View Full Version : Eternal Bonds IC

2022-04-04, 03:13 PM
Eternal Bonds, Family is Forever

Charles "Chuck" Charleson the Third (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12kjqfEOceng1Lvk0C9ZAhwqCFvhqbsl24i26I3RyAWc/edit?usp=sharing)Rizban
Yennifer Walton (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18il-xsAQEAJP99ok4vW2UHkNfhqio4ry_m4Hb2Ma2sU/edit?usp=sharing)Jeriah
Vinson (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1plEKf_rH75nEW7PqM6IrWWY8tOq08Oia94e-gKchuco/edit?usp=sharing)thokk_smash
Amyra (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2617248)Deadguy

You have been hired to travel with a merchant company traveling by caravan across the Seven Cities Alliance and into Estermoor, where the company plans to spend the winter and setup future trade deals, with plans to pass through the dark swamplands and to the ocean beyond the following spring. As the newest hires, you've been grouped together into a team with a single senior member of the caravan guards to show you the ropes and explain the expectations and duties. The pay isn't great, a mere silver per day, but you do get a share of anything looted from monsters or bandits that attack along the way.

There are five wagons in the caravan, each pulled by a pair of pack horses. A merchant rides in each wagon with an extra guard in the front and rear. Two scouts range ahead on horses, and two groups of guards follow along the sides of the road on either side of the caravan. A collection of pack horses follow behind the wagons. Your party is typically assigned to walk along on the northern side of the wagons as you head west, with a similar group of guards deployed on the southern side.

The normally two week trek has been beset by ill fortune since the day you left. While the caravan has suffered no direct attacks, there have been several broken wheels, a shattered axle, a fatal snakebite, and the pack horses breaking loose during the night after being spooked by a coyote that roamed too close, leading to a full day lost as they were rounded up. It's now well into the third week of travel, and supplies are beginning to run low as tempers run high.

The sun has just risen this morning, and your party is eating a breakfast of dried trail rations boiled into a paste with a few herbs a Ranger in the caravan gathered yesterday. Today is an extra treat, because one of the merchants hauling chickens decided to donate a few of the older eggs to breakfast, which the cook stirred into the pot. The meal is frankly just short of disgusting, but at least the bits of egg give it texture.

You have a bit of time to get ready as the horses are harnessed and the wagons made ready as the caravan breaks camp.

2022-04-08, 01:00 PM
Yennifer poked at the slop, a sneer of disgust barely suppressed. She pinched her nose and rapidly swallowed what she could get down before retching then dumped the rest.

"I don't know about you, but I'll be glad when this job is over."

2022-04-08, 03:46 PM
Amyra offered up her morning prayer to the twin Gods of the Sun before starting to break camp. She busied herself donning armor and weapon, seeming in no hurry to get to the impending meal.

With bowl in hand, she copied Yennifer’s method. She neared heaved and held a hand to her mouth. A tiny nod in agreement was all she could muster.

2022-04-08, 05:02 PM
"I don't know. I'm rather enjoying the provided meals. It might not compare to fine dining, but it's a few steps above dad's cooking."

Chuck took a moment to show how much he was savoring the gruel before his gag reflex betrayed him.

"Eh, maybe you've got a point..." he muttered as he continuing trying to force down what he could stomach.

"At least we should reach Estermoor today and enjoy burning through our meager pay. Yeah?"

2022-04-08, 07:55 PM
"I'm fairly sure I blew most of mine at the last stopover."

2022-04-08, 08:01 PM
Vinson doesn't seem to mind the near-inedible food. Of course, the group has hardly seen the handsome half-elf without his signature relaxed grin on his face. He spoons some of the gruel into his mouth, his expression not changing visibly. "I'll certainly be glad to sleep in a real bed," he says with a small chuckle.

2022-04-12, 11:09 AM
Gunthar, the veteran guard assigned to your group approaches.

"Form up! Carnello says if we push through today, we'll reach the city tomorrow."

About an hour passes as you march forward while Gunthar rides a horse and regales you with stories of his heroics on past travels, assuring you that you too will one day have stories of glorious battle if you just stick around.

The caravan approaches a wooded area, the road cut through the middle of the sparse trees. As you travel, you notice that the trees transition from towering pines to shorter, more twisted species with the occasional annoying cypress knees growing up in the road that the wagons are forced to weave around.

The land becomes more sodden as the road draws closer to the River, and the buzzing of insects gets worse as you struggle not to inhale the swarms of gnats. Thankfully, the road remains dry and sturdy, though the surroundings grow more swampy.

A light fog begins to seep from the trees, obscuring your path and making the trail more treacherous, the random cypress knees dangerously threatening to shatter a wagon wheel. The thickening branches of the trees weave together overhead, blocking out much of the natural sunlight.

A horse screams in anguish ahead of you! Thick fog swirls from the tree line as crude projectiles flash through the air around you!



You don't need to post in initiative order. Just go ahead and post after the round rolls over. However, actions will be resolved in initiative order.

2022-04-12, 11:12 AM
"We're under attack!" shouts Gunthar as he rides off into the fog to the northwest, quickly disappearing from sight.

You hear the sounds of battle from ahead, behind, and to the south. Darts are coming from the north as well, and only your party stands between the attackers from there and the wagons.

2022-04-12, 01:07 PM
"We need to hold this side or the others will be flanked from the north."

Clad in her armor, Amyra advanced to the northern edge of the fog with her spear held readied.

Move - 20ft north

2022-04-13, 08:34 AM
Chuck squints, peering into the fog in search of movement before carefully making his way north, crossbow at the ready should a goblin emerge from the mists.

Move north 2, north-west 1.
Shoot if see a goblin, otherwise, ready action to shoot

[roll0] - [roll1]+1=[8]

2022-04-13, 02:53 PM
"Yet one more thing to delay us from our well-earned rest," Vison grouses, though his neutral smile hardly falters as he follows Chuck. He stays a bit east, and readies himself to fire a blob of acid at the first non-friendly he sees.

Move: Up two, right one.

Standard action: Either cast Acid Splash at a visible enemy, or hold his action to do so: [roll0], [roll1]

2022-04-13, 04:06 PM
"Ha! This looks like it'll be fun!"

Yennifer flexes her arms, causing the muscles to twitch and visibly grow as her skin takes on a green hue. She moves northish 20 feet, closing with the nearest enemy she sees and punching it in the face. If no enemies are in sight, she heads northwest another 20 feet looking for trouble.

[roll0] - [roll1]

2022-04-15, 12:02 PM
GM - Players

With a shout, Gunthar spurs his horse off into the fog towards the front of the caravan, quickly disappearing from sight.

Chuck moves 10 feet north and immediately spots two of the goblins throwing darts art the caravan, rapidly takes aim, looses a bolt, and completely misses the goblin in his haste.

Amyra moves 15 feet north, closing into melee with the goblins (assuming that was intended as a readied action, you should make any necessary rolls for that readied action when you ready it).

A bit hesitant, Vinson creeps forward slowly. He doesn't see the goblins, but movement in the fog entices him to move just slightly further forward than initially planned. He spots a goblin and launches a fiery dart into it, causing the goblin pain and panic.

Meanwhile, Yennifer hulks out before lumbering into the fog and crushing a puny goblin with a brutal strike.

For clarity, this battle is effectively within an fog cloud like effect, but visibility is 10 feet rather than only 5. Still 20% miss chance within those 10 feet.


2022-04-15, 12:19 PM
GM - Goblins & Guards

The wounded goblin attempts to flee, provoke attacks of opportunity from both Yennifer and Amyra.

Chuck sees two more goblins emerge from the fog to the west, though everyone else sees only vague movements of shadow. Both goblins throw darts at the artificer but fail to throw accurately through the fog.

[roll0] - [roll1] [roll2]
[roll3] - [roll4] [roll5]

Remaining alert, Amyra and Vinson both hear the sounds of small creatures moving through the undergrowth to the northeast, seemingly to come closer but moving hesitantly.

You hear shouts of guards fighting in the distance.


2022-04-18, 02:33 PM
Hearing more enemies to the east of the group, she yelled out a warning and moved in that direction.

"Watch your flank here!"

Utilizing her elven weapon to it's fullest potential, she turned back and attempted to stab the goblin standing before Yennifer.

Move - East 5 ft, North 10ft
Standard - Attack [roll0]
-- Damage [roll1]

AOO if anything provokes:
Attack [roll2]
-- Damage [roll3]

2022-04-20, 10:32 AM
Vinson a bit westward, seeking solidarity in numbers with Chuck. Eyeing one of the goblins not engaged in combat, he raises his hand and summons another globule of acid to throw at it. "I've got your back, Chuck," he says with quiet assurance.

Vinson moves one square left/east and one square south/down. Then he throws an acid splash at southernmost goblin on the left side.

[roll0], [roll1], [roll2]

2022-04-21, 08:43 AM
Yennifer hurls herself to the west with a vicious but oddly satisfied sounded snarl. She charges into the first goblin she sees, fist raised to smash the face of the goblins.

[roll0] - [roll1] [roll2]

2022-04-22, 01:28 PM
Charles "Chuck" Charleson

Chuck quickly fires another bolt at the goblins then back up a bit.
[roll0] - [roll1] - [roll2]

GM - Players

Once more, Chuck fails to hit the goblins, backing up away from the apparent danger.

Amyra kills the nearby goblin and then heads north, where she quickly stumbled upon several more goblins.

Vinson moves carefully through the fog, but can't make out any goblins through the fog before stopping. He lets loose a spell into where he believes the goblin is but misses. (Remember that you can only see 10 feet through the fog.)

Blindly charging into the fog, Yennifer manages to catch the goblin unawares before it spots her movement, hammering it down into the dirt.

2022-04-22, 01:50 PM
GM - Goblins & Guards

The goblin adjacent to Yennifer panics as she easily destroys its companion and turns to run, drawing an attack of opportunity.

Amyra finds herself almost surrounded by goblins and starts to take a more defensive stance just as she is struck by a glowing blue bolt of magic for [roll0] damage. The goblin in purple cackles as the spell hits.

The two other goblins throw darts at her, but both miss badly.

[roll1] - [roll2] - [roll3]
[roll4] - [roll5] - [roll6]

The sounds of guards fighting continues in the distance, but there are noticeably fewer shouts as battle seems to be dying down.


2022-04-25, 11:23 PM
Vinson flinches in the direction Amyra went as he barely makes out the sound of a spell. Moving up, and stepping over the corpses of several goblins, he moves through the fog until the sight of the goblin in purple meets his gaze. "Keep them off of me, Amyra, and I'll try to keep that goblin from casting again," he says, as he readies himself to interrupt any casting the spellcaster may do.

Move action: up until he is one square above and to the left of Amyra.

Standard action: Ready an action to Counterspell the goblin. Arcane Lore check: [roll0], Caster Level check: [roll1]

2022-04-26, 01:44 PM
Charles "Chuck" Charleson

Increasingly irritated by his lack of hitting anything, Chuck huffs as he continues trying to take out the attackers. He moves west until he spots a goblin and takes another shot.

[roll0] - [roll1] - [roll2]

Wow... just... wow.

2022-04-27, 09:17 AM
Amyra held her ground and focused on the goblins to the east, stabbing out with her spear at the southern most to prevent it from moving toward her companions.

Standard - Attack [roll0]
-- Damage [roll1]
Miss Chance [roll2]

AOO if anything provokes:
Attack [roll3]
-- Damage [roll4]
Miss Chance [roll5]

2022-05-02, 10:36 PM
Yennifer punches the last goblin standing that she can see. If it drops, she moves northeast towards the rest of her party; otherwise, she stays put.

[roll0] - [roll1]

2022-05-06, 10:04 AM
GM - Players

Chuck makes a great impression of a barbarian rage as he once again fails to do anything useful at all.

Amyra stabs out at the nearby goblin, but it evades through the mist.

Vinson moves and readies an action to counter a spell.

Yennifer knocks the last goblin near her to the ground and then moves to reinforce her allies.

GM - Goblins & Guards

The sounds of fighting in the distance have begun to die down. You hear a few shouts from the guards doing head counts and getting directions to the few remaining pockets of fighting.

Amyra, Vinson, and Yennifer are hit by a cone of fire for [roll0] damage, Reflex half (DC 13).

The two remaining dart throwers split their attacks between Amyra and Yennifer.

vs Amyra: [roll1] - [roll2] - [roll3]
vs Yennifer: [roll4] - [roll5] - [roll6]
