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View Full Version : Empire Temperate event thread year one: The Coronation of Primarch Marcion

2022-04-03, 12:05 AM

Marcion knew they were not the best they could be. They knew the others questioned them, questioned their readiness. They needed a win, they needed to bring something to show they were the worthy scion of Thekla.

For the first time in generations, outsiders had been invited to this, the great atrium of the ancient temple built by The Precursors, built a generation before even the First Prophets. Decorative plants and animals floated around, as servants offered delicacies.

"We, the Sakura-Jin of the World Garden, are proud to reach out to the other peoples of the known regions of Ļaldaba'oth. We gladly offer a trade of our holy technology that lets us create better people, gifted to us by the Divine Nacres for whatever you feel comfortable offering exchange."

2022-04-03, 09:33 AM
The Cyphiri group that had come to the World Garden were a mixed bunch, by Cyphiri standards at least - several interested families had learnt of the invitation to the coronation and made their separate preparations before old Chelat Ulnesh had learned of these plans and made it clear that one Cyphiri delegation was attending, but those families were welcome to join the group as long as they didn't embarrass the Union. Besides the Ulnesh present, mainly Chelat wrangling the other families and Werran drawn by curiosity about the ways of the Sakura-Jin, there were members of the Hallus family (the second largest agricultural family, behind the ruling Ulnesh, and the inventors of the Cyphiri's major advancements in the field) and the Tellan family (the main family working on the new Cyph-Arel - Arope trade route, large enough to fund the process but small enough to be hungry for the expansion the route could provide), along with the rather dour-looking representative of the Council Fund and a scattered presence by the smaller families drawn by a mixture of the possibility of making deals with the various peoples attending and, of course, plain curiosity about their neighbours. The northern parts of Cyph-Arel that bordered the Heights of Dashasham were among the last to be settled by the Cyphiri, the patches of good soil becoming smaller and more spread out up those parts, and the stories the Cyphiri have of the ancestors who journeyed out northward and found the Middish to spread the Flowing Way to them didn't mention the crabs living among the reefs, so the World Garden was still quite new and interesting to the Cyphiri.

Of the Cyphiri present, it is Werran that approaches the...Primarch, they said? All these kings and queens and supreme leaders and patriarchs and matriarchs and whatever else-archs there were out here were interesting and different, although he supposed they weren't practically that different from Garren and the Ulnesh family, just lacking the extra layers of councils and taking a more direct approach. Fascinating. He hoped he'd be able to learn a little about what these people believed, too. What he'd heard before he got here was awfully strange, and that was fascinating too - perhaps they had some interesting stories he could take back to the Archives to share with the others. In any case, someone needed to be official-like and talk to their host, and his mother was busy keeping an eye on the other families, so it fell to him (Garren and the other Ulnesh council members were busy and couldn't attend). "Greetings! I am Werran Ulnesh, and on behalf of my cousin, who's...let's just say he's in charge of the Union and keep it simple...uh. Point is, thank you for the invitation! I'm sure we can come to an arrangement about that technology, we've got some techniques of our own that are...quite interesting, I'm sure! If you're into plants...it's good stuff, really!" There was a reason Werran was normally just in charge of matters of faith and the mysteries of the Flowing Way.

2022-04-03, 10:52 AM
The Kalan Company had of course come to such a extravagant occasion. It certainly helped that even being invited had helped further cement their rule over the Tidelands, and as such, Commander Roland himself had decided to had the delegation himself. Alongside him were two captains and seventeen other Sellclaws, that made for a menacing group with their pincers and painted shells, coloured Roland's own green and white. Roland himself, compared to his hulking subordinates was a half claw shorter by comparison, but his claws were well worn from battle and as sharp as obsideon.

The group had set themselves up alongside their Tail attendants in one corner of the atrium, the Claws outlining a perimeter for Roland and his captains allowing them some small privacy to get their thoughts together. The Kalan Company had not had much interaction with their cousins of the shell, partly as the Sakura-Jin had had little need of their services in the past, but with the waters changing recently, there was certainly options to explore. It certainly helped that the odd Sellclaw had embraced the World Garden during their time travelling, but Roland was cautious to bring too many so inclined belong, lest they prove lacking in there duties while at the temple. Thus he had brought along one Sellclaw as an adviosr on such clerical matters. This Julianne would be serving outside of their normal role, but they would certainly appreciate the opportunities it brought.

Moreover however, at such a large meeting between powers of the sea, it allowed an great opportunity for the Kalan company to sell itself.

When the time came, Roland presented himself to the Primarch alongside his captains. It always paid to greet your host, especially as a group with quite a infamous reputation. "Greetings Primarch," the crab began, "The Kalan Company greets you, and wishes your treasuries to be overflowing. I am Commander Roland."

2022-04-03, 05:35 PM
The representatives of Pfilghol arrive. Slugs of vibrant blue and white slither into the event. Their leader, an absolutely corpulent specimen, scoops up a tunicate from the banquet in a prehensile tendril and crunches through its shell, slurping the insides out. "The food is exquisite! Where is our host? I absolutely must extend my congratulations, and my thanks!" Olgght, the-one-who-consumes, ruler of Pfilghol, seems to be enjoying themselves. Slinking behind them, a smaller, more furtive Pfith eyes the crowd (and Olgght's back) warily.

2022-04-03, 09:14 PM
The Otterian delegation has arrived at the coronation. Leading the procession is Yirp the Fierce, Supreme Leader of the Otterians, flanked by a number of elite guards wearing light armor. They are accompanied by a group death priests in dark robes, their faces painted white like skulls, as well a number of other important figures, perhaps nobles or merchants.
Almost immediately after entering, the delegation scatters around the atrium. The guards gorge themselves on clams, a few scholars document the structure of the temple, and the death priests have already sacrificed a poor sea goat in some far off corner of the temple.

The Supreme Leader approaches.
"Greetings, Marcion." Yirp says, adressing the primarch. "We are very grateful to have been invited to such a delightful event. This is the first event we have been invited to in a very long time. Perhaps we have knowledge to share with one another?"

2022-04-06, 06:45 PM
Diplomacy with the foreigner and the heathen had never before been a major province of the Ironkelp Knights. With Orope insulated by distance and Cyph-Arel situated in excellent defensive terrain, there was little military reason to venture far beyond the Middish kingdoms, and with their political agency limited, foreign matters were generally left to the kings themselves. But with the ascension of the King of Insol to the position of Grand Master, His Majesty swiftly proved he would not be constrained by custom or tradition.

And so it was that Knight Commander Amlaigh Tolmach and his honor guard found themselves deep within the borders of Dashasham; perhaps the first Middish to cross the peaks and shoals in centuries. Rumor of the strange ways of the Sakura-Jin had nevertheless filtered through to him, and he could not deny that it made him deeply uncomfortable. Still, mere discomfort was no reason to act before proper reconnaissance.

The deep rumble of Middish chanting heralded Tolmach's entrance to the atrium. He swam forward with precise movements, flanked by the rest of the Knights.

"Hail, Primarch. I am Knight Commander Amlaigh Tolmach o' the Order o' Knights o' the Ironkelp o' First-King John o' Ruhum. May the currents o' fate bear you to peace."

The Cyphiri

When an opportunity presented itself, Tolmach excused himself from the discussion and approached Werran Ulnesh, the apparent leader of the Cyphiri delegation present.

"Hail, brother in faith! I am Knight Commander Amlaigh Tolmach, at your service. The Grand Marshal has charged me to make a proposal to your Families. In the course o' the most admirable trade efforts your Tellans have been making, he has become aware o' a certain 'universal' foodstuff your people cultivate. In the interest o' the defense o' the faith, he believes it could be invaluable to our logistics train. Should it be agreeable to you, the Order can dispatch sages and begin the cultivation of a few Giantsbane plants in Cyph-Arel, to help you work above the surface o' the water, in exchange for seeds and the techniques required to grow them."

The Kalan Company

As discussions with the Cyphiri concluded, Tolmach led his guards to the corner where Commander Roland's delegation had encamped.

"Hail, Kalan Commanders. May the currents o' fate bear you to peace. I am Knight Commander Amlaigh Tolmach o' the Order o' Knights o' the Ironkelp o' First-King John o' Ruhum, and I have been sent on behalf of the Grand Marshal o' the Order to advance an offer to your company. The tales which the currents o' fate have brought to us claim that your Company are skilled in the use o' photophoric communication, an ability which we command only in a limited way. In return for your Company training our chaplains in the use o' such signalling organisms, we would gladly send some o' our sages knowledgeable in operations above the water's surface to train you. Though I dinnae expect you to care overmuch for the defense of a faith which is foreign to you, I hope that as mercenaries you see the mutual benefit in this offer."

The Lux-Glossian Shades

A small group of Middish parted from Tolmach, swimming off across the floor towards the Lux-Glossians. At an opportune moment, one of them introduced herself.

"Hail, Lux-Glossians. I am Dame Bailiff Bhioctoria MacPhaic, of the Order of Knights of the Ironkelp of First-King John of Ruhum. On behalf of the assembled Kings of Orope, and in the hopes of ensuring the story we tell is a wholesome one, I wish to speak with you about the news the currents of fate have brought to us regarding your people's recent settlements in the western marchwaters. Those regions are long uninhabited, a briny grave for the unwary traveler or the decrepit city. What purpose do you have there, and what plans?"

2022-04-06, 07:29 PM
The Ironkelp Order
Werran's quite pleased to see the Middish approach - he was quite fond of their fellow followers of the Way, having accompanied Garren to Orope once, and found their interpretations of things fascinating. While he moves forward to greet Amlaigh, Chelat politely finishes the conversation she was having elsewhere and begins to move over. "Good to see you! Seeds? Oh yes, yes, of course! I'm sure we can-" Werran's line of thought is interrupted by a polite cough from Chelat, apparently the first time he notices that the older Cyphiri was around, before she lines in to whisper a few sentences, a few of her tentacles gesturing around the room. "Oh, I see. I'd forgotten about that. Commander, my aunt here has reminded me that there are some representatives of the Tellan here today." In fact, if one was to look around, a few of them were in the process of talking to the honour guard, no doubt trying to forge new contacts for their family and trying to make sure their work in Orope goes well. "Garren wants them to have something more, to keep them happy and ensure they stay tied to the rest of us-" The look on Chelat's face suggests that this part was supposed to be said quietly - unlike Werran, she didn't share Garren's enthusiasm towards the wider world, and while she saw the benefits of dealing with the Middish, she didn't want them to know everything, not that Werran was taking her opinions into consideration much anyway. "So send your sages over to them, would you kindly? They still have a few holdings in Cyph-Arel, one of our people can show your people where if you like, and those forming the core of our use of your technology would serve us well...if I have the plan right." Werran shrugs, the motion continuing down several of his tentacles. "Point is, we can make that happen, yes! So...what do you think?" He sweeps a tentacle over the crowd in the atrium. "Of all these people? Lots of variety out there, and I've only spoken to a few of them so far, but they believe the strangest things! It's wonderful. I'm going to have plenty to bring back home for people to learn and decipher."

The Kalan Company
In contrast to Werran, the Cyphiri that approaches the Kalan is a rather more reserved sort - she'd been sent into the Council Fund young, and her original family had experienced something of a fall from grace soon afterwards, so she considered herself a true professional, working for the good of the fund and the Union rather than playing political games or wasting time like many of her peers. She was there for business, and her business was mercenaries - the Cyphiri had very few warriors of their own, of course, being not particularly well-suited to the rigours of combat (particularly extended wars), but their culture saw nothing wrong with simply paying someone else to get the job done in a conflict between families, and so some within the Council Fund were preparing for a time where the Union would need to defend itself and securing deals for that time. Naturally, the Kalan were of great interest to those people - not only were they a potential source of warriors but also a potential cause for needing mercenaries in the first place, if they decided that Cyph-Arel itself was more valuable than what working with the Cyphiri might lead to.

"Commander. My name is Artan, a representative of the Council Fund. We handle many of the administrative concerns of the Cyphiri Union, including the subject of mercenaries. We currently have no need for any, but it is felt that it would be in both our countries' interests if certain...arrangements were made. Plans for the future. Are you open to those kinds of talks, or is there another I should speak with?'"

2022-04-08, 01:06 PM
The Kalan Company

As discussions with the Cyphiri concluded, Tolmach led his guards to the corner where Commander Roland's delegation had encamped.

"Hail, Kalan Commanders. May the currents o' fate bear you to peace. I am Knight Commander Amlaigh Tolmach o' the Order o' Knights o' the Ironkelp o' First-King John o' Ruhum, and I have been sent on behalf of the Grand Marshal o' the Order to advance an offer to your company. The tales which the currents o' fate have brought to us claim that your Company are skilled in the use o' photophoric communication, an ability which we command only in a limited way. In return for your Company training our chaplains in the use o' such signalling organisms, we would gladly send some o' our sages knowledgeable in operations above the water's surface to train you. Though I dinnae expect you to care overmuch for the defense of a faith which is foreign to you, I hope that as mercenaries you see the mutual benefit in this offer."

Roland eyed the Knight Commander warily. Honestly, while he carried himself like a warrior, Tolmach was too verbose for his tastes. He did however bring an intriguing offer. Surface ventures would give his Claws a strong tactical advantage and an advantage in securing contracts against the Reavers, both very useful things.

"Well, you are right on both accounts Knight Commander," he curtly replied, waving his lesser claw as acknowledgement. "A trade in knowledge would certainly be useful, no matter what your creed is. Come, I am happy to discuss terms more if needed." he said, inviting the fish to more private.

It was at this point, a small Tail, swimming fast, burst from the outer waters to Roland's side, dyed in the colours of a courier. He glared the Tail down, awaiting the message, and thinking of a punishment for doing so when meeting with a quite important delegation.

"The pacifists are attacking!" the Tail delivered.

Roland was shocked to silence.

The Kalan Company
In contrast to Werran, the Cyphiri that approaches the Kalan is a rather more reserved sort - she'd been sent into the Council Fund young, and her original family had experienced something of a fall from grace soon afterwards, so she considered herself a true professional, working for the good of the fund and the Union rather than playing political games or wasting time like many of her peers. She was there for business, and her business was mercenaries - the Cyphiri had very few warriors of their own, of course, being not particularly well-suited to the rigours of combat (particularly extended wars), but their culture saw nothing wrong with simply paying someone else to get the job done in a conflict between families, and so some within the Council Fund were preparing for a time where the Union would need to defend itself and securing deals for that time. Naturally, the Kalan were of great interest to those people - not only were they a potential source of warriors but also a potential cause for needing mercenaries in the first place, if they decided that Cyph-Arel itself was more valuable than what working with the Cyphiri might lead to.

"Commander. My name is Artan, a representative of the Council Fund. We handle many of the administrative concerns of the Cyphiri Union, including the subject of mercenaries. We currently have no need for any, but it is felt that it would be in both our countries if certain...arrangements were made. Plans for the future. Are you open to those kinds of talks, or is there another I should speak with?'"

The Commander let out a chuckle. "Well, as I am Commander Roland, there are worse you could have spoken to . If you want arrangements, I am happy to see what you may require in. Please, what kind of agreement are you thinking of?" Indeed, the Cyphiri were exactly the kind of client Roland was happy to find. Rich, enjoying things such as 'Art', and weak enough that his Company would find work for years to come. All that mattered was to ensure they paid in full.

2022-04-08, 03:30 PM
The Kalan Company

Artan nods, taking a moment to ensure her thoughts are in order before continuing. "Well, I am sure you are aware of the political situation as it stands - your lands, the areas inhabited by the Union and Dashasham close by to each other, the Middish to the northwest, and these assorted other powers out to the west, with various other groups inbetween that we don't expect will cause many problems. Our concerns are not particularly focused around our immediate surroundings - the Middish are our allies, so if our hosts turn violent they will expose themselves to attack from the knights of the Ironkelp Order, and we're confident we can make arrangements with you that'll mean we won't need the Order's military assistance in this matter." She pauses. "Our concerns are further westwards - I'm sure it hasn't escaped the attentions of your scouts that several of those countries are building up armies, and what we've heard of their philosphies and natures are...alarming." She gestures with a tentacle in the direction the Otterian death priests took their sea goat sacrifice.

"If they were to turn their attentions eastwards, threatening us, that is where your services would be of interest to the Council Fund. We propose that we make an agreement to facilitate that possibility. For now, we propose simple non-interference and signs of goodwill. Some of our families are planning to expand southwards, into the unclaimed territory to our south and your west, so we will ensure they do not proceed, leaving the land free for your people to expand into, along with not getting involved in anything you have planned the people living south of you - pacifists, I gather?" The unspoken part of that proposition, that Roland is probably a savvy enough negotiator to pick up on, is that this would mean that any Kalan expansion would be directed away from Cyph-Arel. "As a further sign of goodwill, I suggest that our peoples take part in this exchange of technology - your Tails will find our techniques useful for their business, and I'm sure many Cyphiri families will have many ideas on how to make use of photospores - and we will work to get Kalan mercenaries more work within Cyph-Arel - nothing major, you understand, just the day-to-day affairs that our families require warriors for. However, should there be a significant offensive against one of us - the Cyphiri, Kalan, or Middish - the Council Fund will provide assistance, in wealth and supplies, towards any battles than ensue. By that point, the Union should have substantial enough coffers to cover all costs involved and then some, and naturally any enemy or neutral land taken in such warfare would be yours." Artan pauses again to show that was the end of her offer, before continuing. "Naturally, this is all preparing for a future that may not happen, and the Flowng Way has not given us any hints one way or the other, but I believe in being prepared. I suppose we could also apply similar terms if the Carral encounter a significant thread in their journeys further east. For now, all I really need to know is whether you'll accept the basic agreement - non-interference in each other's affairs unless one of us calls upon the others' services, the south of the region being left to you, and establishing an exchange in technology and a good working relationship - but an indication on whether our plan for if large-scale war comes is acceptable would be appreciated."

To summarise what she's saying in more gamey terms:

The Cyphiri won't colonise 129, attack anywhere (not like they were going to) and if the people in 141 start making offers to act against the Kalan they won't have anything to do with it. The mercenaries in the Union part is just a fluff detail - Cyphiri families often hire mercenaries for the kind of things most groups would use their own muscle for, and the deal just means they'll be using Kalan mercs more often.
The Kalan won't attack the Cyphiri, of course.
If one of the western countries attacks the Kalan, Ironkelp Order or Cyphiri, the Cyphiri will start giving the Kalan treasure for the purpose of being used on battle rolls (exact rate depending on the circumstances), and maybe tech/TPs for techs in extreme situations. The Cyphiri won't support invasions of a western country that weren't started by the other side, though, but if the Kalan take some lands in the process of a war the other side started, that's fine by the Cyphiri.
The Lux-Glossian colonisation attempt and conversion to the Flowing Way wasn't addressed by Artan, since it seems the details of that are being discussed as they speak, but if it becomes relevant the Cyphiri stance is that they'd like the colony to be included in the deal on the same basis as the Ironkelp Order, given they're probably going to be faithful and allied to the Order.

2022-04-11, 01:54 AM
Tall and slender, the first of the sereia drifts into the reception among the discussions of trade. Dark violet hair and speckles adorn the pale figure, gauzy fins gliding with the current as she nods in polite greeting to each of the other delegations. Floating by her sides are two others, both more colorfully eye-catching. To the left, a shorter female with a fan of orange-gold hair and an equally impressive fan of lionfish fins, bright orange-on-white stripes from head to fin-tip. On the right, a slender masculine with lavender hair, pale skin contrasting with rich blue scales and accented with jeweled chains.

Where there is a break in the conversations, the central figure introduces the trio. "We represent the Costa of Palacia, to the west. I am Uschi Alverna. These are Veruha Mascerena," one hand waves to the striped sereia, while the other gestures to "Gaspar Peixoto.

"We thank you for your invitation, and the opportunity to meet with so many of our neighbors in these times of more open water. We hope that our people may contribute our part to this exchange of knowledge, in offering up some of the developments of our own talented in the arts of splice. These talents have aided our families in surviving the arduous changes to our seas, and perhaps in sharing may ease similar burdens from your own people."


While Uschi converses with the other delegates and Veruha attends her, Gaspar swims aside when an opening presents itself to offer to their hosts a bag of woven kelp. He displays from it's contents a sample of flat aerin shells, smoothed for writing. "I wanted to proffer this gift on behalf of the Madrina and the Costa. We hope these can help express our appreciation in being included for the Primarch's ceremony."

Uschi Alverna

Veruha Mascerena
Gaspar Peixoto

2022-04-11, 09:41 PM
The Cyphiri

The Ironkelp Order
Werran's quite pleased to see the Middish approach - he was quite fond of their fellow followers of the Way, having accompanied Garren to Orope once, and found their interpretations of things fascinating. While he moves forward to greet Amlaigh, Chelat politely finishes the conversation she was having elsewhere and begins to move over. "Good to see you! Seeds? Oh yes, yes, of course! I'm sure we can-" Werran's line of thought is interrupted by a polite cough from Chelat, apparently the first time he notices that the older Cyphiri was around, before she lines in to whisper a few sentences, a few of her tentacles gesturing around the room. "Oh, I see. I'd forgotten about that. Commander, my aunt here has reminded me that there are some representatives of the Tellan here today." In fact, if one was to look around, a few of them were in the process of talking to the honour guard, no doubt trying to forge new contacts for their family and trying to make sure their work in Orope goes well. "Garren wants them to have something more, to keep them happy and ensure they stay tied to the rest of us-" The look on Chelat's face suggests that this part was supposed to be said quietly - unlike Werran, she didn't share Garren's enthusiasm towards the wider world, and while she saw the benefits of dealing with the Middish, she didn't want them to know everything, not that Werran was taking her opinions into consideration much anyway. "So send your sages over to them, would you kindly? They still have a few holdings in Cyph-Arel, one of our people can show your people where if you like, and those forming the core of our use of your technology would serve us well...if I have the plan right." Werran shrugs, the motion continuing down several of his tentacles. "Point is, we can make that happen, yes! So...what do you think?" He sweeps a tentacle over the crowd in the atrium. "Of all these people? Lots of variety out there, and I've only spoken to a few of them so far, but they believe the strangest things! It's wonderful. I'm going to have plenty to bring back home for people to learn and decipher."

Tolmach blinked approval. "As you wish. It seems your Tellans have found us already - " he nodded in the direction of the honor guard " - and I trust my Knights to manage the details, so let us leave it at that." He flashed a meaningful glance towards the elder Cyphiri as Werran continued talking.

"Strange is the word, I think," Tolmach replied. "I find this element o' the divine will more inscrutable than most. And one should never let down their guard for too long." He paused. "But then I've never been a sage. So long as they don't make nuisances o' themselves, I suppose there's as much truth in their tales as in ours."

The Kalan Company

Roland eyed the Knight Commander warily. Honestly, while he carried himself like a warrior, Tolmach was too verbose for his tastes. He did however bring an intriguing offer. Surface ventures would give his Claws a strong tactical advantage and an advantage in securing contracts against the Reavers, both very useful things.

"Well, you are right on both accounts Knight Commander," he curtly replied, waving his lesser claw as acknowledgement. "A trade in knowledge would certainly be useful, no matter what your creed is. Come, I am happy to discuss terms more if needed." he said, inviting the fish to more private.

It was at this point, a small Tail, swimming fast, burst from the outer waters to Roland's side, dyed in the colours of a courier. He glared the Tail down, awaiting the message, and thinking of a punishment for doing so when meeting with a quite important delegation.

"The pacifists are attacking!" the Tail delivered.

Roland was shocked to silence.

Tolmach moved to follow Roland, but he halted in the water as the messenger approached, intending to give the commander sufficient space for privacy while still being able to observe. He watched the Tail with interest - speaking creatures smaller than the Middish were rare in his experience, but perhaps they served the Kalan Company in subterfuge and -

The Knight Commander's thoughts were interrupted by the realization of the messenger's words. His photophores flashed in amusement, but he chewed on his words until he could come up with something more... diplomatic... to say.

He settled on something simple. "Trouble, Commander? I've heard o' many strange creatures and beliefs in these waters, but I havenae heard tell o' pacifists here before."

2022-04-12, 05:49 PM
So many strange people! And what were the Otters doing!? Oh, my! The Eccliarchs wouldn't care for that...

Other than the unfortunate sea goat incident, things were going well. A trader reported the Rain People had a line on a new supply of shells. While none of the people were lining up to follow Sakura-Do, there was no obvious hostility. Even the Otters seemed simply ignorant of the insult they had proffered.

Of the many gathered, the Pfilghol seemed the most likely converts, and the Rain People might actually be some manner of elemental, and thus, strictly speaking, unable to be saved. The others were either biologically or culturally unlikely to fit easily into Sakura-Do.

But now, for the big announcement! Marcion made a loud chime with their speaking-leg.

"We of the World Garden are pleases to meet all of our neighbors and share our technology and gifts with you all!

But today, just recently, I have been able to confirm a great new development! The Holy Divine Nacres have condescended to allow us to build a holdfast for them in Dashasham! We can now expect to be in regular contact with the very beings who gave The First Prophets the technology to create The World Garden!"

They waited for applause, which at least came in the form if chirping from the Hermit Crab attendants

2022-04-14, 11:05 AM
The Kalan Company

Artan nods, taking a moment to ensure her thoughts are in order before continuing. "Well, I am sure you are aware of the political situation as it stands - your lands, the areas inhabited by the Union and Dashasham close by to each other, the Middish to the northwest, and these assorted other powers out to the west, with various other groups inbetween that we don't expect will cause many problems. Our concerns are not particularly focused around our immediate surroundings - the Middish are our allies, so if our hosts turn violent they will expose themselves to attack from the knights of the Ironkelp Order, and we're confident we can make arrangements with you that'll mean we won't need the Order's military assistance in this matter." She pauses. "Our concerns are further westwards - I'm sure it hasn't escaped the attentions of your scouts that several of those countries are building up armies, and what we've heard of their philosphies and natures are...alarming." She gestures with a tentacle in the direction the Otterian death priests took their sea goat sacrifice.

"If they were to turn their attentions eastwards, threatening us, that is where your services would be of interest to the Council Fund. We propose that we make an agreement to facilitate that possibility. For now, we propose simple non-interference and signs of goodwill. Some of our families are planning to expand southwards, into the unclaimed territory to our south and your west, so we will ensure they do not proceed, leaving the land free for your people to expand into, along with not getting involved in anything you have planned the people living south of you - pacifists, I gather?" The unspoken part of that proposition, that Roland is probably a savvy enough negotiator to pick up on, is that this would mean that any Kalan expansion would be directed away from Cyph-Arel. "As a further sign of goodwill, I suggest that our peoples take part in this exchange of technology - your Tails will find our techniques useful for their business, and I'm sure many Cyphiri families will have many ideas on how to make use of photospores - and we will work to get Kalan mercenaries more work within Cyph-Arel - nothing major, you understand, just the day-to-day affairs that our families require warriors for. However, should there be a significant offensive against one of us - the Cyphiri, Kalan, or Middish - the Council Fund will provide assistance, in wealth and supplies, towards any battles than ensue. By that point, the Union should have substantial enough coffers to cover all costs involved and then some, and naturally any enemy or neutral land taken in such warfare would be yours." Artan pauses again to show that was the end of her offer, before continuing. "Naturally, this is all preparing for a future that may not happen, and the Flowng Way has not given us any hints one way or the other, but I believe in being prepared. I suppose we could also apply similar terms if the Carral encounter a significant thread in their journeys further east. For now, all I really need to know is whether you'll accept the basic agreement - non-interference in each other's affairs unless one of us calls upon the others' services, the south of the region being left to you, and establishing an exchange in technology and a good working relationship - but an indication on whether our plan for if large-scale war comes is acceptable would be appreciated."

To summarise what she's saying in more gamey terms:

The Cyphiri won't colonise 129, attack anywhere (not like they were going to) and if the people in 141 start making offers to act against the Kalan they won't have anything to do with it. The mercenaries in the Union part is just a fluff detail - Cyphiri families often hire mercenaries for the kind of things most groups would use their own muscle for, and the deal just means they'll be using Kalan mercs more often.
The Kalan won't attack the Cyphiri, of course.
If one of the western countries attacks the Kalan, Ironkelp Order or Cyphiri, the Cyphiri will start giving the Kalan treasure for the purpose of being used on battle rolls (exact rate depending on the circumstances), and maybe tech/TPs for techs in extreme situations. The Cyphiri won't support invasions of a western country that weren't started by the other side, though, but if the Kalan take some lands in the process of a war the other side started, that's fine by the Cyphiri.
The Lux-Glossian colonisation attempt and conversion to the Flowing Way wasn't addressed by Artan, since it seems the details of that are being discussed as they speak, but if it becomes relevant the Cyphiri stance is that they'd like the colony to be included in the deal on the same basis as the Ironkelp Order, given they're probably going to be faithful and allied to the Order.

Roland considers the deal carefully, furrowing his shell. "You do make a good offer, and I can certainly get behind an exchange of our techniques for peace. You've got enough of a border guard as well, so I can accept in principle your proposal. However, if you want my Claws on retainer for the future, I'll require a payment of some kind in advance, especially in a larger conflict. You're asking the Kalan to defend an expansive border and that doesn't come cheap."

He pauses for a second. "And well, I am sure you are aware, we will take the highest offer for our services in times of conflict. So I hope your fund will be larger than your enemies."

Tall and slender, the first of the sereia drifts into the reception among the discussions of trade. Dark violet hair and speckles adorn the pale figure, gauzy fins gliding with the current as she nods in polite greeting to each of the other delegations. Floating by her sides are two others, both more colorfully eye-catching. To the left, a shorter female with a fan of orange-gold hair and an equally impressive fan of lionfish fins, bright orange-on-white stripes from head to fin-tip. On the right, a slender masculine with lavender hair, pale skin contrasting with rich blue scales and accented with jeweled chains.

Where there is a break in the conversations, the central figure introduces the trio. "We represent the Costa of Palacia, to the west. I am Uschi Alverna. These are Veruha Mascerena," one hand waves to the striped sereia, while the other gestures to "Gaspar Peixoto.

"We thank you for your invitation, and the opportunity to meet with so many of our neighbors in these times of more open water. We hope that our people may contribute our part to this exchange of knowledge, in offering up some of the developments of our own talented in the arts of splice. These talents have aided our families in surviving the arduous changes to our seas, and perhaps in sharing may ease similar burdens from your own people."

Roland carefully ponders the words from Uschi. Grafting? He briefly converses with his captains, and confirms some of the information. A way of bringing severly wounded fighters back from the brink, or possibly layering shells? It was certainly something to consider further.

"That is certainly a wonderful gift." he says, quite bluntly in return. "My Claws would certainly appreciate this in the medical caves, so I suppose I could offer an exchange with some of our expertise in Photospores."

The Kalan Company

Tolmach moved to follow Roland, but he halted in the water as the messenger approached, intending to give the commander sufficient space for privacy while still being able to observe. He watched the Tail with interest - speaking creatures smaller than the Middish were rare in his experience, but perhaps they served the Kalan Company in subterfuge and -

The Knight Commander's thoughts were interrupted by the realization of the messenger's words. His photophores flashed in amusement, but he chewed on his words until he could come up with something more... diplomatic... to say.

He settled on something simple. "Trouble, Commander? I've heard o' many strange creatures and beliefs in these waters, but I havenae heard tell o' pacifists here before."

Roland lets out an audible burst of bubbles of exasperation. "They have been a..bane of many a Captain's life recently." he relates, "surrounding our forts and demanding us to throw down our Claws and shells. Do not worry though, I will merely have to make the return trip quicker than expected. These pacifists would want to dissolve both our groups so please give them no heed if you encounter them, they are dangerous and subversive."

Very slowly, the Tail had moved out of the way and began incredibly nervously relaying a bit more information to the other Tails, trying not to look at the very annoyed Commander.

So many strange people! And what were the Otters doing!? Oh, my! The Eccliarchs wouldn't care for that...

Other than the unfortunate sea goat incident, things were going well. A trader reported the Rain People had a line on a new supply of shells. While none of the people were lining up to follow Sakura-Do, there was no obvious hostility. Even the Otters seemed simply ignorant of the insult they had proffered.

Of the many gathered, the Pfilghol seemed the most likely converts, and the Rain People might actually be some manner of elemental, and thus, strictly speaking, unable to be saved. The others were either biologically or culturally unlikely to fit easily into Sakura-Do.

But now, for the big announcement! Marcion made a loud chime with their speaking-leg.

"We of the World Garden are pleases to meet all of our neighbors and share our technology and gifts with you all!

But today, just recently, I have been able to confirm a great new development! The Holy Divine Nacres have condescended to allow us to build a holdfast for them in Dashasham! We can now expect to be in regular contact with the very beings who gave The First Prophets the technology to create The World Garden!"

They waited for applause, which at least came in the form if chirping from the Hermit Crab attendants

The one sellclaw follower of the World Garden also gave out a few enthusiastic chirps, quickly followed by Roland and his Captains. They were guests after all, and it was good to be polite. But the information this provided had already paid for the trip. A new Holdfast? That meant without a doubt many opportunities, as well as obtaining their technologies. Oh yes, he'd have to trade the Kalans secrets on photospores, but with how quickly all the technology was propogating, being on the tip of the claw was what was needed.

2022-04-14, 06:38 PM
Costa Sereia
When Uschi makes it to the Cyphiri, she finds herself intercepted by one of the Hallus family before she can reach one of the Ulnesh. "I'm Pelir. If you want an exchange of knowledge, talk to me, not the Ulnesh - sure, they know the techniques now, most Cyphiri families do, but I'm the one who invented the whole thing, so you might as well get it from the best source, right?" She pauses, looking the sereia up and down thoughtfully. "You said that your people were specialised in splicing, right? Interesting. That's the opposite of the approach I took - I simplified, you add more. So did you always look like that, or are we seeing the results of your technology here and now?"

The Ironkelp Order
Werran follows Tolmach's nod to the Tellan and the honour guard, nodding slowly. "Ah, yes. Good. Good." Chelak still doesn't look quite happy with the situation (but she rarely did with these kinds of deals), but nonetheless left to keep an eye on the other Cyphiri around while Werran fully focuses on the other half of the conversation. "Oh, yes, their strange beliefs are a part of the Way, after all. It guided them to thinking these things, and we might be able to learn something from them, with the right reading. Perhaps. Or their stories may be complete nonsense and we get nothing from them. That happens sometimes too. But that's the joy of it! The mystery, the inscrutible nature of the way, that's why it's so captivating to us Cyphiri! And I expect your sages too."

The Sakura-Jin
The Cyphiri give due respect to the announcement, barring one of the minor members of the Ulnesh family who appears deep in thought after the mention of the Divine Nacres. She was under no illusions that the group were divine, but they were powerful and had many resources at their disposal. One of the Union's neighbours gaining their favour was...concerning. Perhaps the Union should start trying to do the same - it wouldn't be a fast process, the Ulnesh leadership already had matters taking their focus, but with some time, perhaps...

The Kalan Company

Artan nods again as she digests the response. "That is understandable. I'll make the arrangements for the exchange of technology, and return to my superiors with your response, along with my appraisal that you are someone we can work with. I'm confident an arrangement can be made - our economy is growing as we speak, with the northern trade route and the grand ventures several of our families are undertaking." She pauses. "And yes, we are well aware that you are mercenaries. If there's one thing the Cyphiri understands, it's that - you see, our families have preferred mercenaries over their own people for generations at this point. If that is all, I will leave now. Thank you for your time."

2022-04-15, 05:11 PM

But now, for the big announcement! Marcion made a loud chime with their speaking-leg.

"We of the World Garden are pleases to meet all of our neighbors and share our technology and gifts with you all!

But today, just recently, I have been able to confirm a great new development! The Holy Divine Nacres have condescended to allow us to build a holdfast for them in Dashasham! We can now expect to be in regular contact with the very beings who gave The First Prophets the technology to create The World Garden!"

They waited for applause, which at least came in the form if chirping from the Hermit Crab attendants

The sereia present pause their conversations at the chime for attention. Listening to the news, glances of surprise are exchanged, followed by smiles. Picking up on the cue, Veruha claps her hands together and emits a lingering hum from her gills in ovation. Uschi and Gasper quickly follow suit, carrying on the noise for several seconds longer. "Our Congratulations to your people on this opportunity! We hope to see a fruitful relationship build for you from this event."

Kalan Company

Roland carefully ponders the words from Uschi. Grafting? He briefly converses with his captains, and confirms some of the information. A way of bringing severly wounded fighters back from the brink, or possibly layering shells? It was certainly something to consider further.

"That is certainly a wonderful gift." he says, quite bluntly in return. "My Claws would certainly appreciate this in the medical caves, so I suppose I could offer an exchange with some of our expertise in Photospores."
"Our particular style lends more toward the prevention and adaptation than healing, but it does have medical applications, certainly. We would be glad to send some of our experts to exchange techniques with yours. Perhaps by sharing, we might both develop further."


When Uschi makes it to the Cyphiri, she finds herself intercepted by one of the Hallus family before she can reach one of the Ulnesh. "I'm Pelir. If you want an exchange of knowledge, talk to me, not the Ulnesh - sure, they know the techniques now, most Cyphiri families do, but I'm the one who invented the whole thing, so you might as well get it from the best source, right?" She pauses, looking the sereia up and down thoughtfully. "You said that your people were specialised in splicing, right? Interesting. That's the opposite of the approach I took - I simplified, you add more. So did you always look like that, or are we seeing the results of your technology here and now?"
The leader of the Alverna family allows a smile to show through her usually placid expression, inclining her head as she holds out one hand palm-up in acknowledgment. "My pleasure to meet you, Pelir. It is an honor to speak with the progenitor of such an accomplishment. I know many of our scientistes would be thrilled to work directly with the source in an exchange. They are constantly exploring new techniques. Your offer is most kind."

Uschi glances down at herself as the Cyphiri looks her over, and considers Pelir Hallus in turn. Her tailfins curl inward, as if in subconscious response to the attention. "Many of us take our alterations gradually over time, and our individual appearances do change as a result. My own grafts were many years ago, but yes, the patterns you see here are the result of our enhancements. There is a great deal of variety. Though they are primarily functional first these days, there is pride in our display as well, and efforts are taken to ensure each recipient is satisfied with their results." Uschi indicates the bright colored fan of fins shown by Veruha, floating nearby in a separate conversation.

2022-04-15, 10:58 PM
Costa Sereia

Pellir nods, looking over at Veruha when indicated before returning her gaze back to Uschi, a thoughtful expression on her face. "I see. Fascinating. I'll definitely like to talk to your researchers, yes. I have ideas that I think will benefit greatly from your techniques." Her thoughts get deeper, and her next words are more murmured out loud to herself than to Uschi. "It'll still take a lot of work for the details, but yes...my developments in plant engineering, matching splices and grafts...perhaps..." She soon remembers the situation and gets her head back into reality though, smiling (or at least what passes for a smile with a beak for a mouth) at Uschi as she continues. "So, yes. The deal is good for me. I think you'll find the help you'll recieve in turn helpful - I gather that your people face a similar issue to mine, food production not being quite enough for your goals, hence looking into securing part of the plankton harvest of the Tidelands, yes? This technology won't remove the problem entirely, if it is indeed like it is in Cyph-Arel, but it's helpful. Makes everything more efficient."