View Full Version : DM Help Far Realm / Cthulhu adventures or modules?

2022-04-09, 01:17 AM
In a previous D&D group, our party accidentally awoke the great Cthulhu.

Unfortunately the DM stopped due to mental health issues, and the campaign has been dead for a while, without a proper conclusion.

I'm considered resurrecting the campaign to give it proper closure.

Are there any good adventures set in the Far Realms, or with a strong aberration theme, that I could use?

I already rethemed "KandleKeep Dekonstruktion" (from Candlekeep Mysteries) so the cult is now worshipping Cthulhu and trying to shot a rocket to Earth in an attempt to wake awaken him in R'lyeh.

2022-04-09, 02:35 AM
just me 2 cp on this, but I don't think you should have the Far Realm as an adventure location.
As the driving force or theme of an adventure, yes, just not a destination.

A big appeal of the Far Realm is its alien nature and maddening effect it is supposed to have. The moment you set it as a tangible place to interact with, those interactions normalize it and remove that mystique.

2022-04-09, 02:42 AM
just me 2 cp on this, but I don't think you should have the Far Realm as an adventure location.
As the driving force or theme of an adventure, yes, just not a destination.

A big appeal of the Far Realm is its alien nature and maddening effect it is supposed to have. The moment you set it as a tangible place to interact with, those interactions normalize it and remove that mystique.

I'm considering the Far Realm as the final battleground where the party encounters Cthulhu. So, there would be very few sessions actually in the Far Realm.

2022-04-09, 02:57 AM
I'm considering the Far Realm as the final battleground where the party encounters Cthulhu. So, there would be very few sessions actually in the Far Realm.

That would still be setting a tangible location that would normalize it.

Counter proposal, party is encountering the entity as they are emerging from the far realm.
Party could be on the prime materials, in the astral sea, somewhere in pandemonium, etc, giving you access to tangible environments with a scalable level of wackiness, and have the portal supplying lair actions or regional effects.
None of the party goes there, but the maddening element can be used and maintain a level of otherworldly mystery.

Any characters that cross that threshold into the Far Realm are just gone.
No narration of what is happening to them. No declaration of a death scene or what they experience. Just the perspective of crossing over and their fate immediately becoming unknown and left that way. No returns, no adventures on the other side, no resolutions. Just the despair of not knowing.
Preserve that alien unknown as much as possible.

2022-04-09, 03:29 AM
If you’re looking to run a full-on campaign using Cthulhu tropes and creatures, I recommend Sandy Petersen’s Cthulhu Mythos for 5e. It’s third party, but excellent. New player races, feats, classes, and more gribbly horrors than you could shake a Shoggoth at. I believe he’s also done some campaign guides as well using 5e rules.

2022-04-09, 02:36 PM
What character level? Buried Dreams over on the DMG has a bit of the lovecraftian vibe to it, ending with a "herald of Gulnurh" that's a reflavored Otyugh (ugly, tentacles, disease, etc.). It's for 3rd-4th level characters, though.

2022-04-09, 03:27 PM
Isn't "Call of the Netherdeep", the last published adventure, partially set in the Far Realm?

2022-04-09, 03:43 PM
Isn't "Call of the Netherdeep", the last published adventure, partially set in the Far Realm?

It's more comparable to a plane of dread than the far realm, the location is essentially a prison plane outside of the material plane.

2022-04-10, 09:15 PM
Well, Saltmarsh has a lovecraftian feel, so you could probably reflavor it and work in some elements from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything (which does have some stuff on the Far Realm) for it.

2022-04-10, 11:44 PM
I believe Gates of Firestorm Peak from 2e was the first introduction of the Far Realm in the D&D cosmology. Could probably convert that adventure without much issue, even though it's a different edition.

2022-04-11, 04:24 AM
In Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft is the Domain of Bluetspur, which you could probably reflavor – if not to the Far Realms, at least to a corrupted region that Cthulhu has a foothold in.

It has a very "Mountains of Madness"/"City of the Great Race" feel to it.

2022-04-12, 12:44 AM
Have you tried DM's Guild or even third-party stuff? One of the useful things about Lovecraft is a lot of his pantheon is both well-known and public domain, so you have fairly decent odds of someone having made adventures that use it - whether explicitly 5e stuff, and stuff you can convert to 5e without too much trouble. In particular, Lovecraftian works tend to contain a lot of bizarre quasi-planar or extradimensional locations, like the Dreamlands or R'lyeh, that you could drop into the Far Realm without too much trouble.