

Swing 1: [roll0] to hit, [roll1] damage, and [roll2] sneak attack

Swing 2: [roll3] to hit, [roll4] damage, and [roll5] sneak attack

2022-06-04, 10:12 AM
R4T8: Vivino moves into position to try to flank Green, but he didn't protect himself on the second half of his movement and Brown clips him in the head with his battleaxe for 13 mod. Vivino makes a single swing at Green, hitting him in the man's lower back for 38.

Vivino says to his allies, "Heal him again if you can. These brigands must pay."
You had cover the first square you moved out of, but not the second. Then, because you used a MA to move, you only had a SA to attack ... so only one attack.

R4T7: Green manages to pull himself together and stop laughing. Seeing what a terrible position he's in, he focuses on defense and then tries to stand. Vivino hits him in the upper right arm for 25. Despite his disorientation, Ernak hits the man in the right lower arm for 36, dropping him. Dane had already begun to attack simultaneously, and caves in the man's head with Drinking Companion.

R4T5: Linzi casts a spell downfield, shouting, "Not so fast!"

A cloud of golden dust puffs out from behind Brown and enveloping him.

R4T3: Jacintha, Tesh is unconscious beneath you again, so you aren't as vulnerable as you were for a few seconds. What do you do?

Dane on deck, Ernak in the hole ...

Dusk Raven
2022-06-04, 11:05 AM
Jacintha resists the urge to shake her head at Tesh collapsing again. Instead, she pursues brown, shifting away from Tesh and towards her foe. This time she swings with both kukris, aiming to bring the goon down as hard and fast as possible.

Free: Five-foot step SE.
Full action: Full attack. Using Risky Strike.
Attack 1 (Mithral Kukri): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Attack 2 (Psychic Kukri): [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2022-06-04, 12:00 PM
R4T3: Jacintha resists the urge to shake her head at Tesh collapsing again. Instead, she pursues brown, shifting away from Tesh and towards her foe. This time she swings with both kukris, aiming to bring the goon down as hard and fast as possible. But though the man appears blinded, he seems to have an uncanny knack for protecting himself from unseen dangers.

R4T2.5: Dane, what do you do?

Ernak on deck, Red in the hole ...

2022-06-04, 02:42 PM
Dane will step forward to block anymore incoming attacks on tesh before leaning down and placing a hand on him.
"Refill his mug so he can fight again!"
casting cure moderate wounds (/roll)1

2022-06-04, 05:17 PM
R4T2.5: Dane will step forward to block anymore incoming attacks on tesh before leaning down and placing a hand on him after casting a spell and then calling out (while healing 14), "Refill his mug so he can fight again!"

The majority of the man's wounds disappear as once again he is brought to consciousness.

R4T2: Ernak, you are disoriented from Red's last attack against you. What do you do?

Red on deck, Runa in the hole ...

2022-06-07, 10:00 AM
Ernak grunts at Red's strike on his knee, hoping the injury would not force him out of adventuring and back into guard duty. Too distracted by the pain to pull his punches properly, Ernak strikes back at his attacker with full force this time, throwing a haymaker strike with his earthbreaker.

Ernak then shifts northward slightly in order to encourage Runa with a hearty, "Don't let that fellow get away!"


Start of Turn Trigger: Tactical Flanker (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Warlord#Tactical_Flanker_(Ex)), picking square immediately south of Ernak again
Free Action: stop performing for inspire courage; lingering performance (https://aonprd.com/FeatDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Lingering%20Performance) feat means bonuses will last for 2 more rounds
Standard: furious focus risky strike attack at Red [roll0] (plus penalties for disoriented; plus any bonuses from inspire courage +2, prayer, etc); weapon damage with size increases [roll1] (plus any bonuses from inspire courage +2, prayer, etc), doing lethal damage this time around Move: 5-foot step north
Swift: Pride Movement (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Pride_Movement) boost targeting Runa

2022-06-07, 09:21 PM
R4T2: Ernak grunts at Red's strike on his knee, hoping the injury would not force him out of adventuring and back into guard duty. Too distracted by the pain to pull his punches properly, Ernak strikes back at his attacker with full force this time, throwing a haymaker strike with his earthbreaker that strikes the man in the chest full force for 36, and yet not dropping him.

Ernak then shifts northward slightly in order to encourage Runa with a hearty, "Don't let that fellow get away!"

Runa, you may take a MA to move (only) up to your base speed. What do you do?

2022-06-09, 03:29 PM
Runa nods to Ernak, ducking and weaving through the crowd as she moves to cut off the remaining thug's escape.

Runa will move three squares to the SE, which I believe she has just enough movement for - if I'm wrong on that, then she'll move 1 square SE then two squares E instead.

2022-06-09, 11:33 PM
R4T2 (Cont'd): Runa nods to Ernak, ducking and weaving through the crowd as she moves to cut off the remaining thug's escape. Since she'd have to hop around on boxes she comes to the north of the thug.

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T19: Red withdraws acrobatically, moving south and then west around the corner (off map).

R5T17: Runa, what do you do?

Diva on deck, Brown in the hole ....

2022-06-10, 05:58 PM
Runa was asked to not let that fellow get away, and since she hasn't -quite- done that yet, she attempts to pull him into a hold before he can scoot.

Runa attempts to grapple Brown. [roll0] vs CMD

2022-06-10, 06:48 PM
R5T17: Runa was asked to not let that fellow get away, and since she hasn't -quite- done that yet, she successfully pulls him into a hold before he can scoot.

R5T16.9: Diva stops hovering and flies forward and gets a soft crit on Brown for 15 before flying past and landing, partly in the golden cloud. At least there is no more dust being kicked up from Diva hovering.

R5T11: The man recovers from his wide-legged stance from before, but is still blinded. He wrestles his way out of Runa's hold, but as he is still blinded he doesn't go anywhere.

R5T8: Vivino, what do you do?

Linzi on deck, Tesh in the hole ...

2022-06-10, 09:35 PM
"Let's finish this," Vivino says.

He moves to flank orange and then swings his mace with both hands viciously.

Moves SE one square. Then full attacks. If it takes more than a 5 foot step to flank then swings once.

With flank and other bonuses, 2 handed swing at orange twice.

Swing 1: [roll0] to hit, [roll1] damage, and [roll2] sneak attack

Swing 2: [roll3] to hit, [roll4] damage, and [roll5] sneak attack

2022-06-11, 11:35 PM
R5T8: "Let's finish this," Vivino says as he moves to flank Orange. Detritus in the street keep him from just stepping to the southeast, so he hops up onto the crates and then back down again before swinging his mace with both hands viciously, striking the man in the upper back for 18. Even blinded, this thug is unbelievably aware of the danger he is in, denying Vivino a solid sneak attack.

R5T5: "I still feel the song in my heart," says Linzi, amazed, to Ernak. "I really need to pick your brain!"

She then moves forward, deftly hopping onto some of the boxes and pallets in the alley and shoots her light crossbow to graze the man's left obliques for 5.

R5T4: Tesh stands and grabs his greatsword.

R5T3: Jacintha, what do you do?

Dane on deck, Ernak in the hole ..

Dusk Raven
2022-06-14, 10:17 AM
Jacintha, fully committed to ending the fight, swings with both physical and psychic kukri at the last remaining thug.

Full-round action: full attack on brown.

Psychic Kukri: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Physical Kukri: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2022-06-15, 01:57 AM
R5T3: Jacintha, fully committed to ending the fight, swings with both physical and psychic kukri at the last remaining thug. Psychic energy hits the man in the head for 16 even as real steel cuts into his right arm for 13.

R5T2.5: Dane, what do you do?

Ernak on deck, Runa in the hole ...

2022-06-18, 08:48 AM
R5T2.5: Dane leaves the last man to the others, turns around, and casts a spell. He touches Ernak to give the big man 16 healing (and completely healing his NL).

R5T2: Ernak, what do you do?

Runa on deck, Diva in the hole ...

2022-06-21, 01:56 PM
R5T2: Ernak's voice becomes a little more steady with the healing he was given as he continues his tales of Shoanti bravery and gives a nod of gratitude to Dane. He moves forward to the last thug, readjusts his tactical flanking, and swings his earthbreaker into the man's right upper arm for 28. The arm snaps and the earthbreaker completely crumples in the side of his chest as he falls.

Combat Ends ...

Now what?

2022-06-22, 02:32 PM
"Is everyone ok?" Vivino asks. He then begins searching the thugs for clues or for anything of use.

"Tesh, should we head to somewhere more private and discuss more details about what is going on here and how can we help."

Vivino will search the bodies for anything useful such as weapons, money, or other items/materials

2022-06-22, 03:20 PM
With no intention of getting the creepy weapon for him, Linzi says, "Hey, you left your big grain harvester back there, Vivino."

Of the three downed thugs present, two are dead, and one is merely unconscious (not comatose). They have the following:

Masterwork Battle Axe (3)
Throwing Axes (15)
Masterwork Studded Leather (3)
Masterwork Heavy Wooden Shield (3)
Dirty, tattered peasant clothing (3)

Stripping them of armor doesn't really make sense, and honestly, because of the weighty and awkward nature of what they carry, the group isn't likely to try to deal with all of their axes and such. Basically, if you are interested in a weapon, speak up.

Dusk Raven
2022-06-22, 03:40 PM
Jacintha folds her arms. "Well, if we weren't on the bad side of this 'Emperor' before, we are now. That one that got away will be reporting us soon enough, and then it'll be like being on the run from the law, which from the sounds of it, the Emperor is the law around here."

2022-06-22, 03:49 PM
Vivino gives a greatful nod to Lizi and will go retrieve his Scthe and upon returning examine the axes.

"Jacintha is right and we need to do what we can against this emperor quickly." Vivino agrees. "How can we best help Tesh?"

If the thugs had a holder for the axes or Vivino cam fashion one so that he can safely carry one on his back or at his waist, then will take one battle axe. If not then will leave it behind.

2022-06-22, 05:37 PM
Tesh answers, "Weren't we leaving the burned school to go to Orsino's home? Doesn't help me, but that's what I thought you were doing."

2022-06-22, 05:45 PM
"Thanks for not braining him while I was still holding on," Runa says, dusting herself off and petting Diva. "Surprised he can just go around calling himself the emperor like that. Maybe the queen's well and truly abandoned the place after all. What's his deal, anyways?"

2022-06-22, 10:56 PM
Ernak cleans any stains of combat off himself using prestidigitation, stows his weapon, and offers to magically clean up anyone else who wants it.

"I don't reckon any of you can track someone over city streets, huh? Or get a quick bird's eye view on the runner? I'd rather we dictate when the emperor learns of us, not that fleeing cutpurse, if there's still a chance we can catch him. But if he's well and truly gone, we might as well continue the original plan. Will you be okay, Tesh? Or do you need to rest up after all that?"

2022-06-23, 12:09 AM
Tesh looks to Runa and says, "The queen abandoned us to our fate. The Emperor is a local warlord in an urban wasteland."

When asked, Tesh tells Ernak, "I could use some healing, yes." (A quick shows it is a light wound.)

2022-06-24, 11:55 AM
"Well, yes, Diva could, but..." Runa starts, glancing at Diva as she moves to tend to Tesh with her wand, "...He ain't exactly subtle. I could try to track him myself if you want, but it feels like running through the streets might just have us bumping into more tough guys looking for a scrap. And chasing someone down and attacking them is generally not a great look to anyone watching, yeah?"

Using a wand of CLW on Tesh for [roll0] healing. If he's still hurting after that, she'll use it a second time for [roll1]

2022-06-24, 04:24 PM
Meanwhile, a touch of the wand fully heals Tesh.

2022-06-24, 10:39 PM
"I agree with you Runa," Vivino agrees. "Tesh, if you would guide us to Orsino home? Thank you."

2022-06-25, 12:18 AM
Tesh nods and takes the lead, putting away his greatsword and again taking up his longspear.

Vencarlo’s home is a humble building just east of his academy—or at least, where his academy once stood, for the once-proud structure is no more. It was burned to the ground in a recent fire as you had seen. Yet, Vencarlo’s home still stands, nestled in the southern section of Fort Korvosa.

What do you do?

2022-06-25, 01:22 PM
"Let's not waste time," Vivino suggests. "Shall we go say hi?

Unless others object will go up and knock on the door.

2022-06-25, 02:21 PM
There is no answer at the door.

2022-06-26, 04:42 PM
Ernak glances at any windows on the house--or failing that, any cracks between the door and frame--to see if any light or other signs of life peek out. He calls out tentatively, "Hullo?"

2022-06-27, 11:33 AM
There are windows, and it is unlit inside.

2022-06-27, 11:51 AM
"Let's try to get inside, might be clues on where he is or he might be hiding inside and doesn't know we are friendly?" Vivino says.

Then he begins searching around the house for a way to get everyone into the building.

Using relevant senses and skills to find and or open a way into the house

2022-06-27, 12:58 PM
Only because of his strange and alchemical senses is Vivino able to uncover what everyone else already sees .... the front door (no other ingress/egress).

What now?

Dusk Raven
2022-06-27, 09:01 PM
Jacintha strides over to the front door and attempts to open it. If it's locked, she'll attempt to unlock it.

2022-06-28, 12:18 AM
Jacintha moves up and simply opens up the door to reveal the entrance. Here, an elegant and colorful Vudrani throw rug covers much of the floor of this otherwise empty room.

2022-06-30, 03:24 PM
Vivino will slip just into the room being careful to avoid the rug and make sure that the room and then the next door is safe.

Vivino will step 5' into the room and first search the rug/room for any traps. If all clear will say, "Looks clear so far, come on in." Then will use senses/skill to make sure next door is safe. If this is safe as well, will say "This next door seems clear as well, everyone ready?"

If either the room or the door is not clear will say, "Found something dangerous, hold on while I try to disarm it." Then will try to disable said trap.

2022-06-30, 11:39 PM
Vivino checks the room and then calls out, "Looks clear so far, come on in."

At the north end, on the western side, there is a hallway heading west. But, there is a door to the north. Vivino checks that door as the others move in and says, "This next door seems clear as well, everyone ready?"

Runa, what will you do with Diva?

Does anyone else do anything?

2022-06-30, 11:51 PM
"Thinkin' you'll give new meaning to the word housebroken if you try to follow us in, Diva. Stay out here and keep watch, okay? We'll be back soon," Runa says, reaching up to pat Diva's head and slip him a treat, "Weird that it was just unlocked, though, 'specially with things being how they are. Didn't seem like someone forced their way in, did it?"

2022-07-01, 12:47 AM
The group senses no sign of forced entry.

Meanwhile ... Dane, Ernak, & Runa .... you all smell something odd, like a scent of smoke in the air, but with a strange tang. You can't ID the smell.

In looking about and for clues, Runa and Dane note that the building hasn't seen much traffic for quite some time (exact time unknown).

2022-07-01, 05:37 PM
Ernak looks slightly uneasy as his new friends enter the house further. "Breaking and entering may not be the best way to make an impression on Vencarlo, if it indeed seems like all is well in his house. But if he's missing..." Ernak lets his sentence trail off awkwardly with a confused shrug.

As the aroma in the air wafts over Ernak and the others waiting outside, he tentatively sniffs the air again. Having confirmed that something is there, he hunches his shoulders and juts his head forward before taking several deep breaths in through his nose, attempting to suss out what exactly is going on and where.

Ernak adopts the Running Hunter's Stance (https://libraryofmetzofitz.fandom.com/wiki/Running_Hunter%E2%80%99s_Stance), granting him +10 move speed, giving him the scent special ability (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/rules-for-monsters/universal-monster-rules#TOC-Scent-Ex-), and making him look like a giant dork now that they're not in the heat of combat. He then attempts to figure out more about this new smoky smell, both its nature and the direction from which it is coming.

2022-07-01, 08:25 PM
Unfortunately for Ernak, not being a creature with natural olfactory increase means he doesn't have the intuitive "library" of scents such a creature might build up over a lifetime. He cannot identify the smell. There isn't a "trail" but "pools" of scent as this is more of a background scent that has worked its way into the walls, floor, and even furniture.

Now what?

2022-07-02, 01:29 AM
Dropping his hunter's stance, Ernak resumes his normal posture, dusting himself off and pulling his head up high once more.

Ernak then steps inside the house, sniffs loudly for dramatic emphasis, makes an exaggeratedly disgusted face, fans away the air in front of his face with similar flair, and asks the rest of the party, "Do any of you smell that? It's not from outside: just inside here... it smells like a tangy smoke has settled into Vencarlo's home. If our friend doesn't have a smoking habit, perhaps he's been rummaging through the wreckage of his burned-down academy and simply bringing the smells back with him? Maybe... he's at his old school right now?"

2022-07-02, 01:45 PM
"Vencarlo, are you home? We came here to talk and hopefully help." Vivino calls out.

If there is no response, then will say to the party: "Should we keep searching here or go back to the burnt school?"

2022-07-02, 01:57 PM
Hearing no response, Vivino says, "Should we keep searching here or go back to the burnt school?"

Linzi looks at Dane with pleading eyes, "Days since signs of passing? Strange smells? Burnt-down school? I can't bear looking at that charred wreck. Can we please look around and see if Vencarlo just didn't die in his sleep or something?"

2022-07-02, 03:44 PM
"If he did, it'd probably smell a lot worse in here," Runa says, "Let's start checking rooms, I guess. Don't suppose your nose is pointing you to one in particular?"

Dusk Raven
2022-07-02, 04:16 PM
After giving the street one last look-over, Jacintha abandons her vigil outside in order to step inside the house. Speaking up, she says, "I doubt we'll find anything more at the remains of the school. At least this place is still standing, and we might yet find something here." Suiting action to words, she moves to open the first door she finds on her right, eyes peeled for traps or other dangers.

2022-07-03, 11:26 AM
Visto stands in front of the door that Jacintha checks and opens - for Visto had already checked it clear before discussion began about smells and signs of passage. The room to the north is a well-stocked workshop for decorating and repairing bladed weapons. Several partially repaired daggers and rapiers lie on the table. None are particularly valuable.

2022-07-03, 01:02 PM
Dane will start checking around the walls and floors knocking on them to see if there is a hollowness to them, checking if there are any cracks at the base of a wall.
"Perhaps there is a hidden room we are not seeing?"

2022-07-03, 02:28 PM
"Good idea Dane, there may be hidden clues along the way. Continue searching as we go," Vivino agrees.

"Let's see what we have here." Moving into the room begins looking around.

Moves into the room to the north and begins looking around. If room is clear will check connecting doors.

If all clear, will say "This room and the doors are clear as well."

2022-07-03, 10:59 PM
The group does a basic search of the workroom, and doesn't find anything of interest, nor any other points of ingress/ egress besides the two windows. Tesh stands watch.

This room has been checked. Now what?

2022-07-04, 12:27 AM
"Dane, did you want to check for secrets here as we check the next door?" Vivino asks.

Vivino will move to the hallway and check the first door.

Will move 5' south and 20' west. Then checking the door to the north.

If clear, will say "This door to the north is clear, shall head this way?"

2022-07-04, 12:36 AM
Vivino senses no danger at that door and calls out, "This door to the north is clear, shall head this way?"

2022-07-04, 10:11 AM
Not wanting to wait outside alone, Ernak reluctantly trails at the back of the party with an uncomfortable expression on his face. He leaves the inspecting of rooms to the others and instead joins Tesh in keeping a lookout.

2022-07-04, 02:51 PM
"No signs of anyone, huh? Does it look like he left in a hurry?" Runa says, walking through the hall and taking note of the rooms, "A secret room...? Is that common? Maybe he's got a cellar or something hidden under a rug. I don't know. I ain't really the homeowner type, but I saw that in a book I read once."

2022-07-04, 10:37 PM
Runa gets to the end of the hallway where to the west it opens up into a large sitting room and there are stairs heading upwards.

2022-07-04, 11:59 PM
"Very well could be hidden basements etc. I'm not normally allowed in most homes." Vivino admits. "So far haven't seen much evidence of a mess or fast exit."

Vivino then knocks on the north door and then opens it if there is no response.

2022-07-05, 12:55 AM
Vivino opens the door, revealing a freestanding bathtub and a toilet.

What is everyone else doing at this time?

Dusk Raven
2022-07-05, 08:26 PM
Jacintha advances with the group, slipping past Runa and Vivino into the sitting room and taking a look around.

2022-07-05, 11:06 PM
Jacintha enters what must be the living room. Two large sofas face a brick fireplace. There are warm embers inside the hearth, despite the fact that the building seems to be abandoned.

Dusk Raven
2022-07-06, 01:54 PM
Jacintha frowns. "Someone's been here recently." She points to the embers in the fireplace. Since there aren't any doorways in this room, however, she goes back towards the others, stopping at the nearest door to the south and opening it carefully.

2022-07-06, 03:30 PM
Jacintha is assaulted by bad smells as she opens up the door. This is the pantry, and it smells like the perishable food has gone bad.

Dane, what do you (and Linzi) do?

2022-07-06, 08:59 PM
Dane will follow along and search the room.
"Sorry, theses short legs have a hard time keeping up."

2022-07-06, 11:24 PM
Of course, Dane doesn't check just any room, but strolls up behind Vivino, opens the southern door, and just walks in to what appears to be Vencarlo's study. A single leather chair sits at a desk, while two tall cabinets filled with stand to the east. Linzi follows him in, and they begin a search.

As they go, they find that the two tall cabinets are filled with books about sword fighting and philosophy.

The papers on the desk are mostly accounting documents and ledgers for Vencarlo’s academy. It appears that up until the death of King Eodred II, Vencarlo’s academy was doing rather well, but then business turned bad as students failed to show and Vencarlo took an increasing number of breaks from teaching.

Linzi is sure to share what she and Dane learned with the others.

Now what?

2022-07-07, 08:04 PM
"Looks like one more door on this floor," Vivino says. "The embers in the fireplace indicate recent use but other areas so far indicate a time since it has been touched."

Vivino moves over and examines the door before opening it.

Moves west 2 squares and then examines the door to the south. If safe, will open the door and if there are no are no enemies will examine the room. Will tell the others of anything he finds.

2022-07-08, 12:16 AM
..... but realizes that is the pantry that Jacintha had opened up already.

2022-07-08, 01:27 AM
"Anyone want to check this floor further before checking these stairs?" Vivino asks.

If people want to check further, vivino will help search.

If no one suggests to check this floor further, then will say "Let's try to stay close as we move to another floor." Vivino will check for traps on the stairs as they climb (hard to tell but think they are going up?)