View Full Version : Deep Horizon by Feathersnow IC

2022-04-12, 05:18 PM
Oc Thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?644496-Deep-Horizon-by-Feathersnow)

You gather at the big table in the tavern. It is a time of mourning but also new beginnings. You never did find out the story behind that weird cavern and the monsters in the night, but you think you are close. Some dodgy relics showed up at the market and you heard they were traded for gems and potions by strange bat people.

2022-04-13, 12:04 PM

Elwenath (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2611917)
Scout4/Ranger8 // PsyWar5/Elocator7

Friar Gowan Goodwin (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2612317)
11 Healer / 12 SwordSage

Rachen (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=187176) (Rah-ken)
Fighter 12//RHD 5/LA 7

Lord Foul
Roland Thomas (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2613118)
Dragonborn Crusader 12 // Bard 9/Lyric Thaumarurge 3

Jecklyn Heid (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2616521)(Build (https://forums.giantitp.com/showsinglepost.php?p=25407174&postcount=159))
Spriggan Warblade 8/Swordsage 2/Bloodstorm Blade 2 // Spriggan 5/War Hulk 3/Bloodstorm Blade 2

Squinting irritably at other patrons of the inn nearby, Jecklyn scowls at a few that are sitting too close in his opinion and says, "Get out of here, there's other tables in this dive. This corner's ours."

While not particularly high-pitched for someone his size, the voice of the three and a half foot tall gnome isn't particularly intimidating, but the "dagger" the size of a small sword he throws into a spare chair with enough force to send it sliding into the table with a thunk does tell a particular tale. Particularly given that he didn't even wait for a response.

Turning back to the others, he keeps an ear out to make sure no one is still nearby and then says, "So what was it that caught your attention while you were waiting here, Rachen?"

2022-04-13, 01:20 PM
Rachen, who has chosen to assume a more regular human size for visiting the tavern, grins at Jecklyn from behind a tankard of ale. "Oh, you know. The usual. Mysterious happenings. Monsters in the night. Bat people, by some accounts, if you can believe it. All the hallmarks of a grand adventure in the making!"

The ogre mage laughs boisterously, as he dunks the tankard onto the table with a solid thunk! after which he leans in over the table. "There's something going on below. Not sure what, exactly. But it could be something for us." His voice is decidedly lower as he speaks. "Have any of you heard anything?" he adds, looking around at the others.

2022-04-13, 05:12 PM

Gowan daintily sips his ale and eyes the 'human'. "It does seem odd. I would be curious to know if there was a pattern of what these things were trading for and if that was a problem. Certainly has my curiosity and I'm not usually that nosey. "

Lord Foul
2022-04-13, 05:29 PM
Roland pulls out a chair and tucks in his wings as best he can before he sits down, ordering a round of drinks for the table. He looks askance at the thrown weapon but doesn't comment. He does nod to the ogre in agreement "that checks out with what I was able to find. Apparently the reason next to no one has heard of these batfolk these days is because most thought them exterminated by the drow, long enough ago that the drow colony that did the deed has similarly left the area, the goods being sold do appear to be of batfolk make, or at least in their style though without the hallmarks of age"
This is the real use for the nobleborn dragon knight, next to the spriggan and the ogre, his strength of arms was nothing special, but he knew just about every bit of trivia their band might need, and if he didn't, then he at least knew where to find out.

2022-04-13, 08:26 PM
"Bats? Likely to be ugly fighting them in the dark." The gnome-like fey turns his head to spit, then glances over his shoulder as if expecting someone to be staring at him and scowls. Raising a mug and downing a healthy amount of the contents, with a not inconsiderate amount only avoiding going down his front because his facial hair soaks it up, he adds, "Either of you hear where these things are supposed to be holed up?"

Lord Foul
2022-04-14, 01:22 PM
He nods "aye, and they're not likely to be fooled by my illusions either, but there is good news, I managed to find a lead on where to start looking for them, though nothing concrete. I'll pick up a map before we head out which should help" he offers

2022-04-14, 05:22 PM
"that checks out with what I was able to find. Apparently the reason next to no one has heard of these batfolk these days is because most thought them exterminated by the drow, long enough ago that the drow colony that did the deed has similarly left the area, the goods being sold do appear to be of batfolk make, or at least in their style though without the hallmarks of age"

"Curious," Elwenath says, open-eyed. "To have enough to trade away, the group must be sizeable, right? Whether they're truly batfolk or pretenders, the sudden appearance of a whole tribe is definitely something to look into. Roland, do you know who else has the same lead you do? I wonder whether we'll be tripping over other explorers on the way."

Lord Foul
2022-04-17, 04:05 PM
Roland shrugs "as far as I can tell, not many. The man I heard it from was about to take a mercanary contract out of town for a while protecting a caravan, so if we want to be the only ones on this job, we do have a decent window"

2022-04-17, 05:43 PM
"Excellent!" Rachen booms, clapping his hands together. "I admit, I don't find these bat people particularly intriguing; people leave an area in times of strife then return in times of peace all the time, and who is to say they were fully wiped out and not just driven away? I do like the sound of this 'drow colony', though; there's bound to be something interesting down there! But one thing at a time, I suppose."

He grabs his tankard and takes a long swig of ale, before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "We can least look into their sudden reappearance and these dodgy relics they've been handing out. That's by far the most peculiar bit of this story, why make fake artifacts?" he adds. He glances at the nearest window, attempting to judge the lateness of the hour. "Who knows, maybe they are impersonators of some kind. Though why anyone would want to pretend to be a long-forgotten tribe of bat people, I certainly don't get." He frowns, thoughtful.

2022-04-17, 06:26 PM
"Not that it's much of an issue, but these bat people actually do anything wrong other than sell a few dodgy counterfeits?" Glancing over at the friar, Jecklyn shrugs slightly and says, "Not much skin off my nose, but there's some who'd probably not appreciate us going in and stomping around destroyin' stuff without some actual cause."

Jecklyn pretty much took it for granted that any place adventurers step, which apparently now included him, is going to need at least a building or two replaced and a few widows consoled. Or, depending on the widow, prevented from hiring assassins or summoning demons or some such to take revenge on the team. That had happened... twice, he wanted to say, since he had sort of joined the party. Ergon had been big on not killing women and children, even when they were evil, sociopathic sacks of... stuff.

He was still getting used to the whole 'you are an adventurer' thing given that it had been no more than a year or three, while he had hundreds of years of adventurers coming through and killing whatever band he had been with at the time. If he had known it was this easy, he would have tried it before. Hmm... actually, there were a few vague, fuzzy memories of something like this now that he was thinking about it. Maybe he had been an adventurer before? The years tended to blend together after awhile.

Shrugging, he finished off his drink, then eyed a table on the other side of the room with a distracted patron. Pulling out a bent piece of wire, he waited for Gowan to be looking the other way and whipped the little thing at the mug's handle...

OOC: Attack roll to use Throw Anything on what amounts to a paper clip to try and hook the mug's handle and pull the mug and paperclip back into his hand with his lightning ricochet and/or returning attacks. :) 34 attack roll (in the OOC thread since it didn't work here) to accomplish what I'm trying to pull off.

2022-04-17, 07:53 PM
Elwenath nods at Jecklyn's 'actual cause' comment. "True, but it's fair to scope out mysterious new neighbors and see whether their arrival brings some sort of threat. We wouldn't be out of line finding that out -- nor if we were to talk with the 'new neighbors' about some mutually beneficial dealings. They do seem interested in making trades, after all. We could make a pretty penny and make people happy just acting as go-betweens for local markets. Not my usual line of work, but if a deal falls into our laps while we're scouting, well, gold is gold."

2022-04-23, 11:00 AM
A patron across the bar looks suspiciously at where their mug disappeared, but can't conceive of the cause.

2022-04-23, 11:18 AM
As the mug slams into Jecklyn's hand it sloshes over the sides and spills roughly a third of the drink, but given that he didn't actually pay for it, Jecklyn doesn't much care. Pocketing the bent piece of wire, he quaffs another third or so of the drink and says, "Good enough for me. Do we head out on the morrow then? Doesn't seem it's urgent enough for a late night march."

2022-04-23, 12:20 PM
Elwenath nods in agreement. "No hurry, but also no need to spend time buying equipment either -- I think all of us are ready to travel already -- so tomorrow works."

Lord Foul
2022-04-23, 02:54 PM
"I have Swiftwind's saddlebags and my pack all ready to go, You never know when the next adventure will call. And this one shouldn't give us much trouble." A simple mission would do the party good after the unfortunate demise of their friend.... and if it's not simple and they end up in a dramatic adventure, well, at least he would have a good story to tell.

2022-04-27, 12:02 AM
After an uneventful journey, the brave adventures find a mouth of a somewhat well traveled cave network known to connect to a somewhat trustworthy trade route between the powers of the Underdark.

You don't get far before you see two shadowy, inhuman figures coming up from the opposite direction, one some manner of floating sphere, the other, a dragon!

anyone can roll arcana and/or dungeoneering and then decide whether they wish to try to hide for a surprise round or to bypass what is sure to be a tough fight.

2022-04-28, 01:57 AM
"Look alive, folks, I think that's a beholder," Elwenath says. "Dangerous at the best of times, and this one seems to have a friend. Want to engage or keep away?"

2022-04-28, 05:28 AM
Rachen motions for the group to hide. "A beholder, you say? I've heard rumors about those, but never met one. Better watch out first, we can always attack it later if we find an opportunity." That said, his eyes are practically sparkling at the prospect of fighting a dragon.

He vanishes from sight a moment later, going invisible.

2022-04-28, 10:45 AM
"So... question is really, can most o' you actually avoid it? You stomp around like a drunk rothe most of the time. The thing's nothing but a pile o' eyes, I'm kinda amazed we spotted it before it did us already, truth told."

Eyeing the beholder now that someone has pointed it out, Jecklyn vaguely recalls fighting something like, oh... 20 or 30 years ago? The thing pretty much crashed a party single handed and killed a good number of people.... something flashy maybe? The central eye doing something kind of stuck out he thought-- maybe prevented a good few folks from changing or something?

"You got anything important to tell us about the thing and what we need to be ready for, Elwenath, now's the time though, regardless o' what we decide to do."

2022-04-28, 11:04 AM

Gowan hides himself as best he can. "If we do have to fight, focus your attacks to the eye thing. " He was hoping to avoid having to fight altogether but that seemed unlikely.

Hide : [roll0]

2022-04-28, 12:50 PM
Fading back behind cover as best he can, Elwenath mutters, "If the big eye is looking at you then you don't have any magic. See if you can get that to point at the dragon -- it's probably magically charmed."

[roll0], plus 10 if I can find improved cover

The elf is suddenly hidden in an oozing cloud of ectoplasm, making his exact position very hard to judge.

2022-04-28, 01:13 PM
Taking a moment to ready himself for facing a magic user of some kind, Jecklyn takes a further step back, placing more of himself behind a rocky outcropping as his height rapidly increases from just over three foot to five foot, eight foot, and then begins slowing as he reaches roughly twelve foot tall. Hefting the extremely large steel ball that he uses as his primary weapon, his face splits into a grin as he feels adrenaline racing through his system; some remnant of the alchemical concotions that Rackspun Cobblecog forced upon him while captured during that disastrous adventure in Lantan.

As he steps back, he notes Elwenath's comment about magic and takes a moment to double check that he has the smaller weapons he keeps on his person for just that eventuality in place outside of his haversack. Unfortunately, that does distract him enough that he is barely even paying attention to how well the outcropping he selected hides him. He is still mostly covered by shadow and rock; but it's about as poor a job as he ever does at keeping out of sight.

This assumes we have a couple rounds to prepare; I'll put them in order in case we have less:

1st Round
Standard: Change Size
Swift: Change Stance [Assassin's Stance to Blood in the Water]
Free/Move: Hide all of this/potential movement if needed - [roll0] (Ouch, natural 1 on my first hide check of the game-- that's not a great start to this encounter.)

2nd Round
Full Round: Adaptive Style
Swap Swordsage Burning Blade maneuver for Moment of Perfect Mind

2022-05-03, 01:19 PM
The Beholder laughs! "Fresh Meat!! See if any are worth our time, lacky."

everyone roll initiative and then roll a D2, on a 2, your hiding space is in the Dragon's breath weapon and you need to make a reflex save

2022-05-03, 01:29 PM
Readying his weapon, Jecklyn notes that he's likely within range of the dragon's breath and utilizes his cover to good effect to minimize his exposure to that as well as the chances of any spells the beholder casts at him from striking-- he has no concerns about it impeding his own attacks. He could clip a flies wings with a thrown weapon if they were the only thing showing over a boulder.

Character Details
Character Portrait

Jecklyn Heid, Large (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2616521)
Male CN Spriggan Warblade 8/Swordsage 2/Bloodstorm Blade 2 // Spriggan 5/War Hulk 3/Bloodstorm Blade 2, Level 12, Init 7, HP 204/204, DR uncanny dodge, Speed 35
AC 26, Touch 18, Flat-footed 20, Fort 17, Ref 18, Will 13, Base Attack Bonus 12
+1 keen orc shotput ((starts Medium when small; goes up 2 sizes; used with Rock Throwing for range)) +25/+20/+15 (4d6+20, 17-20/x3)
masterwork greatsword and unarmed strike +26 (TWF, +24/+19/+14 and +23/+18) (4d6+19 and 1d8+6, 19-20/x2)
mw longsword and mw shortsword +25 (TWF, +23/+18/+13 and +23/+18) (3d6+13 and 2d6+6, 19-20/x2)
+5 vs ranged attacks (crystal of arrow deflection) and endure elements (crystal of adaptation) +1 mithril chain shirt and dastana (+6 Armor, +6 Dex, -1 Size, +1 Deflect, +1 Natural, +1 Wis, +1 Luck)
Abilities Str 37, Dex 22, Con 22, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 8
Condition None

Jecklyn Heid, Small (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2616521)
Male CN Spriggan Warblade 8/Swordsage 2/Bloodstorm Blade 2 // Spriggan 5/War Hulk 3/Bloodstorm Blade 2, Level 12, Init 9, HP 168/168, DR uncanny dodge, Speed 25
AC 30, Touch 22, Flat-footed 21, Fort 14, Ref 20, Will 13, Base Attack Bonus 12
+1 keen orc shotput ((starts Medium when small; goes up 2 sizes; used with Rock Throwing for range)) +23/+18/+13 (2d6+7 plus 5d6 sneak attack, 17-20/x3)
masterwork greatsword and unarmed strike +22 (TWF, +20/+15/+10 and +19/+14) (2d6+6 and 1d4+6, 19-20/x2)
mw longsword and mw shortsword +25 (TWF, +23/+18/+13 and +23/+18) (1d8+13 and 1d6+6, 19-20/x2)
+5 vs ranged attacks (crystal of arrow deflection) and endure elements (crystal of adaptation) +1 mithril chain shirt and dastana (+6 Armor, +8 Dex, +1 Size, +1 Deflect, +1 Natural, +1 Wis, +1 Luck)
Abilities Str 23, Dex 26, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 8
Condition None

Spot +16, Listen +1

Initiative: 18
Hiding Location: 2
Reflex: 29

Lord Foul
2022-05-03, 05:05 PM
breath weapon check[roll0]
initiative [roll1]
reflex save if needed [roll2]
which maneuver granted this round [roll3]
know arcana to figure out what sort of dragon this is [roll4]
know dungeoneering for beholder, [roll5]

Rolland was ready to hold the dragon off, he knew how dragons moved and handled themselves, but when the possibility that the dragon might be charmed was mentioned he nods and moves to the beholder, "hold fast and stand true, we can prevail against them, spread out so it can't get you in one attack" He opens with a breath of lightning to cover his movement aimed at the beholder.

standard action breath weapon [roll6] difficulty 21 reflex save dc 21 for half.
swift action start inspire courage+words of creation, taking [roll7] nonlethal damage to do so, everyone who can hear me bark instructions gain +4 to hit/damage and +4 on saves vs fear effects
move action get into melee range with beholder, preferably a spot away from where allies are doing the same

2022-05-03, 10:03 PM
The ogre mage reappears in the air, just as a large sphere of darkness appears around him, then moves swiftly towards the two enemy combatants.

I move 40' diagonally towards them while invisible then cast darkness on a copper coin that I throw towards the beholder, trying to get it to land between it and the dragon. It's got 20-foot radius, so should easily cover both.

2022-05-04, 03:19 PM
Taking the beholder's call as a sign that there won't be more discussion about trying to avoid the battle, Jecklyn attacks with preternatural skill, the massive boulder of steel that is his preferred weapon flying out at the beholder and then somehow bouncing off of the thing due to the angle at which it strikes, returning to his hand in an instant, only to be swung around and flung again, and again, and again. While he has only one truly solid strike in his opinion, he doesn't fumble anything at least.

Wish I could put the stupid things eye out, but not likely I imagine.


Swift Action - Dancing Mongoose
Full Round - Full Attack

Full Attack: 2-handed, rolls are attack, base damage, burning blade fire damage (Attack 1: [roll0][roll1], Attack 2: [roll2][roll3], Attack 3: [roll4][roll5], Attack 4 (Dancing Mongoose): [roll6][roll7])
Crit confirmation, pre-roll (Attack 1: [roll8][roll9][roll10], Attack 2: [roll11][roll12][roll13], Attack 3: [roll14][roll15][roll16], Attack 4 (Dancing Mongoose): [roll17][roll18][roll19])

Attack 1: 30 attack roll, 36 damage
Attack 2: 24 attack roll, 30 damage
Attack 3: 35 attack roll (natural 20, potential crit), 38 damage (27 crit confirmation, 68 additional damage if confirmed)
Attack 4: 39 attack roll, 28 damage; if crit was confirmed above, 40 attack roll and 29 damage.

Each subsequent critical hit gives me +1/+1 attack/damage until I've gone a full minute without a crit.

Ignore the 2d6+20 rolls on the crit confirmations, I had initially intended to use Burning Blade, but I actually can't.

Character Details
Character Portrait

Jecklyn Heid, Large (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2616521)
Male CN Spriggan Warblade 8/Swordsage 2/Bloodstorm Blade 2 // Spriggan 5/War Hulk 3/Bloodstorm Blade 2, Level 12, Init 7, HP 204/204, DR uncanny dodge, Speed 35
AC 26, Touch 18, Flat-footed 20, Fort 17, Ref 18, Will 13, Base Attack Bonus 12
+1 keen orc shotput +25/+20/+15 (4d6+20, 17-20/x3) [starts Medium when small; goes up 2 sizes; used with Rock Throwing for range]
masterwork greatsword and unarmed strike +26 (TWF, +24/+19/+14 and +23/+18) (4d6+19 and 1d8+6, 19-20/x2)
mw longsword and mw shortsword +25 (TWF, +23/+18/+13 and +23/+18) (3d6+13 and 2d6+6, 19-20/x2)
+1 mithril chain shirt and dastana (+6 Armor, +6 Dex, -1 Size, +1 Deflect, +1 Natural, +1 Wis, +1 Luck) [+5 vs ranged attacks (crystal of arrow deflection) and endure elements (crystal of adaptation)]
Abilities Str 37, Dex 22, Con 22, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 8
Condition None

Jecklyn Heid, Small (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2616521)
Male CN Spriggan Warblade 8/Swordsage 2/Bloodstorm Blade 2 // Spriggan 5/War Hulk 3/Bloodstorm Blade 2, Level 12, Init 9, HP 168/168, DR uncanny dodge, Speed 25
AC 30, Touch 22, Flat-footed 21, Fort 14, Ref 20, Will 13, Base Attack Bonus 12
+1 keen orc shotput +23/+18/+13 (2d6+7 plus 5d6 sneak attack, 17-20/x3) [starts Medium when small; goes up 2 sizes; used with Rock Throwing for range]
masterwork greatsword and unarmed strike +22 (TWF, +20/+15/+10 and +19/+14) (2d6+6 and 1d4+6, 19-20/x2)
mw longsword and mw shortsword +25 (TWF, +23/+18/+13 and +23/+18) (1d8+13 and 1d6+6, 19-20/x2)
+1 mithril chain shirt and dastana (+6 Armor, +8 Dex, +1 Size, +1 Deflect, +1 Natural, +1 Wis, +1 Luck) [+5 vs ranged attacks (crystal of arrow deflection) and endure elements (crystal of adaptation)]
Abilities Str 23, Dex 26, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 8
Condition None

Spot +16, Listen +1

2022-05-04, 10:00 PM
Friar Gowan Goodwin

Gowan charges out from behind rocks that he was trying to hide behind and heads towards the beholder. He swings his mace with a crazed look in his eyes. "Die abomination!"

Gowan will charge at the beholder and attack with 'Elder Mountain Hammer' maneuver

Attack : [roll0] (+21 +2 charge +2 from 'Giant killing' stance - I believe beholders are usually large, if not subtract 2 from the attack roll and 4 from the damage)

Damage : [roll1] + [roll2]
Attack bypasses any DR.

Miss chance 20% or under : [roll3]

2022-05-05, 04:28 AM
The heroes rip the Eye Tyrant to shreds!! The dragon shouts "I'm free!" In draconic and attempts to fly away!

2022-05-05, 05:20 AM
Rachen blinks. "Huh. Guess it wasn't very tough." With a wave of his hand, he dismisses the sphere, which promptly vanishes. He glances at the escaping dragon, but doesn't follow it. Though he didn't understand what it said, its current actions are pretty clear.

2022-05-05, 09:41 AM
Grinning slightly to himself and stepping out from behind the stalagmite he was behind so he's clearly visible, Jecklyn calls out to the dragon before he gets too far, though ideally out of range of his breath weapon. "Ye wouldn't be trying to run with any of our treasure, would ya?"

Tossing what amounts to an extremely large steel boulder up and down in one hand, he waits for the dragon's response, then has another thought too. "In fact, I'd think we'd like to talk a bit. Maybe you could reward us for our good deed with some information about the area. That would be somethin' a properly grateful sort like yourself would do, right?"

2022-05-05, 11:17 AM
The dragon stops, if reluctantly...

"I can tell you a thing or three, just let me go with whatever that thing left me with and I'll be glad to tell you about his friends."

2022-05-05, 11:41 AM
Rachen lands next to Jecklyn and glares at the wyrm.

"Don't think to fool us, dragon," he says, twirling his massive greathammer in his hands as if it were a twig; it abruptly stops, and he slams the head straight down into the ground, both hands at the end of the shaft. "You would not fare well against us. Witness how fast your master fell! Tell us what you know, and we'll let you free; but if we think you're having us on, I wouldn't mind subduing a pet lizard to use as a mount!"

Rachen's trying to scare the dragon, to back Jecklyn up.
Intimidate check: [roll0]

2022-05-05, 01:01 PM
Elwenath scrunches his brow for a moment, then says, "Beholders don't have -- Ah. You don't mean friends, you mean 'friends'. Got it. What can you tell us?"

2022-05-10, 03:49 PM
Shrugging noncommittally, Jecklyn says, "I'm listening."

That said, he doesn't approach any further either. Not that he particularly needs to generally speaking.

Lord Foul
2022-05-10, 04:28 PM
Rolland frowns at this diversion, his weapon and his breath ready to rejoin combat if needed, but not interested in trying to intimidate a... nominally innocent dragon.

2022-05-11, 10:59 PM
"The Old Drow Ruins, a nest of those things is there, they have creepy bat things as mercenaries. And lots of slaves, some normal sone with magic binding."

2022-05-12, 03:24 PM
"Huh, interesting that. How many of the things are there? And what can you tell us about what they can do? If you were actually enslaved by the things, you must have seen a bit more than we might be able to recall." Jecklyn eyes the beast they're conversing with and prepares to wring as much information out of it as he can manage about the beholders and any notable slaves.

So basically trying to get a more detailed set of data on the beholders and their abilities (i.e. what the eye beams do, any mages, etc...) plus any forces-- given that he was captured and presumably in with these, it's going to be a heck of a lot more safe to get info out of them than sneak in to get that information.

If it looks to be cooperating, Jecklyn will likely shrink back down to gnome size during the discussion, since he presumably has better recall that way.

2022-05-14, 12:06 PM
Elwenath glances around at his companions. "I can say a bit more about beholders now that we're not in a time crunch, but these bat-people ... they're new to me."

2022-05-14, 07:44 PM
Friar Gowan Goodwin

Gowan listened quietly. He wasn't sure the dragon was being truthful but it at least sounded plausible and would explain recent events. He nodded thoughtfully.

"Thank you - I hope our paths never cross again" Gowan turns away with a slight head nod and lets the others ask their questions.

2022-05-16, 06:05 AM
After raising one hand at the dragon to stall it leaving, Rachen turns to Elwenath. "I think the operative word in that phrase is people. I've heard of anthropomorphic animals before; I imagine this is like that. So I wouldn't assign any supernatural abilities to them without evidence to the contrary--I'd say just think of them as weirdly-shaped humans for now. So let's focus on beholders and what you know of them." He casually swings the giant hammer up onto his shoulder again.

2022-05-18, 09:52 PM
Elwenath nods, keeping one eye on the dragon. "The big central eye turns off magic whichever way it's facing. The little eyes shoot a variety of deadly rays everywhere else, all at the same time. Charm, terror, petrification, disintegration, sleep, just plain damage ... it's those little eyes that cause all the trouble. The bite may look nasty but it's really a joke, nothing but a tickle. The other main thing I know about beholders is that they don't often work together. They hate each other slightly less than they hate everyone else. So if they're banded together ..." He looks at the dragon for confirmation. "That probably means there's something else with even more power pulling the strings."

2022-05-19, 10:49 PM
As the party leaves the dragon and continues into the Underdark, Elwenath notices the ground ahead is littered with caltrops. Just then, figures from the darkness unleash a volley of arrows!


On Elwenath


On Rachen


On Jecklyn


On Roland



On Gowan

Everyone who gets hit must make a DC 18 check against poison

2022-05-19, 10:58 PM
An attack? Bloody hell, how'd we miss these buggers...

Turning, the little fey tries to spot where the attacks are coming from-- the feast they had for breakfast was doing a good job of keeping the arrow from doing any particular damage, but that wouldn't last forever. Ripping the arrow out of his arm, Jecklyn also notes a blackish substance on the arrow head and grimaces. "Poison, lovely."

[roll0] Fort Save

Spot check from the OOC thread of 30.

Lord Foul
2022-05-19, 11:30 PM
Roland looks more annoyed than worried at the caltrops and the incoming wave of arrows, wincing as one of them hits him. He sizes the opponents up, seeing which to strike first to disrupt their coordination, and selecting the one that shot him personally, that one would be the one that would die first.
