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2022-10-21, 12:51 PM
Heh, that isn't nearly as bad as what I'd originally written before I switched to what I posted. "Ugh, why is it that every time that tentacles are involved, I always come away tired and so damn sticky?" lmao

I have this vague feeling D. would have preferred that version. The lucky li'l blue thing spent her whole life blissfully not knowing what hentai is.

What should we do, mates? Meet up with the arachnoid one that has fled during the fight?

Mhm. That and the other one which didn't. Apparently, they are squatting in the same room.

2022-10-21, 12:51 PM
Yeah, Myriad isn't really kids-friendly, is she? :D

What should we do, mates? Meet up with the arachnoid one that has fled during the fight?

That's the fun part. Does she use such innuendos on purpose just to annoy Delja's sensibilities? Or is she actuallycompletely unaware of them and thinks they are perfectly plain and simple statements of fact? Only the gods know for sure, and they are not talking! At least, not in this place. :)

Knowledge (The Planes) Check for information about "Dymos" [roll0] - *mental crickets* lol

2022-10-21, 12:57 PM
That's the fun part. Does she use such innuendos on purpose just to annoy Delja's sensibilities? Or is she actuallycompletely unaware of them and thinks they are perfectly plain and simple statements of fact? Only the gods know for sure, and they are not talking! At least, not in this place. :)

Eh, she shouldn't feel too bad about it either way. Delja used to eat people, you know. She totally deserves dying inside every so often.

2022-10-21, 04:41 PM
Eh, she shouldn't feel too bad about it either way. Delja used to eat people, you know. She totally deserves dying inside every so often.

...used to WHAT now??? Good thing Ux doesn't know that...or does he? :smalltongue:

2022-10-22, 08:59 AM
Delja used to eat people, you know.

Hopefully not in public! That behavior really is only for bedrooms... and certain club bathrooms. Or so I am told. Ahem.

2022-10-22, 12:40 PM
...used to WHAT now???

She had interesting formative years, okay? The closest thing she had to a parental figure was an oversized psychic crocodile and she started out at around the deep end of CN.

Good thing Ux doesn't know that...or does he? :smalltongue:

Well, D. has a +20 to Bluff and Ux a -1 to Sense Motive; I think his faith in sapient non-extraplanar life is safe for now. (Myriad, on the other hand, could have technically figured it out, but that would require her to pay attention for more than 10 seconds and not draw some hilariously inappropriate and wrong conclusions afterwards.)

2022-10-23, 04:56 PM
Though Myriad spends most of her time in the Drucilla alias, and while both her companions might assume that as her 'default alias', this is Myriad's normal personality, they would get a reminder now and then when she assumes a different alias that that might not be true. :)

'Drucilla Kunderak, the Silver Key' is a ditsy adrenaline & mystery junkie that is excited about...pretty much everything. Likeable, affable, clueless, and fun-loving! But, some slightly creepy and somewhat disturbing tendencies do leak out now and again - from every alias.

"I am Legion, for we are many..."

2022-10-27, 11:37 AM
She had interesting formative years, okay? The closest thing she had to a parental figure was an oversized psychic crocodile and she started out at around the deep end of CN.

Well, D. has a +20 to Bluff and Ux a -1 to Sense Motive; I think his faith in sapient non-extraplanar life is safe for now. (Myriad, on the other hand, could have technically figured it out, but that would require her to pay attention for more than 10 seconds and not draw some hilariously inappropriate and wrong conclusions afterwards.)

Point taken. Ux is the opposite of Myriad: he wouldn't notice a Balor 5ft to his side if he is focused on fighting an imp right ahead of him :smallbiggrin:

2022-10-27, 11:52 AM
Heh. But hey, that imp would be very thoroughly fought in the meantime!

2022-10-27, 12:05 PM
Just waiting to see if Myriad manages to move the magical mule so she can take its spot flanking the door.

And that is hilarious. Myriad needs to start gaslighting Ux about the most random things. "Oh yeah, on the plane of fire, everyone wears grass skirts. Its to show dominance. We definitely have to pick some up before we go. If you wanna look fearless, you'll need one with lots of grass. Dyed in bright colors so everone can see it. That's how the'll know you mean 'bidnis."

2022-10-29, 02:30 PM
So much for the initial battle plan, I suppose? (Not that the obyrith being indeed the only foe around doesn't change the equation.)

2022-10-31, 04:41 AM
Roll initiative (except for Delja)!

Did you mean except for Myriad?

2022-10-31, 04:48 AM
Unlikely. Myriad will need hers, eventually and I already rolled Delja's (I rolled a 1!).

2022-10-31, 04:49 AM
Aaaaah! Derp. lol

2022-10-31, 04:50 AM
Initiative [roll0]

2022-10-31, 04:53 PM
Initiative: [roll0]

And yeah, Ux is going to eat all of that. Except Ereshki, which has a much higher Sense Motive modifier, might not :D

2022-10-31, 05:10 PM
And UMD check: [roll0], failure on a natural 1.

2022-10-31, 07:23 PM
By the way I forgot to mention in that post IC because I'm a dummy.

I highlighted a light blue region in the combat map. Please rearrange your characters (and followers) to be where you want them to be in said region.

Before we jump into combat.

The assumption is there's been plenty of time for the party to position correctly. So preemptive actions in concordance are fine.

If you have a cute way to attack without line of sight and any visual or audible signature (attached to the action and not the outcome of the attack), I will also rule that this happens during a surprise round.

Let me know when you're done setting up.

2022-11-01, 03:47 PM
Oh, okay then.

I'll finally get to try out that wand of Enlarge Animal.

Heads up too: I'll be starting a new job tomorrow, and I'm not quite sure of how that will impact my posting rate.

2022-11-01, 04:05 PM
Another Use Magic Device check for the wand of Animal Growth:


2022-11-01, 04:10 PM
D.'s good to start where she currently is.

I'll finally get to try out that wand of Enlarge Animal.


2022-11-02, 06:43 AM
Alright. Let's see how our luck feels today: Will save: [roll0]

2022-11-02, 04:16 PM
Will Save vs DC 27: [roll0]

Does Spell Resistance apply (Myriad has SR 25, if so)? Also, is this considered a paralysis effect?

2022-11-02, 05:35 PM
Since it's a supernatural effect, SR shouldn't apply. I think it's a paralysis effect? I mean the text doesn't say it is but it's literally an effect that paralyzes, so...

2022-11-03, 05:00 AM
I ask if it counts as a Paralyzing Effect because Myriad can shrug that type of effect off once per day automatically when effected (Cunning Body class ability from the Silver Key class). So the distinction is the difference between her being out of the fight for 4 rounds, or being able to act immediately. :)

2022-11-03, 10:55 AM
By my reading of the class ability it removes the effect that paralyzes as opposed to some esoteric mechanical object "paralyze effect". So Myriad is good to use it and go.

2022-11-03, 02:27 PM
Awesome sauce. That ability can be used once a day per effect. Though she is very unlikely to run into a situation where she is underwater or falling from a great height to activate the waterbreathing or feather fall effects. Shame we're not using the good Silver Key class fix (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?650152-Balanced-amp-Simplified-Silver-Key-Fix&p=25595697#post25595697), or it would be a tad bit more useful. And I wouldn't have had to waste a feat on Dodge, which I always forget to declare.

...that said, I'm using O2 as my Dodge Target for a +1 to AC, please.

2022-11-03, 03:48 PM

I have Dodge too. And Mobility (I even noted its effect under Additional Information on the sheet!). Is ist too late to declare her AC 72 T 63 against the Spider for this round?

2022-11-04, 03:59 AM
Ok gals, how about you tried and ess with the ominous machinery in the back scene while I keep our friend busy ?

Ux Utanar auto-passes the Will save, and Ereshki : [roll0]. She has an added +4 in case that's an [enchantment] effect.

Sorry, that should have been a +15, not a +12. She's good to go in case it's an enchantment only.

2022-11-04, 08:08 AM
I'm not sure that's a good idea. For starters, there's another obyrith between our folks and that thing and, secondly, there's literally nothing D. can do about that contraption, and while Myriad would likely have a chance at disabling its protections somehow, that's exactly what Chains wants (and was trying to do up until now), so that might not be our best call.

2022-11-05, 09:49 AM
Ah, your second point is a good one.

Then, you should keep on attacking the other guy rather than the one facing me, since that would cancel out the effect of the test of mettle.

2022-11-05, 10:55 AM

In my defense, my own knight never managed to quite pull her ToM off as yet. If you can lock the Spider down, us going for Chains sounds like the right call.

2022-11-06, 05:39 PM
A few questions:

1. What's the DC of the Greater Command? (Will: [roll0])
2. Can Delja really understand Chains this time? Up until now, they spoke in that archaic dialect.
3. Can Delja even drop her weapon? It's in a locked gauntlet, glued to her hand.

2022-11-06, 05:55 PM
1. Oh durr, I knew I was forgetting something. It's DC 24.
2. Yes. This is plain ol' Abyssal.
3. No, which is comical.

2022-11-07, 07:34 AM
1. Oh durr, I knew I was forgetting something. It's DC 24.
2. Yes. This is plain ol' Abyssal.
3. No, which is comical.

[EVIL laughter!] Thanks!

And now, let's metagame a little. Delja's attack dealt full damage to O2, whereas Myriad's 11 magical piercing was soaked up. Looks like we have something like 15+/cold iron here. You guys have tools for dealing with that, right?

Edit: Oh, and I kind of messed up; ignore the Tumble roll for the first movement. D. can't afford getting slowed down, even to Sfift Tumbler speed if she is to reach O1 in a single round.

2022-11-07, 09:07 AM
Fort Save vs Nausea (DC 27): [roll0]

And now, let's metagame a little. Delja's attack dealt full damage to O2, whereas Myriad's 11 magical piercing was soaked up. Looks like we have something like 15+/cold iron here. You guys have tools for dealing with that, right?

Edit: Oh, and I kind of messed up; ignore the Tumble roll for the first movement. D. can't afford getting slowed down, even to Sfift Tumbler speed if she is to reach O1 in a single round.

Do several percision damage dice and a cumulative Bleed effect count as 'dealing with that'? If so, yes! If not, then...no. :-p

Yeah... Myriad moves all of 30' unless she forgoes attacks entirely for a round. Gonna start calling Delja, 'Sonic' with that 'gotta go fast!' medical condition. lol

3. Can Delja even drop her weapon? It's in a locked gauntlet, glued to her hand.

Lucky it didn't just say 'drop it'. Delja might have misinterpreted and started attempting to twerk. That woulda been akwaaaaaard....


2022-11-07, 02:25 PM
And now, let's metagame a little. Delja's attack dealt full damage to O2, whereas Myriad's 11 magical piercing was soaked up. Looks like we have something like 15+/cold iron here. You guys have tools for dealing with that, right?

Yep, I have that. Though to be fair Ux Utanar is a little too busy not getting Strength-drained to have noticed that at the moment. Maybe if Delja shouts that out to him, he'll draw his cold iron greatsword ;)

2022-11-07, 04:01 PM
Do several percision damage dice and a cumulative Bleed effect count as 'dealing with that'?


Yeah... Myriad moves all of 30' unless she forgoes attacks entirely for a round. Gonna start calling Delja, 'Sonic' with that 'gotta go fast!' medical condition.

I mean, she is blue. (And do cut her some slack. She's not bookish enough to have actually read Gimli son of Glóin's authoritative The Effective Range of the Running Dwarf!)

Lucky it didn't just say 'drop it'. Delja might have misinterpreted and started attempting to twerk. That woulda been akwaaaaaard....

Bah! She has actual ranks in actual Perform (dance)! She'd never stoop so low!

Yep, I have that. Though to be fair Ux Utanar is a little too busy not getting Strength-drained to have noticed that at the moment. Maybe if Delja shouts that out to him, he'll draw his cold iron greatsword ;)

I'm confident she'll suddenly remember to mention it come next round!

2022-11-07, 05:12 PM
Another round or two, and it'll be a wonder if Ux ever manages to raise his greatsword at all :D

2022-11-08, 03:40 AM
Hm. Two Will saves: [roll0] and [roll1].

2022-11-08, 08:39 AM
Myriad's Spell Resistance (25) ain't worth **** when it comes to these guys. She's getting psychically clobbered. lol

Will Save vs DC 24: [roll0] - FAIL

Damn. Woulda passed that if I hadn't already suffered Wis drain. *braces for the "other unknown horrible effects" to heppen*

2022-11-08, 08:41 AM
Myriad's Spell Resistance (25) ain't worth **** when it comes to these guys.

Talk about it. There's a reason why I never bothered to bring up Delja's SR 16.

2022-11-08, 08:46 AM
Talk about it. There's a reason why I never bothered to bring up Delja's SR 16.

The problem with 'not sweating the small stuff' via Low-Mid SR is that the large stuff comes out of the gate swinging for the fences to knock you on your arse. lmao

2022-11-09, 03:30 PM
Oh, chaincomplex, is that horrible unknown effect a [fear] effect?

If yes, then Ux Utanar can expend one use of Knight's Challenge to allow a reroll with a +11 modifier for Myriad. In which case I'll re-write my turn completely, since I can't teleport away anymore. Myriad would still be under the effect of the attack, but only for the duration between the obyrith's attack and Ux Utanar's turn.

2022-11-09, 05:41 PM
It is not, though I made several mistakes in that post because chain no read statblocks good. :thog:

The effect that hits Delja and Myriad on approach is an Su, mind-affecting aura. If that matters. I don't think Su abilities are blocked by SR.
O1 should've fast healed.
I didn't even notice Delja's SR but the thing autosucceeds on the CL check for feeblemind.
I actually forgot what I forgot in that post again. :thog: But there was at least one more thing. Hmm.

Edit: The additional horrible effect is just taking a -4 save penalty against future enchantments.

2022-11-10, 02:00 PM
Oops! Didn't account for my dex drain in that roll. +1 to my attack roll for a total of 38

Also, I am at 69% hp. Nice. :smallcool:

The effect that hits Delja and Myriad on approach is an Su, mind-affecting aura. If that matters. I don't think Su abilities are blocked by SR.

Correct! But, weirdly, they are suppressed by antimagic fields. Random AF.

2022-11-11, 06:34 PM
So after some careful reading I assess that the attacks of opportunity vs the chains hit the creature and not the chain. It's unclear to me but the chain is both an animate object and "treated as a held weapon", the latter which informs my guess that this was the intention.

Namely that if you make a grapple attack with a weapon that can grapple but has no special advantage to it, I imagine the AoO applies to the wielder.

Edit: Also, woo grappling! I know this is everyone's favorite part of 3e.

Edit 2: I also forgot to mention the two creatures fast heal, and forgot to subtract bleed. Fixing now.

2022-11-11, 06:53 PM
Someone please remind me to pick up some gauntlets of heartfelt blows so I can add a bit of fire damage when we hit town. And possibly a crystal of energy assault and something to help with defeating damage reduction. lol

2022-11-11, 08:00 PM
Geek check the two grapple attempts over Myriad.

2022-11-12, 05:16 AM
Whoops! Missed that somehow.

Grapple Check 01: [roll0]
Grapple Check 02: [roll1]

So, I rewrote the post to do the two attacks of opportunity, and then attacking once (can still attack with a light weapon, but only once and not a full attack) as Myriad's action, since she has no way to escape the grapple.

2022-11-12, 05:32 AM
Redoing rolls in light of being successfully grappled: Attack of Opportunity 01 vs O1 (Still flanked until grapples resolve): [roll0] attack for [roll1] magical piercing, [roll2] Vampiric, and [roll3] sneak attack damage, and -1 Bleed effect.
Attack of Opportunity 01 vs O1 (Still flanked until grapples resolve): [roll4] attack for [roll5] magical piercing, [roll6] Vampiric, and [roll7] sneak attack damage, and -1 Bleed effect.
Standard Attack vs O1: (No longer flanked because of being grappled negating threat): [roll8] attack for [roll9] magical piercing, [roll10] Vampiric
-1HP to O1 for preexisting Bleed
-2HP to O2 for preexisting Bleed

2022-11-12, 10:42 AM
Another Will save: [roll0]

2022-11-12, 10:54 AM
Hell, yeah! A critical threat on that second attack! Let's see if we can confirm it: [roll0] for [roll1] magical cold iron and piercing and [roll2] force.

2022-11-12, 11:36 AM
Redoing rolls in light of being successfully grappled: Attack of Opportunity 01 vs O1 (Still flanked until grapples resolve): [roll0] attack for [roll1] magical piercing, [roll2] Vampiric, and [roll3] sneak attack damage, and -1 Bleed effect.
Attack of Opportunity 01 vs O1 (Still flanked until grapples resolve): [roll4] attack for [roll5] magical piercing, [roll6] Vampiric, and [roll7] sneak attack damage, and -1 Bleed effect.
Standard Attack vs O1: (No longer flanked because of being grappled negating threat): [roll8] attack for [roll9] magical piercing, [roll10] Vampiric
-1HP to O1 for preexisting Bleed
-2HP to O2 for preexisting Bleed

As both AoOs are successful, both grapples are stopped. :smalltongue:

2022-11-12, 11:40 AM
Go us! In that case, Chains remains flanked all the way, right? That'd mean I get attacks of 30, 39, 40(, 23, 23) with the flanking bonus added.

2022-11-13, 07:08 AM
As both AoOs are successful, both grapples are stopped. :smalltongue:

Well in that case, that standard attack becomes a full attack and gains +2 to hit and: [roll0] Sneak Attack damage , & -1/Round Bleed Damage

And the full attack continues: [roll1] attack for [roll2] magical piercing, [roll3] vampiric, [roll4] sneak attack, & -1 Bleed if successful.
[roll5] attack for [roll6] magical piercing, [roll7] vampiric, [roll8] sneak attack, & -1 Bleed if successful.
[roll9] attack for [roll10] magical piercing, [roll11] vampiric, [roll12] sneak attack, & -1 Bleed if successful.

2022-11-15, 05:06 AM
Str check to avoid being tripped: [roll0].

Note : this includes a +4 for being of Large size, which I'm not sure applies in the case of Telekinesis.

2022-11-17, 04:05 AM
Okay mates how are you faring ? It seems 02 is checking on 01 to see if it's endangered. Which means going all out on 01 seemed to be the best bet.

I guess as long as I don't reach Str 0, I can keep 02 busy, so that buys you at least 4 rounds to deal with 01. In case of an emergency I could disregard 02 and charge into 01,if it appears it's needed to break the status quo.

2022-11-17, 09:05 AM
Dishing out more damage than we take so far, but I'm not sure I see the Spider being happy with how things are going is a good sign. Also, be careful with the reckless charges. I'm not sure our ability damage didn't come from passing by the artifact.

2022-11-17, 09:30 AM
Ah, that's a good point. Well, if it comes to this, it'll be because I hope a charge attack would deal the final blow, so hopefully any ability damage at that stage of the fight would be moot.

2022-11-17, 10:05 AM
Okay mates how are you faring?

Myriad is holding out, for now. Though she'd be at nearly half health by now if it were not for the vampiric enhancement to her dagger. That Pesky (Cold Iron?) DR is tanking her DPS a bit. She's losing out on at least 11-15 potential damage per attack because of that alone.

Hopefully our attacks will cause this beasty to lose focus on whatever it is trying to accomplish, since whatever that is can't be good for us if it succeeds.

2022-11-17, 12:15 PM
I got a Hammersphere in the bag if needed (CL 7 Spiritual Weapon that deals 3d6 damage)

2022-11-17, 07:40 PM
I didn't bother resolving Delja's attacks of opportunity since the thing was dead at the full attack action anyways. It's comedic how quickly things melt if you let something get a full attack's worth of precision damage on it.

2022-11-18, 04:11 AM
Yeah, it definitely is. We did seem to be far from finishing this thing off.

As a sidenote : I guess O2 shouldn't be able to target Delja, since it is under the effect of Test of Mettle. Except... I've been rereading the description of the ability. And it says a given creature cannot be affected more than once per 24-hour period. And I had already used Test of Mettle against 02 during our first fight with it. :(

Sorry about that, chaincomplex, but I guess that means O2 should have been able to pester the gals way earlier.

2022-11-18, 07:06 AM
Sorry about that, chaincomplex, but I guess that means O2 should have been able to pester the gals way earlier.

Eh, they were the ones to switch the first one off (I'm still sorry about that, by the way)!

Meanwhile, Fortitude: [roll0]

2022-11-20, 06:18 AM
*sad warlock noises* While the Target is flanked, I'm firing from 35 feet away, so no sneak attack bonus. *sniffle*

2022-11-21, 02:05 PM
*sad warlock noises* While the Target is flanked, I'm firing from 35 feet away, so no sneak attack bonus. *sniffle*

I'm just glad Delja was busy feeling triumphant and all that, because had she heard the word backupuncture, there would be lots of sad [all Delja's weird classes] noises floating around.

2022-11-21, 04:13 PM
I'm just glad Delja was busy feeling triumphant and all that, because had she heard the word backupuncture, there would be lots of sad [all Delja's weird classes] noises floating around.

Don't be sad! Myriad the Stabomancer is here to (help) save the day! lol

2022-11-22, 12:53 PM
What a bunch of weirdos :D

2022-11-22, 05:08 PM
What a bunch of weirdos :D

"Yesterday's weirdness is tomorrow's reason why." - Hunter S. Thompson

2022-11-24, 11:18 PM
Can Ux actually charge from Ereshki's position? Ereshki can only move 5 feet without going into the region where a lance cannot hit.

2022-11-27, 06:21 PM
Riders can be considered to occupy any sqkare that their mount occupy in order to determine their reach. This means Ux Utanar can be considered to occupy the four corners most away from O2. In turn, that means when Ereshki is at contact, Ux can be considered to be 5ft away from O2. This means the squares occupied by O2 that are farthest away from Ux Utanar can be considered to be 15ft away from him. Since the dead zone within the reach of a Large creature wielding a reach weapon is 10ft, that means these away squares occupied by O2 are actually legal targets for Ux Utanar's lance.

So there went my long-winded interpretation of why this charge works :D

2022-11-28, 01:51 AM
Makes sense to me. Also I like the part where I made a mistake and forgot Test of Mettle, which cancelled out another mistake. Empirical evidence that two wrongs do make a right. :smalltongue:

2022-11-28, 07:54 AM
Hm. The Spider imposes a miss chance?

2022-11-28, 10:28 AM
My, this dude hits hard. I think we need to deal some more bleed damage to this thing. Ux might end up paralyzed if he keeps on hitting Dex drain :p

2022-11-28, 04:30 PM
Fluffed my attack rolls typing.
[roll0], [roll1], [roll2], [roll3]

Ok so provided one of these gets through both AC and miss chance, all following attack rolls are made with the greatsword.

2022-11-28, 09:33 PM
I thought I checked your sheets for displacement-killing effects like true seeing and saw nothing, let me know if I'm remembering wrong and you shouldn't get the miss chance here.

2022-11-29, 09:36 AM
Oh no, O2 should definitely be allowed its miss chance. What I meant was "provided some of these attacks do hit against its AC and O2 then fails its miss chance against them".

Sorry for having been unclear.

2022-11-29, 05:01 PM
I thought I checked your sheets for displacement-killing effects like true seeing and saw nothing, let me know if I'm remembering wrong and you shouldn't get the miss chance here.

(Technically, Delja's shades, um, I mean, goggles of draconic vision have a setting for that, but she's yet to activate it.)

2022-12-01, 05:53 AM
That's awesome sauce :D

Ux Utanar also has a Scout's Headband, but alas not enough swift actions to activate enough abilities per round...

2022-12-01, 06:34 AM
Talk about it. Delja'd need a spare standard to flick the blindsense on! (Well, that, or burning the remaining charges of the Battle Belt.)

2022-12-02, 10:29 AM
Whoops! Apparently, my post didn't go through when I tried posting the other day (what is with this 'server is busy' crap?) - I#m sorry for holding up the game! :smalleek:

Screwed up the rolls but it wouldn't matter because spell resistance, so meh. lol

2022-12-06, 05:00 AM
And another Will save: [roll0]

2022-12-06, 08:51 AM
Cold iron, indeed :D

2022-12-06, 02:08 PM
Will Save DC 27: [roll0]


2022-12-06, 03:44 PM
Well, damn. We'll have to steal her knife now to make the thing bleed some MORE. I've the impression it doesn't bleed profusely enough.

Edit: Oh, and speaking of cold iron, D.'s sword is still in cold iron mode. I just forgot to specify.

2022-12-06, 04:02 PM
Well, damn. We'll have to steal her knife now to make the thing bleed some MORE. I've the impression it doesn't bleed profusely enough.

Edit: Oh, and speaking of cold iron, D.'s sword is still in cold iron mode. I just forgot to specify.

Don't you dare! Besides, that isn't from the knife - it is from the Invisible Blade's class ability: Bleeding Wound (Ex) :-p

2022-12-07, 12:25 PM
Don't you dare! Besides, that isn't from the knife - it is from the Invisible Blade's class ability: Bleeding Wound (Ex) :-p

Hrm. Permit me to amend my previous statement. We'll have to steal her class features now to make the thing bleed some MORE.

2022-12-07, 01:28 PM
Hrm. Permit me to amend my previous statement. We'll have to steal her class features now to make the thing bleed some MORE.

Better. :)

2022-12-10, 04:28 PM
Cold iron, indeed :D

You around? I think we might be waiting on Ux Utanar to hopefully not get paralyzed and, you know, do something.

2022-12-13, 09:36 AM
Sorry mates, busiest week ever.

Ux auto-succeeds even on a 1, but it's a trickier business for Ereshki.

2022-12-13, 09:40 AM
Ereshki Will save: [roll0]

2022-12-13, 10:05 AM
Okay chaincomplex, I'm going to try and pull off an elaborated circus rider stunt.

In a nutshell, Ux will use a move action to have Ereshki use the "Fetch" skill trick on the black orb. Ereshxi then uses a move action to go to it, use a standard action to scoop it in the middle of the move action (would that be permitted as a use of the Flyby Attack feat ?), Ux Utanar will use a standard action for a melee attack with the Ride-by Attack feat and thus evade an AoO on the way back, all the while protecting Ereshki from AoOs with Mounted Combat. Then, they parade around the public to gather a thunderous applause and a 10/10 from the jury.

How does that sound rules-wise ?

2022-12-13, 08:00 PM
When flying, the creature can take a move action (including a dive) and another standard action at any point during the move. The creature cannot take a second move action during a round when it makes a flyby attack.

Seems like it's RAW since Standard Actions can perform Move Actions. Go for it.

2022-12-14, 06:13 AM
Neat! Let's roll.

2022-12-15, 02:28 PM
Posting now.

Very sorry folks, I'll be more consistent with the posting rate from now on.

EDIT: posted. Man, I feel like playing chess. These actions are so complex to map out!

2022-12-15, 03:59 PM
Badass. (One thing, though. The weird pictogram you moved is the contraption with the Evil tome on it, rather than the orb (which is probably Teru's current accomodation, but I digress), and Ereshki really doesn't want to touch that thing.)

2022-12-16, 02:53 AM
Ah, my bad then. Yeah, I agree with you about that tome. Though I'm not quite sure the orb is safe to travel with either :D

2022-12-16, 08:37 AM
Ah, my bad then. Yeah, I agree with you about that tome.

I think I'll, um, put the icon of that thing back where it belongs then, if you don't mind.

Though I'm not quite sure the orb is safe to travel with either :D

Oh, come on! We've seen the obyriths handle it without issue (okay, the one that had it kind of died, but I'm 90% sure that was us)! It's perfectly safe!

2022-12-18, 06:49 AM
I think I'll, um, put the icon of that thing back where it belongs then, if you don't mind.

Oh, come on! We've seen the obyriths handle it without issue (okay, the one that had it kind of died, but I'm 90% sure that was us)! It's perfectly safe!

Could be that Myriad is better off paralyzed. If she explodes herself trying to snatch magical things, you'll both need to find a new way back out of the interdimensional plane-ship. :-p

2022-12-19, 03:58 AM
I'm having a half a mind to stash her in my haversack, just for that purpose :D

2022-12-19, 07:04 AM
I'm having a half a mind to stash her in my haversack, just for that purpose :D

A bag of people-holding would be pretty neat for this party. Yall could stash your skeleton key when there is a risk of her being ganked, and she could stash yall so that it would be easier to portal-hop when necessary.

Set up an Envelopting Pit (Magic Item Compendium, p. 159), which is 10' wide and 50' deep (which is much better than a portable hole's 6'x10' and 16,400gp cheaper) and several enhancements and items from the Stronghold Builder's Guide...you could set up portable camps or even portable hospitals really easily...

*muses on magical fantasy logistical details and starts obsessively updating their 'Essential Items' list with new entries*

Yes, I keep a list of my most-used magical items so I don't have to hunt through sourcebooks when making a character (which is ironic, considering Myriad is the least equipment-diverse character that I have made in a long time lol). Yes, it is an extensive list. Screw it, maybe you'll find some of it helpful lol - here ya go:


8,500 - Bracers of the Hunter (Secrets of Xen'drik, p. 145)
9,000 - The Crawling Shield (Web: Clockwork Wonders, part 3 of 14)

8,000 - Horizon Goggles (Complete Mage, p. 133)

1,400 - Anklet of Translocation (Magic Item Compendium, p. 71)

4,000 - Gauntlets of Ghost Fighting (Magic Item Compendium, p. 216)
12,000 - Gauntlets of Heartfelt Blows (Dragon Compendium, p. 136)

70,000 - Crown of the North Wind (Dragons of Faerûn, p. 126)

50,000 - Ioun Stone of Resistance +5 (Arms & Equipment Guide, p. 134)
32,000 - Ioun Stone of Resistance +4 (Arms & Equipment Guide, p. 134)
18,000 - Ioun Stone of Resistance +3 (Arms & Equipment Guide, p. 134)
8,000 - Ioun Stone of Resistance +2 (Arms & Equipment Guide, p. 134)
5,000 - Dusty Rose Prism Ioun Stone (DMG, p. 260) No Food
4,000 - Clear Spindle Ioun Stone (DMG, p. 260) +1 Insight to Armor
2,000 - Ioun Stone of Resistance +1 (Arms & Equipment Guide, p. 134)

3,500 - Lockpicking Ring (Magic Item Compendium, p. 114)
2,200 - Ring of Feather Falling (SRD)
2,000 - Ring of the Darkhidden (Magic Item Compendium, p. 122)

27,000 - Cloak of Comfort +5 (Complete Mage, p. 132)
18,000 - Cloak of Comfort +4 (Complete Mage, p. 132)
11,000 - Cloak of Comfort +3 (Complete Mage, p. 132)
6,000 - Cloak of Comfort +2 (Complete Mage, p. 132)
5,500 - Shadow Cloak (Drow of the Underdark, p. 101)
3,000 - Cloak of Comfort +1 (Complete Mage, p. 132)
1,200 - Travel Cloak (Magic of Faerun p. 166)

8,000 - Tentacle Whip Symbiont (Eberron Campaign Setting, p. 300 & Magic of Eberron, p. 154)

22,000 - Continuous Collar of Umbral Metamorphasis (tome of Magic, p. 156)
18,000 - Greater Chausible of Fell Power (Magic Item Compendium, p. 85)
8,000 - Chausible of Fell Power (Magic Item Compendium, p. 85)
6,000 - (Lvl 3) Empowered Spellshard (Magic Item Compendium, page 96)
3,000 - (Lvl 2) Empowered Spellshard (Magic Item Compendium, page 96)
1,500 - (Lvl 1) Empowered Spellshard (Magic Item Compendium, page 96)

18,000 - Rogue's Vest (Magic Item Compendium, p. 130)
500 - Vestment of Many Styles (Races of Eberron, p. 175)
500 - Shiftweave (Magic Item Compendium, p. 133)

56,250 - Embedded Component - Greater Essence of the Guard (Races of Ebberon, p. ???)
18,000 - Embedded Component (Face) - Tracker Mask (Races of Ebberon, p. ???)
8,600 - Embedded Component (Hand) - +2 Battlefist (Eberron Campaign Setting, p. ???

22,600 - Hank's Energy Bow (Web: Ask Wizards 12/27/2006)
9,610 - Beast Claws (Savage Spiecies, p. 49)
9,000 - Hammer of Earth (Magic of Rokugan, p. 66)
8,305 - Warlock's Sceptor (Magic Item Compendium, p. 63)
60 - Swordcane (Web: Cityscape, Part 3 - Urban Tools)

200,000 - Belt of Magnificence +6 (Miniature's Handbook, p. 42)
100,000 - Belt of Magnificence +4 (Miniature's Handbook, p. 42)
25,000 - Belt of Magnificence +2 (Miniature's Handbook, p. 42)
2,000 - Dragon Spirit Cincture (Magic Item Compendium, p. 95)

20,000 - Codex Advocare (Expedition to Castle Ravenloft, p. 212)
12,800 - Arm of Nyr (Defenders of the Faith, p. 26)
5,040 - Greater holy Symbol (Defenders of the Faith, p. 26)
3,600 - Enveloping Pit (Magic Item Compendium, p. 159)
3,300 - Survival Pouch (Magic Item Compendium, p. 187)
3,000 - Heward's Fortifying Bedroll (Complete Mage, p. 132)
2,000 - Handy Haversack (SRD)
1,400 - Arcane Theives' Tools (Magic Item Compendium, p. 150)
1,000 - Replenishing Skin (Magic Item Compendium, p. 173)
1,000 - Magic Sleeping Bag (Miniature's Handbook, p. 43)
350 - Endless Ration (Magic Item Compendium, p. 160)

10,900 - Eternal Wand of Lvl 3 Spell (Magic Item Compendium, p. 159)
4,420 - Eternal Wand of Lvl 2 Spell (Magic Item Compendium, p. 159)
820 - Eternal Wand of Lvl 1 Spell (Magic Item Compendium, p. 159)
460 - Eternal Wand of Cantrip Spell (Magic Item Compendium, p. 159)

66,000 - Cabinet of Stasis (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 73)
44,500 - Bier of Resurrection - Ressurrection (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 71)
38,000 - Bed of Restoration (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 71)
30,000 - Platform of Healing (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 71)
22,500 - Bier of Life - Rasie Dead (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 81)
15,000 - Everful Larder (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 76)
15,000 - Bed of Wellness - Remove Blindness/Deafness (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 71)
15,000 - Bed of Wellness - Remove Curse (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 71)
15,000 - Bed of Wellness - Remove Disease (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 71)
7,500 - Chamber of Comfort enchantment (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 74)
6,000 - Bed of Restoration, Lesser (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 70)
4,500 - Everful Basin (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 76)

2,200 - Individual Portable Camp, Minor
-------- 1,000 - Magic Sleeping Bag (Miniature's Handbook, p. 43)
-------- 1,200 - Travel Cloak (Magic of Faerun p. 166)

5,200 - Individual Portable Camp, Least
-------- 3,000 - Heward's Fortifying Bedroll (Complete Mage, p. 132)
-------- 1,200 - Travel Cloak (Magic of Faerun p. 166)
-------- 1,000 - Magic Sleeping Bag (Miniature's Handbook, p. 43)

7,300 - Individual Portable Camp, Lesser
-------- 3,300 - Survival Pouch (Magic Item Compendium, p. 187)
-------- 3,000 - Heward's Fortifying Bedroll (Complete Mage, p. 132)
-------- 1,000 - Magic Sleeping Bag (Miniature's Handbook, p. 43)

18,400 - Individual Portable Camp, Greater
-------- 7,500 - Chamber of Comfort enchantment (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 74)
-------- 3,600 - Enveloping Pit (Magic Item Compendium, p. 159)
-------- 3,300 - Survival Pouch (Magic Item Compendium, p. 187)
-------- 3,000 - Heward's Fortifying Bedroll (Complete Mage, p. 132)
-------- 1,000 - Magic Sleeping Bag (Miniature's Handbook, p. 43)

21,700 - Group Portable Camp, Least
-------- 7,500 - Chamber of Comfort enchantment (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 74)
-------- 3,600 - Enveloping Pit (Magic Item Compendium, p. 159)
-------- 3,300 - Survival Pouch (Magic Item Compendium, p. 187)
-------- 3,300 - Survival Pouch (Magic Item Compendium, p. 187)
-------- 1,000 - Magic Sleeping Bag (Miniature's Handbook, p. 43)
-------- 1,000 - Magic Sleeping Bag (Miniature's Handbook, p. 43)
-------- 1,000 - Magic Sleeping Bag (Miniature's Handbook, p. 43)
-------- 1,000 - Magic Sleeping Bag (Miniature's Handbook, p. 43)

33,600 - Group Portable Camp, Lesser
-------- 7,500 - Chamber of Comfort enchantment (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 74)
-------- 3,600 - Enveloping Pit (Magic Item Compendium, p. 159)
-------- 4,500 - Everful Basin (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 76)
-------- 3,000 - Heward's Fortifying Bedroll (Complete Mage, p. 132)
-------- 3,000 - Heward's Fortifying Bedroll (Complete Mage, p. 132)
-------- 3,000 - Heward's Fortifying Bedroll (Complete Mage, p. 132)
-------- 3,000 - Heward's Fortifying Bedroll (Complete Mage, p. 132)
-------- 2,000 - Field Provisions Box (Magic Item Compendium, p. 160)
-------- 1,000 - Magic Sleeping Bag (Miniature's Handbook, p. 43)
-------- 1,000 - Magic Sleeping Bag (Miniature's Handbook, p. 43)
-------- 1,000 - Magic Sleeping Bag (Miniature's Handbook, p. 43)
-------- 1,000 - Magic Sleeping Bag (Miniature's Handbook, p. 43)

46,600 - Group Portable Camp, Greater
-------- 15,000 - Everful Larder (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 76)
-------- 7,500 - Chamber of Comfort enchantment (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 74)
-------- 3,600 - Enveloping Pit (Magic Item Compendium, p. 159)
-------- 4,500 - Everful Basin (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 76)
-------- 3,000 - Heward's Fortifying Bedroll (Complete Mage, p. 132)
-------- 3,000 - Heward's Fortifying Bedroll (Complete Mage, p. 132)
-------- 3,000 - Heward's Fortifying Bedroll (Complete Mage, p. 132)
-------- 3,000 - Heward's Fortifying Bedroll (Complete Mage, p. 132)
-------- 1,000 - Magic Sleeping Bag (Miniature's Handbook, p. 43)
-------- 1,000 - Magic Sleeping Bag (Miniature's Handbook, p. 43)
-------- 1,000 - Magic Sleeping Bag (Miniature's Handbook, p. 43)
-------- 1,000 - Magic Sleeping Bag (Miniature's Handbook, p. 43)

72,900 - Portable Healing Shelter, Least
-------- 30,000 - Platform of Healing (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 71)
-------- 22,500 - Bier of Life - Raise Dead (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 81)
-------- 7,500 - Chamber of Comfort enchantment (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 74)
-------- 6,000 - Bed of Restoration, Lesser (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 70)
-------- 3,600 - Enveloping Pit (Magic Item Compendium, p. 159)
-------- 3,300 - Survival Pouch (Magic Item Compendium, p. 187)

121,200 - Portable Healing Shelter, Lesser
-------- 30,000 - Platform of Healing (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 71)
-------- 22,500 - Bier of Life - Raise Dead (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 81)
-------- 15,000 - Bed of Wellness - Remove Blindness/Deafness (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 71)
-------- 15,000 - Bed of Wellness - Remove Curse (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 71)
-------- 15,000 - Bed of Wellness - Remove Disease (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 71)
-------- 7,500 - Chamber of Comfort enchantment (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 74)
-------- 6,000 - Bed of Restoration, Lesser (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 70)
-------- 3,600 - Enveloping Pit (Magic Item Compendium, p. 159)
-------- 3,300 - Survival Pouch (Magic Item Compendium, p. 187)
-------- 3,300 - Survival Pouch (Magic Item Compendium, p. 187)

188,100 - Portable Healing Shelter, Greater
-------- 44,500 - Bier of Resurrection - Ressurrection (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 71)
-------- 38,000 - Bed of Restoration (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 71)
-------- 30,000 - Platform of Healing (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 71)
-------- 15,000 - Bed of Wellness - Remove Blindness/Deafness (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 71)
-------- 15,000 - Bed of Wellness - Remove Curse (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 71)
-------- 15,000 - Bed of Wellness - Remove Disease (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 71
-------- 15,000 - Everful Larder (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 76)
-------- 7,500 - Chamber of Comfort enchantment (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 74)
-------- 4,500 - Everful Basin (Stronghold Builder's Guide, p. 76)
-------- 3,600 - Enveloping Pit (Magic Item Compendium, p. 159)

2022-12-19, 10:37 AM
Could be that Myriad is better off paralyzed. If she explodes herself trying to snatch magical things, you'll both need to find a new way back out of the interdimensional plane-ship. :-p

I'm having a half a mind to stash her in my haversack, just for that purpose :D

A bag of people-holding would be pretty neat for this party. Yall could stash your skeleton key when there is a risk of her being ganked, and she could stash yall so that it would be easier to portal-hop when necessary.

Set up an Envelopting Pit (Magic Item Compendium, p. 159), which is 10' wide and 50' deep (which is much better than a portable hole's 6'x10' and 16,400gp cheaper)

Well, the portable hole does have one benefit, though: Delja already owns one. That said, she'd never ever let Myriad into it, lest the damn changeling find a way to create one of those Astral Rifts inside somehow.

2022-12-19, 07:41 PM
If I'm reading this right, blindsense doesn't penetrate displacement:

Any opponent the creature cannot see has total concealment (50% miss chance) against the creature with blindsense, and the blindsensing creature still has the normal miss chance when attacking foes that have concealment.

Also for the next map I'm just going to drop tokens for the PCs on the spreadsheet so it's easier to move around and on top of things.

2022-12-20, 04:51 AM
Ow ow ow. In a few hits, Ux will be locked in place under the weight of his gear. Have you, perchance, not taken into account Ux' Shield Bsock that raises his AC to 35 against O2 ? :D

Also, seems fair about the displacement.

Also, nice list of stuff, Geeks. I know of only some. What does the crawling shield do ?

My go-to list for PC building is Shax' Haversack.

2022-12-20, 06:52 AM
If I'm reading this right, blindsense doesn't penetrate displacement:

[Sad.] Fair. (Also, just to see with my own eyes how unlucky I can get: miss chance rolls for the two attacks that at least have a chance of maybe hitting (let's say, the higher the better):

Also for the next map I'm just going to drop tokens for the PCs on the spreadsheet so it's easier to move around and on top of things.

Good idea!

Ow ow ow. In a few hits, Ux will be locked in place under the weight of his gear.

Eh, he has a bat to help with that!

What does the crawling shield do ?

I'm going to assume… Crawl?

2022-12-20, 01:06 PM
Ow ow ow. In a few hits, Ux will be locked in place under the weight of his gear. Have you, perchance, not taken into account Ux' Shield Bsock that raises his AC to 35 against O2 ? :D

Good call, actually, our spider boi rolled a 34 so it's in the exact sweet spot. I'll edit the last result.

2022-12-20, 01:14 PM
Also, nice list of stuff, Geeks. I know of only some. What does the crawling shield do?

Here is the Crawling Shield Web Article (https://web.archive.org/web/20130531115307/http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cw/20061023a). Or you can...

"You look like an idiot with that turtle crawling all over you," said Regdar. "Why don't you learn a little basic footwork or something?"

"Throw a dagger at me," said Mialee.

"This is a trick, right?" said Regdar. "It's too good to be true. I've dreamed of this day."

"Shut up and throw it."

"Just remember, you asked for it. Hey, how are you moving that thing?"

A crawling shield is a mobile construct about the size of a standard buckler shield. It detects motion and moves to protect its wearer, somehow moving by prescience to ward off true threats and ignoring false ones.

The crawling shields are believed to be items of drow manufacture from Xen'drik, and so far the secrets of their construction have resisted investigation by all of Khorvaire's finest artificers and scholars. They are still found with some regularity by expeditions to the dark continent.


The typical crawling shield is made of mithral, and has three or four hooked legs that it uses to swing, jump, or climb around the body of its owner. It rarely moves at all when not in a combat situation, but during combat it scuttles slowly from place to place like an aggressive turtle on its hooked legs.

A crawling shield is roughly 15 inches in diameter, with a curve like a shield boss or turtle shell. Sometimes it is reinforced with metal strips or bars. Some have been found with enameled eyes on the outside, and others have silver, amber, or even mithral specks and dots. The theme of putting eyes on the shell is both quite obvious and quite common. However, a few have been decorated with spirals or zigzags.

A crawling shield seems to bond with whoever picks it up and touches it to his or her wrist. Once bonded this way, the shield doesn't obey anyone but its owner. A crawling shield abandons an owner only after being left behind for seven days or more without use.

Use and Powers

The beauty of the crawling shield is that it doesn't require shield proficiency to function; the shield itself knows where to go to provide the best protection. So far, the only crawling shields found have been made for Small and Medium creatures; no larger ones are known to exist.

A crawling shield provides a +1 shield bonus to Armor Class and weighs as much as a standard buckler. This protection applies even when the owner is unconscious or flat-footed because the crawling shield is still active. It takes up a bracer slot on the body, so the owner could use another shield. The shield bonuses would overlap, but the crawling shield could be enchanted with different abilities than the other shield and both sets of special properties would work.

This strange clockwork construct is not without its flaws. The largest problem is that its movement sometimes interferes with the owner's attack rolls and spellcasting. Any character wearing a crawling shield suffers a -1 circumstance penalty to all melee and ranged attack rolls, and a 10% chance for spell failure.

The crawling shield can move 5 feet per round on its own, but rarely does so unless separated from its owner. It always moves directly toward the owner or in the last known direction of the owner.

CL 9th; Craft Construct; Price 9,000 gp; Cost 4,500 gp + 360 XP.
The TL/DR is that it is a tiny buckler-shaped construct that can be enhanced like a shield, crawls around on your body adding its shield bonus (+1 unenhanced) to your character even if you have no shield proficiencies (and you don't get a penalty for not being shield proficient), even if unconscious at the cost of -1 to all your melee/ranged attacks and +10% Spell Failure chance with a 9,000gp base cost.

Used one in a game where the DM kept giving us escort missions. Ended up getting one enchanted as hell and forcing our current NPC principal to take it out of the box and touch it to their wrist so they would live. Ended up a +5 Averter Death Ward Ghost Touch Heartening Crawling Shield with a Shield Crystal of Greater Arrow Defense attached, if I remember correctly. We had an Eternal Wand of Greater Mage Armor for the same reason. I still hate bards and wild magic casters with a burning passion to this day because of that campaign. I swear to god that DM channeled every terrible escort quest design in videogame history with that campaign.

My character ended up changing alignment to Chaotic Evil because I kept accidentally-on-purpose poisoning the bard at night with drow knockout poison after the Paladin had already conked off to sleep so he'd stay in his damn bed until morning. His intruments may or may not have also been 'accidentally' mistaken for firewood a few times.

2022-12-20, 04:45 PM
Used one in a game where the DM kept giving us escort missions. Ended up getting one enchanted as hell and forcing our current NPC principal to take it out of the box and touch it to their wrist so they would live. Ended up a +5 Averter Death Ward Ghost Touch Heartening Crawling Shield with a Shield Crystal of Greater Arrow Defense attached, if I remember correctly. We had an Eternal Wand of Greater Mage Armor for the same reason. I still hate bards and wild magic casters with a burning passion to this day because of that campaign. I swear to god that DM channeled every terrible escort quest design in videogame history with that campaign.

My character ended up changing alignment to Chaotic Evil because I kept accidentally-on-purpose poisoning the bard at night with drow knockout poison after the Paladin had already conked off to sleep so he'd stay in his damn bed until morning. His intruments may or may not have also been 'accidentally' mistaken for firewood a few times.

CE? That stuff is nonlethal! Also, escort missions are Evil themselves; fighting them is what a Godd guy does and doing so while keeping the world at large safe from wild magic bards is the Lawful thing to do. Clearly, your character should have become Lawful Good.

2022-12-21, 06:26 AM
Not bad at all.

And yeah, escort quests are the worst. They gave me nightmares in Pokemon Mysery Dungeon, where the Cresselia kept KOing herseld and thus having me fail the quest...

2022-12-23, 04:54 AM
Okay posting today. Here's to hoping for some Displacement failure...

2022-12-23, 07:24 AM
CE? That stuff is nonlethal! Also, escort missions are Evil themselves; fighting them is what a Godd guy does and doing so while keeping the world at large safe from wild magic bards is the Lawful thing to do. Clearly, your character should have become Lawful Good.

Well... the DM deemed that poison-induced unconsciousness did not count as 'rest', so I kept gas-lighting the bard into thinking his exhaustion was from over-using his vocal chords (since I kept 'accidentally' using his instruments as firewood), and paying locals to boo him any time he performed, eventually convincing him to give up life as a bard. Apparently crushing someone's life-long dreams and robbing them of their greatest joy in life was considered 'a malicious act of premeditated evil'. Worth it.

2022-12-23, 11:00 AM
Well... the DM deemed that poison-induced unconsciousness did not count as 'rest', so I kept gas-lighting the bard into thinking his exhaustion was from over-using his vocal chords (since I kept 'accidentally' using his instruments as firewood), and paying locals to boo him any time he performed, eventually convincing him to give up life as a bard. Apparently crushing someone's life-long dreams and robbing them of their greatest joy in life was considered 'a malicious act of premeditated evil'. Worth it.

Well, I'm pretty sure he could have crushed his life-long dreams and lose all joys in his life through getting himself stupidly killed. That should count as a mitigating circumstance! But hey, as long as a GM doesn't mind CE players… Well, there's fun to be had with those.

Okay posting today. Here's to hoping for some Displacement failure...

Kill it dead!

2022-12-27, 12:47 PM
A quick Fort save: [roll0]

2023-01-02, 03:13 PM
Happy New Year!!!!

2023-01-03, 03:09 PM
Thanks, Geeks! Happy new year to you too, and to all the mates :smallsmile:

2023-01-03, 03:18 PM
Happy new year, folks!

2023-01-03, 03:30 PM
A critical threat! Let's see: [roll0] for [roll1] magical cold iron piercing and [roll2] force; miss chance (higher's better): [roll3].

2023-01-04, 05:16 AM
Neat ! We need to offset its regeneration a little bit here. And we're having Myriad back into the fray for that :)

About that sphere. I was of half a mind to store it in Ux' Haversack, but given how cautious O2 is around it, it might be better to keep it in a precarious place, that is, Ereshki's claws. What do you think ?

2023-01-04, 03:45 PM
Neat ! We need to offset its regeneration a little bit here. And we're having Myriad back into the fray for that :)

Hell yeah!

About that sphere. I was of half a mind to store it in Ux' Haversack, but given how cautious O2 is around it, it might be better to keep it in a precarious place, that is, Ereshki's claws. What do you think ?

I think the first thing to figure out might be whether Ereshki is a bat or a statue of a bat right now. With that out of the way, caution on the Spider's part is something I'd file as further evidence for Teru being soultrapped in the orb – if he is, shattering the thing would free a high end spellcaster who's probably not in love with the Spider and its late friends.

Edit: …which is not to say that we should break it blindly, mind you, just that while as long as it stays away from the Spider we're good, it breaking is probably not against our best interests.

2023-01-05, 06:56 AM
Fair point, I was completely oblivious to the possibility of that ball being the container of Teru's trapped soul.

Here comes the save.
Fort DC 23: [roll0]

Also, chaincomplekax, here is a question. Since the melee damage from O2 will be taken by Ux Utanar. Does that mean he also takes the ability drain instead of Ereshki ?

2023-01-06, 08:59 PM
Hmm, I'm not actually sure re: the Shield Ally and Improved Shield Ally class features. Last I read this feature I interpreted it as splitting the ability drain, but the feature explicitly calls out damage. What do you guys think?

2023-01-07, 04:58 PM
I think it depends on the wording of O2's ability. If it says "XXX attack deals damage and ability drain", then I'd say the damage goes to Ux Utanar and the ability drain to Ereshki. If it says "XXX attacks deals damage, and any creature thus damaged also takes ability drain", then everything goes to Ux Utanar.

2023-01-07, 05:08 PM
Oh oh, a critical threat. Thanks to the Riding Boots, the critical multiplier of any lance Ux Utanar wields goes up from x3 to x4. Let's hope the roll will be confirmed.

Another attack roll: [roll0]. In case it's confirmed, the extra damage is going to be: [roll1]

2023-01-08, 09:46 PM
So for future reference I think I will tend to interpret additional effects of attacks as split onto Ux. It makes sense physically at least. While I see the RAW distinction you're drawing, I suspect such a difference wasn't intended.

Also I ignored Myriad's and Delja's attacks (sorry lol) because I saw that Ux's would finish the fight on its own. That was a great charge and showcases how much Ux has been hampered in movement so far.

Edit. I need a drink after how long it took to go through this """"dungeon"""". I think I will give XP soonish because I'm willing to open up retraining/epic features.

2023-01-09, 06:30 AM
Fair enough, I'll note the Str drain on Ux then.

Man, how satisfying is it when your Knight PC ends the fight with a critical hit on a lance charge ? :D Hurray for Bahamut !

2023-01-09, 05:34 PM

So for future reference I think I will tend to interpret additional effects of attacks as split onto Ux. It makes sense physically at least. While I see the RAW distinction you're drawing, I suspect such a difference wasn't intended.

Also I ignored Myriad's and Delja's attacks (sorry lol) because I saw that Ux's would finish the fight on its own. That was a great charge and showcases how much Ux has been hampered in movement so far.

No problem! I loved that 160+ damage critical skewering of death, and expected that it will make our poke-poking moot.

Edit. I need a drink after how long it took to go through this """"dungeon"""". I think I will give XP soonish because I'm willing to open up retraining/epic features.

Cool! (And cool not-dungeon, by the way! (Also, a question I've been saving all along: what were those tentacle slug aberrations?))

Man, how satisfying is it when your Knight PC ends the fight with a critical hit on a lance charge ? :D

Extra points awarded for elegance indeed!

2023-01-09, 06:22 PM
The creatures you fought were the Sibriex with some additional abilities, and two back-ported Pathfinder monsters with some abilities changed up, namely the Chernobue and then the Thulgant. Some of the changed abilities were deliberate, others were because I, uh, forgot to apply them and decided to continue not applying them for consistency. :smalltongue:

The reason why you were fighting backported Pathfinder monsters was because I misremembered what obyrith types existed in D&D, and when I didn't find the ones I expected for the kind of fight I needed, I looked for the closest thing in Pathfinder, namely qlippoths.

2023-01-10, 11:20 AM
Clever. Though I roughly know the various baatezu and tanar'ri around here, I know squat about obyrith, let alone PF ones. That kept the surprise.

Okay, healing time, mates ? Still some ability drain juice somewhere ? Also, how do we figure out what to do with the Book of Vile Outlook ?

2023-01-11, 06:45 AM
Heh. I didn't expect PF stuff either! Nicely done and thanks for the explanation.

As for healing, D. still has the Rod and L. Restoration stuff, but I'll have to check if the former helps with drain; the latter, sadly, doesn't.

2023-01-12, 02:13 PM
I hope it will. I can't take two fights like this.

2023-01-12, 02:56 PM
Pilot said there are no more hostile on board before the crew embarked on the final ultimate obyrith hunt, so I wouldn't worry about that. Which is a good thing because I've just checked the MIC and apparently the Rod/Orb only work on damage. (We should really pick up that divine casting cohort, in other words, but even Delja's 18000 XP away from her next feat at 18th.)

2023-01-17, 05:03 AM
So our goal was to find Teru for the Society of Sensation, right ? That's done. Now, do we free him now ? Or back in Sigil ? Or we hand over the unbroken orb ? I'm not too fond of the last option.

2023-01-17, 12:30 PM
Or we hand over the unbroken orb ? I'm not too fond of the last option.

Well, as you might've seen IC, the little calculating gears in Delja's little calculating head would agree. (She's not sure how she feels about throwing him to Myriad either, but we know how hard it is to say no to that damn changeling.)

2023-01-20, 05:12 AM
Things are taking a very interesting turn.

But first, @chaincomplex.Your adventure is a blast so far. Thank you very much for the enjoyment I'm having with my Ux Utanar :smallbiggrin:
However, you mentioned at the very start of this game that you were in for a short game, in order to get to grips with 3.5 again. With that in mind, does this mean our game is nearing an end?
If it is, fine by me: that's what I've knowingly signed for. But then, that means it would be pointless to make plans for a new, grand adventure for the three of us.
If not, then we might be able to plan a little more ahead... I'm currently seeing a couple possible directions for us, depending on how much longer this adventure can possibly last.

A few weeks of game : Ux Utanar would like to find a satisfying end to the mission of finding Master Teru, possibly with some sort of judgement or punishment passed upon him before he's released.
About as much as we've already played : finding a way to free Pilot is definitely a motivational goal for a LG Knight. Plus, the dude's genuinely charming.
Indefinite ? Learn how to pilot that thing (maybe resurrecting Sunnsdottir ?) and becoming mother***ing star trekkers :smallcool:

And Metastachydium, Geeks, what's your take ?

2023-01-20, 10:05 AM
So, *coughs*, I said a short game because I didn't understand the pace of play-by-post combat. What I had planned was:

Meeting (or not) with Teru.
Dealing (or not) with the Book of Vile Darkness as a sort of introductory format for the rest of the game.
Indefinitely repeating short planar adventures with different but related themes, until some point where I or you feel the format's getting bored.
Ending sequence (could be quick or an entire adventure depending on PCs' actions, and of course our tolerance for even more game) loosely tying all the prior adventures together.
You can expect something like 3, but it really was meant to be quick and we aren't even through the first leg yet. I just underestimated how long combat would take, which is also partly my fault because I spammed annoying-to-kill mooks.

2023-01-20, 11:31 AM
Don't worry about it! Stuff with many actors onstage is always something of a slog in this format, and Ux Utanar's player's not the only one here who's having much fun. I'm very happy to hear there are further legs in store.

As for how to proceed with the Teru thing: for Delja this is still mostly a demented form of exercise (with people whose company she enjoys more than she'll admit) to help her crawl out of an early onset mid-life crisis. Having Teru on the crew's good side and garnering the endless gratitude of the Sensates aligns with her interests (and she voiced that), but she's not married to that plan if the others wish to free Pilot (whom she's not averse to helping at all either) instead.

2023-01-21, 07:02 AM
I would like to add my two coppers and say that so far, this is the best play-by-post adventure I have ever played in. Hands-down, no hesitation.
@chaincomplex is the GOAT for DMing pbp games as far as I am concerned. Sign me up for any/all your pbp games - especially this one for as long as you desire to run it!

2023-01-21, 07:18 AM
Well, then I'm fine with starting by seeing the missing legs of the ongoing adventure, for starters :D

@Geeks, your idea of swapping Teru and Pilot is genius. I'm looking forward to hearing Pilot's answer in order to know if and how exactly that can be done!

2023-01-22, 06:09 AM
Well, then I'm fine with starting by seeing the missing legs of the ongoing adventure, for starters :D

@Geeks, your idea of swapping Teru and Pilot is genius. I'm looking forward to hearing Pilot's answer in order to know if and how exactly that can be done!

Thanks! :)

We should also check all the rooms once we've figured out what's what. We have dead bodies to deal with, and hopefully, some loot to find. I know that Myriad, for one, plans on buying some endless wands of Prestidigitation at the very first opportunity. Almost exclusively for the 'Clean' function. The group needs it, and so does the 'ship'.

Myriad is also down 9 points of Wisdom, down 2 points of Charisma, and down 1 point of Dex from that fight she needs to recover, and several cool books to study from the library before the ship. That fight was brutal! And awesome. 8-)

2023-01-22, 04:26 PM
Myriad is also down 9 points of Wisdom, down 2 points of Charisma, and down 1 point of Dex from that fight she needs to recover,

Is it all drain? I can help with damage.

That fight was brutal! And awesome. 8-)

Aye! The best kind of brutal, if you ask me!

2023-01-23, 02:49 PM
Oh yeah, that amount of ability drain was nasty. It really put a timer on the fight. None of us were immne to that, and it was starting to really take a toll on our fighting abilities. I'm glad I was able to feel fearful and disquieted even with a level 20 PC :smallsmile:

But I guess we'll need to go back to Sigil to heal all that. Maybe after we've cleaned all the ship as you suggest, Geeks?

2023-01-23, 05:00 PM
So, Delja has her tiny little reservations!

Oh yeah, that amount of ability drain was nasty. It really put a timer on the fight. None of us were immne to that, and it was starting to really take a toll on our fighting abilities. I'm glad I was able to feel fearful and disquieted even with a level 20 PC :smallsmile:

Yeah, about that. D. only lost 3 points of CHA. I've been meaning to ask this for a while now: do you folks want me to tune her down a notch? During the entire fight, she was hit, like, once (which is par for course; she was built to have a stupid AC), but she also did much better on the damage and passing saves front than I initially expected. Is she going to become an issue, I wonder? And if it looks like that, what would you have me do about it?

2023-01-23, 07:55 PM
So, Delja has her tiny little reservations!

Yeah, about that. D. only lost 3 points of CHA. I've been meaning to ask this for a while now: do you folks want me to tune her down a notch? During the entire fight, she was hit, like, once (which is par for the course; she was built to have a stupid AC), but she also did much better on the damage and passing saves front than I initially expected. Is she going to become an issue, I wonder? And if it looks like that, what would you have me do about it?

Pfft. Ux and Myriad just need to up their game! I, admittedly, prioritized Myriad's theme and utility versatility over damage output and combat versatility. And honestly, I'm fairly okay with that. If I had to do it all over again, I would make a few tweaks, but overall, the lack of feats is what really handicapped her. She had to take 5 mostly trash feats to qualify for her prestige classes. Racial Emulation (to count as Dwarf) & Dodge in order to take Silver Key, as well as Weapon Focus - Dagger, Point Blank Shot & Far Shot (for a class with NO RANGED ABILITIES WHATSOEVER) in order to take Invisible Blade just in order to bluff (aka feint) as a free action (which is why I am always lamenting not being able to take the fixes for both classes (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25626397&postcount=328), honestly - it solves the trash feat prerequisites, mostly, and the language is cleaned up and lets the abilities scale better for higher level games).

That left her with all of 3 feats to play with. Trap Sensatilivy was a must for the trap-monkey, and that left me with two. So I picked Quick Draw because I picked up a Crystal of Truedeath instead of a crystal of Least Return so she wouldn't be absolutely worthless against Undead. Otherwise, she'd be absolutely screwed with that matchup. And with my final feat pick, I decided to go with Versatile Performer in order to save a crapton of skill points by not having to learn a bunch of performance skills in order to properly operate as a chaotic personality/alias-hoarding quick-change artist. Lets you use the same rank of your highest perform skill (Oratory, in her case), and use the same rank for a number of other performance skills equal to her Int Mod (+8). Seemed like the best bang for the buck, giving her a +30 total bonus for use in 9 separate Performance skills (Percussion Instruments, String Instruments, Wind Instruments, Weapon Drill, Oratory, Comedy, Dance, Singing, and Acting).

Also, 2 levels of warlock were the only 2 leftover levels I could eek out the most utility that would synergize with her clunky-but-super-fun-concept build (Detect Magic at-will, always-on Darkvision & See Invisibility, +6 Bluff/Diplomacy/Intimidate, and an at-will ranged touch attack I could augment with a magic item like the Greater Chausible of Fell Power to bump it up from 1d6 to at least a passable 3d6).

Most of the changes I'd make would be to the gear and Skill Point allocation, honestly, since the feat requirement for the build basically leaves you with absolutely jack to do anything than whats in the box. PF got the feat thing right, at least. lol

2023-01-24, 10:28 AM
Oh yes, Myriad's utility package is certainly wonderful! And she does hit like a freight train when she hits. I can also feel the bit with feats; I likewise had to take Power Attack (which Delja will never ever use, given how she relies on light weapons) and Great Fortitude (although I made my peace with that one when it saved her from petrification).

2023-01-24, 12:46 PM
Yeah, I gave up quite a bit in order to do three things: Make portals my bitch, auto-feint all the things, and not just be the ultimate party face but be all the faces.

2023-01-24, 12:51 PM
Heh. My "everything to AC, and then whatever" seems a lot less ambitious now.

2023-01-24, 01:00 PM
Heh. My "everything to AC, and then whatever" seems a lot less ambitious now.

To be fair, only the feinting thing is useful in combat (nearly necessary with some things AC at these levels with just average BAB). Without the vampire dagger, Myriad would have been mostly paste by the end of that fight. lol

2023-01-24, 05:25 PM
Yeah, about that. D. only lost 3 points of CHA. I've been meaning to ask this for a while now: do you folks want me to tune her down a notch? During the entire fight, she was hit, like, once (which is par for course; she was built to have a stupid AC), but she also did much better on the damage and passing saves front than I initially expected. Is she going to become an issue, I wonder? And if it looks like that, what would you have me do about it?

Not an issue with me. You knocked out the sole creature that targets saves early (the sibriex), but CR 20 encounters will inevitably involve Save-or-Die spam, so I hope you guys are preparing!

Actually this is one reason why I'm interested in opening up recruitment for a spellcaster. If you guys have a player you wanna invite let me know. Otherwise I think I'll pop open a recruitment thread.

Also the maps are updated, if you're confused about the layout of the ship.

PS I need to fix the XP reward, I don't know how to numbers. Alright it's fixed. OK it's definitely fixed this time :smalltongue:. Each party member gets 5,200 XP.

2023-01-24, 05:46 PM
Not an issue with me. You knocked out the sole creature that targets saves early (the sibriex), but CR 20 encounters will inevitably involve Save-or-Die spam, so I hope you guys are preparing!

Yes. We totally are.

Actually this is one reason why I'm interested in opening up recruitment for a spellcaster. If you guys have a player you wanna invite let me know. Otherwise I think I'll pop open a recruitment thread.

Good thinking! Hey, Geeks, would your acquaintance still be available?

Also the maps are updated, if you're confused about the layout of the ship.

PS I need to fix the XP reward, I don't know how to numbers. Alright it's fixed. OK it's definitely fixed this time :smalltongue:. Each party member gets 5,200 XP.

102000 sounded better, but I'll take it! I'll figure out what to do otherwise when I'm completely awake.

2023-01-24, 07:08 PM

Yes. We totally are.

Good thinking! Hey, Geeks, would your acquaintance still be available?

102000 sounded better, but I'll take it! I'll figure out what to do otherwise when I'm completely awake.

Hard to prepare without fabulous riches! But we'll do our best. lol

Although she is always hot for high-level games, I think she is DMing at least 2 games at the moment and maybe playing in 1 or 2 others, so I dunno if she has the time. I can definitely ask tho! However, I'm not opposed to Myriad taking the Leadership feat if we're allowed feat retraining and c̶o̶e̶r̶c̶i̶n̶g̶ convincing some ̶d̶u̶p̶e̶ wonderful adventurer to fill a needed party role to keep posting rates reasonable and keeping group cohesion. Plus, her identity as an entire organization of bounty-hunting assassin-like hit-men should be enough to have 'followers'. They just wouldn't actually know who she is, or that they are mistaking 'just her' for several hundred different people.

I agree, 102000 sounded way better. For a minute, I was like 'Yay, levels!' lmao (Edit: OOC says 5,200 and IG says 51,200? One is okay, but the other one is Epic - pun intended!)

2023-01-25, 05:49 AM
I can ask about a friend of mine which is an extremely reliable PbP player, and see if he's interested !

And yeah, doesn't seem to me like Delja's doing it overboard. She's our main damage dealer (lucky crits on charges don't happen often enough) and we need her to be up and healthy for that :)

2023-01-25, 06:40 AM
I can ask about a friend of mine which is an extremely reliable PbP player, and see if he's interested !

And yeah, doesn't seem to me like Delja's doing it overboard. She's our main damage dealer (lucky crits on charges don't happen often enough) and we need her to be up and healthy for that :)

Yeah, we have a good Highly-Mobile Striker/Tank (Delja), and Battlefield-Control/Impedement Specialist/Secondary Striker (Ux), and a Trap/Face/Portal Monkey/Secondary Striker.

A caster/manifester is all we really lack, and it wouldn't even need to be a good one, so long as they are at least a little versatile. So a level 17 (max level pre-epic cohort) would be adequate for that role if we don't happen to find someone we all agree on. There are plenty of arcane of divine buffs that are valuable even in epic levels, as well as super useful utility spells like Planar Tolerance, teleports, movement mode granting spells, planeshifts, free housing, summoning cannon fodder for battlefield control and secondary taking, etc. We could replicate a lot of it with a fat stack of wands...but unless we start appraising and selling some stuff we found and get incredibly lucky at their worth, we don't really have the funds for quite that level of preparedness.

@DM - Can we get a quick edit to the loot post with a (Magical) tag via Myriad's Detect-Magic beside the magical things so we can sort through what we need to have Identified and what can instead be simply appraised?

2023-01-25, 01:59 PM
And yeah, doesn't seem to me like Delja's doing it overboard. She's our main damage dealer (lucky crits on charges don't happen often enough) and we need her to be up and healthy for that :)

Yeah, we have a good Highly-Mobile Striker/Tank (Delja), and Battlefield-Control/Impedement Specialist/Secondary Striker (Ux), and a Trap/Face/Portal Monkey/Secondary Striker.

Whew. I'm enjoying the little twit tremendously, so I don't mind that you all don't mind.

I can ask about a friend of mine which is an extremely reliable PbP player, and see if he's interested !

A caster/manifester is all we really lack, and it wouldn't even need to be a good one, so long as they are at least a little versatile. So a level 17 (max level pre-epic cohort) would be adequate for that role if we don't happen to find someone we all agree on. There are plenty of arcane of divine buffs that are valuable even in epic levels, as well as super useful utility spells like Planar Tolerance, teleports, movement mode granting spells, planeshifts, free housing, summoning cannon fodder for battlefield control and secondary taking, etc. We could replicate a lot of it with a fat stack of wands...but unless we start appraising and selling some stuff we found and get incredibly lucky at their worth, we don't really have the funds for quite that level of preparedness.

Hrm. I'm okay, in theory, with either (although I continue to like the current group dynamic a lot). Who's this friend, by the way?

2023-01-26, 07:28 AM
Shame we're not playing Gestalt. We would absolutely crush our enemies, and have no need of more party members. lol

2023-01-26, 08:11 AM
Dunno. Gestalt can be fun, but I don't like retcons and caster levels would feel weird on Delja.

2023-01-26, 12:24 PM
Dunno. Gestalt can be fun, but I don't like retcons and caster levels would feel weird on Delja.

True enough. Myriad with the ability to know what stuff does before she activates it? That seems out of whack with the universe. Maybe we can find a 'How to Build a Warforged for Dummies' book in the ship's Library and have it learn magic? lol

2023-01-27, 09:55 AM
I… Kind of don't like warforged, though.

2023-01-27, 11:54 AM
Twelth Pagan. You know him ?

Ah, gestalt would be insanely complex for me. I find piloting a regular 20th-level PC challenging enough :D

2023-01-28, 03:01 AM
@DM - Can we get a quick edit to the loot post with a (Magical) tag via Myriad's Detect-Magic beside the magical things so we can sort through what we need to have Identified and what can instead be simply appraised?

Done, marked.

2023-01-29, 06:09 PM
So what do we conclude about the hypothetical 4th player, guys?

2023-01-29, 07:59 PM
Shoot em an invite, if they're interested in the concept of high-level/Planescape/short adventure format. If not I'm gonna open up a recruiting thread.

2023-01-30, 03:04 PM
Alright! Will do.

2023-01-30, 05:36 PM
Twelth Pagan. You know him ?

Doesn't ring a bell, but I'm more than ready to trust your judgement. Let's see if he bites!

2023-01-30, 06:04 PM
Shoot em an invite, if they're interested in the concept of high-level/Planescape/short adventure format. If not I'm gonna open up a recruiting thread.

If they pass on the invite, I can shoot Biscuit an invite to see if she's available before open recruiting, unless anyone is against it. I know she's familiar with Myriad at least since I helped her build a Big Bad around Myriad's concept for a campaign she's running. Her version is a lot meaner though, as it gestalts with Psion/Constructor/Body Leech and is a walking Astral Construct Factory that is freely draining/killing cocooned NPCs the players are trying to save for Power Points. lol

2023-01-31, 05:50 PM
Oh, I can see how Myriad could go horribly wrong. (For all her past brushes with Evil, Delja just isn't Big Bad material, in the meantime. She'd probably make a decent Heavy, though. Evil!Ux Utanar is not really a thing I can imagine, on the other hand.)

2023-02-03, 07:36 AM
Oh, I can see how Myriad could go horribly wrong. (For all her past brushes with Evil, Delja just isn't Big Bad material, in the meantime. She'd probably make a decent Heavy, though. Evil!Ux Utanar is not really a thing I can imagine, on the other hand.)

I think Evil Ux would have some Bone Knight in the build somewhere, riding a skeletal horse mount with a giant bone lance and wearing bone armor. And raising his dead foes as intelligent undead and issuing tactical orders to them.

Cool thing about Bone Knight is that there is no alignment restriction and it salvages all the important former paladin abilities, including spellcasting progression...though it does only have average BAB, sadly. Still a very neat class.

2023-02-03, 11:20 AM
True that. Still, Knight has no restriction beyond "be Lawful" either, and one of the most marvelous things about Ux Utanar is his being a straight damn Knight.

2023-02-04, 07:03 AM
True that. Still, Knight has no restriction beyond "be Lawful" either, and one of the most marvelous things about Ux Utanar is his being a straight damn Knight.

He's just need some armor paint and a Fast Healing, so he can proudly scream 'Tis Only a flesh wound!"

2023-02-04, 07:09 AM
Well, if we're talking limb loss, regeneration would be more useful!

2023-02-05, 03:52 PM
Hehehe thank you very much Metastachydium, that's what I'm aiming for. It's quite fun, actually, to play a straightforward Knight In Shining Armour once in a while. And yeah, Bone Knightwould definitely figure in an Evil Ux build. With a tarnished Dragonborn template, just for flavour.

Which bone, exactly? A knee bone, of course. He'd be the Knight of Knee!

Ok my mate has passed on the offer: I've remembered that on these forums he's known as Chimaera. I believe you're currently in a game with him, Meta!

2023-02-05, 05:05 PM
I can shoot Biscuit an invite to see if she's available before open recruiting

Your time has come!

Ok my mate has passed on the offer: I've remembered that on these forums he's known as Chimaera. I believe you're currently in a game with him, Meta!

Correct! He's playing the most disgusting barbarian ever in a party full of neat freaks. He's fun.

2023-02-05, 05:29 PM
Well, if we're talking limb loss, regeneration would be more useful!

Canonically, the Black Knight does not regenerate his wounds. He simply survives them. For a bit. lol

2023-02-14, 06:45 PM
What's the next step for the party?

2023-02-15, 04:35 PM
Get back to Sigil, sneak past the Sensates (or bluff a path through them), sell what loot is to be sold (and keep what isn't), fix that ability drain issue and regroup? (Speaking ow which, Geek: any word from Biscuit?)

2023-02-16, 05:04 PM
Yeah, and find a spellcaster for hire that can either debind Pilot's soul from the Five Pebbles, or bind Teru in his stead. We'll then use our one-time Teru wish to ask him to perform whichever task is leftover after that.

Good for everyone?

2023-02-17, 02:36 PM
Good for me.

2023-02-20, 09:24 AM
Sorry, I've been sick, and am highly allergic to the medication so I just had to suffer through it with bedrest and lots of broth, and Biscuit said she'd get back to me once she's recovered. Her appendix apparently tried to explode, so had to get surgery. No one is having a good time this month, apparently. She did say she's interested if there was a spot, but would need the specs (called the Bog 16 here, I belive - @DM her GitPG Username is Biscuit, if you wanna shoot an invite with creation info) for character creation so she can present an application. Meant to tell you sooner, but I barely left bed except to use the bathroom the last week. My wife can't cook to save her life, so I'm absolutely sick of all the soups available within walking distance. lol

There are 51 itmes to Identify. If we choose to pay for identification, we have 322gp collected from the ship to put towards identification. If we get a caster who can identify and does so at Cost, it would cost 5,100 in total, and hiring someone outside the party to identify each item normally costs Caster level × 10 gp + Material cost (100gp), so around here we are likely looking at higher than 1st level in Sigil, so I'm thinking CL 10-18 for 200-280gp per item.

If we don't get a spellcaster to do it for cost (or a Dragonfire Adept that can do it for cheap because its a free at-will for them), there is A Monocle of Perusal that allows you to Identify 3 x a day that costs 6,500gp. This would take the longest (17 Days to identify everything), but would save us the most money if we don't get a party member to do it for free, if we find more magical stuff in our adventures.

Though, if we are really hard up, Myriad can just activate all the things via trial and error with little-to-no chance for misfires...but that's always risky, because some things make fireballs and death clouds and whatnot. Thoughts?

2023-02-20, 02:15 PM
Sorry, I've been sick, and am highly allergic to the medication so I just had to suffer through it with bedrest and lots of broth, and Biscuit said she'd get back to me once she's recovered. Her appendix apparently tried to explode, so had to get surgery. No one is having a good time this month, apparently. She did say she's interested if there was a spot, but would need the specs (called the Bog 16 here, I belive - @DM her GitPG Username is Biscuit, if you wanna shoot an invite with creation info) for character creation so she can present an application. Meant to tell you sooner, but I barely left bed except to use the bathroom the last week. My wife can't cook to save her life, so I'm absolutely sick of all the soups available within walking distance.

Ouch. Glad you're doing better and I hope so will Biscuit soon-ish.

There are 51 itmes to Identify. If we choose to pay for identification, we have 322gp collected from the ship to put towards identification. If we get a caster who can identify and does so at Cost, it would cost 5,100 in total, and hiring someone outside the party to identify each item normally costs Caster level × 10 gp + Material cost (100gp), so around here we are likely looking at higher than 1st level in Sigil, so I'm thinking CL 10-18 for 200-280gp per item.

If we don't get a spellcaster to do it for cost (or a Dragonfire Adept that can do it for cheap because its a free at-will for them), there is A Monocle of Perusal that allows you to Identify 3 x a day that costs 6,500gp. This would take the longest (17 Days to identify everything), but would save us the most money if we don't get a party member to do it for free, if we find more magical stuff in our adventures.

Though, if we are really hard up, Myriad can just activate all the things via trial and error with little-to-no chance for misfires...but that's always risky, because some things make fireballs and death clouds and whatnot. Thoughts?

Hrm. Identify is a 1st level spell, ultimately. If we can't find a dragonfire adept, I'm sure a couple of eternal wands would come cheaper than the monocle (since I think that route dodges the "buy the material component 50 odd times" issue).

2023-02-20, 03:51 PM
Ouch. Glad you're doing better and I hope so will Biscuit soon-ish.

Hrm. Identify is a 1st level spell, ultimately. If we can't find a dragonfire adept, I'm sure a couple of eternal wands would come cheaper than the monocle (since I think that route dodges the "buy the material component 50 odd times" issue).

Appreciate it!

From the item creation section in the DMG (a footnote): If item is continuous or unlimited, not charged, determine cost as if it had 100 charges. If it has some daily limit, determine as if it had 50 charges.

If my math is correct, here is the Eternal Wand market pricing formula:

Spell level * Caster level * 1800 (command word) * 2 / 5 ( 2 charges per day) + 100 (for the crystal rod).

0.5 * 1 * 1800 * 0.4 + 100 = 460 gp
1 * 1 * 1800 * 0.4 + 100 = 820 gp
2 * 3 * 1800 * 0.4 + 100 = 4420 gp
3 * 5 * 1800 * 0.4 + 100 = 10900 gp.

For an item with less than 5 charges and a material component cost like Identify, you would need to add this to the formula: + Material Component Cost * 50
(For a continuous item, it would be: + Material Component Cost * 100)

Making a wand with more charges is theoretically possible, but once you hit 5 charges it is the same cost for a continuous item (100 * Material component). A first-level Eternal Wand of Continuous Identify, if such an item were allowed to be made would normally be 1,900gp via the Eternal Wand math, but with the 100gp material component, the Identify version would be 10,000gp more for a total of 11,900gp.

All speculative, but I believe that the math + item creation rules track?

2023-02-20, 05:25 PM
I do believe your math is entirely sound. Better still : we could ask for a version that only works in the hands of a specific race, which I seem to remember applies a 10% discount on the price. Myriad can then emulate said racial requirement. That'd add up to 9810gp. How about that?

Take care, Geeks!You should try instant ramen to change from soups.

2023-02-20, 07:51 PM
I do believe your math is entirely sound. Better still : we could ask for a version that only works in the hands of a specific race, which I seem to remember applies a 10% discount on the price. Myriad can then emulate said racial requirement. That'd add up to 9810gp. How about that?

Take care, Geeks!You should try instant ramen to change from soups.

The Dungeon Master's Guide sidebar Behind the Curtain: Magic Item Gold Piece Values under the heading Other Considerations includes these bullets:

Item Requires Skill to Use: Some items require a specific skill (such as Perform for a musical instrument) to get them to function. This factor should reduce the cost about 10%.
Item Requires Specific Class or Alignment to Use: Even more restrictive than requiring a skill, this limitation cuts the cost by 30%.

I don't see the racial restriction listed in the DMG and am too sleepy to dig for where that might be listed - do you happen to know?

Requiring Use Magic Item as a Skill for -10%, and requiring the Silver Key or Rogue Class for -30%, (and if possible - Dwarf as a race for another -10%) would cut the cost to about half, maybe?

Really should have thought about custom items using restrictions for reduced price when making my character, now that we're talking about it. lol

Also, I'm very diabetic, so carbs are a big fat no. Ramen is delicious and I would love some or a plate of grilled cheese with tomato soup to dip it in, but breads, noodles, and sugary treats (all the tasty things, damnit), are all big no-no's 'round here.

2023-02-24, 12:08 PM
Damn. where are the Remove Disease clerics when we need them?

Anyhow. Off the top of my head I think that racial discount might have come off of some Artificer handbook I've read at some point. If only to veer on the safe side of things, if we put aside that hypothetical racial discount, we're still looking at a 40% total discount. Neat. That means we can get that wand down to 7140gp.

2023-02-28, 03:54 PM
Missed Check

Search: [roll0]

2023-03-07, 05:04 AM
I was about to say that this is an ungodly amount of Search modifier, then remembered we are level 20 :smallbiggrin:

2023-03-07, 06:52 AM
…or ECL 18, as the case may be. More pertinently, however, where do we go next? I'd propose Market Ward, but I'm at a loss trying to come up with a way how Delja would know to suggest that.

2023-03-07, 09:49 AM
Okay mates, let's hash out our planned next steps, shall we?

1. Sell stuff in Market's Ward
2. Find a spellcaster for freeing Pilot in...guildhall's ward or Lady's ward I guess?
3. Back to the Five Pebbles, where we break Teru's orb and compel him to replace Pilot
4. Report back to the Society

How about that?

By the way, the last OotS was quite a punch in the gut, right? :smallbiggrin:

2023-03-07, 10:39 AM
Okay mates, let's hash out our planned next steps, shall we?

1. Sell stuff in Market's Ward
2. Find a spellcaster for freeing Pilot in...guildhall's ward or Lady's ward I guess?
3. Back to the Five Pebbles, where we break Teru's orb and compel him to replace Pilot
4. Report back to the Society

How about that?

Works for me, although we still have to figure out what, exactly, should the Sensates be told.

By the way, the last OotS was quite a punch in the gut, right? :smallbiggrin:

As if one undead abomination in the mix wasn't trouble enough!

2023-03-07, 12:05 PM
Yeah I'm not clear on that either. I mean, Ux would tell them the truth of it and challenge them to prove him wrong, but...

2023-03-08, 12:10 PM
Yeah I'm not clear on that either. I mean, Ux would tell them the truth of it and challenge them to prove him wrong, but...

And that's why we don't leave the talking to him! (I imagine this makes D.'s life miserable on a daily basis: Ux Utanar is way too honest, while Myriad… Is Myriad. Very gifted, socially, but equally unpredictable.)

2023-03-09, 05:43 AM
Yeah, well, that's why he takes up on the acting sometimes, in order to still have a say in things : say, when he makes contact with that bizarre sphere thing :smallbiggrin:

2023-03-13, 12:10 PM
Yeah, well, that's why he takes up on the acting sometimes, in order to still have a say in things : say, when he makes contact with that bizarre sphere thing :smallbiggrin:

Okay, so I would propose:

Marketplace to Clean ourselves up. I propose two Eternal Wands of Prestidigitation. 820gp each should be 1,640gp. Myriad will happily pick those up for herself and share the cleaning wealth. 2 wands means 4 charges/Day. Enough for basic cleaning for all of us (plus the giant bat) to avoid causing a scene.
Then, we get things identified and sort what is being kept and what is being sold to see what sort of coin we're working with. We might need it for bribes or payment for services rendered.
Then we Gather Information on the prospects Pilot mentioned to see who might serve us best for the rest of our tasks.

Myriad has enough for the wands, but not enough to identify everything via normal means. She currently has 3,360gp (1,720gp after wands) and we're looking at several thousand if identified the traditional way. We might have to identify a few of the more expensive-seeming things to fund the identification of the rest unless we find another way. We also have +322gp to put towards identifying that we scrounged from the ship in loose coinage. Myriad is willing to throw in the rest of her coin, so we have just over 2k with her coin and what we scrounged from the ship after buying two recharging cleaning wands.

2023-03-13, 01:20 PM
Hm. Delja only has 240 gp to throw in that general direction. (Unless we want to cash in her 40 daggers and stuff like that, but I don't think that would make too much of a difference.)

Perhaps more usefully: if it comes to that, she looks perfectly presentable and should autosucceed on Aid Anothers for Diplomacy checks (making Myriad's Take 10s guaranteed 51s!).

2023-03-13, 07:08 PM
Hm. Delja only has 240 gp to throw in that general direction. (Unless we want to cash in her 40 daggers and stuff like that, but I don't think that would make too much of a difference.)

Perhaps more usefully: if it comes to that, she looks perfectly presentable and should autosucceed on Aid Anothers for Diplomacy checks (making Myriad's Take 10s guaranteed 51s!).

I had a little money left over because everyone got a free keystone for the portal to the city and those are about as useful as teets on a bull to Myriad, so she got a lil cash instead (probably intimidated or diplomacied someone into buying hers as a spare...or to use as a magical doorstop) . lol

Yay for aid another! *whoot whoot*

2023-03-16, 03:25 PM
Ux has 1943gp, so that's that. We can buy the wands and have some leftovers for identifying a bunch of stuff.

2023-03-17, 08:10 AM
(Interesting fact: while I imagine they are tiny little thin things that present a uniform surface to the untrained eye, nixies have scales.)

2023-03-19, 11:20 AM
Sorry about our slow bumbling around, chaincomplex! Downtime is hard. Those descriptions, on the other hand, are lovely as always!

And now to business: that's, like, a 15% discount! Maybe we should buy more than two of the wands.

2023-03-22, 12:57 PM
Let's make it three ;)

2023-03-22, 04:44 PM
Not sure how many rolls to make for wand activations, if any. We really only need 1 charge to clean us all, since it cleans a cubic food per round and lasts up to an hour, unless the thing being cleaned is deemed more dirty than the spell's normal effect would be able to handle. Prestidigitation 'has limits' but is more of a 'DM's call' on what exactly those limitations are. But, Myriad only fails on a 1 (which deactivates a wand for 24 hours...but we have 3 now, so...). Will happily roll if told how many are needed, but proceeded on the nearly certain chance it will work out to us being clean in the end regardless.

Also, the WotC article 'Fun with Prestidigitation (https://web.archive.org/web/20161101150918/http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20010707)' come to mind. Might use any remaining duration of the last used charge to Polish her mithril arm. :-p

2023-03-22, 06:20 PM
Let's make it three ;)


Not sure how many rolls to make for wand activations, if any. We really only need 1 charge to clean us all, since it cleans a cubic food per round and lasts up to an hour, unless the thing being cleaned is deemed more dirty than the spell's normal effect would be able to handle. Prestidigitation 'has limits' but is more of a 'DM's call' on what exactly those limitations are. But, Myriad only fails on a 1 (which deactivates a wand for 24 hours...but we have 3 now, so...). Will happily roll if told how many are needed, but proceeded on the nearly certain chance it will work out to us being clean in the end regardless.

Also, the WotC article 'Fun with Prestidigitation (https://web.archive.org/web/20161101150918/http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20010707)' come to mind. Might use any remaining duration of the last used charge to Polish her mithril arm. :-p

Huh. I absolutely forgot it can give one literal resistance to fire with an actually decent duration.

2023-03-23, 03:17 PM
I tend to be permissive with my interpretation of prestidigitation, including the duration—hence, one casting to clean anything (with the usual limits per round) for the full hour. Primarily because it would be really weird if a 20th-level wizard could only clean 4 things in a day. That's probably not how a super-wizard should work.

2023-03-24, 09:02 AM
For the heck of it (D. autosucceeds): Knowledge (nature): [roll0] (and Knowledge (local): [roll1], for good measure).

2023-03-26, 05:30 PM
Huh. I absolutely forgot it can give one literal resistance to fire with an actually decent duration.

Battling the forces of flame with...*checks notes*...magically wet ponchos!!

I tend to be permissive with my interpretation of prestidigitation, including the duration—hence, one casting to clean anything (with the usual limits per round) for the full hour. Primarily because it would be really weird if a 20th-level wizard could only clean 4 things in a day. That's probably not how a super-wizard should work.

Step 1: Use it to 'animate' (read: Lift) paper cutouts of little gladiators. Use a table in a tavern as an arena (make it clearly denoted via the Sketch option) and 'animate' two fighters at a time via prestidigitation in a tournament-style fight. Dirty/Soil them heavier and heavier to denote damage taken. Clean them after the fights. Use the Stitch option to stitch little hearts with red thread into the cutouts...and animate the thread to spool out like blood when defeated.

Step 2: Charge coins for cutouts that people can 'enter into the tournament'. Let them color them to customize them with colored chalk and the like, or upcharge to 'stitch' armor or patterns/features into the paper figure with the colored thread you keep on hand. Also upcharge for a variety of little weapon and shield cutouts, but give a paper short sword for free with each cutout. Be sure to take all bets and also proclaim loudly that the more people that enter, the bigger the grand prize - use a coin Changed into a tiny crown for the paper figure and just Change it back to a coin after the victor has held it up above their paper head in victory for added pageantry. Keep 'fancy-looking' actually nicely painted cutouts on hand for more wealthy patrons. Doesn't have to be good - just better than what drunks can do themselves with chalk and pencils.

Step 3: Profit! (Of course, you will rig the wins/losses/betting so you always come out as the real winner.)

There are a few more cantrips great for special effects during the tournament, too. Dancing Lights for 'fireworks' to celebrate the victor, Ghost Sound makes great murmur of a very tiny cheering crowd (Sketched audience cheering in the stands of the fake arena), Candlelight to provide ambient table (arena) lighting, etc.

My favorite low-level campaign memory, by far. That, and when the BBG screamed at the party that he would rip out our hearts and show it to us before we die and the rogue, without a nanosecond of hesitation (or thought) screamed back immediately, "Nuh uh! I'll close my eyes!!" Ah, that sweet nostalgia *inhales deeply* That's the good stuff.

2023-03-27, 08:52 AM
Man, your players were the tiny paper cut-outs? Awesome stuff :D

2023-03-27, 12:48 PM
Man, your players were the tiny paper cut-outs? Awesome stuff :D

Nah, as a Sorcerer, that was how I made bar money at low levels in one of my campaigns. Diplomacy + Prestidigitation + Creativity = Profit!

2023-03-28, 10:28 AM
Cool stuff.

Heh. Your past campaigns continue to be the wildest.

2023-03-29, 04:10 AM
Yeah, definitely :D

@chaincomplex Commune costs 100 exp but Greater Restoration costs 500 exp. That's why I was offering a compensation even for the healing. However, if what Ux Utanar proposes is deemed sufficient for both a set of 4 Greater Restoration and a Commune, I'll gladly take it.

2023-03-29, 11:53 AM
Oh yeah, that's an oversight on my part. Good catch. Later I'll retcon the priest to freely offer heal and lesser restoration, offer standard restoration freely within some limits, and offer greater restoration only with a donation. Let me know if this changes anything about your post.

2023-03-29, 09:51 PM
Remind me of how much ability drain you have collected. I also think Myriad had the mysterious brain effect from the sibriex's psychic attack.

2023-03-30, 06:29 AM
I don't have my sheet at hand now and then (myth-weavers blocked at the office) but do you assess 1500gp would be enough for 4 Greater Restorations?

2023-03-30, 02:12 PM
Remind me of how much ability drain you have collected. I also think Myriad had the mysterious brain effect from the sibriex's psychic attack.

Delja has 3 points of Charisma drain. I'll post IC later, likely tomorrow.

2023-03-30, 03:06 PM
I don't have my sheet at hand now and then (myth-weavers blocked at the office) but do you assess 1500gp would be enough for 4 Greater Restorations?

Our priest will only have one greater restoration prepared for the evening, which he will cast freely given that (1) Ux has offered a substantial donation (even if lesser in value than the spellcasting service) and (2) Ux is a brother of the cloth. He also has five restorations prepared which he will cast freely today. This is in addition to offering commune freely.

2023-03-31, 08:50 AM
Neat. I guess that one Greater Restoration can go to Delja (Ux has taken more than that but will not want to be healed first). I don't think we're in need of Restoration, though, since none of us has taken mere ability damage.

I guess if our friend is willing, and provided we make some money in the meantime to give him another offering, we can have the three remaining Greater Restorations by tomorrow.

Now, what will we ask through the Commune? We'll get, I suppose, at most 13 questions. Let's brainstorm what would be useful. I'm thinking:
-Is Teru an Evil person?
-Does imprisoning him instead of Pilot constitute a fair punishment for what he has done to him?
-Is the Five Pebbles compromised by the breach made by the book?
-Should we try and destroy the book?
-Would the Society approve of what we plan to do to Master Teru?
-Are the crew willing to get Resurrected if we can achieve that?
-Is there more immediate danger from the Obyriths?
-Should we catch up the Obyrith's track before anything else?

Any other ideas?

2023-03-31, 10:33 AM
Neat. I guess that one Greater Restoration can go to Delja (Ux has taken more than that but will not want to be healed first). I don't think we're in need of Restoration, though, since none of us has taken mere ability damage.

Bad idea. Normal (not Lesser) Restoration can cure drain but only for a single score per casting (http://dndsrd.net/spellsPtoR.html#restoration). Greater Restoration cures all drain for all scores, which Delja doesn't need, but Ux Utanar and Myriad do, if memory serves.

Now, what will we ask through the Commune? We'll get, I suppose, at most 13 questions. Let's brainstorm what would be useful. I'm thinking:
-Is Teru an Evil person?
-Does imprisoning him instead of Pilot constitute a fair punishment for what he has done to him?

Delja wouldn't really care; she knows he's kind of bad and Pilot helped them, but as usual, will be fine with these if they make the Big Dragon happy. It's kind of his Commune anyhow.

-Is the Five Pebbles compromised by the breach made by the book?
-Should we try and destroy the book?

Very important, should enjoy priority.

-Would the Society approve of what we plan to do to Master Teru?

The answer is most likely "no" and D. would tell Ux Utanar that much. Not worth asking.

-Are the crew willing to get Resurrected if we can achieve that?

They'd want their stuff back, most likely.

-Is there more immediate danger from the Obyriths?
-Should we catch up the Obyrith's track before anything else?

Absolutely. Let's ask those!

Any other ideas?

If we establish the "legality" of messing up Teru, it would be important to go through the possible ways of actually doing the swapover. (Like, "can that rival mage do it?"; "is that a good idea?"; "will Teru get a chance to fight back?" and stuff.)

2023-04-01, 11:04 AM
Remind me of how much ability drain you have collected. I also think Myriad had the mysterious brain effect from the sibriex's psychic attack.
Myriad currently has
-1 Dex
-9 Wis (Common sense? Ha! Who needs it, am I right?!)
-2 Cha

She cares more about the Dex & Cha because they effect her more...but that might be the severe Wisdom drain talking. lol

As for what to ask, I Myriad would likely suggest 'Who is the best person to ask to assist us in assisting the being known as Pilot as we have stated we wish to?' or something similar.

2023-04-01, 11:41 AM
Sorry 'bout that; but Delja does have this Charisma drain! (Also, isn't Commune yes/no questions (but not yes/no answers) only?)

2023-04-01, 02:22 PM
Sorry 'bout that; but Delja does have this Charisma drain! (Also, isn't Commune yes/no questions (but not yes/no answers) only?)

I intentionally did not read the spell description in order to provide an authentic Myriad (aka clueless) response. :-p

She is currently rocking a fat 9 Wisdom. lol

2023-04-06, 10:48 AM
You're playing in-character even in the OOC thread, awesome :D

Ux has taken 7 Str, 3 Dex and 4 Con drain. Ereshki has taken 3 Wisdom damage. With 5 Restorations and 1 Greater Restoration, Rasabu could thus:
-Cure Myriad with the Greater Restoration
-Cure Delja's Dex with a single Restoration
-Cure Ux's Str, Dex and Con with thress successive Restorations
-Cure Ereshki's Wis with his fifth and last Restoration.

It all adds up neatly.

And folks...the first message on the IC thread has been posting a year and a day ago. That's the 1-year mark our campaign is passing! Congrats to us, a lot of PbP games wish they lasted that long :smallbiggrin:

2023-04-06, 11:01 AM
Delja wouldn't really care; she knows he's kind of bad and Pilot helped them, but as usual, will be fine with these if they make the Big Dragon happy. It's kind of his Commune anyhow.
It definitely will :D Delja is like a great sister indulging reluctantly in his little brother's childish peeves...

The answer is most likely "no" and D. would tell Ux Utanar that much. Not worth asking.

Good point. Let's save one question.

They'd want their stuff back, most likely.

Hmm that's true. However, that's not enough of a reason for Ux Utanar to baulk. After all, the combined worth of all their belongings is far below the 5000gp times the number of crew members we'll need to spend in Raise Dead diamonds.

If we establish the "legality" of messing up Teru, it would be important to go through the possible ways of actually doing the swapover. (Like, "can that rival mage do it?"; "is that a good idea?"; "will Teru get a chance to fight back?" and stuff.)
Good ideas.

Also, the Lothar dude was mentioned by Pilot as one of the few Sigil spellcasters powerful enough to unbind him, but also added that he was "a very dangerous man" and that he would not trust a necromancer whose plans he cannot fathom. So, yeah. I'd ask some questions about this dude, which pretty much merges with what Myriad was suggesting.

"Will Master Lothar the Old betray us if we come to him to ask about the Obyriths' whereabout? Is asking Lothar to unbind Pilot a good idea? Is Lothar going to turn on us once he discovers we have the Five Pebbles? Etc."

2023-04-07, 06:40 AM
You're playing in-character even in the OOC thread, awesome :D

Ux has taken 7 Str, 3 Dex and 4 Con drain. Ereshki has taken 3 Wisdom damage. With 5 Restorations and 1 Greater Restoration, Rasabu could thus:
-Cure Myriad with the Greater Restoration
-Cure Delja's Dex with a single Restoration
-Cure Ux's Str, Dex and Con with thress successive Restorations
-Cure Ereshki's Wis with his fifth and last Restoration.

It all adds up neatly.

And folks...the first message on the IC thread has been posting a year and a day ago. That's the 1-year mark our campaign is passing! Congrats to us, a lot of PbP games wish they lasted that long :smallbiggrin:

Nice! Glad it was exactly what we needed. :)

Whoot whoot! *celebrates our gaming anniversary*

@DM - Also, just rolling in the IC thread for an in-case situation. Myriad is fluent in: Common, Undercommon, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Sylvan, Halfling, Orcish, and Gnomish. Covering most of the humanoid races because...Changeling rogue. Seriously considered spending skill points to just learn all of them at creation, but her build was starved for skill points as it was.

2023-04-07, 12:54 PM
And folks...the first message on the IC thread has been posting a year and a day ago. That's the 1-year mark our campaign is passing! Congrats to us, a lot of PbP games wish they lasted that long :smallbiggrin:

Hell, yeah! Go us!

It definitely will :D Delja is like a great sister indulging reluctantly in his little brother's childish peeves...

Delja does believe, and quite firmly, that she's the straight woman to the other two. That's, of course, let's say, highly debatable, given just how, khm, well-adjusted she is.

Hmm that's true. However, that's not enough of a reason for Ux Utanar to baulk. After all, the combined worth of all their belongings is far below the 5000gp times the number of crew members we'll need to spend in Raise Dead diamonds.

Ah, yes, LG at action! We might as well ask that, then. The little twit will roll her eyes about it later.

Also, the Lothar dude was mentioned by Pilot as one of the few Sigil spellcasters powerful enough to unbind him, but also added that he was "a very dangerous man" and that he would not trust a necromancer whose plans he cannot fathom. So, yeah. I'd ask some questions about this dude, which pretty much merges with what Myriad was suggesting.

"Will Master Lothar the Old betray us if we come to him to ask about the Obyriths' whereabout? Is asking Lothar to unbind Pilot a good idea? Is Lothar going to turn on us once he discovers we have the Five Pebbles? Etc."

Let's do that, yes. Maybe ask a few about Darkwood, too.

@DM - [/B] Also, just rolling in the IC thread for an in-case situation. Myriad is fluent in: Common, Undercommon, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Sylvan, Halfling, Orcish, and Gnomish. Covering most of the humanoid races because...Changeling rogue. Seriously considered spending skill points to just learn all of them at creation, but her build was starved for skill points as it was.

If she ever needs, in the meantime, to understand something in Aquan, Yuan-Ti, Abyssal or Demodand (yes, seriously), the nixie has those covered! (High INT is fun.)

2023-04-13, 02:34 AM
Delja is wearing clothes and could probably just have guided the touch to a clothed portion of skin, which we know accepts touch-ranged spells anyways I'm pretty sure (considering that being in full armor doesn't make delivering a spell by touch any harder).

Though if you'd not mentioned this at all I would've not noticed the distinction between how nixies feel to the touch compared to the wispling she's disguised as. :smalltongue:

Anyways I PMed Biscuit last week. I'll wait another week for her response, otherwise I'll open a recruitment thread specifically for a spellcaster/psion. Sound good to everyone?

2023-04-13, 03:29 AM
Sounds good to me! I expect you'll be swimming in applications within a couple days :D

2023-04-13, 11:38 AM
Delja is wearing clothes and could probably just have guided the touch to a clothed portion of skin, which we know accepts touch-ranged spells anyways I'm pretty sure (considering that being in full armor doesn't make delivering a spell by touch any harder).

The problem is, she seems to be wearing perfectly presentable and chic clothes, when what she has on is really mummy wrappings and coarse fabric stuff she probably hasn't changed out of in the last half-decade or so. I have this feeling Rasabu, as a fish dude, has more experience with clothes than with hair.

Though if you'd not mentioned this at all I would've not noticed the distinction between how nixies feel to the touch compared to the wispling she's disguised as. :smalltongue:

But hey, at least it helped further establish that she's an ill-adjusted paranoid twit, so I count that as a win!

Anyways I PMed Biscuit last week. I'll wait another week for her response, otherwise I'll open a recruitment thread specifically for a spellcaster/psion. Sound good to everyone?

Sounds good to me! I expect you'll be swimming in applications within a couple days :D

It very much does, and I expect the same, really.

2023-04-13, 06:17 PM
Hello! Chaincomplex has invited me to join the game as a caster of some kind to add some magical support. I'm happy to be here!

Caincomplex and I are still discussing what sort of caster to go with, however. Does anyone have any suggestions on what you would like, or what the party needs in terms of spell support? I'm open to suggestion and requests.

2023-04-14, 05:15 AM
Hey, Biscuit! If you can squeeze it in, the spell Dimension Shuffle would be very helpful to forcefully reposition the rest of the team into positions they can strike from. We're all melee fighters, and with fast enemies, it can be difficult to reposition to attack effectively if the enemy's speed is greater than our own. Full Attacks are always more effective than a single strike. With Dimension Shuffle, you could put Delja and Myriad into positions for a full attack, and Ux into a position to charge or full attack as well, as he would prefer.

At level 20, our gear is pretty decent protection against general stuff, but if there is a spell you know of that increases any of our saves to help avoid save-or-suck situations for any decent length of time, that would also be helpful. And Haste of course, because Haste is awesome. lol

2023-04-14, 07:41 AM
Hey there! We've heard a lot of good stuff about you.

In terms of what we need, well, extra mobility options never hurt indeed (poor Myriad in particular sent our last combat trying to catch up with foes, something her stubby dwarven legs did not help much with) and status removal is something we're not terribly good at, currently.

2023-04-14, 05:55 PM
Well, I will totally confirm that anything good you may have heard is absolutely true, and anything bad is a terrible slander upon my person, a complete fabrication, and don't believe a word of it. You must have just failed a listen check is all! Happens to the best of us. (:

I've got a few ideas for builds, but Chaincomplex is still noodling on the exact power level that would be appropriate, so once I get direction there, I'll fine tune something. Lots of fish in the 3.5 sea, so I'm sure I can whip something fun together no matter what. Whether it is a gnome illusionist that breaks armies with the power of their illusions, a kobold that thinks magic missile is the absolute pinnacle of spellcasting and makes others believers as well by burying them with it, a halfling bard with more magical mojo than any bard should ever have, a tibbit lich that has absolutely mastered the art of necromancy (I mean...that's just a cat familiar, obviously - That shuffling guy in the hooded cloak standing next to the cat must be the caster, surely), or something different entirely. That's why I'll never leave 3.5 - too many possibilities always left to explore!

2023-04-15, 01:44 AM
The benefit of going with the high power builds is that, ironically, high power casters often if not always can tone it down if necessary, and I suspect toning it down won't be necessary anyways since nobody else hits the same niche.

I'm happy with both the Sorcerer 6 / Shadowcrafter 9 / Shadowcraft Mage 5 and Bard 5 / Spellsinger 5 / Sublime Chord 10. Does anyone else have a preference? By the way, and this goes to all players, I hope to have you guys be epic at the end of the next "dungeon", so think about what your 21st level will be (or for Delja the 18th, maybe enough XP for 19th too?)

2023-04-15, 05:47 AM
Eeewwww, bard. :yuk: While healing would be very nice...bard. *shudders*

While I would actually really enjoy seeing a kobold missilemancer dump wave after wave of magic missiles into the baddies, or the lich cat pretending to be a familiar with a pet zombie pretending to be a caster, the illusionist combo using Silent Image to dominate would likely be more universally useful no matter the situation. Biscuit, would you be left with enough spells known to make decent use of Shadow Cookies?

As for level 21, I'm not 100% happy with Myriad's build (basically build her as a one-shot, and not for future growth), so I'll have to really think about what's best for level 21. Not a lot she can build onto, and most things would just be a very minor flavor addition and not of much use beyond the BAB or save progressions. She already maxed out 2 prestige classes (having burned all her feats to do so), and dipped 2 underpowered base classes (one to qualify, and 1 for the dip benefits). At this point, she doesn't qualify for much that would be that beneficial to herself or the party as a whole. Something for me to think about.

2023-04-15, 07:24 AM
Well, I will totally confirm that anything good you may have heard is absolutely true, and anything bad is a terrible slander upon my person, a complete fabrication, and don't believe a word of it. You must have just failed a listen check is all! Happens to the best of us. (:

Oh, naturally! I would have assumed that much, had I heard anything bad.

I've got a few ideas for builds, but Chaincomplex is still noodling on the exact power level that would be appropriate, so once I get direction there, I'll fine tune something. Lots of fish in the 3.5 sea, so I'm sure I can whip something fun together no matter what. Whether it is a gnome illusionist that breaks armies with the power of their illusions, a kobold that thinks magic missile is the absolute pinnacle of spellcasting and makes others believers as well by burying them with it, a halfling bard with more magical mojo than any bard should ever have, a tibbit lich that has absolutely mastered the art of necromancy (I mean...that's just a cat familiar, obviously - That shuffling guy in the hooded cloak standing next to the cat must be the caster, surely), or something different entirely. That's why I'll never leave 3.5 - too many possibilities always left to explore!

3.5 is a wonderful place indeed!

The benefit of going with the high power builds is that, ironically, high power casters often if not always can tone it down if necessary, and I suspect toning it down won't be necessary anyways since nobody else hits the same niche.

I'm happy with both the Sorcerer 6 / Shadowcrafter 9 / Shadowcraft Mage 5 and Bard 5 / Spellsinger 5 / Sublime Chord 10. Does anyone else have a preference?

(I kind of really don't like cats. Does that count?)

By the way, and this goes to all players, I hope to have you guys be epic at the end of the next "dungeon", so think about what your 21st level will be (or for Delja the 18th, maybe enough XP for 19th too?)

That's easy. I'll finish Duelist, of course. (Yes, I know, but precision damage that just applies is fun. Sue me.)

2023-04-15, 12:33 PM
Hello Biscuit, welcome aboard the Five Pebbles! :) You seem to be versed in tha arcanes of 3.5 character building. Cool, that's needed at level 20 :smallbiggrin:

We already have two characters that are extremely good at social skills. I suspect a Bard would sort of have their niche already filled by what's currently in the team. Hence, I'd suggest you not to pick that build.

We are in desperate need of planar travel abilities, to be sure, and any kind of divination power would be useful as well.

DM, about any 21st level for Ux...I hadn't thought about it, really. I guess he'll just go Knight 21 and that'll be it. I'm quite glad with where Ux currently lies anyway.

2023-04-15, 03:05 PM
Looks like the Illusionist build wins out with the vote! One gnome Sorcerer 6 / Shadowcrafter 9 / Shadowcraft Mage 5 coming up!

That said, I should probably go ahead and ask for allowence/clarification for some main features of the build, and get the rest of the party's opinions for some optional buffs.

Chaincomplex - 'Extra Real' Shadow Conjurations/Evocations

"Shadow Illusion (Su): Beginning at 3rd level, a shadowcraft mage is able to infuse some of her figments (see the list below) with material from the Plane of Shadow, making them partially real. The subschool of these spells changes from figment to shadow. A shadowcraft mage can use the altered spell to mimic any sorcerer or wizard conjuration (summoning), conjuration (creation), or evocation spell at least one level lower than the illusion spell. The altered spell functions identically to the shadow conjuration or shadow evocation spell, except that the spell's strength equals 10% per level of the figment spell used. For example, a shadowcraft mage who uses silent image to create an acid splash would deal 10% of the normal damage to a creature that succeeds on its Will save to disbelieve the shadow. If she used programmed image to mimic summon monster V, the creature would have 60% of the hit points of a normal creature of its kind, and its damage would be 60% normal against a creature that succeeds on its Will save to disbelieve. A shadowcraft mage can apply shadow illusion to any of the following figment spells: silent image, minor image, major image, persistent image, and programmed image."

So, Using a Silent Image, or a Hightened Silent Image as a Shadow Illusion while factoring in the Shadowcraft Mage's +20% bonus and Shadowcrafter's +20% bonus from their seperate class features to that particular spell effect, you get a total 'Spell Strength' or 'Realism' of 40% + 10% per Spell level, listed out on the following chart:

Level 0 = 40%
Level 1 = 50%
Level 2 = 60%
Level 3 = 70%
Level 4 = 80%
Level 5 = 90%
Level 6 = 100%
Level 7 = 110%
Level 8 = 120%
Level 9 = 130%

There are two main interpretations of this class feature interplay that I can see in regards to having over 100% Spell Power (or 'Realism'). The first is that it maxes out at 100%, which is a bit of a waste and devalues one of the prestige classes a bit, but is still perfectly reasonable for game balance. The second would be that higher level versions simply have an additional appropriate percentage more damage or other numerical effect as warranted by the class feature, which would only affect uses using the limited spell slots from spell levels 7-9. Either way, they are all Illusions, so a lot of things have outright immunity, and are subject to spell resistance even if the spell being emulated normally would not be subject to it if cast normally.

Chaincomplex - Shadow Cookies

Normally using Greater Shadow Conjuration, but in this build's case, using a 7th level or higher Silent Image to mimic the effects of the Conjuration school spell called Shalantha's Delicate Disk (Lost Empires of Faerun) allows for the creation of permanent consumable items that contain up to 5th level spells. If crushed, the spell effects the person crushing them (if the spell is targeted), or the square in which it is crushed becomes the center point for the spell (if the spell is an area of effect).

Using the Launch cantrip to fire these off at extreme range (storing Shadow Evocation mimiced spells like Fireball and such), as well as storing buff spells for myself and party members (everything from defensive spells like Mirror Image and Invisibility, to Undying Vigor of the Dragonlords for personal healing), as well as general utility spells for party use (Planar Tolerance, Teleport, Leomund's Hidden Lodge, Greater Blink, etc).

I could stash a few utility disks for party use, a few last-didtch attack options in case higher level spell slots run low (for launching), some self-healing ones (Undying Vigor of the Dragonlords), and otherwise simply make disposable ones upon party member request to hand out with leftover spell slots before rests to use the next day as-needed. Paying a spellcaster to cast desired buffs that I don't already know into a shadow cookie is a bit cheaper than buying potions, and goes up to level 5.

Chaincomplex - All The (Glamer) Illusions!

Proteus (Exemplars of Evil, p. 26)
Prerequisite: Spell Focus (PH) (illusion) , Spellcaster Level 10th,
Benefit: You can sacrifice a prepared spell to cast any lower-level illusion (glamer) spell. In addition, you can cast a prepared illusion (glamer) spell as an immediate action by sacrificing another spell of the same level.

Would this feat be okay to use as a spontaneous spellcaster on spell slots rather than prepared spells? The build is already predicated on faking spells, so this would be right in the same vein, but with a massively more limited number of spells, and none of them particularly potent, being Glamer illusions. Mostly just spells dealing with misdirection and disguise, invisibility, silence, etc, and uses up a spell slot 1 level higher than the spell normally would, exactly like the Shadow Illusion ability of the Shadowcraft Mage to emulate Evocation and Conjuration spells.

Chaincomplex - Ring of Wizardry I+II

Do you allow the stacking of magical items per the Magic Item Compendium rules? I might like a Ring of Wizardry I combined with a Ring of Wizardry II. Ring of Wizardry I for use with the Residual Magic feat using Silent Image. Ring of Wizardry II for more leftover spell slots at rest times for Quick Potion to offer temporary (they last 20 hours or until consumed) potions to the party. Likely being able to offer Quick Potions of Enlarge Person, Haste, Mirror Image, and Heroism for those who would like them for pre-battle buffing. Per the stacking rules, this combination would cost 70,000gp (40,000 + (1.5 * 20,000)).

I should note that because of my OCD, being able to cast more 9th level spells thanCantrip spells irritates me on a spiritual level, and I hate that there is no Ring of Wizardry 0 for that exact reason. Actually needing the Launch cantrip to fire Shadow Cookies just exacerbates that irritation, but Launch can always be heightened, so it isn't really an issue.

Everyone - (Temporary) Potions for Everyone

I also won't have a ton of free spells known for levels 1-3, but plan on dedicating a handful for use with Quick Potion for party buffs to dole out before resting to be used the first half of the next day. If no one makes any other requests, I'll likely go with Enlarge Person (1st), Mirror Image (2nd), Quick Potion (2nd), Haste (3rd), and Heroism (3rd) on the assumption those would benefit all the current members of the party. I can probably swing another 1st or 2nd level spell, or maybe swap out one of those listed (Except for Quick Potion, for obvious reasons) for something else not of the Conjuration and Evocation schools that would be more useful, if anyone has any suggestions?

Alternatively, if everyone agrees any of those spells are not worth bothering with, I'll happily free up any unwanted slots for other useful non-potion-appropriate spells.

2023-04-15, 06:00 PM
Extra-Real Shadow Magic. I've typically interpreted realism above 100% to have been intended—in this headspace one views it as "natural" given that it falls straight out of class and prestige mechanics, and it's basically just like an automatic metamagic, so good but not that much crazier than DMM builds. Though I should revisit one of the unintended implications of this, namely that saving against the spell makes it even worse, which in turn creates counterintuitive incentives on the player's end. In the past over the table I've ruled that illusionists can make their spells automatic saves for the recipient, though not in this context.

Shadow Cookies. I've no problem with this and it works per RAW. There's a little bit of extrapolation needed on my part to assess how damage mechanics works for these flung objects (the only explicit rules are for damage received from flung objects and falling damage) but something something Newton's Third should clear that up if we make some kind of damage <-> force substitution.

The Proteus Feat. I'm ruling no on this. Proteus is explicit about being for prepared spells, and the PHB is also explicit that spontaneous spell slots definitely don't count as prepared in any interpretation. As one of the conceits of this game is about high-level RAW, this while being something I'd ordinarily OK is a no.

That said I did just run a Pathfinder monster so 🤔 maybe I should think about what I'm going for here.

Improving Magic Items. Per MIC yes I'm OK with this rule. I'm pretty sure (correct me if I'm wrong) that I OKed MIC's magic item improvement stuff before as well. If not then err whoops :smalltongue:

@Geeks Retraining/rebuilding are options per PHB2.

2023-04-15, 07:05 PM
Extra-Real Shadow Magic. I've typically interpreted realism above 100% to have been intended—in this headspace one views it as "natural" given that it falls straight out of class and prestige mechanics, and it's basically just like an automatic metamagic, so good but not that much crazier than DMM builds. Though I should revisit one of the unintended implications of this, namely that saving against the spell makes it even worse, which in turn creates counterintuitive incentives on the player's end. In the past over the table I've ruled that illusionists can make their spells automatic saves for the recipient, though not in this context.

That makes sense to me. I've actually seen a similar build that went further using the Dark template (or a Continuous Collar of Umbral Metamorphasis from the Tome of Magic) and the Planar Bubble spell to access the traits of the Plane of Shadow in order to throw in an additional 30% on top of what Shadowcrafter & Shadowcraft Mage give you. I don't plan on doing that, or using Earth Spell (with dirt in your shoes) to get your 9th level slots to count as 10th level for Silent Image spells in order to use 9th level Shadow Illusions, or any other further overt pushing of the combo.

It is a good combo, and I plan on using it as such without trying to break the game. I intend to build the character in good faith and raise the DC as high as reasonably possible so as to not try to abuse the disbelief penalty the combo creates. So I plan to take Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus (Illusion for both) for the level 1 and level 3 feats, despite it actually reducing the spell effects, because that is what a new illusionist would have taken.

Shadow Cookies. I've no problem with this and it works per RAW. There's a little bit of extrapolation needed on my part to assess how damage mechanics works for these flung objects (the only explicit rules are for damage received from flung objects and falling damage) but something something Newton's Third should clear that up if we make some kind of damage <-> force substitution.

The Launch cantrip specifically states that "You can use this spell to make an attack with a splash weapon. If you choose to do so, you must make an attack roll as normal, but you suffer no penalties for range," so I believe that a spell disc containing an area of effect would probably be considered such? Splash weapons don't do physical damage, despite chucking them into people's faces, so that was what I had in my mind, unless you want to formulate some sort of physical damage math. That would be an amusing insult to injury. Take a fireball to the face! And also 1d2 bludgeoning from the 12"x1" eggshell-like disk.

The Proteus Feat. I'm ruling no on this. Proteus is explicit about being for prepared spells, and the PHB is also explicit that spontaneous spell slots definitely don't count as prepared in any interpretation. As one of the conceits of this game is about high-level RAW, this while being something I'd ordinarily OK is a no.

That said I did just run a Pathfinder monster so 🤔 maybe I should think about what I'm going for here.

While it is a shame the professional illusionist will have access to hardly any illusions, but as you said the wording is specific. As the glamer spells on offer are not great, I don't think that taking Arcane Preparation to further overpay (two dedicated feats and using higher level spell slots) for the invisibility and silence spells would really be worth the expense. Even if using Arcane Preparation to stock a couple heightened Silent Image spells to fuel Shadow Illusion spells would negate the normal increased metamagic casting time that Sorcerers normally suffer, so it wouldn't be a complete waste.

Improving Magic Items. Per MIC yes I'm OK with this rule. I'm pretty sure (correct me if I'm wrong) that I OKed MIC's magic item improvement stuff before as well. If not then err whoops :smalltongue

Ah, excellent! That's good news. I will probably do one ring with Wizardry I & II, as well as a second ring that combines Protection +5, Darkhidden, and Arcane Might, if I can budget it. If you have to spend money, it might as well be on bling, right?

My current mock-up for feats has Noncombatant and Inattentive as the two flaws and this list of feats, pending approval:

Spell Penetration - PHB
Greater Spell Penetration - PHB
Spell Focus - Illusion - PHB
Greater Spell Focus - Illusion - PHB
Heighten Spell - PHB
Eschew Materials - PHB
Force of Personality - CAr
Residual Magic - CM
Song of the Dead - DCmp or Live My Nightmare - UA

(Suggested improvements or replacements are welcome)

Also, is there a target range for saves, AC, resistances, or anything like that I should try to aim for when selecting equipment? Or any suggestions on needed or wholly unneeded equipment in general? I'd hate to buy everlasting rations only for someone else to already be sharing a Provisions Box, or skimp out on elemental resistance just to find out that a gang of elementals has it out for the group (:

2023-04-16, 05:15 AM
Ooooookay, things are getting complek here.

One thing I'll mention. Proteus' first bonus allows you to sacrifice a prepared spell to cast even a spell you do not know, if I'm reading correctly. This seems massive to me, unless the number of existing such spells is sow enough that your character is going to know them all anymay. But if not, I'd seriously consider Arcane Preparation.

2023-04-16, 06:21 AM
Ooooookay, things are getting complek here.

One thing I'll mention. Proteus' first bonus allows you to sacrifice a prepared spell to cast even a spell you do not know, if I'm reading correctly. This seems massive to me, unless the number of existing such spells is sow enough that your character is going to know them all anymay. But if not, I'd seriously consider Arcane Preparation.

The build actually already does exactly that with all the Conjuration and Evocation spells on the sorcerer's spell list. Using the Shadowcraft Mage's class ability Shadow Illusion to turn a Silent Image spell (which can be heightened to the appropriate level) into a Shadow Conjuration or Shadow Evocation spell. Those spells replicate any level 0-8 Evocation or Conjuration spell on the Sorcerer's list.

Proteus would increase the total overall spell options by only about 12%. I would also have to do a bit more accounting with prepared slots on top of open slots for spells. However, if the group thinks that adding the Illusion (Glamer) spells would be highly desirable, I don't mind the extra accounting.

I've listed the Illusion (Glamer) spells that Proteus would add here, in order to get everyone's opinions on their worth. If everyone thinks they are worth it, I will happily shift some feats around and take Arcane Preparation with Chaincomplex's permission. I don't actually need Song of the Dead or Live My Nightmare (a personal favorite in terms of flavor, if not actual usefulness). I just like the premise of each feat and had one extra feat at the end of the build to play with.

Blinding Color Surge
Change Self
Cloak Pool
Deceptive Facade
Discolor Pool
Disguise Self
Disguise Ship
Disguise Undead
False Sending
False Vision
Friendly Face
Hallucinatory Terrain
Hidden Ward
Illusory Pit
Improved Invisibility
Invisibility Sphere
Invisibility, Greater
Invisibility, Mass
Invisibility, Superior
Khelben's Suspended Silence
Leomund's Trap
Magic Mouth
Mask of the Ideal
Mirage Arcana
Misrepresent Alignment
Nystul's Magic Aura
Pleasant Visage
Reflective Disguise
Reflective Disguise, Mass
Secret Weapon
Serene Visage
Shifting Paths
Silent Portal
Stalking Spell
Suspended Silence

2023-04-16, 06:44 AM
*stares blankly at walls of text*

Biscuit, I uh...did not prepare them for the scope of your love for the English language. Please go easy on them. lol

As for feats, I'm okay with whatever (Live My Nightmare is awesome when it triggers, but otherwise is a wasted feat, imho). Be aware that Myriad will eat any 'shadow cookies' given to her. Likely because she wants to know what shadows taste like.

Myriad would be satisfied with the Quick Potion spell list provided. Unless self-targeted spells can be made into potions? Never really dug into crafting, so I dunno if self-spells are even viable for that. If so, Expeditious Retreat would actually be a fantastic addition for her, as well as Shield. If not, then I have no suggestions for changes.

I did want to point out that if you have a free feat, you have room in the proposed build to dip Mindbender before Shadowcrafter, and with an extra feat you could pick up Mindsight on top of Telepathy. Also, if you are doing shadow illusions for a sorcerer base class, I would also suggest the Planar Sorcerer alternative class feature for the Force-Charged Energy ability so half the damage you do with your spells will be force damage to help with energy resistance.

2023-04-16, 09:22 AM
I also won't have a ton of free spells known for levels 1-3, but plan on dedicating a handful for use with Quick Potion for party buffs to dole out before resting to be used the first half of the next day. If no one makes any other requests, I'll likely go with Enlarge Person (1st), Mirror Image (2nd), Quick Potion (2nd), Haste (3rd), and Heroism (3rd) on the assumption those would benefit all the current members of the party. I can probably swing another 1st or 2nd level spell, or maybe swap out one of those listed (Except for Quick Potion, for obvious reasons) for something else not of the Conjuration and Evocation schools that would be more useful, if anyone has any suggestions?

Well, Enlarge Person would be actively detrimental to Delja, but seeing how she, as a Fey, cannot be Enlarged in the first place, that's not a big issue. The rest are classics, so yes, please on those.

Also, is there a target range for saves, AC, resistances, or anything like that I should try to aim for when selecting equipment? Or any suggestions on needed or wholly unneeded equipment in general? I'd hate to buy everlasting rations only for someone else to already be sharing a Provisions Box, or skimp out on elemental resistance just to find out that a gang of elementals has it out for the group (:

Sheets are up front, in the first post of the thread. Try not to overshadow [snickers] us too much (Tier 1's Tier 1 at high levels, so a little bit of that's inevitable, Mrs. Anderson), do ignore Delja's stupid overgimmicked AC (her high concept, mechanically, is "every stat to AC and see what happens" plus it can go up all the way to 83 when all switches are engaged because I don't know when to stop and turbocharged her defensive fighting) and you should be fine on the basic numbers front.

2023-04-17, 09:58 AM
I've not understood in depth the tricks you're offering, but Ux Utanar will enjoy Enlarge Person very much. He has a wand of that on him and usually makes use of it through Use Magic Device.

Also : Ux Utanar possesses a Spellguard Ring, that has been given to him by a former spellcaster of the party that quit after a couple posts. As a player, I'm in love with that item. I cannot recommend enough your dude to have the matching Ring of the pair, and then he can sling Shadow Evard's Black Tentacles or Shadow Choking Cobwebs while Ux waltz right through. Ereshki will not, though, but our recent battles have shown it's not always practical for Ux to fight batback anyway.

2023-04-17, 04:53 PM
The Launch cantrip specifically states that "You can use this spell to make an attack with a splash weapon. If you choose to do so, you must make an attack roll as normal, but you suffer no penalties for range," so I believe that a spell disc containing an area of effect would probably be considered such? Splash weapons don't do physical damage, despite chucking them into people's faces, so that was what I had in my mind, unless you want to formulate some sort of physical damage math. That would be an amusing insult to injury. Take a fireball to the face! And also 1d2 bludgeoning from the 12"x1" eggshell-like disk.

The issue I'm getting at is the delicate disk breaks on 1 point of damage or a DC 5 Strength check, and while the launch item spell does damage to the target, this does not per RAW stipulate damage to the disk. Now it seems very sensible that this should break the disk since it's stated to be delicate and we can readily identify damage and force so that it's physically intuitive that having the potential to do 1 point of damage to a target means it should probably break under the strain.

My current mock-up for feats has Noncombatant and Inattentive as the two flaws and this list of feats, pending approval:

Spell Penetration - PHB
Greater Spell Penetration - PHB
Spell Focus - Illusion - PHB
Greater Spell Focus - Illusion - PHB
Heighten Spell - PHB
Eschew Materials - PHB
Force of Personality - CAr
Residual Magic - CM
Song of the Dead - DCmp or Live My Nightmare - UA

Fine by me. Also the Arcane Prep substitution, if you want that.

Also, is there a target range for saves, AC, resistances, or anything like that I should try to aim for when selecting equipment? Or any suggestions on needed or wholly unneeded equipment in general? I'd hate to buy everlasting rations only for someone else to already be sharing a Provisions Box, or skimp out on elemental resistance just to find out that a gang of elementals has it out for the group (:

No hard range limitation, especially with regards to equipment. 20th- and epic-level shenanigans are probably a bit beyond the domain where standard progression makes any sense. Just know that I'm not bothered by very high numbers short of TO-tier tricks (most of which aren't accessed by equipment), since usually they indicate that there's a weakness somewhere else. Delja for instance is very good at dealing with being attacked. She is less than ideal for dealing with save-or-die spam. Actually save-or-die spam is something the party is generally not great against due to the lack of magic right now, though I suppose Ux is relatively safer than others. (And prepare for them. They will happen, unless you want to avoid fighting the majority of high-CR monsters.)

2023-04-18, 08:08 AM
For the Launch Item cantrip, Chaincomplax. I can see your point at the lack of explicit text. I hadn't considered that because I had it in my mind that the disks would function like a splash weapon, and those are specifically described as working with Launch Item. Either way, I'll keep the cantrip regardless for utility - just let me know how you rule it would function with shadow cookies. If nothing else, it would be a means of delivering emergency supplies over a great distance very quickly. The disk spell says you can throw them to activate them, but does not actually list a range increment.

I added two paired Spellguard rings, Remetagross - one to each of the two stacked rings, assuming there are two people with an open ring slot that would like the paired rings? If not, I'll remove the function from one ring and find something else to spend the 6k on. I would likely just save it after picking up a few more components for the True Seeing spell, so no major changes to the sheet, if so.

Unfortunately, Geeks, Diplomacy isn't on the sorcerer class list, so I can't dip Mindbender without sacrificing a feat, which I can't do because I'm already giving up Eschew Materials and Song of the Dead to pick up Arcane Preparation and Proteus. However, I absolutely will take the Planar Sorcerer substitution level at level 5 Sorcerer.

I've completed the character sheet for review, but just have a background outline at the moment detailing the main plot points. I can add or provide sources (and the pricing math of magical item stacking) for anything on the sheet on request. Please let me know if anyone has any suggestions for additional changes or need of clarification for anything listed.

Azlin Chitramaya (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2781443)
Female C/N Rock Gnome Sorcerer 6 / Shadowcrafter 9 / Shadowcraft Mage 5, Level 29, Init 6, HP 180/180
DR 2/Adamantine, Speed 20' Land & 60' Fly (Good)
AC 28, Touch 22, Flat-footed 22, Fort 18, Ref 18, Will 30, Base Attack Bonus +10/+5
(Spell) Adamantine Wings +14/+9 (2d6, 20x2)
(Shadow Illusion Spell) Greater Mage Armor (+6 Armor, +6 Dex, +1 Size, +5 Deflect)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 22, Con 22, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 34
Condition Shadow Cloak - 40% Miss Chance

Quick Potions Available to Share with 22 Hour Shelf Life Enlarge Person (22 Minutes)
Haste (22 Rounds)
Heroism (220 minutes)
Mirror Image (22 Minutes)
(Shadow Illusion) Mage Armor (44 Hours)
Blur (22 Minutes, Limited Availability)
Chameleon (22 Hours, Limited Availability)

(Shadow Illusion) Magical Tattoos with 48 Hour Duration (Limit 3 per person) +1 Deflection Bonus to Armor Class
+1 Luck Bonus to Attack Rolls
+2 Competence Bonus to Attack Rolls
+2 Resistance Bonus to Saves
Spell Resistance (18)

'Shadow Cookies' Available Limited Availability - Automtatically Extended for 2*Duration
Any Touch/Area Conjuration Spell of 0-4th level on the Sorcerer's Spell List
Any Touch/Area Evocation Spell of 0-4th level on the Sorcerer's Spell List
Any Touch/Area Illusion (Glamer) Spell of 0-4th level on the Sorcerer's Spell List (Very Limited Availability)
Any Touch/Area 0-5th level spell on Azlin's Spell List (Not Extended except for Illusions)
Any 0-5th level spell that you hire another spellcaster to cast

Other Beneficial Spells Available Superior Resistance (+6 to Saves)
True Seeing (22 Minutes, 250gp material component)
Greater Planeshift (Need GM ruling on what planar forks I will have available)
Greater Teleport

I just need to convert the background outline to an actual background, and get a ruling from Chaincomplex on how many 'Shadow Cookies' I'm allowed to start with, as well as on planar forks for use with Greater Plane Shift because that spell specifically requires a DM ruling on the availability of the foci.

2023-04-18, 10:57 AM
Well in case the girls don't want your second Spellguard Ring, it'll nicely fit on one of the wing-spikes of my riding dire bat, Ereshki.

Also, my character sheet is so choke-full of boni everywhere that I'm having a hard time figuring out everything, but I do think Ux does not currently have any luck nor competence boni to attack rolls. These two tattoos would be much appreciated. And Ereshki would gladly take those that increase AC and saves.

2023-04-18, 09:47 PM
For the Launch Item cantrip, Chaincomplax. I can see your point at the lack of explicit text. I hadn't considered that because I had it in my mind that the disks would function like a splash weapon, and those are specifically described as working with Launch Item. Either way, I'll keep the cantrip regardless for utility - just let me know how you rule it would function with shadow cookies. If nothing else, it would be a means of delivering emergency supplies over a great distance very quickly. The disk spell says you can throw them to activate them, but does not actually list a range increment.

I'm definitely ruling in favor of launch item activating the delicate disk, I just noticed the discrepancy when reading spells. As for range increment, I imagine it's the default improvised one of 10 ft. if thrown by hand.

I just need to convert the background outline to an actual background, and get a ruling from Chaincomplex on how many 'Shadow Cookies' I'm allowed to start with, as well as on planar forks for use with Greater Plane Shift because that spell specifically requires a DM ruling on the availability of the foci.

We'll say, a day's worth of preparation of "shadow cookies" to start with. As for plane shift foci, you should be able to own them as part of your endowed wealth since a 20th-level caster presumably would've traveled quite a bit. I'll estimate 90 gp per Inner Plane focus, 150 gp per Outer Plane focus, 60 gp per Transitive Plane focus, and bespoke costs for demiplanes.

2023-04-19, 03:50 AM
First servant, Eternal sun? Does that ring a bell to Ux with an untrained Knowledge (religion) check the DC of which cannot exceed 10? Mates, if you've got any Knowledge in this area, can you chime in?

2023-04-19, 06:45 AM
Assuming the planar fork for the prime material plane is as cheap as the transitory planes - I calculated spending 60gp on that fork as well - then my sheet is complete except for the written background. I opted for planar forks attuned to the Material, Astral, Shadow, Ethereal, Outlands, Mechanus, and Pandemonium planes.

Only the full background remains to be finished on the character sheet, though the outline hits the key points for now. If a tie-in to the existing party is desired, Myriad as a known associate seems appropriate, as there is a revenge arc in the background that would make sense to justify having hired her at some point in the past. Myriad's Arm of Nyr could have also made decent inspiration for not only the planar fork to Mechanus, but also the warforged grafts.

2023-04-19, 10:49 AM
Well in case the girls don't want your second Spellguard Ring, it'll nicely fit on one of the wing-spikes of my riding dire bat, Ereshki.

Delja has both ring slots filled. I'll gladly leave it to Ereshki!

First servant, Eternal sun? Does that ring a bell to Ux with an untrained Knowledge (religion) check the DC of which cannot exceed 10? Mates, if you've got any Knowledge in this area, can you chime in?

We have a friendly priest at hand. We can just ask him afterwards. Still,
Knowledge (local): [roll0] and
Knowledge (nobility and royalty): [roll1], in case it's some local bigwig D. might know about.

Assuming the planar fork for the prime material plane is as cheap as the transitory planes - I calculated spending 60gp on that fork as well - then my sheet is complete except for the written background. I opted for planar forks attuned to the Material, Astral, Shadow, Ethereal, Outlands, Mechanus, and Pandemonium planes.

Covering all the transitories plus Portals: the Plane? Clever. Why Pandemonium, though? (My character speaks Demodand of all things, so that's not a criticism, just curiosity.)

Only the full background remains to be finished on the character sheet, though the outline hits the key points for now. If a tie-in to the existing party is desired, Myriad as a known associate seems appropriate, as there is a revenge arc in the background that would make sense to justify having hired her at some point in the past. Myriad's Arm of Nyr could have also made decent inspiration for not only the planar fork to Mechanus, but also the warforged grafts.

I think a tie-in like that would be fun, and she does sound more like a weird person Myriad knows than a weird person either of the other two do.

2023-04-19, 03:09 PM
Myriad doesn't have any rings, sadly. While she has the highest SR of the group, I imagine your caster level check to overcome SR is an automatic pass for a measly SR 25, or damn close. She wouldn't mind the benefit until she gets some decent rings of her own, then happily pass it to the giant squeaker.

Myriad would be great for a tie-in! Having the gnomie hire 'Legion' to hunt down and stalk your archenemies, infiltrate their security, and kidnap them to get justiced to death by the last surviving member of the family they murdered seems legit. Dragging folks out of their conjured-up Magnificent Mansions nested in private demi planes they thought no one else could enter while they sleep unaware, bypassing all their traps and henchpeople is literally what she's built for, after all.

Also, all this talk of using Launch Item to fling spell grenades made me think of a really cool build idea. A 'Magic Pirate' who gets famous for his arsenal of spells and how he seems to be able to cast as many spell as he likes...but really he's just some nerd lvl 13 Factotum with 5 spells who makes shadow cookies and uses bundles of eternal launch item wands rigged a racks of shadow cookies, triggering 3 at a time with the Alaunghaer's Triptych (https://web.archive.org/web/20210221204821/http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/wn/20030226a) spell. Lash three wands together, wrap a tube around it to make it look like a mage staff, load 9 disks into a CD case style wire rack at the business end that has been illusioned to look like the top of a staff, point, and Triptych the 3 wands inside, targeting three of the disks. If each disk contains an Arcane Fusion spell of 2 other spells...you'd essentially fire off 6 spells in 1 with a standard action. If you're gonna be a weak-sauce factotum, you gotta make those couple spells count! Muahahaha! Gotta love the obscure web archive spells. lol

Also, haven't posted IG because Myriad would just start asking her own questions and generally annoy everyone and make the whole process take longer, if not ruining it outright for everyone. So please just assume she is standing very still and vibrating with the effort to not speak.

2023-04-20, 03:59 AM
The effort is appreciated :D

Okay, let's give that second ring to Myriad. And yeah as far as background is concerned, I can't see a way of including Ux other than through some sort of random happenstance. Not very elegant.

2023-04-20, 07:11 AM
Assuming the planar fork for the prime material plane is as cheap as the transitory planes - I calculated spending 60gp on that fork as well - then my sheet is complete except for the written background. I opted for planar forks attuned to the Material, Astral, Shadow, Ethereal, Outlands, Mechanus, and Pandemonium planes.

Only the full background remains to be finished on the character sheet, though the outline hits the key points for now. If a tie-in to the existing party is desired, Myriad as a known associate seems appropriate, as there is a revenge arc in the background that would make sense to justify having hired her at some point in the past. Myriad's Arm of Nyr could have also made decent inspiration for not only the planar fork to Mechanus, but also the warforged grafts.

Oh right, I knew I was forgetting something obvious: the Prime Material Plane! If you want to save some gold, go ahead and spend only 30 gp on its tuning fork. I'll take a look at the sheet later today.