View Full Version : Player Help I want to create a nuke PC

2022-04-11, 06:18 PM
we are playing in a low fantasy setting so no eberron, mostly just PHB, VoloÂ’s and XanÂ’s and some of Matt Mercer stuff. Some races like humans can't cast magic.

So with that in mind i want to create a pc that has only one mission in his life. To blow up in the biggest explotion posible. I don't even want the character to survive just to go BOOM!

we are currently lvl 11. but by the time i kill this PC we are going to be 13 or maybe more

the thing is a haven't found anything. no methamagic to make a giant fireball, and most spells or class features that cause the kind of damage (i want destroy a small town at least) are higher level.

so any kind of help would be appreciated. thanks

2022-04-11, 06:44 PM
But... why? Doesn't seem to help the story.

But... if you really want to, glyph of warding, fireball everywhere in the town. Put it in every brick you find. When time comes, have the trigger be you specifically uttering a word, such as "I am become death", or when another fireball touches the stone. Every inch of town will be consumed in the world's largest fireball.

It's expensive, meaning you'll have to work WITH your DM to destroy his world.

2022-04-11, 07:41 PM
But... why? Doesn't seem to help the story.

Thanks! this will do.
Don't worry i will not destroy my DM table, but if you are interested. the short story is 4 dragons where summoned into the world. a silver one, a green one, a black one and a copper. The important part is that the black dragon destroyed a whole island but in the process it somehow gave the race of Gnomes the ability to use magic. 150 years have pass and the dragons are doing their own thing. Now appart from that there is an army of undeads coming down from the north and destroying everything in their path.

This PC that i started thinking about today. Workships the black dragon and thinks he should be the one that destroys the world. he wants to go to the middle of the battlefield where a lot of undead and blow a lot of them up. giving his life to help stop the invation and let the dragon do the real end of the world.

still gotta work out the details but thats the idea. (also there are a lot of more things happening in the world and he belives that somehow the dragon is being kept from doing the end of the world stff)
