View Full Version : DM Help Final boss encounter help

2022-04-12, 05:20 PM
Hello everyone,

I'm running a D&D club for students at my highschool. The group has swelled to 9 kids just as we hit the final battle that I'll be running. Very briefly, they're ambushing a group of dwarven slavers, which will cascade with the lizardmen guards being called in as well. I've taken a ton of inspiration from Matt Coville's action oriented monsters and am hoping to make this a memorable and fun encounter.

The players are all between levels 2-4 (average 3)

I'm looking for advice on how to make this encounter fun.

If you're not familiar:
Minions: Same AC and attack as a normal version of this type, but with only 1 hp (however if they save from an aoe spell they take 0 damage). This allows a lot of weak enemies to swarm players without having to worry too much about tracking HP.

Boss Actions: Similar to legendary actions, but each one can only used once per round. More powerful than a legendary action, but only 1 per round.


Slavers: Otis, Karl, Harky (the 3 who captured them originally which is why the players are out for revenge)

Slave minions: 3 slaver minions will start on the map in the bar with the slavers

Gregger the Guard Commander: The slavers sold their slaves to him who used them in his fighting pit. He's a bit cowardly and prefers to have others fight in his place.



HP: 25

AC: 15

Action: +4 1d8+4 axe damage

Bonus action: Sand in the eye: DC 10 con or people get advantage on you until the end of your next turn

Reaction: Eye gouge: when a melee attack against him misses, he can make an attack roll. If successful attacker takes 1d4-1 damage and is blinded for the end of their next turn

Boss action:

Spill the beer: breaks kegs in back of room with axe throw. All terrain within 10 feet of kegs is difficult

Throat punch: As part of the attack action can target the larynx with a punch that deals 1d4 damage. If the hit is successful make a dc 12 con/dex save or lose the ability to speak for 1d4 rounds

Kidney Punch: after hitting with an attack make a second attack that deals 1d4 damage and is poisoned until the end of their next turn.

HP: 25

AC: 15

Action: +3 1d8+3 crossbow bolt

Bonus action: Sneaky git: Can hide as a bonus action

Reaction: Pin em: When an opponent moves, make an attack roll. If it hits it deals 1d4-1 damage and their movement speed becomes 0.


HP: 25

AC: 18

Action: +2 1d10 + 2 damage from warhammer. On a hit moves enemies 5 ft in any direction.

Bonus Action: Bulwark: Reach increases to 10 ft. Any provoked opportunity attack stops movement on a hit

Reaction: Can force an enemy within 5 ft targeting an ally to attack him instead.

Slaver minion:



Action: Attack +2 1d4 + 2 spear attack

Guard Minions:

HP: 1

AC: 14

Action: +3 1d6+1 damage

Guard Commander Gregger:

HP: 40

AC: 16

Action: +6 1d6 +3 damage from bolt

Bonus action: Call for aid: 1d4 guard minions appear


You shall not fall: Any minion that dies instead lives.

Get these pests away from me: After someone moves into melee range, swap him with a minion

Boss action:

We’re under attack: 2d6 minions appear

Kill the mages: All minions can make a free move

I want them DEAD: All minions get a free attack

2022-04-12, 09:58 PM
I'm sorry, I don't see what your question is.

Do you want help reviewing the antagonists? Advice on the encounter? Suggestions of hazards or aesthetic considerations?