View Full Version : Hoard Of The Dragon Queen [IC]

2022-04-13, 11:06 AM
OOC Thread (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?644754-Hoard-Of-The-Dragon-Queen-OOC&p=25427923)

You are currently on the road to Greenest. Three of you are travelling far, but one of you is simply travelling home.

There's about a half-mile to go before you'll spot Greenest around the bend.

What are you doing, as you walk?

2022-04-13, 01:07 PM
Miriya was almost bouncing on her heels as she emerged from the woods onto the familar road leading to Greenest. It'd been over a month since she'd been in town. No doubt there'd be some mild teasing over her taking another of her "long walks". It was a far cry from her early timid visits where months could pass in between. Now she was eager to catch up with her friends, haggle with that skinflint Olaf over her latest set of hides and worked leather goods for trade, and especially check on her friend Hanna. From what she understood about human pregnancies, her child should be coming any day now, and Miriya had kept back one of the softest furs to make a soft set of clothes for the child.

Her sensitive ears pricked at the sound of footsteps further down the path, and she slowed her pace while turning to look behind her. She didn't have the road to herself after all today. Hmm. Travelers. Well, the townsfolk would appreciate the extra coin they'd bring no doubt. Miriya made a note to keep an eye on them. They looked peaceful enough, but one could never be too careful. She'd brook no threat to her town, even if she had to quietly deal with it out of sight.

2022-04-13, 04:32 PM
Lies and deceptions. Cardiane was currently travelling as Brella, a young woman returning to Greenest to say goodbye to her sick and dying mother. At least that was the story she had given the merchant who she now accompanied.
She sat upon his cart enjoying the food he had so generously offered, taking full advantage of his kind heart and hospitality.
Between mouthfuls she haggled off the latest items she had acquired. Two crossbows and a heap of bolts. She fibbed of their craftsmanship, lies that would likely travel on to their next owner as well, but her main tool in her arsenal of profit was the mans pity. Cardiane pushed the sick mother angle and her need for coin. She had learnt him to be a mother loving man and exploited that knowledge.

However the elf stepping out of the tree line didn’t go unnoticed. Cardiane’s fingers twitched as she almost excitedly readied her new powers, just in case.

”Greetings!” she called out, hailing the elf. A slick mischievous smile spreading across her excited face.

Trying to sell starting gear of two light crossbows and 20 bolts (51gp cost brand new.) to a merchant I am travelling with.

[roll0] Deception on merchant
[roll1] if I can have advantage for time travelled together.

2022-04-13, 06:44 PM
Miriya had taken a single quick glance at the cart before moving on to the figures further down the road. She hadn't lingered over long on the cart: it was clearly a merchant trader which was the most common traffic through Greenest though Miriya didn't recognize this one. Her eyes shot back to the cart at the overly cheery greeting as she realized she'd missed the cart's passenger in the back with her cursory scan. After a moment, she hesitantly responded, not sure what a random traveler wanted with her. It wasn't as if Greenest was hard to find, the road was easy to follow and if she remembered correctly, they were only a single turn away from being able to catch sight of it.

"Um... hello. Can I help you?"

2022-04-13, 11:14 PM
”Heading to town?” the spritely looking young half elf asked in reply as she tucked a long stray lock of luscious brown hair behind her ear.
”Will trade you a lift for some words and new company.” she offers with a warm smile that reached her sparkling green eyes, as she tapped a space beside her on the merchants cart.

There were others with her beside just the merchant but Cardiane was a social creature, new people meant new opportunities.

2022-04-13, 11:29 PM
Eavine strolls along, seemingly idly strumming a melody on her guitar without a care in the world, though she is in truth keeping as close an eye as she can on everyone on the road. She doesn't know if anyone is following her, or if they would even know her.

Damn Reylan for blowing my cover like that! Now I am on the run, without an idea of where I am going or why.

John Cribati
2022-04-13, 11:39 PM
Ko’Kee isn’t new to questioning himself. Sure, the sign on the road pointing this way looked like it said “Greenest,” but he wasn’t only mostly faithful in his ability to read Common. It didn’t hurt to scout ahead of his group.

As it were, he soon finds himself behind three tall human-likes. He thinks they’re ladies. Most likely.

Knowing better than to just jump into their midst, he clears his throat with a soft croak to get their attention, before addressing them.

’Scuse me, sorry to bothe’ ya. This is the right way to Greenest, yeah?

2022-04-14, 07:01 AM
Miriya was instantly regretting ever engaging with the girl in conversation. The thought of being trapped in a slow-moving cart in close proximity to someone who was positively oozing cheerfulness... no thank you. "I am going to the town, yes. It's not much further, so I'd rather walk."

Talking to the half-elf on the slow moving cart had allowed the other two travellers to catch up. The one woman (with horns?) thankfully passed by wordlessly strumming on a guitar. The other was a grung, which was a little surprising once she recognized it. She'd scouted out the edge of the wetlands to the south they called home once on one of her longer excursions, but as far as she knew the frogmen mostly kept to their waterways. She'd certainly never seen one in Greenest before. Fortunately, his question gave her an excuse to step away from the nosy cart-rider without being too rude about it. "Yes, you are on the correct road. You should be able to see Greenest after the next bend."

John Cribati
2022-04-14, 07:36 AM
Thank’ye kindly.

He gives the elf woman a nod, then falls back.

A few minutes later, he returns, pushing a cart alongside two other Grung.

Though “cart” is a bit generous. It’s more like a small fishing boat, to which cart wheels had been attached.

They get their boat-cart in line with the other, and Ko’Kee squints at its rider, in what he’s found to be an approximation of a smile— human-likes tended to be offput by what passes for teeth among Grung.

Safety in numbers, yeah?

2022-04-14, 08:58 AM
”Suit yourself.” Cardiane called back with a shrug and a smile that didn’t reach her eyes.

It was then that the frog creature startled her. At first she thought it some kind of goblinoid and it was only from the years of wearing masks could she hide the disdain from her face. Had the unsociable elf not just calmly addressed the creature, Cardiane might have thrown a spell at it.

Once the initial shock passed, curiosity took its place. What was it, where was it from. It was at that same time she was swept up in the passing music.
Caught between the two she ushered her travelling companion to catch up to the music player.

Dismounting from the cart Cardiane followed silently behind the bard, dancing gleefully in the wake of the sweet music.

2022-04-14, 02:37 PM
As you round the bend, you spot Greenest. The city is small, quaint, and...

And currently smoking, as it is under assault by a large blue dragon. Miriya knows that her home has some defenses against attack, but she can't even see if any archers are against the dragon.

2022-04-14, 05:44 PM

Cardiane‘s gleeful dance came to an abrupt end as she saw, well she wasn’t sure what she was looking at. Her eyes scanned those around her for confirmation, falling back on the elf who was from the town.

Pity and sorrow settled in her gut. Sure Cardiane stole from strangers, tricked them into giving up more than they should, but she never killed innocents. She couldn’t stand the thought of so much wasted life. But what could she do against a dragon?

Before she had even established control over her thoughts she was already barking orders. The soft playful naive girl who was dancing a moment ago gone and replaced with a serious and stern demeanour.
Her voice carried loud and reached all those nearby

”We have to do something!” she exclaimed.
”All merchants, stay together, ready any and all supplies that may help. Find a suitable safe spot of shelter. Any who are capable of fighting should stick together too. Strength in numbers.” her eyes fall to the small frog creature and a slight smile curls in the corner of her lip.

”Elf, you know the town, I will follow your lead.”

With that Cardiane left a crossbow with the merchant and started moving toward the town with some urgency and haste. Hoping by all hopes that the dragon simply leaves on its own accord and soon.

John Cribati
2022-04-14, 06:47 PM
After assisting with getting his and any other carts out of sight, Ko’Kee is ready to sit this out with the other merchants. His two compatriots, though, pull him into a conference in their guttural, croaking language. After about thirty seconds, they unwrap a cloth bundle to reveal a trident, which they thrust into his hands.

With an almost-begrudging air, he hops over to the grouped-up fighters.

If’n y’need me, ’m plenty strong, or so they say. Ain’t stuck nothing ‘s big as a dragon with this, though.

2022-04-14, 07:07 PM
For a moment, Miriya was utterly motionless as she took in the scene of carnage ahead. In all her worst plans and darkest nightmares, she had nevet imagined anything like this coming to Greenest. "This, this can't be... NOOOOO!"

Suddenly, she was darting forward, only stopping briefly again to cut free the rack of cured hides strapped to her back that were hindering her before resuming her swift stride that began to outpace Cardiane's. "You are outsiders... you don't have to come. Fighting that beast is almost certainly death. There's no one and nothing in the town can handle a monster like that. I must go. Those are my people dying in there. But you do not need to die too."

She had nothing but her bow, her blades, and the knowledge she'd never killed anything deadlier than a wolf. Yet, she had not even hesitated. Her friends were there. She would live or die fighting to protect them.

2022-04-15, 03:29 PM
The warriors amongst you rush for the city, leaving the merchants and any other non-combatants behind to find shelter.

You slow a bit as you reach the walls of Greenest-moving carefully, on guard. The gates have been blasted open, by the dragon one would assume, and the streets are in shambles, but the immediate area is clear of anyone, friend or foe. You move forward, when suddenly, three children shepherded by an injured man rush from your left. Behind them, a woman with a spear brings up the rearguard, against eight kobolds, intent on hurting their victims.

You are currently right at the entrance, and have not been spotted by any of the people within.

2022-04-15, 07:00 PM
Initiative [roll0]
Eldritch blast [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

”Behind us!”
Cardiane calls to the family as she throws a bolt of Eldritch energy at the Kobold nearest the spear wielding lady.

John Cribati
2022-04-15, 07:40 PM
He had hopped into the city gates unsure as to what all he’d be able to contribute. Now, any doubts he may have had were erased.

These creatures, whatever they are, would threaten children. This requires direct action.

The words of his Elders echo in his head as he dashes forward into battle.

You are First because you are strong.
You are strong so that you can defend.
You defend all who need it.

With a final, mighty leap, he brings his trident down on one of the small lizards.

Bonus Action Rage
Move (the leap is something of an embellishment)
Two-Handed Trident attack: [roll]1d20+6[roll]
Damage: [roll0]

2022-04-15, 07:54 PM
One of the kobolds barely has time to react, the lance of energy knocking it down and out of the fight in one quick burst.
The next one manages to turn, at least, before Ko'Kee bodies them.

2022-04-15, 09:04 PM
Miriya's shock had faded by the time they reached the city and had begun to be replaced with an unpleasant sensation that was mostly alien for her that she finally recognized once she caught sight of the fleeing townsfolk and the murderous pack of kobolds chasing them with blood in their eyes: rage. With a wordless cry, she sent an arrow flying towards the one nearest to Ko'Kee, intent on putting his heroic leaping charge to good use as a brief distraction.

Ranged Attacking with Shortbow, ideally at a Kobold that Ko'Kee is now adjacent to so I gain Sneak Attack against it.
Shortbow Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Sneak Attack Bonus Damage (if applicable)[roll2]

2022-04-15, 09:17 PM
Miriya's arrow goes wide, impaling a nearby wall with no harm to her intended target.

2022-04-15, 10:10 PM
Eavine follows, not as eagerly perhaps as the others, but her need to keep up the whole 'bard looking for a tale to tell' cover tells her to at least go with them.

So she does. And she sees the kobolds. And she slightly panics.

But she should have seen it coming. She may have put her skills to work as a spy, but she failed at that up to now, so maybe she could do better helping out some people. Why not?

So she pulls her rapier, and points it at one of the kobolds. The one in the front.

And, not quite willing to try out her skill with the blade, instead shouts I'm sure your father would be far more disappointed in you if he had stayed!

Wisdom saving throw (DC 14): [roll0], Damage on a failure: [roll1]

2022-04-16, 06:58 PM
Miriya fought the urge to scream in frustration as her arrow sailed over her target's head so high it probably didn't even notice it was being fired at. No surprise, really, she'd managed to rush her shot AND jerk the arrow high on the release simultaneously. A hunter was calm and patient and right now she was very much neither of those things. She needed to get to get her whirling emotions in check and tried to force her fury and distress into a tightly controlled box as she nocked another arrow and aimed for the kobold she had just missed.

Calm. Focus. Aim. Breathe out. Don't rush it. She felt her trembling hands beginning to still and loosed her shot.

Moving towards suitable cover that she can try hiding behind. Attacking that same kobold adjacent to Ko'Kee I just missed.
Shortbow Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Sneak Attack Bonus Damage (if applicable)[roll2]

2022-04-16, 08:11 PM
The arrow strikes true this time, impaling a kobold and leaving them dying on the ground.

John Cribati
2022-04-16, 09:39 PM
Ko’Kee barely registers the enemy falling beside him, hopping over the corpse to get to the next standing monster.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2022-04-17, 07:14 PM
As the kobolds are struck down by your sudden assault, they quickly seem to rethink chasing the family.

They turn tail, guarding themselves against counter-attack, and run.

2022-04-17, 08:14 PM
With a shout of rage Cardiane moves forward and throws another bolt at the fleeing creatures and will do so until they are truly out of range.

2022-04-17, 10:32 PM
The kobolds might not make it far in absolute distance, but the alley they came from lets them slip away without eating too much fire.

The woman looks at you, spear held ready, but not with hostility. "Thank you," she says. Her voice is weary-you don't know how long she's been fighting for. "We need to get to the keep-it'll keep us safe, and... Miriya?" she starts to say, before realizing who's with the group.

Miriya recognizes them as Linan Swift and her husband Cuth. She doesn't remember the kids' names at the moment (but she thinks they're all J names) but figures that that's less important than making sure everyone gets to safety.

John Cribati
2022-04-17, 10:57 PM
Ko’Kee takes several deep, croaking breaths before his heart stops racing. He still almost wants to pursue, but stops to consider where he’s really needed.

Go ‘head ’n lead th’way to safety then, Miz. I’ll follow behind ’n make sure no more beasties can get at the youngins.

2022-04-18, 12:10 AM
Cardine simply nods and follows along, eyes alert and spells at the ready.
She whispers a plea of strength and luck in sylvan under her breath.


2022-04-18, 12:20 AM
Miriya was a hair's breadth from chasing down the fleeing kobolds regardless of how long it took her when Linan addressed her and she realized who it was. "Yes, it's me, Linan. Thank the gods we got here just in time. These are travelers who volunteered to help and I... well, bad day to come back but I'm here and I'll do everything I can. We'll escort you to the keep. Keep the children in the center to be safe, and you as well Cuth, I can see you're hurt. But what happened, where did they all come from?"

Knowing the way quite well, Miriya took the lead, warily scanning ahead for any more kobolds or, gods help them, that dragon they'd seen earlier.

2022-04-18, 12:22 AM
Forgot to roll for Perception [roll0]

2022-04-18, 09:03 AM
You carefully scan the area as you move towards the keep, letting Miriya lead. She leads you in not quite the most direct route-the main street seems too easy to be picked off by the dragon.

Linan says "The dragon came down and blasted the gate open, and then the kobolds and other people started swarming in. It all happened so fast-I grabbed a spear when I saw that, and we hunkered down in our house. But then the dragon's attacks hit our home, and we had to leave it-Cuth was injured in that, so it was just me fighting."

With your eagle eyes, you're able to spot any roaming foes from a good distance away, and manage to close to the keep without too much trouble. The keep is sealed tight, as one would expect while under attack.

2022-04-18, 04:14 PM
The young half elf wastes little time as they arrive at their haven destination. Racing forth she begins frantically banging on the gate and shouting.

”Hey, open up! Let us in!”

2022-04-18, 05:35 PM
Miriya chimed in just in case the people inside were feeling extra cautious of strangers. Linan HAD mentioned the dragon's followers included people other than just Kobolds after all. Her voice, on the other hand, with its dry rasp from minimal usage and distinctive accent from her foreign homeland, should be recognizable even now.

"It's me, Miriya, out here. Please hurry, I have the Swift family and some new... allies with me." Even now, saying the word 'friends' was perhaps a bridge too far for her even if she was grateful for their aid. Time would tell if their intentions were sincere.

2022-04-18, 10:28 PM
The guards look down, crossbows pointed at you, but seeing the familiar faces, a sergeant barks an order to have the gates cracked open.

You get inside-Lian slumps with her husband against the wall shortly in, and they hold their children close. "Thank you," Cuth says, echoed by his children.

A guard looks at them, concern on his face, but he turns to face you all. "The lord will want to see you-follow me," he says, and starts to lead you up and into the keep.

2022-04-19, 09:42 AM
Cardiane nods and follows promptly, looking about for things of interest and assessing the situation.

2022-04-19, 03:23 PM
You're lead up to a hastily put together war room. There's a loud, red-haired dwarf barking orders, and a human man who looks quietly concerned at the center. The guard who escorted you flags the dwarf, and says "Miriya and the other three brought the Swift family in safely."

"Good, good," the dwarf says. "Tarbaw!" he says to the man in the center. "We've got more warriors to work with."

Tarbaw-or as Miriya knows him, Lord Nighthill-nods. "Are they more capable than who we have right now?"

The dwarf nods. "Miriya's one of our best, you know that. I'd assume the new companions are too. Now-there's about five things you can be doing now to help save Greenest. There's a tunnel-you know the one, Miriya-that leads into the keep. We've got it guarded from the inside, but we could use it to get more civilians in here, in safety. We've spotted a small group trying to take a ram to our sally port-it doesn't seem like they'll make it through, yet, but that's a situation. The mill and the temple are both in danger, and Tarbaw wants to find out what's going on-and for that, we'll need someone to interrogate. Someone with rank."

2022-04-19, 03:34 PM
Two of those could be done at once. Well, one and a half, anyway. Eavine says. We can head for the mill or the temple, whichever you think is more important to try and save, and we can see if we can capture someone to… question.

John Cribati
2022-04-19, 04:09 PM
I’d reckon we’re more likely t’find someone with good information leadin’ the group try’na break in. Also, what’s important about the temple? There more people hidin’ there?

2022-04-19, 05:58 PM
"It's one of the safest spots in Greenest, besides here. Buncha people barred themselves in when the attack started," the dwarf tells you. "I'd reckon that's more important right now than the mill."

John Cribati
2022-04-19, 07:24 PM
The pieces come together one by one. So we drive th’ invaders away from th’ temple, lead the folks back ‘ere t’ru dem tunnels, ‘n catch one o’ th’ head lizards in charge, all at once. He pauses, rubbing at his chin, and croaks disapprovingly. Plan’s too simple. Sum’n’s up widdat. Too many ducks in th’ same row.

2022-04-19, 07:50 PM
"For one, the temple is nowhere near the tunnel access. For two, the entrance to the tunnel might not be safe-and leading a large group like that to it might get it discovered, and give the enemy an entrance point.," the dwarf says. "Don't bite off more than you can chew-I don't want any citizen of Greenest hurt, but if I had to choose between helping one group and succeeding, or helping everyone and failing... The choice is clear."

Nighthill seems ready to retort, but keeps his mouth shut. He might be the dwarf's superior, but he knows this isn't his expertise.

2022-04-19, 10:47 PM
For Miriya, there was no real question as to what she'd choose. The keep was sealed tight and had at least some defenders and the mill could always be rebuilt if it was burnt down. There was some merit to trying to capture one of the leaders of the raiders responsible for this, but not while there was still people trapped out in the city. "I will go to the temple. I think I can get us there without any of the Kobolds catching us. Once there, we can assess if it's safe to bring the people back safely. Perhaps a distraction to draw the enemy off while we move them? If it's not viable, then I'll stay with them. Someone has to keep them safe."

2022-04-19, 11:21 PM
”If the temple has the most people, then that’s where we should go! We should look for people on the way too.
Although the sally-port worries me. What if they do somehow get in?”

Cardiane adds to the conversation, speaking quick and remaining ready to move on Miriya’s decision.

2022-04-20, 09:55 AM
The lord responds this time, saying "We've got guards waiting right by the sally port. If they break through, it'll take time and losses for them to properly get in-hopefully enough that they'll be dissuaded."

"Aye," the dwarf says. "We've the home field advantage in the keep."

If no one has objections, I'll move us towards the temple. :)

2022-04-20, 05:03 PM
You get directions, so that if Miriya is taken out you'll still know where to go. Once that's done, you head back down to the entrance, and wait a few minutes for a lull.

Once that lull happens, you dart out the door, and hear it close behind you. You begin to head for the temple.


Making a DM roll here, don't mind me.

2022-04-21, 04:16 AM
Before leaving Cardiane asks ”What other enemies might we face out there and do you know what they are after?”

Otherwise she is all to happy and eager to get to the temple.

2022-04-21, 10:32 AM
The dwarf shakes his head, saying "We don't know. There are bandits-mostly kobolds, but other races too. And the dragon. That's all we've seen, but gods alone know what else they've got with them."

You arrive at the temple, having ducked into alleys a few times to avoid patrols of enemies. As you approach the tall building, you notice three things:

First, a group of some half-dozen bandits, mostly kobolds, trying to batter the door down with a felled tree.
Second, a much larger group, consisting of over a dozen bandits (again, mostly kobolds) and a drake the size of a massive dog circling the temple, chanting and screeching.
And finally, wisps of smoke curling up from the back of the temple.

John Cribati
2022-04-21, 02:34 PM
Tha's a lotta enemies. He notices the smoke and squints at it. Izzat a fire at the back? Imma go ‘n look fr’m the other side.

With that, Ko’Kee begins climbing the building wall, then jumping from roof to roof to get around to see the back side of the temple.

2022-04-21, 02:36 PM
Ko'Kee's nimble acrobatics keep him safe from detection.

In the rear of the church, he can see a small group of bandits-two taller folk, and six kobolds-trying to light the temple on fire. Their attempts aren't going so well so far, at the very least.

John Cribati
2022-04-21, 04:25 PM
He makes his way back around to the alley to report. 8 of ‘em at the back, tryna light the place up. It ain’t workin’ right now, but I think we sh’d stop ‘em firs’. Smaller group, ‘n if it does work, the folks in the temple ‘r done-fer.

2022-04-23, 11:37 AM
Yeah. We take the group at the back. They want the temple, whatever. Temples can get rebuilt. We can at least deny them the people inside. We take them out and then we can get the people out.

2022-04-23, 07:26 PM
Miriya nodded, grimly thinking of how horrible a fate it would be to die trapped in a burning building. Of her friends burning... she hurriedly shelved that thought. "Very well then. We need to take them out as quickly as possible once we start attacking them. If they call one of the other groups over, especially that drake, our odds will not be good. We need to stay alive if we are to save those people inside. You saw their exact positions, lead on, brave one."

2022-04-26, 10:03 PM
They prepare for the assault. As they get ready to make their attack, Eavine turns to Ko'Kee.

Bravery is not the lack of fear, but having the ability to go on despite it. Feel this balm against fear.

She casts Heroism on him.

She then takes a breath, and points at the nearest Kobold.

OY! You! You ruttish beetle-headed drunkard! Feel the sting of words not in your ken!

And that would be yet another use of Vicious Mockery. Someone remind me to get a crossbow or something later.

Rolling the save (Wisdom against DC 14): [roll0]

2022-04-27, 08:47 AM
Don't forget the damage roll: [roll0]

They did fail, in this case, but roll it with the save roll, just to save time. :)

The kobold appears to get a touch woozy, the magic lashing his mind.

2022-04-27, 12:40 PM
Miriya wasted no time in shooting at the Kobold already reeling from Eavine's verbal attack. If time hadn't been of the essence, she would have much preferred creeping up on them unseen to make her first shot count. But time was very much in short supply at the moment. "You, you... cretins! Trying to burn out innocents? Die!"

Attacking the same Kobold as Eavine.
Shortbow Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2022-04-27, 12:42 PM
Bonus Damage [roll0]

2022-04-27, 01:00 PM
The kobold drops, downed by the arrow.

2022-04-28, 02:11 AM
Cardiane puts her back to the wall and unleashed an Eldritch blast at the nearest enemy.


2022-04-28, 10:20 AM
The blast strikes a taller humanoid, and they drop down, taken out of the fight.

2022-04-28, 05:33 PM
The kobolds turn to face the aggressors, and yip in a combination of fear and anger. They draw slings, and start hurling stones your way, not sure who to target yet as they were caught off guard.

Attacks are allocated as follows:


[roll0] Target
[roll1] Attack
[roll2] Bludgeoning Damage
3 damage to Eavine

[roll3] Target
[roll4] Attack
[roll5] Bludgeoning Damage
Miss on the boy

[roll6] Target
[roll7] Attack
[roll8] Bludgeoning Damage
5 damage to Ko'Kee's THP

[roll9] Target
[roll10] Attack
[roll11] Bludgeoning Damage
Miss on Miriya

[roll12] Target
[roll13] Attack
[roll14] Bludgeoning Damage
Miss on Cardiane

John Cribati
2022-04-28, 08:14 PM
HP: 16/17, 4/4 Status: PLUS ULTRA! (Heroism)

The horned one’s touch against him was odd and tingly, and he swiftly came to realize that this was magic. He’s taken with the tingling in his veins that he almost fails to realize that the attack started until a sling stone nicks his arm.

He quickly leaps into action, thrusting his trident at the standing big one.

2022-04-28, 08:17 PM
Ko'Kee's target takes a nasty stab, but stands up still.

He responds with a quick slash, unveiling a scimitar.


2022-04-29, 06:58 PM
Miriya took advantage of the now distracted Kobolds to send an arrow at the open back of one of them. She had to admit, the frog warrior was as useful as he was courageous. Once again, he'd drawn all the enemies' direct attention onto himself, leaving themselves wide open for, say, her to now find weak spots to shoot with impunity. Maybe there was something to be said for having companions to fight alongside after all...

Shortbow Attack [roll0]
Damage (including Sneak Attack) [roll1]

2022-04-29, 08:19 PM
Feeling the power of her patron running through her, Cardiane unleashes another Eldritch blast at a kobold and then takes some cover.


(Moves behind a barrel, a post or half around a corner.)

2022-04-29, 08:24 PM
The kobolds back off, moving carefully to avoid retaliation.

Disengage and run away!

2022-04-29, 10:33 PM
Throws in a final shot at the fleeing creatures, aiming for the biggest.


There! Now what? If we don’t kill them they’ll just come back and try again.

2022-04-30, 10:37 AM
Three of the kobolds make it away, but the remainder are done for.

You've got a brief window of time-not more than a minute or two-before they return, you'd imagine, with one of the other groups.

2022-04-30, 08:26 PM
We don't have long. Gotta convince them to open up so we can get them out of here. Ideas?

2022-05-05, 11:14 PM
”Quick, let us in! We’ve been sent to help and just drove some Kobolds away but they won’t be gone long!”

Cardiane shouts as she starts banging on the door

John Cribati
2022-05-06, 09:59 AM
HP: 16/17, 4/4 Status: PLUS ULTRA! (Heroism)

Miriya is with us! We’ve come to help!

Help Action for Cardaine’s persuasion

2022-05-06, 05:30 PM
I'll take that 17.

A voice from within asks for proof. Miriya, who's been looking out for the other groups, quickly makes her way to the door, and proves herself legit.

The door cracks open, and you rush inside. The door is then closed, locked, and barred.

Inside the temple, people are on the edge of panic. A single calm individual-a half elven man-is visible in the midst of the chaos, trying to keep people together.

2022-05-07, 07:57 AM
Look. We don't have a whole lot of time. We have to get you folks moving out of here and to the keep.

2022-05-08, 11:20 PM
Cardiane pulls down the barricade.

“Run to the keep or stay here and die.” she offered them.

Although she expected most would die on the way to the keep anyway. They had managed to sneak here undetected because they were a small calm and in control group. This stampeding hoard was likely doomed.
Hell, Cardiane didn’t want to stand too close to them in case the mass looked appetising to the dragon.

But still she would follow. Those kobolds that escaped would tell the others soon enough and they would have a drake on their tail and no vantage point to fight from. She would just have to trust in the others.

She decided to “save” some church relics as the townsfolk decided their fate.

[roll0] looking for valuables to save.

2022-05-09, 09:12 AM
Whatever we are doing, we have to do it now! We need to hurry before more of these jerks show up at the door!

John Cribati
2022-05-09, 02:56 PM
HP: 16/17,

Runnin’s an option, but that’s gonna get someone killed. A lot o’ someone’s likely. Still in something of a frenzy, he hops over to one of the pews and attempts to rip it up. If’n we can block the path in, we can choke the group. They’ll have t’ come in a few at a time ‘n we’ll be able to pick ‘em off slow instead o’ gettin’ rushed.

2022-05-09, 03:22 PM
Eavine is losing her patience.

Have you forgotten that they using a gods damned tree to batter the door down!? They are coming in, and there is nothing we can do to slow them, because they will batter it away with their tree! We have to choose, now. We all stay and die, or we all run and have a chance at living through this. I choose the keep.

2022-05-10, 12:56 PM
Normally, it'd be Persuasion to get these people to listen.

Intimidation would be at a Disadvantage, but the calm priest is Helping you, so it's a flat roll.
The crowd listens to Eavine, and seems ready to simply panic out of the building.

But the priest, who's managed to keep his cool, raises his hand. "She is right-but we still have time to prepare. Ma'am-would you and your companions be willing to try to keep us safe, when we make our escape?"

With Eavine's "threat" (more simply a statement of fact, but they're scared) and the priest's calming words, the crowd listens. This uneasy peace won't hold for long, but it might give you the time you need to prepare a proper getaway.

Gimme a plan, here or in the OOC. I'll let you know how viable it is, with the knowledge you have, and we'll start it a-moving.

2022-05-10, 02:48 PM
Of course we will. We came here to try and get you all to the keep where there are more defenders.

Eavine didn’t intend to take charge, but it seems someone has to or everyone would bicker until time ran out.

Miriya. Your eyes are sharper than the rest of us, and pierce even hearts alone. Take a peek out back and see if we are still clear there?

She turns to the rest of the group.

Look. I know things are frightening. I am scared to wits end, and could little else but throw harsh words at some of the kobolds trying to set the door on fire.

But if we stay calm, and keep our wits about us, then there is no reason we won’t all make it to the keep.

You there, Mister Frog. When we move, you watch our dear along with Pretty Eyes. With “Pretty Eyes,” she gestures at Cardiane.

Me and Miriya will take our front, and keep watch at crossings while we all move. Yes?Intending to give Miriya Inspiration.

2022-05-24, 11:13 AM
You take a few moments, barricading the front door as best you can. As you start securing it, you can see the first of the cracks starting to form from the improvised battering ram your enemies are using.

With that in place to slow them down, you head for the back, gathering the nervous crowd. The priest is speaking, calmly and clearly, keeping them as focused as possible.

Then, all of the sudden, you slam the door open. You observe, for just a single moment, to make sure you don't send any innocents into the meat grinder-but luck is on your side. There's no foes immediately at the back. The priest and you all get the people moving, moving, out of the temple. Miriya leads the group with the priest, while the rest of you bring up the rear. You almost make it away safely, but the circling group spots you-it appears to have diminished slightly in size, but there's enough that you don't want to tangle with them for long, if at all.

Okay-let's see here.

You're entering an alley, taking a roundabout path to the keep. The group of kobolds and bigger people, along with a drake or two, are following-you've got a lead, but it's not impossible for them to catch you.

I'd like some ideas and checks, if appropriate, to slow down your pursuers.