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2022-03-30, 09:54 PM
You have come to Arabel at the request of Lady Kestrel, the widow of a nobleman and merchant with whom your party had dealings in the past. Workman repair Lady Kestrel’s manor, and the hammering forces her to raise her voice as she speaks with you in her sitting room. Shafts of light spill into the room through cracks in the boards that cover the broken windows, cutting through the shadows in the room.

Lady Kestrel wears the black garb of a woman in mourning and the dark circles under her eyes show hat she is still dealing with her grief. She does her best to appear strong.

“Cormyr faces dire times” she says “Many have taken the death of good King Azoun as an opportunity to wreak havoc in our forest kingdom, to seize power, or to address grievances or feuds of the past."

“To make matters worse here, those who work for me and I are becoming target of the Freedom Warriors, a group of renegades intent on ending the Cormyrean royal line completely.”

“That is why I have decided to call upon you. Our bonds are ones of friendship, not finances or politics. All is not lost for Cormyr. I recently received word from a long-time friend of my late husband that he has a lead on the location of the lair of dragon that killed our king.”

“I would like you to go to Eveningstar to meet with Gurrand Rannar, my husband’s old friend, and acquire the map he possesses. He awaits your arrival at the Welcoming Hand Inn. I will give you my signet ring so that he knows you are my agents. After meeting with Gurrand, I would like you to follow the map to the dragon’s lair and secure whatever treasure you find on my behalf as a noble of our fair land”

She reaches to the floor beside her and retrieves two carefully folded, plain-looking bags. “These are two bags of holding that my husband kept from his days as an adventurer. These should make it easier for you to transport the treasure you will retrieve from the lair. They are yours to keep, as part of your payment for helping me in this matter.”

“You are also welcome to keep twenty-five percent of any treasure you find, but I would request that you bring back the rest for Cormyr. I need only twenty-five percent myself, to hire additional guards for my caravans and to help rebuild Arabel. The rest I intend to donate to our regent and infant king, to aid Cormyr in its time of need.”

“Please do hurry. Cormyr has need of stout hearts and strong convictions now. Do whatever you can to help Bring Justice and peace back to our land.”

She then removes a jeweled golden ring from her finger and hands it to you, it features her family crest (a sword, point-down, with a snake wrapped around the blade). It is clearly the signet ring she referred to.

2022-03-31, 01:09 AM
Fiona Redwing

Indoors, why must everything happen inside with this woman. You would think with the construction crew we could have our meeting in the courtyard.

Fiona laments having left her companion outside, but it truly would be impolite to have a griffon inside. He may be intelligent and house-trained, but his talons would likely still gouge the flooring of this ostentatious building.

Fiona wears a green traveling cloak and pack. Over her shoulder is a quiver with a strung bow. She wears a fine tunic and vest. The vest in particular is excellently stitched and has some amount of jewelry worked into the buttons.

She tucks her one silver lock amongst her red hair behind her ear before she reaches to take the signet ring with a warm smile. Her instinct is to curtsy as if she were a peasant meeting the local lord, but her education steels her spine.

"Well spoken milady. I will do what I can to assist you in restoring peace and freedom to these lands. If that means slaying a dragon,"

At this she chuckles with just a touch of magic in her voice.

"Well we've certainly faced far greater foes.

2022-03-31, 02:46 AM
Looking somewhat askance at Lady Kestrel as she proclaims bonds of friendship over finances, Fanuilh's expression becomes one of rapt attention at the mention of a dragon's horde. Mixed emotions of revulsion at the thought of a dragon's horde being stolen and greed at being the one to steal such a treasure pass the tiny lizard's scaly features before settling into one of thoughtful determination.

Peering at Fiona as she proclaims there being 'greater foes' than dragons, Fanuilh simply rolls his eyes behind her back.

His thoughts projecting into the minds of those present, Fanuilh communicates telepathically, "A dragon's horde is always well protected. We will need to be mindful of traps and trusted guardians, but it is a task worthy of m...us. Yes, worthy of us." Eyes darting to the others, the tiny pseudodragon scratches at his neck with the stinger on his long sinuous tail, looking at nothing in particular.

2022-03-31, 07:57 AM
While all but forced to wear her fox mask over her face all the way inside, only now adjusting it to rest askance on one side of her head like a jaunty cap, Zabel has been nothing but congenial since she arrived in the noblewoman's parlor. She does seem to be distracted, always staring off into the distance or just studying her immediate surroundings--only every now and then she looks back to Lady Kestrel with a warm, sympathetic smile.

Any nobility who actually treats her like a real, honest to gods person and not a damnable drow monster certainly deserves that! She's just memorizing the area in case she has to teleport back here on the jiffy.

"Oh. Well, of course we will help, m'lady." her voice is soft as a shy, velvet serpent's, "But that dragon is dead, right? Would any other loyalists to Cormyr be looking for the dragon's lair as well? Should we join up with any like minded groups if it comes to it?" that would mean sharing the treasure, of course, but Zabe' remains oblivious to this being a point of contention for her dragon pal, Fanuilh.

If nobody else accepts the Signet ring, Zabe' will.

"And though I'm loathe to bring this up to you in this time of mourning, but, what are the Freedom Warriors like? Their leader, their banner or sigil? Do you have any idea how many of them are active? Do they have any (suspected) allies we should be wary of in our travels through Cormyr?"

I am going to assume, given our relationship with Kestrel, that her manor counts as Very Familiar for purposes of the teleportation spell.

Also, two sleight of hand checks: the first for her hidden dagger (the other is over her right shoulder) and the next for the signet ring.

[roll0] +4 bonus for being a dagger and b/c Zeb's wearing a voluminous cloak
[roll1] +6 bonuses for wearing a cloak and b/c the ring is a an extraordinarily small sized object

2022-04-01, 01:24 PM
Gideon stood respectively in the lady's manor as it was under construction, both of his hands resting on his armor on his chest, and he nodded as she spoke, agreeing with everything. He of course would help, Lady Kestrel had been good to him, as had King Azoun, anything for the people of Cormyr.

And, of course, the hoard. Even Archons weren't immune to the occasionally greed, here and there.

But then...a dragon. That was of course something else entirely.

"I agree with all the comments, we are at your service." he says with a bow and a smile, he notices Zabel memorizing the place, and his smile widens ever so slightly, he had already memorized the outside of the manor, and some of the interior, but he was used to doing it by instinct.

Gideon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2612363)
HP's: 204/204
AC: 32
T: 14 FF: 28
Fort: 17 Ref: 13 Will: 10
Effects: SR 17, Tongues, Aura of Menace (20ft; DC 20 will), Scent, +4 bonus vs Poison, Immunity Paralysis, Sleep, Frightful presence, Electricity, Sonic and Petrification

Vigor (Fast healing 3 up to half)
Resistance (Sonic 15)
Senses (+3 to listen/spot/initiative)
Swiftness (+3 climb/jump/swim;+15ft clumb/fly/swim)
Energy (+3 DC to sonic attacks/effects)
Energy Shield (6 sonic on each hit)

2022-04-01, 04:39 PM
"Thank you my friends, I knew I, and the people of Cormyr of course, could count on you." she gives a genuine smile "it warms my heart to see that you four are as confident today as you were on the day we met. I knew then and there that I could put my thrust in you. Call it a woman's intuiton or a mother's sense, I simply knew".

"To adress your questions my dear" says Lady Kestrel, turning towards Zabe "Yes, that dragon is indeed dead, our King's sacrifice was not in vain. But as you might expect, these kind of news tend to spread like wildfire, so, to put it bluntly there are other people looking for the dragon's hoard, and all of them are concerned only with their own interests."

"I'm sad to admit, but with King Azoun's death, Cormyr's leadership was completely shattered. Some people do not believe the regent can be trusted, others want to take advantage of the turmoil to expands their own holdins, challenge old feuds or are affraid that Cormyr will turn into a despots plaything and their land and power will be confiscated. All the nobles and merchants who have such beliefs are desperately looking for resources."

"That being said, I doubt anyone knows anything more thant that the dragon is dead and it's hoard could be somewhere arround Cormyr. Which is why I'm asking you to meet Gurrand. He was like a brother to Olaf, and if he says he has a solid lead to the dragon's lair, I believe him".

Lady Kestrel pauses for a second, as if she had finished talking, but suddenly raises her eyebrow sin a somewhat surprised expression "Ah! Yes, the Freedom Warriors of course. They fall into the later category, merely concerned with their status and wealth. I don't know much about them, but I do know one of their leaders, Lord Hyraken, he is a self centered man with low character. He keeps the company of followers and prestesses of Loviatar and has been known to work servants to death! He and my husband shared a deep personal enmity toward one another, and I Firmly believe that Hyraken of his hirelings are behind at least of some of the attacks against my people and caravans. He made it clear to me that unless I renouced my support of the crown, he would do what he could to destroy me. Vicious rumors imply that Hyraken hates the crown because the regent rejected a proposal of marriage from him a few years ago"

She pauses again, this time not resuming her speech, and takes a few long breaths.

SPOT rolls
Zabe: [roll0]
Fanuilh: [roll1]
Fiona: [roll2]
Gideon: [roll3]

You notice that her heavy breathing is not the result of her long speech, Lady Kestrel is extremely tired and is trying her best not to show it, but her efforts are taking a toll on her body

You notice a stern looking maid almost covered by the the frame of the half opened door, she has her eyes fixed on Lady Kestrel and is visibly concerned for her wellbeing. She is about to enter the room.

2022-04-02, 08:09 AM
Zabe seems once more oblivious to her surroundings as she nods passively, hands raised to her chin at the sight of how sad the Lady seems. "We'll do what we can, and get started right away! Um... Forgive me again, but do you have a mage on staff-- Zabel assumes that Lady Kestrel herself is not one unless their history would have her learn otherwise, To contact us if need be? Like, immediately so, if there's an emergency? Um..or would it be better if we keep in contact with you personally every few days or if we found something?"

2022-04-02, 01:07 PM
Fanuilh bobs his serpentine head as he agrees via telepathy, "Yes, this is a task we are suitable for. We shall not fail. We are mighty." Shifting his weight from one stubby leg to the next, the tiny pseudodragon's wings twitch and his tail lashes back and forth lazily.

2022-04-04, 11:07 AM
Gideon raises an eyebrow, something about the lady was off, as if she were sick, but he would not call it out, that would be a faux pas when dealing with a Lady, if she wanted them to know, then she would tell them.

He waves his hand to Zabe "I can check in every few days if needed, that shouldn't be a problem" he says, smiling kindly to the Lady. "Does anyone know how far away Eveningstar is? I don't believe i've been there before."

Gideon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2612363)
HP's: 204/204
AC: 32
T: 14 FF: 28
Fort: 17 Ref: 13 Will: 10
Effects: SR 17, Tongues, Aura of Menace (20ft; DC 20 will), Scent, +4 bonus vs Poison, Immunity Paralysis, Sleep, Frightful presence, Electricity, Sonic and Petrification

Vigor (Fast healing 3 up to half)
Resistance (Sonic 15)
Senses (+3 to listen/spot/initiative)
Swiftness (+3 climb/jump/swim;+15ft clumb/fly/swim)
Energy (+3 DC to sonic attacks/effects)
Energy Shield (6 sonic on each hit)

2022-04-05, 11:23 AM
Before lady Kestrel has time to answer, a stern looking maid comes into the room unannounced and kneewl beside Lady kestrel, placing her hands over the lady's right hand, which rests on her thigh "My lady, you're clearly not well. Whatever it is you're discussing, it shouldn't be placed above your wellbeing. Please come rest, you can continue later".

Lady Kestrel gives a warm and yet serious smile. An expression that unmistakenly shows appreciacion but also warns that she shouldn't be pushed any further, a smile only a woman of her standing, age and cunning could pull off. "Thank you Mara, I'll finish the conversation and go to my chambers, could you prepare a light meal for me please?". The maid nods and excuses herself, on her way out she stares at the party showing her dissatisfaction.

"I don't know what I would do without her, but lately she's being quite overprotective of me. She means well, but I have work to do" she pauses for a second and takes a long breath.

"But when she's is right, she is right. I do have a few mages on staff my dear, but my employees are currently spread thin, trying to protect my caravans from attacks. I'm not worried about Hyraken's empty threats, and neither should you be, attempting agains't my life is something that (for now at least) would only weaken his stand. Geeting funds to support the crown and the reconstruction of Arabel as fast as possible is the best course of action right now, we can even turn some of the support Hyraken has to our side, there are good people in the freedom warriors, he's just playing with their fears"

"Eveningstar ins't far away, you can just take the High Road west, It shouldn't be farther than 100 miles, give or take. But be careful, the roads are not as safe as they used to be"

Lady Kestrel then stands up and signs towards the door, indicating that the conversation is over, but you could probably squeese another question or two on your way out.

2022-04-05, 12:13 PM
Gideon smiles at the maid ruefully at first, but then something makes his hackles raise slightly, and as she passes, he turns, his eyes lighting up an azure blue as he see's if anything evil is in the area.

Detect evil SLA on the maid as she passes (back facing him)

2022-04-07, 09:52 PM
Zabe nods and politely offers a curtsy before the Lady leaves, though when her eyes fall upon both her and her maid, she tries to get a read on both of them...

Sense motives
[roll0] Lady Kestrel
[roll1] The maid

2022-04-08, 03:15 AM
Fiona Redwing

Fiona had been watching the maid out of the corner of her eye as the lady spoke, and was about to bring up the servant's presence when she rudely burst in. Fiona smiles slyly, more of a smirk than anything else, but stays her tongue while the pair go about their discussion. It gave her a moment to collect her thoughts as well, as admittedly her first instinct was to suspect the maid of being a spy. That was probably just the adventurer's paranoia instilled in her by the last few years. She was by no means getting old, but the years have definitely been passing even so.

"Forgive us if we are overstaying milady. Would you happen to know who in the Freedom Fighters we might encounter that we should be looking to engage via words rather swords? I have been known to sway many a heart with my words and music."

Before the maid leaves, Fiona speaks up again, this time making pointed eye contact with the fierce servant as she speaks quite clearly to the lady.

"Milady, none of us can truly understand the grieving that you are currently going through, but you are doing a magnificent job in leading your people out of this current plight. If there is anything that we can do to ease your troubles personally, please don't hesitate to call on us or any of our talents for your own reasons."

I'd like to pose this as a Diplomacy check on the maid lady, and I am personally willing to do something like a Lay on Hands activation if necessary. Can I tell if the Lady is suffering from something like Fatigue? I know Gideon can remove a ton of conditions with his pool, but I sadly cannot.

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2022-04-08, 03:18 AM
Sorry for double-posting. I meant to roll Bardic Knowledge here as well on the Freedom Warriors


2022-04-08, 08:25 PM
Neither the maid nor the lady register as evil upon your inspection
You can tell Lady Kestrel is emotionally and physically tired. While magic might help with fatigue, there is no cure for the unrest of a troubled mind. Sadly, only time can heal grief.

The maid shows great concern over lady Kestrel, almost some kind of devotion. Her bluntness and lack of finesse indicates someone that was raised on the countryside, only recently coming into a noble's servitude, despite her age. Perhaps that would be the source of her devotion?

You are certain both of them are being honest in their dealings with the party. Neither harbors any ulterior motives.

As confirmed by Lady Kestrel, Both King Azoun IV and his Eldest Daughter, Tanalastra, died batling the Dragon Nalavara. Now, Tanalastra's son, a baby boy named Azoun V, is the next King of Cormyr, although currently the wild-hearted Alusair, renowed for her prowes at arms and indomitable will, sits upon the throne as a Regent, ruling on behalf of her nephew.

Many Cormyrean nobles and merchants do not believe Alusair can be trusted with the reins of power even if Vangerdahast (Cormyr's Royal Wizard) advises her as he advised her father, they call themselves the "freedom warriors". Their actions have pushed the kingdom to the verge of anarchy as regent loyalists, power-hungry conspirators and misguided patriots rush to secure their positions and undermine their enemies.

To make matters worse, rumors of a now ungarded dragon lair and it's inevitable hoard of treasure, somewhere near Cormyr, draw an ever growing number of treasure seekers to the country as well.

"Oh, I suspect there are a few Freedom Warrior who believe they are acting in the best interests of Cormyr, but they are led by grasping fools who may doom the kingdom if they are not stopped. Sadly I know none who I believe could be dissuaded by words alone. You'll have to judge the situation when it presents itself to you my dear."

Upon hearing Fiona's offer the maid makes a confused then shocked expression, realizing just then that maybe magic could be used to help Lady Kestrel's health, she start to mumble a few words but quickly goes silent when Lady Kestrel answers.

"Thank you very much for your offer darling, I'm well aware of your many magical talents that surely only grew stronger with time. I'm just tired, really, and I'm affraid if any of you cure the prostation of my body, I will not be able to sleep. Right now what I need most is sleep."

Once finished speaking with Lady Kestrel, the adventurers realize there is nothing else for them to do in Arabel, as the city remains in shambles from the goblinoid occupation, and bearing the ladys gifts they set foot for Eveningstar.

Even before they leave the city wall, they withness first hand how chaotic the situation in the country really is.

Close to some rental warehouses they see a merchants's wagon moving through the street, heavily laden with barrels ans sacks for the relief efforts going on in the city, they also notice that several of the sacks and barrels bear Lady Kestrel's seal (same as the ring you now hold). Citizens on foot and on horseback make way for it.

Suddenly, two hooded men in scale mails and heavily armed rush from an alley and leap before the train of horses, causing them to halt. A third man bounds into the wagon's clapboard and strikes the driver with the pomel of his sword, throwing him on the ground.

"Look carefully citizens of Arabel" shouts the man on the wagon, pointing down to the hurt driver. "That fate awaits any of you who choose to labor for the tyrant on the throne in Suzail! The Freedom Warrior claim these goods to support our cause!"

Bystanders either look frightened or hurry to get away, no one else gets involved.

2022-04-08, 11:22 PM
Fiona Redwing

Fiona had been humming a tune to herself as they left the manor, ecstatic to be reunited with her companion Dandelion. As the party began to make their way into the streets she could no longer contain her excitement and began singing aloud. She immediately stopped as the ambushers made themselves known. The bard tucked her silver lock behind her ear with a smirk, nodding to Zabe as she began to weave power into her song.

Good speech, but frankly you're a rank amateur.

Dandelion strides purposefully through the fearful crowd. The pair are a curious one, Fiona has curated her look to appear as some form of minor nobility, but Dandelion's exotic nature and mastercrafted barding exposes her as an obvious adventurer instead of some minor noblewoman. Fiona does not draw any weapons as she passes through the crowd, but does raise her voice in song as it too thrums with the power of her ancestors.

"I am all for the deposing of a tyrant should we find one. However, looking upon this situation I find it truly magnificent that you claim to be the righteous ones when you are attacking innocents in broad daylight, and using fear to stymie those who would oppose you. Surrender yourselves, and the mercy of our Lady may still yet be found for you."

As things are heating up, Fiona is going to cast Improvisation to provide herself with 24 luck points.

Her speech is a cover for to get close enough to Fascinate all of the Freedom Warriors that are currently engaging in this banditry. I'd like to attempt Spot checks for both her and Dandy to see if there's any more than just the 3 immediately visible. Fiona can target a maximum of 5 targets should that be relevant.

Fiona Spot: [roll0]
Dandy Spot: [roll1]
(these both include Gideon's aura)

Fiona Fascinate: DC [roll2] Will save for all affected or be Fascinated (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#fascinated). This is an Enchantment [Compulsion] [Mind-Affecting] ability.
(expending 7 luck points to improve her roll)

2022-04-09, 12:43 AM
Bobbing his serpentine head as in understanding, Fanuilh woddles towards the door on stubby legs. "Never fear, we will succeed. I am a mighty dr...." His mind's voice pauses for a moment as he looks around before continuing, "we are mighty...uh... hunters." Nodding to himself as if proud of his 'save', his tail lashes to and fro, much like a cat's tail.

2022-04-11, 10:53 AM
Without thinking, or pausing to consider his actions, Gideon blinks and vanishes, reappearing right next to the third bandit who threw the driver out of the clapboard. Smiling, as if to say 'please try that with me' he bares his teeth "I would listen to my friend here" he simply says.

Greater teleport SLA
Bandit next to me is within my Aura of Menace, Will DC 20 or suffer -2 saves/attacks/ac for 24 hours

Gideon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2612363)
HP's: 204/204
AC: 32
T: 14 FF: 28
Fort: 17 Ref: 13 Will: 10
Effects: SR 17, Tongues, Aura of Menace (20ft; DC 20 will), Scent, +4 bonus vs Poison, Immunity Paralysis, Sleep, Frightful presence, Electricity, Sonic and Petrification

Vigor (Fast healing 3 up to half)
Resistance (Sonic 15)
Senses (+3 to listen/spot/initiative)
Swiftness (+3 climb/jump/swim;+15ft climb/fly/swim)
Energy (+3 DC to sonic attacks/effects)
Energy Shield (6 sonic on each hit)

2022-04-11, 08:12 PM
Zabel vanishes at some point in all of this.

Not via any of her arcane prowess, no, she just sneaks around the good ole fashioned way, letting her louder and more socially acceptable friends draw attention to themselves as she weaves through the crowd and tries to get behind the two guards in front of the horses. With her fox mask covering her face (and hopefully her drow-ness) she just unleashes the wrath of god on one of the two thugs. Well, she tries anyway, and luckily for him, she set her knives to "stun."

Move Silently:[roll0]
Hide: [roll1]

TWF sneak attack with Merciful daggers:

"Damage": [roll4][roll5] [roll6][roll7]

(Non lethal): Sneak Attack:[roll8][roll9]

In the event that Zabe botches her stealth, or I'm misunderstanding the rules and she can't actually knock this guy out via this route and her sneak attack *will* instead kill the guy, Zabe will instead just do a casual intimidation by standing next to the guy with her daggers out: [roll10]

2022-04-12, 10:03 PM
As Fiona plays her tune aimed at the men at arms, she spots another hooded figure, trying to hide behind an alley a couple dozen feet ahead of the wagon and holding a crossbow in his hands. She manages to captivate him along with the other three, and they cease their actions devoting their undivided attention to the ministrel's speech.

Gideon and Zabel vanish almost at the same time, the Archon immediately reapearing inside the wagon and the woman walking unseen between the fleeing crowd.

Despite his open hostility, the man addressed by Gideon barely registers his presence, still enraptured by Fiona's magic song. Zabe, on the other hand, positions herself behind the other two thugs with her daggers in hand, but still goes unnoticed by the group.

From the alley up ahead a shout echoes "SNAP OUT OF IT" along with the sound of slap. The screaming continues as a fourth hooded figure leaves the alley "come out here, get in position", followed by three other men, all holding crossbows. "And shoot the readhead" he finishes his commands.

The three crossbowman ready their weapons and shoot at fiona, while the man munbles a few incantions and gestures his opem palm towards Gideon, blasting him with a fiery ray.

tonberryking since Zabel was walking through the crowd and was using stealth, I'm gonna rule that you needed all your (double)movement to position youself behind them. So no attack this round, but since they still have not noticed you due to your high roll, they are still flat footed (and fascinated).

Also, your merciful daggers deal nonlethal damage on your sneak attack as well, so you can't actually kill them without comanding the weapons to supress the ability.

3 attacks on Fiona (against total AC)
Atk 1 [roll0] if crit [roll1] - Damage Piercing [roll2] if crit [roll3]
Atk 2 [roll4] if crit [roll5] - Damage Piercing [roll6] if crit [roll7]
Atk 3 [roll8] if crit [roll9] - Damage Piercing [roll10] if crit [roll11]

1 attack on Gideon (against touch AC)
[roll12] if crit [roll13] - Damage Fire [roll14] if crit [roll15]

Zabel [roll16]
Fiona [roll17]
Scorching Ray was the casted spell

2022-04-13, 07:52 AM
Fiona Redwing

The first of the crossbow bolts bounced off the mithral shirt she kept underneath her clothing, but the last of them sunk into her shoulder. The redhead angrily snaps it off immediately while sending a glare of death at the offending archer.

"If you won't listen to reason and surrender, then you can all BURN for all I care."

As she says this her eyes light with fire, and wisps of smoke trail from her hands as her song comes to a crescendo. She takes the horn from around her neck and blows into it as a battle cry. Smoke trails from her horn as she drops it back down.

With that, Dandelion takes flight seemingly of his own accord, bolting across the courtyard with smoking claws before eviscerating the spellcasting commander.

Fiona's Actions:
Drop Fascinate.
Start Dragonfire Inspiration
Activate her Badge of Valor as a Swift action on her turn.
Draw her bow.

Dragonfire Inspiration currently grants +6d6 Fire damage on weapon attacks, +6 Morale vs Charm effects, and +4 Morale vs Fear effects.

Dandelion's Actions:
Charge. Dandelion has Pounce and a 90 ft fly (Good) speed so I'm assuming he can get to the caster pretty freely.

Unarmed Strike [roll0] Damage [roll1] and [roll2] Fire.
Claw [roll3] Damage [roll4] and [roll5] Fire.
Claw [roll6] Damage [roll7] and [roll8] Fire.
Bite [roll9] Damage [roll10] and [roll11] Fire.
Rake [roll12] Damage [roll13] and [roll14] Fire.
Rake [roll15] Damage [roll16] and [roll17] Fire.
Unarmed Strike (-5) [roll18] Damage [roll19] and [roll20] Fire.
Unarmed Strike (-10) [roll21] Damage [roll22] and [roll23] Fire.

Edit: If all that hits and is unresisted, that's 256 damage.

Dandelions attacks are magic weapons and Dandelion is currently in Iron Guard's Glare stance.

2022-04-14, 03:05 AM
Staring in obvious disbelief, Fanuilh's outraged mental voice rings out, "You would dare attack the companions of the mighty Fanuilh?!" Leaping into the air aided by a flap of his wings, the tiny pseudodragon darts upward to fly above the hooded figure and three crossbowmen, unleashing a torrent of fire upon them from his scaly maw, strafing them with his fiery breath as he passes overhead.

Fanuilh (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2614999)
Male N/E Pseudodragon Dragonfire Adept 12 || Psychic Rogue 1 | Combat Trapsmith 5 | Trapsmith 1, Level 12, Init 5, HP 189/189, DR DR 2/magic, Speed 25ft / 80ft fly (perfect)
AC 24, Touch 17, Flat-footed 19, Fort 16, Ref 13, Will 10, Base Attack Bonus +8/+3, Power Points 1/1
Dragon Breath Weapon 30ft cone || 60ft line (7d6, DC 25)
Inertial Armor (+4 Armor, +5 Dex, +2 Size, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 20, Con 25, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 08
Condition Endure Exposure
(Double, if necessary) move action (up 160ft total) + Breath weapon as a free action (Flyby Breath + Strafing Breath).
Breath Weapon (Cone) for (SEE OOC THREAD FOR DAMAGE) Fire damage, covering up to a 30 x 80 foot area, encompassing the four men.

2022-04-20, 06:21 AM
Zabe stays silent in the crowd as her friends rack up magical strikes before doing some striking of her own. She darts out of the crowd and mercifully shivs one of the remaining thugs before they can do something foolish or endanger themselves.

"You lot really don't have a chance here. Surrender or flee." she says behind the grinning fox mask.

TWF sneak attack with Merciful daggers:

"Damage": (1d4+2)[5](1d6)[3] (1d4+2)[4](1d6)[1]

(Non lethal): Sneak Attack:(5d6)[15](5d6)[8]

2022-04-20, 09:59 AM
Ignoring the driver, Gideon frowns as the man screams for his fellows to shoot one of his companions, and then proceeds to shoot him with a spell, he grins as it fizzles into nothing.

Gideon strides forward, and opens his mouth, a torrent of energy forming from his snout, a blast of sound emits from him towards the bandits.

Swift: change aura from Senses to Energy
Move: drop down
Standard: Entangling breath Energy in 30ft cone
[roll0] DC 26 for half + Entangled (https://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#entangled) + [roll1]
Lasts for [roll2] rounds
Recharge [roll3]

Gideon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2612363)
HP's: 204/204
AC: 32
T: 14 FF: 28
Fort: 17 Ref: 13 Will: 10
Effects: SR 17, Tongues, Aura of Menace (20ft; DC 20 will), Scent, +4 bonus vs Poison, Immunity Paralysis, Sleep, Frightful presence, Electricity, Sonic and Petrification

Vigor (Fast healing 3 up to half)
Resistance (Sonic 15)
Senses (+3 to listen/spot/initiative)
Swiftness (+3 climb/jump/swim;+15ft climb/fly/swim)
Energy (+3 DC to sonic attacks/effects)
Energy Shield (6 sonic on each hit)

2022-04-21, 10:07 AM
On Fionas command and inspiration, Dandelion's claws shred and cauterize the hooded caster body, killing him still standing. Even before the caster's body falls to the ground, the duo, along with the other tree crosbowman, are engulfed in flames and blasted by cacophony. While Fiona and Dandelion remain unnaffected by the fire and sound, the others are not so lucky, and they too fall to the ground with flash burned skin and blood coming out of their ears and noses.

Next to the wagon, Zabel shivs both of the unsuspecting swordsman in the back, her weapon's enchantment safely knocking them unconscious, despite the deadly precision of her stab. She witness the last standing man on the wagon, who just came out of his stupor due to the party's assault, throw a fit of rage and break a flask of alchemist's fire over the wagon, jumping of and running away.

you can extinguish the flames by casting spells that generate a good ammount of water (a simple create water at CL 5 would be enough) a few goods might be spoiled if not dried afterwards
you can also extinguish the flames by taking a full round action and succedeing in a CD 5 dex check (dificulty will increase per round)
the horses might get frightened by the fire if it gets large enough and they are not trained

2022-04-26, 06:29 AM
With her friends taking care of the casters and ringleaders, Zabel notices the fire with a yelp and hastily grabs anything nearby she can use to try to beat them out.

Life was beating the crap out of me for awhile. I'm taking the full round action to put the flames out

[roll0] this roll is superfluous, since her dex score is higher than the DC but ...

2022-04-26, 11:41 AM
Gideon growls as the man he was near slams the vial against the cart causing it to light up into flame, he vanishes with a click of his tongue, and appears just ahead of the man, blocking him.

Swift: change aura from Energy to Energy Shield
Standard: Grt. Teleport to 15 ft in front of the man who is running away from the cart. (armed with glaive, so threatens at 10ft)

Gideon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2612363)
HP's: 204/204
AC: 32 (34 vs Evil)
T: 14 (16 vs Evi) FF: 28 (30 vs Evil)
Fort: 17 (19 vs Evil) Ref: 13 (15 vs Evil) Will: 10 (12 vs Evil)
Effects: SR 17, Tongues, Aura of Menace (20ft; DC 20 will), Scent, +4 bonus vs Poison, Immunity Paralysis, Sleep, Frightful presence, Electricity, Sonic and Petrification

Vigor (Fast healing 3 up to half)
Resistance (Sonic 15)
Senses (+3 to listen/spot/initiative)
Swiftness (+3 climb/jump/swim;+15ft climb/fly/swim)
Energy (+3 DC to sonic attacks/effects)
Energy Shield (6 sonic on each hit)

2022-04-30, 12:33 AM
Craning his neck as he wheels around in the air, Fanuilh eyes the flames sheepishly. Perhaps frost would have been less...troublesome, he thought to himself.

Fanuilh (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2614999)
Male N/E Pseudodragon Dragonfire Adept 12 || Psychic Rogue 1 | Combat Trapsmith 5 | Trapsmith 1, Level 12, Init 5, HP 189/189, DR DR 2/magic, Speed 25ft / 80ft fly (perfect)
AC 24, Touch 17, Flat-footed 19, Fort 16, Ref 13, Will 10, Base Attack Bonus +8/+3, Power Points 1/1
Dragon Breath Weapon 30ft cone || 60ft line (7d6, DC 25)
Inertial Armor (+4 Armor, +5 Dex, +2 Size, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 20, Con 25, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 08
Condition Endure Exposure

Holding next action (strafing breath weapon) to see where his aid would most benefit.

2022-05-08, 07:56 PM
Zabel's swift reaction is quick enough to extinguish the flames before they spread to the cargo, saving the precious and much needed resources, without the need to use water.

The fleeing man is unable to stop and clashes on Gideon, who doesn't even falter. "OUT OF MY WAY TYRANT'S DOG" he shouts as he tries to stab Gideon with his sword [roll0] just rolling 1d20 since he only hits gideon with a nat 20

Fiona and Fanuih stand to attention, having neutralized most of the threat already, they choose to stand ready to help if their other companions happen to need their help, not that they expect it to be the case though. At their feet lies the bodies of the snipers and the hooded caster, the later wearing some obvious magical equipment.

2022-05-25, 02:02 PM
Gideon grins as the man tries to attack him, somewhat surprised he managed to, however the attack just wasn't powerful enough, and Gideon knew it.

He grinned at the man, not affected at all. "I would stand down, if you know whats good for you"

Standard action: [roll0]
Trying to make him friendly to coerce him into giving up.

Gideon (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2612363)
HP's: 204/204
AC: 32 (34 vs Evil)
T: 14 (16 vs Evi) FF: 28 (30 vs Evil)
Fort: 17 (19 vs Evil) Ref: 13 (15 vs Evil) Will: 10 (12 vs Evil)
Effects: SR 17, Tongues, Aura of Menace (20ft; DC 20 will), Scent, +4 bonus vs Poison, Immunity Paralysis, Sleep, Frightful presence, Electricity, Sonic and Petrification

Vigor (Fast healing 3 up to half)
Resistance (Sonic 15)
Senses (+3 to listen/spot/initiative)
Swiftness (+3 climb/jump/swim;+15ft climb/fly/swim)
Energy (+3 DC to sonic attacks/effects)
Energy Shield (6 sonic on each hit)

2022-06-03, 11:13 PM
Hovering in the air, Fanuilh's prideful sneer is very apparent as his mental voice echos in the man's mind, "Your options are limited to surrender or death, foolish ruffian. Decide now, before it is decided for you."

Fanuilh (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2614999)
Male N/E Pseudodragon Dragonfire Adept 12 || Psychic Rogue 1 | Combat Trapsmith 5 | Trapsmith 1, Level 12, Init 5, HP 189/189, DR DR 2/magic, Speed 25ft / 80ft fly (perfect)
AC 24, Touch 17, Flat-footed 19, Fort 16, Ref 13, Will 10, Base Attack Bonus +8/+3, Power Points 1/1
Dragon Breath Weapon 30ft cone || 60ft line (7d6, DC 25)
Inertial Armor (+4 Armor, +5 Dex, +2 Size, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 20, Con 25, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 08
Condition Endure Exposure

Actions: None