View Full Version : Ferrous Bueller's Day(s) Off - Six Dragons Walk Into a Tavern... [IC]

2022-04-10, 12:23 AM
This will be the In Character thread for Ferrous Bueller's Day(s) Off.

Game Description:

One (or more) dragon's struggles to take it (it mostly being someone else's stuff) easy.

This is a classic game of D&D: you will visit inns and taverns to find quests, storm castles, delve into dungeons, and rescue damsels in distress. The issue is figuring out who gets the damsel after you're done rescuing her, because you are all, without exception, dragons.

The party is basically a bunch of teenage hooligans who are rebelling against their staid, "stay home and watch the hoard" parents and doing things their way. Not everydragon's willing to wait for their hoard to come to them by killing and looting adventurers that come and try to rescue the princess after all. The modern dragon knows they can go out and do it all, raid those dungeons (even if it requires some significant investment in escape artist ranks for the heftier fellows in the party), slay the dastardly knights in their castles, and build their hoard without relying upon outmoded pre-medieval "cave" decor to protect it.

Character List


Sketh, the awesome (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2612287)
Chaos Dragon 9 // Spellthief 7 (ECL 13)
Posted (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25423296&postcount=6)

Brilliance (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2613544)
Gold Dragon 8 // Paladin of Freedom 4/Barbarian 1/Warblade 1/Totemist 2 (ECL 12)
Posted (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25423357&postcount=8), Build done (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25408105&postcount=87)

Meragamberteletele "Amber" Lagunaga (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2613944)
Song Dragon 8 // Bard 7 (ECL 13)
Posted (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25423302&postcount=7), Build (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25404319&postcount=70), Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2613944)

Carlesvindr/Shadowsoul (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25404624&postcount=75)
Red Dragon 10 // Swordsage 5 (ECL 15)
Posted (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25423292&postcount=5)

Mercury Dragon 9 (Wyrm of War) // Dragonfire Adept 8 (Chrome Dragon Ascendancy) (ECL 12)
Reserved (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25423459&postcount=9), Build Complete (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25407252&postcount=84)

Vasrei'nola "Reia" (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2270940)
Tome Dragon 9 // Factotum 3, Incantatrix 2 ("Mage") (ECL 15)
Reserved (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25423249&postcount=4), Sheet (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2270940)

Game Rules:
See OOC thread for Character Creation rules and House rules, but for the most part standard 3.5 D&D rules apply.

Story Arcs

Six Dragons Walk Into a Tavern... [The Beginning]: Our intrepid teenagers attempt to solicit quests from "mysterious" strangers in a local tavern in Sarlona.


"Ferrous Bueller's Day(s) Off" Thread List

Recruiting Thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?643887-Ferrous-Bueller-s-Day(s)-Off-3-5E-Dragon-Characters)
In Character Campaign Thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?644654-Ferrous-Bueller-s-Day(s)-Off-Six-Dragons-Walk-Into-a-Tavern-IC&p=25424372#post25424372) (you're here)
Out of Character Thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?644603-Ferrous-Bueller-s-Day(s)-Off-OOC-and-Character-Record&p=25423222#post25423222)

2022-04-10, 12:25 AM
Reserved for Future Use.

2022-04-10, 12:28 AM
Reserved to Use in the Future

2022-04-10, 01:18 AM
A clutch of dragons, youths scarcely old enough to be able to leave the lair in the view of most older dragons have come together through the auspices of chance encounters and their parents' machinations. It's hard to say who first thought of the idea, but it was seized upon by all as the obvious path forward-- breaking free of the antiquated roots of dragonkind and the more modern (for dragonkind at any rate) interminable mumbling about prophecy. Yes, they would become adventurers-- have fun, stomp all over the little tasks the humans assigned, and then acquire vast sums of wealth for their efforts.

A bit of planning, some communication that may or may not have been leveraging some of the "antiquated" treasure their parents had strewn about the lair and they were almost ready for the day...

2022-04-10, 09:21 PM
Vasrei'nola "Reia"


Reia stood outside the inn where the group had planned on meeting. Her trip was completely uneventful, as it should be, she was traveling as a human after all. Looking at the doors, she rubbed her temple.

”This is a mistake…”

She had realized it as soon as the plan had been offered but the others had been too excited. There was absolutely no way common people of the lesser races would react positively to a flight of dragons sauntering into an establishment. Still, she had no way of contacting any of them, being completely covered in anti-divination wards herself to avoid her own mother’s meddling.

Reia could only sigh and fold her arms, waiting to see how the others’ arrivals would be received.

2022-04-11, 11:45 PM
The inn chosen for the group's first meeting wasn't particularly small, but they hadn't chosen a large, central city in which to make their first foray into wealth and prestige as adventurers. A short distance from the shattered fortress of Kintam Leluun on the western edge of the Rhialuun Sea, the City of the Kin, as the residents called themselves, was truthfully closer to a large town than a true city, but it was known to have a surfeit of individuals who kept the mishapen beasts that sometimes wandered from the ruins of the fortress at bay. And most importantly, it wasn't in the territory of any of their parents, or indeed, any dragon that the group had been able to find.

All told, it should easily be possible to find loads of wealthy... whoever gave out money for sacking fortresses and such in such a place, really. Plenty of adventure to be had, all they needed to do was find it.


2022-04-12, 06:01 AM
Voovtharovom "Bob"


Voovtharovom had planned long for this foray. Long being the intense eternity of five minutes. He made sure he was still carrying his father's ring, he checked his armor, belt and anklets, and grabbed the bag that surely contain all his stuff. All his stuff being plenty of nothing and not much else. His mother was after all insistent that his part of the hoard be invested in stock in different adventure expeditions out of Sharn. Comissions such as those were the best part of revenue after all. How much he wished he had stuff now. He would surely grab some on this adventure.

Before going into the inn he studied a little of the locals from afar. To get ideas. He hadn't seen many humans, or elfs, or dwarves, or in fact not his mother. And he enjoyed the chance. He knew though that people there would be suspicious of dragons. And one so shiny as himself would surely draw attention. And if there was something that Voovtharovom didn't like was attention. So he studied the humans from afar. And tried his ability to change shape and imitate them. It took him some tries but ultimately he succeeded in adoption a human form that was still very much him.

Human Bob was pale, with platinum blonde hair, and purple eyes just like Dragon Voovtharovom. He wore an antique Galifaran military trenchcoat that he had plundered from his mother's piple of discarded disguises, and ill fitted pantaloons and shirt that he had pilfered along the way. Bob hadn't considered boots a worthy investment, enjoying the feel of the ground on his feet although he could tell that most humans wore shoes, so perhaps he should grab some at some point.

Going into the inn it was pretty clear that boots were a better idea than he thought. As he drew more than a glance. Bob shrugged and simply looked around. He found the bar and the innkeeper and approached, ordering a beverage, a refreshing glass of milk. Paying with some coppers out of the trenchcoat pocket that were probably older than the inn Bob took some space at an empty table and waited for his friends.

Bob isn't too familiar with humans, so I wanted to have him do some weird stuff, just not too weird. Bob's social skills mean that he probably can get away with some weird stuff.
Also I'm unsure if Bob should spot Reia, if Reia's human form has the shinny glowing lines that seem to represent the magical nature of the spellhoard then yes, for sure he is spotting Reia. Otherwise probably didn't throw her a second glance.

2022-04-12, 01:16 PM
Amber Lagunaga (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2613944)
https://i.ibb.co/TmyCtLr/Amber-Placeholder.png (https://ibb.co/D5dqQpL)
Small Dragon [Air, Shapechanger]
Age: Very Young, Gender: Female
Alignment: Naive Good
Class: Bard, Level: 7/11 (+2 LA)
Initiative: +0, Speed: 30 / Fly 180 (good)
HP: 106/106, AC: 18 (+1 Size, +7 Natural)
Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +9
Attacks: Bite +13 (1d6+2), Plasma Breath DC17 (4d6)
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 28
Immunities: Poison, Sleep, Paralysis, Electricity
Senses: Listen +15, Keen Senses 120, Blindsense 60, True Seeing 15
Starting Shticks: Bardic Music, Song of Building, X-Treme Diplomacy

Outside, a little blue speck circles overhead, trying to decide which door of the building is the main entrance. For Amber, coming here meant missing her last architecture lesson, and this building is interesting to look at. Each section is painted a different color and built in a slightly different style. Did it start as several houses, and add the middle portion to combine them into an inn? That would be pretty unusual. More likely, it's a long-lived institution that was added onto by different builders over the generations. Neat!

Once she circles close enough to realize that one door has a big sign hanging over it, she drifts down to the entrance. Up close, she's clearly a dragon. She doesn't want to start on the wrong foot by misleading people about that, right? Besides, she's only as big as an eagle and is wearing a cute little sash and messenger bag. How dangerous can she possibly be?

She hovers up to reach the doorknob and makes her way inside. She hasn't seen Bob's human form before, but she might recognize Reia. Their previous meeting was in front of their parents and used their human forms exclusively. Either way, the rest of the team would surely recognize Amber and call her over.

"Hello everyone!" she says excitedly and twirls over to the table. "Gosh, can you believe we're really doing this?"

2022-04-12, 01:27 PM
Vasrei'nola "Reia"


Reia set her jaw and strode forward toward the door as Amber twirled in and announced herself. As she moved, she stood to the side, using her mindsight to locate the people inside in preparation to dodge a panicked flood of them as they rushed through the doors.

Amber could feel Reia's voice in her head as her human form slid carefully through. "We're here to get hired by humans, not killed by them. Remember, dragons equal treasure to them."

She could probably pass Amber off as a familiar if pressed, but the others, they'd cause even more scene when they arrived.

2022-04-12, 01:47 PM
Sketh is uncharacteristically nervous. They don't speak the language and can't pass themselves off as a humanoid. This isn't Limbo, where anyone who isn't a Slaad can be presumed friendly. Sketh comes upon the kernel of an idea. They summon one of the adolescent kobolds they keep around the dungeon.

"You, tell your parents I need you for a mission, then get your best clothes. You are now my herald!
You speak the common language of this plane, yes? "

With the awed kobold and their trusty squirrel riding them, Skarthidesillijicijillised*ihthrax lands outside the town and begins sauntering towards the Inn.

2022-04-12, 02:08 PM
The teeming masses of humanity boiling below, like an endless sea of corruption...

...No, that didn't quite work in this situation. He liked the line, but there just weren't enough people here for it. Save that one for later, when they went to a real city.

Shadowsoul was far overhead, gliding through the unpleasantly cold and damp air as he tried to figure out his entrance. He'd never been to a human inn before, but the stories were clear enough on the subject; he could expect regular drunken brawls, adventurers in search of glory, and the owner was undoubtedly some sort of retired grandmaster capable of kicking anyone who caused problems through a window.

His wings tilted carefully as he descended, cutting the air almost silently to land on the roof of the building. His landing was gentle enough that it could have passed for an ordinary bird -- although in all likelihood his appearance had scared any actual birds off in a wide area -- but there may have been some worrying creaks and groans he landed on a roof that probably wasn't built for such things. He did his best to step carefully and keep his weight on the sturdier looking beams of the roof as he peered over the edge.

Anyone looking up would see... well, hopefully nothing, if his stealth arts were good enough, but any warrior cunning enough to spot him would see a dragon the size of a large horse, red scales artfully darkened with black dust around his eyes and arms. Plates of dark leather armor were strapped to his body carefully, while a dark rust-colored scarf around his neck trailed in the breeze quite stylishly and a black gemstone on his forehead glittered ominously. The boots on his hind legs... were a little less stylish, but the magic was too useful to pass up.

He sniffed around carefully, inspecting the entrances and surroundings of the inn. A master of the shadows would never enter a building without checking for ambushes, right?

2022-04-12, 02:58 PM
Amber Lagunaga (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2613944)
https://i.ibb.co/TmyCtLr/Amber-Placeholder.png (https://ibb.co/D5dqQpL)
Small Dragon [Air, Shapechanger]
Age: Very Young, Gender: Female
Alignment: Naive Good
Class: Bard, Level: 7/11 (+2 LA)
Initiative: +0, Speed: 30 / Fly 180 (good)
HP: 106/106, AC: 18 (+1 Size, +7 Natural)
Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +9
Attacks: Bite +13 (1d6+2), Plasma Breath DC17 (4d6)
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 28
Immunities: Poison, Sleep, Paralysis, Electricity
Senses: Listen +15, Keen Senses 120, Blindsense 60, True Seeing 15
Starting Shticks: Bardic Music, Song of Building, X-Treme Diplomacy

"We're here to get hired by humans, not killed by them. Remember, dragons equal treasure to them."

"Yes, and people love treasure," says Amber. "I'll be fine."

Whether she is trying to subvert Reia's warning or just didn't understand it is anybody's guess, but she did slip that I in there to protect those who are not comfortable revealing themselves yet.

2022-04-12, 05:05 PM
Bob hears Amber and quickly spots her. It doesn't take much then to identify the woman with her as Reia. He waves a hand at them enthusiastically, he has seen humans do that.

"Hey girls! Long time no see. Oh wait you might not recognize me like this. It's me Bob." He pronounces his name weirdly more like Voov.

Once they are close sitting Bob smiles at Amber. He then moves to pose a little.

"How do I look? It's my first time trying this, you know I got here earlier and was kind of practicing. Pants are funny. Shoes are moronic. I think I migt need a hat."

2022-04-12, 06:09 PM
Already in town, Brilliance notes Princess Amber's flying arrival and starts walking toward the meeting place (after just a moment of futilely flapping her arms). She has no practice in reading humanoids' expressions, so she's pretty completely oblivious to the befuddlement her appearance has been causing. She's in the shape of a female elf, with a nice golden beard to match her dragon form's whiskers.

Entering the inn, she hears Voovtharovom talking about his outfit:

"How do I look? It's my first time trying this, you know I got here earlier and was kind of practicing. Pants are funny. Shoes are moronic. I think I migt need a hat."

"Hats are overrated," Brill opines with authority, guessing his identity based on voice, coloration and the fact that he's talking to Amber. "What's the point in having hair if you can't feel the wind blow through it?" She strokes her beard.

2022-04-12, 06:33 PM
Vasrei'nola "Reia"


Reia sits at the table with Bob and Amber, selecting a chair that gave her view of the entrance so she could see the others enter.

She greeting each in turn with a small wave and nod. Tilting her head slightly when Brill entered sporting a beard, as an elf female. Not wanting to call her out in front of the others, mostly because that always seemed to put the Gold on the defensive, she spoke into Brill’s mind. "Hair is wonderful. I’ll braid yours later... but hair of the face is only sported by males of the lesser races."

She gave the elf a small smirk as she twirled a strand of her own hair around her finger playfully.

2022-04-12, 06:52 PM
Brill straightens up in her chosen seat, startled. << That cannot be true, >> she replies in her odd stilted mental voice. << Why would someone make that rule? Who would try to enforce it? >> She begins peering around the room suspiciously at the various males and females nearby -- not that it's necessarily easy for her to tell the difference in non-dragons.

2022-04-12, 07:13 PM
Amber Lagunaga (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2613944)
https://i.ibb.co/TmyCtLr/Amber-Placeholder.png (https://ibb.co/D5dqQpL)
Small Dragon [Air, Shapechanger]
Age: Very Young, Gender: Female
Alignment: Naive Good
Class: Bard, Level: 7/11 (+2 LA)
Initiative: +0, Speed: 30 / Fly 180 (good)
HP: 106/106, AC: 18 (+1 Size, +7 Natural)
Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +9
Attacks: Bite +13 (1d6+2), Plasma Breath DC17 (4d6)
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 28
Immunities: Poison, Sleep, Paralysis, Electricity
Senses: Listen +15, Keen Senses 120, Blindsense 60, True Seeing 15
Starting Shticks: Bardic Music, Song of Building, X-Treme Diplomacy

"I think you look nice, Bob!" Amber chimes in, unable to hear the telepathic conversation about girl beards. "The silver hair is a nice touch; it makes you look distinguished. Reia, I see you've gotten some nice new tattoos. Your beard is fun, too, Brilliance!"

She chooses the word carefully and glances around the room to see what humans may be watching, not that a bearded elf is any weirder than a random dragon to begin with. Of course, that's not the only reason she's looking.

"I don't suppose anyone has heard from Shadowsoul or Sketh? Maybe one of us should make sure they're not stuck outside, or hiding somewhere invisibly..."

2022-04-12, 08:13 PM
Vasrei'nola "Reia"


Reia leaned back in her chair. At Amber’s question she absently pointed toward the door.
"Shadow is right outside the door."

She rarely spoke out loud. While preferring to use telepathy to keep her conversations private, it seemed fitting to announce his arrival and spoil whatever dramatic entry he was cooking up.

2022-04-13, 11:51 AM
As the gaggle of draconic teenagers enter the inn in ones and twos, they get a few curious glances to start from the "mysterious patrons" that the dragons have read so much about.

In one shadowy corner a pair of humans, one boy and another girl, sit with their hands clasped under the table and talking softly. No doubt secretly communicating about whatever fell knowledge they hold while they hold a decoy conversation above board about... rolling in hay? The boy does admittedly have a few pieces of straw in his somewhat messy hair, so perhaps a secret lair in one of those fields they passed or something.

At the bar are several other, rather dirty humans currently sitting on stools and shoveling food into their mouths at a speed that is almost impressive even for a dragon. Those seem to have paid the least attention to the entrances, but a few are eyeing the doors-- or more specifically the shadows when the doors open.

When Amber specifically enters the bar, she does get several sidelong stares from various patrons and conversation stills for a moment, but when she does nothing but greet her companions (which admittedly results in more staring at them) the conversation resumes. The only man armed with a sword in the place does finger it briefly, then he goes back to a boisterous conversation with a man with a shaved head who is in robes. No doubt a powerful warrior and mage of some kind, even though they don't see a spellbook or anything else of the sort.

There are not many other mysterious patrons unfortunately and while all seem to be giving surreptious glances at all of the party, none approach with a secret quest for the obvious party of adventurers that the draconic teenagers represent.



Outside, Sketh approaches with his kobold, who has assured him that he does in fact speak the Common tongue. Though he seems a touch nervous about approaching a settlement full of humans even perched atop a dragon's back.

Apparently he is more daring than most of his kind though, because he asks in Draconic, "Umm, do I get a danger bonus for potentially getting my head chopped off by humans?"

Shadowsoul in the meantime identifies several entrances and not many people outside of the inn thus far.

OOC: If you're being stealthy, go ahead and roll a pre-emptive Stealth check most of the time, incidentally.

2022-04-13, 11:57 AM
Sketh admires this ambition in the normally dull and subservient little humanoid. A whole shiny gold piece!

Now, announce that your employer, the Awesome Skarthidesillijicijillised*ihthrax has come to partake of beer and pretzels at their tavern.

After a pause, they add, ever a businessperson,

If they ask, be sure to mention your parents' shop that I am underwriting.

2022-04-13, 01:26 PM
Muttering to himself in Common about stingy dragons, the kobold slides down off of Sketh and sidles up to the door of the building. Glancing back at the large dragon, he coughs into one hand, then peeks into the room as stealthily as he can manage. Hopping into a position slightly to one side of the center so he has a little cover from maybe a quarter of the room, he yells as loudly as he can manage, "The Awesome Skarthidesillijicijillised*ihthrax has come to partake of beer and pretzels at your tavern!"

He then dives to the side as the innkeeper roars, "Get outta here, ye vermin!" and throws an empty bottle at the little creature.

The burly looking man pauses for a moment after that and says, "Skarawhatsit now?"

2022-04-13, 02:09 PM
Vasrei'nola "Reia"


Reia took a few moments as they waited for the others to scan the room with her magic appraising vision. Surely the warrior and mage would have magic items. Unless they were careful like her and nullified their auras. The koboldÂ’s announcement distracted her slightly.

”There is Sketh.”

She stood and moved toward the bar. Sketh was right in the announcement. They group should at least provide patronage. It might also loosen lips regarding quests. She motioned for the Keep.

”Sir I’d like to order beers for my table plus three.”

2022-04-13, 04:09 PM
Sketh trots through the door, a dragon the size of a very large dog or very small pony. They activate their magical sight trained to them as a spellthief and immediately spot most of the others. They wait for a signal to acknowledge them. Squeaky the Squirrel runs out ahead and grabs a crumb from the floor.

2022-04-13, 04:10 PM
Amber waves to Sketh, then her eyes follow the bottle through the air as the kobold barely dodges it.

"Excuse me," she says to the table, then glares at the barkeep and gives squeaky a quick pet as she goes to check on Sketh's herald. "Are you alright? Come, sit with us. We'll get you a drink as an apology."

Then she looks up and starts speaking in draconic. d"Hi Sketh! I was going to ask how your trip was, but you said you actually live near here, right?"

2022-04-13, 04:19 PM
dYeah, I own a dungeon supply shop outside of town, and I live in the caverns underneath with my workers. One of the kids is acting as my herald until i pick up Eberronian or a good translation item.

My parents murdered an adventurer and gave me her stuff.
But I ransomed her back to her party if she'd me get set up after her friends ressurected her. In retrospect... i should have tried harder to learn the language. I'm just used to everyone speaking either Celestial or Draconic.

Sketh sits at the table, and gestures for the herald to come with.

dTell him you're with me, so its okay. You're old enough to drink, right?

2022-04-13, 04:33 PM
Stealth: [roll0]
Perception, if needed: [roll1]

They bustled about their fleeting mortal lives, unknowing of the storm approaching...

Yeah, that was a much better line. Shadowsoul could hear the hum of conversation coming from below him, but couldn't quite make it out. Still, there was no alarm being raised and no sign of any assassins lurking in the grassy hills. He was just about to hop down and let himself in when he spotted Sketh, and instantly understood the situation.

Sketh is going to draw the attention of any enemies on themselves, as a leader should. Don't worry, dear friend; I will wreak bloody vengeance on whoever kills you!

Satisfied with this course of action and pondering what was the appropriate style of sincere yet cool grieving to do over the corpse of a friend, Shadowsoul remains on the roof for now, but he tries to crane his neck and head down a little further to actually hear what's going on in there. The wispy grey mist rising off his body helps blur the edges of his frame, hopefully making it harder to spot him up here.

2022-04-14, 11:11 PM
The substantially larger dragon that comes in the door of the building generates significantly more consternation than the earlier tiny one with a number of people scrambling to their feet and many making for exits that are not currently blocked by 200 lbs of reptile. The bartender remains, as does the man with the sword after he's called out on heading for a back exit by the the aforementioned server of alcohol. Other than that, the common room is now remarkably empty-- one of the three men continues to steadfastly chow down on his food; the pair in the corner table still appear to be present, though they are now crowded quite close together; and the companion of the swordsman is still present.

2022-04-15, 04:07 PM
Amber doesn't notice the mass exodus until she turns to head back to the table. "What is happening? Is the bar closing, suddenly?"

By the time she finishes saying that, it doesn't take a genius to sort out that all eyes are on Sketh now, but it apparently takes a bigger genius than Amber to guess exactly why. d"Sketh, this cannot be because of a bad reputation, can it? No, if it were, they would have left when you were announced, instead of waiting until you came in the door..."

2022-04-15, 04:21 PM
Amber doesn't notice the mass exodus until she turns to head back to the table. "What is happening? Is the bar closing, suddenly?"

By the time she finishes saying that, it doesn't take a genius to sort out that all eyes are on Sketh now, but it apparently takes a bigger genius than Amber to guess exactly why. d"Sketh, this cannot be because of a bad reputation, can it? No, if it were, they would have left when you were announced, instead of waiting until you came in the door..."

Sketh shrugs.dI admit I don't get many customers? I've never been anything but a model citizen,

Herald, ask them what is going on, please.

2022-04-15, 05:48 PM
Vasrei'nola "Reia"


Reia watched the men’s reactions for a moment.

”Sir….” She cleared her throat. ”Sir, about those drinks?”

”I commend you on your mastery of the baser instincts of flight or fight. It seems like you might be accustomed to oddities. Are you perhaps adventurers?”

The second question was directed toward the man with the sword and his mage companion.

2022-04-15, 09:26 PM
Shadowsoul sees people streaming out of the building in all directions, which is a little disappointing. He expected at least one howling barbarian warrior or ninja assassin... he waits a minute longer to confirm that nobody's jumping into battle, before he grumbles and hops off the roof.

For some reason, this establishment has a comically tiny door. He could probably squeeze in, but he might scuff his scales... instead, he seems to fall into his own shadow, then rises up from a pool of darkness inside the building in a corner of the common room. He hunches down in a brooding pose and nods at the others.

"No sign of ambushers outside... this place must be protected by powerful magic. The Demonic Elemental Cult won't be able to follow us here..."

Shadowsoul will Shadow Jaunt into the inn! Hopefully not knocking over too many tables?

2022-04-16, 05:14 PM
"Shadowsoul! There you are!" Amber cheerfully leads him to the table and moves a chair to make space for him. He should be able to sit on the floor comfortably-ish. "That makes everyone! Reia is at the bar getting drinks. Once that is done, we will officially be an adventuring party!"

2022-04-16, 10:35 PM
The bartender stares at Reia for a minute, then looks over towards the table the group is occupying just as Shadowsoul materializes not far from it, knocking another table over as he shifts with the appearance along with several chairs with his tail as he turns slightly towards Amber as she greets him. Still not saying anything, the large bearded man reaches under the table and pulls out several tankards. The rather uncomfortable silence is maintained as he fills each in turn, then grabs a large bowl and tops that up as well.

Her question towards the swordsman goes unanswered other than a rather awkward shrug, the man not appearing to want to interrupt the innkeeper.

Each of the drinks are set in front of Reia, however, when she reaches out for them, he places a hand on the one she reaches for and meets her eyes directly. "Ye pay for any damages at the end of the night, drinks are coinage up front."

Casting his voice over towards the table, and specifically the large dragon that appeared in the room a minute or two ago, he casts his voice out and says, "That includes the roof. Don't think I didn't hear you up there. Yer payin' fer any broken shingles or cracked beams from stompin' around on it like a big ol' horse."

The man in the robe and the swordsman exchange somewhat mystified glances, as do most of the other patrons, who clearly heard nothing of the sort themselves.

The sound of the innkeepers voice does appear to reassure one or two of the inn patrons who were apparently only just out of sight, as a couple slip into the room soundlessly, though they occupy tables or booths that are as far from the dragons as possible.

When Sketh's "herald" pokes his head into the room and doesn't immediately get another bottle winged at it, he scurries over to the table and then at his employer's urging, sidles towards the least threatening looking of the inn's customers, which are the boy and girl. "Uhum, hey. Yeah, umm..." His entreaty goes unanswered as the pair continue to gaze into each other's eyes and communicate silently. As he reaches out to poke the pair, he stops with his arm outstretched though, and then looks slowly over his shoulder at the barkeep.

Not particularly liking the expression on the man's face, he leaves the teenage kids and scurries over to one of the patrons who have newly re-entered the room. A short whispered conversation and he hurries back to the safety of the dragon's table. Pausing for a moment to choose his words carefully, he finally says, "Ahh, your Dragonness, they left because... they were afraid of a... bar fight. Yeah. Too many... adventurers... entering the room at once." There's a certain element to the way the kobold says 'adventurers' that seems a touch odd, but overall, it seems reasonable enough.

OOC: I think Reia's mindsight actually gives intelligence, so she would know that the "mage" actually doesn't have a particularly high intelligence. The bartender actually has a higher intelligence than him.

2022-04-17, 07:37 PM
d"Hmmm," Brill hums. d"I guess being afraid of a fight makes sense. Not everyone is cut out to be a sturdy adventurer like us, after all. We should reassure them that we only want to fight dastardly evildoers and dark terrors plaguing the land, that sort of thing." She glances at Shadowsoul, probably wondering whether he counts as having plagued the land and deciding not.

2022-04-17, 09:04 PM
Amber Lagunaga (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2613944)
https://i.ibb.co/TmyCtLr/Amber-Placeholder.png (https://ibb.co/D5dqQpL)
Small Dragon [Air, Shapechanger]
Age: Very Young, Gender: Female
Alignment: Naive Good
Class: Bard, Level: 7/11 (+2 LA)
Initiative: +0, Speed: 30 / Fly 180 (good)
HP: 106/106, AC: 18 (+1 Size, +7 Natural)
Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +9
Attacks: Bite +13 (1d6+2), Plasma Breath DC17 (4d6)
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 28
Immunities: Poison, Sleep, Paralysis, Electricity
Senses: Listen +15, Keen Senses 120, Blindsense 60, True Seeing 15
Starting Shticks: Bardic Music, Song of Building, X-Treme Diplomacy

"Ye pay for any damages at the end of the night... That includes the roof. Don't think I didn't hear you up there. Yer payin' fer any broken shingles or cracked beams from stompin' around on it like a big ol' horse."

"Oh! I can take care of that, sir!" Amber replies across the room. At it turns out, Sketh can hear her side of this conversation as well as anyone else; song dragons are born with a thing for that.

She takes her lyre out of her messenger bag and strums the tune of If I Were a Rich Man as a warm-up. She goes around to right the furniture and mends a broken table leg with a musical cantrip.

"Ahh, your Dragonness, they left because... they were afraid of a... bar fight. Yeah. Too many... adventurers... entering the room at once."

"Ah, of course," Amber says sadly. "That is always a risk when adventurers gather. I too was hoping we could skip over that part of the tradition."

"As for the drinks... perhaps we could work for our meals tonight? Were there any other repairs or additions to the inn you were thinking of making, Mister...?"

2022-04-18, 06:08 AM
Rubbing his chin, the barkeep says, "Daalan," in response to Amber's prompting about a name. "Additions, you say? You an architect at your age?"

2022-04-18, 08:17 AM
Sketh looks around uncomfortably. They have lost the thread of this conversation and don't like it. Best draw attention back to them. They fish out two gold pieces Herald, this should cover all of our drinks and enough left over for yourself. Honestly, a quarter of it would, but admitting a single GP was a lousy bribe before stuck in their craw far more than redressind the perceived slight.

2022-04-18, 09:35 AM
Brill and the kobold's explanation of the situation sounds logical enough to Shadowsoul, who settles down in the corner and watches. Brooding in corners is an important duty for adventurers, and he's determined to do a good job at it. The bartender's comment about architecture makes him grumble, though, and he feels the need to interject.

"We're adventurers. Where do you post the adventures, barkeep?"

2022-04-18, 02:40 PM
OOC: Sorry, I hit quote and not edit

2022-04-18, 02:46 PM
Vasrei'nola "Reia"


Once the beer was poured and the coin paid by Sketh's herald?, Reia gave him a nod of thanks and began to transport the beers to the table.

Realizing it would take several trips, she muttered a simple and relatively quick incantation. Soon the mugs, other than the one she held herself to sip from, were floating toward her companions.

She watched Amber play and repair things absently before snapping up, almost spilling her drink.

"Oh, I just had an amazing idea... your ability to construct and repair things and my ability to conjure stone walls combined would basically allow this inn a complete remodel! If the Keep would agree to share information and welcome us on an open-ended basis..." She looked between Amber and the man behind the bar expectantly.

casting Extended Unseen Servant [Duration: 24 hr]

2022-04-19, 05:37 PM
"It's okay, Shadowsoul! It's a common practice for adventurers to take on odd jobs for lodging when they are first starting out," Amber says with the authority of all her bardic knowledge and no real facts whatsoever. She then nods to agree with Reia, "and yes, Daalan! We can construct or finish any part of the building, as long as the materials are there. We could dig a new well, or build an add-on to the kitchen with a pizza oven..."

2022-04-19, 07:05 PM
"I know the place looks a bit after the fact, but there's certainly a bit more to building than throwing up some walls and magicking it. Have you done this before, or did you just pick up that fancy Lyre and want to take it for a spin?" He nods towards the instrument the tiny dragon is playing, apparently recognizing it for what it is. "Admittedly, a well or something would be pretty straight forward, but I don't have a particular need for another."

Pausing, he again tugs at his beard a bit, then turns to look off into the distance a bit, eyes going blank in thought as he says mostly to himself, "Though that does remind me of an idea I had awhile back..." Looking over the group thoughtfully, he finally shakes his head.

"As to repairs, I've a magewright who comes in regularly to trade drinks for magic. I may be able to find something on the building side if you're truly set on a trade and have the skills to back up your spells though."

For the dragon brooding in the corner, he raises an eye at the request, but says, "Adventurers, eh? If your looking for tasks to perform, you can check the bulletin board over there." He nods to the corner opposite the dragon, which does indeed have a wooden board with some bits of parchment nailed in places. He then eyes all the tables and other breakable items between the dragon and the board, but seems to shrug it off. "Whether any'll tickle your fancy, I can't say."

2022-04-19, 07:51 PM
"Ohboy!" Brilliance is over to the bulletin board in a flash, enthusiasm giving her metaphorical wings. She quickly scans the postings, ignoring anything that sounds like "kill five rats in my basement" starter fare.

2022-04-21, 09:38 AM
Shadowsoul starts to follow, almost crushes a chair, and thinks better of it. He settles back down and waits, grumbling with embarrassment at this ridiculously crowded room.

"Can you, uh, bring that over here? So we can all look at it together. I need to... conserve my energy for the coming battles. Yes."

2022-04-21, 11:52 PM
Brilliant's initial scan of the bulletin board turns up perhaps not quite as many opportunities as she might have expected, but on the plus side, none of it dealt with rats at least. Probably. They were perhaps not the most... detailed... quests she had ever read about:

Visit Lands of Wonder and Mystery; Unforgettable Journey Beyond the Raging Seas...
Defeat Vilest Vermin Most Foule; Gigantic and Horrific, Please Respond Soonest...
Support Local Effort to Unearth Antiquities...

Those seemed to be rather representative of the items on the board. Not one lacked for capital letters, most were at least partially misspelled. All told, there were perhaps ten and no more than 20 posts though.

2022-04-22, 01:10 AM
"I do have some formal training in architecture, but I see your point just the same..." Amber is about to comment on how Daalan seems to have identified the Lyre, but she just used it to cast two regular mending spells on the furniture so maybe that gave it away.

She perks up at the mention of the bulletin board, same as everyone else. "Oh dear! Those postings about giant vermin sure seem to be the most urgent. Are they all coming from the same area?"

2022-04-22, 10:22 PM
"Hmm... well, in that case, if yer friend there is intent on staying somewhere other than the stables, assuming yer sticking around for more than drinks, then I imagine we might need some new rooms after all." Nodding towards Shadowsoul in the middle of the sentence, the bartender continues after a moment. "Can't say I've had much custom of your kind, certainly. Name of the inn aside."

The latter was accompanied by a lazy handwave towards the sign that said "Red Dragon Inn".

2022-04-23, 08:14 AM
The stables?! Shadowsoul sputters wordlessly with indignation for a few moments, until the sight of the sign distracts him.

"...It's a good name."

2022-04-23, 09:57 AM
As Amber and the innkeeper talk and the others discuss some of the other bulletin board tasks such as "Missing: One Tiny Cranny Hunter, Difficult to Find, See Lanaarn for Details" with an odd drawing of a line and two balls and "Terrible She-Beast Bares Claws, Please Exterminate #$)#$ With Extreme Prejudices, See Tyag". That one had one of the words crossed out to the point where it was impossible to read for some reason. Possibly a beast so dangerous that even naming it had consequences or it might scare off prospective adventurers?

Across the inn, another person steps into the room from one of the doors cloaked in shadow; his face scarcely visible in the depths of his hood, other than the flowing white beard. Upon seeing the contents of the room, he glances over at the bartender, then slinks over to a shadowed table not far from the door he entered by.

2022-04-23, 10:02 AM
What do they say!? Herald, interpret!

2022-04-23, 11:22 AM
"Uhh..." The kobold looks at the relevant quests, seeming to be slightly reluctant about something, then just translates word for word into Draconic.

2022-04-23, 11:54 AM
Brill's brow furrows more and more as she reads through the list. d"A lot of 'see so-and-so' or 'talk to whosis'. We don't know any of these people. How are we supposed to get directions to our adventures?" She brightens up and snaps her fingers, spinning to face the not-screaming-and-running-away barkeep. d"Daalan, do you know the whereabouts of the people who posted these?" Then she flushes and repeats herself in Common.

2022-04-23, 04:53 PM
"Meeting people is an important step for an adventurer... some of them might be important people, with other jobs for us. Some might be shapeshifting assassins, seeded into mortal roles decades ago and just waiting for the chance to wreak havoc."

Shadowsoul sounds almost hopeful.

2022-04-23, 06:24 PM
"I imagine I could point you in the right direction fer most of the folks who might have put something up on the board." Nodding to the southwest, he says, "Most are probably found in Dennerk, which'd be the closest settlement outside the wild zones. Might be as ye'll find one or two from the wild zones in there too. Haven't noticed any o' their kind in the inn this past ten day, but I wouldn't necessarily." The last bit probably says something given that he was the only one in the entire tavern that appeared to notice Shadowsoul while he was on the roof.

2022-04-24, 01:11 PM
Bob raises his glass of milk towards Shadowsoul in salute as the large dragon comes in and the commotion dies down.

Then when they start discussing next steps he listens before chipping in.

"I would personally cast my vote for the unearthing of antiquities. That sounds like treasure to me. Perhaps we could unearth them and then decide. How much earth can you move with that lyre of yours Amber?

2022-04-25, 08:38 PM
Looking over the full list of options upon the bulletin board, the dragons see the following:

Visit Lands of Wonder and Mystery; Unforgettable Journey Beyond the Raging Seas... [provides contact information and location]
Defeat Vilest Vermin Most Foule; Gigantic and Horrific, Please Respond Soonest... [provides location]
Support Local Effort to Unearth Antiquities... [provides location]
Missing: One Tiny Cranny Hunter, Difficult to Find, See Lanaarn for Details... [no information provided]
Terrible She-Beast Bares Claws, Please Exterminate #$)#$ With Extreme Prejudices, See Tyag [no information provided]
Brave Dragons in Their Den, Rescue Princess! [provides likely location]
Salvage Sunken Ship for Profit [provides likely location]
Golden Blade of the Forsaken Lost in Haunted Ruins, All My Treasures For Its Return... [provides location and florid description of sword]

Scattered between these are a number of more straight forward descriptions as well.

Feral bear in the woods; please watch for and kill if possible.
Fey circle spotted at Landon's crossing; take care when passing.
Recruiting guards for passage south through ogre territory.

2022-04-26, 04:38 AM
Hey! This one is addressed to us! We're brave dragons! Wait... maybe not?

We could get that poor bargainer their sword back?

2022-04-26, 05:08 PM
The mention of princesses makes Shadowsoul curious, but anything called the Golden Blade of the Forsaken Lost (don't correct him) is just his speed.

"I'm very curious about this sword myself... I'd quite like to meet whatever skilled warrior possessed such a weapon, hmm."

2022-04-26, 06:10 PM
Incorrectly believing that her fellows can't breathe water -- she hasn't seen all of Reia's magic yet -- Brilliance quietly files away the shipwreck idea idea for later solo investigation. (Why split the take if you don't need to, amiright?) She oohs and ahhs at the various options. d"We've got some real gems here, huh? I'd be up for most of that. Where to start ..."

Hey! This one is addressed to us! We're brave dragons! Wait... maybe not?

Brill rolls her eyes at Sketh's mis-parsing but patiently (condescendingly) just replies, d"Yes, very brave. Huh, I wonder if the princess was captured by anyone we know. My parents don't do that kind of thing. They think it's gauche. Which is probably, like, a good reason to do it, since they're so consistently wrong about what's 'fitting' and 'proper'." She rolls her eyes again and sighs.

2022-04-27, 09:26 AM
Vasrei'nola "Reia"


Reia sipped her beer and made sure her invisible servant brought the rest of the group theirs.

She listened to the back and forth about choosing quests, finding it entertaining to a point. Though she was more interested in the talk from the bartender of 'wild zones'.

"From the approach of efficiency, it would be better to select the closest available quests with the least amount of travel involved and work outward. The rewards may be smaller, but the time to complete them will be substantially shorter and may allow us to divide ourselves to complete more than one simultaneously."

Knowledge (local) vs wild zone [roll0]

2022-04-27, 08:49 PM
Wild zones, Reia recalls, are what the locals call manifest zones-- Sarlona is particularly prone to them and they can be found almost everywhere. Just a bit further north, the overlap with the planes is so strong that the manifest zones shift and fluctuate-- not just their presence, as in other parts of Eberron, but the borders as well.

Here in what used to be Rhiavaar, the planes in question are Lamannia, Thelanis, and Shavarath-- and Thelanis is most prevalent in the vicinity.

2022-04-27, 09:08 PM
"That makes sense, Reia," Amber quickly nods to the tattooed genius before continuing to pay attention to Shadowsoul. "I can move enough to dig out a mine shaft or an irrigation trench," she tells him. She suddenly feels the need to pose eagerly, like she has something to prove. "It requires that I play continuously, but I can keep digging day and night if need be!"

2022-05-01, 02:12 PM
d"That would make sense, Reia, but we can't be bothered with piddling little stuff -- we're great adventurers, remember?" Brill says, quite reasonably (she thinks). d"So let's go find that sword. It's a grand quest and everyone wants to do it." She nods with satisfaction at having intelligently handled the day's biggest problem so far.

2022-05-01, 09:42 PM
Shadowsoul nods solemnly, the effect only slightly ruined when his chin-frill knocks over his drink.

"...Yes. Sounds good."

2022-05-02, 01:00 PM
The party having paid up with the bartender and a quick flight up to the roof for Amber to fix a few distressing areas on the roof where a light step only did so much to mitigate damages when that step weighed a ton or so and the party is ready to set off for fame and adventure. The rather rough map sketched out on the board gives them a basic understanding of where they need to be at least; it is only a day or so at most by foot, flying, it will likely be significantly faster even for the slowest among the group.

Ok, so going with the fortress ruins quest for the sword; let me know if you have anything in particular you'd like to do before setting out or on the way there. And if you want to fly or travel as the adventurers you've read about (i.e. slowly and prone to deadly ambushes by ne'er-do-wells).

2022-05-02, 08:41 PM
When Shadowsoul rallies behind Brill's idea, Amber quickly joins him. When she goes to repair the roof, she is quickly reminded that her item only functions once per week and she just used it before leaving home. She covers for her mistake by emptying her mending cantrips into the cracked beams.

"Alright, everyone! Time for our first official decision as a real adventuring party," she says as the team steps outside. "Adventurers are famous for finding novel ways of getting to their destination, so they always arrive in the nick of time! On the other hand, they are also known for keeping a low profile, and their most memorable moments come unexpectedly during their travels. Do we have any strong preference one way or the other?"

2022-05-02, 09:26 PM
dWalking!? How quaint, I suppose everyone should try it once!

2022-05-03, 03:19 AM
"Alright, everyone! Time for our first official decision as a real adventuring party," she says as the team steps outside. "Adventurers are famous for finding novel ways of getting to their destination, so they always arrive in the nick of time! On the other hand, they are also known for keeping a low profile, and their most memorable moments come unexpectedly during their travels. Do we have any strong preference one way or the other?"

Getting out of the building Bob doesn't really seem plused about the idea of walking. It's so slow... but he shrugs, the others are probably very slow even if flying.

Perhaps these brand of adventurers could get faster by transforming into ddragons. How far is the place...

He then sighs and switches to draconic.

dDo we know how far is this place? I could go scout around if you want.

2022-05-03, 09:38 AM
"Flying with wings isn't that much different from traveling on a flying sword or a tamed cloud, is it? And those are very traditional traveling methods. Hmm..."

Despite his words, Shadowsoul feels suddenly doubtful. Maybe it is different? Maybe he needs to exercise his non-flying limbs more, if he ever wants to figure out how to wield a sword. Maybe nobody will see his cool cloak if he's 10,000 feet above the ground.

"I suppose it couldn't hurt to walk. We can see more of the land that way... perhaps there's some cruel baron who practices demonic sacrifices on the peasants and needs to be toppled."

2022-05-03, 05:16 PM
"Flying is great and you're all being kinda weird. But whatever, I can go along with weird." Brill shrugs noncommitally.

2022-05-03, 08:10 PM
"You don't need to act as though you're being forced into it," says the little blue feathery one, "but far be it from me to disrupt a vote that's going the way I wanted! We'll follow the walking path. I'm looking forward to this journey with all of you!"

2022-05-05, 09:30 AM
Having decided upon their course of action, the dragons set off across the wilderness, with only a bit of grumbling from Brill. The wilderness, as it turns out, was composed of rather wide roads paved with a white material that seemed rather resistant to being broken up by the occasional stubborn weed. The expected attacks or villager in desperate need of assistance fail to materialize for hours of largely mundane travel through forest and field.

Finally, after nearly half a day of travel, just as the group was perhaps thinking about at least stopping for food, a bend in the trail reveals a set of unkempt men with bows drawn and pointed down the road in their direction. A woman in front, dressed slightly better than the rest in rather tight fitting clothing appears about to say something when Shadowsoul clears the obstruction of the tight trees nestled in around the road side.

Her mouth staying open for a few moments, she finally closes it, then clears her throat and asks in a rather casual manner. "Is that a dragon traveling with you?"

2022-05-05, 12:57 PM
Deciding to have a bit of fun with the stranger, Brill looks around wildly, saying, "A dragon?! Where! ... Oh, no, don't be silly, that's a horse." She giggles and puts a hand to her still-bearded mouth.

2022-05-06, 09:02 PM
"Indeed," giggles Amber, still a dragon herself. Somehow, her sharp-toothed grin manages to read as a genuine smile. "Fear not, travelers! We are both out seeking our fortune as adventurers for hire. But what about yourselves? Do you have any news from the town you're coming from?"

Bardic knowledge to guess where they're coming from and who they are. Maybe they're a famous bandit clan?


Knowledge (Nobility/Royalty) too, just because: [roll1]

2022-05-07, 09:40 AM
Shadowsoul does not whine. He's an adolescent dragon, much too old for that, and a dignified warrior besides. But he does start to... comment on the soreness of his feet and how dull this trip is after a few hours of trudging. It's working muscles he rarely has cause to use so much, and it's difficult to maintain his stylish and intimidating persona when there's just nothing happening.

All in all, it's a relief when the strangers appear. Shadowsoul might actually be one of the first ones to catch on to what's probably actually happening, too! Even a stopped clock is right twice a day, it seems. He brings his wing down to try and thwap Brill on the back of the head for that horse crack, then the horse-sized but distinctly non equine dragon's voice addresses the humans with a curious tone.

"...Are you brigands, by any chance?"

2022-05-07, 08:22 PM
Eyeing the decidedly-not-a-horse, the smaller dragon hovering in the air and talking, and the other four or five oddly dressed or just plain odd humanoids accompanying them, the presumed bandit leader says, "Brigands? Why, I'm positively insulted. We might be a bit worse for the wear, but that's simply beyond the pale. We're simply mild mannered travelers who are coming from..." She pauses, finger tapping her hip for rhythmically for a moment, then says, "...Dar Andal."

She is less than convincing.

Amber doesn't actually recognize the bandit group, not that there are a lot of notable elements to work off of, but... for some reason, the woman in the front does look familiar to her. She just can't quite put her finger on why.

DC 8 to see through her lie.

2022-05-09, 04:17 PM
Shadowsoul's eyes narrow, and smoke curls from his nostrils. That's a surprisingly tricky thing to get right, he had to practice it for days before he could do it without sneezing.

"I am the dark dragon emperor of the secret flame, Shadowsoul! The dark power sealed in my body can taste your lies! You cannot deceive me!"

He punctuates the boast by standing on his hind legs, wings fluttering awkwardly to try and keep his balance. From this posture, the spiffy leather boots on his back feet and the cloak billowing around him and getting battered by his wings are quite clearly visible.

Carl can't fail that check, since he has a +23...

Would it have been funnier if he was gullible? Maybe! But there's something funny about him being weirdly good at detecting lies and calling it a supernatural power, too.

2022-05-09, 04:30 PM
What are they saying? These guys seem a little shady.

2022-05-09, 06:22 PM
Brilliance takes her hands off the thwacked spot on her head and puts her fists on her hips, looking at the large Red with exasperation. "Honestly, Carlesvindr ... dWhat a showboat."

What are they saying? These guys seem a little shady.

d"Yeah, they're probably bandits or something. They're terrified of Carl. I'm not sure why -- it's not like humanoids are tasty, other than virgins (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cU6qrxmDwAo), and what're the odds that this crowd are all virgins?" She shrugs and drops her elf guise, transforming back in a snap, mithral armor all a-gleam. d"Those little squishy elf feet hurt too much to go chasing evildoers. Wings it is."

Brill focuses her gaze on the nearest 'innocent traveler' to try to detect evil.

2022-05-09, 06:53 PM
"They say that they're no more than innocent travelers from Dar Andal," Amber says in translation before turning again to the bandit leader. "But that's not true, it it?"

She tries to mirror Shadowsoul's intimidating glare, but her expression reads more like that of a mildly disappointed babysitter.

2022-05-10, 05:05 AM
Bob shrugs. Brigandry sounds like eating a sheep on the side, not a really big deal.

"The could be traveling brigands from Dar Andal. Both things aren't exclusive. And since they are coming from where we are going perhaps they have information?"

OoC: Changed color to differentiate from shadowsoul

2022-05-10, 11:25 AM
Eyeing "Shadowsoul" as he proclaims his dark majesty and Amber after her "glare", she seems to relax slightly at the threats even with the extra dragon that snaps into existence, which wasn't quite the reaction that they were going for.

"Who among us can really say they're innocent," the woman in front opines piously in response to Amber's accusation. Certainly not them, because fully half of them actually register as evil to Brilliance's senses, albeit not the woman who apparently leads them. She suspects that the number who are good would be substantially less than half though.

Shrugging slightly at the mention of information from Bob, she adds, "Hey, if you want information, I'm happy to talk over lunch. Are you treating?"

2022-05-12, 09:01 AM
Shadowsoul may be good at sniffing out lies -- especially when they're fairly obvious to begin with -- but emotional reactions, not so much. He tilts his head slightly in confusion at the woman's response, having expected some terrified quavering or remorseful weeping at being confronted with the darkness in her own heart... he's so taken off-guard that the woman's request for lunch doesn't even seem odd.

"How much do humans even eat? One deer at most?"

2022-05-12, 03:14 PM
Glancing over her men, who appear a touch more nervous about all of this than she does on the surface, she says, "Two's usually more than sufficient."

For the entire group that is. :)

2022-05-12, 08:29 PM
"This and now you ask us to fetch you dinner? How can we trust anything you say?"

Amber's draconic aura flares to life. It's unobtrusive as auras go, but it lends the party an air of undeniable importance... or at least self-importance.

"I appreciate that it is hard to make friends on the road, but if we are to continue conversing in any meaningful way, you must tell us, truthfully, who you are and what you are up to."

The team gets +2 to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate starting now. Amber wants to talk the leader into telling us the truth about themselves before we treat them to anything, arguing that we won't be comfortable sharing a meal with a suspicious stranger.

She likes to save the actual charm spells for animals (or elementals, or whatever) that don't speak so much, so going for diplomacy first: [roll0]

2022-05-13, 12:36 AM
Shrugging expansively and giving the little dragon a grin, the woman says, "I mean... I was pretty much expecting some shared trail rations. I wasn't going to go turning down fresh venison instead though."

Pausing for a minute, the woman taps her lips and gets a little bit more serious though. "I'll tell you what though, I do like you lot and you in particular remind me of a little girl I once babysat honestly, so I'll give you a little advice, rather than telling you a prettier lie. You shouldn't trust that I'm telling you the truth on anything."

She holds on that note for a minute to emphasize the point, then continues, "The only people who will say they're telling you the truth are the died in the wool, completely unrepentant liars-- sometimes so good, they've convinced themselves."

"If you want the truth, you have to sift through the lies and find the nuggets of it that every good falsehood is built upon."

Spinning, she points to one of her men seemingly at random. "For example, you've asked what we're up to-- Anders here, he's up to about 6'1", and probably done growing at the ripe old age of 19. But that's a lie because the boy's a bit sensitive about the whole thing and he's wearing soles an extra inch, inch and a half, tall. It's also a lie because his name isn't Anders, but honestly, neither of them matter a great deal at all in the long run. Even ignoring the fact that I'm using this spiel to avoid your actual question, which is itself another form of lying-- but there were a few nuggets of truth in the whole thing, I'll tell you that."

OOC: Probably too late to be posting as brigands waxing poetic about philosophy... :P

2022-05-13, 02:28 AM
Sketh get bored and frankly suspicious. Lacking any idea what is actually going on, they turn on their Detect Magic. Bards are known to mess with people's minds with performances, and that might be what is going on. Lacking knowledge of the common speech, Sketh is doubly immune, but the others are less protected.

2022-05-13, 04:54 AM
Shrugging expansively and giving the little dragon a grin, the woman says, "I mean... I was pretty much expecting some shared trail rations. I wasn't going to go turning down fresh venison instead though."

Pausing for a minute, the woman taps her lips and gets a little bit more serious though. "I'll tell you what though, I do like you lot and you in particular remind me of a little girl I once babysat honestly, so I'll give you a little advice, rather than telling you a prettier lie. You shouldn't trust that I'm telling you the truth on anything."

She holds on that note for a minute to emphasize the point, then continues, "The only people who will say they're telling you the truth are the died in the wool, completely unrepentant liars-- sometimes so good, they've convinced themselves."

"If you want the truth, you have to sift through the lies and find the nuggets of it that every good falsehood is built upon."

Spinning, she points to one of her men seemingly at random. "For example, you've asked what we're up to-- Anders here, he's up to about 6'1", and probably done growing at the ripe old age of 19. But that's a lie because the boy's a bit sensitive about the whole thing and he's wearing soles an extra inch, inch and a half, tall. It's also a lie because his name isn't Anders, but honestly, neither of them matter a great deal at all in the long run. Even ignoring the fact that I'm using this spiel to avoid your actual question, which is itself another form of lying-- but there were a few nuggets of truth in the whole thing, I'll tell you that."

OOC: Probably too late to be posting as brigands waxing poetic about philosophy... :P

Bob rolls his eyes so hard they almost fall out of his skull.

Amber's draconic aura flares to life. It's unobtrusive as auras go, but it lends the party an air of undeniable importance... or at least self-importance.

The team gets +2 to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate starting now. Amber wants to talk the leader into telling us the truth about themselves before we treat them to anything, arguing that we won't be comfortable sharing a meal with a suspicious stranger.

She likes to save the actual charm spells for animals (or elementals, or whatever) that don't speak so much, so going for diplomacy first: [roll0]

Bob moves towards Amber and stand besides her looking at the human wanderer.

"Look, let's summarize trust takes time. No need to delve on truisms. I personally don't have food on me, and given the time I would rather make way than settle and take time to hunt. I can offer you a blessing to help you endure the weather if that would help you. That said, I don't care about how old or tall your company is, no offense. What we care about is some particular ruins, that are up ahead and are apparently haunted? Have you seen those? Should be big enough to not be easy to miss.

Bob is trying to aid amber on her diplomacy attempt, bob makes the dc and provides a +2 to Amber

2022-05-13, 05:59 PM
Shadowsoul looks fascinated by the woman's digression. He nods thoughtfully, suddenly filled with strange respect for this human that he assumed was a mere brigand but is more likely some sort of wandering sage. After a moment, he coughs awkwardly, turning to Bob with a bit of embarrassment.

"Well, we do need to hunt at some point. I wasn't sure how long we'd be out, and carrying enough food to keep myself fed isn't easy..."

Life is hard when you're the size of a horse and have a literal furnace in your belly.

2022-05-14, 11:03 AM
"Ahh, see there. A nugget of truth... maybe." The woman grins again and adjusts the direction that Bob is pointing slightly. "You're looking for the Kintam Leluun. Don't know about it being haunted, but it's the only notable ruins around here. The fortress was breached in the Troubles a few times; the last time involved an explosion of some kind of magic inside and the Inspired gave it up as a bad job and retreated.

"Happened early on from what I recall, so it's been abandoned a good 50 or 60 years at least."

Sketh's review of the potential brigands with detect magic reveals... a substantial amount of magic items and spells on this group after he has had sufficient time to examine them. Almost everything the woman is wearing is magical, some strongly so, and at least one of overwhelming strength. Fewer of the extended group's items fall into that category, but almost anything that looks like it is of good quality shines with magical auras of varying strength.

Amber gets another Int check here based on a couple things the woman has said.

2022-05-14, 12:14 PM
"About how far away?" Brill asks in a cool tone (caught between vague unease at the idea of letting evil maybe-bandits continue pestering travelers and vague unease at the idea of chomping people who haven't out-and-out proven harmful yet). "If you can't figure the answer in standard gold dragon flight time, just go with, like, 'past eight hills and a stream' kinda thing."

2022-05-16, 09:57 AM
d"These guys have strong auras and lots of items. I think they might be like, real adventurers."

2022-05-16, 05:14 PM
"Hmm... as far as the distance goes, honestly not sure. I haven't been up that way for some time and last time I was there it was by ship." The woman shrugs, holding out her arms in a gesture of apology. "Shouldn't be that far though."

2022-05-17, 07:27 AM
"Kintam Leluun... I wonder if there are any remnants of the warriors who lived there. Or ghosts..."

Shadowsoul tries not to get too excited, but he really wants to see a ghost.

2022-05-17, 10:57 PM
Amber lands and just sort of stands around for most of the conversation.

"Where have I heard that before?" she quietly asks to no one in particular. "An appeal to philosophy is a valid political option when one cannot lie nor give a straight answer, but this one philosophy specifically..."

You can almost hear the gears in her head grinding away as she tries to figure something out, to no avail. Soon enough, she gives up. "At any rate, thank you for the directions. I apologize for, 'giving you the third degree.'" She turns to her comrades. "Shall we get going, team?"

2022-05-18, 04:20 PM
Bob gives a nod to the little dragon while keeping an eye on the woman.

2022-05-18, 10:08 PM
d"These guys have strong auras and lots of items. I think they might be like, real adventurers."

Brilliance looks offended, at least to those present who have experience with draconic facial expressions. d"Hey! I'm -- I mean, we're real adventurers too!"

"Hmm... as far as the distance goes, honestly not sure. I haven't been up that way for some time and last time I was there it was by ship." The woman shrugs, holding out her arms in a gesture of apology. "Shouldn't be that far though."

Having come down on the side of not chasing and eating the maybe-bandits, Brill decides to be magnanimous ... without actually leaving her default paradigm of 'lesser beings should inherently want to give me things (like information)'. "Oh, it's fine, really, I'm sure you can't help not knowing."

"Shall we get going, team?"

"Yeah. Let's saddle up our horses and fly. Wait, what's that thing you do with horses? Besides eat them? Ride, right. Saddle up and ride."

2022-05-20, 10:27 PM
Looking around, the woman raises an eyebrow, apparently noting the complete lack of horses. As the various dragons and transfigured dragons head off into the forest, she does add, "Ahh, you might want to just keep heading down the road here-- turn left at the next junction, it will take you were you're aiming."

Amber also notes her tapping a finger on her lips while she speculates about her philosophy and a slight hint of a frown flashes over her lips for a moment, then she is back to all smiles by the time she tenders her apology.

Unless there's something else, I'll go ahead and move things ahead.

2022-05-24, 07:58 AM
Making their farewells, the party heads on down the road past the men staring at them and the jauntily waving woman, then moves on to follow the directions that she provided. Several hours later, they find the road getting progressively more overgrown until they are basically picking their way through the forest with only broken pavement marking the path they should be taking. Another hour or two of this and the forest lets out on a large building with a clearly martial bent; though it also has some notable decay-- not so much that it would truly be called ruined, but it has been abandoned for some time.

The salt tang of the air and the blue shimmer of water in the distance indicates that they are fairly close to the inner sea in this area as well, which probably doesn't help.


Roll me some Perception checks.

2022-05-25, 10:59 AM
Bob is quite taken aback by such a large building. żPerhaps they could repurpose it, if the locals thought it was abandoned and cursed? Anyways wanting to take a closer look Bob transform back into Voovtharovom and suddenly remembers he is wearing human clothes. Fortunately they aren't broken beyond repair, given that he is still not a very big dragon, but he transforms back into human form and drops the clothes and stuff inside his portable hole before rolling it back and securing it under his armor.

Then he extends his stiffened wings and raises to the air with gusto. Flying is much nicer than walking. He circles around the castle, flying fast, very fast. Ah, the wind on the face, such a nice feeling. Then he remembers what he is supposed to be doing and looks at the castle.

OoC: Perception [roll0]

2022-05-25, 01:47 PM
Sketh looks curiously at the building, taking it all in as they were tsught.

2022-05-26, 09:49 AM
Now this... this is what he's here for. Shadowsoul practically vibrates with restrained excitement as they approach the castle, though he keeps trying to cover it by grooming his wings and adjusting his cloak. But it's a big castle! There could have been all sorts of humanoid warriors here, practicing their exotic fighting styles with ten different kinds of polearms. Maybe their ghosts are still wandering, tormented by guilt. Maybe he can get one of the ghosts to sign an autograph.

2022-05-26, 09:51 PM
Flying around the castle, Bob sees any number of openings into the building, shadows slowly growing as night approaches after the day of travel. Or... perhaps, shadows just growing, as the interior of the building actually seems darker than the setting sun really explains and the darkness encroaches upon the light in some respects. The more perceptive of those on the ground also note some of the same effects beyond the gates that are hanging off the hinges, just over the small bridge that leads into the entrance. The vegetation that grows upon the castle walls also seems to move slightly out of sync with the breeze coming off of the sea.

DC 30 and above Perceptions are catching the oddities, as they are quite subtle

2022-05-26, 11:39 PM
Brilliance looks to Amber for direction. "So ... do adventurers always storm the gates from ground level? Is that where we start?"

2022-05-27, 04:25 AM
Bob comes down from his overflight.

"Shadows are acting funny in there.D" He is having trouble expressing what he actually witnessed. "Well more stuff is acting weirdly there, the grass doesn't move like the grass outside. It's strange.D"

He scratches his chin and looks at the others.

"I would go with extreme caution once inside. That reminds me, come closer.D"

Starting with Amber he exhales some smoke and casts a quick rune in the air in front of the fellow party member.

"This should protect you from most of my breath weapons. I'll help me not worry about you being in the line of fire, if something funny happens.D"

And turning towards Brilliance.

"I rather be from above as a dragon, I'm a dragon first an adventurer second after all... But using the gate as a potential chokepoint doesn't sound like a bad idea.D"

2022-05-27, 09:31 AM
"Ghosts! I mean..." Shadowsoul clears his throat and suppresses his enthusiasm, "...it could be anything. Maybe even ghosts."

He studies the castle from a distance, claws kneading the ground underneath him while he studies the strange place. "...Try not to breathe on the walls, if you can?"

He'll feel very bad if they end up razing this historically-significant ruin to the ground.

2022-05-27, 11:10 AM
Let me check for traps! I've only done it for product testing or training!


2022-05-27, 01:08 PM
Sketh examines the area carefully, but doesn't identify anything that looks like a trap to him. As he gets closer to the gate and his shadow stretches inside though, he does notice some very odd behavior by it, where it sort of... expands, as it touches the shadows in the archway which aren't quite where they're supposed to be.

2022-05-30, 08:19 AM
"Shadows are acting funny in there.D" He is having trouble expressing what he actually witnessed. "Well more stuff is acting weirdly there, the grass doesn't move like the grass outside. It's strange.D"

d"Yep, sounds haunted all right," Brilliance replies without a lot of concern. She touches the magic crystal attached to her armor as if to reassure herself it's still there.

"I rather be from above as a dragon, I'm a dragon first an adventurer second after all... But using the gate as a potential chokepoint doesn't sound like a bad idea.D"

d"Sounds good." The little gold moves along the ground toward the gate.

2022-05-30, 09:04 AM
As Brilliance approaches the gate, something similar to what happened to Sketh happens-- the minute her shadow touches the shade inside of the castle, it subtly expands and appears to move slightly out of sync with the little gold dragon.

2022-05-30, 09:32 PM
Shadowsoul gives Sketh the chance to move first, as their leader, but once Brill goes in, he moves as well. He surely can't let that pipsqueak get too far ahead of him...

2022-05-31, 03:20 AM
Bob flies over the gate, giving ample space, but otherwise follows the party, keeping his eyes peeled and wary of literally any shadow.

2022-06-02, 02:29 PM
With everyone more or less in agreement, the group heads through the gate and finds themselves in a narrow tunnel to start, filled with plenty of holes in the ceiling and walls that are too small for any other than maybe Amber. And even then, it would likely be a tight fit.

The light from the waning sun outside stretches shadows long and thin against the pale stone the Inspired liked to build with and they waver and dance as if the sun were a flickering candle until they reach the darker depths of the hall ahead. Upon passing that inner gate, a rusted portcullis hanging above their heads, they find themselves in a chamber that stretches to the edge of their darkvision in a mostly rounded chamber with six exits at regular intervals and thick, weathering columns forming an extension of the hall they just passed through down the center.

To either side are what appear to be the training grounds you might expect to find in a courtyard in other keeps. The last of the light from the sun illuminates perhaps 10-20 feet into the chamber and those in the lead see their shadows seem to separate from their feet and get sucked into the deeper darkness when they get within a few feet of the last of the light.

2022-06-03, 04:03 PM
Shadowsoul stares at the ground, where his shadow was a moment before. "...Um."

He takes a few steps backward, out into the light, to see if his shadow comes back.

2022-06-03, 04:16 PM
It does not.

2022-06-03, 10:11 PM
Shadowsoul slowly trots forward again, mentally panicking. Did something eat his shadow? Is he going to die? Can you die from shadowlessness? Wait, if he doesn't have a shadow... experimentally, he pulls his cloak around himself and shimmies the hood up so that it should cast his intimidating draconic visage in dramatic darkness. Except for the snout sticking out.

"Guys. Guys. Can you see my face?"

If he can't even cast a dramatic shadow anymore... it doesn't even bear thinking about.

2022-06-04, 10:20 PM
"It is okay, Shadowsoul! We can all still see you!" Amber reassures him. "In fact, it doesn't appear to have any ill effects so far... But, that's strange, isn't it? If it isn't a trap to keep us out, why would this castle be stealing shadows?"

She stares inquiringly into the darkness ahead. She's let the rest of the team take the lead since getting here; she has no experience with ruins like this, but to her understanding, it's the kind of place most dragons call home.


With a flick of her little claw, four small soft silver-blue lights spark into existence and float into the supernatural shade, hoping to light the path to get our shadows back.

Casting dancing lights for science!

Bardic knowledge! [roll0] regarding legendary shadow-thieving beasts or devices!

Also, I'm back! Sorry to have been MIA for so long.

2022-06-05, 09:45 AM
The lights dancing around the group are markedly less bright than Amber is used to and she notes they do not, in fact cause them to cast any shadows. She is at least correct about Shadowsoul though, his face is perfectly visible in the hood, not a hint of obstruction that she can see.

As for legends of stolen shadows, those are not in particularly short supply, though few enough that she would expect to run into here-- most live upon the plane of shadow. Though there are a few greater fey that are rumored to do something similar and a few artifacts or magic items of particular potence. In many cases, those who have their shadows stolen wither away and die over the course of weeks as their shadows are used to fuel fell sorceries, while in other tales they gradually fall under the sway of the one who stole them, and in others yet, are killed by essence draining copies of themselves as the shadows come to life and attack.

For some reason, none of the stories end particularly well for those who don't manage to get their shadows back...

Welcome back!

2022-06-05, 01:26 PM
"Shadows can symbolize a lot of things, you know," Amber continues after a slight pause. "Vampires don't cast them anymore because their soul's substance already passed on. Pupa Pan's shadow took his chaotic spirit, leaving him listless and cowardly. Sato Chie's shadow turned feral and tried to kill all her friends. Who knows what story this castle is taking after..."

She directs the dancing lights into the hallway ahead.

"Let's keep going! Whoever did this is stealing a part of us, and we need to get it back!"

2022-06-11, 04:56 AM
When Bob follows the team he makes certain not to touch the ground keeping himself mobile with his wings. And is all the same dumbfounded when the shadows are taken. Annoyed at the shadows he opens his eyes widely, ready to spot any movement or anything out of the ordinary. Then he throws a gout of flame illuminating the corridor.

OoC: using the dragonfire breath (the party is immune), modified with entangling exhalation, clinging breath, recover breath, and power surge (augmented duration).

It's a line (30ft) and deals 5d6/2 [roll0] (i.e. 9) fire damage, reflex for half: DC 22, damaged creatures are entangled for 1d4*1.5 [roll1] (i
e. 3r), it also takes half damage (i.e. 4) of what it took originally for 2 additional rounds.

2022-06-11, 08:42 AM
Bob's flames surge forward, holding for several moments and dispelling the darkness in the immediate vicinity-- as well as lighting a moldering carpet on fire, plus 2 chairs and a weapons rack. Luckily most of the walls and floor are made of stone and the ceiling is tall enough that his breath weapon doesn't actually reach the wooden beams keeping the ceiling in place.

2022-06-12, 03:36 AM
Stealing! From me!! They must be stopped!

Skarthidesillijicijillised*ihthrax (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2612287)
--- CN See notes, Level 11+la, Init 3, HP 126/126, Speed
AC 26, Touch 14, Flat-footed 23, Fort 12, Ref 12, Will 11, Base Attack Bonus 11
Bite! +14 (1d8+5, )
In the unlikely event used as a primary attack Claws! +14/+14 (1d6+3, )
Never used as a primary attack Wings! +12/+12 (1d4+2, )
(+3 Armor, +3 Dex, +1 Deflect, +9 Natural)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 20, Int 19, Wis 16, Cha 22
Condition None
Perception +16 (trapfinding)
sense motive +3

2022-06-12, 09:08 AM
Attempting to follow the direction they saw the shadows moving last, the party moves forward at a good clip. Leaving behind the burning furniture in the central courtyard of sorts, they move through the doorway directly in front of themselves and find what appears to be a dining hall. A false start through the only door on the wall directly before them ends up leading into a kitchen... and as most of the intrepid adventurers are heading back and checking out the other exits from the dining hall, Shadowsoul notices a pot on the hearth that has begun to puff and bubble as if it were cooking, despite the fact that there is no fire in the enclosure. (Not through lack of trying on Bob's part, but burnt ash is not terribly flammable.)

2022-06-13, 05:12 PM
There's only one explanation: ghostly chefs.

Shadowsoul moves like a 1.25-ton leaf on the wind, giving Sketh a tap on the shoulder with his tail to draw the "leader's" attention as he sneaks closer to the hearth. When he gets there, he realizes that he has no way to actually perceive or interact with these hypothetical ghosts, having yet to master the Spirit-Dispelling Blade Prana. Instead, he leans forward and gives the pot a sniff, curiously wondering if ghost food smells like real food.

2022-06-13, 07:26 PM
The pot itself smells of... well, iron and, for lack of a better description, the echo of a stew. Possibly beef or venison, it has another note to it that reminds Shadowsoul of absence or loss-- the deepest caves where living beings haven't set foot for dozens of years or that time his mother took his hoard away for a week for making her favorite tapestry into a mysterious cloak with a hood.

2022-06-14, 08:25 PM
"What is it?" asks Amber as she directs her dancing lights over to the pot. That did not stop being a spell she had cast, even if Bob felt the little orbs were too dim for the purpose. "Wait. You don't think they're..."

She pauses dramatically for a second to see if someone else finishes the sentence for her.

"...cooking our shadows?"

2022-06-14, 09:24 PM

2022-06-15, 02:35 PM
In the light, the pot doesn't appear to have any noticeable steam escaping to cause the bubbling and puffing that is occurring. The lid is shifting around a bit in addition to the sounds though, albeit not enough to actually reveal the interior of the pot.

2022-06-16, 04:30 PM
Brilliance stares at the possessed pot. "Huh. I don't want any food that's been sitting in an abandoned castle for years, but I am curious what's bubbling, but but, opening it seems kinda dumb? -- in a dangerous way? And it doesn't look like a Forsaken Golden Blade thing would fit in there, unless, like, it's a pixie or halfling blade, I guess. Hmm. I'll pop it open, and Bob and Carl, you can be ready to breath fire if something nasty comes out." The little gold goes over to put one claw on the pot lid.

2022-06-16, 05:18 PM
Maybe let me take the lead. I was trained for this
Sketh looks for traps.

Skarthidesillijicijillised*ihthrax (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2612287)
--- CN See notes, Level 11+la, Init 3, HP 126/126, Speed
AC 26, Touch 14, Flat-footed 23, Fort 12, Ref 12, Will 11, Base Attack Bonus 11
Bite! +14 (1d8+5, )
In the unlikely event used as a primary attack Claws! +14/+14 (1d6+3, )
Never used as a primary attack Wings! +12/+12 (1d4+2, )
(+3 Armor, +3 Dex, +1 Deflect, +9 Natural)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 16, Con 20, Int 19, Wis 16, Cha 22
Condition None
Perception +16 (trapfinding)
sense motive +3

2022-06-18, 09:44 AM
Sketh follows the guidelines for effective trap spotting to the 'T' and while he doesn't uncover what look to be intentionally set dangers, he is fairly certain that the pot will release something rather nasty. It has the look of a gas attack that he read about in 'Your Lair and You - End the Enemy Before They Ever Reach Your Hoard' by Elwenthinand. That said, he thinks he could probably minimize the explosive potential at least, assuming it is actually primed to explode like he thinks.

It does look like the pressure is building based on his examination, so if it continues to progress, they'll likely be hearing something go off behind them eventually.

OOC: Sorry about the delay; had this mostly typed up then the tab got buried apparently.

2022-06-19, 01:26 PM
Assuming Sketh mentions any of this, Amber has some opinions.

"Then take it off the fire, quickly! Or stand back so we can knock it down from a distance!"

If Sketh tries to go with the first of those plans and has trouble, the little song dragon rushes in to help.

2022-06-19, 02:48 PM
Sketh tries defusing the bomb!

disable device [roll0]

2022-06-20, 07:54 PM
Sketh dives into the disarming with panache and style, stepping forward and pulling the pot off the stove just like Amber instructed-- a second later, he realizes that there was no fire in the hearth to pull the pot off of, this is in no way what his instructors in the fine art of stealing other dragon's stuff told him was the best method of disarming traps, and finally, the pot is literally bulging in his arms now and looking more like a metal ball than a pot.

Throwing it up into the air, he dives at a table as the thing's lid finally explodes off, a wave of darkness washing over the room with concussive force before abruptly being sucked back in. The pot is hard to see amidst the amorphous cloud of darkness, but an odd reddish tint visibly outlines tendrils of pure darkness in an area perhaps fifteen foot across within the larger cloud.

Deep red eyes open and peer out of the gloom at the dragons in the kitchen and a sibilant whisper in Draconic seems to echo directly in the minds of all present. "I am the night..."

Roll for initiative. :)

Natural 1's on disable device checks kind of suck.

Also, 16 points of damage to anyone within a 20 ft radius of the pot who didn't make a DC 22 Reflex save. At this point, that is definitely Amber and Sketh; probably Shadowsoul too. Not sure about the rest.

I'll post a map shortly.

2022-06-20, 08:28 PM
Shadowsoul blinks his eyes and shakes his head, hoping that he didn't just crack a horn. The whispering voice gets his attention, though. "Hey, wait, I'm the night. We can't both be the night..."

2022-06-20, 08:34 PM
Brilliance's armor and scales look disarrayed and darkened by the shadowy blast, but she shakes off the pain and glares at the cloud.

Deep red eyes open and peer out of the gloom at the dragons in the kitchen and a sibilant whisper in Draconic seems to echo directly in the minds of all present. "I am the night..."

With her tail pointing at Carlesvindr, Brilliance objects, "Hey! That's his line!"

2022-06-22, 12:18 PM
Amber spirals to the floor like the remains of an exploded firework. It takes a few seconds for her to shake the dust off her face. When she opens her eyes, they're glowing and sharp, granting the group an unearned aura confidence.

She nods in accord with Brill and Carl and points her claw dramatically into the red-black haze. "Stealing titles, stealing lines - you are nothing but a thief, through and through! Now give us our shadows back!"

2022-06-22, 12:58 PM
The darkness tolls in a sepulchral tone... that might be slightly over-emphasized, despite it appearing to actually be some kind of undead or elemental thing. "The night answers not to those who are as gnats before the majesty of the dark... Besides, you're bright red, I have way more claim to being the night."

The last bit was significantly higher pitched than the first sentence, and sounded rather offended, rather than the detached tone that it had been attempting earlier.

OOC: Sketh goes first. I'll flesh this out a bit later-- wanted to get it out there, as I have a friend coming over shortly and need to get ready.

Battle Status and Map (Round 1):



2022-06-22, 03:40 PM
Sketh casts distract assailant (will DC 17)
Sketh then goes into a vicious flurry of attacks!

Bite [roll0]

Bite damage [roll1]

Claw [roll2]

Claw damage [roll3]

Claw [roll4]

Claw damage [roll5]

Wing [roll6]

Wing damage [roll7]

Wing [roll8]

Wing damage [roll9]

With the first hit, if any, and assuming Sneak attack applies Sketh will attempt to steal a spell effect and a spell like ability

With the second hit, under those same conditions, Sketh will attempt to steal a spell and cold resistance

All other Sneak attacks resolve as normal

Hypothetical Sneak attack 3 [roll10]

Hypothetical Sneak attack 4 [roll11]

Hypothetical Sneak attack 5 [roll12]

2022-06-23, 01:29 AM
Bob moves so fast he seems to blur. When Sketh and Shadowsoul are out of the way he breathes a line of fire, that seems to be bigger and hotter than the one he used last time, straight at the shadowy monster.

Bob flies to M9, while doing so he uses Flyby Breath to fire his (dragon) breath weapon as a free action as soon as there are no allies within the line of fire.

Breath weapon, modified with clinging (+3 round), power surge (extending duration 50%) (+1 round), and recover breath (-1 round).
Damage [roll0] + 1/2 half that in the following 5 rounds; Reflex (DC 24 for half)
Time to recover [roll1]

2022-06-23, 02:15 PM
Sketh attacks with a flurry of natural weapon strikes... but half of them seem to pass through the creature with no effect-- and when he opens his mouth to take a breath and possibly tell the remainder of the party this if they didn't see, the breath in his mouth is actually sucked out and he notices there is no air to replace it. As they maneuver to attack as well, Amber and Brilliance notice the same effect and Shadowsoul notices a slight breeze in the direction of their opponent.

Bob's breath weapon on the other hand, certainly seems to interact with the creature-- too well, in fact. The breath that he is expelling at the creature spirals around it, seemingly sucked into it and igniting the reddish tint upon the darkness, noticeably incorporating the fire into its body. He actually has to fight to stop his breath weapon, rather than it simply running out and he gasps for air momentarily after it finally winks out.

The creature gives an almost orgasmic moan and its eyes flare with red light as it opens them wider. "Yesss.... Perhaps I shall be the fire in the night, the flames of darkness shall burn with my unholy might and your essence will mark my ascendance."

It's attention turning, it focuses upon Shadowsoul and a tendril reaches out and passes through his chest, he feels something seize within his lungs and it pulls, the air within his lungs spilling upwards with just a hint of fire and attempting to force his mouth open to allow the theft. Simultaneously, something else passes down the tendril of darkness and he feels an almost electric jolt of inspiration, but it burns itself out with little direction.

Two other tendrils unfurl from the creature as well, one stretching towards Bob but falling just short and then curling around to wrap around Brilliance and a second stretching into Sketh. Brilliance experiences much the same thing as Shadowsoul, but in Sketh, he feels the surge of passion target his talents at identifying weak points. Riding the surge, he comes out on top of it, but it causes him to gasp... and then start choking as the breath in his lungs is stolen.

"Your breath, your loyalty, and in return, the passion to inspire.... Truly, I am the fire and the night."

Shadowsoul (8 damage, DC 21 Fort save)
Brilliance (1 damage, DC 21 Fort save)
Sketh (2 damage, DC 21 Fort save, DC 21 Will save; need a mischance for each of your attacks earlier; 50 or lower on a d100 is a hit, anything above misses; Edit: 2 con damage from the failed save; damage on the third attack applied.)

2022-06-23, 06:57 PM
"We do not need inspiration from you!"

With two flaps of her wings, Amber jumps backwards onto the table behind Bob. She opens her mouth and hums two notes to warm up, but stops herself. At this rate, if she starts singing, this monster will probably try to steal her voice. She starts rapidly strumming away at her lute instead, playing a fitting background track to get the team's blood pumping.

Fly to R5, cast Inspirational Boost, and start up Inspire Courage.

Everyone gets +2 to attack and damage rolls!

2022-06-23, 07:12 PM
As Amber flies away from the creature, one of it's tentacles lashes out at her and she feels a brief flash of pain as the shadowy substance spears through her back, then an electric thrill and a deep pressure to breath out.

OOC: Attack of opportunity, 2 damage and the same Fort save as the others.

2022-06-23, 07:52 PM
Shadowsoul recoils slightly, from mortal offense as much as from the strange sensation of the shadow tendril. "Hey, red is a great color! It just proves how good I am at sneaking!"

Determined to prove his point, he stands up on his hind legs in a stance almost like a boxer. He dodges and weaves as he strikes with a claw and then retreats, shadows streaming around his body to cloak him as he moves.

Swift action: Enter Child of Shadow stance.
Standard action: Claw attack, [roll0], [roll1], [roll2]
Move action: Move to L33-M34, getting the concealment from Child of Shadow.

2022-06-23, 08:17 PM
The same tendril that had been in his chest a moment ago strikes as the red dragon jumps further towards the middle of the room, but the shadowy wisps he has wrapped around himself aren't even needed, as the attack swings well away from him. Almost embarrassingly so.

Clearing a non-existent throat, the void in the center of the room mutters something about not even being worth hitting.

OOC: So... given that you saw it try and attack Bob earlier, you are aware that this thing has longer than average reach for its size. It just barely missed him. Your new location is still within its reach at this point. Let me know if you'd like to switch where you moved to.

2022-06-23, 11:02 PM
Clamping down on her breath, Brill growls deep in her throat and launches a furious flurry of battle-hardened body parts at the ... um ... blob of darkness that isn't quite there. Just in case it's more there than it's pretending to be.

2022-06-24, 12:16 AM
Amber feels the unpleasant sensation of the creature ripping away bits of her breath and it feels vaguely... poetic or metaphysical as well, as each breath is slightly shallower than she was able to draw earlier.

Brilliant, staying within range of the thing, holds as much air within her lungs as she can (which as a dragon, is no small amount, even at her age) and mimics Sketh, albeit with significantly better luck. Her claws and wings tear away chunks of... well, whatever it is this thing is made of, which dissipates shortly after it is separated.

OOC: Round 2

Battle Status and Map (Round 2):



2022-06-24, 04:09 AM
Sketh takes a five foot step north, allowing flanking with Brilliance. They then launch into a more coordinated flurry, trying to find weak points in the mobster!

[roll0] Bite

[roll1] damage

[roll2] miss chance

[roll3] claw

[roll4] damage

[roll5] miss chance

[roll6] claw

[roll7] damage

[roll8] miss chance

[roll9] wing

[roll10] damage

[roll11] miss chance

[roll12] wing

[roll13] damage

[roll14] miss chance

First successful Sneak attack, if any, steals a spell effect and and SLA

Second successful Sneak attack, if any, steals 10 points fire resistance and a spell slot

[roll15] 3rd

[roll16] 4th

[roll17] 5th

2022-06-24, 10:11 AM
That didnt work out as intended. What the hell? Bob has the sense that ice wouldn't help much either. And it seems that it somehow took some of my breath as I fired at it? What the hell? Okay, okay. What should we do when the breath fails? Obviously breath again.

Bob flies closer to be within reach and fires a breath modified by slow breath, power surge (50% time increase), shape breath (for it to be a line). This deals no damage but on a failed fort save (DC 22) it's slowed for 3 rounds, if it passes the save it's slowed for one round. Then he moves back to O7.

2022-06-26, 10:22 PM
Sketh's attacks strike out again and while he finds no weak points to target in the amorphous cloud, he nonetheless feels his attacks doing at least some damage-- rents in the smoke that don't quite heal. Though he also notes that some of those are new formations of smoke that formed after the creature stole the breaths of his companions and himself.

Bob's breath attack again triggers avaricious noises of satisfaction and pleasure from the creature and the breath swirls into its mass as it surges forward a bit, a tendril stretching out for him, but ending up snagging Shadowsoul instead as the other two delve at Brilliant and Sketh.

OOC: Sorry about that-- forgot this was waiting on me. :P Voidwraith takes a 5-foot step southeast and attacks Brilliant (7 damage), Shadowsoul (1 damage), and Sketh (3 damage); all have DC 21 Fort saves as well. Shadowsoul also has a second DC 21 Fort save vs a slow effect. :)

Shadowsoul, Amber, and Brilliant are up.

2022-06-27, 02:41 PM
Shadowsoul growls and surges forward, his aura of shadows making his body seem to flicker and waver. His cool fighting techniques aren't designed to deal with weird shadow-tentacle-ghosts! Still, he is a dragon... biting people always feels so crude, but needs must.

Charging 10 feet northwest and attacking.

Bite attack charge: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Miss chance: [roll2]

Touch AC: 16 (+5 dex, +4 wis, -1 size, -2 charge)
HP: 105/130
20% concealment (Child of Shadow stance)
Fort +13, Ref +13, Will +11

2022-06-28, 02:25 AM
Brilliance, unused to being struck, starts to whine at the pain of the shadow-tentacle, making a little 'gleck!' sound -- and feels her breath drawn from her throat! She clamps down again, but too late to avoid a draining, dizzying feeling. Further enraged by this violation, she throws herself at the cloud, shredding it considerably with her dragony goodness.

2022-06-28, 11:07 AM
Perhaps not unsurprisingly, the paladin appears to be doing the lion's share of the damage to the undead monstrosity. Shadowsoul's attack seems to him much like taking a bite of air, doing nothing other than making him think about thoughts of loss. The charge allows another of the tendrils to smack him though.

2022-07-02, 08:58 PM
After the attacks it has endured from Brilliance and Sketh, the cloud like creature is looking a bit more misty than it started out.

Amber continues to play for now, continuing to stir the spirits of those directly beside the creature-- and perhaps substitute for the lack of any air to breath.

OOC: Round 3; don't want to hold things up too much, so I'm going to go ahead and have Amber delay for now-- she can drop in at any initiative at this point.

Battle Status and Map (Round 3):



2022-07-05, 01:50 PM
At this point, Shadowsoul has finally caught on to the fact that he can't actually hurt this thing. It's not doing terribly much damage to him either, so he isn't quite sure what to do about it. "Uh... hey! You suck! I barely even felt that!"

His taunting isn't exactly sophisticated, but he tries to dodge and weave, on the chance that he can get this thing to focus on him instead of his smaller friends.

Total defense. Touch AC = 22.

2022-07-09, 12:54 PM
Sketh unleashes another flurry of attacks!






2022-07-11, 08:46 AM
Shaking and flailing, the cloud like creature writhes and twists at Sketh's attack, slowly sinking into the floor as it does so. "I am undone... the spectre of the light has rent my being asunder and I fade into the twilight night to merge with the darkness, forevermore...."

The rather melodramatic death scene plays out largely as the creature says as it sinks into the floor and there is a moment of silence as it disappears. After another few seconds, however, Bob hears a slight, whispered, "a small snack for the road though," and feels a sudden surge of cold sink into his back.

Actions for the round by the enemy were to sink into the floor and move, then a single attack on Bob from hiding.

DC 21 Fort save for Bob and 2 damage, Perception checks to find the voidwraith.

2022-07-13, 04:08 PM
"What a jerk..." Shadowsoul mumbles as he glares at the floor, looking for any trace of the shadow creature's passing.


2022-07-13, 05:15 PM
Glancing around, Shadowsoul catches a hint of, well, shadow, that moves a bit too much beneath the table that Amber is sitting on. In fact, almost directly beneath Amber. While it isn't the whole of the creature, the darkness's red eyes are visible just above the floor.

2022-07-13, 05:38 PM
"Aha! You can't escape my illusion-piercing eyes!"

Shadowsoul knows by now that he can't actually hurt the thing, so he tries to sprint over to its other side and point it out for anyone who actually can.

Double move? Or move and total defense, whichever works.

2022-07-24, 08:41 AM
"Says you! Go away now, we're all done. I died, remember?" It waves a tentacle through Shadowsoul as he darts over. "Shoo, shoo."

All of this is done as a second tentacle is still in Bob's back, trying to suck out some of his breath.

2022-07-24, 01:45 PM
Well, that happened. Moving on...

Sketh appreciates the creature surrendering, leaving the dragons to continue their quest.

2022-07-24, 02:22 PM
I mean, technically the creature said it surrendered (kind of), then tried to eat Bob, but I suppose that's still... sort of surrendering? :) (Added an extra line, to clarify that.)

What can he say, he has a problem-- addiction is a disease, but he's getting help. Well, not really, he's more ignoring it and going on a bender whenever there are living creatures in the area, but still.

The similarities between this creature and Shadowsoul are a little suspicious as well (particularly for those with knowledge (religion)).

2022-07-24, 09:25 PM
Shadowsoul frowns down at the creature in the floor. ...It probably can't see while it's down there, right? Or does it "see" at all? Hmm.

After a moment, he clears his throat and speaks in a stage whisper, loud enough for the creature to certainly hear him. "You still have the holy ghost-slaying sword in your pack, right? Get it out while he's not looking, and we'll finish him off."


2022-07-25, 12:03 PM
The eyes that Shadowsoul saw beneath the table narrow and he hears a huff. "Fine, I know when I'm not wanted."

The tentacle in Bob finally disconnects and the voidwraith sinks below the stone floor, completely out of sight.

2022-07-26, 08:49 PM
Over the course of this conversation, Amber's playing gradually slows down. She's been watching in wonder from the sidelines, afraid to open her mouth for reasons known only to her, but something about this seems... off. Like, moreso than the existence of a shadow-stealing undead copycat would already imply.

"Wait! Are you- " Amber dives under the table trying to catch the shadow as it retreats, with predictable results. She raises her voice to shout after it. "Could you please give our shadows back? We rather need them!"

She takes a breath as her bard song gradually wears off. "Come to think of it, did they give them back already, when they were first defeated? It is hard to tell in the dark." Assuming Brilliance's sword isn't enough to confirm already, Amber casts a light spell on the table to confirm whether the team casts any shadows.

2022-07-27, 08:02 AM
The party still doesn't appear to have any shadows, though there is a vaguely fuzzy outline of one by Shadowsoul that fades rapidly... Presumably as the creature they just chased off flees.

2022-07-27, 08:54 AM
"What a pain... if I had a magic sword, I bet I could have beaten that evil shadow-me."

Shadowsoul grumbles and gripes as the creature flees, and he takes stock of his injuries. He's feeling pretty tired, but it doesn't seem too serious. His shadow being missing is more alarming, but he hasn't noticed any symptoms yet. Hopefully that'll continue, because he really doesn't want to have to see a doctor...

"Maybe we'll run into it again if we keep exploring."

2022-08-04, 11:05 PM
Heading out through the castle again, the group finds a barracks next to the dining hall and below the kitchen, the bedding within decaying and patchy. And infested with what appear to be giant moths that attack rather ineffectually. A single blast of Bob's breath weapons chases the things away-- if "chases away" can be interpreted as lighting them on fire and them flapping around the rafters madly until they expire, falling onto the beds and lighting those on fire as well.

A bit more exploration on this side of the castle finds a long hallway that appears to run the length of the castle as well, murder slits spaced periodically in the wall. Additional rooms in this area appear to be mostly oriented around defense-- an armory, in which there are a number of swords, though sadly none magical so far as Shadowsoul can tell; an infirmary, with a number of additional beds and some medical supplies, though again nothing magical; and finally what might be a war council.

This room has a large, circular table in the room and a map of all of Sarlona spread out in the center-- a map which is oddly humped in the center, and twitching slightly.

2022-08-05, 07:32 AM
Sketh uses Detect magic on the Map This is interesting. What did we walk in on here?

2022-08-05, 07:54 AM
Sketh's spell doesn't detect significant amounts of magic, but as he focuses he notes that the lump in the middle of the table appears to have something going on that he is picking up. There is a certain tint to the energies that reminds him of possibly a combination of several types of magic.

And he also notes that the entire castle appears to have a low level of magic associated with it as well.

OOC: Spellcraft checkmif you want any more detail.

2022-08-06, 08:06 AM
"Is there a rat under there?"

Shadowsoul tries to flick the corner of the map up with his tail to see underneath it.

2022-08-06, 09:19 AM
Lifting the map let's in a certain amount of light and elicits an abrupt yell of, "Aaah!" and Shadowsoul feels something poke his tail-- with very little actual effect-- as he sees what might charitably be called a sword stab out of the darkness. The lump in the center of the map then shifts backwards before he can get much of a view and the leather or whatever the map is made of droops down, blocking his sight.

There was definitely something under there, but it blended into the shadows well enough that he could scarcely make it out.

2022-08-06, 01:27 PM

Shadowsoul inspects his tail for damage, huffing and grumbling.

"Whatever's under there, it's a craven wretch!"

He's only mostly sure what those words mean, but they do sound good.

2022-08-06, 09:15 PM
A muffled, "Am not!" comes out from under the map.

2022-08-07, 08:40 AM
Sketh, not speaking Common, doesn't as fully appreciate the interaction, but they get the gist.

2022-10-04, 09:31 AM
As the dragons are huddled around the table, the three hanging back in the corridor because of the size of the room, Brilliance, Reia, and Bob, all look up at once and blanch. "Uh, oh."

It's hard to tell which of them made the short exclamation, but moments later Bob disappears with a pop of displaced air. Reia is next and says to the air, "How did you even find m..." before she vanishes, her expression incredibly indignant.

Brilliance, upon seeing this turns to those remaining and says, "Uh, looks like our par--" and is then gone as well. The silence after the three disappear is rather notable.

2022-10-04, 10:28 AM
Sketh curses and looks around wildly for what might have done this!

2022-10-04, 05:30 PM
Shadowsoul dives behind a chair and tries to hide behind it with an incredible lack of effectiveness, assuming that he's about to be next. When he's not suddenly abducted to face his wrathful mother, he slinks out again, trying to pretend like that didn't happen.

"...They, uh, they knew the risks when we came out here. We'll avenge you, brothers and sisters!"

He still feels a little too sheepish to manage the wrathful cry he's after, so he ends up just coughing smoke.

2022-10-11, 10:03 PM
"Is that, perhaps," Amber tries hesitantly, "a side effect of losing your shadow?"

She stares in shock at the space where her teammates were standing. She caught the gist of what Brilliance was trying to say, but she still can't help but worry. She closes her eyes, takes a breath and readies her harp as though to play it.

"Alright. That's enough." Amber hovers over the map table and sets her face to a serious, stern expression. "Lump Creature, do you know what they call a manticore in the Plane of Shadow?"

She pauses for effect, then suddenly lights up and smiles.


Yeah, it's hideous laughter. :smalltongue: DC: 19, and if Lump Creature isn't an outsider, it gets a +4 bonus on its save because non-outsiders have no idea why this joke is funny.

2022-10-13, 06:17 PM
A muffled snickering starts underneath the map, despite a plaintive, "I don't get it though..."

In the meantime, Kayda receives a sending from Brilliance, the first update she's gotten on the progress of the group that was heading out to finally put their plans into action. "Kayda, got to be quick, the group is in a shadow stealing fortress and needs help probably, three of us got snagged by our parents. Check up--" and the sending cuts out, having hit the 25 word limit. A moment later, a second sending comes through and she hears, "Darn it, forgot about the stupid word limit. So dumb on an unlimited magic item, okay, so--- wait, Mom, I need that! Grounded? What, no magic--" and then that one cuts out too.

Another sending doesn't appear to be forthcoming, and Kayda suspects that Brilliance won't be sending another for awhile.

Sorry about the delays here; have been pretty slow on all of my games lately. Finally sat down and redid the notes I lost on this game, so thanks for the post to remind me. :)

2022-10-15, 02:48 PM
Kayda stops and tilts her head to listen to the sending. So they went on the adventure without her? Got to be honest, that hurts a little. I told them I only needed a few more days to complete my pre-mage prelims! Kayda huffs. School had kicked out the day before and she'd been glad of it. Her first year at a humanoid academy had not been the full-on success she'd been hoping for. And now they've got into trouble without us! Predictably.

"Brilliance, you're going to need to be more specific." she replies curtly. "Which fortress? Wait, was that your mum? Are you grounded?! Urgh! Fine I'll get Othnur... Ow!" she exclaims as a stone bounces off her head.

Two girls from her class commence giggling on the other side of the street. "Kayda was talking to herself!" "Staring into space! Kayda, you're so weird!" they giggle.

"Was not!" Kayda complains. "You two take Pre-Mage, how can you not know what receiving sending looks like! And throwing stones at people is assault!"

"Haha, very funny Ice Cream! As if you've got any friends! Ice cream! Ice Cream! Hasn't got any friends!" they chant, finding this hilarious.

"Urgh! That's a dumb nickname and you're dumb too!" she turns her back on the giggling pair and it's as much as she can do not to run back to her parents' town house, stomping up the stairs and throwing herself on her bed. It takes her a few minutes to collect herself. It shouldn't be this difficult to fit in with humanoid society! It's not like among dragons, where she can't help but feel scrawny and inadequate - a try hard mage among natural sorcerers. No, as a human she's (albeit artificially) attractive! Graceful! Talented! Why is it so hard to fit in?! Kayda wipes the tears away from her eyes - this too is embarrassing. A dragon shouldn't have to worry about her emotions betraying her. She takes some deep breaths. Got to pull it together! Brilliance has made her responsible for putting together the rescue, there's no time to mope.

"Othnuhr?" she calls, crossing the landing towards her brother's room.

2022-10-29, 12:24 AM

He was flying over towards his friends after a job house he saw her and two human mages picking on her what made it worst is that they made her cry he flew get into range and use suggestions for with trigger get other girl to strip then strip and run around town yelling that they are sluts until they are stopped are time runs out. He would shift into his half dragon form and knock on door to his friend Kayda and her twins door as it's been a while since he had seen them due to being busy with odd jobs he was doing. He woul be wearing a nice expensive looking suit due to people he had worked for last time. He heard in the distance girls running around in distance and waitied for eithier twin to answer the door as he knew her parents where not a negtive as some of other dragon parents where to him.

Lord Foul
2022-11-13, 01:45 AM
When kaydence speaks and crosses the threshold a voice sounds in her head. A familiar one, but not the one that had been messaging her earlier through spell. It's origin seems to be that of a young boy with silver hair and purple eyes wearing a fancy hat who was waiting and reading a book, but she recognized the voice as Aivni's. A young brainsteeler dragon under a hat of disguise
hey Kaydence. Mom is off on work and she said I could visit. Surprise?