View Full Version : Pokémon Rangers - At Sannleik's Horizon - IC

2022-04-15, 10:21 AM
Pokémon Rangers - At Sannleik's Horizon
Recruitment (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?644630-Pok%E9mon-Rangers-PTU)
OOC (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?644843-Pok%E9mon-Rangers-At-Sannleik-s-Horizon-OOC)
IC (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?644842-Pok%E9mon-Rangers-At-Sannleik-s-Horizon-IC)
Tyler (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1--GTYrrgwmn6Ibna0UGGxsKw85Pf5_UqgG2lnclDHbY/edit#gid=0) - The Walrus
Sophie (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KMMr5UipVNfir2w7zHeS0jNhmAJpodA0Ghf2B0BjAQA/edit#gid=0) - tonberryking
Steven (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AvOwxqTMY1ANh1SJ_IuaFRG6MVQ1R32AAn98w1O6hPk/edit#gid=0) - gac3
Unlabled Region Map

Sannleik is a peaceful region.
People live mostly at harmony with Pokémon, large parts of the island are left to nature to thrive, while cities are full of humans from all around the world. Crime is rare these days, and the league can celebrate new champions nearly every year. It is good times.

Sannleik is a secure region.
Peace does not maintain itself, however. The Pokémon Ranger Organization has maintained a presence in the region for many years now, fighting groups threatening the harmony and disregarding the good of People and Pokémon alike for their own selfish benefits. And for all the world to see, they won this fight.

Sannleik is a prosperous region.
Security promotes wealth, and a number of companies have settled in the larger cities at the core of the region. Subsidiaries of Kantos Silph Co. & Galars Macro Cosmos have invested well in the local economy, and life without them would be unthinkable to most. Their research, products and money are what keeps a lot of the region running.

Sannleik is a region of mysteries.
Before the current settlers of the region came, just a little more than a century ago, the island region was abandoned. Ruins found in the region date back to ancient times, but nobody knows where the people vanished to millennia ago. Nature had reclaimed most of these remnants of an old society, but even today, relics of old are still found untouched by man and mon, hidden by time...

Sannleik is slumbering...

The three of you arrived at the Ranger station a week ago, having been lead to it by one of the people you are replacing in this position. Of course, there was not much leading to do, the power line is above ground and the station is the only building out here that receives any electricity at all. The track took nearly a whole day, hiking over the mountain itself just to arrive at this little post. The shift before you handed over the keys and bid their farewell, leaving you be with a few notes they left back about the area for you to keep in mind.

Normally, an experienced Ranger is supposed be with you and fill a mentor and leader role during your stay, but according to the latest fax, their arrival has been delayed for another two months. Apparently, the last group stationed here had the same issue with never getting a higher up assigned, judging by the folder they left on the couch table.

The station itself is not to remarkable: Four minuscule bedrooms, one of them having been misused as a storage for a lot of canned food, the fridge and random tools; single bathroom; single common room; a couch; a small table; an office desk with swirling chair; a microwave; a fax machine; a video-telephone; a really old TV; a holding cell with an electronic lock; a first aid-kit; and last but not least, the tower, a glorified antenna that provides all cellphone coverage north of the mountain.

It is morning, maybe around 8 AM, the sun already has raised a good bit above the horizon. The last days, nothing of note happened, but you could make yourself familiar with 'Station C' & close area already. While the sound of Taillows is in the air, what is your normal morning routine now?

2022-04-15, 09:09 PM
For Sophie, mornings used to be a false show of family solidarity: the rare half hour where the entire family would sit down at the same table and barely talk to each other, pretending they were a normal family.

Now though? She reads books with her living sword while she waits patiently for food she actually will enjoy. Not even close to normal, but she couldn't be happier with the arrangement. Shortly after opening the windows with a happy sigh Sophie savors the moment, the tall girl now nestled on the couch with a medical textbook. Aquilonia, her honedge, floats by her right side, mimicking her master, holding a book of her own with her arm scarf: some bloody violence-fest manga called "Enrager" while making metallic "sh-sh-sh" noises not unlike a soft chuckle with every turn of the page. Sophie spending some of her traveling money to get her sword that comic was worth the peace it brought with.

"Find a good place to stop, Aquilonia; after breakfast, I think we should go on a patrol. You never know what we might find!" she says softly, thinking she ought to check on the others, soon.

2022-04-15, 11:55 PM
"Ah. Nothing better than roaming the great outdoors. Isn't that right Giza."

Steven has been spending his mornings becoming more acquainted with the area. Getting up at dawn so that Giza, his shinx, and he can go on a trip. Each morning they have been picking a direction at random and walking that way for a little bit to start off their day. By now they are just arriving back, having enjoyed their trip.

They come in and see Sophie. "Goodmorning Ranger Sophie. I hope the night treated you well."

The Walrus
2022-04-16, 02:18 AM
Tyler had the curious habit of waking up at the exact moment of sunrise, like a lotus flower opening its leaves at the break of dawn. He could force himself to get up earlier, if absolutely necessary, but for now was content with following his natural rhythm. After rising, he'd go on a quick hike in the local wilderness, keeping a keen eye out for any wild plants or fungi that could prove useful in the day's cooking.

Perhaps Tyler's focus on finding food rather than looking out for signs of poaching activity or disruptions to the local ecosystem or whatever Rangerly duties he should've been attending to was less than ideal, but, hey - he had no boss for two months, and he was going to make the most of it!

By the time 8:00 A.M. rolled around, Tyler had usually returned to the base and begun preparing the day's breakfast ('punctuality' not being a particular concern of his), and today happened to be one of those days. By this point, Lucy had woken up, and was now milling around the station's tiny kitchen area, helpfully gobbling up any stray morsels that fell to the floor.

"Mornin' Steven!" Tyler called out upon hearing him greet Sophie. "Great news! I discovered a can of evaporated milk in the back, so breakfast today's Kalosian toast with cinnamon and vanilla. Just in time to use up the last of the bread I brought - it was getting wicked stale, man! Haha, don't worry, Kalosian toast is better when it's stale. Bummer there aren't any eggs to make it with, but I added my homemade nutritional yeast culture, so it should still taste pretty egg-y. Don't tell anyone though, it's my secret ingredient!"

A minute later, he walked into the common room carrying a big plate stacked with toast in one hand, carelessly chewing on a piece of toast in his other hand, Lucy dutifully flowing him and hoovering up the crumbs. "So, what's the plan for today? Going out on patrol?"

Although Tyler enjoyed hiking by himself, or with Lucy, it was nice to have his fellow Rangers alongside him. To be honest, he didn't know what he'd do if he encountered someone in the middle of committing some heinous crime on his own - Tyler could barely even muster up the will to raise his voice at someone. But Sophie and Aquilonia were more than scary enough to pick up the slack for Tyler in that department, and of course Steven had his own special mojo going on. Not that Tyler really expected anything dangerous was going to happen, of course...

2022-04-16, 09:57 AM
Since everyone made the DC 7 Perception check, everyone notices that the plug-powered electronics all stopped working at once.

There is surprisingly few things in the base that use power. Of course, the lights are off, being that the sun is already high enough to bathe the common room via the windows. The microwave has a small display that is supposed to always be on and showing the time that just turned off, however. The same is true for the video-telephones screen, which turned a true 'off' black compared to its normal 'standby' black. Odds are, if any of you would try the TV, it would also not work. Even the subtle humming of the fax machine stopped.

A blackout is unusual, and in this remote place, also somewhat of a problem. If nothing in here works, the tower outside is probably also not working. That means if anyone was to get lost in the wilderness now, they would be unable to call for help. Its not likely that anyone is lost, but what good is a system if it does not work? In any case, it presents a problem that needs solving.

2022-04-16, 10:08 AM
Sophie was about to cordially say hello to the two boys, only for her heightened warrior instincts to kick in, glancing too and fro as if expecting an attack. Aquilonia looks around too, but is soon more focused on floating over to Sophie and carefully fashioning her scabbard across Sophie's back with a leather shoulder strap. While it IS somewhat worrying that Sophie almost never puts her honedge into a pokeball, Aquilonia seems, typically, content to let her master carry her/her stuff.

"Whelp. So much for easing into the day... I'm going to go outside and check on the meter and wiring... Would one of you two please be so kind to check the fuse box? We're gonna have to go check the tower next before any hikers or lasses get into a fix!"

Honedge in hand, Sophie swings the front door open and starts canvasing the perimeter of the ranger station, looking for any loose/cut/damaged power cables. And maybe someone/something to fight. She really, really hopes she doesn't find a mischievous pokemon chewing on any of that, but she's not ruling it out...

Sophie, and then Aquilonia's perception checks:
[roll0] [roll1]

And a survival check to see if she notices any tracks or any traces of interferance: [roll2]

2022-04-16, 12:03 PM
Honedge in hand, Sophie swings the front door open and starts canvasing the perimeter of the ranger station, looking for any loose/cut/damaged power cables. And maybe someone/something to fight. She really, really hopes she doesn't find a mischievous pokemon chewing on any of that, but she's not ruling it out...

Sophie, and then Aquilonia's perception checks:
[roll0] [roll1]

And a survival check to see if she notices any tracks or any traces of interferance: [roll2]

A 6 on perception does not do it, but the 12 gives the sword some vague thing to note. The 9 for survival placed 'the taillow being gone' as 'slightly suspicious'.

From a first look, it does not seem to be any Pokémon directly where the power line reaches to the building and connected tower, nor is there any tracks on the ground from a simple look. In fact, everything out here looks normal to Sophie. The levers are all in the right position, and being how heavy some of them are, they have probably not been moved in a while.

What is maybe odd is that the Taillow one could hear earlier the morning have flown away, for little apparent reason. Like a lot of small bird pokémon, they enjoy the sitting on the suspended electrical cable, even if the actual reason for that does not come to mind right now. But mentioning the power line, Aquilonia seems to think something is up with it...

2022-04-16, 05:59 PM
"Whelp. So much for easing into the day... I'm going to go outside and check on the meter and wiring... Would one of you two please be so kind to check the fuse box? We're gonna have to go check the tower next before any hikers or lasses get into a fix!"

Steven nods and jumps up to head to the fuse box, Giza at his heels. "On it. I'll check the fuse box. As rangers we need to make sure that we are available for those in need."

Perception 3d6
Tech Edu (if needed) 2d6

Perception 2d6+1

The Walrus
2022-04-17, 01:36 AM
Ugh, a blackout? They'd have to solve this fast before everything in the fridge went to waste! And keeping the cell tower on was important too, Tyler guessed. He was glad Steven had volunteered to check out the fusebox, as he really wasn't much of a 'tech guy' himself.

"Guess I'll have a look at the tower, although I'm guessing the problem's probably that a branch fell on the power line or something." Tyler went outside and took a cursory glance at the tower, before deciding he might as well look around the perimeter with Sophie to check for signs of any recent Pokemon activity that could've caused the power disruption.

Survival to check for Pokemon tracks/activity: [roll0]

2022-04-17, 03:28 AM
Steven nods and jumps up to head to the fuse box, Giza at his heels.[/COLOR]

The best rolls do not much when there is little to see, sadly.

The fuse box was a rather small one, put at the end of the miniature hallway the bedrooms connect to. Inside, there is a lot of small fuse-switch combinations, neatly in order with numbers above and a small key in the door explaining what each number controls, like 'room 1', 'bath', 'outdoor lights', 'cell lock'. However, all the switches are pointing up, which means they are all 'on' and should transmit power as normal. The energy meter below the fuses however is standing still, indicating that no power is used. There is also a small red lamp labeled 'antenna', which itself is also off. It seems like while the tower does not run its power via this fuse box, it does have an indicator here at least.

Tyler went outside and took a cursory glance at the tower, before deciding he might as well look around the perimeter with Sophie to check for signs of any recent Pokemon activity that could've caused the power disruption.

Good survival means a clarification why the Taillow are missing. In fact, the result was good enoth that together with the specific questioning with 'maybe its the power line' does lower the DC for the perception.

The perimeter does have a few trails, but they are all rather usual, and non really comes to close to the station as well, besides something seeming to check the compost every now and again. There is however a lack of something that does seem abnormal: The Taillow no longer sit on the power line. While your knowledge of how all the tech works is less than ideal, you do know that bird pokémon do like power lines because the electricity flowing inside of the thick cables warms them up. That they are gone does probably indicate that it is not warming them up anymore.

While there were a few trees along the power line south that seemed a bit close for comfort, non of them seemed at risk of actually breaking or falling any time soon, and the weather was rather stable the last few days as well. But thinking of the line, the cable does seem to hang a bit lower than last week. It is not much, but the curve just seems a little bit longer and deeper.

The Walrus
2022-04-17, 03:50 AM
Tyler quickly located Sophie and Steven and informed them of his discovery.

"I don't think the problem's on our end," he said. Which was a first for him, when it came to technical issues! "There's something wrong with the power line - it's gone a bit droopy, and the Taillow aren't on it 'cause it's not nice and warm anymore. I'm thinkin' maybe we should follow the line until we find the issue. Shouldn't be too far down, if it's visibly hanging lower here."

2022-04-17, 07:50 AM
Tyler quickly located Sophie and Steven and informed them of his discovery.

"I don't think the problem's on our end," he said. Which was a first for him, when it came to technical issues! "There's something wrong with the power line - it's gone a bit droopy, and the Taillow aren't on it 'cause it's not nice and warm anymore. I'm thinkin' maybe we should follow the line until we find the issue. Shouldn't be too far down, if it's visibly hanging lower here."

"Agreed," Steven says with a. Nod. We aren't getting any power from the antenna. Let's go investigate."

2022-04-20, 06:23 AM
Sophie stops in the kitchen and comes out with two pairs of rubber gloves in an attempt to be prepared.

"How far from here do you think we have to go if we need cell phone reception now? All the way back into town?"

2022-04-20, 05:07 PM
Steven shrugs. "I'm sure we will find out. Everybody ready?"

He will start heading off to follow the power line.

The Walrus
2022-04-20, 08:07 PM
Tyler gathered up enough rations to last the group for a day before heading out. In the worst case, he figured they might have to hike all the way back to town to call for help, if the fault in the power line turned out to be something the group couldn't fix on their own.

2022-04-21, 06:27 AM
Being that you all are ready to march south along the line, this is a little bit of a time skip. But just a few hours. Around 4 in total: Its High Noon.

Mt. Heart is rather wide, and technically, the station sits at the northern base of the mountain. However, a lot of the area is still rather flat, so the first hour of walking does go rather easy. Then, the incline starts to climb a little bit, just enough to be noticeable. Trees start to become fewer, grouping together in small amounts between rocky ground. A good bit later, the power line starts to go in more of a zig-zag pattern as natural ledges and walls started to get in the way, and it became harder and harder for the construction crew to figure out how to install the poles without heavy construction tools.

After a lot more walking, or one might as well call it hiking by this point, you find the cable on he floor. It just lays there, fallen from the last few poles you passed, ending just before one of the many small curves the line takes. This end is cleanly cut, there are no obvious bite-marks, burn marks or anything indicating who or what has broken the line. The other half of this cable, the half that is presumably still connected to electricity, is probably just around the curve...

2022-04-21, 02:20 PM
Sophie gives Aquilonia a passing look of suspicion, which the sword pokemon vehemently tries to shake off, rattling in her scabbard upon Sophie's back.

"..One of us is really going to have to get an ATV and a license before too long... *ahem* Boys, you might want to stay back and find any cover you can. The only way I can think of which could have cut the line like this, in between poles and not at the start of one, would have been some sort of launched projectile. Or another honedge... Believe me, I know how things can be cut. This could be very dangerous so... I'm going to investigate around the bend; whoever or whatever cut this might still be around, and then we'll call this in."

So saying, Sophie, while wearing the rubber gloves just in case, draws Aquilonia and cautiously edges around the bend, holding her pokemon out in front of her as if to deflect any unexpected attacks.

[roll0] Stealth check even though it's likely to fail.

Sophie/Aquilonia perception: [roll1]//[roll2]

2022-04-22, 02:45 PM
So saying, Sophie, while wearing the rubber gloves just in case, draws Aquilonia and cautiously edges around the bend, holding her pokemon out in front of her as if to deflect any unexpected attacks.

(1d6)[5] Stealth check even though it's likely to fail.
Sophie/Aquilonia perception: (2d6)[8]//(2d6)[5]

Yes. But you get at least a good description out of it before they get out of view.

A few power poles behind the bend mirror the ones in front, with the cable laying on the ground instead of being suspended. Except, the cable on this end seems not ending, not exactly at least. The power line behind the bend had some of the protective rubber removed, and been stuffed into a oversized alligator clip. The point of connection sparks a bit every few seconds, as the electricity runs trough the clamp and into a second cable, leading away from the poles and toward the wall.

The wall behind the bend where the cable now delivers its power to is also newly decorated with a cave entrance, one that certainly was not there last time when you got to the station. Discarded rocks that have been broken away and crates which must have been delivered recently stand next to the entrance, some of them open and apparently filled with straw, others still closed, or maybe already closed? Sophie can also easily spot what is probably a improvised guard post, with a crate serving as a table for a radio (that is off, because there is no connection here) and a folding chair for someone to sit and wait. What really gives it away as a guard post however is the titular guard, who stands there staring at the bend, directly at Sophie. She may could have talked a bit quieter before leaning from behind the curve...

The mentioned guard is a lanky guy, but he wears some rather typical attire for a evil doer: Heavy boots, heavy gloves, and a dark outfit covering legs and arms. There is some golden accents on it, coming in the form of stripes along the pants and vest, and rings on gloves and boots. A small baton, and some folded together nets hang from the badly fixed belt, while the vest has a attachment where they could put their pokéballs. It is simply not a look you have when you try to be lawful: This is a honest to Arceus grunt, no questions asked.

"DEREK! WE GOT VISITORS!" And with that, he storms into the cave. Well, there goes any surprise moment one may could have had. At least you now know where the power has gone to.

The Walrus
2022-04-23, 01:43 AM
Tyler was surprised to see the clean cut in the line; he'd really just been expecting some natural cause had taken it down. Although, maybe it was some sort of accident? When he heard the grunt calling out, he quickly hustled around the bend and released Lucy from her pokeball. The scene he saw before him was even more surprising.

"Whoa - how could they have set this up so quickly? Did they dig that whole cave out since the last time we passed by here?" he said, staring into the mouth of the cave in astonishment. "Or, uh, maybe it had already been mostly excavated, and only the entrance was concealed before? Whatever it was, this must've been planned for a while. ...but, then what were they planning to do about us? Did they assume the power line wasn't actually going anywhere anyone'd notice if the power got cut? Or were they confident they could stop whoever came to investigate, or maybe they just thought they could finish... whatever they're doing here before anyone showed up? Man, I really hope we can just talk this out..."

Casting his gaze around, Tyler laid eyes on the joined power-cables, then turned to Sophie. "You have those gloves, right? Do you think we should maybe unhook their power supply? I could keep watch." Tyler crouched down behind one of the crates, keeping an eye on the cave mouth.

2022-04-23, 11:15 PM
Steven stares after the criminal. "Good idea. One should not profit off of crime. Shinx and I can head in first and check out the situation? Or do you all think we should stay together."

Whatever his comrades answer, he and Giza will be ready at the entrance in case any attacks come while also being easy targets.

2022-04-24, 07:50 AM
Whatever his comrades answer, he and Giza will be ready at the entrance in case any attacks come while also being easy targets.

Tyler crouched down behind one of the crates, keeping an eye on the cave mouth.

How far can we see into the cave from outside of it? Is there anything of note in the part that's visible to us?

The cave entrance leads, as far as one can see from at the top, a slope down and then it apparently opens into something of a chamber. Sadly, one can only see some vases and potts before the angle makes it impossible to spot more of the room. There cables do lead down, with some off-shoots that power lanterns. Apparently, the natural light of the day does not reach that well down there.

"There should not be anyone here for at least two months." "Tell that to the woman with the sword!" "What do you mean woman with a sword?" "What do you think I mean?"

2022-04-24, 04:21 PM
Rockets... Those men were Rockets, I bet...

Sophie looks warily at the cables, realizing that while she is wearing gloves, all those warnings about messing with live electricty stamped onto
every power gird/box/etc. have to have been put there for a reason. Her brow furrows into a frown.

Rocketsrocketsrockets!!! ARGHJKJJGKJ!!! Shaking her head, she motions to the boys, "We should stay together because we have no idea how many hoodlums are in that cave... And we miiiiight have to go in there ourselves and even if I can decouple these cables we might need to se-- Oh! One moment. If you two can try to keep out of line of sight, they only saw me..."

With that, she puffs out her chest a little and stomps closer to the cables, still brandishing her honedge.



Let's try scaring them out first.

2022-04-24, 05:16 PM

Let's try scaring them out first.

You have gotten at least one coward down there.

The voices are a lot more hushed now, probably having realised that whoever is at the entrance can hear them. However, they also get a lot more hectic, quickly exchanging between speakers. "We should just..." "Think we would be...?" "Can't that thing...?" "I mean, whats the..." "Shut up, surrender is not a option." "But-" "No buts, hit it!" A weird, mechanical sound comes from the inside of the cave, as if something has started moving, a wirring and suddenly, a grinding of metal on rock.

Probably not coincidental, the wire starts to build up some tension, as it starts to slowly get dragged into the cave. Even if it is not enoth yet to rip the lanterns from the wall or the clip from the power line.

I will make this the official start of combat.

The Initiative has been resolved, combat commences, the first turn goes to Gac3 using Giza.

2022-04-25, 02:11 AM
Giza moves down the steep incline towards the criminals and their pokemon, giving them a viscious leer once he sees them.

I think I understand what is happening but this is also my first combat in this system so I hoped I don't mess anything up but preemptive "I'm sorry" if I do.

In the OOC it said the slope was 5m and then we would be able to see them gathered together in the front. Giza has an overland of 5 so I think he can get down there and target them with leer.

So it sounded like I should be able to reach at least some of them with Leer.
At-Will, Friendly, Social, Cone 2


All legal targets have their Defense lowered by -1CS.

((Hopefully this will help you guys since it looks like we exclusively have physical attacks so far.))

2022-04-25, 03:36 AM
Giza moves down the steep incline towards the criminals and their pokemon, giving them a viscious leer once he sees them.

I think I understand what is happening but this is also my first combat in this system so I hoped I don't mess anything up but preemptive "I'm sorry" if I do.

In the OOC it said the slope was 5m and then we would be able to see them gathered together in the front. Giza has an overland of 5 so I think he can get down there and target them with leer.

So it sounded like I should be able to reach at least some of them with Leer.
At-Will, Friendly, Social, Cone 2


All legal targets have their Defense lowered by -1CS.

((Hopefully this will help you guys since it looks like we exclusively have physical attacks so far.))

There is not much change from a single leer of course, but Giza is certain non of them have resisted its effect, seeming all just slightly more off-guard.

Don't Worry, this is more or less exactly what I tried to describe.

The Staff goes back to you Gac3, should Steven do anything with his early round.

2022-04-25, 05:26 AM
Steven will follow Giza into the chamber. He will look over the people and the pokemon before pulling out his Pokedex and pointing it at the pokemon covered in algae.

"Pokemon Rangers. Please surrender now and we can work this out."

Shift action: Move to stand next to Giza.
Standard Action: Use Pokedex to identify the seahorse pokemon.

2022-04-25, 06:45 AM
Steven will follow Giza into the chamber. He will look over the people and the pokemon before pulling out his Pokedex and pointing it at the pokemon covered in algae.
"Pokemon Rangers. Please surrender now and we can work this out."

Shift action: Move to stand next to Giza.
Standard Action: Use Pokedex to identify the seahorse pokemon.

"But you weren't-" "Shut it, you where wrong!" The Pokédex springs to life, spitting out some facts about the smaller Pokémon:

Skrelp, the Mock Kelp Pokémon
Poison - Water
It camoflages itself as seaweed to avoid detection and has a diet of both seaweed and Pokémon it surprises with its potent poisons. The dex fills in a small list of noteworthy facts below the entry, including what moves they usually learn and that this specimen is at 40cm of below average size with a around average weight considering its smaller size of ca 6 kg.

essencially, you got access to the entry on page 353 on the Pokédex plus document if you want to look up level-up moves and the like.

The person sized Enemy Pokémon makes its move.
"Cut 'em Venus!" The armed grunt shouts out to his pokémon, which quickly moves in on Giza and hardens one of its more leaf-like vines into more rigid, sharp-edged state, before swinnging it down on the Shinx.

It connects for 19 Damage on Giza, I already added your defence.

The less confident, or at least more hesitant, of the two taps the digging machine with his foot, slightly, to which it reacts by doing what it is programmed to do: Drill and Defend
Spinning rapidly, it skits that mere meter up front and tries to crash into Steven, trying to hit the Ranger with its support-legs.

It connects for 1 Damage on Steven, because one can not deal zero damage.

Both the green 'Venus' and the 'Digging Machine' are now visibile from the top, and in close combat with Gac3s characters. The handoff is to whoever you decides is taking that tie.

The Walrus
2022-04-26, 12:52 AM
It didn't escape Tyler's notice that the 'two months' these... thugs? weirdly-dressed amateur roboticists? expected to have before anyone showed up matched up with the two-month's delay expected before a supervising ranger showed up at the station, which Tyler wouldn't have thought anyone outside of the ranger force would know.

But before he could think too long on the implications of this, suddenly Sophie was screaming about leaving the thugs to die in a tomb, Steven and Giza were charging into the cave, and the giant floating grass-type Pokemon and the drilling machine were attacking. Oh crap, oh crap, what to do - his ranger training definitely hadn't covered this scenario! Or, well, it might have, but Tyler hadn't really been paying a ton of attention during his brief training sessions.

"Lucy, follow me!" he cried as he ran into the cave mouth, and sought a position where he could stay behind the cover of a crate while still having a line of attack to the drilling robot. Failing that, he'd just stand near the back of the cave, close to the maximum range of his energy ball attack.

"You can't, like, drill into nature, man! Or people, either! Eat my big grass... ball... thing!" he yelled as he took aim, channeling druidic power into a sphere of green energy that he hurled at the nefarious digging machine.

Rolls for Energy Ball attack
AC to hit digging robot: [roll0] vs AC 2 (Decreases special defense 1 stage on 17+)
Damage: [roll1] Grass-type special damage
Damage if crit: [roll2] Grass-type special damage

2022-04-26, 04:07 AM
as he took aim, channeling druidic power into a sphere of green energy that he hurled at the nefarious digging machine.

Rolls for Energy Ball attack
AC to hit digging robot: (1d20)[13] vs AC 2 (Decreases special defense 1 stage on 17+)
Damage: (2d10+24)[32] Grass-type special damage

This positions you at the cave mouth/top of the slope. Because of the angels involved you are nowhere close to the maximum range away, but still a good 5.
The energy ball hits the 'digging machine' staggering its spin a bit before it takes up speed again, cable straightening as the tension returns with the movement.

Handing over to the king of Rage and tonberries.

2022-04-26, 06:23 AM
Sophie watches her friends brave the cave as her ire boils into molten anger.


She doesn't scream in primal rage, but very briefly her body flashes, appearing all the world as if all her colors invert, skin turning an angry rose red, her hair bleaching white, back and forth, until it stops and she hauls it into the caves brandishing a gleeful Aquilonia who thrives on Sophie flipping into pain-mode.

"I'LL TEACH YOU TO CLANDESTINELY MINE PUBLIC LAND!!! ILLEGALLY!" she tries to say, only it's probably a little garbled with anger. Even in her berserk state, however, she has standards. Tyler's taking care of the machine and unless it attacks first she doesn't just want to start taking a sword to a pokemon following orders unless it's just her versus them.

That leave, as the biggest threat, the guard with the stun baton. Sophie barrels down on him with a lunge, swinging Aquilonia in a hammer blow.

Rage: [roll0] vs. 2 AC

[roll1] I believe since Sophie is using this as a weapon attack w/ her honedge, it means the DB is raised to 3 and she adds +2 to this attack if it hits.

Sophie is now Enraged.

2022-04-26, 07:23 AM
Sophie barrels down on him with a lunge, swinging Aquilonia in a hammer blow.

Rage: (1d20)[17] vs. 2 AC
(1d6+11)[16] I believe since Sophie is using this as a weapon attack w/ her honedge, it means the DB is raised to 3 and she adds +2 to this attack if it hits.
Sophie is now Enraged.

You believe right, so your damage is actually 18
'The guard' tries, and fails, to block the blow using his baton, and takes a nasty swipe from it, but keeps up surprisingly well.

"This is a Dig, not a Mine!" He moves the baton to the side, some sparks coming from it as he presses a button on the handle and moves it in with force, trying to hit the raging ranger in the rips with a charged strike.

'Wear Down', a electric shifted weapon attack, misses totally. Misses do not trigger Rages special condition, sorry.

Derek, slightly back from the ball of melee combat before him, draws a orb like object covered in a white, swirly symbol from out of his coat. "Sorry Richard!" And he throws it in the middle of the fight, releasing a cloud of gas enveloping all melee combatants ('Richard', 'Venus', 'Digging Machine', Sophie, Steven, Aquilonia, Giza), clouding their perception somewhat as it inflicts them all with 'Confusion'.
Using said confusion, Derek shifts past the combat, moving up the slope just to come face to face with Tyler, of whom he had not seen until now. "Oh. I hoped that were all."

We are using Errata 3 Confusion, meaning confused people throw a coin if they take damage after they attack, but more importantly, Derek does not provoke AoO from you.
Also, apparently, I can not shorten Richard because of a profanity filter. Fair enoth.

And with that, the order goes over to The Walrus with Lucy!

The Walrus
2022-04-26, 06:26 PM
Tyler was almost as startled as Derek was when the two suddenly came face-to-face, but reacted quickly enough.

"Lucy, stop him!" he called, hoping to prevent the scientist(?), who might well be the brains of the operation, from getting away. In response, Lucy sludged her way towards him, and attempted to bite into Derek's leg, the spicy scent of Tyler's Chili Nut Cluster bites still faintly detectable in her breath.

(I'm assuming Lucy can reach Derek this round; if not, she'll use the sprint action to get as close to him as possible.)

Rolls for Bite attack
Note: Trading in food buff from spicy wrap to do +10 physical damage, and spending 1 AP on Hits The Spot to give Lucy 8 temporary hit points.
To hit vs AC 2: [roll0] (Flinches on 15+)
Damage: [roll1] physical dark-type damage
Damage if crit: [roll2] physical dark-type damage

2022-04-26, 08:07 PM
Lucy sludged her way towards him, and attempted to bite into Derek's leg, the spicy scent of Tyler's Chili Nut Cluster bites still faintly detectable in her breath.
Rolls for Bite attack
Note: Trading in food buff from spicy wrap to do +10 physical damage, and spending 1 AP on Hits The Spot to give Lucy 8 temporary hit points.
To hit vs AC 2: (1d20)[16] (Flinches on 15+)
Damage: (2d8+40)[50] physical dark-type damage

That is a lot of damage for little old Derek.
He did not expect someone to be still at the top. Much less did he expect the Grimer that bit him in the leg. The colour visibly drains from his face as a shiver goes up his spine, and Derek is left stammering... "Skrelp do something..." And with that, he lands face first in the dirt, 'thud' a clean one hit knock out.

The Skrelp had no good view for the entrance of the cave, but it does hear its trainer ordering to... something. Still under the infulence of the pester ball its trainer had thrown into the combat, it shifts forwards a bit, directly behind the attackers, to unleash a bubble from its snout, bursting and splashing everyone of the opponents directly around it. Thanks to its movement

Bubble hits, thanks to good positioning (Confusion is useful), all four player characters at the lower end of the slope and non of the NPCs.
Giza 27 Damage Taken. -1 Speed CS
Steven 24 Damage Taken. -1 Speed CS
Sophie 27 Damage Taken. -1 Speed CS, +1 Attack CS (Rage)
Aquilonia 28 Damage Taken. -1 Speed CS (Formality)
This has no effect on the turn order, since the only actual initative change is insignificant.
While Skrelp does not hit itself in confusion, it also is not free from it.

Aquilonia (tonberryking), sword time.

2022-04-26, 08:07 PM
Sophie moves back to avoid the swing of the baton, her eyes seeing all red, but The guard may see that she's... not holding her Honedge. Aquilonia is left hovering in the space Sophie last gripped her, also missed by the baton, only her scarf arm is wrapped around Sophie's wrist. She takes a good hard swipe at the guard before yoinking backwards into Sophie's hand once more, trying to take some of the fight out of the guy.

"DON'T TRY TO CONFUSE ME WITH SEMANTICS!!!" Sophie shoots back at him.

Not that I'd be able to capture the guard this way but False Swipe still deals a lot of damage so that's Aquilonia's move:
[roll0] v. AC 2


My rolls for the confusion business will be posted in the OOC with some questions...

2022-04-26, 08:39 PM
She takes a good hard swipe at the guard before yoinking backwards into Sophie's hand once more, trying to take some of the fight out of the guy.

Not that I'd be able to capture the guard this way but False Swipe still deals a lot of damage so that's Aquilonia's move:
(1d20)[6] v. AC 2

Because of confusion, as I rolled in OOC, Aquilonia takes 8 non resistable damage from her own attack. Still confused as well.
A Swing and a Hit! And it does start to deflate 'Richard' here, who seems visibly shaken from the extra, unexpected attack. He is not taking the beating well, but the fact that Aquilonia apparently managed to swipe her own cloth along the way does rebuild his confidence at least a little bit. Derek was apparently not totally useless.

I am heading to sleep for today, but the next in line at the start of the new round is Giza! Also, congrats on one knockout and plenty a damage... Even if the actual Mons are still untouched.

2022-04-27, 05:21 AM
Giza turns their attention to the Skrelp who dealt so much damage to everyone and tackles it.

Electric Type Struggle Attack
AC 4

Super effective so x2 after defense

2022-04-27, 06:27 AM
Giza turns their attention to the Skrelp who dealt so much damage to everyone and tackles it.

Electric Type Struggle Attack
AC 4 (1d20)[17]

Damage (2d6+21)[26] [21, cause Struggle is not STAB.]
Super effective so x2 after defense [x1.5, its only a simple weakness]

A hit, no self damage, and Giza is also no longer affected by confusion.
The attack was a bit risky, given the situation, but it worked: Giza hits the Algea-Seahorse and the shock springs over to it, without knocking itself out in the process.

And back to Steven, gac3.

2022-04-27, 08:08 AM
Steven holds out his pokeball and returns Giza. "You aren't looking well friend. Take a rest for a moment." Then he turns to the two enemy pokemon and tries to connect with them. "We mean you no harm. Please let us end this in peace."

Standard trade for a swift
Shift Action: Return Giza

Standard/swift: Reach out to the unidentified pokemon with Channeling in an attempt to calm it. [roll0]
Swift Action: Same thing to calm the Skrelp. [roll1]

He is pushing forth his pure intentions and desire to resolve this without harming them or their trainers. Connection is established on a 15 but that still won't even necessarily mean they listen or anything.

I chose this route in part because I couldn't find specifics on what I roll to calm a pokemon for the capture styler so a page number or which chapter I should be looking in might help.

2022-04-27, 08:53 AM
He is pushing forth his pure intentions and desire to resolve this without harming them or their trainers. Connection is established on a 15 but that still won't even necessarily mean they listen or anything.
After you recall Giza and reach out to the opposing Pokémon, it is probably not the clearest experience: Whatever the knocked out guy did still hangs somewhat in everyones minds. Your intentions of a more peaceful solution to transmit clearly, but it is also somewhat of a two-way street: 'Venus', the Carnivine, seems very fond of his trainer, 'Richard', and has all intentions to fight till the end to defend trainer and honour. The Skrelp, she lacks any nickname, is not even a big fan of its trainer, 'Derek', but enjoys the fight, a lot.

If you want moves, abilities, very recent memories or anything the like, just ask, but for all but Carnivines 'cut', they have just level up moves and Skrelp has the Poison Point ability. Your Confusion does solve itself.

'Venus' trainer is in trouble, and the Carnivine can not let that stand. The sword wielder is the biggest threat to 'Richards' well being, so Sophie is its target as it opens its maw and tries to bite the ranger in the arm. However, it does just not get a good angle to bite down.

Bite misses, but at least it does not harm itself. The Confusion does go away however.

The Digging Machine did pathetic damage so far, having just spun against its target, but now, its still spinning legs grip into the ground as the drill t6ouches down again and starts shooting rocks it breaks out of the floor at Steven! And past Steven, as the machine misses as well. It really does not seem designed for combat...

The dice are in the parties favour a lot right now. And while confusion does little more then nothing to the digging machine, it still is confused.

The Walrus, Tyler has his turn.

The Walrus
2022-04-27, 06:49 PM
Tyler winced as he saw Lucy bite into the fleeing scientist. When he asked her to stop him, he hadn't expected her to be quite so forceful about it. He supposed it got results, though. On hearing Derek call out for 'Skrelp' to do something, he glanced around the cave in time to see the Skrelp blasting the rest of his party with a bubble attack. Perhaps that was a higher priority then dealing with the digging machine right now, which didn't seem nearly as threatening...

Concentrating, Tyler extended a hand in the poison seahorse's direction, feeling for the vital energy all creatures had, then closed his hand into a fist as he attempted to pull Skrelp's energy into him. "Sorry, little guy..." he muttered.

(If Tyler wasn't already within 6 meters of the Skrelp, he'll use his shift action to move within 6 meters of it, staying towards the entrance of the cave.)

Rolls for Mega Drain attack on Skrelp
To hit vs AC 2:
Damage: [roll]1d8 + 20 special grass-type damage
Damage if crit: 2d8 + 26 special grass-type damage

2022-04-27, 08:14 PM
Concentrating, Tyler extended a hand in the poison seahorse's direction, feeling for the vital energy all creatures had, then closed his hand into a fist as he attempted to pull Skrelp's energy into him. "Sorry, little guy..." he muttered.
Small green bubbles of life energy losen themself all over the Skrelp, floating back towards Tylers hand, leaving the fish out of water rather low on power, a feeling of tiredness setting in for it... It is not, however, enough to lead to a knockout.

Because you did not have damage to heal, no healing does happen.

tonberryking is next with Sophie. By the way, update your sheet with all the damages and stages Sophie and Aquilonia have taken over this one and a half round, its only semi-automated, not omnipotent.

2022-04-28, 09:43 AM
Despite their injuries, nothing's stopping Sophie and her honedge from delivering a further beat down. With Aquilonia zipping back into her waiting hand, Sophie wildly comes in swinging at Richard again, hammering at him with strikes.

Using Flail; after this turn Sophie will no longer be enraged.

[roll0] vs. AC 2 I keep forgetting, what does the raise to her attack stage do? Add +1 to this?


Confusion roll: [roll2]

2022-04-28, 11:39 AM
With Aquilonia zipping back into her waiting hand, Sophie wildly comes in swinging at Richard again, hammering at him with strikes.

Using Flail; after this turn Sophie will no longer be enraged.
(1d20)[14] vs. AC 2
Damage:(2d10+18)[22] (+1 because combat stages raised your attack stat ever so slightly.)
'Richard' takes a lot of a beating here, and by now, its rather clear that he is not gonna win this fight. With 'Derek' already down and himself and 'Venus' apparently not being able to hit a thing today, its time for him to cut his losses: He feigns a move on Sophie just to jump away backwards himself, raising his ball to recall his Carnivine. "I yield. Already had enough of a beating today..." A small red beam gets connected between ball and 'Venus' as the pokémon vanishes in a flash of light, abruptly but not harmfully capping Stevens connection to that pokémon. 'Richard' has his baton lowered, but not dropped: he probably does not want to stand there totally defenceless, even if a slight tap may could knock him out.

He hangs on exactly 1 HP. So he disengaged and recalled his Pokémon. Does not even have enough actions this round to take a breather if he wanted.

The combat itself however is not over yet. The Skrelp and the Digging Machine do not get this memo, and you could technically try and knockout Richard if you decide him being awake is to much a threat. Either way, Lucy is free to do their next nibble.

The Walrus
2022-04-29, 01:23 AM
Uh-oh, Tyler had been hoping his attack would've been enough to faint the Skrelp, but apparently not. And now the Skrelp was giving Tyler the evil eye! ...or so he imagined, at least. "Lucy, quick! Punch that seahorse Pokemon over there!" he said, gesturing at the Skrelp frantically.

Lucy dutifully slimed and schlorped her way in the Skrelp's direction before attempting to pound it with a gooey fist. (If possible, she'll move to a position that's also adjacent to the digging machine, and take an attack-of-opportunity on it if it moves away.)

Rolls to hit with Pound Attack
To hit vs AC 2: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Damage if crit: [roll2]

2022-04-29, 08:03 AM
Lucy dutifully slimed and schlorped her way in the Skrelp's direction before attempting to pound it with a gooey fist. (If possible, she'll move to a position that's also adjacent to the digging machine, and take an attack-of-opportunity on it if it moves away.)

Rolls to hit with Pound Attack
To hit vs AC 2: (1d20)[14]
Damage: (1d8+26)[33]
The Skrelp still was glaring up at Tyler, or at least seemed focused at the druid who just sapped away its energy, because it does not seem to notice the green blob moving in along the cable and behind it until its hit in the back with the fist. It leaves out a small sound of confusion as it falls to its side, joining its trainer in the dirt of the slope. That leaves only one active opponent in the fight, which hopefully does not provide to much resistance as it continueslly seems to miss everything.

Since Skrelp is still confused, you do not cause a AoO as Lucy moves past it and next to Steven, putting itself in range of both digging machine and Skrelp. Not like where Skrelp is matters to much anymore.

Since Skrelp is knocked out, this puts it to Aquilonia. Take your time tonberryking, I am surprised things did go so quick so far.

2022-05-01, 11:04 AM
Sophie does not look very happy, even as she starts to come down from her rage.

"You. Sit." she points Richard to the nearby wall for a seat as she turns, not entirely putting her back to him as she looks for another target. Or rather, Aquilonia has only one target, as she rockets out of Sophie's hand like a bladed yo-yo to strike at the digging machine before rubber banding back into Sophie's grip.

[roll0] vs. AC 3, using fury cutter on the machine.


2022-05-01, 11:30 AM
Or rather, Aquilonia has only one target, as she rockets out of Sophie's hand like a bladed yo-yo to strike at the digging machine before rubber banding back into Sophie's grip.
(1d20)[9] vs. AC 3, using fury cutter on the machine.
The drill/jackhammer/baltoy-looking-thing takes the swipe, damaging the plastic cover somewhat and showing some wires it started to rip, but it makes no signs of slowing down. Instead, it maybe speeding up, even if it seems a bit more... erratic. Something had to been broken by now, for sure.

The digging machine activates sturdy now that it is at half health. And excuse me if Richard is not sitting down yet, I want to have him take a breather proper once its his turn.

Having nothing awake left to channel, at least on the enemy side, what is Stevens next step? It did after all hit him for one damage during all it attempts to do harm.

2022-05-02, 07:56 PM
Steven heads toward the digging machine and attempts to rip out some of the wires exposed by Aquilonia, hoping that maybe it will just power down the device as quickly as possible.

This is probably a struggle attack right?
AC 4 [roll0]

2022-05-03, 04:03 AM
Steven heads toward the digging machine and attempts to rip out some of the wires exposed by Aquilonia, hoping that maybe it will just power down the device as quickly as possible.

This is probably a struggle attack right?
AC 4 (1d20)[10]
Getting a grip on the wires it is not to easy, but once one has a hand in, the machine does enoth moving for the wires to practically rip themself out. It nearly did pull him over, but he sucessfully ripped a few of the wires from below the plastic cover...

The Digging Machine has taken some quite heavy damage, and the damage does finally take its toll: From the cracks of the plastic, a white light starts to become visible, as machinery starts to gleam somewhat. Its not the red gleam one would assume from a overheating machine however, but it is not entirely different. As the gleam turns into a glow, the machine begins rotating in place, faster and dragging on the cable more so then before... And making a very distinctive sound, the sound of energy pooling, the sound of a electrode before it, well, does its thing.

It has one turn startup to self-destruct in a very explosive way inside this small sloped tunnel. It can only finish blowing up if it survives till its next turn.

tonberryking is on with Sophie. I admit it, I got confused, Tyler was it, then Sophie.

The Walrus
2022-05-03, 06:58 PM
Oh crap. Tyler was no expert on machines, but he knew what it looked like when one was gonna blow up. ...could hitting a robot make it stop from blowing up? Smashing up machines made them less able to do their usual function, so if this drillbot thing was designed to self-destruct, then smacking it with enough attacks would make it not explode, right? He sure hoped so!

"Power of nature: both hands edition!" Tyler yelled, forming an energy ball with both hands raised over his head like he was lifting a boulder, then hurled it down at the digging robot once more. His arms trembled as he let them fall to his sides. Using his druidic powers so many times in quick succession was beginning to take a toll on him; he didn't think he'd be able to get off another shot on the machine again before it blew.

"Lucy, let's split!" Tyler called as he started to jog out of the cave, only hesitating at the threshold when he realized that the rest of his companions were still in there.

(Tyler will use his shift action to move up to just outside of the cave mouth, remaining within the 8 meter recall range for Lucy).

Rolls to hit drillbot with Energy Ball attack
To hit vs AC 2: [roll0], reduces special defense 1 stage on 17+
Damage: [roll1] special grass-type damage
Damage if crit: [roll2] special grass-type damage

2022-05-04, 01:22 AM
"Power of nature: both hands edition!" Tyler yelled, forming an energy ball with both hands raised over his head like he was lifting a boulder, then hurled it down at the digging robot once more.

(Tyler will use his shift action to move up to just outside of the cave mouth, remaining within the 8 meter recall range for Lucy).

Rolls to hit drillbot with Energy Ball attack
To hit vs AC 2: (1d20)[16]
Damage: (2d10+24)[27] special grass-type damage
The copyright friendly green spirit bomb the energy ball moves down the slope, hitting the glowing digging machine and splintering of more of the plastic shell, revealing more glowing machinery, which light almost beams out of the broken shell as the machine struggles to try and deliver its own final blow. But yet, its not done just yet. It still holds on by a sliver.

So, now, its Sophies turn. Sorry for the confusion earlier.

2022-05-08, 12:23 PM
The one positive about a situation that boils down to simply "It's either them or us" is that whatever limits over herself that Sophie still has control of go right out the window.

In a mad dash only to com skidding to a halt within reach of the digging machine, Sophie rears back her sword arm and slams Aquilonia towards the exposed wiring and open parts of the digging machine. It doesn't matter to her if there's an actual electrode inside, everybody staying nice, safe, and unexploded is the clear priority.

Wounding strike

[roll0] vs. 2 AC

[roll1] The target also loses a tick of hit points if this connects

2022-05-09, 05:07 AM
The one positive about a situation that boils down to simply "It's either them or us" is that whatever limits over herself that Sophie still has control of go right out the window.

In a mad dash only to com skidding to a halt within reach of the digging machine, Sophie rears back her sword arm and slams Aquilonia towards the exposed wiring and open parts of the digging machine. It doesn't matter to her if there's an actual electrode inside, everybody staying nice, safe, and unexploded is the clear priority.

Wounding strike
(1d20)[15] vs. 2 AC
(2d6+16)[27] The target also loses a tick of hit points if this connects

Aquilonia comes down on the machine, hard. The exposed, glowing wiring gets ripped out by the swing, the plastic shell develops a few more cracks and it sounds like some of the electrical components inside are broken cleanly in half. The drill spudders, the glow becomes irregular, it starts to lean on one of its legs as it suddenly breaks of and falls to the side, still, dark. And finally, silent. The self-destruct had been stopped.

This is the end of combat. Victory for team Good Guys. But don't clean up injuries from your sheets just yet.

Now that the immediate danger has passed, you can finally get a good look at this whole operation. The cave entrance with the crates a-top had been opened recently, but the chamber is certainly a lot older. Pottery stands around more or less randomly inside of it, while the walls had been smoothed out a long time ago. Some of them have stone shelfs protruding, while others have been engraved with symbols and people. On the far back wall, there is what looks like a pedestal, but it is empty, probably also been emptied into one of the crates already.

The guard looking guy, Richard, sits at one of the walls of the chamber, leaning against it, rubbing his arm from what must had been a nasty hit, baton on the floor besides him. He is mumbeling something under his breath, while out on the slope, Derek lays face down in the dirt and groans. He however probably is out of it for at least another hour if nobody spares him that fate. He wears pants, but one can still see the bite-mark Lucy left on the guy...

The Skrelp, which had been knocked out before, does recall itself into its ball, in one of Dereks Labcoats pockets. It is probably just a automatic system that took a bit to kick in.

2022-05-13, 05:01 PM
Sophie tugs her honedge free with a mild modicum of effort, breathing only slightly hard. She took damage, that's plain to see, but it's not clear on how much more she could take before savagely beating somebody until she herself gets knocked out.

Does anybody really want to risk finding out?

She doesn't seem to think so, as she attempts to get the stun baton from Richard, "Well, um...you all are in big trouble now," she tut tuts as Aquilonia, still dripping with machine oil like the blood of a fallen enemy, glowers at the conscious man, "I won't deny any of you medical aide, but uh, maybe if you explain what you were doing here, when we turn you over to the authorities there'll be at least some leniency waiting for you..." She doesn't seem to be used to making threats or playing at Good/Bad cops, despite her savagery.

"What was in here that you wanted so badly that you disconnected our poor cell phone towers to dig up?"

[roll0] Intimidate

2022-05-14, 09:32 AM
She doesn't seem to be used to making threats or playing at Good/Bad cops, despite her savagery.

"What was in here that you wanted so badly that you disconnected our poor cell phone towers to dig up?"

(3d6)[18] Intimidate

The poor guy did certainly not want to find out, having both taken more then enoth a beating himself and having a newfound respect for people running around with ghost-swords. So there was no real resistance from him as Sophie snatched away the baton from beside him. Would probably not have done him any good, anyways...

There was a slight moment of hesitation in the reply, as, Richard looked past Sophie to check that the machine truly did stop its destructive curse, before delivering his awnser. "A Cell Phone Tower? Was it not just a ranger outpost?" He did shift a bit in place, clearly uncompfortable against the wall and more then a bit unhappy with being very, very cornered by the semi-cops that is the Ranger-Organisation. "Well... You see all the pots and vases and urns on here? We just where supposed to open this small tomb up and crate all the contents." He geastures vaugely in direction of some of the still un-crated vases. "Just a errand for the- Employers." He probably wanted to say 'Boss' or 'Admin' or something like that. This does seem like the organised sort of crime. "Don't even know what they want with it, maybe sell the stuff to a museum or something? Had to be this hidden tomb however. Can't tell you why, don't know why."