View Full Version : Brutality! (Spheres in Review)

2022-04-09, 09:27 PM
Preamble: Killing time. Trying to find a sphere I haven't reviewed. Beastmastery is just... way to DM-specific, period. Maybe Ride isn't. But Tame definitely is. So it's not really valid for a review. So, here's Brute. Hope that it's good.
And yay, thanks to my attention span of a coke-addicted hornet, I have managed to turn a time killing assignment to one that took 2 full days.

Post Review Analysis: Damn. Uh. OK. I was expecting a bunch of fancy "You move them that way. Congrats. Here's a cookie."
Instead, I got a face pounding. Like, they had to have designed the sphere with all of its parts working together. Especially Hammer's 2d6 damage on shoving someone into a wall or creature. To both targets. And then... No what? Just read the review. It becomes self-evident.

Flex Talents: Dazed and Confused (manhandle): If facing someone who really likes to use their full round.
Robbery (manhandle): If facing someone with no backup weapons, or whom you can steal something very valuable from. Despite massive penalties to stealing.
Muscular Surge: For whenever +10 strength to some utility functions is useful.

(1) Superb: You always want this if it's relevant to you. And it probably is.
(1.5) Really Good: Particularly useful bits of kit, but aren't quite must-haves. (Kept it decimal, because spreading out Good so far from Superb felt unrepresentative. But I needed a step between)
(2) Good: These make useful additions to the right builds. Among your first picks.
(3) Meh: Doesn't hurt to have. Wouldn't go out of your way for it.

(4) No: It technically has a use, but the cost to take simply doesn't outweigh the benefit.
(5) Never: There’s no non-trivial reason to pick it up, from its mechanics.
(6+) Harmful: Taking/using this is actively detrimental to your character.

<Angle brackets> around a rating indicates situational usefulness, and how good it is in that favorable situation.
[Square brackets] indicate a reliance on the group (players or DM) or campaign you’re playing in, and how well it does in those select groups.

Special Ratings:
(C) Cheese: A talent so broken that it will be instantly banned if you use it as you could.
(?) Unrated: I choose not to rate it. Often because it is just so far out of my wheelhouse, or it’s far too ambiguous.
(F) Flavor: This indicates that the main draw to the talent is going to be its inherent fluff or flavor, rather than raw power or utility.
(D) D***bag: Used for when your character wants to be a D***bag.

Shove (2): Move action. Move half speed, and melee touch attack. Deal Str mod damage, and apply battered until end of next turn. Or in place of an attack on charge. Why you would ever replace the charge attack with Str mod damage... I don't know. It's probably fine. Nothing to go out of your way to get, or to remove. This is a relatively easy source of Battered.

Unarmed (4, F): This sphere counts towards unarmed damage. Which is rather insubstantial. But includes IUS.

Manhandle: Bull rush, drag, reposition, or overrun CMs can apply one (manhandle talent). Free action CMs don't apply.
Robbery <1.5>: Disarm / steal. Picking up an item provokes AoO. You can bull rush on AoO. Even if you don't throw it away, you can throw them away. Which might be even harder for them to deal with. Only works against those who care.
Dazed And Confused <1.5>: Will save, or staggered for 1 round. 2 at 10 BAB. This is solid for non-SoM enemies. And non-casters. Well, casters also probably want to stop being pushed around, and move away to cast, so casters too.

Drop (2): Free action trip. yay. Took the Hammer Talent for bull rush damage? Yay, this causes damage too! Especially if taken twice. (Although requires more feats to make trip reliable.)
Dizzy Spin (2): Fort save or 20% miss chance for 1 round. 2 at BAB 10. Not bad.

Humiliate (4): Entangled. For 1 round. Not rooted. Not good. Even before considering that you kind of have to be melee, unless you're a Champion of the Spheres, and actually using magic to bull rush. So you can't use it to kite.
Throw (4): Throw 5 feet... woo. Oh, but a reflex save or fall prone. For a martial focus. Just pick either Perpetual Motion or Drop. Seriously. Granted, this is probably better than Drop, since it's a save... but worse because it takes martial focus. Eh. Whatever. I'm putting it here until someone argues me into ranking it higher.

Takedown (?): Honestly, grappling is such a toss up. Can be a no-damage KO. Can be a massive waste of time.

Break Defenses (1): If you're wanting to bull rush, then you're probably looking for them to make them provoke.
Brutal Boar’s Charge (1): Free action shove as part of the charge. Can even include your original charge target. That's fine. But most importantly, with Focused Might, that's a free action MF recharge.
Focused Might (1): Rated this highly, contingent on Brutal Boar's Charge. Because a(n easy) conditional free action refresh is good. And worst case, it's a nearly unconditional move action refresh. Which is still about normal.

Greater Shove (1.5): Combined with Power Attack, it's an additional 2 + BAB damage, over and above your base shove. It is just a move action touch attack at full BAB, so it's better than it seems. And you can apply "feats and talents such as Power attack." So maybe there's more to stack on that.

Great Physique (2): +1 effective Size for CMs. Nice. And another +1 per 5 BAB. Even nicer! Can't make you count as colossal. So only once does a size increase grant +2 to the check. So, look at it this way: Is (1 or 2) + (1/5 BAB) to your CMs worth it? Consider that Improved X only applies +2. To a singular CM. And this is also effective size for the purpose of actually doing the CM. Plus you kind of need every bonus you can get.
Armored Momentum (2): +2 to hit on charge, while wearing heavy armor. Neat.
Brutal Manhandle (2): MF for a second (manhandle)? Yeah, there are some good talents to apply a second time.
Dominoes (2): Trip the second creature, when moving another creature into it, disregarding reach.

Destabilizing Charge (3): Deny dex to 1 attack after your charge hits. Better than (base) feinting. Which is a very low bar. And at bare minimum, it might work for yourself next turn.
Hostile Movement (3): A bit of flexibility in how you move them. Except that it does basically double the number of squares moved. It doesn't seem to sacrifice the movement. Arguably it could count towards Hammer, if there was also a wall/creature to their side. Some DMs would see that as taking it a bit too far.
Unstoppable (3, F): OH YEAH! Makes charging more reliable. I guess. Not bad.

Earthquake Stomp (4): AoE trip for MF. Not bad, you'd think. But it's 5 ft around you. Which is pretty insubstantial.
Ornery Ox (4): Not strictly bad. But really rather niche and thus not great. As a stance, you get to attempt to overrun someone during your Shove's movement.

Greater Brute (5): Doesn't stack with the actual Imp / Greater Bull Rush. Doesn't break even before level 12. But once you get there, feel free to swap in to it.

Muscular Surge (F): Doesn't do much of practical benefit. But it sounds cool to add +10 to your strength...for carry capacity purposes. Aka multiply your current carry capacity by 4. At level 20. For a couple rounds. Compared to the various carry capacity items that are incredibly cheap and entirely passive.
Brace Weapon (?): OK, I see a pattern of charging. But I've literally never seen anyone try to use overrun. If you take Tower Shield Mastery, you can get +4 to overrun CMB before enchants. Could be neat. I dunno.
Stampede (?): Depends on how you read it. Either: Charging doesn't provoke, so long as you at least bull rush or overrun as part of it, Or: BR and overrun don't provoke, exclusively while charging. I prefer the former because it's less pointless.

Most of these are unrated. They are all nice if you have the Hammer talent. Hammer is such an overwhelming change to the applicability of all talents related to it, and it just got to confusing as to how I would rate it. In general, these talents are pretty bad, unless you have Hammer. But their interaction with it boosts damage.

Hammer (1+): You know? This really surprised me. Probably more because of the number of free action bull rushes than anything else. This is actually surprisingly damaging. Let's say you take Follow-Throw, and Perpetual Motion for 3 bull rushes (and just assume that CMs hit just as often as regular attacks (even though it doesn't, but that's complicated). So, taking this once is like a 3d8 weapon. Taken twice, it's like 6d6. That is rather remarkable. Quick Force lets you do it another 4 times as a move and swift action. Assuming they are already against something to be knocked into. And if that something is another creature, do your damage to that other one as well. (And there's potential to do multiple times this damage, if you roll into greater rushing ranges. Potential.)
And this isn't some weird, abstract build from many sources, these are all from this one sphere.

Smash (1+): Much the same as Hammer, but less conditional. Also less potential. But you can also add enhancement bonuses and Weapon focus to bull rush.
Basically let's you get in what's effectively an unarmed strike (/light weapon attack), when you bull rush. So you're not *just* shoving them around. You're getting them closer to capitulation. But it also stacks with Hammer. I have to say the damage can get fairly radical.

Shift Weight: AoO bull rush. Which is kinda bad compared to trip. But you can now get people against the wall and keep them there. Also reposition, if you want to keep someone right where they were, while they were trying to move away. (I personally homebrew all of them as one thing. But hey. Pathfinder is screwy like that. Spheres just tries to help.)

Follow-Through: Free action bull rush on successful attack action. Which could have also been a bull rush. Which gave a free action bull rush with Perpetual Motion. All in all, probably overkill. But maybe your team has a lot of AoO they like to do. (Better with Hammer.)
Quick Force: With this, you could alpha in for 3 bull rushes in a round... if you were already in melee. So probably you'd just charge to close the distance on first round. Then on subsequent rounds you'd do your stuff. Again, probably overkill, unless you are using Hammer. In which case this is probably required. A typical round would probably be: Shove (recharge focus), Standard BR (bull rush), free BR, free BR, Swift BR, free BR. Which...again, only matters at all if you're using Hammer.

Perpetual Motion (manhandle): A second free action bull rush. *Does not invoke additional manhandle talents.* Generally 1 bull rush does the job, if you actually succeeded at it. But sometimes that wall of flame is inconveniently far away. (Better with Hammer talent)

Slapper: Insignificant change to shove. But your bull rushes now batter. Which is honestly not particularly notable. This is probably straight up bad. But now you can spend the move action on yet another bull rush, assuming that you have a free action regain Martial Focus. And you don't worry about that penalty to CMD you're missing out on.

2022-04-10, 12:09 AM
I think shove is worth more than you’re rating it. It locks out AoOs against you and is essentially a +2 to hit for your CMs that shouldn’t miss (touch.) It should also carry energy weapon or war sphere effects too. Mostly, it lowers CMD by 2 for your attack after you’ve moved or charged. With charge through, you’ll have to figure out what happens yourself though.

The most important part of giant physique imo is that it allows your size increase to count for checking if a maneuver is even possible. That counts for a decent bit.

Perpetual Motion and hammer can get funny. Move an enemy into another enemy. Damage both of them. Then apply perpetual motion to do it again. Couple with domino and improved trip. You trip the enemies your main target collides with and they provoke if you succed.

Technically your AoOs generated this way are on your turn, so Quick Bull Rush should work with one of them to start the chain again. The feat was probably not intended to work like this, but it’s awkward wording supports it.

You could also asking your GM what happens when you use follow through with cleave/great cleave/advancing carnage etc and Quick Bullrush to replace the first attack with a bullrush. Then you get another bullrush? Scatter weapons or 2x vacuum cut+iai slash get even more weird to adjudicate. But fun if it works.

It’s far too late and I can’t think straight anymore. So I’m just gonna say that I’ve loved every mini boss who I’ve built using domino builds. They’ve all been hilariously chaotic fights with people spending most of the combat prone.

2022-04-10, 09:36 AM
I think shove is worth more than you’re rating it. It locks out AoOs against you and is essentially a +2 to hit for your CMs that shouldn’t miss (touch.) It should also carry energy weapon or war sphere effects too. Mostly, it lowers CMD by 2 for your attack after you’ve moved or charged. With charge through, you’ll have to figure out what happens yourself though.

The most important part of giant physique imo is that it allows your size increase to count for checking if a maneuver is even possible. That counts for a decent bit.

Perpetual Motion and hammer can get funny. Move an enemy into another enemy. Damage both of them. Then apply perpetual motion to do it again. Couple with domino and improved trip. You trip the enemies your main target collides with and they provoke if you succed.

Technically your AoOs generated this way are on your turn, so Quick Bull Rush should work with one of them to start the chain again. The feat was probably not intended to work like this, but it’s awkward wording supports it.

You could also asking your GM what happens when you use follow through with cleave/great cleave/advancing carnage etc and Quick Bullrush to replace the first attack with a bullrush. Then you get another bullrush? Scatter weapons or 2x vacuum cut+iai slash get even more weird to adjudicate. But fun if it works.

It’s far too late and I can’t think straight anymore. So I’m just gonna say that I’ve loved every mini boss who I’ve built using domino builds. They’ve all been hilariously chaotic fights with people spending most of the combat prone.

I simply don't rate Str damage and Battered as a move action each round particularly highly. But I did forget to update it after seeing Hammer.

I did mention that part.

I don't know what you mean by your AoOs deal. Each bull rush provokes an AoO if you took the talent.

AoE attack actions should work just fine for follow-through. It says when you hit a target with an attack action, which can happen multiple times with an attack action. Arguably, even with multiple attacks in an attack action. It would be wording like the duelist's, which says "Whenever you use the attack action … to attack or disarm," which happens each time you use the attack action, rather than each hit, which could impede AoE and such.
God. That could be...pretty potent.

2022-04-10, 10:47 AM
Muscular Surge might not be amazing, but I find it does provide some strongman utility by interacting with rules that aren't used all that much because they are usually stacked too much against the PCs favor. Walls, Doors and other obstacles have a Break DC which typically makes for a really difficult Strength Check. Adding +BAB by expending martial focus with Muscular Surge makes those checks much more realistic to succeed at.

Many spells that entangle the target also require a Strength check or an Escape Artist check to escape. A strongman might not have the required investment in Escape Artist, and a plain Strength check is often difficult without the bonus from Muscular Surge. Some spells might only be possible to escape using a Strength check (looking at you Icy Prison (http://legacy.aonprd.com/ultimateMagic/spells/icyPrison.html#icy-prison)).

I consider Brute to be one of the most effective combat spheres. Shove (with Shove enhancing talents) combines really well with other spheres such as Berserker (getting to move, deal some damage, batter, and with a talent regain martial focus, all as part of a single move action is really potent). Manhandle and what you call 'Hammer Talents' makes Bull Rush really potent. And you get IUS and unarmed damage progression. While you aren't all that impressed by unarmed progression, it adds up. I think you identified 12-15 Brute talents as good, that is enough to get unarmed damage to 2d6. Add Open Hand, Axe Kick to get to 2d8+1.5xStr and Vital Strike + size increases to multiply this into good damage.

2022-04-11, 04:32 AM
I simply don't rate Str damage and Battered as a move action each round particularly highly. But I did forget to update it after seeing Hammer.

I did mention that part.

I don't know what you mean by your AoOs deal. Each bull rush provokes an AoO if you took the talent.

AoE attack actions should work just fine for follow-through. It says when you hit a target with an attack action, which can happen multiple times with an attack action. Arguably, even with multiple attacks in an attack action. It would be wording like the duelist's, which says "Whenever you use the attack action … to attack or disarm," which happens each time you use the attack action, rather than each hit, which could impede AoE and such.
God. That could be...pretty potent.

Quick Bullrush says you may replace an attack with the highest attack bonus on your turn with a bullrush. When you use AoO generating bulrushes or AoO generating trips (because you used dominos) that is technically an attack on your turn at your highest BaB. So Quick Bullrush technically works with it. I think. I suspect they wanted you to replace the first attack in your iterative with it, but either wanted to allow for haste attack followers by Bullrush or Bullrush followed by attack routine, or maybe wanted to make flurry/twf not work? I’m unsure why it’s worded like it is.

Regardless, the feat seems like it should give you a 4th Bullrush OR allow movement and three more bull rushes. I’m still looking for a general bullrush/drag/repo as an AoO option, but likely won’t find it except with Path of War’s Seize the opportunity, which is called out as not usable by fiat with SoM.

2022-04-11, 07:09 AM
I love Muscular Surge, honestly, as well as its followup Legendary talents, Giant and Titan. They effectively bring back Bend Bars/Lift Gates as a mechanic for fighters, and make me think of all the old Hercules movies. Might not be the most useful talents in the world, because they have no combat usage, but when they're useful they're useful. And just cool.

2022-04-11, 10:41 AM
Not ignoring you guys. Just exceptionally tired from handling my bees today. I'll update this post by tomorrow.

2022-04-11, 09:31 PM
I simply don't rate Str damage and Battered as a move action each round particularly highly.

It is a MUCH better deal than simply moving as a Move action, even without the upgrades. Taking into account Focused Might and what you can do with a reliable, mobile, Martial Focus generating engine...I think Shove is lowkey one of the best default Sphere abilities in the game.

2022-04-12, 11:00 AM
Quick Bullrush says you may replace an attack with the highest attack bonus on your turn with a bullrush. When you use AoO generating bulrushes or AoO generating trips (because you used dominos) that is technically an attack on your turn at your highest BaB. So Quick Bullrush technically works with it. I think. I suspect they wanted you to replace the first attack in your iterative with it, but either wanted to allow for haste attack followers by Bullrush or Bullrush followed by attack routine, or maybe wanted to make flurry/twf not work? I’m unsure why it’s worded like it is.

Regardless, the feat seems like it should give you a 4th Bullrush OR allow movement and three more bull rushes. I’m still looking for a general bullrush/drag/repo as an AoO option, but likely won’t find it except with Path of War’s Seize the opportunity, which is called out as not usable by fiat with SoM.

I have no idea what you mean. That wording's not there in the talent. You simply get to perform the forced movement as a move or swift action.

Muscular Surge might not be amazing, but I find it does provide some strongman utility by interacting with rules that aren't used all that much because they are usually stacked too much against the PCs favor. Walls, Doors and other obstacles have a Break DC which typically makes for a really difficult Strength Check. Adding +BAB by expending martial focus with Muscular Surge makes those checks much more realistic to succeed at.

Many spells that entangle the target also require a Strength check or an Escape Artist check to escape. A strongman might not have the required investment in Escape Artist, and a plain Strength check is often difficult without the bonus from Muscular Surge. Some spells might only be possible to escape using a Strength check (looking at you Icy Prison (http://legacy.aonprd.com/ultimateMagic/spells/icyPrison.html#icy-prison)).

I consider Brute to be one of the most effective combat spheres. Shove (with Shove enhancing talents) combines really well with other spheres such as Berserker (getting to move, deal some damage, batter, and with a talent regain martial focus, all as part of a single move action is really potent). Manhandle and what you call 'Hammer Talents' makes Bull Rush really potent. And you get IUS and unarmed damage progression. While you aren't all that impressed by unarmed progression, it adds up. I think you identified 12-15 Brute talents as good, that is enough to get unarmed damage to 2d6. Add Open Hand, Axe Kick to get to 2d8+1.5xStr and Vital Strike + size increases to multiply this into good damage.

Muscular Surge: Yeah, it's neat and thematic, and I've taken it on a couple of my Strongman characters. But when are you *really* going to find substantial enough use for it to justify taking it, on a mechanical level? It's fairly rare to want to do Break rather than just attacking and destroying it.
Granted, there's a talent that allows you to attempt to break through objects to pass through them. Even if that's a remarkably uncommon utility.

As for Shove's enhancing talents, I agree. Which is why they are rated rather highly. Same with the Hammer talents

I love Muscular Surge, honestly, as well as its followup Legendary talents, Giant and Titan. They effectively bring back Bend Bars/Lift Gates as a mechanic for fighters, and make me think of all the old Hercules movies. Might not be the most useful talents in the world, because they have no combat usage, but when they're useful they're useful. And just cool.

Agreed. Which is why it's given the special Flavor rating.

It is a MUCH better deal than simply moving as a Move action, even without the upgrades. Taking into account Focused Might and what you can do with a reliable, mobile, Martial Focus generating engine...I think Shove is lowkey one of the best default Sphere abilities in the game.

Sure, it's better than using your move action, to only move, when you don't need to. Because movement kinda sucks. It is a Good upgrade, especially when considering its potential as a rotation piece. Which is why Focused Might got a higher rating than the base ability.

2022-04-12, 08:59 PM
Sure, it's better than using your move action, to only move, when you don't need to. Because movement kinda sucks. It is a Good upgrade, especially when considering its potential as a rotation piece. Which is why Focused Might got a higher rating than the base ability.

IME using Shove and then Brutal Strike every turn is generally better than full attacking at many levels.

2022-04-14, 02:59 AM
I have no idea what you mean. That wording's not there in the talent. You simply get to perform the forced movement as a move or swift

Quick Bull Rush (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/quick-bull-rush-combat/) is also a feat.

On your turn, you can perform a single bull rush combat maneuver in place of one of your melee attacks. You must choose the melee attack with the highest base attack bonus to make the bull rush.

Sneak Dog
2022-04-14, 10:34 AM
Keep in mind the attacks of opportunity from break defences do not stack with those from greater bull rush per the associated talent rules. There is value in getting the talent over the feat, namely that the feat only makes them provoke once per round per attacker, as per the combat reflexes and additional attacks of opportunity rules.

Which then makes one wonder whether they want the improved bull rush + greater bull rush or greater brute + break defences. Or even improved bull rush + greater bull rush + break defences.

2022-04-14, 02:20 PM
Quick Bull Rush (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/quick-bull-rush-combat/) is also a feat.
Ah! OK.
That makes sense now.

IME using Shove and then Brutal Strike every turn is generally better than full attacking at many levels.

Arguable. I'd need to see the math on that. You'd only need 8 levels on average for Shove to out compete 1d6 damage. 16 levels for 2d6. But the chance to hit has to be taken into account. As well as the fact that SoM isn't really built around full attacking.
Factoring in Greater Shove does make it seem more competitive, damage-wise.

2022-04-16, 01:21 PM
Arguable. I'd need to see the math on that. You'd only need 8 levels on average for Shove to out compete 1d6 damage. 16 levels for 2d6. But the chance to hit has to be taken into account. As well as the fact that SoM isn't really built around full attacking.
Factoring in Greater Shove does make it seem more competitive, damage-wise.

Don’t forget vital strike factored in as well.

2022-04-16, 05:29 PM
Don’t forget vital strike factored in as well.

Would that not just be equally applicable to both options?

2022-04-16, 07:40 PM
Would that not just be equally applicable to both options?

No, you can't make full attacks with vital strike.

Hence why vital strike is so popular in Spheres of Might, since you generally don't full attack with SoM.

2022-04-17, 07:07 AM
Would that not just be equally applicable to both options?

VS only works on attack actions. Full attack isn’t an attack action. While it would certainly work on the non-spheres character’s move-attack rounds, the addition of 2x bab damage and the shove power attack + bab damage will put the spheres character clearly on top. The only hope they non-spheres character has of out-dpr-ing is to full attack, which will likely deal more damage, but requires more setup to pull off consistently.

Charop matters too. If you’re in a game where 2d6+11 is typical base damage at 6th level, the sphere character doing 6(bab shove)+4(power attack shove) and 4d6+11+12(2x bab)on a touch attack/attack routine will likely beat out 4d6+22 on an attack/attack-5 routine. But if your group expects something more like 4d6+20 at sixth, plus a haste attack, the the spheres character is only better when they need to move.

It gets worse at 11 and 16. Unless mythic vital strike is on the table. Then all bets are off.

2022-04-17, 06:03 PM
The important thing to note is that it's not like a Spheres character loses the ability to full attack. It's just all upside.

You're not choosing between a character who can do 3x the damage on a full attack and one who can do 2x damage while moving, you have both since most of the raw damage boosters available to martial characters are Spheres-agnostic.

But IME between levels 3 and 8, Shove/Brutal Strike was the superior option, and as the levels went on (up to 17) it was never the WORST thing the character could do.

2022-04-17, 06:47 PM
The important thing to note is that it's not like a Spheres character loses the ability to full attack. It's just all upside.

You're not choosing between a character who can do 3x the damage on a full attack and one who can do 2x damage while moving, you have both since most of the raw damage boosters available to martial characters are Spheres-agnostic.

But IME between levels 3 and 8, Shove/Brutal Strike was the superior option, and as the levels went on (up to 17) it was never the WORST thing the character could do.

I guess it’s a loss of opportunity. If you take 3 VS feats, that’s three other feats you didn’t take. But my experience is similar to yours. The spheres characters I’ve played seem to do more damage, since moving happens more than many people realize.

Even without vital strike, it’s free extra damage when you have to move. Take power attack and you’re 90% of the way done with a full attack build.

2022-04-17, 11:53 PM
Alright. I'm convinced. I moved up the shove talents that weren't already in the top tier.